#i know even when grover told him that it was to save him
levforfakes · 9 months
the scene when the headmaster goes percy do you have anything to say and then grover goes i have something to say and then percy goes grover and then grover goes percy told me he wanted to get back at nancy and hes not telling you the whole truth and percy goes grover and the headmaster goes are you saying that you saw percy assult nancy and then grover goes yes
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birdiewriteslit · 9 months
omg omg i would LOVVVEEE if like [reader] and luke were dating behind percy’s back cuz of how sassy he would be n stuff but after like a date or kiss from luke the reader would gush about it to either annabeth, grover, or clarisse and one of them tells percy by accident during a convo and then percy like goes up to reader and confronts the reader about it and like scolds the reader and give them a whole lecture about how luke isn’t the right guy then luke overhears and like joins in <333
i love this idea!!
luke castellan x daughter of poseidon!reader
warnings: persassy (once again), fluff, mention of kissing, ignorance of the plot of the show for the sake of my happiness
nobody: me gaslighting myself into thinking i could fix luke:
You and your boyfriend had an agreement. Your relationship was private. It wasn’t necessarily a secret, but it was private.
This was a conclusion you came to before Percy arrived at camp, before you knew you had a brother. At first, you didn’t care much if he figured it out.
That was until you realized what a sassafras he was.
Percy was always sassing you about chores, about activities, and especially about camp boys.
You thought it was cute in the beginning, your little brother being protective over you, but then it became a real nuisance.
“Y/n, stay away from the Ares boys, I don’t like them.”
“Y/n, don’t date an Apollo guy, he’d write you some crappy poetry.”
“Y/n, for the love of gods, stay away from the Dionysus twins, I never want to have Mr. D as a relative.”
These were the types of things you would hear throughout the day as Percy got to know the other campers better.
You thought it better if you kept a low profile when you were around Luke, at least until Percy calmed down a little.
Most of the older campers knew about your relationship, but they were used to it and rarely talked about it.
“Having marriage problems?” Annabeth asked you one day during arts and crafts, where you were both about to give up on your ugly collaborative birdhouse.
“What? I’m not married,” you said, trying to fix a particularly garish looking bird.
She set her paintbrush down, officially proving she was over it. “Obviously. I mean Luke. I noticed you haven’t been around each other as much.”
You could tell she was a little worried. She wouldn’t be asking if she wasn’t. Annabeth had known you and Luke longer than any other campers, and she looked up to both of you. Plus, she always wanted to know about your experience with romance.
“It’s not what you think, Annabeth. We’re really fine,” you said. “In fact, just last night, he took me out on the dock.”
Your nightly meetups with Luke had always been a thing, but had become more frequent as of late.
“And?” Annabeth prompted.
“And, we hung out.” You were now furiously painting over the entire bird you failed to fix.
“You mean you made out,” she said, giving you a knowing look.
“Well, yeah, but I didn’t think you were interested in that part,” you said. “Now pick up that paintbrush, missy. I’m not doing this whole thing myself.”
Annabeth reluctantly dipped the brush in some blue paint, looking like she wanted more details about your date.
Private means private, you thought dismissively.
At campfire, you discovered that private didn’t mean private. You were sitting alone when Percy plopped down next to you. You frowned because you were saving that spot for Luke.
“Annabeth has just told me something very interesting,” he said, glaring at the spot where Luke stood, talking to one of his brothers.
“What would that be, Perce?” you said absentmindedly.
“Apparently Luke was macking on you last night.” He made a sound to imitate vomiting.
You grimaced. “Please never say that word again.”
“So? Is it true or not true?”
You sighed. No point in denying it now. “It’s true.”
Percy somehow managed to look even more disgusted. “Ew, why him?”
You rolled your eyes. “Oh, gee, I don’t know, maybe because I’ve known him for years, he’s kind, strong, and handsome. Wouldn’t you think that had something to do with it?”
“Oh, gods, forget I even asked,” Percy said, retching. “I just think you could do better. Look at all of these lovely candidates. Apollo guys are poets.”
“I thought that was too cringe for you.”
He ignored you and went on, “A Hephaestus guy could forge you some nice jewelry, and Athena guys are smart. You deserve a smart guy. Not Luke, no, he doesn’t have any good qualities like that.”
You noticed a figure approaching you over Percy’s shoulder, and you tried your best to hide the amused smile threatening to break across your face as Luke came to a stop behind him, waiting for the right moment to interrupt.
“All in all, Y/n, I think Luke’s a pretty bad guy for you. You should really reconsider.”
“Oh, I’m a bad guy, am I?” Luke finally spoke up, smirking as Percy slowly turned around to see him peering down at him.
“Not like a bad guy- just, you know, not right for my sister,” Percy said, his confidence leaving him.
“What makes me not right for her?” Luke asked, clearly loving the reaction he was getting.
“I- uh- you know,” Percy stammered.
“Oh, knock it off, Luke. Leave the poor kid alone,” you said, failing to hide your laughter.
“That sound is music to my ears,” Luke said seriously. Jeez, he was really laying it on thick.
Percy’s face returned to the look of disgust. “I’ll be leaving now,” he excused himself, hurrying off to where Grover and Annabeth were sitting on the other side of the fire. You could still see him glaring at Luke as he sat down next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
You leaned into him, relishing in the combined warmth of the fire and his body heat. “What do you think? Am I getting sassed out tomorrow?” Luke asked, looking down at you.
“No, he looked pretty grossed out. I’m hoping he just avoids the topic altogether,” you said, trailing your fingers over the fabric of his shirt.
“We both know that’s not going to happen,” he concluded, smiling as he pressed a soft kiss to your temple.
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asapjens · 8 months
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PJO: perseus jackson x fem!reader
SYNOPSIS: you think percy’s dad is hot
The sun beat down on the group as they trudged up the hill towards Olympus, the home of the gods. Percy's sword was strapped to his back, Annabeth had her trusty dagger at her side, and Grover was nervously fiddling with his reed pipes.
As for you, well, being the daughter of Hermes, you were just glad to get out of the city and stretch your legs.
"Alright, everyone," Percy said, squinting up at the golden gates of Olympus. "We need to convince them to help” Percy said. “Remember to be respectful, even if they're being difficult." Annabeth said, while looking at you.
"Difficult is their middle name," you muttered, adjusting the strap of your satchel. "Especially when they're arguing with each other."
The group made their way through the gates and into the grand hall of Olympus. The gods were gathered, some lounging on thrones, others bickering with each other.
You couldn't help but roll your eyes as you spotted Hermes, your father, reclining on a cloud and looking far too pleased with himself.
"Father, we need your help," you called out, trying to catch his attention.
Hermes looked down at you, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Ah, my dear daughter, always getting into trouble. What can I do for you?"
"We're on a quest to you know, the usual, save the world bla bla bla, and we kinda need help," you explained.
Before Hermes could respond, a loud argument broke out between Zeus and Poseidon, their booming voices echoing through the hall.
Annabeth stepped forward, trying to mediate, while Grover attempted to calm himself, because he was getting agitated by all the yelling.
You exchanged a glance with Percy, who smirked at you. "This is going to be a long day."
After what felt like an eternity of bickering, the gods finally agreed to the requests of their children. As the group made their way out of Olympus, you turned to Percy with a mischievous glint in your eye.
"Your dad is kind of hot, you know," you teased, nudging him playfully.
Percy's cheeks turned a deep shade of red as he rolled his eyes. "Oh, come on. Don't be ridiculous."
“I’m not being ridiculous!” you told him holding a laugh.
You grinned, nudging him again. "Well, I guess you had to inherit your good looks from somewhere, right?”
“Now that i think about it, Mrs. Jackson is also kinda- Before you could finish your sentence Percy gave you a sharp look.
“Don't worry, you're still the best looking” You winked at Percy
Percy chuckled, shaking his head. "You're impossible, you know that?"
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leaawrites · 7 months
It's nice to have a friend
Percy Jackson x mortal fem!reader
Warnings: use of Y/n, mentions of almost dying, Percy's stupid at some points, friends to lovers
Summary: Percy can't let your hands freeze to death, only because he had to make you lose yours in the first place.
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Looking out the window Y/n saw the frozen water falling down from above. Their heritage, the clouds, were a dark color of white, however the snow didn’t make the scene dark, it made it comfortable. It gave her a type of warm hug, a feeling she couldn’t forget. A feeling she wanted to save for the warm summer days, the same as she saves the sun for rainy days, and the rain for when the flowers bloom.
The bell rang, signaling that the lesson, and the school day therefor, was over. Y/n sighned, she did want to walk through the streets covered in snow, but her hands would freeze to death in the meantime, since she lost her gloves a year before.
With her hands in the pockets of her coat and her gaze on the floor, watching the snow squish under her boots, while new one fell onto them, she concentrated on the music in her ears. Only looking up when she heard child’s laughter. On the other side of the sidewalk, 4 kids were having a snowball fight, laughing together when one gets hit by the snow. Y/n stopped, admiring the fun in their eyes.
“You wanna join them?” A voice beside her asked.Turning around, she saw her best friend, Percy.
She would still concider him her best friend, even when he started to ditch her every summer for some summer camp he couldn't tell her too much about. She liked the boy, she really did. But something about his behavior when she asked him about it didn't sit right with her. It was like he didn’t want her to know. Before this, Percy would've told her everything. No matter what, she used to always be the first to know. Whether it be about a new school he was sent to or someone that bullied him on that day. It was always her. Now it were his new friends.
She tried to tell herself that it was because Percy wanted to leave some of his old life behind whenever he went to summer camp. Like it were two seperate worlds. But she knew that Grover, another friend of Percy's, was also there.
"I can’t," she answered. "I lost my gloves last year, after you had to take me to one of those." She pointed to the kids, smilling at the memory of back then.
“Oh, yeah.” He remembered, laughing at the memory as well.
Both of them were prepared to make the other go down and suffer in the snow that day a year ago. It was a simple and nice idea, until Percy decided he had to help a duck on the lake. At that time he hadn’t had snow gloves himself, so he borrowed Y/n’s.
Long story short, the duck ended up almost drowning, together with Percy, but could rescue itself, while the gloves were sliding from Percy’s hands and fell into the freezing water. He hadn’t bought her new one’s, he insisted on doing so, but she refused to accept them when he got them for her. She didn’t want him to spent his money on her, so she said she would buy new one’s herself. Since it was technically her own fault for giving them to him, when she knew they wouldn’t end up on her own pair of hands anyway. However, she forgot until it was too late.
"You almost died that day, how can you laugh about it?" She asked the pale boy. With the white snow surrounding him he fit right into it.
"t was a fun day, you can’t deny it, can you?" He asked her, searching for the comformation he always craved from her. He wanted her to agree with him in everything, so that he knew that they were still balancing on the same thin line like before all the sudden changes in his life.
Spending time with her always kind of made him feel more at ease. She was his home. She was who he was so used to, he could tell her everything. Besides about camp and his now second life. It was too dangerous. So, he keot it to himself. Rather have her angry than dead, right?
"It was a fun day," she agreed, stuffing her hands further into her pockets from the cold temperatures.
"Have mine," Percy said, holding his gloves into her direction, after seeing her shaking body.
"No, thanks,” she said, continuing walking home. "I’m not even that cold."
But the chattering of her teeth betrayed her and Percy looked at her with a dumbfounded expression.
"Then have one at least," he tried to compromise, looking into her eyes with that certain look. Raising his eyebrows, Percy moved the glove more to her body, until she couldn’t refuse to take it anymore. Rolling her eyes in annoyance, she put the black glove over her freezing hand. Feeling the warm of his hand from before, made an slight blush creep up on her face. Which she played off from the cold.
"What is with the other, genuis?" she asked. She didn’t want a second glove but a conversation.
He only took her hand into his, beginning to walk again, not looking at her once. Her face grew even hotter and her body was filling with warmth as their bare freezing skin touched and exchanged body heat. Both were burning from the desire of this being more than a friendly encounter.
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ajbullet · 9 months
My thoughts on episode 1 and 2 of Percy Jackson and the Olympians: (spoilers)
- The ACCURACY of the little Percy casting was unbelievable. They look identical.
- The SARCASM 🫶🏻👌🏻
- I’ve never been able to connect with Sally Jackson as a mother-figure in the books just because of my own rocky relationship with my mom, but the way she’s played really made me believe in her character and her love for Percy. It gives PERCY’s character more grounding and their relationship really drives the show.
- Sally just sitting in the rain with Olivia Rodrigo playing. Mood.
- “You fell in love…with Jesus?”
- The friction and “betrayal” between Percy and Grover was super interesting to see and I’m really glad they touched on that more than in the books
- I’ve been pronouncing Brunner wrong. Dam.
- Sally saying goodbye to Percy, knowing she was probably going to die 😭. Percy screaming for her.
- the Minotaur fight was awesome
- “YOU DROOL WHEN YOU SLEEP” Omg I can’t believe she said it. Leah’s delivery was different than how I imagined it but I loved it. She’s so matter-of-fact
- Again, I’ve always struggled with connecting with Luke’s character just because I felt like he was a little two-dimensional in the first book and then after that, you know, he’s evil and while I understood his motivations, I just didn’t really…care? Idk but his portrayal really helped me understand the depth of his betrayal and just how heartbreaking his story really is. I already love him more than I’ve allowed myself to from the books
- “She’s my little sister” I love their relationship while it lasts. Seeing how close they are really adds to the layers of both of their characters
- I’ve also been pronouncing Thalia wrong. Double dam.
