#i just thought it was very funny to see him call wade daddy
movingbones · 2 months
No but guys I watched deadpool and wolverine in the latin spanish dub and instead of "bub" wolverine says "papi" which literary translates to daddy. Imagine wolverine calling dp daddy Wade would lose it
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flowervolcano · 2 days
Oh man… I just read Deadpool (2024) #6 and I GOT MUCH TO SAY. But I’m gonna keep this Taskpool centric, I might do an overall review on the full series later but there’s a few talking points specifically about Taskpool I’ve gotta say before I forget ‘em.
spoilers beyond the cut so DO NOT READ IF YA DON’T WANNA GET SPOILED!!!
At least I hope this works. It’s been a while since I’ve done this, I don’t usually even do review type thingys but I’m really hyped ^^
Let’s begin….
Really loved the way Tasky looked here. But also find this pretty funny considering back in Despicable Deadpool he threw a guy/his wheelchair at Taskmaster.
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Interestingly enough, Wade called him Taskmaster more times in this comic than the previous ones. But he’s on business mode rn so he’s definitely keeping it professional!
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Because not too much later he then calls him Task-Daddy— WHY DID HE DO THAT???? Tasky, you aren’t getting out of this anymore, I’m sorry… I had to full stop and process this. We kept making jokes… we did it for months now and Wade finally said what we all been saying 😭💀
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This just interested me a lot. Both of them are talking about new territory, but it’s not the same kind. I think it’s really important for Tasky because he’s never actually been a father-like figure to anyone (not even his own daughter…) but maybe I was reading too much into this—
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I know this is very much in character for Tony to wanna brand more since he’s broke, likes good business, etc, but I can’t help but feel like this equals him being a dad to Ellie, why? he’s never had to brand anybody before, but he obviously saw promise in her and even if Wade may have thrusted this mentorship onto them both, he didn’t HAVE to do it like this, that he is explaining the reasoning just felt like an excuse/deflection, it was like he WANTED to have a piece of himself in her outfit but he’s just gotta act cool about it.
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I won’t lie when I say this “No Killing Rule” has piqued my interest the most, because to me, rules are made to be broken. And I am intrigued to see where this leads in the future and what will unfold. It is sort of a big deal for Wade to put onto Taskmaster, and I can think about how he may react if Ellie crosses that line— I mean it is his responsibility… I’m wondering if I’m thinking too much on this!
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At first I just wanted to add this in and say isn’t he just gorgeous here? But then I realized the dialogue is something to poke at. He’s somewhat pulling her leg here, but I also think it could be interpreted in a few different ways; he’s never gonna admit that he’s protective of her, but he is. It’s not just hit reputation that he’s concerned about okay?
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I also think it may be how he’s worked with Wade for a very long time, but with her, it’s a whole new world. It could go a lot of ways, but I’d like to think there’s a part of Taskmaster that is going to miss working alongside Wade and he doesn’t wanna confess. But being around Ellie is just gonna be a reminder.
Being around Ellie might remind him of his own daughter that he knows nothing about. And maybe he feels regretful about this. Idk maybe he doesn’t even remember her at all… depends on the writer.
Loving the dynamic he’s got with her so far. They’re goofy and silly and I love to see him being the funny guy in the situation while Ellie is more serious. Nice change from Wade & Tasky. Really appreciate Ellie is her own person and not just a Deadpool 2.0, I think Tony likes that about her too.
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Finally. Love seeing these two interact. A lot. This is something I will REALLY miss now that… well you know… now that stuff happened…. And at this very moment NEITHER TASKY OR ELLIE KNOW THAT WADE IS DEAD OH I AM SICK!!! (Also why did Wade look extra cute here… there was zero reason for it. Thank you Artist!!!)
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Uh yeah and these were my little thoughts and such. I might of jumped over things and I’ve never really done posts like these. But this issue really itched my brain and so I wanted to discuss stuff a little haha. Hope y’all enjoy and ofc enjoyed the new issue!!!
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css1992 · 4 years
could u do more high school au's pls? I was thinking maybe rich popular peter who seems untouchable and then grungy tony who just doesnt care for appearances and hes been pining after peter his whole school life
could u make it so that tony is rich and everyone knows it but he just doesn't care about his money and doesnt act rich so it's one of those things that u know but dont acknowledge. also if tony's daddy issues made an appearance id be so happy ty.
I’m so sorry for the delay, but I really do hope this scratches your itch! 
He had that sort of beauty that almost hurt to look at. So pure and soft. Pink cheeks, small eyes that squinted when he laughed – which was often –; brown, wavy hair, so shiny and silky-looking; thin, pink lips, always stretched in a smile. He had the most beautiful smile Tony had ever seen, too. Honest and wide, happy.
He was never alone. Of course he wasn’t. He was too magnetic, there were always people drawn to his light, following him around, laughing at his jokes, making him laugh in return. Everyone seemed to want a piece of him, a scrap of his attention. And he, being the lovely human being that he was, made room for anyone who wished to bask in his light.
Jocks liked him. Peter was great at team sports, he was light on his feet and good with his hands. He wasn’t in any teams, though, claimed he didn’t have the time, but he was always picked first in P.E. group activities. Tony knew, watched him at practice way too often – from a distance, of course, as he did his stretches and sit-ups with Rhodes.
Nerds liked him, too. He was really smart, an asset to the Decathlon team, and was always willing to help anyone having trouble in class. Even the weirdos from drama club, glee club and the school band loved him – he never made fun of them, on the contrary, he was always very vocal about how talented they were and how he wished he could be a part of their clubs, too.
Girls swooned at him. He was kind and sweet, a good listener, and gorgeous. Guys weren’t immune to his charms, either. The ones Tony knew for a fact that were gay or bi didn’t even try to pretend they didn’t watch him when he walked down the halls, but even supposedly straight guys, like Steve Rogers, sneaked a peek now and then, face flushed, if he was wearing specially tight jeans.
Tony was jealous of all those people, but he learned to deal with it. He’d been, well, admiring him from a distance for years. He was used to seeing people make passes at him, ask him out. Peter was discreet, though. If he ever dated anyone, nobody ever heard anything about it. He was a mystery, Tony wasn’t even sure if he was gay, straight, bi or whatever – there were rumors that he had made out with Wade Wilson in freshman year, but neither of them confirmed or denied it. Tony hated the guy anyway.
“If you keep staring, people are gonna know you’re in love and not actually dead inside,” Rhodey spoke up right next to him, taking a huge bite of his tuna sandwich. Tony averted his gaze from Peter’s table for a minute and looked at his friend, annoyed. “It’s gonna ruin your whole aesthetic.”
“Very funny,” He rolled his eyes and looked back at Peter. There were so many people around him he could barely catch a glimpse of his smile, which was annoying.
His dad’s company, Parker Innovations, had just released a new phone a few weeks earlier, it was ridiculous how many people thought they could get one for free if they kissed his ass hard enough. At least Tony didn’t have to endure that kind of nonsense anymore. People in that school learned very early on that even though he was related to Howard Stark, he wanted nothing to do with the guy – or his company, or his money. They also learned sucking up to him did nothing but annoy him, so they kind of just forgot he existed over time and he blended right in with everyone else – a blessing in its own right.
“Rhodey is right, you’re drooling, it’s a little embarrassing,” Natasha looked at him with boredom as she nibbled on her fries. “You should just ask him out, you’ve been pining for ages.”
“I’m not pining,” he huffed, irritated, and the redhead smirked, raising a perfectly manicured brow.
“Right, yearning might be more accurate. Bruce?” She glanced at their other friend who scratched his chin, pretending to think about it.
“I think obsessing sounds more like it. Rhodey?”  
“Fuck you guys,” he barked before they could keep the game going, and all three laughed at him. Someone got up from Peter’s table and he caught a glimpse of his beautiful face, their eyes made contact for half a second and Tony looked away.
“No, but seriously, Tones. Just go talk to him, he’s a great guy, I’m sure he wouldn’t be an ass about it.” Bruce adjusted his glasses and said that like it was simple. Like he would have the guts to do it if he was in Tony’s position – he wouldn’t, he’d pined for Thor, an exchange student, for a year, and never worked up the courage to ask him out. The guy went back to Norway or whatever and Bruce never even said hi to him.
“I know, of course he wouldn’t, but I don’t wanna be one of those people begging for his attention, just look at that.” He pointed at the little crowd around him, people were almost literally fighting for his attention, the poor guy could barely finish his lunch. “It’s ridiculous.”
“Yeah, but you’re not them,” Natasha said that like it was the most obvious thing in the world and Tony frowned.
“How am I different?”
“You’re a certified genius, you and him have similar interests and you look hot in a ‘I’m gonna fuck  you raw in the back of my car’ kinda way. I don’t know, maybe he’s into that.” The redhead shrugged, again, saying all that like it was obvious and an unquestionable truth.
“Yeah, right, sounds just like him,” Tony scoffed.
Peter was perfect in so many ways – perfect face, perfect body, perfect grades, Tony was sure he pooped out candy or something – of course he wouldn’t go for a guy like him. He had a bad reputation, he was in detention more often than not and people in general considered him an asshole – all because he didn’t partake in their little games of social climbing or whatever. No, Peter wouldn’t go for his grungy ass. He’d probably go for all American, apple pie, boy-next-door Steve Rogers.
“No, she’s right, I’ve seen him looking at you several times.” Bruce pointed out, not for the first time, and Tony scoffed.
“Oh, yeah? When?”
“AP chemistry class. I’m his lab partner, remember?” How could Tony forget? As Mr. Erskine called out their names, Tony prayed to a God he didn’t even believe in that he’d be paired up with Peter, but no such luck. “He stares at you whenever he has a chance or an excuse. You know, when you blow things up, for example.”
“Yeah, which is why he must stare, he must be afraid for his life.” Tony hated to admit that he was way more prone to causing explosive accidents when Peter was in the room. It was fucking embarrassing.
He sighed, drinking the last of his coke. No matter what his friends said, he knew he didn’t stand a chance with Peter. He was… Untouchable. He was too good for him, Tony wasn’t even sure he’d want to taint him if he had a chance –  no, scratch that, he definitely would.
He chose to watch him from afar, allowing himself a few fantasies and daydreams. He had this really stupid and lame one, where he walked up to Peter in the hall, people just parted to let him through, then he gave him his trademark, lopsided grin and asked him out. Peter smiled brightly up at him, holding his books to his chest, cheeks flushed, eyelashes fluttering as he whispered a shy “yes” and leaned up to kiss him. Yeah. That was the whole fantasy.
Peter was so untouchable to him that he didn’t even dare to dream further than that. Of course when he was alone in his room, late at night, relieving himself, a few… less pure fantasies popped up unsolicited, but he felt so guilty then, dirty even, like he was disrespecting him somehow. It was all very confusing, but he still came, shamefully, to the thought of his beautiful face scrunched up in pleasure as dream-Tony fucked him.
The bell rang and everyone hurried to get to their next period, Peter was no different, he gathered his things and stood up, looking around the cafeteria like he was looking for someone. Their eyes met again for a second, but Tony quickly looked away, grabbing his backpack in a hurry to leave.
It was Thursday, the worst day of the week for him, none of his friends were free to hang out with him until later, so he either had to head home and deal with Howard or he had to find somewhere to be for a couple of hours, until Rhodey was done with football practice so they could go to his place. That day, Tony decided to just stay by his car, smoking a cigarette and singing along to Black Sabath’s Iron Man, it wasn’t like he had anywhere to go. He was so distracted watching the smoke dissipate into thin air that he didn’t notice when someone approached, and jumped almost a foot in the air when they spoke.
“Aren’t you afraid of getting caught smoking on school grounds?” Tony almost dropped dead when he registered the angelic voice. He was already having a heart attack as it was, but the boy was so close and he had that beautiful smile in place, blushing cheeks and all. It took almost a full minute for him to calm himself down.  
“I won’t tell if you don’t.” The older teen answered when he finally found his voice and got his breath under control enough not to make a fool of himself. Peter smiled wider, biting his lower lip.
“Your secret is safe with me.” He fake whispered, leaning a little into the older boy’s space and he almost choked on nothing. Peter’s smell was inebriating, expensive and sweet, but not overly so – perfect. He recomposed himself quickly, though, and nodded, but didn’t say anything else. He wasn’t sure why Peter was talking to him and, frankly, he was too fucking nervous to think of anything cool to say. The younger teen deflated a little faced with Tony’s silence; he looked around, seeming a little lost. “You’re Tony, right?”
Fuck, the way he said his name. His name. It was fucking music to his ears, the most beautiful tune. But how did he even know his name? Sure, he was Tony Stark, so not really anonymous, but people often forgot about it.
“Yeah. And you’re Peter.” Tony didn’t play games, he didn’t even try to pretend like he didn’t know who Peter was. It would be dumb anyway, everybody knew him. The other boy nodded shyly, it looked like he wanted to say something else, but he kept biting his lips and looking around nervously. Tony frowned. “Is everything okay?”
“No. I mean, yeah, sure, it’s fine, it’s just, uhm. I have a flat tire and the wheel bolts are really tight and I couldn’t get them off, so I thought – I mean, could you, uh –“ He gestured wildly as he stuttered out his answer, looking in the general direction of his flashy, cherry red sports car. “I mean, it’s okay if you’re busy, but I –“
“Sure, I’ll help, don’t worry.” Tony threw his cigarette butt on the ground and stepped on it. He was a little more at ease now that he knew why Peter was talking to him – he just needed help – and the best thing was, Tony was really good with cars. Of course, one didn’t need to have a PhD in mechanics to change a tire, but it still made him feel really good that he would be able to help properly.
“Thanks, you’re a life saver.” The chirpy attitude was back, as well as the smile, it made Tony’s heart flutter. He nodded sharply, looking away from his face, and gestured for Peter to lead the way.
When they reached his car, Tony whistled lowly, crouching down to look at the completely flat tire, as he tried to find the source of the problem. He was surprised to notice a two-inch cut on the surface of it, and it didn’t seem accidental.
“Fuck, Peter, it looks like someone sliced your tire.” When he looked up at the younger boy, he didn’t look surprised, but nervous. It was an odd reaction. Tony wondered if Peter already knew that – maybe he knew who did it and was scared of them? It made Tony’s blood boil. Why would anyone do that to Peter?
“Wh-what? How do you know that?” He bit his lower lip nervously, scratching his arm, and Tony frowned, worried.
“Here, look.” He gestured for Peter to crouch down next to him and pointed at the cut. “This is clearly a stab mark. Judging by the size and shape of it, I’d say this was probably done with a pocketknife.”
“Oh. Yeah, of course. Clearly.” He face-palmed, like he felt stupid, maybe for not seeing it before, but Tony still worried.
“If you want, I could go with you to the administration. We can ask them to check the security cameras. I think that one might have caught whoever did this.” He pointed at a security camera nearby, Tony knew where all of them were in the parking lot area – he’d been caught smoking way too many times not to know.
“What? There are –? I mean, look, it’s okay, it’s probably just someone trying to play a prank, it’s no big deal, it’s fine.” He stood up quickly, shaking his head, and Tony was positive he felt threatened somehow, he was acting so weird.
“If you’re sure… But if you change your mind, I’ll go with you, ok?” Tony stood up and took off his leather jacket. The weather was nice, just a bit chilly, so he was wearing a thin, white t-shirt with short sleeves underneath. He thought he heard Peter’s breath hitch for a second, but it was probably just his imagination. “Can you hold this for me?” He held out his jacket and the boy blushed, blinking rapidly.
Tony bit his bottom lip to refrain from asking, again, if everything was fine. Peter looked so freaking nervous, he was even sweating a little at the temples. Tony was positive he knew who did that to his car, but didn’t want to tell him for some reason. Maybe he wanted to protect whoever did it, maybe it was a boyfriend, or an ex. He gritted his teeth, hands closing in fists, but didn’t say anything, just crouched down and got to work.
The first bolt came off easily, it wasn’t tight at all, so he thought maybe Peter had already loosened it when he tried earlier. The second and third ones came off just as easily, though, only the fourth one was a little trickier, but nothing the younger teen couldn’t have handled himself. Tony thought maybe he hadn’t tried too hard, maybe he was afraid the person who did that would show up or something. He was so glad he was there to help, he wondered if Peter felt safe with him around, and the thought made him feel oddly proud and protective of him.
He made quick work of changing the tires, making sure not to screw the bolts too tight, then put the sliced one in the trunk of the car. When he turned around to look at Peter, he was looking intently at him, almost hypnotized, holding his jacket close to his chest like it was a puppy.
“All done.” Tony smiled and the boy seemed to snap out of a trance.
“Oh, thank you so much, really, you’re too kind.” He smiled broadly and the older teen scratched the back of his neck sheepishly.
“Don’t mention it.” They were silent for a few seconds after that, but Peter kept holding his jacket and didn’t make any move to give it back to him. “Uhm, could I–?” He gestured towards the jacket and again the boy jumped up in surprise.
“Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, here.” He handed it to him and quickly crossed his empty arms over his chest. “So, uhm,… Your dad is having a gala this weekend, right? Are you gonna be there?” Ah, so Peter did know who he was, not just his first name. The older teen leaned against the car and stuck his hands in his pockets, shrugging.
“Not if I can help it.” He smirked, trying to act cool, but now that he didn’t have anything to do with his hands, he was growing nervous.
“Oh,” Peter looked… disappointed? He dropped his gaze to the floor, shuffling his feet, and Tony stood up straight, frowning.
“Nothing, it’s just – my parents are going, so I thought I’d tag along to, you know... but it’s okay.” He kicked an imaginary rock and avoided Tony’s eyes. The older teen stared at him with wide eyes, heart beating fast – what was the end of that sentence? Peter couldn’t possibly mean–
“I don’t – what, you’d go to, like, hang out with me or something?” He felt stupid when he stumbled on the words, but Peter didn’t seem to notice, his cheeks were burning red and he was looking anywhere else but at Tony.
