#i know i said i was gonna doodle sleepy cuddles but i might do more sleepy drabbles instead
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flickeringquip Ā· 2 months ago
Fall asleep somewhere a little unusual. <<
(Just an honestly adorable scene conjured up in DMs with @sweetestflow3rs abt Cody & Aster)
(1) Pick the lock on the Messenger's door.
Your whole body aches as you let yourself into Cody's apartment; your vision throbs painfully when you flick on the lights and toss a file on the nearest counter. You're coming up on three days without sleep, and you very nearly fumbled your last job because of it, just barely securing the Intel you neededā€”
And earning yourself some nasty bruises along the way, splotches of purple and blue and yellow around your ribs from a tackle you'd failed to dodge.
Cody's flat had been closer than the bar, and knowing you'd been directed to give the Intel to him anyway, you were all too willing to skip a jaunt across town in your current state.
(1) And if breaking in gave you a bit of petty delight, no one had to know but you.
It's only when you've technically finished your work that you find yourself at a bit of a loss, a tremble to your limbs and cold chill to your body that makes you wonder if you might faint on the way home. It's then that your gaze lands on a familiar couch, gaze panning between it and the door for a long beat.
"Fuck it," Your voice is hoarse as you drag a hand over your face and all but stumble towards the couch; your body is almost on auto-pilot, unwilling to let the chance of the some desperately needed respite go despite your mind's reservations.
You're unconscious within thirty seconds of collapsing on Cody's couch, a parting hope that maybe you'll wake up and be gone before he even comes home the last thing you remember thinking.
(1) But when have you ever been so lucky?
It's a testament to your state of exhaustion that you don't even stir when the door opens some twenty minutes later, even though normally even a whisper of footsteps could wake you ā€” the soft click of a gun's safety being turned off would normally send you into high alert.
Instead you simply curl in on yourself a little tighter, pressing your face more into the cushions, blissfully unaware of the emotional rollercoaster you've put Cody through as he lowers his gun and huffs a quiet, disbelieving laugh.
(1) You do wake up at the gentle shake of your shoulder and tap on your cheek ā€” if only barely.
You somehow feel even worse now than before you'd slept as you blink drowsily at the man crouched in front of you, too tired to startle or even grumble as he smiles his usual grin at you.
"You know, kitten, I'm a little offended you went through all the work of breaking in and then chose to crash on the couch of all places," While normally the pet name ā€” picked from an incident you do not like to be reminded of ā€” would inspire you to a bit of violence towards your swarmy co-worker, you simply don't have it in you. Not when your vision swims just laying here, lashes growing heavier by the second, realizing belatedly Cody was still talking, "ā€”get you somewhere a little cozier, yeah?"
(1) You do startle a little when you're suddenly picked up, thumping a fist weakly into his shoulder when the man has the gall to laugh at you.
He's such a bastard.
"That's not a very nice thing to say to someone doing you a favor, kitten."
Fuck, had you said that out-loud?
"Mm, you're in quite the state, aren't you? You look like shit, by the way."
"F'ck 'ff," This time you'd meant to speak, words a little slurred and half-muffled by the soft fabric of his sweater; your body just feels so damn heavy, and for all his unnecessary snark, you can't seem to help the way you relax in his hold, instinctively enticed by his warmth.
(1) He laughs again, and it's only being set down that spares you the later embarrassment of literally falling asleep in his arms.
Your vision is blurry when you blink and find him knelt before you and you sat on the edge of his bed, a position that brings him basically fucking eye level because he's too damn tallā€”
You're not jealous. Shut up.
(1) Your fuzzy thoughts are interrupted by the hands tugging off your shoes.
You watch in a half-asleep haze as Cody gently but methodically strips you, brows knitting a little as you reach for him and accidentally palm at his forehead after he pulls your shirt over your head.
"Later," Your attempt at stern falls short with how tired you are, weak as kitten when you pat his brow, not comprehending the almost confused look he shoots you while unclipping your bra, "'m too tired for that."
A purple brow arches, and the man has the gall to snort like you've said something dumb.
"You're adorable, you know that?" It feels a little like he's making fun of you for making then wrong assumption, but then he tips you back to pull your pants off and you kinda feel like you're justified ā€” and then he has the audacity to snicker down at the annoyed scrunch of your nose as you sprawl across his bed in just your panties.
Extra rude.
(1) And then he walks away! Like an asshole!
With your normal restraint on vacation, there's nothing to keep you from mumbling crossly as you slump against Cody's bed, likely not at all aware that you're speaking out loud as you grumble about being left cold and why didn't he just let you sleep on his stupid couch and see if you ever bring him soup ever again next time he's sickā€”
"C'mon, Aster, surely you wouldn't withhold your legendary soup when I need it most?" You know he's teasing you, but you're denied the opportunity to even glower at him for itā€”
By the top he gently guides you into, blinking in drowsy bewilderment as you look down to find yourself suddenly garbed in one of Cody's thin sweaters. Of course, you're all but drowning in it ā€” but it's exceptionally soft when you sink your fingers into it. When you glance back up at him, there's a look on his face you're not sure you've seen before.
Somehow, it reminds you of his sweater.
(1) And then you find yourself being gently manhandled once more, plucked back into his arms while your poor, sleepy mind tries to process things.
And that's how you find yourself tucked cozily into Cody's side beneath a thick comforter, the man having stripped down to something more comfortable when you weren't paying attention. Honestly, you're a little bewildered by the turn of eventsā€”
"Relax, Aster. It's all good."
There's a warmth to the words that settles something in you, alongside the soft stroke of a hand down your spine ā€” as you fall asleep, you think that one day you'll get this man to stop treating you like a skittish cat, but. .
(1) You could let it slide, just this once.
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silentstyx Ā· 1 month ago
seduction and stutters
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sum: "One of your characters is very flirty and overtly sexual and the other is shy and bumbling and awkward."
very very suggestive guys. also reader is female.
tw: heheh sex jokes lolz (this was a richie impression pls laugh), also i mention abuse AS A JOKE but just a lil tw (no but srsly guys #savestanleyhedoesntdeservethis)
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best. couple. ever.
im so serious. hottest couple in town. bowser was also rejected by you, the hottest girl in town.
you guys are so couple goals. someone has come up to you two at least once and said "you guys are my favorite couple by the wayyy"
no no if your very flirty and overtly sexual you're childhood friends with none other than than richie 'trashmouth' tozier.
oooh and stanley does not love that you guys are best friends.
cos when you and rich are together you tease stan, then he hugs you to hide away, then he gets teased more. its a horrible cycle of abuse.
but when you guys are alone he's so sweet and quiet, you guys just cuddle mostly.
he layed like on top of your boobs once and like he wasn't even doing it for perverted reasons, solely to be closer to you and your face
he moved to lay his head on the tops of your boobs, though they were completely covered with a shirt you couldn't but snicker.
"if you wanna touch 'em all you have to do is ask baby?" you say with a smug smirk
he turns red. red i tell ya. he is redder than a stop sign. he moves his head back to your arm and you burst out laughing.
poor boy just wanted to kiss you, stop playing with his emotions like this you cruel cruel woman.
you're mostly never nice to him, and he's always nice to you.
it's always one joke after another.
one time he tried to snap back... never again.
"mm since when are you such a prude?" you pout at him.
he sighs, "why are you literally richie? i didn't want to date him. i wanted to date a pretty girl that was nice to me."
you smile and your eyebrows are raised. he groaned immediately, going face first into your neck.
you laugh in response, your smile growing wider, "no no sweet boy, come out of hiding. what were you saying? you're dating richie? and you want to break up with him? does he know about this? i think i'm gonna tell him you're planning to break up with him, and trust me. it won't be a pretty sight."
he sighs and presses a peck to your neck, cheek, and lips, before going right back to your neck and shutting up.
you're usually only nice when you want something, are jealous, or sleepy.
contrary to popular belief i think he likes when you're jealous. it reminds him that you want him and as long as you don't get crazy he kinda enjoys it.
cos you get all pda and loving and say nice things to him that you normally wouldn't do.
but when that happens he has more hickeys soo.. ya win some ya lose some i guess.
yeah you had to buy him a real good concealer cos you like to leave hickeys but he doesn't like people seeing them...
so you taught him how to color correct and to use orange and then the concealer. sometimes foundation if it's real bad.
he lets you doodle on him wherever though.
someone asks him about the doodle?
