#i know canonically this would never happen but i th ink it would be Funni
mimikabii · 1 year
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beating the summer heat
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fandomlurker · 4 years
A Ponderous Rewatch: Pavlov’s Mice and Cameo
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So thanks to Tumblr nerfing my ability to make an admittedly absurdly long post combining the previous episode rewatch with this one, I had to do this entry in two parts.
But at least now we’re in for the real treat: The first episode in airing order that’s animated by TMS Entertainment. And hey, even the Animaniacs show itself seems to acknowledge that this is special, because theme song rhyme is…
We're Animanie! Totally insane-y!~
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Pinky and the Brainy!~
…which hasn’t been done since their debut. So this is gonna be fun.
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Might as well get this out of the way, then, since this episode obviously involves Ivan Pavlov. I think most people who know of Pavlov through cultural osmosis pretty much know him as just “that one scientist who got dogs to respond to the sound of bells as if they were being offered food”. This is what happened, but it’s only part of the story. In reality, Ivan Pavlov was doing research on the physiology of digestion in dogs and he noticed one day that the dogs he was studying started to drool in the mere presence of the lab technician who regularly fed them even if the technician didn’t have food with them. Pavlov developed a way to redirect the dogs’ digestive juices outside of the body so that they could be measured, and then he ran some conditioning experiments to see if he could get them to salivate in response to external stimuli that had nothing to do with food, like ringing a bell.
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The year in the title card, 1904, was the year Ivan Pavlov was awarded the Nobel Prize for the previously mentioned experiments, which he published the results of in “The Work of the Digestive Glands” in 1897. Basically, by 1904 he was done with his work with dogs and he moved on to experimenting with mice…at least according to this article in National Geographic by Virgina Hughes.
With that, let’s begin the episode proper.
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“At the dawn of the 20th century, Russian scientist, Ivan Pavlov, trained animals through his technique of conditioned reflex” says the narrator as we zoom in on a laboratory with Pavlov and our lovable mouse duo.
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“Time to earn your dinner, my little mousey friends!”
It’s interesting how Pinky is the one that flinches uncomfortably at the loud sound of the gong while Brain simply snaps into his conditioned response. And that response? Uhhh…
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“I’m a little teapot, short and stout.~”
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“This is my handle, this is my spout.~”
(Is he…you know…?)
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“When I get all steamed up, hear me shout!~”
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“Tip me over and pour me out.~”
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Oh no… This is a cute and funny scene and all, but when you know about Brain’s canonical issues with how he hates not being in control of a situation and all the traumas he’s endured (for those of you not in the know, yes, Brain does have a lot of trauma in his backstory that we learn about much later, both in the 90s spin-off and the reboot) regarding both general control and losing family and friends…there’s a bitter tinge to this scene.
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He’s so embarrassed and humiliated.
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He takes the cheese but he is positively fuming with rage, and I can’t exactly blame him from what I know about him.
This is made all the worse by Pinky’s innocent reaction to Brain’s little song and dance.
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“Hahahahaha! Wonderful! Hahaha! EGAD, Brain, I could watch you do that dance all day! Haha, narf!”
For Pinky, this is harmless silliness and he gets to see Brain sing and dance and “have fun”, which is not a usual occurrence. But for Brain? Well...
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“You have watched it all day, Pinky. Sixty-one times, to be exact. It’s a conditioned reflex to that infernal gong.”
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“I’m powerless to stop it!”
Well, Brain, at the very least it’s not like you were a part of a more inhumane experiment like one regarding, say, learned helplessness or anything. …Oh wait. Whoops. (For those sensitive to animal abuse, I suggest refraining from clicking on the second link, and caution against clicking on the first if even more clinical text descriptions of such would upset you. The third link is spoilers for the reboot.)
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All that aside, it seems like it’s Pinky’s turn. He gets the more traditional bell chime for his stimulus.
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And the result is him going into an uncontrollable and very enthusiastic Slavic folk dance.
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With violent results. I hope you appreciate that last screencap, as the animation goes by so quickly I had a lot of trouble isolating the part where Pinky kicks Brain and he goes flying.
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Pinky is all too happy to get a reward of cheese, his favourite food, for doing something that he has no memory of.
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“What’cha doin’ over there, Brain?”
“Contemplating your afterlife, Pinky.”
That’s not exactly fair, Brain, you know he has no control over this. To Brain’s credit, though, he doesn’t bop him or anything for kicking him involuntarily.
Pavlov leaves, playfully saying that he hopes the mice dream of cheese tonight, and the mice are immediately down to business.
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“At last, he’s gone.”
“Now we can begin our conquest of the world!”
We’re already back to it being “our” conquest of the world, eh?
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“Behold my latest creation, Pinky: The Vacuum-o-nator.”
Brain has never been good with naming things, has he? At least, not so far. I wonder if this will continue throughout the franchise?
Pinky is certainly very happy and impressed, though.
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“It uses reverse air pressure to vacuum everything toward it.”
You know, I was just about to roast Brain for thinking that making a very odd version of a vacuum cleaner was such a brilliant thing, but then I remembered that this takes place in 1904. The vacuum cleaner as we know it was “invented independently by British engineer Hubert Cecil Booth and American inventor David T. Kenney” in 1901 according to Wikipedia, and portable vacuums were available to the general public starting in 1905.My apologies, Brain, that actually is very impressive.
Although, this all hinges on if the viewer considers episodes that take place in the past and/or at different locations than Acme Labs California to be mere Alternate Universe/What If? stories or Brain and Pinky using some kind of time machine to go to a different place and time for these episodes. (Before you tell me that this is just a cartoon and sicc the Please, Please Get a Life Foundation on me, I do this to have fun and maybe educate myself and the reader along the way. I promise I have a life. Barely.)
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“Are you thinking what I’m thinking, Pinky?”
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“Uhh… Yeah, Brain! But where are we gonna find rubber pants our size?”
Pinky, that’s… Listen, folks, don’t make the same mistake I did and google “rubber pants”. It’s not what you think it is. You will be disappointed.
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Seems like you’re enjoying yourself there, Pinky.
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“No, Pinky. We’re going to use the Vacuum-o-nator to steal Russia’s crown jewels!”
Man, the animation for even this one small proclamation by Brain is so, so good. Brain standing authoritatively and holding the pen like a scepter or spear, the grand sweep of his arm as he says “no”, the serious and slightly menacing expression on his face, a violent and grabby swing of his arm on the word “steal”,  and a dramatic point and look up towards the sky when he finishes. TMS does great work, folks.
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“Narf! Genius, Brain!”
Look at Brain’s satisfied smile at Pinky’s simple compliment. Remember what I said earlier about Brain going through his explanations to show off to and  impress Pinky? At this point I’m absolutely convinced that that’s why Brain turns up the theatrics more than necessary when going through his plans. After all, Pinky is (oddly and rather sadly) the only one in-universe who thinks Brain is a genius and a good person.
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…Of course, the effect can sometimes be lessened by subsequent innocent bumbling.