“I mean, you must have much better things to do, of course, I was just –” He chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head, finally looking up at Tony. “Sorry, just forget about it, I don’t know what I was thinking.”
“No, wait!” He rushed to interrupt him and Peter looked back at him with huge, Bambi eyes. Tony coughed awkwardly, blushing a little. “I mean, like, uhm… If you – would you wanna go as my date? To the gala?” He blurted out, finally, because what the hell. The worst that could happen was Peter say no, and he could deal with it. He would survive, for sure. It wouldn’t be a big deal. Really. It wouldn’t.
But he didn’t say no, he smiled broadly, eyes twinkling in excitement.
“I’d love to!” He answered quickly, and Tony’s heart fluttered, Peter looked genuinely happy.  “Could you – uhm, text me what color of tie you’ll be wearing? If you want! I understand if you think it’s lame, but I thought–”
“No, it’s fine.” His heart was beating so loud, Peter Fucking Parker wanted to coordinate ties with him, it was fucking corny and cliché and he loved it. “Uhm, here, give me your number.” He fished his phone from his back pocket and gave it to the younger teen.
“Cool.” Peter typed in his number and as soon as he gave his phone back, Tony sent him a smiley face so he would have his number, too. “Cool, cool, cool...” He rocked on the balls of his feet and looked around, like he was looking for something else to say.
“So… Do you have to be home soon or…?” Tony stuck his hands in his pockets again, wondering if maybe he was pushing his luck, but Peter shook his head quickly.
“Not really, no, my parents don’t really mind what time I get home as long as I let them know. You?”
“They don’t really care.” He shrugged, taking one step closer to Peter. “So… are you hungry, by any chance?”
“I’m starving.” He nodded, looking up at Tony in anticipation. It drove the butterflies in his stomach crazy.
“I know a place where they serve great burgers. We could go in my car and I could drop you off here on our way back, I’m just a little worried someone is gonna try to fuck up your car again. I mean, what if they’re targeting you or something?” Just the mention of what happened earlier made Peter nervous. He stuck his hands in the pockets of his bomber jacket and shook his head.
“Oh, don’t worry about it, I’m sure it’s fine.” He didn’t look worried, though, at least not anymore.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, trust me, I am.” Tony found the sudden change odd, but thought maybe he was just trying to play it cool, so he let it go.  
“Okay, then, c’mon, my car is right there,” Tony gestured to his car and Peter smiled, taking his hands off his pockets. When he did, though, something slipped out and fell to the ground with a metallic noise. Tony quickly crouched down to get it for him, when he noticed what it was. “Wh – is that…?” He frowned, examining the pocketknife as if it was alien material. He was confused at first, because Peter didn’t seem like the kind of guy to carry one around, but then it dawned on him. When he looked at the younger teen, his face was so red it looked like he was about to explode.
“Uhm… If I told you I’ve never seen this before in my life would you believe it?” He chuckled nervously, scratching his arm, as Tony stood up. The older teen raised a brow at him.”Sorry, I just – I wanted an excuse to talk to you.” He said quietly, dropping his gaze.
“You know, you could have gone with the weather or whatever.” Tony answered, amused, and it made the younger boy look up at him.
“You’re just very intimidating,” He looked at him with huge, scared eyes, and Tony cocked his head to the side.
“Me?” He raised a brow.
“Yeah.” Peter answered pointedly, and Tony smirked, offering him his knife back.
“You do realize you just sliced your own tire so you’d have an excuse to talk to me, right? And I’m intimidating?” He joked, but Peter didn’t seem to find it funny. He winced and covered his face with his hands, clearly embarrassed.
“You must think I’m such a freak,” He groaned, voice muffled by his palms.
“Hey, hey, yes, I do think you’re a freak.” He grabbed Peter’s thin wrists and marveled at how perfectly they fit in his hands. He definitely saved that thought for later. “But you’re a really cute one.” He grinned and Peter chuckled, a delicate flush rising onto his cheeks.
“I feel stupid.” He admitted, worrying his bottom lip, but Tony shook his head, working up the nerve to cup Peter’s face in his hand.
“I feel flattered,” He said, honestly, and Peter’s breath hitched. He stared up at Tony, eyelashes fluttering, moist, pink lips slightly open. The older teen leaned down slowly and when the Peter closed his eyes, their lips touched. Just like in his fantasies, Peter tasted sweet, his lips were soft and his arms circled Tony’s neck in a warm embrace. When they parted, Tony smiled down at him, stroking his blushing cheek. “Just promise that if this doesn’t work out you won’t, like, key my car or something.”
“Oh, God,” he groaned, but they both laughed out loud, as they walked hand in hand across the parking lot.
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guardiandae · 5 years
Meta/Commentary Part 1: A Little ‘XO’ Wouldn’t Go Amiss
(Spoilers below)
Wade finally learned his roomie's real name on day two, when the proposed nickname of 'Priscilla' was rejected via stabbing.
"Y'know- I usually know a guy's name before I let him penetrate me," Wade joked, gritting through the pain.
"My name is Nathan Summers. You can call me Nate. Or you can shut your whore mouth."
I’m gonna say this right now so when I finally finish the sequel of this fic, nobody can cry foul or anything or pretend that I didn’t plan everything all along from the very start of this journey: There’s a reason why Nate stabbed Wade and it’s not just to be an edgelord. This fic starts written in Wade’s POV and then switches to Nate’s, and there is so much more info revealed from Nate’s perspective that changes how interactions are colored. In the sequel, it’s not written in that style but eventually you will understand Nate’s POV and be able to look back on this (and other moments) and be like, Ah. I spent a few months just agonizing over this fic planning. The levels of depth going on here, you don’t know.
Also it’s hilarious because, the movie never really establishes Cable’s real name so hi, it’s Nathan Summers. Scott Summers’ (Cyclops)’s son, but like... older than him because future and time traveling hijinks or whatever. This is only important because like, daddy issues.
technically they were even sleeping together, even if Nate slept in the only bedroom because he'd called dibs and Wade slept on the couch in a pile of fast food wrappers.
Living with Nate was weird after living with Vanessa for so long. No more kisses -- not like he wanted any.
Usually when Wade got home, Nate was never there.  Hours later when Nate did come back, he'd just go to bed. Other times, Wade was hired for jobs that took days of travel to complete. There was little interaction between them and they barely saw each other, so Wade took to leaving little notes behind.
[Went to get milk. And also to put a cap in someone's ass. He's a bad guy though, so don't worry. I'll be home late. xoxo] [Forgot the milk. Also didn't cap the guy so I didn't get paid. Can you pick some up while you're out? xoxo]
So much info in one little spot. Nate only sees them as roommates, as a living arrangement and tenuous partnership to serve as an end to both of their needs. Nate has a place to live, and his only responsibility, as we learn in his POV, is to pay the rent on Wade’s behalf, with Wade’s money, because Wade is a disaster and his memory is getting worse. Not only is Wade just an annoying person who can’t take anything seriously, in his incorrect opinion, but there’s that level of guilt for feeling like a freeloader when Nate is the kind of person who’s had to fight just to survive his entire life. Wade’s little notes are so sweet, but to Nate, 1. weird 2. is this a joke? 3. stop reminding me of how much you care and meanwhile i can barely bring myself to write a note back, aaaaaa
I need to remember to revive the note-leaving between them in the sequel. It’s too cute, I can’t stand it.
Mercenary jobs had become harder to come by, and then work dried up. It was almost like nobody wanted to pay a guy to kill people anymore. As if there could ever be a shortage of people in the world who needed to die. But when one door closes, another opens -- everywhere he went, he suddenly saw slews of missing persons flyers. Wade had never noticed how many there were before, but he took it as a sign. He'd always wanted to try his hand at being a P.I. and Wade hadn't realized that the market was booming with families desperate to find loved ones. He offered his services as a private dick to several different people, but every single case was unsolvable. It was like they'd just vanished into thin air, but he knew that wasn't possible. It was frustrating to realize he was such a lousy dick.
Spoilers, but this is when the Thanos snap happens, and Wade is completely oblivious. Could someone who can be so devastatingly observant really be so obtuse? Or is his mind just protecting itself from such an incomprehensible reality that everyone else is suddenly saddled with? These are things Nate wonders later as well. Even I don’t know for sure. (I haven’t watched End Game and there’s still more plotline to tackle during the Snap, don’t @ me about how Marvel did it, I don’t know and I don’t care, I have my own plans)  (By the way, characters will either be snapped or inexplicably alive, and that’s not a plot hole, that’s the joke. Welcome to Marvel, the writers never fucking make sense and I don’t have to either, YEET)
[Someone tried to sell a metal arm on the black market????!! It better be Bucky's and not yours. Not like I care.] [It was Bucky's.]
Rip Buckkyyyyyy lmaooo
But also, cryyyy because Nate is busy trying to help deal with absolute fucking chaos and he didn’t really stop to consider whether Wade would be wondering what happened to him. Ow. Yeah, I think Wade definitely subconsciously registered what happened and is in total denial of reality. It’s better that way. Nobody fucking tell him.
There was nothing that he hated more than being ignored. Might as well just talk to himself. Which he did a lot of lately.
All of the warmth left his body at once, leaving him a little breathless and dizzy. He was vaguely aware of Nate looking at him, but it was less of a 'you're home' and more of a ' why are you here?'
This whole area of the fic hurts so good because I’m gay and I love drama.
Wade coming home, literally bleeding to death on the inside and in shock because, once again, everything went to shit for him, story of his life. And he sees Nate just there, dressed down, relaxed, and has this little flash of domestic happiness because he so desperately wishes that the domestic happiness was real and that Nate actually was waiting for him and happy to see him come home, and the hard snap back to reality where Nate doesn’t even like him is soooo fucking painful lol end me. And on top of that, he misread Nate’s concern as hate/disgust for him bc that’s what he’s used to, and then he passes out on the floor and wakes up with Nate over him because I’m gay and I love drama!!!!
"Wade, you died for a second," Nate told him. Wade couldn't quite tell if Nate was concerned for him or just annoyed. "I had to pull a piece of metal pipe from your chest. Can you tell me what happened?"
"I got a… pipe in my chest," Wade said, pausing for breath. His lungs felt wet and heavy. He should've left the pipe in.
"Very illuminating," Nate deadpanned, letting go. "Anything else I should know?"
This moment where Nate is so very fucking concerned for Wade, but then Wade cracks a weak joke, because that’s how he copes, and Nate is like, wow, fuck it, so much for being worried about you.
These thoughts didn't feel like his own, even though they had his voice. His mind was always scattered, full of thoughts that flowed nonstop like a babbling brook. Sometimes it took a lot of conscious effort to reign himself in and make sense of his own head. But these just popped out of nowhere, in bold print, in boxes that were separate from everything else.
"Am I going nuts?" he wondered aloud, whispering to himself, because honestly, he was a little afraid of his own head right now.
(A little late to be asking that.)
And this is when the ‘boxes’ manifest for Wade. But in this fic, the voices that manifest in his head are his own intrusive, negative thoughts. The depression, the loneliness, the self-hatred, the belief and fear that Nate hates him too.
I’m gonna recap vs a full copy and paste because the next bit is long:
-Wade is coughing up blood clots from his lungs in the morning, or trying to. -Nate is disgusted but also sympathetic and offers to help Wade out. -A really layered conversation occurs.
“Maybe if I drown myself in the bathtub, the blood clots will rinse out. What d'you think?"
Wade’s exhausted. Joking, but also dead serious. Nate is concerned about Wade making such a dark joke, but he also can tell that Wade really is struggling.
“I’ll help you.”
“Really?” Wade is relieved Nate wants to help him, at first, but then remembers he just said he wanted to drown himself in a bathtub, and becomes disheartened again because he remembers Nate doesn’t like him. “Oh. Yeah.”
From Wade’s point of view: Nate just offered to help Wade kill himself, because of course someone would get a kick out of drowning him, he’s annoying, yadda yadda.
From Nate’s point of view: Wade isn’t okay and he offered to help him with his problem, because he sounds desperate and Nate doesn’t think that jokes will help Wade with his mental state, nor will the drowning actually do anything to solve the problem (the blood clots festering in his lungs).
"I bet you'd love to hold me down and watch me struggle," he said, still thinking about the drowning idea. Then, in a flirtatious tone, "I'll make it good for you, baby. Just promise me we'll do it face to face."
From Wade’s POV: He’s making a joke about Nate drowning him, but also making a sex joke to make it funny, to mock Nate if he really does want to drown Wade, so maybe he wouldn’t do it, or maybe it’d be weird and interesting.
From Nate’s POV: Wade is flirting with him, and his humor and still really dark and Nate really shouldn’t laugh at it or encourage that kind of thing.
From Wade’s POV, seeing Nate trying not smile: ah holy fuck he really wants to drown me.
"I don't want to watch you struggle," Nate said. If he did, he'd just leave Wade alone to keep coughing up blood.
"Ah. Consensual," Wade nodded. "Okay, well, I'd be open to some over-the-clothes stuff, and whatever happens while I'm still dead doesn't count."
Nate couldn't help but laugh. "I don't think we're having the same conversation."
Wade is continuing the joke, because from his POV he’s like, whelp, this might as well be what happens.
But they really aren’t having the same conversation. There’s more like, four different conversations happening at once. Wade’s very sincere idea of drowning himself as a solution to his problems, and Wade joking about Nate drowning him as a sexual innuendo.  Nate interpreting Wade’s dark humor as a shitty attempt at flirting that he neither wants to encourage nor outright shoot down, and Nate offering to give Wade a better solution to fix his actual problem.
And Nate’s solution is to use his telekinesis to just... remove all the shit from Wade’s lungs. But he didn’t communicate that idea with Wade before just doing it, even if he did ask permission, so that’s pretty shitty and hence why we had to add the ‘Nonconsensual Telekinetic Heimlich Maneuver’ tag. smh
"That was dubious at best and now we have to add a warning in the tags," Wade sighed. "Non-consensual telekinetic Heimlich maneuver…. This is problematic now. People aren't gonna click on this."
This is a good spot to stop for now and continue in another post.
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let-it-raines · 6 years
I'm glad you're taking prompts because i just saw this on twitter "Colin said Killian would want to teach Hope how to sail and fight and he would do normal family stuff with her and Emma like take them fishing, build sandcastles together, read books, etc" so, i would love if could write a fic with Emma and Killian having domestic moments with Hope with maybe some things that, you know, Emma and Killian playing with Hope at their house or the beach and telling her a story while she's ready (+)
Prompt based on something Colin said a few weeks ago “I would think that they are just trying to be a family, where they’re not having to battle something constantly. Where [Emma and Hook] can actually spend time trying to raise their daughter, and stuff like that. I’d like to think they go fishing, maybe? And build sandcastles. Read books. Normal family stuff.”
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She looks most like Emma.
She has blonde curls, though they’re a little darker than his wife’s, almost a chestnut blonde compared to the gold of Emma’s. Her eyes are blue, but if he looks in the sunlight, there are small flecks of green around the irises. Her eyes are beautiful in color, but they’re even better with all of the love and adventure that reside inside. He thinks that’s what reminds him most of Emma. It’s the way that every one of Hope’s emotions and thoughts are reflected through her eyes, like she’s an open book that’s still being written.
In most ways, she is.
His daughter is only four, but to him, she may as well be forty. She’s a brilliant little spitfire who keeps him on his toes every minute of every day. He sees her grow daily, from the way her appearance changes to the way that her vocabulary evolves. It’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen, and he can’t quite believe he has this little person in his life that’s a product of he and Emma’s True Love.
He actually can’t quite believe that he has two products of he and Emma’s True Love in Hope and Oliver, his son who looks infinitely more like him than he does Emma in his infant state. And then he’s got Henry, and while he may not be a product of he and Emma, he’s every bit his child as the two who live under his roof. For centuries he was alone, wanting nothing more than revenge, his heart full of hatred fighting against the love, but he’s now got this life with little room for hatred other than for those who try to harm his family. Gods, it’s a life better than he could ever imagine.
“A green dog on a yellow tree,” Emma reads to Hope, her voice high and lilting while Hope watches her with rapt attention and Oliver babbles against his chest, his arms folded into himself while a drool spot forms on the gray of his tee shirt. “Some big dogs and some little dogs going around in cars.”
“Mommy, dogs can’t drive cars.”
“They can if they have a driver’s license, bug,” he adds in from his position at the doorway, and Hope and Emma both look up at him with identical expressions of frustration and amusement.
“Daddy is being silly, baby,” Emma soothes, brushing Hope’s hair off of her head and urging her to lay back down in her bed. “But, you know, lots of magical things happen here. Maybe one day Pongo is going to drive around the street’s in Archie’s car.”
“Well, look who’s being silly now?”
Emma sticks her tongue out at him before her eyes go wide, and she realizes her mistake and claps her hand over her mouth. He can’t help the chuckle that escapes his lips at Emma’s look of horror and Hope’s look of agitation. They’ve been telling her for weeks now not to stick her tongue out at people, and there goes her mum doing that very thing.
After they resolve the tongue situation, which honestly sounds more like a dirty joke than a conversation with his toddler, and get Hope to bed, Emma feeds Oliver before putting him down to bed so that the two of them can crawl into bed, stripping out of the clothes and letting them fall to the floor along with his brace. He’s exhausted, but he’s rarely too exhausted to make love to his wife, letting Emma move above him until they both fall apart and fall into slumber.
