#i kinda figured rosita would still be mad at him after what he did
gutspilt · 6 years
 own   thoughts   consumed,   spencer   conceals   bandaged   gut   with   the   spread   of   his   forearm,   the   ache   settled   forged   in   the   fires   of   adversity.   it   scorched   his   skin:   that   certain   stitch’s   ferocity   pushes   him   to   teeter   on   unstable   feet.   it   dawned   red   in   age,   dried   blood   pigmenting   the   cloth,   and   to   perceive   it   was   to   know   a   change   in   bandage   was   required   (   but   not   among   company   ).   spencer’s   form   proceeds   to   unceremoniously   slump   upon   infirmary   bed,   grace   &   decorum   forgotten   in   ailment.   the   act   of   getting   up   &   down   eased   daily,   &   he   hoped   soon   he’d   have   proper   mobility   to   come   &   go   as   pleased.   but   mere   months   passed   since   the   incident,   and   his   desire   was   all   too   optimistic.   spencer   recognised   the   quietude   between   them   ---   himself   &   rosita   ---   they’d   scarcely   exchanged   a   word   since   his   public   gutting,   perhaps   it   was   destined   to   perpetually   be   that   way,   but   spencer   still   had   questions   unanswered,   a   spirit   alive   in   dire   need   of   crushing,   and   lower   lip   is   lacquered,   a   dispensary   of   conversation   arose   to   mindset.    ❛   i,   uh   ---   was   wondering...   ❜   spencer   began   dubiously,   honey   hues   cast   away   from   her   distant   form.  ❛   that   shot   at   negan...   you   didn’t   do   that   because   of   me,   right?   ❜
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@rosient  /  sc.
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poisonivysparks · 5 years
Rescued {Eugene Porter X Reader} Part Two
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Link to Part One
Link to Part Three
I still stumbled along when I walked from being knocked out. I was in no way steady on my feet. “So why’re you guys heading to DC?” I asked curiously, cocking my head to the side. Abraham seemed like the leader in this whole debacle. 
He was the one to answer “Well, Eugene here thinks he knows what started things. He’s been talkin’ to some people back in Washington on his satellite phone, and he needs to get there as soon as he can. He’s precious cargo.” Abraham said it proudly, clapping Eugene on the back. He seemed a bit embarrassed, and I couldn’t blame him. I would be too if I was in the same position. 
He put my bag in the truck, in the second row of seats as I drank a bit of the water. I went over to Eugene, smiling a tiny bit “So you, uh, you must be some hot stuff, huh?” I asked, albeit a bit awkwardly. I couldn’t help it. He seemed important, but that wasn’t it. He just seemed interesting in a way that nobody else was. Everybody usually just had the same stories, or at least a bit of the same.
He gave a tiny nod “I suppose you could say that, though not figuratively. I do not believe I am of the warmer variety, though increased body fat does increase your body heat.” He explained. It seemed like he was trying oh-so-hard to not trip over his words. It was, in a word, cute.
I nodded “I’m pretty sure you’re right with that.” I chuckled awkwardly, looking at their big truck. It was weird. What in the hell was I doing? I didn’t exactly know, but I figured that this could be a good thing. 
“I am certain that I am, Miss Y/n.” He said, and I wasn’t sure why he called me Miss, those things didn’t exactly happen at that point in time, especially during the apocalypse. 
I shook my head a little bit “You don’t have to call me Miss, just Y/n will do.” I corrected him, though I tried not to do it in a mean way. “You must be important if you have two bodyguards like Abraham and Rosita over there.”
He nodded, though it seemed a bit nervous. “Yeah, the information is classified. I cannot indulge it to just anybody, but I believe that I can save the world.” His voice had a proud tinge to it.
“We better get the hell outta here before another herd rolls in,” Abraham said, going into the driver’s seat of the truck. Rosita followed and went into the passenger seat. That left me and Eugene to sit in the backseat. I didn’t mind that much at all. 
