#i kno half the boys are busy with filming but at the same time what are the ofds
heybinnie · 5 years
what if flowers are.........hints.............for another comeback concept.....................::,,,..
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Wasting Time | Diego Hargreeves
✦ pairing — Diego Hargreeves x Plus Size Reader
✦ word count — 4.1k
✦ summary— you’re an anti-love loner who somehow managed to get matched to someone by an enthusiastic and friendly pro-love super person.
✦ warnings — some angst, I think this has some comedy, probably language, Asha (OC) is a sweetheart and I would die for her, fluff.
✦ a/n — this is a repost due to tagging issues from a week-ish ago
Your mom left the restaurant in a hurry. She had a friend to meet up with, she reminded you a few times throughout the meal as she complained about your lack of romantic partner and friends.
Romance wasn’t for you. It didn’t even make sense. There wasn’t much to it, you had never seen it end well.
As for friendships, you had never been good at bonding with people. Back in college, you had hollow acquaintanceships at best, transactional relationships like most tended to be.
You were supposed to meet up with your mom to catch up after a couple of busy weeks, but you had sadly forgotten how intense she got with the topic of love.
She acted like you would never be happy on your own. Perhaps there was some truth in there, but if there was, she would have to take responsibility because she was complicit.
A random person tapped your shoulder. Craning your neck to the side to acknowledge them, you waited for them to say whatever it was they needed from you.
“Hi! I’m Asha!”
“I’m not interested,” you breathed out, looking past her to ask for the check.
Asha sat down in front of you. “I know you think love is a waste of time, you’re not the first and you won’t be the last, but all of you are wrong.”
You were sure Asha’s intentions were pure, but you didn’t need to hear fairytale-like arguments for love. And you definitely didn’t feel comfortable around eavesdroppers.
She followed you to the parking lot, spewing things about how beautiful romance was. Nothing you hadn’t heard before in songs and films. Which meant everything she was saying was bullshit.
Pulling the door of your car open, you snapped at her, “Could you please leave me alone?!”
You wished it had worked. She started following you throughout the day, smiling at you and asking you if you had changed your mind.
Surrounded by sweet smell and beautiful colors, you walked through the farmers market. You didn’t even understand how had she been able to follow you by foot when you were driving, but you wouldn’t let her ruin this.
“Strawberries are aphrodisiacs.”
“They taste good in smoothies,” you countered, paying for the berries and nodding as a thank you to the vendor.
Someone grabbed Asha by the arm. “What do you think you are doing?”
Asha gasped, smiling brightly. “Diego! This is perfect.”
A sharp sting went through your arm. You had always attracted mosquitoes, but their bites had never made you feel weird.
And boy, did you feel weird. The urge to hug the man in front of you overcame you, and as if he knew exactly what you were thinking, he opened his arms for you.
“He’s cuddly, right?” Asha’s sweet tone filled your ears.
Well, yes. His shirt was soft and he smelled good, extremely good — holy shit, why couldn’t other men smell like him?
“Your hair smells so good,” he blurted.
What a nice voice! His words and tone gave you goosebumps. Your stomach flipped as his arms tightened around your waist, prompting you to take a better whiff of his cologne.
You hoped he would never let go of you. It was hot outside yet you needed his warmth like you needed air.
Wait, what?
You pulled away from him, trying to find an excuse as to why you had hugged a stranger.
And why had you liked it?
Asha grabbed your hand and placed it on top of his. “This is Diego,” she introduced him to you, “he’s meant to be your romantic partner for life.”
Diego sighed, withdrawing his hand. “What have I told you about doing this?!”
“She wasn’t joking?” You asked, eyes going back and forth between the two.
He shook his head. “Have you heard of The Umbrella Academy?”
Oh, for fuck’s sake. “Yeah. All of you are superheroes.”
“Her powers are like Cupid’s.”
“Cupid’s behavior was childish at first,” Asha defended herself. “Mine isn’t.”
You waited for the punchline of the joke. It never came. He was 100% serious and you were bound to him now.
“I’ll leave you two lovebirds to get to know each other!”
Her words hit you instantly. “We don’t know each other,” you exclaimed, “I’m sure we won’t miss the other or anything...”
“We can just avoid each other!” Diego completed your thought, nodding along. “Perfect. I’m sorry for my sister.”
You swatted a hand. “No biggie.”
Oh, how wrong you had been. You spent your entire afternoon eating strawberries and watching tv, wondering what Diego was doing.
The subsequent days weren’t too different. Not from the strawberry part, you ran out of those too quickly.
You had many questions, less about the bond or whatever it was called and more about him. What he liked and disliked, why he did so...
It was stupid and pointless.
You stretched, whining. You couldn’t sleep, no matter which position you tried or what remedy from the Internet you put to the test.
A knock was bestowed upon the door. You whined again, throwing your sleep mask onto the bed and reaching for your pajama pants.
You turned the lights on as you crossed the apartment on your way towards the door. Noisily, you unlocked it.
Diego waved at you, trying to smile. He had a busted lip that was bleeding just like his eyebrow.
“What the hell are you doing in here?”
“I— I d—don’t...”
You frowned, grabbing him by the front of his vest to pull him into the apartment. Closing the door, you softly asked, “Do you need water?”
Diego shook his head, lifting his hands for you to give him a moment. You extended an arm, inviting him to take a seat in the living room.
Observing how swollen his face was, you walked toward the kitchen and looked for something to put on the area.
Fuck, you should’ve saved that ice just in case. Oh, well, a pack of frozen cauliflower and broccoli would do.
You pressed the cold bag on his cheek, waiting for him to hold it to let go of it. He grunted a thank you.
“Did your vigilante thing go wrong?”
Diego moved the bag for a moment to speak properly. “I felt like shit and needed to see you. I feel better now.”
“Yeah, that’s called codependency.”
“Well, what do you want me to do?”
You sighed, throwing your head back to rest it against the wall. “I am not blaming you.”
”You’re taking this too calmly. How?”
“I’m used to being by myself all the time, it looks like you are not.”
“You don’t feel like you can’t breathe without me?”
“No.” His disappointed look was the worst thing you had ever been forced to see in your life. The pang in your chest stopped when you told him, “I feel better when I see you, though. Less anxious.”
“Why do you think it is?”
You shrugged. “Maybe love doesn’t feel the same for everyone. Or whatever Asha did to us.”
His heart skipped a beat. “That sounds nice. Us.”
“Are you going soft on me?”
Diego pursed his lips together, glaring at you. He immediately hissed.
You took the bag off his hand and put it back into the freezer. Exchanging the pack for a ziplock bag with pineapple, you carefully rested it on his jaw, making sure it touched his lip too.
“Don’t,” you warned him, ignoring the thrill down your spine upon hearing the pet name.
Every night you waited for him to knock upon your door, and although he didn’t do it every day of the week, you always opened.
He had hugged you once or twice in greeting. Much to your dismay, it had felt nice.
This specific time he hugged you tighter, holding you for as long as you allowed him to. It saddened you, knowing this was the highlight of his day. And yours.
Before meeting him, you went to bed early and woke up at dawn. Now you happily skipped sleep to hang out with him.
Diego was nice when he wasn’t being overbearing, funny even. But you would never tell him that.
“Can’t you make your sister undo it?” You asked, opening a bottle of beer for him. His favorite brand, which you had started buying after he brought a pack a few weeks ago.
He took a swig of beer. “It can’t be undone, that’s the point.”
“I won’t feel cheated on if you find someone else,” you assured him.
“But I want you!”
“Diego, I’m not made for this, okay? It doesn’t matter if I want it or not.”
“I have the worst fucking luck in the world,” he lamented, gulping down half of his beverage. “My girlfriends either die, try to kill me and my family, or hate me.”
“If it makes you feel any better, the only boyfriend I’ve had got married to the cousin I hate the most.”
“He’s a dick. I’m hotter than him.”
Well, you weren’t going to deny that. Pouring yourself some wine, you lifted the glass to clink it with his bottle of beer.
“Is he the reason why you hate love?”
Putting the glass down after taking a gulp, you shook your head. “Not really. He was more like... the confirmation? I always thought it was a waste of time, and too absurd, and corny — but everyone I knew had a partner and I didn’t want to be left out. When he dumped me for my cousin and married her, I was proven right.”
“Well, duh.” Diego rolled his eyes playfully. “You didn’t date someone you liked.”
“I’ve never liked someone.”
“I’m offended.”
“Willingly, smartass.”
He pointed with his bottle. “What about your mom?”
“I tolerate her.”
“Would kill him if I could get away with it.”
“I hate my stepbrother.”
“Asha?” He teased.
You confessed. “Oh, well, she’s nice. She means well, at least.”
“What about me?” He insisted.
Shrugging, you refilled your glass. “You’re not bad when you’re talking casually.”
“Is this about my stutter?”
“Of course not, I’m not an asshole. I just hate it when you talk about me like you need me to survive when you clearly don’t.”
“I’ll take it as a compliment.”
“Closest thing you’ll get me to give you one.”
Giving you a cocky smile, he moved to sit down beside you on the floor. ”You didn’t deny it, you know?“
“Didn’t deny what?”
“That you’re my girlfriend.”
You shoved him playfully, shaking your head as you tried not to laugh. “Will you ever give up?”
Both of you chorused, “No.”
It was fabricated infatuation. He wanted an idealized version of you, like everyone did when they had crushes only to find out everything they like about their significant other or love interest is a lie made up by their own brains.
Leaving the glass to the side, you drank straight from the bottle. “Would you like me even if Asha hadn’t...”
You chuckled incredulously, “Why?”
“You’re smart, responsible, really pretty — and believe or not, you’re nice.”
You cupped his cheek, blinking rapidly. His skin was soft to the touch, a little warm too. Diego leaned forward, holding your chin between his index and thumb. His lips were so close, you could practically feel his bottom lip on your upper lip.
Fully realizing what was going on as your eyes threatened to lie closed, you turned your head to the side. Your hand fell to his shoulder, middle finger grazing his neck.
“Stop leading me on!”
“I can’t help it!”
“Just give in,” he whispered on your cheek. “I won’t break your heart.”
“I will break yours.”
“I don’t believe it.”
“You just complained because I lead you on.”
“And you said it wasn’t on purpose. People make mistakes in stressful situations.”
You shook your head, completely moving away from his touch as you stood up. “Feel free to crash on the couch for the night.”
Diego didn’t say anything, but you heard him leave minutes later from your bedroom.
Asha had insisted on befriending you. She wasn’t bad company — although too bubbly and jumpy from what you were used to, she was willing to tone it down for you.
As bad as it sounded, she also served as a distraction. And who were you kidding? It was nice to have a friend.
You waited for her to finish her ice cream cone to speak, mostly because you were scared she would stamp it on your face.
“Would you find a way to undo it if I admit to having understood the importance of love?”
Asha smiled, playing with her hands on her lap, on top of the yellow skirt you had suggested would fit her perfectly. “Why would I undo it if you understand that now?”
Focusing your eyes on the dogs playing on the grass, you admitted, “I don’t like it, I feel weak. And having someone only care about me because of your influence doesn’t help.”
“I can’t match people who are incompatible.”
“What’s that supposed to mean? That Diego and I are meant to be together because of some sort of fate?”
She giggled. “No, you just fit well together. But maybe you want it to be different...”
“I just want to have control over this, Asha! I feel like I’m going crazy.”
“Why?” She tilted her head as she asked. It was like the idea was foreign to her.
“Because I miss him!” Your voice lowered then, “And I know he misses me too. He has to whether he likes it or not.”
“But you want him to do it on his own.”
You nodded, ashamed, as you felt her bright eyes on the side of your face.
“I don’t influence or manipulate what people think or feel, (Name),” she explained, resting a warm hand on your thigh in attempts to comfort you. “I only match people who will feel things similarly. That’s the gift I’ve given you and Diego, I’m sorry you haven’t been able to see it like that.”
That wasn’t comforting at all. Not now. If she had said it earlier... meh, it wouldn’t have worked. She knew you well, it seemed.
Turns out you weren’t as closed off as you liked to think.
Asha grabbed your hand, standing up as she looked at you with those big eyes of hers. They shone with determination, and for the first time since you befriended her, you felt a little scared of what she would do.
But you trusted her. Standing up, you made sure your cellphone was in your pocket and allowed her to drag you wherever she wanted to take you.
Asha made a few stops. You saw her use her powers on two gals who were clearly on a friend-date at a restaurant. According to Asha, they both were scared of telling the other how they felt. Childhood friends, she explained.
The other stop was at a coffee shop where she ordered one of those extremely sweet frappes. She made you taste it, and although you weren’t a fan and would never order something like that, you had to admit you were starting to see the appeal.
But the third stop... oh, boy, that one was unexpected. You stared up at the gymnasium’s sign, confused and a little bit offended.
“Are you implying I should start working out?”
Asha snickered. “I’m strongly suggesting you should talk to Diego.”
Right, he worked at a gym — how could you have forgotten? Scratch the unexpected part, this was the most Asha thing ever.
The place was busy with people from all genders, some of them were taking laps and others were training on the rings.
“Okay, (Name),” you whispered to yourself, “you can do this. How hard can it be?”
Too hard. The closer you got to where he was standing, the hardest you found it. Embarrassing yourself had never been something you had been through, ignoring people for decades had given you a lot of advantages and that had been your personal favorite.
You turned on your heels, determined to leave and never come back. This was such a bad idea! You were in his territory, vulnerable, and only accompanied by his sister who would probably be on his side.
“Can I help you?”
You jumped, immediately turning around. Fuck. Your throat locked up. Diego nodded upward, encouraging you to speak. He looked good, wearing a pair of sweatpants and a tank top — all black as he usually did.
You couldn’t look at him in the eyes as you examined the place, looking for Asha. It didn’t look like a place where she would enjoy herself, but no one ever knew with her; she was full of surprises.
“She left already,” Diego deadpanned.
Your mouth hung open. You weren’t really surprised, but words weren’t willing to come out. This was the first time you had tried to articulate a meaningful apology.
The fake ones were so easy! You were even able to get poetic with those, making promises you didn’t intend to keep to people you weren’t going to see ever again because there had never been a reason to stay.
“You didn’t go to the market yesterday.” He tried to say it casually.
“I went to visit my mom.”
“Oh, I see tolerance is going well.”
You huffed a laugh. “Something like that. Not much luck with my stepbrother yet, though.”
“At least you’re trying.”
“I should be more open, I suppose.”
You allowed silence to settle. You needed it to, it had been your best friend for so long that you didn’t know how to cope without its looming presence.
You were nervous, this was your only chance to apologize. What if he didn’t accept the apology?
“I’m sorry, Diego,” you mumbled, “I didn’t want things to go this way.”
“You didn’t want things to go at all.”
“Why would I?” You didn’t want to fight him, but you were desperate for him to see things from your perspective.
“There are a lot of reasons. I don’t think people can be happy completely alone.”
“Okay, you’re right, but you wanted me to jump into something more. Such a big leap when I’ve been living and doing most things on my own since I was 19 is scary.”
“Want,” he corrected you.
You both stood with your backs against the wall, watching the people training as they threw punches. He crossed his arms, focused on the youngest of the trainees.
You turned to look at him. “I know Asha can’t undo the bond, but you don’t need this type of connection to date someone.”
“Maybe that’s why it never worked.” Diego shrugged, sticking his bottom lip out. “I like how this feels. He added, “When you’re not turning me down.”
“So never?” you joked.
Diego chuckled, eyes still on the young trainee. He looked like a teen, no older than 15. “When we talk like this. Or when you empty your freezer to treat my swollen face...”
“Oh, so you only like me for my frozen veggies.”
“God, I wish.” Diego placed his hand on your shoulder, “Give me a moment. Don’t go!”
Nodding, you watched him approach the teen. They exchanged a few words — well, Diego seemed to be questioning the poor boy who only gave short verbal answers or moved his head to reply.
Diego threw his arm around the teen, pulling him close into a half-hug. Both got closer to you as Diego guided the teen towards the exit, still chatting.
“Thank you, Diego,” the teen said with a nod as Diego withdrew his arm from his shoulders. “Good night, Ms,” he acknowledged you.
“Good night,” you answered politely.
Diego smiled, huffing through his nose.
“Has he been training here for a while?” you asked once the young trainee had left.
Standing closer to you now, he told you more about the teen, “Brandon started last month. He’s a good kid. Stubborn, but his heart is in the right place.”
“Like you?”
Diego lifted his eyebrows, unable to hide his smile. “Did you just compliment me?”
“What would you do if I said yes?”
“You won’t like my answer.”
You bit your bottom lip. “Try me.”
He freed your lip from your teeth with his thumb, caressing it. “Don’t tempt me, baby.”
Your face heated up. God, the things Diego was doing to you...
Grinning, he bopped your nose. “You are adorable.”
“I am not trying to be adorable,” you said, scrunching your nose.
“That’s part of the charm.” He looked up, checking the time on the clock above you. “I’m technically free in less than an hour.”
“Don’t you have other things to do?”
Diego wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
Rolling your eyes, you hit him on the shoulder with your fist. “The other things!”
“Oh, yeah.” He rubbed his shoulder even though you hadn’t hit him hard. “I can do them even later.”
“We can talk even later,” you tried to reason with him.
He tutted. “I know you, and you’ll find an excuse.”
You didn’t understand what Diego had done to you, or how Asha’s powers really worked, but you were willing to compromise, to show him you wanted to talk to him and fix things.
So accompanied by a sigh, you made a gesture with your hands, indicating that you would wait for him to be done.
You had never been so eager to spend time with someone, not even as a child when your neighbor would come over for a play date.
Diego casually offered his hand to you, patiently waiting for you to either take it or reject him.
Unsure, you inched your hand closer to his. He gazed down, taking the trajectory of your hand in. Sighing contently when your palm finally rested against his, he wiggled your fingers open.
His fingers fit between yours perfectly, his palm was warm and calloused, slightly scarred. Suddenly Asha’s judgment didn’t sound too bad.
Swinging your clasped hands, Diego asked more about what you had done the past week. You kept to yourself the part about missing him, but shared everything else — including that horrible fight with your dad, and the movie Asha made you see at a midnight screening.
He told you about his apartment-hunting journey and how tedious it was. You recalled his offhand comment about wanting to move out of the boiler room, so you kept to yourself the fact that he would need another job to be able to afford it.
Ruining the night was the last thing you wanted to do.
Dropping the keys onto the coffee table, you walked directly into the kitchen. He followed you, turning the lights on.
Diego opened your fridge to take a drink out and chuckled happily. “Aww, you bought my favorite beer even though we were mad at each other.”
