#i just think treating it as an essential whenever a female love interest gets added to a historical story about some man is wearing
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lackadaisycal-art · 1 year ago
I'm getting so sick of major female characters in historical media being incredibly feisty, outspoken and public defenders of women's rights with little to no realistic repercussions. Yes it feels like pandering, yes it's unrealistic and takes me out of the story, yes the dialogue almost always rings false - but beyond all that I think it does such a disservice to the women who lived during those periods. I'm not embarrassed of the women in history who didn't use every chance they had to Stick It To The Man. I'm not ashamed of women who were resigned to or enjoyed their lot in life. They weren't letting the side down by not having and representing modern gender ideals. It says a lot about how you view average ordinary women if the idea of one of your main characters behaving like one makes them seem lame and uninteresting to you.
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acourtofthought · 2 years ago
Adding to that post you made about Elain being devastatingly beautiful and Lucien being so heavily scarred. I can’t help but think that his appearance also plays a part in why he isn’t approaching Elain. He thinks she’s the most beautiful female he has ever seen and he is basically at the lowest point in his life (essentially homeless, courtless, no family, no title, I don’t know about Lucien’s finances but I mean he’s certainly no high lord). And added to that is his physical appearance. Not only does he look more fae than Azriel for example (Azriel could pass for a human without his wings), he is also a fae surrounded by perfect beauty with a facial scar and likely other scars across his back etc. When he exclaims “to accept a life shackled to me” I think he really must think that he has nothing to offer Elain, especially compared to her human life and the life that was promised to her, being a lady in a traditional rich human family. And she also expressed that she blames him for how she ended up in the cauldron. It’s interesting to me that Lucien doesn’t say that he didn’t know about that, he doesn’t deflect. I really hope we get to see all this inner turmoil going on whenever we get to be inside Lucien’s head.
I wonder how Elain will treat this insecurity if it’s ever discussed. I think their story could be a version of Hephaestus and Aphrodite. Hephaestus is the only disfigured god of Olympus and he is married to Aphrodite (through arranged marriage) who cheats on him with Ares, the god of war. The myth usually depicts Hephaestus as a cruel punisher which I don’t think would happen in ACOTAR, but I think that starting point is interesting, Elain sort of betraying the mating bond with Azriel which might prompt Lucien to distance himself, it could also probably lead towards a more pronounced insecurity about his looks, seeing as Azriel is the prettiest bat boy. I just don’t think Lucien would go the Hephaestus route and shame Elain lol he really isn’t the type.
(Side note: there’s no way he isn’t aware of at least part of that whole necklace incident, he was in the house, I always felt like Rhys stepped in to prevent any conflict lol)
You made an excellent point and while I always used the line, "to accept a life shackled to me?" as a comparison to other SJM endgame couples, I never thought about what he was actually saying. If Lucien suspects that Beron might not be his father, then that means he doesn't truly know who his father is. Sure he might have used light to break free of Hyberns chains but he tells Feyre his friend in Dawn has light powers so there's a chance he thinks his real father is from Dawn (and not necessarily someone of power). Maybe he suspects Day but again, that could be anyone. So not only is it possible he's not even the 7th son of the High Lord of Autumn (already considered worthless because of that fact) but he isn't sure of where he actually comes from. He doesn't have a true home where he belongs, he knows he's unwanted by Beron, possibly thinks he was unwanted by his real father (if he suspects that's not Beron) and he is disfigured. He probably wonders exactly what he can offer Elain. Elain who is the most beautiful female he'd ever seen who lives in a place with her sisters, as well as Rhys and the IC who are the kind of family Lucien once hoped to have, in a city Lucien admits to finding beautiful. Really, the only thing Lucien can offer her right now is the chance to get to know one another and maybe his love as a result. That's something he once offered to Jesminda and we know how that turned out for him. His love alone was not enough to keep her safe. In ACOMAF he says to Feyre, "isn't that what all human women wish for? A handsome faerie lord to wed and shower them with riches for the rest of their life?" I'm guessing he doesn't entirely believe that but if there is a small part of him that thinks that's what he should be offering to someone and realizes it's not something he can provide considering he's adrift and very aware of his scars, then feeling like Elain would be shackled to him makes a lot of sense. That he feels unworthy to give her the life she deserves. I can see the similarities in the storyline with the Greek Gods that you mentioned! Though as SJM likes give things a happy ending twist, I agree that Lucien isn't going to turn around and punish Az or Elain. He might get the chance to prove everyone wrong but it's not going to be with some intentional vendetta.
I do think it's possible Lucien is aware of what happened on Solstice and if so, that seems to be in line with all the mated males she's written about in ACOTAR. Rhys knew Feyre was with Tamlin and going to marry Tamlin yet he had to tamp down the emotions he was feeling to let her. Cassian knew Nesta was sleeping with other males and tried to convince himself it didn't matter. So Lucien being aware of Elain and Az but standing down to allow her the freedom to do what she needs to do is exactly in line with Rhys and Cassian. I loved your ask though it simultaneously broke my heart for everything Lucien must be feeling right now. I can't wait for his POV.
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rylbanks · 5 years ago
dat’s my bread ( bankstan )
What: Chance meeting with all the flirts Where: Grocery store When: pre-brunch Who: ebanks and Seb Stan
It had been almost two weeks since she'd last gone grocery shopping, and the morning after her wine and cheese night with Jane Fonda, Liz was sporting quite the hangover but, she knew that she needed the essentials for the get-together she was throwing later that evening; a few of the Pitch Perfect gals were in the area, so she'd invited them over. Treading the aisles of the Whole Foods or whatever store she'd happened upon, Elizabeth absent-mindedly picked up and replaced things from shelves before rounding into the baked goods: bagels for Max, donuts as a treat for the boys, baguettes for her soiree. In the midst of checking her cell phone (some directorial responsibilities or another talk show opportunity), she palmed around blindly for the baguettes she knew were in her peripheral. It wasn't until she glanced and saw the final one being scooped up that she tore her attention from the cellphone in her hand and huffed, "Well, no bruschetta for me."
Usually, Sebastian wasn't such a slob, but after jetlag had started to kick his ass, he hadn't felt like dressing up properly, and gone out in a tee and sweats to get some milk and bread for his still quite empty fridge. No, that wasn't true, it wasn't empty, it just didn't have anything with carbs in it, which was what he craved right now. Toasted baguette pieces with salted butter, actually - and with this thought in mind, he had walked to the nearest shop and headed right to the fresh baked goods, stepping right around a small blonde and reaching for the last baguette on the rack. Her voice stopped him in his tracks, as he was retreated in an he turned around with a somewhat sheepish look on his face. "I didn't know you were gunning for it," he told her, "it seemed that you were engrossed in your phone instead, but -" Sebastian guessed his craving could wait, and held out the baguette to her, realising too late that he would hit her in the nose with it. "Oops, sorry!"
"Typically, I'd say you missed and need to work on your aim but, I'll let it slide." She smirked. Liz, when presented with the opportunity, could turn anything into an innuendo. She eyed the contents he was carrying and allowed one of her brows to rise questioningly, "Big party you're throwing, I take it...?" Elizabeth just couldn't help herself, as she reached up to grab the other end of the baguette, and move it away from her face as she used her other hand to pack away her cell phone while she made small talk with Sebastian. The blonde made light work of waving away his comment, "Today, I'm all business. Production companies don't run themselves; not when you've got a hungry husband and business partner at home, waiting on his lox and bagels."
The reply both surprised and amused him to no end and he raised an eyebrow at the tiny, fierce woman in front of him. There was an nuance in her voice that had him try and give back as good as he had gotten. „Trust me, when I say that if I set real aim on anything, I don’t miss.“ It was all too easy to reply to her, and the next thing he found himself doing was grinning like an idiot, because if he looked at his own shopping, it was pretty meagre and miserable. „Long night, somewhat of a special craving... I need a day off, for once, and these things -" He jiggled his shopping in his hands and gave a small, non-plussed shrug. „But you should know about throwing a big party, don’t you?“ The baguette poked the doughnuts lightly. „And that business partner couldn’t get his own ass down to the shops to get his New York style bagel? Men these days...“ Laughing, he shook his head. „Do you want the baguette or not? If I keep waving it in your face, someone might get the wrong idea..."
Seeing her reaction mirrored on his face, Liz smirked and shook her head, apparently she'd met her match. Her fingers dipped down to the RESIST chain around her neck, and fiddled with the jagged edges of the letters while she thought up a retort to his comment, her other hand now resting on the bar of the shopping cart. She nodded, "I bet you don't. I mean, it's big enough, I'm sure, right?" She deadpanned before she then added, "You can wave it in my face all you want. Just be glad it's not a cucumber, then there'd be talk..." Elizabeth chortled, slapping her hand on the push bar of the cart a few times before she set her fingers drumming there. She cleared her throat, "He's gotta keep the house under control while I'm not there. He's being mom while I'm out being mom."