It’s Saturday the next morning, and while he and Emma are both on call, he doesn’t expect there to be any trouble or issues today. For so long they had no peace. Hell, they couldn’t even get married without him losing everything that’s ever mattered to him. But now it’s peaceful more often than not, and he and Emma are able to lounge around on Saturday mornings until they’re woken up by kids and have to do things like feed them and change diapers or get them dressed, which is always a task with Hope.
He just recently learned how to braid hair. He’d wanted to for Emma, knowing how she enjoys wearing her hair that way as well as enjoying how he runs his fingers through her hair, especially around the nape of her neck, but she has so much bloody hair that it’s difficult for him to do with just his hand. He figured it out, is actually quite adept at it now, and he’s transferred his knowledge of braiding Emma’s hair to braiding Hope’s hair. She’s rather particular about it, too, telling him when it looks funny or he’s missed a spot, so he knows that he has to do a top notch job for his biggest critic.
So that’s what he’s doing now, braiding Hope’s curls into two braids while Emma smothers Oliver with infant sunscreen and dresses him in a pair of the smallest swim trunks Killian has ever seen. They’ve got little green anchors on them that look like some kind of child-like version of the tattoo he has on his hip. He and his lad match, and he’s almost positive Emma bought the trunks for that very reason. Hope, meanwhile, picked out her own swimming attire, insistent that she get the Minnie Mouse set when they went to Target just outside of town last week.
It doesn’t matter how long he’s lived in this realm, how much he’s adapted to modern technology, because he doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to having places like Target and Costco for all of his needs and more. Gods, he and Emma practically lived there when she was pregnant and they were helping to buy Henry things for his new apartment as well as preparing to have a baby.
Getting to the beach takes them longer than it has any right to, pit stops needed to inspect the flowers on the side of the road or turning around and walking all the way back to the house because he forgot to bring Oliver’s hat to protect him from the sun. When they finally get there, it’s only to have to set up their stake on the sand, pitching umbrellas as children pitch fits that it’s too hot or they’re taking too long or whatever the hell that it is that Oliver’s babbles means. But once everything is finished, things seem to calm, and he’s able to take in the beauty of the ocean ahead of him, the waves rolling in onto the sand soothing him as he can practically feel the Jolly rocking beneath him even though it’s docked a few hundred feet away.
Emma offers to take Hope into the ocean while he stays with Oliver and his beach toys, and of all of the modern inventions he’s discovered, the only thing that tops heating and air conditioning has to be the bikini. Sure, lingerie is up there, but those lacy little nothings that Emma wears are just for the two of them in the privacy of their home. The bikini is something Emma can wear in public, her body practically bare to him as they sit on the beach and her skin glistens with salt water and sunshine. It’s wonderful, and it makes him having to wear swim trunks that display all of the scars and ink of his body to the world completely worth it.
“What are you doing there, lad?” he questions Oliver, knowing he can’t really answer with anything but babbles and hand gestures. “Are we building a sandcastle? Yeah? You know, grandma and grandpa used to live in a real castle? But I think this one will be better.”
He and Oliver continue to build a sandcastle, though it’s mostly him using the toys to build the shapes and Oliver smashing them down into nothing. When it’s been awhile and sweat begins to pool at his temple, he picks his boy up, sliding on his floaties and blowing them up before taking him out to the water, wading them out to Emma and Hope who are splashing around in the most shallow part of the ocean.
“Hello there, ladies,” he greets, making sure Oliver doesn’t squirm out of his grasp. “Tell me Captain Hope, how is the water today?”
“Cold and wavy.”
She splashes the water around before moving her small arm in the motion of a wave, soft circles ending in a large splash that coats all of them in salt.
“What about salty? Is it salty? I bet it tastes salty.”
“Daddy, you’re not supposed to drink the ocean water. It’s not good.”
Hope scrunches up her nose, something that’s just like Emma, and he nods in agreement before walking over to Emma and pressing a kiss against her lips, salt falling onto his lips as the smell of her sunscreen invades his senses.
“It tastes like mommy’s been drinking the ocean water.”
“Ewww,” Hope cries, swimming over to him and crawling up his left arm so that he has to hand Oliver over to Emma. His daughter is so bony, her bones hitting against him until she’s situated on his shoulders and he’s holding her there with his forearms while her ankles kick against his chest, hitting right over the white swan tattoo that has above his heart.
They wade out in the water until the kids get tired and they head back to shore and rest against the towels. It’s something he’s grown accustomed to. His children are never happy doing one thing for too long, and so he never expects to stay in one place for a long time, unless that place is David and Mary Margaret’s with all of their animals and sweet foods. By the time it’s one in the afternoon, the sun beating down on them in the middle of the sky, they pack their bags up, their things somehow expanding, and make their way home.
The kids fall asleep immediately, Hope stretching out on the couch while Oliver rests against Emma’s chest as she begins to snooze in the recliner, every one of them in nothing more than their underwear after changing out of their swimming clothes.
He settles down onto the couch, resting his head against the back of the couch and enjoying this quiet moment that’s filled with the various sounds of his family breathing and the music still playing from the bedroom. Emma’s always forgetting to turn the damn radio off.
He’s spent his entire life at sea. Most of it was a bloody nightmare from which he couldn’t escape, but he learned to count the rocking of a ship on waves and the smell of salt water as a friend and as a home. It was his first love, and while he still takes the Jolly out sailing at least once a week and plans on teaching his children how to do the same, the sea isn’t his home anymore.
His home is this place, these walls and everyone who resides inside of it.
Henry, Hope, Oliver, Emma.
Every one of them is his love, and while he used to not sleep for fear of something awful happening, now he likes to keep his eyes open simply so he can take all of this in.
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marvelhead17 · 5 years
Miracle (Original Female Character x Cable)
Chapter 35
Summary: “How did you fix it?” he asked. “Ask Ellen the Teenage Warhead,” Wade shrugged as he stood up, “As for baby Hitler he ended up having a diaper change, funny story I was actually going to call Cable since he was so keen on killing Russel, I thought this would be like taking candy from a baby, if that means replacing it with a bullet that is,”
Warnings to cover the whole fic: Graphic depictions of violence, use of weapons, mild to strong language, mentions of rape, mentions of pregnancy and miscarriage, referenced torture and psychological abuse/manipulation, nightmares and night terrors, sexual humour, sexual content.
Word count:  1.7k
Their loud cry echoed in the white room and Nathan felt tears fall from his eyes, he rubbed his thumb gently on Hayden’s cheek to wipe away her tears and he kissed her forehead as gently as he could.
“You did so well darlin’, she’s here now, she’s healthy, and she’s perfect,” he told her and she simply nodded still panting heavily, he encouraged her to lie back down on the bed and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, kissing her head multiple times.
His hand intertwined with hers and his thumb gently traced the backside of her hand, she leaned into his side and struggled to keep her eyes open, she lifted her head as she watched the nurse hand over a small bundle of pale yellow blanket to her.
“Would you like to hold her?” the nurse asked, Hayden nodded her head immediately but felt uncertain as she reached her hands out, Nathan spoke softly to her.
“It’s okay, you just need to support her head,” he helped her move her arms to properly hold the bundle and the nurse slowly placed it in her arms. “Look at that, you’re a mother now,” he grinned and ran his hand through her hair soothingly.
“I’m a mother,” she stared in disbelief down at the blue tinted baby that squirmed slightly in her arms, she carefully rocked her arms side to side to help calm the baby down, on instinct she held her closer to her chest so that the baby could rest against her skin and she quietened down instantly. “She’s perfect Nathan,” she whispered.
The nurse unexpectedly turned to them yelling, “WAKE UP!” followed by a loud banging sound.
                                                          * * *
  “What the fuck?” Nathan muttered as his eyes opened wide to reveal Hayden’s room.
“C’MON CABLE WAKE UP MAN, IT’S NO GOOD TO MOURN IN HER ROOM,” Wade yelled incessantly banging his fist on the door.
“Ugh, WADE, piss off will you?” Hayden yelled as she sat up from next to him.
The door swung opened and practically broke off its hinges to reveal Wade standing with wide eyes and a gawking mouth.
“YOU’RE ALIVE, OH MY GOD,” He practically jumped on top of her and hugged her tightly; she had barely managed to pull the blankets up to cover her exposed chest. He placed several kisses on her face and head, “I knew you were a tough bitch, holy fuck, you’re back,” he said relieved and sat back.
Wade then raised his brows and looked between the two of them as they sat underneath the blankets and then nodded with a smirk.
“Hey- you two finally boned, nice,”
Hayden grabbed her pillow and hit him with it, “Shut up,”
“Hey, not judging, ‘thank god you’re alive sex’ is pretty amazing,”
“What did you want Wade?” Nathan rolled his eyes and sighed.
“Well, initially I was calling you down for breakfast, but now we have to let everyone know you’re not dead, especially Hope, she’s not even talking to her Uncle Wade she’s so upset,”
“Again, you’re not her Uncle,” Nathan grunted.
“That’s not what she believes,” he smiled cheekily.
  Hayden’s eyes widened, “Oh my God- Hope,” she turned to get out of the bed when she realised that she was completely naked, and her clothing was anywhere but near enough to grab.
Nathan turned and got out of the bed himself, not caring if Wade saw him naked, a decision he instantly regretted as the merc opened his mouth.
“Hello, Daddy,” Wade remarked as he saw Nathan’s firm ass, he turned around with a snarl.
“Watch it Wilson, just because I’m naked doesn’t mean I can’t kick your damn ass,” he pointed a finger at him to emphasise the threat.
“Oh yes Daddy, I’ve been a very bad boy, you’ll definitely have to punish me,” he added as he eyed Nathan’s cock.
“Wade, shut the hell up,” Hayden hit him with the pillow again, and he turned to her with a cheeky grin on his face.
“I’ve missed you,”
“Yeah, yeah idiot,” she rolled her eyes as he hugged her again, Nathan tossed his shirt to her and he slipped his jeans on so that Wade would stop staring at him, and then kept the merc’s attention away so that Hayden could put the shirt on. “Thanks Nate,”
                                   She stood up now, the shirt being huge on her, Wade giggled and she looked at him irritably.
“Nice breasts sis,” he winked at the shirt, the white material revealing her breasts.
“Oh fuck you,” she shoved him on the bed and gathered the rest of her clothes and changed in the bathroom, she returned fully dressed. “We’ll meet you downstairs Wade, and leave it as a surprise alright?” he nodded and left.
Hayden wrapped her arms around Nathan’s neck and pulled him in for a kiss, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close, they pulled apart.
“I thought I’d never get him to leave,” she shook her head with a smile.
Nathan smiled and looked at her with half-lidded eyes, “I almost thought I was dreaming when I saw you next to me just now,”
“Well I’m here, for realsies,” she smiled and he kissed her again.
“You know, I had this, interesting, dream about you last night,”
“Well um,” he cleared his throat, “That you gave birth… to our daughter, it felt so real, I wish it was,” her eyes widened and she backed away slightly.
  “I mean, I wish it wasn’t-” he corrected himself worried now.
“No, no it’s not-” she let out a shaky breath; “I’m just surprised that you of all people would have a dream like that, and I…” she trailed off and stared at the wall.
“You… what?”
“I, I don’t even-”
“Is it something to do with the scar across your abdomen that I saw?” he asked now curious, she nodded. “You don’t have to tell me until you’re ready to,” he assured her.
“No I- I want to, other than Wade, nobody knows. It’s a- Hydra,” she bit her lower lip, he nodded, wanting her to continue speaking. “I got pregnant with that guy, Bucky, twice,” she kept her eyes focused on the wall to avoid his gaze, “The first pregnancy didn’t even reach the third month before I miscarried, and the second- the second miscarried at almost six months, so they uh,” she swallowed, “Cut it out of me,” a tear fell down her cheek. “I don’t even know what sex it was,” she looked down to the floor.
  He walked forward and cupped her face and made her look in his eyes before kissing her lips slowly and softly, when they parted he stroked her hair gently as she hugged him tightly.
“I don’t even know if I can, if I can carry a baby full-term, the last I knew-” she sniffled hard into his shoulder, “The serum had made my body toxic, but that was so long ago, Nathan-”
“Shh, it’s alright, it’s okay. I’m not expecting you to carry our children, besides there are other methods aren’t there? You guys aren’t that archaic are you? Not that I’m looking to be a dad again, I mean I’ve been mistaken as Hope’s grandfather for God’s sake, fuck-”
“It’s okay, sorry I just-” she took a deep breath, “I would never mind having children with you, hell seeing you with Hope made me really want that too, I just, I don’t want to disappoint you if I can’t- you know, get pregnant, or if I do and then-”
“I understand,” he kissed her, and then he intertwined his fingers with hers, “But that’s something to talk about another time, right now though? We need to go see Hope, she’s going to be over the moon knowing that you’re alive,” he tugged her hand gently and they went downstairs, together.
                                                          * * *
                                “HADES!” Hope screamed and ran to her, hugging her tightly.
“Hey sweetie,” Hayden squeezed her tightly and the girl cried in delight, “I’m so sorry for scaring you like that, I’m so, so sorry,” she soothed the girl’s back lovingly.
The others watched and were still processing Hayden’s presence, Nathan’s smile growing as he watched his two favourite girls hug each other so close, when they let go Hope frowned at Hayden.
“Don’t ever do that again, Momma,” she then hugged her around her neck, Hayden’s eyes widened and she tried to look up at Nathan whose heart had just turned to a puddle; he knew very well that Hope adored Hayden from the start but he hadn’t expected her to call Hayden ‘Momma’.
“M-Momma?” she stuttered and looked at the girl with large eyes.
“Yes,” she nodded, “Daddy and I liked you since the carnival and I told him you were going to be my Momma, and you are,”
“I- well I’m honoured, you’re the daughter I’ve never had,” she squeezed the girl in her arms so hard that the girl squealed and insisted on being let go. “Sorry sweetheart, sorry,” she brushed Hope’s hair back and smiled.
“It’s okay Momma,” she looked up at Nathan, “And Daddy, I don’t care what Mommy’s lawyers say I want to stay with you, with Momma and you, and Uncle Wade,” she grinned at Wade who put a hand over his chest.
  “Damn right you are, Hope,” Wade said.
“Language Wade,” Hayden gave him a look as she stood and brushed the little girl’s hair.
“But Hope, it’s dangerous here for you,” Nathan didn’t wish he was right, but he wanted to make sure his daughter was safe, even if it meant staying apart from her.
“It’s dangerous back home too,” her lips pouted and she crossed her arms.
“I told you she has the right to make her own decisions too,” Hayden looked at Nathan and he sighed.
“You two are going to be a real handful if you keep teaming up against me like this,” he grinned as he ruffled his daughter’s hair and turned to eye Hayden, she realised there was a sparkle there that had been missing when she’d first met him.
  Everything was falling into place.
>> Chapter 36 <<
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imjustthemechanic · 5 years
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Part 1/? - Transmission Part 2/? - The Sandhill Hotel Part 3/? - Piccadilly
The front doors of the hotel were locked, but Toulouse apparently knew the code to open them, which gave Peggy a moment of pause.  The last person who’d had a code for anything was this Mr. Smith.  Could it be they were walking into the lion’s mouth?  The door opened, and as they stepped out onto the street, Toulouse pulled out a black slab very like the one Sutcliffe had been using, and started to play with that.  That made Peggy wonder some more.
Then she looked up at their surroundings, and everything else was forgotten.
They were right on an intersection of multiple streets, with traffic and pedestrians moving in all directions.  It was getting late in the afternoon.  The air was damp and chilly.  Lights were on in the buildings and vehicles, and the sky was overcast.  That much would have been completely normal for London and wouldn’t have bothered Peggy at all, but everything else she was seeing was wrong.
The cars were wrong.  They were tiny and oddly-shaped, low-slung and streamlined.  Even the double-decker bus that went by wasn’t the type she remembered.  The people were dressed in tight, form-fitting clothing, and many of them were walking along looking at those same little slabs, or holding them against their ears as if talking on a telephone.  Strange music, thumping with bass that shook the air, was coming from several directions.  Across the square was a building covered in huge glowing advertisements for Diet Coke and something called Hyundai and the big staring image of a man’s face with the words The Martian overlaid on it, all of it moving and changing as if on a theatre screen.
And yet… the buildings around her were familiar.  Peggy’s stomach turned itself upside-down as she recognized them.  That must be Regent Street, and there was Piccadilly, and the Barclay’s Bank… but it was all changed.  All a little older, a little patched, retrofitted with this new veneer of brilliant colours and cars that looked like they were designed to fly.  Peggy hadn’t been back to London in more than two years but surely that wasn’t enough time for it to have all changed so much.
She finally remembered that there were other people with her.  Toulouse was still staring at her black slab, tapping a foot impatiently.  Howard was standing behind Peggy, as astonished as she was.
“This doesn’t look like London,” he said quietly.  “Course, I haven’t been there since VE day…”
“No, no this is London,” said Peggy.  “This is Piccadilly Circus.”
Howard visibly relaxed.  “So it’s okay, then,”
“No,” Peggy repeated.  “No, it is not.”
“Ugh,” said Toulouse, shaking her head.  “Five minutes away, my butt!  Where is he?”
“Toulouse?” Peggy asked.
“Yeah?”  The young woman looked at her.
“Where are we?”
“Oh, this is the new Piccadilly,” said Toulouse, gesturing to the building behind her.  “It’s supposed to open next month but they’re way behind.”
Peggy looked over her shoulder and up.  The hotel they’d just come out of was glass-fronted and irregular, as if it were made of several buildings in slightly different architectural styles haphazardly stuck together.  Part of the front façade was covered by an immense piece of canvas with a wading crane logo, and the large words Sandhill Piccadilly in the Heart of London – Opening May.
“Next month?” Howard swallowed.  “It was July.”
“What are you doing here if the hotel isn’t open?” Peggy asked Toulouse.
“Working on my master’s degree,” was the reply.