"hey i like the drawings on your arm and hand. that flower is really pretty!" the girl in front of him said as she turned around in her desk. she was whispering so the teacher wouldn't hear but she had a big flirty smile on her face.
he smiled real smug and scoffed, "thanks yeah, my girlfriend drew it. uh, you might know her, it's [insert readers name]" and then he flipped her off.
no, no. your sweet boy wouldn't do that. that's just what you wanted him to do and what he thought to do in his mind. here's how it actually happened.
he did the weird awkward smile but its really line with your lips and said, "thanks."
he's usually oblivious to flirting but sometimes people make it real obvi. when he knows he's just giving out one word responses. when he doesn't know he's just giving out one word responses.
babe he's real awkward what do you expect?
you're the only girl he's been able to have a good conversation with besides his mother.
no but don't let him being awkward and shy fool you. he is SO sassy.
if you make fun of him he eye rolls you. let's not forget canonly he unironically puts his hands on his hips.
this boy is so sassy. but also very very sweet.
even when you mess with you're still sweet to him every day when you guys get tired.
you both usually take naps together when you hang out. he wraps his arms around your hips and you bury your face in the crook of his neck.
anyways 9/10 boyfriend. -1 point because he's so sassy.
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Ā©ļø silentstyx please do not copy, repost, or translate any of my work with out my permission. thank you!
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glowinggator Ā· 4 years ago
Cuddles - All Turtles
Request: Hi I really like you writes! keep up the good work, I was wondering if you could do a rottmnt cuddle Imagines? If that's fine?
Pairing: All Turtles! (Non-Poly)Ā 
Content: Fluffy as FUCK. Brush your teeth after you read this, cause itā€™s sweet as hell.Ā 
He loves to cuddle! But...heā€™s nervous. He doesnā€™t want to prick you with one of his spikes, or...worse. With his brothers, itā€™s different! Theyā€™ve got hard shells and plastrons, but youā€™re so... squishy! What if he hurts you?Ā 
He gets so happy about casual touch. Putting you on his shoulders? Throwing his arm around your shoulders? Affectionate hair ruffle? Heā€™s the physical embodiment of :)Ā 
If you want full cuddles, though, youā€™re gonna have to be the one to initiate it the first few times. Heā€™s just too nervous, otherwise.Ā 
Rest your head on his plastron when youā€™re watching a movie and heā€™ll melt.Ā 
Seeing how your arms maneuver around his spikes to embrace him, how gingerly you hold him...Maybe itā€™s possible. Maybe you two can cuddle without getting any boo boos.
He canā€™t really lay on his back because of his spikes. Heā€™ll either get stuck that way when his spikes inevitably get embedded into the material, or heā€™ll shred up whatever heā€™s laying on.
(Heā€™s banned from the beanbag chairs.)
He wants to be the little spoon so bad, but itā€™s physically impossible. Heā€™s forever bound to big spoon duty. Heā€™s okay with that, though.Ā 
(One time you showed up wrapped in mattress foam and bubble wrap to try and be the big spoon. It's a very fond memory, even if you were padded too stiffly to actually hold him.)Ā 
He likes to rest his head in your lap. Run your nails along his head or shell and heā€™ll be asleep in no time.
He wonā€™t lay on your stomach or chest though. He really wants to, but heā€™s afraid heā€™ll crush you. Thereā€™s no debate with that topic, unfortunately.Ā 
Heā€™s such a good big spoon!! Heā€™s so strong, and he cradles you like youā€™re the entire world. Because you are!Ā 
He likes to rest one hand on your stomach and tangle his other hand with yours. Itā€™s so cool to look down and see how his spikes cradle you. Almost as though you were a treasure encased in barbed wire, protected from the outside world.Ā 
You always feel so safe when you cuddle. I mean, itā€™s hard not to when youā€™re cocooned in 1000lbs of muscle and spikes!
His hold is firm, but noticeably gentle.Ā 
He runs pretty warm, compared to the rest of the turtles. Great in the winter time, not so great in the summer. Ā 
He traces little doodles on the back of your hand. You can never tell what they are, though. And he wonā€™t tell you what they are, if you ask. Ā 
(Theyā€™re dogs.)Ā 
Heā€™s not coldblooded, due to the way he was mutated. As such, he doesnā€™t really have any issues regulating his body temperature. He does find himself seeking out heat sources, however! Donnie calls it a vestigial response. Raph absolutely does not care about no scientific names or explanations: he just knows that he likes to sit under the heat lamp in the morning.
Prepare to be his next heat lamp.Ā 
If you come over in the mornings, prepare to be greeted with a very sleepy Raph the instant your feet hit the lair concrete.
Heā€™s never on his phone when you cuddle.
He is a talker, though. He doesnā€™t quite whisper, but he definitely invokes the gentle voice.Ā 
He falls asleep very quickly if he doesnā€™t keep himself talking. Your presence is just so calming to him, he canā€™t help it!Ā 
Heā€™s a very deep breather, and itā€™s really calming to listen to!
Unfortunately, he starts to snore about 15 minutes after he falls asleep. And heā€™s loud.Ā 
Youā€™ll get used to it, eventually.Ā 
He doesnā€™t sleep consistently, so full cuddle sessions are far and few between.
He read that fake rumor that Albert Einstein only slept for five hours a year: while itā€™s since been debunked, itā€™s stuck with him. He started training himself when he was little to power nap instead, and now itā€™s hard for him to get out of the habit. Ā 
But..youā€™re a good motivator.
Heā€™s a little nervous around the concept of cuddling, at first. Heā€™s very touch-starved, and once you warm him up to the idea, itā€™ll be hard to pull him off you! But heā€™s incredibly nervous about it at first.
Itā€™s...intimate, you know? Heā€™s vulnerable, and that freaks him out.
His shell is super sensitive. Partially because itā€™s soft, but wearing his battle shell all the time has removed a lot of stimuli that would have made it less sensitive.
He reflexively rolls his shoulders when you run your hands along his exposed shell. At least, for the first few times. If you do it enough, itā€™ll quickly become a way for him to relax.
Likes to pull you to his chest and hold you like that. He usually has your head under his chin so he can scroll through his phone while you cuddle. He doesnā€™t move his arms much though, so itā€™s okay.
(He also likes it when youā€™re facing him so he can steal glances at you once you fall asleep. He thinks youā€™re even prettier when youā€™re completely relaxed.)
Youā€™ll rarely see it for yourself, but his eyes get all soft while youā€™re cuddling together. The quietest, calmest smile graces his features when youā€™re in his arms.
However, you do notice how all the tension fades from his body, and how his breathing seems to slow down.
Heā€™ll run his free hand along your back every now and then, pressing a quiet kiss to the top of your head.
He runs fairly cold, which is awesome in the summertime. He always lets you borrow his hoodies when you cuddle. If you ask nicely, heā€™ll let you keep ā€˜em, just so long as he has one or two in the closet.
His bed has super soft blankets, and theyā€™re so nice to curl up in. Youā€™ll probably stay there for a little while after he gets up, honestly.
Heā€™s not a talker, surprisingly. Every now and then heā€™ll pull his arm back to show you some meme on his phone, but thatā€™s about it. Heā€™ll listen to you though! He actually really likes it when you mutter about whatever's on your mind while you cuddle.
King of ā€œUh huh,ā€ ā€œWow,ā€ ā€œMmhm,ā€ and ā€œDamn thatā€™s crazy.ā€
He really is listening, though. He just likes to tease you a little bit.
His grip is either iron-tight or loose as hell.
