#i just watched the scene where he performs “we'll be together” and remembered something...
hooked-on-elvis · 28 days
ꜱᴄᴇɴᴇ ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀʀɪꜱᴏɴ — ᴇʟᴠɪꜱ ꜱɪɴɢꜱ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴀᴛʀɪᴀʀᴄʜꜱ/ᴍᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ꜰɪɢᴜʀᴇꜱ
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"Love Me Tender" (1956)
Scene from movie "Love Me Tender" (20th Century Fox)
"Can't Help Falling In Love (With You)" (1961)
Scene from movie "Blue Hawaii" (Paramount Pictures)
"We'll Be Together" (1962)
Scene from movie "Girls! Girls! Girls!" (Paramount Pictures)
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turtlesocksv2 · 9 months
Liveblogging DFF Ep 2
It's time for Dead Friend Forever episode 2!
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Ok I have to say this but it cracks me up every time i watch a Thai show and we get that little disclaimer at the start saying "we do not condone any characters/jobs/actions in this show it is for entertainment only" like what kind of 2003 FF.Net "Please don't sue me i am poor and only playing with these characters like dolls" ass thing to see in front of Mafia Dramas (Kinnporsche), Serial Killer hijinks (Dead Friend Forever) and fucking bittersweet adult midlife crisis vibes (Moonlight Chicken).
Top is absolutely losing it, and they need to leave poor Fluke alone. He is trying his best! What more do you expect from him?!
Oh, Tee is the first to break off from the group. RIP Tee, we'll see how that works out for you.
The mask the killer wears really is very freaky. well done, props department.
Phi the only one awake. I see you. I support you in your killings.
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Oh I really thought Top was donefor there. Phi taking control of the group is so interesting. The way he leads everyone down what investigation paths...
Alright just what did you guys do to Non last time??? thank god the 3 newbies to the group are having a little sidebar asking that question. Clearly whatever it was was awful for the group to jump immediately to Non is Dead and his Ghost is Cursing Us and He Wants Us Dead Too for What We Did. But also, i think this rules out All Three Newbies working together to I Know What You Did Last Summer the group, otherwise this scene would make no sense. We'd have another Gossip Girl Dan situation where actions taken when they're alone don't add up to the reveal. So at least 1 of the newbies is not involved.
LOL at Tan trying to get Fluke to spill what the core group knows. If i was Fluke I'd be feeling very very threatened right now. "You think you're going to be next. I'm worried about you." and now Jin is being mean to Fluke too! for the love of god, Fluke is trying! just because he wants to be a doctor doesn't mean he can perform surgery in a cabin in the woods! Leave him alone!
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"a good-mouthed and good-hearted man like you doesn't need to remind me" yessss. kill him.
lmao Por has old fucking floppy disks. are these people old enough to have used a floppy disk in their lives. but i know i've got old floppies around somewhere so it makes sense there'd be some at a like summer vacation house that gets used rarely. but also, did i miss that Por hid the footage last episode? because otherwise wouldn't the harddrive that had the footage still be in the room they were all in when Phi hooked it up to the TV?
Was that a mystery medicine bottle in the closet? 👀👀 yeah i'm gonna need someone who can read Thai to to screenshot and tell us what that says.
Oh i really don't need the squelching noises from Fluke tending to Por's wound, please.
Ok, that Por jumpscare with the balcony door got me. and How the fuck does Por have the strength to strangle someone when he's been bleeding out all night?! Obviously a hallucination or something but what caused the hallucination?!
Thank you, White, for bringing back up that they are in the Cult Sacrifice Woods and this might be a Cult Killer or have to do with the cult. a very important thing to remember.
I would absolutely be looking at that footage the second Tee and Top turned their backs, the fuck. No you don't get to act that sus about what happened three years ago and play it off! Phi fighting the fight to keep that footage intact and eventually seen. Tan trying to gently break the idea that the group was bullying Non to White.
oh SHIT the way Uncle Deng got fucking GOT by that wire i screamed! i knew something was going to go down because obviously they couldn't escape the valley mansion in episode 2 but jesus. fucking. christ.
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Tee finally remembering he has a boyfriend that he abandoned to the serial killer lmao. Tee and Top keep almost getting away and then going back. they are being herded like cattle. but also, it's kind of sus.