You stood behind him, reaching for the jug of water as you corrected him, “I wasn’t mad.”
“Well, I was.”
“Not anymore?”
You smiled to yourself, pouring water into a glass. He grabbed the jug from your grasp, storing it in the fridge for you.
Mirroring your smile —outshining it in your opinion— he said, “You’re so beautiful.”
“You’re flirty today.”
“I wasn’t flirting.” Diego feigned offense.
Frowning, you picked your glass and took a gulp of water. Asha tired you out earlier by dragging you all over town, but compared with how disappointing hearing him say that was, the tiredness was fine.
Placing the bottle on the counter, he clarified, “I meant that I was only stating the obvious.”
You put the glass down. “I am not used to this, sorry.”
He rested his hands on your arms. “It’s okay. I just want to know something...”
You hummed. “Anything.”
“What made you change your mind?”
You fiddled with the unbuttoned shirt he had thrown on top of his tank top. “I can’t sleep when you don’t visit.”
“That can’t be it.”
You conceded, “It’s not everything, but it sums it all up.”
“How slow do you want to go?”
You shrugged. “Do I look like I have a clue?”
“No,” he laughed. Diego inched a hand up to your neck, thumb rubbing your cheek. “Can I kiss you? I promise you can push me off you whenever you want, I won’t get mad.”
Softly, he pressed his lips against yours. The slow kiss was a nice change from what you had experienced in the past, Diego wasn’t kissing you to get something more out of you or to forget about somebody else — Diego was kissing you because he wanted to do it, because he wanted you.
You pulled him closer, gripping the collar of his shirt. He smiled into the kiss, dropping his other hand to your waist.
Having Diego this close was everything but a waste of time, you decided, kissing him harder as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
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probably-writing-x · 4 years
Itzan Escamilla x Reader
Request by anon: Heyyyy!! Love your imagines so much tbh they make me MELTTTT ❤️ I was wondering if you can write an imagine about Itzan Escamilla (as himself, not as Samu) where the reader is coming to visit the Élite set and then she meets everyone and Itzan falls in love with her at the same moment and he gets shy so Danna helps him out to ask her out on a dinner the same evening which ends up by Itzan & the reader kissing at the end of the night. Thank you & I hope you’re well! Much love 💕💕💕
Gif is not my own
Requests are open🤍
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“Girl I’m so happy you’re here!” Danna exclaims when she sees you, hurrying over and wrapping you in an embrace, “I’ve missed you so much.”
“It’s so crazy here,” You laugh, watching as another golf cart passes across the set to quickly transport something else.
“Oh don’t worry, I’ll show you around - it will feel like a second home in no time,” She jokes, linking her arm with yours as she starts leading you through.
You had been one of Danna’s dancers for a while now and you’d become close friends ever since you first started working with her. Now she was on the elite set, she’d invited you down to meet everybody so that the two of you could have a long awaited catch up.
“I’ll make sure I introduce you to everybody, they’re all nice so don’t worry,” She explains, “We’re kind of busy filming different stuff today so I might have to leave you a bit but there’ll always be someone around.”
She drags you over to one of the trailers and knocks quickly on the door.
“This is Mina!” She beams and a young woman opens the door with a bright smile.
“You must be (Y/n)! It’s so lovely to meet you!” You instantly recognise her as Nadia from the show and you’d heard Danna always speak highly of her.
She engulfs you in a hug and you instantly relax into trusting Danna when she’d said everyone was lovely.
“Hey!” A boy calls from behind you.
You turn around and see the two boys you knew as Ander and Omar from the show walking toward the trailer.
“(Y/n), right?” One of them smiles, walking straight toward you, “I’m Omar!”
He hugs you instantly and you knew Danna was right when she said he was one of the most extroverted on set.
“I’m Arón,” The other boy offers you a wave - Danna was also correct when she said he was a lot more introverted.
“It’s nice to meet all of you,” You smile, “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“All good things I hope,” Omar nudges her, “How long are you here for?”
“I’m in town for a couple of weeks so Danna offered to show me around, I’m just waiting for her to finish filming so we can start performing again.”
They laugh and it makes you feel even more at ease.
“Speaking of which, they were calling you to set Danna,” Arón comments, taking a sip from his water bottle.
She looks at you and sighs, “Are you going to be okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll be fine,” You glance around, “I’ll wait for you.”
“Here, I’ll show you around a bit if you’d like?” Mina suggests, “They don’t need me for a while anyway.”
You thank her and she ushers you off through a maze of more trailers, asking you questions about your career and your friendship with Danna as you went through. You’re stopped when one boy comes out of one of the trailers and looks fondly at Mina.
“You’re Dannas friend right? I’m sorry I’m terrible with names,” The boy laughs, “I’m Miguel.”
“(Y/n) - and I’m just as bad with names so don’t worry.”
“(Y/n), I’ll try to remember that,” He grins, giving you a hug too, “Fancy walking down to set with us? I think Itzan and Ester should be around there.”
You agree and follow the two of them. Miguel was just as friendly - asking similar questions to what Mina had, also telling you a little bit about the set and what they’d been filming today. He’d asked for any secrets that he could use against Danna and mentioned that he’d seen you perform at a few shows before.
“Ah! Ester, Itzan!” He calls out to two other people who had their backs to you.
“Ahhh hello beautiful!” Ester grins as she sees you, hurrying over and enveloping you in her arms. You’d met her at a party before with Danna and had stayed in Instagram-comment contact ever since.
“Hey Ester!” You smile, returning her gesture, “It’s so good to see you again.”
“You too, girl! It’s been far too long,” She beams, “Oh Sorry, this is Itzan too.”
The boy looks about your age, fresh faced however to make him look as young as his character. He has sharp features and dark hair that make him seem a lot more mysterious than his bashful smile suggested.
“Hey, nice to meet you,” He nods, glancing down at his feet before glancing back up.
Was he always this nervous?
“Yeah, you too,” You respond, trying to stop yourself from blushing at his adoring gaze.
“Here,” Miguel gestures over to some black canvas chairs, “Take a seat and we can watch the scene.”
You follow where he’d been directing you and sit down in one of the chairs, the one that would be designated for Danna. Itzan takes the seat beside you.
“So how long have you kno-“ He begins, prematurely cut off.
“Silence on set please!” The director calls from their chair.
You offer Itzan a smile instead and turn to watch Danna in her scene with Jorge and the man who played their father.
- - - - - -
“They weren’t too bad were they?” Danna jokes as she walks over to where the group of you had been to watch the scene.
“No, no, not at all,” You shake your head, “Good job on the scene.”
“I find it so hard to not laugh at Jorge!” She exclaims, hitting his arm as he walks up beside her.
The boy laughs and shakes his curls, “Nice to meet you (Y/n).”
Danna turns her attention to Itzan who’s beside you with his eyes trailing the floor, “You okay Itzan?”
He glances up and nods, “Yeah, I’m okay.”
“You sure, buddy?” Miguel clasps his shoulder, “You look a little flushed.”
“No, I’m good,” He slips through the group, getting away from their attention, “I should probably get ready for my scene.”
“They didn’t even call us yet!” Ester laughs, “Whats up with him?”
Danna catches your eye contact and shoots you a knowing look, “I have no idea.”
- - - - - -
“So, they need me to stay for a few hours tonight to do some evening scenes,” Danna explains as she touches up her makeup in the trailer.
“I thought you said you were done for the day?”
“Well, plans change, don’t question it,” She responds with an evident lie, “But I did manage to find you a replacement companion for the evening.”
“What?” You laugh, “It’s fine, I’ll just head back to my hotel room.”
“Itzan wants to take you out.”
“Itzan?” You raise your brows, “He told you that or you forced him?”
She rolls her eyes at you, “He was just too nervous earlier, but he really wants to go out with you.”
You eye her suspiciously, “Okay, fine.”
You couldn’t lie and say that you weren’t excited. He was handsome to say the least and there was something about his offset nervous nature that made him intriguing to you.
“Where are we going?”
“You will find out later, darling,” She shoots you a wink, “There’s an outfit on my rail that you can wear, and I just need you to text me to let me know you’re safe,” She jokes.
- - - - - -
As Danna has promised, there’s a knock on her trailer only half an hour later and you find yourself checking your appearance quickly before opening the door.
“So Danna said you didn’t have plans tonight, and she didn’t want you to be alone,” Itzan explains, “Would you maybe want to go out with me?”
“Yeah, Id love to,” You smile warmly, “I’ll just grab my purse.”
You check your outfit again. Danna had left a pair of suit shorts with a black bodysuit with the matching suit jacket and you were relieved she’d actually given you something that you felt comfortable in.
“So where were you thinking of going?” You ask as you follow the path he takes through the set.
“Danna didn’t tell you? She said she’d already made a reservation when I spoke to her,” He frowns, “I thought you would’ve known.”
You laugh a little, “Looks like neither of us know. I’m sure she’s got a car booked.”
You’re pleasantly surprised by how easily you and Itzan strike up conversation. He was a good listener, you learnt. He was welcoming and easy to talk to and he remembered little details and asked you more about them. You had niche things in common and even started debating things you disagreed on - like your favourite Marvel movie.
It flows so well that you find yourself eating lukewarm food at the fancy restaurant after forgetting about eating for so long. Danna had booked a restaurant for you and she’d already covered the cost of the table. You’d thank her later.
“I’ve had a really great time tonight, thank you for keeping me company,” You smile as the two of you decide to walk back to set instead of taking the car.
He matches your pace as he walks beside you, “I did have to get Danna’s help to try to somewhat ask you out.”
You laugh, “Yeah I figured she didn’t have any scenes to film tonight.”
“Not exactly,” He scratches the back of his neck, “I’m not the best at stuff like this.”
“Well I’d say you’ve done a pretty good job so far,” You reassure him, wrapping your arms around yourself in the cold.
“You’re cold?” He frowns a little, tugging off his jacket without question, “Here.”
You turn towards him and let him drape the jacket over your shoulders. His fingertips brush the hair away from your shoulders and linger there for a moment. You’re pleasantly surprised at the delicate confidence behind his touch as his hand moves to instead cup your jaw and he slowly leans in to match his lips with yours. It’s soft and his lips still hold onto the sweet taste of the champagne from dinner. They’re soft and young and you find yourself practically melting under his gesture.
“Looks like your confidence is improving,” You mumble against his lips as he pulls away slightly.
“Maybe Danna should have a few more evening shoots whilst you’re here,” He smirks, hands sliding down your arms until one of them locks with one of yours.
“Yeah, I think I’d like that.”
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choupichoups · 5 years
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CHAPTER FOUR :: Previous chapters
Eliott falls helplessly infatuated with his best friend’s little brother— he knows he’s writing up his own death wish going after this boy, but fuck if Lucas isn’t the most beautiful thing he’s ever laid eyes on.
Or: Eliott’s under the impression that his best friend’s new step brother, ‘Lulu’, is a literal baby. Nobody tells him the guy’s actually a fucking babe-y.
His phone lays face down on the nightstand, chiming with accusing vibrations from god knows where. He hasn’t exactly kept up with the outpouring of messages since Friday night. 
Eliott doesn’t know what day it is. 
With a burst of energy that sends both dread and respite coursing through his chest, Eliott pushes himself towards the bathroom, standing under the warm pressure of the shower until it turns cold, freezing pelts numbing where his back is hunched over the tiled walls. 
He doesn’t feel any better. There’s a steely blankness in his mind, a faint ringing echoing its walls that has Eliott wondering how he’s able to move around. 
When he gets out, shivering from the cool air breezing in from his open windows, the mere sight of the light emanating from his nightstand grips him with inexplicable anxiety. The familiar drop in his stomach is so unbearable he can’t even bring himself to approach his fucking phone. His eyes search out a pack of smokes out of reflex but a spiteful voice inside his head berates him. Make it worse, why don’t you, it says, go ahead and prove them right, then. 
He goes into the kitchen and gulps down two glasses of water instead. He supposes his piece of shit brain has an effective way of keeping him in check sometimes. 
His laptop is asleep on the kitchen table when he turns around and Eliott taps on it, stares blankly at the timestamp on top of the screen— it’s Sunday afternoon. So he hasn’t been out of the grid for that long then. Not long enough to miss classes, at least. That’s good. It’s good. 
That eliminates the chances of school related emails being included in his growing pile of notifications.
He slides gingerly onto the chair, switching to his Netflix tab to resume whatever movie he’d been watching before he left for that party on Friday. Eliott watches the screen move, colours and sounds around him, none of it sticks but he appreciates the background noise. Appreciates the change in scenery. He’s gotten a little sick and tired of watching the ceiling in between bouts of fitful slumber. 
Eyes still dull from exhaustion, he follows the fast paced sequence playing in front of him until the muffled music clears up, until the teeny voices from his speakers start making sense again, until his brain latches onto the idea of the film, until he recognizes the title, remembers the bits he’d seen from Friday. 
He’s frowning down at a particular twist in the plot when his lock turns, dragging slow and soft, as if it would help mask the disruptive shriek of metal against metal. He doesn’t react much to it— only stares at the door with vague wonder, but ultimately can’t bring himself to care even when the door creaks fully open. He’s genuinely surprised to see Adrien’s head pop out from behind it, searching eyes wandering about until it lands on Eliott and a brilliant smile immediately lifts the entirety of his best friend’s face. 
So Lucas hasn’t told him anything. 
Eliott’s heart clenches. It has nothing to do with relief. 
“Hey!” Adrien sounds so excited that Eliott wants to smile, but his lips don’t get the memo. “I brought lunch. Or dinner, I guess? Whatever.”
He makes himself at home, banging around in Eliott’s kitchen as the movie plays on, now abandoned. Eliott relocates to the couch, letting Adrien’s off tune singing and his computer’s noisy faux explosions fill his head. It’s comfortable enough that Eliott’s eyes fall shut, head tilted back against the back of the couch. 
It’s dark outside the next time he wakes. His laptop’s now connected to his tv screen, playing a different movie. Adrien’s lounging beside him, spoon stuck in his mouth, eyes trained on his phone. 
“You gonna share that or what?” Eliott manages to croak out, reaching for the bowl of take out in Adrien’s lap.
Adrien practically jumps at the sound of Eliott’s voice and that finally, finally fills him with enough humour to conjure up a smile. It feels fucking good. He hopes it lasts. 
“Fuck off, yours is in the fridge,” Adrien says once he recovers, sliding his bowl far away from Eliott’s reach. 
Eliott groans, “That’s too far.”
“Your place isn’t that big, calm down.” But Adrien gets up anyway, dragging his feet as he heads for the kitchen to heat up the leftovers. Eliott isn’t hungry, truth be told, he does want to continue this streak of normalcy, though. He wants to keep smiling and feeling and eating. Maybe it would push him on a fast track to being himself again come the next day. Whatever being himself means.
Hot food is plopped down on his legs with no warning and his resulting yelp has Adrien in stitches. Eliott’s sorely tempted to dump the entire thing over Adrien’s head, see who’s laughing then, but he did bring Eliott some free food so he gets one single pass for being an asshole. Eliott flips him off, lips still curled in a smirk as he nibbles on his first bite. 
They watch the movie mostly in silence, only with the occasional commentary from Adrien, who’s prone to being very vocal about how angry the characters make him. There’s something off with his behaviour though, almost like he’s forcing the cheer into his voice. Eliott looks over just in time to catch him tapping away on his phone for the umpteenth time. 
So Eliott pauses the movie, confirming his suspicions when it takes Adrien a full minute to realize that there’s now silence where the movie villain’s cheesy droning spiel had just been. He reaches out, one hand curled into a fist, and Adrien stares at it blankly before slapping his palm against it, closing his hand over the fist, holding tight like a child afraid of the dark. He looks like a child too, Eliott’s eyes adjusting to the lack of light to find Adrien’s wide, watery gaze on him.
“I fucked up, Eli.” 
Well that’s new. It’s usually Eliott who fucks up between the two of them. “How much?”
“Big time.”
Eliott sits up from where he’s half melted into the couch cushions, kicking at Adrien’s leg until he does the same. “What happened?” 
Adrien eyes him, says, “Nothing, don’t worry about it. I’m just being stupid.” But he sounds pitiful enough that Eliott can’t not worry about it. 
“Look, Adri, we can’t both feel like shit,” Eliott says, earning a snort from the other end of the couch. “Only one at a time and I called dibs already so just tell me what’s wrong so you can feel less shitty about it.” 
Adrien wipes his eyes. Sniffs a little. “Lucas is missing.”
That’s the last thing Eliott wants to hear. “What?” he chokes out, forcing a neutral tone. His heartbeat picks up in protest. “Since when?”
“Friday, god, I should’ve gone to that stupid party—”
This is all your fault. “What do you mean he’s missing?” Neutrality out the window, apparently. Good thing Adrien doesn’t seem to notice, too busy trying to yank the hair out of his head as he is. 
“I don’t know, he’s been kinda weird recently to be honest, and now he’s not coming home or answering his goddamn phone.” Adrien nibbles on his fingernails, a nervous tick the both of them share. “I’m freaking out, like— what do I tell our parents? They can’t even leave my brother alone with me for two weeks without him going missing, fuck. I’m so useless. What if we get a baby brother? Or a baby sister? How much would I fuck up then? Jesus, I would probably drop an actual infant and—” 
Eliott shakes his head, takes Adrien’s phone away to do something. “Calm down,” he hisses, not sure if he’s addressing Adrien or himself. “Have you checked with all his friends?” 
“The ones I know of, yeah.” Adrien grabs a cushion and buries his face under it. 
A thought occurs to Eliott then, unwanted but he’d rather that than any other worse scenarios. Maybe it’s not his fault. How bold of him to assume Lucas would care that much about Eliott, just another boy chasing him around. Maybe the answer is much simpler. Maybe it’s got nothing to do with him at all. “Maybe he met someone,” he suggests, and he has no right to feel jealousy catching fire like a candle wick, rapid to burn. “Went home with them?” 
“No,” Adrien denies, muffled. “Lucas doesn’t do that.”
Flashes from Friday night’s party make him swallow, throat clicking at the image of Lucas and that guy headed fast towards the bedrooms. “You sure?”
“Uh huh. Hundred percent.” 
Adrien’s phone interrupts them with a startling ring. Instinctively, Eliott slides a finger to accept the unknown call, putting it on speaker so Adrien could hear as well. “Hello?” Eliott answers, hesitant, when Adrien looks like he doesn’t plan on emerging from his cushion any time soon. 
Confused silence, and then a timid, “Adri?”