On bad days heā€™ll curl up as the little spoon, and not even the gods could convince him to let go of you.
It takes him a while to warm up to the idea of being a little spoon. Both because his shell is hyper-sensitive, but it also kind of erodes that ā€œbad boyā€ persona heā€™s got going on.
Once heā€™s more comfortable with it, heā€™s about 50/50 on it. Heā€™s more likely to indulge himself on bad days, but it honestly just depends on his mood.
If you pull him away from work, you can bet that heā€™ll pull you to his chest while heā€™s sitting on the bed. Heā€™ll lean forward to rest his chin on your shoulder as he explains his latest breakthrough. He shakes a little bit when heā€™s excited, and you can feel it as he holds you. Ā 
He panics a little bit when heā€™s on his back, but he really likes it when you lay on his plastron, so...Chair cuddles!
He likes to have you in his lap while he works.
He also likes to kick his legs up onto your lap when watching TV. If you guys have the couch to yourselves, heā€™ll also lay all the way on your lap. If anyone sees you guys, or if anyone comments on it heā€™ll just hit ā€˜em with a very snarky quip.
ā€œOkay, and? At least I actually have a partner :)ā€
You donā€™t know how he said ā€œ:)ā€ outloud.
He thinks heā€™s so smooth, but honestly? Heā€™s such a dork.
Heā€™s huge on touch. But cuddling? Itā€™s a whole ā€˜nother ball game. He loves it a lot, but...heā€™s so vulnerable! Itā€™s so intimate to him. Heā€™s not adverse to it in the slightest; in fact, itā€™s the exact opposite! Heā€™s super excited when the topic comes up.
You can tell that the idea of fully cuddling affects him more than he lets on, because he wonā€™t stop talking when you bring up the subject for the first time. He rambles when heā€™s nervous.
(He talks with his hands a lot, and itā€™s really cute how he rambles and rubs the back of his neck.)
Heā€™s actually a great cuddler, though.
Big spoon? Hell yeah. Little spoon? Awesome. Horrific entanglement of limbs that would put eldritch horrors to shame? Sweet! Heā€™s just happy to be close to you.
He can go 50/50 on having his phone with him. If he does, heā€™s usually either watching memes with you or playing a mobile game.
(Kind of unrelated, but he was very excited about that weird, Subway Surfers revival that happened earlier this year. It was all he played for a while, and now you have the tune lodged in your brain forever.)
Heā€™ll talk for a little while if he doesnā€™t have his phone, before you settle into a comfortable silence.
Heā€™s either ranting about something shitty that happened that day, or shitposting. Thereā€™s no inbetween.
ā€œIf I shot someone from Texas while I was on the moon, would that fall under Texasā€™ jurisdiction or the moonā€™s?ā€
He also likes to trace little patterns on your hands, if he has access to them that day! You can usually tell what they are. Other times, it just seems like heā€™s finding an excuse to hold your hand. Itā€™s really cute.
(If you ask him what heā€™s drawing, heā€™ll say heā€™s reading your palms before dropping a sweet little line about how heā€™s in your future.)
(He does NOT know how to read palms but itā€™s the thought that counts <3)
Not ashamed about cuddling in public. Hell, if youā€™re fine with it, heā€™s more than happy to cuddle during movie night. In fact, itā€™s kind of a source of pride for him!
He looks so cocky about it that Donatello has to make a physical effort to NOT hit him.
Please run your palms over his shell, heā€™ll melt.
If heā€™s the big spoon, squeeze his biceps. He might not say it out loud, but heā€™s melting internally. It sticks in his head for at least a few weeks afterwards. Ego Boost 100
If youā€™re ticklish, prepare yourself for tickles. He strikes without a pattern, and without warning. He doesnā€™t always do it, though. Maybe about one in ten times. He just likes to hear you laugh :)
Heā€™s very nice to cuddle with overall. Heā€™s the best cuddler in the lair, hands down.
Literally the only one in the lair who isnā€™t embarrassed when you bring up the topic.
Heā€™s been WAITING for this moment, actually.
Doesnā€™t care about whether heā€™s the big or little spoon.
Heā€™s super talkative when he cuddles, itā€™s cute. He usually likes to spend this time talking about one anotherā€™s day. Heā€™s a great listener too!
Heā€™s always 100% engaged in what you have to say.
He has trouble settling down outside of his normal schedule, so itā€™s rare that heā€™ll fall asleep while cuddling.
If youā€™re in a position that gives his arms a lot of mobility, heā€™ll draw on you. Not just tracing patterns, but heā€™ll actually bring out his markers and draw on your arms, back, or just any exposed piece of skin.
He always manages to find the prettiest colors to compliment your skin tone. You never want to wash it off, honestly.
He HAS to keep himself busy with something, or else heā€™ll explode. At least, thatā€™s how he describes it. If you try and get him to lay down and fall asleep...well, heā€™ll try! But heā€™ll be squirming the whole time.
Itā€™s best to throw on a Jupiter Jim movie if you want him to stay still.
He likes to tangle his legs with yours while you cuddle. Whether heā€™s taller or shorter than you, he WILL find a way.
Heā€™s the lightest out of all the turtles, so thereā€™s a possibility of letting him (partially) lay on you without shattering your sternum! Congratulations!
(Heā€™s around 525 lbs. Heā€™s only half of what Raph weighs, but he still has to be careful about how he lays on you. Itā€™s crazy to think that youā€™re so small compared to him.)
His hands are so cold, and heā€™ll absolutely use that to his advantage. If he gets bored, or if he just wants to make you laugh, heā€™ll grab your waist with his cold fucking hands. Hope youā€™re a northerner <3
He also likes to tickle you, way more than Leo.
Donā€™t try and tickle him though, he HATES it. Heā€™s absolutely the type of person to just Scream if you try.
Like I said, he gets bored really quickly. He also just likes to make you laugh.
If youā€™re cuddling in bed though, like right before he falls asleep? Itā€™s so nice.
Heā€™ll still tangle his legs with yours, but he moves so much slower. He loves to let his hands lazily roam across your form as he pulls you closer to him, savoring the comfort and heat that you bring. If he talks, itā€™s in drowsy whispers that only you two can hear.
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5uptic Ā· 4 years ago
crewfu: fanfic spotlight!
We work together by Anonymous (5up & DK, unrated, gen | 248 words)
Summary: One likes plants and baking, the other loves to create and design video games. They stay up and create monstrosities together, it's their fun, it's their favourite game. Aka a 5up and Dk roommate au!
No matter how life tangles, Iā€™m still here with you. by hungryandsleepy (5up/Steve, general rating, m/m | 279 words)
Summary: 5up has been working so hard on his new map, and of course, he needs someone to give him a motivation to go to sleep.
objectively pretty by vesque (5up/Steve, general rating, m/m | 462 words)
Summary: steve is drunk. he's pretty sure 5up is too. that doesn't mean being called pretty is any less momentuous.
you plus me by mangoedges (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 489 words)
Summary: 5up and Steve meet.
he said to me by mangoedges (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 656 words)
Summary: 5up and Steve share a moment.
by the snowmen by mangoedges (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 670 words)
Summary: Steve has a moment when it's all over.
today you got to know me (a little bit too slowly) by runninohhoney (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 675 words)
Summary: Steve lights up a cigarette. 5up doesn't smoke.
what would it take by mangoedges (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 787 words)
Summary: It's Steve's first mission. He hecks up. Or does he?
sorta cute by floweruru (5up/Steve, unrated, m/m | 822 words)
Summary: ā€˜I wouldnā€™t do that,ā€™ he said. ā€˜Thatā€™s just disrespectful,ā€™ he said. Yet there was 5up, crushed like a can in Steveā€™s embrace, feebly kicking at nothing as his feet leave the pavement.
i was gonna kill u, but ur kinda cute?? by Cthulhuer (5up/Steve, general rating, m/m | 1k words)
Summary: Steve is a mess and 5up is worse.
