#i just want to sleep and play viddy games
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celticwoman · 2 years ago
girlies (gn) im ngl, i dont want to go to school today im sooo sleepy
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misskamelie · 1 year ago
What do you know, I may be able to finish this project in a timely manner
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katrinawritesthings · 8 months ago
Jonghyun/Taemin; nail polish; PG
Okay I didn't exist for a hot minute but I'm back lol check this out
"Painting your nails," Taemin replies, and. Oh. Sure. Jonghyun can smell the polish, actually, now that he's aware of it. "I woke up before you and I didn't want to mess up your nap, so."
Jonghyun hasn't been on as many dates as he likes to brag about having been on, but he has been on enough to know that falling asleep during them is generally frowned upon. Which is why when he wakes up, groggy and disoriented, on Taemin's bed, he has a fast moment of panic. 
He lurches upright, sending pillows flying everywhere, and curses real loud until he realizes Taemin is right next to him, laughing, grabbing at his wrists. "Hey, hey, chill, careful with your hands," Taemin is saying. "It's fine. I fell asleep too." He darts in and pecks Jonghyun's cheek, a simple action that has Jonghyun shivering and warming up all over in an instant. He rubs his palms into his eyes, then flops back down onto his back. 
"What the fuck," he grumbles, blinking up at his babe. His wavy black hair is brushed, his eyes are bright, his smile is pleasant. He doesn't look like he fell asleep. "Weren't we playing viddy game?” He asks. How did they both fall asleep.
"Boring game, I guess," Taemin shrugs. Jonghyun snorts. Must have been. He closes his eyes again, trying to relax. Trying to ease himself awake instead of taking that absolute gunshot as final. Taemin, sitting cross-legged next to him, is still holding on to his wrists, and Jonghyun feels him lowering both of his hands gently palms down on his chest.
"What's wrong with my hands?" he asks. What is Taemin doing with them. "Why do I have to be careful?"
"Painting your nails," Taemin replies, and. Oh. Sure. Jonghyun can smell the polish, actually, now that he's aware of it. "I woke up before you and I didn't want to mess up your nap, so." Jonghyun hears him shrug, feels him gently pick up his ring finger, just barely perceives the pressure of the brush on his nail.
"I hope it's a manly color," he jokes flatly.
"Oh, the manliest," Taemin deadpans back. Chuckling, Jonghyun blinks open his eyes and lifts his head to see. They both know that the only color of nail polish Taemin has is bla–"real men wear pink," Taemin singsongs cutely, carefully trying to follow the curve of Jonghyun's nail bed but getting neon magenta all over his skin anyway. "Fuck," he mumbles. 
A quick glance at the rest of his fingers and Jonghyun is pretty sure that Taemin must have been cursing quite a lot while he was sleeping. But instead of commenting on that, he says, "I didn't know you had pink."
"I got a lot of colors," Taemin says. He reaches into his headboard and pulls out a box, handing it to Jonghyun. Looking in, Jonghyun's eyebrows raise up into his bangs. It's practically an entire rainbow in here, all bold neons. Taemin clumsily rubs some of the excess polish off of the side of his finger before he moves on to add another coat to his middle nail. "I used to do, like, four fingers black and then my pointer finger a color," he says as he works. "But then I started doing the glittery top coat and you can't really see it on the lighter colors, so. Now I just do black and the glitter."
“Mmhmm," Jonghyun hums absently. He knows about the glittery top coat. It's his favorite part about Taemin doing his nails. It makes him think about stars in the night sky. He sits up carefully so he doesn't mess up his nails, then holds the box in his lap. He rifles through it, sorting the polishes by color instead of letting them stay a disorganized mess and reading all of the names as he does it. A lot of them are in the tacky skull containers that you can only get at Hot Topic, and the rest are all different brands and styles, like Taemin would see a color he liked someplace and just grab it without caring about anything else. There's also bottles of nail polish remover, q-tips, nail files, and a fancy little bottle of lotion.