“You have a master’s degree?”  Howard was interested.
“I’m working on my master’s degree,” Toulouse corrected him.  “I’m visiting the National Archives and Daddy said I could stay in the hotel.  I’m leaving tonight,” she added firmly.  “I’ve had enough – I’ll have somebody pick up my stuff and I’m out!  I don’t want a cow or a car to come flying into my room in the middle of the night!  Who are you?”
“We were investigating an incident in Los Angeles, which also involved cows and cars, oddly enough,” Peggy went on, “and we found a strange machine that apparently transported us here – there’s a matching one in the basement.  They must have a third somewhere,” she realized, “or they wouldn’t have Zola.”  Perhaps they’d nabbed him at the airport.
“I knew there was something up with the men in the basement!” Toulouse exclaimed.  “Daddy told me they’re here to work on the electric and I could stay as long as I didn’t bother them, but I don’t believe it.  The lights keep flickering at all hours and things go bang in the middle of the night, and yesterday a car crashed through the front windows with nobody driving it.  I’ve rung him about it twice now but he never listens to his voicemail.”
What’s your father’s name?” Peggy wanted to know.  She hoped it wasn’t Smith, or else they’d accomplished nothing.
“Dalton Sandhill,” said Toulouse, as if everybody should know that.  Then her eyes re-focused from Peggy’s face to something behind her, and she stood on her tiptoes and waved an arm in the air.  “Finally!”
A dark blue car pulled up beside them, and a black man with short dreadlocks reached over to open the door.  “Lambeth Wilton?” he asked.
“That’s us!” said Toulouse.
Peggy climbed in the back seat and moved over so Howard could do the same, while Toulouse got in the front and strapped herself in with some kind of safety harness.  That was odd, Peggy thought.  They were only going for a drive.
“Come on, seat belts,” the driver said.  “We don’t go anywhere without them.”
Peggy was about to ask dryly whether he were that bad a driver, but then out of the corner of her eye she saw the front door of the hotel open, and there was Sutcliffe, looking around frantically.  She buckled her belt in a hurry and Howard did the same.
“We’ve got them!” she said.  “Now go!”
The car pulled away again as Sutcliffe came running out, waving his arms to tell them to stop.  Howard waved goodbye to him through the window.
There were a million and one more questions Peggy wanted to ask, a thousand things she wanted to discuss and needed to think about, but none of them were anything she could just blurt out in front of strangers.  That was a problem because Howard was doubtless thinking the same things, and Keeping One’s Mouth Shut was a concept he understood only intermittently.  Peggy looked at him and found him on the verge of opening his mouth, so she gave him a fierce glare and pressed a finger to her lips.
Howard quickly shut his mouth, and made a zipper motion across it.
Instead of talking on the way to the Wilton, then, they let Toulouse regale the driver with her tales of strange men in the basement and cows wandering around an unfinished hotel, while Peggy herself stared out the window, listening to her hammering heart.  She’d been in some strange situations before, but she had a feeling that this one, once she confirmed her growing hunch, was going to leave them all behind.
“One day there was even a cow in the lift!” Toulouse was saying.  “What would a cow be doing in a lift?”
“Didn’t you know?  They can’t use the stairs,” the driver said.  “There’s this story about a prank at a university somewhere in America…”
Streets flickered by, teeming with strange people driving strange cars, odd motorcycles and even peculiar, bright yellow-green ambulances.  Many of the buildings were familiar ones, like the National Gallery and the Astor House, but even those weren’t quite right.  Different street signs, different colours of paint and garden features… and as they drove alongside the Thames Peggy saw things that looked like they came from another world.  There was a giant ferris wheel, studded with coloured lights and turning slowly, and tall glassy buildings that looked more like artworks than skyscrapers.
She could hear her blood roaring in her ears.  Peggy had assumed, as had Howard, that what Zola’s kidnappers had built was a teleportation machine, but it didn’t have to be.  There were other ways to vanish in California and reappear in London, especially if a great deal of time elapsed between the two events.
They passed the Monument, and pulled up outside the Lambeth Wilton hotel – Peggy had stayed there before, but this was not the same building.  It must have been razed and rebuilt at some point, and even that would have been some years ago, because the new version had obvious repairs to its stairs and some parts had been re-painted a slightly different colour.
“Lambeth Wilton,” said the driver.  “Here we are.”
Toulouse seemed to pay him using the black slab again, then grabbed her larger silver object, and they headed indoors.
“I hope nobody recognizes me,” she murmured.
Peggy thought it would have been difficult not to pick Toulouse out of a crowd.  “Whyever not?” she asked.
“Because this is a Wilton – that’s why nobody will look for us here,” Toulouse replied.  “Why would a member of the Sandhill family stay at a Wilton?”
“So your father owns the hotel chain, then,” said Peggy, putting a few pieces together.
“He used to,” said Toulouse.  “He passed it on to Cass when he got into politics.”  She gave Peggy a funny look.  “I thought everybody knew that.”
“I think I may be a bit behind the times,” Peggy observed.  She caught Howard’s eye, and saw him nod.  He’d come to the same conclusion she had.
The lobby of the hotel had once featured an extensive fountain, which had since been filled with wood chips and fake plants to try to look like a garden instead.  The result fooled nobody.  Toulouse gave it a frown as she went to the desk to get them a room, but she was sweet and polite to the clerk there, and thanked him with a smile as she escorted Peggy and Howard to the elevators.  There was some clear trepidation on the young woman’s face as she watched the door open, but the car beyond was empty.
“That’s one thing the Wilton can say they have that we don’t,” she remarked.  “Cow-free lifts.”
The elevator began to ascend, and Peggy couldn’t take it anymore.  Now that they were in private, she had to say something.
“You said we were in London,” she said cautiously.
“Of course,” Toulouse replied.  Her thumbs were flying madly over her black slab.  “We saw the London Eye on the way over here.”  Clearly she thought Peggy and Howard were very strange people indeed.
“Humour me a moment let me ask a very odd question,” said Peggy.  “What year is it?”
“Huh?”  Toulouse finally looked up from staring at her slab.  “It’s 2015.  Are you supposed to be time-travelers?”
“Ah…” Peggy glanced at Howard, but he of course was no help.  There was absolutely nothing for it.  “Yes, as a matter of fact.  Where we came from it was… uh…”
“It was 1948,” Howard finished for her, although clearly even he had trouble believing it.  “Sixty-seven years!”
The elevator doors slid open, but Toulouse was too stunned to walk through them.  “Wait, wait,” she said, shoving the slab in her pocket.  “You’re telling me now, that the men Daddy hired to fix the electric are actually building a time machine in the basement ballroom?”
“Yes.  That would be exactly what they’re doing,” said Peggy.
“That’s who kidnapped Zola!” Howard exclaimed.  “Peg, you thought you rooted out HYDRA, but they escaped into the future, and then they came back for him!”
Peggy grabbed his arms.  “You really think so?”  The implications were utterly terrifying.
“Oh, that explains it!” Toulouse said eagerly.
Peggy still wasn’t done processing the idea that HYDRA might be active in the future, she certainly wasn’t ready for that.  “What?” she asked.
The elevator door began to close again, and Toulouse quickly put an arm out to keep it open.  “That’s how they got into America!  There was that whole thing with the helicarriers in Washington… you missed that!”  She tucked the silver object she was still carrying under her arm so she could unlock the door of the hotel suite, using a little card with the Wilton Hotels logo on it.  Inside, she hit the light switch with her elbow, and pulled out her black slab again.  “Let me find you the Wikipedia article.”
They were seventy years in the future, HYDRA was here, and… and Toulouse, she realized, had barely questioned the idea that the two odd people she’d found in a safe in her father’s hotel were from another time.
“So… you believe us?” Peggy asked.  “That we’re time travelers?”
“The world’s gotten weird,” said Toulouse.  She turned the card key over and murmured letters to herself as she entered them in her slab.  “I might believe anything.  Even if there weren’t cows in the lift, aliens attacked Greenwich a couple of years ago and Thor was riding the tube.”
“Thor?” asked Howard with a frown.
“Yes, Thor the Thunder God,” Toulouse agreed.  “You’re gonna love him.  You’ve got the standard scale of one to ten, and Thor’s like a fifteen.  He’s got abs you could do your laundry on.”
“Sounds like your type, Peg,” Howard observed.  Peggy gave him a dirty look.
“He’s way tidier than stodgy old Ca… here it is!”  She held up her slab triumphantly to show something displayed on its surface.
Peggy put out a hand and gently pushed it down.  “Toulouse,” she said.  “That’s lovely, but we need to figure out what we’re going to do about this.”  If everything she’d just heard was true, then Peggy and Howard were seventy years away from home, and that still might be the least of their problems.
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kaisooficrec · 6 years
👻🎃🕸️Halloween Fic List 🕸️🎃👻
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Hey pumpkins ;) KFR has compiled a special list for this year’s Halloween of all all hallow’s eve aus and spooky/dark fics :) we only picked a handful of supernatural and horror due to the vastness of both genres, but we promise we’ll update the list in case a new halloween fic emerges! Happy trick & treating~
halloween themed fics w/ costumes and parties: 
I Don't Belong In Heaven - hallowen party au, have some fallen angel jongin on kyungsoo's lap (public sex, w: use of drugs/aphrodisiac)
Candy Coated - a really popular halloween au! basically sekai throw a halloween party and invite their crushes over, they compete with each other in who’ll get on what base with their other half jgjfjg it’s very funny and jongin is all soft and mushy with kyungsoo ^^
My Boo - lol this is hella great halloween pwp, jongin dresses up as a ghost, and goes with his boyfie soo to their friends’ party and kind of ditch them in the backyard to have fun on their own :ppp 
PumpKing + Little Devil - halloween specials (fluff and then smut) related to timefortea’s millionaire’s matchmaker :) they carve pumpkin and then go to a halloween party :~)
Make It Double - family au, parents kd are making halloween special for their baby ^^
kaisoo halloween drabble - sweet fluffy slice of life where kd celebrate halloween outside of their apartment!
Conceiving An Idea - jongin goes to sm’s halloween party and misses his hyung (smut ;)
vampires and pumpkins - a sweet drabble with vampire!kd and they can’t decide what to dress for halloween!
do not tempt me - jongin is not able to attend sm halloween party due to his leg injury but he gets home to a surprise (crossdressing soo as a girl)
someone call the doctor - soo’s friends decide to throw a halloween party but soo isn’t feeling well (and ‘doctor’ jongin will tend to him *u*)
You’re Under Arrest (For Stealing My Heart) - genderswap (girl!soo) decides to dress as a sexy inmate for halloween au
Undressed - genderswap girl!soo who is a teacher and goes to a party only to come home with (unknowingly) one of her students
Give Me a Sign - college boyfriends go to a halloween party on campus ^u^
Give It 2 U - another crossdress!soo smut, jongin goes to a halloween party without him because soo doesn’t like halloween but he has fun on his own when jongin gets back
Halloween is a Magical Holiday - pwp + cross-dressing, seems like dress ups r taken v seriously in many halloween au :--) d.o is jongin’s favourite camboy (exhibitionism, crossdressing, college au)
Halloween’s Happening - sm halloween party with all exo members in costumes and kd smut again jfjdf
And To All A Good Night - this is where jongin dislikes halloween while kyungsoo loves it and they clash during pumpkin carving
Imagine That. - nerd + bad boy au, there is a part where they dress up for a party, jongin is a sweet puppy and bad boy kyungsoo is just super soft for him ^^
Halloween Fictober by bookishvice, these are halloween ficlets which are ult adorable, feat. kid kaisoo go trick and treating and more!
then some supernaturale fluffy, not-very spooky ones:
All Hallow’s Meet / (AFF) - ghost au / soulmate au, very somber and bittersweet, just beautifullll
Spooked - it’s basically fluff and a bit crack so not spooky?? kyungsoo has to go to a haunted house in the woods :D
Wading In Scarlet Lust - noir psychological vampire au. jongin comes from a royal family where his siblings and parents abuse him. he lives a miserable lonely life but then a dark soul with crimson eyes lures him promising freedom and a chance to revenge 
Spice Up my Party - we’re not done yet with halloween party au! tmi au inspired, jongin is a shy shadowunter and kyungsoo a party loving warlock who doesn’t give up on pursuing jongin ;) i luuuv
Stitch Me Up - zombie jongin has a crush on an adorable vampire in a town ^^
By the Power of Love - wizard soo has a crush on jongin and wants him to like kyungsoo too so he makes a potion! but does jongin really need it? ;)
Salt Circles - boyfriends but also demon hunters kaisoo drabble ^^
Let’s End It Together - supernatural ghost au and haunted house au! horror-ish but it’s not scary i promise!
Don't Wave No Goodbye (You loved me then and I love you now) - miss minty-pixie’s incredible ghost au! kyungsoo is a ghost and it’s said that the person who loves you can see you...it’s not his bf sehun who can see him but jongin, his bestfriend :o
Cute Vampire - vampire au drabble with confession ohh yeah and childhood friends kd
We Pick Ourselves Undone - zombie soo wants to find love but it's hard with his appearance until he meets jongin, the sweetest non-judgemental vampire ever ;;;;;;; soft!!!!
Who You Gonna Call? - ghostbusters au and both have a crush on each other but are too oblivious! fluff and comedy!
Virus - soft zombie au where zombie!soo is very nice and doesn’t want to eat jongin’s brains hehe
You Breathe Life Into Me - flooff! Kyungsoo is a zombie who wishes to find love, so he approaches a matchmaking agency and finds Jongin, a fellow zombie who has a loose jaw, but a tight hold on his heart ♥
It Will Come Back - A thunderstorm one night brings more than broken branches to Kyungsoo's doorstep (vampire!au)
you're like caffeine - fluffy ghost au where ghost!soo lives in jongin’s room
Kyungsoo hates Halloween (until he doesn't) - kyungsoo is forced by his friend to go to a ‘haunted’ house but then meets cutie jongin in there ;)) 
I don’t get mad, I get even - by kyungharem (she has more horror stuff:’), Kai cheats on Kyungsoowith Baekhyun and Kyungsoo gets even (warnings: gore/torture)
A Psychopath, a Psychopath, He Says He Loves Me - Psychopath!Kai, Sociopath!Kyungsoo, they both have their issues (warnings: gore, horror, dub/non-con, hinted daddy kink)
He’s my Black Pearl - Kyungsoo is a fisherman in a loving relationship with jongin and does not believe in urban legends about seafood and oysters. one day he scraps his knee which he bandages, not thinking how serious it can get. (warnings: gore, loss of mental stability, kind of amputation) this fic...wow
Across - hitman!Kyungsoo and convenience store worker!Jongin, and neither of them knows what they are getting into (warnings: gore, violence, stockholm and lima syndrome, abuse)
Teddy Bear, Say Goodnight - demon!Kai thinks the souls of sinners are the tastiest (warnings: horror, nightmares, mentions of gore/violence)
Deep Breath - a drabble, kind of a ghost au
Presents - jongin meets a cat hybrid at his friend’s halloween party but doesn’t know there’s more to the hybrid than he thought (feral!soo, dangerous!soo)
ground zero - After moving away from the city, Jongin meets someone who only asks for him to read his favorite book (tw for self-harm)
throes of insanity - mental institution, psycho!jongin, kyungsoo is supposed to help jongin who has schizophrenia and others are afraid of him
Mine - school au, kyungsoo really likes jongin, his friend and considers him his pet (psycho!soo umm this fic holy moly)
After Life - Kyungsoo and Jongin have been long time lovers, only that on a rainy day, Jongin passed away in a tragic accident, leaving his soul looking for Kyungsoo (!!!aaaaa!!!)
Keep Your Eyes Open - ghost!au, when Kyungsoo woke up, he hadn’t expected to find out he was dead. Or spending the rest of his life trapped in a house. (AHS inspired)
Beneath My Bed - two shots with two alternative endings! kai is the ‘bed monster’ ;)
In Pace Requiescat - battle royale inspired. kd and friends go camping which turns into a survival game
Watching You - Jongin always sees Kyungsoo, even when the rest of the world doesn't. (tw: for possible gore)
under your skin - psycho!jongin, kyungsoo meets jongin in a psychology lecture and falls in love, but little did he know...:o
Thy Soul Shalt Not Rest - ongoing, murder mystery. jongin and kyungsoo were supposed to be on a date but everything changes when they find a body in a park (fuuudge this rly thrilling so far!)
- Admins J + Cupcake
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ritacaroline · 5 years
Starshine                           Ch. 13 Jimmy Page               Fan Fiction
Sequel to In The Light
On the next Monday, Linda returned to her new temporary residence (her sister Carla’s place,) after work. It was her new headquarters. She got quite comfy on the couch with a pint of Cherry Garcia and a funny tv show and was feeling way relaxed. The doorbell rang and she opened the door to a florist delivery guy, saying,
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 “Delivery for Linda Moore.“  She responded, “Yes, that’s me. Thanks.” And carried in the tremendous vase of glorious red roses. Hmmm, red roses indicate love. Okay. As she sat down, astonished by them, she located the card. Opened it up and read, “Linda, I love you. So very much. Please forgive me. I’m more sorry than you can know. I need you back, please be my love again.  Sincerely, Robert.”
“Oh, how pathetic !” she laughed. “Isn’t he cute !? He thinks I need him.” With a scoff and an irritated expression, Linda brought the card with her to the flames in the fireplace. She pulled out her pocket lighter and flipped it on. Then, she held the card into the flame, till the blaze was nearly burning her finger where she held it. Then, threw it carefully into the fireplace. She brought a carafe of water into the living room to add to the flower vase. Why waste a perfectly good set of three dozen roses ? Which smelled rather nicely afterall !  A few minutes later, she heard a key in the door lock, to see that it was Carla returning from her own work. Linda stood and went to hug her girl, arriving home. “Hey,” spoke Carla, “Where did the flowers come from ? ”
Lin : “Oh, they’re from Robert. He thinks he’s got a prayer. But he doesn’t.”