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“Turn it off, Pinky.”
He says this so exasperatedly yet so deadpan at the same time, it’s great.
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“Oh! Right-o!”
Even Pinky immediately knows that he fucked up.
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“Zort! Whew! Wild hairdo, Brain! Heh heh, I like it.”
He even pets Brain’s “hairdo”, aww. And though I personally could take or leave the ‘do, I like the pointed, sharp look this mishap’s given to his ears.
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“Now I feel cleansed.”
Okay, this one might have been a little too much, Brain.
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“But Brain, aren’t the crown jewels always guarded by giant Cossacks?”
Well, Pinky, from what I know Cossacks were usually used extensively in the police force and as border guards during this time, so I guess that’s possible?
Brain picking the lock with the pen is a fun little detail.
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“Don’t worry about the guards… For tonight, Pinky, at precisely 1 am, there’s a total lunar eclipse. “
Again, this is probably not a thing the average person could look up quickly and easily in the 90s and the writers most likely didn’t care about accuracy here, but there were no total lunar eclipses in 1904. There were some penumbral lunar eclipses in March and September of that year, though. Just a fun fact for you folks.
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“The Earth’s shadow will completely cover the moon, blacking out all of St. Petersburg for a period of 30 seconds.”
Brain…?!? Brain, how did you get the diagram on that piece of paper to animate like that? What kind of Harry Potter-style magic bullshit is this?
I know this is a cartoon and all and I’m not truly upset but this honestly came out of nowhere and made me do a double-take.
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“In that brief time, we will sneak past the Czar’s guards under the cover of darkness and steal the crown jewels…for he who controls the jewels controls Mother Russia!”
More dramatics!
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“But…I thought your mother’s name was Désirée?”
I love Brain’s pose here. Very grumpy and sassy.
As for Pinky’s comment: We do get to meet Brain’s parents way later in the spin-off, though neither are addressed by any name. I’m taking this joke as canon anyway because it’s funny.
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Well, well, well… Looks like we’re shaking things up a bit with an inking instead of a bonk. That’s gonna be a pain to get out of his white fur, though.
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“Soon, Pinky, I will rule Russia…so from now on, call me Czar.”
Another sassy hand-on-hip pose.
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“Right-o, Brain!”
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“—eek! Czar Brain!”
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“Come along, Pinky… Conquest awaits!”
Nice to know that despite the inking, Pinky’s still following him anyway. Plus he’s doing it with that fond look on his face again. Hmm…
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What follows is a cute and ingenious sequence of Brain launching Pinky and himself through an open window via the spring force of a mousetrap. It goes by very quickly, but I just wanted to highlight a few things I managed to notice while pausing through it. Kudos to the animators again for these little details.
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Pinky’s the one that wraps one arm around Brain’s shoulders so that Brain has both hands free to spring the mousetrap properly and so that they’ll be launched together.
Interestingly enough, Pinky’s the cautious one who braces for impact right away while Brain gleefully flies through the air with his arms outstretched.
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The “camera” changes perspective and while Brain is still boldly flying forward with confidence, Pinky is still worried but has now opened his eyes as they fly towards the window.
Pinky’s still holding onto Brain and the Vacuum-o-nator as tight as he can. As they get closer to the window, however…
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…Pinky seems to realize he’s going to smash into the wall above the window if he doesn’t let go, so he lets go of Brain. Brain doesn’t realize where his trajectory is taking him.
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Pinky angles himself downward and through the open window, but it’s too late for Brain.
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WHAM! RIP, Brain.
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But his pain is not done! It looks like Pinky’s landing was in the soft snow. Meanwhile, Brain slides down onto the window and through the opening, only to bash into the lid of a garbage can, much to Pinky’s concern.
Then Brain falls headfirst into the snow.
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And finally, Brain is clonked on the head by the same garbage can lid, which makes a loud gong noise. Someone get this poor mouse some Aspirin.
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But since there was a gong noise, you all know what that means!
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Cutely, Pinky joins in on the dance in the middle of it.
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“Ha! Oh that was fun, Czar Brain! But let’s give it another go, right? Only this time with feeling!”
Man, that side-eye at the beginning from Brain…
Pinky’s body language is great in this episode, too. The gleeful flapping of his arms and feet and the “with feeling” gesture are fantastic examples of his more open and energetic nature coming through.
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Oh hey, there’s that one shot of Brain being ticked off used in the spin-off theme song! I can’t exactly blame him for his anger here. He just went through a lot of pain in a short amount of time and was then involuntarily made to humiliate himself. Pinky doesn’t mean to be mean here—he genuinely wants to have some sing and dance fun with Brain—but it’s gotta sting to have the humiliation highlighted.
Pinky still doesn’t deserve a bonking for it, though. But it’s slapstick, so he’s fine.
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Heh, “deliveries to rear” indeed.
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Oh, are those jingle bells on a sleigh that I see?
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Uh oh…
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“No, Pinky… Not now!”
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It cannot be stopped, Brain. He must dance!
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Another quick detail as Brain launches himself at Pinky’s midsection to either topple him over or hold him still to get Pinky to stop.
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Alas, Pinky’s dancing is too strong.
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The face of regret.
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His punishment is swiftly thwarted, though.
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“…That was unpleasant.”
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They take a different and more uneventful ride on a hay wagon to the palace.
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I love the exaggerated perspective going on here.
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“We made it inside, Brain!”
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“…’Czar Brain’.”
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“Czar Brain.”
He says it so quietly and sweetly, aww.
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“Yes, Pinky. There are fleeting moments when I even amaze myself.”
I…don’t know if it’s much of an accomplishment yet, Brain. Settle that ego down a bit.
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Oh, that’s some classic Looney Tunes-style sneaking animation there.
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Wait, why is the door to the treasure room just open behind them? Czar Nicolas II, what gives?
Speaking of…
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Hello, Czar Nicolas II. I hope you’re enjoying your “eclipse party”. You only have another 14 years or so to live it up, after all.
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“In just a few minutes, it’ll be totally dark and scary. OooOOoo!~ But don’t anyone touch me, I have cooties!”
I, uhhh. Okay, then.
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Same, boys. Same. Best to get down to business.
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“Behold the crown jewels of Mother Russia, Pinky. World conquest will soon be ours!”
Again, world conquest is “ours” and not just Brain’s. Also you can just tell Pinky’s thinking “I’m going to wear so much of this jewelry!”
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“Now, Brain?”
“Not yet. Wait for the total eclipse.”
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Speaking of…
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“Complete darkness, Pinky. Start the Vacuum-o-nator…”
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That gonging noise is an interesting choice for a chime. Surely this ornate clock is only an omen of good things for our duo.
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Pinky, you’re swooning again. And Brain…
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Oh no.
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Another clock! Who’d have thought Russian nobility loved clocks so much? This one has a more pleasant bell chime, though.
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…Oh NO!
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Well, looks like things are going to hell pretty quickly.
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Goodbye, boys.