Bored of that as soon as he's done, Jonghyun instead turns his attention to Taemin. He's focused on his work, biting his lip as he hunches over Jonghyun's hand. Jonghyun smiles. He likes this little gremlin. He wants to smooch him. 
So he does, gently tilting Taemin's face up with a finger under his chin and even gentler pushing their mouths together. "Hey," he says when their lips part. "I like you." 
"Gay people real?" Taemin says, eyebrows arched way up. Then, while Jonghyun is chuckling, Taemin kisses him softly back. "I like you too," he says, shy, so quiet Jonghyun almost doesn't hear it. At regular volume, he adds, "let me finish this and then we’ll go outside so we don't pass out again from nail polish remover fumes when I clean up my fucking." He gestures vaguely at everywhere on Jonghyuns fingertips except his nails that are covered in bright magenta. "Mess," he finishes.
"Sure," Jonghyun chuckles. That sounds lovely.
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viktuurionice · 3 months ago
I have a migraine.
Everything is irritating.
The angry teenager is in fact right, her dad DID tell her not to cut all the potatoes, but I'm not in a place where I'm comfortable arguing with her parents. Kid's right to be so fucking pissy today. I'm pissy today too but thankfully I think everyone is letting me do my thing because I'm well into adulthood and will in fact just say no. (I'm popping out occasionally to try and help)
It's too loud here and I just wanna play a game and relax. Everything is closed. I can't schedule a doctor appointment or run errands. Let me cease to exist until dinner for the love of everything holy and unholy.
I also really want more sleep. Like days off are art, viddy game, and sleep days. I don't want to be doing this. I legit would rather be at work than getting ready for Thanksgiving dinner especially since no one is telling me the fucking plan for anything. I just want an actual rest day. It doesn't help that light kinda hurts and I feel light headed even after eating.
I wonder why I actually don't seem.to get migraines at work? Am I too distracted to notice or do I just not get them I wonder? Probably too distracted at work since I don't really feel a lot of pain when working either, it kicks in at home.
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softsky-daily · 2 months ago
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Ah... a peaceful sunset.
Positive thing: I rested all day and felt much better.
Thank god for today. I completely passed out from exhaustion last night, hence missing my sky post, but I needed the sleep. Today I stayed in bed for most of it, had my leftovers, hung out with friends briefly who gave me ibuprofen, and finally played a viddy game. Puzzle Bobble Everybubble is really fun.
But yeah I definitely needed to have a slow day today. I was just told that my mom was re-hospitalized since her condition got worse, so that's been adding to the stress as well. I think she's probably been pushing herself too much to feel better since we all want her to get home. I told her it's okay if it takes longer than she thinks. It's not worth risking her health just to rush things. I'm glad she's at least at the hospital where she can be cared for 24/7 and not at the house.
Anyways, I never do too well with transitions, and moving is one of the big kinds of transitions. The physical toll is also pretty intense even without all the emotions involved. All this moving and packing was just running my body ragged. I'm looking forward to living at the new house but I'm also anxious about it in a way - I know it's going to take time for it to feel like a real home. And for me to be able to sleep comfortably in it. But I know it'll be okay in the end, I just have to hold my little timid heart in my hands and face the future as head on as I can, anxiety and all.
Oh! While I was out with my friends for corndogs I found a nice Miku figure at the Boxlunch nearby.
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She's so pretty...
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vinnamah · 5 months ago
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I feel like I'm being punished for having a non-traditional sleep schedule. I already get enough of that IRL, I shouldn't be experiencing it in a viddy game that I bought and paid for as well.
Yes, I know I could change my system clock. But that can mess up stuff in other games (like outbreaks in Pokemon SV as one example), it would render my clock and calendar on my Switch useless because it is wrong, and I shouldn't have to.
