#i just wanna see him a little unhinge hee hee :)
blabberoo · 4 months
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You can't threaten a dead man walking
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nibwhipdragon · 2 years
Joseph and Shadow for the unhinged character bingo :3
Hee hee finally got around to answering this :3
To start, Joseph:
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I cannot put into words how much I have feelings for this man. Positive? Negative? Neutral? Yes
He's so, SO divorceable it's not even a want anymore it's a NEED. I'm signing our divorce papers before we even get married, Joseph Joestar divorce speedrun any% [WR]
There's so much wrong with him in the head. He's been through so much and he never got therapy for it and the aftereffects are never elaborated or explored and just. I am ripping him to pieces, disassembling him and using the pieces I like the most in my fics <3 If Araki didn't want to explore the sort of effects going through the events of part 2 on a person then I sure the fuck will, there's so many thoughts I have not posted about him yet, I have so many ideas and thoughts, but not a way to elaborate them and AUGHHHHHHH
I could go on for much longer than this, but I'll save you the pain of reading an extremely long piece of text and just move onto Shadow.
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I'm surprised you picked up on this, seeing the hedgehog mold in my brain has only recently taken effect, but yeah I'm insane over Shadow too
He just. He consistently hits every single box for things I like. He has that black/red/white colour scheme, one of my favourite colour schemes ever. Despite being the ultimate lifeform, he uses guns. He has a character design that's so gender. He's got trauma from a loved one being (essentially) brutally murdered in front of him. Also from what I've seen of him he seems pretty autistic so that's always a plus in my eyes.
Most importantly though, I fit all his criteria for marriage. I'd elaborate on that but really it all just boils down to me being autistic, so I'll skip through it all. I can get married to Shadow. And you know what comes after marriage?
It is fully within my power to get divorced to Shadow the Fucking Hedgehog. Imagine that. My god. Do you know how well I sleep at night knowing that? Sure I have sleep problems so I barely sleep at all but the times I do sleep are even more blissful than before with this knowledge.
You know what? I should get divorced to him right this second. I WILL get divorced to him right now. Once I finally increase my divorce list enough to warrant making a carrd for it (well. I have to put my list somewhere for people to look at in awe, don't I?) he's gonna be right at the top, in all special font. He deserves it.
@kirstenonic05 tagged me in a post with the bingo and said I should do one for Cheval in the tags, so I'll slap that here too.
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Can you believe his name means horse in French. Can you believe that. Wild. Instead of just. Changing his name outright he has a completely different name for the French translation, Ren. Crazy. He's my silly little horse man, commiting crimes since age 13 <3
Despite what most people think of him I think his character arc in Stories 1 was good. Cmon. If I was 12 and had my mother be crushed to death brutally in front of me, and had that trauma fester within me with no help at all, AND ended up having access to fire breathing monsters and weapons, I'm sure I'd go on a killing spree too. He genuinely thought he was doing the right thing and the only reason he acts that way to Lute is because he genuinely doesn't understand why he wouldn't take the "safe" way out by killing monsters the moment they were a threat to human life, but instead try to find an alternative solution to the problem where both survive. And then there was that whole emotional manipulation thing with Manelger and Itsy Bits and just...nobody gets him like I do.
Taking him to therapy, he really does need it after all that happened. Divorcing him too tbh
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You can't wake up this is not a dream
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Summary: The Winchester siblings have always relied on each others for years. But has the years passed they made a small family. Years and years of fighting monster have brought them to the town of Derry. With fight a creature that is not of this world have to the Winchester finally met their match?
