#i just want to chat about the roy siblings for a bit can we chat about the roy siblings for a bit?
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julictcapulet · 2 years ago
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kendall wins but he loses......you don’t understand. this should be winning. he’s out. he never has to feel the suffocating weight of that company over his head ever again. he has the freedom to do whatever he wants forever, but he lost and it’s going to define the rest of his life no matter what because he doesn’t care about the cycles of abuse and the terror of his father’s power. he wins because he’s out but he loses because he’s out.
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syllvane · 2 years ago
you can hear it in the silence- roy kent x reader
a/n: roy kent x tartt!reader. no pronouns specified iirc. content warnings for alcohol and growing up with a shitty father. ask to tag. yes this is 3.2k words no i dont want to talk about it
You’re outside the bar at your brothers birthday- the night is cool against your skin, a welcome relief from the crowded nosiness of the bar.
You loved Jamie, probably more than anything, and Keeley was always a sweetheart, but that didn’t change the fact that you weren’t AFC Richmond.
You don’t get the inside looks, the intricacies of everyone’s friendships with one another.
“Oi,” A gruff voice said from behind you and you nearly jumped out of your skin before whipping around and seeing none other than Roy Kent. “Did I scare you?”
“No, that’s how I react to everyone.” You deadpanned. “You’re Roy, right? Jamie talks about you a lot.”
He nodded.
“You his girlfriend?” He asked and your face scrunched up.
“Ew, fuck no. I’m his sibling.” You snorted and his lips turned upwards slightly.
“Right, he’s mentioned you. Usually calls you ‘Pip’.”
You cringed.
“Of course he does.” You said, shaking you head as you looked back towards the bar fondly. “Thank you for training him. It means a lot of him, more than he’ll admit.”
“He’s a good kid. Not bad company.” He said thoughtfully. “I’ll flat out deny it if you repeat it though.”
“Oi! I asked you to go find Pip, not chat them up!” Jamie said, walking out and looking between the two. “Is he boring you to death? He has a tendency to do that.”
“He thought I was your girlfriend.” You said, smile on your lips. Jamie groaned and put a hand on Roy’s shoulder.
“Ew,” He said, tone of voice the exact same as yours a moment before. “How did you not know that Pip’s my sister?”
“I know Pip is your sibling. You didn’t call them that.” Roy said, only slightly annoyed.
“Oh, whatever. Come back in, I missed you.” Jamie said to you.
“You know I’ve been gone maybe five minutes. I didn’t even expect you to notice I was gone.”
He looked at Roy incredulously, as if saying ‘can you believe that?’ before turning back towards you.
“Of course I noticed, now come on.” He started towards the bar and you rolled your eyes.
“It was nice formally meeting you, Roy.” You said, smiling slightly as you turned and walked with Jamie.
He smiled back- not that either of you could see- before following you both back into the bar.
The Richmond players cheered at Jamie’s reappearance- you laughed, turning to look at Roy, your smile warm and eyes curious, meeting his. Your eyes lingered until you tore them away, Keeley speaking to you.
“It’s no longer my birthday, so go on then.” Jamie said, looking at you as you both walked through the streets of Richmond.
“What are you talking about?” You asked and he scoffed slightly.
“It’s past midnight.”
“Not what I meant.”
“You like Roy.” He said and you groaned.
“I do not.
“Do too.”
“Do n- we aren’t doing this.”
Jamie pouted slightly, but didn’t argue.
“Y’know, obviously I don’t like the idea of you with anyone from Richmond, just because I’d learn more about you than I ever want to know-”
“Thank you for that, Jamie.”
“- but Roy is a good man. Better than most. You’d have my blessing.” He finished, taking a deep breathe and you smiled, stopping and hugging him.
“You’re very sweet, Jamie. I don’t even know Roy, though. Is he attractive? Yeah.”
“Ew.” Jamie commented, voice muffled from the hug.
“I’m ignoring that. But I don’t know him.”
Jamie pulled away, looking at you.
“You could.”
For a second, her heart thrummed with the possibility. You thought of the way his gaze fell on you- what would it be like to kiss him, to-
You simply smiled, not trusting your voice, and squeezed Jamie’s shoulder.
“You’re sweet, the best brother, y’know?”
“I do,” He said cheekily. “Nice to hear it though.”
You rolled your eyes and scoffed, willing yourself to enjoy the moment instead of thinking about Roy Kent,
Well, at least for a little bit.
When you arrive home to a dark, empty apartment, your mind wanders.
You hate it- hate that you keep thinking about him, hate that you don’t want to stop.
What if they dated and broke up? It would ruin Jamie and Roy’s friendship.
And even that assumes that Roy even noticed you in the first place. You were no model and he was gorgeous and-
“Fuck!” You cursed to the empty apartment, breaking the train of thought.
You were too tired for this, for thinking in circles about things that would never happen.
It’s not a week later when Jamie’s car won’t start and he asks you to pick him up from practice.
Hence your waiting in the Richmond parking lot, waiting for Jamie to hop in the car.
A knock on your window made you jump in your seat, only to look up and see one Roy Kent.
Ah, fuck.
You rolled your window down, looking at him.
“Fucking hell, you’ve got to stop that.” You said, heart still racing.
“And here I thought you reacted to everyone that way.” He said dryly and a small laugh escaped your lips.
“Only you, apparently.”
“Are you waiting for Jamie?” He asked, head cocked slightly.
“What? Oh. Yeah. Did practice run late?”
“He’s doing PR stuff. He’ll likely take a while.”
“Oh. Huh.” You did your best to keep your expression neutral.
“He didn’t tell you.” Roy said, realization dawning on his face.
“Yeah, he may have neglected to mention it.”
“Fuck. I was gonna… do you want a tour?” He asked, causing your brain to fully stop for a second.
“A tour?”
Roy blinked.
“Of the clubhouse.”
Out of instinct, maybe, you open your mouth to say that Higgins took you on a tour of the clubhouse one of the first times you were inside the clubhouse.
Then, you closed it and nodded.
“I would love one.”
More interesting than the clubhouse itself is the way Roy talks about it, the affection that lies in every word he says.
And then, he took you out onto the pitch, the one place Higgins didn’t cover.
“It feels much bigger when you’re actually on it.” You said softly, taking your eyes off Roy.
He looked at you, gaze uncharacteristically soft before forcing himself to look anywhere else.
“You wanna take a shot at the goal?” He asked and you whipped around to look at him.
“I don’t think I’m… am I even allowed?” You asked and Roy let out the smallest laugh, startling you.
“Sorry, I was just trying to picture your brother saying that. Yes, you’re allowed.” He said, passing a ball fo you that had been sitting by his feet.
You- to your great surprised- received the pass and then looked back at the pitch before shaking your head slightly.
“Jamie’s the one with all the football talent. I feel like I gotta work my way up to this.” You said and he grunted. “What does that mean?”
He shrugged.
“You’re selling yourself short.”
“You’re right. I’m actually the one with all the football talent.” You deadpanned. “I’m- hey!”
With a surprising swift move, Roy took off and stole the ball from you, walking casually towards the goal.
You followed him further onto the field until you were about twelve meters from the goal.
“Roy, what are we doing?”
“You are taking a penalty.”
“Are you going to be goalie?”
“Fuck no. I’m retired.”
You smiled, looked at him.
“You’re selling yourself short.” You said, trying to imitate his voice. He rolled his eyes.
“Penalties, it’s just you and the goalie.”
“There’s no goalie.”
Roy ignored this.
“You want to always look at the goalie when you’re shooting, to see which way they’re leaning towards.”
“Looks like this goalie is on vacation?” Someone- Jamie- said, emerging from the clubhouse. “Aren’t you supposed to be gone? Bingo or something, granddad?”
Roy grunted, staring daggers at Jamie.
“You had plans? I’m sorry, I didn’t-”
“I wanted to. And it wasn’t bingo. It was yoga.” He said, the end of the sentence pointed towards Jamie.
Jamie held his hands up in defense and you smiled slightly.
“Thank you.” You said sincerely and Roy offered you a small nod before walking away.
Once he was out of earshot, Jamie looked over and started laughing slightly.
”What?” She asked. “You could have told me that you had a PR thing.”
“That’s not nearly as fun, is it?” He said, before smiling. “It’s all on your face, you know.”
“What?” You repeated and he looked at you, same strange smile on his lips.
“You like him. It’s written all over your face.”
“I know, I know. You don’t like him, or whatever.” He said with disbelief.
“Yeah,” You said. Or whatever. “Are you ready?”
“Mhm.” He said, walking back towards the parking lot.
When Roy Kent shows up at your ex’s mom’s house, you’re almost positive that you’re dreaming.
When he looks at you and says “Fucking hell”, you snap back to reality.
“Roy, this is Sam’s ex- the super sweet one I was telling you about.” She said before turning to you. “This is Roy. He has the mouth of a sailor, but he’s a good boy.”
There’s a look of panic on Roy’s face for a moment, fading completely as you outstretched your hand.
“It’s nice to meet you.” You smiled. “How do you know Tabitha?”
“We uh… we do yoga on Tuesdays and Thursdays.” He admitted.
“And shows on Fridays.” Tabitha helpfully supplied before handing a glass of red to Roy.
Roy nodded slightly, taking a sip.
“Of course, can’t forget the shows.” Roy said with no particular emotion.
“Right. Why don’t you two grab a spot on the couch?” Janice and Gertie will be here in five- you know how they are.”
In the noisy living room, one of the older ladies in the room motioned for Roy to sit next to her, to which he happily obliged, looking at you as he sat down- an invitation.
You walked over cautiously before sitting next to him gingerly.
“Oh, Roy! Is this your-” The woman started.
“No, I’m Sam’s ex.” You said, saving yourself the embarrassment of Roy saying ‘fuck no.’
Curiosity turned to pity and the woman leaned over Roy, putting a hand on your knee.
You smiled, the pity still feeling better than whatever you were expecting from Roy.
“It was a year or two ago, ancient history really.” You said, half to Roy, half to a woman you didn’t know the name of.
Before you could speak again, Tabitha walked back into the living room, accompanied by two older women- presumably Janice and Gertie.
It takes an episode for you and Roy to get comfortable with each other’s presence- an episode for you to relax enough to the point where your leg brushed alongside his, another half episode for Roy to start catching you up on the plotlines you’ve missed.
When Tabitha pauses the telly and calls it a night, it feels like no time has passed at all and if you didn’t know better, you’d say that Roy almost looked… disappointed when your leg was no longer touching his.
“Did you drive here?” Roy asked and you shook your head. “Do you want company on the walk back?”
You smiled.
“I wouldn’t mind yours.”
He nodded, holding your eye contact before looking away and making for the door.
“Thank you Tabitha, always a pleasure.” He said gruffly.
“Always a pleasure,” She smiled. “Oh, dear?”
You turned and looked at Tabitha.
“He’s a good one.” She said, voice quiet.
You turned to look out the doorway to see Roy.
“He is, isn’t he.”
Tabitha patted your shoulder affectionately and you turned back to look at her.
“Thank you.”
“Of course, dear.” She smiled, before you turned and walked back towards Roy.
“This is the last place I expected to see you.” You said and Roy shrugged.
“I told you I do yoga.”
“Yes, well, when you said yoga, I thought you meant with a bunch of other fit guys.”
“Oh fuck off.” He said, no actual malice in his voice, before he stopped walking completely. “You think I’m fit?”
You stopped, turning and looking at him, ready to tell him go fuck off.
Your voice catches in your throat at his raised eyebrows and the small smile in his face, and a smile of her own formed, features softening.
“I said what I said.”
“You shouldn’t stay stuff you don’t mean.”
“Who says I didn’t mean it?”
He let out a small grunt, a noise of disbelief, which would’ve offended you if you didn’t see the almost bashful expression in his face.
“We should continue walking.” He said, clearing his throat.
“Right.” You said, and the pair continued forwards. “Tabitha invited me to the get together next week, by the way, but I can always cancel if you don’t want me there.”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“I don’t know, it was your thing first. Just wanted to give you the option.”
“Fuck that, it’s… nice, having you there.” He said, voice full of indignation that you could believe for a second that your presence wasn’t wanted somewhere.
When you’re alone in your kitchen later, the feeling hits you like a brick.
It’s not your plan to go out drinking when your father reaches out to you for the first time in many, many years.
You know he’s in recovery, knows that Jamie has seen him, and none of that prepared you for the absolute vitriol you feel when you hear his voice.
The conversation lasts no more than a minute, your father gracefully taking a hint for the first time in his life.
You ignore the call from Jamie that comes a couple moments later and mindlessly drives to a bar near your apartment.
And you drink until anger turns into a full buzz in the background, which turns in hollowness.
Your phone rings- Jamie again. You looked at the photo of him that popped up. He couldn’t be more than three years old, crooked smile on his face, sitting in the grass next to a football.
Even as a kid, you tried your best to protect him from your dad. You’re still not sure how much you actually helped.
Your phone stopped ringing. You ordered another drink.
It’s not a half hour later when someone takes the seat next to you.
You glanced at them before going back to staring at your drink before doing a double take, because what the fuck is Roy Kent doing here?
“Jamie sent you.” You said, little emotion in your voice.
Roy looked at you and gave a single nod.
“He’s worried about you.”
“Okay. Well, if you’ve come here to say that I need to give my father a chance or some bullshit, you can leave.” You said, fully expecting him to stand up and walk out.
“What? Fuck no. I’m here because I care about you.”
“Oh,” You said, energy draining from your posture. “Oh.”
Silence sat in the middle of them for a couple of moments. You eyed the half-finished drink and was suddenly positive that you’d throw up if you took another sip.
All at once, it’s all too much. You, the entire bar, smells too much like your dad.
“Can we…”
“Are you okay?” He asked, standing up and you shook your head.
“I need to get out of here, I need to…”
“Okay, let’s go.” He said, throwing some notes on the bar top and guiding her to the exit.
The fresh air helps, but the smell of alcohol clings to you and it’s all too much, at least until Roy takes off his jacket and offers it to you.
You don’t put it on, just hold it against you and focus on the notes of his cologne instead of the scent of alcohol.
This and the sound of voice reassuring you that you’re okay is enough to ground you.
“I’m sorry. Fuck.” You said, voice breaking and eyes closed.
He pulled you into a hug.
“You have nothing to apologize about.” He told you. “Let me take you home.”
You pulled away from him, still sniffling, and nodded.
The ride home is silent.
You don’t have to ask him to come in- you simply give him a look and he follows.
“I’m going to shower.” You said and Roy nodded.
When you emerged, alcohol no longer clinging to your skin, you were surprised to see him standing in your kitchen, eyebrows scrunched together as he cooked.
“Thank you.”
He turned and looked at you, giving you a nod.
“It’s nothing.”
“It’s not.”
He held your gaze for a moment before turning back to the stove, pulling the pan off of the heat.
“How do you feel?” He asked, doing his best to disguise any concern in his voice.
“Better. I’m sorry. You probably had better plans than babysitting.”
“You have nothing to apologize for. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want to be.”
He set a plate of food in the counter for you and you took it, grabbing a fork from the utensils drawer and digging in.
You feel the need to apologize again, as if your mere existence is something worth apologizing for.
A bad habit leftover from when you were your father‘s kid.
You help him clean up despite his protests, and pretend not to notice his concern.
“I should go to sleep.” You said and he straightened up.
“Right, I’ll… go, then.” He turned away and you grabbed his wrist, your skin electric against his.
“Stay. I mean, you don’t have to, but-”
“Okay. I’ll stay.”
You want to kiss him, want to close the distance between the two of you. You don’t, remembering that you’re a bit of a mess right now, but it’s not for lack of wanting.
You let go of his wrist and gave him a small nod.
“I’ll take the couch. I don’t want you to fuck up your back because of me.”
“Roy, please. Let me do this one thing for you.”
He looked at you, narrowed eyebrows, before he sighed.
“This is fucking stupid.”
“You’re a pro-footballer, I won’t be responsible for breaking you.”
“Was,” He corrected you. “Was a pro-footballer.”
“You’re selling yourself short.” You said gently and his expression softened. “Please.”
Without further protest, he listened.
When you wake up, the embarrassment weighs on you almost as heavily as the hangover.
On the coffee table next to you, there is a glass of water and some painkillers, which you gladly accept.
Roy is in the kitchen, disheveled and cooking breakfast.
“Twice in twenty four hours, I feel lucky.” You said, cringing as soon as the words left your mouth.
He looked at you, eyebrow raised and lips turned upwards.
“Yeah,” You smiled before the look faded into something softer. “Thank you for staying.”
He looked at you again, expression somewhere between adoration and frustration, because don’t you get it?
Of course he stayed. All you ever had to do was ask.
He gave you a simple nod instead.
You don’t say anything, but you don’t need to. It’s written all over your face and for the first time, Roy can see it:
He looked at you for a couple moments before turning his attention back to the stove.
“Me too,” He said quietly, offering you a plate.
You took it, fingers brushing against his, smile blossoming on your face.
“Yeah?” You asked and he rolled his eyes.
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littlebeelife · 2 years ago
Daily J2 Breakdown
Day 6
This interview has my whole heart.
"We’re best friends, period. He’s my best friend for life. I don’t think it’s that remarkable, but it’s definitely special."
Supernatural siblings
WE ARE BROTHERS FOR LIFE, SUPERNATURAL HUNKS JARED PADALECKI AND JENSEN ACKLES TELL T2 Priyanka Roy What Would You Tell Jared And Jensen If You Met Them? Tell [email protected]   Published 19.10.13, 12:00 AM
Through nine seasons, the Winchester brothers — Dean and Sam — have battled demons, busted metaphysical myths and redefined chills and thrills on the small screen. In an email chat, Jared Padalecki (who plays Sam) and Jensen Ackles (who plays Dean) tell t2 about the show (Season 9 currently airs Monday to Thursday at 8pm on AXN) that’s made them a household name across the world.
When you were first approached to play brothers who bust ghosts and hunt down devils, did you ever think that Supernatural would become the show it is today?
Jared Padalecki: We’re one of the longest running shows on television! When I turned 31 (on July 19 this year), I remember thinking, ‘Wow… I’m 31 and this is my ninth season. This is a third of my life!’ It’s pretty amazing. I feel that what we’re doing this season could go on for however long the writers, and the fans, want to keep it going. We’ve opened so many doors and we didn’t close any... we didn’t kill this or stop that, we just left it so that we can do anything. What the writers have chosen to do is so awesome. I want to strangle them because I’m really excited about it — but I’m not allowed to tell you anything more at this stage. My hands are tied.
How does Season 9 carry the drama forward?
Jared: Season Nine is really cool! I’m more excited about shooting this season than any other season of Supernatural. I was really excited when I read the first five scripts and I think they are the best five episodes I’ve ever read, including Season One. As an actor, and as a fan of the show, I’m really excited about it. I am certain that the fans are going to think the storyline is badass this season. And I’m really hoping that they like my choices as an actor when they see what happens.
At the end of last year, Sam was not getting better. Well, this storyline will explain how Sam gets better. Dean says, ‘Hey buddy, stop the trials and you’re not going to die.’ And so Sam does stop the trials, but clearly he does not get better. We know that at some point between then and the second episode of Season Nine, he gets better and you’ll find out why immediately.
How much of Sam is Jared and how much of Dean is Jensen?
Jared: I grew up with Sam — I started the show when I was 22. I even met my wife (Genevieve Cortese who played Ruby) on this show. In fact, now I try to find similarities between the character and my own personality.
Jensen Ackles: The longer we become these characters, go through so much on and off, we get a greater clarity about ourselves. Now I know the clear differences between Dean and me. The only exception being that we look exactly alike!
What’s been the most challenging bit about playing Sam and Dean?
Jensen: I’d say... just I think, the emotional toll that he has sometimes where he doesn’t think that he is of value, that he isn’t equal to the people that he surrounds himself with. He’ll put other people first before himself. He’s very quick to sacrifice himself, and that’s difficult. I think it’s also a noble trade. 
Jared: And I feel Sam is very pensive and he’s very fastidious when he’s trying to get a task done. And Jared’s like that. I read instruction booklets, I really do... when I get something, I can’t buy something and just go like, ‘Oh, I’ll figure it out.’ I read and re-read it and I try and really figure everything out. And I like that... Sam kind of takes that approach. And I guess before I started acting, I was going to be an engineer, and maybe that’s what it comes from, just that kind of break everything down to put it all back together, reverse engineering or whatever. However, sometimes I feel like I wish Sam would make a hard decision.
Do you believe in the supernatural?
Jensen: I wouldn’t call myself superstitious, but I do suspect there’s more between heaven and earth... even hell. I’m open for spiritual experiences, although I haven’t needed any salt yet to ward off evil spirits from my home!
Jared: I firmly believe that things happen for a reason. That may sound melodramatic, but I don’t believe coincidence exists. And I also believe we’re not the only living creatures in this universe.
Which have been your favourite moments on the show so far?
Jensen: My favourite moment is when the brothers made a commitment to each other in the church. This is a commitment that they’re going to check in with each other... that they are going to remain partners and stay on the same track and not be like, ‘You go do this while I go and do that, and we’ll all try to solve the world our own way.’
Is there anything you would want to change about Dean and Sam?
Jared: There’s a term we use, to “man up” — “man up and get the job done”. Sam ends up making a decision, but I don’t think he takes a stand. There’s a small difference, and I wish he’d take a stand sometimes.
You guys have been sharing screen space through nine seasons. What kind of a dynamic do you share off screen?
Jensen: That’s almost impossible to explain. Nine months a year we’re stuck with each other literally 24 hours a day, seven days a week because we’re working on the show. Even doing stuff for ourselves in between isn’t possible. We’re constantly together. And even when we’re not actually working together during the nine months, or the other three months out of the year for that matter, we always find ourselves choosing to hang out and be together. But what I’m saying is, if you compare our relationship with Dean and Sam’s relationship on the show, there is a huge difference. Jared never drives me up the wall.We can talk to each other about anything.
Whenever we’ve fought, it’s been for each other! Like, I’ll do or say something and he will too and the other one might not like it, but in the end we’re doing it to help or protect them and it’s never against him. I think we do have that loyalty and I can honestly say you know, I’d trust my life with this guy and I guess in relevance to Dean for Sam, I would jump in front of a bullet for him any day and never think twice.
Jared: And the best part about Jensen and my relationship is it’s gonna be that way when we’re on the show and not. I mean, unfortunately for him, he’s stuck with me for life now and that’s important. But look, brothers and sisters, for that matter, sometimes fight. Or worse... they can’t get along at all. Between Jensen and me there have never been any issues and I think that’s rather special.
Jensen: We’re best friends, period. He’s my best friend for life. I don’t think it’s that remarkable, but it’s definitely special.