- Leah. As. Annabeth. I’m going to be completely honest, Ive loved Leah from everything I’ve seen about her but I was nervous just because of how precious of a character Annabeth Chase has always been to me and I didn’t know if ANYONE, not specifically Leah, could live up to those expectations but omg I love her. Her bluntness. Her facial expressions. Her voice and delivery. Her sure movements and confidence and self-assuredbess that has come from success after success and training for so long. The way she is so unashamed to admit to using Percy and only watching him to see what he could do for HER. In her short amount of screen time so far, Leah was able to add layers to this character I’ve loved for so long that I didn’t even know where there. I never wanted her to leave the screen. My only complaint is that she didn’t have more lines. She is my Annabeth Chase. She’s not from the books. She’s not from the movies. She’s her own version and she stole the show.
- Luke saying Annabeth has a plan and that Percy will know what to do, only for PERCY TO BE FLOSSING AND PEEING AND PETTING GECKOS and trying so hard not to drive himself crazy with his ADHD and having nothing to do. I genuinely laughed out loud. Might be my favorite part.
- the fight scenes are so well choreographed.
- CLARISSE. She’s too pretty. I can’t hate her. And her ELECTRIC SPEAR. When it broke and she screamed, I got chills.
- The trident.
- Annabeth KNOWING Percy was Poseidon’s before anyone else cause she’s “always 6 steps ahead”
- People already keeping such important info from Percy “for his own good”
- “You are Poseidon’s son” “No, I am Sally Jackson’s son!” Might just be my favorite line. It’s so true. She raised him. She sacrificed everything for him. She loved him and cared for him and taught him that he wasn’t broken, he was singular, a miracle. She died so that he could live.
- Sally Jackson is parenting goals
- The way Percy instantly changed his decision to go to the underworld as soon as Grover told him his mom could be saved. Their relationship is unmatched
- Walker Scobell is already pretty well known, but I have a really good feeling his popularity is going to skyrocket after this show. He is such an amazing, dedicated actor. I know exactly what he is felling 100% of the time.
Overall, I absolutely loved it. In two episodes it’s become a comfort show that I can’t wait to continue watching!!
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thebaronsilver · 2 months
First of the bat, let me say this as a disclaimer. I love the og Percy Jackson series. Secondly, my fav character is Nico and then the Percy from the og series.
Do you know why I make this distinction? Because, Heroes of Olympus ruined Percy's basic characteristics.
Just think, this is the percy who was bullied in almost every school he attended (except, maybe, Goode). Even, camp half blood,till he came back from the first quest. This is the guy with so strong a sense of loyalty that he was willing to get into trouble with the teachers for Grover when they studied together, was willingly an outcast because he would rather be friends with the one guy everyone picked on and thus be bullied himself. He was pretty excited to have a brother once he got over the whole Cyclops thing, too. This is the same guy who spent all his free time looking for a runaway kid who said he hated him. Maybe it was out of misplaced guilt. Maybe it was due to the fact this guy big brothered everyone he could get away with. (Atleast, I felt like that.)
While we're on that issue. Was Nico right to blame Percy for Bianca's death? Absolutely, not. But he was also a grieving ten year old who just lost his only family (even though she had, in a way, already left him behind. But that's an entirely different rant on the Hunters as an institutions. Bianca was also a child, remember.). And considering that Nico changed his tune once he found the truth out and even helped Percy and the camp willingly afterwards, I like to think he more than made up for that mistake.
There's even a part where Percy refuses to burden Nico with the prophesy and claims it for himself. Considering that till then he was trying not to even think about it, I believe we can easily claim that Nico was in some ways important to Percy. Maybe not in the same way his Mom, Annabeth Or Grover was to him, but still an important person.
Then we have in the last Olympian, Percy using Nico as an example why Children of Hades shouldn't be treated as Pariahs. Because if not for him and the reinforcements his powers brought (not even counting the three whole deities he brought along) the casualties would have been higher. (It was Hades who locked Percy up. He even confirms that Nico hadn't had a clue. Nico in turn broke him out and got himself in trouble. Then in a turn of events, Percy starts to blame Nico for something that wasn't in his control. A reversal of roles so to speak. I had thought that it had been momentary anger on Percy's part, but apparently considering all the references to how Nico betrayed him in the HoO, it wasn't. He'd pushed it aside momentarily, it seems.)
Percy was not to blame for what happened to Nico in the original series. Life isn't fair and it just happened to be extra unfair to Nico. Even then Percy went out of his way to look after the kid, to make sure he had a safe space.
This is the Percy who I liked. The Son of Neptune only emphasised this. Even without his memories, he took Hazel and to a lesser extent Frank under his wings. He actually recognised Nico in a vague way. Not just Annabeth (which is something else I have beef with. What about his mother? Why didn't he remember Sally till a lot later and even then he didn't let her know he was safe till a lot later?)
Then comes the Mark of Athena. He apparently told so many horror stories to the 7 that there was a debate on whether or not they should save a 13 year old demigod, the brother to one of them, from a preventable death. This wasn't like the Titan war were demigods could be the enemy. Then why was there even a debate? It's like all that loyalty disappeared. This is the guy that was once bullied at every school he's attended. Doesn't he know the impact of telling tales when people aren't there to defend themselves? To tell the whole story? Then House of Hades. Every single person in that ship thought that Nico was spooky, creepy whatever and all that poor kid was doing was exist. He made himself scarce, barely spoke unless necessary and even then they were like ew, creepy. It's like Percy's personal loyalty became loyalty to just Annabeth. Fuck whatever happens to anyone else. It upsets me.
The later books ruined Percy as a character. And I will stand by this.
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eu-nicola · 8 months
Betrayed - Luke Castellan x Reader
based on a request.
summary: Percy, Annabeth, Grover and you find out what Luke has done and confront him about it.
no warnings
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At that moment we found ourselves outside the camp when we finally discovered the truth about Luke. The tension in the air was palpable as you, Percy, Annabeth, and Grover faced him in a silent forest.
You looked at him with eyes filled with disbelief and disappointment. "How could you do this, Luke? We trusted you," you whispered, your voice shaking.
Frowning, Percy approached Luke, his expression filled with suppressed anger. "You saved our lives, you helped us on our missions... How could you betray us like this?" he asked, his voice almost like a scream.
Annabeth, with her arms crossed, looked at Luke with a mix of sadness and anger in her eyes. "I thought we were friends, Luke. Was this all just a game to you?" she questioned, her voice filled with disappointment.
Luke looked at us without saying anything but with a small smile on his face as if all this were just child's play. Silence took over the forest, Luke and his followers looked at each of us, his eyes did not show any type of regret and his face even less so. We knew that this confrontation was just the beginning of a larger battle to come.
"A new life for everyone is yet to come, the Gods despise us and I despise them, war is the only solution so that we finally have our place."
“I can't believe you're planning a war, actually I do, but isn't what you did enough?” You asked, moving closer to him.
“It's not so bad princess, I still give you the benefit of joining me like you once wanted to do.” You weren't expecting those words that came out of his mouth and the boys just turned to look at you wondering what Luke was talking about.
“I – I never, ever!”
“I didn't expect you to agree right away, but think about it, if you join me, you will be able to have power and protection. Together we can achieve great things.” He said she with a cocky smile.
“I'm not interested in anything that comes from you Luke, not anymore.” It had been a while since the boys understood this behavior of Luke towards you and you knew that you were in for a long interrogation after this.
"As you wish. If you change your mind, i will be here waiting." Those were his last words before disappearing with his followers like ghosts.
After that the boys confronted you about what had happened a moment ago.
“What's it about joining him?” Annabeth asked, approaching you.
“I never said it but there was a time when Luke and I were together, at that time we thought about being together and if at any time there was a danger you were going to join us but I didn't know that the danger was him and when I knew it we walked away ”. You were sincere when you said it, although Luke was still part of your heart, you were still in constant denial about what he was.
After that the boys internally decided that they would not talk about it anymore and would trust you completely, although there was still something in the air that Percy was bothered by the fact that the oracle told him.
“You will be betrayed by the one who calls you friend,” and now it was in his thoughts if maybe that friend is not you.
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aficionadoenthusiast · 11 months
(kind of a continuation of this post but this is the most notes one of my pjo posts has gotten without garnering some kind of discourse and i dont really wanna touch it but i need to say this)
thinking about annabeth, the toddler daughter of a phd student whose dad already barely has time for her to the point that she is pretty much responsible for herself
annabeth, five years old, watching from the sidelines as her dad married someone she sees as a monster, moving onto things bigger and better than her, replacing her with people and kids who get more attention from him individually than she ever got in their five years alone
annabeth, seven, deciding it's time for her to move on because she's not getting any more love out of that relationship than she's already squeezed out
annabeth sometime around here learning that it's not that her mother doesn't care about her, she just has more important things to do
annabeth, barely any older, contending with thalia's death, a girl who was both a friend and a caretaker for a brief but incredibly formative time
annabeth, again, barely older, watching luke get a quest and leave her behind, hoping and praying he makes it back home to her, and then when he does, realizing he didn't come back quite right and that now even he's moving on from her, once again leaving her for bigger and better things that he keeps saying she's too young to undestand
annabeth, ten, learning about the prophecy and being told she's gonna be a part of it and starting to form an idea of how one day she's gonna find her More Important Thing if she just works hard enough, because isn't that what happens to everyone?
annabeth, 12, meeting percy and actually demanding to be a part of his quest because even though he'll probably be dead by 16, she'll be damned if she lets her chance at the More Important Thing slip away and be left behind again, so she fights like hell for her dreams and her place in the world
12, and knowing she wasn't enough to keep luke from leaving
annabeth, 13, and having to rescue grover from his More Important Thing and then watching him continue on his More Important Thing
13 still and being tempted by the hunters because if it hasn't happened, maybe the mortal world won't give her her More Important Thing
(then getting kidnapped and forced to hold the sky, no idea if anyone is coming for her, scared that everyone is too busy with their More Important Things, and finding out percy never once thought of not going after her, and beginning to realize he doesn't have his More Important Thing yet either)
14, still raw from thalia joining the hunters, and watching percy with rachel, seeing him blast himself to ogygia, and being terrified he's going to realize his More Important Thing is another girl or saving the world or something equally as more important than annabeth
15, and still scared, except now his birthday is coming up, and he might just die before she can ever get her feelings out, and then why bother?
16 and watching him reject immortality for her to help the demigods, and knowing deep in her bones that there is no More Important Thing because that's just not who he is
16, and knowing for the first time in her life that she can trust another person with her heart
16, and being somebody else's More Important Thing, and maybe letting percy be hers too
that is all
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helenofsparta2 · 3 months
I'm a Percy Jackson apologist, not because I think he has anything to apologize for, but because people in this fandom tend to blame him for every little thing that goes wrong in those books, even if he had little or zero control over it or even made the objectively good or reasonable choice.
"Percy choked Nico in the last Olympian"
Percy was imprisoned by Hades himself, after Nico had (although, of course, unwillingly) betrayed him, in a cell, he was convinced would suffocate him, had just woken up of a nightmare of Typhon wreaking havoc in the US, with the gods doing very little to slow him down, and didn't even know it was Nico, he was attacking at first. He only realized it was him, after he had him already pinned to the floor and he let him go only a few moments after that. For all Percy could have known, Nico could have been a servant of Hades sent to kill him.
"Percy forgot to free Calypso."
First of all, not Percy's responsibility. Not at all.
Second of all, he did free her.
Percy stood before all the Olympians and, after winning the war for them, one of his demands was specifically that she (and other gods) should be forgiven. Let me be clear, Leo would not have been able to free Calypso from her island without this specific request. There was no possible way for Percy to know, that the gods would be assholes about it and wouldn't inform her of that. Hell, he even knew, that Hephaestus visited her from time to time to chat, so there was no reason for him to doubt that he'd just tell her.
"Percy killed Michael Yew in the battle of Manhattan"
Percy probably saved the entire Apollo cabin on that bridge. And as a reminder, it was Michael's idea to destroy it in the first place. Percy even told him to run before that. His death was without a doubt a tragedy, but by no means Percy's fault.
"Percy treated Tyson shitty after finding out he was a cyclops"
When? Give me one example in the Sea of Monsters were Percy was actively being a jerk to Tyson. Not something he thought, but something he actually did. He wasn't a fan of Tyson being his brother and denied it to other campers, yes. But, as a reminder, camp half-blood, or ar least some members of it, started to bully Percy after Tyson got claimed. The one place he thought he belonged to treated his friend and him by association like shit.
Still, he was on Tysons's side. He even defended him in front of Annabeth, his best friend might I add, and didn't stop spending time with him. They were a team during the chariot race, and even while thinking that Tyson might be a liability on their quest to save Grover, Percy refused to leave him behind, because he feared, that Tyson would be blamed for their disappearance.
I could go on and on and on, because that kid (and he is a kid, at the end of heroes of Olympus Percy is not even 17 years old) gets blamed for so much it's exhausting, but I 100% believe that nothing that Percy Jackson did was ever wrong and there is absolutely nothing he has to apologize for. Prove me wrong.