"So has anything else strange happened besides children going missing?" I asked. "Well something strange happened like 20 miles away a few months ago." Stan said. "How strange?" I asked. "Are you sure you wanna know it's super strange." Eddie said. "Trust me I've probably stranger." I said. "You probably never heard of the Creed family have you?" Stan asked. I shook my head. "Well moved to Ludlow during last summer. The road they lived on was rather dangerous. Semi trucks would have go though at all hours. Everything seem ok up until Thanksgiving." Stan said. "Well what happened at Thanksgiving?" I asked. "Well Mrs. Creed and the two kids were away apparently visiting her parents in Boston while Mr. Creed was at home when their neighbor called. The daughters cat was hit and killed by a semi." Eddie said. "Poor thing. But I have a feeling that this is about to go south fast." I said. "Mr. Creed and their neighbor went to bury the cat but the cat came back to life." Stan said. "Well maybe it wasn't really dead." I said. Both Stan and Eddie shook their head. "No the cat was dead. He didn't come back the same it was meanie. Apparently they buried in some curse Indian burial grounds." Stan said. "How cursed?" I asked. "Apparently the Indians cursed some sorta of creature to forever roam the grounds." Eddie said. "The story if the creed family gets worse." Stan said. "How worse?" I asked. "Well they were celebrating their daughter's ninth birthday when a game of hide and seek went horribly wrong. Semi truck crash and the load it was carrying became unhinged. It hit the girl killing her." Stan said. My hand covered my mouth in shock as tears formed in my eyes. "Oh my god." I said wiping a tear that fell. "Mrs. Creed took the son to her parents while Mr. Creed took care of things at home. He went to cemetery and unburied his daughter." Stan said. "He buried her in the burial ground didn't he?" I asked. "Yes." Stan said as the bell rang. "Who do you have next?" Eddie asked. I took the piece of paper out of my bag. "Um Mr. Andrews." I said. "I have him with bill. I'll show you." Stan said. "Thanks. You don't mind finish telling me about the creeds do you?" I said. "No problem." Stan said. I smiled. The three of us left the class and I followed stan to our next class. "How often do you get to be around kids your age?" Stan asked. "What do you mean." I said. "Well it kind seems like to me that you don't hang around kids your age very often." Stan said. "You're an observant person stan. Yeah you're right I don't get to spend alot of time with kids my age." I said. "Why? If you don't mind if I ask." Stan said. "No it's ok. It's just my brothers line of work doesn't really give much if a social life outside of it. I do mostly all of my schooling online." I said. Stan gave me a sad look as we walked in the classroom. Stan walked over to a kid that was already sitting in the back of the classroom. "H-hhh-hee hey st-sst- stan who's ttt-thhii- this?" The boy asked. "You must be bill. I'm y/n Wichester. I'm the girl who hit Patrick Hockstetter." I said. "Yyy- you ddii- did?" Bill asked. "Yes I did. He grabbed my ass so I punched him." I said as noticed Patrick walk into the classroom room. "Y/n." Stan said nudging me. "It's ok stan I'm not afraid of him and you guys shouldn't be either. Do you mind finish telling me about the Creed family?" I asked. "W-wwww- why AAA-aarr- are you teee- telling about them?" Bill asked. "I asked him and Eddie if anything else strange had happened." I said. "Well he did bury her in the burial grounds. She came back. But like the cat she didn't come back the same. Mrs. Creed came back with the son and saw what Mr. Creed did and tried to leave but the daughter killed her. Then she killed Mr. Creed. Apparently the daughter buried them in the burial grounds too." Stan said. "What happened to the little boy?" I asked. "No one knows." Stan said. "Eddie mentioned a creature roams the burial grounds. What creature?" I asked. "A wendigo." Stan said. I felt the breath leave my body. "Are you sure? You sure it's a wendigo." I said. Both Bill and Stan nodded. "Why do you seem unfazed?" Stan asked. "I mean wendigos don't exist right." I said pulling out my phone sending a text to dean saying I need the keys to the impala I can get my laptop. Of course he sent a text back asking why. I sent one back saying I'll explain later. "Y/n?" Stan said. I broke out of my train of thought. "Sorry what?" I asked. "You seem deep in thought." Stan said. "Sorry my oldest brother wanted to know how I was doing." I said. "It was kinda weird timing with the whole wendigo thing." Stan said. "Yeah weird timing." I said laughing alittle. I would need to send a text or try to call Crowley. “I’ll be right back.” I said to Bill and Stan walking up to the teacher. “May I use the restroom?” I asked Mr. Andrews who gave me a nod. I left the room and rushed to the nearest girls room to call Crowley. 
