#i keep repeating the sing just to hear this verse
deadrosessociety · 1 year
चंदा को ताकूँ रातों में
है ज़िन्दगी तेरे हाथों में
पलकों पे झिलमिल तारें हैं
आना भरी बरसातों में
सपनों का जहां
होगा खिला खिला
बरसेगा सावन
बरसेगा सावन झूम झूमके
‌दो दिल ऐसे मिलेंगे |
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secretmellowblog · 4 months
I saw Les Mis live for the first time the other weekend, and the surprising standout performance for me was Kyle Adams as Grantaire. He is a performer who has obviously read the Brick, and uses all of his stagetime to convey as many aspects of Brick Grantaire as possible; he also reads Grantaire’s love for Enjolras as explicitly gay and romantic (there’s a moment I’ll talk about later where he blows him a kiss.) I was actually surprised by how much he managed to convey in so little time!
Some highlights:
When Enjolras is asking for a “report on the strength of the foe,” Grantaire enthusiastically raises his hand, posturing and gesturing wildly at himself to volunteer. Enjolras casts him a disdainful look like “anyone elSE?” And that’s when Javert jumps in with his “I can find out the truth.” It’s like a small silent version of the Barrier du Maine scene; Grantaire was really giving that “je suis farouche.”
In general, there was this repeated Thing where Grantaire obnoxiously acts out in order to get Enjolras’s attention, and then flails around uselessly whenever he actually has it. Very in character.
Grantaire often goes on uproariously and jokingly about love; then, whenever he’s approached by Enjolras, he doesn’t seem to understand what to do about it.
Whenever Enjolras is singing dramatically about revolution— during Red and Black, Do You Hear the People Sing, and One Day More— Grantaire gazes at up at him with a amazed, awed, and overwhelmed look on his face, sometimes with his hand on his heart.
During Red and Black, there’s a moment where Grantaire “jokingly” caresses Enjolras’s face. Then during Do You Hear the People Sing, Enjolras passes Grantaire by and casually caresses his face; Grantaire acts a bit stunned, as if surprised Enjolras would deign to touch him. Finally, there’s a dramatic “reassuring face-caress” during the gay verse of Drink with Me.
There’s a repeated thing where Grantaire keeps offering Enjolras a bottle of wine, half-jokingly, only for Enjolras to reject it. In the last verse of Drink with Me, after Grantaire finishes his verse and walks away, Enjolras finally accepts a bottle of wine (though another character gives it to him.)
Iirc Grantaire doesn’t join in the fighting initially; he just stares at Enjolras in awe, and then mainly stands by Javert to “guard” him. I mainly mention this because I think Javert and Grantaire are a very funny duo, just as a concept. I think “being forced to listen to Grantaire monologues” is an excellent punishment for Javert.
During Marius’s verse of Drink with Me, Enjolras climbs to the top of the barricade, standing in the light. Grantaire is at the bottom in the shadows, attempting to sleep. As Marius sings about his love for Cosette, Grantaire raises his bottle to Enjolras, and then blows him a kiss. It’s very “let me sleep here until I die here.”
Finally, Grantaire has his "book death." After he spends the entire musical on the fringes being skeptical, he joins Enjolras in the final battle. He climbs up the barricade and says (I was close enough to hear) "Long live the Republic! I am one of them."
I'm genuinely impressed by how much of the Brick characterization he managed to convey with so little time-- some ad-libbing and lots of silent acting moments! It really gave me a greater appreciation of what a strong performer in a musical can do, and how they infuse even 'smaller' parts with lots of nuance and personality.
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scarletwinterxx · 3 months
wait for your love - haechan scenario
hellloooo so this one is a request. I've mentioned it before, i'm still not the best at writing angst but I try😅 when i saw this request, a few scenes immediately popped in my head. Hope you like it🥺 also I was listening to We Can't Be Friends by Ariana on repeat while writing this.
Also a short anecdote, when I saw nct dream last year during Sorry, Heart stage I literally bawled my eyes out. Like full on ugly sobbing in my seat haha I was okay during the first verse but when it got to Haechan's turn to sing the chorus the tears just went falling like waterfalls
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
and if you want, u can buy me coffee(totally optional but any donation is very much appreciated!) thank you🥺💛
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2024 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(gif not mine, credits to rightful owner)
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"What are we then?"
Those words shouldn't scare Haechan as much as it does. He hates it too. He hates how he can't say it to you but he doesn't want to let you go either.
He hates this grey area the two of you are in now.
"We're us. Isn't that enought?" he asks back
"For fuck's sake, we've been seeing each other for what? like 2 years now? And until now you still can't commit? I can't call you my boyfriend, you don't like it when people ask if we're dating"
"Because it's none of their fucking business"
"Well it's my business, I'm asking you right now, what the hell am I to you?" you stare at him, waiting for an answer. Any answer.
At this point hearing him say you don't mean anything to him would make more sense than the usual silence he'd give you.
"Baby, please I don't want to argue" he mumbles
"See, this is what you do all the time. I'm not a play toy. I'm not some past time you can call whenever you're bored, Haechan. We're adults now. I've invested my time, my feelings, a fraction of my life to you. For this. And you can't even answer me, is that too much to ask? Am I too much?"
You look at him, waiting for him to argue back. You didn't know it was this draining to be in a relationship or situationship or whatever it is you have with him. At some point you got tired of asking him what this all means. When it's clear he's not going to answer you, you stood up from your seat
"I can't do this" you whispered
"I can't. I can't do what you're asking, Haechan" you speak clearer this time
He waits a few moments, letting the words sink in.
"What do you mean? I thought you said... you said we can"
With every word he tries not to show he's breaking right and the only thing keeping him together is you, and here you are about to slip through his fingers.
"We can't keep all promises, right? Like how you promised you'll try. This isn't trying."
"Baby-" "Don't" you cut him off. You know it will be a lot harder to walk away if you hear him call you that, it's already hard on you now.
"This is me letting you go" were your last words to him before walking away. You wipe the few tears that escaped, plastering a very fake smile before taking the first step away.
One of many you'd try to take just to get away from this heartbreak.
You would want to say that's not how it ended, that he changed his mind and finally mustered the courage to call you and say what he's really thinking. You want to say that he came the next day and surprised you, knocking on your door holding sunflowers for you.
But no.
After that day you never heard from him again. When you got the (unspoken) message that he'll never try to reach out and fix things between the two of you, you blocked him on everything. Your friends didn't ask questions, you went on with your life. Trying your best to bury and let that part of your story go.
From spending every day and most nights together to being strangers. You acted like he never existed to cover up the hurt you're feeling.
It's been over a year since that. You haven't really cried about it. Not even the day after he left. It's like you're just a shell now. You locked everything in a pandora box in your head, to be forgotten for the rest of time.
"Hey did you hear Dreamers new song?" your roommate asks the moment she steps through the door. You were sitting on the dinning chair, stacks of works and your laptop infront of you
She hears the song playing in the background, "Of course you have, it's good right?" she smiles
"Mhm, I like it"
"Sorry, Heart. Definitely an anthem for the broken hearted" she says withouth meaning out, "I meant like you know it's a sad song" she adds
You chuckle, she probably thinks this song is very fitting for you and you kinda agree with her.
"Anyways, I'm going to the lounge later. Want to come with?"
"Sounds good, I actually need to go out, stretch my legs and get some fresh air"
"Okay, let's leave after lunch"
You met with other friends at the lounge, chatting and sharing notes together. It was a good way to pass time. These days you find that it's best to keep yourself occupied so as not to think about things you'd rather not think about. You kept yourself busy. Finding random hobbies, fixation. For a while you liked running after class, then you got into baking, then crocheting. Activities that keeps you busy, distracted long enough not to remember.
One day you were at a record store, your newest hobby. Browsing for a new record to take home. Today out of the days you forgot to bring your headphones so you hum along the music playing in the store.
While reading the back of the record you were holding, you hear it.
A familiar voice you haven't heard in a long time, a voice you didn't think you'd hear again.
Your head shoots up, looking at the other side of the aisle.
You'd know his voice anywhere. You can be inside the loudest room and you'd still be able to single out his voice.
There he stands right across you, signing out your favorite bands newest song while he has his headphones on. Probably not realizing he's singing a bit too loud.
When Haechan felt someone staring at him, he looks up not expecting you to be looking back at him. He blinks a few times, comtemplating if this was all a dream or he's going crazy and started to hallucinate.
Immediately you put back the record you were holding and ran out the store. Once again leaving Haechan behind.
You're already far by the time he takes the steps to follow you, thinking this time he's not going to make the same mistake but you were already gone.
He knows you blocked him. Of course he tried to call you but his efforts were shut down when he couldn't reach you or his messages won't deliver.
Similar to you, he tried to find distractions. To drown out the thoughts, he drinks, goes out to parties, too many nights he drunk texted you, saying how much he missed you only to see it in the morning unsent. Most of the time there's music directly blasting through his ears. Music being his only escape from his own thoughts, if he's left long enough it's like his own mind is beating him up.
That's how he got into collecting records. He was on the look out for this new record so he decided to drop by the store that day. He didn't expect to see you there.
Out of all the places he'd see you again.
He's not going to lie, he imagined this moment many times before. Even rehearsed what he'd say to you when he see you again but now that it happened he just froze on the spot.
Just like that it's like he back in his room, watching you walk out his door for the last time. He's back to square one.
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It's been weeks and no sign of Haechan. It's a good thing, you think.
Also you've been subtly avoiding going to public places just in case you accidently see him again. You thought you're ready, but the moment you saw him it's like all of these emotions you've repressed since you left came back again.
Your roommate finally convinced you to come out. A few of you were gathering for karaoke night. You almost said no again but you need a night out, one more night in your room might just drive you crazy.
"Oh my gosh, girlie you're hereeeee" one of your friends squeals when she saw you walk in the room
"I'm here as a spectator, not to sing" you tell her, accepting the bottle of beer she hands you
"Alright by me, you better cheer the loudest when I sing"
You got invited to karaoke night. A couple of students from campus got together tonight to hang out for chill night. Even though you don't really sing, you do enjoy hanging out with your friends.
You were talking to another friend when suddenly you hear the intro to a familiar song being sung by a familiar voice.
왜 이리도 쉽게 토라지는지? (Why do I become mad so easily) 내 맘이 작아서 너무 한심하지? (It's pathetic that my heart is so small right?)
You look over the makeshift stage to see Haechan holding the mic, singing out one of your favorite songs.
어떻게 널 볼까? (How can I see you?) 밤새 뒤척인 맘의 조각들 반짝이지 않아 (I toss and torn all night The fragments of my heart don't shine) 난 알고 있는데 내가 할 수 있는 건 (I know it, what I can do is) "I'm sorry", 그 말뿐이란 걸 (Only those words)
Before the chorus starts, Haechan looks through the crowd finding you. He looks straight at you as if he's singing every word to you.
Words you wished you heard from him a long time ago.
Tell me why I let you down Any chance I get, I'm breaking down 잘못인 걸 다 아는데 (아는데), 왜 힘든 걸까? (I know I'm at fault but why is it tiring?) To tell you that I'm sorry, heart
For the rest of the song the two of you look at each other. You listen to him, imagining it was really him who was saying those words and not through the song.
When he finished, you stood up to go outside and get some fresh air.
Of course he's here. Luck was never on your side and fate seems to like playing jokes on you.
Haechan watches your back, giving the mic to the next person before following you out. You hear the footsteps behind you, knowing who it might be without looking back.
You're now at the rooftop of the building, a fewer people were hanging out here than inside. Feeling another presence beside you but they haven't said anything yet.
Even though you already know who it was, you don't say anything instead you get another beer from a nearby cooler and passing it over to Haechan without a word.