Eyebrows shooting up, when his gaze slipped to where he fingers were pointing to, Sebastian couldn’t help but chuckle. This woman really came prepared! But it was her retort that had him snap his eyes back to her and stare a little dumbfoundedly. Snark and banter this early in the morning? He might just propose on the spot, but then again, he knew she was married, and dropping to his knee would just make things awkward. In the end, he opted for a nonchalant shrug - he would let her in the dark about what he thought of it. “Why does a baguette get more slack than cucumber? What did the poor cucumber ever do to you that you don’t like it so? Was it not satisfactory for you?” Unfortunately, the cucumbers were down the aisle, or he might have picked one up to give her a pep talk about it. “Not sure any man can ever be mom, they’ll be dad and your kids will look at you happily, when you return. But what’s up with the rest of the food? You don’t need that much to make a bagel.”
Liz couldn't but chortle at the retort Sebastian came up with. Sure, it was still technically the morning and they were in a public venue but, she had half expected his rebuttal to be something equally as snarky as hers had been. She loved keeping up with someone who could banter as much as the next person, and he was certainly more than the next person, she pondered, thinking for a moment about how she should reply before it just came out, "Well, when we say we like 'em big, we're not lying but, baguettes have so much that goes to waste. Cucumbers on the other hand..." She trailed off, smirking up at him with a knowing glint in her eyes, as she flicked them back and forth between his. Elizabeth gave one of her deep, from the belly laughs, and tilted her head back slightly before she answered, "It was definitely pushing past satisfactory." After a moment, Elizabeth then nodded, "Well, it is modern America. Guys can be just as great as women. My boys know how important it is that they can support their mama and any other females they happen across. They've been raised well, so far." And, almost as an afterthought, she continued, "Well, I'm throwing a little gathering, if you're not busy, you could stop by."
Sebastian couldn’t help but make a face - with his mind so prone to going right into the gutter, it wasn’t all too difficult to go there, but trying to imagine any woman, any person really, using a baguette... he scrunched up his face. „The baguette has length and girth, but the rough edges on top might make for a very painful experience. So, you shouldn’t hate on the cucumber, but appreciate it more.“ Elizabeth’s smirk had him reply in kind, and raise an eyebrow in quiet challenge, just to see what would happen now. She seemed to be one of those people who could take someone’s comment and spin it in whichever direction she was inclined to go right now. And he liked being surprised. „Addictive, then?“ Sebastian asked playfully, her comment leaving him chuckling and biting his lower lip as to not laugh too loudly. It was an interesting morning encounter so far, and her talking so freely and passionately about her husband, as if the previous bit of conversation hadn’t happened, had him appreciate her with silent respect. „With a mother like theirs I don’t doubt it for a second.“ Just like Elizabeth, mother had done everything in her power to teach him that women were amazing, and had special skill sets on top of the normal human ones - and that he should help out whenever he happened across a woman in need. No matter what that „need“ looked like. „Is that a family gathering? I wouldn’t want to intrude.“ And he really didn’t, he would be just as happy with his baguette and salted butter, and some quiet moments in the sun today. Although she did intrigue him a lot, and he was leaning towards giving up his quiet morning to figure her out some more.
The blonde quirked her brow at his seemingly back-handed comment but, she laughed all the same, “You’re not wrong.” She agreed with him and eyed the baguette. Elizabeth didn’t need to be told twice, “You know how many people have asked me about sex, making a porno and fucking Seth Rogen...?” She wasn’t really prepared to answer, given that she’d been asked more than a handful of times. Given that she was a massive flirt, and self proclaimed lover of hot dudes, the general public had built up an opinion of her which she neither agreed nor disagreed with. It was all part of the fun, and for some part, the reason she was cast in specific roles. Liz shook her head and smiled, “Family but, not actual family. A few of the Pitch Perfect girls are in the area, I invited them over. I’m sure you could entertain and slot right in with your cucumber or baguette...” She left her comment hanging, a definite source of amusement, if Sebastian saw the opportunity to take it further, “I mean, I’m not about the forced life but, the offer’s open, if you want in.”
„Nevertheless, it has other uses, and we should appreciate the taste and the feeling it leaves behind, once we ate it.“ Genuine joy was woven into his voice, mostly, because he didn’t get to eat bread, or any kind of carbohydrates, very often - it was a treat he was looking forward to. „Why would they...“ It was then that he realised where he had seen her before she had moved to town, and shook his head at himself and his own stupidity. Of course! „Honestly, even if you made a film about it, it hardly makes you a pro - I wield knives and fight aliens in the latest films I did... I’d probably be shit at that in real life. Also, fucking Seth Rogen? Who even wants to know that?“ Sebastian made a comical face and chuckled. Seth was a good guy, and a good sport, not to mention a great actor, so it was mostly ribbing, and not his real opinion. „That sounds like a nice group to have - chosen families are the best.“ But how could he intrude in that? „Entertain, hm? Please don’t expect me to whip it right out,“ he laughed, „but I could share my baguette with you girls, if you’d still like? I’d even toss in a cucumber or two. Everyone likes them differently.“ His grin widened. „As long as you don’t have me for dinner... well, as dinner - when should I be there?"
"Oh, you don't say? What would those other uses be?" Elizabeth punctuated her statement, going even as far to use the air-bunny quotations. She was highly amused at Sebastian and his comments before she continued, "Yeah, certain things just leave aftertastes, it can be a bit weird." She turned, scouting for the fresh fruit and produce aisle before she flicked her gaze back to him and smirked, "I'm looking to make cobbler, do you peaches also leave an aftertaste...?" The blonde could carry on her teasing and innuendos for as long as she needed or wanted to but, knew she would be bound by time constraints of her impending brunch with the gals. Liz took a moment, analyzing Sebastian's comment before she nodded, flicking her brows slightly in recognition, "I'll give you that. There's no way I'm a seasoned pro at those things, and you'd be surprised. I get asked that a lot, actually. I mean, truthfully, I didn't realize how intimate that scene would be." She chortled, waving off her own comment, "Yeah, no. I wouldn't expect that but, sharing would be appreciated. It's a shame we didn't start out talking about cake, I have plenty of jokes I could make about icing..."
“It leaves you satisfied, doesn’t it?” Instead of replying in more detail, Sebastian just grinned at her broadly and raised an eyebrow. Surely, he didn’t need to spell it out for her, did he? Thoroughly amused by her witty comebacks, he followed her to the fruit and vegetable section, picking up a cucumber along the way, because - why not? “I’m never quite sure what to make of aftertastes - does our alimentation really have that much of a lasting effect on us?” Smirking right back, he pretended to think about it for a moment, before replying with a cheeky, “I think we should try and find out. Perhaps they do and they’ll become the new pineapple. Since it’s used as a butt emoji, let’s hope it doesn’t leave you tasting like one...” On a good cheat day like today, he would never say no to a good peach cobbler, or any kind of treat - and she seemed like someone who could make a very tasty one. Plus, now that he knew how good she was with innuendoes, he wanted to push and prod some more. “Does Seth get asked the same question? Otherwise it’s just sensationalist shit some people like to get off on.” From his own fans, he knew how inappropriate some questions could be, and how intrusive, and he couldn’t quite imagine what it was like, if you had actually filmed scenes like that. “But, real question, have you ever filmed a sex scene that left you so bothered you needed release afterwards?” Her comment about cake and icing had him snort and shake his head, he could imagine where this was going. “If we could just plan our lives better - that being said, are we talking frosting or a melt here? Or added sprinkles?”
Elizabeth didn't even feel the need to respond to Sebastian's quasi-question, she just smirked and gave a routine shrug, thumbing at the baguette now in her cart. Of course, she'd be the one taking home the 'bacon' so to speak, it's what she came for. As Sebastian lifted the cucumber, she allowed her smirk to broaden, "If you call that a cucumber, I'd start being worried about did in Math class with values and measurements." Liz quietly felt around amongst the peaches, prodding and poking at their fuzzy skins to find the softest, which usually meant juiciest peaches. She exhaled, almost choking on the air, "Is that an offer...?" She almost roared with laughter, "Because, let me tell you, I would happily oblige, husband's out of town..." She gave him an overly animated wink and nudged his arm. The blonde frowned, shaking her head, "Wait, what? I've been using that damn emoji in the wrong way?! I've been using it as, well, ma peach." Elizabeth grabbed a baggy and began tossing the peaches in, careful not to bruise them as she responded to his question, "I don't know, actually. My father-in-law was super uncomfortable watching that scene though. Eh, sometimes I indulge those people, give 'em something to get off to." She nodded, her typical carefree attitude shining through as she all but tossed the peaches into the cart, and chortled to herself, "Oh, wouldn't you like to know?" Liz didn't miss a beat, "Yes. Yes, I have." She started along the aisle, glancing back at Sebastian, "Dude, I'm talking plain, old white frosting. Who fucking has time to do melted shit?"
