#i just want to interact with art of my fave without being afraid someone’s gonna yell at me :(
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not to discourse or anything but I’ll always think it’s fucking weird that a ton of ppl in fandom these days seem to think that because you like a problematic ship/theme/whatever sometimes, it means you must be thinking about the problematic thing always, and are NOT allowed to enjoy any non-problematic fan work or participate in any non-problematic discussion about the canon/character bc there’s something ew icky gross on your ao3. It’s so immature; people contain multitudes. Most adults are more than capable of keeping their gross stuff away from general discussions and respecting others’ wishes to not hear about it. If they don’t, obviously kick them or whatever but it’s just such a weird and paranoid knee jerk reaction to have idk
#i just want to interact with art of my fave without being afraid someone’s gonna yell at me :(#like yeah I wanna put that dude into awful situations and ship an awful ship#but I also just like him! and ship him non-awfully too!!!#the inverse is also kind of true—liking a problematic ship but mostly non-problematical#(in another fandom) is sometimes kinda rough bc i don’t really fit in BUT I am definitely cheering on you guys who#who make problematic stuff and will check it out if it’s good but some of yall are mean :(#my autocorrect is doing weird things in the tags#also ppl should not be worried about stuff like getting kicked from gaming servers etc bc of what they like in#an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT FANDOM#that’s just bonkers to me#(this is personal lmao I do NOT gaf about any ship or character in pjsk but#I love the songs and I love playing and want to tier w/o ppl flipping out about my ao3 bookmarks LOL)
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April 22nd-April 28th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from April 22nd, 2019 to April 28th, 2019. The chat focused on Hexameron by Mikhail Shmidt & Eugenia Shmidt.

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Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Week Long Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Hexameron by Mikhail Shmidt & Eugenia Shmidt~! (https://tapas.io/series/Hexameron)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Remember, though, that while we allow constructive criticism, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic. Below you will find four questions to get you started on the discussion. However, a new question will be posted and pinned everyday (between 12:01AM and 6AM PDT), so keep checking back for more! You have until April 28th to tell us all your wonderful thoughts! With that established, let’s get going on the reading and the chatting!
QUESTION 1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?
QUESTION 2. Who or what do you think the “Eldritch Horror” was at the beginning of the story? Why do you think they gave the cube to Gil? What will happen when Gil completes the tasks given to him?
Hello, I'm Eugenia aka Kelheor, the artist for Hexameron, and we are here to answer all the possible questions
Just gave it a read! I really admire how quick the pacing is between each story, it's really tight!
My favorite scenes are a tie between the scene with Summer building the strange mound thing (https://tapas.io/episode/1125654) and the kids summoning the Ladies in Black (https://tapas.io/episode/1273540). I really love when the artist gives a big roomy panel to let us soak in all the creepy details and really feel the atmosphere.
(I'm just taking everything at face value right now and assuming that's a legit Eldrich Horror coming to steal childrens' soul or open a dark dimension for other creatures to come out.)
Hi, the writer of this whole thing speaking. The pacing is actually, a result of a limitation that we put on ourselves - four pages per story. Glad to hear that you like it. As for Eldritch guest, his motivation, if you even can call it a motivation, is not as simple. Or maybe much more simple, would more accurate. But that is something that will be addressed much further into the story.
QUESTION 3. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?
QUESTION 4. Why do you think Gil and friends are being specifically targeted by the horrors? Is it because they’re actively seeking them out, or is something else going on? Alternatively, are they just unlucky?
1) the scene i like the most is when summer is hugging the creepy rock and smiling. legit i think the crying in that scene sells it causes its pretty clear she subconsciously doesnt want to be there. and yet here she is being forced to hug the rock, so it really hits home what an awful death that would be if she hadnt been saved. 2) part of me wants to just assume ya know, eldritch stuff. probably trying to summon something terrible and was too lazy to get all the items themselves. thus, recruit gil cause why not. makes things easier. but on the otherhand, a part of me wants to assume the twist is it was james all along. cause its pretty convenient he had to leave camp right before the horrors suddenly started being real. going on the idea its not real though, i assume gil is gonna die anyway. like i feel like theres this ominous safety net the story is creating where nothing perma bad happens to anyone besides emotional scares. and i think that means the rug is gonna be pulled out from under us at some point.
3) Eugene cause Eugene is the only one i feel like has a good head on his shoulders. Handles things logically, is decently cautious. Therefore I'm picking him cause he seems the only one not being a dumb kid who says "whats the worst that could happen?" 4) I do think their targetting is just the fact that they're the ones seeking them out. That plus the fact that they are more open to the belief. Cause I think its partly their own half-hearted beliefs in the stories that make them more suseptible to the supernatural around them. Which is pretty common in stories where the supernatural can only affect people who actually believe in it. This would also explain why the horrors seem to be getting worse and more directly deadly; the more the kids investigate, the more belief they have in the things around them.
