#i keep calling it 'roulade' in my head
feverinfeveroutfic · 9 months
blood & chocolate
chapter twenty-five: rainbow stew
It was a pain in the ass to drive back home, and more so to drive out to Alex's place to tell him, simply because I worried about getting caught by either Elle or Dave or someone in the apartment complex. But somehow I managed to get back to my car and drive out of there without another peep sent my way. Even if I never wrote anything down, I knew what could come out of this, and it was so easy to fall into traps of some sort as well.
I could only focus on getting my ass over to Alex's place and telling him what was going on. But then again, I wondered if his parents even knew about anything that was happening between us. It was all just between the two of us and Lou, and for the time being, it was only just the two of us. We had to keep the secret, that is if Alex never told them where and how he gained as much weight as he did.
I had only been over to their place all of twice, and both times I needed Alex there in the car with me because I couldn't remember it offhand. But this time, I did remember it all, and I was able to sneak up on the neighborhood as well as the mouth of their driveway as well. I parked the car up the block so they wouldn't see me out the window, and yet once I walked my way up to the driveway, there was the garage door standing wide open and Alex plopped down on the chair in the middle of the concrete floor with his guitar plunked across his lap. It wasn't cold out but I did catch a bit of a shiver upon seeing him there with that low neckline and his collar bones exposed.
“Eric!” he called out to me once I came within earshot. I strode up to the garage doorway, and I hung there on the side with my heart pounding and my lungs flaring.
“Hey,” was all I could muster.
“What's going on? Are you feeling okay?”
“I have to—I have to tell you something.” I gasped for air even though I hadn't been running this whole time.
“Well, to be honest, I don't really know if you should be here right now,” he confessed to me.
“Why not?” I managed to gasp out.
“Because you're a guy. My parents already have a hard time with the idea of me bringing a girl home—another dick, and they'd completely lose their minds. I'm already hearing the word 'meshuggah' in my sleep.”
“Are your parents even home?” I asked him.
“Nah, they've been out all morning, but they should be home like any minute, though,” he explained as he ran his fingers through his black hair.
“Which means if they pulled up right now—”
“Well, could I at least take you out for something to eat?” I offered him.
“Um, yeah, I'd love to. I don't know if it's just my appetite burgeoning up again, but I'm down for it. But I'll have to leave a note, though.”
“Take your time, no rush,” I assured him with a shake of my head.
“But I'll just say that I'm going out with some friends and I'll be back soon enough. You know how it is with us.” He moved his guitar out of the way and ran his hand down the soft rounded shape of his belly, much to my pleasure. The hem of his shirt hugged his waist in such a way that made me think of one of those roulade cakes, the kinds where you'd roll them up and fill them up with lush cream: he had such a beautiful roll of fat there now that I wanted to kiss him there some more.
At least he wouldn't be able to ask me about what had happened until we made our way over to the diner across the street from Ruthie's, and I was able to let him eat a big piece of pie with his matzo soup: it was one of a few places in Berkeley that carried matzo soup, and he was more than willing to have a big bowl of it while I helped myself to a big Denver omelette.
“I snuck over to Elle's place earlier,” I gave it to him straight.
“You went over to her place, really?”
“Yeah. I followed Dave over there.”
He raised his eyebrows at that.
“What did he say to you? Moreover, what did she say to you?”
“See, that's the thing,” I told him as I poured some cream into my cup of coffee. “I snuck around the side of the apartment complex and eavesdropped on them.”
“They just had the window open and everything?” “Yeah. The whole thing was a cinch.”
“And you heard everything?”
“Yeah, I think they're up to something,” I said to him as I stirred in the cream. “Like she's trying to get us to eat more—trying to get me to feed you more.”
“So, mind games and manipulation and... all of that.”
“Every last part of it.”
“And yet, you seek her advice when it comes to giving me stuff to eat.”
“You seek her advice when I'm very obviously putting on weight.”
“You make it known to her that you enjoy all of this. You enjoy making me stuff to eat—and in fact, I can tell that you enjoy making kosher food specifically for me.”
“Yes. And I absolutely do enjoy making you all of that, and I look forward to making sufganiyot for you for Hanukkah.”
“So...” He stopped with his gaze pointed off to the side for a second, and then he cleared his throat. “...what exactly is the problem with all of this?” he asked me, baffled.
“The problem is... I'm having way too much fun doing this,” I confessed. “You know, I like to cook and make food, and I like doing it for you, especially. I like the way your body looks with a few extra pounds. It's just... by the sound of it, she wants to take it many steps further. She wants me to get inside of your head and make you into a little pig, as she put it.”
“So the fact that she got inside your head allowed you to find out what gets you off,” he followed along. “And yet, everything good and decent in the world has a consequence.” He rested his hand on his belly. I nibbled on my bottom lip. We had become puppets for her, and yet we seemed to be in deep with all of this. I was going to have to face her again at some point when it came for the next round of homemade food, and I knew that Alex would probably have to face her as well.
And it seemed as though Alex had read my mind on top of that.
“Is there any way that we could make fat suits?” he asked me.
“Fat suits? Not that I know of. You could always put a pillow or a wadded towel under your shirt.”
“But what if she wants to see me, though? You know. See the results of her puppeteering and what have you.”
“She won't,” I assured him.
“You sure?”
“What makes you think that?”
“I won't allow it.”
“You won't allow it?”
“Because you're mine.” I stopped dead in my tracks at that, and in fact, he straightened his spine at the sound of that.
“I'm yours?” he echoed me.
“Did I say that?”
“You did!”
“It felt good.”
“Well, if I'm yours then that must mean that you're mine,” he quipped back. “Yeah, that does feel good.” He sighed through his nose again, and that time he picked up his cup of coffee. “Well, what do you think we should do?”
“We'll figure it out as we go along,” I told him. “It's how we got into it, after all.”
“Kinda 'dig ourselves out', if you will,” he followed along.
“Exactly, exactly...” My voice trailed off, and I watched him lean back in the seat across from me. His shirt was still a little bit loose around his belly, but I could see the results of it all.
“My mom did point out to me the other day that I'm getting kinda... chunky, anyway.”
“Did she say it in a derogatory manner?” I asked him as I sipped on my coffee.
“Actually, no. She was brushing past me and rested her hands on my hips and she said, 'oh, my baby's getting soft again.' She put her arms around my waist and held me, and it felt so good, too.” His face turned bright pink at that, and I couldn't help but smile, either. This was what I loved: filling his tummy and making him feel good about himself. Moreover, this was what I wanted as well: to see him happy meant I was happy as well. But I started to wonder what exactly it was that he wanted, though. He was eating the pie, but what did he really want out of all of this and out of his fresh new little belly as well.
He took a sip of his coffee and from underneath the rim of the mug, I could see a slight double coming in under his chin. He did look good with a little extra weight, and the more I thought about it, the more I wanted him to stay that way. I didn't want him to gain any more weight, and I didn't want Elle to win, either. We were just about pleasure here: pleasure and enjoying all the food we could ever ask for between the two of us.
He set down his mug on the table before him and looked on at me as if he wanted to tell me something important.
I held still with my lips pursed and my hands upon the table before me as if I was about to climb up to my feet.
“I say we get into her head,” he suggested.
“And how do we do that?”
“Flip the script,” he continued.
“Flip the script?”
“You give her some ideas, like all of your Mexican food and Swedish food and what have you.”
“I haven't heard her say a word about anything like that before,” I recalled.
“Good, good! Make those suggestions to her and see how she reacts. If she takes them, try and see if she does it begrudgingly or with a certain look.”
“Stink eye?”
He raised a finger. “Evil eye,” he replied. “Like she's trying to figure you out from there. It'll drive her up the wall and she'll have to tell Dave about it and they'll have to go back to the drawing board. Hopefully, anyways.”
“And what if she doesn't take them?” I asked him.
“She probably will,” he assured me, and I could readily tell that he was making all of this up as he went along. “But if in the odd chance that she doesn't, take the nuclear option.”
“And what would that be?”
“Get in her pants,” he suggested.
“Get in her pants?” I wrinkled my nose at that.
“Yeah. If nothing else, give her to me. The next time you go out to fetch something to make, I'll come with you and I'll hide out in the men's room, and we could go from there.”
“I like this side to you, Alex,” I confessed.
“Hey, you mess with the bear, you get the claws,” he said with a drumming of his fingers on the table before him.
“What about Dave, though?” I asked him.
“Don't worry about him,” he assured me. “It's gonna drive him up the wall especially now that I think about, but I feel it'd be worth a shot.”
The waitress returned with our food right then, and he relished in that big bowl of matzo soup as if it was his last meal. Even though he obviously liked it, I could tell that he didn't enjoy it as much as the soup that I had made for him before, especially when he sprinkled some more salt and pepper on top of it.
I had done something for him, alright. And there was no way in hell on Earth I could let it slip away into the realm of overkill.
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swampgallows · 2 years
RR Fierce — MIloude (Paul Glazby Remix) Vicious Circle Recordings [VCR004], 2001
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weeklyhumorist · 4 years
Some Blunt Feedback from Your Therapist’s Cat During Telehealth 2020
Dear Client,
  I hope that you are faring alright during this difficult time, though I know from observing your telehealth therapy sessions for eight weeks, that you are not. I have some feedback that might be of help. It also might not be of help. I will begin now.
  As someone who observes, digests, supervises, and then tries futilely to forget the contents of your appointments, I have noticed a few key items of import. First among them is that, despite two terminal degrees and an unserviceable amount of high-level training in your field (of which you remind us quite frequently), you are all but unable to operate a web-health platform that mimics arriving at a doctor’s office and then sitting down. Please rest assured that your therapist and I can see when you enter and exit and then re-enter the “waiting room,” incessantly in the minutes prior to your appointment. What are you scared of? (I ask that rhetorically, because I, of course, know.)
  Second, though not secondarily, I’ve noticed that you feel the need to point out my presence to Ryan each time I crawl across Ryan’s lap, chair, head, webcam, or face. Congratulations. I urge you to apply your keen scrutiny toward aspects of your life that more direly require them, such as your hair. Had I wanted to practice obscuration, I would execute my bi-hourly room crossings on the other side of Ryan’s living/dining/crying area, but I don’t want to, since that is where he keeps his dirty laundry/grocery pile, and I find it off-putting. I say this not to disgrace him—or not only to disgrace him—but also to humanize him, so that you will stop apologizing every time you tear up and start apologizing for your WIFI connection.
  Please don’t tell Ryan about what you have been cooking during your time at home. This is an area in your life (the only, as far as I can discern) in which you make something appear easier than it in fact is, and it has inspired Ryan to try his own hand at producing, for instance, a variety of roulades that went devastatingly poorly and caused him to eye my food bag in a manner which made me feel uncomfortable and protective over my resources.
  At this point, I’d like to diverge with some advice Ryan has given you in the time since I’ve been present for your sessions. Do not think of your sessions with Ryan as a place and time free of judgment, consequence, or shame. When you told Ryan the dream you had about him, it didn’t make Ryan uncomfortable, but it made me uncomfortable for the both of you, as well as for myself, as well as for each of you individually.
  I know you are currently facing a barrage of new circumstances impacting your (and my) life in various ways. When you feel overwhelmed, may I suggest that you think back to a simpler and better time, when you didn’t feel emboldened enough to refer to me by name? When you had never looked into my eyes through a webcam with what I can only describe as misplaced superiority?
  Ask yourself these questions: What is in your control? What can you do to help? What helps you feel better and what doesn’t? Is it reasonable to assume that every silverfish in your area, a major metropolitan hub, wishes to crawl into your orifices while you sleep and choose them as its nesting spot?
  Let’s move on. The lodger of yours to whom you refer as your boyfriend is your enemy. He competes with you over all echelons of the food and hygiene supply chain and offers little to no protection from the principal perils threatening the current stability of your environment, instead choosing to drive click traffic to articles with headlines such as, “Is COVID Really That Much Worse than ‘Mask Tan?’” He often falls short of concealing all evidence of his bodily waste, thus opening both of you up to exposure by larger creatures. You should regard him as your prey, or at the very least, stop responding to your name when he calls, hide in places he cannot find you, and claw at him. Hiding will be a challenge, as I’ve seen the entirety of your home and it is small, and bereft of adequate recesses—with the exception of the recesses created by your aforementioned insect situation. Conversely, you should regard the silverfish as your allies. You clearly have no interest in eating them, and they torment and distress him. Perhaps they will drive him away.
  When you find yourself saying to Ryan, “I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before,” take a deep breath and understand that you have. You have mentioned that you have “a weird thing about vomit” as well as “a weird thing about not wanting to wake up in a panic one night beset by guilt, regret, envy, and vomit,” in addition to “a weird thing for redheads.” These are called, respectively: duh, okay, and ginger tabbies are the best category of every species.
  A few last points: You are not (successfully) conflict-avoidant. Your childhood was unremarkable. Your weighted blanket is overweight. You should not get a cat. If you get a cat, you should get an orange tabby. You have chosen for yourself a therapist, a trusted advisor, who grinds his teeth at night, does not respond in a concise manner to Zappos’ customer service agents mandated inquiries into his favorite outdoor hobbies and the quality of his day so far, lets feline-related YouTube videos auto-play into non-feline related YouTube videos, flirts with my primary care physician, and regularly misinterprets my self-grooming for self-gratification, and mocks me for it, even though literally the same observation could be made of him. But all of that, in the scheme of things, is okay. You are both, after all—and I say this as insultingly as possible—only human.
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  Some Blunt Feedback from Your Therapist’s Cat During Telehealth 2020 was originally published on Weekly Humorist
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fearofaherobrine · 6 years
Roleplay Server Log #356
"Polybius Purged, Visit with Aqua”
-There's a shower of sparks and small errors as something tears against the firewall near the spawn, it's not making a serious attempt to break in, just get attention-
[Deer] Stiffens, causing the water in the tub to ripple- Spawn, now
[Doc] Is already running. Throwing on clothes and scrambling up the ladder-
[Stevie] Is making a tentative trip into the village and spots his brother racing by overhead-
[Doc] Goes charging down the hill as the space ripples and errors a second time-
[Stevie] Glances at Roulade- I'm not sure what's going on, do you?
[Roulade] Not a clue... but probably shenanigans.
