#i just took a lil muskmelon break
padfootastic · 1 year
maybe it’s becoming less of an unpopular opinion, but Remus is not a father figure to Harry. whether he’s a ‘good’ person is debatable, he’s human, but his flaws are often glossed over and he’s definitely not the saint fandom makes him out to be. even if we ignore his abandonment of Harry for twelve years (which doesn’t compare to Sirius not being able to be there because he was in JAIL), he doesn’t tell Harry about the friendship with his father until the end of POA, then promptly disappears from his life. he then shows up in OOTP, then promptly disappears after Sirius’ death. you can argue he was grieving the summer after, but Harry gets nothing until DH. Remus absolutely deserves the verbal smackdown from Harry in DH about abandoning his son. it’s just a shame no one else thought to do the same on behalf of Harry.
oof, okay, i see we’re out for some (nice, well deserved) violence ;)
i’m sure it comes as no surprise that i strongly agree with this
it’s like—even if u say that he couldn’t/didn’t need to contact harry pre-hogwarts (which i heavily disagree w tbh) then what reason did he have for his distance during hogwarts and ESPECIALLY post-poa? like, our boy had zero family during the third task, the least he could’ve done was come see him??? but nope. remus was just like ‘i’m outta here bye 🥸’
and don’t even get me started on all the fics/hcs that fully equate remus & sirius in terms of parenting in all the wolfstar raising harry stuff. like, i’ve mentioned it before and i really don’t care what individuals write about fandom is ur playground and all that but!! BUT!! when the dominant perception becomes that remus was just as good as, if not often better, than sirius at being a parent and s becomes the irresponsible man child then that’s where it gets me fired up. like, the audacity to not just be wrong but also completely malign sirius, the one adult who unselfishly cared about harry?? ugh sorry. u can tell this is my soapbox lol.
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