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janovavalen · 4 months
✧NOT LEAVING WITHOUT YOU. || percy jackson x fem!reader
summary: in which the group make their way to their new destination only to run across a bit of a bump in the road.
word count: 7,939 (what the actual…)
warnings: awkwardness between percy and y/n, near death experience, the gods literally shipping y/n and percy lowkey bc why not, slight argument. (a little twist in the story<3)
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as the group walked and walked on the endless road somehow thinking they’d get somewhere with this pace. y/n walked in the middle of percy and annabeth.
percy would momentarily look at y/n who didn’t meet his gaze. lot to lie to himself but that probably stung almost as bad as the stinger from the chimera.
deciding to talk along the quiet atmosphere around the group, percy began—‘i’ve been thinking.’ as he started, his words gained all their attention.
‘i didn’t steal the master bolt— you guys didn’t steal the master bolt. we’re pretty sure hades has the master bolt, but he couldn’t have stolen it himself. i mean—we don’t even know who actually stole the thing…or why…or, how deep this thing goes’
as they walked and listened to percy speak who talked his thoughts he looked between the group and let his gaze set upon y/n who turned to look at him the second he turned away.
after seeing grover and annabeth not talk or back him up he came to the conclusion—‘i’m the last person to realize this aren't i?’
‘yup—‘ y/n spoke while still not making contact with percy who turned almost immediately to her direction to see she hadn’t been looking at him which he didn’t want to admit but it kinda hurt in a way.
‘yeah’ annabeth spoke while grover nodded to percy who almost rolled his eyes at how he’s just now catching up.
‘okay, so…maybe when we started my head wasn’t fully in this…but since the river…’ looking at y/n who sucked in a breath and turned her head, she turned to the horizon as percy kept talking—‘it all feels different somehow.’ he boldly claimed.
smiling to himself as he thought of two things—mostly one over the other but maiming the second, he spoke once more—‘he saved me. my dad. i guess i just never really thought that’s something he’d do for me. so maybe i gotta take things more seriously now—‘
as he spoke and the group listened, grover couldn’t help but hear something approaching. y/n seeing his head turn to the road behind them she turned as well to see a small dot in the distance.
‘car.’ grover told them. the sound of the engine becoming more prominent as it got closer.
‘that can’t be a car you hear how loud that thing is?’ y/n squinted her eyes trying to see.
‘that’s not a car, it’s a bike. just let it pass.’ annabeth told them, seeing that they had people looking for them on a most wanted, y/n lightly tapped percy’s arm—‘come on’ she spoke as he turned and followed but not without looking behind him.
the group hurrying to hide behind a concrete block on the side of the road to hide; they all sat down into the grassy dirt. their legs outstretched in front of them. annabeth sitting on the side next to grover as percy sat on his other and y/n sitting next to percy.
‘i’m saying, we’re not just trying to retrieve a thing. o think we might need to be detectives here, too.’ percy looked at the group as they listened to him once more to his continued talk.
‘yeah.’ y/n agreed silently as she fixed her legs in front of her along with her pants that had still felt a bit wet. percy looked at her as she looked down at her legs and he felt a slight twinge in his stomach that felt horrible.
reading her face he noticed she was back to her quiet, and awkward self with him—did she somehow hate him again? he just saved her life doesn’t he at least have his name on a talk to list?
‘why are you being weird with me again? i thought we were doing that anymore.’ he asked out loud. grover and annabeth turned their heads to the two to see y/n look up for a second and only squint her eyes and turn her head back down, letting out a sigh as she began—
‘i’m not being weird?’ she frowned her eyebrows as he nodded a bit.
‘yes you are. you’ve been weird since we left the arch.’ he told. as he said this she felt herself get awkward again and blinked her eyes while turning around.
annabeth could almost laugh at this, grover however had never seen her like this before.
‘oh…i get it.’ he boldly claimed while blinking in understanding. did he possibly? y/n turned to him with frowned eyebrows once more.
‘it doesn’t have to be a thing; you know. that we had to—‘
‘stop! it isn’t that, we don’t talk about that—‘
‘i mean, we’re like friends now, best friends. that seems like a best friend thing to do, at least i think they do?’ percy tried so hard to get y/n to speak to him as she closed her eyes and shook her head slowly.
grover fired his best not to crack a smile or even laugh to earn a hit from anyone so he bit his lip and shook his head—annabeth could practically feel y/n begging for help so she spoke.
‘i saw the fates. back at the arch, i saw the three fates and i saw atropos cut a piece of thread.’ she told them. y/n could almost celebrate when her mind was fed something to distract her.
‘and that’s bad or…?’ percy cluelessly asked them.
‘the fates weave the life of every living thing. when you see a string cut—‘
‘it means one of us is going to die.’ y/n said while looking over at percy.
percy however didn’t catch the hint yet so he claimed—‘we’re all gonna die eventually.’
‘soon. it’s a warning’ y/n told him as annabeth nodded her head.
‘an omen’ annabeth added.
as percy looked at y/b for a bit longer they heard the engine of the motorcycle approaching them from behind.
‘okay guys, we need to talk about this whole fate thing. three old ladies with a ball of yarn can’t know what's gonna happen. what i choose to do changed what’s gonna happen, and i can choose to do anything i….want’ as they listened to the fact the engine didn’t pass them y/n frowned her eyebrows along with annabeth.
‘need some help?’ a man asked.
as the group turned to the brick in front of them as if they could see who spoke they turned to each other before raising to their knees to peer over the brick that stood in their way.
as they poked their heads over the group, they seen a man biker with a long leather jacket that draped over the backside of his black and silver bike. he wore a black helmet and had a large beard on his face.
‘beg pardon?’ grover politely asked.
‘i asked if you could use some help.’ he repeated.
grover looked over at y/n who had wide eyes as she slowly shook her head, which percy noticed and smiled too.
‘nope. no we’re—we’re good. appreciate you asking, though. so long.’ he furnished as the group slowly turned back around to hide once more as y/n gave a awkward tight lipped smile.
the man sighed as he looked ahead of him before saying—‘you don’t seem too good.’
y/n decided to turn and talk this time—‘we don’t need help and we don’t really need anything from you’ she claimed while lowering back down behind the brick and next to percy.
‘you sure? because you guys are so behind schedule’ he scoffed.
as the group heard him say this they immediately rose from the ground to reveal their full bodies and confused faces.
‘i mean, summer solstice is just a few days away. and as much as i’d love to see a good war pop off, as your big cousin, i feel like, maybe, i wanna give you a hand.’ percy frowned as y/n and annabeth knew right away. grover as well but he decided to play a bit cool.
‘cousin?’ he confusing asked as y/n turned to him—‘he’s aries—‘
‘you two girls must be athena’s kids. always gotta be the wisest one in the bunch.’ ares squinted his eyes as he leaned forward on his bike a bit.
‘why would you help us?’ annabeth asked.
‘how do you even know about what we’re doing here?’ y/n asked as well.
‘because i’m doing exactly the same thing as you. zeus sent all of his kids looking out for the master bolt, too. listen dummies, im hungry. there’s a halfway decent dinner up the road. if you want my held you’ll meet me there. but done dawdle. won’t wait forever.’ he finished before placing his sunglasses on.
before he even fully left he gave a look to them before driving away.
‘that’s my cousin? what kind of family is this?’ percy kind of in awe asked.
‘he didn’t want to offer a ride…?’ y/n squinted as she looked off into the distance.
annabeth sighed before tapping grover, ‘come on’ she told them as they began to walk into where he went off to.
after a bit of their walking they finally arrived at a pretty quiet dinner of which they saw the bike of aries.
walking into the restaurant with the sound of the doorbell and a few distant talking from the people inside, percy made sure that the door stayed open for y/n who gave a small nod and smile which he was quick to return.
looking around as they looked for them they were all met with the sound of loud laughing and a table slap. turning to see ares himself laughing at his phone as he had two plates, a mountain of fries and five big cheeseburgers in a stack.
‘guess this is the right place’ percy told the three as y/n walked forward along with grover, annabeth and percy who was close to y/n.
aries let his outburst of laughter die down as the group walked behind him which he acknowledged and looked at them—‘gimme a second, i’m just starting a fight on twitter here.’ he told them. annabeth slid into the booth first then y/n who was followed by percy and grover.
‘nothing makes me happier than a good old-fashioned, burn-it-down fight. ah…okay, done’ he clicked his last words before looking at the them.
‘so your quest is going to fail. ask me how i know’ he grinned at them as y/n rolled her eyes in annoyance then only to reach forward for a fry which ares seemed to not really care about, percy noticed this and suppressed a smile.
‘it isn’t gonna fail—‘
‘sure it is.’ ares cut of percy with a scoff—‘for starters…’ pulling out his phone once more to show a video of percy’s step dad.
‘percy was always troubled, but i never thought he was capable of something like this.’
‘wh—who’s that?’ grover asked percy who stayed focused on the phone, his face frozen in shock—‘my stepdad, what’s he doing?’
‘and in addition to the destruction at the gateway arch…’ a news reporter added before ares scoffed with a smile—‘wait for it’
‘you believe he may also have had something to do with your wife’s disappearance?’
‘a kid that messed up? what wouldn’t he do?’
‘what?’ percy frowned as y/n looked at him in a bit of pity before back at the phone.
‘wild right? the FBI is already spreading your picture around.’ ares added as they still listened to the phone.
‘it’s a camaro. i really—we really loved that car…so much…cut!’ his stepdad cried like a baby over camera as they stopped the recording.
‘i’m gonna kill him’ percy angrily promised as he shook his head.
‘i knew i was gonna like you’ ares nodded his head with a smile.
‘but safe to say, the chances of you three idiots hitchhiking the rest of the way to L.A. without getting arrested are slim to none.’ he told them.
y/n tiredly scoffed a bit while trying to somehow lean further back into the seat.
‘why are you sitting here then? if you had this to say you could’ve said it back at that brick before you rode off into the sun.’ y/n asked and mumbled with a roll of her eyes. annabeth pinched her a bit, leaving her to aggressively push her arm into annabeth.
percy sighed softly and looked at y/n, noticing how tired she was and made his way a bit closer to her without her knowing it. he hoped she’d at least try and lean on him for a bit of comfort compared to this wooden chair.
‘if your supposed to be looking for the master bolt too, shouldn’t you be out there looking for it?’ annabeth picked up for y/n as she frowned her eyebrows.
‘hmm there’s no fear in the two of you, is there?’ he asked the girls who started him down in the eyes with nothing but pure confidence.
‘doesn't matter. whether the bolt’s retrieved or not, zeus is going to war with poseidon.’ he told the four as they all looked at percy who looked at them before back at ares.
‘no. the oracle said if we return the bolt, there wouldn’t be a war.’ percy told ares.
‘is that what she said? or is that what chiron said she meant?’ as ares finished his sentence he noticed percy’s hesitation who looked around the room before back at ares.
‘yeah. your new to the family, young one, so let me fill you in on how we work. see, years before i was born, my grandpa kronos ate my aunt and uncle’s. yeah. then my dad made him puke them back up, then chopped him into a million pieces and chucked ‘em into a bottomless pit, so that kinda set the tone right outta the gate.’ the bunch taking this in as they looked at each other letting ares continue.
‘olympians fight. we betray. we backstab. we will push anyone down a flight of stairs to get ahead. and that’s why i love my family so much’ he smiled as percy sighed and leaned back a little.
‘my dad knows he’s not getting this bolt hack with quests or goose chases. he knows there’s a war coming. and in reality i think he’s okay with that. i think he feels it’s just time for a way; so we’re gonna have a war.’ as he finished his sentence y/n cringed her whole face as he placed a balled fist on his lips and inhaled.
‘isn’t that great?’ he asked then as if they would even agree. well, maybe y/n, she made bets with people on who would win in a war if there ever was one any time soon and she betted on loads of books.
‘we’re completing this quest. we’re stopping this war. you said you can help. can you?’ percy asked ares with his hard face expression.
‘okay, so here it is. there’s an amusement park up the road. i left my shield there. you get me my shield back, and i’ll get you to the underworld by lunch tomorrow with a plan to invade hades’s palace’ he explained to them.
‘you left your shield? like…you forgot it on the merry-go-round?’ y/n squinted her eyes at him once more as annabeth sighed in annoyance at her sisters words.
ares leaned forward and under the light the hung above to get closer to y/n who leaned forward as well.
‘okay. the chirping was funny to me for a minute, but it is getting old.’ ares warned her as she squinted her eyes and tilted her head a bit.
‘y/n…’ percy whispered trying to get her attention but she still looked towards ares.
‘so do we have a deal, or am i killing all three of you so i can eat in peace?’ he angrily shouted a bit at the bunch as percy became a bit nervous and looked around to see y/n biting the inside of her cheek.
‘okay.’ percy accepted leaving ares to smile and lean back—‘great. one catch. i really do need that shield back, so i'm gonna keep the satyr and wise girl here as collateral so you can’t run off—‘
‘what? no your not keeping them that’s not—‘ y/n shouted as she frowned only to be cut off by annabeth and grieve who spoke at the same time with—
‘no way’ percy said while y/n turned to annabeth and shook her head immediately.
‘we don’t split up again—‘
‘it’s okay.’ grover reassured as annabeth nodded.
