#i know a previously gave this song to alina
characters/ships that remind me of certain taylor songs:
would’ve, could’ve, should’ve - alina starkov, genya safin + zoya nazylensky (the grishaverse)
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The (hopefully) last of Vidbir rants
As I expected, Vidbir wasn't that great this year. I wasn't impressed by the selection of songs but music is a matter of personal taste, so let me complain about how poorly the whole thing was organized instead. - The whole "shortlist" thing. It was absolutely pointless. They've released the names of 27 potential finalists for no reason. Did they release the songs? No. Could the public influence who goes to the final? No. Why did they do it? Who knows! It only gave false hope to the artists who didn't make the final cut and their fans. - The finalists' announcement. That press conference, jeeeeez. I've seen middle-school math competitions more entertaining than that thing. I get that we don't have as much money as, say, Finland so no fancy trailer for us, okay, that's a given. But they could do better than a shitty press conference where some dude read the names of the contestants and their songs (pronouncing half of them incorrectly). Making a post with the finalist's list on IG or Twitter would've been more professional. - The controversies. They had two jobs. To check if the songs don't break any ESC rules and to check if the contestants don't break any Vidbir rules. Aaaand they've fucked up both of those, bravo. First with LAUD who was disqualified the day after he was selected for the final. And then with Alina Pash who previously performed in Crimea. Like, if you don't mind artists having connections to Russia then don't put out a statement that you're gonna check every potential contestant for their connections to Russia. And if you do mind then do your fucking job and don't select controversial artists! - The contest itself. The bad camerawork, the technical issues, the sheer LENGTH of this thing. And the cherry on top, is the public vote announcement. The guy mixed up the points TWICE and then the scoreboard broke down so they had to count the total number of points on a piece of paper. YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS SHIT UP.
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