No PhiJin and barely any TeeWhite stuff this episode, which makes sense in that they are busy they don't have time to fuck, but i do find it interesting that PhiJin seem to be on the same page the episode with like no relationship tension between them just situational worry considering Jin was literally biting Phi's dick last episode. Putting aside grudges to stay alive: i'm proud.
anyway that was a really good episode! Tee and Top are the worst. Fluke needs to get the fuck out of this toxic friend group. White needs to dump Tee and get the fuck out of this toxic friend group. Phi and Tan can kill whoever they want i support it. ❤️
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6okuto · 2 years
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delivery for. . . @jijimoons and felix! JAY!! thank u for the req oh em gee
felix will be slow with physical touch at first to make sure you're comfortable. he asks before he does anything, letting you know he won't be offended if you'd rather he didn't. he understands the nerves that come with it and reminds you that he loves you and can show you that with things other than kissing or hugging!
but if you feel comfortable...he kisses your freckles..."i have so many" ok? and he will kiss them. sort of absentmindedly while you're laying together, very purposeful while he wants to spoil and love you. i'm thinking holding and kissing your hand, up an arm while holding the other hand, then over your face! that is simply my truth
felix as a theatre kid would love to see you perform something, even if it's just a little scene. he'd definitely ask about any roles you had or characters/plays you liked from earth, willing to share his own opinions with you. he'd probably try to act something out with you, though it'd be in the privacy in one of your rooms and while he's a little tired and more relaxed
he actually Quite enjoys your sense of humour. it works with his own wit and he'll laugh even if other people don't. he also really likes the chaos that comes with getting to know you better just because he's always up for a little fun. felix was very happy to see you open up around him and did not take it for granted—he made sure to bounce back your energy and keep it going
felix always asks if you'd like to join him on little shopping trips, walks, or just relaxing in one of your rooms together. it's definitely what he turns to near the beginning of your relationship while he's figuring out boundaries, confidence, what you enjoy doing, etc. later on it's really just because he loves your company and wants to spend as much time as possible with you
keeps you away from large crowds, choosing quieter areas and standing on the side that's closer to people. if you start to get anxious, he'll pull you somewhere quiet to make sure you're alright. he scopes out possible date spots himself before bringing them up with you and takes note of when they're quieter.
felix loves the petnames that you love !! once he finds out which ones they are, he'll greet you with them, say goodnight, call you using them, etc. "good morning, darling." "hon, can you pass me my novel?" "i think it's time for us to rest, sweetheart. we'll have plenty of time in the morning to finish."
in a modern au, i think felix would also love dates where you stay in and watch movies! this guy would have very strong opinions on everything you guys want to watch. he loves being able to be comfortable, cuddling and eating, talking without worrying about strangers overhearing odd comments or being trouble.
would gift you a piece of jewelry himself once he sees your collection and finds out about your necklace. "not because i want to take its place or anything, but because i...i hope you're able to remember and have me at all times as well."
felix Loves seeing your art or writing if you feel comfortable sharing it with him by the way. you can feel the sincerity in his words whenever he compliments it (after a solid 10 seconds of just taking in the piece/thinking after he's read it). tell him about the details you're super proud of!! he'll build on them and be super excited to notice them as you point them out
tries to give you space when you're upset, but if he knows you're doing more harm than good, felix will gently try to comfort you in any way he can. will push your hair behind your ear and cup your cheek before reassuring you that he wants to help because he loves you, and that he'll always be here
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roo-bastmoon · 2 years
Do you think if jk hadn’t said the comment about jm tattoo there would be this much doubt ? (Because we haven’t seen much content recently so there obviously isnt much to go off)
I do think the lack of weekly RUN content contributes to the doubt. But I don't think it was any one thing that raised a huge red flag for me. Rather it was a lot of little things that hinted at... a shift in tone. Which could just be the lack of content. Or it could really be a shift in how they relate as they mature.
There was a time when Jikook selected cabbages they didn't prefer to make kimchi just to try to please each other's tastes and it ended up backfiring. Good lord, they were so in it, such a mess for each other. LMAO. But that level of consideration, of wanting to please and care for the other person, was something they regularly displayed.
Now? There IS some distance, I don't care what anyone says. You watch Jikook interactions from 2018 and play it back to back with interactions in 2022 and the whole vibe is different. Which is normal, folks change. But let's be real, it hits different. We can't be afraid to say "hey, that's different." We can't deny things just b/c it doesn't feel good--that's a delulu path and I won't take it.