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Goodbye, Czar Nicolas II! You might wanna look out for a man named Grigori Rasputin in the future, okay?
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Nice hat, Brain.
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“Whu--? The eclipse is over? Narf! What happened, Brain?”
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“Zort! I mean, Czar Brain.”
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“We failed again, Pinky… But just wait until tomorrow night!”
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“Why? What are we going to do tomorrow night, Brain?”
“What else, Pinky?: Try to take over the world!”
It was a nice try, boys, but honestly I don’t know how you were going to fit all those crown jewels into that tiny improvised vacuum bag, anyway.
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One last cute little detail in this episode is our mousey duo jumping up with enthusiastic determination in front of the silhouette of the moon on the last note of the theme reprise. One day, you guys. One day…
Oh! And before I forget, have another short cameo from “Plane Pals”. It’s a tiny one.
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Pinky and the Brain steal a sheep off of an airplane. For what purpose? Who knows? But that’s it. I’m kind of wondering if the writers wanted to make a running joke of them making cameos to steal random things for world conquering purposes and just sort of gave up.
Anyway, so ends our recap for this post. It sure was a long one, but what can I say? There were some very cute details that needed to be shared. Have we learned anything new this time? Well, I mean, besides historical trivia.
Brain thinks both he and Pinky are great actors, despite his own near inability to lie and keep up an innocent pretense. Oh, he can be sarcastic, sure, but he can’t seem to manage to stop himself from revealing that he’s out for world  domination whenever he has an audience.
For the first time we see Brain’s annoyance and humiliation resulting from him being a lab mouse. Though it’s on the more subtle side at the moment, Brain seemed extra grumpy and violent during that last     episode because of the conditioning he’s unwillingly gone through. I’m     curious to see if there are any more examples of this before we reach an  episode touching on his origin story. Or…one of his origin stories, at     least. There’s around four of them last I checked and all but one of them  can reasonably fit into the others.
Pinky is truly beginning to show how much he adores Brain, which is nice. Beforehand we knew he was down with his world domination plans for whatever reason and also that he thinks Brain’s plans are great and ingenious. Now, though, we’ve gotten to the point of him literally swooning at Brain and his plans. Something’s definitely brewing there.
Next time: We get some more substantial cameos, join our mouse duo on a Fort Knox heist, and meet a new character that is both pretty important to the “lore” of the show going forward…but also doesn’t appear in person after their introductory episode until the very end of the Animaniacs and Pinky and the Brain spin-off run.
See you then!
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bae-leth · 5 years
AU of The Other Dimitri AU Part 1 of 2
Me again! It’s funny, I know what I wanna do with the Ivan oneshot but planning it and then getting to writing it is being far more difficult than expected. Maybe because I’m dealing with a character who is an OC but also somewhat canon in the sense of taking canon Dimitri’s role? Anyways, I’ll get that fic out eventually, I’m actually having fun with the challenge of getting it to work. So I decided, in the meanwhile, to make some notes about the previous post I submitted regarding Ivan (the unit overview) and doing something fun as a bonus. Writing down Ivan as a unit if he existed in the canon game! An AU of an AU. Ah well, it’s fun and it helps me figure out his character. *NOTE*: As I was writing this thing, I realized this was getting ridiculously long for a submission, even from me. So this is gonna be part 1 of 2. I’ll get part 2 to you in a few days with the rest of the info, mostly related to timeskip stuff, battle quotes, paralogues, and RECRUITMENT (*gasp*). Part 2 is gonna have PLENTY of delicious angst! And I hope this part has gotten you interested in what happened to Ivan during the timeskip, especially with the few little hints I’ve dropped here and there. **WARNING**: There will be slight spoilers about the Blue Lions route. I will avoid as many major spoilers as possible or otherwise be vague where I can, but there is some stuff. Just wanted to give a head up! Anyways, I hope you too enjoy this! And, once again, sorry for submitting these absurdly long posts to your inbox.
*The following notes are some fun facts regarding stuff I put down in the Unit Overview post*
Childhood Picture: It’s a portrait of Ivan, Dimitri, Felix, Ingrid, Sylvain, and Glenn. It shows them as they were about five years before the Tragedy of Duscur. In the first few months of the charade, when Ivan saw this picture he freaked out and tore the part that had him in it off, burning it in the fireplace. He carries the picture with him constantly. By the point in the timeskip where he starts to go as “Ivan” again, he regrets tearing the picture, especially since it’s the only picture he had that had all of them together. But perhaps the other members of their friendship group have other pictures?
Collection of Fairytales: Ivan loves fiction books, and fairytales are no exception. When the charade begins, Ivan is so focused on training his body and mind to become more and more like Dimitri that he doesn’t check out his books anymore. It isn’t until a couple years later that he sees this book. He smiles and starts to open it, only to see his real name on the inside cover. Ivan has a habit of writing his name on the inside cover of all his books. What followed was Ivan grabbing a quill and large bottle of ink and proceeding to furiously cross out his name from every single one of his books.
Jeweled Dagger: Considering it has the letter D on the hilt, you would think it was Dimitri’s dagger. And…technically you’re right. But Dimitri never got to see the dagger. Ivan wanted to give Dimitri a surprise present for their 14th birthday. So he secretly commissioned the dagger from a blacksmith, asking that it be delivered on Dimitri and Ivan’s birthday. The Tragedy of Duscur happened a short time later and Ivan forgot all about the dagger, between his trauma and having to train for the charade. That is, until a package arrived on his 14th birthday, addressed to “him”.
I actually forgot to put down Ivan’s favorite type of tea but then I remembered Dimitri’s favorite tea is chamomile. So I looked it up and chamomile tea is known to help with stress and anxiety, as well as act as a decent sleep aid. Perfectly fitting for Dimitri and just as fitting for Ivan. So yeah, Ivan’s favorite type of tea is chamomile!
Ivan very much did learn the edible weeds thing from Dimitri! The story is that when they were around eight and hanging out outside, Dimitri chomped on a dandelion with zero warning. When Ivan stared at him in horror, Dimitri proceeded to happily explain all about edible weeds. Ivan decided to just accept it and move on (screaming internally the whole time) …Though he did keep it in mind and has always been kind of curious…
Why is Ivan terrified of horses? When he was four, a particularly bad-tempered horse bit Ivan’s cloak and wouldn’t let go, tugging it and tossing poor tiny Ivan with every shake. Ivan may no longer remember the incident, but he’s been terrified of horses and Pegasi ever since.
Ivan’s Music: He has a habit of humming, especially when doing monotonous tasks or when he’s in an especially good mood. He practiced hard to stop doing it once he had to become Dimitri, but once he goes by Ivan again, he’s slowly bringing the habit back. He has a lovely singing voice, though he’s very out of practice since he hasn’t sung since he was 13. But it’s a strong voice and he has impressive range. A little practice and he’ll probably be as good as he was when he was younger. His instruments of choice are the piano and violin, once again having not touched either since he was 13. After he officially becomes king (particularly after the ceremony that names him king which was held three years after the war) he starts taking lessons again, though doesn’t have much time for it since he’s busy with so many other things. He only started composing his own music when he was 11. He starts making little compositions again during rare free time in the war. He still makes compositions after he becomes king but, once again, he’s so busy he really doesn’t have time to nurture his talent.
