#i keep thinking after seeing that doodle of Victoria showing her newest gun to HV! Canterbury that Herald could be the one who designed it
zerguette · 2 days
In the hv au, June Julying is honestly kind of a jerk. I haven't developed her much, but in terms of personality she's not really the nicest coworker. She also fears Hershell Proctor's position as chairman
I mention this cuz hehe :] I read Herald's personality again and thought about how they'd be siblings. June and Herald probably snarked at eachother alot growing up.... Also, maybe first I wanna know which ministry of the TVOG would he and Nikolai work at?
Also consider them getting paired for Ministry of Education jobs: Stealing historical library books that could potentially reveal the TVOG's true nature? Nooo, that's not what they're doing! They're simply taking the books to store in the TVOG archive for safe keeping! Forever unavailable to read :)
!!!!! -implodes- lore rambling omg here i go hi again,
I think to understand Herald i should do a little synopsis on who is Harold, first of all if iirc Hershell Proctor is the hv version of Major Panzer so thats SO FUN. In my lore, June July is in Panzer's division and she for a time gets sent to Galeforce's division and base where she spends time with Harold and well, has a deep friendship with Calvin Bukowski (platonic!!!!). This being said, who is Harold, he is another random engineer who works alongise the engineering department of the govt (Where you find well, Andrew Cobbler! the Big Boy Engineer :D and Dijonle!). Harold has helped in the making of Big Boy but he suffered a big accident :(, they didnt check very well a rope and one part of big boy fell over him causing my boy to lose the movility of his legs. He almost didnt make it out alive, and June and Major Panzer were checking on his condition as same as my govt doctor twins. These twins are also from the engineering department! working in what is biomechanical/biomedical engineering, while Harold was in process of staying alive, the doc twins and Andrew helped with making a new equipment. It took lot of time but this equipment allows Harold to be able to walk (Very slowly) for small periods of time! is connected to his spine, it works like uh, another spine lmao.
Even tho, Harold got left a bit behind in working, mostly left alone he's always smiled towards others, he feels bored! he can't do much but he at least does something, designing blueprints, systems work and so on. He's really a good man, a real man, he wouldnt think twice in helping a toppat if they were really in danger, Harold has no enemies, he doesnt judge anyone. You can be a criminal but if you truly show Harold you've got a heart and want to redeem, he will lend you a hand. He's also trans! He was able to transitioning but he doesnt have enough money for top surgery so he uses a binder (I hc that he and June are just two sibligns living alone depending on each other! they don't have much money and Harold's priority is seeing his sister smile, he can wait, but his little sister means more than anything)
SO. (The) Herald Julying, hes THE OPPOSITE! not totally, but Herald thinks his accident was done on purpose because i think he wasnt the best worker at the tgovt, maybe actually questioned a lot what they were doing (whatever is equal to Engineering in the ministers is where Herald is gonna be! or just, the same Minister as HV! Andrew Cobbler and HV! Dijonle), and maybe angered the chairmen ^^ who knows. Even tho, i like he and June snarking a lot at each other!, maybe they fight a lot, but maybe thats their new dynamic, i usually write Harold and June being really caring siblings, so Herald and June Julying can be the opposite but they still care about each other. Compared to Harold, who has 0 romance experience (aroace spectrum, Herald has had thousand of ex's! and actually his design comes from young Harol'd design, specially his partying outfit, they share the same tatoo! I FORGOT ADDING, they also share the same eye scar! i didnt draw it cuz im dumb. Anyways, Herald is very troublesome! He gets into fights and angers easily because his paranoia won't let him breathe in peace, he will always think they caused his accident on purpose, now he's sitting on a stupid wheelchair unable to do much, kind of a punishment. Harold when he realized he couldnt walk without using an equipment, he was like ''Damn, anyways, how's everyone doing''. Herald instead, he feels hes prob angered tgovt, i think he'll still use his equipment but maybe it'll be a bit broken so he would fall manytimes, but Nikolai now is 24/7 at his side! (Lewis just visited Harold from time to time), He's gonna take care of Herald until they can escape.
And Herald even if his siblinghood with June is not the best or ends being not the best, he'll still care for her^^ Herald can be really a bitch, a troublesome guy, angry, doesnt trust on anyone, but thats his sister, dont take her away from him. Also Herald wouldnt lend his hand to anyone, he helps! but he also judges a lot, and it'll be more difficul to convince him to help the real good guys (One thing is escaping, another thing is knowing who the real guys are)
Also Nikolai works prob, in the Minitry of Defense or that! he doesnt work on the same department as Herald :3, their counterparts worked on different things, Lewis was a kind of sub-captain who watched over others soldiers. But with how Nikolai is, i think the Ministry of Defense fits him completely, he'll still sneak and run to visit Herald everyday o//
And I've actually imagined Herald working mostly to design weird stuff for the chairmen cuz thats what he does, maybe he designs guns for Victoria Grin :D, but he's mostly everywhere, and he can also if asked erase any evidence that can demolish the tgovt 'fake heroism' from internet or whatever, hes good at any systems as i said ^^[Herald is a nerd just like Harold, he will probably be thinking many years ahead, or he just has deep adhd now who knows idk (And would totally help June stealing books, hes on a wheelchair but dont challenge him, Herald dislikes getting called useless)
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