When I consider if they are together right now (I believe they were totally together in the recent past), I ask myself when was the last time JK reached out and pulled Jimin close to him? Caressed him? Called him sexy? Praised his work? Knew his lyrics and choreo by heart? Stared at him until the rest of us felt like a third wheel? Told us something about Jimin that only he could possibly know? I see Jimin try to hug him or lean on him or mention him, but it is sometimes met with JK being aloof or blankfaced. Which feeds the trolls but that's not their problem, it's the trolls' problem.
So when JK didn't already know about the photo Hobi took of Jimin's back, or didn't hear Jimin's solo songs, or remember where Jimin got his friendship tattoo? There were already other signs they weren't as close. Doesn't mean they aren't together, just means they are together differently than what I'm used to.
Vegas seemed like Jikook were back on track with Jikookery, always together, plans to box and diet together... but that was a performance venue and a moment in time when things might have still been in flux, in terms of BTS' trajectory. They got home and again with the silence. Going to the beach and a festival and a game separately. (Normal couples do this, but Jikook had a history of just constantly being together, so it's different.) JK doing social media, Jimin avoiding it. Which is not unhealthy! Like, all of these are fine and normal choices, especially for long-term couples. They are two separate individuals. Jimin didn't even breathe a word about his own OST, never mind JK not bringing it up. What the hecking heck was that about?
But it's the vibe between them. Which is hard for me to quantify for you b/c it's a gut feeling. It feels like Jimin still is so taken with JK, always available and trying to reach out sometimes, but JK cuddles and teases and initiates far more with his other hyungs and doesn't always seem available to Jimin. They rarely are paired up for stuff this year, and that recent Proof photoshoot--Jimin didn't even look at Jungkook once that I could see. It was stiff and awkward. Like, even between setting up photos, they didn't really look at each other. That's not the Jikook I know!
(I compare that to when JK seems to be so totally open and delighted by Jimin--whispering in his ear and putting his cold hands on Jimin's neck during the Seoul concert... tapping Hobi right off that couch and onto the floor so he could sit next to Jimin and smack his thigh... like... I just get whiplash, I am telling you!!)
Maybe we'll get memories and behind the scenes and bombs and music performances that show them all up in each other's pockets just like always, and I'll be a clown to have ever doubted, and I'll be the first one to shout from the rooftops I'm a clown and thank god.
Jimin told us "there are things we cannot tell you and that's painful and sad." I'll just bet. I hope someday they all feel safe to tell us their true stories. For now, all I can do is take what I see in original contents, parse through it with kind-hearted fans, and support them. My insecurities are based on gut feelings I get while watching such a very small slice of their lives. So I write about it here in the hopes someone can point to evidence and go "Look at this! They are still very very much in love, it's all right here!" and then I can go "Oh thank goodness! I was such a silly goose!"
I'm oversharing here, but I'm battling a uterine cancer diagnosis. BTS was my happy place. Jikook fills my hours up with joy instead of anxiety. So if I seem obsessed by this, it's because focusing on real life right now is a bit too scary. So please take everything I say with a grain of salt. Truth is, I don't have any special insight or answers. I'm just looking at the content available to me and wondering if Jimin and Jungkook are doing all right. As long as they are all right, I'll feel all right.
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damnthatnoise · 5 years
Darko The Super | Of Dogs & Devils | An Interview
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Hip Hop has long been about bravado, skill, and how your personality can capture and pull the listener in even further than just your skillset. There have been many an MC who’s personality sometimes outshined the lyrical prowess for better or worse, but when I sit back and think of some of my favorite MC’s growing up (Redman, Slick Rick, Kool Keith, E-40, and Del to name a few) the personality often was near cartoonish with no real effort from the MC to make it appear that way. Enter MC Darko The Super who since first coming across his music via Already Dead Tapes has oozed oddball personality, and ever evolving skills as an MC. Darko is no joke rapper though, instead he is adept at delivering some stark reality raps littered with glints of humor we often use to cope with the pain of existence. 
Fresh off delivering one of my personal favorites last year in the form of Card Tricks For Dogs, he returns with his friend Steel Tipped Dove to give us The Devil Defeated, and makes a claim as one of the indie hiphop scenes freshest, most colorful, and promising voices making music. 
You can order the digital, cassette and SUPER vinyl copies of The Devil Defeated here, as well as all Darko The Super Items. 
