#i just want to draw ruffled hair lawrence u got me
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turnipoddity · 1 year ago
Ok how about Adam in Larry's pepaw clothes. Give him a little cardigan.
how bout i just switch em styles
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plus a little bonus mini silly goofy comic ig 🧎‍♀️
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montammil · 2 years ago
i'm a real sucker for all this. i have a little writing request if those r still open too!
can we mayhaps see lawrence taking marshall on a shopping trip? maybe marshall gets lost in a crowd somehow, or manages to slip away from lawrence :0? take that what you will! and thank u so very much for sharing these wonderful stories <3!!
Here you go, thank you so much for your patience XD
CW: Parental whumper, failed escape attempt, infantilizing behavior, kidnapping, panic attacks, ableism (not really but just in case), manipulative behavior, implied violence, parental issues, past homelessness
When Marshall woke up that morning to hear Lawrence wanted to take him to the mall, he was shocked. He has been trying his hardest to go along with everything Lawrence has said, and he'd be lying if he said he didn't care about him at all, but he definitely didn't expect him to take him to the mall.
Marshall fiddles with the sleeve of his hoodie in the car. He wonders if Lawrence has ulterior motives here, since this is their first actual public setting he'd be taking him to. He doesn't know if he'd run if he got the chance since... where else would he go? On the streets again?
No... he's sure his parents would take pity on him and let him live with them again, but he didn't want that, either. He didn't want to go back to being judged for everything, to go back to being yelled at and ridiculed.
A voice catches him off-guard, making him wince. He looks over at Lawrence who's staring at him. "Uh, did you say something?"
Lawrence nods. "I asked if you were okay."
"Oh, yeah, I'm fine," Marshall replies. "I'm just... I dunno, nervous."
"Of the mall?"
"Yeah, it's just that... what if people recognize me from the news?"
"That won't happen, bud," Lawrence says. He grabs some glasses with thick frames and hands them to Marshall. "These'll help. Try them on."
Marshall does, and he's surprised when he sees himself in the mirror. He doesn't look like himself. It's been at least four months since his disappearance so he's sure no one's looking for him as much anymore, but he still does have a slight hope. His mind is constantly fighting with itself between wanting freedom and wanting to be with Lawrence, so he doesn't really know what to do with himself.
In all honesty, he feels guilty for wanting both things. He feels guilty for wanting to leave, almost feeling like if he did, he'd be betraying Lawrence, but to want to give into Lawrence's delusion makes him feel more humiliated than anything. He wishes he could just have a break from everything and everything could just be okay.
Lawrence puts his hand on Marshall's head and ruffles his hair, making Marshall flinch and look over at him.
"We'll be fine, kiddo," Lawrence says. "And I don't want you to worry about anything. If anyone asks about you, I'll tell them I'm your dad, okay? And if anyone asks, your name is Isaac Keyes." He gave him a fake ID.
Looking down at the fake ID with wide eyes, Marshall asked, "How long ago did you plan for this?"
"Not long ago," Lawrence replies. "Just a couple days ago, actually. Anyway, let's get going. Maybe after I get what I need, we can stop by the food court. Would you like that?"
"Y-yeah, sure," Marshall replies, but he doesn't feel as enthusiastic as he wants to be.
"Great," Lawrence says. "Let's go."
As they walk through the mall, Marshall keeps his head down and walks slowly behind Lawrence, not wanting to draw attention to himself. He glances around the area as he follows Lawrence to a store he knows he won't like, and he's proven right when he sees the first thing in the store is a pair of jeans. Ugh.
"Get something you like," Lawrence tells him as he goes over to look at the men's jackets.
Great. Marshall looks around, none of this stuff meeting his criteria for things he likes. He's a little shocked Lawrence would let him choose anything here, given none of it is really that childish. He awkwardly shuffles through the racks, keeping his head down, and finds himself picking up a hoodie with a print of a snake on it.
It isn't cute or childish, it looks genuinely cool. Marshall smiles to himself, knowing as soon as he gets it, he'll be quick to replace it with this pastel hoodie with the bunny print on it.
Marshall glances over when he hears Lawrence's voice. He sees him talking to the cashier about something, they seem all friendly with each other, so he assumes they know each other. Because of course they do. Marshall can hardly go anywhere where Lawrence doesn't know someone.