‘if he wanted to kill us, we’d be dead by now.’ grover told them as ares grinned at grover who asked—‘can we just walk them to the door?’
ares sighed and allowed it letting a wave of his hand go in front of them giving them the signal to walk.
‘okay look, don’t engage with him—don’t speak too much and don’t try to make friends, he’ll want to get your riled up, get in your head and you can let him.’ y/n tired to stress as grover shook his head.
‘it’s okay. really. i know what im doing. go. get the shield. we’ll be here when you two get back.’ grover told them.
‘there’s nothing to worry about y/n. besides, this will be quick knowing you’ annabeth added as y/n sighed and nodded a bit.
as the two of percy and y/n hesitated to leave the two they slowly turned around to the door before leaving grover and annabeth with the god of war.
as the night sky had fell over everyone and the town, percy and y/n walked to the dimly lit amusement park with the sign that said ‘Welcome to Waterland’
‘i haven’t seen a lot of horror movies but this seems like exactly the kind of place they’d suggest to avoid.’ percy commented as the two stopped and stood in front of the entrance.
‘well…i never seen any kind of movie, is it good?’ she asked while looking over to him as he shrugged.
‘okay then, i’d have to take your word for it—‘
‘wait never? what do you mean never like, never-never?’ he asked almost completely shocked at the fact she’d never seen a movie before.
‘is there another kind?’ she responded as he lightly nodded his head.
‘well, if neither of us is dead in a few days, we really ought to fix that. your missing out.’ he told her almost as a promise as she lightly nodded her head in agreement.
‘in the meantime, we should probably get this over with, though.’ as he walked in front of her she slowly followed a bit far behind.
as percy walked through the metal moving doors right when y/n realized what he just did—‘wait, percy stop.’ she told him as they listened to the sound of ticking above percy.
‘what just happened?’ he asked frantically.
‘just hold still—don’t move at all okay?’ she instructed with her hands out to keep him where he was.
‘let me think…’ she replied. the sound of the metal moving against one another above percy clicking.
‘in the mechanism there, that’s Celestial bronze—‘
‘oh, fascinating. y/n, what’s happening right now?’ percy interrupted not too much interested in the subject of bronze.
‘Celestial bronze is what your sword is made of. if your human, it’ll pass right through you. if your a monster or a demigod…’ she trailed off as percy used the rest of his imagination for the rest of her sentence.
nodding slowly he breathed a bit more heavily—‘well what’s it doing there?’ he asked her while looking up, focused on the bronze.
‘i’m wondering the same thing. safe to say this place isn’t some fun amusement park for everyone. a god built this.’ she finally came to the conclusion.
‘what kind of god builds amusement parks?’ percy asked.
y/n looking around and scratching her brain for a answer she finally answered—‘Hephaestus.’
‘why would Hephaestus build an amusement park?’
‘maybe he finds them amusing?’ she answered with her hands lifted a bit.
‘that’s really not funny, y/n.’
‘it could be a little funny, i’ll say the joke again later and you’ll laugh.’
sighing as he rolled his eyes a bit to focus on the situation in hand y/n still looking at the tucking bronze she mumbled—‘oh…oh, look at that.’ she felt mesmerized by the bronze turning and clicking more—‘that’s kinda cool’ only for percy to get her back to reality—y/n!’
snapping back she closed her eyes and focused a bit more—‘just relax, i’m thinking okay?’.
as the two of them looked up at the clicking she finally sighed—‘i get this. just…push through it.’ she instructed.
hyperventilating, percy turned to her with a look of uncertainty—‘push?’
turning to do so he stopped before actually going and turned to her—‘cause weren’t you the one this morning who was all, “the Fated says one is us is gonna die and we should take it really seriously?”
looking to the side as she recalled her words she rolled her eyes a bit and in a calming voice—‘percy?’
‘just push.’ she told him once more.
sighing with nervousness, he placed his hands on the metal bars and started to walk, pushing them on front of him. the gears of the machine clanging together he finally got thought and hurried his way on the other side before anything could happen.
looking up at the yellow boxed of 0’s one turned into the number 1.
‘what’s was that?’ percy asked with a sigh.
‘the machine isn’t designed to hurt us. it’s meant to scare us. it’s a test.’ she told him as she made her way through.
the one on the yellow boxed turning into a 2, representing the number of people who’d entered.
‘Hephaestus wanted to know any time one of us came poking around his playground. i guess now he knows.’ she commented as they took their last look at the machine and started to walk.
back at the restaurant sat annabeth, grover and the god ares who laughed at his phone.
annabeth and grover gave each other side eyes before he sighed and nodded his head slowly.
‘we’ve met before.’ he told him.
‘been around a long time, little boy. i’ve bet a lot of people.’ ares told him as he still poked at his phone with one finger.
‘i’m 24’ grover told him.
scoffing he replied with—‘good for you.’
giving a tight lipped smile grover continued as annabeth sat back and listened—‘we met at the solstice. on Olympus.’
sighing with a small groan ares mumbled—‘protester.’
‘oh i wasn’t one of the protesters. i’m a fan.’ annabeth looking at him a bit before back at ares who’s finally looked up he replied.
‘i think you got me mixed up with someone else, kid.’ before looking back at his phone, grover shook his head with a small smile.
‘no i don’t’ he stated with a head shake.
sighing ares placed his phone on its face on the table and spoke—‘Satyrs eat tofu. Satyrs worship flowers. Satyrs sing songs about their feelings. Satyrs are no fans of mine.’ he told him with full confidence.
‘Satyrs are children of nature. nature is brutal. red in tooth and claw, right?’ he asked getting a bit more comfortable in his seating next to annabeth who nodded her head as ares looked up at him—‘maybe unpleasant. but that doesn’t make it untrue. you are the champion, all of that. i respect it.’ he told him.
ares squinting his eyes a bit began to speak—‘so what are you like, a casual World War || buff? you’ve seen Saving Private Ryan, have you?’
nodding a bit he looked to the side before looking back at him—‘i prefer the Turbot War. the Lobster War. the Three Hundred and Thirty-Five years’ war. your deep cuts’
‘huh…those are wars where hardly anyone died.’ he noted as grover nodded a bit.
‘i like your mellower stuff. there’s something cool about overwhelming force and a quick surrender.’ he tells him as ares begins to think.
‘no one talks about those anymore.’ he remembers.
‘they should.’ grover told him truthfully while looking him in the eyes, annabeth agreeing.
sighing ares sat a bit closer—‘so tell me where we met again?’ he asked as grover smiled a bit.
back at the quiet amusement park, y/n and percy walked around as they looked at things trying to find where ares long lost shield was.
‘oh wow, look at that. tell me the god of craftsmen didn’t build this. have you ever seen anything like this?’ y/n asked as she was interested and amused at the rides around her.
‘if it belongs to the god of craftsmen, what was the god of war doing here? aren’t they enemies? then why’d he split without his shield?’ percy asked and wondered while y/n listened to his questions.
‘if i’m guessing…ares has always had a thing with—‘
‘aphrodite. she’s Hephaestus’s wife. oh your kidding, he met her here? in her husband’s park? that’s so wrong—‘
‘in so many ways’ y/n sided with him as she and him walked side by side.
‘they must’ve got caught and he had to leave in a hurry. one thing ares was telling the truth about…this family is a mess.’
as she finished—a song started to play, grabbing the two’s attention. as they looked over they see a pink sign that blinked the words ‘Thrisd Ride O’ Love’ with a small heart above it and a tunnel with pink.
y/n felt hers grow a bit sweaty along with percy who’d looked over at her, the sense of him looking catching her attention as her eyes stayed forward—‘don’t you even try to tell me not to be weird about this.’
‘i didn’t say anything’ he said while looking back at the pink tunnel.
‘yeah but i can feel you thinking it…this must be where ares and aphrodite got caught. the shield must be in there. we just…gotta go get it i guess.’ she said.
percy turning to her and when she turned to him he faced forward, sighing he said—‘sure. let’s go check out the scary ghost ride. why not?’ he said while walking forward.
‘it’s a tunnel of love. what’s so scary about that?’ she teased only for him to roll his eyes.
after boarding the boat made for two, they sailed along the water in silence, the only noise being made was an occasional light flicker and the water moving together.
y/n letting her face stay forward to avoid any awkward eye contact, they both heard a sudden thud in the distance making percy turn to her as he adjusted his seating in worry.
suddenly the lights made a quicker more aggressive flicker only to hear the song—‘What Is Love’ played throughout the whole tunnel.
the lights dim and the tension gets very awkward.
‘are you kidding me right now?’ y/n commented as she looked around the tunnel brick walls.
‘feel like i’ve heard this before. i think from an orthodontist’s office maybe?’ he tried to remember.
just then a decorative multicolored light stuck down the tunnel, the pair following its glow. the colors now painted a purple that showed over the two. percy looking at y/n but before he could notice she looked at him back once he faced forward.
just then they focus on a back cartoon figure on the wall with a crown on and multiple legs, it moved along the wall to grow and show a small boy who was birthed from the figure.
‘wait. i know this.’ watching more of the cartoon on the wall he finally came to his conclusion—‘it’s hephaestus’s story.’
the two watching as the cartoon hephaestus hammers down onto something and tried to reach and give what he built to the other figure only for it to turn away—its signs of rejection. perturbing to y/n and he turned only for her to look at him then face forward.
‘rejected by hera. rejected by aphrodite…my mom told me these stories all the time. i remember this. she said…’ as he went a bit quiet y/n turned to him studying his face.
‘what?’ she asked.
‘she said this is what the gods are like to each other. this is the kind of family they are.’ he told her.
frowning her eyebrows y/n asked—‘why didn’t you wanna say that just now? she was trying to keep me away from you guys.’ with a bit of shock y/n let her eyebrows lift up while looking at him.
percy turned away and shook his head—‘maybe you were right. maybe she should have been preparing me better.’ he said.
‘maybe she was preparing you. so when you got to us, you’d be different than this.’ y/n told him as he looked at her for a bit longer he finally turned as the cartoon life story of hephaestus finished with him falling on the ground in failure, the light around them turned off.
suddenly a tunnel of green was in front of them and the duo was shot forward and down the waterfall—screaming in shock as they held onto the boat tighter. both of them being thrusted and moved around aggressively, percy looked over at y/n to see if she was okay and once he say that she was he turned forward, her doing the same.
the opening at the end showing more water—‘is it a bad time to say i barely know how to swim?’ y/n exclaimed while frowning, percy looked over to her shaking his head—‘it’s okay!’
as they reached a more settled but aggressive moving water they looked over to see a stage of a gold chair and a gold woman holding ares shield.
‘there it is. ares’s shield.’ as they looked forward to seeing the end of the tunnel as an empty boat was thrown off the ledge of lightning striking in the air they both looked at each other in worry.
‘jump!’ he said as she took a deep breath in and followed him.
panting as y/n struggled to stay afloat she sunk underwater unable to keep up with the pressure. percy swimming under with his hand outstretched with hers, he heard her yell his name in a muffled voice.
outstretching his hand towards her more a force of water threw itself at her then a bigger one once again only for the both of their worlds to go dark.
waking up with a gasp as they panted for air, the two laid down on their stomachs next to each other on the floor. coughing a bit they both sat up and looked around to see they were face no longer in the water and on the surface of the chair and the woman statue.
‘did you just pull me out of there with that water power stuff?’ she asked while he looked around the floor in confusion.
‘no.’ he said.
‘did you just—‘
‘i don’t know. maybe? i’m figuring this out as i go.’
‘yeah well, u owe you twice…’ she said as the two of them sat to their knees, looking up at the golden statue and the chair in front of it.
‘how are we supposed to get that thing down?’ percy asked as they looked at the shield being held and the chair. y/n studying it she noted—‘these things are connected somehow. it’s a machine but how do you start the machine?’ she asked herself.
the town of them looking around for any clues as to where to begin.
‘i hate kids. all of ‘em. i hate my own kids.’ he told the two as they listened and only could really nod.
‘um, maybe less than other kids, but still not fond of them.’ scoffing as he recalled some of their prayers to him—“look what i made”, “what are butterflies for?”, “my knee hurts.”—he finishes with a groan.
‘i love my job, but that night everyone's kids show up for the winter solstice and i have to sit through their “presentation.” that night is the worst night of the year, every year, by far.’
‘this one in particular, it seems. since one of those kids somehow walked off with the master bolt.’ scoffing ares shook his head a bit—‘says you. who knows who actually took it. plenty of people hate my dad enough to try.’
‘maybe, but not many people could pull it off.’ he reminded as ares took that into account as he turned his head to the side.
‘someone hades could’ve recruited for the job.’ he tries to say only for ares to shake his head—‘says you’ he replied once more.
‘and someone who could slip away long enough to do it without being missed, bold enough to cross zeus, stealthy enough to get their hands on the thing—‘
‘en—enough. not everything is a puzzle that needs to be solved. your as bad as my sister.’ he groaned. the mention of her mom bringing her attention a bit more making her think about y/n.
‘was she always like that?’
‘your sister, athena.’ grover told.
‘what do you mean?’ ares asked him.
‘always making things more complicated than they need to be so people will think she’s smarter then you.’ as the tension got tight and his eyes staring down grover who was growing a bit nervous along with annabeth who almost gulped—ares slammed his hands down onto the table making a loud thump scaring the two as they jumped in shock.