The Devil Defeated by Darko The Super & steel tipped dove
Damn That Noise: Darko The Super. What’s the origin of that name and what’s it come to mean to you now? 
Darko: I think Darko The Super was my gamertag on Xbox Live before it was my official artist alias. I did two albums as Evan Darko after I seen Donnie Darko in high school. It had a big impact on adolescent me. The Super comes from another big influence on me at the time, MF Doom. My favorite song my senior year was "Dead Bent". I thought the ending of Operation Doomsday was really cool. The way it let you decide between hero or villain. I was big into vigilante justice at the time. I wanted to be like my favorite superheroes. So that's where the name came from. Nowadays it's just a name. More people know me as Darko than my real name these days, so it'd be silly to change it. Name's don't define you. It doesn't matter much to me. Though I like it. 
DTN: You’ve had a pretty prolific young career given that you’ve dropped 10+ projects since 2011, but when we were taking recently you said you’ve just now started to feel like you now know your voice. What’s changed in the last couple of years to get you to that place? 
Darko: Since 2011 I may have done nearly 100 albums. Most haven't lasted. I've deleted and erased most of my material pre 2014 from the face of the internet. (If anyone has a Loser CD, please destroy it.) I put out 10 albums in 2018 alone. All better than the previous. "Watered Down Demon Fuzz" from 2017 is the album I truly found my voice on. I listened back to "Oh, No! It's Darko" for nostalgic purposes and it seems more like a comedy album than anything, and not that good of a comedy album either. I was 18 when I made the first album I put on cd and gave to everyone at shows when I was starting to go out and perform. It was called Loser, inspired by Beck. Next cd I made was a compilation, also terrible, but somehow it's going for $75 on Discogs. I personally don't like anything prior to 2016. "Carve a Happy Face  on my Tombstone" had a few good songs. Those were transformative years. My perspective on life has changed severely. It's hard to be happy with things you create when you're not even happy with who you are. I think in finding myself, I found my voice too. Life will always be a mystery. But at least I'm more comfortable in my own skin at the moment. Therefore more comfortable in my art. 
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DTN: Why erase the evidence of growth though? If anything that could show folks the rapid progression of Darko? 
Darko: I'd prefer to leave a better first impression. Maybe I'm too insecure to show people my progression. It's also just a matter of that not being the way I feel anymore as far as the way I wrote back then. 
DTN: Your style is a bit unorthodox in that you kind of dance all over the pocket of the beats, and your inflections seem to change at the drop of a hat. I know E-40 and DOOM are a couple favorites of yours but who else’s impressed a young Darko and helped give us the man we have now? Who made you say “I think this is something I want to do!!”?
Darko: Murdoc and MyGrane McNastee from Orlando, Florida were a couple of the first independent rappers I got into from watching the Wake Up Show freestyles on Youtube. They were big influences on me. From there I got into MF Doom, Madlib, and J Dilla. During the datpiff era, I got really into Charles Hamilton's mixtapes. I was a big fan of a web series around that time called Internet Celebrities. Through them I found out about Das Racist. I remember listening to them for the first time on MySpace. I saw Big Baby Gandhi in a video with them. Later on his Debut would become one of my favorite albums. I was really into going on hip hop blogs. I remember watching Open Mike Eagle rap "Qualifiers" in a laundromat and having my mind blown. He told me Serengeti was his favorite rapper which had me watching every Kenny Dennis video I could find. Dennehy became my favorite album. I got into Mr. Muthafuckin' eXquire from seeing the Last Huzzah video with Das Racist, El-P, Despot, and Danny Brown. That's still my favorite posse cut. From checking out rap battles I got into Soul Khan who I remember posting about Homeboy Sandman's album The Good Sun. Blogs also got me listening to every Blu song. Her Favorite Color was something special to me. All those artists were huge in developing my approach. Nowadays my favorite rappers of all time are E-40, Serengeti, and Kool Keith
DTN: Card Tricks for Dogs feels like your most fully formed artistic statement yet and The Devil Defeated feels like the exclamation point showing folks you’re a real force. What helped bring those two records to life?