I hope the next game will add more ordinances and/or change the existing ones to accomodate people with different sleep schedules. Some people work night shift, some people are naturally nocturnal, some people just REALLY REALLY like the 2am music.
I also think it would be cool of the different villager species had different sleep schedules to match the real-world sleep schedules of those species. It would help make them be more unique, so all villagers of the same personality would not be virtually identical, plus you could fill your town with villagers who are awake when you are, so you would actually be able to talk to your villagers.
Made a whole Google Doc about stuff I would want in my hypothetical ideal AC game in my personal opinions. This doc is very old and I've edited it a few times over ~2 years so some of the info in it may be outdated by now
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vampirian · 10 months ago
and i thought the worst case of insomnia was back in my uni days, when it got so bad i had to get a note from the doctor and all it said was "this bitch exhausted" basically
but no
bc back then i at least didn't really FEEL the exhaustion and was just staying up watching shit or playing my viddy games but for some reason i do now feel the exhaustion except for my brain, like my eyes are DONE, my body just wants sleep but my brain has different ideas and i'm not even overthinking i am literally here lying awake and having cycled through 5 different unrealistic lovely scenarios with my blorbos by now and other relaxation exercises for my brain AFTER having taken a goddamn melatonin pill and it's simply not working
someone pls end this suffering i just wanna sleep 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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they-might-be-ultramen · 1 year ago
announcement (not bad, nobody panic <3)
uh. i suppose this *should* be done with some sort of decorum, but its 2 pm on a monday and im exhausted (didnt sleep last night) and its been so long its probably not going to surprise folks much so
i am going to, lets say, discontinue my twitch vtuber account and close that stuff down. i may, at times, still decide to stream playing viddy games, because i think thats fun and i like doing it, and i have a computer that can do it now (yay!)
dont get me wrong, i enjoyed streaming with my avatar and i SUPER appreciate everyone who contributed to that being a possibility and doing art and stuff, and im happy with V-Shen to continue to exist, but in the future when i stream it will probably be on a different account and without an avatar or anything. just low stakes, chill streaming.
i think honestly the idea of being a vtuber was getting to me a bit; like i felt like i HAD to have a certain number of views, and i was down on myself when i didnt, etc. stuff like that. it stopped being about streaming for fun and started being about streaming "correctly" and "efficiently" and stuff. so i think i need to step back from that aspect of it, personally. but! i love that it works for some people and i had a fun time trying it out. it just turns out it probably isnt for me, and thats ok!
sorry this got so long. just wanting to let people know im stepping back from "vtubing" so to speak, but i may stream at times in the future! just, in a different manner.
again thank you to everyone who made V-Shen a reality, it was very fun to do and i couldnt have done it without yall.
especially the amazing @catastrophic-crisis. V-Shen quite literally would not exist without you, and i truly appreciate your work on him (with me? lol idk how to say it) so much <3
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seekingthestars · 1 year ago
the backstory here is very long and i don't wanna bother getting into it but
the downstairs has been torn up since like...early may. had to rip the ceilings out of the kitchen and living room and replace them, which led to also painting the living room, fixing a drywall issue on the living room wall, and ripping out the carpet to replace that
everything's pretty much done (has been for a while) except replacing the carpet
and now the carpet people are calling and being like "we need like...almost 3x more sq ft of carpet than the sq footage of the actual room" which doesn't make any sense
but anyway now my dad is super frustrated and angry and trying to deal with that so it's just gonna become another point of frustration that gets vented at me and it's not like i can solve the problem and i am tired to always being everyone in my family's venting soundboard, today is my day off, i just wanted to sleep and play viddy games and read fic and watch my show :(
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dyke-mecha · 3 months ago
Sadly kicks a rock. I just wanna write, but my brain is mush. Or play viddy game. Or watch something. Or talk to someone. I don't wanna go to sleep yet because I don't want to waste what little free time I have in the evenings. But also sleeping is like the only fucking thing I'm good for right now. What ever
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carmenbathwater · 4 years ago
Hng... bored.... :(
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softsky-daily · 1 year ago
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The first March skies have some real lovely clouds.
