#i kept tryna add to this cuz i was like: it looks... too simple but somehow it looks pretty good but maybe i can add stuff???
aria0fgold · 1 month
Hidden Among the Stars
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Belated birthday gift to @aroace-poly-show ! Click the image to see the effect better! Ngl, I was planning on adding more to this, like colour and stuff but somehow it looks preeetty good as it is for me so!
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oriigirii · 3 years
The Brothers reacting to an MC who likes to collect... rocks?
It was certainly a strange hobby to behold, but there were more than meets the eye within these rocks! If you crack them open they often hold such a wonderful design, and on the rare occasion they can probably even hide a geode or two, regardless, you were very passionate for these things and it just so happens that it catches some of the brother’s attention.
(A/N: Ill be doing 2 at the time for now UwU  
Warnings: none! 
Reader: Gender Neutral!)
~ 눈_눈 Lucifer ~
* Lucifer always kept an eye on you ever since you got to Devildom
* Cuz of this, he was probably the first to notice your... strange addiction
* He saw how you always seem to stop on your tracks to pick up a shiny smooth stone lying on the side of the gates infront of the HoL while he walked home with you.
* Or how you’d snatch a few from the gardens on an early Sunday morning when you think that everyone was still asleep
* Since it was harmless enough, he never really bothered to call you out on it 
* Lowkey does find it cute how something so small can already make you so happy, such an easy-to-please cutie you are
* It wasn’t a problem till he was told that you seem to be arriving late more often for your classes 
* At first he thought that maybe you were simply caught up in some mess from his brothers again 
* Maybe perhaps Belphie snuck you off to sleep again than go to class 
* But no, when he’d confronted you he was pretty surprised, and at the same time, confused at your answer.
* “There were these cool looking red geodes I accidentally found on the back, b-but I mustve dropped them at some point when Mammon and I were rushing to class...so I’ve been trying to look for more of them for my collection... Sorry...”
*To be fair you did look pretty apologetic for it and really didnt mean to botch up your schedule, but still.
* He lets you go pretty easily, with a small lecture, but thats about it. 
* Although you never did stop looking for that geode, you even pulled Beel to help with promise of a homemade cake to try and cover as much ground, but nothing.
* You came home that day a little defeated
* but much to your surprise when you reached your room, a small box was waiting outside your door and inside was none other than the beautiful red geode youve been so desperate to look for. And... well, you didnt have to guess who was kind enough to give it to you.
* The next day, you do go over to thank him properly for the help, and explain that you had been extremely captivated with that specfic geode because of how it reminds you of the first born’s eyes.
* This boi is highkey stunned but tryna make it lowkey though (pride 100)
 * Definitely amused and flattered. 
* From now on, he does continue to give you geodes to add to your collection, and would even accompany you on your little endeavors if his work load isnt too unbearing. Away from the eyes of his brothers of course.
* Hed definitely want to seek the perfect geode too that reminds him of you in return that he can decorate on his desk while hes working. Even better, maybe have the geodes crafted to a perfect ring that you two can wear.
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~ ᕙ(`▽´)ᕗ Mammon ~
* Not like youre complaining either
* Today was another weekend, and weekends mean you guys get to hang out!  
* Not like you two were ever seperated in the first place anyways, he’s like an octopus that just wont let go 
* Anyways, He casually enters your room, phone in hand as he scrolls through various articles featuring his modelling work, he was gonna show off as usual, afterall, this man LIVES for your praise.
* “Oi! (Y/N) Check this out! They ranked me number 1 on the most handsome model in Devildom! And I didn’t cheat the system this ti---”
* You had been busy in your cabinet when he walked in, so you didnt have time to warn him of your mess on your bed.
* Hence why, when he was starting to brag about his latest achievement, it was immediately cut off by a pained yelp.
* Mammon, too busy on his DDD, didnt notice the shiny geodes and stones you had left on your bed to arrange for your new dsplay case, and because of this, (his dumbass) plopped on the bed, landing right on the sharp edges of the beautiful rocks.
* It wasnt fun.
* You had rushed to help him as he started stroking his back from the sting, he was a demon so he was pretty sturdy, but cmon, landing on a buncha hard rocks was still not good.
* You did rush to go get him an ice pack for his poor back, and when you came back, he seemed to have been healed almost immediately as he stares at your collection with a big shine on his own eyes, they can rival the geodes at this point.
* “(Y/N)! Why didn’t you tell me you had these? Don’t yknow how much these would sell? Hell, I can even probably sell them for an even higher price!”
* The rolling of your eyes was very intense that Diavolo could feel it from his castle and you pushed that ice pack on his face to make him stop.
* You did make it very clear that if he ever decides to try and get any of these stones, you were gonna be snitching him to Beel for eating his pudding the other day (You wouldn’t though would you?)
* Still that does shut down his money making plans, but he does question you for it, why hoard these valuable items when you could make thousands of grimm for it? You even seem to have a talent for finding these too, it seems like a huge waste, and so you proceed to explain to him your love for these shiny geodes.
* First image in his head was you being a relative to a crow, or you being a crow in general, because if anything, thats what his little crows do, they pass him shiny stuff they find along the day, of course theyre not as extravagant as these geodes, but it doesnt negate the fact you definitely have crow energy, and hes so down for it. His love for you just grew tenfold.
* But who knew it can grow further? Because you eventually explain to him that the geodes you collected, or the simple stones you had, all were special because all of them hold a special memory. One of the smoother stones you had was the same stone you used to display your mom’s favorite rose garden, it even had your initials that you scrapped on when your were 5, another was a geode you found on your field trip at the human world and so on.
* Mammon definitely had his attention to you the entire time, this boy is smitten and he just loves hearing you talk about each one, he grows a small appreciation for them now and he can understand why you wouldn’t want to sell them away. But then he noticed you reach for a much cleaner, tear drop looking geode, it was a blue-yellow mix.
* You explain to him that this was your first geode found when you went here in Devildom, the first you also carved as it was more jagged than this when you found it, and of course, you chose to keep it cause it reminded you for your first man.
* Mammon was so moved,and he was just sitting there, red as a strawberry and mouth open like a fish out of water, but hes not the only one because you too were blushing like an idiot as you held the special rock.
* He does end up trying to act his typical ways, but he was nothing but a stuttering mess, and much to his embarassment, he was also tearing up.
* Please hug him, he needs it, he just cant help but feel so flattered that you dedicated a geode for him and he felt that pride and love swell to incredible levels, you definitely have him yearning for you even more.
* Next time you go out to seek more geodes here in Devildom, he might just come with you along with his army of crows, and even cuter, his crows would just hand you special rocks every now and then.
* This boy might just start his own collection now thanks to you, but most his geodes will just be dedicated to you
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A h h h hope you guys like it! I know its a weird premise, but I honestly do love gemstones and stuff lol, also yes i did indulge too much on Mammon, hush,but yeah, ill do more of the others soon!
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(Art by me!)
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