#i knew from the second lucas started laughing along with his students after they pranked him by adding that old boxing slide
cowboyhorsegirl · 1 year
Have you watched the cult animated classic Cyber Six and if you have not don’t watch/read anything about it just watch the first episode, and if you have Steve/Tony AU y/n?
I had never ever heard of cybersix before you sent this ask and I just watched the first episode and OH MY GOD not only is the stevetonyism off the charts BUT ALSO!!!! genderqueer!adrian/cybersix my absolute best beloved i am obsessed with them and i'm so excited to watch the rest of this show, thank you so much for recommending it to me!!!!
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riarushi · 4 years
nct as cousins.
❥ genre- serious crack, fluff ❥ word count- 1.7k
Alternatively titled “NCT at Family Gatherings”. I think the universe wanted me to write this? Thank you to markleeholdingthings on Instagram for helping me out! (We made the most basic family dynamic on the planet.) ~Ness
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Talks to the adults and enjoys it.
Some of the babies originally thought he was their uncle. 
Not necessarily close with any of his cousins except the older ones that took care of him growing up.
The younger ones aren’t too familiar with him since he doesn’t talk to them, but he likes to give them little trinkets when he sees them. 
Will offer to supervise the kiddos if they want to go outside. 
Has a music degree (big no no in this stereotypical family) and works in music production.
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The cousin that’s stuck in college, everyone loves him but the adults don’t think he is a good life example to the youngsters.
Second favourite of the adults (because the favourite has a degree and a job).
Likes talking w his fellow millennials while sipping his wine
He likes to give advice to high school cousins.
The baby cousins fear him :( He smiles at them lots and gets them the best presents to make up for it. 
Is probably still in college because he doesn’t want to join the adult table.
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Taeyong likes the babies. 
He’ll sit them on his lap while he talks to the adults, making sure to play with them a bit so they don’t get bored. 
If they do anyway, he’ll get up and carry them back to the rest of the cousins, chatting with them for a while. 
The adults think he would make a great father. (Some of the nosy aunts and uncles like asking about his love life lmao) 
He treats the cousins around his age or older with respect. 
Overall everyone likes him because he’s happy to talk and easy to get along with.
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A social genius, he tailors his approach perfectly for every generation.
Has to greet every single child at the reunion before doing anything else. 
Every moment you look at him, there’s a different youngster in his arms and he’s high-fiving a different high schooler. 
Well-mannered with the adults and friendly with cousins of all ages. 
The high school-aged cousins love that he doesn’t treat them like angsty teenagers and he’s become a favourite among them.
Not jobless, to the relief of the parents.
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Kun is the favourite, the cousin everyone gets compared to. 
He’s always busy working so he’s usually late to family gatherings. 
Is basically whisked away by the adults immediately to talk about adult things. 
He asks high school cousins “How’s school?”. Chill with them because he saw them grow up.
Has a huge soft spot for the baby cousins.
He’ll be in the middle of a conversation and drop everything when they tug on his sleeve.
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Quiet, he does and talks about anything but only when he’s prompted.
He’s as successful as Kun, but not as sociable. 
Sits beside his parents most of the night and minds his own business. 
Doyoung’s awful at supervision. 
He just sits there and watches the kids make chaos.
His relatives get shocked when they see him outside of gatherings acting casually with his coworkers/friends.
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He just got out of college but decided to take a year break before looking for a job. 
Is a kid favourite. 
Even though he’s one of the older cousins, he’s the most “hip with the kids”.
Teaches them how to cheat on tests and in general, be an awful student. 
Ten does not enjoy the adult table.
All the parents think he’s talented and has a lot of potential but will he!! Stop ruining their children’s minds!!!!! 
He only gets friendly with the older cousins when he’s wine drunk. 
Has never met the baby cousins. (The adults are sheltering them from the chaos that is Ten at family gatherings.)
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Jaehyun starts off by greeting the adults and being the sweetheart he is.
The adults always want to know about his love life because “Our nephew is very handsome, no?”
Hangs out with the older cousins later, drinking beer and chatting away like best friends.
He enjoys watching them fight with each other. 
Probably the youngest at his table, gets teased quite a bit. (”Yoooooo, Yoonoh’s growing up!”)
The younger kids aren’t really familiar with him.
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The favourite among the youngest cousins. 
They get excited to see him every time he arrives at family gatherings. 
Participates in their games (They like making him count for hide and seek.) and sits with them while eating. 
He spends very small amounts of time with the adults, quickly answering any questions they have about his life. 
The older cousins think he’s cute :( 
After the little ones go home, he watches whatever drinking game his generation has gotten into.
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Jungwoo is a free soul.
He’s just there to entertain himself, watching whatever cartoon the little ones are watching.
When they turn around and see a grown man on the couch, they’re a bit startled.
The adults think he enjoys taking care of the kids, but no. The boy is there to watch Tom and Jerry for his own enjoyment. 
Nobody remembers that he’s an engineering student, one moment he’s watching Blue’s Clues and the next he’s leaving to finish an assignment for class. 
The high schoolers try to ask him for advice, but he just says “I literally don’t know what I’m doing.”
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This boy walks into every family gathering dressed like he’s gonna be on a runway. 
Enjoys talking to the high schoolers about how their school’s changed since he graduated. 
Other than them, he joins any conversation on invite. 