Are you aware that you have a huge fan following in India?
Jared: I was so surprised when I was informed that we have a huge fan following in India. Until recently, I had no idea that the show was even airing in India! It feels so good to know we have fans across the continent.
Jensen: I had no idea either. Jared and I both found out about it together! We are dying to come to India... it would be amazing.
What’s the craziest thing a fan has done for you?
Jared: The people will come up and be like, ‘Oh, my gosh! I saw an episode where this happened and it made me think of this time when I saw this.’ And you’re like: ‘What did you do? Get the salt?’ So the fans are pretty funny. The fans of the show are certainly. They’re not casual fans. People, if they know the show, they know the show, which is nice. It’s wonderful to have such a dedicated audience and a loyal following. It’s become part of the show and we’ve made episodes about our fans. So that’s fun, and they certainly share their stories with us.
Source: telegraphindia.com - October 19th 2013, written by Priyanka Roy
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j2memories · 1 year ago
Telegraph India article (October 19th 2013)
Supernatural siblings
WE ARE BROTHERS FOR LIFE, SUPERNATURAL HUNKS JARED PADALECKI AND JENSEN ACKLES TELL T2 Priyanka Roy What Would You Tell Jared And Jensen If You Met Them? Tell [email protected]   Published 19.10.13, 12:00 AM
Through nine seasons, the Winchester brothers — Dean and Sam — have battled demons, busted metaphysical myths and redefined chills and thrills on the small screen. In an email chat, Jared Padalecki (who plays Sam) and Jensen Ackles (who plays Dean) tell t2 about the show (Season 9 currently airs Monday to Thursday at 8pm on AXN) that’s made them a household name across the world.
When you were first approached to play brothers who bust ghosts and hunt down devils, did you ever think that Supernatural would become the show it is today?
Jared Padalecki: We’re one of the longest running shows on television! When I turned 31 (on July 19 this year), I remember thinking, ‘Wow… I’m 31 and this is my ninth season. This is a third of my life!’ It’s pretty amazing. I feel that what we’re doing this season could go on for however long the writers, and the fans, want to keep it going. We’ve opened so many doors and we didn’t close any... we didn’t kill this or stop that, we just left it so that we can do anything. What the writers have chosen to do is so awesome. I want to strangle them because I’m really excited about it — but I’m not allowed to tell you anything more at this stage. My hands are tied.
How does Season 9 carry the drama forward?
Jared: Season Nine is really cool! I’m more excited about shooting this season than any other season of Supernatural. I was really excited when I read the first five scripts and I think they are the best five episodes I’ve ever read, including Season One. As an actor, and as a fan of the show, I’m really excited about it. I am certain that the fans are going to think the storyline is badass this season. And I’m really hoping that they like my choices as an actor when they see what happens.
At the end of last year, Sam was not getting better. Well, this storyline will explain how Sam gets better. Dean says, ‘Hey buddy, stop the trials and you’re not going to die.’ And so Sam does stop the trials, but clearly he does not get better. We know that at some point between then and the second episode of Season Nine, he gets better and you’ll find out why immediately.
How much of Sam is Jared and how much of Dean is Jensen?
Jared: I grew up with Sam — I started the show when I was 22. I even met my wife (Genevieve Cortese who played Ruby) on this show. In fact, now I try to find similarities between the character and my own personality.
Jensen Ackles: The longer we become these characters, go through so much on and off, we get a greater clarity about ourselves. Now I know the clear differences between Dean and me. The only exception being that we look exactly alike!
What’s been the most challenging bit about playing Sam and Dean?
Jensen: I’d say... just I think, the emotional toll that he has sometimes where he doesn’t think that he is of value, that he isn’t equal to the people that he surrounds himself with. He’ll put other people first before himself. He’s very quick to sacrifice himself, and that’s difficult. I think it’s also a noble trade. 
Jared: And I feel Sam is very pensive and he’s very fastidious when he’s trying to get a task done. And Jared’s like that. I read instruction booklets, I really do... when I get something, I can’t buy something and just go like, ‘Oh, I’ll figure it out.’ I read and re-read it and I try and really figure everything out. And I like that... Sam kind of takes that approach. And I guess before I started acting, I was going to be an engineer, and maybe that’s what it comes from, just that kind of break everything down to put it all back together, reverse engineering or whatever. However, sometimes I feel like I wish Sam would make a hard decision.
Do you believe in the supernatural?
Jensen: I wouldn’t call myself superstitious, but I do suspect there’s more between heaven and earth... even hell. I’m open for spiritual experiences, although I haven’t needed any salt yet to ward off evil spirits from my home!
Jared: I firmly believe that things happen for a reason. That may sound melodramatic, but I don’t believe coincidence exists. And I also believe we’re not the only living creatures in this universe.
Which have been your favourite moments on the show so far?
Jensen: My favourite moment is when the brothers made a commitment to each other in the church. This is a commitment that they’re going to check in with each other... that they are going to remain partners and stay on the same track and not be like, ‘You go do this while I go and do that, and we’ll all try to solve the world our own way.’
Is there anything you would want to change about Dean and Sam?
Jared: There’s a term we use, to “man up” — “man up and get the job done”. Sam ends up making a decision, but I don’t think he takes a stand. There’s a small difference, and I wish he’d take a stand sometimes.
You guys have been sharing screen space through nine seasons. What kind of a dynamic do you share off screen?
Jensen: That’s almost impossible to explain. Nine months a year we’re stuck with each other literally 24 hours a day, seven days a week because we’re working on the show. Even doing stuff for ourselves in between isn’t possible. We’re constantly together. And even when we’re not actually working together during the nine months, or the other three months out of the year for that matter, we always find ourselves choosing to hang out and be together. But what I’m saying is, if you compare our relationship with Dean and Sam’s relationship on the show, there is a huge difference. Jared never drives me up the wall.We can talk to each other about anything.
Whenever we’ve fought, it’s been for each other! Like, I’ll do or say something and he will too and the other one might not like it, but in the end we’re doing it to help or protect them and it’s never against him. I think we do have that loyalty and I can honestly say you know, I’d trust my life with this guy and I guess in relevance to Dean for Sam, I would jump in front of a bullet for him any day and never think twice.
Jared: And the best part about Jensen and my relationship is it’s gonna be that way when we’re on the show and not. I mean, unfortunately for him, he’s stuck with me for life now and that’s important. But look, brothers and sisters, for that matter, sometimes fight. Or worse... they can’t get along at all. Between Jensen and me there have never been any issues and I think that’s rather special.
Jensen: We’re best friends, period. He’s my best friend for life. I don’t think it’s that remarkable, but it’s definitely special.
Are you aware that you have a huge fan following in India?
Jared: I was so surprised when I was informed that we have a huge fan following in India. Until recently, I had no idea that the show was even airing in India! It feels so good to know we have fans across the continent.
Jensen: I had no idea either. Jared and I both found out about it together! We are dying to come to India... it would be amazing.
What’s the craziest thing a fan has done for you?
Jared: The people will come up and be like, ‘Oh, my gosh! I saw an episode where this happened and it made me think of this time when I saw this.’ And you’re like: ‘What did you do? Get the salt?’ So the fans are pretty funny. The fans of the show are certainly. They’re not casual fans. People, if they know the show, they know the show, which is nice. It’s wonderful to have such a dedicated audience and a loyal following. It’s become part of the show and we’ve made episodes about our fans. So that’s fun, and they certainly share their stories with us.
Source: telegraphindia.com - October 19th 2013, written by Priyanka Roy
Link to the article
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shirtlesssammy · 4 years ago
1x02: Wendigo
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No Chick Flick Moments
In Blackwater Ridge, Colorado, three dudes enjoy the wilderness by gaming inside their tent. Something stalks their campsite from the shadows but the unattended fire that’s dangerously close to their flammable homes must be keeping it at bay, right? Erm, well, one dude heads out to the little boy’s room (a nearby tree) and gets snatched. 
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Another one pops his head out the tent door and gets snatched as well. The third dude kills his light and watches the shadow of a very fast creature circle his tent until it slashes the side and snatches him as well. 
Palo Alto, California
Sam’s visiting Jessica’s grave. It really didn’t affect me the first time I watched this. It’s devastating to watch now though. Knowing Sam now --knowing how he doesn’t let people in, knowing how he didn’t even really let Jess in but loved her and wanted this world he could never have with her. Knowing that it’s fifteen years later and he’s had no one to really be with (Amelia was a construct of his damaged brain when forced to face the supernatural without Dean or Cas. I will not be taking questions at this time.) (But I guess he gets a blurry wife so ALLS GOOD FOR SAMMY.) He tells Jessica, “I should have protected you. I should have told you the truth.” Gah. Nothing could have saved her, and he has to go another fifteen years before he realizes this for good. 
Psych! He was actually dreaming, but I hold firm with my thoughts on the dream scene. 
Dean asks if Sam is okay. 
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Sam says yes and clears his throat. Classic! Then Dean asks if Sam wants to drive for a while. GAH. Like, Dean’s looking out for his little bro in the only way he knows right now --letting him drive. 
They discuss leaving Palo Alto, and Dean points out that if they’re going to find the thing that killed Jess, they have to find their dad. He’s sending them to Colorado. Specifically to a National Forest in Lost Creek, Colorado. 
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They get to the warden’s station and introduce themselves as Environmental Study majors from UC-Boulder. “Recycle, man.” Bbys. The ranger sees right through their bullshit though. He asks if they’re friends with “that Hailey girl.” Dean sees his chance to learn more and leans into it. Hayley apparently has a brother that’s on Blackwater Ridge. He isn’t technically missing but she knows something is up. 
Dean gets the brother’s camping permit. And now I need to process the next couple of lines. Sam asks if Dean wants a hook up with Hailey. Like, fuck you Sam for not knowing your brother at all, but also I guess you’re forgiven because your brother does do everything in his power to project that kind of energy. However, Dean is working the case and wants to know what they’re dealing with on this mountain. 
Dean and Sam head over to Hailey’s to ask her about her brother, Tommy. They say they’re rangers.
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Hailey gets on Dean’s good side by complementing his car. Hailey tells the brothers that she feels something is wrong because Tommy checks in every day via his cell and satellite phone. Hailey’s heading out first thing in the morning to try and find him. 
Later at a bar, Sam “NERD” Winchester pulls out his extensive research on the area. People disappear on the ridge every 23 years. There was one survivor in 1959. They go to interview him. He tries to stick to the grizzly bear story, but eventually admits that they won’t believe him since no one else ever did. He said it moved fast and came into their cabin. It took his parents and left him with a horrible scar. 
The next morning, Sam and Dean meet up with Hayley, her brother Ben, and the guide, Roy. The guide is skeptical but Dean just wants to help find her brother. 
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Cut to Tommy tied up in a cave. He wakes just in time to watch one of his friends get chomped to pieces by the monster. 
Dean and Roy try to out alpha each other. Roy finds a bear trap and saves Dean from a nasty injury. I’m over here wondering wtf that’s doing in the middle of a national forest. 
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Hayley calls Dean out on their lack of provisions and wants to know who they are. He comes clean and tells her that they’re brothers looking for their father. But also, uh, Dean wearing jeans and boots is way more practical than SHORTS when hiking. Who wants to fuck around with ticks and poison ivy? All these years we thought Dean was just posturing about shorts when he was actually being a practical son of a bitch. 
They reach the ridge and hear absolutely nothing. Roy decides he’s going to wander off alone. Solid choice, dude. The rest stick together. Soon they hear Roy call for Hailey. They run to him. They find her brother’s destroyed campsite. They find tracks of where the bodies were dragged and Tommy’s destroyed phone.
They explore the campsite, which is torn to absolute bits. Dean tracks the struggle to just outside of the campsite, where the trail quickly grows cold. Everyone gets lured further into the woods by desperate cries for help but it gets them nowhere. When they return to the destroyed camp, Sam pulls out their dad’s journal and they use it to pinpoint the monster: it’s a wendigo. 
They hunker down for the night at the camp, and Dean protects them with Anasazi symbols drawn in the dirt. Soooooooooo in one breath you’re telling me that wendigo are found around the upper midwest / Canada, and in the next you’re telling me that the Anasazi (Southwestern/Western US) created widely-established protections against the wendigo? STARES DIRECTLY INTO THE CAMERA. The timelines! The geographic areas! Sigh...Supernatural ain’t ever had that good of a track record.
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Dean tries to unpack Sam’s gourd. Sam doesn’t want to waste time hunting a wendigo when he can find their dad and hunt for what killed Jess instead. Dean holds out John Winchester’s journal like it’s a friggin’ (gags a little) bible and delivers the now-iconic line: “I think he wants us to pick up where he left off. You know, saving people, hunting things. The family business.”
Sam wants to know why John doesn’t just call his boys and give them an update - “It makes no sense.” OMG RIGHT, SAM? #JohnWinchester’sA+Parenting 
Dean tells Sam that helping other people and other families is what helps him make it through each day. We cry in Dean’s face a little, even when he immediately attempts to mask his empathy in his very next (also iconic) line: “Let me tell you what else helps. Killing as many evil sons of bitches as I possibly can.”
Pleas for help start to echo through the woods again. Roy fires indiscriminately into the trees and races after his prey, sight unseen. Hands grab him by the head and haul him up into the trees. Everyone else makes it through the night safely and Roy’s demise reminds us that toxic masculinity KILLS.
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The next morning, Sam’s moodily staring at their dad’s journal while Dean chats with Haley about the hunt. 
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We get info-dumped a truly mixed bag of lore, attributing wendigo tales to the Cree people (right region, at least!) and saying that wendigo are created by cannibalistic acts gone into overdrive. The implication here is that cannibalism equals power but alas, it also turns one into a monster. Wendigo like to squirrel away humans like nuts, so Haley’s brother might be alive and trapped for later snacking. And they can kill it! Kill it with fire. 
Cut to Dean striding through the woods with a molotov cocktail in hand. THAT’S MY BOY. They follow an easy trail of bloody claw marks along the trees. Too late, Sam realizes it was TOO EASY.  Roy’s body drops from the canopy and the group splinters as they flee. Dean and Haley get nabbed, leaving Sam and Ben to find their missing siblings. Ben finally gets some lines, alerting Sam to Dean’s breadcrumb trail of peanut M&Ms.
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They head into a defunct mine. (Speak friend and enter?) Growls echo through the darkened tunnels, but Sam and Ben discover the body storage by accident when they fall through floor boards into a lower level. They discover Haley and Dean trussed up and free them. Tommy’s there too! And still alive! 
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Dean finds some flare guns and they make their way out of the tunnels. Dean tries to lure the wendigo away from the siblings and Sam. All his attempts are for naught, because the wendigo tries to attack Sam, and the three siblings. It’s okay, though! Dean fires a flare gun right into its gut and it burns into embers.
Later at the ranger’s station, they spin tales to the cops about a grizzly. 
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Haley thanks Dean with a gentle kiss, and Dean watches the siblings leave with a fond and wistful expression. JENSEN ACKLES YOUR FACE IS A MENACE!
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The Winchesters hit the road, Sam behind the wheel of the Impala. Time to hunt some evil sons of bitches and play some classic rock!
Oh sweetheart, I don’t do quotes:
Recycle, man
Nobody likes a skeptic
I think he wants us to pick up where he left off. You know, saving people, hunting things. The family business
Man, I hate camping
Want to read more? Check out our Recap Archive! 
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caffeinetheory · 5 years ago
So what if they had met at a gala Roy with Queen and Marinette with Jagged and like they each of this bad impression of each other such as "Oh, he's the spoiled rich kid"or that"she's a total diva who would do anything to do famous" or something like that. But then when both the to like ditch the party or go somewhere not as bad as the main room and end up meeting and talking and becoming friends and then later dating. Then Lila goes on and on that she's dating Roy but that fails as he shows up.
Okay so this is my first ask/prompt thing but I loved it and I hope it’s good
Thanks to the people in the group chat for the encouragement, I really appreciate it <3
Here goes nothing, hope you like what I ended up writting
(pacing maybe a little fast, oops)
She didn’t want to be here, Mari only came because she ran out of excuses to not go to a gala with Jagged. Don’t get her wrong, she loves her honorary uncle but being in the spotlight was not something Marinette enjoyed, Ladybug was more than enough for her thank you very much.
So here she was sipping champagne, which she shouldn’t be but that’s for another time, hugging the wall trying to not stand out with all of her will power. Despite her best efforts Jagged could be heard loudly boating about his favorite designer and talking about how she made his and Penny’s outfits as well as her own. Knowing he was about to drag people around to show her off she decided to bite the bullet and pushed herself off the wall and walked over to him and what looked like a rich blonde businessman and another person around her ae that clearly didn’t want to be here.
The floor length rose pink dress shined in the light as she made her way over to Jagged. The intricate flowers becoming seen as she moved, and her hair flowing behind her as she walked. She commanded the room with confidence as she walked, a perk of being Ladybug for so long, long gone was the overly shy pre-teen and now stood tall legal adult. The shear back of her dress exposed small scars from years of fighting but no one would notice as her over all beauty distracted from the clear battle scars dancing across her skin.
She came to a stop next to Jagged placing a gentle hand on his shoulder, “I know you want to tell everyone about me, but I could hear you from across the ballroom,” rubbing his neck in slight embarrassment Jagged shared a smile with her then to the gentleman he was talking with. “Mari, how nice of you to finally join us, I’ve been trying to get her to come to one of these for years, this is Oliver Queen and his ward Roy Harper,” anyone could tell how proud of the person she had become with his enthusiasm.
Shaking Oliver’s hand politely Mari turned to shake Roy’s only yo be met with a badly hidden scoff and rough handshake in return. ‘Spoiled rich kid with everything handed to him, lovely. Exactly why i tried to avoid these things’ was all that went through her head as she watched the red-head look anywhere but at her or the conversation he was begrudgingly in. ‘Great another person I’m going to have to pretend to tolerate because of the bs that is plesanties’
“So did you really make all three of your outfits?” Oliver was trying to make conversation, someone Roy’s age could possibly do him some good. Given that her deminr became less forced and Marinette seemed to light up the room even more he figures he picked the right thing to ask. “Yes! I’ve been designing for as long as I can remember. It is one of the few constants in my life, and Jagged here,” she gestures in his direction her enthusiasm clear to anyone, “Has insisted that I keep making him things. At first I thought he was just being nice but finding out he was the one that got Clara to look into my stuff is something I can't thank him enough for.”
“Anything for my rock and roll niece,” Jagged playfully ruffles her hair and she swats at his hands, this was a normal thing and Mari was clearly more at ease now that she was able to talk about her interests. She went on for a bit longer, Roy had left under the guise of getting something to drink and snuck off to one of the side rooms to get out of the stuff “party”. Mari left the pair of influential men saying she needed to get off her feet, they let her go and she ended up ducking into the very room that Roy was settled in.
Marinette’s huff of relief after closing the door and leaning against it made Roy snap his attention to the door. “I can’t wait for this to be over,” she looked at her phone to check the time, her heels already in her hand, “Still two more hours till I can ditch.” rolling her eyes, she looked up finally noticing the red-head and a startled sound involuntarily left her, ‘lovely rich boy is here’ she tuned to leave the room when his cough made her look in Roy’s direction. “You trying to escape too?” a sheepish smile played on his lips, his shaggy red hair hung loosely as he tilted his head toward her. Hesitantly she walked to the table across from the one he is sitting on to sit on herself.
“You could say that. Not really a fan of the spotlight,” she replies hesitantly, though his small laugh in return helps loosen her up. “That makes two of us, had to force me” his posture is loose, no longer as stiff. The two ended up spend the next few hours just ranting about how stuffy galas are and how they’d rather be anywhere else. They got to know each other so when both left the room with smiles and a small paper the guardians they came with, had knowing smiles, their plan had worked.
The rest of the month while Marinette was in Star City she was with Roy. Rumors of the two dating where everywhere by the end of the first week. Everywhere the two visited seemed to radiate happiness as the pair enjoyed the other’s company. No one had seen either so happy in a few years. Late night coffee ‘dates’ and soft laughter had become the norm so quickly that when Mari had to go back to Paris everything felt a little too quiet and dull.
‘I made it back, guess I got to accept the chaos again’
‘Miss me that much already ;)’
‘Oh shut it you dork’
Collapsing on her bed Mari’s smile since the gala still hadn’t falutlered. She still had two weeks before she had to go back to class but she didn’t want to think about that yet. Savor the moment of happiness she had while she could...that couldn’t last long could it? It never did, an Akuma alert went off and Ladybug was swiftly on the scene.
“I’m glad to see you’re back M’Lady”
“Good to see you too Kitty, but I just got back, any idea what’s going on”
“Seems like a tourist who missed their reservations”
“Ok sweet, this should be a piece of cake,” and it was they were done in less than 10 minutes. “Come on M’Lady we have a few more that need to be taken care of,” leading Ladybug the partners went to the Effilé Tower so she could purify the other Akumas that had happened while she was gone.
“Thank you Kitty, I appreciate the break.” There were maybe 20 glass jars and only 16 or so butterflies. They had made a system just in case Ladybug wasn’t in Paris and didn’t require to come back all the time. “It’s what a purr-ncess deserves isn’t it, everyone should get a break even you Mari.” “What better sibling could I ask for? Hang out tomorrow? It’s been awhile since I destroyed you in Mécha Strike.”
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
By the time Marinette woke up it was close to 11 and it was to light tapping on her trap door, what sounded like a ‘come in’ left her lips as she went around her room to look presentable. Adrian came into her room, some food on a plate and a Cheshire like smile, “Sooo, how was the states? Make any new ‘friends’ while there?” His testing tone made it clear she couldn’t get out of it.
The next two days were spent together catching up on what they had done and Adrian getting all the details about a certain red-head. “Ok so maybe I like him but we both know how bad my track record is?” Mari’s exasperation was clear, she had confessed to Adrian before they knew who was behind the mask and he came out as gay to her. She ended up being what got him and Luka together, then Kagami and Cholé, we don’t mention that confession. “I don’t know princess, you might actually have a chance,” he had a knowing smile, too knowing, something was up. Pushing away the thought, “You’re just a helpless romantic,” they playfully shoved each other as they were heading back to the bakery after a day just walking around.
Texting Roy and hanging out with her small team was all she had done when she had done when she got back so walking into the classroom to cold stares had thrown her for a moment. Her reality hit her like a ton of bricks but it didn’t hurt as much as it used to, she had people who cared about her and people she cared about. Marinette took her seat in the back of the class with Cholé and Adrian. The trio had been forced to the back but enjoyed the freedom it let them have.
The door slammed open and one Lila Rossi had walked in laughing loudly to Alya, no doubt talking about ‘what an amazing summer’ she had, the trio just rolled their eyes and went back to their phones.