For a while neither of you said anything, watching the view in front of you.
“I get flashbacks when I see you and not the good kind” you finally speak out loud
“You’re saying that like I was the worst thing that ever happened to you” he snickers, holding the bottle up to his lips to drink his beer
He really didn’t think you’d talk to him or even acknowledge his existence at all. But now here you are, at some rooftop at a party he least expected to see you. 
He’s trying not to be too obvious but he can’t keep his eyes off of you. Maybe it was the way the light hit your face, or how the cold breeze was hitting his skin and yours. The moment he arrived he was kind of hoping to find you here tonight. He knew some of your friends were coming, you did use to have the same circle of friends until he started to distance himself.
He's glad though knowing you found good people who'll be there for you.
He's looking at you again, not being able to stop himself. It was at this moment he realized. Realized something he never thought he was ever capable of ever doing again. 
Feeling. Loving. Falling and accepting. 
The sound of horns from cars and the murmuring people in the background, the city lights in front the two of you and the stars as the witnesses. Witness for something that’s about to unfold.
It was scary. This new found knowledge scared him. 
In the past it was scary to him to even think about being tied down. To be committed to someone. All of this comes from his fear of failing. He wanted to tell you that before, the last day before you ended things between the two of you he wanted to let you know the reason why he couldn’t set things straight with you was because he was scared of letting you down. He was scared you might feel trapped. 
It's wasn't you who was too much for him. He was the one who felt like he was too much for you. He thought he was being too fast, too careless. His fears got the better of him, costing him a future with you.
You walked away and everything in his life got worse. Like the only light in his life was extinguished. 
Right now feels like that one chance to get things right. Even though he still feels scared, this time he’s willing to take that risk for you.
There are other things to be scared of, like your gaze. It was the way you were looking at him.
Like you can just consume all of him with those eyes. How you’re saying a thousand words with them without saying a single syllable.
One look into his own eyes and he's ready to surrender everything to you.
“Do you really want to hear my answer to that or are you still emotionally unavailable?” you ask, taking a sip of your own drink. 
“At what point did you realize you liked me? Like really liked me?” he asked instead, all he got was a laugh from you. You were laughing out loud like it was the funniest joke you’ve ever heard. 
“We were watching a movie, I mumbled something under my breath. I think it was something along the lines of ‘oh that’s so cute’, talking to myself. Then I felt you hold my hand, you kissed it before holding it in yours for the rest of the movie. It’s not the grandest gesture but at that moment I felt so content. It was all I wanted but I knew you didn’t think the same way” you smile sadly recalling that memory. Giving him an answer, wondering why you did.
"I guess I never said sorry, I'm sorry"
You shrug, taking another swig from your drink. "What's done is done. I would say no hard feelings but I kinda do hate you for what you did"
"Good. I'd be sadder if you said you didn't care. Hate isn't the opposite of love, it's indifference" he says
"Was that what you felt for me before? Indifference?" you can't help but ask, in your mind you're not sure if you're ready to hear his answer but it's too late to take it back
He shakes his head, drinking the rest of his drink before standing straight to face you
"I felt more for you, more than I ever said. In that I was wrong, I admit. I should've told you. It might be no use in telling you now, but I did feel something for you. I was being stupid and was too scared to admit it"
"Then why are you telling me now?"
"Because I realized not having you in my life is scarier than the thoughts in my head. I was too scared of my own mind, I sacrificed you instead when I shouldn't have. I could've told you. I wish I told you"
You listen to him, letting it sink in. For so long you asked just what went wrong, what you could've done differently or what would've happened if you stayed.
"I waited, I waited until you told me you liked me. But the more I waited, the more I started to not like myself. I knew I deserved more but I stayed because I wanted to be with you. You were always first to me" you say
Hearing you say those words breaks something in him. He did like you, he still likes you. Haechan has always kept a safe distance from everyone, you were the only exception.
"I'm glad we got to talk" you say to him with a smile, then you walk back inside.
This time Haechan didn't follow you because he knows this won't be the last time he sees you.
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"Oh my gosh, so that's what happened between the two of you?"
After that conversation with Haechan, you went back to your place and called it a night. The next day your roommate noticed you were staring blankly into space, out of concern she asked you what's wrong. You told her all that happened in the past 24 hours then you told her all about your history with Haechan.
"Yep, I haven't seen him around campus that much after that"
"You know, one of his friends is my blockmate and we go to the same gym. I heard he did an exchange program for a year, maybe that's why you haven't seen him around" she tells you
"Oh really, he did mention it before. Maybe he went through with it" you mumbled
"So you guys were like in a situationship then?"
"I guess so. We weren't exclusive, but he was the only guy I was seeing for like 2 years. Remember when I was barely home"
"Oh! That was him? He used to like send food here all the time whenever you were busy studying"
"Oh my god I forgot to tell you that? yea this was like when you guys were a thing. During exam season or when you're busy with reports and stuff, he'd drop off food for you" she tells you
"I thought you had those delivered"
"Girl no, half of the time he leaves it at our door. The only reason I know is because I caught him one time and he fessed up"
No, you definitely didn't know that.
Haechan never told you. He never told you anything. At some point you thought it was better to not ask instead of being met with silence as a reply.
One thing you know though is he's the type to take action rather than say it. You won't be surprised if he did it before, he might not be good at expressing himself but he never passed the chance to make you feel like you're the only girl in his world.
It feels like that was another lifetime ago, that at some point in your life you'd rather be the backburner than totally lose him.
Seeing him again was no help. It's like you spiraled down again. You thought he didn't have this effect on you anymore but you were wrong. You'd be lying if you say you haven't thought of him since you saw him last.
What you didn't know was Haechan felt exactly the same. He's trying to think of a way to reach out to you without seeming to needy, he didn't want you to think he's forcing himself back into your life.
Another week has passed and still no sign of you. He decided to get drinks with his friends, he's a few drinks in when he decided to call it an early night. This really wasn't where he wanted to be.
He's not sure where he wants to be. All he knows is his night would be a thousand times better if he sees you, even just a glimpse.
On his walk back to his place, he plucked a branch from a random plant. Picking out the leaves one by one, leaving a trail behind him.
You're on your way back from the library, deciding to get some midnight snacks first. You noticed the scattered leaves on the road, chuckling at the sight. The more steps you take, you slowly realized it's the same path to your apartment.
You slowed down, looking around to check if anybody was close to you but the street is empty. You grab your phone in your pocket just in case, while you hold your keys with the other hand.
When you're nearing your front door, you see someone sitting at the steps. Head lying low, you can't even see his face but you'd know that brown mop of hair anywhere.
"Haechan?" you called out for him
Haechan looks up, seeing you walking towards him. At first he thinks he's dreaming, he wipes his eyes to clear his vision. Even pinched his arm to check if this was real.
You're here.
He's here.
"What are you doing here?" you asked once you're standing right in front of him
"I grabbed drinks with Yangyang and Jeno, I swear I was walking home. I guess I got confused" he mumbles, now holding a branch with no leaves on it.
You look at it, then looked back at the trail of leaves behind you.
"Do you want to come in? Go drink some water or coffee first before you head back" you offered
"Are you sure?" he asks back, standing up from the steps
"Wouldn't offer if I wasn't. Let's go inside, it's getting chilly"
He steps aside to let you go first, following behind you. The elevator ride up to your floor was quiet, even after going in your apartment Haechan didn't say a word.
"Here, have some water. I can make coffee but it's too late to drink it, do you want ramen or something?" you ask him while getting the snacks you got out of the grocery bag
"Do you usually ask guys to come in with you and cook ramen for them?" he asks
He meant to only think of it, but with the little amount of alcohol in his system seems to have turn the filter off.
You snicker at his question. Instead of answering him, you grab two ramen cup noodles from your cupboard and turn the kettle on. You wait for the red light to turn green before pouring it in the cups, bringing it over the kitchen island and taking the seat beside him.
"I can't even order late night snacks without thinking about you, we used to do it all the time when I came over at yours or when we're having late night hangouts. You ruined a lot of things for me" you finally say
Haechan just looks at your profile. Even though you say it like that, there's really no trace of anger on your face. Maybe you are, but to him you look so pretty and cozy. He wanted to beat himself up for ever thinking he can walk away from this. From you.
"For what it's worth, whenever I get drunk I used to text you all the time. You probably blocked me because the messages never got delivered. Every morning I see that on my phone, message after message until I lost count. I knew you weren't going to answer but I still did it"
"Why?" you ask him
"I missed you. I wanted to tell you I was being stupid, I wanted to beg for you to take me back. But all of those thing I could only say with a bit of help from alcohol. That's how I knew I couldn't go back, not yet anyways. You deserved more than drunken confessions"
You look over at him, for the first time since that night you really look at him. The same eyes that used to feel like home to you.
He looked so different yet the same.
You still feel the same.
"It's been 3 minutes, you hate soggy noodles" you nod at his ramen. Opening your own cup to start eating. Neither of you said anything after that. It wasn't awkward, you actually enjoyed the quiet.
For the first time since Haechan came back and you saw him again, your mind was at peace. You weren't overthinking things. You weren't wondering your long list of what if's.
It's like a part of you knew he's finally here again.
After the quick snack session, he helped you clean up before walking towards the door.
"Thank you for the uh snacks and water" he didn't know what to say, a shy Haechan is a rare sight so you can't help but smile.
Haechan sees this, he can feel his own cheeks redden. You still look so beautiful when you smile, so beautiful that he's ready to fight anyone who makes you smile that isn't him.
"Go home, it's late. You're sober now right?" you ask him
"Yea, I'm good"
"Okay, don't want you getting confused and going to someone else's front door"
"I promise I won't drunk text you again so will you unblock me now? Or if you have a new number you can text me or whatever. Actually you know what, do whatever makes you feel comfortable. Don't listen to me, I'm just blabbing now"
You can't help but giggle at him, the action making Haechan's heart skip a few beats.
"I'm imagining this is how those drunk texts would sound like" you say
"I missed you, Y/N" he mumbles
You don't say anything. He can hear his own heartbeating, each thump like it's the last then you're smiling back at him
"Goodnight, Haechan"
He smiles at you, waving goodbye before finally walking out. He gestures for you to close the door behind him, only leaving after he hears the lock from the other side. He skips back home.
The next few days were back to normal, you weren't feeling gloomy. You were going out with friends. All in all, you're in a great mood.
"Hey, somebody left this outside. Tell me I'm crazy but is this from Haechan?" your roommate hands you over a small bouquet of flowers with a paper bag full of snacks.
"Uh yeah, I think so"
"I know things didn't end well between the two of you, but the boy is still so whipped for you" she mumbles, watching the small smile on your face
"Maybe it's just a peace offering"
"Right, well whatever it might be I say go for it. As long as you're happy"
You look up at her, shocked to hear that all of a sudden "Isn't that what you're worrying about? You really think I didn't notice it, you were listening to Sorry, Heart on repeat the other day then now you're listening to love songs. If he's it for you, then give it a chance"
She left after that, leaving you alone at home.
You take the gifts Haechan sent to your room, putting the flowers in a vase. You see a small note attached,
xx12131xxx just in case you lost it or changed your number. - H
You get your phone and dial the number, it's still in your phone. You unblock it first before you click call, waiting a few rings before you hear his voice
"How did you know it was me?"
"I wasn't expecting anyone else, and uh it looks like you didn't change your number"
"Oh yea uhm so you're unblocked now" you told him, not really sure what else to say
He chuckles, "Thanks, so I'm guessing you got the flowers and the snacks?"
"Yeah, thanks by the way. Why though?"
