#i kind of felt like bubba from forest gump there
soaps-mohawk · 4 months
Yes!!! All kinds of canned fruit exist across the world. Pears, peaches, apricots, pineapple, mandarins (my personal favorite), all mannee od fruit cocktails, plums, cherries, mango, grapefruit, I've seen canned blueberries, blackberries, applesauce comes canned in some places, strawberries, rhubarb, grapes, boysenberries, gooseberries, guava, ackee, longan, breadfruit, lychee, and probably so many others from other countries that I'm missing.
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youngwriter2003 · 3 years
Forrest Gump (1994)
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RATING: 8/10
People say the reason why Forrest Gump was such a terrible film was due to its historical inaccuracies. However, the problem with the movie was that its most popular quote didn't help people understand the film as much as it should have. “My mama always said, 'Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get.”. People should have understood from that point that this movie was going to be something completely unexpected. Instead, this whole movie seems like every ridiculous run-on of historical events, from the clear perspective of an autistic man played by a well-known actor. When this movie is all about the chances of things happening and destiny. Yes, it was a film; therefore, we can never know if somebody was destined to be part of all these events. But for now, we know that we could view the life of Forrest Gump, a man who lived one heck of a life. 
Forest Gump was a controversial Robert Zemeckis 1994 piece that showed how Zemeckis could use his special effects skills with historical clips. Starring one of Zemeckis’s preferred actors Tom Hanks as Forest Gump. We hear from his perspective as he tells random strangers at a bus stop about his life. Depicted through historical moments that he accidentally experienced. With a talented supporting cast of Gary Sinise as Lieutenant Dan, Sally Field as Mrs Gump, and Mykelti Williamson as Bubba, none of them measured the effects that one Robin Wright as Jenny Curran had on Forrest’s story. 
What you can take away from his life is that he took part and viewed so many aspects of American history. He met his fair share of presidents, witnessed the integration of the University of Alabama, took part in American teams, and served in the Vietnam war. Forrest was on the journey of the American dream. He went to college, served his country, so all that was left was having a stable job and starting a family. Forest took a different approach for those last two. He became an entrepreneur of a shrimping business, taking stalk in Apple, and once that made money, he no longer needed to work. Through “a stroke of luck”, he reunited with his childhood friend and had his first romance, which ended in heartbreak. Gump never did anything that he wasn't told to do by others. He never had a purpose, so he chose to start running. Just because he felt like it one day. Gump got a football scholarship, was awarded a Medal of Honor LBJ, survived Hurricane Carmen, became a millionaire, and then wrapped that all up with striking the nation with running across the country five times. 
Forest life starts in Greenbow, Alabama, where we understand the basic facts that Forest has strong legs but a crooked back and slightly below-average intelligence. He had a mother who supported Forest through all his hardships and his childhood friend Jenny. When being tormented by bullies and motivated by Jenny to run as fast as he could, Forest learned to do so. He took that skill and got himself into University. During the war, Gump came across a man that Forrest would soon call his “favorite best friend” that Forrest met in training, Benjamin Buford "Bubba" Blue, and a lifetime friend Lieutenant Dan. He promised Bubba that he would buy a shrimping boat, and the two would be captains together. When rehabilitating, Forrest learned another skill of ping pong that got him on to the American team. After that, he kept to his promise to Buba and bought a shrimping boat, getting Lieutenant Dan to be his first mate. By luck, they became millionaires. After his hardships, he finally does something that he wants to do. He started to run, and that short run of his became one that lasted three years, two months, fourteen days, and sixteen hours. Home again, he receives a letter from Jenny. We then find out that the bus stop he was at was him on his way to Jenny. When they meet again, he finds out he has a son and marries his childhood friend. Closing his life with one of the first things we saw him do, him waiting at his son’s school bus stop. 
Gump quickly sums this movie up in the end. You have to understand that Gump’s life shows you that life is just a bunch of random events; whether it was accidental or destined, you never know what’s going to happen, which is also symbolised with the feather at the beginning and end of the film. The mood is set as a comfort piece, of sorts, depicting that anything can happen. People chose to think that the overuse of historical events made the movie worse. But when really you should understand that anything could happen right in front of you. You won't know how much of an impact it is until you reflect on it while reminiscing on the past.
This movie’s main element is focal distance and definition, as Zemeckis used established shots to show the events that occurred and zooming in on Forrest. Hence, you understand his narrative point of view. We see how Zemeckis can use Tom as a prop within the film that already existed to move Tom to make sure that he seems like he was in those clips, to the untrained eye. Tom’s acting helped you understand the kind of person that Gump is. He portrayed a kind-hearted man that would never intentionally hurt anyone. 
It was enjoyable to see how special effects interacted with historical events. It showed a creative side to the film, with a character that takes part in actual historical events placing them carefully into the events instead of dramatising it in glorified stories. 
Films that follow characters throughout the ages: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) - Benjamin
The Butler (2013) - Cecil 
The Age of Adaline (2015) - Adaline
The quote I believe Gump should be known for: “I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floatin' around accidental-like on a breeze, but I, I think maybe it's both. Maybe both is happenin' at the same time.”. We are all floating around like feathers. 
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I went to Hawaii a little less than 3 weeks ago and it was amazing!! I was only there for a week but it felt like at least 2 weeks because we did so much. We woke up early, or at least for me, to start our day. 
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The first day we went on a city tour with our "own" buss for the week, and later on we went on a catamaran trip. The ocean there is so beautiful and blue, and we saw both turtles and whales. After eating that night, we went to watch the end of a festival they had there in the weekend. They sent up fireworks, it was so beautiful. the fireworks lasted for around 10-15 minutes.
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The next day we went surfing on the North side of the island, the North Shore. We stayed there around 4 hours before we went to a surf town close to where we were surfing. Later on the day we went to a Polynesian Culture Center, which was really cool. It was kind of like a big garden full of different activities, dancers and entertainment. 
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On Tuesday, our third day we had a beach day were we went to a beautiful beach about an half-hour away from our Hotel. We ate at Hard Rock Cafe and I am pretty sure all their t-shirts and sweatshirts were sold out when we left. 
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On Wednesday we had a yoga lesson at the beach early in the morning before we headed on a trip up a mountain called Diamond Head. The view from the top was amazing. It felt like you could see the whole island from there. After the trip we had some free time we're u could either go shopping, go on the beach, or do some extra activities, which I choose. Since I liked surfing so much, I choose to do that again. 
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The next day, Thursday we went to Pearl Harbor. It was so interesting and fascinating, but still sad to be there. We had just been learning about WW2 at school so being there knowing what happened was really cool. After Pearl Harbor we got some time to do what we wanted to do I went to a little market called the Swap Meet. There were a lot of cute things there. Later that night we went to Bubba Gump, from Forest Gump and ate dinner.
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Friday, our last day we went snorkeling. The beach we went to was in a way hidden and had a beautiful reef. While we where there we had both some snorkeling time, and some beach time were we could tan and swim. Later on the day we went on our last dinner, a Luau dinner with a big scene with dancers and musicians. It was a wonderful evening!!
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I am so thankful for this trip and all the new people I met. A big thank you to Belo and my mom for making this possible. I miss you all so much and hope we will meet in Hawaii again as some type of reunion:))
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A little throw back to when we saw Obama, cute picture even though you can see me desperately trying to be in the picture. 
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My amazing roommates!! 
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And a last picture and thank you to our leaders, Kaite, Jordan and Anna!!
Sorry for some unclear pictures:Pp 
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