“You texting him again, I swear you are always texting him,” Adrian joked seeing Mari ignore the world, the only thing she cared about being her screen.
“I mean you know me so well,” rolling her eyes at his antics, “what else am I supposed to do? Listen to ‘something that totally happened guys I don’t know why you don’t believe me’,” her sarcasm was palpable.
“I mean this time you might care, it’s about some boy toy, a Queen I think,” Cholé supplied to the conversation muffling a laugh as Mari immediately snapped her attention to the girl in the front of the class.
“You have got to be kidding me, she can’t be that dumb can she.”
“Oh you know she can and will be”
The rest of the week was spent with Lila telling the class about how amazing and put together Robert was, she couldn’t even get his name right!!! Mari was a little pissed but it wasn’t worth it, she knew the real Roy and he may be a disaster incarnée but he was hers. Did she really just think that? Damn Adrian was really rubbing off on her.
Two weeks later when Adrian told her to wear red and black, and to make sure her hair was in a ponytail, she chose not to question it. What ever crazy plan he had plan would probably be fine, they usually were. Texting Roy in the way to her class she almost missed the foot out to rip her, but being so focused she just sidestepped and jumped over the other 2 that were outstretched as she made her way to class. She wore a bright smile, Roy was talking about how pretty Paris was. ‘He must have seen the pictures I sent’.
Practically falling into her practical sibling’s lap she hummed a happy tune forgetting where she was. The red shirt she wore was one that she may have narrowed from Roy and it still smelled like him. The two blondes who sat with her started to tease and run their hands through her hair, happy to see their girl so happy again.
“So, Kitty, why was I to wear this today? What’s the occasion?”
“Oh you’ll see,” his knowing smile should have worried her but the text from Roy distracted her.
A picture of her parents' bakery and a text that said ‘this is your parents right?’ Lit up her screen.
‘Yeah why’
‘No reason, shouldn’t you be in class?’
‘Hasn’t stopped me before ;)’
Lila’s loud boasting about her ‘boyfriend’ Mr. Harper, at least she got the last name right, broke the bliss Mari had been feeling, though Adrian’s poorly concealed laugh did bring some of her smile back.
It was at lunch when Mari found out why Adrian was so giddy and why Roy was talking about the beauty of Paris. In the middle of another one of Lila’s stories about her ‘boyfriend’ a cough stopped her mid sentence, “Um actually, who are you? I’m pretty sure I’ve never met you before. I think I’d remember someone as loud as you.” There he stood at the bottom of the stairs, in all his glory, one Roy Harper.
“Adrian I love you but I’ll kill you later,” Mari whispered to him and then launched herself at red-head. “What are you doing here?” He caught her with ease spinning her slightly, “Happy to see you again Pixie,” their laughter could be heard throughout the school. “But Roy, seriously what are you doing here?”
Rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, “Adrian may or may not have gotten me here… and I wanted to see you again” Mari half hearted flared at the blonde who jut give her a grin. This was sister and Roy made her happy, so of course he was going to do what he could so she could be happy. “Told you it would work out,” Chloe’s retuned fistbup told him she was happy for their friend too. After all she had done for them it was only fair they helped her.
“I may have also wanted to ask you something,” Roy looked down at the shorter girl, “would you be down to be my girl…” he trailed off at the end but their was clear admiration in his eyes as he squeezed her hands.
“Of course you dork,” she gently pulled him down into a soft kiss.
They left the school after that, somehow the school already knew to excuse her for the est of the day. The pair had a lovely date ending up with them both falling asleep in the couch as a movie played.
The next day Mari didn’t come to class, neither did Adrian or Cholé, but there were cease and desist letters on both Alya’s and Lila’s desks and a firm warning from the Queen lawyers about falsely using their name.
Mari was happy and she really had to thank Jagged for finally convincing her to go the dumb gala, and maybe Adrian for getting them together.
They were an odd pair, the human disaster and the embodiment of an angel but they were happy and they fit, they wouldn’t change it for the world.
So that was that, hope it was good :>
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years ago
Déjà Vu (Or are we losing our minds?) VI -Modern!Shirbert
Words: 2,292
Series’ Masterlist
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
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Chapter Six: Kindred Spirits.
Anne to ‘Golden Trio’: I know you were looking forward to our party this weekend but I just got my period and I’m DYING so… rain check?
Cole: Bitch—
Diana: Oh, no! :( I hate when that happens, but it’s okay, we can wait!
Cole: I just want you to appreciate my friendship right now cause I’m on the verge of throwing myself over a cliff but fine, I have no uterus, no opinion. I’ll have to stand these beasts a while longer
Diana: Those are your nieces, nephews and siblings you’re talking about, Cole…
Cole: And I love them but doesn’t mean they don’t suck
Anne: I love you so much Cole, I promise next week it’s on!
Anne dropped her phone on her nightstand, then it buzzed once more, she groaned but picked it up anyway, Josie's name on the screen.
Josie: Ruby’s having a crisis. Waiter guy won’t answer his phone and now she’s on the verge of shaving her head.
Anne: goddamit I just got my period, I’m still on my pj’s!
Josie: We can go to your place? I really don’t want to deal with Ruby on my own...
Anne bit her lip, she had the tendency to lack patience during her periods, but the girls needed her, so she couldn’t say no.
Anne to ‘Golden Trio’: If you guys feel like witnessing some drama Josie’s heading to my place with a "Pink Crisis."
Cole: Fuck, did that waiter broke things off with Ruby already?
Anne: Apparently he’s not answering her texts and Ruby’s about to go crazy.
Cole: I’m in. Anything as long as I can leave the house.
Diana: Sorry, I was talking with Minnie May
Diana: btw I’m in too, let me see if I can take the car and I’ll pick you up @Cole
Cole: Cool, text me when you’re coming.
Anne dropped her phone again, this time on her pillow, and got up to let tell Marilla and Matthew that the girls plus Cole were coming. 
A strange thought came to her as she got up from bed. She felt like there was something missing, something was out of place, or unfinished. Was she supposed to text someone? Had she missed an appointment?
‘A doctor's appointment,’ said a voice at the back of her head.
Anne snorted at the absurdity of that, she knew there was no doctor's appointment scheduled, what the hell was wrong with her? Maybe it was just the hormones...
Bash was still not over the fact that Gilbert had had a “wet dream” about Moody’s girl and kept teasing whenever he could. It wasn’t Ruby though, Gilbert knew that, somehow.
He was sure that the girl in his dreams had red hair and grey eyes. Or blue, he couldn’t remember well. Either way, as the afternoon went away he started to forget. Sure enough, it’d been nice, he woke up feeling some sort of strange joy for the rest of his shift until it was time to close the diner, then his mind drifted to the dishes he needed to clean and the bills they had to pay.
While Mary was upstairs putting Delly to bed Bash sat next to him on the living room, making sure to mess up the comfortable position Gilbert was in by putting his legs on the boy's lap and laying on the whole lenght of the couch.
“Sometimes I feel like you’re the real twenty-year-old in this house and I’m the parent,” Gilbert rolled his eyes, pushing Bash’s legs away.
“That’s cause you’re always grumpy. You know why you always grumpy, Blythe?” Bash smirked.
“I don’t want to know.”
“It’s because you need to get laid.”
“There we go…”
“Why can’t you be a normal young adult and get one of those apps to hook up?”
“Because everytime I try it, all I think about is how I could end up murdered or sick- Do you want me to die of syphilis, Bash? Is that what you want?”
“Don’t be dramatic.”
“I’m not that desperate for sex, anyway.”
“I don’t wanna know the context of that sentence at all,” Mary walked in holding a basket full of Delly’s clothes. “But since you have all this free time to talk about your sex life, why don’t you help me with the girl’s stuff and fold them while I make myself a cup of tea?”
“Sure,” Gilbert agreed, happy to change the subject.
“Am I asking too much? Does god hate me?”
The group groaned in exasperation at Ruby’s inquires.
“I think you should finish your tea and breathe,” Diana said patiently.
“What she needs is to get her shit together and understand that it’s the twenty-first century. No man is going to propose to you after a drunk make-out session, Ruby!” Josie rolled her eyes.
“I know that!” Ruby said defensively. “But he’d been so nice even before that... I thought he liked me!”
“Maybe he does,” Anne said. “You have to remember that it’s Christmas, maybe he’s shopping? Maybe his phone got busted? I don’t know, give him the benefit of the doubt!”
“You know what my advice is,” Cole said simply.
“Yes,” Diana and Anne said at the same time.
“I’m gonna say it anyway. Dump the idiot and live your best life. Why are you trying to have a serious relationship when half of the boys in college are desperately trying to get in your pants?”
“Are you trying to get her pregnant or with syphilis? Because that’s how you do it, that's how you get syphilis,” Anne said crossed her arms. “She doesn’t have to sleep around to be happy! She just needs to be logical!”
“Okay, Dr. Heart, what do you recommend?” Josie huffed.
Anne whined and curled up under the covers. Ruby and Josie were sitting at the edge of her bed while Diana and Cole laid casually on the floor, their heads against the pillows Anne had given them so they weren’t completely flat on the ground.
“I don’t know, I’ve never dated a guy for more than a month.”
“Ew, Roy,” Cole said instantly.
“But maybe… I don’t know, do you have his intagram or something?”
“I do,” Ruby sniffed. “I haven’t checked it cause I didn’t want to look desperate and you know how I always accidentally like old pictures…”
“If you have his instagram, you have his facebook,” Cole said.
“How come?”
“Give me your phone,” His hand lifted from the ground, Ruby gave it to him.
“Okay, so we decided to go full stalker then,” Josie said bluntly.
“It’s either this or…” Anne stopped herself before saying ‘or hearing Ruby mop for another three hours’ but managed to hold her tongue just in time.
“This is for the best,” Diana replied almost as if talking of a medical procedure.
“Can someone go to the bathroom and fetch me the painkillers?” Anne groaned.
“I’ll go, see if I can drown myself in the toilet,” Josie mumbled. “I can’t believe you guys are my best friends…”
Anne laughed at that. Truth be told, Josie and her weren’t exactly close during their youth, Josie even sort of made her life a living hell for a whole year during Junior high, then some random dude tried to take advantage of her during a school dance and Anne stood up for her in front of the whole school. Josie spent the rest of her highschool years making up for her bad actions by defending Anne from any nasty comments anyone would throw her way.
She kept this up even during college, and Anne would’ve gladly told her it wasn’t necessary if it wasn’t because Josie seemed to get more insulted whenever Anne tried to point it out than if she was actually insulting her.
“You know what I’d love to have right now?” Anne yawned.
“A nap?”
“I’d love to have one of those god awful pancakes they used to make in our highschool’s cafeteria. God, they were awful, but for some reason I’m craving those fucking pancakes...”
“You ever crave flowers?” Diana asked absentmindedly.
“What?” Anne laughed. “What do you mean?”
“Like, you walk past a flower shop and you see a gorgeous bouquet, and then some random day you’re like, ‘Man, I wish I had the bouquet, it’d look amazing on my coffee table'”
“I… no– wow, I think it’s the first time you've beat me, Diana. That was the weirdest thing I’ve heard in a while.”
“Oh please, you love flowers, you must have felt that way at some point!”
“No, I swear,” Anne sat up. “I mean, maybe because if I see pretty flowers I just buy them, never been one to say no to buying flowers.”
“That’s the reason why our flat always stinks like gardenia, or roses, or lilies…” Cole adds distractedly.
“You know,” Ruby said, a bit calmer than before. “No boy has ever given me a bouquet.”
“That makes two of us,” Anne patted her knee.
“Three,” said Cole.
“So, Moody got mugged as soon as he left the bus station yesterday,” Gilbert sighed.
“Oh god, is he alright?” Winnie asked through the phone.
Winifred was back in town for the holidays, and she had many stories to tell about Paris and the girls she’d met there. She was one of Gilbert’s best friends from highschool, if not the only he still had from that time apart from Moody.
They were planning to have lunch the next day, but she’d called him to let him know she was home now, safe and sound, and they were chatting the night away.
“Yeah, a black eye and no phone or wallet, but fine,” Gilbert chuckled. “What’s worse is that he’s not even mad about that, he's upset that he won’t be able to text his girl...”
“What?!” She gasped. “I didn’t know Moody had a girlfriend!”
“He doesn’t,” The boy squinted. “Well, I think they saw each other the other night at the bar and they kissed, but I’m not so sure.”
“Right, because you were utterly shit-faced.”
He heard her laugh.
“I miss you two so much! Honestly, sometimes I feel like french guys lack sense of humor.”
“Oh, but I bet the girls were quite amusing, considering you oficially dated at least two of them throughout the semester,” He teased.
“Didn’t say I wasn’t having fun,” Winnie replied, he could pictured her smirking. “Looks like the only one who’s got no game is Canada’s Golden Boy! What’s the matter, Gilbert? No girl is worthy of your charms? Are you waiting until marriage?”
“Not quite,” He grinned. “I’ve been busy studying, that’s all.”
“I worry about you, don’t want to see you in ten years all grey and grumpy.”
“That's awfully rude, Bash is not grey and he’s ten years older than us!”
“Yeah but I’ve heard that if you don’t have sex you die faster.”
“That’s the biggest slander I’ve ever heard. Don’t try to scare the future Doctor with fake news!”
“Well, future Doctor, I just want to make sure you don’t end up as the spinster of our group. Not that is bad, if you want to be alone that’s cool, but please don’t be a bitter one, you know, like those old librarians?”
“So what should I be then, the old spinster that invites you to have tea every sunday?”
“Yeah, you could even own a coffee shop- oh wait, you do!”
“Rude,” Gilbert frowned, but he was still smiling. “The Orchard is not a coffee shop, just so you know.“
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Winnie chuckled. “See you tomorrow?”
“Got it!”
The girls straightened up at Cole’s announcement, all of them excited.
“And?” Diana urged him.
“Good news or bad news?”
“Bad news,” Cole looked up. “He posted this five hours ago…”
He handed the phone to Diana, then she gave it to Anne, there she read the most recent post on his page:
‘Someone stole my phone and wallet, please block the number in the meantime. If you need me you can send a private message here.’
“Could’ve been worse,” Anne gave the phone back to Ruby so she could read what it said.
Ruby sighed heavily.
“He doesn’t hate me.”
“Of course not, you’re a ray of freaking sunshine,” Josie retorted.
“I still think this is god giving you the opportunity to reconsider,” Cole replied. “Don’t commit, Ruby, you’re too young to get married–”
“She won’t get married!” Diana slapped his arm, then hesitated. “Well, at least not anytime soon... right, Ruby?”
“It’s late, children,” Marilla peeked through the door. “You can have dinner here if you want, we have room for all of you, but if you don’t then I suggest you to say your goodbyes now...”
“Thank you Marilla,” Anne smiled. “They’ll be on their way.”
“You can stay the night if you want as well,” Marilla added. “Matthew and I missed the fuss you kids make around the house whenever Anne invites you.”
“That’s so kind, thank you,” Ruby beamed.
Marilla left and Anne turned to look at the group.
“So any of you want to stay?”
“You know I do,” Cole smirked.
“Same,” Josie admitted. “My mom's being a pain right now: ‘Are you dating someone, love?’ ‘Will you ever give me grandchildren?’”
“I’d like to stay too,” Ruby said, deep in thought. “I know he’s not avoiding me, but I really don’t want to sleep alone tonight…”
“You have two younger sisters, Ruby.”
“It’s not the same!”
“See?” Cole said. “Ruby gets it!”
“I’ll have to pass,” Diana sighed. “My dad needs the car tomorrow morning, last minute shopping.”
“We still have next week,” Anne assured her with a small smile.
@ninizkd @http-itsrebecca @fuckthisshitimoutyall @just-here-to-escape-from-reality​​ @little-boats-on-a-lake
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heyitsbugette · 5 years ago
Todobug: Fallen lover.
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The spotted heroine was out with her team for a regular round of patrol, finding herself just a few meters from the girls to plan the rute alongside Chat Noir. She constantly ignored his attentions, but when he took her hand trying to kiss the back, with her opposite she invoked a lucky charm out of curiosity, winning a small spray bottle with which she sprayed on his feline friend.
──── Bad Kitty! Behave! Behave!
She exclaimed, spraying her partner, watching him contract through the water as if he were a small cat taking a bath, making her laugh mockingly next to the turtle hero who stayed next to them contracting against his stomach to laugh at the blonde’s childish reactions. Lately the heroes have gotten much closer as the meetings get more and more enjoyable, sometimes taking a few breaks to chat or joke with each other.
This was one of those days, being a fairly quiet time to afford that luxury that on rare occasions they could joke around. For today the only ones who were absent were Viperion, Roi Singe, and Pegase, but soon it would be their turn on the night patrol. And while both boys were organizing to cover ground next to Ladybug, it was that both Rena Rouge and Queen Bee looked puzzled at the initial duo of heroes at the same time while Ryuko sitting on a pile of bricks next to them sharpened her sword patiently without much interest.
It wasn't until the beautiful-looking blonde snorted as she touched up her lipstick that when she uttered a word, she broke the ice, paying attention to her reflection in the portable mirror that she carried with her even in battle. And at once her lips took on a little more color, she looked out of the corner of her eye at the heroine in a fox costume, ready to start conversation.
──── And ... Are you sure these two are just friends? Huh, I'm suspecting that the Ladybug's alleged boyfriend scandal is actually fake news of that infamous Alec Cataldi guy.
The blonde wasn't exactly discreet when she looked away from her mirror to turn and look skeptically at the dynamic duo fighting childishly as they calmed down to begin their part of the patrol, both walking away with Carapace jumping from roof to roof.
Instead, the young Japanese woman who calmly held her sword, settled into her seat crossing her legs with a quick movement. For a few thoughtful moments, she rested her gaze indifferently on her mate, while resting both hands on the handle of her sword, glancing sideways at the direction in which her superiors were leaving.
──── Believe it or not, she is in a relationship with Todoroki-san, and we must respect that, Queen Bee. It is not very honorable that you speak of him like this when he is not present to defend himself.
It was her answer said with a little bit of hostility, since clearly the foreigner hated gossip and to people talking cowardly behind them back. She did not know the guy in question well enough to consider him a friend, but he had been cordial in those events in which their parents had coincided.
Of course, it was a shock to learn that he was the mysterious boy Chat Noir was constantly complaining about standing between him and “his lady”. However, she couldn't blame them for their relationship being now seen in the public eye, after how an annoying low morality TV presenter had exposed the couple without their consent, robbing them of the opportunity to reveal their relationship when they were ready. It was so unpleasant, but she remembered with satisfaction how the Ladyblogger reported such an invasion of privacy on her blog, causing so much backlash to the man.
Some karma was dealt after that.
And although her words were almost interrupted by a fox lady in a bright orange suit, far from being annoyed, she continued her own business by returning her attention to the weapon even as she paid attention to the girl who questioned her words.
──── As much as I hate the shit Cataldi pull on them, the guy don't give me good vibes... I mean he's stupidly cold even with her. It seems he doesn't even care that Ladybug is in love with him!
The fox's heroine commented annoyed, while the blonde bee buzzed with excitement, agreeing with the words of her comrade. Neither of them seemed to believe Endeavor's son as the one for Ladybug, the national angel of France.
──── I know damn right the guy is hot, I'm not blind. But he's so... Uninteresting that he loses his charm. I think we all agree that our little bug can easily get someone better, my Adrikins is dying for her and I don't blame him, I don't even know who to be jealous of.
The blonde commented in a playful tone while she fixed some strands of hair ruffled by the wind, and putting on the final touches of the lipstick with her hand mirror, she closed the end at once to cross her arms later. It was obvious that her words were anything but kind, because even when Rena agreed that her heroine should seek someone else, it was equally clear that she did not approve of being so cruel when speaking of the aspiring hero. Chloe, on the other hand, was still taking small steps to be friendlier, but the change was gradual and she didn't avoid releasing hurtful comments on rare occasions.
No one refuted anything, it was not worth it and among the three they ended up leaving finally once their rest ended, ready to resume their patrol, perhaps hopefully catching up with the rest of their teammates.
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Todoroki Shoto was just leaving the Le Grand Paris, where he was staying with his family, his father apparently had work pending in Paris and they would be spending the summer outside of Japan.
He keeping silent and walking beside his older brother for as long as their paths coincided, after all he did not plan to follow him any longer; he had his own plans going. He had reserved a table in a restaurant that was close to her girlfriend's home, clearly paying with his old man's credit card with the bonus of bothering him, and of course thanks to his action he ended up earning a tremendous shout from the older one, but that did not matter, he just wanted to pamper his beloved.
──── So.. Have any plans, kid?
Asked the curious albino while chilling at the side of his brother. He and his penpal Luka Couffaine would hang out at the mall and then go to the disco store, it was clear that he wanted to see if the youngest of the family was free to accompany them.
──── I'm going out with my girlfriend once she comes back from patrolling with her team.
He answered calmly, taking out his phone when he felt it vibrate for a few seconds, surely his sister had called him to scold him for what he did with the credit card, but from seeing the angry expression on the older man's face he could say that it was worth it worth the scolding.
──── Ah? So, are you're really dating? I thought you were joking when you told us.
The college student spoke with a little laugh, noticing how his sibling looked at him confused. Suddenly the punk looking teenager gave him a discreet push with his shoulder to shut him up, an action that made him finally react.
And it was not for less, he had really been surprised to hear the albino's words, which shows with his changing facial expression. And while the double quirked teen questioned his words with his typical seriousness, it was remarkable for the man, for his slipt he keeps laughing nervously and even uncomfortably at the heterochromatic stare.
──── And… why did you think that?
──── Hey, chill... I didn't mean it like that, but you guys don't really seem like a couple. You know, you don't show it much. B-But I know you must love her a lot, of course!
Realizing how insensitive his words were, as well as how prejudiced he sounded when saying them, Natsuo ended up hiding behind a certain guitarist who shook his head gently and placed his arm between the two boys in a crude attempt at protection in what they both looked like. Instead of getting angry, the half redhead hung his head in surprise, grimacing seconds later, looking at them this time with a frown, clearly offended and annoyed.
──── Don't take it the wrong way, Shoto. You know that Natsuo can be somewhat naive and reckless, it was not his intention to offend you.
──── See you tomorrow, Couffaine…
Without saying anything else, he turns away into the flower shop, leaving behind the guys with whom he had had a bitter revelation. It was the only thing he said, annoyingly walking away in the opposite direction. Didn't they really seem like a real couple? The young man knew that he was not very expressive with his feelings, but he never thought it would be so bad. He continued his walking now without much encouragement, looking even more serious than usual if that was possible, but he was still determined to prove to himself that Natsuo was wrong. Perhaps if he made an effort to make his night with her girlfriend perfect, he could show his love for her, although it was difficult for him to show his feelings. But that did not mean that he wouldn't do his best to try.