Darko: Both albums took a long time to come together, which usually isn't the case for me. I remember writing some of those Card Tricks for Dogs tracks while on vacation with my girlfriend and her family. I had tons of beats from my good friend and longtime collaborator Phil Ford aka BLKrKRT (Blacker Karat) loaded on my phone for those trips. I started it shortly after meeting Steel Tipped Dove for the first time. I released an album of his on my label and he offered to mix and master some tracks for me. So this was the first solo album of mine I let someone else do all the mixing for. I took my time with it and let it come together naturally. I believe everything happens at it's own time. As for The Devil Defeated, that album started out as a project called Contemplating Lonely Stuff, inspired by a Serengeti lyric. It was for the most part produced by Height Keech and Steel Tipped Dove. Eventually I decided to do albums with each of them separately. The album with Dove was pretty far along in the process and originally I wanted to call it "Playing Skee-Ball With Zev Love X" but we both agreed that was kinda corny and not many people would get what we were referencing. Then I heard the news of Daniel Johnston passing away, who is a hero of mine. I listened to nothing but Daniel for a few days straight and a few lyrics in particular stuck out to me. The one that landed was "The Devil Defeated" another possibility was My Yolk is Heavy. Me and Dove made over 20 songs for this album and eventually narrowed it down to the most cohesive project we could. We'll be doing a follow up of course. That's in the works now. I'm very proud of this album. My favorite track is a story I wrote based on a song called "Suzy's Face" by my favorite punk band, The Spits. I had to convince Dove on that one. There's another track I tried to convince him about too, but that will never see the light of day since I ended up agreeing with him. 
DTN: You’ve has a chance to work with a lot of interesting and well loved folks. How the hell did the tracks with Lil’B, Charles Hamilton, Denmark Vessey and others come about? 
Darko: I did an album called “Thank You BasedGod” dedicated to Lil B. I produced a track for him way back in 2014. He reached out to me after TYBG and offered to do a track together. So I sent him a couple  Steel Tipped Dove beats and he chose the one that ended up on the album. Later I saw Charles Hamilton posting about doing features. I sent him the Lil B track since that’s a dream collaboration of mine. Lil B is a big Charles Hamilton fan, and they’re both internet gurus of their eras. Charles conquered the blog era by releasing tons of free albums on his own blog, landing on all the mixtape sites. Lil B mastered social media and became a marketing genius, even transpiring music. I’m proud to say the first time they worked together was with me. As for getting Denmark Vessey on the album, he had already worked with Dove and toured with my good friends, The Difference Machine. I was the one who showed them his album Buy Muy Drugs while I was out in Atlanta for a week. That album’s my favorite of the decade. He had posted about doing features so I sent him an email and made it happen. 
DTN: You’ve released a lot of projects via Already Dead Tapes as well as starting UDDTBA. What is the connection with ADT and why start your own label? What have you learned from ADT and how has the played into how you run your label?
Darko: Already Dead Tapes taught me everything I need to know about running a record label. I met them in 2014 when I sent over my latest at the time “Oh, No! It’s Darko.” They were nice enough to release that on cassette. Soon after they invited me to play their weekend long festival in Kalamazoo, Michigan. I brought along ialive and we booked our first tour. Staying in Kalamazoo at the Knights Inn we recorded an album together and formed the now infamous duo The Hell Hole Store. From there we’ve played the Already Dead fest every year and I’ve released quite a few albums on Already Dead Tapes. U Don’t Deserve This Beautiful Art was grown out of wanting to support my friends and artists I admire. I brought on my best buds Steel Tipped Dove and Harvey Cliff to help me run things. Now the sky’s the limit. 
DTN: “Suzy” is life a very interesting record as is “lo-fi princess” off of The Devil Defeated. You mentioned the influence for “Suzy” came from another artists song...how’d this end up on your record and why? Also what’s the idea behind “Lo-Fi..”? 
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Darko: During my commute one day I listened to The Spits first self titled album. I hadn’t played it in a while and instantly remembered why they’re the best. One song in particular stuck with me throughout that ride, “Suzy’s Face”. I decided to write a song building off of their track. Almost like taking a short story and creating a movie. I tried to describe in detail about why someone would shoot Suzy in the face at a high school dance. So that’s what I came up with. Lo-fi princess 2 is a sequel to the original from “Watered Down Demon Fuzz” both love songs to my girlfriend, Alora. I liked the phrase cos it reminded me of “Bow-tie Daddy” by Frank Zappa. Now that I think of it, an actual Lo-fi princess would be an anime babe trapped in the track art of a SoundCloud beat. We’d have to defeat the chill hop brigade to save her. 