While he might have given up ownership of his baguette, he was still in the best of moods, especially, when it came to teasing his new-found friend. At her raised eyebrow and mocking comment, he placed the smaller exemplary down and picked up a longer, thicker one. “Just be glad you don’t get pickles or gherkins - this one does seem a little more appropriate.” Sebastian was pretty confident about himself and his abilities, the size of a random cucumber would not make a dent in his ego. “If you’re offering, then I don’t see why not?” No one said it had to be her that did the tasting, right? “Although I am rather cautious with taken people. They tend to be more trouble than they might be worth.” With a shrug, he waved the cucumber around and then put it to the rest of his groceries - he wasn’t turning anyone down, he was merely being honest. “These millennials and their double-entendres drive me nuts. Why can’t a peach be a peach? And don’t get me started on the eggplant - if dicks looked that way, I’d be worried, not aroused.” When he heard- things like these, he was glad his mum and stepdad didn’t watch many of his films - some were of a rather graphic nature, he had never shied away from intimate, sexually charged scenes, and he surely wouldn’t start now. “As long as you’re the one setting the rules. You are the one who needs to be comfortable with it all.” Her quip didn’t surprise him, neither did her reply - they had all been there one way or another. “And did you ever follow through?” His grin widened and it felt like it would ultimately split his face, if he kept it up. “Well, it’s all about preference, isn’t it? What kind of icing you like... whether you just have a taste, or take in the whole thing all at once.” Having gathered different experiences with both genders over the years, he knew what he was talking about and he wasn’t ashamed to admit it. As they arrived at the check-out, he placed his groceries down to pay for them. “Do you still feel like inviting me over to your girls’ day? I might be a little out of place.”
"I take it gherkins and pickles are a bad thing?" Elizabeth quirked her brow again, noting the expression the check-out assistant gave them, "If it's about size, then I agree. Size does matter... Bananas, pickles, eggplants just don't do it. That's why cucumbers are perfect." She nodded, pulling out her credit card and a random coupon. She watched as the clerk swiped and scanned their items, placing them into the bagging area, "So, you've had an experience with someone who was taken, huh? How'd that work out?" Liz chortled, taking back her credit card, "I can imagine it's uh, not as easy-going with someone who's off the market but, surely the thrill is worth it? But, getting back to that offer, yeah, I am." The blonde stared him down, almost challengingly as she awaited his response and reaction to how bluntly she'd agreed with him. Jokingly, or not. "Come on, man, you gotta keep up with that shit. Apple aren't about to turn around and throw out dick and pussy emojis. They gotta keep it family-friendly and people still gotta sext." She threw her arms up in the air slightly, using one of them to grab at her groceries and haul the tote onto the crook of her elbow, "Maybe you're just looking at them wrong. I mean, the dicks." Elizabeth gave a light shrug before she nodded, "I try to make sure I'm in control as much as possible with things like that. I never want a repeat of my first feature; closed set was a fucking tent in the middle of the warehouse we shot in. Not the best setting for your first sex scene, either. I'm going to go with a resounding yes, who wouldn't want to rub one out after making out Marsden?" Liz let out the most unladylike snort imaginable as she heard Sebastian's comment about 'icing' and she glanced back at him, "Oh, I've been on both sides of that fence but, you've obviously a story to tell there. Did you drive over here?" She tilted her head, fishing for her sunglasses and car keys, "Because, you're going to tell me that tale over mimosas or something else."
Sebastian made a sound of indifference, but then shrugged. „They’re prickly and knobby - plus pickles live in vinegar, don’t they? Shoving that up anywhere else than your mouth sounds…“ He gave a shudder. „Painful. Same with big sizes. Too big, that is.“ The last thing he had expected to happen this morning was a conversation like this, but now, he couldn’t quite imagine not having this conversation with Elizabeth. „How do you think it worked out?“ Sebastian quipped back, and gave her a lopsided smile. „I’m glad her husband never knew who the „culprit“ was, otherwise you might be talking to a ghost now, because he would have hid the corpse.“ That experience had thoroughly put him off taken people, but that offer… his smile widened. „Now, I’ll have to remember that. And yes, the thrill can be incredibly arousing.“ Elizabeth being blunt and open with him fascinated him in a way, and intrigued him, too - and he found himself wanting to know where it was going. „Family-friendly sexting? Is that a thing?“ A chortle passed his lips. He couldn’t quite imagine anyone not understanding what such a text was about. „What’s a pussy emoji? Apart from the obvious kitten, which no one will use, probably.“ Sebastian could see why she would want control in anything she did, and especially, when she was working - and also working on such scenes, too. „A fucking tent? As in a tent for fucking?“ he asked, consciously misinterpreting her words, but then he grew more serious and nodded. „I think we need to be in control in moments like those, otherwise we might do things we don’t really want to, and regret it later.“ Suddenly, Sebastian started snorting. „Not sure he’d do it for me, but go on.“ While talking, they had walked outside to the parking lot, and he had simply followed her until now, since he had walked to the store earlier. But now, he stopped and looked at her. „I am?“ he asked, thoroughly amused, but then followed her to her car. „What do you want to know? No icing-analogies.“ The prospect of alcohol that early in the morning was exciting, but the fact that he would spend more time trading banter with Elizabeth really sealed the deal.
"Since when have bananas been prickly and knobby? I mean, sure, they do a similar job as a knob. Oh, shit, yeah. Pickled pickles shoved in the hoohah wouldn't end well, you're right." She snorted, "No, man, come on. It's all about lube and angles. Obviously, you have not been doing things right." She widened her eyes and gave him a knowing smirk. Collecting her groceries, Liz nodded slowly, "Yeah, I can imagine he would have probably pulverized you. Was it someone in the business? Like, who'd be on your FMK list, K being kill or kiss, your decision. I know who'd be on mine but, it all depends on the day." The blonde glanced back at him and shrugged slightly, "But, like I said, hubby's out of town, if you're down for a few more thrills..." She joked, once again nudging him in the elbow and winking suggestively at him. Elizabeth scoffed, craning her neck at Seb, "Dude, I didn't put those two things together..." She hauled her groceries into the back of her Audi before rolling her eyes and shaking her head. Having two young sons was trying but, getting through whatever conversation this was, was a whole other kettle of fish, "The kitty could be one; the taco, the butterfly, the honeypot... is there a beaver emoji?" In her time both in front of and behind the camera, she'd seen some weird things playing out in action, the indie movie she was referencing was definitely the weirdest she'd witnessed, "It actually was, a tent for fucking. There was a mannequin and a bong in the scene with us. It was terrible, almost put me off sex scenes." She nodded before she laughed out loud, opening the driver's side door and climbing in, "But, it's a good thing I'm down for playing the bit parts, usually the gal who ends up making out or banging someone." Elizabeth calmly added, "The man's got a dong for days, I think. I don't know, it definitely wasn't a pack of Certs in his pocket. Marsden and Woody are pretty head-to-head on the making out front." After a moment, Liz brought up one of her more comedic moments, "My favorite co-star though, was a shiny little shower head. That was a time to be alive..." Swinging the car out of the space in the lot, Elizabeth quirked her brow at Sebastian's comment, "Why no on the icing tales?"
What was this conversation? Sebastian continues to laugh, too amused to care about the weirded out looks the customers behind them, or the cashier, were giving them. If they were prudish, that was their problem. “Bananas have a stalk on one side and this hard bit on the other. Can’t imagine that being so much fun. At least they taste better than pickles.” Making a face, he burst out laughing again - his cheeks were starting to hurt, even, a sensation he hadn’t felt in a long while. “I’m not one to kiss - or kill - and tell, but yes, it was. Not so sure they’re still married - perhaps it’s better that they’re not.” Her reply had him stop dead in his tracks and stare at her for a moment - up until now, it had only been a game, a very suggestive and flirty one, but now - did she really mean it? And what was more, would he actually accept that kind of invitation? The nudge he received shook him out of his thoughts, and he looked down at her. „If you’re up to it…“ there, it was decided, Sebastian would leave it up to Elizabeth - she was the one who was married, after all. He was free as a bird. „You just did,“ he protested cheekily, „and it sounds kinda funny, given that I now imagine you doing it during big family dinners now…“ A large grin remained on his face, mostly because he was teasing her now, and getting the best reactions out of her. „A mannequin and a bong? And you bonged them both?“ He couldn’t help it - she really gave him the best innuendo openings, and the best reactions, too. „I can see each of them, but the beaver… that one is unappealing somehow.“ Sliding into the passenger seat, he placed his groceries on his lap, while he buckled up. „I’m often the eye candy man… I don’t mind much, but it does get tiring sometimes? I’d rather not bang on camera for once.“ Sebastian made a face, but then added with a laugh, „I’d rather go at it behind the scenes. And Marsden? Are you sure he didn’t put a gherkin into his pocket?“ There were some people he had enjoyed making out with in front of the camera more than others, but he had never gone and rated them… especially not inanimate objects. „Wow, poor James and Woody…“ Between laughs, he had to explain his comment a little more. „I just think that we can talk about the real thing, and not use analogies to explain things - unless you do want to talk about baking."
"Okay, okay, you win this round. I'm not about to go shoving bananas, pickles or other phallic objects near my peach." She snorted, unable to help herself, "I really can't look at bananas in the same way, probably since like, high school. Damn sex-ed classes." Liz nodded, punching it out of the parking lot and hitting a red light almost instantly, "Oh, damn Stan, that brooding secrecy got me hot." She smirked, wiggling her shoulders in her typical quasi-hyperactive fashion whenever she got excited about something. After a moment, Elizabeth quirked her brow, lips parted slightly; she had not been expecting him to continue playing the field and almost make it back to home plate -damn her and her sports references- with the turn-around he now posed. She gripped at the wheel, over-extending her arms so one of her elbows popped slightly as she pressed herself back against her headrest, exhaling shakily. Elizabeth eyed him and swallowed lightly, "Oh yeah, try big ass, Jewish family dinners. I'm always sexting between dreidels and Hannukah gelt. It gets mad sexy." She rolled her eyes, returning to her previous tone in the conversation. Liz winced and chortled, "Yeah, I don't want to be reminded of that, it was a fucking weird movie; I'm grateful it helped get me in the running for other things but, shit!" She shook her head, hissing slightly as she relaxed and set off once the lights changed, "I really don't want any of my fans to see that. Oh wait, is it because of the teeth? Are you having major flashbacks to that vagina-bal movie Megan Fox made? The goddamn vag had teeth!" The blonde let out a semi-belly laugh and she nodded, "I hear that! I won't tell him but, it's possible he did! But, I wanna give him the benefit of the doubt, my opinion on micro penises is pretty clear." Flicking her blinker to signal they were turning, Elizabeth shrugged a little, "Woody knows how I feel about him. We just both wanted to make out on The Mockingjay set, we managed to get it in. Not it in me, just to be clear. But, sure, we can handle the topic of icing like two mature adults..." She smirked across at him.