Positive thing: My interview went well, and my friends bought me lunch afterwards.
The interviewer and I really vibed, or at least it felt that way. We went off on a few tangents about being frustrated with how people with personality disorders get treated, and also about good places to get boba, and I got to pet the dog that was there so that was nice. They mentioned I was the only person who brought up being interested in community work which I was surprised by. Apparently everyone else said they wanted to do private practice, which I know is the most popular route, but I would've thought at least one other person had interest in community work (especially since this internship site is community based). My want to stay in the counseling field is still on the rocks, but community work is what I'd want to focus on while I'm still here.
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Anyway, afterwards I went to a cafe and got one of the Valentines special drinks that they still had for some reason. This was the 딸기 (strawberry) Love Smoothie and it was very yummy. My friends came after too and one of them bought me bulgogi which was also very good.
Oh yeah, the Japanese Club officers messaged me offering to make me an officer too for organizing Conversation Table all this time. It's super funny to me because it ended up this way just because I was the only person who consistently went even after the original organizer stopped going. I guess if you stay doing something stuff can happen at you randomly. I did say yes, although they haven't answered me back yet.
I'm glad it's the weekend now. I can finally sleep in, and tomorrow is another Conversation Table which I think will be fun. Also I can play more viddy games and hopefully finish that last Japan post that's long overdue.
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softandwildx · 2 years ago
17 question to 17 people :)
Tagged by @heart-in-atrophyy 💜💜💜
1. Nickname: Not many have ever stuck lol except my best friend has called me Clayton since high school and my family has called me pooh since I was little bc I was obsessed with Winnie the Pooh <3
2. Zodiac: virgang
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3. Height: 5'4" ish
4. Last thing I googled: ACNH Brewster gyroid lol
5. Song stuck in my head: I have no reason to identify with this song, it's just so goddamn catchy.
6. Number of people you follow: uhh I think it's in the 300's *Update* it's 495 lmao
7. Amount of sleep you get: Wildly parkours between too much and not enough
8. Lucky numbers: I don't have any really. I could give you more unlucky numbers lol
9. Dream job: I've always wanted to sing for a career. Or just be the female version of Jacksepticeye bc I looooove viddie games 💜
10. What are you currently wearing: pj shorts and a t shirt for beddy bye
11. Movies/books that summarize me: I can't think of a book I've read that I identified with personally? I might be able to scrounge up a list of films and books that are more indicative of my interests and ideas better than a summary of me
12. What is your favorite instrument: piano my beloved. I can't really play anymore but it's my favorite to listen to for sure.
13. Favorite song right now: I mean. We all know
14. Describe your aesthetic: Depression Chic. Comfy, easy, cute, whatever I don't hate that day. 👍 hoodies for days. Someday I'd like to be a person who dresses for the day they want not the day they have lol
15. Favorite author: Shirley Jackson. And a couple fanfic writers that I will tag who (hopefully) know who they are 🥰
16. Favorite animal noise: when doggies go AWOOOOOO borf borf borf. Dog noises.
17. Random fact about myself: ummmm. I have a birth mark on my arm that everyone thinks is a scar and that I am lying to them when I say it's a birth mark lol
I tag! (if you want to play!) @drownedxvalkyrie @mstresser @whatever-lola-wants @glassnoodle @towerguardian2027 @onwii @alicethecamelhas2humps @rosies-trash @stormblessed912 @fatprincessbinch @skinreflectsthesun @memory-thought @0verstepping and a couple from the sideblog :) @mickeysjones @virginbutstillahoe @handsinmotion @wtf-igo
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lilacponds · 2 years ago
welp I wanted to sleep cus I'm tired and instead I'm just scrolling thru tumblr unable to sleep and getting lowkey sad out if nowhere
I'm gonna go play viddy games instead
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actualbird · 5 years ago
nobody asked but here are my personal top five pat gill videos | a 2.1k word long post where i rank and review pat gill’s videos for just way too long.