"You shared your stash with me the other night, just wanted to pay you back"
"You didn't have to, I offered. But thanks again"
"Hey uh are you busy right now? or tomorrow or really whenever you're free"
"I don't have anymore classes today"
"Do you want to go grab coffee or food or anything really. Whatever you want, my treat"
If someone told you you'd be going out to get drinks with Haechan, you'd say they're out of their mind. But here you are, visiting a new cafe you've never been to with a guy you thought you'd never be with again.
"I'd get the taro milktea, thanks"
"I'll take this one" he points at the drink in the picture, "And two of the cookies please, thank you" he pulls out his card to pay for the both of you. When you got your drinks and food, you walked back outside to sit on the vacant seats. The weather was nice, it wasn't too hot or too cold. A perfect day to be out.
You open your drink, taking a quick sip while Haechan does the same. You notice he made the face, like when he drinks or eats something sour.
"It's lemon flavored isn't it?" you chuckle, taking the drink from him and giving yours to him instead
"No, it's fine. I'll drink it"
"You hate anything sour flavored, I like lemon it's fine" you sip his drink, it does taste good but you know he won't like it
He watches you get the cookies, breaking it in half before giving him the other.
"If you have anything to say, just say it. You're too in your head again" you tell him
"Sorry, I was just..." he's at lost for words, but this time not for the wrong reason.
It's like his mind can't put what he's feeling in to words.
"Did you get the record you were looking for?" you ask him, changing the topic
"At the record store"
"Oh I wasn't really buying anything, I was just browsing around. They didn't have the vinyl version of the album I wanted, I'll come back some other time" he tells you, taking a sip of your well now his drink.
"You were singing to the Dreamers, you know them?"
"I know a few songs, Sorry, Heart is good. I like that one"
"Me too. You sounded good when you sang it" you complimented him, this made him smile shyly at you
"Isn't it a bit too sad?" he asks, you shrug your shoulders
"I like it, although my roommate said I've been playing love songs these past few days" you shake your head, remembering what she told you
"Thank you by the way" Haechan suddenly says
"For what? You paid for our drinks"
"I meant for agreeing to get drinks with me. I was an asshole to you. All the time I was gone, I was thinking about how to make it up to you. That is if it's okay with you" he tells you.
He mentally pats himself on the back for not messing that up. Maybe slowly he'll learn how to speak his true feelings, he just hopes you'll be there to listen to him. Even though it took him this long.
"The last thing you asked me was what are we, I was being stupid. I wanted us to be more. I wanted us to be official but I was always scared to say it. I don't know why I was ever scared of committing, I could've been with you. That's my regret"
"You're not a playtoy to me or just some past time whenever I'm bored. You were never too much for me. If anything I was the one who lacked. I don't blame you for walking away, I deserved that. I needed that so I could finally grow up"
You listen to him. You listen to him finally say the words you've been waiting to hear from him.
"This time I want to do it right, I want to take you out on dates, be there to go on night walks with you, go buy records we'd listen to, whatever you want to I just wan to do it with you. If you'll still have me"
The last words was barely a whisper, like he's scared to say it outloud, scared you might turn him away.
Haechan feels his heart beating wildly again, one day he might pass from arrest he thinks. Then you smile at him and it's like everything in his world stops.
You lean over, kissing the corner of his lip lightly. It was so quick but to him it felt like long time
"All I wanted was that, when it gets too much in your head you can talk to me. I'll listen. We don't have to walk away from each other" you tell him
"I'm sorry" he whispers
"I forgive you, the same way I forgive myself from everything that has happened. We need to heal from those wounds for us to move forward"
He smiles at you, he didn't even notice he got a bit teary eyed until a few tears escaped. He wipes it away before looking back at you again.
You stand up from your seat, holding out your hand to him. He looks at your hand then your face then your hand again before intertwining it with his.
There wasn't a destination in mind, he's probably thinking the same. The two of you just walk where your steps lead you to, with him following beside you holding you close to him.
Haechan looks at your hands, a smile forming on his face. He leans towards you to kiss you on the head, the action making you smile too.
"Thank you" you hear him mumble. You didn't say anything back but he felt you grip his hand tighter. Squeezing it three times.
And he knew everything was finally going to be okay. This time, you won't let go.
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yxngbxkkie · 9 months
#1 3RACHA supporter
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okay, so i think this is the cutest thing on earth. my last installment of 3racha in NY for global citizens, and i'm so proud of myself for getting three fics out in two days 😌 i hope you guys enjoy it! let's hope my creative juices will stay with me 🫢💓
feedback is greatly appreciated 🥰
This is all for Jisung. This is all for Jisung. You keep repeating to yourself. You and your best friend flew to New York to surprise your boyfriend's, Jisung and Chan, at the festival they're performing at. What you didn't expect was a monsoon.
The two of you managed to make it to the front of the crowd, having the perfect view of the stage. Excitement flows through your veins as you wait for 3RACHA to take the stage.
You glance down at the Han Quokka skzoo in your hands, adjusting the shirt it's wearing. Someone beside you nudges your arm, causing you to glance over to see your best friend.
"Are you okay?" She asks you, a look of concern in her eyes.
"Yeah, sorry! I'm just getting a little impatient," you chuckle, moving your wet hair out of your eyes. "We haven't been able to see them for weeks on end. I just want to see my baby."
The shorter woman rests a hand on your arm, comforting you. "I know. They'll be on stage soon!" She reassures you with a smile.
You shiver underneath the orange poncho you're wearing as your eyes drift back up to the stage. You squeeze the quokka in your hands, feeling the excess water dripping down your hands.
The announcer calls out 3RACHA's name, causing you to jump slightly. People around you start screaming as a video plays on the blocked television screen.
A smile comes to your lips when you see Jisung on the screen. Your heart pounds against your chest as the Stray Kids anthem begins to play.
You glance down at your friend, seeing her Wolf Chan sitting in front of the lower part of her face. You shake her shoulder in excitement, bringing your gaze back to the stage.
A gasp escapes your list as you can see your friends and boyfriend standing on the side, their gazes settled on the crowd. You quickly turn to your friend, almost yelling into her ear where they're standing so she can see Chan.
"Oh my god," she says loud enough for you to hear.
"I know, I know. There's our boys," you almost cry, feeling the tears begin to well up.
The first song they perform is 3RACHA, a classic for this trio. You keep your eyes trained on Jisung the entire time, waiting for his eyes to meet yours.
You capture multiple pictures and videos of the members, feeling proud that they're here. When they finish their song, they start talking about all the problems in the world and that they need our help to make a difference.
Heyday is the next song, and you bounce in your spot, dancing and singing along to them. Jisung walks over towards where you're standing, and you stand on your toes, trying your best to capture his attention.
"Han Jisung, I love you!" You scream out, waving your skzoo around.
You grin widely as your gaze meets his. He continues to rap his verse, and you watch his boba eyes widen. You swiftly point to your best friend as well, conveying the message to let Chan know.
Jisung finishes his verse, giving you a subtle nod before throwing out a heart. Stays around you scream at his action, causing your heart to flutter.
After 3RACHA's set is over, you and your friend make your way out of the crowd. You can feel your phone vibrating in your pocket, and you fish it out before answering it.
"Hanji, you guys did amazing," you greet him instantly, smiling ear to ear.
"You guys are here?! For real?!" He asks excitingly. A chuckle leaves your lips, and you assure him that you're really here. "Where are you guys? I'll send Skijigi out to get you two."
You stop in your tracks as you stand by the tent that's selling food and water. "Uhm, we're right by the flag that says ultimate VIP and the tent that's selling food and drinks," you inform him, hearing him pass the message on to their manager.
"He's going out there now. It shouldn't be too long until he finds you," Jisung mentions, a quick sigh leaving his lips after. "I can't believe you're here. I missed you so much."
"I missed you too, baby. I was getting so impatient waiting for you to perform," you laugh into the phone, tucking some wet hair behind your ears. "Hey, do you by chance have extra clothes?"
You can hear Jisung rummage through his bag as he mumbles incoherently to himself. He lets you know that he indeed does have extra clothes you can change into.
"I see Skijigi! I'll see you in a minute, baby," you mention, tapping your friend's shoulder before heading in his direction.
"Okay, I love you."
You smile fondly. "I love you too."
You bid each other goodbye before you hang up, slipping your phone back into your pocket. Skijigi greets the two of you with a quick hug before leading you to where 3RACHA is.
As soon as you see Jisung, you're sprinting. You weave around people walking, throwing out an apology before colliding into your boyfriend's arms.
"My baby," Jisung whispers into your ear, twirling you around. "You're so beautiful."
You laugh at his compliment, knowing for a fact you look like a hot mess. "Such a charmer, Hanji," you grin, placing your hands on his cheeks.
He leans forward to capture your lips in a quick kiss. "I gotta keep you around somehow," Jisung jokes after pulling away.
You roll your eyes, shaking your head. "You don't even have to try, baby," you confess to him, resting your forehead on his.
"Thank you for coming. I'm so grateful for you," Jisung whispers while setting you back on your feet.
"Of course, baby. I'm your number one 3RACHA supporter," you wink, pressing a chaste kiss on his lips.
Changbin laughs as he walks by the two of you, shaking his head at how dramatic you both can be. Jisung grins, scrunching his nose slightly. "Yes, you are, my baby."
tagging: @thewxntersoldier @reddesert-healourblues @spacegirlstuff @moon0fthenight @foxinnie8 @like-a-diamondinthesky @prettymiye0n
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thewertsearch · 1 year
TG: i will be your server TG: and past me will stay as roses server TG: which is to say present me will TG: the one in the black suit GG: ohh… GG: i guess that makes sense TG: he can keep managing her for a while TG: until she sorta checks out soon and becomes totally useless
Rose is already detached from the party, following unseen orders in service of an unseen plan - but according to Dave, she's going to get worse.
This, I assume, is the point at which she becomes obscured from Kanaya's viewport. Rose is going to keep digging this hole, right up until she reaches some critical point on her timeline - and then, if I'm reading correctly between the lines, she's going to fall apart.
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Final alchemy session, let's go!
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Hey, calm down! Just because it's snowing outside doesn't mean it's Christmas just yet.
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We're certainly getting close...
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STEP OFF. … You decide he can keep the SORD….. though.
Abandoning your best weapon? A poor tactical decision by the Knight.
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TT: Did you do anything on the moon besides rifle through my belongings? TT: Such as remove your shades and turn your gaze Ringward, by any chance? [...] TG: i did TT: What did you see? TG: horrible things [...] TG: when i saw them TG: their voices became clearer TT: What were they saying? TG: i couldnt really focus on anything specific TG: but TG: in totality TG: im pretty sure it was TG: like TT: ? TG: a plea for help
That's a little vague - but then again, they may be so alien to us that they're not able to communicate more clearly. This might be the closest thing to a human-readable message that the Gods can create.
This is probably a good place to put my transcription of the Squiddle song from Jade's nap. Much of it is unintelligible, but the parts we can hear are rather illuminating.
Squiddles are no ordinary friends, they work, and play, and work again. But they have homes, and mommies too; yes, they have mommies just like you.
Firstly, the Squiddles try to explain that they're not completely different from us. They're extraordinary creatures, practically incomprehensible to the Players - and yet, they have a home. They have loved ones. They play.
They repeat this assertion twice, as though they desperately want the Players to understand this.
So let them go to bed right now, so they can rest, and make cute sounds. If they can't rest they won't be strong …and they are really tiny.
They go on to say that they're exhausted. They need to rest, but something is keeping them busy. As a result, they're becoming 'tiny' and weak.
They can't make the 'cute sounds' that they're known for, which I suspect is a metaphor for the advice they normally dispense to Derse Dreamers, but I'm less sure about that.