So, he continued walking until he reached the picturesque place, entering and buying a bouquet of flowers, cheering up little by little. He left the place much calmer, even motivated, eager to meet his dear ladybug; but it was not until he heard three female voices talking about him and his lovely girfriend without any hesitation, that without being able to avoid it with strangeness he raised his face to watch the heroines speak from the roof of the building animatedly, being the blonde the loudest among the three.
Little by little he felt worse and worse with each word. Was he such a bad boyfriend? Marinette thought the same as her friends?
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Once the heroines left the Japanese boy sat on one of the benches, leaving his bouquet of flowers beside him, running his hands over his hair. Maybe they were right, maybe he was giving less to the relationship than his girlfriend deserved, maybe he was throwing her into the arms of another guy with his attitude. Suddenly he felt an upset stomach just thinking about it, it wasn't a nice feeling.
At the same time his discomfort was escalating and frustrated, he bent down looking at the bouquet of roses with an unsatisfied gaze, remembering how the cat hero used to give her a flower every day during the time that his relationship with her was a secret to the public. He remembered the jealousy he repressed every time Chat Noir tried to seduce his heroine, every flirtatious and cheesy nickname said in the midst of battles, as even when she rejected him, he was still motivated to win her love.
He recalled the mistrust he had for Luka when he mentioned his feelings for a certain baker's daughter, but he quickly dispelled his insecurities when he knew that Couffaine would never try anything with her. In his words he remembered how the eldest simply said that “her melody had found her own rhapsody,” whatever that meant. It was much worse when he find out about the past feelings his Maribug used to have towards Adrien Agreste, but detesting him made him feel guilty, the boy was also too kind for his own good.
He needed advice, it was not a good sign to be so insecure or jealous. But he was just a confused teenager in his first relationship, they couldn't blame him for his inexperience.
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Todoroki Shoto, Memories. A couple days ago.
During finals a certain pigtail lady had sneaked to Japan with the equine kwami’s help, of course, she missed her long-distance boyfriend as much as she knows he missed her too, and surprising her lover from behind she didn’t hesitate into hugging him sideways, laughing and playing with their noses in an soft Eskimo kiss. A couple minutes later, he took her by the waist just to give his girlfriend room to sit on his lap, while both kwamis hovered curiously around the room towards one of the hero magazines.
──── Not that it bothers me for you to come see me, actually I enjoy it, but what are you doing here?
──── I needed a break ... If I hear Lila say how she introduced you to Ladybug again, I will lose my patience, mon trésor.
With a snort the young woman let herself lean on her lover's shoulder, listening to him laugh vaguely with that unmistakable grimace on his lips, without a doubt the double quirk teen was just as entertained of the situation than he should be.
──── She's still into her fantasies? Should I be scared?
──── Not worth it.
In a mocking tone the eldest played with his beloveds’ lips, approaching to touch them tenderly just to move away when his muse deigned to reciprocate. From one moment to the next, he earned her frown, and it was when he saw her pout that he finally let himself be caught, feeling the plump and pink lips against his, sharing the cherry flavor of her usual chapstick.
When closing his eyes in duo with his sun sunshine girl, one of his hands fixed on her cheek tenderly as he passed his thumb over the blush, while in an ephemeral separation to discharge his heavy breath in a second, they again kissed again. Much more shy tan before.
──── Please come tomorrow… If not, who's going to kick my ass in Ultimate Mecha Strike?
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Little could he know that his scattered thoughts made Gabriel Agreste smile with discretion, as he, after sending one of his models to their wardrobe test in the care of their star designers, was that he hung up the call by video-chat once he delegated the activities of the day to Nathalie and went calmly towards the portrait of his beloved Emilie, caressing gracefully the illustration on her lips, in a silent conversation with himself.
He would have another chance to save her.
──── Oh, disappointment and jealousy ~ Powerful feelings from the hand of the lover that will bring my victory ... Simply poetic. Get ready, Ladybug! It will be the person who has your very own heart who will bring your defeat to me. So, fly my little Akuma, and possess Endeavor's son!
Ignorant of what was happening, were his racing heartbeats and his concern about losing the girl he had fallen in love with, without notice he caught the attention of a certain villain who triumphantly prepare one of his akumas to leave outside of his lair as he walked in the direction of his butterfly window ready for send his tiny henchman in search of the tormented teenager boy whose peace was disturbed. Humming, Hawkmoth smiled poisonously, capturing in his hands the tiny being whom he filled with negative energy, and in the end commanding them with his stick for catch his target.
Earlier when news of the heroine's romance leaked, he simply didn't rush into acting. He wasn't an idiot, he knew how dangerous it was to villainize the wrong people at the wrong time, he learned it the hard way with certain failed villains. But now, it was the perfect timing for him.
The akuma fluttered from the sky until found the source of such intense negative feelings, it could feel them for miles, and when the time came it was easier to be able to catch him without being noticed. Without missing the opportunity to melt into the bouquet of roses that the brokean hearted boy held so sadly, linking without opportunity to fight in a forced communication with the most feared villain in Paris at the moment when the butterfly communicator managed to get a surprised sigh out of him.
──── Greetings, Heartstroke. I am your friend, Hawkmoth. I have felt your fear of losing the love of your heroine, as everyone sees you as an obstacle. I promise to give you the power to punish whoever dares to take her away from you, and prove them wrong... But there is something you must do for me in return.
His words were poisonous, said with false concern and artificial charisma, selling to his victim the idea that would solve their problems once and for all, but the minor's doubt internally annoyed the criminal, he hated when his victims became resistant.
──── No, I won't give you her miraculous…
──── Don't be naive, son. Every Ladybug is destined for her Black Cat. Creation and destruction cannot live without the other. I offer you the opportunity to free her from her destiny. And what do you say? Do you accept my offer?
The half albino quickly covered his ears, while biting his trembling lip closed at the same time, he closed his eyes, unable to resist the intense connection with Hawkmoth any longer. But with each spoken word he felt increasingly furious, helpless, more insecure. To Paris, he was just a busybody, someone who kept Ladybug away from her one true love, the one who truly cared about her; as with every threatening mail they insinuated that he should get away and look for someone else, that he should stop confusing Lady luck's feelings. He couldn't handle it anymore, he was only human after all, and naturally he was selfish.
Selfish for wanting a future with her.
──── It will be a pleasure, Hawkmoth.
With a simple scaling flash of light, the bicolor eyed boy’s body was enveloped until it disappeared into a new metamorphosis, a different appearance drifted away from his usual looks.
Goodbye Todoroki Shoto, let's meet Heartstroke.
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smkkbert · 5 years ago
Time for a story - To a brighter future
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“Just five minutes more.”
Glancing at her watch, Felicity realized that Donna was right. In five minutes, the year 2025 was already over again. She had no idea how time managed to run like that. It seemed to get worse with each year. It started in one second and the blink of an eye later it was already over again. Time was running way too quickly.
Felicity looked into the faces of the small circle of people she was standing in. For quite some years now, she had celebrated the start of every new year in the company of the people closest to her. They had all gathered in her home or at least in one of their homes. They had chatted and tried to forget all the chaos in their life, hoping that the new year would bring a little bit more peace.
This year, it was a little different. Since Oliver continued to make the city one, uniting the citizens that had been fractured for decades, he had decided that welcoming the year 2026 altogether was a good idea. It would help the people living here to realize that they were all in this together.
Smiling softly, Felicity looked around. A lot of people had come. Although the richest of the rich people preferred to stay in their mansions where they could probably eat caviar and drink their expensive champagne in the warmth of their homes, at least some of the wealthier people had come. There were people that, no matter how rich they were, wanted to have a united city and that was great to see.
Felicity knew that barely anything could have stopped her from coming here today. She had liked Oliver’s idea from the start and, even if she hadn’t agreed
Of course the Arrow Family had come too. John and Lyla were there. Tommy and Laurel were celebrating their first New Year’s Eve as husband and wife with the entire family. Quentin and Donna were celebrating their last New Year’s Eve without a marriage certificate together with them. Roy had come, and even Nick had come.
Nick hadn’t been too pleased at the start. While he had been looking forward to spend the evening in the company of his newly found family and friends, he hadn’t been sure that he was fit enough for it. Spending it at one of their homes would have already been hard with the fireworks and everything. Spending it surrounded by thousands of strangers had sounded impossible. Luckily, Oliver had managed to convince Nick to come with them, especially since there were no fireworks happening around here.
Felicity could only shake her head at the backlash Oliver’s decision of not doing any fireworks had caused. He had explained that this was done to protect the animals, the environment and the veterans, but barely anyone had wanted to hear it. They had thought that Oliver was overdoing it with throwing tradition into the wind. Oliver hadn’t cared there.
It was one of the many reasons why Felicity loved him so much. Oliver just didn’t care about what people thought, at least not when he was doing good. It had taken a while until he had come to this, but he was there now and that was all that mattered.
“It’s a pity that Thea couldn’t come,” Donna said to Roy, directing Felicity’s attention back to the conversation, “I am sure you would have liked her to be here.”
“Of course.” Roy smiled and shrugged his shoulders. “The pregnancy just isn’t exactly nice to her right now, so it was better for her to stay back. Besides, that way she can help Raisa with the kids.”
“Not that Raisa would ever need any help,” Felicity said softly, “I mean she is Raisa.”
Raisa was definitely one of the best things that had happened to Felicity in all of her life. She was the kind of support she and Oliver had needed to make managing their crazy lives easier. They were going through so many troubles with their life, knowing that their kids were always taken care of perfectly, even if they themselves couldn’t take care of them, was making their lives at least a little bit easier.
Felicity shot a look towards the kids. William and Audrey had agreed to keep an eye on Sara, Emmy and Tommy. The three kids had pleaded with their parents to come with them, so the Queens and the Diggles had agreed. Raisa had suggested taking Robbie and Connor since she was staying in to take care of Millie and Addie anyway. She didn’t really like New Year’s Eve and didn’t mind not going out. With Thea as a company, she certainly had a great evening.
“This has really been a great idea,” Quentin said, looking around and nodding his head, “I think it’s a long overdue that the citizens realize that they are community.”
“Agreed,” Laurel said, leaning into Tommy’s side, “although I have to say that a summer festival that isn’t that cold would have been nicer.”
Chuckling, Tommy tightened his arms around his wife’s body and pulled her close to his chest. He placed a firm kiss on the top of Laurel’s head. It prompted her to rest her head back and look at him. Love was shining in both of their eyes.
Puckering her lips, Felicity straightened up onto the tips of her toes and looked around. Since she wasn’t really tall, not even when she was straightened up like that, she couldn’t see much. She puckered her lips even more and grumbled.
“As great as Oliver’s idea has been, I hope he knows that I am going to be really mad with him when he doesn’t get his ass right here next to me in the next three minutes.”
As much as Felicity supported Oliver’s idea, the wife inside of her also wanted to spend the turn of years with her husband. They were sharing each other with the city that hadn’t always been as grateful as it was presenting itself right now way too much already. They were sharing this day with Starling City too, but Felicity wouldn’t share Oliver with them. Not tonight.
“I guess I should have convinced Bruce to spend New Year’s Eve with us,” Felicity said, puckering her lips once more, “because I am sure Oliver wouldn’t risk missing the turn of years when he knew that I had someone else to kiss in case he doesn’t make it in time.”
“Hey, I’m like a grass widower today too,” Roy said, “you can always kiss me.”
“Aww, that’s sweet. Come here and-“
The moment Felicity had turned and taken a step toward Roy, who had already spread his arms for her, Oliver suddenly pushed between them. He wrapped an arm around her waist, angling her back, as his lips stole a gentle kiss from hers. He was balancing a tray with glass of champagne of his free hand, not having any trouble to do both perfectly.
He was Oliver Queen after all.
Once Oliver straightened back up, taking Felicity with him, he broke the kiss. Donna took the tray from him and put it on the middle of the table between them. She started giving everyone a glass while Felicity was putting her arms around the back of Oliver’s neck and looked at him with narrowed eyes.
“Hey, why do I deserve that?” Oliver asked. “I am absolutely in time. There are till ninety seconds until the year’s over, and we both know I wouldn’t want anyone else to be the first to kiss you in 2026.”
“Good for you,” Felicity said, pushing her finger against his chest, “because I swear that I would have found someone to kiss me if you hadn’t been in time.”
Oliver chuckled and captured her lips in another kiss. He didn’t need to say it for her to know that he would have never risked that. He wanted to kiss her when the new year begun, celebrating the beginning of another year with her.
“Mayor Queen?”
A woman with a headset and a clipboard stood at the bottom of the stairs that led towards the stage and looked at him. Oliver took in a deep breath and nodded his head.
Felicity smiled, putting her hand to Oliver’s heart and rubbing her fingers over his chest. She knew that Olive had gotten more used to being in the spotlight like that through the years. Still, he would have certainly preferred spending the turn of years in the middle of the crowd instead of onstage. He had been convinced otherwise though.
Resting his hand over Felicity’s on his chest, he nodded his head. With her by his side, he was ready to face this new task.
Oliver thrusted a glass of champagne into her hand before he laced his fingers with hers, and pulled her with him to the stage. The rest of their family and friends followed them, including the kids. They had agreed that they would all do this together. It was tradition to celebrate the turn of years after all.
Lifting her hand to his lips, Oliver looked at Felicity. He kissed the back of her hand before he let go of her fingers to step towards the microphone. The music stopped playing and a spotlight was directed at him. Although Felicity stood outside of it, she felt blinded by the glaring light. She couldn’t imagine how hard it had to be for Oliver.
When Tommy stepped towards her, Felicity lifted him into her arms and kissed his cheek. It didn’t matter how much he loved his siblings, he would always seek her presence first and foremost when he wasn’t feeling comfortable. Standing on a stage like this with all those eyes directed at him, he definitely wasn’t comfortable.
“Good evening, Starling City,” Oliver said, “I hope you all have fun.”
The cheering of the crowd was enough of an answer. No matter how many people had criticized this event, they would have to agree that this had actually been a good idea at the end. This was bringing the city closer together, just like it should be.
“Then I hope you all got a glass of champagne ready since the new year begins in fifteen seconds,” he continued, “and I want you all to count down the seconds into the new year with me.”
There was something magical about the way the city counted down the seconds to the new year together. Felicity was bouncing Tommy on her hip, making sure he counted with them as loudly as he could. She looked at her friends next to them. Lyla and John were holding each other. So were Quentin and Donna as well as Laurel and Tommy. William and Audrey were just holding their hands as Audrey wasn’t used to this publicity yet. Roy was carrying Sara and Emmy on his hips, saving himself two kisses she guessed.
Frowning, Felicity directed her gaze down to see that Nick had stayed there. She gestured for him to join her, but he shook his head, smiling softly. He felt safer where he was, so Felicity would accept this.
For the last two seconds, Oliver hurried back, wanting to be in time for the kiss. Felicity smiled about this sweetness. She already leaned in to get her kiss when the years turned. Before their lips could touch in a sweet kiss, Tommy put his hands to Felicity’s cheeks and turned her head towards him, stealing the kiss that had been meant for his father.
Felicity chuckled against Tommy’s lips as he refused to break the kiss. He kept his lips placed on Felicity’s, unwilling to let go.
“Hey,” Oliver complained eventually, taking Tommy from Felicity and thrusting him right into Lyla’s arms, “here, kiss your godmother.”
Tommy didn’t have to be asked twice. He put his hands to Lyla’s cheeks and gave her the same long kiss he had just given his mother. Meanwhile, Oliver was turning back with a shake of his head and a muttered unbelievable. Framing Felicity’s face with his hands, he leaned in and finally got that kiss he had tried to have ten seconds before already.
Sighing, Felicity melted against Oliver’s chest. The whole world around her seemed to fade away, and all that mattered where them. From the warmth on the side of her face, she was sure that a spotlight was directed at them, so maybe the world wasn’t as far away as it seemed.
They broke the kiss as they weren’t too eager to have this kiss show on the covers of every magazine around. They smiled at each other for a moment, both agreeing that this kiss would be continued and deepened as soon as they could hide back in any shadows.
With their fingers laced, they looked over the crowd of people that were celebrating. People, seven strangers Felicity guessed, were falling around each other’s neck to celebrate the beginning of this new year. A city that had been so fractured once was celebrating this night united now. It was a little miracle even though there had been a lot of work behind this miracle. It hadn’t come as easily as it looked.
Turning her head, Felicity looked at Oliver’s face. His eyes were directed at the crowd, taking in the image she had taken in seconds ago too. There was something about the expression on his face that made Felicity wonder what was going on in his mind. Usually, when Oliver looked at the city, he saw all the mistakes his parents had made and all the mistakes he had made. He saw all the work that was still ahead of him after the years he had already sacrificed to make this city a better place.
“Maybe it was all worth it,” Oliver suddenly said, “I know that there was a lot of trauma for me and for the both of us actually. There was death and pain and sadness. There have been mistakes, a lot of them really. There was danger and there still is, but look what we have achieved here. We have really made a change for the people living here. We have done this.”
Felicity smiled, leaning closer to Oliver. She rested her chin on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his middle.
“You have done this.”
“I had help.”
Chuckling, Felicity kissed Oliver’s shoulder through his thick jacket. “Yes, you did. It doesn’t change that you have initiated all of this. You have sparked the flame that has infected so many of us now. This city is a better place because of you.”
Oliver nodded his head slowly, letting her words sink in. For what felt like the first time, he wasn’t fighting her on that. He wasn’t even lowering his eyes and staring at the floor with embarrassment or shyness. He wasn’t fighting her by not agreeing with him. Maybe he wasn’t ready to say it out loud yet, but he did really agree with her.
When her eyes met hers, there was an intense expression in them. Usually, he’d only look at her when they were alone or when they could at least pretend being alone. They were still in the spotlight now, but maybe it made it even more honest. Standing in front of the city and agreeing with her on that meant even more than it did when it was just them. She wasn’t the person he thought he had to apologize to for the mistakes he had made. Maybe there had been a time that he had felt that he had to apologize to her for pulling her into that life by revealing his identity to her and even more by proposing to her. That was long over because Felicity had made sure that Oliver knew she had made both of those decisions willingly. She wouldn’t let him take the blame for something she had done.
“We have to continue our work to make it an even better place, don’t we?”
“Yes, we have.”
The expression in Oliver’s eyes grew even deeper. “And it’s worth all the danger we put on ourselves and our children, right?”
Felicity sucked in a deep breath, knowing there was no easy answer to this. So far, the kids had been kept away from most of the bad stuff. Emmy and Tommy had been abducted once, but that abduction had been caused by their stalkers. Even if Cupid had only felt attracted to Oliver because he had been the Arrow, Foster would have put his plan to action either way. He had been the brain behind the operation. Cupid had mostly been there to distract them.
Apart from that, all the kids had suffered through the loss of their father. Felicity had never told them that Oliver had supposedly been dead, unable to say those words. William had heard it on the news, but his little siblings had just known that something was terribly wrong. Again, that had been caused by someone who was connected to them more privately. Well, he had been connected to them more privately as Malcolm Merlyn hadn’t survived the abduction.
Still, Felicity knew that they had just been lucky. Maybe one day, someone would find them and do harm to one of their children. She didn’t even want to imagine what would happen if that happened. Nothing they could possibly do would be worth having any of their children hurt. At least that was her perspective as mother, the one perspective that mattered most.
“Whatever happens, we will be able to deal with it,” Felicity said, “because we are stronger than anything life can throw at us. What we have, it’s just bigger than the friggin’ universe.”
She said the words almost casually, but the corners of Oliver’s lips twitched with amusement at them nonetheless. He wasn’t just amused though. There was an honest expression in his eyes that told her she was feeling the same.
“Bigger than the friggin’ universe,” Oliver agreed.
With that, he leaned down and captured her lips in another kiss. Felicity moved a hand into the back of his hair and scratched her fingernails over his scalp lightly. She loved Oliver and no matter how many troubles the circumstances of his life had brought over her and their family was worth giving up on what they had. She wouldn’t give up on her marriage or her family for anything in the world.
Loud applause and cheering made them pull apart and look into the crowd. Felicity blushed as she realized that their kiss had been conveyed onto the large screens behind them. For Starling City, they were the American version of William & Kate or maybe even Harry & Meghan.
Oliver pecked Felicity’s lips once more before he stepped back to the microphone. Meanwhile, Emmy hurried towards Felicity and threw herself at her. Felicity chuckled and picked her up in her arms which wasn’t as easy as it had used to be when Emmy had still been a baby.
“Happy New Year, Mom.”
Felicity kissed Emmy’s lip. “Happy New Year, Sweetie.”
With that, they both turned towards Oliver.
“Happy New Year, everyone,” he said and elicited a lot of applause and cheering from the crowd, “welcome to 2026!”
2026 Felicity thought with a shake of her head. It was crazy. Time was really running every single second of every single day.
“I want to use this chance of standing here today to tell you that I, as your mayor and as a citizen of this city, will do my best to make this city an even safer place for you. I want this place to be a place of hope and a place of safety for all of us and especially our children.”
“Dad is doing great, isn’t he?” Emmy asked.
Felicity smiled at her daughter, nuzzling her nose. “He does. Did you expect anything else?”
“No,” Emmy replied, “of course not.”
Felicity chuckled, but she knew that Emmy was saying the truth. Her children loved their daddy so much that they always saw him as that great, invincible person that he looked like to everyone who saw the Green Arrow. Felicity could just hope that it would never change.
“Now, please raise your glass with me,” Oliver asked and lifted his own glass for everyone to see, “to Starling City, to all of you and to a brighter future that we will stand through together. United. Cheers.” 
* * *
Time for a story has three reasons to celebrate:  - its fifth birthday, - its 400th chapter and - the start of the last 100 chapters.
Celebrate with me! Tell me... ...what you love most about the story,  ...what’s your favorite scene, …you favorite angst storyline, ...your favorite moment, ...everything!
* * *
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alecmagnuslwb · 5 years ago
Writer’s Month 2020 Day One
Read on AO3
The door swings open right on cue just like it has at three o’clock on the second Tuesday of every month this year.
Jason looks up from where he’d been sketching at the front desk when the little bell above the door chimes and he hates to admit he freezes for a moment. Roy Harper looks good, really good. He’s cut his hair since the last time he saw him for his monthly tattoo in July and it gives Jason a whole new view to admire.
The shoulder length red tresses are gone his hair now shaved down on the sides and a little longer at the top. Jason likes it, it gives him a view of Roy’s strong neck that had previously been covered. Roy lifts an arm running his hand through the top of his hair as he gives Jason one of those big beaming smiles he always seems to sport. The movement highlights his biceps which are blissfully exposed due to the oppressive August heat of the city.