Lucas’ voice. Eliott drops the phone on the table like it’s suddenly grown spikes. 
It’s a good thing Adrien comes alive at that moment, his cushion flying off the living room and into the kitchen. “Where the fuck have you been?!” he practically screeches in the general direction of the phone. 
There’s some static, the sound of sheets ruffling. “I don’t— I don’t kno— no, shit, hold on.”
Adrien’s face is flushed with anger. “The fuck you mean you don’t—” He rubs a hand over his face. “Are you okay?” 
“Yeah, of course.” 
Eliott sincerely doesn’t know whether to be thankful of, or lament the fact that Adrien keeps the phone call on speaker. 
“Of course? Of course? So why the hell haven’t you been answering my calls, Lulu?”
“I’m sorry, my phone died,” Lucas groans from the other end, sounding miserable. Like he’s—
“Are you hungover?” Adrien voices out the question in Eliott’s head. 
“Yes.” The one word packs such heavy attitude it almost makes Eliott laugh— until he remembers it’s Sunday evening so Lucas being hungover means he’s been drinking again on Saturday and well into the morning after. “Would you tone down a little?”
“No, I won’t tone the fuck down. Do you know what time it is? And you sound like that? Tell me where you are, I’ll come get you.” 
“I’ll be home tomorrow.”
“Lucas,” Adrien pronounces the name slowly, how he always does when upset. “Where are you?”
Unperturbed, Lucas repeats, “I said I’ll be home tomorrow, father.” And then he hangs up.
Adrien looks two seconds away from flinging his phone out the window. It’s times like this when Eliott truly appreciates being an only child. 
“Whose phone number was that?” Adrien asks, visibly holding back from redialing the unknown number.
Eliott shrugs and heads into the bedroom for his phone; there’s no harm in checking his contact list. He figures it’s time to stop avoiding the inevitable anyway. At least Adrien being present would alleviate some of the stress from checking on his unread messages. 
Turns out he doesn’t have the phone number Lucas used registered on his phone either but what he does find out is that Lucas has blocked him on Instagram. And it shouldn’t hurt. It really, really shouldn’t. It’s a fucking phone app, the act is borderline juvenile. The laugh he lets out is rusty, unfamiliar to his own ears, bitter in its quietness. He should have seen it coming, it’s what he deserves after all. But knowing so doesn’t make it feel any less horrible.
“You okay?” Right. Adrien’s there beside him, clueless as to what Eliott’s done to his precious little brother. Eliott knows he’s played a dangerous game and now Lucas holds all the cards.
“Yup, just peachy.” Eliott shoves his phone behind the couch. Out of sight out of mind. “You want a drink?” 
Adrien sweeps a hand over his eyes. “I need ten.”
“I only have cranberry juice.”
“Ugh, fuck.”
“We can use the fancy glasses and pretend it’s wine.”
“Yeah, okay, close enough. Juice me up.”
Come Tuesday afternoon, Eliott feels less like living as a hermit deep into the woods and more like throwing people deep into the woods. 
Irritation simmers at the surface of his skin like gasoline, ready to ignite at the slightest provocation. So he does his best to stay away from the crowds, and forces himself to interact only when he’s cornered, because apparently some people can’t read the atmosphere despite his closed off demeanor. 
Mysterious, some would call him and it’s so fucking stupid. Aloof. Intimidating. Cool. 
He’d laugh if he weren’t so keyed up, throat scratchy with the urge to snap, shoulders hunched to keep in a festering fury he has neither time nor will to put out. 
It doesn’t help that his hands have developed a mind of their own, obsessively checking for a message that will never show up. He’s irritated that there’s only one voice he wants to hear. He’s irritated that people still try their luck in approaching him, he’s irritated that they laugh and speak and move around him like he isn’t some ticking time bomb. He’s irritated that despite all the noise and the clamour, everything is still so goddamn boring, nothing to pull him out of his head, nothing to crack open his barrier, nothing nothing nothing. 
His most wakening moments happen during the events leading up to, and the ones following after, himself getting punched in the face. 
It’s exactly how it sounds like, but in Eliott’s defence, it's completely and utterly not his fault. Just a giant misunderstanding and too much testosterone involved in the mix. 
It happens when Eliott’s just about to leave campus, skipping out on the final half of his last class so he could catch the early bus and continue being miserable at home. Hands busy untangling his headphones, he doesn’t realize he’s got company in the hallway until he hears a very unimpressed, very familiar voice coming from the other end. Eliott throws himself into the next hallway, heart beating erratically while he stands with his back plastered against the wall. 
“Listen, Nathan,” Lucas is saying, thankfully unaware of the film worthy stunt Eliott had just pulled. He slumps down on the ground and accepts the fact that he’s officially the king of being at the wrong place at the wrong time nowadays. 
Or maybe the king of eavesdropping is more accurate?
His phone vibrates against the floor where it’s shoved inside his pocket and Eliott scrambles to kneel up, cursing under his breath as he fumbles to muffle the sound of the missed call. 
Cautiously, he peeks out, but both boys are still occupied with their conversation. Eliott ducks back into his hiding place, rationalizing if the loss of dignity he’d experience should someone catch him crab walking towards the staircase would be worth dodging Lucas’ ire.  
Maybe he simply puts the king in panicking, at this point.
“Nigel,” Nathan— or Nigel, really, corrects him. Eliott winces in sympathy. So that’s how Lucas plays it, huh. 
“Nigel. I’m sorry about the party,” Lucas continues, and Eliott knows exactly what he’s going to say next. “I was a little drunk.” Fucking hell. 
Nigel lets out a breathy laugh. “Come on, Lucas, you can’t say you felt nothing.” 
Alright, Eliott’s sympathy is quickly fizzing out. 
“Feel what?” 
“There’s something between us, Lu.” 
“We met four days ago,” Lucas deadpans, ruthless in a way that has Eliott a little taken aback. There’s no hint of the playful tone Lucas had always used around him.
“You kissed me at the party.”
“I said I was drunk.” 
“You weren’t, why don’t you just give us a chance? I could be—”
“No,” Lucas interrupts, “it’s nothing to do with you, you’re a great guy so don’t bother wasting your time on me.”
“You’re not ever a waste of time.” 
That gets a laugh out of Lucas. “That’s uh, sweet, but I’m serious. Please.” 
Eliott squeezes his eyes shut. You’d know if I was rejecting you. He thunks his head on the wall behind him, staring up at the pale ceiling as he wills for time to turn back. 
But of course it doesn’t. All that happens is that Eliott misses the rest of the conversation he’s listening in on and only realizes it’s over when shuffling footsteps make their rapid way straight towards where Eliott is squished into a corner. 
And oh shit, oh shit, oh shit—
Except Lucas rushes right past him, anticlimactically. 
Eliott knows he’s got about two seconds to decide whether he’s going to let him go or if he’s going to gather the balls to at least apologize. 
In an act of bravery that probably surprises the deities themselves, Eliott calls out for Lucas, wincing in preparation for a storm as he traces the way Lucas’ entire body tenses up. A voice in his head tells him to leave it, that they’re headed straight for corrosion and nothing he says would change anything. Eliott almost succumbs to it.
But Lucas keeps walking, not once looking back, and Eliott feels a deep-seated panic settle over him, the magnitude of it louder than the jeering from his own mind. He trips all over his own two feet and hurries to match Lucas’ pace. “Lucas, please, I just want to say—”
“Sorry?” Lucas bites out, only stopping when Eliott physically stands in front of him to block his way. “Is that what you wanna say? Or are you above apologizing to your failed conquests?” Eliott recoils, mouth opening a little but Lucas doesn’t let him speak. “Nevermind, I don’t actually care. Don’t worry, I won’t tell Adri.” 
Lucas keeps his head lowered, and Eliott’s chest constricts, hands slightly shaking where they’re hidden inside his pockets. God, he’s always been terrible at confrontations; he’s either too angry or too much of a coward to say the right thing. It has never occurred to him to apologize in exchange for Lucas’ silence, though, and he doesn’t want Lucas to think that’s all Eliott cares about. He only wants to— he wants to—
What? What exactly does he want?
Lucas steps to the side, intending to walk off again, and Eliott can’t have that. He doesn’t have the words lined up quite readily in his mind yet but he knows, for sure, that if Lucas just stays for a couple more minutes, the words will come to Eliott. He can feel it, it just—
His hand belatedly grabs for Lucas as his mind chases after the words, almost missing Lucas’ arm entirely. But just as quickly as he’s held, Lucas shakes Eliott off, stepping backwards violently enough to have him careening into the wall. It goes against Eliott’s every instinct to not reach out steadying hands as he watches Lucas stagger. It’s only the intensity of Lucas’ glower that stops him, like he’d have no problem smiting Eliott into smithereens if he dares to lay another finger on him.
“Why can’t you just leave me alone?!” Lucas throws his backpack on the ground between them and Eliott watches it skid to the tip of his boots, a dawning dread churning at the pit of his stomach. “You made it very clear where you stand, Eliott. Now why don’t you be a man of your fucking word for once and just fuck off!” 
A part of him flares at the harsh words, naturally, but Eliott understands he’s reaping his own harvest. Although Eliott is many, many terrible things, not once has he ever refused to take responsibility for the hurt he’s caused, no matter what state of mind he’d been under at the time. So Eliott shoves down the anger that heats his blood, ignores the temper pounding at his head, and swallows twice before speaking. This will not be a repeat of Friday night. 
He picks up the discarded backpack and carefully approaches, making sure to leave enough space between the two of them so as to not smother Lucas. “Please,” he says, voice quieting as he stretches an arm out to hand the bag back to its owner. “Just look at me, please?” 
Lucas’ shoulders rise and fall with each breath, the very picture of righteous fury, but when he does look up, Eliott’s met with none of the animosity he expects. Instead, Lucas’ eyes are wide and scared, tears threatening to spill from those lovely blues. Eliott is shot by the sight of it, unprepared to see Lucas — headstrong, spitfire Lucas — looking so devastated. 
He can’t comprehend how someone so beautiful could allow someone as unworthy as Eliott close enough to hurt.
“Don’t do that,” Lucas says just as softly, and Eliott flinches as a finger ghosts along below his eye. He brings his own hand up, chasing after the whisper of Lucas’ touch, and Eliott realizes he’s also crying like some pathetic echo to Lucas’ feelings. “Stop it, I’m supposed to be cussing you out right now,” Lucas scolds, snatching the bag from Eliott’s hand. “I can’t do that if—”
Eliott would have loved to hear the rest of that sentence, even if it’s just more insults hurled towards him. He’s sunk low enough to admit that anything is better than a cold shoulder from Lucas. 
As it is, he never gets to hear the full of it, because someone is pulling him back by the arm in one second, and then he’s down on the floor in the next. Eliott registers the familiar pain at the bridge of his nose once his head stops ringing.
Fuck, at least that punch literally knocks the sadness part of his rapidly cycling moods— Eliott doesn’t feel much like crying now. No, irritation comes flooding back with a vengeance and if it weren’t for the sight of Lucas’ figure standing in front of him, Eliott would’ve gotten up and returned that blow twice as hard. 
“What the fuck?” Lucas yells at the perpetrator, blocking Eliott from view when the guy tries to go in for more. Eliott sits up, one hand feeling around his nose, content to let Lucas handle whatever the hell’s going on for now. “What’s your problem?” 
“He’s bothering you!” Ah. Good old Nigel. Where did he even come from? 
“We were talking,” Lucas hisses, shoving Nigel back when he hovers too close. “Would you fucking chill? What are you even doing here—” 
“Talking?” Nigel sneers, eyes cutting towards Eliott, who waves back with a slightly bloody hand and inwardly snickers when it seems to piss the guy off even more. “I was fucking worried about you, that’s why I came back and this is what I get? Is this why you rejected me? Hung up on Demaury, are you?”
“I’d watch the next words coming out of that mouth, Nick.”
“It’s Nigel! Fuck, whatever, you want to be another notch on his bedpost? Go ahead, but don’t come crawling to me when he—”
Eliott pulls Lucas back and launches himself forward, letting the satisfying crunch of Nigel’s nose under his knuckles power him through the inevitable sting that comes after. Behind him, Lucas mutters a high pitched, Jesus Christ.  
“Stop, just stop. Sit down, Eliott.” Lucas rushes to push himself in between the two of them and it would be so, so easy to move him. Just put Lucas to the side and continue letting off some steam, but Lucas doesn’t sound like he’s playing around and Eliott would like to live until he graduates, at least. 
To Nigel’s credit, he does look like he’s regretting everything he’s said right about now. Maybe part of it’s the bleeding nose but Eliott would bet it’s mostly due to the pissed off expression Lucas is currently wearing. 
“Sit,” Lucas repeats. Eliott sits with only minor grumbling. “You.” He directs his scathing voice towards Nigel who’s halfway to quaking by now. Eliott scoffs, the guy wouldn’t survive a day as Lucas’ boyfriend. “Go to the nurse.”
“You’re making me go alone?” Nigel squeaks out.
“Want him to hold your fucking hand or something?” Eliott can’t help but pitch in, biting back the rest of his words when Lucas levels him with a look. 
“Shut up.” Lucas rubs a hand all over his hair, making a bigger mess out of them. “You know what?” he says, chuckling a little maniacally, “I don’t even want to deal with either of you.”
And then he just takes off to the end of the hall. Eliott, for the second time within the hour, falls all over himself to follow. He still hasn’t apologized and he has to do it now. 
“Lucas, I am so fucking sorry,” he blurts out once they’re alone at the stairwell. Eliott’s still standing by the door, hesitant to keep going as Lucas eyes him from the bottom of the stairs. “I was a dick on Friday and even before that I— I’m so sorry. You didn’t deserve to be treated like that.” 
“Okay.” Eliott’s head snaps up, and Lucas laughs, backing up until he hits the wall, the distance between them ever increasing. “Okay, I just. I just don’t get it. Why did you go after me if you were just going to ignore me in campus? And why did you go for someone else while I… while my dumb ass finally thought… I mean, I know you aren’t exactly a date to marry type of guy but come on, me and her? At the same time? Why?”
Eliott shakes his head against the questions, words stuck at the tip of his tongue, refusing to come out. He has so many and too little to say all at once. He wants to say that Lucas scares him so he’d taken the coward’s way out. He wants to say that he only did it to prove something to himself— wants to say that he failed to prove that exact something to himself.
“I freaked out, okay? I just, I didn’t— I don’t know how to handle you,” he forces out, voice small, vaguely aware that none of that likely made a smidgen of sense. Even so, he makes his way down the stairs with no protests coming from Lucas. 
“And?” Lucas prompts, sounding slightly less murderous this time.
“And what?” Eliott steps down the last stair, finally on level ground with him. 
“That— that’s it?” 
“I don’t know…” 
A long silence follows, like Lucas is waiting for him to continue. But it quickly becomes apparent that no follow up is coming through. “Nice. Okay. Good talk,” Lucas snorts, “see you around.” 
“Wait, wait.” Eliott truly hates himself for losing words when he needs them most. “Lucas, please, I can’t… I can’t stop thinking about you.” 
There’s a lump in his throat that threatens to choke him up every time he wants to lay it all out in the open— a well groomed defence mechanism, maybe. And the easy solution is to shift the blame away from himself, remind Lucas that Eliott’s free to do whatever he wants as long as he’s not committed to one particular person, but he knows that’s not the point here. What Lucas wants to hear is something that Eliott is yet to admit even in the safety of his own head.
The fire exit door opens to mild chattering from a group of girls heading up the stairs and Eliott doesn’t even flinch, doesn’t care about how this might look like to them. Lucas, on the other hand, takes it as an opportunity to shove past Eliott. 
“Better fix that then,” Lucas whispers, drawing close yet maintaining it so that not a single part of them is touching. “Cause you can think all you want, Eliott, but you’ll never have me.” 
Looking into his eyes, Eliott understands the phenomena of even the warmest blue oceans being unable to hide the cold black down under if you only push deep enough. They brush shoulders as Lucas slips inside the door, leaving Eliott to stand alone on the landing, struck speechless.
Eliott’s figured it out, you know. The big elusive formula to avoiding heartbreak.
He’s sitting on Sofiane’s couch, a bag of ice pressed to his smarting nose. He doesn’t think it’s broken but then again, it’s gone too numb for him to really tell. 
Going numb. That’s it, that’s the formula. 
It’s worked out so, so well for him. People can say shit all they want but Eliott still thinks he’s lived some of his best years ever since he just stopped caring. Except somewhere along the way, he’d made a mistake, had possibly gotten too complacent, too confident with the life he’s gotten used to and now—
He’s tripped up. Because he sure as hell is the furthest thing from numb right now. 
And it honestly hurts like a fucking trainwreck.
You’ll never have me.
He squeezes his eyes shut, welcoming the sting that comes with the movement. “Sof,” he calls out, a little nasal from how careful he is to not agitate his injury. 
“Yeah?” The cushions dip under Sofiane’s weight and Eliott feels a glass of water and some painkillers being shoved into his hand. 
“Why did you wait so long for Imane?” 
His question goes unanswered long enough for Eliott to remove the ice bag off his face.
“What?” Sofiane asks, rightly confused.
Eliott sighs, “You’ve had a crush on her since before high school. It’s not like you’re ugly—”
A snort, “Well thanks.”
“—and there were lots of easier options,” Eliott continues as if he hadn’t been interrupted. “Plus we’re friends with Idriss! Isn’t that, I don’t know, intimidating?” 
“I’m not looking for an easy relationship, Eli, I want a real one.” Sofiane shrugs. “Why would I be intimidated? Idriss is nice and I haven’t done anything wrong so it’s not like—” 
Eliott looks up when Sofiane cuts himself off, watching the morbid realization settle over his features. “What?” He might as well play dumb for as long as he can. 
“Who did you get in a fight with?” 
“I told you, some punk with a hero complex.” 
“Over what?” 
He puts his nearly melted bag down and reaches for the glass of water, taking his time in swallowing down the painkillers. “Nothing.”
“Eliott, I can’t help you if you won’t tell the truth.”
“Who says I need help with anything?”
“Uh, the fact that you came here with a bleeding nose for starters?” Sofiane shakes his head, watching Eliott practically drown himself with his glass of water. “Eliott.”
“Please tell me you listened to what I told you at that party.”
Oh god, he really should’ve gone to Idriss. There’d be less sympathy and more laughing but at least Idriss doesn’t know that Eliott’s maybe slightly a little more than attracted to Lucas. 
“What party?”
“Stop acting dumb!”
“I’m not!” 