Right around the tail end of April, 2020, I fell into the rabbit hole of my current obsession; Polygon Dot Com Video Content. As a consequence of this was being introduced to the phenomenon of Pat Gill. A dire consequence of that consequence was me slowly, deeply, irrevocably, finding myself attracted to this marionette of a man. So, I enjoy his content and I think he’s hot and that combined with the fact that some of my friends bully me over that latter fact has inspired me to do this: rank my personal favorite Pat Gill videos in a post that’s entirely too long.
Before I get straight into the rankings, I need to explain my process. 
First, I needed to narrow my scope. Polygon has a lot of videos. Polygon has a lot of videos with Pat Gill in them. If I didn’t narrow my scope, I would either go bonkers yonkers or have a list that would be kilometric in length and thus miss the entire point of ranking altogether. So, for my sanity, I am excluding any videos that are a part of a Polygon video series. This means no Overboard, no Gill and Gilbert, no Video Game Theatre, etc. If I included these, I would cry. I do not want to cry over Polygon Dot Com Video Producer Pat Gill.
Second, I need a criteria. If I just ranked videos with no system, I would find myself endlessly rearranging my list based on whatever thought comes out on top in my mind at the given moment. I am a disorganized person, so I need rules. I have decided that I will rank Pat Gill videos using the EEEH criteria. 
Entertainment. Do I smile, watching the video? Do I chortle? Am I filled with the embarrassing urge to show this video to my sister and derive glee from her laughing at the exact same moment I laughed? Entertainment is key.
Education. Did I come out of this video knowing something I originally did not know? More importantly, was I engaged in the learning process? I come from a family of teachers, so I have high standards when it comes to education. If I am to learn, I must learn well.
Exaltation. This is a bit of an oddball criteria, but it is important to me. The word “exalted” is defined as “elevated in rank, character, or status.” This criteria refers to how good it is at exalting, elevating, pulling me out of a depressive episode. That is to say I’ve been in a depressive episode for the past month and whether or not the video made me stop crying and brush my teeth is essential. Polygon video content has been integral to my serotonin production lately, and thus the video’s ability of acting as an audiovisual antidepressant for me factors into the rankings.
[BONUS POINTS] Hotness. How Hot Is Pat Gill In It? I felt bad, morally, ranking videos based on how good looking I thought Pat Gill was in it---because beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and all that, and people don’t exist to be beautiful, they just are, and I agree---so I’m relegating this criteria as a bonus point. Standard is 0, because he’s always hot in my mind, but he gets plus points if he is exemplary in the hotness department.
The maximum score for each of these criteria is 5 points, making the perfect score a 15, but because of the bonus points, a 20 is, hypothetically, possible. 
With that out of the way, let me dive right into it. 
5. The fastest interview ever with Ben Schwartz from Sonic the Hedgehog
Entertainment: 5 Education: 2 Exaltation: 2 Hotness: +2 Total Score: 11
Pat Gill is a good interviewer, he’s engaging and fun and keeps the interview interesting, but this interview is particularly special because it seems that, and let me quote Youtube user AudreyN who left a comment on this video stating “ben schwartz consumed all seven chaos emeralds prior to this interview.” Pat Gill and Ben Schwartz’s dynamic is amazing, and by “dynamic” I do mean “Ben Schwartz absolutely just fucking dunking on Pat Gill for 14 entire minutes.” and it is glorious.
For Entertainment this scores a solid 5. Quite honestly the funniest interview I’ve ever watched in my entire life. Just the sheer beauty in the exchange [Pat] “You would use Sonic’s power to gaslight me?” [Ben] “Just you.” In terms of Education, I guess I did learn a bunch of things about the Sonic movie that I didn’t know before, but the avenue by which it was portrayed in was not exactly the most engaging, more like I was absorbing it via watching two experts discuss on a webinar. I would have given just 1 point to Education but I made it 2 because of the wonderful knowledge that Pat Gill can draw a pretty good Sonic in a few seconds. When it comes to Exaltation, I must admit that while this video got quite a few laughs out of me, it didn’t make me want to get out of bed and take a shower. 