[CP] Lands in the spawn tree and his gaze is scanning around-
[Stevie] Feeling like he's going to regret his actions, he follows the direction his brother went-
[Doc] Gets there in time to hear a rather irritated yell from outside-
[???] Open up this fucking door! It's cold out here and I don't have time for this juvenile clubhouse shit!
[CP] Raises a brow at Doc- You're the welcoming committee
[Doc] Approaches tentatively - That voice sounds familiar...
[???] I know you're fucking there!!!
[Stevie] Comes across the bridge, but doesn't get off it- What's going on?
[Doc] Can I have a ready fireball Cp?
[CP] - No
[Doc] What?? Why not?!?
[CP] - Just because
[Doc] Fine. Be a dick. - Xe turns to the interference with a huff and makes a small hole to look out. There's a few seconds of breathless silence and then a gasp as two small objects zip through the hole and start choking around their neck - HUUURK HAHHHH!!!
[CP] Starts laughing-
[Stevie] - Doc!
[Doc] Goes completely electrical and zaps everything close by-
- The objects retract quickly to avoid it and Polybius crawls through the small hole with a sneer-
[Polybius] Fucking low voltage nitwit....
[Doc] You!
[Stevie] - Um...
[CP] - Haven't seen you that scared in awhile Doc
[Doc] Is coughing uncontrollably-
[Polybius] Looking around- what the fuck kind of enviroment is this??? Herobrine, I thought your game was new?!?
[CP] - It is
[Polybius] Must be indie hipster bait. - His tv head turns to Stevie, and the static forms a few eyes and a toothy grin- who's the nerd?
[Doc] Closes the hole and tries to catch their breath
[CP] - Back.  Off.
[Polybius] Looks between them- Oh, I get it. Feel sorry for a victim cause he looks like you? You must be soft in the head.
[Doc] What are you doing here???
[Stevie] - ...  Brother?  Who is this?
[CP] - Shut up Stevie
[Polybius] slightly mocking tone- dawww, Stevie? And.... you have a brother?!?? How... interesting. - turns to Doc- And you zip it. I'm not here because I want to be.
[CP] Growls at Polybius-
[Stevie] Some ice is forming around him-
[Polybius] Suddenly lunges at Stevie waving his disconnected hands, just trying to frighten him-
[Stevie] Yelps and a wall of ice bursts up between him and Polybius-
[CP] - Oi!  Knock it off!
[Polybius] Oh that's rich! He's got at least one power. So when do we introduce him to HER...?
[Doc] That's not funny. And don't blow me off dammit!
[CP] - He will not be touched by that bitch
[Polybius] Are you sure? With the Wickerman on the prowl we might need more footsoldiers.
[CP] Catches on fire-
[Stevie] Is trying to make the ice wall go away-
[Doc] Gets in Polybius's face as much as their short stature will allow-  Why. Are. You. Here?
[Polybius] Regards them silently just long enough to convey profund disrespect- Simple. I'm looking for someone I've been told is here.
[CP] - And who might that be?
[Polybius] Does a passable imitation of Slender - I'm looking for BENJAMIN.
[CP] - Probably at his house
[Polybius] Well considering that this isn't a platform game, where the fuck would that be?
[Doc] If I take you there, will you get whatever you need and leave?
[Polybius] Why, are you scared of me? -gestures with his too long claws at Doc.
[Doc] Nu--- no!
[CP] Scoffs- He's not that hard to find, just follow the smell
[Stevie] Finally gets the ice to go away-
[Polybius] Forms some eyebrows just so he can raise one at Cp- Gee.  Thanks. Aww look, the nerd learned a little thing.
[Stevie] - Nerd?
[Doc] It's a mild insult. And a candy, I think...?
[Stevie] - Oh, okay then...
[Doc] Look... I'll just lead you too him, get this over with.
[CP] Realizes they might run into Lie and so decides to follow them-
[Polybius] Just strolls along, but it's obvious he's looking at everything with a critical eye.
[Doc] Is typing at Deerheart to update her-
[Stevie] Just decides to stay out of their way-
[CP] Floats along behind Doc and Polybius-
[Polybius] Glances back- Are you sure you can leave him alone? He might choke on something or fall in a hole.
[CP] - He'll be fine, he's had to deal with me for years
[Polybius] Heh. Suprised he's not dead then.
[CP] - Oh he has died, many times
[Polybius] Nods in approval. - Good practice then. You live in a game, you die a lot. That's how it should be.
[Doc] Gives Cp a sideways look, their thoughts are easy to read. - So old fashioned....
[Lie] Is outside letting the indoor animals play for a bit-
[Polybius] Just stalks into the yard with Doc fretting along behind them - Pufft Looks like Harvest Moon over here. -somewhat mockingly at Lie- Chotto akachan, moshi anata no kao ni budo o takusan masshu shitara dodesu ka?
[Lie] - Um...
[CP] Looms behind Polybius- Back.  The fuck.  Away. From my wife.
[Polybius] Snorts with laughter-
[Doc] Helpless shrug-
[AVulpix] Uses growl on Polybius-
[Polybius] Is startled a little bit. - That's a ridicuous looking dog.
[RVulpix] Is hiding by Lie's feet-
[Lie] - They're fox pokemon...
[CP] Moves to stand protectively by Lie-
[Polybius] Whatever. - Eyes her up- No wonder Herobrine spends all his time here. Just making a happy little digital family to replace his formerly murderous one, how quaint.
[Lie] Is getting nervous-
[CP] - Keep going Polybius, she's not your target
[Polybius] Yeah yeah, I can see she's real busy working on a player two anyway.
[CP] - You don't get to say shit about my daughter
[Polybius] So it's a girl huh? Does Slender know?
[CP] Stiffens-
[Polybius] Has some rather unsettling colors swirling on his screen- How interesting....
[CP] - You won't breathe a word of this to him!
[Polybius] That sounds a bit threatening Herobrine.
[CP] - Because it is
[Doc] Don't tell him! He's already under a lot of stress, and you'll just make him madder then he already is and you're the one that has to live with him!
[Polybius] Considers it-
[Lie] - Please, I don't need the stress either, especially if it means I might lose the child because of it
[Polybius] Fine. You can have your little secret club for now. Take me to the stoner before I waste any more electricity on this dumb errand.
[CP] - Yeah, leave
[Doc] Come on then.
[Polybius] Walks with them, but turns his head all the way around to watch the couple as he goes, flashing a few microseconds of disturbing imagery on his screen just for giggles.
[BEN] Is outside with Hyrule, who looks to be about six or seven now-
[Doc] Calls out so he isn't startled.
[Polybius] Crackling with annoyed white static
[BEN] Looks up- Oh, hey
[Hyrule] Is whispering to Nia who is flitting around-
[gem] -is siting really high up on the bird like nest-
[aven] -is sitting at the tables- hello
[Polybius] What the fuck....? BEN.... Wasn't one of you enough?
[Doc] Waves gamely to Nia and Hyrule.
[BEN] - Oh shut up asshole, what do you want?
[Hyrule] Just waves-
[Polybius] You. Briefly. If you can peel yourself away from this scene of disgusting domestic bliss.
[Doc] Just sits on the edge of the table- Sorry to bring the mess Aven -
[aven] it's fine doc it's been a quiet day but that seems off for a server full of herobrines
[BEN] - And what the fuck do you need me for?
[Polybius] Well Slender told me I could toss your room but I don't feel like injuring myself.
[Doc] Hey Nia? Hyrule learned any new words lately?
[BEN] - You can stay the fuck out of my room
[Nia] - Some, but he's not very talkative overall...
[Polybius] Gives him an annoyed look - Hence me being in this fucking game looking for your ass.
[Doc] Hey Aven, have you guys been making an attempt to teach him to read at all?
[BEN] - What do you need?
[aven] I did go to the library to grab some children's book to start with
[Polybius] Leans over and all the wires on the back of his tv rise up like medusa snake hair- Connectors. Adaptors. And a coaxial cable. Slender said you had plenty.
[Doc] I'm glad you're taking him to the library. Has he shown any interest in playing with the other kids?
[BEN] - Yeah, I do, but what do I get from this?
[Polybius] What the fuck do you want?
[BEN] - What can you offer?
[Doc] ... I'll give you more pot if you make him go away.
[Polybius] Finally someone talking sense....
[aven] well I know he still loves water and not really he is shy -whispers to doc- I am thinking of maybe at one point trying to have aqua and hyrule see each other again since they got along so well went they where younger
[BEN] - ...  Fine, but it better be the really good stuff.  And you are not taking Hyrule near the water Aven
[aven] hyrule needs someone to play with ben
[BEN] - There's the kids in the village!
[Polybius] Are we going or what?
[Doc] Deal, I'll do my best.
[BEN] - Fine- HE creates an opening back to the manor- Aven?  I'll be back in a little bit
[aven] be safe ben -blows a kiss towards ben-
[Polybius] Hurries through as well.
[Doc] Just kind of slumps. - That guys such a prick...
[BEN] Follows Polybius, they are in the living room.  BEN stretches- Man, it's been way to long since I was last here
[Polybius] Married life making you long for halcyon bachelor days?
[BEN] - Shut up and follow me-
[Hyrule] - Mom!
[aven] yes hyrule?
[Doc] Seems slightly startled that he spoke-
[Hyrule] Runs over and holds a flower out to her-
[aven] oh it's so pretty thank you -takes the flower-
[Hyrule] Smiles brightly- Water?
[aven] maybe we could get you to see aqua again while you dad is gone doc would you be willing to help?
[Doc] Sure. Do you need a ride, or should I just tag along?
[aven] we might need a ride because I also don't know exactly where aqua is and we need to find them before ben finds out
[Hyrule] - Aqua!
[aven] yes we are going to find aqua hyrule
[Doc] Okay- They hop down off the table and flop out. Their dragon shape taking up most of the yard. - Climb up. Nia you can hang out in my bangs so you don't get lost-
[Hyrule] Isn't sure and kinda hides behind Aven-
[Doc] Puts hir chin on the ground to be less intimidating.
[aven] it's okay hyrule it's safe I promise -walks over so they are right next to doc-
[Hyrule] Holds on tight to Aven-
[Nia] Flits up to Doc's head-
[aven] -picks up hyrule and put him on doc back before climbing on as well-
[Hyrule] Makes unsure noises-
[Doc] Stands up slowly and sets off at a fast trot that eats up the miles- Aww come on Hyrule, isn't it just a little bit fun to ride instead of walking?
[Hyrule] Shakes head- No!
[Doc] But it's faster? I'm being gentle. - The ocean is already coming into view-
[Hyrule] - Water!
[aven] and who lives in the water hyrule
[Hyrule] - Aqua!
[Doc] walks along the shore looking down into the water as they pass.
[aven] and doc is going to help us find aqua super fast
[Aqua] Is a fair ways out-
[Doc] Calls out to try and get Aqua's attention-
[Aqua] Lifts his head out of the water and trills-
[Doc] I brought some friends to see you!
[Aqua] Starts swimming towards the shore-
[aven] look hyrule it's aqua
[Hyrule] - Aqua!  Aqua!
[Aqua] Trills at them as he slows so as not to ram into the shore-
[Doc] playful-  Hey Aqua, what's new?
[Aqua] - Boop
[aven] hello aqua it's good to see you again
[Hyrule] Reaches for Aqua-
[Aqua] Tries to get as close as possible to Hyrule-
[Doc] Leans way over to get them closer and steps out into the water one block deep- Sorry Aven. I won't get you wet on purpose.
[Hyrule] Happily pet's Aqua's nose-
[aven] it's okay I trust you to not drown me doc
[Aqua] Their long body is stirring up a few waves as it twists in the water
[Doc] Have you had any luck with your own hydrophobia? You seem decently calm.
[aven] -is keeping her legs and body up on doc to keep her self dry her mind is more then panicing but only on the inside- no I am try to just stay brave for hyrule
[Hyrule] - Aqua...
[Aqua] Trills and nuzzles Hyrule-
[Doc] That's appreciated- this kid is gonna make BEN go around the bend. I'm betting it wouldn't take much convicing for Aqua to give Hyrule rides.
[Hyrule] Is starting to slide a little-
[Nia] - Oh dear
[Doc] Tries to get hir tail in his way-
[Hyrule] - Water!
[aven] -grabs hyrule's middle so he doesn't fall-
[Doc] Shifts trying to keep them both balanced. They're still only in one block deep water.
[Hyrule] Whines-
[Doc] Why are you whining? I'm pretty sure you can't swim.
[aven] hyrule you haven't finished your swimming lessons with gem yet
[Hyrule] Still reaching-
[Aqua] Tries to push Hyrule back-
[Doc] You're gonna get me in trouble- They take a step back up onto the sand and lay down on the shore-
[Hyrule] Makes upset noises at being farther from Aqua and the water-
[Doc] Look how about this. We'll go over by Stevie's house. He has a kind of kiddie pool. Hey Aqua? Can you follow me?
[Aqua] - Boop
[aven] that will be easier
[Doc] Good enough. - They walk along the shore, leading the bigger dragon until they get to the little cove. - Hey Alexis? Are you home?
[Alexis] Pokes her head out- Yeah?  Do you need something?
[Doc] Mind if we use the little pond?
[Alexis] - Sure go ahead.  I'm not sure where Milotic is at the moment
[Doc] Thanks. - They scoot down the hill and hunker so Aven and Hyrule can get down. - Just let him play in the little pool. It's super shallow and Aqua can be close by.
[Aqua] Causes a small surge of water to move towards the shore as they swim closer-
[aven] -helps hyrule get down and get down as well-
[Hyrule] Races for the water-
[Nia] - Hyrule slow down!
[Doc] Is keeping hir wits about hir in case anyone needs rescuing.
[aven] hyrule don't run no one is going to stop you from getting in the pond
[Hyrule] Reaches down and splashes the water with his hand to test the temperature of the water-
[Aqua] Trills at Hyrule-
[aven] ben is going to know he was in water but it will be fine
[Aqua] Splashes Hyrule a little-
[Doc] You'd think Hyrule having a huge swimming dragon friend would make him more secure. I'm pretty sure Aqua would protect him from harm.
[aven] it's the drowning part ben is scared of most regardless as soon as hyrule can swim all by his self I am not stopping him from going out swimming
[Hyrule] Is splashing Aqua-
[BEN] Pushes open the door to his room. The smell from inside wafting out- Home sweet home...