‘thank you! i can’t be the only one who sees it right?’ he asked.
‘no, not at all.’
‘it certainly feels that way sometimes. and seriously, she’s the smart one? really? if she’s so smart, explain the owl. she talks to it, like, all the time. this fat nasty little feathers rodent. and it’s like her best friend’ he told him in aggression as annabeth thought about her and y/n’s mom with a owl.
that might explain why y/n thought about getting one not to long ago, she definitely had to tell her about it later.
‘and we’re so sure that she’s a genius and i, no owl, am not?’ he said as grover replied—‘totally!’
‘it’s like people only see what they wanna see and ignore anything at all that doesn’t fit the story they like to tell themselves.’
‘exactly! like you being the one to find the lighting thief and not her.’ ares had gone quiet once grover exclaimed this making annabeth a bit tense as the two did then looked at ares who leaned forward.
‘what did you mean by that?’
‘by what?’ grover asked as he played confused.
‘found the thief. we both know your friend didn’t steal the bolt.’ he told him.
‘yeah, but zeus thinks he did, which is kinda all that matters, right?’
‘shut up.’ he instructed grover who watched as ares began to think.
as y/n and percy looked at the golden chair, the two of them trying to figure out what to do next.
‘it was a gift with a hidden purpose. hephaestus offered it to hera, but as soon as she sat in it she couldn’t get up. all the gods tried but the machine was too smart. it was too strong. it was too much. even for them.’ percy told y/n who looked over at him with her eyebrows scrunched.
looking up he continued—‘finally, they said if hephaestus let hera free, aphrodite would be his wife.’ looking over at y/n as he licked his lips a bit he told her—‘the chair is the bargain. one of us goes in, the other gets the shield—‘
‘i’ll do it.’ y/n immediately said as she began to walk forward.
‘what? wait a minute.’ percy was quick to grab her wet sleeved arm—‘whoever goes in, isn’t coming out. that seems pretty clear.’
‘i know, that’s why i said wait—‘
‘this isn’t the arch, seaweed braid. your not telling me to stay behind, it didn’t work then and it won’t work now—‘
‘yes, i am and yes it will.’
‘i’m not going to let you do it. it doesn’t work that way.’
‘it’s why you’re here.’ he told her as he scrunched his eyebrows, his eyes looking at her.
‘what’s that supposed to mean…’ she asked him.
‘when choosing my team, i told chiron i needed someone who wouldn’t hesitate to sacrifice me if the quest required, he agreed, that was you.’ he told her as she sadly shook her head and faced forward.
‘you were right, i can’t believe it but the fates were right. there’s no getting around his. we dodged it at the arch, barely, but…maybe this isn’t something you can dodge forever.’
‘the oracle chose you. the gods chose you!’
‘stop! it isn't about that.’
‘what could it possibly be about if it isn’t about that?’
‘your better at this than me.’ when he told her this y/n couldn’t help but sadly look at him in the eyes with her brows scrunched together.
‘you just are. and you know it.’ shaking her head in denial he continued to talk—‘believe me, i wish there was slither way this quest succeeds. i just don’t see it.’ he finished as she sadly looked over at the chair, her heart clutched in a way she can’t explain.
as he reached into his pocket and pulled out the pen she gasped when she knew what he was trying to say.
‘percy no…’ she told him while shaking her head. looking up at her ad she kept her eyes focus to his hand with hers pushing it away slowly, he confusingly shook his head.
‘i’ve let you sacrifice your life for mine twice..and i’m not letting you do it again. i owe you a great amount for saving me and this is the way i’m going to do it—‘
‘y/n no this isn’t how it goes—‘
‘it’s how i want it to go! i want it to happen like this and it will. you will get the shield and get out of here to get the bolt and save your mom. you will see her again and you will finish this quest. percy, we barely know each other and you’ve saved me twice. let me return the favor please.’ she told him. he shook his head in denial while his eyebrows frowned only for her to give him a small nod and smile.
placing her hand in his before giving it a squeeze she let go as he could only stare in the spot she was once in and turn his body to where she walked towards the gold chair.
‘can you promise me something?’ she asked while turning around—‘i’m not going to let annabeth get sad and stop the quest.’ he told her as she nodded.
‘i was going to say maybe try and come back with annabeth and get me out this chair? i don’t want to be forever young in an amusement park.’ she tired to lighten the mood, making him scoff with slight tears in his eyes as she smiled.
‘do you really think you had to ask?’ he asked her as she smiled a bit—‘just reminding you’.
turning around to climb up into the chair, she sat down with both of her hands on the sides of it as it started to make noise. looking a bit worried, percy looked at her as she looked around.
‘this is kinda weird. it feels…warm.’ she told percy who had tears forming fast.
looking down, gold started to run up from her shoes and started to make its way up her body.
‘this is a bad idea—y/n stand up!’ he told her.
‘i can’t…’
‘y/n stand up, i mean it!’ he told her more urgently, his face growing more sad but he second as his heart clutched.
‘it’s okay percy…i’m okay….im okay…im—‘ just then the gold finished consuming y/n’s body as she turned into a gold statue in the chair.
shaking his head, percy sadly looked around as he watched the shield fall loose. making his way over it he ignored it and immediately went to work on the gold chair y/n sat still in.
not knowing what he was going he just started to twist random screws and geers. just then a man walked through a door with a beard and a cane.
‘can i help you?’ he asked him only for percy to ignore him completely and try to get y/n out of the chair.
‘do you need some help finding your way out?’ the man playing a flute as it made steps appear out of the water below.
‘so off you go.’ he told him as percy shook his head and started to turn random things once more—‘i’m not leaving without my friend.’
‘yeah that isn’t really how it works. it’s kind of a one way sort of thing. it can’t be undone.’ he told percy who rolled his eyes.
‘how do you know?’
‘because i built it.’ he revealed himself—hephaestus.
‘i’m not leaving here without my friend.’ percy told him once more. ‘and if you aren’t going to help me, could you maybe leave me alone so i can focus?’
‘in spite of what my brother might have told you, i am not someone who’ll be pushed around.’ignoring him as he continued to turn geers and try to get y/n out, hephaestus continued to talk—‘i know her mother was displeased with her recently, but how will your father feel if i told him this?’ he asked percy, making him almost focus on what he was saying.
‘you might not know how he gets, but i do. and this is a lot. even for him.’ standing up for a second percy listened and looked at hephaestus who’s hand held the railing in front of him.
‘you leave out of here with that shield, your a hero, on your way to the greatest glory. he will be proud and your friend might even be forgiven. and all will go back to being as it always has been, always will be, as it should be—‘
‘but it isn’t how it should be! it isn’t! eat or be eaten. peer and glory and nothing else matters. ares is that way, she’s is that way her mother… is that way.’ he told hephaestus who started to look to the side.
‘she isn’t that way. she’s better than that. maybe she was that way once, but she didn’t want to be that way anymore. we won’t be like all of you. i just won’t.’ hephaestus listening to percy as he sadly looked down and turned back to the chair, he almost went back to work only for hephaestus to blow his flute again and the geers started to turn.
clicking and making noise, percy hurried and made his way in front of the golden statue of y/n. her naturally colored eye started to show as she blinked it and the rest of her face coming back to normal, breathing heavily as y/n looked around at herself in the chair, the rest of her body coming undone.
percy happily looked at her as she looked up at him and loved her hands.
getting up as she stumbled forward to percy who grabbed her immediately he held her hands in his while looking over her face with a small smile and a tear dropped from his eye down his face.
‘some of us don’t like being that way either. your a good kid percy.’ hephaestus told him as he held y/n’s arm who worked on standing right.
‘i’ll put in a good word with your dad for you…same with you y/n with your mom.’ as he turned away from the two who looked at him before each other. the door he once went through shut.
at the restaurant the three heard the bell of the door chime through the restaurant to reveal y/n holding the shield and percy close behind her. annabeth let out a breath of relief she didn't know she was holding as grover did the same, ares looking at the two not really believing they did it.
as they walked over to the table, she placed the shield down into the table. y/n and percy looking at ares whilst annabeth and grover looked at percy and y/n.
‘where’s our ride.’ percy started off.
as they walked outside to ares standing behind a semi truck both y/n and percy said—‘your kidding’
ares with a straight face clicked his two fingers together as the doors opened to reveal animals and stacks of hair in buckets and boxes.
‘get in, don’t. i really don’t care. but in a few hours this thing is gonna be at the Lotus casino in vegas. hermes hangs out there, you play your cards right and his personal driving can get you to L.A. in minutes.’ ares told them as he threw a bag at percy who caught it.
‘here. clothes, cash, drachmas to summon hermes. i’d wish you luck, but what good would it do you?’ he told them in his honesty.
‘we’re not gonna fail.‘ percy told ares who grinned.
‘don’t worry. your dad had plenty of kids he stopped caring about once he lost interest. you’ll have lost of company.’ ares tried to make percy feel bad but it didn’t work.
‘we’re not gonna fail, and i’m getting pretty tired of you saying it.’ he started as y/n looked at annabeth and grover.
‘percy…’ y/n and grover said his name in a warning town as ares’ face dropped from its grin.
‘you think you know who i am but you don’t.’ he stated while walking up to ares who kept his eyes trained on him—‘and if you're not careful…your gonna find out—‘
‘percy…’ grover and the two sisters walked up to his side as y/n placed her hand on his arm. percy’s glare not leaving ares’s who stayed the same.
‘so, thank you for the emotional abuse and the cheeseburgers…and the ride! we’re gonna take you up on that, too.’ grover told ares as he looked back at percy who finally walked off as he was being dragged by grover and given a push by y/n.
the group walking into the bus as ares looked at them as they stood in the portable barn, grover asked—‘hey, do you think we could get some paper towels or something, it’s not that nice in here.’ he finished while they looked around.
ares however only grinned before clicking his fingers once more as the doors shut.
‘well…this smells.’ percy commented.
‘if it gets us where we need to go, that's all that matters.’ annabeth told him as y/n nodded.
‘assuming ares was telling the truth.’
grover turned and picked with his hands as he shook his head—‘he wasn’t…not entirely, at any rate. he was holding something back.’ grover told him.
‘how do you know?’ y/n asked.
‘because, i think i got it out of him. i know who stole the lightning bolt.’
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takaraphoenix · 7 months
soulmate prompt #2! countdown-pernico??
first of all, SORRY for the long wait! I hope you like it ;)
Every person was born with a counter on their wrist, counting down the hours, minutes and seconds until they would be meeting their soulmates. Nico di Angelo was sure that his timer was broken though. His nonna did the math for him and his timer still had over seventy years to go. That just could not be right at all. Nico would be so old by the time he met his soulmate! And he himself had done the math on that one, learning he would only meet his soulmate in 2006. That was the next century, that was so, so, so far away! That was a nightmare, it was unfair.
Percy had never really questioned his timer. He would be twelve years old when he met his soulmate. That was exciting, that was like super early! Most people had to wait until they were adults to meet their soulmates. So Percy spent all his life looking forward to 2006, because it was going to be his year. The year he was going to meet his soulmate and be happy forever.
2006 was not his year. At all. His mom revealed that she’d lied to him all his life, and then proceeded to get nearly killed by the Minotaur and did get abducted by Hades, and Percy found himself stranded at a summer camp for demigods, because apparently he was a demigod.
Percy barely even had time to think about his soulmate, but when he did, he considered that, oh, yeah, this made sense. The year he learned he was a demigod, a whole new world was opened to him, a world he would be part of from now on. Of course that would be the year he met his soulmate, because his soulmate was probably also part of this world. And there were so many campers, so when his timer was still going by the time him, Annabeth and Grover left for the quest, he was sure there were just campers he hadn’t met yet, he would meet when returning to camp.
And then they were stranded in the Lotus Hotel, the whole visit kind of a blur once they left. The only thing that truly stood out was the fact that Percy’s counter had run out. While he had been in the Lotus Hotel, he must have met his soulmate. Percy wanted to return as soon as he realized, but he also had to save his mom and they had a pressing deadline and his soulmate would be safe and okay in the hotel until then, right?
So many more things happened after that. It felt like everything was happening at once. The visit to Hades, the fight against Ares, returning the helmet and the Master Bolt, the reveal that Luke had been the traitor, and Luke nearly killing Percy. Honestly, a lot.
He wanted to return to the Lotus Hotel afterward, but everyone told him not to. It was dangerous, there was always the danger of getting lost. The trio had been lucky to find their way out as fast as they had. And everybody kept telling him that soulmates were destined to meet, that if they met once, his soulmate would find their way back to him. But how was Percy supposed to know? If the counter didn’t count anymore, how was he supposed to know when he actually met his soulmate again? This was stressing him out. He knew they were right that going back, he would also not know which one was his soulmate, but still. This was so frustrating.
For the most part, the ongoing war distracted Percy from fretting about the soulmate he had met and forgotten. Between going to the sea of monsters, going to retrieve the di Angelos and ending up losing Bianca and having to free Annabeth and Artemis from a kidnapping, getting lost in Daedalus’ labyrinth and stranded on Ogygia, all the way up to the battle of Manhattan.
It was like Percy barely got a moment to breath between quests and battles. And if he wasn’t busy with those, he also had school and his mortal life to deal with. Plus, looking for Nico di Angelo, because he had run away in anger after Bianca had died and Percy felt so guilty. Despite blaming Percy, Nico still came to try and save Percy in the labyrinth, which was just confusing. Either way, Percy wanted to make it up to Nico, wanted to bring the son of Hades to the safety of camp.