Once I entered the restroom I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and called Crowley. “Yes my favorite chipmunk?” Crowley said. “Hey I was wondering if you could release one of my hounds in about an hour or so?” I asked. “Why?” Crowley asked. “Well Sam, Dean and I are working a case here in Manie and of course they sent me to the local high school to get more info on the case. This kid grabbed my ass so I punched him giving him a bloody nose. I going to get my laptop from the impala during lunch and I don’t want him or his friends to get me.” I said. “Consider it done.” Crowley said. “Thanks uncle Crowley. I’ll send you a text right before.” I said. “Think nothing of it my favorite chipmunk. You going to need all the protection dealing with those idiot brothers of yours.” Crowley said. “Love you two.” I said. “If those boys give you more trouble give me a call. Love you more chipmunk.” Crowley said. I hung up on Crowley and left the restroom as I bumped into Dean. “How come your not in class?” Dean asked. “Relax I just call Crowley asking him to release one of my hounds at lunch when I go get my laptop from the impala.” I said. “Why do you need one of them?” Dean asked. “Incase that creep or his friends try to do anything else.” I said. “Guess I should give you the keys now. What did you find out about the case?” Dean said as he handed me the keys. “It’s about a possible wendigo case in Ludlow.” I said as I took the keys. “A wendigo.” Dean said. “From the story I was told it doesn’t sound like a normal wendigo case to me.” I said. “Well fill me and Sammy in later if it is a wenigo lets call Cas and maybe Crowley to help us out. Now get back to class.” Dean said. I nodded putting the keys in my pocket and walked back to class. I just needed to get through one more class before lunch. Which was Social Studies. Thankfully Stan showed me where it was. I sat alone in the back till a girl with long ginger hair sat down besides me. “Are you the girl who punched Patrick Hockstetter?” She asked as she sat down in the desk next to mine. “I am.” I said. “Most people don’t think you exist.” She said. I let out a laugh. “Of course they don’t. Y/n Winchester.” I said as I held out my hand. “Beverley Marsh but you can call me Bev if you want.” Bev said shaking my hand. “Ok then Bev it is then.” I said. “So why are you in school for three days?” Bev asked. “My Brothers are idiots.” I said. Which made Bev laugh. We spent the rest of the hour talking then finally the bell rang for lunch. “You hungry?” Bev asked. “Not really my uncle wanted me to call him during lunch.” I said lying. Bev nodded. “I’ll see you in a bit.” I said pulling out my phone and sent Crowley a text as I made my way outside to the impala. 
When I walked outside I say that Amelia was right outside the door disguised as a Doberman. “Hey girl. You ready to protect mama.” I said as I kneeled down to pet her. She licked my face. “Come on girl.” I said getting back up and started to walked to the impala that was parked a crossed the street. I pulled the keys out of my pocket and unlocked the diver side door and then unlocked the doors. I opened the backdoor on the driver side. Before I grabbed my laptop I looked around to make sure none of the bowers gang decide to surprise attack me. Amelia was sitting in front of me watching guard. I grabbed my laptop from under the backseat and I grabbed a piece of beefy jerky giving it to Amelia. “Good girl.” I said as I scratched her ears. “Excuse me young lady what you doing?” A voice said causing me to jump. I looked and saw a cop. Amelia started to bark. “Amelia hush.” I said. “What are you doing outside of the school dear?” the cop asked as he stepped closer to me. “I was just getting my laptop out of my brothers car.” I said as I stepped back not feeling comfortable. I looked at his name tag and saw the name bowers. I’m guessing this was Henry’s dad. But as I stepped away from him he stepped closer to me causing Amelia to growl. “I’m sorry sir I have to get back to my brother.” I said. He grabbed a piece of my hair and moved it exposing my tattoo. “That’s an interesting tattoo.” Officer Bowers said. “Thank you sir. Now I really have to go. Come Amelia.” I said grabbing Amelia's collar walking away from officer bowers. But he grabbed my arm. “How old are you?” Office Bowers asked. “Let me go?” I said as Amelia transform into her hellhound form making officer bowers let me go and I ran back into the school breathing heavily.