Sometimes he’s bitter towards Dimitri for how disinterested the guy was in music, which made Ivan give up so much to perfect the act. But Ivan also remembers Dimitri patiently and happily listening to him play and sing, always saying Ivan was a “god of music”. A silly exaggeration as far as Ivan was concerned, but he doesn’t think he would’ve kept up with music if it wasn’t for Dimitri’s wholehearted encouragement.
Ivan and Ingrid share so many favorite foods. This is largely because when Ingrid was the one who comforted Ivan, she would often share some food with him when she did so. So Ivan associates those foods with happy memories. Ivan’s interest in food with interesting textures is a thing that started a little before arriving at the academy. The reason of which I won’t say (is it a spoiler? I don’t know, better safe than sorry. It has to do with something mentioned at some point in Dimitri and Flayn’s supports if you’re curious, I don’t remember if it’s said elsewhere).
Ivan and Felix were the baby brothers of the friendship group. Even Ingrid treated him as a baby brother like she did with Felix, even though Ivan was older than her. Ivan and Felix had a strong bond due to being meek crybabies. Ivan also had a habit of often hiding behind Sylvain when something spooked him. Of course, Felix often had the same idea, leading to the pair sometimes competing to cower behind Sylvain, while Sylvain laughed at them the whole time, while also doting on them.
So yeah, Ivan did forget his real name over the five-year timeskip. Between all the trauma he faced and the visions of the dead, he could only recognize himself as “Dimitri”, even though he saw hallucinations of the real Dimitri often. He doesn’t remember his own name until Byleth says it to him after Byleth learns that “Dimitri” was really Ivan this whole time.
I saw an anon noticed my stat joke about Ivan’s high Luck compared to Dimitri. One of my favorite things is when Fire Emblem games do something with a character’s stats or classing options (something other than personal skills) that reflect on some story element. Like having a character who is stated in story to be super lucky have naturally high Luck. Or that thing in Awakening with Kellam’s whole shtick of being practically invisible, so he can be reclassed into the Thief class. So yeah I purposefully lowered several of his stats and growths and just cranked up that Luck to match his backstory. Also, I’m pleasantly surprised an anon noticed that Ivan having higher Mag and E+ in Faith implies he was meant to be a healer. Because yes, that’s true! The idea is that if Dimitri hadn’t died, Ivan was gonna be on the path to be a healer/mage character. But because he had to become Dimitri, that greatly stunted his growth and shifted the rest of it to match more with Dimitri’s stats and growth.
Those are the big notes I thought of. Now, let’s get into the AU of this AU, involving what if Ivan was a character alongside Dimitri! Just a thing I made for fun, and like I said before it helps get those creative juices flowing!
AU of The Other Dimitri AU – Ivan Alexis Blaiddyd Unit Overview
An overview of the backstory, at least where it differs from how Ivan is in the main AU. Ivan is still Dimitri’s younger identical twin brother, still has the minor Crest of Blaiddyd too. One difference is that while in the main AU Ivan is the one who interacted with the girl with the dagger, in this AU it’s Dimitri who did so, just like canon. The idea being that both of them met her and Ivan tried his best, but she and Dimitri hit it off while Ivan couldn’t get far, so he stopped coming along to visit her. He’s bitter about the idea of once again being passed up for his brother but he’s also jealous of having his brother stolen away from him for that time Dimitri and the girl knew each other. The other big difference is that Ivan didn’t go with his family on the day of the Tragedy of Duscur. Ivan was a sickly child growing up, and he hadn’t been feeling well during the week of the trip. Therefore, Lambert had him stay behind out of concern his condition would get worse during the long trip. Ivan was heartbroken at being left behind (and while he understood why, there was still a twinge of terror deep in his heart over not being good enough, being a burden). The Tragedy of Duscur goes down, Dimitri comes back as the only survivor. Things on Dimitri’s end go down basically the same as canon: meeting with Dedue, his trauma, the falling out with Felix, etc. On Ivan’s end, things end up changing quite a bit. Since Dimitri’s alive, there’s no act, so Ivan’s skills grow as they were intended, being more magic and healing based. Although he ends up picking up the lance too, because sparring was sometimes the only way to get his brother out of his room during those first few months following the tragedy. Ivan finds himself puzzled by his own emotions, particularly how he isn’t devastated to the same extent Dimitri is. Of course he’s in pain and mourning the loss of his father, stepmother, and Glenn. And he’s horrified by the deaths of all the knights, by the deaths of the people of Duscur (he remembers the furious tears streaming down Dimitri’s face as he told him the people of Duscur were innocent). But unlike Dimitri, who’s half dead and only making it to the next day thanks to Ivan, Dedue, and Rodrigue, Ivan still moves about. Eats just fine (Dimitri acts weird towards food now), doesn’t cry the night away (Dimitri sometimes slips into his room or Dedue’s and just sobs as he clings on desperately). Probably the one thing Ivan has in common with Dimitri in grief is the onslaught of nightmares (Dimitri never says what his are about, but Ivan’s are visions of his loved ones and so many faceless others covered in blood and gore, cursing him for his dumb luck that kept him away from the horrors of that day). And maybe that is what’s wrong, that he wasn’t there and didn’t see any of it. But…he doesn’t know. He’s so confused. And he hears the whispers from nosy nobles who know nothing, thinking he doesn’t care about the deaths. Ah well, he supposes he’s used to being the subject of mockery and rumors, as the worthless second-born, never as good as his brother. Never good enough for anyone…His relationship with Sylvain and Ingrid remains close over the years. However, he too ends up coming into conflict with Felix, although nowhere near what happened between Felix and Dimitri. Felix’s issue with Ivan, much like with Dimitri, stems from the rebellion when they’re 15. Except Ivan wasn’t part of the assault against the rebels (“Let me go too, Brother!” he had yelled while Dimitri refused and even ordered guards to make sure he didn’t come. As if years separated the pair instead of mere minutes). When Felix had told him what Dimitri had done, yes, Ivan had been thrown off by it, even horrified of the image of the warm and loving brother he knew being such a beast (“But the rebels were a threat to innocent people. Dimitri did what he had to, in order to protect others.” “You wouldn’t say that if you saw him, Ivan!”) Naïve and black and white in his view of “right”, almost disturbingly so, that’s what Felix had spat at him before storming off. But perhaps because Ivan wasn’t part of the battle, perhaps because Ivan’s fear of fighting and the way he shakes at the idea of it is so genuine, Felix doesn’t sever their friendship like he does with Dimitri. But Ivan can see they’re no longer “two peas in a pod”, that with Felix’s changing feelings towards the concept of “chivalry”, things can’t be as they once were. And maybe Dimitri is somewhat bitter about Ivan being able to maintain those bonds that he himself can’t find a way to. Another big shift shows up that adds more fuel to the fire of Ivan’s jealousy and bitterness towards Dimitri. The way his uncle, the court advisors, and noble after noble feel the need to tell him to help his brother, to look out for him and support him. The comments alone aren’t an issue, it’s what Ivan was doing anyways, because his brother is his idol and best friend. He loves him, truly. But the way they keep talking gives off warning signs. Before the tragedy he was shoved to the side and considered an afterthought, not worth a second glance and having nothing of value compared to the golden heir and crown prince. But now, with the way they’re telling him to support his brother and stay with him, it becomes more and more clear that they’re telling him to live only for his brother. Live for him, die for him. Ivan’s life is no longer his own, his dreams and wishes are no longer his own. He exists only for Dimitri now. He’s not good enough to actually help or provide any meaningful assistance, such as in battles or in politics, he’s only the spare after all, a weak and timid crybaby. But he still must do everything and anything for Dimitri (“You’re brothers, of course you would do anything for him, right? Anything at all?” “…Yes…” As if he can say no to them. As if he can convince himself he’d ever say no). Because it would be a tragedy to lose the crown prince, but not nearly as much if it was the second son. It’s suffocating. This varies from the main AU, where Ivan is still very jealous and bitter, but Dimitri’s death makes Ivan glorify him. His love towards his brother is very real there, but he goes overboard, which is a major factor behind his issues figuring out who he really is and how he truly feels once he goes by Ivan again in the main AU.