He slips the beat-up grey trucker hat in his hand on his head backwards once he reaches the desk leaning on it with his strong exposed forearms.
“Hey, ya Jaybird. Ready for me?” he asks that grin still on his lips.
“Always,” Jason says closing up his sketchbook.
Jason moves back a bit so that he and Roy aren’t practically nose to nose. Not that he doesn’t want them to be nose to nose it’s just that they aren’t there yet. They might never be, he’s not really sure what’s going on between them if he’s being honest.
Jason and Roy have technically known each other since they were teens, back when they were Robin and Speedy the children of two of the most known superheroes in the world, but Jason made a choice to hang up the pixie boots before he graduated high school for his own mental  and physical health and Roy chose the same after his first round in rehab had nearly killed him.
After that their paths had diverted. Jason had gone to art school and promptly dropped out a year later to pursue art on his own terms. Roy had attempted an engineering degree, but his mind was lightyears ahead of anything any college could teach so he’d flunked out for not doing his assignments properly ever.
Then came a dark year for both of them, a year that no amount of therapy will every completely wash away. Jason had hit rock bottom with is career and his estrangement from Bruce for choosing a world outside of vigilantism came to a violent head while Roy hit his own rock bottom at the end of a needle.
It took years of failed relationships, bad decisions and hard work for them both to pull themselves back up out of it all, only ever really hearing about each other’s struggles through the gossip grapevine that is Dick Grayson.
Eventually Roy made his way back to Star City. Upon finding out he had a daughter he had gotten truly sober and stable for the first time in his life with the support of his dysfunctional super family. He made amends with Oliver, primarily through Dinah’s stubborn insistence they work it out, took to single fatherhood in a way he’d never taken to anything so quickly and got a job at a florist’s shop giving himself a peaceful place to spends his days that allows him to tinker with every new invention he can in his spare time without the stress of making exploding arrows to fight crime at night.
Jason had had a similar path. He and Bruce still rest on shaky ground and he’s fairly certain they always will, but he’s good with his brood of siblings again and putting his art expression into something as permanent as tattoos has been therapeutic.
Moving to Star City for Jason had been a whim. He needed out of Gotham, he’d saved up enough to start his own shop to truly make a name for himself, but he couldn’t do it in a city that was swimming in Bats. Dick had been the one to suggest Star, at the time Jason hadn’t thought anything of it. Had just assumed he was sending him to a town that still had the comfort of rampant vigilantism, but with the advantage of being on the other side of the country from anything with the name Wayne slapped on it.
Ever since Roy came walking into his shop, Bat Tats a name he 100% chose to piss of his adoptive father, eight months ago on Dick’s suggestion Jason thinks maybe his overbearing brother had ulterior motives. That maybe there’s a reason Dick is one of the few people who understands why Jason and Roy have become so close.
So here they are now two former sidekicks with their fair share of daddy issues and trauma doing a little bit better in every aspect of their lives every day and finding a friendship in one another Jason’s come to treasure.
“No Lian today?” Jason asks as Roy moves on autopilot to his usual station to take a seat.
Roy shakes his head taking off his hat and throwing it on the wall ledge behind him.
“I love that little girl more than anything, but keeping her sitting still and entertained for an extended period of time can be a struggle, especially when she knows she could be playing outside,” he says chuckling. Jason smiles remembering some of the previous months when she had tagged along and the way Lian had twirled around on a swivel chair asking Jason a million questions and briefly running into one of the brick walls when she spun a little too hard. “Don’t need her distracting you so much you end up accidentally inking me with something that looks like a dick.”
“Lian is no distraction, trust me, she’s a delight,” Jason responds with a smile as he sets up his station. He means it Lian is a ball of energy with a smile like her father and wit far greater than most adults Jason has met. Roy is far more of a distraction, his tattoo in April which had been on his bare chest had nearly killed Jason. “And if I was going to tattoo a dick on you there would be nothing accidental about it.”
Roy full out belly laughs and Jason loves the sound.
“Speaking of dick’s,” he says as he rolls up his chair to Roy’s side snapping on his gloves. “You sure you don’t want that Nightwing tattoo? It’s a best seller.”
Jason tilts his head up to the wall where proudly, because Dick framed it the ass that he is, is the Nightwing symbol with a gold plate below it reading #1 bestseller. If Jason didn’t like paying his bills he’d probably stop offering it, but the last three months has seen a surge in his popularity since he and Babs essentially stopped an apocalypse on their own and Jason has found himself with at least a dozen requests for the symbol every week.
“Not a chance, I will not take part in fluffing Grayson’s ego, I refuse,” Roy says before gesturing down at his body. “This body is temple now.”
Damn right it is, Jason thinks eyes lingering a little too long at the body in question. Long enough that he’s pretty sure he’s been caught so he clears his throat not meeting Roy’s eye as he loads up the tattoo gun.
He doesn’t see Roy smirk as he stretches out his arm for Jason and he definitely doesn’t notice how Roy watches the white streaks at the front of his hair fall over his eyes intently as he bends his head to get to work.
Today’s tattoo is a simple one. A small date that’s just a few days away to be added onto his ‘Lian forearm’ as they call it, alongside her name, the word for daughter in Navajo and a handful of little drawings Lian herself has proudly designed. The date marks his fifth year of sobriety, the day he decided to be there for his little girl for the rest of his days.
They chat while Jason works, Jason trying to ignore the way Roy’s scars feel warm under his fingers at every pass. Roy gives an update on Lian as back to school nears and Jason updates him on the weirdest tattoo requests he’s had the past few weeks. His personal favorite being the 82-year-old grandma who’d come in requesting a tattoo of a lion’s head that her grandson designed.
Roy chuckles as Jason finishes up getting the materials to wrap up the new ink.
“Well she sounds cool as hell, any chance she’s willing to take on new grandchildren?” he asks.
“I asked, she said she could direct me to some equally as cool friends since she’s already got 13 of her own,” Jason chuckles as he finishes wrapping up. “All done.”
He pulls away with a smile snapping the gloves off and throwing them in a nearby trash can. They walk back up to the front together, Roy paying and tipping him way too much like he always does.
“You’re absolutely worth it,” Roy says when Jason tries to wave off the excessive tip. Jason’s breath catches, the context isn’t remotely what Jason’s dumb gay brain is thinking, but it feels loaded anyways.
Jason brushes it off best he can. “If you say so,” he shrugs.  
“I do,” Roy says back instantly not missing a beat. Jason’s about to ask him if his tattoo streak is going to continue next month, but Roy beats him to it.
“I know we usually have a monthly date here and I do plan to keep that up, Lian has a killer new idea with a lizard wearing a top hat,” Roy says a little nervousness in his words. He reaches up adjusting his hat, a nervous tick Jason has picked up on over the months, it’s a little thing most people would overlook, but no matter how much time passes his training from Bruce is always there telling him to watch every little move and tick of every person he encounters. “But I was thinking we could have another date before that, you know not here and not you giving me a tattoo. Maybe over dinner?”
Jason’s eyes drop down to Roy’s at that quickly looking away from where he’d been watching him play with his hat.
Evidently Jason is quiet for far too long because Roy starts to fumble the hat around even more.
“Obviously if I’ve read everything wrong all these months then we can just act like this never happened and call it nothing more than a friend hang,” Roy rambles. “Or you know just let me die of embarrassment for a few more minutes and we’ll only ever see each other inside these four walls.”
“No,” Jason says finally snapping out of his shock that Roy just asked him out. “I mean yes, yes I’d love to go to dinner with you on a date.”
Roy puts his hat back on properly and smiles that big smile of his again.
“Great, how about Friday? Lian’s having a sleepover at Dinah and Ollie’s, so I’d be all yours for the evening,” Roy says, there is a little bit of implication in his words, months of built up charm and light flirting via friendship slipping in.
“Friday works for me,” Jason replies easy with his own smile no doubt as big as Roy’s.
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wheremytwinwatches · 5 years ago
[Where My Twin Watches]: Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 7
So Sokka, where’s this episode taking place again?
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Excellent! Let’s get started then!
Narrator recaps the encounter with Doc Marcoh, who revealed the existence of incomplete Philosopher’s Stones (which is a great writing move, now the Brothers can be going around hunting down Imperfect Stones rather than repeated episodes of “Damnit, another fake.”), and gave the location of his research. Now fixed up, Ed and Al are off to the First Branch of the National Central Library. Whoa, was expecting a title card and got Screaming Edward instead. What’s wrong? Ah. Seems that the library’s a bit… destroyed. When did this happen? Shot of Eastern Command, Lust is commenting that “burning the entire place down was easier.” Damnit, seems they got the location out of Marcoh and removed the lead while our characters were held up at the Rockbell’s. Now Lust and Gluttony are in East City, Lust checking in on Scar. Seems Gluttony has a very keen nose, he can smell the Ishvalan. Lust confirms that Gluttony can get his snack. Still confused about the animosity between the Goths and Scar. Whatever their plans, seems it would be easier for the Goths if there were fewer State Alchemists to get in their way. Or is it more that he’s a disruptive force, a distraction for their own plans? After all, if they do need Ed for some sort of sacrifice, Scar killing him would definitely mess things up. Episode 07: “Hidden Truths” Speaking of the Ishvalan, Scar’s still in the sewers, when he notices a bunch of rats fleeing past him. Looking back, there’s a pair of glowing red eyes in the darkness. Yup, that’s Gluttony with his creepy grin. Goth vs Vigilante fight? Wow, Gluttony’s pretty fast for a hefty guy. Scar prepares his Face Grab, but it’s not an instant kill as Gluttony grabs him. Scar ends that by straight-up slicing off the Goth’s arm. Wait, no blood? Suddenly Lust comes racing up, Scar barely has a moment to be surprised before an explosion sends our view back to the surface, big cloud of smoke pouring out over a river. Seems we’ll have to wait on that fight, we’re back to Riza reporting that Scar hasn’t been seen since his attack on the Elrics. Havoc suggests that he’s not in East City anymore, but Roy hopes that isn’t the case. If it’s gotten to be too much for Central, and he closes it quickly? Then he’ll “be golden.” Huh, didn’t think you were that much of a careerist, especially after you objected to Bradley giving you the credit in the first episode. Wow, Roy doesn’t dream small, does he. Aiming right for the office of Fuhrer. Further talk’s derailed by [Soldier 1] rushing in to report an explosion on the Marl River. Nearby Military Police speculate on what caused all the rubble, as the State Alchemists examine the bloody remains of Scar’s jacket. No body though, so I’m gonna assume he’s still alive. No way he’d be axed off this soon. And may I say how happy I am that it’s “by the book” for the State Alchemists to find hard proof someone’s dead before writing them off? No “Never Found The Body” for these guys! Hey! In the crowd, it’s the Goths! Pretty brazen, sticking around with the bystanders. Lust complains that Scar got away, while Gluttony’s more concerned he didn’t get his snack. Regardless, they assume that Scar will be out of the picture for now. Lust will head back to Central to report to Father. Meanwhile, the Elrics and Armstrong are looking through the destroyed library, when they’re approached by a Second Lieutenant Ross and Sergeant Brosh. Hey, it’s two more people from the intro? Also, Ross and Brosh? Calling it now, they’re either siblings or LI’s. Ross is here to pass on an order: Armstrong is to report back to Command Center, they’ll take over supervision of the Elrics. Nooo, don’t take away The Mighty Armstrong! Ed just complains that he keeps getting saddled with bodyguards. Driving away, Ross comments that there was a woman who was well acquainted with the materials of the ex-library. Although she wasn’t working there anymore. Well, it’s more than you had a minute ago Ed, don’t diss it. Brosh seems nervous, which Al picks up on. Scared of the Giant Fanged Suit of Armor sitting across from you? Or… is it the person sitting next to you, hmmm? Nah, it’s the armor, which he asks about. The Elrics claim it’s a hobby. Really guys? That’s a lame excuse, go back to the “It’s for training” you used in the first episode. Awkwardness all around. They arrive at what looks like an apartment building, and… oh. Oh my. Look at them. Look at all those books! Did this woman make her own library or something? I want them! The Alchemists sidle through the bookshelves, Brosh wondering if there’s actually someone living in the place. Ross calls out for Miss Sheska, Al catches on to a muffled “Please help me” down an aisle to a bunch of collapsed books. Well, at least the lady saved her glasses. A moment of frantic digging later, they uncover a lady who profusely thanks them and apologizes for getting trapped under the books. Yeah, might wanna work on your shelving technique, miss. Confirming that this is the Miss Sheska they came to meet, Ed asks about her working at the library, and she flinches at that? But then she springs into a Glittering Gushing Moment ala Armstrong and Winry, about how beautiful the word “library” is and how she’s loved books her whole entire life, how working in a library was heaven! Buuuuut she kinda forgot about the “work” part, spent all her time reading and got fired. And now she needs another job to move her poor, elderly mother to a better hospital. But all she can do is read! Woe, sadness, despair! ...ok, which one of you guys stuck a gender-bent me into this show? Ed snaps Sheska out of her despair by asking about Tim Marcoh, she recalls the name from some handwritten notes stuck in a bookshelf. Nice memory! And my growing suspicion is confirmed when she just asks if they want to read them. Where do you think all these books came from, Ed? Or rather, Sheska’s got a photographic memory, she remembers the content of any book she’s ever read. So she can write the notes out for them! “Thank you bookworm” indeed! And now, a table full of notes! Lady, why are you apologizing for taking five days? I’m surprised that table’s holding up under those stacks of paper, and all that was written from memory? Alchemists, if you don’t hire this girl for your own paperwork you’re idiots. But here they are, Tim Marcoh’s notes! Or rather… recipes? Oh. Ooooooh. I get it! But our characters don’t, they just complain about coming all that way for a cook book. Come on guys, it’s chemistry! Well, maybe Ed and Al get it, because after confirming the notes are completely accurate he thanks her, gathers the notes to take back to the library, and writes out a check for Sheska from his grant funds. Which going by Ross and Sheska’s reactions (“Did he miss a decimal point somewhere?!”) is not insubstantial. Guess being a skilled State Alchemist pays well. At another building (guess by library they meant one other than the destroyed one) Brosh is asking how the cookbooks can possibly be related to Alchemy. Ed explains that due to the danger of Alchemy being misused, the research is always encrypted. Come on Brosh, aren’t you a State Alchemist too? Shouldn’t you know this? Ed and Al get cracking on the decryption, such as comparing a “green tea” recipe to the “Green Lion” of metallurgic alchemy. Other names get thrown around, like Flamel (I recognize that one!) and Lambspring. Brosh clearly is out of his league. But it seems the Elrics may be as well, collapsed on the table with glazed expressions. Al’s even faceplanted so hard his helmet horn’s gone straight through the papers into the table. The suggestion of asking Marcoh about it comes up (yyyeah, don’t think that’s gonna work out), but Ed refuses to admit defeat. Hey, Sheska! She’s stopped by to thank the Elrics for the money. Although they haven’t had any luck deciphering the notes, and she hasn’t found another job yet, she’s happy to have helped out. And Al gives her an inspiring pep talk, nice to see her smiling. Sudden Hughes bursting in to visit the Elrics, admonishes Ed for not saying “Hey” when he came back to Central. Ross and Brosh mutter in shock about how the Elrics chat with Colonel (hey, did he get a promotion?) Hughes like an old friend. Just how high up are these boys? No, seriously, how high up are they? Do they have an official rank, or what? Asking for clarification. Hughes takes a seat, complaining about their case load, and the library burning down as well. Seems all their case reports were… stored in the stacks… Miss Sheska! You’re hired! The Elrics get back to work, delving through notes (Suddenly noticed that Ed’s writing with his left hand. Hadn’t caught that before). Meanwhile, Brosh keeps up on guard duty (“I’m awake!”) and comments that they’ve been at it for ten days now. Man, Doc was pretty thorough in his coding, wasn’t he? But at least they’re dedicated- “To hell with it!” Aw, no! Don’t give up! Ross and Brosh enter to a wrecked room, books and papers scattered everywhere as the Elrics sit on the floor. Come on, you guys can’t give up now. Wait, you did crack it? You cracked the code? That’s awesome! But why the frustration, then? Why does Al sound like he’s crying? Jeez, now Ed’s going on about how it’s the devil’s research, that it should have been destroyed. What on earth was in those notes? “The main ingredient for a Philosopher’s Stone… is human life.” No. NO. You have GOT to be kidding me! Not again. Not again!
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Oh, but it gets worse. Ed’s saying that to make a single Stone takes multiple human sacrifices. Wow. Just, wow. So there we go. Philosopher’s Stones are made with human sacrifice. “For what could equal the value of a human soul” indeed. Stones aren’t about amplifying the power of the Alchemist after all, they’re about drawing on the power of others. Just… using others’ life as a freaking battery! And the Military authorized research into this? They signed off on research into human sacrifice as a power source? First genocide, now this? What the Leto is wrong with these people?! *Sigh* Ok, ok. Calming down, calming down… Ed asks Ross and Brosh to not say anything. Later that night, the two Alchemists appear to meet Armstrong in a hotel, informing him that the Brothers are “holed up” in their room again, and they haven’t been eating either. Well, yeah? I mean, they just discovered that the one hope they had for restoring their bodies could only come at an inhumane cost to others. How do you think you would have reacted in their place? Well, at least Ross and Brosh seem to be keeping their promise to not reveal the secret. Unfortunately, Armstrong catches on and is not pleased with their suspicious behavior. To say the least. Sorry. Trying to be funny, but still reeling from that reveal. Inside a dark room, Al says that Ed really should get something to eat, but Ed just says no. Ed goes on to talk about how they try so hard to grasp the truth, but it always slips away. Or rather, in their search for answers they got the worst possible one. Now Ed’s saying that there’s something he’s wanted to tell Al for a while, but he’s always been too afraid to say it. “I-” *SMASH* “Elric Brothers, I know you’re in there!” Ed decides to ignore him, followed immediately by The Mighty Armstrong completely smashing his way in. Yup, Ross and Brosh couldn’t hold out against the Major, he knows what the notes said. And he’s now Crying Majestically about how the Philosopher’s Stone is built on such a terrible secret. “Imagine the military being behind something like that! Often the truth is more cruel than we bargained for!” But Ed seizes on one word out of that: “Truth.” Is he thinking about the Demon and the Door? No, he seems to be banking on Marcoh’s mention of “truth within the truth”. Ed’s convinced that there has to be more to this. Ed, please. Please don’t take up false hope now. Armstrong’s going over a map, saying there are four Alchemy Labs in Central with ties to the government, and Marcoh worked in the third. So they have a place to look for more information. Wait, hold on. You knew there was a lab in this very city that Marcoh worked at? Why didn’t you go there to look for any of his notes earlier, see if they would help with deciphering the others? Talking about how he’s visited all the laboratories before, Ed points out a crossed-out building. Seems it was designed for a fifth lab, but it currently isn’t in use since the building isn’t structurally sound. Gee, an “empty” lab, classified off-limits? That’s not suspicious at all. As for more evidence towards it, right next door is a prison. Oh, I get it! If Philosopher Stones need multiple human sacrifices to make, you’d need a source of death, which would indicate either a death-sentence prison or… a hospital… Show. Show, listen to me. With all these mentions of Sheska’s mother going to a nicer hospital? Don’t you DARE follow that thread. Ahem. Ed clues them in on the use of “executed” prisoners to make the Stone. Yeesh, “potential to become a political nightmare” is an understatement, Armstrong. He’ll look into it tonight, in the meantime the other officers are to say nothing. And the Elrics are to behave themselves! Armstrong’s in full Scary Superior Mode, knowing full well that they were planning to sneak into the building and look around. The Elrics claim innocence- -before a smash-cut to them doing that exact thing. Yep, a guard posted at an “unused” building? That’s as obvious a sign as any. Since they can’t risk the light from Transmuting a hole in the wall, they have to settle for Ed getting tossed up to the top, and making a barbed-wire rope for Ed. Thank goodness for those metal arms! Door’s blocked, how are they going to get past that. Ed sees… no. Ed, NO. Do NOT go off on your own! Aaaargh! Edward Elric, you listen to me! You suspect that this building is a base for creating Philosopher Stones? Aka that thing that people are KILLED for? You are walking right into a horror movie, DO NOT split up! But of course he does. And he leaves a [DEJECTED] Alphonse behind, crying that he didn’t ask to get too big to fit through the vents. Shame on you, Ed. Shame on you. Inside, among shadows and fog, two voices speak, identified as [66] and [48]. Prisoners? Rather mutated ones, if that’s the case based on their shadowed forms. Ed’s still skulking through the vent, commenting on how small it is… “Oh no! I just called myself a tiny little pipsqueak!” While funny, this is not the time! Be quiet! Breaking out into a hallway, he notes that there are lights on. Yep, definitely “not currently in use”. Outside Al’s worried that Ed’s taking a while. Uh oh, looks like one of the Mutants on the roof, with a big knife. I mean, that won’t hurt Al, right? Right?! Aaaand end credits. Damn it! Ok, well this was one heck of an episode. Learning the secret of Philosopher Stones? The return of “souls as batteries”? That was not a pleasant surprise. If one good thing has come out of this, it’s that I am increasingly convinced this is the prelude to a State Alchemist Revolt. First being used by your government to commit genocide, now learning that the authorities are committing human sacrifice to increase their power? I look forward to Roy, Riza, Armstrong and the others standing up against this injustice. A pity that this is the final nail in the “Fuhrer Bradley is a Bad Guy” coffin, I liked his personality. But I don’t care what kind of excuse he’s gonna use for all of this, this government needs to go down. Should make for an enjoyable fight at least, Bradley’s super-speed against our guys. Post-Credits “There were once two men who knew more of bloody blades than human sympathy. They snuffed out life, laughing as their weapons flew. Now, they guard the darkness, hollow shells of the villains they once were. Next time, on Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood-” Episode 08: “The Fifth Laboratory” “There are those who find pleasure only in battle, who feel alive only during a fight. They are coming soon… with blood on their hands.”