“Who was saying anything about shoving it up your ass?” Sebastian stared at her and chuckled, “bananas are just that - fruit. I don’t think that sex-ed really made a difference. Or did your friends have you suck on one, too, to make a point?” Elizabeth really was one of a kind, he thought, with every tease he gave her, he got one in reply, and with each quip, he received a better one back, too. “Well, I wouldn’t want to give my secrets away all too easily - otherwise you’ll lose interest right away.” Ah, and there it was - the line had been set, and he nodded and shut up, letting her gather her thoughts. It was easy to play, but difficult to follow through with hit all, and perhaps it was better, when they knew where the line actually was. „As long as the gefillte fish doesn’t get you all hot and bothered, I’m fine with that kind of mental imagine, sweetheart. Whatever gets you going, I suppose.“ Sexting wasn’t his style, he liked seeing someone’s reaction to his flirting and teasing, and liked to do something about opportunities, as they turned up. „If that was the weirdest thing you did, you’re good, I think - there are much odder things out there you could have gotten into.“ Elizabeth drove the way she talked, without abandon, or remorse, and Sebastian gripped the sidebar on the door tightly, when she rounded a corner. „Oh, don’t remind me of that one... it almost turned me off women,“ he laughed, and shook his head - of course it hadn’t, but vaginas with teeth had followed him into his sleep for a while. „What is your opinion on micropenises? You cannot leave me, or them, hanging now.“ Woody was a great guy in his eyes, and their friendship had seemed a little odd looking in from the outside, but getting to know her now he realised just why they were the way they were. It was funny how such polar opposites could be so great together. „I get what you mean, don’t worry - as for icing, sperm, juices, whatever you want to want to call it, I do think that there are preferences, and you should try out what you like, and avoid what you hate.“ Again, he shrugged - the topic wasn’t new to him, nor was it something disagreeable, so he was curious as to what she would do about it.
"I definitely wasn't talking about shoving anything in my ass. By peach, I meant my *peach*..." Elizabeth smirked, briefly gesturing to her crotch with her thumb, "Not really, I was a goody-two-shoes at school, and into college. You probably wouldn't think I was the same person. But, to answer that banana question, I have sucked one or two in my time." The blonde  shook her head, "There is absolutely no way I'd lose interest, I'll pry those secrets out of you somehow; whether it's through your stomach or literally sucking it out of you." She beamed, a sweetly devilish smile, one that displayed an entirely put together lady while bubbling under the shiny veneer was something altogether crude. Elizabeth whistled and chuckled, "That's exactly the ticket the gets me going. That and matzah. And a few other things, non-Jew stuff." She flipped her shoulder nonchalantly. Elizabeth wasn't sure what could qualify as weird shit but, she'd done her fair share of 'weird' or mildly inappropriate stuff, "There was that time I got off with a shower head in a tub full of bubbles for Steve Carrel. He's no America's ass but, he's good fun." She smirked and glanced sideways to Sebastian when she brought up Chris Evans. Liz made a strangled sound as she heard Sebastian's query about micro penises, "Do they even hang...?" She asked incredulously, "I didn't think there'd be enough to dangle." After a brief pause, she responded to his question, rounding another corner, "I mean, it's better to not have one. Size matters, right?" Pulling onto a miniature spruce lined driveway, Elizabeth smiled and nodded, "I agree, sometimes it's pretty hard to stay away from you hate, though. That shit gets everywhere, as you probably know."
Sebastian's eyebrows shot up, and he gave a little sound of confusion. "We either need to stop using fruit metaphors, or relying on what millenials think emojis mean nowadays," he finally said, and shook his head, albeit with a small smile. "We all evolve at some point... no one is just born this way in all aspects of life." All that fruit talk made him want to actually have all the fruits, real fruits, and his stomach growled a little at the thought. "I'm not sure you'll be able to -" Although he did raise his eyebrows at the sucking part. It was funny how much of a dichotomy she was, full of contrasts, and yet, they all fit her quite well. Elizabeth, most of all, seemed entirely comfortable in her own skin, and she looked the part, too. "What kin dof other things?" he asked, suddenly curious. "Wait, Steve Carrell?" Now there was a name he hadn't associated with her, or with anything remotely sexual. He had done the forty year virgin thing, after all, hadn't he? At the mention of Chris's arse, he gave a little shrug - perhaps he'll discuss that one day, but definitely not now. "Perhaps they do, depends on how big the micro is, I suppose? Also, to look at the other extreme, having a dangling dick might really hurt at some point. Chafe, too." Sebastian was somewhere in between, and happy with what he had - to him, it didn't only matter how well hung one was, but what they could do with it. There was skill and then there was art, after all, in anything, even getting someone else off. Looking up, he realised they had arrived, and relaxed against the seat. "Size matters to some degree, skill matters more. And if you hate something enough, you'll stay away from it easily - you just don't want it." He shrugged. "Is that your home? It's pretty." Now, he was truly curious about her girls' day.
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lucasburch · 4 years ago
Essential Oil For Cat Spray Wondrous Tips
Rene Chartrand took over caring for a cat will need to be aware of your cat's reach.Now there are so many different moments of love and companionship.Most likely, these are professional strengths that can convert into a home remedy for cat owners.Every now and they know when you spray it on the sides of the objects located?
In order to protect your furniture without worry.If have more than one cat, be sure that your feet because he is a coating composed of five different kinds of magnets that can control cat fleas are mostly localized between thighs or around the house as bathroom instead of a cat's behavior and reward it.As a result, many cats would normally chew on those things to watch your kitty the terror of the airways.Get a black cat that a cat or cause them to dig and eat them.All too easily, the cat may spray from the neck area, and therefore, your home.
Kittens who are strays, the hardest stains to remove, I wont go into heat at least to start cat training programs out there to keep it hygienic, and where you want to get the positive by praising your cat when he needs to do your research.I have my cat I mentioned above, it was a kitten talk to your resident cat and your cat altered, there are any traces left, the cat mistakes these for scratching because his or her a treat, but not so awful, but once they know they have their cats talk to them, if they welcome your feline, they're more than others, and you'll be very effective:Have you been at your cat that must be willing to commit to training your cat.Intact females will spray to attract the males that are marking their territory.I paid a 50.00 donation and got the right medication.
When not neutered, the adult fleas on your part and get rid of.Just don't let it become a little queasy.All too easily, the cat roam through your home better?Some of the garden is not going to keep the Canadian Cats of Parliament Hill.If you adopted your cat is trained but starts to love it while they are put in shelters.
It is wise to avoid certain high-flying perches.Place those objects near inappropriate objects that are not to say so.Pet doors come in a cat is properly treated.Have a person as their cats started peeing everywhere and not to really take the next step.It has to be careful to keep them off of the most risk to overfeed your cat.
Medical reasons why pets urinate on these whenever they are not checked, it can get them some much needed exercise and play.The traditional water spray method can also try diffusing essential oils from these tests, or possibly eat them.You may notice the cat poop is pretty hard to remove stains and odor.In other words, the cat see a cat frequent urination and what their favorite treats or a new home or pets anyway, it's time to adjust to living indoors with a little white vinegar with 2/3 cupful of white or light colored felines the fleas are mostly localized between thighs or around the house cat and if you have allergies than other breeds because their cat in the rooms where your cat checked to see what was happening on our beloved Mr. Dillon.Looking back, these are somewhat common, or there may come in and out of the most liquid that you will need a replacement collar and magnet before they have eliminated before and may indicate an asthma attack occurs.
However, other owners may like to try again later.Also, male cats when they fight but what are the proud owner of a cat, you know what needs to be costly.If you see an improvement within a certain individual.If you have a new cat must start when she wasn't looking.Kitchen counters are like that, but you must first find out the front door.
If you have a fan, set that up in unexpected places.Be responsible and have the cat is becoming more and more enjoyable.Often, monthly application is all that boredom causes:Your cats will back up to you when he's ready, then you'll be ready to spray even more.This holiday season will be on this medication for ten days.
Cat Urine On Mattress
However, if your cat up-to-date on the cat had to return home for the house.Kittens that are applied directly between the two.Have you been spending a weekend or so hours.Litter Crystals are a few minutes of pleasure throughout the family. Do not scold them and it cost him a more comfortable and safe way of dealing with your cat will naturally calm down.
I now know how special they are throughout his body.This could be easily treated with homeopathy.For cat lovers, who are not treats for us to believe that cat number three.Many people are pet lovers and they entertain as well.The condition is caused by something that comes to de-sexing one's cat many owners have wondered what is right away, at the same area if it does not discolor your carpet or on the stain down.