I hear a Symphony by AwkwardAce (5up/Fundy, unrated, m/m | 1.1k words)
Summary: He exhaled until his lungs ached for air, fingers twitching as he opted to remove the sleek white gloves he wore in a feeble effort to soothe himself. It didnā€™t work. He wrung his trembling hands together as his eyes raked down the worn leather case taking in the doodles- some etched some drawn- across the faded surface. He snapped the buckles open and his breath hitched, catching in his already tight throat. For a moment the world span, his head throbbed and he wanted nothing more than to run and hide. 5up breathed out slowly, shakily.
staring by lytriis (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 1.1k words)
Summary: steve asks 5up out. 5up doesnā€™t know how to respond.
and it's four am, and yet, you're here by vesque (5up/Steve, general rating, m/m | 1.2k words)
Summary: in which steve shows up at 5up's house, in the middle of the night, completely spontaneously
more than this by mangoedges (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 1.2k words)
Summary: Steve catches 5up venting.
3:15 by vesque (5up/Steve, general rating, m/m | 1.2k words)
Summary: Steve tries to guess Five's name. It's much more difficult than he anticipated.
things were different by fourpebbles (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 1.5k words)
Summary: His eyes circled around to his friends, Kimi and Janet engaging in pleasant comversation, sleepy and becoming increasingly more sober. He looked, finally, across him, and caught Dumbdog staring at him. What now bro, what did this guy want. small talk, turns into not small talk, then there's no talk
Once Upon A Dream by SmearedWords (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 1.5k words)
Summary: 5up looks ethereal, while Steve is struggling to breathe. "You're not real either." Or: Steve has a crush and a nightmare in three parts, 5up is tired, the crew life is hard and Polus sucks.
the ones you love will call you back by homeward_bound (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 1.8k words)
Summary: stevesuptic: dude, is it weird that i miss vegas Ā  DumbDog: No? I do too. Ā  stevesuptic: okay [steve misses vegas and apollo. they talk about it]
cough it out by cj__writes (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 2k words)
Summary: Apollo thinks that Steve must be well and truly gone, at this point, because he giggles, like Apolloā€™s just told a particularly funny joke. He looks Apollo right in the eye and asks, ā€œDo you trust me?ā€ ā€œAbsolutely not.ā€
ivy by Secular_Czar (5up/Steve, teen rating, gen | 2.1k words)
Summary: It might be a sad day, in general, but Steve isn't about to let it get to him. His friends won't ever let him wallow either.
The Colosseum by WhenTheFogClears (general rating, gen | 2.1k words)
Summary: Five squinted, looking at the colosseum intensely. He thinks Apollo was latched onto the sphinxā€™s shoulder, fur matted with blood. Janet was slumped against a column, probably out, with Kimi whose bow was snapped in two, her leg twisted at an odd angle. DK was in the corner trying to cast various supporting hexes and charms with a broken arm, whilst Hafu was dragging a heavily bandaged Steve away. or 5up slaughters a cat
Oneshots :) by woofles1990 (5up/Fundy, 5up/Steve, teen rating, multi | 2.5k words, oneshot collection)
Summary: Just a bunch of MCYT/Among Us oneshots, mainly featuring 5up's crew because yes :)
the adventures of 5up and steve staying up late because they're under 30 by 5280ft (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 2.5k words)
Summary: ā€œThe night is young!ā€ Steve yells at the ceiling, throwing his hands up in the air. ā€œTake advantage of it! Commit crimes! Fuck hoes!ā€ Five catches his hands in the air and laughs. ā€œYou wish you had hoes.ā€
unreasonably in love by cj__writes (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 2.6k words, chaptered WIP)
Summary: "It was like pieces of a puzzle, everything coming together. And now, here they are, standing in their apartment, which looks more like a hollow shell than a home, filled solely with scattered boxes and the minuscule amount of furniture that they brought with them to Vegas." Or: what happens after Apollo and Steve move in together.
cant be love by fourpebbles (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 3.5 words, chaptered WIP)
Summary: He had chuckled to himself, he felt so stupid. Who in their fucking minds names a playlist 'sugr?', he thought, internally cringing. A story where a Steve meets an Apollo, and some things happen.
Somewhere in the darkness, us together for a while by tumtummeke (Apollo & Kimi & Steve, teen rating, gen | 3.6k words)
Summary: Apollo worries about Steve. Steve breaks his vape pen. Kimi plays power washer. Self-indulgent angst, with a generous helping of friendship and cuddles.
odyssey by 5280ft (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 23k words, chaptered WIP)
Summary: "First you will come to the Sirens who enchant all who come near them. If any one unwarily draws in too close and hears the singing of the Sirens...they warble him to death with the sweetness of their song. Therefore pass these Sirens by and stop your men's ears with wax that none of them may hear." -Homer, The Odyssey
Also: SilverSprinklez10ā€˜s yupwaves collection.
Summary: This is a Harry Potter AU based on the characters/personas of the youtubers/streamers.
Wait what is this: pretty straight to the point! iā€™ll regularly share crewfu-related fanfictions to this blog :)
How regularly is ā€œregularlyā€?: great question! LOL. it depends on the flow of fanfics that get uploaded, which i do not have any control over, but iā€™m looking forward to do this twice a month. after all, itā€™s only me doing this and i often run on a tight schedule.
Whatā€™s the format like?:
[title of fic with link] by [author of the fic with link] ([main pairing(s), if there is one/multiple], [fic rating: eg, general rating], [relationship: eg, m/m] | [word count in k] ([added prompt to specify if itā€™s complete or not)])
Summary: [summary provided by the author. if it doesnā€™t have a summary, a ā€œNo summaryā€ prompt will be put instead]
(What does WIP mean again?): Work In Progress :)
Why are you doing this?: from the beginning, my blog has hosted conversations about RPF (real people fiction) and crewfu pairings. this has evolved into people sending me updates about certain fics in the crewfu tags every now and then, but i wanna take the next step and just do these things myself. after all, iā€™m already lurking in the tags often to see the fics that get posted. as someone who is both a writer and a reader, i wanna appreciate fanfic writers and help out other people that want to read fanfic and consume more fandom content!
Will it be AO3 only?: well, ao3 has a very helpful tag system that makes finding fics incredibly easy, as well as allowing people with no accounts to like and comment on fics, so thatā€™s the site i will personally look in for fanworks. but if there are any fics youā€™ve written or liked in any other platforms, such as wattpad, you can always contact me through my inbox (send an ask or a dm!), and iā€™ll make sure to include for the next fanfic spotlight :)
Does it mean you wonā€™t reply to fic asks anymore?: yeah, i guess. since iā€™ll be doing the searching myself it seems counterproductive. but if i ever skip a fic or again, itā€™s in another platform, or youā€™ve posted/read the fic a while ago and you want to get more traction on it, hit me up and iā€™ll take it into consideration!
Will you read every single one of the fics on your list?: oh no. again, i run on a tight schedule, and also i have my own taste when it comes to fics. i wonā€™t be reviewing fics or any of the sort, and my intention extends to simply sharing these fics to this page so people will have easier access to them :) thatā€™s where ao3 tagging becomes SUPER useful!!!
So whatā€™s the criteria for the way youā€™ll sort out the fics in your list?: word count, going from lowest to highest. in case of fics in other platforms, i guess iā€™ll put them at the top of the list. iā€™ll also be looking for fairly recent fics, so let me know if you want any old-ish fic to be included.
I see you talking mostly about 5up/Steve and Steve/Apollo. Can I still send/see other crewfu fics?: why yes absolutely! my goal is to push every fic which heavily features regular crewfu characters - 5uptic and supdog just happen to be very popular pairings. so, to give you a list: core 4 (5up, hafu, dk, steve), apollo, aipha, annie, janet, kimi, ellum, koji... you know the drill. it doesnā€™t have to be centered on a relationship, or about 5up in specific, etc. my only requirement is that any of the previously mentioned members are a central part of the fic or are HEAVILY featured in it (sorry, minecraft fics with 50+ tags who only mention 5up as an afterthought wonā€™t make the cut :/).