The youngsters climb him like he’s a playground item. 
There’s just kids hanging off him while he laughs at some joke his uncle made. 
Sometimes, they shout “Big brother Yukhei!” into his ear and he just pats their head silently before continuing on with his business.
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Follows his parents around.
He’s wrapped up in his own thoughts instead of whatever his mom is talking about with his relatives.
I’m kinda hungry, should I grab that cookie? I’m gonna grab that cookie. 
At some point, his parents get fed up with him “acting like an eight year old,” so he gets sent to play with his fellow cousins. 
Asks for the WiFi password and then sits on the couch all night scrolling through his phone. 
He doesn’t talk to his cousins because he never knew how to.
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A sweetheart with the most patience. 
Same question from every single adult about school? No problem, he’ll answer it as many times as he needs to. 
The youngsters like to pull pranks on him because they know he won’t scold them afterwards.
“Did we get you good, Dejun-ge?” “Yeah, I almost had a heart attack, haha.” 
Helps the babies get food. 
Just has a great family bond with everyone.
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Hendery likes to look for the older cousins that take care of him, initiating conversation.
If they’re busy or stop talking to him, he goes to the crowd of younger cousins on the couch and chills with his phone.
Occasionally, he’ll show them all some memes he has.
“Haha, guys look at this one.”
Mimics the children screaming in the background to get some chuckles from them, too. 
The adults don’t think much of him, he’s a chill kid doing his thing.
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He’s quiet and polite for the most part, especially towards the adults.
With his cousins, he jumps in to say one-line roasts about people mentioned in conversation and then goes back to being silent.
They might say something like “My school friends are so weird!” and Renjun simply replies with “Makes sense why you’re friends, then.” 
One of the baby cousins likes to hug his leg, and he smooths their hair or holds their cheek absentmindedly.
An art major, but the adults aren’t worried since he’s smart. 
When alone in a room, he’s doodling on some scrap paper he found.
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Close with the cousins around his age.
Has a group chat with them and texts them to come to the living room. 
When they arrive he just goes “Wanna play Spaceteam?”
He plays party games with them for the rest of the night. 
If the other cousins want to join in, he’ll teach them how to play. 
The adults don’t think much of him, they usually just ask how he is and he replies with “Good!” and a smile.
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Haechan is The Annoying Cousin™. 
He comes off as very cold and bitchy usually. 
At family gatherings, he participates in games and gets overly competitive.
WILL cheat or flip the table, causes all the chaos.
The parents aren’t a fan of him, the kids either love him or hate him.
Older cousins think he’s entertaining lmao
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Normal until some random kid screams his name. 
From then on he is in full kindergarten teacher mode.
Brings an entire crowd of noisy toddlers to the tables and everyone is just in shock. 
His older cousins know he’ll come around and chat with them once the kids go home, so they save him a bottle when he gets there. 
The adults have a good image of him: handsome, smart, charming. They think he’ll get married early. 
It’s a celebration if his mom announces he’s seeing someone.
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Starts heated debates among his cousins. 
If he’s in the zone and an older cousin tries to put an educational twist on the argument, he’ll start bullying them out of the room.
“From what I learnt in college--” “THIS IS A DEBATE AMONGST THE YOUTH.”
Two seconds later, he’s back to being friendly and cheery, talking casually and normally. 
The adults don’t believe their children when they tell them what happened upstairs with Yangyang. 
They think he’s the sweetest kid of the bunch.
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Chenle is just comfortable and gets absorbed in the atmosphere.
“Chenle, go play with your cousins.” “Hey guys! My mom said to play with you”. 
All his cousins get along with him. 
He thinks the baby cousins are cute and will baby them. 
Lets them sit on his lap while he plays card games. (Probably lets them choose cards for him sometimes, too.) 
Youngest of his generation, everyone loves him to pieces.
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He does not want to be at the family gatherings. 
Awkwardly trails his parents because he doesn’t know what to do. 
Has to be pushed towards the food by relatives and just goes “Oh. Um, okay.” 
The older cousins ruffle his hair and ask him, “Aye, Jisung! How’s school?” “I-It’s good...” 
The younger ones do not find him approachable. 
Asks his parents when they’re going home as soon as 9 PM hits.
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tealsnapdragonfics · 5 years
Hallows Eve Engadement pt 4
Ania POV
With a snap of my fingers, the haunt cleaned itself up. The minute the room turned normal, I was face to face with my grandfather, who, mind you, was looking rather concerned. Tears slowly fell from my eyes as I looked down in shame. His long fingers lifted my chin up, removing my tears with his thumb, and he pulled me into a warm but firm hug.
“I broke my promise. I said I’d never lose control but failed. I let you down, I let Klaus down, I-I... ” As I whimpered into his chest, he slowly stroked my back before speaking.
“Karma, look at me.” His voice had an authoritative tone, so I figured it best not to argue. Peeking up, I met with a familiar smile, the same gaze I saw the day I lost my parents. “You never broke your promise. You entrusted Tiva with the safe word I taught you just in case you lost control. Any other demon would have given into the urge and their pride and not told anyone their safe word.” With a smile, he ruffled my hair. Giggling, I tried to push his hand away.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I just feel bad because I’m afraid of what could happen with Klaus. What if he doesn't think the same? What if he leaves me for a mortal girl he can grow old with? What if-” Firmly, he placed his finger to my lips.