[Unintelligible] …so let them sleep... …cause they will die if…
At this point, the music begins to fade out - but not before we hear that the Squiddles' lives are in danger. Something out in the depths of space is killing the Noble Circle of Horrorterrors.
Squiddle dee dee, squiddle dee dum. Everyone sing, a Squiddley song. Let's all be friends, And work as a team. Squiddles for you, Squiddles for me.
The final verse is self-explanatory.
It's unclear what, exactly, is happening out in the Furthest Ring, but it's dire enough that the Horrorterrors are reaching out to their neighbors, the Players of Sburb, and asking them to form an alliance.
We're seeing that alliance through Feferi, who has convinced them to blow the Dream Bubbles and link the two sessions. We're also seeing it through Rose, the only human Player willing to listen to the Squiddles' song - but her situation is more murky. I do think I understand her mental state a little better, though.
Rose is acting on Horrorterror advice - which means she's acting on whispers, corrupted images and half-heard fragments of a song. I don't think the Gods are manipulating her so much as they're playing a game of Telephone with her brain. They can't relay direct instructions, so the best they can do is transmit the vibe of what needs to happen, and the Seer has to figure the rest out for herself.
No wonder she's so evasive about her plan - I don't think she understands more than a quarter of it. She isn't nearly as in-control of the situation as she's pretending to be, and if she admits as much to John, she'd probably lose her nerve.
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So What's Up With Logan? - a speculating post for the season 2 finale
While I, like everyone else, am anticipating the season finale, I thought I might as well summarise my thoughts in a post.
In LNTAO, Logan outright explains he's irritated with being repeatedly ignored.
"There will be times in which I must be heeded and given our... current circumstances... I clearly haven't been."
This really stands out to me. It's no secret that due to being consistently talked over, shut up and disregarded, Logan's struggling to deal with his emotions- and keep up the facade he puts up pretending he doesn't have any. This is only evidenced further when he throws paper at Roman. But this quote almost feels like foreshadowing, suggesting that there will come a time Logan's the only side with the right answer, and because of the sides and c!Thomas' practice, they won't listen to him and will exacerbate the problem doing so.
Another interesting quote from LNTAO is hidden in plain sight- the overlapping verses from Logan and Thomas in Incomplete.
"This just serves as a testament to the fact that you have a temperament, which is fine, you just haven't accepted it, if you'd let them finish they'd get to the-"
"This just serves as a testament to the fact that to me you're negligent, which is fine, it just works to your detriment, you not letting me finish is proving my-"
Both verses here provide context into Logan's character. This confirms that c!Thomas is fully aware that Logan has emotions, specifically a temper, and that, in his eyes, the song was an attempt to get Logan to accept that part of himself. This could be setting up a very powerful scene in the finale, Janus and/or Thomas confronting Logan at a point when Logan pretending he doesn't have emotions is actually damaging Thomas as a whole.
Additionally, Logan feels neglected by Thomas. That's a word which is not used lightly. He points out that being ignored is actively causing detriment to Thomas, which he conveniently doesn't hear as he's talking (singing?) over him at this point in time.
They're both right. Logan is ignored to the point of detriment, but he also thinks highly of himself ("I'm the most important side here!") and often disregards the others' contributions until he's actively proven wrong. This is a repeated character flaw of Logan's. It's also seen Growing Up, Moving On, and even in Asides like Can Plushies Improve Our Health?. While Logan's been the cause of minor conflicts in the series, having him cause a problem on a scale similar to Patton in POF would be intriguing to see from a narrative standpoint. It's clear that in the latest episodes, Logan is struggling and maybe at some point soon, constantly being antagonised by c!Thomas and the other sides is going to have an effect.
This brings me to WTIT. This is the last plot-dependent episode we've had, so it naturally is where a lot of my theories are coming from. While we can see a lot of Logan's progress as a character- specifically in prioritising Thomas' mental health- we also see his lowest point so far. Thomas' mental health has been steadily declining since SvS, introducing Remus, the discussions during POF and this episode all make it obvious. And this is reflected in Logan. Despite taking precautions and relaxing the schedule so Thomas feels comfortable, Logan loses his cool when he yells at Remus. What the orange eyes mean is TBD, but Logan's emotions in that moment say one thing and one thing only: he can't keep it down much longer. Each time we see Logan lately, he's been more and more distressed. In LTNAO, he throws paper at Roman, in SvS he's left out. In DWIT he's exasperated the whole time trying to calm down the others. In POF he's clearly done with exerting any amount of effort getting them to listen to him. And here is the result of all that pent up anger.
"I just want to help Thomas become the best version of himself he can be, and in order to do that, he needs to listen to me. Unlike yours, my methods aren't the flashiest, and it's not very often I get the chance to get through to him. Please understand my insistence on the matter."
The words right before his outburst mean a lot too. Logan's been already established as a perfectionist, but here he outwardly admits his goal is to improve Thomas as much as possible. We've already seen c!Thomas second-guessing himself because of difference in opinion between sides, so here's an opportunity to explore Janus v Logan conflict. Logan questioning Janus' advice to Thomas to take it easy could mean that the rest isn't as effective as it could be and cause a problem they'll need to discuss. Logan's been largely absent from Janus-related episodes, so an argument in which Janus explains Thomas has worth as he is while Logan is focused on perfectionism and improvement is not unbelievable at this point in the story.
On the topic of Janus, I believe he's going to play a huge role in Logan's character development. The main thing holding Logan back is that he's lying to himself. He repeatedly insinuates and sometimes outwardly states that he doesn't have feelings, and both c!Thomas and Janus know this is a lie.
"I don't feel anything."
"Oh, of course you don't."
My theory is that Janus, as practically a living lie detector, is going to confront the sides about the lies they tell themselves, and being more truthful about themselves will help Thomas long-term. While this can be explored for each side, I'll save that for a post for another day and point out how specifically Logan's lie about not having feelings is already questioned multiple times in the series, setting it up to be confronted soon.
In conclusion, my speculations for the season finale are:
Logan's going to have another outburst- in full view of c!Thomas and the other sides this time, and it will have to be addressed.
Janus/Thomas and Logan are going to confront each other, Logan over being repeatedly ignored and sidelined, and the others over Logan consistently lying about not feeling emotions.
Logan is going to be the outright antagonist in at least one episode of the finale, along the lines of Patton in POF.
On the contrary, in one episode Logan will have the right answer, but be ignored because... well, duh.
Janus v Logan conflict is going to be a large plot point- addressing perfectionism and to what extent you should accept yourself as you are and to what extent you need to work on growth.
If you got this far, thanks for reading. It's my first post as a blog and I hope you enjoyed reading my guesses to what we'll see surrounding Logan in the finale. I'm planning on continuing with in-depth analysis of other sides and other theories I have, but so far this is what I've gathered in regards to Logan's direction at this point in the series.
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likeadevils · 2 months
what songs from TTPD and TA are now yours? Which ones have spoken to you the most?
songs that are genuinely MINE
chloe or sam or sophia or marcus: i cried myself to sleep listening to this song on repeat on release night and for the life of me i cant tell you why. i think it’s a great example of her being older really deepening her writing— just that old scarred over longing of a possible life, a possible love, too far away to reach but close enough to brush past. also, the double edged sword of “if you want to break my cold, cold heart, just say’ i loved you the way that you were’”— you loved me before i’d twisted myself into the shape i am now in order to keep my current partner, but also, you loved me the way i was, not the way i am now
i look in peoples windows: i wrote a poem with the line “im afflicted by the not knowing” in it!! inspired by the outside!! and by spending so much of my childhood reading by moonlight and spying on my neighbors through their windows!!! it was called where midnight lives!!! what the fuck!!!
robin: another song i sobbed hysterically to. i was a strange little violent child obsessed with dinosaurs it feels like a lullaby someone made specifically about 3 year old me.
songs that i’m obsessed with:
but daddy i love him: the bridge is just so fun to scream along to. everytime ive been in a car since the album came out ive played this at least two times just cause
fresh out the slammer: it’s just. the first verse??? the way the song stutters apart for the last verse??? this song takes the blurry muse conceit of the album and uses it to its fullest. also just the diminishing returns from “but its gonna be alright, i did my time”
i can do it with a broken heart: my first listen favorite
the smallest man who ever lived: the bridge????? the bridge???? the bridge???? a few of the negative reviews specifically mentioned this song as boring and for a millisecond i was so angry i could’ve exploded
the black dog: this is like, the platonic ideal of a taylor swift song to me. just that old quiet tragedy she can build out of little moments of hoping your ex will remember you when they hear your favorite song or not having known your last kiss was your last kiss or your ex still sharing their location with you. like, it’s just her at her best, but with the maturity to sing “and you jump up, but she’s too young to know this song”
i hate it here: people have talked about seeing reputation in the anthology but i think you can also see so much debut and it makes me feel so tender. also i genuinely don’t understand why people don’t like “if chose the 1830s but without all the racists” like?? it’s supposed to be a bit clunky?? the songs about the limits of escapism?? the line enhances both of those themes?? also “i’m there most of the year” is such a funny devastating relatable lyric to say about a daydream
thank you aimee: it’s not every day a song inspires you to send this message about something a child did to you (fuck you madeline!!! fuck you jessie!!!)
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the bolter: avoidant attachment representation!!! i love that it takes the stuff she hated about herself in the archer and just accepts and loves them and appreciates what they’ve given her. i especially love it because bolt can mean like, crossbow bolts, so it’s a flip on the archer. also “bolt” is one of my favorite words i love all the different meanings
“the only thing that’s left is the manuscript, one less souvenir from my trip to your shores, now and then i re-read the manuscript, but the story isnt mine anymore” also just had me sobbing. there’s just. wtf!!!!!!
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its-time-to-write · 10 months
ch. 5 - hustling for the good life
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table of contents
your boots beneath my bed
You, on the other hand, had done your proper research. Watched his highlights on Lust Conquers All and everything. You want to know what exactly your stupid brain is doing, thinking someone like that is cute or (retch) boyfriend material but who gives a shit because you’re probably not going to see him again. 
You’re out of the hotel and in some tiny little cottage just outside of London. No paps, no PR agents or what-fucking-ever, just you, Natalie, and loads of fresh air. She finds you in the yard one morning, plucking a tune on a guitar and humming.
“That’s new,” she grins. “Gonna have a new single out soon?”
You raise a shoulder. “I don’t know. Maybe. Might just keep this one to myself.”
Natalie says hmm then turns on her heel to go back inside. 
“Oh,” she says after a few steps, “you should at least send it to him. He might like it.”
“It’s not about anyone!” you call after her rapidly retreating figure. 
“Sure!” she yells back. You flip her off and she says, “I saw that!”
Natalie’s booked some coffee shop concert for you, so you’re a little preoccupied with sound checks and meeting your temp band and promising to drink a latte as soon as you’re done singing because fuck sleeping.
It’s sold out which isn’t hard because the place is small, but it’s fun to sit on a stool and sing into a small microphone and be able to talk and joke like you’re the small-town artist you began as.
The crowd goes crazy when you strum the first few notes of Mango, as they sing along to the whole thing. You finish the set and begin thank everyone for coming when you see an oddly familiar face in the very back of the room. You’re not even sure how you caught it because again, it’s crowded, but there it is. He’s with some other people who you’re pretty sure are part of AFC Richmond, but you don’t care about that now.
You pause in the middle of your goodbye and say, “You know what, I’m actually going to play one more song. It’s a rough draft right now, so be nice to me. The working title is Poolside, and you guys are the first to hear it.”
You begin to pluck the repeating melody that’s been playing on repeat in your brain and start the first verse.
I know it’s a bad idea
And I can’t have you anyway
But you’re like a tiny bit of sunshine
I can’t seem to chase away
It’s terrifying and vulnerable in a way you’ve never been before. You’ve played songs for boys before, but never like this. 