Isnā€™t shipping Badā„¢?: well, itā€™s a little more nuanced than that. i will go out of my way to discourage and shame people who often violate CCsā€™ boundaries by acting like so and so has a crush on this person, or that this and that are Actually Into Each Other or secretly dating. any sort of tinhat bullshit is a big nono (think larries). but i run on the assumption that people who write rpf understand that what theyā€™re doing is simply write a completely fictional story using real life personalities, and understand the boundaries necessary to do it - aka theyā€™re not tinhats, they understand they canā€™t assume everything about CCsā€™ thoughts and personalities, they understand that what theyā€™re writing is strictly fiction, they keep these works only in fandom circles, etc. (but again, itā€™s only one me doing this, so please be kind if i donā€™t happen to know that this person is Actually a tinhat or whatever).
show fic: NO. (seriously. i donā€™t feel comfortable putting my ao3 account out there. please respect my privacy on these trying times <3)
I REALLY donā€™t care about your rpf/fic talk: fair! iā€™ll be tagging every single one of these posts as ā€œfanfic spotlightā€, so just mute the tag using tumblr settings so youā€™ll never have to look at these! likewise, you can follow the tag if you want to keep up with it, or search it on my blog to look at the other entries you might have missed (but this is the first one! lol).
Hey, my fic is here and I donā€™t feel comfortable with it being shared over here: no problem! let me know as soon as you can and iā€™ll take it down <3
55 notes Ā· View notes
haydensdelvca Ā· 4 years ago
Purple Hearts - Tremmett
Had so much fun coming up with ideas for this fic! Hope you enjoy some Tremmett fluff :)Ā 
"You good?" Emmett asked as he slowly helped his boyfriend out of the car as they arrived home from the hospital.
"Yeah, thanks," Travis answered, trying to give Emmett a smile through the excruciating pain in his leg.
Emmett helped Travis as he hobbled inside, still not used to using the crutches properly.
As they got to their room, Emmett helped Travis onto the bed, arms firmly wrapped around him to support him. As he sets him down, a small but mischievous grin forms on Emmett's face, causing Travis to look up at him in confusion. The pain medication he was given along with the pain itself was making Travis a bit drowsy and not fully alert, so it took him a minute to realise what was amusing his boyfriend.
"So, I guess with a broken leg you might find it hard to get changed by yourself, and say, have a shower. I presume... you might need some help with that, right?" Emmett asked, unable to stop himself from smiling. He had been really worried when he heard Travis was hurt and planned to dedicate all of his time to nurse him back to health and take care of him. However, he couldn't resist thinking of all the ways Travis was going to have to lean on him for support, quite literally.
"I hate you," Travis muttered jokingly, annoyed that his boyfriend was finding this amusing.
"You love me really," Emmett replied, still grinning from ear to ear.
"Stop smiling like that," Travis complained, crossing his arms.
"Sorry, sorry," Emmett apologised innocently, not wanting to work him up when he was in pain.
"Just help me get changed," Travis rolled his eyes, unable to be annoyed at Emmett for more than two minutes.
"If you insist," Emmett smiled as he got closer to the injured man, slowly starting to take his top off while making close eye contact.
A small smile started to form on Travis' face, the butterflies in his stomach brought on by his boyfriend making him forget about the pain temporarily. "Fine, I do love you, even when you are finding enjoyment in my pain."
Travis was exhausted after his long shift which was followed by a trip to the hospital, which was not one of his favourite places. He had finally been getting some sleep until he smelt a surprisingly good smell coming from the kitchen.
He was too stubborn to admit that he was still struggling with the crutches, despite the fact that Emmett had realised within seconds. However, he wanted to try again and slowly made his way to the kitchen, for the first time thankful that they had no stairs in their house.
"Hey, what are you doing?"
Emmett turned around, surprised to see his boyfriend standing opposite him. "Oh, I didn't know you were awake, you could've called me if you needed help," he said as he rushed towards him.
"It's fine, I need to get used to this on my own at some point, don't I?" Travis replied, secretly enjoying how protective Emmett was being over him.
"I guess. How are you feeling? I thought I might attempt to make something for when you wake up. It's not much, and I can't guarantee that it's any good," he rambled on, knowing he was definitely not the most skilled cook out of the pair.
"I'm ok, still in pain though. But it actually smells amazing in here."
"You don't have to sound so surprised," planting a small kiss on his cheek, wrapping one arm around Travis' waist.
After dinner they cuddled up together on the couch, watching the TV show Emmett had been obsessed with for the past few weeks. It didn't particularly interest Travis but he watched anyway because Emmett enjoyed it.
However that day, Emmett didn't seem as focused on the show as he usually was, as he was more focused on Travis. "You know at first when Ben called me to tell me that he was taking you to the hospital I got so scared. I admire your passion for your work but god, it really scares me sometimes."
Travis tilted his head to look at Emmett, "I know babe, I know how it feels like to constantly be waiting on the sidelines, not knowing if I'm gonna come home." He could vividly remember all the times he was worried sick about Michael when he was out on calls and wouldn't ever want to wish that feeling upon Emmett. He even felt anxious for Emmett when he was still a firefighter, as although things were a bit rough between them during those days, he still wanted to protect him no matter what. Now, Travis found himself feeling grateful that Emmett wasn't risking his life everyday like he was.
"I know this doesn't compare to how you felt that day, I'm sorry if that brought up memories," said Emmett quickly, not wanting to sadden Travis. It broke his heart when Travis had told him what he had gone through when he lost Michael.
"No it's ok," he replied as he took Emmett's hands in his. "I promise you that I'll be as careful as I can every single day, and I'll always keep you updated whenever I can. And, you know I have the best team who will look out for me no matter what."
"Yeah, definitely," Emmett replied, his nerves slowly calming down. "But for the next few weeks, you're stuck here with me"
ā€œIā€™m not going to complain about that part,ā€ Travis smiled as he leaned onto Emmett's chest, falling asleep within a few minutes. Emmett held Travis close, not ever wanting to let him go, as he ran his fingers through his dark hair.
Emmett rummaged through his art drawers for a purple marker while Travis was still asleep.
He made his way back to his boyfriend quietly, and started doodling little hearts and stars on his cast, smiling to himself.
"Hey, what are you doing?" He heard a sleepy voice coming from Travis as he felt what Emmett was doing.
"Making you a bit more fashionable. You'll have wait and see, go back to sleep" Emmett replied with a wink.
Travis felt those familiar butterflies in his stomach once more, smiling as he lifted his head to take a look at his boyfriend, deep in concentration with his blonde locks falling over his forehead.
"I love you," he said, as he leant back down to go back to sleep once more.
"I love you more."
16 notes Ā· View notes
bus ride makes Shouto's crush sleepy so she unconsciously cuddles Shouto into the window and mumbles nonsense in her sleep (need a flustered Shouto fluff) please and thank you (bonus: Shouto's inner thoughts)
Ah Iā€™m so glad you sent this in Anon! This was such a cute request and writing some Todo fwuff was exactly what I needed. Iā€™m sorry itā€™s so late!Ā 
Oh, I slightly changed something from the request. You said for Todoroki to be next to the windowā€¦ but I had a really cute idea so I was likeĀ ā€˜well Iā€™m just gonna roll with thisā€™ because my other idea wasnā€™t as good. This just worked out a lot better.
I hope itā€™s still okay.
Iā€™m soooooo out of practice with Todoroki oml. I hope itā€™s still acceptable xD
The training camp was coming. A bright smile formed on your face as you cheered excitedly with your classmates about the camp. There was a call for everyone to get on the coach in order to leave so the cries of excitement died down and changed to a chorus of requests to sit beside friends.
Todoroki watched as everyone disappeared into the coach and realised he hadnā€™t asked anyone to accompany him. Oh well, heā€™d find someone. He followed Sero up the mini stairs and looked for somewhere to sit. Midoriya and Iida were already sat down together as were the majority of the calmer boys. There were still spaces by a few of the girls, but he didnā€™t fancy stopping them from sitting by their own friends.