DTN: You and iAlive have a really dope chemistry and have two very different styles but similar energies that work so well off of each other. What makes that partnership work and why’d you guys want to keep it going after the one hotel infused brainstorming session?
Card Tricks For Dogs by Darko The Super & BLKrKRT
Darko: We kept it going cos there were more hotel sessions to be had. On tour you’re on the highway with a lot of time on your hands. That’s where most of our songs and ideas come from. We set up shop where ever we’re staying and start to bring these ideas to life. The people seem to like us and we enjoy performing together. That’s what keeps the hell hole going. We survive off friendship and fun times. 
DTN: Okay sir Darko. You can only eat at two fast food places for the next year because you lost a bet. Where you going??
Darko: Obviously Taco Bell is numero uno, I’m a big Taco Bell enthusiast. Next would be Wendy’s, best fast food burgers by me, and they got those spicy nuggets. Plus I heard their salads are good too, which I would need a salad every now and then. I don’t think this is too far off from my normal diet. Worst thing that could happen is I have a heart attack. But I’m on that path anyway. Maybe I’ll start exercising. Maybe. 
DTN: What are you picking if you only have Thor and Spider-Man as costumes for Halloween?!
Darko: Spider-Man of course. I could pull off a husky Spider-Man. Family Guy made it look good. I’d need the fake muscles for Thor. Fake muscles never look good. I don’t have the luxurious hair either. 
DTN: What’s the writing process like for you?! Do you let the beat decide the direction? Do you have an idea or some lyrics written and you locate a beat that fits?
Darko: Either or. Writing always comes to me. It’s second nature. If it doesn’t come to me, I don’t write. That’s all there is to it. I only write when I’m inspired. That’s an easy way to go about it. My number one thing is creativity, I don’t wanna be complex or even an intellectual. I want my lyrics to be universally understood. 
DTN: So what’s next on the horizon for Darko The Super?
Darko: Next up I’m working on an album with skits from a comedian friend of mine. He does tons of great characters and videos as Hot Talent Buffet. I think he’s a comedic genius. I’m also working on an album sampling nothing but my favorite band 10cc, titled “Strawberry Studios Jam ‘72” and another album sampling one of my favorite songwriters, Dean Friedman. The Dean and I have a 7” record on the way with my remix of his classic “McDonald’s Girl” on the B side with the original on the A side. I have a couple other collaborative albums coming along. The artist they’re with wants me to hold off announcing it until they’re ready, but I will say it’s a dream collaboration and I’m very excited for it. 
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eagles-translated · 3 years
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Season 3 Prediction Post | Elias Kroon
Here is the prediction post for Elias' character in season 3. I've made separate posts for Felicia, Klara, and Amie and I'll make a final post for Ludde later today!
Here is Elias' description from SVT Play for this upcoming season:
Elias struggles to prove himself as a hockey player but also tries to find out who he is off the ice.
I think we'll see Elias on the ice as usual, but this time around we'll also get to see him doing something other than hockey. Maybe developing his relationship with Amie?
I've discussed the fate of Elias and Klara's relationship in detail in Klara's prediction post. The gist of it is that I believe Klara will break up with Elias at her dad's funeral. We see Elias running late for the funeral in the trailer, which could be the final straw for Klara after she already felt like she's gotten neglected by Elias in the relationship.
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I think Elias gets even busier with hockey after he got drafted in the season 2 finale, and that this resulted in Klara feeling like she didn't get the support she needed from her boyfriend after her dad died. He possibly got so consumed with his hockey ambitions that he, without meaning to, didn't pay as much attention to Klara as he should've.
This scene is probably where they finally have the talk and Klara expresses how she feels like she can't go on in the relationship anymore. I think Elias will understand her decision, and that Klara will be more heartbroken (even if she's the one breaking up with him).
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In the trailer we hear Klara (I think it's her saying both of these lines) saying:
To all you fake friends… Ex-boyfriends… The party is over. You should stay away from the whole Kroon family. We’re just extras in their lives.
This is more than likely suggesting they'll part on bad terms. It's kind of a shame, because I was hoping they'd have a clean break-up and that Elias could move on to perhaps pursue Amie without coming from such a messy split between him and Klara.
Moving on to Elias and Amie, which I also discussed a little from Amie's perspective in her respective prediction post. We see Elias attend one of her concerts.