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goji-pilled · 5 years ago
I'm rewatching Reflekdoll,again,and tbh I can say for sure this is by far my favourite episode ever.Here some thoughts since I'm a little late to that party lol
-The talk between Chat and Ladybug is like this mix of friendly teasing and joking and a very serious topic (at least that's how I see it lol)But honestly the parts I love so much come after that so skip that
-Juleka and Luka sibling moment.I mean we finally got to see what their realtionship is like and I couldn't be more happy with what we saw.Luka engouraging and supporting his sister and her dreams?Fuck yes that's some really good content
-What else I like about this scene is that I can personally relate to Juleka a lot,not only in Reflekdoll but also in Reflekta.The fact that she didn't want to bother Marinette or how insecure she is is something I did/said/felt too (or well still do/say/feel)Like this feeling that you're all alone,that noone cares or notices you?That hurts,a lot.And it's something I know all to well.And honestly it's super important to show children that these feelings exist because it might help someone
-Juleka not being able to handle a compliment?Yep,absolutely relateable.I swear I'm going to protect Juleka 'till the very end
-Alrighty this is the part that makes me slighty salty:Alya pushing Marinette into things that clearly make her uncomftable.I mean yes she means well and want to help her best friend but seriously,pushing her like this and forcing her into uncomftable situations with Adrien is the absolute wrong way to do it and the girl just doesn't seem to get that.Fucking hell Marinette pretty much begged Alya to not invite Adrien but she is just like "Fuck it!" and disrespects Marinette's wish.
-After 'Ladybug and the Miracubros' we present to you:'Adrien and the Girlsquad'
-Juleka getting more nervous untill it's an actual panic attack.Again I can relate a lot to this,even though I wouldn't say that I have panic attacks.It's more this feeling of becoming so nervous that it feels like you have a knot in your stomach,your throat is dry,you feel super uncomftable and all of the sudden your thoughts are worst case scenarios;"What if I mess up?","What if I'm not good enough?","What if they laugh at me or hate me?",etc.I have these thoughts more often than I like to admit since I was 6/7 years old.It just makes me kinda happy that a show for children shows this topic
-Marinette trying to comfort Juleka is something I loved too.Like Marinette is very understanding here and tries to help Juleka calm down which shows us a bit of their friendship and I just really apprechiate that
-And Alya is at her bullshit again dear god.Honestly Alya sees that Juleka is having a panic attack and all she thinks about is getting Adrien and Marinette together.It's just wrong on so many levels.Not only does she keep disrespecting Marinette but she also head on ignores Julekas situation,which is rude and disrespectful.Like seriously that's so not okay and she should've been called out for that.
-Adrien sweetie thanks for trying.It's good to see that he wants to help Juleka in this situation.
-ALYA GODDAMNIT.And again she is being pushy.Yes Marinette said she's gonna do it herself but in a way where you can tell she wanted to help Juleka and remove the pressure,plus Marinette never said she would never consider Juleka as a model again so there is that!But of course a certain Blogger had to be pushy and forceful about it again.And Adrien didn't even want to model,he just wanted to help.Oh god the way Alya told Juleka to give her suit to Marinette is just...no.Juleka is upset and honestly does Alya notice?No.And Marinette's clearly uncomftable oh god why.
Alya:"I care about all my friends equally!"
Alya reading something from her arm:"And uh...Julia?"
Honestly I could go on with this but let's refocus on the positive stuff.
-How the fuck does noone hear or see Adrien and Marinettd talk with Tikki and Plagg????
-Adrien and Marinette in that Partnerlook just expanded my lifespan for 100 years
-"He's too hot-I mean I'm overheating inhere don't you????"
Mari please you need to calm down oh god please someone save the poor girl-
-Julerose.Julerose.JULEROSE.I swear everytime Juleka and Rose interact my hesrt bursts.Also thank god for Rose and Marinette,it's these two who try to help Juleka (just like in Reflekta).Also Juleka bot wanting to bother others with her feelings?Yes hello I'd like to say that this situation is relatable.
-That soft look Juleka gave Rose after Rose kissed her cheek is just...so adorable and it shows how much Juleka loves Rose
-God Juleka talking herself down?Almost crying and super upset by herself?Probably even hating herself?Yep again,this is all too familiar to me and it feels so good to have a chrachter to relate too.
-"Yet again my young prey fails to be the center of attention."Your "young prey"???Seriously????Gabriel what the fuck-
-No honestly Nathalie's transformation is so amazing.It's simple but in combination with the amazing theme this transformation is by far one of my favorites.I'd go as far as to say my second favourite transformation(Together with Luka's)
-I genuinly love the whole scene in the lair.I can't even tell you why because I don't know but I just love it.
-Them sending off an Akuma and an Amok?Loved it.
-Petition to let Gorilla adopt Adrien
-Also Gorilla is so soft for these kids
-I loved the scene of Juleka's akumatization.Like the purple maskoutline being a combination between Hawkmoth's and Mayura's looks so fucking cool
-Reflekta is back bitches!Honestly Reflekta has always been one of my favourite akumas and I'm happy seeing her again!Also her design is so fucking amazing holy shit
-I'm not fan of Miraculous' english dub but Juleka's voice actress is amazing.Lots of love to her.
-"I'm gonna show you what it feels like to be me!"Honestly that's such a great line on many diffrent levels.Not only does she say it because she's a villain right now but because she obviously has some kind of selfdisliking and ugh can you make Reflekta even more relatable too?
-"Juleka is no more,I'm Reflekta!Everyone always forgets about Juleka anyway..."Honestly this is again a pretty deep line and it shows more of her emotions...And I can relate to certain dagree.It feels like people just forget about you,that you're not important,don't matter,sometimes you want to be someone else so badly...Honestly Juleka truly is one of my favourite characters
-Reflekta turning Marinette into a Reflekta and saying:"Perhaps you'll understand me better now that you're in MY shoes!"It's another line that shows how Juleka(or at this moment Reflekta) feels.She feels misunderstood and wow same here haha...
-Tikki and Plagg's interaction earlier was great and Plagg reassuring Tikki is so adorable.Honestly these two need more screentime together
-"Rose!Where are you my BFF!"Juleka has the 'She's just a friend' desease,we all know what people in this show mean when they say:"She's just a friend".And since she said BFF they're probably married
-Plagg calling for Chat Noir and then almost casually telling Marinette his identity is gold.
-Honestly all Plagg/Marinette interactions are gold.I love this chaos duo.They are the best part about Kwami swap AUs.Also Plagg looks and sounds so soft when talking to Marinette I love them
-Marinette taking the ring like:"Fuck it"
-I love the detail that the Miraculous changes to it's wielder
-LADY NOIR TRANSFORMATION.I absolutly loved everything about it and it's my favourite transformation with Roi Singe's
-Lady Noir is giving me gay thoughts
-Lady Noir said fuck Reflekdoll rights
-Tikki is just like:"Oh god no the choas duo finally found eachother-"
-Adrien not introducing himself,rude.
-Adrien taking the earings:"Fuck it I always wanted to do this"
-MISTERBUG TRANSFORMATION.I love his transformation so much,he's an adorable Bugboy.Honestly his version of the Ladybug theme sounds so great holy shit
-Adrien sweetie why do you have a Reflekta head agi-oh never mind it's gone
-Hot take:Marinette does the Black Cat transformation better than Adrien,while Adrien does the Ladybug transformation better
-"M'lady Noir" I love it
-Adrien did the Orgins-Ladybug move with that yo-yo
-Lady Noir helping Misterbug out even though she sounds a bit rude gives me life
-The Lucky Charm scene is amazing I love it,them arguening and teasing like a married couple god just kiss already you dumbasses
-Again Marinette is explaining how the Lucky Charm works even though she may sound a little harsh she means well but she didn't have to hit him.......well it was funny...haha
-"Why don't you help me instead of making fun of me?!"...Adrien...she explained you the lucky charm the whole time...she tried helping you and teased you....you pun and tease her all the time...your still an adorable bugboy and I love you
-Marinette is so extra when summoning her cataclysm...I love it.Though she could've thought about the idea of cataclysming a sentimonster a bit longer...she's still a queen and I love her
-Adrien getting to explain cataclysming a sentmoster is a nice contrast to her explaing the lucky charm
-That wink Lady Noir gave Misterbug that just gave me a lot of life
-Reflekta is the first Akuma to ask for help nakwsnkwwk
-And again she helped him by reminding him to catch the akuma in a teasing tone
-Idk why but Adrien catching an Akuma and saying Marinette's catchphrases was so awesome
-Adrien admitting and understanding why LB never jokes around is some character developement we stan!Untill the writers decide to take that way that is but y'know
-Marinette admitting that she's happy to have a little less responsibilty for once hurts my heart like the girl has so much responsibilty and stress an in the end it always depends on her to fix thing and she just needs a break and a hug...
-Them working our a plan was great.It showed how well they work together and just ugh,kiss already you idiots!
-Gabriel goddamnit why are you letting her use the damn Miraculous god jesus
-Dusuu is absolutely adorable and I love her
-oh...rip Nathalie
-Oh the reunion with their kwamis was so sweet holy cow my heart is gonna explode
-And here I go again becoming salty,like Marinette should not have been the one to apolagize.It should have been Alya,to both Juleka and Marinette.Alya way the one being rude,pushy,disrespecrful ans inconsidered.But oh well of course it's always Mari's fault...
-Adrien and Girlsquad are the Brotp
Anyway overall I love Reflekdoll so much.It absolutely is my favourite episode.From Juleka/Luka sibling moment,being able to relate so strongly to Juleka,Mayura's transformation,the Kwami swap untill the end I loved the episode,despite being salty here and their but you can't expect me to watch a mlb episode and not be salty
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winryofresembool · 6 years ago
Love Can Melt the Ice, ch 23 (the Grande Finale)
Summary: I think the title says it all ^ it’s time for the goodbyes ;___;
A/N: This is it. The final chapter before the epilogue. I can’t believe we have finally gotten here. I’ve had a bit of a skitty day but at least I finally managed to finish this so I’m very happy about that. Please, please, review because now that we are at the end, I really want to hear your opinions. I guess that’s all for now. I’m probably gonna repeat this once it’s time for the epilogue, but thank you to everyone who has supported me and this fic through this long journey! Without the lovely comments, I wouldn’t have been motivated to continue. Oh, and special thanks to the amazing @roboticrainboots for the amazing art ♥ 
Now, get ready for a monster chapter (I will post this on ao3 tomorrow!). But make sure to read A Letter to Winry before that if you haven’t, because it has a role in this chapter.
Previous chapters:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 pt 1, pt 2, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
Next chapter: coming
Companion pieces (note: these are all post Olympics happenings so reading the main fic first is recommended): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Words: 5700+ (yup.)
Genre: mostly floof.
Warnings: there is one scene where things get p close to M-rated but... there’s nothing explicit imo...
Most of Ed’s team plus Winry and Gracia gathered together to watch team Amestris’ ladies play for bronze. Winry was wearing her green jersey again, earning a cheek kiss from Ed, even though he refused to tell her what the kiss was for. Alphonse, who was sitting next to them, just giggled at his brother’s behavior before turning his attention back to the ice.
The first two periods of the game were even, with team Amestris tied 1 – 1 with team Drachma at the end of the first 40 minutes. Apparently, coach Olivier Armstrong managed to encourage her team in just the right way during the intermission, though, because in the third period the audience got to see a whole new team Amestris.
“Is it just me, or do they look like they’re almost ready to kill?” Winry asked when Rebecca Catalina gave a Drachman forward a particularly powerful tackle. A few moments later, Riza Hawkeye shot the puck from a spot she had never failed to score from, and the Amestrisian side of the audience got a reason to get loud.
“She’s better at that than I am,” Roy gawped at his long time “friend” who coolly fistbumped her teammates after the goal.
“That doesn’t really mean a lot, though, Mustang,” Ed remarked and made everyone laugh. “Isn’t your shooting percentage like… 0,05?”
“Funny how you remember stats like that… but you don’t remember how much I’ve sat in the penalty box because I’ve had to defend you.”
“Now now, everyone cool down a bit!” Hughes yelled over the roaring audience. “Ross is on a breakaway!”
And she was. She had managed to outspeed two Drachmans and was just about to get face to face with the goalie, when someone tripped her. A penalty shot was called, and Maria Ross used the opportunity to her advantage, making the situation 3-1.
“You guys could learn a lot from them,” Gracia teased, and the men around her couldn’t help but agree.
At some point Ed and Winry started wondering why Al was being so quiet, but when they turned to look towards him, they noticed Mei had finally arrived. She and Al were throwing disgustingly sappy looks at each other, something that Ed would probably call “eye sex” when Al wasn’t hearing.
Riza scored one more goal (from the corner of his eye Ed could see Roy’s badly hidden excitement), and team Amestris ended up winning the bronze medal with a 4-1 game. As they got their medals, no one on the ice looked prouder than Olivier Armstrong, and Ed guessed she would soon start sending smug messages from their celebrations to Roy. They had a weird rivalry going on, having known each other since they were kids. Ever since having to finish her playing career early because of an injury, Olivier had acted bitterly towards Roy and used every opportunity she could to brag him about her coaching achievements.
Roy didn’t care about Olivier’s expressions, though, because his and Riza’s eyes met and his expression turned softer than Ed ever remembered seeing.
“Could you be any more obvious?” Ed asked with annoyance, but then a familiar arm wrapped around his, making Ed forget all about the googly eyes around him.
Ed tried to talk himself out of the ending ceremony of the Olympics, because having played only one game and having to walk on the crutches, he thought he would feel out of place there. However, his teammates kept insisting, and when the goalie Armstrong offered to carry him on his back at the stadium, he knew he was fighting a lost battle.
Since it was a known fact that these were Gracia’s last Olympics, she got the honor of carrying the flag of Amestris as one of the most successful figure skaters the country had had so far. Her fiancé was next to her the whole time, gesturing towards her every time a camera went past. Winry, who also walked near her, glanced at Ed on Alex Louis Armstrong’s shoulders every once in a while. He looked a bit embarrassed but was still smiling and waving at the audience just like everyone else in their group. Winry knew he was actually happy to be able to participate and grinned at him when she noticed he was watching her.
A bit later, they were sitting in the stands next to each other, and when the fire on the giant torch went out, and the final fireworks formed colorful shapes above, Ed said: “Can’t believe it’s over.”
“Yeah,” Winry agreed. “But let’s not be sad that it’s over, let’s be happy it happened, right?”
“Sounds good to me.” Ed looked briefly down and saw Winry rubbing the knuckles of his real hand through the glove. Something warm that he couldn’t describe started bubbling in his stomach, making him happy he was there in that moment.
”Hey, granny!” Winry answered her phone at the airport. It was a day after the ending ceremony, and everyone had packed their things and left the hotel after the breakfast to start their trip back home.
”Hey, dear.” Pinako Rockbell greeted her granddaughter. “Are you on your way home yet?”
“We just arrived at the airport. Uh, that’s sort of why I’m calling.”
“You see…” Winry started a bit hesitantly, “we get back to Central City quite late and there aren’t any trains leaving to Rush Valley until tomorrow…”
“And? Are you going to stay at the hotel for the night?” Pinako asked.
“Actually… I was going to stay at Ed’s place. If that’s OK with you.”
Pinako had to admit she still saw Winry as her little girl, but it was a fact that she was already 18 and way smarter than Pinako had been at Winry’s age. So in a way, it would be hypocritical of her to deny her this.
“Ed’s? So, are you two a couple now?” Pinako asked curiously.
“Yeah, I guess so.” Winry still blushed when she stopped to consider the fact that she really had a boyfriend now.
“Oh. I hope that runt is treating you well,” Pinako stated coolly.
“He is! I mean, he’s nothing but respectful…” Winry reassured her.
“Good. Well, you are an adult now so you have to make your own decisions. But remember to be careful. And use protection!”
Winry’s eyes widened. “Granny! Just because I’m staying a night there doesn’t mean… ugh… Sleeping is all we are planning to do. He’s recovering from a pretty bad injury.”
“I believe you,” Pinako said. Winry thought she could hear a bit of laughter in her voice. “Somehow, I still have a feeling that’s not the only reason why you are calling. You wouldn’t listen to your old granny even if I had said no. So, what’s on your mind?”
“Granny… I think I’ve made my decision about the next step in my career. But I want to hear your opinion before telling anyone else…”
“Go ahead, tell me.”
The two women spent a good while chatting about Winry’s plans before finishing the call. When Winry joined the others in the waiting area, Ed asked what Pinako had said.
“She called you a runt,” Winry snickered, loving to tease her boyfriend.
“She what?!” Ed looked mortified.
“Oh relax.” Winry waved it off. “She didn’t mean it like that. In fact, I think she approves of us. At least she allows me to stay with you.”
“Why wouldn’t she? It’s not like we…” Ed stammered.
“I know, Ed.” Winry sighed. “Anyway, I’m quite excited to see where you live. Although… I bet you don’t remember to clean and have sweaty clothes all over the floor.”
“Oh? I’ll prove you wrong then.” Ed smiled at his girlfriend mischievously and grabbed her from her shoulder, so she had to face him. Before he could pull her closer, though, Winry stopped him.
“Ed… There are cameras everywhere. Are you sure you want to do this?”
He looked around quickly, noticing that she was right. Clearly their group drew a lot of attention, with two Olympic figure skater medalists and two well known hockey player siblings in it. Sighing, he admitted: “Fine. Let’s save it for later.”
“Looking forward to it,” Winry ruffled his hair and turned her head to see what Al and Mei were doing. Clearly, they didn’t have any problems showing public display of affection. It looked like they had known each other much longer than the 5 days they had actually spent together. Mei was hugging Al tightly, and it wasn’t until then that it properly hit Winry that once Mei would leave to her own flight, they probably wouldn’t see each other in months. She and Ed had it easy compared to those two; at least they lived in the same country.
“So, how is it going with you two?” Ed asked when Al returned from the gate behind which Mei had disappeared. “Plans to move to Xing yet?”
“C’mon, brother, we haven’t known each other that long yet. I did promise to visit her in the summer, though. It’s not that far anymore… After that, who knows. She is from a wealthy family that is expecting her to make a name for herself… it’s not that simple for her to move to Amestris. Not that I’ve seriously considered asking her that yet,” Al blushed slightly. “It’s way too early. But I guess the summer will tell a lot…”
“I can’t wait to see dad’s expression when you just one day announce you’re going to move to Xing,” Ed teased. “Make sure to tell him when I’m there too.”
“Don’t be mean, brother. It might bite you back one day.”
“Har har. Anyway, we should go,” Ed nodded towards the gate where people had already started gathering to show their passports and tickets.
“So, this is where you live?”
Winry looked around with mild surprise. She didn’t know what she had expected. A mansion? A penthouse in one of the most expensive apartment buildings in Central? Wasn’t that what most rich hockey players bought? She wasn’t stupid, she knew Ed’s salary had at least one 0 more than hers, because unfortunately female athletes still didn’t receive the appreciation they deserved. But when she stepped into Ed’s apartment, it was almost like she had come back to Resembool (if you ignored the view from the window); it was surprisingly modest, with only the “necessary” furniture such as a small wooden dinner table with a couple of matching chairs and a black leather couch for two in front of a TV and a video game set. The bed in the bedroom was thankfully big enough for two to sleep, Winry noted happily. The cover on it wasn’t the most charming, though; it was black and had skulls printed on it.
“Where have you gotten that from?” Winry pointed at it, looking quite amused.
“Do I sense a Judgey McJudge raising her head?” Ed set his hands on his hips and tilted his head a bit. “Anyway, I think I got it when I first moved away from home but it’s been a few years so I don’t remember which store it was anymore. Why? Do you want to buy one too?”
“Nah, just wondering which store I should bribe to never sell anything to you again.” Winry retorted and stuck her tongue out.
“Is this it?” Ed pretended to be shocked. “Our first real fight as a couple, over my bed covers? I guess it was fun while it lasted.”
Winry pushed his shoulder lightly. “You’re such a big baby. Keep that thing if you want, but please let me bring my own pillowcase and duvet cover here so I won’t have to see nightmares.”
“Y-you’re already considering bringing your stuff here?” Ed asked, this time actually surprised.
“We agreed to be a couple, didn’t we?” Winry asked pointedly. “Couples visit each other sometimes. So yeah, I’m just meaning my visits. I’m not planning to move here any time soon. I have my career and friends in Rush Valley.”
“Right. Of course. Sorry.”
“You don’t have to be.” Winry softened, covering his cheek with her warm hand. “I know you don’t just magically get over your fear of commitment even if we did agree to do this. I… should also be better at remembering to not push it.”
“You’re pretty wonderful,” Ed gave her a gentle smile, very different from his usual one that went from ear to ear and often implied mischief.
“Thanks. I’m trying my best,” Winry said happily and continued taking in the rest of Ed’s apartment.
“I have to say, I’m surprised it’s this clean here. I expected a huge mess. You know, based on your hotel room and stuff.”
“Nah, it’s only because Al was staying here before the Olympics. Don’t get too used to this.”
“I’ll try to remember to thank him the next time we see him,” Winry noted. “Hey, is it OK if I use the shower? I’m feeling quite gross after that flight.”
“Yeah, go ahead. There are clean towels in that closet there if you need any.” Ed showed her the right door.
“Thanks,” Winry said before leaving her stuff in Ed’s room, grapping a towel and disappearing from his view.
Ed remembered the similar situation from a good week ago, when he and Winry had shared their first night together. Back then his thoughts had immediately gone to the dirty track, and he had secretly wished his leg wasn’t in a cast. But something had changed in such a short time. He understood now that what he felt towards Winry wasn’t purely physical attraction anymore. He respected her, admired her skills and personality and wanted her to be happy. Preferably with him, of course.
So while he still blushed fiercely at the thought of his naked girlfriend in the shower, he could focus on the more respectable details: the content smile on her face as the warm water eased the stiffness of her muscles after a long flight, the way she hummed happily one of her favorite songs while she rinsed off the soap (not that he’d admit ever hearing her humming).
Ed started taking in his surroundings, and something caught his eyes: a picture of his family, all together before his mother had fallen ill. For a long while Ed had hated that picture because it reminded him of what he could never have, what he so deeply wanted; a full family. But suddenly his parents’ looks towards each other caught his attention; their smiles told him they must have loved each other a lot. Briefly, he wondered if he and Winry could achieve that…
Love was something Ed understood only vaguely. Apparently, when you’re in love, your brain produces certain chemicals that makes you act like an idiot (or that’s what it sounded like in Ed’s opinion). Thinking back to his recent behavior, he certainly had acted quite weirdly (even more than usual, Al’s voice said in his head). He was blushing and stuttering and sometimes even sweating for no good reason, and he wanted to do things he had never wanted to do before (simply kissing had felt a bit absurd in his head). In Ed’s opinion, it was against all the chemistry rules he had learned so far. How could simply being with another person make your brain go drugged? But now that he was falling into that “trap”, he supposed not every reaction had to make sense. If being with Winry made him feel this happy, then to hell with equivalent exchange.