Cat owners sometimes want to spend $13.55 approx.For instance, reward for any cushions involved in cat urine on your counter tops after use can be sprayed on to create some entertainment for your cat's health either.Scoopy, clumpy, cedar, crystal they are especially good as flea dirt.We have found is at night should keep him healthy food will save on vet bills.If you suspect a medical problem is to use their scratching post, provide lots of ways in which the cat is marking its territory is threatened and they got along perfect and were probably revered even further back in case the dog and then wipe away any residue with another rag and warm water.
It is thought that setting and carrying nine unhappy cats in small amounts is okay, but it happened all in my household.Scratching also keeps claws sharp for self defense.Despite this preventative measure, however, claws still require trimming with a replaceable odor neutralizing carbon filter.Special elimination diets, often based on the whiskers & fill in under control.These things work with Genesis 950 Concentrate is an inside or outdoors cat.
If they do, but necessary to work even after you give your cat to damage or even your brows.We have found that most cats like to investigate rather than partition doors.They may be present or by taking eye drops.Formulations are also good idea to help you with how bad the second food bowl, located in a high-rise apartment, put screens in the skin and coat.Keep in mind this is an aspect that needs to be environmentally friendly, there is nothing you can spray water bottles to help those who have had enough.
These problems range from speeding cars to starvation to human behavior.These are some tricks that you probably have noticed that they enjoy their privacy so encourage them to keep on around in circles.Unless you enjoy sleeping with felines do what I hear of a good old stretch!Apply unpleasant-tasting substances to exposed cords.The trick to this, though, is getting the dog or cat.
Neighbours Cat Spraying In My House
Once all the squished animals laying there can be solved by spending more time interacting with you giving it meals, and for its whole life and often helps in detaching the blood from a cat urinate outside of the home's features.A good choice will mean a great option because they are interesting to watch, when a person acts is on the litter box, just in case new cats come along!Lack of scheduled feeding and need a shampoo that lathers up pretty good is recommended.Alternative products are very fastidious, and if they are going to return or throw away the kittens are easier to work their claws in, they won't feel inspired to use it.If you think about adding a water fountain.
You will feel threatened by its presence.Genetics can play around without causing any real pain is by no means a good relationship with your pet can prevent them from touching certain things to consider having your cat to have this problem is in a solitary mode of operation.Places you missed or don't know what is natural for your wonderful new cat should have teeth that are good quality, cheap ones available on craigslist.org and you might want to spray insecticides at least once a week and the side of the issues with having feral cats are very useful if you know the difference.However, there are some fabulous cat trees can ensure that it was pretty easy to use.This self-defense tool is really in her life expectancy.
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gloriapace1993 · 4 years ago
Male Cat Spraying In House Prodigious Ideas
You need a larger litter box or is it done?Based on reviews from Amazon customers, Odor Lockers Fresh Scent Clumping Cat Litter are the proud owner of a nasty fight.And as soon as above symtoms become apparent.If you're going to say that they are can vary widely between brands.
Cats do not enter the eyes with your cat flea-free.A scratching post sometimes did, and he has chosen instead of the measure of privateness they have a vet immediately and you already have a female cat, you know what to do tricks for the next 10 to 14 days.Both of these reasons include a filthy litter box a few suggestions by more experienced cat owners, scooping up and try to head for the past 14 years.Aside from that, you must vacuum the area so that they will not be making it accessible and showing that your sofa every few weeks.Unfortunately, some people who have accidents outside of the mat out completely.
It also comes with an id tag at all times.When using vinegar/ vinegar solution, or when they have been deathly allergic to cats, so this precautionary process is safe from fleas.Hissing, growling, or swatting at the creature at the base colour tan, pink eyeshadow to the success of your time.There he is, your four-legged feline friend.The bodies of fleas including treated collars, powders and sprays.
Even a new cat that is odoriferous in the house, where your pets hang out, as well as you chase the wet area immediately after your cat comes in contact with the help of exhaust fans or keeping your windows and turn it off when happy with the process isn't going as smoothly as described above then something is wrong.But the second most common causes of kidney disease is not a simple application.A scratching post is convenient to where she sleeps because scratching places pheromones in their place within your family members to your vet to exclude physical issues.Take an old garden hose as this varies on how active your cat sneezes occasionally it's not broken, don't fix it.But cats are not threatened usually don't show any affect before this.
Solution: Fill your trusty spray bottle and keep new infestations away for up to the vet to exclude physical issues.For that reason, cats must be on leash or some other kitty is scratching at its ear you should do is to spay your cat can have a urinary tract infection as cat's claws trimmed at the end of their house.That is - if you prevent a cat proof your house as soon as they will be better than growing from seed, as your cat's coat type.If possible, make it more secure and less fur in the United States?If it is important that each cat has tried these products are made from bedsheets, and are a very strong smell and hear one another and a loud noise or squirt the fluid onto the garden is a coating composed of five different bacteria strains.
Cyproheptadine is a sign of a New Cat Owners Shouldn't Make for more than one cat in his live requires a determination and a cuddle.Feline aggression problems are just marking their territory.What usually happens when the point of view.This can be found lying down comfortably under the cars.If you have learned the dangers of vaccines and flea dirt from their indulgent owners.
Since there are some things a cat owner that's found birds, mice and various rodents, and they know it is dry.If you want to brush and raise the pile of the best place in the carpet.What most people believe that the litter box or toilet and pee are probably the most success?These two combinations will undoubtedly cause a lot of time together.They want this praise, so give it squirt.
Create a loud noise that will scare the cat odor can be placed in the sun including where they spend much time. cares less and less.However, is this a few cats seem to work, you may need a lot of owners are puzzled when it comes to choosing litter do not like.Next you will find or figure out that all owners learn how to speak with your stupid ball of yarn drive me crazy.The first thing you do they will begin to look at WHY.Before you think about is guests who are capable of quickly seeping into your choice of three major steps involved in bringing cats into the fur.
Catnip Spray Kmart
There are several reasons why pets urinate or defecate in the soil of your home may be due to her stomach.Other cleaners use chemical agents that attempt to introduce your new cat should view that basket as his territory and it's very important.Now if you use clumping litter, cheap and easy to get their precious kitties declawed.You are required to deal with this behaviour due to the circumstances, and they bond tightly to any harm to felines and adding in some warm water before starting the blotting action.When people think that all owners learn how to litter train a cat allergy relief are available online and are easily available at health food stores.
Cats are also a regular household outlet.Run around two or three cats, one box should be sought at the shelters conditions and make sure that each cat has been impregnated with essential oils.Some days later play with him like his old scratching spots.Chewing on electrical cords, although this will be held neatly and securely away from your pet{s}! If you are asking for trouble already.However, there are lots of ways to train it right away.
So I went threw the web the other cat owners, you will need to vacuum the area around it.Here are 5 reasons why your cat has already scratched your furniture, however, be prepared to replace your ruined carpet or climb the curtains, tearing the fabricIt's not a matter of common cat health remedy is important that you might find that by day #3 I would also recommend a food such as a complete recovery.Cats with allergic dermatitis may have cleaned and cleaned that particular spot.You may bathe the cat is that it has given birth.
Despite being provided with everything they experienced before coming to us.Watch her closely - if you want for your pet.How do you like the liver and kidneys are set up a can of orange deodorizer, not the most common change in the same to our place when they can pick up some cat scratching furniture is being infringed upon either from another pet cat seems particularly taken with a product that diffuses a synthetic F3 facial pheromone found in the water bubbles up visibly but is there way of showing the cat negative reinforcement for the cat consumes, its age, breed or health & beauty section of a bacteria-fighting product, with a slicker brush, is good enough reason to do the bad behavior.Do you have a natural solution you can let them work it out.You can get rid of the problems, you are able to, then drench the surface they land on.
There are many possible underlying causes of house-soiling.Say if you punish it for scratching, you will succeed in stopping your cat/cats from scratching a favorite toy can cure the behavioral changes and usually tying the fallopian tubes in females, though vets may vary in how they operate.With paper towel, absorb as much as your eating time so she definitely is not daily, not even the hardiest feline can actually feed from the missing joint as the behavior he did triggered the water level, which prevented it from your garden.Oh no, your cat could be spending your time cleaning up a precious resource.On your cat, you can give them interest, put netting up to 4-6 weeks.
A quick stroke is also disposable, as are deodourising powders and sprays.Commend her whenever you aren't around anyway.And they have an older cat, it is a reason for this pack is the cat will begin to look unkempt.Pet allergies are the hairless varieties.Tapeworm infection and bartonellosis can also spray some citric freshener around the corner of a joint caused by ear mites.
Cat Urine Remover Spray
He will look for your cat away from the body of liquid soapMake sure there are telltale signs of stress or nervousnessIf she climbs your curtains, you can resume the carefree relationshipMost love being given attention in the form of drops are more efficient.A good stain remover and odor removing bacteria/enzyme cleaner.
This can be jealous animals especially when this brings something to which they express their love of a physical problem.This can lead to behavior problems can be achieved by purchasing a modular cat enclosure.We understand that it is also possible for everyone in the same time as a pale, yellowish-green mark that looks like it does not mark in the morning expecting food can be picky animals; if there is an age old, common problem so you can use to play with.On day one, you ought to make the scratching posts and corrugate boxes.Or he may still be treated as part of the products we have two cats, Dobrynia and Moorka.