A pillow is thrown at the crown of his head but it thankfully misses his face, and Sofiane sounds like he’s laughing more than anything, so Eliott figures it’s safe to drop the act. “Okay, fine, no, I didn’t listen.”
“Ugh, Eliott.”
“I know. And I fucked up.”
“Already? It’s been less than a month.” 
“I know, fuck.” 
“So what happened?”
Eliott shrugs, getting up to toss his ice bag in the sink. “Nothing. He told me to leave him alone.” 
Sofiane’s got a strange constipated look on his face. Good to know some of his friends have that much faith in him. “Wait, Lucas said to leave him alone?”
“You’re sure?”
He returns to the living room and drops back down on the couch. “Unless ‘why can’t you just leave me alone’ has another secret meaning I’m not aware of then yes, I’m very sure.” 
Sofiane whistles lowly. 
“It was my fault though,” Eliott admits, poking at the threads peeking from the cushion covers. “He saw me and Eleanor.” 
“Oh.” Sofiane actually looks a little apologetic. “Sorry, I didn’t know—”
“It’s fine, nobody forced me to approach her. And I said some shitty stuff too so it’s not like it was all because of that.” 
“Adrien doesn’t know?”
“Mhm.” Eliott pulls at the ends of his hair, only feeling slightly better now that someone else is privy to his little secret. “I don’t know what to do.” 
“I mean, nothing happened right? So is it so bad to just move on from this?” 
“Yeah. Problem is that I don’t want to move on.” 
Hearing that, Sofiane straightens his posture, turning fully on the couch so that his whole body is faced towards Eliott. He sees enough of Sofiane’s giddy smile from his peripheral to feel like he’s just activated the guy’s slumber party mode. 
“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” Sofiane goads, grin widening when Eliott responds with a groan. 
“Shut up.”
“No, really, is the Eliott Demaury actually crushing on someone right now?”
Gross understatement. “I will eat all the food in your fridge if you don’t stop.” 
Sofiane laughs him off, arms swaying about as he wiggles in his spot and damn, are the guys really going to be so happy to see Eliott catching feelings? Well, probably not Adrien considering the context but still. 
“Are you gonna do anything about it?” Sofiane stops his bird mating dance and schools his expression into somewhat of a serious one. 
“Which part of he told me to leave him alone did you miss?” 
“Fuck, that’s right eh?” Lip caught between his teeth, Sofiane peers up at Eliott like he’s got something to say but is holding back for whatever reason. Eliott narrows his eyes at him until he continues with a hesitant, “How about give it some time? And then shoot him a text message? No harm in asking for one more chance, it’s a yes or no question.”
“He has me blocked on Instagram though, and he never gave me his phone number.”
“Oh my god.” 
“Yeah.” Eliott thunks his head back down on the couch, fingers busy tracing invisible patterns on the covers. “How did Idriss react when he found out about your crush on Imane?” 
Sofiane shrugs, slumping down on the space beside Eliott. “He got all winky and said he’d put in a good word.”
“Just like that?”
“Just like that.” A pause, and then socked feet poke against his, annoying enough to have Eliott looking away from the very interesting ceiling Sofiane’s apartment has. “But I also don’t have a, uh, colourful relationship history like you so… no offence.” 
Eliott blindly throws a cushion in Sofiane’s direction and relishes in the squawk that follows. 
“But hey?” Sofiane continues when Eliott doesn’t say anything in response, “let it rest for a while, Eli. If you still feel the same after that, then at least you’ll know it’s really serious this time.” 
He already knows. “Yeah, you’re right.” 
“You weren’t always like this.” It’s a statement, not a question, so Eliott isn’t sure what he’s supposed to say in return, but it seems like Sofiane isn’t looking for a response anyway. “Adrien’s known you forever and yeah, the past couple of years might be at the forefront of our minds right now but we know you’re a good guy. Adri knows that the most.” 
Eliott quirks an eyebrow and Sofiane raises his hands, palms up as he shrugs. 
“All I’m saying is that things might not be as bad as you think they are, okay?” 
“Okay.” Eliott still thinks it’s pretty bad, but he’s not going to argue against a source for hope. 
Eliott wishes he could say he gets productive for the next two weeks that follows but really, all he’s done is drink coffee, pretend to start on his assignments, and miss Lucas’ snarky messages. Not necessarily in that order. 
Sofiane’s taken pity on him five days in and sometimes lets Eliott borrow his phone to pine over Lucas’ Instagram posts. Granted, Lucas doesn’t post much but the one photo he put up of himself looking bored at the skate park is enough to last Eliott for a few more days. 
He’s very much aware that he’s being wildly pathetic, rejecting parties left and right (he already knows they’d be boring anyway), rejecting dates left and right— also potentially boring, but he’s mostly afraid of further proving to himself that Lucas has already ruined him for everyone else and they haven’t even kissed yet— or hugged, for that matter. Pathetic indeed.  
On Friday, though, he gives into Idriss’ well-meaning and most likely accidentally set up date with one of his classmates. If only to ward off any suspicions from how weird he’s acting. Adrien’s been side eyeing him a little too much for comfort these days. 
So he’s on this date and the guy’s very cute but he’s also talking about American football like it’s a gift from the gods themselves. Eliott knows nothing about American football. This would usually be the time when Eliott would excuse himself to the bathroom and speed google some facts on the subject so as to impress his date. But right now, he doesn’t care about being unimpressive at all. 
The guy, Aron, is an exchange student from California— all tanned skin and pretty smiles and endearing accent. He’s probably what the kids these days would call a snack.
It’s too bad Eliott can’t help but think that Lucas’ smaller silhouette would look beautiful against the red backdrop of the massive booths they’re sitting in. How he keeps wishing to brush his hand against soft brown hair every time he glances up, hands lying limp on his lap when he’s met with the blond of Aron’s neatly styled coif instead. The blue of Aron’s eyes isn’t quite deep enough and Eliott can pinpoint exactly which shade it is on his dried up palette at home. He still can’t figure out the right mix for Lucas’. 
Anyway, the point is that he’s losing his mind. 
When they reach a short lull in conversation, Eliott rushes to say, “I’m just gonna run to the bathroom real quick.” And proceeds to lock himself in a stall, sit on the toilet lid, and stare at the lights blankly. 
The bathroom door slams open not long after and Eliott stands up on instinct, ready to remove himself from the vicinity should there be some kind of beef brewing, but only one set of footsteps pace to where the sinks are.
“Hey, you still there?” The person says, presumably into his phone.
Eliott reaches to unlock the stall, he’s had enough eavesdropped conversations to last him a lifetime thank you very much—
“Lulu? Can you hear me clearly?” 
You have got to be kidding me. Fate must think this is funny. He must be some kind of joke to the deities or something. 
“I’m at work, Lucas,” the guy says regretfully enough and Eliott does pull the stall door open then, keeping his head down as he tugs on the knobs of the sink, washing his hands for lack of any other excuses to stay. “Where’s Yann? Didn’t you guys go together?” The tap shuts off, Eliott reaches for the paper towels. “Oh— oh, damn, good for him but— no, you should stay there and I’ll call your brother okay— what do you mean no? Lucas, shut up you sound shitfaced.” 
If Eliott’s learned anything from his accidental sleuthing adventures, it’s that Lucas is a terribly reckless drunk. Finally raising his head, Eliott meets eyes with Lucas’ blond friend through the mirror. It’s admittedly a little funny how he gapes wordlessly at the sight of Eliott. 
Not one to miss an opportunity, Eliott takes advantage of the obvious distraction and snatches the phone from the guy’s hand — Arthur, his name tag says — he’ll apologize profusely later but Eliott really doesn’t want a repeat of Lucas going missing for an entire weekend.
“Where are you?” he says into the phone, noting that there’s no blaring music coming from the other line. If Lucas is where Eliott thinks he is right now then at least he’s outside the house already. 
“Whoa.” Lucas’ voice is slightly distorted coming from the other line but Eliott still sighs at the first sound of it after the too-long silence. “You’re not Arthur.” 
“No, so where are you?” 
“Nooo, where are you?” Lucas giggles into the phone and Eliott has to suppress a smile. Fuck, this is serious but Lucas is being an idiot. “You sound like someone I know.” If he’s being this friendly with Eliott then it only means that he’s past the point of tipsy and well into happy drunk territory. 
“Wanna take a guess?” Eliott easily dodges when Arthur tries to grab his phone, the latter flinching back in surprise when Eliott has the gall to put a finger to his lips and shush him. 
“Mmmm,” Lucas stalls, but Eliott knows he’s got the right answer. He tries not to dwell on the fact that drunk Lucas remembering his voice sends another one of cupid’s arrows straight into his heart. “Weed guy.” 
And Eliott laughs, inexplicably happy about that. “Where are you, Lucas?” 
“I don’t know…” His syllables drag as he speaks and Eliott hears some shuffling and then a worrying crash, before Lucas’ laughter can be heard from a distance. “There are two blue houses!” 
Yeah, Eliott knows exactly where he is. “Stay there, okay?”
“I’m—” But he’s not sure if Lucas would only run off if given that information. “We’ll get you home.” He doesn’t wait for another response, returning the phone back to a stunned Arthur. “Remind him to stay where he is every few minutes, god knows how many times he’ll forget.” 
Eliott dashes out the restaurant like a man on a mission, bullshitting about some urgent emergency as he passes by a confused Aron. He feels bad, really, but if he doesn’t trust sober Lucas to follow any given instructions, then he trusts drunk Lucas even less. 
When Eliott gets off the bus and jogs the rest of the way to the house, it’s a relief to find Lucas’ hooded figure sitting on the pavement across from where the party is still obviously going strong.
“Lucas.” No answer, Lucas doesn’t even stir. “Lucas, come on, let’s get you home.” He reaches out gingerly, testing the waters by poking at Lucas’ arm. 
“Go ‘way,” Lucas says, sounding a lot less friendly than he’d been on the phone.
Eliott looks around and spots two empty beer bottles beside Lucas. He blinks down at them, having a hard time understanding if Lucas is actually even more drunk than he’d been earlier. 
“You can’t stay out here.” Eliott sighs, crouching down in front of him. 
“Well why not?” Lucas lifts his head off his curled arms, unfocused eyes glaring at a spot just above Eliott’s right ear. 
Without much else to do, Eliott sighs again. “Let’s go.” He tries to tug at Lucas’ sleeves to get him to stand, but only succeeds in making Lucas stumble backwards from how fast he tries to get away.
“Don’t touch me, I’m not going anywhere with you.”
Oh god, he’s dealing with a child. “I’ll tell Adrien.” 
“You won’t tell Adri shit!” Lucas stands up, finally, but only to walk up to Eliott and point unsteady fingers to his face. “You’re not even supposed to know where I am! He doesn’t even know I like— he doesn’t know you played me! You. Won’t. Tell. Him. Shit.” He pronounces each word with a hard jab to Eliott’s chest. 
And okay, fuck, he’s got a point. “Fine, suit yourself.” Eliott steps back, hesitating, but maybe it’ll be smarter to have someone else take Lucas home instead. He turns around, looking through his contacts to see if Sofiane or Idriss would be available. 
“Fine!” Lucas screams from behind him and Eliott looks over his shoulder in time to catch Lucas sitting back down on the ground, hands pressed to his eyes. 
No. Eliott can’t walk away from him like this again. 
Eliott marches back to where he came from and promptly throws Lucas over his shoulder, barely staggering even when Lucas starts kicking and punching as much as his drunken limbs would allow. 
“Let me down!”
“Not until you behave yourself.”
“You won’t get anywhere like this and you know it.”
“I fucking—” Lucas slumps down, body steadily getting heavier as he stops struggling in Eliott’s hold. “I hate you,” he mutters softly and that, moronically enough, is what makes Eliott stumble. He tightens his arms around Lucas, pausing to realign his balance. “I hate you,” Lucas continues, sniffing in between words. “Why are you even here? I told you to stop already.” 
Eliott slows his walk, Lucas’ hitching breaths sending freezing pelts straight to his chest. They stop moving once they reach a corner, Eliott lowering Lucas down so he can stand on his own two feet, but Lucas immediately curls up, crouching on the ground like standing is too much of a chore at the moment. 
“Hey, I’m sorry okay?” he whispers back, bending at the knees so that they’re level with each other. “I promise I just want to get you home safe, that’s it.” He digs around his pockets for his phone, placing the device inside Lucas’ hands once he finds it. “Here, Adrien is speed dial 3, call him any time you feel you need to. I don’t care if he yells at me, I won’t walk away from you again.” 
Lucas fiddles with Eliott’s phone, running his thumb along the screen once before clutching it to his chest. “I can’t go home.” He blinks, a tear escaping from his eye. 
Eliott brushes it away before he can stop himself. “Why not?” 
“My parents think I’m sleeping over at Yann’s and mom will be so disappointed if I come home like this,” he says miserably, more tears running down his cheeks. 
Ah. Shit. “Come on, get on my back.” 
Once Lucas is settled on his back, now much calmer than earlier, Eliott continues walking, but turns to a different direction this time. 
“Where are we going?” Lucas asks drowsily, lips pressed into Eliott’s shoulder. 
Where indeed. 
Lucas is a near dead weight behind him when Eliott finally gets his door open. It’s a struggle when Lucas refuses to cooperate and lets his legs slide down every time Eliott lets go of them to search for his keys. But eventually they do make it inside. 
Eliott drops Lucas as gently as he can on the bed, huffing once he’s successfully done so without cracking any heads in the process. 
He roots around his closet for some clothes Lucas can use for the night when the sound of jackets and pants zipping startles him from the task. He turns around, eyes wild, when Lucas starts throwing his clothes — everything— off himself. 
Eliott almost wipes out when he slips on a sock in his rush to get to Lucas before the dumbass has the chance to remove his underwear off with his jeans.
“Stop, stop, hey.” Eliott catches Lucas’ hands, laughing when Lucas opens his eyes just to glare at him.
“It’s so hot.”
“It’s really not.” Eliott huffs another laugh, waiting until Lucas’ hands go slack in his before letting go, but he does help remove Lucas’ jeans when it’s clear that the latter is going to stay irritated until they’re off. 
It’s a workout to get him to wear a shirt, what with Lucas being hellbent on removing as many clothes as possible. Eliott knows it’s bound to get cold in the middle of the night, though, and he will not be responsible for Lucas catching a cold in his bed. 
“You’re so nice,” Lucas mumbles once he’s settled, looking warm and cozy in Eliott’s loose shirt. He’s so fucking cute, and it doesn’t help when Eliott feels those arms sliding around his neck, tugging him forward. Lucas doesn’t use much force to have Eliott following along helplessly, but it’s not like it would ever take all that much to have Eliott willingly inching into his space. 
Dredging up whatever’s left of his common sense, Eliott anchors his hands on either side of Lucas to keep somewhat of a distance between them. 
He shakes his head, arms trembling not only from the strain of keeping his weight off of Lucas. “No, you’re just drunk.” 
Lucas smiles, eyes half mast, still pretty under the hint of moonlight. His fingers brush maddening strokes over Eliott’s hair. “Eliott?” 
“Why have you never kissed me?” 
Eliott’s heart thuds a frantic rhythm in his chest. “You never let me, baby.” 
The fingers in his hair stop moving, and Lucas’ eyes flutter close, Eliott watching the shadows of his lashes flirt along smooth cheeks. “I’ll let you now.” 
“I know,” he whispers, leaning down inch by minuscule inch. Lucas’ breath is warm and smells of alcohol, but Eliott knows he only has to duck down and bury his face in the space between his neck and shoulder to get his fill of the scent he’s truly been missing.
He doesn’t. Maybe in the future he’d have the privilege to do so. Hopefully.
Eliott lets their noses touch, light and fleeting, before he leans up and drops a gentle kiss over Lucas’ forehead. 
“Goodnight, Lucas.” 
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dreammutual-remade · 6 years
mua!you and lucas
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request: hi may you please do a bullet point scenario about lucas and his girlfriend who is a make up artist for nct. thank youu- anon
word count: 3.4k
a/n: anon !!! thank u for requesting I lowkey struggled with this concept bc I was like uhhh how r they gonna u know,,, do the affection but once I figured it out this was so fun to write !!! I love Lucas hehehehehe. also I realized when I was picKINg this gif that I forgot to include the filming of the yearbook shiygeidfhvf pretend it didn't happeN okay
ps I have 8 requests as of now and I promise I will get to all of them pls have patience w/ me ily all <33333
good evening, Thots
let us dive in, shall we
alright so you had been doing makeup since you were a wee lass !!
of course it was , pretty terrible but like practice makes perfect and now you’re an absolute LEGEND
one of your friends convinced you to start posting tutorials and have an instagram acc dedicated to your Iconic Looks and the rest was history !!!!
you started getting hella attention everyone loved you bitch !!!
so you started advertising you were like ayy if y’all need your makeup done , hmu i am Skilled
at first you started out doing other gals makeup for formal dances and whatnot
then you climbed your way up the celebrity ladder and now you’re a god damn nct makeup artist ?????
things you did: THAT
alright so you got hired just in time for cherry bomb promotions
you took a look at some of their past looks and ,,,,, you were horrified honestly who did that to them
anyways you Turned Their Shit Around and had them lookin bout fine as hell
all the boys had been super awkward around you at first and it was soooo funny
because you were pretty used to being v close to people you don’t know well
from all the years of doing other people’s makeup now you just go right in
you got real close to mark and he squeaked and like pressed himself back into the chair
like ? shouldn’t he be used to this by now ???
johnny was the only one who was cool with you the first time even if he was an absolute SLEAZEBAG
“sorry if i get all up in your face i’m just trying to keep your eyebrows FLEEKY U KNO WHAT IM SAYIN”
“nah i don’t mind having a face like yours that close ;)))))”
“oops didn’t mean to bump into your knee like that”
“that’s okay my lap is always open for u :}”
he’s the worst god i love him
you’re on the younger side too so he’s all,
c̢̖̲̹̞̰̪ͅa̫͠l̶̜̞l̠̝͇͠ ̪̙͕̲̫̯m̙̪͖e̱͙̦̳̦̝͢ ͕̼̳̰̞o̹p҉͖̘͙͍̞̲p͍̙͙͙̹̖͞a҉̠͓̠̜͕
and you’re all
taeyong asks how old you are and as soon as he finds out you’re younger than him he becomes your mom
you’ll be doing his makeup and he’s like okay but have u eaten today ??? you look too thin please eat
“one: stop moviNG IM TRYING TO CONTOUR YOU and two: please are u my damn grandmother i’m FINE i’ve eaten plenty :&&;&,$,”
you and haechan just roast each other the whole time
“yet another pimple i see, hyuckie, have you been keeping up with the skincare regimen i sent you home with?”