Supernatural taglist: @darkqueennox
Overall taglist: @the-broken-halo-writer
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petrichor-han · 3 years
hi hi it's me again i just wanted to respond to your ask answers because they're vv interesting !!
honestly when i used to write for anime i was definitely more... unhinged ?? there were less boundaries and i can go 100% full out just because i know that they're fictional characters. the thing with rpf, on the other hand, is that i have to be vv mindful and respectful even though, in retrospect, these boys/kpop idols are just my muses (sorta like a placeholder for an actual character i have in mind idk, adding a face to the character LMAO). like, in most of the mcds i often kill off the reader in my idol fics for this reason. as bizarre as my plots already are, i can't really hmm... experiment (biggest fan of body horror and just the horror genre in general), so i tend to just idk set a certain boundary when it comes to rpfs.
and yes !! because i'm mainly a longfic writer, especially in a fandom that kinda... hates it (+ my main genre is angst and as we've seen in enhablr and engenes they are not a huge fan of angst). honestly i often say that length doesn't equate to good writing, but sometimes, plots really need to be fleshed out to have a certain impact, you know ?? i've luckily created a dedicated reader base and attracted a respectful community who reads my works without preamble, but yeah ngl sometimes i'm like well gee i can literally put out a fluff drabble and get double the notes in half the time (JKALSFJD I'M GONNA GET BURNED AND SCORCHED FOR THIS OPINION T_T).
aw man :(( i know it's fiction but yeah... it's gets a bit iffy when it's a real person such as an idol or a celebrity... nonetheless i will keep that in mind and read your seungmin fic because aforementioned, i do love me some good horror <333
HSKLDFHA PLS i really loved the little summaries you've put for each kind of love (and trust me i'm trying my hardest to make time to read all of them !!). yes !! i agree that pragma is vv hee !! you were able to assign each kind of love to the right member and it really goes to show your passion and care with your craft !!
honestly my situation with riki is just wanting to see more nuanced fics of him. i understand that most of his stans are his age and younger, and they're still sort of in that phase of "omg i wanna hold hands with him <33" but at the same time idk... it was really nice seeing him portrayed the way you did in agape, just because i see it in him so much. like, the boy's a teenager and he does get curious about vices like anybody else (precisely why i wrote him in a similar way in stuck on a puzzle, actually !!). i will forever keep repeating this but agape is such a good fic to read again and again just because imo it's one of the best characterizations of riki that i've seen on this hellsite. literally.
and ahhh from a longfic writer myself i completely understand, which is why i can't write works under 10k anymore. when i do, they're warmups that help me get into the mood to write say, an elaborate 30k+ piece. writing's free form in the sense that idk longer works can be like 100k of pure trash or 1k words with all the emotions and tension conveyed and wrapped up in a beautiful way !! i've yet to read your longer works, but don't feel unsatisfied about your shorter ones !! i've only read agape so far, but you managed to do so much and convey all the nuances within 3k !! that's amazing !! but yeah i may be biased but i'm 100% down to have another longfic writer on the blr HAHA (we need more of us T_T).