Carla said, “Oh wow, Lin, I didn’t realize he’d try so hard to get you back.”
Linda answered, “That was trying hard ?!  All he did was make a call and place an order.”
Carla added, “But how did he know where you are ?”  
Linda said, “Not sure. Maybe one of my friends let it slip. But that info doesn’t help him, not one micron. I’m not hiding from anyone.  He’ s the one who’s done something wrong, not me.”
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Over at Jimmy and Jill’s place, Jill and Clare were wading casually in the shallow end of the pool. Jimmy was indoors, working in the home studio. It was a very warm and humid day as the ladies grasped onto kickboards and slowly migrated around the perimeter of the huge pool together. The two girls absolutely loved the freedom of floating about through the water. They both always needed sunblock to protect their gorgeous skin.  Clare was telling Jill the issues she was going through during the first trimester of her pregnancy, as they sipped on their iced teas. About being famished for something to eat. Then once she would eat a small meal, only to get painfully sick and toss the entire thing. And a nearly non stop sensation of nausea. Not just morning time, but all day long time. Things smelled odd or off such as perfumes or room fresheners or cleaning products. She had to put many of those items into storage and keep them well out of sight. Just the view of these things would increase the nausea exponentially. Also the scent of various foods she used to love would disgust her and totally reek. Craving crazy things for a snack. Such as Spaghettios and fresh squeezed tangerine juice.  Hearing about this, Jill was learning a lot. Clare also shared that John Henry was treating her like a delicate little princess. He was going well out of his way to keep her comfortable and satisfied with any little request she had. Keeping her very well pampered. And he was extremely emotional and caring toward her. It was wonderful. And Clare was really deeply in love with him. 
Meanwhile, Robert had stopped over to see Jimmy at home. Mrs. K. let him in and sent him downstairs to the music studio. The red light was off, so Rob knocked on the wall as he entered the room. So as not to startle Jimmy straight through the roof.
Rob : “Hey mate, how’s it going ?”, as he saw Jimmy, eyes down, focusing on the frets and strings.
Jim, ”Oh, great Rob, what brings you here ?”
Rob : “Oh, not much. Just thought we could have a coffee and a chat, that’s all.”
Jim : “ Fine, have a seat. I’ll have Mrs. K. bring down a few coffees for us, ok ?”
Rob : “Great. I’d love that.”
Jimmy intercommed Mrs. K. to request coffee and a snack to be brought down. He began thinking to himself, Rob hasn’t dropped in, unannounced before, in ages. Possibly ever. Therefore, this has to be due to ? Linda, of course. That’s the only thing that’s changed, that could be eating at him. Jimmy said to himself,  how is Rob going to start this conversation, without being obvious that it was the sole reason for the visit ? Without appearing needy or pathetic ? There was no way. Rob would have to try, to not reek of those qualities. Rob had always acted like women were something that were easily attained, easily discarded, then there’d be plenty more around for with which to entertain himself. Jim was very thoughtful to his friend, and decided to just directly ask him about it. This way, they could minimize Rob’s struggling and get right to the point.
Jim : “So tell me, what’s happening between you and Linda ? Have you located her yet ?” 
Rob : “ Funny you should ask.  Yes, one of her friends had mentioned she’d heard Linda was staying with her younger sister. So, I’ve sent her some roses with a note, asking her to come back. But haven’t heard anything from her yet.”
Jim : “So what do you think is on her mind ?”
Rob : “Of course I know she’s furious. When I came by last week, she said let’s stay away from each other, and check back in “a few“ months. To see how we each feel by then. See if either of us, or both of us wants to get back together. And if we both want to, then we will. You know, so we can think it over for awhile. But really, how many months is a few ? How long do I have to wait ?”
Jim :  “Well, that sounds like there may be a possibility ! At least she’s not saying that she has no more feelings for you. Or that there’s no chance she’ll ever come back. Basically she said there’s a chance. That means she still cares for you. She’s simply not putting up with you sampling any more skirts, is all. Are you capable of doing that for her ?  And, are we to say that you’re really hoping to have her come back, then ?”
Rob, “Well, yes ! Obviously. Nothing’s going right without her. The house feels completely empty. Lonely. Depressing. Dead. I really fucked things up. Can’t believe that one little afternoon of getting a little could do so much damage. Truthfully, I don’t think I knew what I had, when Linda was my girl. I didn’t appreciate her as she deserved. She’s a fantastic girl. But I see what I had now. How would I find another girl like Linda, now. Yeah, I know there’re thousands of available women around. But none of them are Linda. By the way, Page,…keep this incident in mind, in case your mind starts wandering or leading you astray, when you see a delicious dish. Because, look where it got me. Five minutes of kissing and groping sure wasn’t worth what I’m going through now.”
Jim :  “Thanks Rob. Great advise. I don’t really need it though. I know it wouldn’t be a possibility, to find another woman like Jill. I knew I fell into luck, when I found her. What do you think you’ll do then ? When attempting to get Linda back ?”
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Rob : “ Well all I’ve got so far, is that we can build a time machine, ya know, HG Wells style. Set the dial to last Wednesday, 11:30 am. When Vanessa and company step in, I could say, “Ladies, thanks for the visit, but we’re way too busy for guests now. Sorry, but you’ll need to leave. Important Led Zeppelin business is happening at the moment.” Ha ha. If that were to happen, then I’d still be surrounded with the love and warmth of my girl, enjoying her beautiful spirit and gorgeous face and body and her sweetness. Instead of aching for her. Every bit of me is aching for her, I’m miserable. And there’s fucking no relief in sight.”
Next Ch. (14)  ”https://ritacaroline.tumblr.com/post/185345888071/starshine-ch14
Chapter Index for “Starshine” is located at bottom section of Ch.1 , click here : https://ritacaroline.tumblr.com/post/184383708541/starshine-ch-1-jimmy-page-fan
Link to “In The Light” - original fan fic - https://ritacaroline.tumblr.com/Fan%20Fiction
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theoneanna · 6 years
Hiddlefics: Tom and Wade The Duck
Hello Everybody!
This is my 7th review so I am feeling a little bit more confident with my writing but please feel free to give me feedback and let me know if my reviews spoil the story for you or actually makes you want to read them. THANK YOU for being patient with my writing and for sharing my reviews and Hiddlefic’s Masterlist.
Thank you!
Tom and Wade The Duck
by: @jpat82​
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Summary by author: One of My favorite Mini series to write, involving Tom Hiddleston, the Reader and their amazing little Duck, Wade.
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Reader x Wade 
Warning: Fluff 
This mini series has 9 published stories. Here are the names of the chapters:
Angry Bird Adventures Of Duck-pool?  Duck and Balloons  Wade and the Midnight Kitchen Flood  Wade Meets Sherbert  Wade Visits Hotel Holland Country Cottage  Wade and the Mouse House  Wade and Sister Woes  Wade and the Wedding Planner Wedding Duck  Wade and The Duckception
I want to make this review a bit different than my previous ones because I feel this series is quite different than other series, because in my opinion you could read every chapter or story as a one shot or you know, follow little Wade for the whole series. So, I’m going go leave here the first paragraph of the first chapter so you know where the story is going but what actually happens isn't spoiled. 
   “ It was a gorgeous spring day, and as usual you had decided to walk to the store and back. Tom was off doing whatever with one of his friends and you had decided to stay home. The two of you had just gotten home from him doing massive press tours for his new movie coming out.
You were deep in thought about what you were making for dinner when you heard the unmistakable cry of something. It was a high pitched chirping sound, you stopped and looked around before your eyes focus on the metal grating on the side of the street.
Curiously you walked over and peered inside, and there at the bottom was a tiny little ball of feathers. It chirped again and waddled around in the bottom of the storm drain. You snapped your head up and looked around for momma duck but didn’t see her. So you did what any good hearted person would do.!
Every chapter on Tom and Wade The Duck is very different but they do have a chronological order. I ADORE Wade! He is my favorite animal in Tumblr (He would be the perfect companion for Bobby) he is a tiny duck that runs the house, thinks and acts like he is a guardian dog and will make sure to let you know whether he likes you or not. 
About the reader and Tom, what I like about their relationship in this series is that is all fun and games! They are so silly together and tease each other like children but most of all you can actually feel the love they have for each other. Plus, is so funny how Tom and Wade “relationship” starts and how it evolves through out the series. 
This is what I call a mood booster series, because it doesn't matter how you are feeling, I guarantee you, you will always end up with a big smile on your face after reading each story. 
Even though I just shared a huge quote from the series I’m still going to leave here a couple of my favorite quotes, (I’m leaving them at the end in case you consider them spoilers but to me they are more like teasers) hoping to awake your interest and make you head over Here and read it yourself.
- Anna 💕
PS. Please feel free to share, comment or suggest anything and everything for this review! Enjoy your reading!
“ “Darling.” Tom sighed, shaking his head as you started laughing.”
“Wade, you can’t hit daddy like that, it’s not nice.”
“ “Tom.” You called out softly, you watched as the man slowly turned, eyes wide. 
“No.” He told you, already knowing where this was going.”
“Stick your tongue out at me one more time.”
“Just to let you know Wade is NOT happy about it either.”
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bastardnev · 6 years
That Guy Next Door -- Ch. 14
MORNIN LADS we’ve only got a few more chapters left to go and im getting Emo
tagging: @tylerblacks @joonhobi @rivela @aliciasfox @sailor-slam-dunk @kidvoodoo @smolsammichu @simulated-heat @douglas-leon-michael @1dluver13xx -- and, just for this chapter since it’s got Her Boy in it, im gonna tag @cruisingforcruiserweights :3c (lemme know if you wanna be added to my tag list!!)
Prev.: Ch. 1 ♡ Ch. 2 ♡ Ch. 3 ♡ Ch. 4 ♡ Ch. 5 ♡ Ch. 6 ♡ Ch. 7 ♡ Ch. 8 ♡ Ch. 9 ♡ Ch. 10 ♡ Ch. 11 ♡ Ch. 12 ♡ Ch. 13 ♡
As Neville had learned over the years, the annual family vacation was always a chore, mainly because no one could ever agree on where they wanted to go. Jen wanted to go to Paris (“You got money to buy plane tickets?”), Daisy wanted a road trip across the country (“Only if you promise not to ask ‘Are we there yet?’ every ten seconds.”), and Wade mostly just wanted to stay home and sleep (“And you get annoyed when I call you Wade ‘Lazyass’ Barrett.”)
This year, however, Wade was singing a very different tune with regards to how he planned on spending the summer.
“So you’re telling me that Austin has this cabin?” Neville asked one night as the two of them relaxed in Wade’s basement apartment, taking a slow sip of his drink. “Somewhere in the mountains?”
“That’s what he told me. Apparently it used to be his grandparents’ or something.” Wade was switching from channel to channel, eventually settling on some random paranormal show. Neville tried not to look too interested (it was a guilty pleasure interest of his, though he didn’t want Wade to know that). “It’s got quite a bit of room in it. He says he wants to take me there sometime.”
“Hmm.” Neville started to think (all while ‘coincidentally’ staring at the television screen). He didn’t want to invite himself to someone else’s property, but there was a part of him that was tempted to ask if they could have their vacation there. If it had a good amount of room and could house the whole group (including Mustafa, assuming he was able to come), then it might not be a bad idea.
“What’re you thinkin’ about?”
“Well…” Neville pursed his lips. “Y’know what, forget it. I don’t wanna intrude on you guys’ private time.”
“What, you and Moose wanna come? That’s fine! Leave the girls with a sitter or someone, the four of us could spend some quality time together, y’knowwhatI’msayin’?” At that, Wade nudged him with his elbow, and Neville gave him a shove.
“I’m not travelling up to the mountains to have a foursome, Wade.”
“What-- So then why even bother going?!”
Neville couldn’t believe how incredulous he sounded. “Most people don’t go on mountain trips with the intent to fuck all their friends.” He rolled his eyes, ignoring Wade’s “Because most people are cowards…” that followed his response. “I was hoping, if Moose and I are even invited, I could bring the kids too. Make that our yearly vacation.”
“I can’t see why he’d mind. He’s been dying to meet you. I’m sure he’d like to meet your children, too.” He leaned in closer, smirking. “And the man you looooove…”
Neville’s face went red, and he looked back to the television, taking a big gulp of his drink. “U-Uh…”
“What? You okay?”
“I’m fine, I just didn’t expect you to say that, that’s all… You caught me off guard.”
“I’m not being all that serious. Don’t couples casually say that they love each other all the time? It’s no big deal.”
“Um… Yeah, let’s go with that!” Neville forced a smile, staring down into his cup.
Wade took notice of his odd behavior, and he cocked his head to the side. “Okay, tell me what’s going on,” he said with a sigh.
“What? There’s nothing going on.”
“You’re acting like that again,” Wade pointed out. “I can tell when you’re worrying about something, especially when it’s Mustafa related. Go on, tell me what’s bugging you.”
Neville blinked at him, but he resigned quickly, desperate to get what he was thinking about off of his chest. “Well… I’ll be totally honest, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about if what I feel for Mustafa is actually love.”
“Does it feel like it could be love?”
“I… think it does?” He scratched the back of his head. “We… had this conversation about a month or so ago about whether or not he sees himself as being Jen and Daze’s father, and he said that he did. And, well… he might have made a brief reference to marrying me that I haven’t been able to stop thinking about since.”
“For real?” Wade’s tone was softer now, and it sounded like he was genuinely happy to hear Neville say that. “God, you’re so head-over-heels for him, it’s unreal. How can you still be doubting if you love him if this is how you’re getting after the mere mention of marrying each other?”
“I’m so unsure because we still haven’t actually said ‘I love you’ yet. Not even after such a serious conversation…” Neville figured that, since a conversation like that involved their long-term future together, and since it had gone so well, at least one of them would have been able to work up the nerve and finally say those three words.
And yet, it hadn’t happened.
Something about that bothered Neville far more than it probably should have.
“That doesn’t mean he doesn’t actually feel that way. One of you just has to say it.”
“It’s not that easy! I gotta do it at the right time, I gotta practice what I’m gonna say beforehand because you and I both know that I’m gonna stutter if I don’t, I gotta do it when I’m least likely to be interrupted--”
“Hey, how about this,” Wade interrupted, putting an arm around Neville’s shoulders. “I’ll talk to Austin about all of us going to his cabin over the summer. You bring Moose along with us, and you can tell him while we’re there. Nothing says ‘romance’ like professing your love in the middle of the woods miles away from civilization.”
“You have a very interesting definition of romance, you know that?”
“Damn right.”
“And this isn’t gonna end up like the time you wanted me to kiss him, is it?” Neville was wary. “I remember you making those weird faces at me during dinner.”
“Nev, let’s be real -- if Austin is near me, I will not be paying attention to what you two get up to. All I can do is hope that you’ll do what you’re supposed to be doing. That, of course, being that you’ll tell Moose you love him.”
Neville knew that Wade’s schemes were more trouble than they were worth, but this one wasn’t the worst he’d heard. He envisioned him and Mustafa awake one night, perhaps sitting by a fire pit, enjoying the night air. Such a romantic moment would surely be the perfect time to finally tell Mustafa about how deep his feelings for him were.
“Alright, Wade, you’ve got me,” Neville replied. “I’m in.”
“That’s what I like to hear.” Wade reached for his phone. “I’ll text Austin and ask him what he thinks. I get the feeling that this is going to be a very interesting vacation.”
“I don’t doubt that at all…”
The few hours that it took to drive up to where the cabin was would have been a lot more bearable had Daisy not been asking “Are we there yet?” every few minutes (though Neville had fully expected this, so he couldn’t act like he was surprised), but in the end they still made it. It was bigger than Neville thought it would be, with two floors, and even a back deck. I can see why Austin would want to bring Wade up here. Neville mused to himself when he realized that there was also a hot tub. I’m sure they’d be spending lots of time in there if it were only the two of them. (He tried to ignore the look Wade gave him when Mustafa said something about wanting to go in it one night.)
Neville was admittedly a little off-put by the sheer amount of woods surrounding the cabin, but this was yet another thing that he expected, so he had no right to complain. Still, though, he and the rest of his family were farther away from civilization than he would like them to be.
Austin had warned him against worrying, however, saying that there was “nothing to be afraid of, kid.”
“Is there anything even in those woods? Chipmunks? Bunnies? Sasquatch?” Neville responded, not taking his eyes off of the trees.
“Yes, yes, and maybe. And, well, bears.” At this, Neville’s eyes widened, and Austin gave him a pat on the shoulder, shooting him a big grin. “But hey, they’re just like big raccoons. They won’t bug you if you don’t bug them.”
“But what if one of us runs into one? What do we do then?”
“Mind your own business, that’s what.” And with one last wink from Austin, their conversation ended, and Neville had made a mental note to have a talk with the girls about not wandering into the dense brush without adult supervision (though he wasn’t entirely sure if any of the adults on this vacation were adequately prepared to deal with wild bears, least of all the pipsqueak that owned the property).
There were three bedrooms in the cabin, each with only one bed in it -- which was a problem to no one except for Jen, who was complaining about having to share a bed with her sister (“She snores, daddy!” She had said, a statement Neville admittedly doubted). After being informed that her only other option was the couch, her tune changed, and she was suddenly on board with sharing. Let’s hope Daze doesn’t actually snore. For her sake.
“So, what’s on the agenda for the next couple of days?” Mustafa asked Neville that evening following dinner once the two of them had returned to their bedroom, plopping down on the bed. “Other than avoiding bears, of course,” he added with a playful grin.