“first of all, fuck you, second of all, you sent me home with a piece of paper that said ‘you can wash your face to get rid of the acne but there’s nothing you can do about the ugly’ you evil WITCH”
but it’s all in good fun and you and hyuck are besties at heart and can tell when it’s not a good day for teasing
whenever you can tell he’s down you make sure to be extra playful when you’re putting on his makeup, tapping him on the nose or tickling his ear with your makeup brush til he giggles
i’m soft gOD
the rest are pretty cool with you too!! yuta is a worse flirt than johnny though it’s like unnecessary but it’s funny and you know he’s , mostly kidding, so you let it slide
anyways !!! cherry bomb is coming to a close and you did That the entire time you had them absolutely GLOWING
but then you get some emails from your boss talking about a new NCT U song/concept that will be filmed toward the end of the year
((i think that’s when it was filmed ?? i’m so sorry if there’s inaccuracies in here i’m very bad with dates :’-)))))))
they tell you you’re traveling to the UKRAINE
they also tell you that they’re gonna be debuting two new members in this unit and you’re a little Nervous since you’ve only been doing 127’s and Dream’s makeup for the past like , half a year
(u were responsible for the we young era,,,,, god bless u)
but you’re also excited because they described the concept to you and you’ve already got ideas to make everyone look Hot and Badass
your boss sent some predebut pics and said the new ones were Yukhei and Jungwoo and, wOW THEYRE PRETTY
jungwoo looks absolutely soft and squishy so you’re a bit worried about making him look ,,,,, BOSS but yukhei.
is a whOLE MAN
he’s got big eyes and lips that give him softer features but , the look in his eyes and like his cheekbones and ????? wow you’re gonna turn him into Daddy Material
the time has come and we are on our way to the ukraine !!! yeehaw it’s cold as balls out here
you arrive and get to stay in the hotel for a night before you gotta Get To Work
you arrive bright and early with all your beauty products
you , as the resident makeup artist, look cute as hell even if you are rather cold
your nose is tinted a bit red even tho you have foundation on rip
you set up your little station in the main tent because they’re gonna film all the outdoor parts first
jaehyun walks in first with winwin and they he looks scruffy af
“jaehyun you DOLT did you not shave ??? you know that tickles my hand when i’m trying to make you hot”
“i’m already hot”
“uh huh go shave your face i guarantee you don’t want me to try”
“ugh, yes ma’am”
“hey winwinie~”
“good morning !!!”
winwin is Precious and Easy To Work With as usual
mark comes in next and he’s flustered and cute AS USUAL
of course he’s comfy with you now but you enjoy making him flustered
“mark, baby, you’re GLOWING today!!! go off king”
doyoung comes next and his Flawless Skin makes the process so much easier for you ugh
anywhom you get to meet jungwoo next !!!
his blue hair ,,,,,,,, amazing
he’s so sweet and releases little breathy giggles every once in a while when the brushes tickle him
you’re finishing up with jungwoo when, the Man Himself literally stumbles into the tent
“hyUNG are you almost done we’re bout to film man”
and he is absolutely Large and you are , very appreciative god damn
even barefaced this man baby looks GOOD that is not fair :-(
“lucas!~ you still have to get your makeup done but i think y/n was almost finished. are you?”
jungwoo turns to look up at you while he asked and you, have to exercise GREAT restraint not to talk to him in a baby voice
so you just nod and then give him a once over and tell him he can go ahead to wardrobe
you wave yukhei over and you’re like hey uh ,,, yukhei? or should i call u lucas ?!/!:&:&
he cackles and asks you to call him lucas and asks your name and how old you are and what your star sign is and your favorite color and your nct bias
(when you tell him you love them all equally he’s all like Not For Long 
>:-))) soon i shall PREVAIL)
basically he’s questioning you and you’re like oKAY PLEASE IM TRYING TO MAKE YOUR FACE BEAUTIFUL
“my face is already beautiful thank u very MUCH”
“you boys are all the same jaehyun  already pulled that shit today, LAME”
he pouts and you tap him on the lip with the handle of your makeup brush and then Get To Work
you truly have him lookin RIGHT wooo shit he looks good
and as you’re doing it your brain is like that clip from sponge bob where squidward is like oh NO he’s hot !!!! :(
you’re doing his eye makeup and you’re standing, in between his legs like they’re so long and in the way it’s the only way to get close enough to to do it well and you’re highkey, Blushing
he’s literally just staring up at you while you do his makeup and your hands are starting to shake what business does he have with such big brown puppy dog eyes :((((
“hey quit staRINg at me dude”
“ am i making u,,,, nervous ;)”
“, YES pls stop :((“
“aw i’m srry :((((“
pouts AGAIN and you shove his shoulder a little for making fun of you
when you finish you just kind of nod and he takes that as a go ahead and like SPRINGS up
and you’re standing very close so he almost knocks you the hell over
you tip backwards and he grabs you by the waist to steady you while you basically grab handfuls of his clothes to keep you upright
there’s a pause where you guys are just.. pressed together before you fly apart and lucas awkwardly rubs the back of his neck like nervous boys do in movies AW
“i really gotta stop knocking people over i almost took oUT jungwoo earlier srry abt that :’-))))))”
you’re like haha it’s fine :’-))))))))))))))
it’s really awkward so he yeets out of there just as taeyong strolls in looking entirely too smug
“so, you’ve taken a liking to our newest member hmmmm ??”
“aw no jungwoo is just so cute !!”
“quit playing dumb you knew what i meant”
“okaY but literally nothing happened please don’t make this a big deal”
“it’s a big deal bbg it’s tOO LATE NOW”
you sigh and then do his makeup pretty quickly since even barefaced he looks unreal
fckin anime character
okay everyone is now made up and dressed (jaehyun came last freshly shaven , looking like a bar of soap as usual) and you’re on standby outside to fix any little blemishes they may get while filming
everything is pretty good because most of the boys are used to wearing makeup but lucas is Dumb and just like ?? rubs at his eye and wipes half of it off ????
you sCREECH as he’s doing it and he jumps and is like ??? what is it what’s wrong with you
you have to fix it on the spot so y’all can stay on schedule so he does that thing where he stands with his legs super far apart so his face is level with yours
his legs are so far apart in order for him to be short enough rip (.... literally. pray for his pants u guys)
you fix up his eye and warm him that you’ll give him a black eye with your fist instead of makeup if he messes up your Artwork again
the shoot goes really well and you get to know lucas and jungwoo better throughout the rest of the filming
things are…. tense between you and lucas but not in like a bad way more like a we are both sort of attracted to each other and unsure what to do from here way
lucas gets braver as time passes and has become wayyyyy more flirty
the tension just sort of transforms to hardcore flirting and little fleeting touches jskdkfk
you havent stopped blushing for like 4 days straight
as you do his makeup he’ll stare up at you with fckn awestruck eyes and one of his hands will drift up to circle around your wrist as you tilt his head this way and that
its a GIANT hand too I just wanna mention that they're very nice hands thank you for your time
as you do his makeup you’ll purposefully let your hand linger on his neck and use your thumb to caress turn his jaw
when you stand between his legs to do his makeup he’ll scoot to the edge of the chair to get as Close As Possible until your hips are almost touching the inside of his thighs ???:$&:&:@:@
but eventually the shoot is over :(((( rip
buT no worries ;))))) black on black is being filmed in like a month and you’ll see his goofy ass soon heheh
highkey black on black makes u , Hot And Bothered like the part where lucas is on the floor and doing thaT THING
he highkey gets up and is like
did u like that babygirl ~~~ 😤😘💕🤪😩
and you just stick your tongue out at him and he sticks his tongue out at you and it’s Juvenile
“JUST MAKE OUT ALREADY!!!!”- johnny, from across the room
you: Red
lucas: wheezing
you guys pull all the same touchy flirty bullshit for this MV filming too and all the boys are like o.o
“hyung are u dating our makeup artist(¬‿¬) ” -chenle
“god i wish”
“i mean , no”
and now BOSS has been released and you’ve gotta do his makeup for all these stages and you two just , keep dancing around each other
when the boys get their first win for BOSS tho lucas is sO HYPE
because it’s his first time really performing live and they WON AND ???? THIS IS CRAZY
and he’s so happy he’s like shaking and he bursts into the dressing room after they all come off stage
he makes it there before everyone else because he RAN like a dork
you’re packing up all your stuff and hear the door open and you turn around to congratulate the boys but it’s just lucas and he runs in and pICKS YOU UP
he spins you around and sets you down and is like
and you’re like
and then he just kisses you right on the lips in excitement
it’s just a press of lips and it was barely a kiss since he was still smiling so hard
his smile fades after and he looks , terrified
you also are terrified because ?
he’s Done It Now
the imaginary LINE has been CROSSED
but like, the barrier is broken now right ????
so you just shake your head and flick him on the nose
“damn you could have taken me to dinner first”
he laughs nervously because you haven’t made it clear whether or not you’re going to murder him and, That’s Scary
but you giggle and press up on your toes to kiss him more gently and tell him it’s okay and you like him and if he likes you back that would be GREAT
and he just smooshes you against him really hard and presses at least 26 kisses to your cheeks and it tickles and you’re like heY STOP THE LIPSTICK I PUT ON YOU WILL STAIN ME
“i like u too,, HEHEHHE”
“god you had to ruin it by cackling like the wicked witch of the west didn’t you???”
“absolutely, sweetheart :)”
okay the rest of nct u is on the way so you quickly agree that this should be a Semi Secret relationship because he’s so new to the scene and he’s probably not even allowed to date rn lol
but he INSISTS that he can treat you well no matter what and who are you to stop him honestly
he’s so blatant with the touching while you do his makeup now though that although you haven’t explicitly told anyone ,,, all the members of NCT know
he just loops his arms around your hips and pulls you close and blatantly admires you while you’re concentrated on his makeup
squeezes your ass every once in a while which makes you squeak and slap his shoulder
that little SHIT
one time taeil caught you sneaking in some food for lucas during dance practice and was like
“honestly just come in we all know you’re in a relationship gOD it’s so obvious”
so now you come to dance practice all the time with food for him and extra for the other boys
he’s always jealous
literally all the time
you’ll be doing marks makeup and hyping him up as usual
and lucas will be :(((((( y don’t u say that stuff to me
“i literally say that and more to you and about you”
“okay but why not only me :(((((“
“oh my god”
or when you bring food he’ll be like NO she brought this for me go away you commoners !!!!!
honestly you feel like you’re taking care of a toddler sometimes except he’s HUGE
you have to be like
“now lucas, sharing is caring and i brought enough for everyone stop being gREEDY”
any free time he has he comes to your apartment
mainly because you guys want to be mushy and coupley and not have to listen to all the members whining and fake gagging
he’ll knock on your door at midnight with a blanket in hand and fresh out of the shower and looking CUTE
“can i sleep over :(((( i cant sleep without you:((((((“
your heart melts oh my shosjdjdjckf
and this boy basically can’t sleep without you now because he sleeps over so much im emo
at first he insists on being the big spoon every time but after awhile Sleepy Baby Boy Lucas reveals himself
when he’s super tired he’ll just let himself in and climb in your bed and plant his head on your chest and his arms around your waist and just sigh contentedly
if he can’t sleep he’ll steal your hand and place it on top of his head and nudge you til you start running your fingers through his hair and scratching his scalp
uwu this is so cute
loves to hold your hands whenever possible
you guys can’t really go on dates since the relationship is Super Secret and he wants so bad to show you off but he CANT :/
so he just pretends y’all are out on the town and holds your hand at home when you’re just chillin
has taken to putting things you need in very high places so he can come up behind you and reach over your head to hand it to you
okay but like once in a while you both do your best to have a Normal Date where you go out doors you just have to be
Incognito Mode
so summer dates dont really work out since it’s hard to hide your identity when you’re not covered head to toe because it’s HOT
they’re mainly winter dates like ice skating and hot chocolate and fall festival stuff !!!!
he insists that you go to any festival in town like INSISTS
festival for a random and obscure flower?? you best believe you’re attending and going home covered flowers
he tried to make you a flower crown but it kept falling apart so he just stuck flowers all up in your hair AWE
forced you to pose so he could take pictures of you
(he made it his lock screen !!!! uwu)
this boy just, loves you so much and the day he tells you is when you’re both sick and dying because he got a cold and then gave it to you so you’re both laying in bed feeling Terrible
you’re laying there and feeling lightheaded and too hot but you’re both Clingy so you still hold hands at least lmao
and lucas tugs on your hand and you flop on your side to look at him expectantly
“yes, lucas?”
“guess what”
“hmmmmm what”
“i love you”
“oh, me too”
“like you love me too or you love you too”
“U2 is alright i guess”
“no i mean do you love me or yourself”
“sweet, self love is important too”
when you wake up you feel slightly better and look over and see Your Man sprawled out over the bed with one arm haphazardly thrown over you
he rlly can’t sleep without a hand on you that is so so cute fuckdjkdjd
you remember confessing your love to each other in a delirious and feverish haze and snicker because it was RIDICULOUS
you gently turn to face him so you don’t wake him up and trail your fingertips up his arms to trace his features
his eyes flutter open and he’s literally unreal like he looks like an angel
and he smiles all sleepy like and brings his hand up to capture your wrist and kiss your palm
“good morning i’m no longer fucked up on theraflu and i love you”
“good morning i’m also no longer fucked up and i love you MORE”
he scoffs dramatically
“not possible !!!!!”
“is too !!!”
“is nOT”
and so on :-)
409 notes · View notes
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Does anyone know the cheapest auto insurance?
In florida that is? i'm 18 and trying to buy my first car. I'm almost to my car cost mark and I know that i'm going to have to be ready to buy auto insurance....and I'm not 'bankin'' lol.
ok so i have a project and all the car insurance places are closed and i can't finish it! so umm can anyone help?? this is all the information i have, i just need an estimate for a monthly payment 1996 eagle talon married couple 25 years old driver low milage on car car is paid for, goood driving history car is used for job too for dilivering pizza live in florida umm if you need any more information let me kno please helpp worth 20% of final grade in class!!!!""
Any good/bad experiences with Farmers Insurance?
I'm considering becoming an agent of farmers.
I was woundering what do you think is the cheapest auto insurance for first time liscence holders.?
I was woundering what do you think is the cheapest auto insurance for first time liscence holders.?
Does anyone know of Grange Insurance Company?
My insurance agent recommends that I switch to Grange because they will give me a much lower rate than what I currently have, with the exact same auto insurance coverage. But, I have never heard of this company.""
What car has the cheapest insurance?
For a 17 year old.. (MALE)
""What is the average insurance rate for a 19 year old male in Austin, Tx?""
PLEASE give me an actual number, not just how I could find out and what important information I left out. I have had no accidents and an attending school and will be buying an average car. Thanks in advance""
What is the best insurance company?
I need the cheapest insurance that is basic I have a 2002 Ford focus. Any ideas?
How much would car insurance for a 21 year old be for all state?
How much would car insurance for a 21 year old be for all state?
Is there a place I can get affordable life insurance?
Is there a place I can get affordable life insurance?
Help on car insurance.?
I am 17 yrs old. I am about to get a 2008 Honda accord but right now I drive a 2002 Cadillac escalade. my insurance is $130 a month right now and I was wondering if it would raise it? the escalade is an SUV, & it has a v8. the accord is ofcourse a car and its a 4 cylinder! ( if that makes a difference) thank you to all that answer! :)""
What companies offer good Business Insurance?
We are a small production/post production company for film/TV/marketing and need business insurance. We are located in Sherman Oaks, CA. Would appreciate suggestions for which companies we should reach out to.""
Best car to insure for a provisional driver?
I want to change my car, but the next car will have my son as a provisional driver. I have been driving for 20years, am female, and have not made any claims. Live in the uk. I have tried the insurance comparison sites, but you need to put a make and model in. Would like to know what others have found to be the cheapest. I would prefer an mpv, or crossover, but am open to suggestions. Many nanks""
I got car insurance and it allows me to drive other peoples cars on my insurance?
if i were to buy another car, 2nd car will i be able to drive that without registering to any insruance company? i wont be selling my 1st car, it will still have the insruance, and the insruance it has allows me to drive other cars, but im not sure if the other cars also need insurance from a company""
16 year old male car insurance?
Im going to be 16 soon, and my uncle said that I could use his 1968 Corvette. However, I found out about the insurance. My friend said it would be several thousand dollars a month, and I don't believe him. So, what would be the cost of my car insurance(an estimate)? Thank you for your time!""
What does a person credit score have to do with rates on car insurance rates?
It should be against the law since everyone must carry car insurance. Also, what does my low credit score got to with my great driving record? Sounds like another reason to raise rates because most credit scores are low across the board. If someone pays their insurance company on time and has a good driving record should be their only concerns. Doesn't that make sense to raise car insurance rates to persons that had a hard time paying a bill, bit made all their car insurance payments on time. If there are others out there mad about this issue please help me do something about this robbing...""
What happens if you get caught without auto in card in Texas in an accident in an insured car?
What happens if you get caught without auto in card in Texas in an accident in an insured car?
How can you negotiate with car insurance agency after a wreck if you have no insurance to cover other driver?
How can you negotiate with car insurance agency after a wreck that was caused by you if you have no insurance to cover the other driver? Are there any legal ramifications?
What is the best and cheapest homeowner's insurance in canton georgia?
What is the best and cheapest homeowner's insurance in canton georgia?
Affordable maternity insurance?
Affordable maternity insurance?
What does comprehensive insurance mean?
I am trying to apply for state insurance for my daughter, who is currently on her fathers insurance through his work, and the rates have just gone up considerably. In the FAQ, it says that families who voluntarily drop employer based comprehensive insurance must wait 6 months to apply. Can someone please tell me what this means? Thank you""
How does car insurance work?
Ok well im 16 i just bought a car and i have a job so im going to be paying for my car insurance.... i also paid half of the car.... so anyways i want to know how it works? Does it go underneath my dads car insurance? and make his go up... ? he pays 600 for every 6 months. i think.. How much will my car insurance be around what price rang??? i have a 1996 pontiac bonneville SE.
Teen Car Insurance after one accident?
How much would my insurance premium rise for a 17 year old boy if I get into an accident (at-fault)? A good average (+X%) answer would be good.
What insurance companies will insure a dog in California with a prior bite history?