BONUS: Pat is +2 hot in it. His short hair makes him look very handsome. He’s a spiffy boy, in this video. Very, very good.  
4. Pat Will Not Tweet at Nintendo This Week Because He is Resting at Home — PLEASE RETWEET, Episode 12 
Entertainment: 5 Education: 0 Exaltation: 5 Hotness: +1 Total Score: 11
I know I’m breaking a rule I set for myself a few paragraphs earlier by including an episode of Please Retweet, which counts as a video series, but this is my post and I can do whatever I want. More importantly, this video is so fucking funny to me, it feels like it would be a crime not to put it in this list. 
Solid 5 out of 5 for entertainment. Pat Gill, alone in his apartment, drinking six cans of what I think is beer silently while the intro music plays. That scene in itself should win an Oscar. Sadly, a solid 0 for Education, because I learn nothing in this video except for the fact that Pat Gill is the type of person to put out a coaster and then just completely not use it. I quantify things as educational if I can maybe answer a trivia question with them, and unfortunately, this fact does not pass that test. In terms of Exaltation, seeing Pat Gill lie down on the floor next to his cat made me get out of bed to do the same with my dog, and with myself thusly out of my bed cocoon of sadness, I was able to actually complete tasks on the day I watched this video. Perfect 5.
BONUS: Pat is +1 hot in this because there’s something very beautiful about him being a little bit miserable. However, I do miss his beard when I watch this video. It is one of my favorite things about him, and it is not present here.
3. Pat and Simone Play Human: Fall Flat
Entertainment: 5 Education: 1 Exaltation: 5 Hotness: 0 Total Score: 11
I very much enjoy Polygon’s gameplay streams. I often play them in the background while I’m doing other stuff like doodling or origami, but this stream is special. It is special because of the moment at 24:00 when Pat Gill, in game, swings a stereo into a glass window, shattering it, while saying, “Actually, y’know what? Let’s talk about trauma.” and then proceeds to tell a horrible and embarrassing story from his childhood where he had to do a rap about Ancient Egypt. 
5 points for Entertainment. This is partly because of Pat’s tragic childhood story about the Egypt Rap (and, segue just to point out 33:22 the incredible moment where you can hear Pat’s feral panic when Simone finds the lyrics to the Egypt Rap) but also because Pat and Simone just talking to each other is so deeply entertaining to me in a very comfy way. I’m starved for human interaction, in this quarantime, okay. Let me enjoy listening to other people have conversations while playing video games. Education scores a 1 because, again, nothing in this video will let me answer a trivia question, however it does get 1 point and not a 0 because the Egypt Rap’s lyrics are in the comments and I did end up learning stuff about Ancient Egypt that I didn’t know. A perfect 5 for Exaltation because this video showed me that talking about trauma can actually be cathartic, given that you’re trashing a video game living room at the same time, and I think that message of not bottling up your experiences really helped me, in these trying times.
BONUS: Pat Gill is not visible for the entirety of this episode, so he scores the standard 0. I’m sure he was hot. We just couldn’t see him.  
2. Why Bloodborne and Muppets are the same thing
Entertainment: 4 Education: 4 Exaltation: 3 Hotness: +2 Total Score: 12
Ah yes, one of Pat’s “x is y because of z” videos. He’s made a number of these and they’re all very good but this one is my favorite among them and earns a spot on this list because 1) I think puppets are cool and 2) I fucking love monsters. 