Even when the war ended, Percy didn’t manage either. Not bringing Nico back to camp – even though Nico had gone and found the Achilles Curse, which ultimately saved Percy’s life during the war, even though Nico had rallied Hades into joining the Olympians during the final battle, despite all of that, Nico still refused to come to camp. And Percy also failed to find his soulmate. Damn it. But hey, at least he saved the world. That was something, right?
Percy Jackson was frustrating. He was so pretty and so impressive. He had also promised to keep Bianca save and then Bianca had died. And even though Nico wanted to hate him for it, he just… couldn’t. Despite not even really knowing Percy, there was a part of Nico so attached to Percy already that he could not hate the son of Poseidon. In fact, he kept risking his life for Percy. Why. Why was he doing that. Why was Percy making him act like that, so irrational.
All of this, the loss of Bianca, of his sister and only family, the reveal that monsters and gods were real, the chaos and isolation and fear and anger, it was so overwhelming and very distracting from the one thing he had always looked forward, all his life.
Because him and Bianca had been freed from the Lotus Hotel in 2007. Which meant he had met his soulmate a year before they got out. Who was it? Were they still in the hotel? Or had they left by now too? This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. Him and Bianca, they should have gotten to go looking for Nico’s soulmate together. Instead, he was all alone now. No Bianca, no mamma, no soulmate, nobody. Just Nico and his anger and frustration and the boy he was chasing for no reason.
Until he found Hazel. He had a sister, a half-sister, and he could help her. He put all his focus onto Hazel, onto getting her out of the underworld, bringing her to the Romans – because she was a Roman demigod, Romans were separate from Greeks, they had their own whole city and all of a sudden, Nico had a whole new world to explore. He kept going there, as the ambassador of Pluto, and though the Romans detested Pluto, in a weird way, Nico felt at home in the Roman city. More so than the American summer camp where kids were supposed to live. What even was that.
This could have been good. He could have made a home there, with Hazel. Get a new start. Move on with his life. And then Percy Jackson disappeared and Nico’s life came to a halt again.
Why was he so hung-up on this stupidly pretty boy. There were other pretty demigods! And besides, Percy was probably soulmates with Annabeth anyway. What was the point pining for him, just because Nico had no idea who his soulmate was? This was getting embarrassing, really.
So of course did Nico spend near every waking hour trying to find Percy. He got his first lead when Jason Grace disappeared from New Rome. These two had to be connected. Nico was right on the money, as proven by Percy just… appearing at Camp Jupiter. Without his memories.
The two got introduced to each other. Percy, the new camper, and Nico, the ambassador of Pluto. Only that Percy was looking at him with recognition and wide-eyes. Why? How?
“You…” Percy’s voice was a soft, awed whisper. “You’re my soulmate.”
Percy was in the Lotus Hotel and he’d gotten separated from Annabeth and Grover. He got distracted by a cool looking game, which was the whole concept of this hotel, he guessed.
“Hey. You wanna play with me? My sister ditched m-”
Someone had spoken to him and then stopped mid-sentence. Percy turned toward the other person, who had a hand resting on Percy’s shoulder to get his attention. When he was facing the other boy, with dark eyes and messy curls, Percy noticed him staring stunned at his own wrist. Following his line of sight, Percy saw that the other boy was staring at his own counter, on zero.
“It’s you,” the other boy whispered before rambling in a foreign language at too fast a speed.
Percy’s own eyes dropped to his own counter and. It was on zero too. He hadn’t even. How had he not been obsessively staring at it, if it was this close to zero? But then time worked differently in here, they had been here for days even though it felt like hours at most.
“You’re my soulmate. We’re soulmates. I can’t believe-” the other – Percy’s soulmate – interrupted himself. “I’m Nico! I’m Nico di Angelo. What’s your name? What do you like?”
“I… I’m Percy Jackson,” Percy blinked in awe at his very excitable soulmate. “Hi.”
Lame. So lame. He cringed at himself, but his soulmate didn’t seem to care. He just threw his arms around Percy, pulling him into a tight hug. Oh. This was nice.
Percy’s mind had been wiped by Hera, all memories gone. This blank slate allowed other forgotten memories to be triggered again and as he looked at Nico di Angelo, he was overwhelmed by a memory he didn’t even know he had. Of meeting Nico in the Lotus Hotel. Nico had run off to find his sister and introduce her to Percy, but then the hotel’s magic had made them forget and distracted them and then Percy had left the hotel again with Grover and Annabeth.
“In the casino. You wanted to play a game with me. And then you noticed your timer had run out.”
Nico looked as overwhelmed as Percy felt. Of course did he know he must have met his soulmate at the casino and technically, he knew Percy had been to the casino – the Lightning Thief quest was famous at this point. Percy Jackson was his soulmate. The boy he couldn’t hate, the boy he couldn’t help love, the boy he kept risking his life for over and over again.
“Of course you are,” Nico whispered before he started laughing, relieved and hysterical at the same time. “Of course you are. This is the only thing that has ever made sense.”
The next moment, Percy found himself swept into a hug just like he had the first time they met. This was the happiest Percy had ever seen Nico. And he hoped he’d get to see it many more times. He felt overcome with happiness too, because he had finally found his soulmate.
~*~ The End ~*~
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celestivlgvlvxy · 8 months
Four Pearls
This is a sort of continuation of this post where I talked about the changes regarding the solstice deadline, but this time I want to speculate a bit about the pearls and how I feel it will effect the larger storyline.
If you have read the original book, you would know that Percy originally only received three pearls from the nereid and Poseidon. The show gives him four. Let's talk about it.
So spoilers for PJO TV and the original PJO books! It's a long one.
There's a lot of speculation about what this means for Sally and "You will fail to save what matters most in the end." I still think they're going to fail to save Sally.
The prophecy: I have a hard time seeing the thing that matters most is not Sally. I have doubts that Percy's going to save her.
The preview: The preview for episode 7 shows Percy and Grover arguing:
Percy: "After we get the bolt, you guys are leaving…with my mom." Grover: "What about you? What about you?" … Percy: "Hold fast, Mom."
Based on how this line is delivered, I think this might be Percy telling Grover and Annabeth to leave thee Underworld with Sally. He pauses before he says "with my mom", which makes me feel like that hesitation means that Percy is relunctantly doing something once again. The way Grover reacts makes it seem like Percy is staying behind and he doesn't have a plan to get out.
He tells Sally to "hold fast" which we know is something that she tells Percy. The last time we hear this quote is when Sally leaves to distract the Minotaur and they're separated. I think Percy is telling Sally to hold on just a little longer because he can't save her.
The nereid: If you pay attention to what the nereid is telling Percy, you'd notice something a little odd.
Percy: "There's four of them." Nereid: "Save the world. And then go save your mother."
I don't think it's a mistake that she tells Percy to save the world first. She doesn't even tell Percy what the pearls are for, that's how the episode ends. If the intention of giving him the pearls was really about saving Sally, the emphasis would have gone on "save your mother."
So if the pearls aren't for Sally, what are they for?
I think they're testing Percy.
In my previous post, I talked a lot about how many, if not all, of the trio's major failures during their quest was because of the gods' interference. We are not meant to like the gods—they're setting it up so that down the line, we are more sympathetic to Luke's cause.
More importantly, it sets up Percy to be moree sympathetic to Luke's cause.
But Poseidon gives Percy four pearls. Poseidon actually waited for Percy to show up himself. With each episode, we are given little details to make us think that Poseidon is the god to be rooting for.
However, if you look a little deeper into his actions, Poseidon is not the perfect parent. Percy said it himself, Poseidon didn't acknowledge him until he needed something from Percy.
I believe Poseidon / the gods are testing Percy. The gifts from the gods don't come free.
Asking for Athena's assistance came at the cost of the Chimera.
Getting (relunctant) help from Ares nearly killed Percy if Annabeth didn't change Hephaestus' mind.
Seeking out Hermes for transportation caused them to miss the deadline.
What will these pearls cost?
Don't forget this quote from the book either:
When I reached the beach, my clothes dried instantly. I told Grover and Annabeth what had happened, and showed them the pearls.  Annabeth grimaced. “No gift comes without a price.”  “They were free.”  “No.” She shook her head. “‘There is no such thing as a free lunch.’ That’s an ancient Greek saying that translated pretty well into American. There will be a price. You wait.” (The Lightning Thief, "We Shop for Waterbeds")
I think Poseidon knows he will fail and he's not telling Percy. It's a test of his fatal flaw: personal loyalty.
Who will Percy choose? Annabeth and Grover or his mom? The world?
The entire quest, Percy had little to no agency in the big decisions. He does not want to go on this quest. Annabeth is in charge, Athena, Ares, Hades, Zeus, and Hephaestus all nearly killed him. Hermes stalls them.
The deadline has passed and they failed. But Percy chooses to move forward. He chooses his mom, he chooses to continue. Percy is taking matters into his own hands.
The price is Sally Jackson and Percy is not going to be happy about it.
In the long run, I think Percy is going to be facing a lot of difficult choices. Choices that will justify him being bitter towards the gods. Choices that will justify him becoming like Luke, the same way Annabeth could've been Medusa in another life.
And isn't that kind of the point?
Percy is not Luke. He's not like them. He has every single reason to turn his back on the gods. He has every single reason to overthrow them. But he doesn't. Every single day, every single decision, Percy chooses to not be like Luke. But he gets it. He understands why Luke did what he did.
The writers are writing the show with the knowledge of what is to come. Percy's bitter, but he's not Luke.
He's going to be given reasons to be bitter and it starts with the pearls. But what will make Percy different? What will make him better?
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Hiding, Denying
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Summary: Annabeth wants to tell their friends about the baby until she doesn't
Luckily Annabeth spends most of her days behind a desk. During the last half of her second trimester, the morning sickness begins to subside a bit. Now that she wasn’t hiding her morning sickness at work, the next hurdle was the bump. 
Since that first morning spotting it, the bump grows more and more prominent. 
She starts with lightly untucking her button downs, adding a little extra space in that tummy region. In following weeks, it’s baggier pants. Then it’s empire waist sundresses all summer long, which hang over her bump but don’t show it.
Annabeth keeps herself tucked in her office (not unusual for her) and holds most of her client meetings in house instead of on site. If her coworkers are still in the dark, there’s no way she’s revealing her pregnancy to their clients. 
Mid-July, Annabeth feels ready. 
They’ve already told Sally and Paul over their weekly Sunday dinner, Annabeth’s parents and brothers at Easter, and Estelle over mini golf and ice cream and a long winded explanation of what it means becoming an aunt. They had a short beach meeting with Posideon, though it seemed he already knew. After a few tries, Annabeth managed an Iris Message to Athena.  
They had tracked Grover down too. Found a time to catch up and have some lunch together in the middle of Central Park. If it was even possible, Grover cried more than Sally and Frederick. 
She wishes Piper and Frank and Hazel were closer. They’d love to tell them in person. Then, Annabeth realizes they can. 
“Percy,” Annabeth says one night. “I want to take a trip.” 
He peeks his head out of the bathroom. Toothbrush his mouth, he says, “when?” 
She shrugs, “next week?” 
With school out of session, it’s no problem for Percy to up and leave and Annabeth’s got plenty of PTO to burn through. She wants to save most of it for when maternity leave runs out but there’s enough that she can take a few days for a little trip. 
So, she puts in the time off request, it’s approved almost immediately, and they book some flights. (Zeus has been a slightly more lenient in allowing Percy to fly nowadays)
The perk of knowing the higher ups at Camp Jupiter means they always have a place to stay out in California. Frank even makes a point to meet them as soon as they arrive. 
“Hey guys! You made it,” he says. 
It’s been a while so they hug. There’s a moment of panic when Annabeth’s bump hits Frank’s stomach. 
Frank opens his mouth but Annabeth never lets him say anything. 
“Sorry, big lunch.” 
Percy looks at her funny. As if to say “I thought we came here to tell people?” 
Frank, bless him, doesn’t say anything as he walks them to their weekend apartment. 
“We’ll see you later Frank,” Annabeth continues, pulling Percy along. 
When they’re safely inside their apartment for the weekend, Annabeth dramatically throws herself onto the sofa, sighing loudly.  
“What was that?” Percy asks. 
She didn’t even know what she was pleading for. 
“If you don’t want to tell them, it’s okay with me but we’ll need a cover story because they’re all going to wonder why we’re here.” 
The thing was Annabeth did want to tell their friends. She had no idea why she couldn’t just tell Frank earlier. 
Their families had taken the news so well. She’d never seen her dad so happy. He actually cried when they told him. 
She knew their demigod family would react similarly. 
Instead of dealing with her weirdness, she reached a hand up and pulled Percy onto the sofa with her. She had to stretch more now to kiss him with her bump getting in the way but sitting down, Annabeth still held control. She straddles his lap and holds his head in place with one hand to the back of his head. Percy is so easily distracted by kissing when Annabeth pulls away he doesn’t even bother asking more questions as she trails her lips down his neck.   
“Bed?” She asks. 
Percy picks her up and carries her to the bedroom. 
He breaks their kiss when he deposits her on the edge of the bed, “you’re not getting out of this conversation with sex.” 