“That’s a damn good idea if I’ve ever heard one,” I said and got in, though I was still quite weak at this point. Eugene came in after me, not sitting the closest to me, but that was fine. He seemed a bit awkward anyway. 
We all started driving, going to Washington. It was exciting, but during the ride, I quickly fell asleep. I was extremely tired, lack of sleep and food made me crave sleep even more. It was an easy, seamless transition from conscious to unconscious. No dreams occurred, just straight sleep.
I woke up to a bump in the road, completely unaware of my surroundings. I jumped suddenly, sitting up from the spot where I laid my head down hours before. Where that spot was, was on Eugene’s shoulder. I immediately felt bad. That must have been extremely awkward for the guy. I groaned a bit, brushing my hair back. “Sorry, Eugene,” I said quietly.
Abraham chuckled “Sleeping beauty awakes. I thought you found your Prince Charmin’, lyin’ there on his shoulder as if your life depended on it.” A blush immediately rose on my cheeks. I only glanced at Eugene, but his cheeks looked red as a firetruck. “Come on, it was just a joke,” he said, brushing it off. I was sure that this was gonna be fine, our situations seemed to all work together, at least from what I could see so far.
I looked at him, thinking of a comeback. I was not good at these things at all. “Whatever.” I rolled my eyes. “You’re lucky I didn’t go all teacher on your ass and sent you to the principal’s office.” I crossed my arms, pulling my knees to my chest.
He looked at me in the rearview mirror. “Well, sucks for you because I am the principal,” he said proudly.
“Well, the job of principal doesn’t take that much to get. Teachers are different, they have to live with the little shits every waking day of the school year.” I said and sighed remembering my old job, my old life. “Before you ask, yes, that’s what I did before all this. I was an elementary school teacher.” I said, looking at them. Some of the memories pained me, of my old group, what happened. They were so young and just didn’t deserve that.
“Damn, we got a kid wrangler here now, huh?” Abraham asked as I just shook my head
Eugene was staring, I could feel it. I could feel his gaze resting on me, staring. I looked over to him, and I could see the curiosity in his eyes. I couldn’t blame him, not in the slightest. “You could say that.” I shrugged.
Eugene looked like he was about to say something, so I stayed silent. I didn’t want to interrupt him. “Where did you teach?” He asked. 
I thought for a second. Things from before the shit hit the fan tended to get blurry. We didn’t have time or the mental energy to think about that. “South Carolina, pretty much on the border of it too. I taught second grade, though it doesn’t matter too much anyway, at least now.” I smiled a little bit.  
“Skills that are associated with the qualities of teachers are most needed to survive,” Eugene said. “I am sure that with your looks, you could certainly persuade people.” He said, which seemed to be his weird way of complimenting. I took it as such.
He and I talked for hours, though not too much, we talked about lighter things, such as our interests before this. It turned out, we were into some of the same things. Both of us liked videogames and comics. I loved comics quite a bit before this. The X-Men were my favorite. We had some soft debate about which character was the best. My personal opinion was Nightcrawler, while his was Beast. Both were fine characters, though I could see how Eugene could like Beast. 
Once it started to get dark, Abraham couldn’t see that well on the roads. We pulled off to the side of it, where everything seemed to be clear, at least from rotters. We created a small fire and ate food from cans. It was delicious and made me feel so much better. I sat next to Eugene, and on the other side of me was rosita. Abraham and I were pretty much facing each other. 
“Thank you though, for everything, like you guys saved my ass, and then you gave me water, fed me. You guys did a lot, and now I’m like here with you guys. Thank you.” I told them
Rosita nodded “You’re welcome. We needed some more manpower.” She said, being quick with her words.
Abraham shook his head “Nah, we’re just keeping you around so that we can have somebody as nerdy as Eugene who can kill one of these stupid things.” He said. I kinda looked at Eugene. We had gotten along quite well in the car ride. It looked, at least to me, that he hadn’t had somebody to talk to, at least somebody like me who seemed to understand enough of what he liked to have a proper good conversation with him.