“Hey, don’t act like I was wrong in bringing that up,” Neville responded, sitting at the edge of the bed. “Last thing I need is for someone to go wandering off. Six people came to this cabin, and six people are gonna leave this cabin at the end of the week. No less. Or more, for that matter.”
“Damn, there go my plans of sneaking a bear into the trunk. Now I gotta think of a new birthday gift idea for you.”
“Very funny.”
“Look, I get why you’re worried, but I really think you can trust what Austin says about bears not being a real threat. We just can’t go out after dark.”
“You say this now, but I know you’ll get scared if you come across one.”
“That depends, am I alone?”
“That’s up to you.”
“Well, if I’m alone, the I’d definitely be freaked out. But if you’re with me…” Mustafa’s hand snaked over to Neville’s, and he smirked and added, “Well, I’ll just push you towards the bear and make a run for it.”
Before Neville could say anything more, he heard the sound of Daisy squealing, as well as some giggling coming from the room next door. “Oh, God, are they jumping on the bed?” The next sound they both heard was that of a thump -- which meant that one of them had probably fallen off the bed -- followed by even more laughter. “Oh yeah, they definitely are.”
“You can’t let them have any fun, can you?” Mustafa chuckled as Neville knocked on the wall, hoping that his message came across clearly through that.
“How fun can it really be if they’re crashing to the floor? Nothing against Austin, but I don’t think Mr. Mountain Man is adequately prepared to deal with either one of those kids when they’re injured.” Neville barely was, and he was their own father.
“About what you said before, though,” Neville continued, “I think Austin mentioned something about heading into a nearby town tomorrow and getting some supplies that we’ll need for the next few days. We can look around and see what other stuff is in the area.” Knowing his daughters, they were going to want to check out every local attraction and gift shop. And he also knew that his wallet would be begging for mercy by the end of the trip.
“I was doing some research the other night, and I saw that there’s this zoo not too far away. Maybe one day we can go there?”
“That’s a possibility.”
“Oh, and I was also thinking…”
While Neville wanted to pay attention to the other suggestions Mustafa had for activities, he was primarily thinking about one of his main goals for that week -- to find a moment to finally tell Mustafa that he loved him. That played a big part in why he even agreed to go to this cabin in the first place. He needed to pick an appropriate time -- not tonight, but maybe tomorrow? Maybe if they found themselves alone in that hot tub, like Mustafa had suggested earlier…
“Hmm?” All thoughts of a wet Mustafa were (unfortunately) driven from Neville’s mind when he spoke.
“Are you listening to me?”
“Of course I am!” He scoffed. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
Mustafa didn’t seem convinced by this. “What did I just say?”
Neville pursed his lips. “‘Are you listening to me?’”
This prompted Mustafa to give him a light smack on the arm, and he rolled his eyes. “Smartass.”
“Only for you.”
Neville had told himself to expect the unexpected when it came to this trip. As such, he wasn’t surprised by Daisy’s whining during the ride to the mountains, nor was he too surprised by how deep in the woods the cabin was.
And yet, somehow he was surprised by how difficult it was to find a moment alone with Mustafa.
As planned, on their first day they went into the local town and browsed the stores. Neville knew that he wasn’t going to get a chance to tell Mustafa anything important during this trip, especially since Mustafa was far too preoccupied with finding little knick knacks that had the name ‘Adrian’ on it to pay attention. (“Moose, what am I going to do with a light-up keychain?” “It has your name on it! The possibilities are endless!”)
The following day saw them going to the zoo that Mustafa mentioned. All in all it was a lovely day, and after finding themselves sitting on a bench for a few moments while the others were petting the rabbits, Neville thought he had a chance. Then a nosy peacock had showed up behind him, and Neville was too on edge from the way it was staring it him to work up the nerve to say ‘I love you’. I can’t escape my feud with fucking birds even when I’m on vacation.
Then they had gone on a nature walk through a park not too far from the cabin -- one that was still surrounded by a forest, but was supposedly bear free. If it were only the two of them on this vacation, then the little bridge that hung over the creek would have been the perfect spot. With the water gently flowing below and the sounds of nature surrounding them, Neville couldn’t think of a better moment.
It wasn’t just the two of them, however, which meant that this was another excursion where Neville wasn’t able to do what he wanted to do (especially not while Daisy was chasing Jen around with the various bugs she was finding in the mud).
He couldn’t even blame Wade’s meddling for his lack of alone time opportunities -- he had stuck to his word and left Neville to his own devices, instead preoccupying himself with whatever it was that Austin was doing. Though it pained him to admit it, Neville regretted letting him do this. If anything, having Wade around would be helpful -- he knew that he’d be easily able to clear out a room and give Neville and Mustafa some time to themselves. Why is it that no matter what I try to do with this man, somehow it ends up biting me in the ass in the end?
Neville toyed with the idea of asking him for some help, but he knew that would be difficult. He couldn’t even find a few minutes alone with his own boyfriend (other than the time they spent in their bedroom, which was not the place he planned on telling him something so important -- especially not with the strict ‘no sexual intercourse’ rule that Austin insisted on enforcing), let alone Wade.
Regardless of Neville’s plans, the fact was that at that moment Wade wasn’t helping him, and now there he was, resting on the living room couch with Mustafa, Wade, and Austin on their final evening at the cabin. It was getting late, both Jen and Daisy having ‘gone off to bed’ (Neville was fully convinced that they were planning on staying up for the rest of the night), and it looked like the four of them would be doing the same soon.
“What time is it?” Neville asked, looking through the nearby glass doors that led to the outside deck. He could barely see a thing in the darkness.
Mustafa lazily lifted his head off his shoulder, checking the time on his phone. “Almost midnight. Way too late to be up, since we’ve got a long drive home tomorrow,” he replied.
“Ugh, I almost forgot about that…” Wade complained.
“Nothing’s stopping you from staying here for a few more days, y’know…” Austin muttered. “I wouldn’t mind having you.”
“A fantastic idea!” Neville grinned, clapping his hands together. “Go on, Wade, stay here for another day. Or twenty.”
“Nice try. You’re not getting away from me that easily.”
Austin sat up, stretching. “We should be getting to bed soon, though. Last thing we all need is someone falling asleep behind the wheel.” He stood up, looking to Wade. “You coming?”
“Shouldn’t we wait until the fire burns out completely?” Wade gestured to the fireplace in the corner of the room. The fire wasn’t out completely, though it looked like it wouldn’t be lit for much longer. “Don’t get me wrong, I love you all, but I don’t wanna die in a blazing inferno with you. I’d rather my final moments be something a little cooler.”
Neville snorted. “Like what, dare I ask?”
“I dunno… Shot to death via laser beam?”
As Neville raised an eyebrow at this response, Austin asked, “So the three of you’ll stay up ‘till the fire goes out, then?”
“I guess so.”
Right as Wade said that, Neville realized something, and he snapped to attention. Austin was going to bed, and Wade was debating going with him. He and Mustafa would be left alone.
This was his chance.
“Moose and I can stay up,” he quickly said. “You guys can go to bed now. We don’t mind -- right, Moose?”
Mustafa shrugged. “I don’t see why not.”
“See? Don’t worry about it. Go to bed.” He shot Wade a look, silently praying that he understood what he was trying to say with that glare. Wade frowned, but he didn’t ask anymore questions -- and why would he want to, seeing as Neville and Mustafa staying awake meant that he could finally go and rest?
“Whatever you say.” Wade got up, putting an arm around Austin. “Night, lads.”
Once everyone had said their good nights, Austin and Wade left the room, Neville waiting until their footsteps had faded away completely before pulling Mustafa closer to him. “Thank God, they’re finally gone…”
Mustafa rested his head back down on Neville’s shoulder, grinning. “They’re probably about to go break some rules, if you catch my drift.”
“‘No fucking unless I’m the one doing the fucking’ was more or less what I got out of Austin’s little ‘adults only’ rules presentation from the other night.”
“Mm, I wish we didn’t have to leave tomorrow…” Mustafa whined. “I love it up here. I don’t wanna leave.”
“I’m glad you’re having fun.” Neville kissed the top of his head. “All I want is to see you happy.”
“Did you have fun, too?”
“Of course. Mostly because I had you with me, though.”
“Good thing I have summers off, huh?”
Only a few embers remained in the fireplace, and the room was growing dark, only a faint glow illuminating the two of them. The scene was romantic -- just romantic enough for Neville to finally say what was on his mind.
Just as he was about to, however, Mustafa interrupted him. “Wanna turn a light on or something? I can barely see.”
“You afraid of the dark, Moose? Aww… Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.” He wrapped both arms around Mustafa, holding him tightly.
“I don’t need protection.” Mustafa wriggled his way out of Neville’s grasp. “I just don’t wanna hurt my eyes. Otherwise I’ll need glasses like your dorky ass.”
“Gee, thanks.” Neville nodded towards the glass sliding door. “Turn on the light for the deck, that should be bright enough.”
Mustafa stood up from the couch, walking over to the light switch on the wall. “Which one was it again?”
“Uh…” Neville vaguely remembered Austin mentioning which one it was, but he’d be damned if he could recall what he said. “Try the one on the far left.”
Mustafa did as he was told, and he turned it on, instead switching on the overhead living room light. It surprised Neville, who covered his eyes, which were hurting from the sudden brightness. “Turn that off!” He hissed, trying to keep his voice down so as to not wake the others with their stupidity.
“Sorry, sorry!” Mustafa replied, hurriedly shutting the light off and trying the next switch. “Ah.” Neville still had his eyes covered, but he assumed from this comment that Mustafa had finally found the right light.
“It’s about time.” Neville was giving his eyes one last rub when he heard Mustafa say something under his breath.
“B… Bear?”
“Hmm?” Was that supposed to be a new pet name for Neville or something? “What is it?”
“Bear!!” Before Neville could properly register what was going on, Mustafa was off and running, and he dived on top of him, nearly crushing Neville in the process.
“What do you mean?” Neville managed to shove him off, but Mustafa still held his arm tightly.
“Bear…” He once again said, pointing towards the glass door. Neville followed his gaze, and his jaw dropped when he saw what he was talking about.
There was a large black bear staring at them.
Well, fuck.
“Jesus!!” Neville gasped, and Mustafa held him even tighter. The bear seemed just as surprised as they were, and without hesitation it turned around and ran towards the treeline, footsteps booming on the wood of the deck, disappearing almost as quickly as it appeared. Neville quickly got off of the couch, running towards the door.
“What are you doing?!” Mustafa’s eyes were as wide as saucers.
“Checking to make sure the door is locked, obviously!” He replied.
“What, do you think it’s gonna try opening it?! Like a bear’s gonna see the door is locked and think ‘Well, shit, not gonna get in there any time soon!’?!”
The latch on the door was secure, and after taking a quick look at the front door in the other room Neville was able to determine that they were in the clear. No bears would be breaking in that night (hopefully).
He returned back to the living room, finding a very visibly shaken Mustafa curled up on the couch. “Moose?” Neville asked, concerned, sitting next to him. Mustafa latched on to him almost immediately. “He’s gone, don’t worry about it.”
“I-I wasn’t expecting that…” Mustafa breathed out, swallowing. “He scared the shit out of me.”
“I can tell.” Neville started to stroke his hair, gently. “It’s alright, though. We scared him off. He’s not gonna come back.”
“Did you hear those footsteps? That was a really big bear. Imagine the damage he can do with those paws?” Slowly, a smirk had begun to work its way across Mustafa’s face. “I can’t bear the thought.”
Neville blinked at him, and he let out a deep sigh through his nose, shaking his head. “You really just said that, didn’t you?”
“Oh, I did. Hey, if my puns are so unbearable, then you shouldn’t have invited me on this vacation.”
“Stop that!”
“I’m being bear-y annoying, aren’t I?”
“Weren’t you afraid only a few seconds ago? Can we go back to that time? So that I don’t have to listen to your silly jokes anymore?”
“Bear with me for a little bit, Nev, and let me have some fun!”
“Only I would fall in love with a man obsessed with puns.”
Mustafa’s giggles came to a stop, and he looked at him, Neville’s stomach clenching once he realized that he finally told Mustafa that he loved him. It came out so easily, so naturally, that he hadn’t even noticed at first.
Something else that came about very naturally was the fear that Neville suddenly felt.
“You love me?” Mustafa asked, sounding oddly unsure.
“I-- Well… Yes, I do. I love you.” It sounded even more genuine now that he’d said it a second time. “Why are you so shocked?”
“It’s just…” He clicked his tongue. “No guy’s ever told me that and meant it before. I’ve never been in a serious relationship like this. Wasn’t sure I’d ever be in one.”
“Oh…” Neville thought back to when Mustafa had first told him about the last boyfriend he’d had -- the one who cheated on him. He had mentioned something about their relationship being serious, and Neville had assumed there was talk of loving each other. Knowing how it all ended, Neville knew that clearly this ex didn’t mean a damn word he said, and he’d broken Mustafa’s heart.
And suddenly, Neville was overwhelmed with the urge to punch something.
“I truly do mean it when I say that I love you, Mustafa,” Neville said, intertwining their fingers. “You mean so much to me, and to the kids, and I… don’t know what I’d do without you. You’ve made my life so much better.”
“Nev…” Mustafa looked lost for words. “You mean a lot to me, too. I can’t even begin to imagine not being with you. And both the kids and Wade have been so welcoming of me, I really feel like I’m apart of your little family.”
“Because you are, Moose.”
“I…” He seemed stuck again, but the words that he did manage to say were the ones that Neville had been waiting so long to hear.
“I love you, too.”
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marvelhead17 · 5 years
Miracle (Original Female Character x Cable Fic)
Chapter 12
Summary: “How did you fix it?” he asked. “Ask Ellen the Teenage Warhead,” Wade shrugged as he stood up, “As for baby Hitler he ended up having a diaper change, funny story I was actually going to call Cable since he was so keen on killing Russel, I thought this would be like taking candy from a baby, if that means replacing it with a bullet that is,”
 Warnings to cover the whole fic: Graphic depictions of violence, use of weapons, mild to strong language, mentions of rape, mentions of pregnancy and miscarriage, referenced torture and psychological abuse/manipulation, nightmares and night terrors, sexual humour, sexual content.
Word Count: 1.6k
The carnival was closing up for the day and the group knew it was best to head back as it was growing dark, Nathan walked ahead with his daughter Hope holding his hand and all the while swinging it slowly between them, Hayden and Wade fell behind them.
“I felt like I had a real family outing today, you and Cable were the Mommy and Daddy, Hope your little girl and me well, I’m practically the weird family dog that humps everything,”
“I disagree with everything except the part about you, you definitely hump everything,” Hayden shook her head smiling.
“Why do you always have to deny your feelings towards Cable?”
“Why do you always have to think that I have any feelings towards Cable?”
Nathan turned his head slightly hearing his name for the third time now, “Why is it I keep hearing my name back there?”
“It’s nothing- we’re just saying how it’s strange seeing how sweet you are with your daughter,” Hayden quickly said.
“Very convincing,” Nathan said sarcastically but turned his attention back ahead instead.
Wade elbowed her, “Nice cover up dweeb,”
“Shut up mudak,”
“Ugh I hate it when you talk Russian, don’t you come with subtitles?” he poked her in the ribs.
“Nyet,” she smiled.
  “Hades?” Hope called out suddenly.
“Yes Hope?” Hayden walked over to Hope’s side, Nathan raised a brow and looked to Hayden who shrugged.
Hope’s free hand reached up to grab onto Hayden’s and she giggled and smiled up at both of them. “Swing me?” she asked sweetly.
“Swing you?” Hayden frowned.
“She wants us to lift her from the ground and swing her,” Nathan said disbelieving what she just asked.
“Oh, I knew that,” she avoided looking at him.
“C’mon, I wanna swing!” Hope tugged on their hands, they lifted her slowly and began to swing her as they walked, and she giggled happily.
 After a good ten minutes Hope grew tired of the initial excitement and they walked normally the rest of the way home, well as normal as it could be as she still held both Nathan and Hayden’s hands in her own, with Wade trailing awkwardly behind like a lost dog.
They crashed on the couches once they reached home, tired from the day and the walk to and from the carnival, Hayden was the only one who seemed unaffected as she stood in the kitchen drinking one of her Fanta grape bottles.
Hope was cuddled and, already asleep, against Nathan, he brushed his thumb over her back and smiled. Wade was stretched out on the other couch, one leg hanging to the back of it near the wall in an awkward manner, his breathing was deep as he slept peacefully.
“It was good for you to spend the day with her you know?” Hayden sat on the armrest of the couch that Wade was sleeping on; she smiled at his ridiculous position.
“So your mom, how old were you when she uh-” he struggled to find the right word.
“Four, I was four, and she was murdered.” Nathan gave her a look, “Shit, I didn’t mean to tell you that last part.”
“I think we all need to learn how to help each other be on some level of okay,” he hinted at their conversation from earlier in the morning.
“Maybe when there isn’t the case of your daughter being present, or Wade having to add his commentary,” she looked at both of them.
“Agreed,” Nathan nodded, a brief moment passes before Hayden speaks up.
 “She’s incredibly sweet; I can see why you missed her,”
“You know, she doesn’t even let Chet hold her hand, I don’t even think she talks to him. But she seems fond of you from the get-go,”
“So, he’s the new man in her life?”
“Yeah,” Nathan sighed.
“You still love her, don’t you?”
“She was my first love; it’s hard to forget that,” he avoided answering.
“Sometimes moving on is the only thing that can stop the pain,”
“Speaking from experience?” he asked with a hint of surprise.
“Unfortunately, but I had to move on to get to where I am today. I wouldn’t be standing here if I had fixated on something I couldn’t change,”
“You’re right, but I don’t even know where to start.”