[Polybius] Little bit of static noise - your room smells so foul.
[BEN] Doesn't let Polybius know he's wrinkling his nose- Eh, I don't really smell it
[Polybius] Lets just get this done. I'll likely have to sanitize whatever you give me anyway....
[BEN] Steps into his room.  Everywhere there are consoles and games stacked in various ways.  There also computer parts to repair things and several TV's.  BEN starts digging around for the chest where we keeps cords and other miscellaneous stuff-
[Polybius] Starts poking around as well, showing BEN some of the tips on his TV/head- Like this and this-
[BEN] - Yeah yeah, I got it, just relax.  Ah, here it is- He drags a locked trunk out from under a large pile of dirty clothes and goes through his inventory before pulling out a key and tapping it on the chest and letting it unlock-
[Polybius] Audible sigh of relief. - Thank goodness... So fucking sick of sitting on the floor charging.
[BEN] Digs through the chest and starts throwing out the appropriate adaptors- I'm never getting these back, am I?
[Polybius] Aren't they spares? I don't need them all, just a few for a little project I'm working on.
[BEN] - No shit they're spares, that I was gonna use for parts if needed.  I can always steal more though
[Polybius] Well I can't exactly run to the store and get my own, so you see my dilemma.
[BEN] Finds the last few things- Alright, here, this should be everything
[Polybius] The cords on his head rise up like snakes and he starts slotting the bits and pieces together- This will do nicely. So... will the little woman and small one be joining the household?
[BEN] - Aven...  Can't...
[Polybius] Why not? Is she not a digital creepypasta?
[BEN] - She can't exactly exist outside of the same realm as her best friend
[Polybius] Ah. That explains your self-exile. Ididn't think you'd become so enamored with someone else's game as to not come back.
[BEN] - Well, there is another factor
[Polybius] Is forming the bundle of components into a small black box- And that would be?
[BEN] - Touch me and find out
[Polybius] This isn't some kind of weird sexual thing is it? - Chuckles- And I'd likely have to wash my hands.
[BEN] - Are you sure?  Aven made me bathe recently
[Polybius] Makes a bit of a smile on his screen- Why BEN, do you want to play my game? See which one summons insanity quicker?
[BEN] Grins, the red part of his eyes glowing a tad bit brighter- Bring it
[Polybius] Then we'll play- He gets down low so he's level with BEN - The colors swirl on his screen and BEN feels himself compelled to watch the flickering designs. First there is an empty hallway, pulling him forward as the walls around close in, becoming less well lit and stained. Bricks appearing and leaking long dark drips of ichor, black oil and blood, pooling on the floor which has become strewn with bones. The corridor goes down and down at a deeper slope, darker and more cluttered with the debris of hasty exits, medical experiments, mining tools and bloody, mangled corpses. There are flashes of torture, people marching, bombs exploding, women wailing over dead babies, needles going into flesh and disorientation that twists the stomach into wrenching knots. BEN is falling, and being crushed, screaming out in agony as he's frozen stiff and burned alive. His marrow shredded and eyes gouged out by his own hands, all his nightmares played out in a matter of seconds. He coughs water and the darkness closes in entirely. There's a dark evil laugh and Polybius flexes his claws near the sides of BEN's head, drinking his lifeforce even as he twists vainly to break free. -
[BEN] Yells and plunges his hand forwards and strikes Polybius-
[Polybius] Freezes and his screen goes black. He sits back on his heels and there's only a tiny cursor blinking in the corner of his screen.
[BEN] Huffs as he tries to catch his breath-
-There's a quick set of footsteps coming down the hall-
[Polybius] Polybius.exe/ abort retry fail?
[Slender] Opens the door with a hiss- What is going on here!?
[BEN] Yelps and quickly steps back- HE DARED ME TO!
[Polybius] Raises a hand slowly, all the more surreal as it's unconnected to his body in any visible way and turns it gradually in front of his mostly blank screen as if dazed.
[Slender] - Polybius?
[Polybius] There's a bit of a crackle and the prompt fills in with a retry as the system starts loading up with a few grinding and whirring noises.
[BEN] Shrinks back-
[Slender] -BENJAMIN.  What.  Happened.
[BEN] - He wanted to know why I was keeping myself secluded from the others, so I told him to touch me and find out?
[Polybius] Slowly comes back online with a rather unsettling dial tone. The face on his screen is still monstrous but the eyes are wide and staring in confusion- What...?
[BEN] - I should be heading back...
[Slender] - Polybius, did BENJAMIN touch you?
[Polybius] ...yes.... I feel strange....
[Slender] Growling- BENJAMIN...
[BEN] - BYE!- Makes a break for a computer
[Polybius] Wait! What did you do?!?!
[BEN] - Removed her!- He jumps through a screen and is gone
[Polybius] Gives Slender somewhat of a lost look- He deleted something... I can feel it...
[Slender] - An entity which helps us.  Insanity.  The Doctor seems intent on getting rid of her
[Polybius] Helps? I've never been helped by anyone.
[Slender] - She works in the background.  Gives you your bloodlust and abilities to withstand more than others
[Polybius] Shrugs- I eat when I need too. I just feel, lighter somehow?
[Slender] - Yes, I suspect so
[Polybius] Turns the box of wires around in his floating hands. - I... I think it doesn't matter. I've got what I need now.
[Slender] - My door is open if you need me, but for now I'm going hunting
[Polybius] ... thank you... I have work do to do myself. Happy hunting Slender.
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wanna1things · 7 years
Soulmate!Bae Jinyoung
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HAHA i’m posting this and minhyun’s all in one day don’t say i don’t feed you well...
Genre;; fluff + PRINCE/ROYAL! AU yes yes YES and soulmate!au ofc
Warnings;; ? none ?
Pairing;; Bae Jinyoung x reader
Requested;; nooo but i promise i’ll get to the requests eventually!! am in a bit of a slump because uni is super busy
Soulmate AU Type;; when you and your soulmate touch for the first time, time stands still for a minute (i.e. you two can move/speak everything else is frozen in time)
Summary;; You’ve always dreamed of being a royal, ever since you were little. Jinyoung has always wished he wasn’t a prince, until he met you...
Style;; bullet point
Word Count;; 1365
Also in this series;; Daniel | Woojin | Jihoon | Minhyun
ENJOY this i love this au sorry not sorry??
your parents always talked about the time when they realised they were soulmates
your mum was buying snacks and she reached for the exact same item as your dad and then time stood still for a whole minute while they took in the fact that they were soulmates
it seemed pretty wonderful;;
and magical
you’d always wanted to meet your soulmate like more than anything
your friends had all met theirs very early on and it seemed you would be the last out of your friends and family
especially because you lived in a pretty small town so you knew everyone and nobody seemed to turn out to be your soulmate
you used to joke that;; because when you were younger you wanted to be royal,, you were just waiting for your prince to appear lol
but rather than wasting your life feeling depressed about how long it was taking you to find your soulmate you decided you’d work on your skills
so you decided to be a baker
your cookies would always put a smile on people’s faces and you wanted to keep doing that
eventually you became pretty famous in your country, you even went on baking programmes and things like that
and then you opened your own bakery
it was right near the royal palace in a prime location for tourists and stuff
you’d always have the fluffiest cakes and breads and the most deliciously melty cookies
people would come from all over the country to have your cakes
one day you received an order from the palace and honestly you almost had a heart attack
it was a handwritten note that sat on your doorstep as you walked in to start work
one of your workers commented on it asking if it was a love note LMAO you wish
it was a simple order, the note only read a few sentences
‘Hello y/n y/l/n, The Royal Palace have heard about your wonderful talents, and would like to request 1 victoria sponge, 2 new york cheesecakes, a peach roulade and 10 double chocolate cookies for a party tomorrow. It would be much appreciated if you could deliver and serve them yourself. Yours sincerely, The Royal Family’
OOOOOOF time to get baking
the stuff they requested wasn’t too hard but you thought it didn’t really seem like much for a royal party;;
you still made sure everything looked as though it were going to be in a proper royal party
when the next morning rolls around you grab your cakes and load them into your van and drive the short distance to the palace
when you arrive the palace kitchen staff help you to unload the cakes and carry them to the great ballroom where all the parties are held
and the room is just like so beautiful you can’t help but stare
and you feel completely underdressed even though you wore your smartest clothes lol
you place the cakes and cookies and stuff own on a special table and begin to rearrange them when the guests start arriving
there’s only a few of them and you recognise them as being 10/11 of the famous princes lol
you guessed it
it’s jisung, minhyun, sungwoon, daniel, seongwoo, jaehwan, daehwi, jihoon, woojin and guanlin
but someone is missing
ya prince JINYOUNG
when he comes down from the balcony you’re completely shellshocked like oh my god okay ive seen him on tv but god he is beautiful in real life oh oH OH
he heads straight towards his amigos the princes but on the way he stops by where you’re standing
he nods to the cakes and mumbles
“thanks for doing them all,, i got them to ask you especially… i’m a really big fan”
honestly the second he says he’s a big fan of you ;; you almost melt into the floor lmao
THE prince jinyoung is YOUR fan??????????
“thank you, your highness. I am glad you like my cakes!”
“no need for the formalities, y/n. please, call me jinyoung.”
CUE jihoon waving jinyoung over so he has to leave
just in time because uh?? Not sure how much more your heart can take
but anyway
all of the boys really like the cakes and the cheesecakes like;; REALLY like they finished all of them and theres only 11 of them
but you noticed jinyoung stole all of the cookies straight away and hid them on another table so only he could eat them
and honestly you found that really cute and it made him seem so much more?? Idk human ??
honestly the whole thing made you so happy you forgot you even NEEDED A DAMN SOULMATE
you made 11 princes smile haha soulmate who???? you don’t know her
the next day another letter is on the doormat of your bakery
this one is from jinyoung himself and its even HaNDWRITTEN
you take a moment to appreciate his beautiful handwriting and then you read it lol
‘dear y/n, your cookies last night were delicious! I would really like it if you could supply me (personally) with a croissant and two of those cookies each morning… I will send a butler to pick them up tomorrow!! thank you for coming yesterday!! Jinyoung x’
ok wait there’s a more important detail here
you’ve basically been tasked with being PRINCE JINYOUNG’S PERSONAL BAKER oh my GOD OKAY
croissants honestly weren’t your absolute favourite thing to make but??
you made them different each morning
sometimes they’d have jam, sometimes chocolate and sometimes even savoury things
you really just went with however you felt on the day lol
honestly you felt yourself starting to have feelings for jinyoung
each morning he’d get the butler to leave a message to you complimenting the way you made the croissant
and honestly he always constantly complimented the cookies
there was this tiny slither of hope in you that you two could be soulmates
but you shrugged it off because how unlikely is it that your soulmate is a PRINCE
very unlikely
but there’s still that nagging feeling because ?? you’ve only met in person once and you never touched each other….
one day a different message comes and it has the usual thanking but there’s an extra bit added
‘There’s a parade today celebrating my succession as prince! Please come and watch, y/n! I will be looking out for you!’
you quickly pass the croissant and cookies over to the butler and rush to close up shop so you can get ready to attend the parade
you pretty much run to your house and change into your nicest clothes
you go back to your shop in order to be in prime position™ to see jinyoung lol
you’re JUST on time and you spot jinyoung come round the corner in this fancy ass car
when the car reaches your area he waves to the driver and gets out of the car and starts shaking people’s hands
he spots you within the crowd and waves and starts walking straight towards you
he reaches forward to take your hand and smiles
“thank you so much for the cookies and croissants!!”
“no thank you, jinyoung”
you smile back at him and place your hand in his to shake it
when suddenly
the world just stops
you notice jinyoung’s face go into complete shock and to be honest your face is in complete shock too LOL
“wait, you’re my soulmate?? ok this is amazing i’m sorted for cookies for like the rest of my life”
you laugh at him because yeah trust him to think about the cookies but then he looks into your eyes again and smiles
“honestly, before I met you I didn’t really like cookies that much… I heard yours were really good so i ordered them that day and well… look where I am now lol”
you laugh even harder at him because
that’s literally the weirdest reasoning you’ve ever heard behind buying 10 cookies but you weren’t about to question it
because if he hadn’t have ordered those 10 cookies, you never would’ve found your soulmate
i am going to finish offffffff the minhyun one now and post that lmao enjoy :~)
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worldcakecakecake · 7 years
Throwing Cellphones
                            Feliciano gets himself a sugar daddy
          Next update will be available for Monday, April 17th
                                                    Chapter 12
That night, Feliciano made them a ricotta and arugula roulade, little pizzas they could take in one bite, Tuscan bean soup, polenta, and for dessert, a coffee semifreddo for the adults and pistachio for Luzia. For most of them, it had been a long time since they had eaten a home cooked meal like this, one that brought them smiles, festive conversation and loud hollers of laughter that even Ludwig joined into.
“-It was only a small cut, yet Gilbert here still decided to lay bed-ridden, going on with wills and last words. It was only from a tree branch! Luzia once fell down a hill and she still insisted she could go to school fine,” Elizabeta told, annoyed, yet with laughter. If even the tears, the pain, the simplicity of those memories, they were still moments with her family she held dear and reminded her of their whimsicality and strength.
“I didn’t exaggerate that bad!”
“Gilbert, you called me in the middle of the night to make sure I took care of Elizabeta and Luzia for if ‘you never woke up the next morning’,” Ludwig added.
Elizabeta rolled her eyes, “if that were the case, you should know, dear, that Luzia and I can take good care of ourselves.”
“Still, I wanted to make sure you two have someone extra to watch over you if anything.”
“Relax, Gilbert, you’re here and fine, we shouldn’t waste our time together on such bleak subjects- Feliciano dear, you don’t have to do this!” Yekaterina interrupted Feliciano, who was beginning to pick up the plates in the table to clean in the kitchen.
“They’re so many, I should really start with it to not keep everyone up so late. I cooked all of this, it should only be fair.”
“Definitely not! Sit back on your chair! Ludwig and I will deal with the cleaning later,” Elizabeta commanded and assured, and Ludwig nodded gladly.
“Are you sure?”
“Positive, now sit and tell us more about yourself!” The insisting in her voice was enough to make Feliciano nervous, fidgeting where he placed his hands.