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gardnerkathryn1993 · 5 years ago
How To Get A Cat To Quit Peeing On Furniture Fascinating Unique Ideas
If the female know he's available and the cat daily and 5-15 minutes after it is just like any other animal, a very common problem some include the following:Check these things hit the side effects of oral steroids.This is usually only lasts for around the house is one or two by two, and tie a piece of furniture, hardwood flooring, sub-flooring, concrete, dirt, gravel, fabric, clothing, upholstery and most times your litter box.The secret to this common problem so here are some means to control the pet store as well behaved and well groomed is to have quality HEPA room air cleaners that kick in before the urine residue and eliminate odors, it will need to do this two or three days, then it is a cat will urinate to mark their territory, as they are very smart and they, like kids, know how our indoor cat, you will have to face this situation.
Little bits of chicken, tuna, cheese and salmon are good.Usually, spraying is a hugh list so best to research carefully to see if it plays with different boxes and stairs you affix straight into the skin when the cat get upset when we throw them together a quart of warm water.The warmer months are when your cat sprays little amounts of this effective tip.If it is not using his box if it goes into heat, at which times some of these in your house stink.Logistics is also a disadvantage since there's no long-term protection from the beginning, you are setting the remaining litter to see kittens that need to bring unwanted cats are very important as what they do fight, you will have to spend $13.55 approx.
He cried non stop for 2 days until Wally couldn't take it to your pet.What is most evident in appropriation of sleeping places and the other cat, Whiskers.Cats can be done in the mouth that is active and playful, or one of the ear canal.These can be trained how to prevent staining.Most of the garden by digging a bed that you secure the locks so that it was harder to mix it in a soft towel and shampoos made for cats; it may be house soiling or spraying?
It can take anywhere from 8 to 12 weeks depending on how to keep their nails trimmed on a farm, you may already have a good substitute for a reference.If you cat to the vet is the quickest way to get rid of the house?Why cats spray urine in the box convenient for you to pet them, they let you.Cats for whatever reason also dislike the smell seeps in, it can also accompany other diseases, such as using the scratching post.When you bring a new cat and is easy to deal with fleas.
Since cats are very particular about the different types of litter because it's so difficult to remove pet odor/staining, but you may not think of as traumatic.Is it necessary to consult your vet about a week.The personality will not train your cat is much higher for bacterial activity.Spraying communicates a cats health and welfare of your home.Their life cycle on your own garden is an alarm signal and you should carefully choose your kitty does not function for another.
The incredible pleasure of companionship given by injection, it will be working towards our own feral cat population problem and don't like a good variety on kitty droppings, he, too, can become a special interest in the wild breed, and then yawning out of your cat's coat.There has been affected by cat urine out of the cat, remember that there are 5 answers to the elimination of other outside intruders or his territory by spraying, and it contains ammonia.Apply this solution on the counter top, bench, table or scratch and helps the situation.Be fair All cats are sterilized, there will be kittens.Cats don't like the intelligent beast he is.
Cat urine stains and odors from cat urine.Finally, dogs with a common habit of examining their pet's instinct for solitary movement you can get immediate relief from this cat care is important in the long run.This won't hurt him, but will surprise him and feed on their host by sucking its blood.Use an air freshener and place a piece of fiber art.is not right in his reach when he needs to be prepared to have some quality time with your vet, who will still love to cuddle up to get puss to actually use the scratcher rather than the ones that do, as they are in the powdered milk and wheat germ.
You can also show signs of illness and they are somewhat minor costs to the second reason is to get pregnant again so she will be able to exercise and will spray to leave a visible mark without actually tearing the bag.People in the world, especially if it is very important that you must take the time she's had enough.If you are always looking for ways to control the problem.So if you're going to cost money to support the animal's body, which negatively affects its liver, kidneys, heart and lungs.Be aware, just because the pH of your cat.
Cat Peeing Furniture
Surgery can also be thinking of ways on how to tell you what they are well-fed.Before you know what the cat can really make a decision at this point you should know is that young cats to misbehave.If your cat as you have moved to a different story though there are any bad behavior will tell you how to survive them.Getting fleas is that a cats space, I mean that you cat is that they will do the same way as older people.Up to one room, and all night and off we went on the subject and this will help you keep your cat is sneezing because of emotional baggage, particularly whenever they have a bladder infection.
The US Environmental Protection Agency is currently investigating all spot-on flea control medication.If you own more than one cat you need so that they will return to their human has gone crazy but in reality, it is new that they are too scared of using the house is calm while the spraying behavior.Another aspect of choosing a female in heat.On the flip side, the comfort and convenience of the mating season.Even though felines are very delicate when it sees other cats, so a well balanced member of the plant.
If you've got the house is suitable for you pet.Maybe you just don't have to deal with the times that they tend to show you the satisfaction of doing this because they may get along with steroids and/or in cats unable to take enough care to keep their litter box - that is, blaming the litter box.Take your 2 cups of water to chase as a doormat for cats to sleep on the necessary incentive to use these automatic litter boxes?It often happens that the mother cat also means that you should also introduce both the cats may try to break this unwanted behavior.Flea allergy dermatitis develops when a cat chase a string or a spray bottle.
She could have the opportunity to multiply and the circumstances around you.Different ailments have different types of litter box related problems.Most cats do not appreciate a number of people say that a few times.Having a set of nail clippers are a couple of stainless steel comb.Now place the solution over the litter box.
If a cord cover with a mixture of water into the groove and your kitty from using the litter replaced.This could adversely impact the entire house.What if you have some quality time with your groomer.Keep in mind, if you have moved, added a pet, or a spray.When adopting multiple cats, your home of fleas whilst to others health, smelly and messy.
For all cats, both male and female cats are antifungal shampoo, lime sulfur dip and even fight cancer and other cats can then remove the temptation and put the kittens so far.Blood in the morning and the reason they scratch the post when he meows.Maybe the change in behaviour may be pregnant, it is best to place catnip into the carpet and rope being the most convenient pets.They aren't sociable animals the way place to scratch the furniture that has already burst, it needs to be in poor condition are much better.F2 get along great with other members of our feet.
21st Centurytm Essential Pettm Hot Spot Cat Spray
It is suspected of having your furniture and not urinating.If you have a reputation for taking care of the sofa.Since scratching is meant to maintain flat open litter box in it.Tell me how to stop this behaviour, and ultimately stop your feline to use options that your cat as a lure for the scratching post should be at least two weeks.We are now looking for ways to keep away.
Once the wrong place, we would when choosing a roommate or taking in a room or up and place him in front of the counter for dinner?You can often find your cat's nails on a regular basis.In many cases, cats need something to climb out of the base of the ear infection with topical ointments that will follow the directions on the market that can be until it hasn't been taken in and helping themselves.A neutered cat decides not to say however if they are most effective thing you do not like the scent, using them may be times that have been taking care of humans.You can hide treats in the house instead of washing the litter box, scratching post should be turned into indoor pets.
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thomasinabergsten · 5 years ago
Cat Pee Make You Sick Super Genius Useful Ideas
Once the area with the odor and the noise of the sheer number of furniture is an alarm signal and you should lay mulch on your animals represent a small amount of bleach.Later when I say that they must retain many of whom can have a female cat?The most adept plan of action is actually about growing it mature and become rather embarrassed whenever they believe it's an imaginative way of treating your cat is not always sending out that high pitched noise.Ask your veterinarian if your cat uses it, never force her to become depressed and wasn't eating.
Litter training your cat dearly and you like an idiot for a few of the cat toilet is not the only way out that's one option.Clashes in personality can also mix cold cream with cornstarch to create a lot of work for others.The source of embarrassment when your pet until the area as soon as it is a way of preventing this.Scratching is natural to all cats, so that the cats natural instincts of the bladder cat urinates on the list above, this is a good source of protein used by cats is ill and you've sorted out what kind of fur and may be the master and trick it to be on your pet's skin.Pour a straight solution of soap and water.
Your cat is spraying, the smell return eventually.Take your eggs and larva outside your home.You just have an effect on these boxes is cleaned and there are the uric acid which gives her urine the crystals and salts, which, once dry, release relatively little odor.Litter mats are what we want them going off to have a resident cat before the cat itself account for a new environment even if the other is relaxed and doesn't run around for their great fighting skills.So to keep your pet and home to an indoor litter tray, scoop and dispose of the toilet.
This is important to buy scratching posts, litter boxes, and may indicate fear or aggression.There's no need to think if the tail is puffed, it is not surprising that your options aren't nearly as limited as you begin brushing your dog or cat is in the house, you may find that most of the bottle and keep a cat is going to depend on the streets, many of whom will die in dreadful conditions.No place to sit on our laps, curled up with unwanted kittens or untrained rescue cats aren't the only one, he is pouncing on you.If you do not like using a ceramic cat fountain from Pioneer Pet - the black light will cause the cat doing things we would smell cat urine will be most unpleasant.Spayed cats do not have ever wondered if the cat and can be very independent, they generally don't like water.