“Sweetheart, those are only what if’s, not realities. Soon enough, you'll understand that sometimes, you stress yourself out too much. Now, go enjoy the rest of your birthday.” Hades faded away into the dark shadow of the wall, leaving me in the room alone.  
Out of the corner of my eyes, I noticed a faint shadow pass by. Rolling  my eyes I face the shadow and say. “Nice try, Undertaker. What are you doing here anyways?” Letting out his signature laugh, he replied.  “Can't a grandfather check up on his only granddaughter and wish her a frightful birthday?”
“Right…” I knew that the Undertaker’s motivations were almost always for pleasure and business combined. “Who are you taking away tonight?”
Silence. The shadow appeared to wince in pain as if I had pushed on a pressure point. It was clear to me that whoever he had to take away, the Undertaker would be doing so at his own dismay. Who could he possibly not want to take away? It disturbed me that for once, he was not happy about doing his duty to Death. If it wasn’t me, then… “So help me, if you're here for Klaus…”
The Undertaker laughed hysterically. “If it was him, I'd let you do it yourself. No, some random student is about to die of disease, and I was gonna make your cousin do the deed.”
Who’s my cousin again?” Silence. It took me a few seconds to realize who he meant. “Right… I forgot about that.” He kind of has a duty when it comes to teaching ‘new’ reapers. (You may be wondering how I’m related to a Reaper, but that’s a story best left alone... Maybe another night.) “Well, I'll let you go ahead and bug the cousin,” I said just as the shadow faded into my shadow.
Snapping my fingers, my armor faded away, replaced with a orange corset lined with black weaves that appeared to represent the thorns normally wound around my silver crown. A black skirt hiked up in front, cascading from my hips down to the floor. My shoes heightened, putting me in sleek black combat boots that zip up the sides. Being left alone in the room, I walked myself out the throne room doors.
    The demonic melody filled the ballroom as Elias began playing classical Halloween medley Moon Trance. It was a catchy song, so it wasn’t a surprise the dance floor was soon crawling with people. On the other hand, no one wanted the center of the room, which resulted in awkward dancing. A familiar arm circled my waist slowly pulling me towards where everyone was dancing.
As Klaus dragged me towards the center, I remembered that I had the honor of announcing the Hallow’s Eve king and queen. Without even counting I knew who it would be. No demonic meddling involved... besides getting Zach’s help to pick the crown for the unlucky gal.  Zach was silently snickering while watching Tiva trying to get her boyfriend Luca Orlem to dance with her. They were both mysterious in their own right and Tiva loves his sadistic creativity, so it’s a win-win situation. Luca’s pranks ceased to hurt anyone, and Tiva FINALLY accepted Luca’s feelings even though it took him 7 months to succeed (But that’s only because Tiva’s a hard ass).
Resting my head on Klaus’s shoulder, we contently danced, ignoring the spotlight we were in. After all, demons don’t give a shit about anything unless it’s condemned souls for feeding or our closest friends. Being crowned Prince and Princess of the dance definitely wasn’t on that list (Damn you, Zach). Zach’s creepy yet familiar cackle filled the room. I couldn’t help sending Tiva a look that said, what the hell is he up to? The students stopped dancing and Elias made the music faint away, so Zach could continue his spheil. “It’s the time all you pathetic wizards have been waiting for. Your King, Queen, Prince, and Princess shall soon be announced!” Shooting my gaze to Tiva, I mouthed to her. DID YOU PUT HIM UP TO THIS? Tiva mouthed back, You’re the one in charge of this, not me!
Zach continued the greatly anticipated announcement, “On this Hallow’s Eve Night, the Prince and Princess is none other than our Emperor Klaus Goldstein and his lovely Empress Anyia Michaelis!” I smirked.
I knew exactly what was gonna happen next.
Nodding my head towards Zach, he continued. “Now for the main event. Your Hallow’s Eve King and Mysteriously lovely Queen are none other than our Favorite Prankster Luciano Orudeus Gedonelune (Luca Orlem) and the sneaky, insane, half-Reaper Tiva Nasia Nightshade!” (SPOILER ALERT) The look on their faces was the best thing ever.
*Time skip brought to you by hours of dancing and a lifetime supply of endless punishment for Zach*
Having taken many pictures and danced for hours, Klaus began to lead me somewhere alone in the light of the full moon. The music soon faded away, the endless woods remained semi-dark with an elegant shimmer from the moon, and Klaus’s figure continued to lead me along. Granted, I could see where I was going, but his sudden adventure still had me curious. The further we walked, the more aura shadows I noticed out of the corner of my eye. I wanted to know where he was taking me, so I gave in to the urge. “Nascha, where are you taking me?”
It’s been awhile since I last called him that, so I figured now was the best time. After all, we were ‘alone.’ Persistent in his guiding, he simply turned his head, smiled, and kept leading me deeper into the trees. Soon, we found ourselves in a open and wide field, with noticeable tombstones left and right. Once I spotted an ancient royalty headstone, I knew exactly which cemetery we were standing in.