Yeah, I also like Eugene. I think some of the other characters' personalities blend together, but he really stands out for me and has smart ideas like on the stairway to logically get out of bad situation.
Pavla is also fun, I'm looking forward to seeing more of her because she does NOT seem to be interested in ghosts and will gladly punch them in the face.
yeah. pavla is a lot of the reason why i answer 4 the way i did cause that girl gives absolutely no damns about ghosts. and i can respect just punching your way out of a supernatural situation XD
I definitely agree that their meddling is just making things worse, because they're sneaking out to forbidden places/doing rituals and getting the attention of these creatures that possibly would have just left them alone otherwise.
yeah. especially with the candle ritual. thats legit just asking for it.
I think I can too answer some questions without going into the spoiler zone. :D My favourite scene so far is definitely the summoning of the Ladies. The scene is dark and menacing, and I like how the design of the Ladies ended up.
My favourite character so far, it is hard to decide since I am writing them all and like all of them, but if I had to choose, I'd probably choose Zoe.
I am actually relieved to know that most people like Eugene that much, and not only because his t-shirts =) Except Zoe, he is not just the only character who doesn't care about supernatural things, put openly don't like a lot to be a part of these crazy events. When we were making that part in The Message chapter, where he is hurt and just wants to go back, I was afraid that people just won't understand the way he behaves. 1. I totally can choose a summoning of Ladies as my favourite scene too! But I'll probably go with the part where the kids ran away from Heartless Annie. I just wish there were a few more panels of how Summer is picking up the stick to smash her just to add more motion to the scene. 3. It's hard, but I would choose Jaeger, because he's just a small cowardly cricket, but will poke every strange thing with a stick =)(edited)
Eugene's t-shirts are definitely great too!
QUESTION 5. What has been your favorite illustration in the comic so far? What specifically about it do you like?
QUESTION 6. Why do you think so many of James’ stories about the camp are suddenly coming true? What do you think James might have to do with the events so far (if anything)?
5) my fave illustration so far is actually probably the last panel in the right corner of this page https://tapas.io/episode/1197369 i really love how atmospheric both the ominous shadows and fog make the scene. i also like the shot choice with the characters having their backs to us and it being a bit farther away. i feel like it really expresses a sense of scale and hopelessness. plus, i appreciate any background that takes the time to make nice looking stairs. 6) This is the question where I'm going back to my James is the culprit theory. Cause I still stand by the fact him having to leave camp is extremely convenient for how much he gets mentioned. and as for why hed do it, cause he was tired of everyone mocking his stories. if he makes them real, then he can be mocked no longer. its fool proof.
In general, I really love how the forest is rendered in the art, it's always so colorful and gorgeous! https://tapas.io/episode/1126672 https://tapas.io/episode/1305811
I don't think James is the culprit, but maybe he's passing along the information from some other darker force? Hard to say.
Not to play the Ladies' card twice, I'd say that my favourite illustration is Annie's reaction to being smacked with a stick. The branch tentacles, huge mouth full of teeth,and Summer's paralyzed reaction.
@RebelVampire, I like the whole Stairs to Nowhere story. Sadly, I think we couldn't realize it completely the way I pictured it. It is really good hearing that someone finds it so expressive :)(edited)
QUESTION 7. Which characters do you enjoy seeing interact the most? What about their dynamic interests you?
QUESTION 8. Of the creepy events presented so far, which one did you find the scariest? What about it made it so spooky for you?
QUESTION 9. What sorts of art or story details have you noticed in the way the comic is crafted that you think deserves attention?
QUESTION 10. Why do you think the camp itself seems to have attracted so many supernatural events and tragic happenings? Are the original stories somewhat true, or are they coincidental? How does this change your thinking on scary stories you know?
7) probably Gil and Summer just cause I think they're kind of at an adorable age together. Like old enough to think they know what theyre doing and know how to be adult, but young enough to legit have no clue. so to me their interactions have sort of a nostalgia of youth to them that make me remember what it was like to be a kid and always trying to act cool around other kids. 8) definitely the stone hugging one. Some of the others felt super avoidable if you played it smart or ya know, didnt do an ominous ritual. but the stone one? only luck saved their asses. and the idea of having to do something beyond your own free will creeps me out. and that panel of summer crying at her fate really gets to me. and just in general, it was the one event i felt they were in legit danger from of not their own accord. 9) the clothes. i really enjoy that they actually ya know, change clothes in the various scearios. like its so easy to get away with not changing a character's clothes, but this comic takes the time to do as such. and thats something i can respect and appreciate. plus, eugene gets the best shirts. 10) i assume the original stories are somewhat true. maybe not as supernatural-y or evil as what actually happened, but some basis. like the idea the one shack house place exists cause they were gonna expand the camp at some point. as to why the camp attracts the supernatural, idk. maybe its on a leyline, cause that usually is the plausible supernatural explanation. or its james' fault
Regarding how the story is crafted, I think each section being intentionally 4 pages per story is an interesting writing decision and not one I usually see in webcomics (the default is to sprawl endlessly). It makes for a very fast-paced story and I definitely like that. I do find myself wishing there were more character moments so I can really connect with the characters who have more subtle personalities, since there are so many people to keep track of. But it's really cool to see how much the team is able to convey within a limited number of pages and being smart about how much time you spend on what.