I smiled. “You guys still saved my life either way, and I am forever grateful for that. I was honestly, uh, ready to die at that point. I thought I would.” I admitted.
Eugene looked over at me. “We were unsure if you would survive after the dead were, well, deceased.” He stated, eating his canned goods. 
“Well, I’m glad I was, and I’m glad you three were here to help me. I never really wanted to die.” I chuckled a tiny bit, brushing my hair back out of my face. “Now I get to live with, yknow, people. Being alone isn’t exactly the best situation ever. You barely get any sleep, sure, food might not be a problem, but the madness slowly takes over.” I explained, “Okay, that got dark, excuse me.” I blushed a tiny bit, looking down at the fire. it was just at embers, trying to keep all of the rotters away, but it was enough to keep us somewhat warm. That was the last of us talking for the night. 
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All Coming Back To Me
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Oh my gosh could you please do an imagine where Abraham and Reader were like pen pals before the break out and the reader is a member of Alexandria and something that Abraham says kind of clicks and she knows it the man she'd been writing to? 😆
Ah, I’m nearly caught up with my backed up requests. Since I’m getting so close to being caught up, maybe I’ll update Beauty of a Secret in the next few days since I updated No Regrets a few days ago. Although I do have some requests coming up that are gonna take a while to finish because they’re pretty long requests. Not that I mind, I absolutely love the ideas you guys come up with and I just hope that I do your visions justice.
ALSO, just a reminder for anyone who’s new here or put in a request: I am not ignoring your requests. I see them and I’ve made note of them but I don’t usually respond to the requests until I post them although I haven’t done that lately. I’m nearly caught up although the more recent ones I’ve gotten are falling a little behind now so I’m TRYING TO HURRY so this doesn’t happen again. Anyways, enough gab.
You were the kind of person that couldn’t part with a lot of things. You could find the sentimental value in everything. And one of the many things you kept were a stack of a letters that you had been getting from a pen pal somewhere in Houston, Texas. His name was Abraham Ford and even his written words were energetic and full of fire. His gentler writings were about his wife and his children. He adored them and that’s what always brought you back to reading old letters. He had a big heart and you admired that about him. Whether or not you ever actually met him in person, he was a kind and passionate man and you were glad to have him as a friend and hear his stories about his family or even war stories even though most of them didn’t have happy endings. He had quite a colorful way of telling stories. The term “bitch nuts” and “motherdick” came up quite often in his letters. Maybe one day, you’d be able to meet the man you knew as a close friend.
But when the world ended, you had to leave those letters and those memories behind and that broke your heart more than anything. If you could’ve carried those letters with you, you would have. But there was only space for the essentials. You hoped that on the day the world was restored, you could go back home and find those letters again. You hoped they’d be safe from harm. But knowing how desperate everyone was, you had doubts. Someone might stay in what was once your home to get away from the dead, find the letters and use them as kindling to make a fire. As angry as the thought made you, you also knew it was something you would’ve done if you were staying in an abandoned house. You couldn’t be too angry at the idea of someone trying to survive any way they could. You had to learn to let those letters go. You had to let Abraham go. He had probably died a long time ago. What were the chances of him getting out of Texas alive and reaching Virginia? Slim to none. So, you had to move on.
And eventually you did move on. You soon came across a newly established community called Alexandria and thrived. Over time, you were able to bury every memory of Abraham and his letters. Soon, you even forgot his name. Forgetting was much easier than living with the fact that your friend was dead. You made new friends, created new memories.
One friend you’d made, Aaron and his boyfriend, Eric left for a few days to recruit new people to live in the community. He had good judgment and knew who to bring back and who to leave behind. In the past year and a half he’d been doing this, Deanna, the community’s leader, only had to banish one or two people. When Aaron returned, he brought a huge group back with him. At least fifteen people in the group including a baby. You hadn’t seen a baby in so long. Who knew there would ever be a baby in the world again.
“Wow, Aaron,” you said once everyone came through the gate, “You brought back an army.”