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I have a few theories on the events leading up to this scene. I don't know if this concert takes place in Stockholm (it looks a little empty for it to take place there, but we also need to remember that this was filmed when the pandemic first hit). If it does, it's not like in season 1 where Elias came with his sister to watch Amie sing one song in Oskarshamn. This time, it seems like Elias maybe came alone, and that he genuinely wanted to be there to support Amie and her singing career.
Anyway, here are my theories:
1) Amie invited him to the concert after they grew closer. Maybe these two will start off with a solid friendship before they realize their feelings for each other.
It seems like they were both pretty interested in developing the relationship back in season 1, but then Amie hooked up with Ludde while drunk. After that, Elias started a relationship with Klara. The timing has never really been right with them, but I think that will change in season 3. From the looks of it, they both seem to be pretty isolated and alone now and I think that's a perfect setup for them to explore their relationship (which has always been sort of a question mark, with us wondering if the writers would ever put them together).
2) Elias came to the concert out of his own accord to support Amie, or because he was curious and wanted to see her perform again. It's a little unlikely if this concert is in Stockholm and Elias came all that way to watch her perform, but maybe Amie told him about the concert and hinted that he should come?
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They share some dialogue in the latest trailer, and Elias seems pretty intrigued by her. To be fair, he's always looked at Amie like this, but this moment just really emphasizes how much chemistry they have just from Elias smiling at her.
(Amie) Don’t you do anything other than skipping school? (Elias) It’s a fair reason, isn’t it?
Amie mentions that Elias has been skipping school a lot, and Elias replies that he has a reasonable cause for doing so. He might be skipping school to practice hockey but I have a feeling it's something else. Elias is sporting a nasty bruise on his cheek in this shot which could be explained as just a hockey injury, but maybe there's something bigger going on. Could be a potential fight with Jack?
Elias has also always had problems with Mats, his father, controlling his hockey career. In season 2 we saw Mats orchestrate Elias' return to Oskarshamn Eagles, arguing that it was the better move for Elias career.
In the very first season 3 trailer, Elias is narrating and says:
There’s something about this town… No matter what we want to do, no matter how much we want to get out of here, we always end up here anyway.
He could be talking to Felicia here (most likely) or Amie (less likely). The point is that Elias has never really wanted to live in Oskarshamn and that he is only there because of his father. And even when he finally moves and joins the Karlskrona hockey team, he can't seem to catch a break and his father makes him come back. They're even seen arguing about something in the trailer.
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My theory is that Elias' relationship with Mats will still be pretty strained (maybe even more so) and that Elias will start spending more time with Amie as a way to escape everything and just live his own life (plus finding out who he is outside of hockey).
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Interestingly, we see Elias together with Ludde in the trailer as well. Are they friends now that Felicia is back together with him? Maybe Elias expressed he was on Ludde's side after Jack reported Ludde for hitting him with a crutch.
So, back to Elias relationship with his dad. In the recent trailer, Mats has this line.
You don’t know what that bastard has done. It’s a fucking monster.
There's no way this line is about Elias, and during this fight shot they seem to have deliberately cropped it so we won't see who Mats (and Ludde) are fighting. I'm pretty sure Mats is talking about Jack here. Mats trusted Jack and almost seemed to treat him as a second son, but now he's probably found out how Jack cheated on Felicia and started a fight with Elias. I think that would cause anyone to lash out.
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My theory is that this fight happens right before or after a hockey game, and that the fight breaks out when Jack shows up unexpectedly. I can't really see Elias in that scene (he might be in there, just hard to spot) and I first thought this was because he left Eagles again after getting drafted, but he's seen wearing an Eagles hat here.
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Anything could happen, really! I'm super excited for tomorrow, but I think we'll have to wait a few episodes before anything actually happens between Elias and Amie.
On a side note, episode 3 of the new season is titled Field trip. This kind of makes me think of season 1 episode 7, which was titled Road trip. This might be nothing, but maybe the name is a callback to that episode and will involve Elias and Amie skipping school to go somewhere together?
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contentsurfer-blog · 6 years
Kame Interview
Kame: I'm Charlie but most people call me Kame.
CS: Damn, that's sick honestly. Is it pronounced Kame as in like Kamehameha?
Kame: Yeah my dude!
CS: Is it something your family has called you since you were a child or what?
Kame: Nah, I use to draw it everywhere. Like if there was a piece of paper I would just write Kame on it haha. Then it just caught on from there.