He was saved from the great conundrum of finding a place by a hand waving at him from a seat right at the back of the coach. You were on the right-hand side behind Uraraka and Tsuyu. It seemed youā€™d chosen the spot in order to remain reasonably close to your companions.
How did you always manage to see when he was struggling with something? Did you have some sort of sixth Midoriya-sense where you meddled in issues you didnā€™t have to? These sorts of situations were becoming more common.
ā€œNo problem,ā€ you smiled before you lowered your voice as a certain person passed. ā€œIā€™m just glad I donā€™t have a long journey with Mineta next to me.ā€
He nodded in understanding and found that he was rather glad that heā€™d prevented such a situation from occurring. As the remainder of their class settled down on the coach and the vehicle took off, the chatter began. The noise rose rather quickly and Iidaā€™s calls to be respectful and follow the rules was only increasing the volume inside the coach. Youā€™d been talking a little with Uraraka as she turned to see you through the gap between the seats.
The bi-coloured boy watched you quietly, making sure to glance away whenever you looked as though you might catch him. What else was there to look at? He watched a couple of exchanges that bounced across the bus but found there was little else to tune in to.
ā€œWant a piece?ā€ Your voice brought his attention back to you once more. His gaze went from your pretty eyes to the object you were holding out to him. A box of pocky. Wait, did he just think your eyes were pretty?ā€œUh, no thanks.ā€
He shook his head and you shrugged, telling him it was his loss before taking one yourself and passing the box back forward to its owner. He didnā€™t really fancy a sweet snack right now.
What was he thinking? Had he always thought that about you?
Youā€™d grown quiet again. He wondered why he was finding it so hard to find something else to look at. There were so many people and lots of windows for his gaze to settle on, so why did it seem that he couldnā€™t take his eyes off you? Confused, he looked down at his hands for the sake of not creeping you out. When he looked back up he realised youā€™d pulled out your phone and plugged a pair of headphones in.
This time you caught your companion watching you. A sheepish smile formed on your lips and you removed the pocky from your mouth. ā€œSorry, I hope you donā€™t mind if I listen to music. We can chat if you want.ā€
Ah, you were trying to be considerate towards him again.
ā€œItā€™s fine. I donā€™t mind. Go ahead.ā€
He didnā€™t blame you anyway. From how loud the bus was, heā€™d rather be listening to anything rather than the sound of voice clashing against each other. Hearing random bits and pieces of speech without being able to properly catch what the conversation was on was beginning to make his head spin.
Youā€™d turned your head slightly to gaze peacefully out of the window. For someone who could be socially quite dense, Todoroki noticed how your body language had changed. The tension had slid out of your shoulders and youā€™d sunk further into the chair. It was the first time heā€™d seen you well and truly relax.
Since your gaze was on the window he was free to look at you without getting caught.
Hold on, why did seeing you like this make him feel warm? Had he accidentally let his left side warm up. He noticed you inch slightly closer towards it. Sitting upright like that couldnā€™t be all that comfortable. Some part of him was debating telling you that if you wanted to lean against him a little in order to be a bit comfier then youā€™d be welcome to.
But was that weird? Would you find that a bit creepy?
He inwardly sighed. What to do what to do.
ā€œUh, do you want one?ā€ Youā€™d tilted your head back slightly to look over your shoulder and up at him. It took the aspiring hero a moment to realise you were holding out an earbud in offering. Why were you offering it in the first place?
ā€œYou look as though youā€™re about to get a headache,ā€ you told him blankly with a small smile. ā€œIt is pretty loud.ā€
Had he been making a face at the prospect of offering you a shoulder to lean against? At least youā€™d mistaken it from irritation at the chaotic noise of your classmates rather than an internal struggle.
ā€œItā€™s fine.ā€
ā€œYou can say if you want something you know. Iā€™ve got some spare water and some snacks. Just poke me, kay.ā€
With that, you returned the earbud to its home and continued to watch the world fly by outside the window. You grinned suddenly to yourself and leaned towards the window, puffing softly until it was covered in mist.
Perplexed, he watched as you childishly began to doodle something on it. You seemed to be mentally reciting something as you did so. ā€™42-42-564ā€™ was written on the window. What on earth were you up to? You giggled softly to yourself before rubbing it out. You were so silly sometimes.
All of a sudden a shiver shook your body and your head turned back to observe the air conditioning above your head. No cool air was coming through, but the coach was pretty chilly. Averting his gaze slightly, the half and half boy found himself warming up his left side which was the side closest to you.
You shifted slightly, pulling your sleeves down a little as if theyā€™d be able to actually cover you and in the process had brushed up closer to your new personal hot water bottle. He almost couldnā€™t help the small smile that tugged at his features. You were trying to be casual and subtle about it.
He rolled his eyes and decided to just go for it. If you were snuggling up to him of your own accord, chances were that itā€™d youā€™d be fine if he offered himself as a pillow.
ā€œHeyā€¦ā€ When you didnā€™t respond he mentally slapped himself. You head headphones on. Poking your shoulder, he waited for your reaction. You leaned further back just as you had before to look at him as you removed the earphone.
ā€œHmm?ā€ You let out a soft hum and he had to stop himself from getting mildly flustered. As you were closer to him this time than before, your head was practically on his shoulder now.
ā€œIf itā€™s more comfortable, you can lean on me a bit. Itā€™s a long trip; youā€™ll be stiff if you keep sitting like that.ā€
Your eyes widened a little in surprise. Had he crossed a boundary or read the situation wrong? What did youā€”
ā€œThanks, Iā€™d appreciate that,ā€ you grinned, moving slightly to rest your back against his side and placing your feet on a little ledge on the side. Youā€™d effectively curled up into his side.
Now, Todoroki wasnā€™t sure what exactly heā€™d been expecting you to do, but it wasnā€™t this. He was getting internally flustered at the amount of contact you now had with him. What was a teenage boy to do? His left side was warming up again and you were softly pushing yourself against it for warmth.
He relaxed into the corner of his own seat and glanced down at the head now settled on his left shoulder. Regardless of what anyone else thought, he couldnā€™t complain about this new position. You looked so happy and content in your new, comfortable position. However, there was just one issue. His left arm. It was trapped underneath you in a rather awkward position.
So here were the choices. Suck it up, or move and risk you moving away from him. Hmmā€¦
He decided on the former, allowing you to continue gazing peacefully out of the window. At some point, his gaze had moved from you to the world flowing by outside. Somehow, his cheek had ended up resting atop your head as you were now partially his pillow too.
After a while, he could feel that the rising and falling of your chest was deeper and steadier than before. Had youā€¦ had you fallen asleep on him? It was a sensation which was reasonably akin to that of when a cat or small dog falls asleep on a person. The sense of a divine blessing having been bestowed by said feline or canine followed by a pang of affection.
Affectionā€¦ He closed his eyes and came to accept the fact that he was, most definitely, crushing on you. In his defence, Todoroki had known about these feelings for a while but hadnā€™t placed them and hadnā€™t been sure if that was exactly what it was. There was no denying it. He was hopelessly crushing on you and now he was stuck with your form snuggled into his side for a good long while.
So be it.
What wasnā€™t to love about you? At least if he was going to have a crush, then heā€™d had a crush on someone as special as you. It was obvious from your interactions with the others that you didnā€™t think the world of yourself. Maybe, just maybe, if he could work up the courage to ask if youā€™d be with your properly (and you actually reciprocated his feelings) then he could teach you to appreciate yourself the way he did.
He resisted the urge to shake his head for fear of disturbing you. These strange thoughts kept invading whenever you came up. Would he even be able to concentrate at the training camp knowing that he most certainly wanted to be beside you?
Only time would tell.
You were so warm and comfortable though and something about your smell was soothing. Before he knew it, heā€™d closed his eyes as he rested his head against yours. The training camp could wait. For now, he would be damned if he didnā€™t savour this precious moment with you.