“Can’t we pause it to have sex first?” 
He answers with a furious kiss to her collarbone. 
An hour later finds them back on the sofa. Decidedly not making out. 
Annabeth’s changed into a sundress, something she’s sure Piper will comment on at dinner tonight. She rarely wore dresses. But it hides her bump better than shorts. 
“We have 20 minutes before we need to be there, let’s chat.” 
She doesn’t want to meet his eyes but she does. It’s Percy. Anything Annabeth says, he’ll understand. He might laugh a little but it’s never in a mean way. 
“What if they judge us?” 
Percy doesn’t laugh. His reaction is worse than laughter; it’s pitiful, it’s worrisome. 
“Annabeth,” he says, gently, “what makes you think that?” 
“We’re so young, Percy.” 
“And? We’ve known each other since we were 12. Together since we were 15. Most of our friends have only known us as a couple. This isn’t going to be a surprise for them.” 
He’s right. Of course he is. Because deep down, Annabeth knew they’re friends were going to be nothing but excited for them. 
But a few days ago allowed for doubt creep into her mind. 
In true Percy fashion, he reads her mind, “so what happened to make you think they would?” 
In true Annabeth fashion, she had kept this bottled inside letting it linger in her mind, creeping into her head when she was trying to fall asleep. When she knew if she let Percy in, share the burden, she’d be past this feeling already. 
“How are we supposed to be good parents? I’ve been royally screwed up by mine. Sure, my dad’s better than he was but my childhood…well what childhood did I really get?” 
“I think my mom did the best she could,” Percy says, avoiding the topic of his former-step father and the lack of seeing his biological dad, “and I think you were a great sibling to your cabin. Being an older sister is very similar to being a mom.” 
Annabeth smiles a little. “And you know that from all your experience as an older sister?” 
“Being an older brother taught me some things.” he shrugs. 
“This isn’t what’s bugging you though,” Percy says, “maybe it’s connected but being worried about us being good parents isn’t the same as our friends judging us for having this baby.” 
“Remember when I went to camp on Tuesday?”
“Yeah, to see Chiron about updating the Big House?”
“Well, after we were done, I went for a walk. Reminiscing…”
She had also gotten herself a larger camp shirt for the bump, which is now too large to fit in the ones she has. 
“And I passed these campers who were talking about kids and stuff. Long story short, they don’t think it’s okay for demigods to be having kids young.”
“I didn’t hear it all,” she replies, in truth she had gotten too upset and went to the beach to calm down. “Essentially they called it irresponsible because we’re always at risk, y’know? And being a baby into this messy world…what if we’re terrible for doing this?” 
“Annabeth, they’re teenagers, what do they know about this messy world? What do they know about us and what we’ve faced?” Percy tells her, “we’ve done some pretty dangerous stuff. I think parenthood will be a cakewalk in comparison.” 
“But what if we’re just putting this child into…”
“Nope, stop that.” Percy pulls her closer. “You’re going to be a killer mom, whether it’s literal or not. You got this. Right here,” he puts their hands on her bump, “is the luckiest baby in the world because it’s got you on their side.” 
Annabeth wipes away her tears. He’s right and as usual she’s heard exactly what she needed to hear. Percy has perfected that over the years. 
“Let’s go tell our friends we’re pregnant,” she tells him. 
Percy kisses her cheek and she finally feels ready to let the world know she’s going to be the best damn mom she can be.
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newpercyjfan · 8 months
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“I plunge to my death” Percy Jackson Au
Ok first, if you somehow came up with this exact thing already, i wouldn’t know, I don’t even follow the Percy Jackson tag yet, but just tell me and I’ll take it down or tag it as an alt universe of your au and credit it, but I have like three other ones I’ll be posting so we’ll see.
- This au is connected to both the tv show and the book because I like what both did in terms of the arch episode.
- This mostly goes how the tv show episode goes, Percy gets poisoned, they get to the top of the arch, he sacrifices himself. But this time, he does pray to his dad as he falls over 100 ft to his death.
- His dad doesn’t answer. He’s the one who somehow last second, controls the water to save himself. He sinks to the bottom of the lake and gets stuck. He feels the poison and his wounds get slightly better.
-In this au, the nereid doesn’t actually help him get out of the water, because in this version it’s inspired by how in the books, when he left the water the wounds came back. If he leaves the lake, he could die.
- So he stays stuck there for almost three days while the nereids bring him seaweed and shit to eat, but eventually he gets sick of it.
- he learns that Poseidon didn’t really want him to leave, at least not yet, mainly because he knew if he left he would continue to be chased by monsters or die in some way and believed a war would come either way. Basically, if the Poseidon that said “heroes always end badly, I regret getting your mom pregnant” actually did something about it
- but of course, he can’t keep Perseus ‘I don’t listen to anybody but myself’ Jackson down in a lake without him going a lil crazy and he breaks the root holding him down and swims to shore, but the poison instantly kicks back in, and gets back in the water
- his father gifts him a hydrai (a large vase/urn basically that carry’s water) that holds basically a portal to the ocean in it. GUYS LISTEN, I HEARD THIS MYTH SOMEWHERE BUT WHEN I TRIED TO FIND THE SOURCE IT DISAPPEARED. I was positive I heard that there was a vase that held the ocean in it somewhere so just take my word 😭
- the mist makes it look like a water bottle with no label 😭💀💀💀
- Percy accepts the gift because he wants to get out of there, but he suddenly does not have a very good idea of the gods or specifically his father. I don’t think the nereid actually told him that his father really did care, at least a little bit, all he saw it as was his dad not thinking he would succeed/ he saw it as Zeus turning Thalia into a tree because he didn’t want to idk disprespect the other gods? Cause it was easier than defending her? That’s how Percy sees it anyways
- Meanwhile, Grover and annabeth are convinced he died. They looked and called for him, but there was no proof of his survival, so instead annabeth took his place in a lot of missions to fulfill the quest cause she’s a girl boss like that.
- I think her main theory of what happened to him is straight up “I saw him fall and didn’t see him land, so maybe he turned into the lake or a tree or something too” 💀😭
- anyways Percy gets chased by another monster but has no more fucks to give. He’s scary. He’s pale, has dark eyes and a taste for vengeance.
- he tries to find annabeth and Grover but they’re pretty ahead of him.
- my main idea is that they meet again in the underworld with hades and they are little wary honestly.
- also omg I didn’t think of this before but what if they thought, hey, he’s in the underworld, guess he did die 💀.
-But anyways what I thought would happen was annabeth and Grover get there first and annabeth has the backpack with the bolt in it. Hades asks if they wanted a trade and that’s why they came. He bluffs and tells them if they give him the bolt and the helmet he’d let go Percy’s mom or “bring back” percy. (Hades knows percy is not dead and is kinda pissed that Percy is constantly on the edge of death but making it because of his dad technically, and he can’t take him to punishment field or whatever he calls it idk)
- I think annabeth chooses percy and is about to give the bag over, but realizes he was tricked and he was never dead. But idk. There are so many diff ways this could go and I’d love to hear how you guys would write it. I’d love some reblog a that add to this idea.
Also I need unhinged percy content
(Sorry if the art or wording is bad, it’s late and I’m tired)
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haleingstorm · 8 months
Finally watched the latest episode of pjo and here are my thoughts in no particular order:
- I loved the changes they made I know it's controversial but the idea of the deadline passing and Percy still choosing to fight to save the world is fucking awesome
- speaking of which his whole speech about saving the world even though he didn't have to anymore. Choosing to be a hero??? Gahh
- also I was not expecting how much I love poesiden because I do. The idea that he waited for his son that It wasn't just a nymph like in the book. The idea that he left a message to Percy that he was proud??? That it wasn't his fault??? Asdgsjak was nearly bawling. I love Poesiden so fucking much.
- speaking of Gods Hermes???? Hermes who just loves his son so much and wants to help him and can't??? Hermes who couldn't help openly but still let Annabeth takes his keys??? Afsdhdja also fuck all the haters Lin Manuel Miranda is a fucking amazing actor and I adore him as Hermes
- also Grover and Agusto??? The whole way that Grover was trying his hardest and still got caught but the others didn't so you know he's struggling with self doubt but all he wanted to do was save Pan and you know that Hermes probs stopped the worse of the effects when he was with Percy + Annabeth
- speaking of grover the way he wasn't concerned about the humans at all. I loved it
- the car scene had me downright cackling it was amazinging. The delayed horn??? Percy jerking along as he just taps the gas pedal???
- Lukes reaction to the trio 'finding' out who the lighting theif was??? The idea that now poor Clarisse is being accused????
-speaking of different shit the deadline has already passed???? Percy's dad told him it's okay you did you best and Percy being like fuck that im gonna save the world??? Amazing. perfection.
- my only concern is how the fuck are they going to fit the underworld + ares fight + Olympus + Luke's betrayal + aftermath in two episodes? Especially if they're only 30-40 minutes I could see how they might be able to do it in a hour+ but it just feels like not enough time.
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Daughter of the Sea
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Hold Fast (Read on Ao3 here)
I wandered around for a while, trying to make any sense of the conversation I had just had. But the more I thought about what Hestia had said, the more confused I felt. And the more angry I got. I had spent the last few weeks coming up with every possible way to take Percy’s place, made peace with the fact that dying was worth it if it meant I was saving him. But now I wasn’t sure. 
In a way, hearing from Hestia affected me more than hearing from my father would have. I knew Poseidon had been watching over me my whole life, but it was Hestia who was protecting me day in and day out. It was Hestia who took up residence in the fireplace of our home and kept vigilant watch on me. Out of all the gods, she knew me the best. And hearing her say words I knew were true but I didn’t want to hear put me in a sour mood. 
I eventually found myself on the archery range. It was empty, which was extremely odd. I had never seen it so quiet—Apollo had a lot of kids, and they were all talented archers. You could always count on someone practicing their gifts while the sun was still shining. 
But not today. I guessed that a lot of the campers wanted to go back to their cabins or do something to take their mind off the funeral. I didn’t blame them. 
I pulled out the throwing knives I always kept on my belt—four beautiful bronze blades with golden hilts that glinted in the light. 
They had shown up on my doorstep last November with my name on the package, and Percy had been extremely jealous. I reminded him that he didn’t use throwing knives, but that didn’t seem to change his mind. The only thing accompanying the gift was a small piece of pristine white paper, no bigger than a business card, with a beautiful, golden and shimmering symbol of the sun on it, almost like the one in Tangled. I looked down the empty hallway, shrugged, and picked up the package. I waited a few days before opening them, just to make sure it wasn't some sort of trap, and found that they were perfectly balanced and fit in my hand exactly. I still hadn’t found out who sent them, but I had an inkling of an idea. 
I still wasn’t fantastic at throwing knives—Percy and I were notoriously bad at ranged weapons—but I had gotten a lot better in the last year. I usually hit the target, and one out of every fifty or so times I would hit the bullseye. I considered that an impressive improvement. 
Cady had insisted I train in the weapon in case my sword ever got knocked out of my hand, she said a demigod should never be caught defenseless. I didn’t need to worry about losing my weapon anymore, thanks to the gift from my dad, and even without a sword I had learned to wield my abilities enough to always be able to defend myself, but what started practical soon turned comforting. I usually gave up on anything that I wasn’t immediately good at, but I had decided to stick with this one, and it was nice to see my hard work was starting to pay off. It felt good to have something to work at, something I had to struggle in. Something I could see improvement in—it gave me a sense of control over my life. Which, as a demigod, didn’t come often.
I had just loosed my first knife when a rustling in the grass behind me made me whip around. 
“Juniper!” I called when I saw the elfish face. “You’re lucky I didn't have that knife in my hand anymore.” 
“I know!” she squeaked. “I’m sorry, Angie.” She stood up from where she was crouched in the grass. “I shouldn’t have been sneaking, but I need to talk to you.” 
I gave her a curious look. Now that she was closer, I could see her eyes were tinged green—chlorophyll from crying, I told myself. 
“Is this about Grover?” I tried to keep my voice gentle, but she let out a small sob at the mention of her boyfriend’s name. 
“The naiads told me that you were going through Chiron’s reports this morning and there was a report from a protector in Canada and he mentioned Grover in it.” Her words came rushing out, getting closer to hyperventilating by the second. 
No secrets here, I thought. Those naiads are the worst gossips. 
“I did see a report, yes. It was talking about how—” 
“Can you come with me, Angie?! I can’t be away from my tree for too long.” Even though she asked me a question, she didn’t wait for an answer. She grabbed my wrist and started dragging me towards the woods, and I gave up any hope I had of retrieving the golden knife stuck in the target. 
She didn’t stop running until we had come to a small clearing near her tree. I could see Zeus’ Fist standing tall in the middle of it and the sight sent a shiver up my spine. It had been a full year since the Battle, a full year of tension and loss and war. The clearing was a reminder of my first few weeks at camp, and a reminder of how far I had come. But it was also a reminder of my failures. 
“Now, what were you going to say about Grover?!” Juniper looked so hopeful, I didn’t know how to break the news to her. 
“Well, the letter didn’t exactly say anything about him.” 
“It was from a protector, Gleeson Hedge, I think, asking for Grover’s help. It was addressed to him. I don’t know why it ended up here.” 
“But—” Juniper looked like she was about to cry again when a voice startled both of us. 