banter is honestly really hard to nail and we both have the same issue (as discussed in my own ask game response) about how idk... funny scenes are jokes are so cringy... like i'd rather keep it serious than shoehorn a dick joke or two JKSADHF;
nahh dwdw i also have the same problem T_T excluding my official wiplist for 2022 works i have SO MANY ideas that i just !! want to write !! but i never execute them as well :"))))))))
tw: discussion about darker themes in fics, including murder & gore
(read more cut because this got SO LONG i'm sorry)
hi camille!! <3
yeah, before writing for kpop i used to write anime, homestuck, and creepypasta (kill me) fanfiction and since all three of those already had violent... events in the canon universes, it wasn't that odd for me to include similar topics in my own fics. i'm aware there are boundaries, and i do the same thing—i sort of use these idols as faces plastered onto characters already made up in my mind. like, of course i don't actually want riki to die a terrible painful death, it's just what happens to his character. i've seen a good amount of gory fics when it comes to kpop fanfiction though, it's been around and i've noticed that it's mostly fics for newer groups that tend to garner hate. like, i see a bunch of super-dark BTS fics but i saw an enhypen one a few months back that involved a ~murder~ and people were pretty unhappy. i'm sure it has to do with the age of the idols too, because there's a big difference between someone like namjoon, who's almost 30, being killed or killing someone in a fic, and someone like riki, who's practically half that age, executing the same act.
i'm not trying to call engenes or any other fourth gen group stans soft or anything like that, because i totally see why people dislike darker fiction, especially when written about real people, and i myself honestly don't really know how to approach it a lot of the time. i guess i sort of created boundaries when writing that seungmin fic, but i didn't hold back with my felix one, and i'm not planning on holding back much with my riki one either (although to be fair, the seungmin one was definitely the most intense!). i just always make sure that people know that everything i write is 100% fiction, in a fake universe with fake events, just using real people as character inspiration. i also try to keep an open mind as the world is constantly growing and changing, and we know how different the internet was just ten years ago.
i wouldn't call myself a longfic writer just yet, but i did write 27k about a breakup for bang chan and tbh nothing will ever top that, it was my first published work on here and i stand by it. i agree with you btw, sometimes you just need to flesh out a plot, or do some worldbuilding, and those words add up!! it makes me sad when i see fics with so much series potential, but they end up being like a 2k long one shot (no shade btw, this is mostly referring to me and my laziness LOL) and if you get roasted for this opinion i'm burning down with you, because i 100% agree with you @_@
(also btw that seungmin fic is NOT my proudest work i was in a really bad slump when writing it and it feels vv choppy to me,, i also had to cut it in half so it's only half the length i wanted it to be and it ends v abruptly?? tread carefully my love, it's not great LOL)
maybe we're just getting "old" tbh (sorry), i remember when i was younger and all i wanted was that straight to the point puppy love stuff, and my old works from back then have word counts of like, 500-1k at most. it's just one of my pet peeves when the character is... nothing like the idol because of that short word count / lack of characterization. for some fics i could take out jake's name and replace it with soobin, or bang chan, or anyone, and it feels so stagnant and bland to me, you know? it really means a lot to me that you liked riki's character in agape, thank you so much for saying that. that fic is really one of my proudest short fics so your praise means so much hsjdjck (and btw, i reallyyy need to read stuck on a puzzle, that song used to be my shit and although i never watched the movie, the song just brings back so many memories~)
some of my other mutuals write longer fics, but none of them really for enhypen tbh, it's mostly stray kids,, also i've noticed that stayblr has a lot more longer fics and is more longfic and dark theme friendly?? probably because the members are all now at least 21, which is vv different from enha. (stayblr has been kind of dying recently though in terms of notes,, rip) but yeah, i love meeting other writers who write longer fics!! i felt sort of stupid when i posted that previously mentioned bang chan fic and realized that everyone else was posting like... 5k at most long one shots and i was like shit did i go overboard??
and SAME LMAO maybe it's because of my lack of irl banter but god my dialogue is trash sometimes. maybe i need to get out more 🤡
here's to hoping we somehow manage to write all the wip's we desire, my darling 🥂
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