They seem pretty invested in their conversation. Marshall looks out the store. It isn't extremely crowded, but there are some people here and there. He feels a hint of jealousy when he sees the millionth group of friends pass by the store, laughing and having fun, just hanging out together. He hasn't been able to do that in so long, he just misses it.
He wonders if he got out of here... could he manage to turn his life around? Would he even be able to find a job? He knows he wouldn't be able to do anything that would pay much.
Marshall spares one more glance towards Lawrence. He's still talking to the cashier. He puts the hoodie back on the hanger and takes a step back. And another step. And another step.
Through it all, he expects Lawrence to look his way, to notice him inching towards the exit of the store. But he doesn't. He doesn't even look his way.
His hand shakes as he slowly backs away from the store. He stops when he gets to the doorway. He can't believe he's actually doing this. Is he? He kind of hopes Lawrence will stop him, but he doesn't. He takes one more step, and when he's in the hall of the mall, he darts right.
Marshall trips over his own feet as he makes his way to the stairs to go down a level, to get out of here, maybe find help. He knows he has to be quick about this before Lawrence catches him, but he can't help but slow down to look at all the stores and the people walking around. He looks for someone who can help him, but he's afraid no one will believe him.
He picks up his speed again once he's out of the crowd of people, heading right towards the exit of the mall.
There's no going back.
It's too late to think about what he's doing, to think about what Lawrence would do to him if he got caught. The memories of being stabbed and left in the cold, lonely basement keep him from returning back to him. He shakes his head to get rid of the thoughts, but it doesn't work.
He's already almost at the exit of the mall. The exit doors are right there. All he has to do is walk through them. He looks behind him, as to see if Lawrence is in sight, but he isn't. He's starting to have a panic attack, he can feel it. Maybe he already is, judging by all the weird looks he's getting.
"Are you okay?" A security guard, wearing a worried expression, puts a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, it's okay. Just breathe... there you go. What's going on? Are you hurt?"
She's talking to him like he's a child. Marshall cries at that realization, because he knows he looks like one right now. He shakes his head, choking out, "Lawrence."
"Lawrence?" She furrows her brow, still keeping a hand on his shoulder. "Who's Lawrence? Is he your guardian? Do you know where he is?"
He tries to explain that he kidnapped him, but he's breathing so heavily he's sure he's hyperventilating. Should he tell her? He doesn't want Lawrence to get in trouble... no, wait, he does. He kidnapped him. So why is he finding it so hard to tell her the truth?
The woman shakes her head, then says, "Okay, look, I need you to calm down. Just take deep breaths, okay? Do you have asthma?" When Marshall shakes his head, she helps him up. "Come on, I'll take you to the security office."
He tries to tell her no, he doesn't want to go to the security office, he wants to go home. But his voice is shaking so much he's afraid he won't be able to be understood, so he follows her anyway. At least if Lawrence comes, she'll protect him.
When they get there, she helps him sit down, and he rests his head in his hands as he tries to calm down. She's saying something to him, but he can't make out what.
He manages to say, "Lawrence-- Lawrence, he... he..."
"What did he do? Did he hurt you?" She grabs a phone.
Just as he's about to tell her what happened, what's been happening, he hears a familiar voice that makes his face pale.
"Oh, Isaac! Are you okay!? I've been looking everywhere for you, you worried me sick!" Lawrence rushes in and kneels down, cupping Marshall's face. "What happened?! Are you hurt!?"
"Sir, I need you to calm down," the woman says. "We're trying to talk, can you wait outside the office?"
He looks up at her, Marshall can see a hint of anger in his eyes before he sighs. "Look, Isaac has many mental issues, this isn't the first time this has happened. I'm his father, look." He gives her his ID, then grabs Marshall's from his pocket.
"Charlie Keyes," she reads, giving him a look of suspicion. "Listen, sir, I'm not doubting your words are true, but you need to understand that there are certain protocols I have to go through before I can take this further. Please wait outside the office for a moment."
Through it all, Marshall wants to interject, but he doesn't. He opens his mouth, but Lawrence squeezes his shoulder tight as if warning him to shut up.
"Mr. Keyes, it's not that your his father I'm doubtful of, it's--"
"I know, you think I'm abusing him. Call Glenn, I know him, he can tell you this isn't the first time this has happened. I have all of Isaac's medical information saved on my phone, Glenn can validate that for you."
She seems hesitant, but she nods and takes out her phone. "If you don't mind waiting a few minutes, I'll give him a call."