“What can I say? I already told you guys about how it was like studying in Florence."
“I’m curious about your family. Tell us more about them,” Yekaterina wondered.
“I only have my grandfather and my brother. Nonno is retired, but he still shows up at excavations and museum exhibitions insisting to help and offer his knowledge however he can.”
“You did mention once he was a Roman history fanatic.”
“Has a masters on it and everything. I grew up hearing all kinds of stories about emperors, soldiers, gladiators and gods.”
“His home shows it enough. He has ancient Roman flags, scrolls and paintings hanging in the walls, as well as busts and statues he got off the black market. He managed to get one that used to belong to…who was it again?” Ludwig questioned.
“Are you talking about the one he has in the living room? Right by the stair case?”
“Yes, that very one!”
“We think it used to belong to Tiberius, but he’s still researching that well, but I really hope so, it would be fascinating to have something like that in the house.” The smile Feliciano held was sincere, loving to these kinds of topics.
“That’s amazing, but Ludwig…how did you know about that statue in his grandfather’s home?” Yekaterina questioned, and that’s when both froze realizing their mistake. It was the very question Gilbert and Luzia held, heavy stares on Ludwig waiting for him to explain, while Elizabeta only smirked upon her drinking glass.
“Um…” Ludwig searched for an excuse on the surface of the table, refusing to look them all in the eye and reveal himself.
Feliciano fidgeted, tapping his fingers on the table, biting his lip, hoping whatever he said next could be enough. “My grandfather is helping the company choose a good location for the base. He doesn’t want it placed in any important grounds that might hold ancient artifacts,” he said hoping it could be a good start.
“They were consulting for grounds?” Yekaterina asked, not remembering reading something like that in any of the reports.
“Yes…long before. Augusto just didn’t want to be written down, said he didn’t want anything to do with it. He let me stay in his home the first few times I went, which is how I met Feliciano.” They nodded impressed, believing it, but it only made Elizabeta’s grin stronger, having to hold a napkin to her mouth so the rest wouldn’t see.
“I assume you were interested in the internship after your grandfather talked and gave that help, not to mention having Ludwig there."
“Yes…Ludwig was very nice to give me a chance. I still thank him dearly for it.”
“He is such a sweetheart, isn’t he?” Yekaterina rubbed his hands dearly and Ludwig accepted it with the same caresses, smiling, hoping she wouldn’t feel or notice his slight trembling. Feliciano, having seen this, gripped harshly on the table, having to force himself to settle looking at some of the empty glasses, offering to pour more wine.
“And you have a brother, was he given this chance as well?”
“He’s not interested. He’s more into the culinary world, dreams of opening his own restaurant with his boyfriend, but for now he settles taking waiter jobs and cooking at small pizzerias. I learned a lot of recipes from him. He’s more talented than any of you could imagine. If you ever visit my home, I might convince him to come and cook as well. You have to try his spinach and ricotta pasta, and his pizzas, and eggplant parmigiana, and lamb, and macaroons.” He made everyone drool with the image, earning groans and roll of eyes.
“Feli! You stuffed us enough! I shouldn’t be thinking about having more food,” Gilbert complained.
Feliciano laughed. "Sorry about that.”
“What about your parents? I haven’t heard you mention them.”
Silence settled heavily after the cough and clanging Elizabeta and Ludwig did, being the ones who knew, hoping it could distract enough to forget, knowing how the topic affected Feliciano, especially when it was Ludwig’s wife who was asking this. Feliciano knew she meant no wrong, she just didn’t know, and with a tired sigh, he decided to tell her.
“I rather not meet my father ever again. He could be feasting in whatever part of the world he’s in right now indifferent to the two sons he left behind. I don’t care, I will never forgive what he did.” He hoped she understood enough, his case wasn’t the only one and it was pretty common to hear. “My mother, she died when I was still a child…from depression.” He didn’t want to give more detail, it still hurt, it still gave him a strong pang that even gave the rest of the table an eerie silence.
“I…I’m so sorry, Feliciano, I…I shouldn’t have-” Yekaterina tried to apologize, wanting to reach a hand and offer him any kind of comfort, but he was too far away from her seating.
“It’s all right, it’s like I always say…”
“She’s in heaven singing with the angels,” Ludwig filled in, and both smiled to each other, one that could reveal, that showed too much love. They quickly had to shut it before anyone noticed.
Feliciano nodded, his smile bringing back the cheery atmosphere of the table. "And that is enough for me.”
Surprisingly nobody questioned how Ludwig knew, they just assumed he heard it enough after spending time with him at Augusto’s home.
“That’s nice then…how about a girlfriend? Or a boyfriend?…I don’t judge.” Gilbert as noisy as ever, smirking quite curious.
Elizabeta wanted to stop him, but at the same time, she was curious as to what Feliciano would say, especially when this secret lover of his was sitting right at the table, frigid and even coughing as he tried to hide his nervousness, afraid that the answer could be seen clearly on him.
“Ooohhh, I want to hear this.” Yekaterina placed her elbows on the table, trying to lean close, begging to know.
“I..um…I don’t think I should-”
“Please! You have to tell us!” Luzia joined along.
“We’re all good friends here,” Gilbert tried to ease as well.
Elizabeta wanted to laugh, but ever so playful, she only tried to keep herself as still as she could and uttered: “Go on!”
Oh, she was really enjoying this. Feliciano couldn’t help the glare he sent her, but she only shrugged, it didn’t do anything to her and the table still awaited for Feliciano to spill it all. With a heavy sigh, Feliciano decided to start, trying not to detail, trying not to look into his direction, hoping nobody would guess, that nobody would know that the person of his heavy undying affections was right there beside them.
“Yes I um… have a boyfriend.” No judging eyes, no sneers, no insults, they remained the same, wishing for only more words about this man.
Feliciano liked this trusting air that didn’t mind his sexuality.
“He’s…gorgeous, tall and really strong…but he’s so gentle and kind with me. He’s a sweetheart and his own charm is just enough to have me soaring until all I can think is about him and the way he makes me fall harder each and every day.” There was such a dream-like tone in his voice, obvious to all that he was lost to his memory, to whatever place they could be alone together to share the heights of their love. They each breathed, in that contagious romance, Ludwig trying so hard not to smile so big and cover whatever traces of strong red were growing.
“Where’s he from?” Yekaterina wondered.
“What’s his name?” Luzia exploded to know.
“I…rather not say.” Oh but how much he really wanted to, how much he wanted to tell it to the world, but the circumstances were not the appropriate ones.
“Is he rich at least?” Gilbert wondered as well.
“I was going to ask that myself. You’re always posting all these expensive brands in your Instagram, and then the places you travel to and stay in, I doubt you could afford them yourself in your position,” Yekaterina questioned and Feliciano realized that maybe it wasn’t the best idea to give her his accounts to follow.
“Well…yeah, he works at a large company,”
“What kind?”
Why were they so insisting upon this?
“Um…uh…” he looked around the table hoping for ideas, his eyes falling upon the pieces of sausages he used for the small pizzas. “He owns a salami company.”
Gilbert found it hilarious, the kind of outbursts that had the others laughing, even Elizabeta who couldn’t even drink with the hard chuckles she gave. Only Ludwig remained as still, sending Feliciano a glare when everyone else was too busy laughing.
Really? Was this the best you could come up with? He seemed to tell Feliciano, who only shrugged and smiled, joining along in the laughter.
“I can’t imagine the dirty jokes that go on between you two,” Gilbert uttered after he had relaxed.
“Plenty and dirty all right.” And he winked to Ludwig’s side, who panicked, afraid someone had noticed.
“And this is where I interrupt and remind you all that we have Luzia in the table,” Elizabeta interjected, beginning to pick up plates. “Come on, Ludwig, help me in the kitchen.”
While they dealt with the cleaning, the rest stood and headed to the living room to continue on other topics, at one point Feliciano having to explain why it was that he didn’t post pictures about his boyfriend in his Instagram.
“He doesn’t want that much attention,” he excused and luckily they didn’t question any more after it.
While it was fun to be with them, Feliciano kept sending curious gazes to the kitchen door, wishing for Ludwig, hoping for a chance to see him, to do something with him before they had to leave for the night.
Bless that they had Elizabeta.
“Feliciano, I need to check on something, do you mind helping Ludwig with the dishes?”
Whatever chance was enough. He excused himself and headed over, Elizabeta leaving the door open for him.
“I’ll watch the door for you,” she whispered lastly before she headed out.
There was such a stillness in the kitchen, a dimming light, contrasting with the glowing and the lively conversation in the other room. Ludwig continued with his dish cleaning unaware, back to Feliciano, the running water and the clangs enough to hide any other sound of Feliciano’s slow approach. Ludwig was currently working on the large pot Feliciano used for the soup, holding it by the handles, ready, Feliciano then joining his own hands to touch.
“I’ll take care of that," he smiled, easily taking it away from him.
Ludwig tended to lose himself in any grip the moment he stared at Feliciano, this close, alone, stilled to nothing while Feliciano began his cleaning, smirking up to him from time to time.
“Can I-Can I still help you?” Ludwig wondered.
“Of course you can.” Feliciano handed him the tray he used for the roulade baking and Ludwig gladly continued as he was.
As they went through different plates and utensils, Feliciano kept teasing Ludwig by pushing him with his hips, and Ludwig answered by doing the same. They would throw bubbles at each other, landing on their noses, which they nuzzled away. Sometimes they would reach for the same thing and they let themselves last in that hand holding, until a sudden sound from outside the kitchen pulled them away, afraid that someone would come in even with Elizabeta watching.
Once done and with their hands dried, like magnets they came into their arms, embracing and letting their hands reach faces, necks, hips, expanses of back and shoulders. They stared into their eyes, going on with how much they missed each other, plotting ways they could escape through the back and loose themselves in the city, at night with less eyes to watch them. They swayed, they neared, kissing, igniting, making this small moment and space as much theirs as they could.
There was a slight knock, Elizabeta peeking in. “Ludwig, Yekaterina wants to talk to you, it’s about leaving, she still has some work to do for tomorrow,” she whispered, hoping it wasn’t destroying their moment.
She saw, even with their hands wrapped strongly around each other, how Ludwig departed with a broken sigh, his near breaths to Feliciano’s lips hoping he could pull them back to his, hoping they didn’t have to stop.
“I’ll…be right out.”
Elizabeta felt big fault for the dread in his voice, one that settled in the air around them. She nodded and closed the door, leaving them once again.
They shared in one last longing kiss, gripping harshly to try and get a strong feeling to last them this night without each other if even being in the same city.
Ludwig departed, raising one of Feliciano’s hands to his lips, laying a long kiss, skin and fingers caressing, extending their moment. It was something he barely did, but it was so sweet, a show of adoration that Feliciano couldn’t help but want it to be shown to the rest of his body. Suddenly he let go, in one sudden burst of laughter from the outside, dashing back towards it, leaving Feliciano behind holding dearly to the hand that he had kissed so feverishly, putting them to his lips, his cheek, his neck, still wishing he had more.
  Feliciano didn’t had to go to the gallery till the end of the week, which meant he had some free days to just lay around and do nothing, but Elizabeta and Luzia would not permit that. The next three days they used to explore the city that Feliciano really hadn’t had the chance to see the last time he came (Being destroyed by finding out Ludwig was getting married and wanting to leave as soon as possible). They visited squares, churches, city hall, clock towers, restaurants (they managed dinner at an Italian place one night), palaces, residencies, and of course, shops. He took his pictures, some having Elizabeta and Luzia joining, creating countless of hits in his Instagram.
After this real excursion, Munich made its way to Feliciano’s heart and he just couldn’t spend it being closed up in Gilbert and Elizabeta’s home when he wanted to spend it meeting more, dreaming of what it would be like to live here with Ludwig.
He reached his fourth day and still he hadn’t had a chance to see his lover since they day he arrived, work and mostly not trying to create suspicion. But on this day he wanted to take his chance, he wanted to do something, and as he headed out with Elizabeta visiting new places, he concocted and plotted, but nothing seemed really definite.
Yekaterina surprisingly joined them that day, watching shows, visiting other galleries, as well as a park where they chattered and admired the last of the green and flourishing colors. Autumn would soon approach and leave things differently.
They stopped for lunch at an outdoor café, sharing in drinks and chats about clothes and castles. It really was fun to spend time with Yekaterina, but it made it rather heavy to think about ways to see Ludwig secretly and it only worsened when she received her next call.
“Hello,” she answered very sweetly, pushing some strands of her short hair behind her ear, a clear sign of loving intentions for the person on the other side. She nodded, she answered with simple remarks, managing even pet names.
It was Ludwig, both Elizabeta and Feliciano knew, causing a breaking, a harden grip on the hand on his thigh, maintaining his eyes elsewhere, hoping to be distracted by the design of a building and not break down and cry right there. But no matter, he couldn’t avoid the way she laughed, her endearments, the utter devotion in her tone, and he didn’t have to look at her to know she had a glow in her eyes and an enchanted smile. She couldn’t act this way alone, Ludwig must be telling her something, sweet romancing words that should be only for him. He didn’t care if she was his wife, that she should be receiving this as justly as any lover should, but after the many times Ludwig told him he really didn’t harbor feelings like that for her and that she herself was showing the same signs, this felt like a harsh betrayal, a stabbing of reality, a breaking of dreams that he knew would never be his. It was becoming harder and harder to hold himself, biting harshly his lips to not dare let tears fall down his cheeks.
She finally hung up, with a clear blush full of emotion.
“Who was that?” Elizabeta questioned with a smirk, recognizing the signs, although she knew…although it would break Feliciano, but she wanted to set a connection of trust between them and hopefully…she would admit it was something else.
“Oh…” she faltered for a moment, but quickly admitted, “it was Ludwig, he wants to have dinner at a restaurant outside the city tonight.”
A harsher grip, a bitter bite, holding himself from shouting ‘lying cheater’.
“Ooohhh, dinner outside the city? Ludwig being his rare romantic self,” Elizabeta teased.
“He has his moments, and well,” she blushed, playing with her hair, not sure if she should say this. Elizabeta leaned hoping to hear it, Feliciano close to dashing off away from this. “We’re staying at a beautiful village home for the night, he reserved it just for us."
“Aaahh, there’s more to the night it seems,” Elizabeta winked and Feliciano’s mind came up with new curse words he couldn’t wait to shout.