 “Well here’s some news for you, you already are,” he frowned at her, “Talking about it to someone else,”
He nodded and she spoke again, “If Wade was the one to help me through my pain then it sure as hell will be a piece of cake for me to be the one to help you,” she stood up. “I’ll make a list.”
She walked to the kitchen and grabbed the list that was stuck to the fridge and tore the first page off and threw it away, she took the pencil and starting writing down something, and after a few moments she tore the page off and then handed it over to Nathan.
He glanced down to the paper at the list.
 ‘Step One: Talk to someone. Step Two: Identify your feelings. Step Three: Take care of yourself. Step Four: Take your mind away. Step Five: Be positive.’
   “Five whole steps, that’s supposed to help me recover,” he looked at her in disbelief.
“Believe it or not, and you’ve already accomplished the first step,” she smiled.
He carefully moved Hope so that she lay on the couch and stood up slowly so as not to disturb her.
“Is it possible to do this all in one night?” he asked as he looked at the paper again.
“If your mind is insanely configured then sure, the most you could successfully do in one night are the first two steps really,”
“What are we waiting for then?” Nathan grabbed her wrist and they headed upstairs.
Wade in a half-asleep state felt his brain short circuit in that moment, “What the fuck?” he whispered. “I knew it. Go get that bone you dog Nathan. Wait that’s backwards, this metaphor took a derailment to shits-ville very quickly,” he shook his head, “ah well, goodnight everyone,” and then he shuffled himself until he was comfortable to sleep on the couch once again.
                                                               * * *
                             They entered Nathan’s room and sat on the bed, Hayden tried to recover her composure at being pulled all the way to his room in the first place, the wrong ideas flickering in the back of her mind.
“So step two is identifying feelings,” Nathan rephrased out loud, “How do I do that?”
She sat down on his bed and patted the space next to her, “Think about what you’ve been feeling, what emotions have been controlling your mind the entire time, and list them,” he plonked himself down next to her and then his face screwed up in slight concentration.
“Sadness… anger… guilt… that’s all I can think of,” he listed, “Is that supposed to take all night? It seemed easy enough,”
She chuckled and shook her head, “That’s because you’ve listed them idiot, now you have to go into detail about why you feel that way,”
“Oh,” his eyes widened a bit.
“We don’t have to do this right now-”
“You said it yourself, to move on I have to do this, and I want to move on, I’ve wasted four years already,”
  “If you’re sure,” she looked at him with concern.
“I’m sure,” he nodded and took a deep breath before exhaling loudly. “I guess I’m sad because, because she was the first woman to treat me like a real person instead of some monster, she was always so caring and now, now she hates me.”
“Why do you think that?” Hayden gently pressed.
“She hates me because I was always working; putting my job ahead of the family, keeping them safe, guess that’s what makes me feel guilty. I used to keep her out and that must have pushed her away,”
“And what’s making you angry?” she asked as she lightly touched his leg which made his head spin momentarily.
“What’s making me angry?” he repeated coming out from his trance, “Everything.”
“Specifics Cable,” she gave him an encouraging squeeze.
“It is everything,” he sighed irritably, “I’m angry at myself for letting her feel that unloved that she found another man, I’m angry that I couldn’t win her back, I’m angry that she’s starting a new life almost as if I never was a part of hers once, and most of all I’m angry that Hope has to suffer in all this.”
“Suffering how?” she tilted her head.
“She’s probably wondering if she has to pick a side when she doesn’t, she’s starting to hate her mother because I’ve been replaced and she’s getting a new sibling so suddenly. I’m angry that I can’t do more for my little girl, I’m angry that I get to spend so little time with her,” he clenched his fist and Hayden moved her hand from his leg to it and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
 “It’s absolutely normal to be feeling that way Cable, but you can’t hold onto it, it just gets worse the longer you do,” he looked to her and she realised his cyborg eye was glowing.
“Did you ever feel this way?”
“Yeah, I did, but it got easier when I talked to Wade about it,”
“You were married once?”
“Thank God not,” she laughed the notion away, “But I was in love once, at least at the time I thought it was love,” she looked away to his wall as if trying to determine the shade of grey it was, “As it turns out I was just being used. But I felt the same things you do,” his eyes softened slightly, “And here I am today failing rather pathetically in helping you.” She gave a lopsided smile.
“No, it’s actually been a huge weight off my shoulders, it was all balled up inside me until now,” he admitted. “Thank you.”
She simply nodded and gave a small smile.
>> Chapter 13 <<
3 notes · View notes
marvelhead17 · 5 years
Miracle (Original Female Character x Cable Fic)
Chapter 11
Summary: “How did you fix it?” he asked. “Ask Ellen the Teenage Warhead,” Wade shrugged as he stood up, “As for baby Hitler he ended up having a diaper change, funny story I was actually going to call Cable since he was so keen on killing Russel, I thought this would be like taking candy from a baby, if that means replacing it with a bullet that is,” Warnings to cover the whole fic: Graphic depictions of violence, use of weapons, mild to strong language, mentions of rape, mentions of pregnancy and miscarriage, referenced torture and psychological abuse/manipulation, nightmares and night terrors, sexual humour, sexual content.
Word Count: 1.9k
The Future
“DADDY!” she leapt into his arms and he hugged her so tightly that she squirmed and giggled, “Daddy you’re squeezing me too tight!” he let her go slightly and kissed her several times on the head.
“Sorry sweetheart, I just missed you, a whole lot,”
“I missed you too Daddy,” she let go and he did as well, rather reluctantly.
“I’m just going to talk to your mom sweetheart, don’t go anywhere, alright?” he smiled and brushed her hair from her face.
“Alright Daddy,” she grinned and watched as Nathan walked away to her mot her standing a few feet away.
 “I’m taking her out so don’t try and come back and insist that there’s something important with you and Chet so that you can take her, this is my weekend with her and I intend to spend every minute I can with her,” he said with an air of confidence that he himself was surprised at.
“Nathan you can’t just-”
“She’s my daughter too, I have the right to see her,” he strode to his daughter and scooped her into his metal arm and grabbed her packed bags with the other.
“Yay weekend with Daddy!” she cheered, he smiled as he flung the bags over his shoulder and opened the door before slamming it behind him.
                                                          * * *
  Present Day
“Jesus Christ!” she placed her hand on her chest as Nathan popped into the room unexpectedly, a small girl and bags in his arms.
“Hope, this is a friend of mine, Hades,” he said as he lowered her to the floor.
She stared up at Hayden with excitement, “That’s such a cool name! My Daddy told me you’re taking us to a carnival, we heard about them in school, are they really fun?”
“Um…” Hayden looked dumbfounded as she stared at Hope.
“Hope sweetheart, why don’t you go have a seat over there for me, I’ll join you just now,” he pointed to the couches.
“Okay Daddy,” she bounded off and hopped onto the nearest couch.
 “Wow, a kid. She’s, wow. Yours,” Hayden couldn’t formulate full sentences.
“She’s beautiful isn’t she?” he smiled.
“I- yeah, me taking carnival?” she said stupidly as she looked over at Hope and then back at Nathan.
“Yeah- I was actually meaning to ask if you could come with us, I have no idea what’s good or not at a carnival, and having someone who is more socially appropriate around will make things easier for me,” he said sheepishly while rubbing the back of his neck.
“I-” she shook her head, “Yeah I’d love to,” which made Nathan smile again, “but one condition, I’m bringing Wade along as well.” She said, Nathan sighed. “But only because he’s going to whine worse than an actual child about not going to a carnival, he loves them,”
“Fine, just keep him in check and make sure that trap of his doesn’t curse around my little girl, and we have a deal,”
“Deal,” she stuck out her hand and they shook in agreement.
                                                               * * *
 “I still don’t see why you brought me along on your date; we can go to the carnival anytime we want,”
Hayden elbowed Wade in the ribs, “It’s not a date idiot; his daughter is here too,”
“That’s exactly why it is a date my Dear Hayden- Hades,” he corrected himself as she gave him a look, “Single parents have to take their kids with them on dates to see if the relationship that they want to get into has potential depending on how well they get along with the kid,”
“That’s crap, you so made that up right now,”
“It’s so not!”
“Hey, are you two coming or what?” Nathan called to them, his daughter Hope standing at his side and holding his hand, she was looking all around her trying to take the colourful scenery in.
“Cool your jets old man we’re coming,” Wade said as he walked through the entrance.
 Hayden stared up at the entrance banner, it was bright and colourful and inviting, and she turned her gaze to the crowds and took in the scene before her. It was noisy and busy, something she would normally not walk straight into; however, today she was in good company and felt safer than she had been in a long time.
“Yeah, I’m coming,” she smiled and walked to Wade, they caught up to Nathan and Hope, she was bouncing on the spot impatiently.
“So, where to first?” Nathan asked Hayden, she looked to Wade for help.
“Uh, why don’t we start over there and work our way around?” he pointed to a water themed booth.
“We’re following your lead,” Nathan said, Hope turned to see where Wade was pointing and immediately ran to the booth, Nathan moved to follow her with a worried expression on his face.
  Hope’s hands held the edge of the booth that was named as ‘Aqua Snipers’ and she peered over, the attendee smiled and leaned over to talk to her.
“Hope, don’t run away like that, there are too many people here, I don’t want to lose you.” Nathan chided.
“Daddy the man says that it’s five dollars to play one game,” she looked at him hopefully.
“Alright,” he pulled out a few crumpled notes from his pocket and placed it on the table, “How do we play?”
“Why it’s simple sir, all you have to do is aim this here plastic gun at the clown’s mouth over there, and once the balloon attached bursts you win,”
“Seems easy enough,” Nathan shrugged but Wade grabbed the money on the table.
“Hold on Carnie, what’s the catch?”
“No catch, just a two minute time limit,” he held his palm out.
“Hmm, fine,” Wade placed the money in his hand; the attendee closed it quickly and put the money in his tin, “Let’s kick some butt.”
                              They were each given a plastic gun that was attached to a water filled tank, Nathan showed Hope how to hold the toy properly and then the attendee started the game; the three of them were easily filling the balloon given their experience with guns. However, Hope was struggling to hold it with it being so heavy and shooting a strong spray of water, and the three of managed to pop their balloons while Hope’s balloon fizzled out.
She put the toy gun down and looked unhappily at the ground, Nathan quickly rubbed her backside and told her it was okay that she didn’t get it the first time, then he put more money on the table before showing her how to hold it steadier for her turn again. This time she won and she grinned happily.
“Thank you Daddy!” she giggled as she walked holding her new stuffed panda, the others each holding their own stuffed toy that they had won.
“Don’t thank me Hope, you did it all by yourself,” he ruffled her hair.
“I think my heart just grew three sizes,” Wade teased with a hand covering his heart, “And here I thought you were always a hard- butt. Hard-butt,”
Nathan grunted, “Nice save.”
Hayden smiled at seeing Nathan interact with Hope, Wade was right he normally was a bit of a hard ass but seeing this softer side of him, it made her feel at ease for some reason.
  They played the Basketball Bonanza next, the adults playing before Hope so that she could see how the game worked, when she tossed her first ball she missed by a great distance. Nathan didn’t want her to be discouraged so he lifted her up in his muscular arms; he winced briefly enough for Hayden to notice, with the added height she was able to score and won another stuffed animal prize.
After dominating the Ring Toss Extraordinaire with use of some super abilities and calculative cyborg vision, they defeated the Milk Bottle Slammers, Hope was overwhelmed with all the stuffed animals that she now had for her collection, and although she hadn’t been very good at the games herself she enjoyed watching the others play.
They seated themselves on the outskirts of the carnival that was made into a makeshift hay-bale farm style courtyard specifically for the food booths. Hope was attempting to suckle down on a large candy apple, Wade happily chewed down on his seventh chimichanga, Hayden opted for the classic caramel popcorn and Nathan settled for a corndog (after Wade insisted that it was a must-have for ten solid minutes).
 “So did you enjoy your first carnival?” Wade asked after swallowing another bite.
“It was awesome! The games were so fun and the people are so loud and everything is so fun in the past! I wish it was like this back home,” Hope said and gave her candy apple another lick.
“Oh, that’s nice Hope,” Wade looked down at Hope and then looked back up again, “but I was actually asking Haydes,”
Nathan turned to Hayden, “This was your first carnival too?”
“I- uh, yeah,”
“That’s why you brought Wade along, because you didn’t know what to do at carnivals.” He said in realisation.
“Well sue me for not having a normal childhood, I suggested it because Wade told me that one was coming to town and I, I just wanted to know what the big deal was,”
“And?” Nathan asked.
“With you two idiots and Hope, I could do it another hundred times over,”
“She’s a lot more fun than Mommy,” Hope said with a grin, “I like her.”
 “I like you too Hope,” she smiled down at the girl.
“Hope, it’s not nice to say mean things about your mother,” Wade chided making the other two turn their heads, “On the other hand your father-”
“Daddy is the best Daddy in the world, I could never say anything mean about him!” she seemed shocked by the very idea, “But Chet-”
“Who’s Chet?” Wade asked taking another bite of his snack.
“Chet is… my ex-wife’s new husband,” Nathan said with a hint of bitterness.
“You’re divorced?” Wade asked surprised, “The way you talked about her I- sorry man.”
“And I hate him,” Hope continued, crossing her arms. “He always sends me to my room so he can be alone with Mommy and the baby,”
“Hope-” Nathan started.
“No, let her talk it out,” Hayden said looking at Hope with full attention, “Hope?”
 “I feel like Mommy loves the baby more than me, it’s like she doesn’t want me anymore,”
“Sweetheart, your mother still loves you, they’re just excited that the baby is here,” Nathan assured her.
“But I’m here, they’re replacing me,” a tear fell down her cheek.
“No one could ever replace you,” Nathan touched her face gently, “Do you understand? A lot of attention is going to be towards the baby now that it’s here because it’s too small to take care of itself, not like you, you’re my big strong girl aren’t you?” he wiped away her tears.
“Look at me,” he lifted her chin, “Your mother and I still love you, we just don’t love each other anymore, but just because we don’t love each other anymore doesn’t mean we’re leaving you behind, alright?”
Hayden felt unconvinced about Nathan not loving his ex-wife anymore as he had emphasised the ‘we’ a little too much for her liking.
“Alright Daddy,” she managed to smile.
“Aren’t you glad I suggested she talk it out?” Hayden asked smugly, “Hope, don’t be afraid of telling someone you trust how you’re feeling, alright? Sometimes it helps you to feel better,” she looked at Wade who smiled with a mouthful of chimichanga and nodded.
>> Chapter 12 <<
3 notes · View notes
marvelhead17 · 5 years
Miracle (Original Female Character x Cable)
Chapter 31
Summary: “How did you fix it?” he asked. “Ask Ellen the Teenage Warhead,” Wade shrugged as he stood up, “As for baby Hitler he ended up having a diaper change, funny story I was actually going to call Cable since he was so keen on killing Russel, I thought this would be like taking candy from a baby, if that means replacing it with a bullet that is,”
Warnings to cover the whole fic: Graphic depictions of violence, use of weapons, mild to strong language, mentions of rape, mentions of pregnancy and miscarriage, referenced torture and psychological abuse/manipulation, nightmares and night terrors, sexual humour, sexual content.
Word count:  2k
One Month Later
“Daddy, are you awake?” Hope asked quietly as she touched Nathan’s shoulder, he grumbled and didn’t respond, only shuffled a bit to make his position in the bed more comfortable. “Daddy?”
“Mm? Hope? What are you doing up so early sweetie?” Hayden asked from the other side, Hope smiled and bounded over to her, not unfamiliar with the sight of Hayden cuddled up next to her father.
“I want to watch one of those movies that Uncle Wade promised I could see on my birthday, and it’s my birthday today,” she grinned.
Hayden sat up slowly, Nathan’s arm slid from her waist and to the bed as he continued to sleep, she noticed that Hope was already fully dressed in the outfit that she had helped her pick out the night before and was holding her favourite bear, and she grinned at the little girl before brushing her hair gently.
“Oh really, and which one would that be?” she asked.
“The one with the lions,”
“Alright,” she stood up and paused for a moment, eyeing her pyjamas, “Give me two minutes to get dressed, and I’ll meet you downstairs, alright sweetie?”
“Okay,” the girl beamed and ran out with teddy bear in tow.
  Hayden went over to her room and slipped on a pair of lilac jeans and a white tank top with her sneakers and found Hope sitting patiently on the couch of the rec room. Hope watched as Hayden set up everything for the movie and then she made her a small cup of hot chocolate before they both sat on the floor in front of the TV, she clambered into Hayden’s lap and settled herself comfortably.
She grinned and wrapped her arms around the little girl and moved her head to hover over her shoulder.
                                                             * * *
  They were halfway through the movie when Nathan had finally woken and had gone looking for them, he found them cuddled together watching the movie and he felt his heart flutter, he moved to sit down next to them.
“So this is where you two girls are huh? I’ve been looking for you all over,” he wrapped his arm around Hayden’s waist and she smiled and glanced at him before returning her gaze to the movie. “What’s this?” He nodded his head towards the TV.
“The Lion King,” she said.
“Morning, Daddy!” Hope turned and smiled at her dad and then turned her attention back to the movie as well.
“Morning sweetheart,” he placed a kiss on the side of Hope’s head, “You girls had anything to eat yet?” his hand moved from Hayden’s waist up her back to her shoulders, they both shook their heads, “I’ll scrape something together then,” he pecked Hayden on the cheek and stood up to go and make them all breakfast.
                                                             * * *
                           Colossus manned the barbeque station, Domino organised the rest of the food, and Yukio and Ellie kept an eye on the students that were running around and playing in the expanse of green yard. Hope played among the kids closer to her age and enjoyed the energy around her as her party was on the go.