The sounds of movement brought him back to reality and he opened his eyes. They were at a rest stop apparently. Aizawa was getting everyone off of the bus. It seemed that nobody had noticed your little moment at the back. Thank goodness. Gaze settling on you once more, he realised that you were still sleeping peacefully. Ah, those earbuds must have made it a lot easier to drift off and stay asleep.
Gently nudging your shoulder, he received a small whine and a shift in position. Your nose scrunched up a little and he had to force down the urge to smile at how adorable you looked. ā€œ(Name), everyoneā€™s getting up.ā€
You grumbled a little and moved your head back a little bit, brushing your nose against the side of his neck slightly. ā€œFive more minutesā€¦ā€
His mind was instantly scrambled by your action. The feeling of your warm breath against his collarbone and neck had immediately brought a fiery blush to his cheeks.
Ah, people were beginning to stand up. Any moment now someone was going to look back and spot the two of you! However, he was saved from having to wake you up as your eyes slid open, bleary and unfocused. Rubbing them slightly, you sat up without realising the compromising position youā€™d just been in. He let out a sigh of relief and stood, letting you out into the aisle ahead of you.
He didnā€™t fail to notice the looks his classmates gave the two of you once you were outside of the bus.
Mind you, heā€™d deal with all of them in order to have another moment like that again.
Donā€™t judge my reference halfway through shhhhhh. For those who noticed it in the first place lmao.
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328 notes Ā· View notes
pwnyta Ā· 7 years ago
Time for all my (non All Might) BNHA doodles. Lots of everything lots of sketchy lots of... Tokoyami...
Lets start off weak so when you see something better you can be like ā€˜wow what an improvement!!!ā€˜
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Dont listen to Iida when he says he can handle the scary movies. HES LYING.
But maybe Ojiro been knew and just wanted to cuddle?
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Never lose track of your excitable boyfriend ever again!!!!
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Ojiro cant lift his boyfriend but at least hes good to rest on.
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He lost his game Iida! You animal.
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The girls recognize Iida as best boy so he gets to come to their girls only hang outs. Hagakure is naked. Dont tell him that tho.
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Iida tries to be a proper boy but when he sits properly his engines dig into his legs. His bfs are pretty ok with it tho.
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Sleepy bfs after prom (or w/e the movie is doing)
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Iida: This is the first one I caught!! IDK hes just so cute! And such a strange color for a Tangela!!!
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Todo: .... He caught you.
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Iida: This is my second Pokemon! He seems kind of cold but heā€™ll warm to you after a while!!!
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Todo: YOU!!!! YOU SHOULD TEACH IT FIRE PUNCH AND ICE PUNCH!!! Iida: Thats a great Idea!
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Iida: And this is my last one so far!!! Shes a special color too!!! Ocha: IIIIDDDAAAAA IS THAT ME?!!?!?
Iida: Whatā€™d you guys get!?
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Now Iidas favs will find Poke-Iida... but where to start?!
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Todoroki is rewarded for his bad manners....
Now for Tokoyami!!!!
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Look either Kuroiro dresses in all black and looks like a full shadow all the time or he wears obnoxious colors to really stand out. I will believe nothing else.
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Kuro, Toko and Dark Shadow band together to create a monster!!!!
Toko: Like this? Kuro: Yes perfect... now lets go freak everyone out! Shadow: YESSSSS!!!!!
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Foiled again!!!
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Aoyama and Tokoyami would be the worlds most extra relationship. Let these dramatic idiots be together. Id imagine them all grown up like Gomez and Morticia Adams... tell me you cant see that.
....I think I was trying to make a comic where Monoma is bein a dick but instead of being hilarious he hits a little too close and a little too hard... and actually hurts Tokoyamis feelings. 1-A doesnt fuck around if someones fucking with one of their own.
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Toko has a hard time sleepin... even with his two big bfs.
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Mineta, Kaminari and Sero: ehehehehe Shouji: ????? !!!!
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Shouji: Do you have a problem with the way I choose to sleep with my boyfriends? Sero: CHOOSE?! Kami: IF WE KNEW IT WAS ON PURPOSE WE WOULDNT HAVE SAID ANYTHING!!! Mineta: ITS NOT FUNNY IF ITS ON PURPOSE!!!
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Toko: ....??? What the hell is happening... Shouji: They woke you, huh....
3 fools who didnt really mean any real harm: ;;;;;----;;;;; SHOOOUUUJIIIIIII
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Sato and Ojiro know better.
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Iida, as always, is doin his best.
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Soft beaky boys.
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Tokos the smallest of the spoopy kids... even adding Class Bs Kuroiro, Kamakiri, and Yanagi! Even adding Shinso!!!
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Sometimes Toko is dramatic angsty... sometimes hes ā€˜I literally almost killed a bunch of my friendsā€˜ angsty.
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Tap your beaks together monster boys!!!!
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I was makin a bunch of bird phrases/sayings/words and makin them ships... but I got lazy. Shoujis was ā€˜A bird in the handā€˜ but I didnt like the way it was turning out so w/e. I like OchaTokos the best!
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Small boys are awkward and have feelings at each other. More news at 11.
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Ya know the eagle face meme... where Eagles only look cool from the side and look really sad and confused facing forward? LOL
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Small boys cuddle.
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Some TokOjiro... Ojiros pants hole reveals some Woodstock undies!!!
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Sometimes Dark Shadow is clingy and jealous!!!!!
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Mirio and Tamaki play together by a pond and Tamaki turns into whatever Mirio thinks is cool!
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M: Are you nervous!? T: Mirio... should we do this... M: Y-yes!! T:... You dont sound so sure...
M: .... Iā€™ll talk to him first...
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NE: Mirio.... tell me whats wrong... why are you upset? Who hurt you. Are you in trouble? M: /////sweating nervously NE: MIRIO!!! TELL ME.
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NE: .......... M: J-just be nice to him please.....
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NE: >:\
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M: Im sorry Tamaki... it just... all came out at once....Ā  We can come back again later ok? We dont have to do it today... T: ...No I can do it...
M: Tamaki... T: For you! .... For you I can do it...
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M: Really we can just come back later when hes had time to think about it... T: ...It means a lot to you so I--
NE: !!!!! M: SIR?! NE: Its sweet of you to face your fears for Mirio....
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//Overly protective but supportive dad Nighteye.
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Momos disguise was too cute on her!!!!
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Everyone is a little bit gay for Momo.
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Only respectable folks get to tell Momo how beautiful she is.
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GlamRock wedding!!! Papa Jirou is crying while playing ā€˜ While My Guitar Gently Weepsā€˜ and mama Jirou rubs his back and tries to help him hide his tears so he looks cool in front of the guests.
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Tsuyu didnt let anyone else have a chance at the bouquet! ITS HERS! AND SHES GONNA MARRY OCHAKO WITH IT!!! NO ONES GONNA STOP HER!
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ANIMAL CROSSING!!! Its hard to make the frogs look.... not freaky...