Was he ready to use the big and scary L-word yet? He was worried he would freak out both her and himself if he said it out loud (after all, it had only been 3 weeks since they were reunited), but he wished his actions were clear enough that she knew how he felt even without saying it. Winry had already been honest about her feelings and he felt he owed her for it…  
Suddenly Ed remembered his letter. After Winry had asked for the break before her competition, Ed had decided to write down some of his thoughts to clear his mind, and wrote a letter for Winry that he however had never intended to give her. But with them leaving to their separate ways tomorrow, he thought that maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad thing after all. He hopped to his suitcase that was yet to be unpacked and found the slightly worn piece of paper from one of its pockets. He added a couple of lines at the end of the letter before he heard the shower turning off, making him push the paper into his pocket. Soon Winry stepped out with only a towel around her, a smaller one around her wet hair. She sneaked behind Ed and wrapped her arms around his torso before leaning her head against his shoulder blade.
“That felt nice,” she mumbled. “You should probably take a shower too, though… You smell like sweat.” She let go of Ed and started drying her hair with the towel.
“Hey, it’s just my masculine scent!” Ed tried to protest but pulled his bandage protector and a folding shower chair that he had gotten from Drachma from his luggage and focused on getting the protector on. When he got up, he noticed Winry was sporting a silk robe she had gotten from Xing, only underwear under it. He may he already seen her nearly naked, but that didn’t stop his mouth from going dry as the robe didn’t really leave too much room for his imagination.
“You’re staring,” Winry pointed out suddenly, not knowing how she should react to the fact that her form seemed to cause quite some interest in her partner.
“Can you blame me? You are hot as… OK, let me rephrase that: I am one lucky bastard to have a girlfriend like you.”
“You hockey players are so cheesy,” Winry said as she ran a finger on his cheek briefly. From her expression, though, Ed read that she was actually quite pleased by the compliment.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. I’mma take that shower now.”  He hopped into the bathroom with the chair in his hand.
Once he came out clean and refreshed some minutes later, he found Winry watching the picture of his family curiously.
“Why are you looking at it?” he asked.
“I’m just… trying to remember what it was like when we both still lived in Resembool,” Winry answered dreamily. “Do I remember correctly that you used to walk with stilts a lot? Because I was nagging about you being shorter than me.”
“I was not shorter than you!” Ed protested immediately.
“You were too!”
“Was not!”
“OK, let’s finish this before it stops being fun. I also remember your mum baking a lot of delicious pies, and my favorite part of hanging out at your house was always when she called us to get inside to taste them.”
“Yeah… it was nice,” Ed admitted, although there was a hint of sadness in his voice.
Winry sensed the change in his energy right away. “I’m sorry, you probably don’t want to talk about… I mean, it must be super painful to you… I should know.”
“Yeah. Don’t worry about it. I’m sorry because I sometimes forget how much you have gone through too because you are so positive and helpful and energetic most of the time.”
“I… I don’t know how I do it sometimes. Maybe I’ve gotten good at putting on a smile even when I hurt. But I’m lucky to have such supportive people around me. It’s you guys who keep me going.”
She turned embrace him and placed a soft kiss on his jaw. Ed’s face heated again when he felt the silk against his bare skin and remembered she was wearing very little under it. He had to take the situation in control before something else would happen, so he broke the hug and tried to change the topic.
“So… Would you like to see more photos? I have some from our old house. Haven’t really looked at them since we moved out, but… who knows? Maybe you are in some of them too?”
“Are you OK with that, though?” Winry asked, trying to read his expression. What if the photos triggered some bad memories in him?
“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. Maybe it’s time for me to face the past…”
“In that case, we can do it,” Winry accepted and soon Ed pulled a photo album from one of the drawers.
They sat down on the couch and started flipping through the pages. On one of the first pages, there was a picture from Ed’s fourth birthday party, and Ed recognized a familiar blonde-haired girl among the guests.
“That’s you! I can’t believe I didn’t remember…”
“You didn’t remember me when we first met at the Olympics, right? Well, we were really small back then…”
“True… Woah, look at this! Did you… did you just throw that piece of cake on my face? What did I do to deserve that?” Ed asked, faking offended.
“You were probably the same brat as usual…” Winry said with amusement. “We had played the donkey’s tail game and you were bragging because you managed to get the tail closest to its rightful spot… because you peeked. I couldn’t accept that.”
“Sounds like something I would do,” Ed laughed and turned the page. Suddenly he exhaled sharply, and Winry didn’t have to look at the photo too long to understand why. In it, Ed was around 15 years old, and he was smiling widely at a little girl playing with her big white dog. Winry guessed Al must have taken that pic when visiting Ed, because she doubted Ed would have saved anything that Tucker took.
“That’s her, right?” Winry asked, and instinctively took Ed’s hand into hers, to comfort him.
“Yeah, she is…”
“If you want to… I would like to know more about her. Some happy memories?” Winry thought that maybe remembering the happy times could help Ed to get over the guilt he still seemed to carry.
“Well…” Ed seemed to consider it for a moment. “When it was her 4th birthday, her biggest wish was to get a birthday cake. With a bastard father like that, and mother gone, it was no wonder she hadn’t ever gotten to eat birthday cake before that. Since I had no games that day, I had plenty of time in my hands and decided to make her wish come true. Yeah, you probably guessed right that I hadn’t ever baked before that. But I decided to take it like a chemical experiment, and weirdly enough, it became edible. When Nina saw the cake, her expression… it was the happiest I had ever seen on her face. She came to me, hugged me and said: “Thank you, big brother.” It was the first time she called me that. This picture was taken that day, Al came to help us eat the cake too and he had a camera with him. I didn’t expect that picture to… I mean, Al must have put it there.” He continued to stare at the living room wall with a blank expression.
“That was very sweet of you. You look happy in that photo,” Winry noted calmly to drag Ed from his thoughts. “You must have really cared about her a lot…”
“Yeah… Ugh, dammit!” He slammed his fist on the couch suddenly. “Even now when I see this… it makes me so fucking angry… It makes me wish there was something I could do, but…”
“Hey, what if I told you maybe there IS something you can do for her?” Ed threw Winry a suspicious look, so she continued: “I mean, I know they both are long gone, but… I’ve been thinking… we can still help to prevent other kids from suffering the same kind of fate.”
“How?” Ed asked curiously.
“Well, I was thinking of giving some of my prize money to this organization that helps kids of abusive parents… They search for kids who might be in need of help, offer therapy and just talking company, a safe place to be… and so on… What do you think?”
“I think that sounds amazing… So, can I ask you how much exactly you are planning to give away?”
“Well…” she blushed. “Most of it… I mean, it’s not like I need…”
That was all she managed to say before he crashed his lips against hers. This kiss was more passionate than any of the ones they had shared before that, stirring a brand-new feeling inside them. At some point the album fell on the floor because the couple’s attention was elsewhere. They leaned against the arm of the couch, Winry sitting between Ed’s legs trying to avoid touching the cast, her upper body pressed against his. As Ed deepened the kiss, his hands started traveling on her robe, going from the waist towards her chest. Before reaching her breasts, he stopped to meet her gaze.
“Yes, Ed, you can touch them,” Winry confirmed even though Ed hadn’t voiced the question. She raised herself from her spot to give him a better access.
At first he just felt them through the fabric, but the small gasp Winry made encouraged him to inch his fingers under the garment. He seemed a little too proud of himself when he noticed how much Winry seemed to enjoy the automail hand, but suddenly he stopped and put his hands down.
“Not this chivalry again,” Winry sighed. “Do you trust me?”
“I do.”
“Then how about you let me take the charge? We don’t have to go all the way, but a little exploration won’t hurt, right?”
The eagerness from before returned to Ed’s face. “You’re right.”
Winry stood up from the couch and offered her hand to him. “Should we go to continue in your bedroom? This couch is kinda small and uncomfy…”
Ed agreed, letting her help him up. She gave him his crutches, and he hopped into the bedroom after her.
They didn’t sleep for quite a while.
The next day, Winry, Ed, Paninya and Rosé all gathered to the Central Station, where the train to Rush Valley was waiting for the figure skaters. Ed was planning to travel to Resembool once he had gotten his leg rechecked at the Central hospital. Paninya and Rosé were already looking forward to the next Grand Prix that would be held in North City, Amestris in a few weeks and they wondered if Garfiel would give them any time to recover from the jet lag before they would be forced to return to the ice. Winry just shook her head at their attitude; while she admitted she was pretty tired too (the reason for which was probably something entirely different than jet lag, though. She blushed as remembered what had happened last night. They hadn’t gone “all the way”, but their physical relationship had still taken a step forward), she was also excited to return back to the regular life, with the familiar people and tasks around her.
Suddenly, she felt Ed tap a finger against her arm and saw him nod to the side, trying to tell her he wanted to say something without the others listening.
However, the words seemed to have a hard time coming out. Ed just stared at his feet for a long while, so Winry finally decided to break the silence:
“I know I’m not your mechanic yet but remember to take care of your arm! It frustrates me to no end when people don’t…”
“Automail geek… just listen to what I have to say, OK?”
“Ugh, Ed, I’m listening the whole time, it’s you who doesn’t say what’s on your mind…”
Ed shifted in his spot uncomfortably. “You’re not making this easy, are you?”
“When have I ever done that?” Winry asked sarcastically.
“I wrote you a letter,” Ed pushed an envelope into her hand, ignoring her question. “I didn’t know if I should give it to you or not, but… I think it might open my mindset during… this all… a bit. I wrote it before your competition. But I also added something new into it.”
“Oh… thank you…” Winry started opening the letter, but Ed stopped her.
“No, not now. On the train. Or whenever you have a peaceful moment.” Ed glanced at Winry’s two friends briefly. They had started gossiping about Garfiel’s new boyfriend and if Ed had to guess, that chatting wouldn’t end in quite a while.
“OK. Will do.” Winry put the letter into her bag , wondering what exactly Ed told in that letter that he couldn’t say aloud…
It was quiet again for a while. Suddenly Winry realized she hadn’t told Ed about her plan yet.
“You know, I’ve been thinking.”
“My parents, they always put helping other people ahead of anything else. I want to do the same. That’s why I’m thinking I’m taking sort of a break from figure skating once this season is finished.”
“What? But I thought you love skating?” Ed asked with disbelief.
“I do!”
“What about all those people who come to see figure skating shows because they want to see you?”
“Just because I want to have a break from competing, doesn’t mean I’ll completely stop skating,” Winry pointed out. “No, I’ll still make sure to stay fit, and if someone asks me to take part in their exhibition, I might do it if it fits my schedule. There’s also a good chance I will continue competing after that year is over, only time will tell. But after hearing your story, I feel I want to do something more than just performing. I want to learn to make the best automail there is, to help the people who need them to smile again. Besides… Since I won’t have to travel that much… Maybe I can visit Central City more often.”
“I won’t complain about that.” Ed grinned.
“So… what do you think of my plan?” Winry asked cautiously.
“I think if that’s what you want to do, then I think it’s great!” Ed reassured her.
“Thank you.” Winry gave him a relieved smile.
“Now that we are on the topic… I have some plans too.” Ed noted suddenly.
“Oh? Tell me more.”
Ed started explaining his plan, and Winry had to brush a few tears away when she understood what the plan meant for him.
“So… will you be a part of it?” Ed asked finally.
“Gladly,” she answered before burying her face into his collar, smelling the earthy scent that she would sure miss while they were apart from each other.
It was so comfortable in that spot that Winry didn’t want to move for a while, until she heard Paninya and Rosé talking about the train leaving soon. She disentangled herself from Ed and took a few steps back so she could look at him in the eyes.
“I guess this is it…”
“I guess so…”
“Uh… you know… I had an amazing time at the Olympics… lots of it thanks to you… I know your tournament was a…”
“Disaster,” Ed helped. “No need to deny it.”
“But I selfishly hope I managed to make you feel a bit better.”
“You did. More than you know. And you taught me something important. I explain it in that letter.”
“Ok,” Winry said quietly, on the verge of tears again. “I’ll… I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too. But hey, didn’t someone say phones exist? I think I managed to figure out how to use it… Maybe.” Ed gave her a crooked grin, trying to comfort her.
That was all that was said before Winry closed the space between them again and pressed a soft kiss on his lips. It was entirely different from the kiss the previous night, which had been needy and passionate. Instead, with the kiss she was trying to tell him how happy she was to have met him. With the way he reciprocated, she realized he was probably trying to tell her the same thing. When she tried to pull away, he grabbed her arm, making her stop in her spot.
“Thanks. For everything. Let’s not say goodbye, let’s say ‘I’ll see you soon’ instead.”
“That does sound better,” Winry agreed and started fiddling with her bag to find her wallet. When she finally found it, she let out a small yelp.
“What’s wrong?” Ed asked.
“I think… I think I forgot to get cash before coming here… I was so sure I had some… How will I get my ticket now? They only accept cash…”
“I may have some…” Ed said slyly as he withdrew his wallet from his pocket. “But you will have to pay me back one day. Actually, I’m gonna make you buy me a ticket to Rush Valley at some point.”
“Huh?” Winry stared at him with confusion for a moment before she realized it was his way to promise her he’d visit her soon enough. “Oh! Right. You and your equivalent exchange…” she pretended to be annoyed as she accepted the money, even though she was happy to buy him that ticket. “Thank you. I really need to go now, though, so… see you soon.” She gave him one last kiss on his cheek before climbing into the train and turning to wave at him.
“See you!”
Ed was already about to leave the platform when he saw Winry looking at him from the window, and some weird urge made him yell: “Don’t you forget that promise! And read that letter!”
Winry just waved at him until the train started moving, and soon she didn’t see him again. She pulled the piece of paper from her bag and started reading.
“… I could continue longer, but Al is waiting, so I should stop writing. Just know that somehow, you have managed to break my shell even though I’ve tried to rebuild it so hard. But I’m not gonna do that anymore. It’s still too early, and besides, you need to focus on your competition, but one day, I hope I’ll be able to be brave enough to tell you this: I’m falling for you too.
Edited 23.3.: I realized I never said those words back to you, so here we go. You deserve them. And more.
To quote Mr. Magpie: “It’s funny how sometimes you have to fly away, so you can find your real home.” I think you know what I mean there.”
Winry pulled her phone from her bag quickly, and typed:
“I do know.
A/N: Here we are! What is Ed’s plan though? Find out in the epilogue!
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asriels · 7 years ago
i'm curious about your hugo and his relationship with leonora since he was absent in the cousins piece. also what is your hugo like generally?
With Rose, it’s so much easier than Lo ever imagined. She’dexpected to be shut out and shunned, pushed away, but if there’s a divide thenRose is reaching across it too. Darling Rose. The sister she never knew sheneeded.
Hugo is a different kettle of fish entirely.
It occurs to Lo one day that she hasn’t seen Hugo in aboutfour months. She’s at coffee with her Greengrass-side cousins, who she sees farmore than she should, probably, and they’ve come to a coffee place called StarWhale!, complete with exclamation mark. It’s the last place she saw Hugo, quiteby chance, and that gets her thinking while she’s waiting for her turmeric latte.
‘That,’ says cousin Julius, his nose wrinkled up, ‘sounds sodisgusting.’
‘I’ve given up caffeine.’ Lo shoots him a very cold look. ‘Whatdo you expect me to do, drink hot chocolate instead?’
‘Maybe tea?’ ventures Fenella a bit nervously. ‘Roiboos issuper nice.’
‘Roi-what the fuck?’ Scorpius looks up from his phone at last.‘You’ve got fancy as fuck, Fen-fen.’
‘Don’t swear,’ gasps Julius, fumbling to cover Fen’s earsway too late, ‘fucking hell, Scorpius.’
‘She’s fourteen, not six.’ Scorpius tips a lazy wink over atFen and she starts to giggle, turning away to avoid her older brother’s glare.
They’re annoying, Lo’s cousins, but she loves them anyway.Plus, Uncle Aeneas always buys her nice things to piss off her mum, so there’sthat.
‘Okay, so, hypothetically,’ she begins, twirling a finger, ‘howoften would you say it’s normal to see adult siblings?’
‘How adult?’ Julius raises an eyebrow at her. He’s very goodat it. He’s got the traditional heavy Greengrass brows (so does Fen, but she’syet to grow into them) and when he lifts one in that way, slow-slow, he lookslike an Ancient Greek sculpture. Lo’s been jealous of that since he learned howto do it. It seems highly unfair that she got the ginger genes while he and Fengot those.
‘Like, newly adult. Recently left Hogwarts. Not, like,middle-aged adult with kids.’
‘Dunno.’ Scorpius scratches his chin, expression pensive. ‘Depends,I guess. Al sees James quite a lot, I think. And you see Rose, right?’
‘Yeah. All the time. So we’d agree four months is a longtime not to see them?’
Fen frowns thoughtfully. ‘I guess not if they live, like,across the country? If they can’t apparate.’
‘But if they can apparate, and also live in London too?’
Fen shrugs. ‘Then yeah, I guess that is a long time.’
‘Don’t say I guess so much, Fen, it makes you sounduncertain,’ butts in Julius, always keen to seize a brotherly teaching moment,and then turns to Lo. ‘But yeah. I’d say that’s a while.’
‘Cool. Thanks. I have to go in that case.’
‘Aw, Lo, c’mon. I need you to get me Caterwaul tickets.’ Scorpiusmakes the very picture of misery sat there, but Lo ignores him. He haspractised the pose enough times to be a master.
‘Laters, losers.’ With that she sails off, pausing only to switchher turmeric latte into a take-out cup.
She bins it first chance she gets. Disgusting. She’s goingback to coffee.
‘Hello?’ The boy who answers the door is not at all what Lowas expecting. She sizes him up with intent consideration. He must only beeighteen or nineteen, still teen-young, a little too much youthful intensity inhis eyes and awkwardness in his long legs. All the same, he’s hot, in an indie-emo-rockerkind of way. Lo likes the way his dark curls fall into his eyes.
‘Who are you?’ She says it rather less dismissively than shemight otherwise. It’s never a bad thing to have a hot boy on-side.
‘I’m Leon. Who are you?’
‘I’m Leonora. Look at that.’
‘Hm,’ he says, a sudden smile easing its way across hisface, ‘would you look.’
He leans one shoulder against the doorframe, casual as youlike, and makes no attempt to hide it as his eyes rake up and down her and comeback up looking interested.
‘I’m Hugo’s sister,’ she tells him, before he says anythinghe might regret. ‘He does live here, yeah?’
‘Oh, shit. Yeah, he lives here. He never told me his sisterwas hot.’
‘I’m his bastard half-sister,’ Lo clarifies, following Leoninto the dingy flat. ‘Oh, fuck, this place is gross.’
It smells of weed and unwashed boy. The curtains are stillclosed, dirty clothes all over the floor. The only clean things Lo can see area set of drums in the corner and a few gleaming guitars, so shiny she can seeher distorted reflection in them.
Leon catches her looking that way. ‘We’ve got a gig on theweekend. We were practising late last night, so Hugo’s still asleep. Dunno howwe didn’t get any noise complaints, but we’re not going to tempt fate byasking.’
Lo might not be the best witch who ever lived—indeed, mightstruggle with some of the basics—but she does have an uncanny way of tellingwhat wards are on a place, and she felt the twelve noise-muffling ones as shewalked through the door.
‘Probs the spells,’ she says off-hand. ‘Is that… did thatuse to be pizza?’
Leon’s looking at her in that way boys do when a hot girlsays something weird, kind of put-off, patronising, and intrigued all at thesame time.
He shrugs. ‘Dunno.’
‘Okay. This is awful. Where’s Hugo’s room, please?’
Leon points at one closed door, the paint peeling off aroundthe handle, and Lo picks her way across the filthy floor to get there.
‘Have none of you heard of housework charms,’ she mutters asshe goes, and behind her Leon makes a confused noise. Guess that answers thatquestion.
She knocks on the door four times, then four times again,and when she gets no response she just pushes the door open and slides in. Thisroom, blissfully, is a little cleaner than the sitting room. Lo can only seethree pairs of unwashed briefs on the floor, for starters, and there’s a sheeton the bed, which is a good start.
Hugo’s still fast asleep. Unrepentant, Lo pulls out herwand.
Hugo sits up with a gasp, thoroughly doused in water, andbellows.
‘What the fuck!’
When he spots Lo, he gathers his wet duvet to himself asfast as he can, expression thunderous, and repeats, ‘What the fuck.’
‘We’re going for breakfast,’ says Lo, tucking her wand backdown the side of her boot. ‘If I stay in this stinkhole one second longer, I’llhave to go Voldemort on all your arses.’
Hugo just glares at her balefully, sleep-mussed, one side ofhis curly red hair squashed flat. ‘I’m too hungover for breakfast.’
‘Get over it. We’re going.’
Thirty minutes later—delayed by Lo’s insistence Hugo shower—theyare sat at a brunch place in Clapham. Lo is eyeing Hugo up with interest. She’sonly ever seen him with Rose since school, and with family he always wears justjeans and a t-shirt or sweater, the most basic boy uniform there is.
Now she’s made him choose in a hurry though, he’s full-onindie rocker. Ironic floral shirt, tight-fitting jeans, boots, silver rings, thewhole fucking caboodle. She’s slightly surprised he’s not put eyeliner and ahairband on.
‘So this,’ she says at last, gesturing up and down Hugo, ‘thisis a Look.’
He squints at her from behind his sunglasses. Those arecool, too, hipster-style, and Lo’s still trying to process staid little Hugobeing… well, this.
‘So is this like a rebellious phase, or something?’ Shestarts to play with a packet of sugar, squishing it between her red-paintednails. ‘Or a gender thing, or—’
‘Our band’s doing well,’ Hugo interrupts. ‘I mean, reallywell. This gig we’ve got at the weekend—there’s a scout coming. He’s been tohear us before. He’s bringing his boss this time.’
‘Wait, really? You never mention it. I assumed it was somesmall-time thing going terribly.’
‘I don’t,’ says Hugo carefully, ‘like my family nosing intomy business.’
‘Why are you telling me?’
The corner of his mouth pulls up in a half-smile, achinglycool. ‘Because you won’t tell.’
Well, Lo supposes that’s true. Who would she tell amongstthe Weasleys, anyway? Only Rose, and even that she’d hold out on, because sensibleRose would probably think it was nuts.
‘Can I come?’
Hugo frowns. ‘Where?’
‘To the gig. I want to hear you.’
He shifts in his chair, uncomfortable. ‘Why?’
‘Because you’re my brother, dipshit. I want to be supportiveand all that lame crap.’
‘I don’t know.’ The blank lenses of his sunglasses stare ather. ‘I mean—they’re Muggles, Lo.’
‘Oh,’ she says, and then, ‘Oh. That explains a lot. Is that why you never bring them to meetus?’
‘Well, what else?’