I definitely agree that the one with the stone has a huge creep factor because they weren't actually poking their noses into something they shouldn't have been and it still got to Summer. (Also I feel bad that he had to knock his friend out to get her to stop, like damn, imagine having to render your buddy unconscious)
And yah, I think there's just spooky things in the wilderness a la Gravity Falls, and it was all fine and isolated until someone got the bright idea to build a camp there.
this is a gravity falls sequel where the shack house they went to was actually the mystery shack and this is gravity falls after the town was abandoned.
i at least appreciate the humor where gil feigned ignorance to how she passed out XD some much needed comedy relief
@RebelVampire, Gravity Falls actually had some influence on Hexameron's conception, at least on very early stages. It was much more of a comedy then. But it couldn't have been the shack, as everything is happening on the other coast of North America, and not even in USA.
@Joichi, good to hear that :) Hope to hear some of your thoughts on the comic, too
5. My favourite illustration is laughing trio on the second page of Heatless https://m.tapas.io/episode/1161232 I think just because plot is so tight, we don't see much actual conversation and bonding between the kids, so I really appreciate this small touch of them just being without a care in the world. @RebelVampire and I especially thank you for noticing these stairs because god knows I was suffering drawing them :D @Delphina oh thank you! I'll tell you a secret, in the beginning I didn't know how to draw forest at all, just as the rest of background it was the first time I tried to draw any background whatsoever. It may sound strange, but I am still always forgetting what kind of forest are they running in.
7. Oh, it must be Peggy and Eugene? I actually don't know what will become of them later, but they make an awesome duo right now. Outside they are just so different, but then they do both enjoy some bad humour. 8. Definitely the Black Ladies episode! It's just a nightmare coming true. People are hating on Zoe in this episode, but come on, how frightened should she be!
@RebelVampire I actually wanted to make them a few more changes of clothes, but there are just so many stories to show them! Also I thought since they are kids in the camp, most of them won't actually care to wear the same clothes over and over. And we still have a few ideas for Eugene's shirts...
QUESTION 11. What do you think are this particular comic’s strengths? What do you think makes this comic unique? Please elaborate.
QUESTION 12. Do you think any of the characters will die consider how dangerous things have gotten? If so, who? Also, do you feel Gil really is in danger from the Eldritch Horror given they told Gil he had six days or his life was forfeit?
I think the character designs are very strong and the pacing is very unique. I love how expressive the characters get and they're just cute kids to look at (even when horrible things are happening to them)!
Ooooh, who's gonna die? Really anybody, but stab-in-the-dark guess, I'll say Jaeger because he seems the wimpiest and Zoe because she seems like the most gentle. Maybe Pavla too, but not without a fight.
QUESTION 13. What are you most looking forward to in the comic? Also, do you have any final thoughts to share overall?
QUESTION 14. Overall, how do you think the supernatural experiences will affect the characters? Which character are you most looking forward to seeing changed by the experience and why?
11) i think the comic's strengths lie in its use of setting. i think theres a real sense of nostalgia about camps and how all the spooky stuff happens at them. and i think this nostalgia really pulls you into the comic. not to mention the setting is beautifully illustrated and feels exactly like a camp too, selling the experience. 12) well i already proposed Gil and im still sticking with that. Gil is just treating the Eldritch Horror thing way too casually. i also second the vote for Zoe if anyone dies. she seems the most...cowardly of the group to put it mildly. and incapable of following instructions well. and that seems like itll come to bite her in the butt more and more 13) im looking forward to the eldritch horror's return cause i feel like thats when some serious stuff is really gonna start going down and will get some answers along with more questions. but overally i think its gonna be a surprising and worthwhile experience. 14) Assuming no one dies, heres definitely gonna be some deep emotional scars at the end of the experiences. Especially I think for Zoe. Zoe is gonna be the one most likely in need of therapy if she lives through everything. The character I'm most looking forward to see change is Jaeger I think cause these experiences are really gonna shape him. and they could either go positively and make him braver or they could go badly and hell become a shut in who just plays mmos all day.
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Hexameron this week! Please also give a special thank you to Mikhail Shmidt & Eugenia Shmidt for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Hexameron, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: https://tapas.io/series/Hexameron
Hexameron’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Kelheor
Eugenia’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/eugenia_Kelheor
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