“I know,” Aaron replied, “I never expected to find so many people at once. I think they’re really gonna fit in here.”
They were all filthy and looked so exhausted and uncomfortable. They needed some warm food, a hot shower, and clean clothes desperately, “Look at them. God, who knows how long they’ve been out there.”
“Weeks,” Aaron said, “At least that’s what their leader told me. But they’ve still stuck together through it all.”
“That is pretty great,” you said. Before finding Alexandria, you didn’t really have a group with you. You were at first but they were all dead by the time Aaron found you. To have such a group was a blessing. They were truly a family.
“Could you do me a favor and set them up with their houses for me?” Aaron said, “They’re gonna need them.”
“Of course,” you said, “You get their weapons from them?”
“We’re about to,” Aaron said, “Just want them to get used to us first before we go and demand their weapons. I kinda made us sound shady when I was trying to tell them about this place. Don’t wanna give them an even worse first impression.”
“No doubt,” you murmured. With that, you left to get the group���s new home set up. At the moment, you only had two for the fourteen of them. Finding a space for the baby shouldn’t be too difficult though. You managed to find a crib and a playpen for the baby and ran into one of the members of the new group as you were carrying the playpen a bit awkwardly in your arms. His friendly smile was hidden a bit by his horseshoe moustache but you were still at ease looking into his blue eyes.
“You need some help with that?” he asked.
“Oh, no thank you,” you replied, using the playpen to gesture to the house in front of you, “Just gotta get this into the house for the little girl you brought with you. She’s so precious, by the way.”
“She is,” he said, “She’s Judith, Rick’s daughter.”
“Oh I see,” you said, “So, what do you think of this place so far?”
He looked around, taking in the sereneness around him. Even though you’d lived here for such a long time, the peacefulness of it all still took your breath away sometimes. To think it was possible to live in such tranquility in a world like this seemed impossible. You could see the awe and bewilderment in his eyes.
“Seems too good to be true,” he said finally, “But, for now, it’s nice. What about you? How long have you lived here?”
“I got here kinda at the beginning,” you explained, “The walls had just barely been put up when I arrived. But I’m still so surprised by this place sometimes like I’m new here all over again. I can’t even imagine how you and your people are feeling right now.”
“It’s surreal,” he said, slowly nodding his head, “So, I never even asked you your name.”
He paused as if you’d startled him, raising his eyebrows a bit. Before you could ask, he spoke up, “Sorry, it’s just I knew someone with that name once. A while back.”
“Oh,” you murmured, “Sorry to hear that. What’s your name? Aaron didn’t mention any names.”
The name sounded so familiar but you couldn’t place it in your mind. God, the end of the world had really messed with your memory, like you had to put your past to rest and adapt to the new world as a new person.
“Nice name,” you said, “Well, it was nice to meet you, Abraham. I gotta get this playpen into the house now before the rest of your people get here. I wanna make sure everything’s set up for all of you.”
“That’s nice of you, Y/N,” he said, frowning slightly at the mention of your name. Whoever this person was, losing them was hard on him. Seeing him so upset simply because of your name made your heart break for him. This person must’ve been important to him.
“It’s no problem,” you said, “I’ll see you around, Abraham.”
Abraham. Abraham. Abraham. You repeated his name over and over again in your head and the answers still wouldn’t appear before you. It drove you mad that his name was right there in the back of your mind but you couldn’t grasp where you’d heard it before. Had you known someone with that name? Had you met someone during your brief journey before discovering Alexandria with that name? You’d met a few people before meeting Aaron, it was definitely a possibility. But it would bother you until the end of time unless you figured it out. If you could only remember, you might’ve gotten a restful sleep that night.
The next morning, Deanna had asked you to take some clean linens and clothes to the new group after breakfast. They’d kept to themselves for the most part. They explored a little and met a few people around the community but were still cautious and jumpy. You weren’t surprised though. Who knows what this group had endured before arriving here.