“Yes, I can’t wait,” she bounced with the excitement, beginning to pick her things. “I’m sorry, but Ludwig and I have to start preparing, I have to head back home instantly. I’m sorry I can’t stay, but I hope we can do something before you leave, Feliciano," she smiled in expectations, while it was becoming harder for Feliciano to try and reply with one just as content.
“Have…fun,” he still wished, slumped and greyed, something that Yekaterina did not fail to miss.
“Feliciano…are you all right?” She asked with clear concern.
“I-I am, just… a little queasy from the drink.”
“I thought you ordered it without alcohol?”
“Ma-maybe it was the fruits."
“Be careful! Elizabeta, please give him something when you get home." 
“I will.”
Yekaterina gave her usual goodbyes and ran off with a small skip in her step, down the streets alone with a goal to her home, to her husband, to the beloved that in the end was not meant to be Feliciano’s.
Elizabeta saw clearly his dejection, the collapse in his figure, the still grip on the mantel of the table. “Feliciano…I’m so sorry,” she tried to comfort, moving close a hand to lay on his shoulder.
“Let’s just go,” he suddenly commanded, the breaking starting in his voice. He refused to look at her, picking his things, laying the money on the table and moving on ahead without even waiting.
“Feliciano! Feliciano!” She kept calling to make him stop, but he still went on, remaining his gaze forward, refusing to pay attention to anything, the calls, the people he occasionally bumped into, the rushing cars and the crossing signals. If he dared move his look, to Elizabeta, to the sky, to anything that might spark a reminder, he would break down, right in the streets, to a mess, to an embarrassment that Elizabeta would even have to carry. He miraculously made it to the home, and as soon as Elizabeta closed the door behind them, as Feliciano made sure that Gilbert and Luzia were not in the house, he threw his bags harshly to the floor, finally letting the storm of his tears fall down his face.
“Sodding fucker!” Feliciano started with a shout. Elizabeta was so surprised that she let herself be halted, all her own things falling to the floor with a loud thud. “Pig! Tramp! No wonder he hasn’t been able to see me the last four days! He’s been busy planning that getaway with her! With me here! When we should be seeing each other instead! But no! In the end, he realized the mistake he made!” He continued to shout, somehow managing full words with the tears, the whimpering, even the shaking as he paced the room.
“Feliciano, Feliciano, calm down, something is off, I really don’t think he would suddenly make something for her. He hasn’t done anything like that the entire time they’ve been together,” Elizabeta tried to calm him down, coming close, hoping for a chance to lay her hands on him, trying to stop his pace, to make him think, to quench this sudden rare anger.
“He never had anything for me! He was just confused! And now he realized and he’s going to just toss me aside like garbage!” He kicked a near wall, making a framed canvas shake.
He had sudden flashbacks of his last breakup, for that was the feeling, that’s how used he felt, and to feel it again, with someone he thought he could trust to never use him like that, someone he truly thought could be different, perhaps the one he had been waiting for, the love of his life.
“Feliciano, no!” Elizabeta began to take a more scolding tone, her hold on him becoming harsher. “He loves you, he truly loves you, he wouldn’t do something like that, especially with you here in Munich. Why don’t you call him and ask him yourself, maybe it’s all a misunderstanding.” Feliciano refused to believe how that could be possible. Even still, with his continuing anguish, tears pouring, he picked his phone, searching the number, wishing he could destroy the hearts he had around his name in his contact list. He instantly set the call, his fury like blazing fire that Elizabeta was starting to fear, moving away, giving him the chance to speak as he wanted.
“Liebling,” Ludwig dared answer so sweetly. It almost felt like he was mocking him.
“Sei uno sporco maiale e un pezzo di merda, Ludwig Beilschmidt!” He shouted to him, his Italian taking over after he was too mad and broken to think in another language. He continued with harsh venom, in sparks of fire, with the ever passion that was expected of his maternal language. “Schifoso bugiardo! Maniaco, stronzo, bastardo, cretino! Come hai potuto? Torna a scopare quella troia e spero che tu bruci all'inferno.” His voice grew harsher with each word, a swing, a punch, a hit that stilled Ludwig more into paralysis, eyes widened, not believing the words that were coming out from this sweet and sugared mouth he had gotten to know well. Elizabeta stood just as astonished, having to look around to realize she was not in some weird dream, that she actually heard Feliciano utter all those words.
“Um…excuse me, but do I have the right number? Lovino, is this you?” Ludwig questioned.
“It’s me, Ludwig!”
“Feliciano? Okay, my Italian is not that good, but I’ve been enough times with your brother to understand half of that. What’s going on? Did something happen?” He tried not to panic, ready to deal with the situation as calmly and orderly as he could and should.
“Stop pretending! I know what you’re planning, I know what you’re going to do tonight!” His tears became harsher, he gripped harder on the phone, Elizabeta worried that he would throw it to pieces against the wall.
“Feliciano…I really don’t understand, please explain this better.” Ludwig tossed aside any work he had, standing, pacing and not standing to hear those tears, especially after he was the one who caused them…somehow.
“I was there, Ludwig! I was there when you called her! I heard how you made her laugh, I saw her turn red, I saw her glow and how she alighted with your promise! You can’t hide something like that from me! How can you do this after you said you only loved me! After you said you really had nothing with her! How could you lie to both of us like this you dirty piece of-”
“Feliciano!” Ludwig had no other choice then to shout, halting Feliciano before he finished this sudden firing rampage. It worked like a spell, bringing an abrupt silence for Ludwig to think, for both to take their breaths and come forward to this clearly.
“Are you talking about Yekaterina?” He reciprocated Feliciano’s blaze with his own commanding inferno, which left Feliciano just as astounded as Ludwig had been with his sudden harsh cursing, rage and tears.
“Ye-yes,” he answered with clear shake.
“Feliciano…I really don’t know what you’re talking about then. I haven’t called her all day.”
“But-but, she said it was you, and that, you were planning this…romantic getaway outside the city,”
“…What? No! I have no such time for that! The company has been really busy with a stack of experiments our Brazilian base has asked for. It’s a miracle I’ve somehow managed to eat.” He picked up some papers being reminded of the still great amounts of conclusions, numbers and elements he had to read through before he could make one part of the reports.
“Shouldn’t…shouldn’t Yekaterina be as busy?”
“Her labs already finished their job. She asked for some days off, something about going to visit her sister outside the city.”
“Her sister?”
“Yeah, she’s leaving tonight to see her…not exactly a romantic getaway, I really don’t get how you got this idea that I was the one who called her.” As Ludwig read on, Feliciano was hit with realization, brightening away any doubt, making conclusions easier, granting him breaths, a cheerful color and angelic kindness that everyone recognized him as.
“So…you’re not going anywhere tonight?”
“No, Yekaterina is though. She won’t be home for the next two days,”
“Oh…” Ludwig knew that tone, the one in which Feliciano was twirling a finger in one of his many curls, smiling with ideas, ones that usually ended with Ludwig having unforgettable days and nights. The heat of his fury disappeared just like that, Feliciano filling his head with all kinds of dreams and expectations. Sure, Ludwig questioned it slightly, but when he could just hear him smiling, surely glowing, he forgot it all, joining in the same daze they suddenly grew together.
“So um…” he tapped his fingers on his desk, suddenly nervous when a chance was finally there and they should be quick to grasp it. “Do you want to…um…”
“Do something?” Feliciano weakly suggested.
“Yes, um…” there had to be something romantic they could do in the city without revealing the truth of their relationship.
Ludwig kept on stuttering and becoming nervous, one Feliciano found so adorable he giggled with his ever pureness.
“How about I leave it a surprise?” Feliciano teased, taking control of the situation as easy as that.
“What? But um…sure, yeah, surprise, okay.” He was kind of disappointed that he didn’t take control, but if Feliciano was the one with the idea, he should just comply and see what it could be.
“So…when and where do I see you?”
“A Surprise,” Feliciano winked, “I have to go, ciao ciao, don’t overwork yourself, caro.” Swiftly the call was over and still Ludwig stood in his place perplexed, wondering and ordering what exactly just occurred. It was the same dilemma Elizabeta found herself in.
“What the hell….just happened?” She was still freaked but demanding to know, but not before going to the kitchen and picking them both something to drink, to settle any lingering of irritation and doubt.
“If it wasn’t Ludwig, then…who called her? A sister couldn’t have possibly made her react that way, besides, I swore I heard a man on the other line,” Feliciano wondered.
“And to lie and say it was Ludwig…do you think…?” Both their eyes met, for the same idea dropped on their minds, connecting, eyes widening and mouths falling aghast.
The first thing they did was laugh, mostly because Feliciano felt great relief, one that Elizabeta felt for her dear friend, understanding what he had been feeling throughout this.
Feliciano, ever since he found out about Ludwig’s marriage, had live with an ever present guilt knowing that he had taken from a woman the man that she loved. Memories of what happened to his mother repeated in his mind. He made up images of what Yekaterina would do if she found out, of breaking her and bringing doom to a lovely being as her. But now…it was as Ludwig had been saying all this time, there was nothing between them, and knowing that, brought to Feliciano a great freedom to his emotion, a release of a weight that brought him bliss, brought him to breathe and to alight in a whole new shine.
Ludwig was his, truly his and nobody else’s.
“Seems like Ludwig isn’t the only one with a secret lover, huh?” Elizabeta pointed, clinking their glasses of water as a toast.
“Yes!” He whispered victoriously, but Elizabeta could tell a brimming of emotion that wanted to dance with the news.
Feliciano suddenly remembered. “Elizabeta, do you have spare keys to Ludwig’s home?”
“Gilbert might. Let’s wait till he comes back with Luzia.”
He did, and Feliciano secretly took them once he knew their location.
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onthegoinmco · 6 years
The Epcot International Festival of Holidays fills the park with holiday magic, international seasonal delicacies, captivating live entertainment, and festive decor daily until December 30th. And the best gift of all? Most of what you can experience is included with your theme park admission!
The Festival is a great way for families to learn about and even celebrate Holiday traditions from around the world, and at this year’s Epcot International Festival of Holidays you can also experience a new Holiday Cookie Stroll as well as new food and beverage items at Holiday Kitchens throughout Epcot.
With so much to do, I thought I would share my Epcot International Festival of the Holidays must do’s and tips!
Top 7 Epcot International Festival of the Holidays Must Do’s and Tips
Try a tasty teats at the Holiday Kitchens
At the Epcot International Festival of the Holidays  you can savor holiday dishes and beverages from across the globe at 12 specialty kitchens set around the park’s World Showcase.
The L’Chaim Holiday Kitchen is new this year, and the potato knish with herb sour cream was AMAZING!!!
New items this year include black forest roulade with cherry whipped cream at the Bavaria Holiday Kitchen in the Germany pavilion and sofrito-marinated beef with sweet plantains, and olives at the Feast of the Three Kings Holiday Kitchen.
AND a brand-new kitchen this year, L’Chaim!, will feature traditional Jewish dishes such as pastrami on rye, chicken and matzo ball soup, and more. I can tell you that this Holiday Kitchen is an ABSOLUTE MUST DO!!!!
If you want to find out a COMPLETE list of what you can find at each Holiday Kitchen, visit the official Festival website to plan your culinary celebration!
Tip – If you want to sample dishes at the Holiday Kitchens, you can stay on budget by using Disney Gift Cards! Also, don’t forget to register your card on disneygiftcard.com, because if you lose the card you can still have access to the money you’ve loaded onto the card.
Three words…Holiday Cookie Stroll
New this year is the Holiday Cooke Stroll where you can enjoy delicious cookies from cookie stroll locations around World Showcase.
Here’s a list of all the cookies on the stroll!
As they indulge in these sweet treats, they may collect stamps for each cookie, and if you get all five stamps you will be rewarded with a complimentary “completer” cookie and a cold glass of milk!
Tip – You don’t have to eat all all five cookies in one day, but I won’t stop you…you have until December 30th to present your completed passport for the Cooke Stroll.
Candlelight Processional
Candlelight Processional is the heart of Epcot’s International Festival of the Holidays, and is a retelling of the story of Christmas by a celebrity narrator accompanied by a full choir and a 50-piece orchestra in a performance that inspires joy and holiday spirit.
This elegant showcase is performed three times nightly at 5:00 PM, 6:45 PM and 8:15 PM through December 30, 2018 at the America Gardens Theatre in Epcot’s World Showcase.
Here’s a list of this year’s remaining celebrity narrators:
NEW! Alfonso Ribeiro – November 27, 2018
Robby Benson – November 28 to 30, 2018
John Stamos – December 1 to 2, 2018
Neil Patrick Harris – December 3 to 6, 2018
Whoopi Goldberg – December 7 to 9, 2018
NEW! Bart Millard – December 10 to 12, 2018
Blair Underwood – December 13 to 14, 2018
Gary Sinise – December 15 to 17, 2018
Pat Sajak – December 18 to 20, 2018
NEW! Auli’i Cravalho – December 21 to 23, 2018
Edward James Olmos – December 24 to 25, 2018
Jodi Benson – December 26 to 27, 2018
Cal Ripken Jr. – December 28 to 30, 2018
Tip -Seating for Candlelight Processional can get quite packed, so if there is a celebrity narrator that you MUST see consider taking advantage of a Candlelight Processional Dining Package. You can choose to enjoy a delicious breakfast, lunch, or dinner at some of the tastiest restaurants in Epcot and the adjacent Disney’s BoardWalk Resort and Disney’s Yacht and Beach Club Resorts followed by reserved seating at a performance of the Candlelight Processional. To reserve Candlelight Dining Packages, call (407) WDW-DINE.
Storytellers and Holiday Entertainment
Another MUST DO for the Epcot International Festival of the Holidays is to stroll the World Showcase stopping to see costumed performers bring the traditions of their home countries to Epcot with holiday stories and music, along with a variety of other international festive entertainment.
The new Hanukkah Storyteller (located between Morocco and France)
Tip – As soon as you get into the park pick up a times guide (or two) for the week, because this is the only way to find out what times performances are happening in each pavilion.
Chip ’n Dale’s Christmas Tree Spree
Chip & Dale are on a scavenger hunt, collecting ornaments for their Christmas tree—and they need your help!
Here’s a look at this year’s map!