‘It’s just… I’m really enjoying being away from the family.With Muggles, you know? None of them even know about Uncle Harry or Mum and Dad.They don’t give a single shit. It’s amazing. It’s the first time I’m not beingcompared to anyone or told stories about my cousins or—you know, all thatbullshit. I don’t want to change that.’
‘So you haven’t told them you’re a—’
‘Wizard? Fuck no. They’d think I was on a bad trip.’
‘Well,’ says Lo, processing all of this. ‘Fine. I won’t sayanything. Can I come?’
‘You really want to?’
‘Fuck yeah. I’ll chat you up like mad to this scout. I’m very persuasive.’ She smirks at him overthe top of her coffee, fluttering her mascara-laden lashes to prove the point,and Hugo wavers.
‘I’ll tell Rose if you don’t.’
‘Fine. Deal.’
They’re good. Lo doesn’t know what to do about it. Up thereon stage, the crowd frantic with adoration around her, Hugo leaning into themicrophone like he’s never done anything else—they’re fucking good.
She finds the scout quickly enough, his suited boss standingout like a sore thumb in a sea of ironically ugly outfits.
‘Good, aren’t they?’ she asks, inserting herself neatly betweenthem. ‘That’s my brother. The lead singer.’
‘Mm,’ says the boss, non-committal. The scout just nods, buthis face belies his enthusiasm.
‘Seems to me,’ she says casually, tossing her hair, ‘thatthere’s a bit of a gap in the market right now for an indie boy band. All theindie teenage girls are desperate for something to… ah… plug that gap.’
For a second, there’s silence, but Lo knows she’s judgedcorrectly. Sure enough, the boss snorts with laughter, and shakes his head.
‘You might be right there. You have a phone number for them?’
‘Here, sir.’ The scout hands a card over. ‘Got it last time.They don’t have a manager.’
‘They’ll need one.’
‘They’ll get one,’ says Lo hastily, laying a hand on theboss’ arm. ‘I’ll make sure of it.’
‘You do that. Once they’ve got one, we’ll talk.’
Lo smiles, her very best seductive smile, and then walksaway into the crowd, swinging her hips.
She gives Hugo the news later, and pats his arm gently whenhe and his bandmates go into hysterics at the idea of a manager.
‘I know someone,’ she says reassuringly, already pulling herphone out. ‘I’ll make a call.’
Julius comes out of his first meeting with the music bossgrinning ear-to-ear.
‘We did it,’ he says, holding a signed contract above hishead. ‘We got all the edits approved. You’re signed, lads!’
The band leap up as one, hollering, and close each otherinto a wild hug.
Lo draws Julius to one side, trying to read the contract asshe does so.
‘Knew all those Muggle law books would be useful one day,’says Julius, handing it over to her. Then, in a lower voice, he adds, ‘oh, andall that time practising Confundus charms.’
‘Love it,’ breathes Lo, flipping pages over. ‘You got themeverything?’
‘Yeah.’ He collapses onto a sofa. ‘To be fair, only had toConfund a couple of times, and those were minor things. They were very accommodating.They really think they’re going to be huge. Hugo’s songs, especially—they weretalking about having him write for some of their biggest acts right now, whenhe’s done with their first album.’
Lo looks over at the band, Hugo in the middle, shining. She’snever seen him like this. He’s always faded into the shadows, silent anduncertain, lost in his own little world. Now here he is, a superstar in themaking, and he’s her very own brother.
The feeling that suffuses Lo from head to toe is alien. Shetries to analyse it, to pin it down and figure out what it could possibly be.
‘That’s pride,’ Julius leans in to whisper to her. ‘You’refeeling proud.’
Oh, thinks Lo. Oh. I suppose it is.
Hugo catches her eye from within the wild celebrations andhe grins, sudden and childlike and thrilled, and Lo can’t help smiling back.
Maybe it’s never going to be the same as what she has withRose, her and Hugo. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be just as good.
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raycybertech-stories · 7 years ago
The Copycat Curse Part 2.1: The Reclusive Rooster (SFW)
This wasn’t a part of the meme, but the next half will be! I just wanted to actually get this part done and I found a REALLY good way to leave it with some good as hell suspense!
Ray, Kyle, Roy & Tyler all belong to ME
Any extra characters are just made up, but I may save them for later use.
Hope y’allz enjoyyyyyy! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
A knock could be heard on the door of the bathroom as Ray turned to it quickly, “H-Hello?”
“Hey Ray,” a gentle voice spoke on the other side of the door, “are you alright?”
“O-Oh yeah,” Ray replied, “I’ll be out in a bit, Kyle…”
“Are you sure?” the mouse questioned, “I thought I heard glass breaking in there…”
“I said I’m fine!” Ray responded in quite an aggravated tone.
The mouse nodded on the other side of the door, “Alright, we’re waiting for you.” The blue and white mouse walked away from the door and back into the kitchen where the rest of the guys were eating their varieties of breakfast. Roy, who was a tall green dragon with blue horns and red eyes, looked over to Kyle with interest.
“Well,” he spoke in the same deep voice that called for Ray, “is he coming or what? His breakfast’s getting cold.”
Kyle let out a cold sigh, “He’ll be out in a bit, but I thought I heard some glass break…”
Roy’s eyes went from Kyle to the bathroom door as Roy also let out a sigh, “I’ll have to chat with him before you we head out. You all finish your food and go get ready.”
Everyone nodded as they continued to eat their plates of breakfast as Roy continued to cook and finish Ray’s plate, sitting it on the counter. Ray sighed and opened the bathroom door to walk out and into the kitchen just in time as some of his family began to leave to their rooms, speaking multiple “Good morning”s to the husky.
“Morning guys…” Ray replied not as excitedly. He walked over to the counter to grab his plate of food before feeling a big warm hand grab him by the bicep, making him turn to see Roy standing there and looking down to him with a worried look.
“Hey Ray,” the dragon spoke up, “mind if I have a word with you?”
“Um sure,” Ray accepted as he grabbed a fork and hopped up on the counter, “what’s up?” He took a bite out of his food as he listened to Roy.
“Kyle said he heard some glass break in the bathroom, and you were in there for quite a bit. Is everything alright?”
Ray sighed and set his food down beside him, “Dad...I just...saw something in the mirror. Something that made me think my mind was playing tricks on me. I don’t know if it’s real or not. Not only that, but I feel like something bad is going to happen today...maybe tonight. I don’t know where but I can just feel it…”
Roy leaned over and put a hand on Ray’s shoulder, “I believe you, sport. If you can, try and find out what it is, then try to fix it. If you need help, call your family and we’ll all come your way. We have your back, kiddo.”
Ray gave a soft chuckle as he looked up to the dragon, “Thanks Dad…”
Roy smiled and ruffled Ray’s hair a bit, “Atta’ boy, now go get ready for school.”
Ray smiled and picked up his plate once more before heading to his room to change his outfit. He closed his door and set his food on his nightstand before opening his closet doors and grabbing a white dress shirt with a deep-blue blazer with red lining with a pair of matching dress pants and a red tie, then heading over to the mirror to check himself out, “Pretty tired of this school’s uniform, but hey, an education is an education.”
Ray went over to his plate and scarfed down the rest of his food before grabbing his collar and clicking it on. The husky grabbed his bag and dishes as he left his room, placing the dishes in the sink and joining his cousin Kyle and night husky brother, Tyler, at the door as all three equally dressed siblings and relatives headed out to school down the street. As they walked, Tyler and Kyle talked between each other as Ray walked behind them while looking down to the ground. The feeling of incorrectness was still inside of him, but the question still is what is it? Does something happen to him or someone in his family? Does someone die? He just had to find out. The thoughts of possible dangers continually buzzed through his head as he blocked out the sound of a voice calling for him.
A black pair of hands then clapped in his face as a loud “RAY!” escaped Tyler’s mouth, causing the green canine to quickly snap back to reality and look up at the husky and mouse paused in front of him and looking at him with faces of concern.
“You alright man,” Tyler spoke softly as he tilted his head, “you kinda spaced out for a second there…”
“Y-Yeah…” Ray nodded, “I’m alright guys, let’s just get to the school…”
Tyler and Kyle shared a look before all three of them continued their walk, arriving to the school after about 5 minutes of walking. Once entering through the double doors of the building, Tyler and Kyle went their separate ways to different parts of the building as Ray went to his first class for the day.
Once he took his seat in his now beginning class, Ray began to drift away from reality and delve deep into his mindset as he daydreamed while the goat-of-a-teacher spoke to the class about something Ray didn’t really care about. The voice of his teacher began to muffle out until it was nothing but silence. He took a deep sigh as he felt lighter, as if he were floating in space. His eyes stayed closed as he fell asleep for what felt like only a few seconds until a ruler slammed down on his desk, hard enough to startle him awake and scream, “I’M UP!”
“Mr. Ray,” the teacher scolded as the rest of the class giggled softly, “you should know better than to sleep in my class!”
“I-I’m sorry Mr. Polanyi,” Ray blushed with embarrassment, “i-it won’t happen again…”
“It had better not. That was too long of a nap for you.”
“Too long? I was only out for a few seconds.”
“Seconds?” The teacher let out a bellowing laugh as he returned to the front of the class, “More like minutes.”
Ray looked down at his desk and sighed; not only was he embarrassed but he was also quite ashamed of himself. The feeling of bad news continued to take in his body as he tried to pay attention to the lesson. As the class came to a close, the bad feeling finally stopped but then replaced with a feeling of being spied on. Like someone was watching. Ray looked around the room to see who was looking at him, but didn’t see a single eye on him. He turned back to his seat and took a sigh of slight relief as the bell rung, signifying the end of class. As the other students packed up their things and walked out the door, Ray stood up from his desk and packed his back before walking out of the classroom and down the crowded hall. His head could only hang low as the husky, deep in thought, continued to think about what could happen as he walked past the other students in his school environment before feeling a shiver crawl up his spine as he passed someone up. Someone...different. The husky turned around quickly only to see the crowd of other animals going to their lockers and walking in groups to classes.
What was that? Ray thought to himself. Was that a...spirit?
The canine decided to shrug the feeling off. Maybe his mind was playing tricks on him to make him feel better or something. As he entered his next class, the hours passed in almost an instant once the second bell rang. Once again the husky packed up his items into his bag and left the class as fast as he could and entered the corridor.
With a sharp left turn, Ray started his journey to the school cafeteria as a large crowd of lions, coyotes, orcas, and other animals practically ran to the cafeteria in excitement to be the first in line; but as the crowd passed him, Ray felt it again. The feeling. Something was wrong; his brain wasn’t playing with him. Ray started walking past a group of lockers before ducking beside them quickly and allowing the large crowd to pass by him and into the cafeteria.
“Screw it,” Ray grumbled, “lunch can wait.” After speaking his statement, his stomach grumbled heavily, making the husky point at it before angrily speaking, “Shut up. It can wait!”
Once the crowd dispersed into the cafeteria and left the canine in the hall, Ray peeked from out behind the lockers at a rooster boy walking down the corridor. But not towards the cafeteria, but instead going the other way and turning down into a corridor to the left.
“Huh,” Ray whispered to himself, “who would you be?”
As quietly as he could, Ray stepped out from behind the lockers and started to sneakily walk behind the rooster. As he followed, the canine analyzed the rooster’s actions; he didn’t look at anything other than ahead, his posture while walking was almost like a soldier’s, and whenever he passed someone in the hall, he was completely silent. No wave. No “hello”. He just...walked past them as if they were a ghost. Ray could only think of the possible suspicions of what could be wrong with this guy. Was he hypnotized? Was he training? Ray didn’t know a single bit until he watched the male come to a halt without warning and just stand in his place. Once the rooster stopped, so did Ray. The husky only looked up at the bird and waited for some sort of reaction. But this was a reaction he didn’t expect.
The rooster never turned as he pulled one leg up in front of him before kicking it back hard enough to smack Ray right in the muzzle and send him sliding back on the floor with a loud “OOF!” As he sat up and rubbed his head, he opened an eye to see the rooster no only facing toward him, but also charging his way before jumping high up into the air and sending a fist towards the canine. Ray’s eyes widened as he rolled to the side quick enough to dodge the rooster’s furious fist, which caused a dent in the concrete floor. As Ray escaped the possibly deadly punch, he felt his back slam against a group of lockers before hopping to his feet and looking back at the rooster, who charged towards him with another fist of anger. Ray held both of his arms up into the form of an ‘X’ to block the punch before countering the punch with one of his own into the rooster’s beak. The rooster grunted heavily before shooting a jab towards the left of Ray’s torso and another across his face, causing his head to snap to the right as the rooster grabbed him by his shirt and threw him down the corridor. Ray’s grunts almost echoed as he rolled but was successfully able to regain his balance and get to his feet as the sliding ended. He ran a green paw under his shirt’s collar and felt his own blue dog collar around his neck with a smile, “Good thing the school let me keep this on.”
The collar quickly caught the rooster’s eye right before Ray shot a replica of Mortal Kombat’s Scorpion’s kunai towards the rooster, having the avian quickly dodge the sharp spear. Time practically slowed down majorly as Ray watched the rooster grab the kunai’s wire right below the spear and, with almost superhuman strength, yank it hard enough to send Ray flying towards him and shooting another punch directly into his nose. Ray could only grunt as he felt a strong barrage of punches, knee kicks and normal kicks invade his body as the rooster pushed him farther back before sending one final heavy punch into his chin and sending Ray flying back onto the floor of the corridor, his clothing badly torn and his body covered in bruises and blood from what has to be the worst beating in his life. As he lied on the floor, with heavy breathing, Ray looked up at the rooster standing over him and looking at his beaten body.
With the last of his strength, Ray leaned up and spoke out, “Who...are you?”
The rooster never responded as he leaned down and snatched Ray’s collar right from off his neck before turning away from the beaten husky and walked off. Ray panted and let his head drop to the floor as he watched the last of the hall’s emptiness as his world turned dark around him as his eyes closed.
The husky...had blacked out.
To be continued...
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speedyistheotherguy-blog · 8 years ago
Kaiju Kebabs - Skinned, Skewered, and Seared
Bart kneeled down and flattened his chest to the floor, craning his neck sideways to check under his bed. He hummed lightly as he finally located his missing earbuds and tugged the jumbled wires out from under the metal bunk. He’d accidentally busted his other pair while he was training yesterday and didn’t want to be music-less on the transport to San Francisco. He wiped the cords free of dust bunnies using his sleeve and then pocketed them just as there was a knock on his door. “Come in!” He called, not bothering to look towards the doorway. He was already quite sure of who it was.
“Your ride just landed.” Max informed him, pushing open the door and stepping inside Bart’s tiny dorm room. “Are you ready to go?”
“Yup!” Bart replied, zipping up his duffle bag and rising to his feet. “Are you and Jay ready to miss me?” Max chuckled, the wrinkles around the corners of his eyes lifting in amusement.
“Miss what? Getting you out of bed in the morning when you sleep through your training sessions, or all the empty milk cartons that you leave lying around and never recycle? What’s there for us to miss?” Max said sarcastically. Bart smirked.
“Yeah, you’re definitely gonna miss me.” He replied, hoisting his bag onto his shoulder and making for the door. Max intercepted him in the doorway and pulled him in for a quick hug.
“Only a little.” The older man said, releasing him and stepping aside to let him through. Together, they made their way down the hall towards the docking bay and Bart’s transport out of Central City. “Just remember everything I taught you and you’ll do fine.” Max told him. Bart took a candy bar from his pocket, unwrapping it skillfully and tossing the wrapper into a nearby trash can as they passed.
“You sound worried, Max!” He teased, taking a huge bite. “Are you actually fretting over little old me?” Other cadets waved at them as they went on their way through the training facility. Some called goodbye to Bart, wishing him luck.
“Someone has to. And I’m not fretting. I know you’ll do fine. Just remember your training and watch out for your new partner. It’s up to you to keep each other safe.”
“Hey, I’ve been trained by the best Rangers on this side of the Mississippi! Doesn’t get much safer than that!” Bart quipped, shoving the rest of the bar into his mouth. He was making light of the situation, but he knew the real reason Max was acting anxious. Bart’s grandfather Barry and his cousin Wally, an uncle and nephew team and two of the most well-seasoned Jaeger Rangers in history, had gone down in battle with a Kaiju two years ago. Like Bart, both Barry and Wally had been trained by Max and his partner Jay as well. In fact, the two had taken on Max and Jay’s own Jaeger; Mercury Tempo, after the two older rangers had decided to retire. Between the two Ranger teams, Mercury had successfully defended Coast City a total of 8 times during it’s commission. It was practically a legacy at this point, as their record was only outmatched by the Ranger teams of Gotham Midnight, a Jaeger based out of Seattle. Unfortunately for Bart, there would be no physical legacy for him to inherit as Mercury Tempo had been destroyed along with its Rangers. Still, the Allen name was well-known in the history of the Jaeger program, and Bart was more than aware of the responsibility that now weighed on his shoulders.
“Flattery aside, I'm very serious, Bart. Your partner is your greatest asset in the field. You're new to this, but your partner won't be. It's imperative that you get to know each other and build a solid foundation of trust.” Max went on. “It could save your life out there.”
Bart nodded. None of this information was new to him, of course. However, he still felt a little anxious at the prospect of putting his life in the hands of a stranger. He was excited to launch his career with a bang and become a hero, just like Max, Jay, Barry and Wally before him. The only possible hitch in this plan was his partner, whom Bart had never met. Like most cadets in the Jaeger program, Bart had taken a drift-compatibility test and his results had been matched with all other active rangers and cadets in the database. Most of the time the closest match a person got was someone they already knew intimately, like a relative or a significant other. However, on rare occasions some people were matched with someone that they had never met, which was the case with Bart and his new partner. This hadn’t come as a shock to Bart. After all, he’d never had any siblings and his closest family members and friends were either deceased or retired. Naturally, he’d expected to be matched with someone he didn’t know. Even so, this particular match had quickly become the talk of the entire program. When he arrived in San Fransisco, Bart was to meet Jason Todd, his new partner, and begin combat training immediately in their new Jaeger, which the engineers had dubbed 'Quantum Trigger.' In all honesty, Bart was more excited about the Jaeger than he was about Jason, but not without good reason. Jason Todd had been one of the Rangers of Outlaw Bravo, a Jaeger out of Star City. He and his partner, Roy Harper, had both nearly lost their lives defending the coastline from an enormous category 3 Kaiju last fall. Their Jaeger had sustained heavy damage, but instead of pulling out and waiting for backup as ordered, they’d chosen to stay. In the end they’d been able to fatally wound the damn thing, but their Jaeger was half-sunk and both Rangers had been critically injured. The media had said that Roy Harper hadn’t been able to make a full recovery due to his injuries. A few months afterward, the Jaeger Program had quietly announced that Jason Todd would be recommissioned as a Ranger and would be seeking a new partner. It was a subject of great dispute. Some people in the program had argued against it, saying that Todd should be decommissioned for life because he'd disobeyed a direct order and ended up getting his partner half-paralyzed. Others argued that both Jason and Roy were heroes, electing to remain at their post and defend the city instead of retreating. Bart was one of the latter. If he’d been in either of their shoes he would have done the same thing. He’d seen the official log of events that day. If Jason and Roy hadn’t stayed to defend it, Star City might have been wiped right off the map! At the time, Outlaw Bravo had been the only operational Jaeger in Star City and it would have taken any backup team at least an hour to get there, by which time the Kaiju would’ve already breached the mainland. But of course these facts mattered very little to the politicians and the other critics of the Jaeger program.
“There he is!” A familiar voice called from up ahead. Bart and Max had reached the docking bay now and he could see Jay waving to him next to a sleek black military-grade helicopter. He'd apparently been chatting with the pilot, who now turned to face the newcomers. Bart recognized her immediately as Barbara Gordon, the Director of Operations at the San Francisco Shatterdome Base. Years ago she'd been one of the first rangers aboard Gotham Midnight. Many people accredited the success of the Jaeger program to her personally, as she and her partner Richard Grayson had successfully defended Seattle from every single Kaiju attack it had faced during their commission together. She was a legend and a hero to every Ranger and cadet in the program. Bart almost stopped dead in his tracks in shock, but Max prodded him forward with a subtle nudge between his shoulder blades. When they reached the helicopter, Jay pulled Bart into a hug. “We're gonna miss you, kiddo!” He said, clapping Bart on the shoulder before turning to introduce him. “Bart, this is Barbara Gordon, the Ops Director at San Francisco.”
“I've heard a lot about you, Mr. Allen.” Barbara stuck her hand out for Bart to shake, and he took it after a beat, still a bit starstruck. “Jay says your reflexes in the training simulator exceed even the highest marks we have on record. That's quite impressive.”
“I uh, I play a lot of video games.” Bart replied, gathering his wits again. Barbara laughed.
“Well, I can assure you that San Francisco will be 100% reality-based.” She said, “We'll all be interested to see how your skills stack up.”
“I won't let you down, Ma'am.” He promised.
“I'm counting on that, Ranger.” She said, smiling warmly and holding her hand out to take his duffle bag. “If you'll give me your bag, I'll let you say your goodbyes and then we should get going.” Bart thanked her and did as he was told. “Max, Jay- always a pleasure. Don't be strangers, alright? If you two ever get bored here in Central, our training center at San Fran would be honored to have you.”
“We'll be sure to keep that in mind.” Max replied with a small smile. Jay chuckled, waving cordially at Barbara as she turned and boarded the helicopter. As she climbed up into the cargo bay, Bart heard a metallic clink and his eyes were drawn to her feet, both of which he now saw ended in elegantly swooped prosthetics that poked out the bottoms of her pant legs. The way she moved suggested that they continued up to her knees. He hadn't noticed it before due to the long Captain's coat she'd been wearing.
“You're lucky. They don't always send the Ops Director to pick up new recruits.” Jay said, “Barb is one of the best Rangers I've ever worked with, and certainly the most competent Ops Directer that San Francisco has ever had. She's smart, a born leader, and an absolute devil at poker. You'll be in good hands with her in the Comm Center.” He said, drawing Bart in for another hug. “We're so proud of you, son. Go show them what you're made of.” Bart felt his heart pang a little at Jay's words. He was excited to get to San Francisco, but he was definitely going to miss Central. Maybe he'd be able to visit them sometimes if his new schedule allowed. He hoped so.
“That's the plan!” He replied cheerfully, hugging Max too one last time. “If you ever miss me, just turn on the news, alright?” He joked, stepping towards the helicopter and turning to wave at them. He heard Jay laugh and he thought he saw Max roll his eyes a little, but they both waved back as he climbed into the passenger seat.
The helicopter took off and the training facility soon shrank out of his view. Bart sat back in his seat and watched the world pass by underneath their feet, pondering with eager anticipation what the future would have in store for him.
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