"I'm sorry for the hassle," Lawrence says with a smile. "Thank you for helping him, I'm just glad he's okay."
The woman smiles back and nods before standing up and leaving the room.
Lawrence knows if she ends up calling the police, he can just make up more false evidence. Since she's still within earshot, he coos to Marshall, "Oh, Isaac, honey, this is the fourth time this month. Maybe we should get you on stronger meds, hmm?" His smile, which can be mistaken for caring and sweet, is really just mocking and taunting. In a quieter voice, Lawrence says in his ear, "If you don't go along with everything I say, it won't end in your favor."
Marshall knows it won't end in his favor either way.
Lawrence is the one in control of their situation. He always has been.
Eventually the woman comes back in and apologizes for the inconvenience, then she leaves them. "I'm sorry for the wait," she says. "You're free to go. Again, I'm sorry for the inconvenience."
"No problem," Lawrence replies. "As said, this isn't the first time this happened. Come on, kiddo, let's go home." He helps Marshall stand up and leads him out of the security office.
As they leave the mall, Marshall glances back and sees the woman watching them leave. He wants to say something, especially because he knows what's coming for him as soon as he gets back to the hellhole Lawrence calls their home, but he doesn't. He keeps quiet and lets himself be dragged through the parking lot.
As soon as they get in the car, Lawrence looks over at Marshall. He looks pissed. Marshall looks away.
"Do you have any idea how worried I was, Marshall?" Lawrence scolds him. "You can't just take off like that! What if something happened to you!? You could have been hurt! I trusted you to come with me because I thought you learnt your lesson from last time, but apparently you haven't!"
Marshall shrinks back in his seat, staring at his lap. He can hear his heart beating loudly in his ears. He doesn't say anything. He doesn't know what he would say if he did.
"I told you I wouldn't hesitate to punish you if you ever disobeyed me again," Lawrence says. "Do you remember what happened last time? Do you want to relive that?"
Tears roll down Marshall's eyes as he shakes his head. He wants to say he's sorry, that he won't do it again, that he'll be good, but the words get caught in his throat. It seems the pathetic display of tears has helped Lawrence to ease up a little bit, because his tone softens.
"Oh, sweetie," Lawrence sighs. "I know you don't mean to disobey me. I just wish you understood that I only want what's best for you. It's hard to help you when you refuse to listen."
"I'm sorry," Marshall manages to choke out. "I won't do it again."
"That's what you always say," Lawrence replies. "And yet here we are again. Maybe I need to come up with a better punishment for you."
"No, no, no, please, no more," Marshall pleads. He can't stand the thought of going through that again.
"You know how this works, Marshie. You've got to learn your lesson or you won't learn anything."
Marshall whimpers and hangs his head. He knows there's nothing he can say to Lawrence to change his mind. He's been through this too many times to try again.
"Oh, kiddo," Lawrence says softly, "Don't cry, please don't cry." He pulls Marshall into his arms, holding him close. It's an uncomfortable position since Marshall can feel the center console digging into his stomach.
Lawrence continues to coo at him as he holds him in his arms, rubbing his back, brushing his hair out of his face. His voice is so soothing and calming, it's almost as if Marshall can forget how dangerous he is. Almost.
"I know you think I'm a monster," Lawrence says, "but you must understand how much I care for you. You're my little boy. I know I'm protective, overprotective, even, but...." He squeezes Marshall so tight he winces. "I only want the best for you. Where would you go to if you left? Not only would you leave your dear old dad heartbroken, but you'd be homeless and alone on the streets again. You wouldn't know how to get by without me, you wouldn't have any money to survive. Is that really what you want?"
Marshall shakes his head.
"I didn't think so. So you have to understand why I'm so protective of you. I can't risk losing you." Lawrence kisses his temple. "You're my world."
Marshall keeps his head down and tries not to think about what Lawrence just said. He tries not to think about how his heart skipped a beat at that comment. He craves to hear those words, but not by Lawrence. Not from this monster.
When they get back home, Marshall is convinced Lawrence will let it slide since he seems much more calm now. That is, until Lawrence tells him to follow him to the basement. He doesn't have any strength to fight him anymore, so he follows him obediently, trying to hold back tears as he goes down the stairs.
"So!" Lawrence claps his hands together as he shuts the door behind them. "Now that that's over with, lets talk about your punishment."
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