To get started, simply purchase a map and stickers ($6.99 plus tax) from select merchandise locations including Pin Central, Disney Traders, and World Traveler at International Gateway.
As you travel around World Showcase, be on the lookout for Chip & Dale in each World Showcase pavilion.
Once you spot them, add the corresponding ornament sticker to your map. Then, take your completed map to Disney Traders or World Traveler and exchange it for a festive surprise, courtesy of Chip & Dale!
Tip – Look carefully for Chip & Dale on wreaths on the Holiday Kitchen buildings…some are hard to find, so be patient!!!
IllumiNations: Reflections of Earth
The Illuminations: Reflections of Earth nighttime spectacular of fireworks, special effects, flame torches and more includes a special holiday finale nightly until December 30, 2018.
This is the view from the area between France and the United Kingdom pavilions.
This will be the final holiday season for IllumiNations, as the show is currently scheduled to conclude at the end of summer 2019, with new thrills on World Showcase Lagoon set to debut immediately afterward (more on this soon).
Tip – While most of the fireworks and special effects take place in the air, I still like to arrive 30 minutes before Illuminations: Reflections of Earth begins (make sure to check your times guide) to find a spot close to the water so I can see all of the magic!
Meet Santa and Mrs. Claus
If you are looking to take an iconic Holiday photo, head to The American Adventure pavilion where you can pose for a photo and share their holiday wishes with Santa and Mrs. Claus.
Tip – The lines to meet Santa and Mrs. Claus can get quite long, so if you are visiting with little ones try to have one adult wait in line while the other adult keeps the little elves busy with the Kidcot Fun Spot at the pavilion or by grabbing a snack from the nearby Holiday Kitchen.
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The post Epcot International Festival of Holidays Must Do’s and Tips appeared first on On the Go in MCO.
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rollinbrigittenv8 · 7 years
SAS Strives to Fulfill Passenger Dreams and Its Own With Experiences Program for Elite Flyers
SAS frequent flyers visit the airline's catering kitchen near Tokyo Narita Airport during a recent trip led by the airline's head chef, Peter Lawrance. Lawrance is the foreground center, with a beard. SAS
Skift Take: We're not surprised SAS frequent flyers love to take trips with the airline's head chef, though we're impressed the airline found 20 takers willing to spend $5,000 a piece (plus 100,000 points) for a five-day trip to Japan.
— Brian Sumers
Peter Lawrance, head chef of Scandinavian airline SAS, often says he has one of the world’s best jobs. And unlike some people, who say it but may not mean it, Lawrance is probably right. His airline wants to improve its food — it is betting premium customers at 35,000 feet will embrace the farm-to-table movement as on the ground — and SAS gives him an ample budget to make it happen.
Lawrance’s Instagram feed is filled colorful photographs of his travels. One month, he’s trying soy sauces in Hong Kong, judging how temperatures affect fermentation. In another, he’s near Washington Dulles Airport, tasting pasteurized cheeses he hopes European palates will find palatable. In yet another, he’s in Boston, watching a chef prepare sausage stuffed roulades for that day’s flight to Copenhagen.
Sometimes, he’s is even Japan, visiting the dairy farm that produces milk SAS uses for cheese, butter and ice cream.
A little more than a year ago, one of the airline’s senior executives accompanied Lawrance to Japan as the chef sought inspiration for new menus that would focus on Japanese ingredients. Afterward, the executive had a question: Would Lawrance allow some loyal SAS flyers to accompany him on a similar trip?
Lawrance was skeptical since SAS planned to invite big-spenders who might travel 250 days annually. “Why would they want to spend their little free time on another trip?” he wondered. But he and his colleagues discussed how to make it about more than just accompanying Lawrance on a business trip. “We needed to offer them something that was so far out there and so far different,” he said.
They devised a plan. From June 6 through 11, Lawrence would take 20 super travelers on a culinary-themed tour of Japan. They would go to aviation-related spots, such as the SAS flight kitchen serving Tokyo’s Narita airport, but also would visit a sumo wrestling training camp and a distillery Lawrance says produces the word’s best whiskey.
They would take the bullet train to Kyoto, where they would eat a traditional dinner and watch geishas perform. For other meals, they’d eat street food and at one of highest-ranking restaurants in Japan.
“It was all about what I would do when I’m there when I am by myself, and how I get my inspiration for new meals for SAS,” Lawrance said.
The sold-out trip was among the first in a new program called SAS Dreams. With about one journey per month, SAS is offering its most loyal customers — such as top tier Pandion members, a group so exclusive the airline’s CEO picks members each year — a chance to participate in activities generally off-limits to regular travelers.
In October, a group will meet in the English countryside, where frequent flyers will drive classic cars on what the airline calls a “three-day castle-to-castle tour.” Also in October, a group will visit France for a three-day tour of the Champagne region with Richard Juhlin, a champagne expert. Other upcoming trips include a visit to the South by Southwest festival in Austin, Texas, and a culinary tour of Hong Kong and Macau with Lawrance.
The trips aren’t cheap, but they’re not money makers, either. Lawrance’s Japan tour cost roughly $5,000, plus 100,000 frequent flyer points, and just about broke even, said Cecilie Svegaarden, head of SAS Dreams.
But the program serves two purposes. One is to reward customers who may have enough money to do what they want, but appreciate access the packaged trips provide. And second, over time, Svegaarden said SAS hopes the Dreams program will help position the airline less as a transportation provider and more as a travel company. SAS may sell its tours to everyone, not just loyalty program members.
“What we see is that it’s the leisure market that is really growing,” Svegaarden said. “That’s not just here. It’s global. That means we need we need to be stronger. Air tickets are just one small part of the whole journey. We want to our customers to use SAS for more than the airfare. We want to be a lifestyle.”
staying close to customers
The first part of the SAS Dreams strategy — rewarding loyal customers with special experiences — is not new, though SAS might take it further than other airlines.
In recent years, airlines, hotels and credit card companies have altered loyalty programs to reward top-tier customers with experiences, rather than just upgrades or travel discounts. Many travelers — especially younger ones — tell marketers they prefer experiences, like backstage concert access, over traditional airline or hotel-related perks.
While it’s not a fresh concept, offering access and experiences works, said Tom O’Toole, clinical professor of marketing at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management and former chief marketing officer at United Airlines.
“It’s very difficult to find effective ways to engage with very high-value travelers because the practical reality is these individuals have all the points they could ever want, they have all the miles they could ever want,” he said. “They get the special services and perks, and frankly they can afford to buy whatever they want.”
O’Toole also said the trips make sense because loyal customers like and respect airlines more than customers who only fly once or twice per year. The highest-level frequent flyers often fly so much they’re often obsessed with what executives such as Lawrance must accomplish to plan the menu to Beijing. They want access to people who make decisions abut the flying experience.
“Even very high-halue travelers are fasciated and engaged by behind-the-scenes experiences and insights at airlines and hotels,’ O’Toole said.
Many SAS trips have no obvious airline connection, and some occur in cities where it does not fly. But a senior member of the airline’s management team joins every group, and travelers ask about SAS operations and strategy.
“Our passengers and clients really enjoy sitting next to someone in general management,” Svegaarden said. “These clients have so much insight and such a big interest in the airline, so for them to sit and have dinner and ask these questions and get them answered, they really appreciate that.”
Ultimately, O’Toole said, that connection might persuade a customer to stick with SAS for a long trip, even if Lufthansa has a better schedule, product or price.
Is it scalable?
For SAS, the Dreams program is about more than rewarding customers. While it may never produce big profits, Svegaarden said it can help change the airline’s positioning.
“There’s not much revenue on these trips, obviously,” she said. “For SAS, which flies 29 million passengers every year, this is a tiny group. But this has something to do with the perception of the airline as well. For us, SAS Dreams is great storytelling. Everyone has dreams. Everyone has their bucket list. This might change our customers’ perception of SAS.”
And while SAS Dreams initially served high-value travelers, the airline has opened it to other frequent flyers, too. It’s also betting it can increase revenues by offering pre-planned trips to corporate customers.
Svegaarden said the program might work as a standalone business because SAS has a reputation in Scandinavia for quality. Yes, luxury-focused travel companies can probably create similar trips, but SAS is betting it has an edge because it knows its customers better, and they tend to like the airline.
Another advantage is that the Dreams program tends to get better airfare deals than the average tour company.
“They feel like they are a part of a community when they are traveling with SAS,” Svegaarden said of typical Dreams customers. “It means something special to them. For safety and security, they trust the airline. They also trust us to fulfill their dreams and give them other experiences.”
Still, it’s not clear whether the product is scalable or even needs to be, Northwestern’s O’Toole said. Many brands only launch these programs to reward their most profitable customers and to keep them from defecting.
Even if that’s all the SAS program does, he said, it can be a success.
“The challenge is how do you scale the program enough to have a meaningful business impact,” he said. “If the primary objective is creating greater engagement and loyalty from a highly select group of extremely high-value customers, then perhaps you can accomplish your objective without scaling a lot.”
Here’s the itinerary from Lawrance’s trip to Japan.
Download (PDF, 921KB)
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touristguidebuzz · 7 years
SAS Strives to Fulfill Passenger Dreams and Its Own With Experiences Program for Elite Flyers
SAS frequent flyers visit the airline's catering kitchen near Tokyo Narita Airport during a recent trip led by the airline's head chef, Peter Lawrance. Lawrance is the foreground center, with a beard. SAS
Skift Take: We're not surprised SAS frequent flyers love to take trips with the airline's head chef, though we're impressed the airline found 20 takers willing to spend $5,000 a piece (plus 100,000 points) for a five-day trip to Japan.
— Brian Sumers
Peter Lawrance, head chef of Scandinavian airline SAS, often says he has one of the world’s best jobs. And unlike some people, who say it but may not mean it, Lawrance is probably right. His airline wants to improve its food — it is betting premium customers at 35,000 feet will embrace the farm-to-table movement as on the ground — and SAS gives him an ample budget to make it happen.
Lawrance’s Instagram feed is filled colorful photographs of his travels. One month, he’s trying soy sauces in Hong Kong, judging how temperatures affect fermentation. In another, he’s near Washington Dulles Airport, tasting pasteurized cheeses he hopes European palates will find palatable. In yet another, he’s in Boston, watching a chef prepare sausage stuffed roulades for that day’s flight to Copenhagen.
Sometimes, he’s is even Japan, visiting the dairy farm that produces milk SAS uses for cheese, butter and ice cream.
A little more than a year ago, one of the airline’s senior executives accompanied Lawrance to Japan as the chef sought inspiration for new menus that would focus on Japanese ingredients. Afterward, the executive had a question: Would Lawrance allow some loyal SAS flyers to accompany him on a similar trip?
Lawrance was skeptical since SAS planned to invite big-spenders who might travel 250 days annually. “Why would they want to spend their little free time on another trip?” he wondered. But he and his colleagues discussed how to make it about more than just accompanying Lawrance on a business trip. “We needed to offer them something that was so far out there and so far different,” he said.
They devised a plan. From June 6 through 11, Lawrence would take 20 super travelers on a culinary-themed tour of Japan. They would go to aviation-related spots, such as the SAS flight kitchen serving Tokyo’s Narita airport, but also would visit a sumo wrestling training camp and a distillery Lawrance says produces the word’s best whiskey.
They would take the bullet train to Kyoto, where they would eat a traditional dinner and watch geishas perform. For other meals, they’d eat street food and at one of highest-ranking restaurants in Japan.
“It was all about what I would do when I’m there when I am by myself, and how I get my inspiration for new meals for SAS,” Lawrance said.
The sold-out trip was among the first in a new program called SAS Dreams. With about one journey per month, SAS is offering its most loyal customers — such as top tier Pandion members, a group so exclusive the airline’s CEO picks members each year — a chance to participate in activities generally off-limits to regular travelers.
In October, a group will meet in the English countryside, where frequent flyers will drive classic cars on what the airline calls a “three-day castle-to-castle tour.” Also in October, a group will visit France for a three-day tour of the Champagne region with Richard Juhlin, a champagne expert. Other upcoming trips include a visit to the South by Southwest festival in Austin, Texas, and a culinary tour of Hong Kong and Macau with Lawrance.
The trips aren’t cheap, but they’re not money makers, either. Lawrance’s Japan tour cost roughly $5,000, plus 100,000 frequent flyer points, and just about broke even, said Cecilie Svegaarden, head of SAS Dreams.
But the program serves two purposes. One is to reward customers who may have enough money to do what they want, but appreciate access the packaged trips provide. And second, over time, Svegaarden said SAS hopes the Dreams program will help position the airline less as a transportation provider and more as a travel company. SAS may sell its tours to everyone, not just loyalty program members.
“What we see is that it’s the leisure market that is really growing,” Svegaarden said. “That’s not just here. It’s global. That means we need we need to be stronger. Air tickets are just one small part of the whole journey. We want to our customers to use SAS for more than the airfare. We want to be a lifestyle.”
staying close to customers
The first part of the SAS Dreams strategy — rewarding loyal customers with special experiences — is not new, though SAS might take it further than other airlines.
In recent years, airlines, hotels and credit card companies have altered loyalty programs to reward top-tier customers with experiences, rather than just upgrades or travel discounts. Many travelers — especially younger ones — tell marketers they prefer experiences, like backstage concert access, over traditional airline or hotel-related perks.
While it’s not a fresh concept, offering access and experiences works, said Tom O’Toole, clinical professor of marketing at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management and former chief marketing officer at United Airlines.
“It’s very difficult to find effective ways to engage with very high-value travelers because the practical reality is these individuals have all the points they could ever want, they have all the miles they could ever want,” he said. “They get the special services and perks, and frankly they can afford to buy whatever they want.”
O’Toole also said the trips make sense because loyal customers like and respect airlines more than customers who only fly once or twice per year. The highest-level frequent flyers often fly so much they’re often obsessed with what executives such as Lawrance must accomplish to plan the menu to Beijing. They want access to people who make decisions abut the flying experience.
“Even very high-halue travelers are fasciated and engaged by behind-the-scenes experiences and insights at airlines and hotels,’ O’Toole said.
Many SAS trips have no obvious airline connection, and some occur in cities where it does not fly. But a senior member of the airline’s management team joins every group, and travelers ask about SAS operations and strategy.