Character Description
The second prince of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, and Dimitri’s twin. He is a timid and gentle young man who claims he’s not made for battle. And yet there may be something far more complicated to his nature, especially his feelings towards his brother.
Likes: Writing and performing music, live musical performances, fiction books, board games, sparring, well-deserved appreciation, spending time with Dimitri
Dislikes: Himself, battles, darkness, horses and Pegasi, scorching heat, people who talk behind others’ backs
Stats and Growths
Base Stats - HP: 24 Strength: 7 Magic: 10 Dexterity: 6 Speed: 7 Luck: 8 Defense: 5 Resistance: 5 Charm: 8
Max Stats - HP: 65 Strength: 56 Magic: 71 Dexterity: 65 Speed: 69 Luck: 67 Defense: 42 Resistance: 44 Charm: 73
Stat Growths - HP: 35% Strength: 40% Magic: 50% Dexterity: 45% Speed: 45% Luck: 50% Defense: 30% Resistance: 30% Charm: 45%
Skills and Proficiencies
Skill Levels – Sword: E Lance: E+ Axe: E Bow: E Brawl: E Reason: D Faith: D Authority: E Heavy Armor: E Riding: E Flying: E
Strengths: Reason, Faith
Weaknesses: Axe, Brawl, Heavy Armor, Riding
Budding Talent: Lance
Faith Magic Learned: Heal, Recover, Physic, Nosferatu, Aura
Reason Magic Learned: Blizzard, Thoron, Sagittae, Meteor
Starting Skills/Inventory
Starting Class: Noble
Personal Skill – Second-born’s Struggle: If unit’s HP drops below 50%, grants unit +20 to Hit Rate, +10 to Critical Rate, and +5 to Damage dealt.
Crest – Minor Crest of Blaiddyd: The Faerghus royal family’s Crest, inherited from Blaiddyd of the 10 Elites. Occasionally doubles Attack and weapon uses for combat arts.
Other Skills: Lance Prowess Level 1, Reason Prowess Level 1, Faith Prowess Level 1
Magic: Blizzard, Heal
Combat Arts: None
Starting Equipment: Training Lance, Vulnerary
Academy Appearance
Ivan and Dimitri are identical twins, so physically there’s not much difference between him and Dimitri. The only real difference would be that Ivan’s hair is subtly softer looking and messier, a few more bangs, a couple strands out of place, that sort of thing. Their differences come more from non-physical things, like how Ivan’s voice is softer, or how he holds himself differently, always fiddling with his clothes or having a hard time keeping eye contact, shy and introverted. As far as clothes go, Ivan wears the standard male Academy uniform, the only personal touches he wears being white gloves and a blue cape that wraps across the front of the shoulders and clasps on his left shoulder with a golden fastener that looks like the lion representing the Blue Lions (and Faerghus as a whole).
Relationship with Blue Lions at Academy
Dimitri: Dimitri is rather doting and protective of his brother, which Ivan is sometimes annoyed by since he’s only a few minutes younger than Dimitri. They have a close relationship, although there are several obvious signs that they are at odds with each other, especially considering Ivan’s darker feelings of jealousy and bitterness competing with his genuine love for his brother.
Dedue: While Dedue’s devotion is for Dimitri, he and Ivan have a comfortable relationship. Ivan sometimes sits in the garden with him, Dedue taking care of the plants while Ivan reads or composes.
Felix: Felix finds Ivan’s rather cold, black and white view towards justice aggravating but doesn’t always push him away like he does with Dimitri. Ivan is the one who puts more effort into trying to spend time with him though.
Sylvain: Sylvain enjoys teasing Ivan considering how timid he is and how he still has a habit of hiding behind Sylvain when spooked. But they have a fun and easygoing relationship. And they like talking about music.
Ingrid: They have many favorite foods in common thanks to how Ingrid comforted him all the time when they were young. Ivan gets frustrated with how Ingrid sometimes still treats him like a child who needs to be protected.
Mercedes: Ivan has a friendly rivalry with her, since she’s a fellow healer and mage. He often goes to her for advice and lessons to improve his own techniques. He closest to her after his brother and friends. Dimitri likes to joke that Mercedes is trying to steal his brother for herself. Ivan sometimes notices a brief odd look on Mercedes’ face when Dimitri says that though.
Annette: Since they both love music and have skills with magic, they get along well. But Annette is often embarrassed singing or writing songs in front of Ivan since she finds him far more skilled, while Ivan enjoys her work and wants to work with her if she’d let him.
Ashe: Bookworm babies! They have a little book club (made of the two of them) where they love exchanging notes on books they read. Ashe also enjoys getting to know Ivan since he’s been curious about Ivan ever since hearing all the rumors and jokes about “the pathetic second prince” growing up.
First Meeting with Ivan
“A-are you the one who helped Dimitri? I can’t thank you enough! O-oh, is my appearance throwing you off? I’m Dimitri’s twin, Ivan Alexis Blaiddyd. Although, other than my face, I’m not much like him…”
First Kill
“Stop shaking! I had to do it! …Yes, I had to. It’s what they deserve for all they’ve done.”
Cooking (Pre-Timeskip)
“I apologize in advance, Professor. Cooking was never my strong suit.”
“This isn’t going as badly as I’d feared…Wait, did I just curse us? Oh no.”
Cooking (Post-Timeskip)
“I’m still terrible at cooking, Professor. I’m sorry about that…”
“Okay, this isn’t too bad. Oh, I better stop speaking before I curse us.”