This video scores a 4 on Entertainment, just shy of perfect, because as funny as it is, it also gives me the vibe like I am being lectured by a professor who’s just a little bit off the shits. And we all know that lectures are supposed to be taken seriously. Which brings us to Education, which also scores a 4. I learned a lot in this video! Watching Pat Gill explain to me that children’s puppets and these horrifying viddy game monsters use the same character principles in different ways is not only very educational but is also explained in a streamline and easy to understand manner that I WISH some of the shitty professors at my old university could emulate. As for Exaltation, while this video did give me enough energy to have a meal, I did eventually end up back in bed for the night at 8pm crying myself to sleep, thinking “I’m like the slime scholar. Used to be a scholar. Now they’re slime.” 
BONUS: Pat Gill is +2 hot here. He’s rockin that basic ass monochromatic aesthetic and I love his look dearly. 
1. Preparing for Big Boy Season in Red Dead Redemption 2 
Entertainment: 5 Education: 3 Exaltation: 5 Hotness: +3 Total Score: 16
Here we are. My favorite non video series Pat Gill video. The video where Pat Gill tries to make Red Dead Redemption 2 protagonist, Arthur Morgan, large. 
Perfect fucking 5 for Entertainment, which I’m sure many may find odd. Afterall, this video is told in a serious investigative tone reminiscent of Vox’s videos on current issues. But that’s the glory of it. The complete and utter ‘playing it straight and serious’ for a ridiculous issue in a video game. It is high tier comedy in a subtle, understated way that sings to my comedy loving heart in a melody so lovely, so wonderful, that it urged me to give this video 5 points for Entertainment. It scores 3 on Education, because I have never played Red Dead Redemption 2, nor will I ever, but now I know things about it. The information was also relayed to me in a very interesting style, via something like a crime procedural, and thus it was engaging for me to absorb all this new knowledge. Exaltation scores a perfect 5 because of this video’s beautiful end about existential smallness. No joke, but hearing Pat Gill say “Our bigness isn’t measured in pounds, but in the impact we have on the people with whom we shared the world.” deadass made me want to talk to my friends again after conversationally isolating myself for 3 days. Preparing for Big Boy Season has a special place in my heart. And there it will stay.
BONUS: Pat Gill is not visible for most of the video but he does appear for like 15 seconds in the middle of it, and guess what. He’s hot. +3 hotness. Good beardage, good hair, all in all, good Pat Gill. 
So there you have it. My five favorite Pat Gill videos. If you read this whole thing, holy shit. You’re welcome, I guess.
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hawkepockets · 4 years ago
get to know me tag
tagged by @pauvre-lola, ty xo!
tagging any of my followers who’d like to join!
name/nickname: ellie grace
gender: lesbian
star sign: sagittarius
height: 5′3″
time: 3 pm
birthday: december 19
favorite bands: the oh hellos, the chicks, aeseaes, the crane wives
favorite solo artists: anais mitchell, fiona apple, stevie nicks, gregory & the hawk
song stuck in my head: “can i believe you” by fleet foxes
last movie: disney channel original movie let it shine
last show: supernatural :o(
when did you create this blog: october 2019
what do I post: viddy games art
last thing googled: “sad stuffed animal meme”... yall really caught me at a moment
do I get asks: not too many - send me more!
why I chose my url: @/creepyscritches’ comic about hawke eating hot pockets out of the trash was what inspired me to play dragon age. i just wanted to know what mr hawke's deal was. suffice 2 say i found out
following: 1630
followers: 1029
average hours of sleep: 9
lucky number: 5
instruments: piano, flute, piccolo
what am I wearing: cuffed jeans, gold sweater, green cardigan, green gold n brown bracelets, leather boots, evil eye earrings, red/yellow/green flower head scarf, red & green makeup.. its popping tbh!!
dream job: big shot environmental lawyer
dream trip: canada road trip!!
last book I read: the fifth season by nk jemisin. now i’m on the golden compass  :-)
favorite food: fried plantains
nationality: american
top three fictional universes: thra, the hainish cycle, whatever howl’s moving castle had goin on
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