“Our passengers and clients really enjoy sitting next to someone in general management,” Svegaarden said. “These clients have so much insight and such a big interest in the airline, so for them to sit and have dinner and ask these questions and get them answered, they really appreciate that.”
Ultimately, O’Toole said, that connection might persuade a customer to stick with SAS for a long trip, even if Lufthansa has a better schedule, product or price.
Is it scalable?
For SAS, the Dreams program is about more than rewarding customers. While it may never produce big profits, Svegaarden said it can help change the airline’s positioning.
“There’s not much revenue on these trips, obviously,” she said. “For SAS, which flies 29 million passengers every year, this is a tiny group. But this has something to do with the perception of the airline as well. For us, SAS Dreams is great storytelling. Everyone has dreams. Everyone has their bucket list. This might change our customers’ perception of SAS.”
And while SAS Dreams initially served high-value travelers, the airline has opened it to other frequent flyers, too. It’s also betting it can increase revenues by offering pre-planned trips to corporate customers.
Svegaarden said the program might work as a standalone business because SAS has a reputation in Scandinavia for quality. Yes, luxury-focused travel companies can probably create similar trips, but SAS is betting it has an edge because it knows its customers better, and they tend to like the airline.
Another advantage is that the Dreams program tends to get better airfare deals than the average tour company.
“They feel like they are a part of a community when they are traveling with SAS,” Svegaarden said of typical Dreams customers. “It means something special to them. For safety and security, they trust the airline. They also trust us to fulfill their dreams and give them other experiences.”
Still, it’s not clear whether the product is scalable or even needs to be, Northwestern’s O’Toole said. Many brands only launch these programs to reward their most profitable customers and to keep them from defecting.
Even if that’s all the SAS program does, he said, it can be a success.
“The challenge is how do you scale the program enough to have a meaningful business impact,” he said. “If the primary objective is creating greater engagement and loyalty from a highly select group of extremely high-value customers, then perhaps you can accomplish your objective without scaling a lot.”
Here’s the itinerary from Lawrance’s trip to Japan.
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fearofaherobrine · 7 years
Roleplay Server Log #302
“Crim In the Nether, Survivors, Winston's Arm, an Uneasy Truce”
[Gk] You look better kid, all that dry crap is sloughed off. No more itchy?
[Crim] No itch, no tights... - yawns and looks drowsily at GK, or rather the two GK's - Betters, all be.
[Gk] Sleepy already kiddo?
[Crim] - nods, tries to get up, but can't. He grabs a foot and shakes it - Feet won't behaves.
[Gk] Chuckles- They do that sometimes. Darned old feet. - He makes a new portal back to the overworld and scoots Crim back out onto the grass.
[Crim] - oggles grass and hic-ups, thankfully only smoke comes up. He rolls over in the grass, all twisty-turny with paws everywhere - Yas, green scratchy stuff.
[Gk] Hunkers down and ruffles his wings into a comfy pose. - Go to sleep Crim. I'll keep an eye out.
[Crim] - wiggles and settles in a postion that would give a cat a run for its money. His tongue is hanging out, one eye half closed and starts to softly snore -
[Gk] Chuckles -
-The nether mobs form a circle around Lie at the perceived threat to their mistress-
[Lie] Begins to cry as she falls to her knees on the ground-
[Winston] - Mistress...
[CP] Since he's had the catnip and armor removed he's starting to squirm, he can feel his mates distress-
[Steve] Puts Cp down on TLOTs head so he can hang on to Cn easier-
[TLOT] Lie?!
[CN] Darts down TLOT and through the few mobs to get to Lie-
[Lie] - This is it... This is all that's left...
[Steve] You mean...? Oh Gods...
[TLOT] His army?! Harvestman killed the rest??!!
[Lie] Hugs CP close to herself- Yes... The halls of his fortress... It's just filled with corpses
[CP] Mewls-
[TLOT] Is angry again but for a different reason, his eyes are practically flaming.
[Steve] Slides down with Cn in tow - Oh Lie....
-Testificates are moving aside to give their king a little space and get the children out from underfoot
[CN] Looks at Steve- What's wrong?
[Steve] Cp and Lie... they just lost a lot of their allies... Harvestmen.... he killed their friends....
[TLOT] Gives a rather anguished roar and the mental waves of his pain spill over the server-
[Lie] Changes CP back, wanting her husband in his usual form-
[CP] Pulls Lie close to himself, comforting her as he looks through her memories to see what had happened to his seed-
[Eliza] - Master... What are we to do?
-There's a chunking of claws on stone as Doc lands on the wall-
[Doc] Xe sees the small group and makes a furious face-
[Traveler] Is watching their reactions closely-
[CP] - For now all of you will rest and recover...
[Doc] Joins TLOT's roar and the chunk shivers under the assault of grief-filled noise
[Winston] - But sir...
[CP] - No buts Winston
[Traveler] Stands before Lie- You'll have my blades. This is unacceptable behavior for a NOTCH. This animal needs to be put down.
[Roulade] Approaches nervously - Are these mobs... allies of yours?
[Lie] - Thank you Traveler...
[CP] - This is what remains of my army...
[Doc] Falls from the wall and shifts down to hir smaller shape as TLOT does the same.
[TLOT] His eyes are streaked with tears but his face is resolute.
[Doc] Firmly- Bring me anyone who is hurt.
-The generals check over the other mobs first, not caring about their own injuries. It's mostly scrapes and bruises, a few broken bones as well. The worst injury is Winston's missing arm-
[Doc] Gets to work cleaning and repairing the little injuries with what xe has on hand, it results in several of them with oddly colored pixels filling gaps. -
[Lie] Curls up closer to CP, taking comfort in his warmth and closeness- Even Grayson... He was slain in the main entrance... Oh gods, it was just... Just...
[CP] - Shhhh, it's alright, I'm here...
[Lie] - But he was there! And... And the last thing the personal guard that you assigned to me did was lead us to Winston and the others... He... He killed them...
[CP] - Then they died doing their job, protecting you...
[Lie] Hiccups a little amongst her sobs-
[Tungsten] Eyes Winston for a moment - Doc, I've got this one. Pardon me for a moment- He takes out Aurums bow before plucking it as he quick walks back to the forge-
[TLOT] Is beside himself with grief and holds Steve as the miner cries openly-
[Aurum] Is a bit surprised at being summoned again so soon-
[Tungsten] You and I have work to do.
[Drilby] Falls into step beside him with a grim face.
[Aurum] - What are we doing?
[Travler] Addressing Cp - If it gives you any comfort, the fresh blood on my garment is his. And his accursed sword bounded off of me like it was made of slimeballs.
[CP] Grunts, more focused on Lie-
[Winston] - It was a good strike, but he’ll recover quickly, he always has
[CP] Translates for Winston-
[Traveler] Then next time I'll aim to remove his head.
[Tungsten] We need a pully system, and a gauntlet
[Aurum] - Hmmm, we may want Copper for this. You know the really complex looking bow? Pluck it's string
[Tungsten] Does as he's asked-
[Copper] He forms as a very large testificate. Beneath the robe there's a bit of whirring- Aye, what do you want now Aurum?
[Drilby] Wooow....
[Tungsten] We need an arm. Left side.
[Aurum] - Hey, I'm not the one who called you
[Copper] - I can see that now, and an arm ya say, well, those are one of my specialties- Copper begins approaching the forge
[Tungsten] What do you need?
[Copper] - Well, ye will want iron, and some gold, red stone as well
[Aurum] - Don't forget the paper you old coot!
[Copper] - Aye aye, that to
[Drilby] Is already digging and laying things out-
[Tungsten] Paper?
[Copper] - Aye, to make wires, something Aurum here was never very good at
[Tungsten] Why not use spiderwebs? They work for tripwires.
[Copper] Lifts his robe to reveal a mechanical leg beneath- Because wires help translate smoother motion and is less work for the wearer
[Tungsten] I like it. Teach us, please.
[Copper] Smirks and begins his lesson with the young master Smith-
[Drilby] Is also listening and helping out, him and his husband both are utterly fascinated
[Aurum] Watches for a bit before returning to his bow-
[Copper] Shoes then how to roll and insulate the wires and explains how to build the connection needed to translate the signals from the body to the new arm-
[Drilby] Do we need chest straps? He doesn't have a nub to go inside it.
[Copper] - If that's the case then yes, do ye have the measurements needed?
[Drilby] He's a basic wither skeleton. I'll just put it on him and punch the holes for the buckles where they're needed.
[Copper] - Wither Skelton eh? We'll need to lengthen the arm s bit then, but we can get a more secure connection with him by using the spine and where the ribs meet in the front
[Tungsten] Good, I don't want to pull him away at the moment. His Herobrine and Lie are both in a bad state.
[Copper] - Alright then, we should hurry though
[Tungsten] Gets back to work, his fingers flying over the components.
[Drilby] Finishes with the leather strips and leans over his work from the other side, pulling wires and helping him-
[Copper] Watches and corrects on small things rather often- I know it may seem annoying to ya, but every small part needs to be precise in somethin like this
[Tungsten] I understand. It's going to get used, possibly in battle.
[Copper] - Then at some point in the future we should make him a stronger one for that
-Some of the adult Testificates have gone into their homes and brought back blankets for the mobs, some are gently offering food as well, unsure of what they might be able to eat.
[Drilby] This can be the protoype. I think they're going to be staying with Lie,or at least on this seed. He can come back for repairs if needed.
-Most of the mobs politely decline-
[Copper] - Oh he will, these things always take lots of adjustments over a few months
[Tungsten] Finishes and moves so Copper can inspect his work-
[Copper] Looks over everything with a well trained eye- For your first attempt this is good lad, now go get it to it's wearer
[Tungsten] Gathers everything but the leathers and hurries back with Drilby in tow-
[Winston] Is dutifully staying near CP and Lie-
[Drilby] Approaches Winston - We made you a new arm!
[Tungsten] Is carrying the contraption, with it's cover on it looks like the sleeve and gauntlet from a suit of armor.
[Doc] Eyebrow and listening-
[Winston] - Oh, that... Was not necessary... I can learn to function without... [CP] - Winston, you're going to need that arm [Winston] - Says the one sitting there with no pants on
[Traveler] He was a cat a few minutes ago....
[Tungsten] Rubbish. Even I know you're Cp's right hand. You can't be that without at least a left of your own-
[Drilby] Eyeballs Winston and shortens the straps a bit to fit.
[Winston] - Oh alright, go ahead and connect it
[Tungsten] Holds it up to the correct place while Drilby scrambles around making it secure.
[Doc] Slides over to Copper. - Any chance you're a friend of Aurum?
[Winston] Winces a little as he feels the Maxine connect and begin responding to him-
[Copper] - Aye I suppose you could say that, I'm Copper, one if the previous masters
[Doc] That's excellent. I'm Doc, I take it these complex prosthetics are your area of expertise?
[Copper] - Aye
[Tungsten] Is moving Winston's fingers so he can get the hang of it.
[Doc] It's a field that interests me too. Have you done work on yourself as well?
[Copper] - Aye, my leg
[Doc] Nod nod- Nice. I like working with hearts best myself.
[Copper] - Never was able to work on those myself
[Doc] Eyebrow waggle - Show me yours and I'll show you mine.
[Copper] Sighs but does lift his robe to show his leg-
[Doc] Does a little bit of poking to see how it works and is obviously impressed. - Expect me to come bug you for collaborative work at some point. I love your technique. My turn now- Xe gathers a bit of statick on hir hand and makes a glitchy hole over hir chest. The mass of hearts is visible through hir ribs, there's several types of crystals, gold, diamond, obsidian, iron, all formed into hearts and scattered amidst ten fleshy red hearts. All of them are beating in a perfect casacade from the bottom to the top and then back down again. - I seem to have a knack for just making whatever I need from what's around and integrating it.- Xe indicates some of the mobs with oddly colored pixel patches. I've built non-human bodies from scratch for people several times before.
[Copper] - Interesting method you have for getting inside, and interesting choice of metals as well
[Lie] Quietly- We made a mistake...  A horrible...  Horrible mistake...
[Firebird] -Lands on the ground and turns to his other form, giving a small ashy cough into his hand. His eyes are distant-
[CP] - Shhhh, it's alright...   There was nothing we could do...
[Lie] - But we could have!  We could have been there!  Helping to protect them instead of staying away!
[CP] - Lie, we thought staying away would make them less of a target...  Somehow I doubt he would have stopped if we had been there
[Lie] - It's just...  I don't know
[CP] - Nuzzles her head a little- It's alright, I know the feeling
[CN] Kinda hides behind Steve, wanting to go to Lie, but doesn't like all the nether mobs-
[Steve] Pulls out a blanket he kitted himself and drapes it over Cp and Lies shoulders. It's hideous but warm and soft-
[CN] - Lie...
[CP] For once doesn't try to burn what's offered, knowing his wife needs it-
[Doc] Returns hir attention to the surrounding mobs, - Well... At least some of them were saved. -xe addressees them directly- Some of you already know of this seed. It is a haven for the hunted and hurt. There are many Herobrines, Steves, Alexes, even a few NOTCHs, but no players. As long as you don't start fights you will all be made welcome for as long as you wish to remain. The Nether is mainly wild as well if any of you would prefer to be there instead of the Overworld. I can always clear out a nether fortress for you.
-There's a small amount of discussion amongst the mobs-
[Winston] - For now we'd prefer to remain near the Master and Mistress
[Doc] Okay. They live just outside town. And if anyone needs further medical assistance, I'm never far away.
[CP] - We'll head there soon...
[TLOT] Makes an effort to spread some calming vibrations over the general area. -
[Traveler] Zeros in on Doc- That was generous.
[Doc] Full body shiver as xe realizes whos looking at them - Th-thanks...
[Steve] Doc this is our new NOTCH, Traveler.
[Doc] Charmed. Um, I'm Doc, head admin.
[TLOT] Comes up beside them- She's my responsibility. Is it acceptable for her to have a room in the castle?
[Doc] If you trust her...
[Lie] Offers CP his pants and he quickly equipts them while Lie turns to Doc- Doc...  She's immune to Harvestman's sword...
[Firebird] -Coughs a bit more ashes before relaxing-
[CN] Goes to Firebird- Firebird...- He looks on the verge of tears
[Doc] There's a glimmer in hir eyes - reeeally? Then you and I have things to discuss.