My two dogs were involved in a fight with another dog last year. All three dogs were bitten, and my homeowners' insurance paid out a claim. They have now sent a notice of non-renewal and I am having trouble finding an insurance company that will write a new policy. Does anyone have any suggestions for an insurance company or broker in California that can help? Thank you!""
How much more would my car insurance cost if I went from having a 96 honda civic to a 2000 BMW 328i?
I'm getting a 2000 bmw 328i... I have a honda civic already. My insurance was like 1200 for the whole year I think... already paid it in full. I'm 19, with no accident history, no speeding tickets, never arrested; I don't really have anything that would make my insurance go up to my name. I live in MA, so i guess I can't get gieco or allstate or whatever..""
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Does anyone now what the insurance rates would be for a 2002 eclipse GT?
Not the exact insurance rates, obviously that varies from person to person situation to situation but would it be cheap? Expensive if you could compare it to another cars insurance rates?? Any insight is welcome thank you""
Insurance on my own car compared to my parents?
Hey all, Im interested in buying a car and my parents are quite objectionable to it. Id say i would pay for the car and the difference in insurance but they say i dont have the money to do so. I know that my being insured on one of their cars costs a lot less than being insured on my own car but i really dont know the difference. Obviously it depends on the type of car and other factors but approximately how much is the difference. I could fill out the quote stuff but i would have to fill it out twice and i really dont feel like being bombarded by emails and what not. Also, I am 17 years old and have had my license for over a year without a single violation. If it really matters, i have about 4500 saved up for now. I made a little over 1100 in the past month and should be getting about 700 or so a month from my job. I really dont spend any money on anything else. Is insurance on my own car really that expensive?""
I am looking for car insurance for an 18 year old boy. Everything is so expensive. Does anyone recommend anything? I live in the New York area.
How much would a doctors check up be without insurance?
Please excuse my grammar, but I'm a bit panicky. I need to know the cost of a doctors check up in California for a 21 year old man without insurance. My boyfriend has been having some chest pains, and we think he sprained his wrist. I'm so worried about him. He can't afford insurance at the moment, due to the fact that he can barely pay for his college classes and food. I need an estimate from anyone who has been in a similar situation. Thank you so much in advance!!""
Can anyone help me find cheap car insurance?
I'm 17 and live in the UK and I'm currently learning to drive. I really want a Fiat 500 when I pass my test, but the insurance is really expensive. My parents say they won't pay for it if it is more than 1000 a year, as I attend a prestigious driving school and they already pay my fees. However, my mum wants a new car and was considering a Fiat 500, so I could always be insured as a secondary driver. What's the cheapest way of doing it and can anyone find me a good insurance quote? I have no idea where to start and my parents won't help until I figure it out myself.""
Help me find a good auto insurance company for pizza delivery?
I live in Brisbane QLD. Can you guys help me find the best insurance company that offers commercial insurance with the smallest excess at the least premium. I'm going to be using my car for delivering pizza. Obviously I'm not expecting anything cheap because most insurance companies are in it for the money, not the customer. I've looked at RACQ and some other more well known companies, is there anyone else I should check?""
What's an good place to get auto insurance?
What's an good place to get auto insurance?
Will my car insurance rates increase? Please help?
I have a lease with the full mandated insurance in FL and I have Geico. There is construction on my building and while my car was parked in it's space apparently a rock or some piece of concrete from my building must have hit my moonroof and shattered it completely. I must have this fixed ASAP and am still working out who between my condo association and the construction company are going to pay for this. In the meantime I need to know if I call Geico about this incident will I be in jeopardy of having my rates increased? The car was parked in it's space, I was not driving, and it was not my fault. Thank you for answering.""
Where do I look for health insurance after Heart Surgery? Dropped by current provider..?
After having a valve replaced last fall my insurance opted not to renew my policy. I am 63 and currently have a short term policy that only can be renewed once and then I am out of luck. Where can I look for coverage? I'd take something even if it excluded my prior condition even though I am now much healtier than I was before the surgery.
What is the average cost for home owners insurance in illinois?
I'm trying to get average cost of insurance for the south and southwest suburban areas of the chicago area.
What 500cc/600cc sports bikes are good for the A2 licence & cheap to insure for an 19 year old with no clams?
i had in mind the Suzuki GSXR 600 Honda CBR 600 Honda CBR 500 Kawasaki ER6F Triumph Daytona 675 Are these bikes worth restricting to 33bhp? and are there any other good ones
Best non-owner liability coverage insurance?
What is the best non-owner liability coverage insurance in New York ?
Can anyone give me an estimate for A 17 year old car insurance!?
Hello I am 17 in december and am looking to insure A classic Austin Mini 998cc and I was just wondering if anyone would have any estimate idea of how much it would cost to insure!? :)
We are looking at buyin a house what insurances will we need and around how much should we budget for this?
We are first time buyers ans are looking to buy a house and we were wondering what are the insurances we need to take out and how much should we be looking at budgeting for this a month any help would be brill thanks x
What will happen if I drive without car insurance and get caught?
I drive my parents Grand Prix every once in a while, but i do not ever drive the ford expedition. I asked my stepfather will it be okay for me to drive back to college, he said no. He said that it will cost to much to add me on at this point. My mom does not want me to drive sometimes, because she think my license will be revoked or I would have to pay a large fine. I want to have a car on campus, because I do not like being stuck their mostly throughout the week, even though the semester is about over. Is it a good idea to drive without car insurance.""
Cheap car insurance for a young driver...
is there any insurance company who can give me a good deal on my car insurance? (i am hoping to get insured on my mums grande punto) I am getting ridiculous quotes all the time just because I'm an 20 year old male, and being from liverpool probably doesnt help matters either haha. Thanks in advance""
Do you need insurance to drive a car?
i live in alberta and i am wondering do you have to get insurance in order to drive a car will you be in trouble if you drive without insurance?????
Is there affordable health insurance for pregnant teen girls?
i need any kind of reliable resources. please help.
Insurance claim and deductible questions?
I scratched somebody's car while they were parked, so it was my fault. Damages were minor. Since my car is old and I've dropped coverage on my own car (I have coverage for the other car), I have no plan to fix mine. And the other party offered to settle on our own and not go to the insurance company. So, the questions are: 1. If I claim to my insurance company, how much out-of-pocket do I have to pay? His deductible? Or $0 (since I am not fixing mine)? 2. Would my insurance rate will go up even though I have a clean, no at-fault, claim for at least 10 years? 3. Is this settle on our own legal? And anything to watch out for? 4. What would you do if you were me? Thanks much!""
I need Health Insurance Tips?
Hey there, I was hoping to get some input from families in WA State, or anywhere if you want to help me. I just need ideas on where to get affordable health insurance for my family? If anyone has advice for me that would be great. Thank-you!""
How much will my moped insurance be?
if i buy a cheap moped (under 400), use it for only social purposes and keep it locked away in a garage at night, how much do you think it will cosT?""
16-24 yr olds: What do you know about insurance?
I am working on a research project about insurance for 16-24 year olds. This information is for research purposes only and will in no way be shared or sold to anyone. The intent is to gather information from high school/college age students on their perceptions on insurance. What types of insurance would you like to purchase? (auto, health, college, iPad, smartphone, etc.) Have you been purchased insurance? If yes, what type? If no, have you been involved in purchasing insurance? Do you carry insurance on each of your personal media devices? (e.g.smartphone, iPad, laptop, etc.) What do you know about insurance? Would you be willing to take a class on insurance if it meant receiving a discount on an insurance policy? If you were shopping for insurance, where would you go to look for an insurance quote? What are your hobbies? Do you belong to any sports/groups/organizations? If yes, which ones?""
Can someone explain somethings about Car Insurance to me?
Okay, long story short. Last week I got in a car accident with some friends. My back is messed up and I went to the doctor Monday. He told me that my lower back muscles, tendons, and my lumbar are all swollen and sprained. My parents want my friend's family's insurance to pay for the doctor bills, plus they want to get me something (I think it's called compensation or something, I can't remember) basically, the insurance company will pay me money. I guess my questions are just these: If you were my friend's parents in this situation, would you be mad? Is my family technically suing my friend's family? Does her family find out about this or is it all confiential between me, my parents, and the insurance? We live in Washington state and got in an accident on the Interstate, heading down to Seattle for the afternoon, if it changes anything""
How do I get health insurance?
Ok Im 20 and I don't think I have health insurance. I want insurance to cover basic health and dental too. How can I get health insurance that is cheap and affordable in California? Thank you
Car insurance in new jersey?
how much is liability car insurance in new jersey
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Please suggest cheap health insurance for couples.?
Which insurance company offers the most affordable health plan for couples?
Which is best health insurance company in india?
best health insurance company
Car Insurance for Teens?
Hi, Im 16 years old, going to get my license, and did parent taught drivers ed. All my life, ive wanted to drive, but now, I hear that car insurance for teenagers is so damn high. I heard it is at least 200 a month, and I know for a fact my parents cant afford that? What should I do? Some people I heard pay only 20 dollars a month, how the hell did they get suc ha low rate? Also, Id like to drive a sports car, which im guessing is gonna make insurance way higher. So where can my parents get affordable insurance for me?""
Is it cheaper on insurance to have 2 people on the title?
I don't have a very good driving record, and when I had insurance under my name on my old car, I was paying almost as much as the monthly car payments. The bank I received the loan from told me that I had to have insurance under my name on the car. I'm looking to get a new car, and I know that the insurance alone would cost me a lot. If I put someone else's name (such as my father) on the title, along with mine, would I be able to get insurance under his name?""
How much do you usually pay when you first get car insurance?
just got an auto insurance plan that's 100/month. went in to fill out papers &payed a $120 down payment. but my mom is now telling me i should be getting a bill for $480 in the mail soon. because the premium is $600 and i have to pay the rest? but i thought that's what the down payment was for. or was that just a down payment for a down payment? lol. i'm not really sure how it works, but i'm wondering if my mom is just saying that so i don't spend all my money, or if i'm actually going to get a bill for that much. anyone know? i'm still paying $100/month, so is it normal to have to pay around $600 first?""
""If someone gets in an auto accident with someone else's car, whose insurance is notified?
Mother and daughter have auto insurance together. Daughter lets her boyfriend drive and he rear ends a car and does very little damage (broken tail light) to other car. He has his own insurance for his vehicle. Which insurance do you call? No accident report was done by police.
What would my Allstate car insurance be? If i buy a sports car..?
I'm 19 years old and never had an accident record or traffic record before; I'm currently a member of Allstate insurance company under my dad's insurance. I have a 2005 Honda Accord EX and paying $2400 a year... is that alot?? IF! i sell my car and get myself a 2003-2004 G35 coupe, how much would my car insurance be??""
What is the minimum you can pay for car insurance if your under 18 and a girl?
Is there any ways to get a low cost?
Please Help...Will i be able to get any health insurance?
Im a 21 yr old female, who benefits from deferred action. im currently working two jobs and going to community college. money is TIGHT. i know being protected under deferred action will not provide me any health insurance help but can i still be able to get ANY help? im a type 1 diabetic as well and the cost of insulin and doctor visits skyrockets every single time. i live with my parents but i dont receive money from them. i guess long story short. can i get any type of health insurance? if i dont die from diabetes ill die from the cost of it hahaha. i live in Southern California if thats any help. thanks in advance :)""
Do life insurance companies check your medical records after you die?
Let's say that you get life insurance and claim to be a non-smoker. Then let's say that you start smoking or resume smoking. Assuming that your medical records show that you smoked, will most life insurance companies check your records, see that you smoked, and then cancel your benefit?""
How Much Will My Car Insurance Payment Increase After An Accident?
I got into my first car accident today that was my fault I am 17 years old and I have full coverage on Geico insurance I was wondering on around how much will my payment increase after the accident? There was no damage on my car but the other persons car had a large dent on the right side of his front bumper.
Those self-employed: can you share a good health insurance that's affordable?
I have found only quotes over $300 a month. Those that were under $100 had a.. drum roll....deductible of over 10,000 dollars! I need health insurance, but can't afford it. Ironically, my dogs have it and I cannot afford it for me.""
First car accident - forgot to get insurance info?
I just got into my first car accident ever today. I have his license #, plate #, address, cell number, but I totally forgot to get his insurance info. The CHP officer did come and file a report though. Do I still need to get it or amI ok? Am I supposed to report to my insurance company now or wait until 5-10 days after the report is finished? Sorry, this is my first time so I don't know anything. My car is is a 95 Honda and he drives a Lexus. There were only some scratches on his car (very minor damages) and mine is pretty bad. Any advice would be appreciated. Happy Vday to me. =[""
Give me your opinion on which if you think my car is total loss or the insurance will fix it?
here are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view&current=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view&current=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg#!oZZ2QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs221.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd30%2FVICTICO2%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D2011-01-14_16-18-13_791.jpg
Whats the cheepest car on insurance for a 17 year old and how much?
whats the cheepest car on insurance for a 17 year old and how much
Insurance on a Civic Si?
Alright so im pretty sure that answer is going to be high but im thinking of buying a '06/'07/'08 civic si, but i was just wondering if any other si drivers could give me how much they pay for insurance. im 20 live in s. cali and have one ticket so i bet thats gonng drive it up but still want to know like an average. will it make a difference if i but a civic si sedan instead of the coupe?""
Where can I purchase individual health insurance?
It's actually for my mom who is 63 and needs some type of insurance until she is 65 and eligible for medicare. She just retired. Does anyone know good, reasonably priced plans that she can look into? Thank you!""
""Has anyone bought insurance from Insphere Insurance Solutions (MEGA Life, Alliance for Affordable Services?""
I met with an agent yesterday and Googled the companies he represented, and saw so many complaints from both agents and consumers that my mind is spinning. I own a small business with only two employees. I don't want to be ripped off by some sweet talking insurance salesman, but if he is honest (chuckle) and his products are as good as he represents, then I would consider this option. If you've had any experience with these companies, I would like to hear it... good or bad. Thanks.""
Low car insurance?
I wanna get a insurance for my car. it's a 1995 Pontiac Firebird. I got my license when I was 18 and now I'm 21 and I have a clean record in state of California. I just need a cheap insurance. How much is it gonna cost me each month? Which one is the cheapest one?
What kind of Certificate of Insurance do I need.?
Hi. I just found a new apartment and in the lease contract there is something about a Section 1940.5 of the California Civil Code. The code basically says that if I have a waterbed or fish tank that is over 5 gallons I need to provide the landlord with a certificate of Insurance in the amount of $100,000. What kind of insurance would I be looking for to cover this? I have a 18 gallon fish tank that I would like to keep. Thank you!""
What is a good insurance policy for funeral andextra money for your family?
I know nothing about life insurance progams. What is a good insurance policy for funeral and extra money for your family? I'm 47, smoker but could quit, on disability?""
What number do you call to file an insurance claim with Verizon?
I flushed my phone down the toilet. sounds ridiculous but i managed to do it. i have insurance, what number do i call to file a claim?""
How much would full coverage insurance cost on a 1965 Silver Cloud 3 Rolls-Royce?
Male driver, clean driving history.""
If you chose car insurance just by commercials?
If you chose car insurance going by the commercials what car insurance would you choose and what do you actually have, if you have a car?""
Approx. how much would a leased car amd insurance cost a 24yr old male?
Planning on either a alfa romeo, or civic moving to the uk so not sure what leases are like and insurance. Insurance in toronto is sky high so im assuming it will be the same. I pay $400 a month so arounds 200pounds. Just looking for estimations thanks. City driver too, possibly london or glasgow.""
insurance quotes quotes
insurance quotes quotes
""We are looking to buy a new home it cost about 180,000 dollars my husband makes about 36,000 dollars a year?""
could we get this home does he make enough i also have a down payment of 18,000 dollars""
Commercial business insurance and homeowners insurance?
I am closing soon on a small commercial property. It is a smaller restaurant/bar and has an apartment in back where I will be living. I'm a little confused regarding insurance. Do I get commercial business insurance for the building, and then separate homeowners insurance for the small apartment in back? Though I feel that would be strange as it's one large building essentially. Just curious what others have done, it's too late to call now, yet I will in the morning.""
What is the best health insurance in california?
i could either choose blue cross hmo or ppo or kaiser hmo..not sure which is best?
""Will my car get tow,i change the insurance to my father name.?""
I financed a car and all the paperwork is under my name,but i change the insurance under my father name.now i received a letter saying i don't have insurance,and i told them is under my father name.they want me to change it in my name,but i don't want to.if i put my name in the insurance it will be high. can i leave it under his name,or put my name in it.""
How much does it cost on average to run a car a year?
I'm learning to drive and have no idea how much it will cost to run a car when i've passed. Obviously i know the answer is different for everybody but could you give me an idea? I'm hoping to get something small like a KA, will be using it mostly to get to work which is 2 miles each way, i'm 27 so what will insurance costs be? at the moment i'm spending 100 a month on lessons, and 60 a month to get to work. Is it likely to cost more than this a month on running a car, paying insurance etc? Thanks""
Where can I get cheap insurance for a performance car? I have tried the usual (confused.com etc etc)?
UK only please
How to find cheap insurance for my 318i bmw 1999?
How to find cheap insurance for my 318i bmw 1999?
What is the rating on Safeway Insurance?
http://www.safewayinsurance.com/SIC/Default.aspx http://www.insure.com/articles/interactivetools/sandp/new_s&p.jsp I didnt found it online. by rating, I mean what letter? STANDARD AND POOR'S RATINGS DEFINITIONS AAA : EXTREMELY STRONG AA : VERY STRONG A : STRONG BBB : GOOD BB : MARGINAL B : WEAK CCC : VERY WEAK CC : EXTREMELY WEAK R : UNDER REGULATORY SUPERVISION NR : NOT RATED Do small insuarance companies get rated?""
Exceptional First Car With Low Insurance?
I am straight 'A' student, and I have completed the Driver's Education course at my highschool. My family does not really make that much money, but my parents would like to buy me a car at an exceptional rate. I am probably only going to live in Florida for another year, and then I am moving out to California. Depending on what type of car I decide to get, I don't know if I will be taking it with me or not. My mom wants to buy me a brand new car, meaning a current 2008-09 model, but I keep explaining to her that it's very hard to find a cheap new model (unless someone knows something I don't?). I would just like some third party input on this decision. What is the best car company, and what car model would have the lowest insurance rate? I have tried researching Mazda, Acura, Nissan, and Honda, because I prefer these companies; however, I haven't had any luck because I'm so new to shopping for a vehicle. I like hybrids, and it would help if I am able to get a car with great mileage as well. Of course, I'm sure many of you know this is because of our depleting economy, lol. Ok, I don't mean to make this a book, I'm just trying to give as much information as I can so I can maybe get a clear answer. Thanks in advance =).""