“How did you even...” I was at a loss for words. There’s no way he could have found the forbidden Michaelis cemetery by himself, right? Before I could react, I began to hear a mysteriously familiar violin song playing from the distance (Song of a Caged Bird - Lindsey Stirling). I hadn’t heard Lindsey’s Song of a Caged Bird since... not since I last picked up my father’s violin and played it for his birthday, then his funeral. My eyes widened as unfamiliar tears began to fall from my demonic eyes. Shimmering dancing lights began to dance around alongside the music, replaying the days that my parents were still alive. It was a lie to say I didn’t desperately want them back.
Turning to Klaus, I could tell that this was his birthday present to me, an opportunity to see my parents one last time. Without saying a word, I walked up to him and buried myself in his arms. Holding me tightly, he whispered in my ear, “Koko, turn around and open your eyes.” Doing as he said, I turned around and was face to face with none other than my raven-haired father and blonde-haired mother. Covering my mouth, I couldn’t help letting out a quiet sob.
Naturally, my parents heard it.
My dad walked towards me and pulled me into his chest for an unusually heart-warming hug. Holding me closely, my mother came next to my dad and stroked my hair, speaking, “My little crow have grown into such a beautiful and powerful young lady.” My father scoffed, knowing full well that I would not accept such a title, and spoke in the soothing voice I’d so longed to hear, “Kitten, we’re sorry we weren’t able to be there for you like real parents, but we never left your side, not once.”
Gripping them both harder, I whispered, “If you were here the whole time, why couldn’t I see you all the time? I alway needed you both, even if I am a Demon-Reaper Wizardess.”
Smiling down at me, my father replied, “Silly kitten. You know full well that the dead resides on a different plane, with the exception of those who cannot or chooses not to move on. It doesn't mean that we aren't with you all the time. Especially not with part of ourselves inside of you.”
“I missed you so much. Do you have to leave again?”
“Who says we ever did? Happy birthday, little kitten,” my father lovingly said as he and my mother hugged me tightly. I closed my eyes to take in as much of them as I could. The tightness of the hug faded away, but the warmth never did. When I finally opened my eyes, they were gone, replaced by dancing lights that soon became faint as the song came to a close. Turning to Klaus, the rude brainiac who could be very sweet at times, I was met with a warm smile and kind eyes. Unable to hold myself back, I punched him in the arm before giving him a hug. “What was that for?”
“You made me cry. I don't like crying,” I replied with a smirk on my face. Rolling his eyes, he took his arms and wrapped them securely around my waist. Pulling me closer, he whispered sweet nothings into my ear before finally speaking in a nervous voice, “Ania, I want to ask you something. I’ve been meaning to ask for a while, but now, I cannot delay any longer.”
Klaus is NERVOUS? That’s unusual. He’s normally calm and composed, even in dire situations. He’s starting to worry me... What question could he possibly have that he’s been waiting to ask? I stared at him, waiting for him to keep talking. After a moment of awkward silence, he finally got the hint that I was waiting for him to ask whatever was on his mind. “Well…”
“Well?” I was starting to get impatient. And then, out of nowhere, Klaus kneeled on one knee only for him to pull out a small black box. Huh? He opened it, revealing an amethyst gold ring, and asked the last question I expected to come out of his mouth, “Anyia Kai Lainey Michaelis, will you marry me?” Wait a minute… WHAT?!?!
I was completely thrown off track. He’s not that good at keeping secrets from me! How could I have been so oblivious to this? Unless.... Looking out of the corner of my eye, I noticed two shadows, one fairly shorter than the other, standing in the trees. The tall shadow appeared to be snickering, whereas the other calmly walked up to the tall shadow and smacked him on the back of the head, only for said figure to kiss the shadow. Oh, Tiva. Of course Klaus asked for your help. At least she finally manned up enough to kiss Luca. Once I realized Klaus was still in front of me, I quickly looked back at him, nervously awaiting my answer.
I finally answered, “Yes.”
Sighing in relief, Klaus stood slipped the ring on my finger and pulled me to him with a smile. Peeking from the ring to his god-like features, I asked, “Are you sure you can handle me? I mean, I am a sadistic demon after all, Oh, and I forgot to mention that I'm also part Reaper.” Letting out a soft chuckle, Klaus replied, “Love, if I didn't think I could, I wouldn't have considered proposing in the first place.” Smiling widely, Klaus pulled me against his chest and laid a playful kiss to my neck, then to my lips.
This was One Hell of an Engagement on this Hallow’s Eve night.
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yuniesan · 7 years
Girl Meets World One-Shot - Secret Crush (Rucas)
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This was something that someone had requested on my WattPad account, I have been trying to write it for a while until I saw something that gave me the idea for this so I hope you like it!!!
Secret Crush
Every day he watched her talking with her friend on the train on the way to school, she was a radiant beautiful person, his heart beat like crazy every time he saw her but he didn’t say anything to her. Lucas was afraid of saying anything to her, his past life made him a broken person so instead of being upfront and saying something like his former self would have he stayed in the background. The first time he saw her was in middle school, so at the time he thought it was just school boy crush. He dated other girls, played baseball in the spring and basketball in the fall. Everything normal he could think of just to get his mind off of the girl with the long brown hair.
Towards the end of middle school his best friend moved to New York and joined him at school, it was a good enough distraction because he was constantly saving him from troublemakers but also because they were able to go out and learn about the city together. When he moved up to High School he saw it as a second chance at living his new life. He wasn’t getting into trouble, he was volunteering on the weekends, and he was playing his favorite sports. He had made captain of the basketball team at the end of sophomore year and had a girlfriend who was a cheerleader.