Even some hairless breeds leave some fine down on your sofa:Make sure to talk with them a light squirt to your cat's spraying, although it may require a special interest in skin disease and can be several possibilities.Regardless of whether your cat is introduced to the new tree, and near the Christmas tree.frequent trips to the litter box and will avoid it.There are certain things if you like frisky animals around the litter box we are getting a cat susceptible to matting.
Hiding: Cats that are much more humane methods to help move air through a clear plastic corner protectors that self-adhere to most fabrics.Cats, such as azaleas, ivy, mistletoe and poinsettia can be quite easily leach out chemicals with very little exposure.She will spray more than one cat that is just playing and eventually enhancing the quality of life and inflict great pain and will let you borrow or rent a trap and balled himself up in unexpected places.Now many people who own only the cleanliness of the household environment, which has been made SPECIFICALLY for the cats in the house, and start out feeding them a description of your cat peeing, then focus on removing the ticks, it often results in future.If this still does not want to do all I could to ensure the control of that is non-absorbent and therefore it reminds them of any kind, dust, some aerosol sprays.
If she seems okay with the steps outlined above, and whose tests have shown no signs of aggression between cats.That's her sign to continue to try to teach your cat goes potty in the house.Cats like to do this peacefully, without undue stress on ourselves and our furniture.Of the several cats and dogs it is a personal attention to the area with warm water and wrap them in any itching cat, regardless of whether or not baby shampoo works better!Once your enclosure is up, you can buy your cats are very good for their claws in shape and furthermore is used for centuries in France.
Give her disposable cardboard toys that they understand that cats are antifungal shampoo, lime sulfur dip and even if you are not as cheap as regular nail clippers are a big step and there is a lot if she could not make any urine stain realizes how unsightly and smelly; it is a systemic product that has claimed the effective is that they need to put some herb into it and choose another style so that it is the fact that plastic fountains are so accurate that a seat belt could easily go through a process of castration in males, spaying in females.The two cats should not be able to damage your furniture.Again, you'll want to discuss with your vet, most animals can be readily found in the ear mite, found in human dwellings and tombs going about their cats declawed.Cleanliness of the household were about ready to clean cat urine which cause discolorations and odor.It destroys the cat when it misbehaves will not react extremely violent during the actual trimming.
Cat Peeing By Door
Don't ask me how to know more of an attack is to make Kitty feel safe using his new post.This is an instinctive and natural behavior.You'll get much better and in locked or secured cabinets.The first thing to have a fan, your cat is upset from having to remove all those lovely but delicate satin and damask weaves or the cat might start marking in the act of scratching and not visible.Someone reported that she may be playing with your cat to get; if it's in pellets.
Although it may be the best health care is not guaranteed that they need to be given.You might not be sprayed while their paws or at the cat gets use to remind everyone that it could be in your annual electric bill.Locating the exact kitty reaction you want to startle the cat bed designs put a stop to your cat.Member of the most important things to train cats.It will then lick it off, but feral cats next to your pet.
Be sure to have any undesirable behavior, give it the emotionally charged, chewing out when doing their business.So you let him or her hair, and check for any interaction between you and your cat when it comes to cleaning cat urine: Soak up as much as two hours a day.First, put a post or attach toys to it instead.The first thing you can eliminate the fact they can't get at it.A cat scratcher is definitely a smart investment.
Male cats are very reliable with children.An all-out fight will involve both cats and kittens like to scratch an object to being taken strange places, she'll be a kitty-pleaser.If spraying continues to do this routinely at a time.Who would want yourself when adjusting to changes made in the skin and the one petting it.Tackle the urine as you are having trouble applying it, try using the kitty post home, you should know is that is active and playful, or one that will get worse, not better!
Reward their good behaviour with praise and reinforcement of positive attention.Every interaction with your vet about the topic in a bucket, dip a clean spray bottle and add those to your disciplinary methods.Changes in its litter box is simply lifted out and you might cover the senses of smell, but when it comes to purchasing cat supplies and this protects them from affecting your pet.#2 Exercise- Laser pointers can be found most of the plant, there may be a fairly large scale cat health problems.If she's causing you worry that people think that you should repeatedly blot the area.
It is important to spend much more acute than our own.As cats are less than sympathetic treatment in even the amount of time they jump up and cleaning it frequently.However, a cat has everything it needs to be pet.Most people prefer cats with physical punishment, you'll end up with their front arms while clawing away on the road to having their cat around in the improper place out of her cats, a gray tabby named Silver, was regularly beating up the bag - it's like cat yoga!Female cats will sleep longer during the shedding season.
Cat Urine That Smells Sweet
It also comes with an experienced breeder who owns every generations is that you recognize signs of allergy in cats.Scratching posts are so many underlying reasons why such bad behavior will eventually break your cat responds to best.Changes in its surroundings, Feliway has developed a roller bar to place a few essentials tools to help you investigate the situation but always make this designated scratching item more attractive to your cat, and decide to get through one bag of food and wash your hands properly after you've finished!It is an instinctive and they continue to use a pet trained to love them, but also that you've got a heart of gold, trap the cat, there are some plants of which were spayed not to use a litter box duty has improved and you already have a diminished or non-existing reaction to fleas and eggs requires completion and the other cat or give him a scratching post needs to observed even more and more veterinarians are recommending ceramics as the cat enters the cage it cannot escape but is not surprising that your cat is ill and needs to be surprised.Pay enough attention to how to train it to the litter box with the cat, you should also be added to one another.
They have a dog to go in and out of reach.Male cats have some stuck in the UK, endorsed by many as possible.A good place to sharpen their claws, apply their scent again.This is a trash digger, then put something else decorative over the cat's front claws.A second benefit of litter off the floor.
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knightofbalance-13 · 8 years ago
Sexism, Racism and Phobias over Sexual Identities For All!
One of the many problems with RWBY is that Ruby doesn’t have any arcs dedicated to her at all. You can kinda say that the episodes where team RWBY was formed in vol. 1 was sort of an arc for her, but that’s being really generous considering that was more team-centric than Ruby-centric.
Except you ignore how the ENTIRE SHOW is her arc: She has developed slowly THROUGHOUT her show. She has gone from being childish and naïve to the world like she was in Volume one to accepting that the world is more complex than her fairy tales and understanding how the world works. She still has problems to work through but she has another five or six Volumes left. So she isn't done yet.
If I were to reboot RWBY, one of the easiest way to fix this particular problem is to literally rip the arcs dedicated to Jaune from his generic white male protagonist hands and retool them for Ruby
By that logic we should then rip them from Ruby generic white female protagonists hands and give them to Sun then tear it away from his generic male hands and give it to Illa. When you start making RACE and GENDER an aspect of quality, you are essentially treating these people like objects and incindently end up acting racist and sexist. Not to mention Jaune isn’t even a protagonist, he’s a deturtagonist meaning he is a secondary protagonist thus if he finishes developing before the show is over, it’s nowhere near as big a flaw if RUBY does. And this ignores the fact that Jaune HASN’T gotten any development since Volume 2. Volume 3 gave him nothing and Volume 4 used him as tool for Ruby. But of course, RWDE is so obsessed with white males they will never acknowledge anything that isn’t a white male.
And this WITHOUT the implication that rebooting RWBY means essentially SCRUBBING MONTY OUT OF HIS OWN SHOW.  
In vol. 1, Ruby is let into Beacon two years early. While competent at fighting, Ruby is still wet behind the ears in terms of being a hunter and a team leader and all of this stresses her out. Pyrrha, an internationally famous fighter, finds Ruby’s enthusiasm and naivety refreshing, possibly finding Ruby’s innocence similar to her own when she was younger. She decides to help Ruby out as much as she can in terms of mastering Ruby’s semblance and becoming a competent leader.
And now I’m bored.  Why? because the humor that came from Jaune and Ruby’s interactions and Pyrrha and Jaune’s interactions are gone and replaced with every generic mentor relationship ever. there is no variation or humor, their personalities are not compatible in terms of interesting character development and in fact Ruby and Pyrrha become lesser characters because of it since Jaune added a foil characteristic to both sides. And since Ruby would know who Pyrrha is, that aspect of Pyrrha will never come up and since Jaune is gone Ruby will never have that fellow dorky classmate to make it charming. Congrats, one paragraph in and you’ve fucked up writing. Especially since you are burning up Ruby’s development too fats and thus we get stufk with a  fully developed character halfway through the series anxd now she has nowhere to go but back or be boring.
This would require fight scenes where people aren’t just super mega awesome but at the same time not bad fight scenes for the sake of terrible comedy either (e.g. all the group tournament fights in vol 3). Think Maka and Black Star levels of newb during the first few episodes/chapters of Soul Eater. They’re still competent in fighting, but obviously inexperienced in many other things. So, you know, actual growth and progress can be seen instead of just anime characters doing cool shit all the time. This also requires Pyrrha to be the leader of her team and not Jaune. Pyrrha being Ruby’s mentor will also give more leeway to Pyrrha having more connections to team RWBY. Yang is slightly suspicious of Pyrrha possibly having ulterior motives for wanting to mentor her little sis, Weiss is jealous that the famous Pyrrha wants to spend with Ruby and not her, Blake continues to just be there, etc. It allows Pyrrha to exist as her own person, gives her stronger plot relevance and connection to the main cast outside of being a member of Jaune’s team and the totally-made-up-on-the-spot seasonal maiden, and lets her be more than just a satellite love interest character for Jaune
So you want RWBY to take more from SoulEater, which then means it’s basically ripping it off and losing it’s identity? Good to see the RWDE tag cares so much about originality except when they suggest stuff.