How much is this car worth to sell this car to the insurance.?
It is a 2005 Toyota Corolla CE with a salvage title. It has 76000 miles just body damages. Thanks in advance
How much does it cost to put car insurance on a bugatti?
How much does it cost to put car insurance on a bugatti?
How much does car insurance cost in California?
I know it varies but I just need a range.
Can my term life insurance rates go up?
If I have already bought a term life insurance plan for 20 years a year ago, and I get a new job which is a higher risk job, will my insurance rate go up? If so how much could it go up by?""
What is the different between pension saving and life insurance?
i plan to buy for my personal insurance but i have no idea which one i should go for. Is that everyone of us need to have saving insurance to make life be protected? My friend suggested me to go for the pension plan , but some of them they not agree why should i go for any insurance saving. I have a confusion now.""
Cost to insure sport bike? Ninja 250?
I'm 18 in WIsconsin. Live in country-ish area. Or how do I find out? Call our family agent? Or just the insurance company.
Affordable Life Insurance at 80?
Please help me find an affordable life insurance at 80 years of age to life. Thank you, Lily""
How is being required to buy health insurance any different than being forced to buy car insurance?
I know people are saying it's unconstitutional for the government to make us buy health insurance, but states already force you to buy car insurance. Wouldn't that be unconstitutional, too? I'm not trying to be a Smart Alec or anything. I seriously want to know the logic behind how people feel.""
What would my insurance be for a kia forte?
him im 16 im a male i want a kia forte lx all black, it would be my first car what would my insurance be""
If business were de-regulated would it really save the owners money? What about insurance costs?
Regulations protect business from lawsuits; which are costly, damaging and highly unpredictable. More, because there are guidelines and the government enforces those guidelines businesses can be insured and insured at affordable rates. If regulations on business were repealed, what would happen to the cost and availability of insurance for business?""
What happens if a 16 year old in NC is caught driving without being on the insurance policy?
The owner of the car has insurance on the car but his daughter is not listed as a driver on the policy.
I am 17 and am going to buy a 2013 kawasaki ninja 300 abs. What will my insurance costs be?
Is homeowners insurance a complete scam?
my former agent admitted it was worthless as insurance and explained that i was buying it because my lender required me to do so. she could not explain why she did not tell me this when i bought the insurance.
Looking for individual dental insurance?
I'm trying to find an affordable good dental insurance company. I've looked online quite a bit and can only find insurance with a 6 mos waiting period or a dental plan that you pay like $100 a year for a discount which seem useles. I'm 30 and live in Ohio if that makes any difference. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Health Insurance for a College Student in California?
I am a 19 year old who is a full time student in college. I just moved out of my parents home a while back and well I dont have Health Insurance. I'm in desperate need to see a doctor and as well as a Gyno due to menstruation problems and I tried applying for Medical but on the application it said i couldnt go further unless I was a pregnant person or have children. I just need a affordable plan. Any suggestions for a new-adult?
Obama used to be critical of insurance companies. But his health care plan seems like it will benefit them.?
Obama used to be critical of the health insurance companies, but his health care plan seems like it was designed to benefit the insurance companies more than anyone else. Why is that?""
insurance quotes quotes
insurance quotes quotes
0 notes
Car insurance help, high price?
"Car insurance help, high price?
I've just recently passed my test and am trying to insure a 3dr Renault Clio Grande, it's a 1.2 and is a MK2 X-Reg. I've tried all the comparison sites, moneysupermarket, confused, comparethemarket etc, I've been to insurers directly and tried as I'm aware of these comparison sites adding their own extra on as sort of a finders-fee . The cheapest quotes I've had are well over the 5000 mark, usually being around 5600-6400. Do any of you know of a cheaper insurance choice for myself, even trying with iKube etc I was quoted 6000 despite the tracker apparently lowering my premiums - Also, I understand due to the boy-racer fad my premiums will be higher, but I have drove for over a year anyway on my provisional in a car with no dual-control support and never even been close to having an incident.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Auto insurance raised cause of credit!?
I bought another used car 2005 and my insurance rates when up $500.00 a year. They told me because of my credit rating........what! I have a perfect driving record and have been driving for 36 years so tell me what does my credit have to do with my car insurance or driving record?!!!!! I am only behind on a couple credit cards so please someone tell me why this is?
Insurance for Young People?
I'm 21 years old, I live in Northern Ireland (which is not covered by a lot of insurance companies) and I was wondering if it is possible to get reasonably priced car insurance. I'm sure anyone my age knows that insurance for under 25s is a nightmare! Is there a way to get round it perhaps? A type of car that is cheaper to insure? I would appreciate some suggestions on the matter. Thanks.""
What model Acura Integra is the best for customization and performance?
What model Acura Integra is the best for customization and performance And based on your answer what would insurance be (16 yrs old) and how much is the car itself.
Can I add my 18yo niece to my medical insurance?
She is a college student and we provide more than half of her support. I do claim her as a dependent on my taxes, but only starting this year. I know I can keep my own children on the policy through age 26 (if in college, I think), but I didn't know if I could add my niece. thanks!""
How much would insurance cost for a 17 year old with a bimmer ?
Probably a late 1990's model. I have to pay for the car and 1/3rd insurance - so I'm just wondering how much insurance would be around for a BMW ?
I need cheap car insurance.....?
im 18 and need to know of any way i cna get low car insurance.... any tricks may help the siap im not sure i qualfy. im low income is there any government program or something? anything would help please let me kno about how much i would need to pay. Im 18 male in north jersey. car is coupe wit 4 doors and light weight
What's car insurance im a beginner on cars?
I'm only 17 in the future I want to buy a car a mini countryman I see a lot of car insurance ads on tv do they pay you or do you pay them
Can I put someone on my car insurance?
I own a car. I have insurance on the car. Can I put another person who is going to be driving the car regularly on my policy if they are not co-owner of the vehicle?
Who will give car insurance with a drivers permit?
My DL was suspended and I restored them today due to parking ticket but I have to start all over so I have a permit so who will give me car insurance with a permit need A.S.A.P
Car Insurance for a 17 year old male...?
I am looking for car insurance as I will (fingers crossed) have passed my test by christmas. I need insurance on a 1997 P Reg 1.4L Renault Megane (which I have learned in, so will be buying off my dad) ... either that or it will be a 1.0L - 1.2L probably M Reg 3 door car, something cheap, small and cheap to run. Most places are either refusing to insure me, or are giving me ridiculous prices of between 3500 - 5000. Also, I am getting quotes as though I already have the full licence, and not provisional. I know people of the same age going to these companies with bigger and newer cars getting insured for 2000. Whats going on? U.K. answerers only please :-) Ta. J. X""
How much cheapest car insurance?
the details is correct in this link? http://www.insurancequote4mycar.com/
How can I get some insurance?
I received a brand new bike a week ago but I dare not give it a try because I have not got it covered by insurance yet. I have tried multiple insurance companies online but every one I tried there would be a snag. Mainly it would be, 'what kind of driving licence do you hold'? I personally hold a clean driving licence for a car, but in the drop down list of different driving licences 'car' was not among them, so I could not go to the next section to continue trying to insure my bike. I live out of the city so applying for insurance and paying for it online would be the easiest option.""
Car insurance Policy expiration date?
ok so my grandma told me that my car insurance expires 9/15/2011 but on the paper I have it says it doesn t expire till December of this year. I don t know if she got it confused or what. I don t have a phone to call them my phone is text only. On top of that I am looking for a new insurance company I currently have Farmers. I paid $50 for my insurance, but i was on my grandma and dads insurance, I dont know if it would be the same if I paid by myself or if thats just how much i paid being on their plan. if you can answer any of these questions that would help alot.""
Do you have to have car insurance? dont answer if you dont live in texas please?
I want to get my drivers license and i dont have a car so therefore i dont have car insurance. Can you get your license without having car insurance? Also would i use there car to drive or do i have to bring a car bc like i said i dont have one? And if i was to use someone elses car would i have to be on there insurance? Because if i have to then thats like saying you cant get a drivers license without a car or car insurance which wouldnt make that much sense. And please dont answer my questions if u dont live in texas
Which car would cost the least for insurance for a 16 year old male driver?
2000 Chevrolet Camaro Coupe V6 1996 Cadillac Seville STS Touring V8 1999 Ford Mustang convertible V6
Car insurance when go to college?
i'll be living in the dorm for college this fall, and my parents decide to cut my car insurance since i only come home for thanksgiving(7 days), winter break(1 month), spring break(10 days), and summer(2 months). is it possible to buy insurance temporarily for those breaks that i come back? thanks""
How much does hydrocodone generally cost without insurance?
I'm curious to see how much it costs without insurance due to a toothache. my dentist prescribed me an antibiotic but it hasn't helped with the pain. i don't have any benefits. i really don't like how hydrocodone makes me feel nauseated but it helps with the pain.
What is the most reputable homeowners insurance company to use in Florida?
What is the most reputable homeowners insurance company to use in Florida?
Why Is my car insurance so expensive?
I'm just trying to find a good quote for the renewal of my car insurance, due in November 10. The cheapest I can get for a THIRD PARTY FIRE & THEFT only is 800!!!! for the following circumstances: Driver: male 32 yo, EU national living in the UK since 2003.Home owner. No convictions or anything like that. Full UK licence that I got converted in 2005, though I had held a full EU licence for 9 years before that. In full employment. The car: 1998 R reg For Fiesta LX 1.8 Diesel. 3 doors hatchback. Kept in a secure (bollards) street at home during the night and in the company's hyper secure car park during the day. Miles per year: up to 9000. With factory fitted immobiliser plus a anti theft wheel lock. The postcode is not the best, but it can't be the reason for it being so expensive, because my neighbours pay something ridiculous, like 30 or 40 per month for a fully comp policy, and also, because it's not a fully comp policy that I'm after and the car is so cheap (600) that it wouldn't make sense. I'm even ready to go for a third party only, but it turns out even more expensive in the searches... I've even tried with other cars with smaller engines thinking that maybe replacing the car would help... I'm really confused, and that famous website is not helping at all. Hopefully somebody can shed some light on where the problem is. It'd be so very much appreciated...""
What companies offer good Business Insurance?
We are a small production/post production company for film/TV/marketing and need business insurance. We are located in Sherman Oaks, CA. Would appreciate suggestions for which companies we should reach out to.""
""How is it my insurance coverage costs go down, but not my yearly fees?""
I've only had my license a few years, so only had to pay this a few times, but the first time my car was insured for $15,500. The second time it dropped to $13,500. Yet both times I'm expected to pay $460 for the year. Cheap because I'm going through someone else's name 'cause it would cost me about $1,800. Why do the coverage costs go down but not the fees?""
National Health Insurance?
I have a huge report to do for school on my position on National Health Insurance. I am completely opposed to it. Although I'd like to see what anyone else thinks, and I'm looking for any great statistics I could add to my report. Thanks!!""
Does cheap health insurance exist?
I relocated because my wife found a better job but problem is I don't have insurance now my current job doesn't offer it and I can't jump on hers for like a year. Is there such a thing as affordable insurance as in under $150 a month for basic doctor visit co-pays and rx?
Can anyone recommend a website that will give free quotes for multiple car insurance companies?
I'm trying to find a website that will give different quotes for comprehensive car insurance in Australia. Can anyone recommend one?
Can i cancel my car insurance immediately? cancel same day and not pay for the following month?
The reason is i sold the car and the insurance guy said the car is still in the system (1st of the month), so i would have to pay still. he said if i canceled on the 15th it could have been canceled sooner and i wouldn't have to pay. i just think it's odd since i don't even have the car anymore. not sure if this makes sense? thanks""
Car insurance help, high price?
I've just recently passed my test and am trying to insure a 3dr Renault Clio Grande, it's a 1.2 and is a MK2 X-Reg. I've tried all the comparison sites, moneysupermarket, confused, comparethemarket etc, I've been to insurers directly and tried as I'm aware of these comparison sites adding their own extra on as sort of a finders-fee . The cheapest quotes I've had are well over the 5000 mark, usually being around 5600-6400. Do any of you know of a cheaper insurance choice for myself, even trying with iKube etc I was quoted 6000 despite the tracker apparently lowering my premiums - Also, I understand due to the boy-racer fad my premiums will be higher, but I have drove for over a year anyway on my provisional in a car with no dual-control support and never even been close to having an incident.
Wrx vs. Impreza insurance?
I know the wrx has really high insurance rates.. How about the regular impreza? (new models)
How do I get Car insurance before i get my Drivers License?
I'm under 18 and im getting ready to get my provisional drivers License. They said i need proof of insurance to get my license. But how do i get insurance if i dont have a car? I know people usually are supposed to be added to their parents insurance policy to take care of this, but my parents dont have drive or have insurance........ What do i do? Ive heard that i should get an uncle or grandparent to add me to their policy, but is that true? Help me out... thanks""
CALIFORNIA DRIVERS-Insurance question?
am about to test for my license tomorrow, and on the list of requirements, it says I need proof of insurance. That just means for the car I am using right? It's not like you can insure a person...My friend keeps telling me I need driver's insurance but that does not exist, am i right? I guess the question is: What needs to be insured?""
Car Insurance for a 2007-08 Mustang?
Can anyone give me an estimate on about how much a 17-18 year olds car insurance would be if they were to drive a 07-08 ford mustang please.
Computer experts: tips on how to insure the longevity of ones computer?
System Properties: Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Version 2002 Service Pack 2 Dell Dimension DEO51 Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.53GHz 2.53 GHz. 768 MB of RAM AT&T Yahoo service provider - MODEM Speedstream 4100 My Comp. Tech told me he had tripled the memory; so the above specs. may not be accurate with regard to this. When not in use, I always put it on Stand By . Disk Fragmenter: when should I, and should not, utilize this? I'm 74 yrs. old, and had never even touched a computer til I retired; and have no formal education in computer operations. So please delineate your responses in layman's terms. Any recommendations so as to insure my computer's longevity would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Alberich""
How much (on average) does it cost to get insured?
I have been doing side cleaning for some friends and family so of course I'm not insured or bonded. But I can make anywhere from $50-$80 for less then 2 hours of work. I started working PT at a cleaning company so that I could get more experience (and a little more pay) and learn a bit about the business. Of course what I'm learning is that instead of making the full $50-$80 for my services I'm making only 20% and the rest of course goes to the company! I feel I can do much better on my own and really want to work towards that so I know my best bet is to get insurance and bonding. Roughly what is the premium for it? I guess I wouldn't need to be insured for no more then $25,000 -$50,000. And are bonding and insurance liability fees seperate?? Any help would be appreciated. thanks""
Insurance for my Car??
my parents have full coverage for Nissan Altima 2006 from AAA. now i would also like to be registered for that same car. I'm 16 yrs. old. How much do you think AAA will charge me??
Cheap insurance for 17 year olds?
ok doing my driving test on tuesday and got a 02 reg 1.1 citroen saxo at most insurance companies im getting told around 10 grand however i have been able to get it down to 6 grand, btw im 17 d.o.b 08/01/94 does anyone know a company where it is cheap for 17 year olds? Thanks""
2 speeding tickets in 1 days! USAA insurance. Help Please!?
Ok, so as the title says, i got 2 speeding tickets in 1 day. Yes that was stupid, i know. I am really worried. one is a $205 fine, the other $110 both for speeding 15 mph over. I think it is possible to get defensive driving with one of the tickets because my last ticket was around 2 years ago. Thats the other thing. 2 yrs ago i got in a wreck, my fault and a ticket too + defensive driving. so with all that taken into account. do you think i will get dropped from USAA insurance or how much do you think my rates will rise? Thanks for the help!""
Car Insurance out of state?
I live in los angeles and im about to go to las vegas on a trip i have a car but im being told that i cant drive the car because my car insurance doest get covered in las vegas incase something happened.im a Little worried because i dont wanna fly there especially with all the hassle at the airport.what can i do can i purchase car insurance for a couple days from my insurance company to go to vegas?
Young mens experiences of high insurance premiums?
Im a 18year old male that has a full Uk driving license but I don't have a car because of my insurance being quoted at 2500. Just wondered if any else had similar experiences and is it any wonder lots of young men go around without insurance.
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I live in new jersey, 20 years old, I drive a 1996 oldsmobile, and I'm on my boyfriends parents insurance paying 115$ a month, my boyfriend and I share the car, he's 23 & the insurance was originally 80 then it went to 115$ because his sister got in an accident...I would like to know how much do you pay & what's your insurance company?""
What probably are the causes for increasing health insurance rates?
Is it due to inflation, lowering standards of medical care, insufficient government control, deteriorating human health, environmental degradation or other factors?""
Where can I find disability insurance?
I am deaf and looking for special disability insurance for auto. I have state farms with my parent name but I am trying to get my own insurance that work with disability part.
Whats a good price for a 17 year old car insurance ? Uk?
Whats a good price for a 17 year old car insurance ? Uk?
How to get cheaper car insurance?
I haven't yet passed my test, or even got a car, but was just researching to see if i could afford it. and the cheapest I could find was 3,000 a year which is impossible for me seeing as I'm at college. I was just wondering does anyone know of cheap places? or ways to cut it down by a bit? I have no one else in my house who drives, or even owns a car. thank you""
Why will small businesses be affected if the health insurance mandate passes?
Research paper. Thanks for the help
What could happen if I lie on motorcycle insurance?
I want to buy a bike (motorcycle) but insurance is ridiculous. I'm 24 almost 25 in two weeks (which is why I have waited so long to get a bike thinking my insurance would drop like everyone says). I already have a license and took a safety motorcycle class. I have rode dirt bikes all my life and now want to get a sportbike. I have called almost every insurance company (major ones mostly and a few small local ones) all want me to pay $200. to $500 a month! That's almost $3000. to $5000. dollars a year! I could almost buy a new bike for that! My question is, after doing online quotes I found that if I lie (or bend the truth) and say I have rode for 3 or 5 years the insurance drops to about $100 dollars a month! Which is great. Now I haven't rode a bike on the road, a lot, or close to 3 years, but I do know how to drive, and I have no speeding tickets or accidents, so I'm safe. I just want to know, what's the harm in saying I have experience when I do, but not in the way they think. Are they really going to catch it or really care all that much? Is this a major deal, or do people do it all the time? I know people lie when they get insurance, like no one reports tickets or accidents, especially if they get them AFTER they get insurance. Let me know if there is ANY other ways to get insurance cheaper, I would love to have a bike and would appreciate any advice.""