You were in a hotel room with Austin one night after one of his movie premiers and just giggling about how stupid it all was. 
“I already have our breakup song,” you’d said, hopping down from the table. “Wanna hear it?”
Austin thought that was hilarious so he said, “Obviously,” so you grabbed your guitar from your room and strapped it on. 
“Alright,” you said while strumming a bouncy tune, “this one’s a little more line-dancey than my usuals. So.”
Austin had tapped his foot while you sang, “A long time ago/in a land not so far away/we met in a bar/and you fucking said ‘hey.’”
It was silly as you both bounced around the room singing about your impending split. Neither of you cared because it wasn’t real, and you had recorded him singing a harmony on your phone. 
You snuck it into the actual track months later, too faint for anyone to actually notice. 
But that was the closest you’d ever been to directly singing someone their song. It was different with Mango because it wasn’t romantic. 
And now it’s different with Jamie, because you’re singing about how dumb it is that you keep thinking about him asking if you were ok at that dumb fucking party. 
You end the song to thunderous applause, and you’re pretty sure bootlegs are going to end up on YouTube within the hour. You don’t care. All you can think of is slipping to the back of the café to claim that latte then sneaking out the back. 
“Nice one, girl,” Natalie remarks as she hands you a cup. “The label’s gonna love that.”
You smile. “They don’t care. I make them too much money for them to care.”
She rolls her eyes and opens her mouth to speak but just stops. 
“Hello? Earth to Nat?” you say, waving a hand in front of her face. 
“Hey,” says a voice from behind.
You spin around. It’s Jamie. 
And god, he looks fucking fit in trackies, Gucci slides, and a neon orange shirt. 
You can feel Natalie sneaking away behind you, and for once, you’re glad to be alone. 
“Hey,” you reply. “How’d you get in here?”
Jamie smiles. “Keeley. She can talk her way into anything.”
You nod, still holding your latte. “Well, usually we have a strict policy about fans who try to come talk to me unannounced, but I guess for you, I’ll let it slide.”
Oh god, are you fucking flirting?
Jamie smirks. “Babe, I ain’t any old fan. Probably number one.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Uh huh. Right. And when did you decide you could call me babe?”
Jamie takes a step closer. “Right about the time Keeley convinced me to ask you out.”
You almost drop your coffee. 
All you can say is a weak, “Oh.”
“She would love to,” Natalie pipes up from behind a stack of coffee beans. “I’ll get you her number and you can set it up.”
Jamie’s looking at you expectantly, and you suppose he probably wants your consent, not just Natalie’s. 
You nod and say, “Sure,” with the same lack of conviction the oh held. Jamie’s expression ripples for a moment, but then he’s grinning and saying “Mint,” before saluting Natalie and exiting the way he came. 
“What the fuck, Natalie,” you say. Your bones feel like jelly. “I can’t go out with him.”
“Yes you can,” she tells you. “And you are. It’s settled.”
Oh fuck. 
He texts you the next morning.
hey it’s Jamie :)
I can’t be seen with you, you write back before you chicken out. The press would have a field day. I’m not looking for something public, so if you’re only in this to gain popularity, you’re out of luck. 
It’s a little harsh, but you’re going to be open about this.
no worries, he says. paps r fuckgn annoying. we can do smthg small. 
Turns out something small means sneaking into a restaurant where Jamie’s been going for ages. It has a small room in the back with windows you can see out of, but no one can see in.
“John’s been getting me back here for ages,” he says. “Haven’t had an issue with the press yet.”
It’s all so normal, the way he pulls out your chair and tells you what he likes to order. The way he’s making you laugh and asking you questions about your life, not the ones about your music, but the kind that are actually about you. 
The server comes around with a bottle, and asks, “Wine?”
Jamie looks to you and you shake your head, barely suppressing a grimace.
“All good here, mate,” he says.
“Not a drinker?” he asks once the man is gone. 
You hesitate. You’re about to cross into point-of-no-return territory. 
“I- I don’t know, I can’t really smell it without thinking of my family. They’re all…”
Jamie nods. “I get it. Like me dad. Prick’ll be sober when he’s dead.”
“Yeah,” you say slowly. “Yeah, never had a family event without someone fighting. My mom’s the first one to get out, because she’s the youngest. She saw all that shit and decided it wasn’t for her. She went away to college, met my dad, and never looked back. Course, my uncles started showing up once I got famous. And my aunt, too. She’s probably the worst of all of them. She actually broke into my first apartment asking for money. She smashed a bottle and cut up my face pretty bad… I was nineteen and still trying to figure out my music career and stuff. I still have a scar on eyebrow from it. But, I wasn’t so famous that it ended up on the internet, so…”
You trail off again. Jamie’s looking at you all thoughtful. You’re not sure when he started holding your hand across the table, but there it is. It’s warm and calloused, and he doesn’t seem to care that yours is sweaty.
“My dad’s the same way,” he says softly. “Showed up a month back at a match. Fucking prick. But… can’t seem to cut him off, y’know? He’s fuckin’… family or some shit.”
“Hah,” you say, “That’s what Margarita’s about.”
Jamie’s silent for a moment. “Thought it was about how you really fucking liked limes,” he says finally.
That gets a laugh from you. “I do actually really fucking like limes. But enough about me. How’d you get into football?”
By the end of the night, you’re properly smitten. This boy knows how to flirt, knows all the right compliments and ways to brush his hand against yours or brush a stray strand of hair out of your face. 
This is bad, you think as his lips touch yours. This is very, very bad.
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queenimmadolla · 2 years
have you heard the song "more than words" by extreme??? i feel like thats SOOOO an eddie song like... him playing it on his acoustic guitar and singing it for reader on a rainy day 🥺 just soft eddie 💜😭
my hand flew over my mouth, i am FLABBERGASTED that my puny brain has never granted me this concept before omg, pls I gotta turn it into a drabble, I GOTTA!
warnings: fluff and mentions of cyanide (he’s not gonna do it, he’s just in a silly goofy mood)
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You loved rainy days in general, but rainy days at Eddie’s trailer were the epitome of peace. You’d slept over the night before and when you’d woken to the pretty trill of raindrops hitting the outside of the trailer, it was obvious the day was also going to be a lazy one.
It was spent co-existing in his messy ass room (that in itself seemed to comfort you for some reason), Wayne was still asleep so you didn’t want to disturb him anymore than you had to, having already washed up earlier.
You were curled on top of a blanket piled into the corner of Eddie’s bed, thoroughly engrossed in the latest edition of Heavy Metal. You’d developed a little bit of an obsession with it. Eddie was spread out on the bed, his legs parallel to you as he worked on a couple of chords for a song Corroded Coffin was working on. Since Wayne was still asleep, it was all acoustic so he could be as quiet as possible, though Wayne slept like the dead. (You once had to settle a very drunk Eddie in for bed after a night at the Hideout and Eddie had managed to knock just about everything noisy down, banging into the little furniture the trailer housed. Wayne hadn’t even stirred but the second you touched the remote to turn the TV off after you noticed he fell asleep with it on, his eyes had shot open.)
You’d almost been done with the Clan of the Cave Bears story when Eddie’s playing turned into something soft, much too delicate for Corroded Coffin’s discography. You looked up from the magazine to find his stare already on you as he strummed.
His lips curled into a pleased smile when he realized he had your attention.
You’d heard Eddie sing a million times already. Still didn’t stop you from internally (and more often than not, externally) swooning.
“Saying "I love you" is not the words I want to hear from you. It's not that I want you, not to say but if you only knew.” He started crooning out, fingers gently tapping against the body of the guitar, in rhythm with the beat and breaks.
You were absolutely enchanted with him, cheeks warm under his attention and very shy, your face partially hidden by the magazine. Regardless of how long the two of you had been together, he still gave you butterflies.
Eddie loved the effect he had on you, which is why he loved to keep his focus on you. Well, that and he was perpetually mesmerized by your existence and your pretty face.
By the time the song was concluded—Eddie letting his fingers freestyle with the last couple of chords—you were a puddle on the bed and radiating happiness.
He pursed his lips in exaggeration but you could still make out the corners of them twisting up, he was trying to contain his own happiness.
“I like that one.”
“I love you,” He replied and you laughed. “I like it, too. Not too terrible.”
You rolled your eyes in fondness. Eddie had taught himself to play it, which meant something considering he didn’t bother learning songs he didn’t like. Unless, it was to impress you, of course.
“You like it.”
“I love you,” he repeated, then proceeded to send you the world’s most fake, menacing glare. “So, you’re just not gonna say it back, huh? That’s fine. I mean I’m totally swallowing cyanide tonight, but it’s fine. AHEM.”
“You said you didn’t want to hear it from me!” You were referring to the first verse of the song.
“See, that’s the last time I ever sing anything I didn’t write. Thanks a lot, Extreme.” 
Eddie readjusted the guitar in his arms, nose haughtily upturned and when you only laughed again, eyes crinkled at how amusing your boyfriend was, he chuckled and set the guitar down so it was leaning against the bed before stretching his arms out, fingers clenching and unclenching as he made grabby hands.
“Would you just come over here already? I know you hate me but you could show me some affection, it’s not like I just serenaded your panties off or anything.” 
You were still smiling as you set the magazine down to crawl over to him.
“That’s right, come to daddy.” Eddie gathered you up in his arms, yanking you onto his lap as you shifted around to curl into him, his chin resting on your head.
“Shut up!” You swatted his side, pressing your smile into his neck.
“You’re so mean to me.”
“No, I’m not! I’m simply creatively nice to you.”
Eddie guffawed, chest shaking with his chuckles. You leaned back a little to look up at him and he angled his head down to meet your gaze.
“I love you. Very much. Like, with all of my heart. That organ is all yours. And thank you for singing to me, I love it when you do that.”
Eddie leaned down to give you a kiss. You assumed it would be an innocent one so when his tongue came out to play, it caught you by surprise. 
“Shhh, just let me put it in your mouth.”
“That’s what he said,” you mumbled as you leaned back in.
“That’s what I’m gonna say,” he promised, grinning so wide you were practically kissing his teeth.
“No, I’m your baby.”
“You’re my baby.” You agreed as he pulled you under the blankets to snuggle the rest of the day away.
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Hawaii Part II Ex Theory
Hello! This is an analysis not of one specific song, but all over Hawaii Part II. What I think my theory will explain is some lines in Labyrinth, an audio clip in The Mind Electric, and give some motive for Simon sailing to Hawaii in the first place.
So, this theory originated when I was thinking about Labyrinth, and some lines in its second verse. “Behind me my ex-girls chasing me / In front of my my next girls facing me” I found those lines weird, as there was no mention of another girl besides Stella anywhere in the musical.
This bothered me for a bit before I started to comb through HPII again to find some other instances, and the two that stuck out to me were:
Why was there mention of a lover when at the time of singing, Simon wouldn’t have known Stella yet?
The Mind Electric, the reversed part has a discussion between Suzie and Mr Holiday, why was that included in TME?
Let’s start with the section in TME, as that can start us on the explanation.
“And then they sail off and dump you on the beach of Timbuktu!”
“They couldn’t drop me off on the beach of Timbuktu”
“Why not?”
“Timbuktu happens to be in the middle of the Sahara Desert”
“Yes ‘oh’”
“And please tie an anchor to that imagination of yours.”
“Okay Mr Holiday, but if you end up on the other side of the world, don’t write me about your voyage.”
“No. Just reading about the ocean makes me seasick .”
This interaction is between two people, someone sailing off to sea and their love interest staying behind. With the repeated mentions of sailing, even if it’s not to Hawaii, we can interpret Mr Holiday as Simon and Suzie as an ex lover of his he left when he sailed to Hawaii.