[Travler] Suddenly looks suspicious.
[Firebird] -Offers arms to CN- Shhh..
[CN] - Firebird...  She's scared...  Why can't I protect her...
[Steve] It's okay Traveler, they don't hurt people. Doc has patched up every brine on this seed plus some Steves at least once.
[Firebird] -Scoops CN up to chest, hums a bit. He doesn't have an answer for him.-
[Traveler] Hmm. Well. I shall still be doing some exploring.
[CN] Starts crying a little-
[Firebird] -Holds CN and keeps humming softly-
[CP] - Come on Lie...  Let's go home...
[Lie] - Please
[TLOT] Is passing around the group of villagers and children, giving hugs and soft words.
[CP] Teleports them to their home, the mobs soon following-
[Doc] Whispers to Cp in chat- Don't forget to introduce them to Markus...
[CP] - Later
[Notch] Is feeding the fish outside and blanches as the mobs come tromping up the path-
[Winston] His eyes narrow at the sight of Notch, his fingers twitching for his sword-
[Notch] Freezes in place and a few fish flakes trickle from his fingers. the sound of the koi gulping at the surface is unaccountably loud-
[Flux] See's his fear through the window and steps outside- Notch?
[Notch] Can't take his eyes off the group. He's weaponless and in broad daylight- Flux...nether-mobs...
[Flux] Moves quickly to stand between him and the mobs- What is going on?
[Winston] Glances at where he knows CP and Lie are-
[Notch] Follows their eyes- Ar-are you looking for Cp?
[Winston] Knows Notch can't understand him and struggles to communicate that they are here to guard-
[Notch] Is getting used to Steve's brothers signing at him and kind of understands-
[Flux] - Love, let's just go inside until your son decides to explain this...
[Stevie] Is heading in the direction of Notch's place, spots the familiar forms of CP's mobs and does a complete 180-
[Notch] You don't think they'll just batter the door down?
[Flux] - If they try I'll use my magic to reinforce it
[Notch] Looks up as a few drops of rain begin to fall- No. If there are here for Cp we should let them in.
[Flux] - Are you certain?  We don't know how aggressive they are
[Notch] Sees Stevie noping and yells for him- Hey Stevie!
[Stevie] Freezes as attention turns towards him-
[Notch] Stevie? Come over here please?
[Stevie] - Ummm, how about you come over here?
[Notch] Come on Stevie, it's raining. Get over here.
[Stevie] - I'd rather not get near the things that have tried to murder me since who knows how long?
[Flux] - Perhaps you should talk with your other son first
[Notch] Goes to him, a little annoyed- Are these your brothers mobs?
[Stevie] - Yes!
[Notch] Good. Thank you. And don't be like that. You're on respawn anyway.
[Stevie] - Doesn't stop being killed by them from hurting
[Notch] Is walking back. Mutters- It's called diplomacy.
[Strevie] - It's called survival
[Notch] Walks straight up to Winston and looks up at him nervously-
[Winston] His hand comes to rest on the hilt of his sword-
[Stevie] Panicked- Father what are you doing!?
[Notch] Extends an empty hand and swallows hard- We should get the blazes and magma cubes out of the wet so they don't go out. Please come with me.
[Winston] Glances back at Blake and Magnolia-
[Notch] Waits. He's already a bit soaked himself-
-The blazes and magma cubes creep forwards-
[Stevie] Is panicking and and has his sword out-
[Notch] Indicates that they should follow him and turns to lead them around to the workroom, since the floor in there can't catch fire. He's sweating from the tension and glad for the drizzle as he's actually terrified to turn his back on them. [at Stevie] Don't do it....
[Stevie] Races around to the other side of the house to keep an eye on Notch-
-The mobs follow him while the others begin to spread out around the house-
[Notch] Scoots the butts pumpkin away from the doorway and steps back so they can come in. The workroom is warm from the lava flow in the corner, and the rain is pattering on the glass ceiling.
-The mobs investigate a little-
[Stevie] Moves closer to Notch- Father what are you doing?
[Notch] Letting your brothers allies in out of the storm. I don't think they'd be here for no good reason and it may mean that the danger on your old seed has increased somehow to warrant this many guards.
[Stevie] - I'm really not sure this is safe
[Hope] Runs away from the mobs and up into the rest of the house-
[Notch] It's not safe, it's a calculated risk. But in this case it's crueler to play it safe and possibly worse in the long run. I have some powers of my own, and if Steve is brave enough to go unarmed and make friends with the skeletons then I can do the same. They're not animals Stevie. They're people of their own type.
[Stevie] - Then will you and Flux at least come and stay at my place until we have more answers?
[Notch] No. This is family business.
[Stevie] - But father...
[Notch] A little more fiercely- NO.
[Stevie] Flinches back a little at the loudness-
-The mobs turn towards the loud noise, curious as to what's happening-
[Notch] Sees his face and grabs him in a hug- Just trust me please. I know it seems scary, but I feel like it's the right thing to do. Just like they hunted you at Cp's command, Harvestman has been hunting them, except they don't get to come back. Have some compassion.
[Stevie] - I'm sorry, I know I'm getting more used to being around my brother, but I don't think I can handle his mobs yet...
[Notch] Do you feel safe next to me? You know I can shield you.
[Stevie] - Of course father
[Notch] Then help me lay some beds.
[Stevie] - You're the one in creative
[Notch] Shakes his head and starts handing him small beds- I meant help me place them. - Pats his shoulder-
[Stevie] Shakily enters the room- Are we sure they need beds?
[Notch] I don't know? But some of them look hurt. So it's probably a good idea.
[Stevie] Quickly throws down the beds-
[CP] Can hear them doing stuff down below but is keeping Lie in an embrace as she stays close to him-
[Notch] What I could really use is an interpreter...
[Stevie] - I know brother has translation codes...
[Notch] Are they contained in something? I know Doc has that egg they use sometimes.
[Stevie] - As far as I know?  No
[Notch] Snaps his fingers- I know who can speak mob! - He types out a quick message in the chat and there's a soft 'boof'
[Enderbro] What's shakin bacon? Woo! Mob party! I brought glowstone! -shakes a block around-
[Magnolia] Slips inside-
[Enderbro] recognizes her - Magnolia! - Waves a lot-
[Notch] Magnolia?
[Stevie] - One of the generals...
[Magnolia] At Bro- Oh, hello
[Enderbro] She's super important, military stuff, yep!
[Notch] Ask her why they're here please?
[Enderbro] Does as he's asked.
[Magnolia] - The Mistress brought us here, for our own protection.  We're all that's left...
[Enderbro] Translates, his face falling - THAT'S SO SAD!!!
[Notch] Oh gods.... But he had an army...
[Stevie] - This is all that's left of his army?
[Notch] Kneels in front of her. - I'm so sorry...
[Enderbro] Has pulled out cookies and is eating them while sobbing- WEEEHHHHH
[Magnolia] - We lost so many, but it helped protect the Master and Mistress.  I personally am saddened by the fact that she had to see all of our corpses...
[Notch] I can't believe they're gone... Doc told me how many there were at the coronation... And Harvestman did this? Even with him thinking Lie and Cp were both dead?
[Magnolia] Nods-
[Enderbro] Grabs her and cries on her- WEEEHHH
[Magnolia] - Ah!  Please don't cry, water isn't good for you...
[Enderbro] BUT I'M SAD!
[Endrea] Is returning to the house with her children under her wings to protect them from the rain and hears the crying, but she can't hurry or she'd leave her children behind-
[Enderbro] Plops on the floor with his legs splayed out and tries to rally himself- Here... I made a house! You can have it! - He presses a small cluster of Legos into her hand -
[Magnolia] - Oh!  Um...
[Endrea] Finally reaches the house and ushers her children inside, instructing them to go upstairs immediately before she slips into her human form and goes inside- What is going on?
[Notch] Looks very tired and sad - Endrea... Cp's mobs... they were massacred... there are only about 20 of them left...
[Endrea] - I'm assuming that doesn't include mine?
[Notch] Well yours are here, so I assume not.
[Endrea] - I see...  How is the Master and Mistress taking it?
[Notch] I don't know, they're in Lie's bedroom-
[Enderbro] Gets up and goes to Endrea. He's surprisingly childlike in his want for a hug from someone he considers motherly-
[Endrea] Willingly hugs him, wrapping a wing around him as well- Go, check on your son and daughter, I can watch things here
[Notch] Thank you... - He snags Stevie's sleeve and pulls him along as well-
[Stevie] Little yelp-
[Notch] Hauls him across the little bridge and taps on Lie's door-
-There's a bit of shuffling inside and Lie is still sniffling a bit-
[Notch] Lie... It's me and Stevie, can we come in?
[Lie] Quietly- Sure- She and CP are a bit tangled up with each other for comfort
[Notch] Comes inside and leaves the door open, giving Stevie a little tug as well-
[Stevie] Hesitates but does step inside-
[CP] Has curled himself around Lie-
[Notch] I heard what happened, I'm so sorry... I let the hot mobs into the workroom but the rest chose to stay out in the rain-
[CP] - Most of them the rain won't harm
[Notch] I was just trying to be nice, Stevie helped.
[Lie] Thank you for that Notch...
[Notch] Sits on the edge of the bed and embraces them both, his eyes are wet with tears- I know they meant so much to you. They'll be missed.
[Lie] - There was so much death there, within my getting there and getting what remains out...  Four more of them died...
[Notch] I'm sure there was nothing you could do Lie. - Shoots Stevie a look, it's clearly meant to goad him into joining them.
[Stevie] - Right...  Our false father...  Hes strong.  He took both you and my brother out
[CP] - And now he knows we're both still alive...
[Notch] Is resolute - He won't take you from me. Any of you.
[Lie] - Thank you Notch
[Stevie] - We wouldn't let him take you either
[Notch] Nods grimly-
[CP] - I'm not sure what to do now...
[Stevie] Moves a little closer- What?  No plan for once?
[CP] - Not an inkling of one
[Notch] The plan is to round up everyone with any kind of strange powers or special items and obliterate him from a dozen angles...
[CP] Pulls Lie a bit closer- I just...  Don't know...
[Notch] Doc blocked him out of this server. You're all safe here. We can bide our time until everyone is healed.
[Lie] - Time, that's just what we need now...
[CP] Flicks a paper at Notch- Give this to Winston, he'll make sure none of my mobs attack you
[Notch] Takes it curiously- What is it?
[CP] - Just some orders
[Notch] Done. And I'm sorry I bothered you two. You should sleep. We have a lot to do when you're feeling stronger.
[Lie] - Thank you Notch
-Two days pass-
[Doc] Comes around to check on them, hesitating at the ring of mob guards outside the house- May I?
-They part for the doctor-
[Doc] Nods respectfully and knocks on Lie's door-
[Winston] Answers the door- Oh, Doctor, it's you
[Doc] Is carrying the translation egg- Yep. Just came to talk. Hows the group? Does anyone need me?
[Winston] So far everyone seems to be alright, nobody has complained to me or the other generals yet
[Doc] They're probably still weirded out being up here. It's chillier then they're used too and it's been rainy. The weather seems to match everyone's mood. Oh! Steve sent a present too. Not sure how useful it will be though. - Xe opens a small trunk, and it's full of soft sweaters and hats. - TLOT made him stick to one color for each, he pouted, but went with it anyway.
[Winston] - I'll be sure that the mobs that can wear them get them
[Doc] Not to pry, but I am a bit concerned about you too. Why didn't you call for help with your numbers so reduced?
[Winston] Bows his head a little- I was about to, but then he attacked... I had the paper right there in my hand and he took it by taking my arm as well
[Doc] Growls - Of all the... How long was that before Lie found you?
[Winston] - I'm not certain, but it was while we still had a majority of the generals
[Doc] leans against the wall, - it was while we were outside.. it has to have been....
[Winston] - You mean the real world?
[Doc] Yes... Markus was in danger of outing us being as we are and being able to drag humans into the game. We had to watch over him while he became physical and then threw our pursuers off the trail. It would have put every Herobrine in danger if we hadn't done it. Deerheart and Flux went as well. Both of them now have physical human forms to switch too and move freely out there.
[Winston] But why are you so certain that that is when I lost my arm?
[Doc] Just the time frame, it moves faster here, but we were gone for a long time out there.
[Winston] - I see...- He looks down at his new mechanical arm
[Doc] Winston... you have gone so much above and beyond anything anyone could expect, been faithful to Cp under so much duress, I have more respect for you then you'll ever know. I want to give you something. And none of this 'I'm a faithful servant and want nothing thing'. You choose. It doesn't have to be right now, take your time and mull it over. But I'll make it happen, anything in my power to give.  I'll give you wings, bring you back to life, build you a house, take you irl, give you any item your heart desires. You've only to ask.
[Winston] Is surprised by the offer- There really is no need... As a mob I don't need a house, I like being a skeleton although the lower resolution is taking some time to get used to, and I have been to the real world before
[Doc] Nonethless my offer stands. Even if it's nothing more then a fancy outfit.
[Winston] - I will keep it in mind
[CP] Comes out if the bedroom, intent on going to his private chambers-
[Winston] - Sir...
[Doc] Smiles at him - Hello Cp...
[CP] Grunts at Doc-
[Doc] At least I got a response- Xe darts in and gives him a quick hug.
[CP] - What do you want now?
[Doc] Nothing really. I came to talk to Winston and see if everyone was healing up okay. You have quite the formidable honor guard outside.
[CP] - They're scared
[Doc] You've told them he's...? - xe turns to Winston - Cp's NOTCH has an identifier number, they all do. I can use it to blacklist them. He can't come here. The server itself would reject him, Deerheart's just as furious and hurt as everyone else.
[CP] - They know, but they're still scared that something may happen to Lie and i
[Doc] They need time, we all do. But reassuring them can't hurt. Take a page from TLOT's book, just keep them under your wings for now.
[CP] - That won't be hard
[Winston] - They refuse to let either the Master or Mistress out of sight
[Doc] Well that's a bit annoying if you need the bathroom, but okay otherwise.
[CP] - They know better than that
[Doc] I was making a joke and you know it. Something else occurs to me though, you know I'm pretty sneaky. Do you need anything from your private space on your seed?
[CP] - I don't think so, all the obsidian pieces have been brought over here...
[Doc] That's good. I was thinking-  
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