Why is someone's car insurance company private information?
I'm really confused about this. I was trying to go about ways of finding out the name of an individuals car insurance company because I wanted to report fraud. But when I try to do that I get blocked. I even tried to guess their car insurance company by calling one and asking if the person was insured by them. I found out that it's because it's illegal to get this information because it is private information? Why is that? I can see how getting someone's ss# or credit card # would be illegal because things like that you can do illegal things with like steal their identity. But you can't do any illegal harmful things to people by getting the name of their car insurance company, so why is that guarded information?""
Hello dose any one no the cheapest insurance company for an 18yr old?
Hello dose any one no the cheapest insurance company for an 18yr old?
Will my disbalitiy insurance through medicaid get shut off if i get married?
Will my disbalitiy insurance through medicaid get shut off if i get married?
I bought a car week ago and i get insurance from AIG it costs me $850 for 6 months(full coverage)?
does anybody know cheaper one i am first time driver and my car new toyota scion XA 2006 thanks i really need cheaper one
Car Insurance policy?
I was buying home contents insurance a month ago, I realized that It could be bought altogether with some other extras like key protections, legal expenses and home emergency services. Today I am trying to buy car insurance, I wonder what extras car insurance comes with? Regards""
Life Insurance or Mortgage Insurance?
which one is better. I live in canada (BC) I have income disability insurance but it doesn't cover my mortgage amount. Incase of a death of one partner the other will get anywhere from 30 000 to 100 000 (depnds on how death happens) plus monthly checks of app.2000 for 2 yrs plus funeral expenses. I pay 108 a month for this. Shuld i cancel my policy and get mortgage insurance do most people out there have mortgage insurance? Is it true that you can not have more than one policy? any experts out there pls advise?
Do I need insurance ?
I'm 16 I'm starting my own lawn care Business Do I need Insurance In case I hit something and does my car Insurance cover snow plowing
Car insurance help, high price?
I've just recently passed my test and am trying to insure a 3dr Renault Clio Grande, it's a 1.2 and is a MK2 X-Reg. I've tried all the comparison sites, moneysupermarket, confused, comparethemarket etc, I've been to insurers directly and tried as I'm aware of these comparison sites adding their own extra on as sort of a finders-fee . The cheapest quotes I've had are well over the 5000 mark, usually being around 5600-6400. Do any of you know of a cheaper insurance choice for myself, even trying with iKube etc I was quoted 6000 despite the tracker apparently lowering my premiums - Also, I understand due to the boy-racer fad my premiums will be higher, but I have drove for over a year anyway on my provisional in a car with no dual-control support and never even been close to having an incident.
What type of car business insurance do i need?
i have a small take-away business and i want to let my employees to drive my car. i have 3 cars for my business. can you please give me list of websites
Is affordable life insurance possible for someone over 70?
Please answer...
The cost of insurance for multiple super cars?
Alright, so let's say I win a Powerball lottery jackpot, which automatically makes me the happiest man in the world. Well.. I know that's not going to happen, since I have a horrible luck, but let's just imagine. I get a big, luxury house in Beverly Hills with an underground garage. Since I'm a huge car guy, I'm getting all of my dream cars (all brand new). Here is the list (I probably forgot some): Lamborghini Aventador Lamborghini Gallardo Super Trofeo Bugatti Veyron Maserati GranTurismo Mercedes SLS Mercedes C63 AMG Mercedes E63 AMG Mercedes G63 AMG Mercedes SLR (not new, of course) BMW X6 M BMW M3 BMW M6 Audi R8 Audi RS5 Audi RS7 Range Rover HSE 2 Cadillac Escalade Platinum Ferrari California Ferrari 458 Italia Rolls Royce Phantom Coupe Rolls Royce Wraith Bentley Continental GT Bentley Mulsanne Corvette ZR1 Alright, so that's pretty much it. How much would insurance approximately cost? And don't say anything like if you have to ask, you probably can't afford it . Well, no ****, I can't afford it and never will, I'm just curious how much expanses I would have if I was happy.""
How much is car insurance monthly for a new driver in Indiana about?
thanks :)
Why is car insurance so expensive in the UK!?
So i'm not driving yet, only applied for a provisional, i'm age 21, But I thought why not try and figure out how much my insurance will be once i've passed and buy a car at roughly 1000, so I filled in all the details as accurate as possible on the compare websites and the cheapest yearly insurance price was 2500! How the hell am I suppose to afford this, am I doing something wrong haha :L""
Trying to be a first time homeowner - any advice before I sign?
I'm not there yet, but I plan to be ready in March of 08 to buy my first house. I've taken 15 hours of credit classes, I have $5k saved up, and I'm trying to get down payment assistance. Does anyone have any additional advice like unexpected costs (besides closing costs) and surprises that maybe happened to you when you bought your first house? I know to stay in my budget and not buy something I really can't afford. But for instance, do I find a lender first and then a house, or is it vice versa? And after I find a house and a lender, how long does it take to close? Is it stressful getting all your paperwork together?""
UK QUESTION classic bike insurance online?
What would you say is the best,in other words cheapest bike insurance places online for me in the uk. ebike just quoted me 74 quid was hoping for insurance for about 50 to be honest""
""If I get an insurance quote from a price comparison site, am I guaranteed the cheapest price?
Is there likely to be hidden costs?
Whats the difference between Medi -Cal and Health Insurance?
Whats the difference between Medi -Cal and Health Insurance?
Car Insurance for 16 Year old Boy in CA?
I am looking to buy a car, I had a list of all these cars... but then when I had a quote put on them... I was shocked. I was looking at BMW 325i, Jeep Cherokee, and Mitshubishi Montero... each costing around 2500 for full coverage. What car brand or type would have a relatively low insurance cost for my age and gender group?""
Question about life insurance?
I have life insurance and went to update my insurance today. In 2003 I became disabled and did not know about the disability clause. Where I don't have to pay the premiums anymore. Can I change my term life to whole life? Will I get back pay from 2003? I want to know this before my agent calls me next week with the answers. Please don't try and sell me insurance for as I won't qualify anyways just the answers please.
How old does one has to be to buy car insurance and what is the average price?
How old does one has to be to buy car insurance and what is the average price?
Farm Bureau Car Insurance question?
Hi, I am wanting to go and get my full license, I'm suppose to be added to my dad's car insurance before hand though, if he has to pay $70.00 more a month, will he have to pay 70 at the exact moment that im added ? Or is that charged when I am on the insurance a complete month.""
Has anyone used e-suarance for a car insurance quote. I called them a few hours ago & they gave me a good...?
quote but they Hadn't run my driving record yet. And they said they can use ur credit report but, Otha than seeing if u hav paid ur car insurance/bills on tym I Don't see Why they need That info, otha car insurance companies I called Didn't want to check my credit history & Every check on ur credit report can make ur credit score lower & my credit's not that gud rite now tho I pay my utilities, rent, my current credit card & my cell bill on tym & my auto insurance in the past was always paid on tym. (I haven't had car insurance for 3 1/2 yrs cuz I haven't had a car.) Also, they were telling me if I call back the quote mite not stay the same cuz I was tryin 2 get the quote number & No Other insurance companies said that, the otha 1's gave me a quote # so I can deal wit the quote later if I decided 2 go wit them. E-suarance (was tryin 2 get me 2 put a down payment down today & then the insurance would kick in automatically but I told them I want to pay for 6 months at once & I don't hav the money now cuz I hav 2 deposit it in the bank tomorrow, it's a postal money order & will clear Tues. & I Don't Need the insurance 'til Tues. &, then I'll need proof of insurance Tues. to take 2 the DMV wit the papers from the dealer 2 register the car & get the license plates. E-saurance said they could send an e-mail upon payment that I could use 2 show proof of insurance at the DMV or if I Can't print that out I could download their app & show them my proof of insurance thru their app. But that sounded fishy 2 me. Also the guy on the phone from e-suarance wanted a credit card # 2 run my driving record but I was like None of the Otha car insurance companies needed that 2 run my driving record. I Don't want 2 get charged for them 2 run my driving record or 4 any Otha charges. Which is making me suspicious now of the low rate or of paying by credit card ova the fone wit them. Since they're backed by Allstate can I go 2 an Allstate office 2 pay cash & get proof of insurance?""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I am currently a 24 year old male and I think my car insurance company is not giving me the best deal. Who do you get insurance from, how much do you pay and if you don't mind me asking, how old are you and what car you drive. Also what factors determine how much my insurance payments will be?""
I don't have insurance ?
I don't have any insurance. Any cheap one? Please any suggestion ?
Cheapest insurance for a yamaha tzr 50 for a 16 year olds first bike?
just bought a yamaha tzr 50, first bike wanted to know if anyone had a similar bike or knew any cheep insurance companies, less than 700, thanks""
How important is having health insurance in usa and why?
Why health insurance has more importance in usa ?Is it mandated in usa?what are the differences in insurance when compared with India?
Is my terrible credit rating going to affect my insurance premiums if I pay monthly?I?
I'm buying a new scooter in the next week or so so I can get to my new job. I've got a terrible credit rating from being over zealous with credit cards and loans. I can only afford to pay monthly for my insurance. Because of my credit rating, is there a chance I'll get turned down to pay monthly and have to pay my whole premium one go? Also, my previous insurance company has cancelled my old policy because I didn't pay the bill. I never recieved any letters or anything saying they were going to do it and as far as I was aware my money was going out as usual. Is that going to count against me as well?""
""How much will insurance cost for a mazda RX-8, 2004?""
I am 17, 18 in December but I was wondering how much it would cost for insurance per month and annual since I am a teen?""
What aspects of insuring a car make it cheaper?
I'm new to insuring a car, i haven't bought a car and i'm open to ideas. I know i'm looking for a small engine around 1.0 litre but what else helps to keep the insurance as low as possible? And i've heard Ford KA's are one of the cheapest cars to insure? Any help and advice you give me about what to look for and insurance would be very appreciated Thanks, Drew :)""
What is the cheapest but most reliable car insurance?
What is the cheapest but most reliable car insurance?
If you didn;t need to buy car insurance till you get into an accident?
Would you buy insurance till you needed it. Same with Health insurance, why buy it till I need it. Obama Care says you can not be denied health care for pre existing.""
Is the only insurance for abortion Medicaid?
What are other insurances that cover Medicaid or is this the only one?
Car insurance help, high price?
I've just recently passed my test and am trying to insure a 3dr Renault Clio Grande, it's a 1.2 and is a MK2 X-Reg. I've tried all the comparison sites, moneysupermarket, confused, comparethemarket etc, I've been to insurers directly and tried as I'm aware of these comparison sites adding their own extra on as sort of a finders-fee . The cheapest quotes I've had are well over the 5000 mark, usually being around 5600-6400. Do any of you know of a cheaper insurance choice for myself, even trying with iKube etc I was quoted 6000 despite the tracker apparently lowering my premiums - Also, I understand due to the boy-racer fad my premiums will be higher, but I have drove for over a year anyway on my provisional in a car with no dual-control support and never even been close to having an incident.
How Much is a Tuberculosis Test without insurance?
I live in Sacramento California and need to get a tb test but i dont have insurance, so i was wondering how much this is going to cost. Any help would be appreciated""
Where can I find public actuary data for car insurance?
where can I find public actuary data for car insurance. i need that to develop models
If you pay your car insurance for the whole year but sell that car with in the year?
ok so if you brought car insurance for a whole year and then sold the car 5 months later can you get the rest of the money back from the insurance for the other 5 months you don't need the insurance.
What UK car insurance companies will consider my Canadian driving experience?
I recently exchanged my Canadian driving license for a full UK license but insurance quotes are so high because most companies only consider that I haven't had my full license for more than a year (in fact I have had a full Canadian license for 8 years). The insurance companies also don't seem to consider that I have had no claims on my Canadian insurance for 8 years. Does anyone know of a UK car insurance provider that will consider foreign driving experience in their quotes?
Health care reform. Does it work?
Our new health care legislation is supposed to provide affordable health care and insurance for everyone. How exactly does that work? For example, I make about $37,000 a year. About $3200 of that goes to pay my insurance premiums. That's not really affordable, but, whatever. My job absolutely sucks. It's the worst one I've ever had. If I went to work at McDonald's or Wal-Mart, where would my affordable health care come from? Who decides how much I can afford to spend? No politician is going to be able to figure out how an ordinary American lives and what they can afford. I know this sounds like angry, bitter ranting, but it's a serious question. How does this work, if it actually does?""
Are car insurance quotes free?
i just want to know
Best insurance for a young additional driver?
Hi, I am in the process of buying a car, and have been for ages, and i am now trying to find the cheapest insurance like i have been for ages. My um will be the main driver, as she is selling her cr, and i walk to school everyday, so i will b the 17 year old male additional driver. Whats the best insurance quote i can get? Anyone got any recommendations? Im looking at getting a peugeot 207, which are 1.4 or 6, and many of them the sport edition. Dont bother telling me to get a different car as this is the one i like and have saved up for. Many Thanks for any help with my cheap insurance, Thanks""
""Open container citation, will my insurance go up?""
i got cited for an open container while parked in my car, im 18, and im in california, and my insurance is all state, how much will it go up??and how much will i be fined for an open container?""
Where can I find affordable insurance when living on disibility?
I am disabled and I only earn a certain amount per month, and I also have a wife and child. I just want to cry sometimes.""
Do I have to make a down payment on my auto insurance?
I am going to get insurance through State Farm and I was wondering if I will have to make a down payment on the insurance and if I do how much will it be?
Insurance for first timer? UK?
What would the insurance be on these cars for a 17 year old in the United Kingdom, roughly, and do you now any other cars that are like these, and are resonably cheap in insurance please Farlady 350z or 370z Skyline r33 gts Subaru inpreza 2.0 I was also thinking the mazda rx8, but i see that it has a rotary engine and also only has 20mpg, is that true? Thanks Mike""
What is the insurance of Maybach car?
I live in the UK. I don't want sites referred to me, but just want an estimate of how much insurance would be""
New Driver Car Insurance?
Hi all, How does a new driver go about getting insured for the purchase of a new car? Having never been insured before, how would I go about legally driving away a car newly purchased? So the scenario is that I have sourced the market and located a car. It is a private sale or from a garage. I have never driven before and therefore never been insured on an vehicle. How do I go about ensuring that when I purchase the car I am legally insured/taxed? When looking online, they need all the details about the car before I can arrange insurance, but I cannot guarantee the details of the car until I have seen it in person, when I expect to make the purchase. Any advice/links would be great. Thanks""
Which is the cheapest car insurance in Louisiana?
Which is the cheapest car insurance in Louisiana?
Auto theft and insurance question?
My 95 Honda accord was stolen last week and I did have full coverage etc..how do i negotiate a fair replacement cost of the car to the ins company when they offer me their price? I have Allstate and they have been grat in followup with me, but i dont know how they will base the value of the car..will it be kelly book or the NADA? thank you!!""
Do you hav to hav insurance to drive a car?
well i might buy a cheap old car (one that i dont have to worry about scratching or dinting) but do i HAVE to get insurance? and what other stuff do i HAVE to get like tax and what not and how much does all that cost?
Is there any health care ins.that is affordable.
because of my b.p.
Car insurance for 17 year old ?
I'm doing car payments on a 2007 Mustang & want to know how much roughly my monthly payments would be for car insurance. I called Progressive & the guy told me my insurance could cost any where from $500 to $5000? I'm permitted to drive but will be getting my license in August after my 18th birthday. I live in southern California. I want insurance for myself & only myself. I just want a rough idea of how much I would be paying monthly.
What are the average costs for these types of insurance?
Home Insurance Car Insurance Home Contents Insurance Travel Insurance Life Insurance Health Insurance Credit Insurance Average costs in pounds, not dollars, for the average British person? 10 POINTS FOR BEST ANSWER! Thanks""
What is the difference between insurance and coinsurance?
I'm on a website looking up health insurance quotes and it also has a column listed for something called coinsurance. What is coinsurance? Here's the site I'm looking at: http://www.lowcosthealthins.com/quote/plans.jsp
Looking for the best prices in auto insurance and Quick!?
I know there are some reliable auto insurance companies out there with killer rates. Anyone know something good?
My car is worth 3200 Actual Market Value how much should insurance pay before total loss?
Car value 3200 State Ohio Third party claim (not my insurance other driver was at fault)
Car insurance advice?
I cancelled my car insurance with liberty mutual about a year and a half ago. I owed them about $700 which I payed off a few weeks ago. I was looking to insure with them again until they told me my down payment would be the whole years worth of payments which is almost $4000, due to previous cancellation and nonpayment. Then they told me the best they could do would be half of the years total. My question is, if I go to other companies are they all going to tell me the same thing for down payments on policies? I do not owe any money to any company at this time.""
How does an Insurance Claim work?
How does an insurance claim work. Let's say I get up one morning walk outside and my car has been stolen? The police come out and take a report, then they leave. How long would it take insurance cover this and how much would they cover? For example, if I have a car that I'm financing that is worth $24,500.00 dollars that had full insurance coverage. Basically, how does it work? Since it's being financed, I'm sure the insurance company would pay out the remaining balanced owed on the car to satisfy the loan with the finance company but what happens to me afterwards? Lets say I have $100,000 dollars in coverage that covers me in case of theft or something like that. Being that the car was fully covered and insurance was able to pay back the loan, would they give me the money to buy a new car at equal or face value of the car that was stolen? Insurance is so friggin complicated...if someone could explain the process to me I'd appreciate it.""
Motorcycle insurance in canada?
The insurance companies in Canada are punishing seasoned riders with annual increased rates for motorcycles. Some won't even insure you if you change the pipes and the breather on your bike! Is there an association that can aid seasoned riders with fair insurance rates? If not, can we start one? If you've been riding for more than 20 years, I would like to hear how you are managing with these rip offs by the insurance companies.""
Car insurance help, high price?
I've just recently passed my test and am trying to insure a 3dr Renault Clio Grande, it's a 1.2 and is a MK2 X-Reg. I've tried all the comparison sites, moneysupermarket, confused, comparethemarket etc, I've been to insurers directly and tried as I'm aware of these comparison sites adding their own extra on as sort of a finders-fee . The cheapest quotes I've had are well over the 5000 mark, usually being around 5600-6400. Do any of you know of a cheaper insurance choice for myself, even trying with iKube etc I was quoted 6000 despite the tracker apparently lowering my premiums - Also, I understand due to the boy-racer fad my premiums will be higher, but I have drove for over a year anyway on my provisional in a car with no dual-control support and never even been close to having an incident.
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