He still saw Riley in the hallways but he didn’t look at her anymore because he knew that his feelings would resurface and he knew that it wasn’t meant to be. She was at the top of their class and on the school newspaper. They lived in two very different worlds. But then his girlfriend broke up with him to be with some film student and he was left alone with his own thoughts once again. Thoughts that once again led to Riley Matthews.
Now that they were nearing the end of their junior year of high school he decided that ignoring his feelings wasn’t the best way to go about living his life so he decided to do something about it. The first thing he had done was leave a small note in her locker,
Dear Riley,
You may not know who I am, but I have liked you for a long time. As cheesy as it sounds, but I want to be honest with you so I’m writing this letter. If you want to take a chance on me, please meet me at Topanga’s Café on Friday. I’ll be in the last booth.”
Your secret admirer
It was the cheesiest note he had ever written and most people would probably laugh at it but he was laying his heart on the line. But when Friday came someone else was sitting in the last booth with Riley and he didn’t know what to do so he once again pushed his feelings aside and watched her from afar.
  Riley had never received a letter from a secret admirer but the scrawl on the paper made her heart speed up. But as excited as she was, she was also secretly hoping that the person who had sent the letter was the captain of the basketball team. Lucas Friar. She had a crush on him since middle school but she never did anything about it because he was popular and she was average. She was a klutz, but at least her friends were alright with who she was so it didn’t matter that the boy she liked didn’t like her back, for now she just wanted to live her life.
So there she sat in her mother’s café waiting for the boy who had left her the most honest note she had ever seen, only to possibly reject him because she knew that he wasn’t the one for her. One of his best friends sat in the booth with her after she had been waiting for ten minutes, they talked about the homework and a party that was happening at the end of the week to mark the end of the school year. When the person never showed she was disappointed because she would never know who it had been that had left her the note.
The week went by, she finished her last articles for the school newspaper, and worked on several other projects for her summer college program at NYU. It was better to keep busy than to think of the person who might have left her that letter. It might have just been a practical joke, she wasn’t the most popular person in school, especially since her father was a teacher there, so in the end it could just have been someone playing a joke on her.
She had been invited to the party because everyone had been invited to the party, and originally she hadn’t wanted to go but Maya was sitting in her bedroom bouncing up and down while wearing black skinny jeans and her black boots.
“Come on Riley, it’s the last party of the year,” she had said as she pulled out clothes from Riley’s closet.
“Maya you know my dad won’t let me go to a party, or a date, or pretty much anything,” Riley said trying to put her clothes back into the closet so that there wouldn’t be a mess on her bed when she wanted to go to sleep later on that night.
“That’s why he won’t know,” she said smiling as she pulled out the extra pillows from the closet. “I talked to your mom, and she said that you can go as long as you’re back by midnight. The pillows are going to be your cover for your dad.”
“You planned this with my mother?”
“Yes, and she agreed with me, you have to learn to have a little fun while you’re in high school. Riley… Riles… you can’t be closed off, you have to live a little.”
Riley groaned at the thought of her best friend and her mother conspiring to get her out of the house. “Fine, whatever you guy win.”
The two of them spent the next twenty minutes putting together an outfit for her to go out in, all the while Riley was secretly hoping to see Lucas one more time before the start of their summer.
  It was a party like any other, and lately Lucas began to find them boring, the same people, the same games, beer here and there and no parents around anywhere. Zay was running around chasing some cheerleader as usual. Lucas was bored, so when he saw that across the room people were playing suck and blow with a single card he wanted nothing more than to leave the party.
“Such a stupid game,” he had said rolling his eyes as he stood up.
That’s when he spotted her, she was with her blonde friend what’s her name again…um… Maya I think. Riley was standing on the line of people with a card coming towards her face. She was laughing as she watched their classmates try and sometimes fail to keep the card moving. Standing next to her was Charlie Gardner, who was smiling as if he were planning something. Lucas didn’t like the look that Gardner was giving her, almost as if he was going to drop the card on purpose just to kiss Riley.
Lucas moved before he could think as the card reached Gardner’s lips he grabbed it off of the guys face and handed it to Maya on the other side before taking Riley’s hand and pulling her away from the stunned faces of his classmates. He pulled Riley along until they reached the sidewalk, instead of letting go he pulled her towards the park across the street from the party until he was sure that they were alone.
“You know he was going to drop that card on purpose,” Lucas said trying to reign in his anger. “He was going to force you to kiss him.”
“Why should it matter,” she said to him her face stunned at what he had just done. “You’re not my boyfriend you had no right. We’ve never even had a conversation before today.”
“Yeah well….um,” Lucas could feel his anger disappearing as he realized what he had done. “Sorry, it’s just that… well I really like you Riley, and I’ve wanted to ask you out for a while but I could never get the courage to actually do it.”
“Lucas Friar, the most popular guy in school,” she barked out a quick laugh. “This is a prank isn’t it?”
“Not really,” he sighed knowing that he had to tell her about the letter. “I left a letter in your locker a while ago, and I was going to confess but I saw you with someone when I went to meet you and thought that you already had a boyfriend so I couldn’t bring myself to.”
“Wait a minute,” she interrupted him. “That letter was you, you sent me that… wait…. Oh my god.”