When you knocked on their door, one of the women in the group, Rosita, opened the door, “Oh, hi. Y/N, right? What’re you doing up so early?”
“I could ask you the same question,” you chuckled.
“Habit,” Rosita said with a smile, “We’re used to being up at dawn. Wanna come in?”
“Sure, thank you,” you said. You and Rosita walked into the house and you set a laundry basket full of bedsheets, pillowcases, and clothes of various sizes down on the back of the couch, “Deanna asked me to bring your more stuff. We wanna make sure you’re comfortable.”
“That’s nice,” Rosita said. Taking the basket from you, she nodded towards the kitchen, “You wanna stick around a while? Carol was heating up some water to make tea if you wanted some.”
“Yeah, that would be great,” you replied, leaning against the couch, “Thank you.”
“No problem,” Rosita said, “I’m just gonna take this basket upstairs. Be back in a sec.”
As Rosita walked up the staircase, she passed Abraham coming down. He had just gotten out of the shower, water dropping off the ends of his red hair onto the towel wrapped around his neck. He had trimmed his moustache a little, making it easier to see the smile he greeted you with.
“Morning, Y/N,” he said, “You’re up kinda early.”
“So are the rest of you,” you said, “Rosita invited me to stay for tea.”
“That’s cool,” Abraham said, “Deanna’s got me a job in construction.”
“Oh, working on the expansion?”
“The very same.”
“That’s awesome,” you said, “Glad to see you’re excited about it. Were you in construction before?”
“No, I was a sergeant in the US army,” Abraham replied, “Had a wife and two kids, lost them after the world went to shit.”
“Oh wow, I’m so sorry,” you said, reaching out to touch his shoulder. Abraham nodded, hanging his head. Then, out of nowhere, it hit you. Abraham. Abraham…Ford. Abraham Ford. From Houston. US Army, wife, two kids. Letters. The letters. The letters!
“Oh my god,” you whispered. You’d never seen what he looked like before but this had to be the same man, the man you’d befriended all the way from Texas. Your friend. He’d made it. He’d made it after all. You’d waited so long to meet him face to face and now that you had, you weren’t even sure what to do. You’d forced yourself to forget about him because the pain of losing a friend had been too much. But there he was, standing in front of you and he had no idea who you were.
“What?” Abraham said.
“You’re Abraham Ford,” you said, “From Houston, Texas.”
“How in the holy fuck did you know that?” Abraham snapped.
“I’m Y/N,” you said, “The one who you were writing to back and forth. Before the world ended, we were pen pals. That’s me.”
Abraham’s blue eyes widened and he gasped, pointing at you, “Y/N! Holy shit balls I can’t even believe it! It’s you! I never thought we’d ever fucking meet! What a way to meet, right?”
You laughed. Abraham hadn’t changed one bit, “Totally. I’m so relieved to know that you’re alive. I don’t even know how to feel right now.”
“Me neither,” Abraham said, “Ya know, I saved all your letters. They were in a drawer in my desk back home.”
“I saved mine too,” you said, “I had mine in a shoebox in my closet. I wish I’d brought them with me. Oh my god, I still can’t believe this.”
Abraham nodded in agreement. There was a long pause, neither of you sure what to say or what to do. Despite being old friends, this world had changed the both of you. Your friendship might have to start over from scratch.
But you knew it would be worth it.
Without another word, you rushed towards him and threw your arms around him, holding him in a hug that you’d waited so long to give him. He didn’t hesitate in hugging you back, squeezing you tightly against him. This was a huge moment for the both of you. The timing and circumstances of your first meeting were awful but you didn’t even care. You finally met your closest friend, the person that always made you laugh and made your days better. You had forgotten how badly you missed him until now. But now, you wouldn’t have to miss him anymore. You had your friend back.
YAY I FINISHED THIS IN ONE DAY! Does anyone ever actually read these little “author’s notes” at the end of every one shot? I dunno, just wondering. But anyways, thanks for reading and as always, thank you so much for your patience as I catch up on these requests 😊 <3
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