This ties into the lyric “A part of thee, in the key of what we know to be every part without me” from Introduction to the Snow, which if we look at it through the lens of Simon leaving his lover, would mean that Simon’s Ex (who will now be called Suzie) still loves Simon even though her feelings aren’t reciprocated anymore.
This comes back to Labyrinth, where a question has to be asked, why is Suzie chasing Simon? As this is Simon’s subconscious mind, we could interpret Suzie chasing Simon feeling guilty for leaving her so suddenly.
Simon’s thoughts might not be correct though as in the passage in TME, Suzie asks Mr Holiday to not write to her, which could be Suzie asking Simon to not lead her on anymore. This also is supported by the use of “We” being used in ITTS, which means that both Simon & Suzie knew that their relationship was bad and they needed to go their separate ways.
TLDR: Simon had an Ex girlfriend who he wanted to leave so he sailed away to Hawaii which started the story, and also explains some lyrics in some of the songs.
BONUS MINITHEORY THAT TUNED INTO ANOTHER THEORY: the leitmotif of Simon sailing away from the consequences of his actions is the ITTS melody as in ITTS, he was sailing away from a failed relationship and in DSISM, He was sailing away from electroshock therapy. This supports the claim that DSISM is Simon reliving his whole life before he dies because DSISM is exactly 7 minutes long, and ITTS is the beginning of the musical.
It also ties into the theme of cycles, which relates to Time Machine, where Simon wants to go back to the beginning or fix things, and Variations on a Cloud with the lyrics “keep it coming back and coming back”
Another leitmotif in VOAC is ruler of everything, which another sample in TME, could connect to. Apology by Plato shows up, and the featured segment talks about poets writing poetry through sparks of genius inspitation, but not fully understanding the concept they are portraying. This is similar to a line describing Juno in Ruler of Everything “Though you try to pretend to understand / you resemble a fool although you’re only a man”. Both songs were made by Joe so it’s very likely that they’re connected in some way. I don’t know how to interpret but I’d love to hear other people’s thoughts!!
anyways, sorry for the long post, I really like this interpretation I’ve created and wanted to share it with others to get their opinion on it.
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heartsoulrocknroll · 4 months
Streetlife Serenade Ranked
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Since this album is apparently vastly underrated, allow me to start this by saying that I absolutely love every song on this album. There isn't one that doesn't do it for me.
1) The Entertainer
I don't think I can adequately describe how much I love this song. I have always been so blown away by it. The instrumentation is so masterfully done, and each verse gradually builds on the last. There is the opening acoustic guitar, then that iconic synth riff that later repeats between verses throughout the song. The acoustic guitar continues on its own for the first verse, then the drums and bass come in on the second verse, then the steel guitar comes in on the third verse, then the banjo on the fourth verse, then the fantastic piano on the fifth verse. Then they all come together for the big crescendo of the sixth and seventh verses, while Billy absolutely goes nuts vocally. The cynical lyrics are some of the best that Bill has ever written, and I have always been obsessed with the rhyme scheme he used. It's poetic in a way that is reminiscent of Piano Man, but more impressive. Also shout out to the lost verse, which I love so much.
2) Weekend Song
This is an absolutely fantastic rock 'n' roll song, and I just love it more and more with time. I love that guitar riff, as well as the organ toward the end. I am obsessed with the gospely, bluesy piano riffs that are reminiscent of Ain't No Crime. And I think this is one of the best vocal performances Bill ever gave. I mean wtf!!!!!! He is so good, it makes me angry. I have seen this song compared to Take Me to the Pilot, but I won't go there other than to say eat your heart out, Elton. All those comparisons, but one thing Elton and Leon could definitely never do is sing like the great Billy Joel.
3) The Great Suburban Showdown
This is one of my favorite Billy Joel vocal melodies. It's one of those songs that just gets me right in my soul. The combination of the beautiful synth solos, the fantastic piano, the wistful pedal steel guitar, and the nostalgic lyrics alone would make me a little emotional, but add Billy's gorgeous vocal, and this song can easily bring me to the verge of tears.
4) Root Beer Rag
This is an incredible ragtime piano piece that sticks in my head for days after hearing it. I love everything about it, but I particularly love the part containing the dissonant, alternating major and minor seconds that comes out of nowhere and contrasts fantastically with the rest of the song. And I really love listening to live performances of this song and hearing Bill play it as fast as humanly possible, challenging the band to keep up.
5) Last of the Big Time Spenders
This is a song that I never hear anyone talk about, and I'm not sure why. I am obsessed with the piano on this song. It has a great, sort of jazz/blues flavor that provides an interesting juxtaposition to the country undertones of the pedal steel guitar. Bill has some incredible, soulful vocals here. And I think the lyrics are so clever, with the comparison of spending money and spending time. It's just a great song all around, and I think it leads really nicely into Weekend Song, which comes next on the album and has a similar feel.
6) Los Angelenos
This is an awesome rock song that goes harder than a lot of the songs on Glass Houses, with a great combination of electric piano, electric guitar, bass, excellent vocals by Billy, and some vintage, sardonic Billy Joel lyrics.
7) Roberta
I love the prominence of the piano on this song. The piano throughout the whole song is beautiful, but I especially love the intro and the piano break before the last verse. This seems to be a theme of this album, but there are more particularly great vocals from Billy here as well.
8) Streetlife Serenader
I absolutely love the classical sound of the piano in this song. The intro is just gorgeous. Billy's vocal here is great, and the rare appearance of his falsetto is delightful to me.
9) Souvenir
This song is short and sweet, but it is so good. The melody is gorgeous, the piano intro/outro is beautiful, and the wistful lyrics can really make me emotional.
10) The Mexican Connection
This is a beautiful, relaxing piece of music. I love all the piano work here and how it is complemented by the guitar, the congas, the organ, and, later on, the marimba. I especially love the big crescendo of piano chords at 2:03.
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fangirlmeena · 9 months
Ok hear me out but image DCAs singing this song to their respected y/ns!
Brown eye: Copper y/n
- "dirt is source life" could refer to how y/n takes care of their siblings and even sun and moon- they are the source that keeps them going!
Hazel eye: Solar Lunacy y/n
- jack of all things line + digging through them when bored - reference to the fic summary and the DCA's desire to learn more about y/n
Green eye: Celestial showdown y/n
- the verse referencing nature + repeating mention of luck -the forest is y/n's house and referencing them to y/n is cute + THEY MEET A GOD AND NOW HAVE A GOD FRIEND. NEED I EXPLAIN MORE???
Black eye: Nightmare y/n
- "your eyes are empty but that's far from the truth" + "see yourself like other people do" - honestly I don't know much about this au but those lines feel like it fits!
Grey eye: So(u)l y/n
- cause like they are blind BUT your like the moon that changes the tide remind me of their soul link, and generally the whole verse just felt like what they will say to y/n--
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crocheting-cupio · 4 months
hiii :] favorite nin songs? i'm curious what others we might share
Hello! :) It's going to be hard not to include everything on The Fragile and Broken, but I will try!
La Mer -> The Great Below -> The Way Out Is Through -> Into The Void. I feel like these four are one continuous work and and they are their strongest together. So I will count them as "one song." Anyway, they impacted me harder than The Downward Spiral (the album) did, which I didn't think was possible. Together, they are one of my favourite works of art of all time. And as someone who went to art school I've seen a lot of incredible art in all kinds of mediums.
Please. I mentioned this in my response to your post but IT KEEPS REPEATING! WILL YOU PLEASE COMPLETE ME?! [Clears throat] I don't know what came over me just then. So basically I wasn't the same man after hearing this for the first time. In my brain, being the writer and composer of Please is one of Trent's highest accomplishments. It's that good to me.
Pilgrimage. I think this one also altered my brain chemistry. It's such a weird track and I can't stop thinking about it. Also the auditory textures are immaculate.
The Becoming. This song is everything to me. Odd time signatures that never feel steady, sounds meant to make you feel very uncomfortable, long verses that never seem to end, extremely deliberate but strange sounding emphasis on syllables, I could go on forever.
Reptile. I don't know how to explain it but this song puts me on a new plane of existence. It feels like an emotional state that is both everything at once and nothing at all. Not to mention it being an incredible work of sound design.
Sin. I wouldn't be reposting the PHM fancam every Monday if I didn't absolutely LOVE this song. It was one of the first NIN songs I heard, and I said to myself "I don't care if the rest of what this guy made is crap, this is one of the best songs I've ever heard."
Ringfinger. A track so underrated sometimes even I forget how good it is. Just generally a really good song that I love, not a lot more to say.
Happiness in Slavery. I love this one because in the intense parts it feels like the song itself is attacking me (positive) but in the quieter moments it feels like a cry for help.
Suck. I really like the balance of intensity, rage, and heavy textures mixed with quiet, sensual, and regretful moments. It's like Closer and The Big Come Down put into a blender.
Only. Immensely catchy with very relatable lyrics, this is one of Trent's best for sure. Actually, it has helped me with social anxiety. If I get really anxious that no one actually likes me, I start singing "I just made (that version of) you UP, to HURT myself" until I convince myself no one actually feels that way about me.
Sunspots. The bass in this one is just incredible, I can almost feel the airwaves vibrate through my body. Combined with Trent's gentle and quiet voice it's a very pleasant sensory experience. Great for decompression after sensory overload.
The Line Begins to Blur. I really, really love the balance of noisiness and texture contrasted with smooth gentle sounds. It's very Fragile-esque but it feels more in control, focused, and significantly less "I'm dead inside." It's truly beautiful in every way.
Discipline. To be honest, Discipline > Head Like a Hole and The Hand That Feeds. Of all the very pop and mainstream songs Trent has made (that I've heard so far), this one is absolutely the strongest for me. It's so undoubtedly Nine Inch Nails, yet fits so perfectly amongst much less alternative/industrial artists. I'm 100% recommending it to anyone who wants to get into NIN. (My Mom also loves this song, it's her favourite NIN song I think.)
1,000,000. This one is kind of amazing to me because it's like every angry depression song Trent made up to that point rolled into one. Like actually just playing them all at the same time, I feel like I'm under psychic attack (positive). It's also... Unfortunately catchy. I have to be careful not to sing it out loud.
Thank you for the ask and for coming to my TED Talk! :)
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My Review/Analysis of Stray Kids' new album
Part (2/6)
Okay, first of all.
When I first found Stray Kids' music (late November 2022), one of my very first thoughts were "Wow I would like to see them make a phonk song".
What is phonk?
By dictionary definition, it is an underground style of hip-hop/trap music directly inspired by 90s Memphis Rap, mostly present on SoundCloud as trill style beats with old funk and nostalgic samples, often accompanied by vocals from old Memphis Rap tapes.
(A phonk song I would recommend is Wither by Japanese artist takayan. Some of the beats in this track actually sounds similar to it)
Moving on!!
The opening high-pitched but bouncy beat is an amazing intro choice. Like it creates a buildup to the members' vocals and rap, but it also makes you curious as to what's gonna follow it. Combined with electronic beats and effects gradually joining it, it makes a GREAT INTRO.
OMG CHANGBIN OPENING LINES??? EVERYONE WAKE TF UP 🗣🗣🗣His scratchy rap tone is sensational for opening lines!! 👏 it DEFINITELY kept me wanting more!! Followed by felix and hyunjin's (?) rap lines carrying it on!
And do I hear leeknow rapping?? 🧐🧐 I LOVE how his voice sounds when rapping, especially since he usually sings!
Followed by seungmin and jeongin's verse bringing the song to the beat drop before the chorus. Omg. Vocalracha ATE THAT UP.