Choir Practice
(Pre-Timeskip) “I’ve loved music since I was a child. But I…I still don’t have the courage to perform in front of a lot of people…This should be good practice for that, right?”
(Post-Timeskip) “No matter how harsh this war gets, no matter how much it tries to break me, I won’t abandon my music. It’s something that’s mine. No one will steal it from me.”
Counselor Note
“I’ve been hearing people say some cruel things about me when they think I’m not around. I’m used to such comments, but it still affects me. And I don’t have the courage to say anything. What should I do?”
(Bad Answer): You should grow a spine and confront them!
(Bad Answer): If you point them out, I can say something to them on your behalf.
(Good Answer): Talk to someone you trust. They can give you the support you need to make a decision.
Lost Item
Collection of Fairytales (A thick book of many tales of fantasy and adventure. Something is written on the inside of the front cover, but the writing is smudged. Probably belongs to someone who loves stories.)
Book of Scores (A book filled with pages upon pages of musical compositions. Each sheet is covered in detailed notes. Probably belongs to someone who loves music.)
Childhood Picture (A portrait, worn with age, of a group of smiling children. Some of the children look familiar. Probably belongs to someone with several friends.)
(If item belongs to him): “Thank you! I…I don’t know what I would’ve done if I’d lost this.”
(If item doesn’t belong to him): “I’m sorry, Professor, you have the wrong person…”
Liked Gifts: Forget-me-nots, Book of Sheet Music, Board Game, Ceremonial Sword, Legends of Chivalry
Disliked Gifts: Training Weight, Riding Boots, Hunting Dagger
(Received gift he likes): “For me? Truly? I don’t know what to say…”
(Received gift that’s neutral): “I’m glad that you’re thinking of me.”
(Received gift he dislikes): “Umm…Thank you…? Please don’t give me that look, Professor.”
Tea Party (Pre-Timeskip)
Greeting: “Thank you for the invitation.”
Liked Topics: Tell me about yourself, You seem well, Evaluating allies, The ideal Professor, Working together, Thanks for everything…, Favorite sweets, Shareable snacks, The library’s collection, Our first meeting…, Children at the market, Fodlan’s future, Books you’ve read recently, A word of advice, Someone you look up to…, A place you’d like to visit…, Overcoming weaknesses, The view from the bridge, Cats…, I’m counting on you, Past laughs, The Opera…
Disliked Topics: Reliable allies, Being the perfect knight, You seem different…, Dining partners…, Hopes for your future, Things you find romantic, Food for life, Capable comrades, The existence of Crests, Classes you might enjoy, School uniforms, You’re doing great work, Close calls, Mighty weapons, Sturdy weapons, School days, Cooking mishaps, Equipment upkeep, Monastery rules, The last battle…, A new Gambit…, Working hours for guards
“Umm, I’m sorry if I’m a boring conversationalist. I was never a social person growing up.”  
“I thought you accidentally invited me instead of my brother. It wouldn’t be the first time-Oh! I-I shouldn’t have said that.”        
“Thank you for all the support you’ve given me. It means more to me than you realize.”         
“I…I’ve been composing some songs recently. But no matter how hard I try, I’m not satisfied with them. But I suppose if it was easy then everyone would become musicians.”
“I’ve always hated battles, but I knew I would have to face them eventually. So I chose to study healing. I wanted, at the very least, to make sure I could keep the people I hold dear safe.”
Extended Time Comments
“This is for me? You’re too kind.”
“Umm, are you trying to spot differences between my face and Dimitri’s? There really isn’t much. Trust me, I’ve looked.”
“My hands shake after battles. I don’t know if they’ll ever stop…”
“Sorry, if I’m being too quiet for you, Professor. I’m not really used to all this.”
End of Tea Party: “Thank you, I had a great time! …Could we do this again?”
Tea Party (Post-Timeskip)
Greeting: “I’m sorry for the wait.”
“I think I’ve gotten a little better at conversation over the past five years. At least, I hope I have…”           
“I appreciate you, Professor. I apologize if that sounds too blunt, but I wanted you to know how grateful I am for all you’ve done.”
“I still compose sometimes, during the few lulls between battles. Some soldiers once asked me to compose some songs for battles, but I refused. I can never do that…”        
“People call me childish for still cherishing my books of adventures and wonder. But why is it wrong to hold them dear? Is it really a sin to want to escape from all of this, for just a moment?”
“I often dream of when I was younger. Before this war, before the Tragedy of Duscur. I…I wish life could be so simple again. I’m sorry, please ignore me…”
Extended Time Comments
“A gift? You’re truly a kind one, aren’t you?”
“My hands still shake after all these years. Is that a sign of weakness? Or a blessing that I’m not desensitized to killing…”
“My scar? Please, don’t worry. It aches when it’s particularly cold, but otherwise it doesn’t hurt me anymore.”
“Thank you, Professor, for all the faith you’ve shown in me. I’ll work hard so that I won’t let you down.”
End of Tea Party: “Thank you for inviting me. Peaceful moments like this are a blessing amidst all this chaos.”
Dining Hall (Pre-Timeskip)
Favorite Food: Shares many favorites with Ingrid, so if a food is her favorite it will most likely be his as well. Also loves sweets.
“This smells delicious! I can’t wait!”
“Oh, m-my favorite. Professor, thank you so much!”
With Dimitri (Before the fight in their support)
Ivan: “What do you think, Dimitri? This dish makes you feel good, doesn’t it?”
Dimitri: “Yes, I agree. It feels comforting, odd as that may sound.”
Ivan: “You better have seconds, then!”
With Dimitri (After the fight in their support)
Dimitri: “What do you think of the food, Ivan?”
Ivan: “It’s good.”
Dimitri: “Oh, that’s good…I’m glad…”
With Felix
Felix: “Why do I have to eat with you?”
Ivan: “Felix, don’t act like such a stranger! We always did so much together as children. Eating, playing, crying-”
Felix: “You better stop while you’re ahead.”
With Ingrid
Ivan: “Look, Ingrid, it’s another one of our favorites!”
Ingrid: “I know! I don’t think I ever realized how many favorite dishes we shared.”
Ivan: “And whose fault is that?”
With Sylvain
Sylvain: “Good food, good atmosphere. Now if only it was a lovely lady by my side.”
Ivan: “Am…Am I bad company, Sylvain?”
Sylvain: “What? Oh, no, no! I was just kidding, Ivan, I swear!”
With Mercedes
Mercedes: “Oh, Ivan, did the advice I give you before work out?”
Ivan: “Yes, thank you, Mercedes! I hope my healing will be more effective now. And I apologize for the trouble.”
Mercedes: “No trouble at all! I’m happy to see you grow! We’ll be quite the healing duo, won’t we?”
Dining Hall (Post-Timeskip)
“It smells so good. I’m more than ready for this.”
“…Did you pick my favorite on purpose, Professor? If so, thank you.”
With Dimitri
Ivan: “…I…I’ve missed eating with you, Brother.”
Dimitri: “…I’ve missed it too. Let’s try to eat together more, alright?”