“Ah ha!” I turned to see an old, fat satyr waddling towards us with surprising speed. He had a smug look on his goatish face. “It is obvious he has run away from his duties, abandoned us all. Trust me, nymph, you are better without that traitor.” 
Juniper’s green skin took on a red hue, and I wondered what it would look like for a tree nymph to fly off the handle. I didn’t know Grover well, I had only spent a little time with him last summer, but I knew he was Percy’s best friend. I knew he was brave, and funny, and was there for my brother when no one else was. In short, I knew I wasn’t going to put up with this old goat talking about him like that. 
“That’s not true, umm, whoever you are.” I snapped at him. 
“Whoever I am?!” He sounded utterly offended. “And just who are you?” 
“This is Angie Jackson!” Juniper announced proudly. “Percy’s sister.” 
The satyr’s nose crinkled. “Of course I should’ve guessed by her impertinence.” 
If I knew what that word meant I was sure I would’ve been offended. 
“Nice to meet you…” 
“Leneus! Lord of the Wild and Member of the Council of Cloven Elders!” 
I only caught about half of what he said. 
“Oh, alright. Sounds important.” 
He let out an aggrieved huff and stuck his nose in the air. “It is important, thank you—” 
His sentence was cut off by a small boy in black jeans and an aviator's jacket appearing out of nowhere. Leneus let out a scream. 
“Whoa, am I interrupting?” The pale boy looked more tired than I had ever seen him, and the sight of him made my stomach drop. On one hand I was glad that the conversation with the angry satyr had come to an end, but on the other, I knew what him being here meant. I knew what was about to begin. 
“Hey, Nico.” 
He gave me a small smile. “Hi, Angie. Nice to see you again. Know where Percy is?” 
I had gotten used to that question in the last year. “No, sorry.” 
“Will someone explain to me what's going on?” the satyr asked in the most annoying voice possible. Juniper ran and hid behind her tree. 
“Sorry, there’s usually no one here.” Nico said in a sheepish voice. “I came to see Percy.” 
The satyr let out a huff and rolled his eyes. “I have heard far too much about that upstart today.” 
I was about to tell the old goat off when a large hellhound came bounding through the trees and barrelling into the clearing. I reached for my necklace instinctively and was about to pull on it when I saw the glimmering collar around her neck. My hand relaxed as Mrs. O’Leary ran up to Nico and began to lick his face excitedly—which is quite the sight when the dog's tongue is almost as big as the boy. The son of Hades broke into a wide smile, but Leneus and Juniper weren’t as pleased. 
I was too busy laughing at the sight to see the boy jogging behind the hellhound, but when Nico perked up and nodded to someone behind me, I spun around. My heart beat a little faster when I saw who it was. He cracked a smile when he saw me, but his expression was immediately replaced with confusion. I understood why—he was walking into a strange quartet. 
"Will someone—what is this underworld creature doing in my forest!" Leneus began shouting, waving his arms and trotting on his hooves as if the grass were hot. "You there, Percy Jackson! Is this your beast?"
"Sorry, Leneus," Percy said. I swore I could hear the faintest hint of laughter in his words. "That's your name, right?"
The satyr rolled his eyes. "Well, of course I'm Leneus. Don't tell me you've forgotten a member of the Council so quickly. Now, call off your beast!"
Mrs. O’Leary let out another bark, shaking the ground a bit. Nico had found a tickle spot right behind her ear. 
The old satyr gulped. "Make it go away! Juniper, I will not help you under these circumstances!"
Juniper turned toward my brother. "Percy," she sniffled. "I was just asking about Grover. I know something's happened. He wouldn't stay gone this long if he wasn't in trouble. I was hoping that Leneus—"
"I told you!" the satyr protested. "You are better off without that traitor."
Juniper stamped her foot. "He is not a traitor! He's the bravest satyr ever, and I want to know where he is!"
Percy had just opened his mouth, probably in protest, when the hellhound barked again. Leneus’ knees started knocking. "I . . . I won't answer questions with this hellhound sniffing my tail!"
Nico looked like he was trying to not crack up. "We'll walk the dog,” he volunteered, “Won’t we, Angie?" He turned towards me with an expression that told me he wasn’t asking. I pushed away the feeling of cold dread that crept up my spine whenever I was around him. 
“Umm, sure!” Percy looked uneasy as he shot me a cautious glance. I nodded at him, and he looked back to Juniper. Percy and I were getting better at communicating without words, twin stuff, I guessed, and I knew what he was trying to tell me—be on your guard. It’s not that we didn’t trust Nico…but as children of Poseidon, we had to be a little more careful around the other kids of the Big Three. Especially since Hades didn’t like Percy all that much. 
He whistled, and Mrs. O’Leary took off like a shot to the other end of the grove. Nico raced after her, and I took that as my cue to follow. 
When we finally caught up to the hellhound, she was sniffing around some boulders the way she did when she was about to, uh, relieve herself, so Nico and I gave her plenty of space.
“You’re nervous about what comes next.” Nico spoke, his voice grim. It wasn’t a question. 
“Yeah.” I couldn’t meet his eyes. 
“It’s the only way, Angie. The only way Percy has a chance against Luke.” 
I knew he was right. But that didn’t stop me from hoping. “What if there is another way? Maybe there’s something that I can do—” 
“Angie, how many times do we have to go over this?” 
I snapped my head towards him, desperation filling my eyes. “Everyone keeps telling me the same thing! But I won’t give up on him! Not until—” my voice broke and I took in a sharp breath. “Not until I can’t fight anymore.” 
Nico’s eyes softened, and he looked more sad than usual. Which was saying something. “I understand wanting to hold on to him. Trust me, I do. but you have to let go. You have to believe when people tell you this is his fight. The things that are coming…” he got a faraway look in his eye, like he was looking through me into a scary future. “We’ll need you.” He focused on me again. 
Nico was always saying strange things. Being a child of the underworld, he spent most of his time underground, talking to ghosts. And ghosts could see more than livings could, sometimes even into the future. Nico always knew more than other demigods, but he had learned quickly that most of the time, those things were for him alone. It was almost impossible to get information out of him. 
“Everyone keeps saying that, too. But it doesn’t make me feel better.” 
Nico cracked a small smile, and I noticed the way it made his dark eyes shine. When he didn’t have a permanent scowl on his face, he actually looked pretty kind. “I know. But give it time—sometimes the only way to understand something is by going through it.” 
I considered the small boy, and decided he was much too wise for a twelve year old. 
Mrs. O’Leary, finished with her business, bounded up to us and nearly knocked me over. We pet her for a little bit before Nico turned his head in a curious way before announcing, “Let’s head back.” 
I didn’t question him. 
We reached the clearing in time to hear my brother say, “I've got worse enemies than overweight satyrs." 
"Good job, Percy.” Nico said as he walked up to him and Juniper. “Judging from the trail of goat pellets, I'd say you shook him up pretty well."
Percy gave him a weak smile, and I could tell he knew why the son of hades had come calling. "Welcome back. Did you come by just to see Juniper?"
Nico blushed. "Um, no. That was an accident. I kind of…dropped into the middle of their conversation."
"He scared us to death!" Juniper said. "Right out of the shadows. I heard that Angie got a note about Grover when she was going through Chiron’s reports, but it didn’t say anything helpful.” She sounded so dejected, but immediately perked back up. “But, Nico, you are the son of Hades and all. Are you sure you haven't heard anything about Grover?"
Nico shifted his weight. "Juniper, like I tried to tell you…even if Grover died, he would reincarnate into something else in nature. I can't sense things like that, only mortal souls."
"But if you do hear anything?" she pleaded, putting her hand on his arm. "Anything at all?"
Nico's cheeks got even brighter red. "Uh, you bet. I'll keep my ears open."
She nodded glumly. "I hate not being able to leave the forest. He could be anywhere, and I'm stuck here waiting. Oh, if that silly goat has gotten himself hurt—"
Mrs. O'Leary bounded back over and took an interest in Juniper's dress.
Juniper yelped. "Oh, no you don't! I know about dogs and trees. I'm gone!"
She went poof into green mist. Mrs. O'Leary looked disappointed, but she lumbered off to find another target, leaving Nico, me, and Percy alone. The atmosphere immediately shifted into something tense and dark. My brother turned to face me, putting a hand on my shoulder. 
“I think I need to talk to Nico alone for a bit. Stay here?” 
I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat. “Yeah, okay. Just…just don’t leave without saying goodbye.” 
His eyes got sad. “I won’t.” He ruffled my hair a bit, and this time, I let him. Nico gave me a small smile, his face still a shade of red, before the two boys turned and walked deeper into the woods. 
I sat in a small meadow that was on the edge of the clearing we had been standing in, passing the time making and unmaking small flower crowns. Katie Gardener had taught me how to make them, although mine were never as good as hers were. I knew I should be doing something more productive, like practicing my throwing knives, running sword drills, or even working on strengthening my abilities, but I couldn’t make myself do any of that. It all felt too heavy. Just as I was about to get up and walk back into camp, assuming Percy had forgotten about me, he came running back into the clearing. 
I made my way over to him quickly. “Are you leaving?” 
I could tell by the look in his eyes that the answer was yes. 
“It’s time.” He didn’t have to say more. 
I threw my arms around his neck and didn’t try to stop my tears from soaking the shoulder of his orange Tshirt. He held me close, smoothing my hair and whispering some comforting words that I wasn’t paying attention to. Before long, he pulled away. His eyes were red and wet. 
“Don’t go.” 
I knew it was selfish of me to say. I knew it wasn’t fair. I knew he didn’t want to be anyone’s martyr just as much as I didn’t want him to die. He didn’t ask for any of this—and he didn’t need any more reminders of how close to the end he was. 
“I have to, Angie.” Percy sounded exhausted. Now, just the two of us, he let his shoulders slump and there wasn’t a trace of a smile on his face. 
“You know It’s the only way to stand a chance against Luke. If he’s invincible, then I have to be, too.” He continued. “We’re no match for the Titan army. You know that. This comes down to me and Kronos.” The words sounded like they were coming from someone else, his eyes faraway and distant. I recognized them as the ones Nico had told him, almost a year ago. 
“But it’s not fair!” I sounded like a petulant child, but I didn’t care. “It’s not fair that it has to be you.” 
Percy sighed like he was disappointed I was only now figuring this out. “It’s not.” He admitted. “But the life of a demigod isn’t fair. Especially for a child of the Big Three. It’s…it’s just our fate.” 
He tried to tuck a stray piece of hair behind my ear, but I flinched away from him. 
“But I don’t want to lose you! I can’t lose you! I don’t know how to—” the words caught in my throat, a sob taking their place. I dissolved into tears, and before I knew it, Percy’s arms were around me. I didn’t try to fight him. 
“Can I tell you a story?” 
It was such a strange thing to say that it caught me completely off guard. 
“What?” My voice cracked. 
“A story my mom, our mom, told me when I was very small.” He began. “And one I’m sure she would’ve told you. It’s the reason why she named me Perseus in the first place.” 
“Because he was a hero?” 
Percy chuckled. “That’s what I thought at first, too. But no. Because, against all odds, he is one of the few heroes who managed to find his way to a happy ending.” I thought about that for a moment. His happy ending was living a life with the person he loved, Andromeda. I wished that could be true for Percy and me, but the thought felt too far away to reach. 
“When he was a very little boy,” Percy continued, “he and his mother were placed into a wooden chest and cast out into the sea by a very angry king. Alone. Afraid. And at night, his mother would whisper in his ear: ‘Hold fast, Perseus. Brave the storm that was made to break us, for we are unbreakable. As long as we have each other.’” 
Percy whispered as he smoothed my hair. My breathing began to steady. 
“As long as we have each other.” I echoed. “Don’t go where I can’t follow.” 
Percy chuckled, probably remembering the time I forced him to watch all of the Lord of the Rings movies this past year. I had always loved that quote, and after he heard it, it had become our mantra.
 “You’re such a nerd.” There was a smile in his voice. A comfortable silence fell over us as we held onto each other, not knowing when either of us would get to hug our sibling again. When he spoke again, his voice was low and gentle, but very sure. 
“So…hold fast, Angie. That’s what mom said to me when I first came to Camp, when I was figuring all this out. Hold fast. Brave the storm.”
“Hold fast.” I echoed, wanting the words he was saying to sink into my heart and find a permanent place there. 
 I had only known Percy for about a year, but in that time, he had become a part of my soul. The thought of losing him tore me apart. Every fiber in my being was screaming at me to hold onto him forever, to never let go. I wanted to beg him to take me with him, plead to take his place. 
But I knew it was no use. In that moment, I knew I wasn’t strong enough. But Percy was. 
And more than that, I knew Percy would never let me. This was a journey he had to take on his own, and I would just have to find some other time to save him further down the road.
I let go of him and looked into his sparkling eyes, identical to mine. 
“You can do this.” I put all the power I had into my words. “I’ve never believed in anyone more than I believe in you.” 
He managed a smile. “I’ll see you again.” 
“I know you will. We are unbreakable, as long as we have each other.” 
I swore I saw tears begin to pool in his eyes, but I didn’t say anything. He pulled me into another hug, tight and quick, before letting go and messing up my hair. And this time, just this once, I let him. 
Then he turned and disappeared into the darkness, only stopping to look back once. 
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