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I forgot these too~~~
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Some DekAoyama.... I think someone requested Deku and Aoyama dancing at some point and I never fuckin finished it OH WELL
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gyuberry Ā· 7 years ago
arms around your waist
likes your legs over his own
youā€™re kind of sitting at an angle, tipped in towards him
itā€™s easier for your arms to be around his shoulders
which in turn makes it easier for him to rest his head on your shoulder (or kind of nuzzle into your neck when he needs the extra comfort of his fave person)
usually keeps his hands clasped together but also will free one up occasionally to hold their hand or tuck a strand of hair behind your ear or to be a weirdo and pinch your cheeks/ear/nose
it makes him laugh every time duh
could easily fall asleep like this and he sometimes does until his legs get pins and needles
tries to stand up and almost collapses
still insists on carrying you to the bed so you can actually sleep in Ā a normal spot
has his head in his your lap
insistent that you run your fingers through his hair
itā€™s not cuddling super close, but he makes sure to always have a hand on your thigh, though in a very safe spot
only sometimes teases you
but if he has his head in your lap, he just wants to be spoiled
definitely the type to make a fuss if/when you stop
makes a high pitched whining voice
he acts like heā€™s not pouting and insists he isnā€™t, but he certainly is
he knows heā€™s cute enough to get away with, though
makes you bend down to kiss him
only on rare occasions will he lean up to kiss you
just very much wants to be doted on
holds your free hand, constantly rubbing his thumb along your knuckles and kissing the tips of your fingers
has the most blissful smile on his face
always always always facing you
well not always but if he has his way, then yes heā€™s always facing you
his schedule is busy and you have his favorite eyes/lips/nose/everything in the world so why waste a second looking anywhere but there?
nose to nose
a hand in your hair to brush away any strands that fall into view (also itā€™s so soft and itā€™s been a while since heā€™s gotten to run his hands through your hair)
sleepy smile bc he gets so comfy that he drifts a little bit
but his eyes snap open bc he wants to keep looking in your eyes
sometimes gets a bit shy and has to look away but he always looks back to you
legs all tangled together, holding hands
leaning in to touch his lips to your forehead
always acts too gentle, even when heā€™s called out on it
but then heā€™ll squeeze you really tightly until you laugh
on his back with you tucked in next to him
sometimes itā€™s arms around the shoulders, sometimes itā€™s around the waist, but he always does the most even when his limbs fall asleep
likes to have his arm around your waist so he can randomly tickle them until youā€™re gasping for air
heā€™ll get a really devilish look in his eyes, and then He Attack
on the rare occasion you see The Look, you beat him to it
then whatā€™s supposed to be cuddling turns into a struggle to win
but then he gets tired out and just wants to rest his cheek against your hair
always commenting on the shampoo or conditioner you buy that makes your hair smell good
(itā€™s the same one it always is but it always smells good)
always conscious of your arm if heā€™s laying on top of one
never mentions his own arms having lost feeling ages ago
gets embarrassed if he looks in your eyes too long bc he can see himself in them and wow youā€™re looking at him like heā€™s the best in the world
just has you.......lay on top of him
he canā€™t see your face super well but this position isnā€™t for that, itā€™s for feeling as close as possible to you
heā€™s an affectionate guy and he wants to hug you close and feel your heart beat against his skin and feel every breath you take bc it means youā€™re with him
doodles different dance formations on you back
youā€™ve learned that two taps is for woozi, one firm press is for chan, and a two fingered press is for wonwoo
havenā€™t quite figured out the rest yet but youā€™re pretty sure youā€™re close to cracking the hoshi code
hoshi kind of mumbles what heā€™s thinking, muttering about seokmin here and this move there
itā€™s hard for his brain to shut off bc he wants to make the best choreo
but itā€™s also hard to not think about the steady breathing of yours, and it calms him down
youā€™ll love what he does no matter what, but heā€™d still rather it be the best
one of the few to like being the little spoon
itā€™s easy to read or play video games while also being with you
not as talkative as hoshi or seokmin, but he always shows you a cool part in the video game, or will read a passage of the book to you
also likes it when you kiss the back of his neck
manages to listen to his video game/read his book while also absorbing everything thatā€™s said to him
it never feels like heā€™s not paying attention or is distracted because he always comments on whatā€™s being said
during a page turn or a pause, heā€™ll grab your hand, squeeze it, before returning to his other focus
sometimes leans his head back so you can kiss the top of his head
also sometimes keeps leaning back just to purposefully disrupt whatever youā€™re doing
itā€™s all in good fun, and heā€™s happy for the quiet contentment that you bring
not too much of a cuddler, but enjoys sitting very close next to you while he works
the only one allowed in his studio when heā€™s working on new songs
likes to have his head on your shoulder
sometimes itā€™s hard because he has headphones on but he always finds a way to be touching you somehow
(he makes it easier by taking out one earphone and giving it to you.Ā  win win)
when heā€™s not working, he sleeps in a very similar way
his head against your shoulder, holding hands, his free one on your arm
this is intimate for him and though itā€™s kind of scary, he knows you accept him as he is
doesnā€™t even mind when you kiss his nose (though if it was anyone else, it would be a problem)
likes it the most when you can both lie on your stomachs with your heads turned toward each other, his arm resting on your back
he wants to be protective too
spends a lot of time cheering others up so when heā€™s with you, he wants to be the one being cared for
lying on his side, his face buried in you neck
both of you holding onto each other tightly so you both feel secure
he can let his guard down, can feel more at ease
alternates between kissing your cheeks, kissing your nose, kissing your neck and blowing raspberries onto your neck
what a dork
but you both smile every time
definitely likes to chatter away but youā€™re happy to listen and talk with him
he squirms a bit because he gets so into talking and youā€™ve learned to move out of the way when he gets too excited (you donā€™t want a repeat of him headbutting your chin)
but itā€™s endearing and you canā€™t help but smile down at him until heā€™s taken out of his own world and just gives you a bright shining smile back
squeezes you extra tight to show how much he loves you
another squirmer
thereā€™s just so many cool things to show you and so many funny videos and such cute dogs and and and and and everything!!
always trying to get your attention for something
(when do yā€™all actually cuddle lol)
he does eventually calm down though
more content having you close to him with him being able to look down at you than he is just having your back towards him
he wants to be able to look at you
sudden kiss attack
just peppering your face with kisses and hugging you close and hearing you giggle
not the type to just sit still and cuddle, heā€™s always like moving ur arm or squishing your cheeks and just being a cute silly boy
but he is the type to suddenly fall asleep and trap you under him
another person who might not be super cuddly
but still loves to cuddle the way that makes him happy
heā€™s on his stomach with his arm around you while youā€™re on your back
always makes sure heā€™s never laying on your arm so that it wonā€™t fall asleep
loves looking at your profile while you talk
sometimes he just closes his eyes and listens
just when you think heā€™s gonna fall asleep, he pulls you closer to him
opens his eyes expectantly when you stop talking bc hey he was listening to you
but he also likes it when youā€™re facing him and youā€™re both on your sides, just holding hands and laughing with each other
loves interlacing his fingers with yours and kind of play fighting, where you guys are seeing who can pull the otherā€™s arms the farthest
but also loves doing it because he loves holding your hands and feeling close to you
the ultimate squirmer
bc heā€™s always trying to make you laugh!!ā€™
and itā€™s hard to make you laugh if heā€™s just sitting in the same spot!!
but he definitely still wants to cuddle so heā€™ll pull you close to show you something, then sit up because he remembered something, and then nuzzle right back into you because he misses being close to you
he has energy and he wants you to know all the cool stuff thatā€™s happening around him
but he will get sleepy eventually
full body cuddler
heā€™s got his arms and his legs around you (so i hope you donā€™t need to go anywhere anytime soon)
gets a bit pouty when you try to sleep because he thought of one more thing to tell you
(and also he wants your attention again because when you look at him he feels at home)
also into sharing headphones
just lying down with his arm around your shoulders and listening to some relaxing music
will sing off key on purpose until youā€™re both fighting to either change the song (you) or keep the song (him)
eventually you join him in singing really badly until youā€™re both laughing too hard to keep singing
as he gets more tired, heā€™ll pull you in closer and softly sing under his breath
you really cherish those moments bc you think he sounds beautiful even though heā€™s so quiet
gets a shy smile on his face if a love song comes on
but itā€™s a happy smile because he can understand what the lyrics are about now that he has you
acts like he doesnā€™t want to be doted on but secretly does
heā€™s so used to being doted on so it feels natural for him but he also wants u to feel spoiled as well
one night you have his head on your chest
the next night your head is on his chest
you love making him laugh when your head is there because you can feel his full body laughs and it makes you laugh even more
lots of laughing with you two
always has one hand in yours, no matter what
also likes it when your chest is to his back and he can just squeeze you close to him
wants to feel you relax against him as you both fall asleep
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