Ivan: “Yes! We have several years to make up for, after all!”
With Felix
Felix: “Do you really have to sit with me so much during meals?”
Ivan: “If you hate it so much, why don’t you find another spot?”
Felix: “Hmph. Cheeky fool…”
With Ingrid
Ingrid: “I’m glad we can share meals together again, Ivan. I’ve missed it more than you realize!”
Ivan: “I’ve missed it too. Who else is going to be meal buddies with me?”
Ingrid: “Umm, please tell that’s not what you’re going to call us…”
With Sylvain
Ivan: “Sylvain? You’ve been staring for a while. You’re going to make me blush if you keep this up.”
Sylvain: “Will I? Ooh, it’s been a while since I’ve seen you go red! …Seriously though, don’t mind me. It’s just…been a while, Ivan.”
Ivan: “…I’ve missed eating with you too, Sylvain.”
With Mercedes
Mercedes: “It’s so lively eating with everyone else again, isn’t it, Ivan?”
Ivan: “I agree. Lots of noise and laughing. And I’ve missed discussing healing techniques with you, Mercedes.”
Mercedes: “Oh, I’ve missed that too! Let’s exchange notes after this, alright?”
Instruction (Pre-Timeskip)
Bad: “Ahh, I…I’m sorry…”
Good: “That wasn’t so bad.”
Great: “I understand…Let me review it once more.”
Perfect: “It’s all coming to me!”
(Praise): “Y-You’re too kind to me.”
(Console): “Th-thank you for your concern.”
(Scold): “…I’m sorry…”
Instruction (Post-Timeskip)
Bad: “I’m sorry about that…”
Good: “Alright, I’m doing better.”
Great: “I starting to understand. Let me review it.”
Perfect: “I get it now!”
(Praise): “Oh, umm, th-thank you.”
(Console): “Heh, come now, I’m no longer a child.”
(Scold): “…Sorry.”
Certification Exam
Pass: “Will I be of more use to everyone now?”
Fail (Pre-Timeskip): “Even after all that studying? I, ah…I’m sorry…”
Fail (Post-Timeskip): “Some things never change, I suppose…”
Class Mastery
“I’ll put this strength to good use. I promise.”
Group Tasks (Pre-Timeskip)
“I-I’ll do my best!”
(Perfect) “We did great, Professor! Ah, I mean, I didn’t mean to sound so shocked about that!”
(Good) “We finished the task. Though I fear I may have dragged us down…”
With Dimitri (Before the fight in their support)
Ivan: “Umm, Brother? You…You were joking when you once told me about those edible weeds, right?”
Dimitri: “What? No, of course not! Here, come with me, I’ll point them out to you!
Ivan: “Dimitri…”
With Dimitri (After the fight in their support)
Dimitri: “There sure are a lot of weeds, aren’t there?”
Ivan: “Uh-huh.”
Dimitri: “…Ivan…”
With Felix
Ivan: “Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm~”
Felix: “How are you enjoying this?”
Ivan: “I’m not. I’m distracting myself.”
With Ingrid
Ingrid: “Ivan, I don’t mean to push, but could you hum for us? This task is dreadfully boring.”
Ivan: “You read my mind, Ingrid! One song, coming up.”
Ingrid: “Thank you!”
With Sylvain
Sylvain: “Ugh, weeding. I can think of at least a dozen things I’d rather do than weeding.”
Ivan: “Keep at it, Sylvain. So long as you concentrate, we’ll be done soon enough.”
Sylvain: “I know, I know…”
With Mercedes
Ivan: “Say, Mercedes. I have a question about the weeds around here.”
Mercedes: “Do you? Well, I’ll do my best to answer, if I can! What is it?”
Ivan: “Are they…? Actually, never mind. I think I would prefer to live in blissful ignorance.”
Stable Duty
With Dimitri (Before the fight in their support)
Dimitri: “Are you okay, Ivan? You can stay over there if you want, I can take care of this.”
Ivan: “No, I appreciate the thought. But…I must be brave. I must!”
Dimitri: “So long as you don’t push yourself.”
With Dimitri (After the fight in their support)
Dimitri: “Ivan. Are you-?”
Ivan: “I’m fine, Dimitri.”
Dimitri: “The way you’re shaking says otherwise.”
With Felix
Felix: “You’re still afraid of horses? After all this time?”
Ivan: “I-I’m working on getting over it, I swear!”
Felix: “You’ve been saying that for years…”
With Ingrid
Ingrid: “When we were younger, whenever I asked if you wanted to help me take care of my horse, you’d freeze in place. What made you so scared of them in the first place?”
Ivan: “Honestly, it’s been so long, I can’t remember anymore.”
Ingrid: “Hmm, how sad…Horses aren’t as bad as you think, you know.”
With Sylvain
Sylvain: “Alright, Ivan, my back is ready and here for you to hide behind!”
Ivan: “Sylvain…”
Sylvain: “Haha, sorry! But seriously, if you need a break, I’m right here, okay?”
With Mercedes
Mercedes: “Are you alright? You’ve been trembling for a while now.”
Ivan: “It’s pathetic…No matter how hard I try, I can never feel at ease around horses.”
Mercedes: “Oh my, I see. But please, don’t call yourself pathetic! We all have our fears.”
Sky Watch
With Dimitri (Before the fight in their support)
Ivan: “Brother…”
Dimitri: “Deep breaths, Ivan. The Pegasi at the monastery are tame and gentle, they won’t hurt you.”
Ivan: “My head knows that, but my heart doesn’t agree.”
With Dimitri (After the fight in their support)
Dimitri: “Ivan?”
Ivan: “I don’t want to talk right now.”
Dimitri: “I-I see.”
With Felix
Felix: “How long do you plan on staring at the ground? You have to keep your eyes ahead if you want to keep watch.”
Ivan: “Please don’t take this the wrong way, Felix, but can we not speak right now?”
Felix: “You’re ridiculous…”
With Ingrid
Ingrid: “You’ve been looking pale since we set off. Are you really that bad with Pegasi too?”
Ivan: “I know it’s pathetic, you don’t have to say anything.”
Ingrid: “Oh, I didn’t mean to imply that.”
With Sylvain
Sylvain: “Hmm, I guess I can see why Pegasi freak you out as much as horses do. I mean, Pegasi are basically horses with wings.”
Ivan: “Sylvain, please…”
Sylvain: “Hey, no need to glare like that! I’m shutting up now.”
With Mercedes
Ivan: “Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm~”
Mercedes: “Ivan, are you okay? Your humming sounds rather distressed.”
Ivan: “I’m okay! I swear, I’m okay!”
Perfect Result
With Dimitri (Before the fight in their support)
Dimitri: “We did well! Great work today, Ivan.”
Ivan: “Please, the credit should be all yours.”
With Dimitri (After the fight in their support)
Dimitri: “We did a great job together, didn’t we?”
Ivan: “…We did well, I suppose.”
With Felix
Felix: “Well, I guess that wasn’t so bad.”
Ivan: “You worked especially hard, Felix!”