Now, I know some people think that using auto-tune on lines in a song (besides the purpose of fine-tuning the singers' tone) is a "questionable" approach. But lightly auto-tuning Han's "LALALALA, LA-LALALALA"? JAW-DROPPED. His high voice actually fits quite well with light auto-tune!! Combined with the song's base background phonk beats, it sounds 🔥
LEE KNOW AND CHANGBIN'S COMBINED CHORUS ‼️ I don't think I've heard them have lines together before, so this combo was surprising but nonetheless a great choice in lime distribution!!
Wrapping the chorus up with Felix's "LALALALA, LA-LALALALA" was like OMG. It contrasted well with Han's same line at the start of the chorus and 'closed' off the whole chorus really well.
Moving on, we have one of Hyunjin's ICONIC 'low-key' raps. In my opinion, it gave me a "break" after the heavy chorus, while still keeping it interesting. Love it. 10/10. Easily one of my favourite parts.
The part after hyunjin's rap where the members (it sounds like more than one member to me, I'm not sure) go "we go ROCK, ROCK" and "STOP, STOP" with the beats on "ROCK, ROCK" and "STOP,STOP" with pauses in between to emphasise them??? IN LOVE RN. It also builds up really well to Changbin and Han's fast-paced, combined rap!!
Followed by Bangchan and Jeongin's pre-chorus verse!! The blend of their singing tones is just *chef's kiss*
Then SURPRISE!! The chorus doesn't come after that!! Instead, Felix and hyunjin's low voices drastically change the vibe to that of a hero and a villain having a final showdown on a dust-ridden, corpse-strewn battlefield. Combined with the wind orchestra in the background? Literally. What. The. Fuck. AMAZING BUILDUP. JAW-DROPPING. I LOVE IT WHENEVER THEY USE WIND OCHESTRA IN THEIR SONGS (another eg of this: chorus for TOP)
THEN Han's voice literally BREAKING the 'silence' followed by Felix's low "Lalalala, la-lalalala"?? Sensational. Then Hyunjin REPEATING Felix's line using his AGRRESSIVE TONE?? EVEN. BETTER. TOTAL EAR ORGASM DJZBXJSJBXJDJDJD (can u tell this segment is my favourite part of the song 😭)
Ahem ahem anyways...
Han and Felix combined chorus!!! I love how they were the ones to do the chorus the second time round. Especially Han's! The way it literally blends and contrasts at the same time with hyunjin's aggressive "lalalala" adlibs is SO SATISFYING.
Followed by Seungmin and Chan's higher-pitched English lines for the outro chorus!! Underrated vocal duo OMFGGG.
Finally, Leeknow's amazing vocals (HIS ENGLISH IMPROVED SM BTW IM SO PROUD OF HIM) closing off the whole song before the background phonk eventually fades out.
The phonk beats combined with a striking metal guitar chord playing one last time before the song ends is so 🔥🔥🔥 LIKE- 😭 where are my words. Taken away. Like my breath after listening to this track.
Overall, I LOVE LALALALA. It might be one of my fave title tracks from SKZ rn. I manifested hard enough for SKZ to do a phonk song, and it happened!!! Legit so happy, you've no idea how big of a smile I had when I recognised the phonk beats in the very beginning on my first listen of this track. 😭😭 I really hope SKZ continues experimenting with all these split genres!
Honorable mention: LALALALA rock version. I'm in love. Pls.
Thank you for reading my review!! Stay tuned for my reviews on the 4 other tracks in their new album. Stream 💫ROCK STAR 💫!!
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ghost-of-you · 10 months
Wait, have you done 5SOS5 for the album things, like you did the other 4?
I haven't but I will now oskaoskoasas here are the other posts if you feel like reading them self titled sgfg youngblood calm random post i made about how the album is telling the story of being trapped in one relationship
5sos5, my tragic love baby, we start it out so strong with complete mess, first self-produced song and first song we heard that was written by the four of them and only the four of them, all of them singing, a recognizable guitar riff, that classic 5sos song structure with a 4 chord melody where the song builds up until it drops at the bridge and comes back to finish it off strong with the last chorus, also "I ask no questions as your colors take their hold as my darkness turns to gold inside"?????? Excuse me??????? Then we move on to easy for you to say, they wrote all that we just let them get away with it, I'm scared to find a piece of peace of mind has haunted me since I heard it for the first time in a shaky Instagram live from the Dublin show, obsessed with the lyrics of this song, I think lyrically it really shows how good they are as songwriters, but this song is also my controversial opinion of the album because there's something in the production of it that deeply bothers me (sorry Michael, I love you) so it's the song I listen to the least, I'm still listening the live cut from the tour diary. Then we go to Bad Omens, I will never accept the fact that that song is not everywhere. I think it's flawless, the way the intro matches the outro so you can get caught in the same loop of going around again that the lyrics are talking about, and that's something that's a trend with them, they exaggerate the lyrics with the production and I think bad omens is the best example of it, I'm particularly obsessed with the way the chorus makes you expect a high note after the somebody, so when we get to the outro we expect the last somebody to be followed by a high else, but they actually drop the note, because nothing is ending in a high note here, not the relationship, not the song. Flawless vocals, flawless melody, flawless production, not a single wrong decision was made with this song. Then we have me myself and I, I think is so much fun, I think they made the perfect pop song, you have simple lyrics that are just repeating, and the way the song is structured it kinda feels like it's just one chorus that keeps going and going and since the song actually ends not only in the middle of the sentence but also in the middle of the progression in the guitar, you kinda feel this need to loop it, I know most people didn't get it when Ashton said that this song was very sgfg, but this song is so sgfg if sgfg was more pop than it is, the way its 4 chords in a guitar that just loops, the way it builds around that riff, the way the drums only come in in the second verse, the way it goes, goes, then just drops before coming back, the outro with the repetition, it's all very vapor of them in my opinion lol. Then we have take my hand, the way Luke wrote it alone and they managed to make it sound like a 5sos song is actually such a good example of how well they work with each other as musicians, because, yes, you can feel Luke's influence deeply in the song, but you can hear them all in it. Also, Luke Hemmings the songwriter you are, I can't quote anything because I would just write the whole song. One of their strongest bridges, amazing song all around.
Then we get to carousel, I don't know if anyone else remembers this but Ashton said that you just need 2 chords to make a great song, and this song technically has 4, but in the verses, they're actually going back and forth with 2, and I think that's such a good way to give you that feeling of spinning that comes with a carousel when paired with the drums, also I feel like this song is the first of many in the album where Luke flexing his vocal range lol, dude starts on his lower register, pulls some high notes and the whole time you're just like *Ashton's voice* you got an epic voice bro. Also, the symbolism of the lyrics drives me a bit crazy. And the way the song drops but never picks back up because you're on a one-way ride and there's no going back, INSANE. Also, Youtube countdown outro my beloved <3. Then we get to the most controversial song on the album. Personally, I think older is a good song, I would've put it as a deluxe track and put moodswings here instead but mostly because moodswings fits the tragic love narrative of the rest of the standard album in a way older doesn't. Love the piano, love the way Luke's voice goes with Sierra's, beautiful song but it feels out of place when you look at the rest of the album. My dear devoted delicate <3. Then Haze. Let's ignore the emotional whiplash of going from a piano ballad to it. I'm actually obsessed when 5sos goes 80s pop, it's a song that makes you want to move. It gives you that very pop feeling while being completely built around a guitar riff, so it's a very pop vibe but it exists around their strength, also Ashton is singing so it is a win in my books lol "when I lived between the bars" <33333333 . And the fact that all of them have production credits on it makes me all !!!!! Then you don't go to parties. I'm in a ydgtp mood so this may be very biased toward it. I love that the verses are built around the bass but the chorus is built around a guitar riff. I'm obsessed with everything about it, the little synth noises thrown all around, Calum playing with his lower register, the drums, Ashton's verse, everything really. Lost my limit cause I'm dumb and I'm passionate. I'm particularly obsessed with how many ways you can interpret the lyrics. Maybe he's looking for someone, maybe the someone he's looking is his old self, maybe he just wants out from his own head. Amazing, incredible, did something to my brain when I first heard it. Then blender, my beloved. LOVE when they make a song around the bass riff. Obsessed with the use of a blender as a metaphor for the cycle they're trapped in, because a blender spins things around while chopping them up, so no cycle is without consequence. Another song Luke is just flexing how good of a vocalist he is. Everything about it feels dramatic, the chorus sang in one breath, the imagery the lyrics are painting, the way the song starts and ends with Luke singing so no intro or outro to get you out of the cycle. Mandatory moment of appreciation for time stamp 1:37 <3.
Then we have caramel. I will never get over this song. It fundamentally changed me as a person. From the sigh in the beginning to the riff at the end. Ashton lower harmonies in the first verse, Luke's voice sounding almost dreamy while the lyrics are talking about getting back to something and how it gets sharper as the song goes and the lyrics start to give you the idea that maybe there's no saving this one. I know it well, caramel, I feel the comedown. I don't know about yall but every time I hear the second verse of this song I want to drop to my knees and scream (and I have on occasion lol). I don't think they made a single wrong choice with this song, from lyrics to production. Love like a landslide, I kiss you goodnight and the implications of the goodnight in a song about fighting for something that you know is doomed because they could've very easily made that love like a landslide I kiss you goodnight, love like a landslide I kiss you goodbye and imply that they are leaving this thing they know they can't save, but no, the love is going down and they are going down with it. Then they just spin you around with best friends. Love that this is a 2 chords lets have FUN song. I love my best friends, they love me, I will hold on to this feeling as long as I can. Michael verse <3333333333. Absolutely obsessed with how they just wrote a song about friendship. Love how this is a song that I can see every era of them playing and just goofing around on stage. Then we have Bleach. Way to put you back in the emotional blender. Again, Luke flexing his range. Lower Calum, Michael verse. You know how I said they sometimes exaggerate the lyrics with the melody? This song has water sounds (I can't determine if Michael actually added waterlike sounds or if he added a waterlike effect to the slides sounds you can get when you switch chords in a guitar) and with a good enough headphone, there's actually a whole layer of harmonies in it that sound like they are playing somewhere with a lower refraction rate than air, like water. It's so hard to watch everything I want, everything I was spinning down the drain. Multitasking 🥺. I do wanna know if this song was the soundtrack to more people impulse changing their hair color because the amount of times I bleached my hair while this song was playing since it came out is a bit alarming. Perfect soundtrack for those of us who dye hair as a bad coping mechanism lol. Then we have red line. I'm definitely biased about this one. This is one of my favorite songs ever. Definitely my favorite on the album. The way they play with the imagery of waiting in a train in it fascinates me, from the oohs that sound like the notes of a train whistle, the synth that sounds like the sound you get when there are station announcements, the echos that sound like the ambient sound you would hear waiting for a train, to the literal train doors closing as the song ends. The lyrics that leaves you wondering if they are waiting for the train to come or for someone to join them on the train they are. The implication of not being welcome anymore. I want back in, but I can't. I would love an acoustic version of it and I think more people would like it if it had a more stripped production, but seriously this song is everything to me. And what a way to end the album when you consider the bird sounds in the beginning of complete mess, to finish it with a door closing. Michael Clifford the producer you are.