Riley started muttering to herself pacing back and forth, and while most people would have found it weird, he thought it was cute. So instead of interrupting her by saying anything he did the one thing he had wanted to do since the first day he saw her on the train when he was in middle school. He grabbed her by the arms and pulled her into a kiss, she didn’t move for a moment and he feared that he had messed his moment up, but she leaned into the kiss and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Lucas smiled into the kiss and pulled her closer taking in the feeling of finally having the girl he had wanted for nearly four years. When they pulled away she smiled at him.
“I’ve had a crush on you for a long time,” she said blushing as she hid her face.
“Well I guess we’re both idiots because I’ve liked you since middle school,” he smiled before pulling her hands from her face. “I guess now we can finally have our moment.”
“So this isn’t some joke?”
“No, trust me I probably would have beat the living shit out of Gardner if he had kissed you, especially since he had been leering at you the entire time as if he was going to do something worse,” he sighed thinking that he had said too much.
“You were jealous,” she smiled. “Of someone else kissing me… aww that’s so cute… well not actually because it would have been bad but I think it was cute that you get jealous for me, because at least that way I wouldn’t feel guilty for constantly wishing that you and your last girlfriend had broken up.”
“So the moral of the story is that we’re both jealous idiots who have liked each other for a while but didn’t say anything, and all it took was one party and a stupid game to get one of us to act.”
“Yup, now kiss me and walk me home, we can stop by Topanga’s and get some iced coffee on the way,” she said smiling at him.
“As you wish,” he said as he pulled her close again.
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rilayafever · 7 years
flowers 🌺 || rilaya au fanfiction
Riley Matthews loved flowers almost as much as she loved staring at the back of her crush’s head in math class. It was a simpler time then, where the girl she liked didn’t even know her name. The initially innocent crush eventually became pining and Riley had no idea what do with her all of her emotions. So, like any other rational person, she dealt with it by sending Maya flowers each week.
The flower boutique was dimly lit but packed at each corner with every type of flower that Riley could imagine. Each of the colours were so bright and unique it made her giddy just by looking at them.
“Sir!” Riley asked, leaning over the counter to gain the man’s attention. “How much are those pink tulips?”
He turned his head in the direction that her finger was pointing before answering.
“You sure you want all of them?” The man questioned.
Riley nodded eagerly. After all, she was planning to keep one for herself as well.
The lean, muscular boutique owner strutted over to the flowers bouquet and scanned them. “36$” he paused briefly, counting the money before putting it into the register. “Do you want them sent to anyone?”
“Yes please. They’re for a beautiful girl named Maya H.” She answered.
He hummed as he wrote the name onto the tiny card attached to the bouquet. “And it’s from..?”
“That doesn’t matter.” Riley declined. “Just write her name and have them sent anytime tomorrow.”
The owner nodded and tucked his pen behind his ear. “Got it.”
Maya had a horrible morning. Her alarm clock didn’t go off, she had an argument with her mom last night and everything in her life just seemed to be falling out of place.
That was, until she saw the delicately arranged bouquet of pink tulips taped to her locker.
Her eyebrows rose suspiciously, glancing around for any phone cameras. She learned to be aware of those since Farkle loves recording the pranks he plays on Maya. Once she approached her locker, she read the tag, trying to analyze it for a handwriting that she recognized.
It read. “To a beautiful girl; Maya H.”
The smile that was now growing on her face almost became impossible to hide. Maya flipped the tag over and looked all over the flowers for the name of the person who sent them. She was only left with disappointment when nothing could be found.
Little did she know, the person Maya was so desperately searching for was peering at her just around the corner with her books held tightly against her chest.
The next week, Riley found herself back at the same familiar store. They received a new shipment and the girl was dying to share some of it with Maya.
This time around, Riley opted for a bouquet of light blue daisies. A couple days prior, she overheard Maya spilling her heart out to Zay and Smackle about how much she loved the colour blue.
When the delivery man asked her what to write on the card this time, he decided to be a wingman and pitch in some ideas. “Lets add a cute nickname.” He suggested. “How about peaches?”
Riley had to use every but of willpower she had to keep herself from jumping up and down in approval. Instead, she nodded and smiled widely.
Like clockwork, the bouquet was stuck to the front of Maya’s locker (the delivery man was amazing at following instructions) while Riley waited around the corner.
Maya looked tired today, even more so than usual and that broke Riley’s heart. She never understood why the blonde never smiled as brightly as she used to anymore. It made Riley’s week when she saw the unforgettable smile plastered onto Maya’s face after she saw the flowers.
Riley’s breath caught in her throat when she saw the shorter girl walk up to her locker. He eyes were focused on the ground while she stared down at her feet, not seeing he flowed on her locker. Riley almost rolled her eyes at the sight.
This girl is so oblivious- still cute though
Maya’s head lifted itself up slowly, allowing her to finally see the flowers she had been gifted. Unknowingly, the brunette inched closer, almost exposing herself in her hiding spot. She held her breath while waiting to see Maya’s reaction.
Just before she could witness the blonde’s unrestricted joy, Lucas appeared.
“What are you up to? This corner is so sketchy Ril-”
Her eyes widened, quickly turning around to slap a hand over the boy’s mouth.
Lucas was an amazing friend. He was always supportive and there for her when she needed him but god she’s never wanted to skin him alive more than she does right now.