With Ingrid
Ingrid: “The job’s done, Professor! You did a good job, Ivan.”
Ivan: “Not as good a job as you did, Ingrid.”
With Sylvain
Sylvain: “A perfect job! C’mon, Ivan, where’s my praise?
Ivan: “Yes, yes, you did a good job, my friend.”
With Mercedes
Mercedes: “It was a lot of hard work, but we’re done now!”
Ivan: “Thanks for all your help, Mercedes!”
Good Result
With Dimitri (Before the fight in their support)
Dimitri: “My, that was hard work. Are you alright, Ivan?”
Ivan: “I’m fine. Sorry if I was going too slow.”
With Dimitri (After the fight in their support)
Ivan: “The job’s done, Professor.”
Dimitri: “Yes, we…we worked hard.”
With Felix
Ivan: “That was a lot of work. I’m sorry if I dragged us down, Felix.”
Felix: “Always looking to blame yourself for something, aren’t you?”
With Ingrid
Ivan: “Thank you for all your help, Ingrid.”
Ingrid: “My thanks to you as well, Ivan!”
With Sylvain
Sylvain: “Finally! I thought we’d never be done!”
Ivan: “I hope it wasn’t my fault we took so long…”
With Mercedes
Mercedes: “I’m exhausted, but we did well, didn’t we, Ivan?”
Ivan: “I agree. Thank you, Mercedes.”
Group Tasks (Post-Timeskip)
“My, this brings back memories, doesn’t it?”
(Perfect) “I hope we met your expectations, Professor!”
(Good) “I hope we didn’t cause extra work for someone else.”
Clearing Rubble
With Dimitri
Dimitri: “There’s so much rubble around here. Forgive me for letting all of you deal with it by yourselves for so long.”
Ivan: “It’s alright, Brother…Just make sure to pull your weight from now on, alright?”
Dimitri: “I promise, I will.”
With Felix
Ivan: “Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm~”
Felix: “…Never thought I’d actually miss that.”
Ivan: “Huh? What did you say, Felix?”
With Ingrid
Ingrid: “So much rubble! It truly is a disaster.”
Ivan: “Hmm, hmm, hmm~”
Ingrid: “…Heh, well, at least one of us seems to be having fun.”
With Sylvain
Sylvain: “Good grief, every time we clear this area it’s like someone dumps another load of rubble just to spite us!”
Ivan: “The monastery did take a lot of damage over these past five years. Let’s work hard, okay?”
Sylvain: “I know…”
With Mercedes
Ivan: “Are you doing alright, Mercedes? If you need to take a break, feel free.”
Mercedes: “No, don’t mind me! It’s hard work but I’ve been training a lot these past five years!”
Ivan: “Haha, I see!”
Stable Duty
With Dimitri
Ivan: “…It’s not by much, but I think I’ve gotten a little more used to horses.”
Dimitri: “That’s wonderful, Ivan! You’ve grown so much while I wasn’t around. I’m proud of you.”
Ivan: “Th-that’s a little too much, don’t you think?”
With Felix
Felix: “Well, looks who’s not shaking like a newborn fawn.”
Ivan: “I’ve grown since you last saw me, Felix! I-Ah! S-stay away!”
Felix: “Hah…Well, at least he isn’t running away.”
With Ingrid
Ingrid: “I’m glad to see you’re a little calmer around horses now.”
Ivan: “Well, I can’t be a cowardly child forever, can I?”
Ingrid: “…You’ve worked hard, haven’t you?”
With Sylvain
Ivan: “I must tell you, Sylvain, you won’t see me cowering behind you anymore! I’ve gotten a little more used to horses now, so I-Ahh!”
Sylvain: “You sure you don’t wanna cower behind me?”
Ivan: “…P-please don’t tell anyone.”
With Mercedes
Mercedes: “Aww, these horses are rather sweet, aren’t they, Ivan?”
Ivan: “…Yes, I-I suppose they’re not so bad.”
Mercedes: “So long as you’re patient and gentle, I’m sure the day will come when they won’t scare you anymore.”
Sky Watch
With Dimitri
Ivan: “Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm~ Dimitri, you’ve been quiet for a while. Are you surprised to hear me humming?”
Dimitri: “I admit, seeing you at ease enough to hum atop a Pegasus is surprising. But…I was just focused on your voice. I’ve missed your music…”
Ivan: “…Then, what’s your request? I’ll perform for you later, like when we were children.”
With Felix
Felix: “You’ve finally calmed down around Pegasi, have you?”
Ivan: “Well, yes and no. I still feel terrible around them, but I’ve gotten better at pushing through regardless of my fear.”
Felix: “Hmm…Not bad, I guess.”
With Ingrid
Ivan: “Ingrid, what is it about Pegasi that make you like them so much?”
Ingrid: “Well, I’ve always adored horses, so I suppose loving Pegasi was just natural. I adore the feeling of flying beneath the blue skies, the wind whipping past. It’s exhilarating!”
Ivan: “I see…I guess that does sound interesting.”
With Sylvain
Sylvain: “Hey, Ivan, how’re you doing over there? Don’t panic now.”
Ivan: “Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm~”
Sylvain: “Heh, he’s in his own little world.”
With Mercedes
Mercedes: “Hmm, hmm, hmm~”
Ivan: “Your humming sounds nice, Mercedes.”
Mercedes: “Why, thank you! I can see why you enjoy humming so much. It’s so relaxing!”
Perfect Result
With Dimitri
Ivan: “Well done, Dimitri! We never would’ve finished as fast as we did without you.”
Dimitri: “You’re the one who deserves most of the credit, Ivan.”
With Felix
Felix: “I suppose there are worse partner to work beside.”
Ivan: “Why, that just may be the nicest thing you’ve said to me since we reunited.”
With Ingrid
Ingrid: “We managed to take care of everything. Thank you for all the help, Ivan!”
Ivan: “I’m glad to have been of service. Thank you as well, Ingrid!”
With Sylvain
Sylvain: “Whew! All in a day’s work, huh, Ivan?”
Ivan: “You worked hard, Sylvain. Good job.”
With Mercedes
Mercedes: “We did well today! It’s all thanks to you, Ivan!”
Ivan: “Oh please, you’re the one who deserves the praise, Mercedes.”
Good Result
With Dimitri
Ivan: “Alright, the job’s done. I didn’t hold you back, did I?”
Dimitri: “You could never hold me back.”
With Felix
Ivan: “Good work today, Felix! We had fun, didn’t we?”
Felix: “Are you honestly saying that with a straight face?”
With Ingrid
Ingrid: “That was exhausting, but we finished up, Professor.”
Ivan: “Thanks for all the help, Ingrid!”
With Sylvain
Sylvain: “We’re done! Man, that was such a pain!”
Ivan: “Was it really that bad? I thought we were doing well.”
With Mercedes
Ivan: “We’ve finished the job, Professor. I’m sorry it took so long.”
Mercedes: “My, I’m exhausted! I’m glad you were there to help out, Ivan.”
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