Then we have the bonus tracks. They put you in the emotional blender going back and forth with sad songs, lets dance songs. I want whatever Michael put in moodswings so I can inject it pure into my bloodstream. The most Luke flexing his range Luke could get lol (they're not playing this song because they can't change the key or else the rest of the song would be too low but the chorus is too high for Luke to sing every night and I will die on this hill lol). The epitome of I have an anxious attachment style but I am in a long-distance relationship. I love a good reminder of how well all of their voices go with each other. Obsessed with the way they exaggerated the breaths in the bridge, the random piano sounds. Also, do something for me, put moodswings, queue bleach, change the crossfade to 12 seconds, then sit back and enjoy. Then we have a nice little 180 twist because going from moodswings to flatline gets me like that gif with the girls dancing while crying lol. I don't care what Ashton said, I still hear Calum lol. But their harmony game is insane and I think that that chorus has a shitton of layers and that's what keeps us all guessing about who's singing. Anyway, this song makes me want to sit them all down and discuss their range because that shit is HIGH. Again, love me some pop vibes. Sometimes you just wanna dance to a song about falling so hard you feel like your heart is gonna stop. Then we have emotions. Criminally underrated song. Obsessed with the way Michael is singing about anxiety on top of a guitar riff that counts in a self-soothing pattern, I think that's legit genius of him. The way he's harmonizing with himself too, like, he said MY SONG and meant it. I'm doing my best and I guess that's the best I can do. I think this song follows the malum pattern while writing songs together because they have a tendency of repeating sounds more frequently than you would expect, kinda as if they made a list of words that rhyme and tried to put them as often as possible. I'm also obsessed with how low the song is because I think we as a society talk about hitting high notes all the time, but a lower song can be real impressive if you give it a chance. Bloodhound. Forever mad I didn't get visuals of Michael's "he sunk his teeth into the bone" but I can see Ashton arguing against this song because the crowd would clap wrong during the bridge and he wouldn't be able to move past it oksaaoska. Fun song, gotta be honest tho, the lyrics confused the shit out of me for a while there. I do love the beat in this, the combination of the bass and the drums and that thing in the back that sounds like Ashton is banging his drumsticks together. Then we have tears. Anything that has Ashton singing is a win in my books. Obsessed with the imagery in it. There's a hole in the sun caving in and I feel it. Burn the words to start over. Diamonds turn to puddles. Tears hitting the ground, Fears pulling me down. Cashton do know how to make a song. I think if you're going back and forth with a duo in the band, Calum and Ashton create a real nice effect. The rhythm section really popped off with that one. Love how you get double the Ashton influence with how heavily it goes around the drums.
The new vocal coach was an amazing choice, Michael is an amazing producer, lyrically they excelled themselves, really shows off all of their strengths 1000000000/10 best 5sos album and we all know it.
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lintwriting · 16 days
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"Goodbye My Danish Sweetheart" and "Love Like You": The Poetry of Envy
by Mitski and Rebecca Sugar respectively
"Comparison is the thief of joy," and "Of all the seven deadly sins, only Envy is no fun at all." In the moment, envy is all the pain of humbled pride and none of its glamor, with only schadenfreude as a reprieve.
But what if you sat with that envy and accepted the humbling, instead of praying for someone else's downfall?
What if you grew to love that which you envied? What if they loved you back? What if you humbled yourself and matured past that petty need?
Well, there's pain in that, too.
Mitski and Rebecca Sugar know it well. They approach it from completely different angles, but it's surprising how closely they match in conclusion: There's a special kind of drama in the pain of disappointing someone you think is better than you.
(And behind it all is self-hatred.)
Goodbye My Danish Sweetheart by Mitski
This song is an apology for ever failing to appreciate someone (or cheating on them), and as you listen to each verse, Mitski is singing in real time on how she's learning to humble herself.
Unlike the soulful croons of Bruno Mars's "When I Was Your Man," which is an ode to the break-up regret caused by feeling lonely again, like he's begging to come back now that he's seen you with someone else, Mitski's verse is less a reaction to her own loneliness and more self-flagellation, like we're listening to a therapy session wherein she explains why she treated you wrong in the first place.
Maybe this is why Miley Cyrus wrote a girlboss anthem ("I can buy my own flowers") in response to Bruno ("I should've bought you flowers") and not Mitski ("You can see how it's blossomed for you")/s.
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To tell this story, Mitski uses repeating refrains to contextualize the previous, recreating the experience of maturing enough to see your past mistakes and taking advantage of the structure of songs.
The most important repeated line within the song is "There's nobody better than you."
It opens the song, is directed at her ex-lover, and it contradictorily sounds like she's questioning their worth.
Because that is a BOLD statement.
Really Mitski? There's nobody? Nobody at all better than 'you?'
Mitski admits to this boldness with the next line: "It took me a while 'til I knew."
That there is what she's apologizing for—a failure to appreciate them. A microcosm of the song in the first two lines.
Her mistake is direct contrast with her lover, who "knew from the start it was us, didn't you?"
This is how Mitski characterizes what makes her lover the best.
The undisputed number one person whom no one can be "better than" is simply someone who had faith in 'us,' in Mitski.
All the while Mitski makes excuses: "It just took me a while 'till I knew"
The ambiguity of the phrase is useful. Not “took too long” but just “a while.” 
“Just” is also an excusatory statement. I just forgot. I just didn’t notice. Just protects pride. This is a prideful thing to say, to be in the position to judge someone (and failing to judge them correctly)
Skipping to the chorus, the refrain is:
And I don't blame you
If you want to bury me in your memory
The first time you hear this, it's Mitski describing the pain of understanding why someone would want to forget you.
I'm not the girl I ought to be, but
"Ought" is doing a lot of the heavy lifting, implying a failure to do good.
Maybe when you tell your friends
You can tell them what you saw in me
And not how I turned out to be
This ‘saw in me’ transforms "bury me in your memory" from a line about forgetting Mitski to a line about only keeping alive the memory of what Mitski could’ve been—her lover's idealized version of her. 
In effect, she wants to kill and bury that part of herself that failed to justify her lover's faith in her, the part that disappointed them. Self-hatred!
Thus, "ought to be" and "not how I turned out to be" become lines about failing to meet their expectations. This last line is the one that changes meaningfully with each refrain, recontextualizing the previous. In the next chorus, she sings:
And not the way I am
Instead of "not how I turned out to be."
With "Turned out to be" in the past tense and "I am" in the present tense, the changing of lines indicate a progression of time.
Not only a progression of time, but growth over that time as well, since "I am" creates the sense that Mitski is actively accepting that she was at fault for the break-up, while "turned out to be" created the sense that she was distancing herself from that before through its passive voice.
With the introduction of "I am," she demonstrates, in comparison, how much "turned out to be" protected her pride, recreating the experience of maturing enough to see the past clearly.
In the last chorus, she sings:
But could we be what we're meant to be?
I'm just about to beg you, please
And then, when you tell your friends
You can tell them what you saw in me
And not the way I used to be
With the last refrain of the chorus, she's begging to come back and be the couple her lover believed in, but it's to demonstrate that she's changed for the better, not just because she's lonely or jealous.
This is because the focus is on how, instead of "way I am," it's "way I used to be." She's recontextualizing herself as having matured, once again, past her previous mindset.
In this case, she's saying it'll be different this time because she's buried who she "used to be," or the self that didn't appreciate them as she should've. And she proves it with the last line that bookends the song:
'Cause there is nobody better than you
In effect, the whole song is a thesis on why there really is "nobody better than you," and THAT in itself proves that she's changed! It's a song about the lowering of herself and her pride, of recognizing that they're better than her, and of recognizing the pain of having disappointed them because of how much better they are.
Love Like You by Rebecca Sugar
One of the best parts about this song is the way it truly works as an ED song to Steven Universe. It, in effect, is the theme of the whole show, and therefore it works to embody the ...theme of the whole show, which is the transformative power of love.
This song can basically represent the relationship between any two characters in the show in BOTH directions—Rose Quartz and Greg Universe, Greg and Steven, Steven and the Gems, Steven and The Diamonds, etc. And it's such a poignant message as well, managing to create depth with nuances like how self-hatred affects your ability to love, the importance of connection in healing from trauma, and even the limiting nature of only having one perspective—again, all those being themes within the show itself.
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Video by Let's Talk Cartoons that talks about this theory that it's about Rose. This theory is right, but misses the point that EVERYONE deals with this in the show lol not just Rose.
If I could begin to be
Half of what you think of me
These two lines are a microcosm of the song, as Mitski's first two lines were, and, like Mitski's song, it's about the disappointment of someone who has faith in you. Someone better than you, as implied by the next two lines.
I could do about anything
I could not put this any better than Rebecca Sugar has already put it, which is characteristic of good poetry!
They think of you so highly that achieving even half of their expectations would be hanging the damn moon! What I'd like to bring your attention to is that it's the same characterization that Mitski used for her lover—part of what makes them so amazing is simply how much faith they put in you!
Within Steven Universe, everybody has had experiences with betrayal of trust and the resulting fear of ever putting your faith in someone again. So this kind of earth-shattering faith can seem naive, but doing so with full knowledge of its pain reveals a kind of invulnerability and confidence that would make someone seem someone god-like, hence your idolization of them.
I could even learn how to love
This line is the one that gets recontextualized over the course of the song, like Mitski's "There's nobody better than you." The idea that someone loves poorly or can't love, though I will say, is beautiful and relatable.
The next refrain of it:
I could do about anything
I could even learn how to love like you
"Like you" is the magic phrase!
Because while they have a god-like faith in others, being on the receiving end of it—that's buoying, too! Much like people have "faith" in god, your idolization of them represents your own earth-shattering faith in the opposite direction! It's a mutual idolization! You're loving "like them." It's a faith that spurs you to do better in return!
But better than what? That's where the verse comes in:
I always thought I might be bad
Now I'm sure that it's true
'Cause I think you're so good
And I'm nothing like you
Comparison is the thief of joy, and unfortunately you've compared yourself to them and found you don't measure up. You're using your faith in them for your own self-deprecation. But, this is tempered by the next lines.
I just adore you
I wish that I knew
What makes you think I'm so special
The last one is a conflict resolving line. It reveals that this painful, comparison-based self-hatred isn't just something you're doing, but something they could be doing as well, as it highlights that the faith is mutual. That although you think they're special, they think you are, too!
And therefore that—since you're so alike—that they could also be struggling with the pain of thinking they're not enough. It's this mutual aspect that makes this song sing, why it works so well to connect basically all the characters of the show in any combination.
This is further supported by the next refrain:
I would do about anything
I would even learn how to love
When I see the way you look
Shaken by how long it took
I could even learn how to love like you
The fact that the "Love like you" refrain follows this "mutual" revelation then implies that loving IS truly "seeing" them by seeing yourself in them, and the way this relationship/self-hatred/revelation is mirrored on this other side.
You're both shaken by how long this took!
Love like you
Love me like you
And this line is the natural end of this line of thought. You can't learn to love without loving yourself first, but being loved and loving in return can teach you how to love yourself. You can learn how to love yourself by following their lead.
But also-- in this song, to love someone else means you see yourself in them—and therefore you learn to love the part of you that's in them.
Comparative Analysis
Mitski's "nobody better than you" and "took me a while 'till I knew" and Sugar's "nothing like you" and "love like you" are repeated throughout the song as symbols of their object of envy.
They're better than you because of their faith in you, in contrast to your own disappointment in yourself. To reach their level, you have to learn to have faith, either in them (Mitski) or yourself (Rebecca Sugar).
There are slight differences. While in Sugar's version, their faith in you helps you respect yourself, Mitski's is about learning to reciprocate her lover's faith to restore her faith in herself, as she's starting the song from a place of unfaithfulness and regret. Her self-hatred is less self-destructive and more a motivator to improve. In Sugar's song, the threat of disappointment/unfaithfulness looms in the background, but the singer didn't actually disappoint. Or if they did, their 'idol' is strong enough to still have faith in them, in spite of that.
In the end, it's a healing of envy, of the sin of comparing yourself to others. Because the answer isn't taking them down, or stewing in your own self-hatred, it's learning to accept yourself where you're at.
Whether it's by embracing your flaws and improving, or loving the part of you that you see in them.
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