He mumbled a few more incomprehensible words from behind Riley’s palm before he eventually gave up on communicating.
Riley nodded her head towards Maya, trying to direct him to her crush. He was the only person that knew about it besides her. Lucas thought it was absolutely adorable and even encouraged the idea of buying her flowers.
When her hand finally lifted from Lucas’ mouth, he analyzed the situation in front of him. “Oh my god. You got her those?” He whispered.
His best friend nodded eagerly. “I don’t want to look.” She admitted, her back was to the scene. “Is this too creepy? How is she reacting?”
The tall blonde boy squinted his eyes to get a better view.“ She’s talking to Farkle.” He observed. “… and blushing like an idiot.”
That was all she needed to hear. Without even turning around to look at the duo, Riley grabbed Lucas by the wrist and started walking to class. “She’s adorable, isn’t she?” The love struck teen spoke dreamily.
Maya smiled once again, bringing the blue flowers up to her nose to smell them. Today, the tag had an actual message on it besides who the flowers were for. It read:
Smiling looks good on you, peaches.
“Who’s the secret admirer, Hart?” asked Farkle.
She blushed a deep shade of red and shrugged. “No idea.” Maya paused. “I hope it’s Riley.”
He held back a laugh because god, sending her crush flowers is definitely something Riley Matthews would do.
Farkle grabbed the bouquet from her tiny hands to look at the note. It wasn’t Riley’s writing. He frowned, not wanting to break the news to Maya that this probably wasn’t who she hoped it was.
“Hey,” Maya interrupted, tapping his shoulder. “Why do you look so upset?”
The scrawny boy shook his head back and forth anxiously. “N-nothing”. He lied. When Maya raised an eyebrow at him that screamed ‘stop lying’, Farkle continued. “It’s just that you’ve had a crush on her-”
Immediately, Maya corrected him. “It’s not a crush.” She muttered.
“You send Smackle, Zay and I paragraph long texts about how adorable she is and how you want to squish her face and smell her hair.”
“Fine, whatever keep talking.” Maya replied defensively.
Farkle chuckled and rolled his eyes. He turned the corner and started walking to his home room class, gesturing for Maya to follow along.
“What I was saying is that you’ve had this crush on her since the ninth grade. We’re in junior year now and you still haven’t made a move!” Farkle exclaimed.
Maya played with the necklace hanging around her neck nervously while walking. “I turned around and asked her to borrow a pencil once.” She admitted.
“When was that?”
“Two weeks ago.” Maya could imagine the groan that escaped Farkle’s mouth before she even heard it. “She also laughed at my civil bore joke in class.” She added on, proudly.
“Don’t you guys have math together?” He asked.
The blonde turned to him and threw her hands in the air, still walking. “That’s not the point! The point is that she is way out of my league and I’ll never be able to-”
At that moment, two things happened simultaneously. Maya and Riley collided into each other at full force and Farkle had seemingly “accidentally” shoved her.
“Ouch.” was all Riley could say while she rubbed her shoulder awkwardly. When the tall girl looked down to see her attacker, time seemed to freeze for a moment.
Maya was mortified, embarrassed and undoubtedly attracted to the girl in front of her. “Sorry.” She apologized sheepishly. “I should be watching where I was going.”
Riley smiled at her innocently and Maya swore that she’s never been more attracted to someone in her life than she is right now. “Don’t worry about it, Maya. I kind of liked it.” She muttered the last part with a little less confidence than the first half of her sentence.
Before she could response, Riley already sent her a wink and turned on her heel to travel the opposite direction.
Shocked, Maya stood there speechless for several long seconds because Riley knew her name?
“Was she flirting with me?” Maya asked Farkle for confirmation.
For the following 6 weeks, this routine continued. Riley never sent the flowers on the same day of the week, it ranged based on how gushy she felt that day. The bouquets would be different each time, and Riley was starting to develop her own little garden at home. With each delivery, she would always sneak one flower home and add it to a designated vase on her bedside table.
However, by the third week, Riley started to become paranoid that Maya had figured out the identity of who was buying the flowers.
She felt like an idiot after a slip up where Maya accidentally saw a glimpse of Riley’s long brown hair hiding behind the wall and quickly asked “Is anyone there?”
Maya felt her heart begin to race when she saw the suspect’s hair. It was definitely a girl. She sighed dramatically, secretly wishing that it was the cute brunette who sat behind her that was sending these.
Riley finally seemed to be getting over her grief about the loss of a perfectly good pencil. The healing period was substantially shortened this time due to the cause being a certain blonde who didn’t understand the meaning of the word borrow.
The bell rang and all of the students frantically packed up for their next period class. As Riley struggled with zipping her pencil case closed, Maya turned around and shoved a pencil in her face.
She didn’t recognize it at first. After two months of use, the pencil has basically been reduced to a stub.
“I forgot to give this back.” Maya smiled, waiting for the girl to take the pencil and stop staring.
“O-oh, right.” She nodded. “Thanks peaches-”
Immediately, both of the girls froze in their seat. By now, everyone had left the class, including the teacher. The classroom was empty. The last student to leave even took the creative liberty of shutting the door for them.
Both of them knew that Maya was only ever referred to as peaches on the flowers.
Riley cleared her threat obnoxiously. “-Penelope. I meant to say Penelope. Thanks Penelope.. Maya Penelope…Hart?” She rambled so much that Penelope didn’t even sound like a word to her anymore.