Nathan sat on one of the benches and watched smiling at the little girl, it was both Hayden and Hope’s first experience of a proper kid’s party and they were rough housing with some of the other kids. Cue Wade and Russel carrying a large bucket and dumping it near the outskirts of the yard. He turned to watch them, very suspicious of the pranksters.
  “Water balloon fight!” Wade yelled as he picked up one and launched it directly at Hayden, she turned her head just in time to be splattered by a large volume of water right in her face; she gasped and looked at her form dripping with water.
“Oh it’s so on!” she ran forward towards the bucket, Wade ran as fast as he could before she got close and grabbed for a balloon, she threw it at the back of Wade’s head and he nearly fell over and she laughed loudly.
Soon the other kids began to join in and water was splashing everywhere, at some point even Colossus had joined, Nathan stayed where he was and watched his daughter’s smile and laughter grow in all the excitement.
  Out of nowhere a huge volume of water drench him from head to toe, he jumped from the sudden exposure and swivelled around to see who his assailant was, his face changed to that of disbelief when he saw Hayden grinning widely with a small bucket still held in her hands.
“Oh I’m so going to get you for that!” he grinned and she dropped the bucket before running as he chased after her.
“Catch me if you can sucker!” she responded as she quickened her pace, he was easily outmatched from her abilities giving her the upper hand, then an idea struck him and he stopped running to let her continue on.
She stopped running after a moment and realised that Nathan was no longer behind her, she frowned and scanned the yard for any signs of him, suddenly a warm pair of arms wrapped around her torso and she let out a shaky laugh.
“Got ya,” his rough voice spoke into her ear, sending a shiver down her spine, Nathan grinned from ear to ear.
“You cheated,” she half-whined and turned in his arms to face him, wrapping her arms around his neck as she did so.
“Really now,” he asked raising a cheeky brow, “And you were running at a completely normal, human speed?”
“Totally,” she nodded and smiled cheekily.
                                  A buzzing electrical sound resonated from the centre of the yard and they turned their heads to see a blue glow emitting itself from thin air and forming a circle of sorts. Hayden let go of Nathan and they both stepped closer towards the unfamiliar thing.
“Wade, another party trick?” she asked glancing at him before taking another step closer to satisfy her curiosity.
“Nope, definitely not mine,” Wade shook his head, looking as confused as they were.
She walked up to the glowing blue portal-like thing that was now big enough to fit a normal person, she stopped just a few feet away and concentrated her violet eyes on it, her eyes widened and she promptly stepped back to find herself bumping it Nathan.
“What is it Haydes?” he asked raising his brows, holding his hands on both of her arms carefully, and glancing back between her and the portal, knowing that she was never one to freak out so easily.
“I- don’t know, I don’t-” she stammered as she stared at the thing, Nathan looked at it and noticed a dark figure was coming closer to the surface.
His right hand moved to his side and he twitched irritably upon realisation that his gun was back in their room, having believed that nothing would threaten his little girl’s birthday and letting himself relax for once, he regretted it severely now as he felt threatened somehow by this yet-to-exist enemy lurking towards them.
                           A plopping sound echoed and the figure was now setting foot on the yard, Nathan blinked his eyes in disbelief as he took in the woman standing just opposite them, she was the same height and build as Hayden standing by his side.
He looked back and forth between the two women and shook his head. They were exactly identical aside from their clothing, the one that had just stepped out from the portal had a deep scar across her left eye and wore a black tank top with black camouflage cargo pants, his arm instinctively tightened around the Hayden that stood next to him.
  “Hi honey,” the other Hayden said with an undeniable bitterness in her tone, and the angriest expression he had ever seen.
“Daddy, why are there two Haydens?” Hope asked from a distance away.
“Nathan, get her and you out of here, now. I’ve seen that look in me before,” Hayden spoke quickly.
His arm let go and he turned to the others, “Colossus, get all the kids and Hope inside, this could get ugly!”
“You as well Nathan,” Hayden urged him angrily with a shove to follow the others, her body slowly beginning to glow violet as agitation manoeuvred through her body, itching every nerve along its course.
  “No, let Nathan stay, the party’s just beginning,” the other Hayden said as Nathan refused to budge, he looked at her.
“What do you want?” Nathan asked.
                       “To end you,” her mouth twisted into a sadistic smile, “Your little clone in my universe is causing me too many problems for my liking, gave me this nasty little scar in fact, with this very knife,” she pulled the knife from her waist band and it glinted in the sunlight.
“Why not just kill the clone?” Hayden stepped in front of Nathan protectively, she was shorter than him and he could see clearly over her head, “Why go through all the trouble to come here to kill this one?”
The clone laughed lowly, “Eradicating the problem from the source is always the easier solution, aside from the fact that I’ve tried multiple times but the bastard, simply, won’t, die.” Her eyes flashed violet as she stared Nathan down, and she toyed with the knife in her fingers. “If I kill this Nathan Summers then his DNA simply can’t be used to create his clone,”
“But if we’re from a different universe, how are you clones of, us?” Hayden asked confused.
The clone rolled her eyes, “The government managed to obtain a sample of our DNA and wanted to keep it to help build a better future for those who suffer when the world goes to shit, which is when Nathan’s generation comes in, he was their best little soldier so when he died they took his DNA as well and cloned him too, still following?”
   Hayden gave the clone a look, and she continued her story, “So we, along with Nathan and some others were moved with the rest of civilisation to a new universe to serve as protectors, bringers of justice… blah, blah, blah,” she rolled her eyes, “What they didn’t realise is cloning won’t replicate the upbringing and thus, sweet little Nathan became corrupt and sought after whatever he could to gain power and money, whatever he desired really, and he killed anyone and everyone in the process of gaining for himself,”
“Sorry to break it you but you’re not touching a single hair on his head, I don’t care if you’re some version of me coming back to save yourself,”
The clone sheathed her weapon, “It’s a pity to hurt you in the process but I won’t hesitate to do just that,” she started walking forward and Hayden moved in sync to her steps as well.
They both raised their arms to strike at each other, and both raised their other arms in a defensive manner, managing to both attack and defend the other’s moves. They continued to swing blows and blocks for a good few moments before it became futile, they knew their own moves all too well.
  Nathan came closer and tried to step in the middle of the fight that had slowed down, Hayden turned to him glowing violet with fear for his safety, momentarily distracted, and the clone saw this as a window of opportunity to grab her throat and lift her into the air.
Hayden’s eyes flickered back to her natural blue and her skin paled, she gripped at the clone’s hand around her throat and gasped for air, unfamiliar with the feeling of being matched in her strength in a fight.
“Stay out of my way if you know what’s good for you,” the clone hissed before she plucked her knife from her side and drove it straight into Hayden’s stomach, twisting it to match the evil grin spreading in her features.
                               Hayden hadn’t even screamed. She simply made a gasping sound as she was released; she collapsed to the ground, curling into the foetal position panting wildly as her wound bled out profusely. Nathan’s eyes widened in horror as he watched his newfound love being brutally mutilated before him, and then watching as an almost exact version of her turned to face him, a murderous expression spread on her face.
  A face he had come to love.
>> Chapter 32 <<
0 notes
marvelhead17 · 5 years
Miracle (Original Female Character x Cable)
Chapter 30
Summary: “How did you fix it?” he asked. “Ask Ellen the Teenage Warhead,” Wade shrugged as he stood up, “As for baby Hitler he ended up having a diaper change, funny story I was actually going to call Cable since he was so keen on killing Russel, I thought this would be like taking candy from a baby, if that means replacing it with a bullet that is,”
Warnings to cover the whole fic: Graphic depictions of violence, use of weapons, mild to strong language, mentions of rape, mentions of pregnancy and miscarriage, referenced torture and psychological abuse/manipulation, nightmares and night terrors, sexual humour, sexual content.
Word count:  2k
Two Months Later
Xavier’s School had officially closed for the school year for nearly a month now for the summer holidays, although a lot of the kids chose to stay behind due to their home situations, if of course they had homes to return to.
This meant Wade and Russel had plenty of catching up to do in terms of chaos and havoc, in his new honed abilities and Wade’s pre-planned pranks, which were of course aimed towards stressing Colossus out greatly, or irritating Ellie beyond reasoning.
Hayden sat on the couch with her music playing in her ears, thinking back to yesterday where Wade had tried to prank Nathan and how it went horribly wrong, for Wade that is. She grinned as she replayed the events in her mind.
It started off early in the morning when Nathan decided to have some coffee…
    “C’mon Nathan, don’t you trust me? I swear I just made it, it’s still hot, see?” Wade insisted as he poured the black liquid into Nathan’s large mug.
“No, and you know that, but you’re still a persistent little shit anyway,” he grumbled but took his mug anyway; he eyed the steam that floated out and decided to let his initial instincts on the matter go.
That was his first mistake of the long day.
He took a big swig of the coffee and spat it out almost immediately after his tongue caught on to the foul taste.
“What the fuck is this?” he half yelled as he slammed the mug down on the table, it shattered all over the counter and the remaining coffee spilled to the floor as well.
“It’s Balsamic Coffee!” Wade laughed, albeit rather nervously. “Look Cable it was just a-”
“Just a prank? I’ve had it up to here with all the pranks you’ve both been doing on Colossus and Ellie, everyone’s trying to relax after a long year and you’re making us sit on the edge of our sanity with your endless ‘practical jokes’,” he took a step closer to Wade with gritted teeth.
He grabbed Wade’s shirt collar and lifted him off the ground, the muscles in his arms tensing up and the veins revealing themselves.
  “Nathan,” Hayden touched his shoulder gently, his muscles relaxed and he lowered Wade slightly. “Put him down, please,” he put Wade onto the ground again, “Thank you,” she stood on her toes and kissed him on the cheek, making it hard for him to hide the smile creeping up on his hard demeanour.
“Mhm,” he grumbled in acknowledgement, still glaring at Wade.
“As for you Wade,” she turned and poked him hard in the chest with her finger, causing him to take a step back in fear, “I completely agree with Nathan, you need to stop with all these pranks, and soon. Or I’m going to beat your senses back into you, understand?” Wade nodded nervously, “Good. Now go.”
                      Wade quickly ran from the room, still managing to maintain a skip in his steps from the joy of messing with Nathan.
“That wasn’t just about the crappy coffee, was it?” she turned back to Nathan after she shook her head at Wade, “What’s bugging you?”
“You read me far too well for my liking darlin’,” he huffed but still wrapped an arm around her waist.
“It’s about Hope’s birthday, isn’t it?” she pressed, he only nodded in response, “I don’t see why you can’t have Hope come here-”
“You know she wouldn’t have it-”
“So what, Nathan, she’s your daughter for God’s sake, you have every right to celebrate her damn birthday with her!” Hayden moved away from him feeling irritated as she tried to make her case, starting to pace back and forth as she spoke.
“Her mother has full custody of her-”
“That didn’t stop you from taking her to the carnival months ago! And it certainly didn’t stop you from bringing her back here several times to spend time with you-”
“I can’t kidnap my own daughter every time I want to see her Hayden,”
“And why the hell not?” she crossed her arms, “Hope loves it here, she wants to be around her dad as much as she can, she’s allowed to make her own choices of who she wants to live with-”
“I mean it! You can’t let your ex run half of your life Nathan-”
“Hayden,” he placed his hands on her shoulders stopping her pacing.
“What?” she asked angrily.
  “What’s this really about?” he asked looking down into her eyes.
“It’s not about anything besides you spending time with Hope,” she answered too quickly.
“Wrong, try again,”
“I- fine,” she sighed, “I really want to see Hope again, alright? She gives me the chance to see everything through the eyes of a real kid, not like me. I was training as a soldier from her age- I love her Nathan, she’s a sweetheart and I’ll be damned if I can’t see her be happy for her birthday,”
Nathan’s expression turned to that of a big grin, “Really now?”
“Yes,” she rolled her eyes, “Is that so hard to believe?”
“Just a little,” he teased.
“Nate, seriously,” she tugged at his shirt and looked up at him as his arms circled instinctively around her waist, “do you know what Hope told me would be the greatest gift for her birthday?” he shook his head, “To quote, ‘to be with my Daddy, last year he promised he’d come back on time but he didn’t, I don’t hate him though. I know he still loves me’, unquote.”
“She really said that?” his face softened and his eyes wetted slightly.
“Of course she did, she’s your daughter and she loves you Nathan.”
  He thought for a moment before finally speaking up, “I’ll probably be hearing from her lawyers because of this, but for my little girl’s birthday, how could I say no?”
“Good,” Hayden patted his cheek and smiled, “You’re doing the right thing Nathan.” She rested her arms playfully around his neck.
“God I hope so,” he sighed and leaned his face closer to hers, “You’re getting me into a lot of trouble you know that Haydes?”
“Not that you’re resisting much to begin with,” she giggled and he smiled before kissing her lips slowly, she smiled and pressed the kiss back eagerly.
                                                         * * *
Nathan had insisted that Hayden play her guitar and sing for him up in her room, telling her that it helped him relax better, especially whenever Wade was driving him crazy, which was more often than not. She didn’t mind though, seeing as how today Wade was driving him up the wall more so than usual.
He was laid back on the bed and listening with his eyes closed and a calm expression across his face, he was practically in a dozing state until he heard the sounds of someone clambering around in his room; he sat upright and sighed irritably.
“That better not be Wade,” he grumbled and Hayden stopped playing.
“I highly doubt that it isn’t,”
“OH GOD WHAT I COULD DO WITH THIS BEAR,” they heard Wade say loudly.
“WADE-” he shot up from his seated position and ran out from Hayden’s room, “YOU BETTER NOT BE TOUCHING MY DAUGHTER’S BEAR YOU-”
  Hayden got up and followed quickly only to find that Nathan was rolling on the floor by his door, his upper torso covered with saran wrap, he struggled with it as it clung tightly around him. Wade stood inside the room cackling with success.
“What the hell is this, get it off!” Nathan yelled.
“Wade seriously?” Hayden sighed and held Nathan still on the floor; she started peeling off the material slowly and eventually unravelled it all from him.
                  “I thought his futuristic cyborg eye would have helped him at least see the stuff, that went way better than expected,”
Nathan got himself up from the floor and gave Wade a death glare, his own face flushed red from his embarrassment at being fooled by such a silly prank, Hayden put her hand on his shoulder.
“Are you alright Nate? You didn’t get hurt anywhere?” she eyed over his form quickly.
“I’m fine,” he didn’t meet her gaze as he was embarrassed.
“Good,” she pecked his cheek before turning to Wade, “Do you remember a word of what I told you earlier?” she asked through gritted teeth.
He gulped, “Ah, that corporal punishment is wrong and getting off with a verbal warning is the only way a person will learn?” he said rather hopefully.
“Definitely not,” she approached him and slapped him hard in the face, leaving a bright red handprint clear on his cheek, “What the hell is wrong with you? You don’t go and poke the bear, and you certainly don’t torture the bear with stupid shit like this,” Wade rubbed his cheek and didn’t meet her gaze, “Wade, seriously you could have hurt him now-”
“I said I’m fine Haydes-”
She ignored him, “Promise me, and really promise me, no more pranks that can really hurt someone?”
“Fine, I promise,” Wade gave in, throwing his hands in the air.
“Thank you, it’s really big of you to take responsibility like this,”
“Ugh responsibility, that’s the worst,” he tilted his face towards the ceiling.
                                                           * * *
Hayden was helping Nathan out with his new phone (again) that he’d gotten, he didn’t have a need for smartphones in the future, as whatever information he needed was always displayed around for everyone to read or he could simply find it by using his metal arm to locate the information on a server when he got hold of some wiring.
He still wasn’t used to the smaller screen in his big hands, and he was altogether unfamiliar with the topics of interest in this era, making him get rather irritable with the ‘complicated’ device very easily.
“I don’t see why you want to learn all this; it’s all just a fad anyway,” she shrugged at him.
“Because I don’t want to be the old man who doesn’t understand technology,” he insisted.
“You don’t even use this stuff in the future, and for the last time you’re not old,” she squeezed his hand and he gave a small side smile, “Besides, you only really need to be able to call one of us, if it’s absolutely necessary and you already know how to do that,”
  Nathan’s phone sounded and the notification panel displayed at the top of the screen, ‘New message from ‘Wilson’’.
“What does that idiot want now?” he opened the chat and saw there was an attachment that needed to be downloaded, the caption ‘Open me when you’re alone’ along with it, he looked to Hayden.
She shook her head, “I really wouldn’t, who knows what he’s done now,”
“That’s exactly why I have to open it,” Nathan sighed; he tapped the screen and after a moment the image downloaded to his phone he opened it and gagged. “God what is wrong with him?” he put his phone to the side.
“What is it?” she asked trying to reach for it but Nathan grabbed her hand to stop her and shook his head.
“It’s a picture of the cunt’s dick, I can’t believe he actually- wait a minute,” Nathan’s eyes went wide and he grabbed the phone again, “Son of a bitch this was taken in my room!” he got up and went upstairs, Hayden followed closely behind.
  “Son of a bitch,” Nathan muttered as he stormed into his room, the entire of it being covered with multiple coloured edits of blown up images of Wade’s dick, “He’s relentlessly disgusting,” he pulled an image off the wall and tore it into pieces, “I’m cutting his dick off for this.”
“I might just hold him down for you,” Hayden said from behind him, “Um Nathan,”
“Do you own anything remotely pink?”
“What? No, why are you asking me that?” he turned to frown at her.
She nodded in the direction of his bathroom, “Then he’s left something in there for you,”
Nathan hurried into it and found that some of his toiletries and bathroom décor had been changed to ones that were Hello Kitty themed; he gritted his teeth and turned to Hayden before looking back at the newly decorated room.
“He’s dead, he’s so dead,”
>> Chapter 31 <<
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