CS: That's whats up man! So, how old are you and where are you from?
Kame: I am 20 years old from New Plymouth, New Zealand, aka Nug City.
CS: That's tight! What was it like growing up there?
Kame: It's cool and small. There's not a lot to do so I spend everyday skating and making music.
CS: What made you want to start making music?
Kame: When I was around 6 years old I started writing songs. I remember I was 9 years old when I learned basic chord progression on guitar and from there I was obsessed with music. I guess it gave me a sense of purpose.
CS: So you could say from a young age you knew you wanted to make music?
Kame: Yeah for sure. It's been my favourite thing to do ever since! I knew it would be my future since a young age.
CS: So was rapping something you got into later? Considering you were learning guitar at 9. Or were you into a bunch of different music as a kid?
Kame: My mum always listened to hip-hop and R&B like Biggie, Boyz II Men, and Aaliyah. But I got into heavy metal as kid. That's what got me into guitar, so I have a very eclectic taste in music.
CS: When did you start making music and putting it our for people to hear?
Kame: I was always in bands growing up. I would have been 14 when I released my first EP with my band, An Ember in Ashes, it was some metal-core shit I recorded on Garage Band. But I started releasing music as Kame in late 2014.
CS: I found about your music through Hxrman (@lilbbhxrman) because I started listening to him in late 2016 or early 2017 and then followed him on Twitter and saw him retweeting your music. How did you meet him?
Kame: I known Hxrman since I was a sprout! We both from the same hood, cut from the same cloth. That's big bro! He's the only father I really had.
CS: So when did NNB come together?
Kame: Around 2014, Hxrman (Oosh Nugs at the time) and GREENLVNTS (Rest In Peace) started NNB. They started making rap music together and our homie Taskone started making music videos for them. That's really what started NNB. I was just an honorary member because we all like brothers. NNB is more than a group of musicians, it's more like a brotherhood. We all grew up in shitty circumstances and we all grew up together, it's like a family. We all got crazy shit going on in our lives so we stay high to keep us going. We all spent years trying to let the government fix our problems with medication and we all found out together how to do it on our own and none of it would be possible without GREENLVNTS.
///We took a 2 day hiatus due to me having a bad migraine and time issues because of time zone differences.
CS: So we left off with you telling me how NNB came together so we'll start with a new topic. How would you describe the New Zealand underground rap scene?
Kame: It's fire! There's a lot of talented people in New Zealand making great music. Some people get caught up in the clout tho.
CS: Getting caught up in clout doesn't seem to uncommon in any scene. Do you ever get recognized by someone? Or stopped by an old classmate that listens to your music?
Kame: Nah dude, that's never actually happened to me before. But New Plymouth is pretty small so everybody knows everyone haha.
CS: Have you been on tour yet? Or has NNB as a whole gone a tour before?
Kame: I've never even done my own show, but I'm working on it. I've been at a few shows with Hxrman but never any tours. Keep your eyes peeled though because big things are on the horizon.
CS: No doubt man. If y'all came to the States then I'd definitely have to see y'all perform. So, changing the topic real quick, making your Underdog EP. What was that like and what is the feedback you've gained?
Kame: Making any project, for me, is always a start to finish thing. I wanted every song to complement each other. At the time I was listening to a lot of Blink182 so a lot of the melodies are inspired by that. And I haven't gained much feedback. The homies said it's dope, my mum bumps it lmao.
CS: Hahaha that's tight. That's awesome your mom bumps it. Seems like a lot of artists have a hard time getting their parents to take them serious. Does she help you with paying for equipment and stuff you need to record?
Kame: Lmaooooo, hell no! I ain't no trust fund kid. Everything I got I worked for. My mum is like my sister. She supports me no matter what, I support her no matter what.
CS: That's very admirable. Alright man, we're about to wrap this up I just have two more questions. Is there anything else Kame fans should look forward to in 2018?
Kame: You can expect a lot more new music, more videos, more NNB, more shows, more blazing.
CS: And is there something you want to say or anybody you want to give a shout out to?
Kame: RIP GREENLVNTERN. Go fuck with NNB. Shout out Hxrman, shout out Taskone, shout out Bvnde, shout out Rich James (@richjames_sf), shout out Kil6. 2018 we work, 2019 we coming for you.
SoundCloud: K4M3
Twitter: @kingk4m3
Watch Kame's music video for 'All on my own' below.
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