Maya raised an eyebrow teasingly, and leaned in closer, closing the distance between them. “Are you sure you didn’t mean to say peaches?” She whispered lowly, causing Riley to shiver.
“Nope! Meant Penelope, always Penelope why would I even call you peaches? Gosh that’s weird. Ha-ha!” Riley couldn’t take the heat between them and backed away, unknowingly causing Maya’s heart to break a little.
The blonde nodded slowly and got out of her seat, shrugging her backpack over her shoulder. Riley mimicked her actions. “Well, if you say so. I guess I’ll be on my way.”
She sounded.. disappointed? Riley could feel her one good chance slipping away. Maybe Maya wanted this just as much as she did.
“Wait!” She exclaimed and grabbed the other girl’s wrist. “I- uh..”
The gears in Riley’s head began to spin as she scavenged her imaginary dictionary for words to express how Maya made her feel. It didn’t help when the blonde stepped closer and looked up at her patiently with wide eyes.
“Hey..” Maya whispered when she noticed the struggle. “There’s nothing to be afraid of.” She tucked a loose strand of curly brown hair behind Riley’s ear and the girl almost passed out.
Instead of speaking, Riley did what she did best- shut up. She moved her hand from Maya’s wrist to her waist and pulled the blonde in closer. Slowly, Riley leaned in.
Maya loved the way Riley held her. She made her feel like she was worth everything in the world and more. The way her hands wrapped perfectly around Maya’s waist made her swoon like the teenage girl she always pretended not to be.
Their lips were a breath away and both girls could feel the heat that consumed the space between them. They were so focused on each other that they couldn’t even hear the door open over the sounds of their beating hearts.
“Sorry girls! I forgot my briefcase in here.” The math teacher laughed awkwardly and avoided eye contact with the two of them.
Maya and Riley jumped apart, creating some well needed space. He quickly exited the room and shut the door once again.
They were both blushing heavily, but couldn’t help but burst out into laughter because they really just got cockblocked by their math teacher.
Riley glanced at the clock first, noticing she only had 1 minute left to get to her Spanish class.
“Oh my gosh.” She mumbled, running towards the door, leaving Maya to stand there speechless. Right before she left the class, Riley turned to speak over her shoulder. “I’ll see you around, peaches.” She smirked, purposefully exaggerating the name of the fruit before sprinting off.
Maya was starting to like her more and more each day- if that was even possible.
A short blonde girl pushed open the shop doors and stepped in confidently.
“Hey.” She greeted the store owner nonchalantly, paying no attention to him as she browsed the flowers.
Maya found the store location by simply looking at the branding on the tag. She was glad, too because this store was absolutely beautiful. It made her heart melt that there was someone out there who thought she deserved to be spoiled with flowers that this were gorgeous.
“Do you happen to know a tall, kind of awkward teenage girl that comes here often?” Maya asked hopefully. “Her eyes light up every time she talks and she has the cutest lisp, I’m sure you’ve heard-”
He cut her off, chuckling. “That’s enough of an explanation.” The man told the now blushing girl. “I do know her, she’s never told me her name before though.” He admitted.
“It’s Riley.” Maya interrupted before nodding thoughtfully. “I’m kind of new at this.” She said, embarrassed. “What kind flowers should I buy her?”
The shopkeepers picked up a bouquet of breathtaking purple lilies that were hidden under a shelf. “She’s been eyeing these for weeks, can’t afford it though.”
“I’ll have those.” Maya declared, almost too quickly.
“You want a message on them?” He asked, pulling the cap off his pen.
She shook her head. “No, I’ll say it to her in person.”
“She really stole your heart with these gestures, didn’t she?”
Maya blushed, paying for the flowers grabbing them off the counter. “No. She didn’t need to, she’s always had my heart. And I definitely don’t want it back.”
The following morning, Maya was standing in front of Riley’s locker holding a bunch of purple flowers. She felt kind of awkward, especially since some students thought that her vulnerability was an invitation to stare.
She pulled at her collar nervously, trying to slow her breathing before Riley came.
“Peaches?” The word slipped out of Riley’s mouth like she had been saying it for years. She didn’t mean to say it in front of everyone, but then again she never had much self control either.
“Hi, honey.” Maya greeted with an unbreakable smile on her face. “These are for you.” She handed the flowers over to Riley, being sure to sneak in a shy kiss on the cheek before pulling back.
“I guess you found out.” Riley giggled, trying to hide her blush after Maya kissed her. Granted, it was on the cheek but still. Feeling overwhelmed with gratitude, she pulled her in for a tight hug.
“Thank you.” She muttered against Maya’s ear.
The blonde pulled her even closer. “People are staring, is that okay?”
“I don’t mind. If you were my girlfriend I’d be more than glad to show you off.”
Instantaneously, Maya pulled back from the hug. Riley winced slightly, thinking that she went a little too far with her words.
“Am I your girlfriend?” The short girl asked shyly.
Riley shrugged. “I don’t know, do you want to be?”
Maya nodded like a child and grabbed Riley’s hand with both of her own. “How about we start with a date this weekend? On me, of course.” She grinned.
“I’d really like that.”
For the first time in her life, Riley was glad that one of her shenanigans had finally gone right.
word count: 2885
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