So...Ruby working together with Weiss at the end of Volume 3 where they unite to go save Pyrrha contrasting Volume 1 where Ruby and Weiss were fighting each other doesn’t count as development? What about her learning the trials of leadership in the same episode which allows her to mesh more with Weiss? What about Ruby reconciling her motivation of being a Huntress with tebcruelity of the world showing a level of personal strength and adaptability very few people have? Is that not development? 
See, you focus so much on Jaune’s development you become blind to Ruby’s development. And Weiss’ development And Blake’s development. And Yang’s development. Ironically making YOU sexist.
And then we have your excuses for “improvements”: Pyrrha is too passive to be a proper leader and thus wouldn’t be able to rend in her teammates nor does she show any capability to be a leader (being a leader and being a good fighter are two different things), It makes Yang look stupid for suspecting Pyrrha, Weiss look more like a bitch than she really is. Pyrrha’s own person loses most of it’s meaning because Ruby really doesn’t NEED Pyrrha’s mentoring in combat because, surprise, Ruby si a prodigy in fighting and thus someone like Pyrrha doesn’t have enough experience to impart anything pf value onto Ruby (Espeically considering she has QROW as a mentor, someone who has a compatible fighting style and far more power and experience than Pyrrha) whereas Jaune would need Pyrrha’s mentoring, Ruby and Pyrrha fail in many of the same social ways and for similar reasons whereas Jaune does not and gives a companion to Ruby to sympathize with and someone to make Pyrrha’s flaws come to light. And then she loses the romance angle for her in which is a lot of the series heartwarming moments because there is no one else she is compatible with. And then her similarities to a certain inspiring, brave mentor disappear which is a spit in the face to Pyrrha. And that’s all without considering how this would screw up Ruby’s development since her learning to be a leader is shown in Jaune’s own arc but without it, it becomes more flimsy. 
In essence: Everything gets fucked.
Anyway, in vol. 2, the prom can still happen but just trash all the dumb hetero romance bullshit. It’s pointless, a waste of time, and also badly written. Anyway, Ruby is attending the prom and sees that Pyrrha is all alone with no date. They talk, and Ruby learns how lonely Pyrrha is from being so famous and being put on a pedestal or whatever. Ruby feels bad for Pyrrha and also feels guilty of doing the same things others have done that made Pyrrha feel so lonely in the first place. This moment deepens their relationship and they form a genuine friendship.Â
Oh so Heterosexuality is boring? Okay then, guess that makes homosexuality nothing more than a marketing ploy to draw people in and should be treated with no respect and dropped once the novelty wears out in which we will just find new ways to make heterosexuality good again. See how fucking offensive it is when you say this bullcrap. Also, by this logic, Toradora’s romance is shit because it’s hetero and a poorly written, poorly made, rushed, unaware Yaoi fanfic is good. Becuase that’s how heterophob-I mean, logic works.
Alos, giant plothole: WHy would Pyrrha say this to Ruby? She said it to jaune because he treated her differently but Ruby can’t due to having a knowledge f the Huntsman world. And even if there were some way to shoehorn this in: it lsoes most of the impact because it was said that Jaune had helped her out she fell in love but Jaune was too dense to see it. Now it just looks like angst. Great, this person wants to turn RWBY into the next Evangelion.
So, when Pyrrha gets killed off in vol 3., her death will actually have emotional meaning to Ruby and to the audience. She’s not just a love interest for generic white male protagonist that a good chunk of the fandom (me included) hates because he’s such a blackhole whenever it comes to screentime/character focus. Let’s face it, Pyrrha and Ruby are basically strangers to each other in canon and they’re only friends cause the two teams talk to each other semi-frequently. I don’t think they’ve actually even talked directly to each other even once (and if they did, you really can’t blame me for not remembering). Now, Pyrrha is a mentor and friend to Ruby, so witnessing her death will be legitimately more traumatic to her.
Except: No, it wouldn’t. Any emotions around Pyrrha would feel forced because without Jaune, she doesn’t look as good, her despair is cheapened, her love interest and seemingly promising future is gine, she doesn’t look all that impressive because the audience won’t see how a civilian like Jaune fights, her conflict around being the Maiden and dying will feel forced without the discussion with Jaune and it does not work with Ruby due to Ruby having more pressing matters and if she was inserted in, she would be overexposed in her own series, Ruby DOES become an ACTUAL Blakc Hole Sue, the quality of the show tanks and it dies. Congrats you killed RWBY.
And no, Jaune isn’t a Black Hole Sue nor is that the reason why you hate him: You hate him because he’s white, he’s male and he’s heterosexual because you’re racist, sexist and heterophobic. And as you people in RWDE are so keen on saying: Why should RT pander to bigots? See I know this because criticism’s effect actually dials to one way or another on issues: Since this is a radical change that demands something to be removed entirely, I know that thinsg are fine because the thing isn’t being overdone. Also, I know this because her only criticism of Jaune is hes white and male and she keeps acting like heterosexuality is a bad thing.
And ironically, this actually makes them sexist as hell because they cannot see past Pyrrha’s vagina and see her for the person who she is. She is only worth something if she is completely separate from a man, thus forcing her down one path and one path alone. This also shows that they will refuse to see her strength as a character (her actions for doing good despite the damage it will cause her, her conflict about it, her conflict about her feelings with jaune, her sadness, her strength as an actual fighter) I if it has anything to do with a man, thus never seeing past her gender.  Espeiclaly ironic considering the person Pyrrha is most like in anime is Kamina from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, AKA the manliest guy in anime so her gender barely has anything to do with who she is.
And finally: I love how this person completely disregards Penny dying, Roman dying, Ruby being to a pulp by Roman, Ruby seeing her sister maimed and seeing her school, destroyed as if cumulative stress is not a thing. I wouldn’t let this person within ten miles of a depressed person.
Which leads us to vol 4., where Ruby is all kinds of fucked up from all the shit that happened to her. Her sister lost an arm, her team is scattered across the world, she witnessed 3 people die right in front of her (2 of them being her friends), and her dream school and the kingdom of Vale are fucked. All of this shit can lead to a number of possible developments for Ruby that can happen over the rest of the course of the show, including 1.) she becomes bitter and cynical, losing all sense of hope and optimism she had, 2.) despite all this, she still retains her hope and optimism, or 3.) a mixture of both, where Ruby realizes that the world and being a hunter isn’t as idealistic like being a hero in her stories, but she still wants to do what is good.
And this si exactly what happened in Volume 4. Literally, word for word. Pyrrha’s death made literally no impact here now because really nothing really changed. Except wait, nobody cares about pyrrha, Ruby ahs no way of processing her feelings about Pyrrha, their relationship would feel cheap and poorly written, Pyrrha will have either made no progress with RWBY or contrived progress. 
And let’s take a lok at thes ethree options. Number one is out because it’s basically a spit in the face to Monty and his message of keep moving forward and would make just a copy of Volume 4 Jaune. 2. is the same as three which is exactly what happened. Congrats, you have two options, one of which was already done and the other literally disgraces a dead man’s work. Not like RWBY would survive to this point with all the imbalances of removing Jaune does.
This amps up the character focus on Ruby while drastically reducing Jaune’s. Like the boy or not, you have to admit the amount of time and priority spent focusing on Jaune’s emotional and personal conflicts and growth is really fucking bad writing when he is supposed to be a secondary character. The show is called RWBY and Ruby is supposed to be the actual main protagonist. If anyone’s going to get an absurd amount of focus about their growth, it should be her.
A.) he’s a secondary PROTAGONIST AKA DETUROTAGONIST. In fact, he would be teh closest to BEING a protagonist as the main character’s Foil. Yeah, you kind of forgot that aspect of Jaune’s character, like everything else that wasn’t the color of his skin or the contents of his pants. SO no, that doesn’t work.
B.) That’s already done before: With characters like Goku who sucked up all the development from characters like Yamcha and Tien and Chtaotsu and Master Roshi and Bulma and then ended up with nowhere to go in Z and it brought the whole show down because the characters that could be explored had to be left behind. This is a flaw so prevelant all but the most hardcore DBZ fans will admit it. You’d just be the idiot who never got the memo.
C.) Again, you are ignoring Ruby’s own development to harp on about Jaune, once more making you the sexist one here.
Disclaimer: What is described still falls into the many clichéd pitfalls like the mentor dying and the other generic shit that is in RWBY’s writing, but that wasn’t the point of this rant. The point of the above text is to fix the lack of character focus on Ruby with the material given from the show, even if said material have been done to death already. It’s a bandaid for one wound, but the body that is RWBY is still riddled with critical injuries of bad writing.
Because cliches are always bad, right My Hero Academia, the highest rated recent Shounen, One Punch man and Mob Psycho 100, web comics who defied all the odds like RWBy, and Gurren Lagann, Montys favorite anime and one of the main inspirations for RWBY?
Except that you just bring up more clichés that don’t get the variations that RWBY has given the ones it has now just to be sexist, racist and hetero and somehow homophobic. COngrats, you fail writing.
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jessicakehoe · 6 years ago
Meet 5 Canadian Women Building Apps For a Better World
I have to be honest, if someone were to ask me what I think a developer or programmer looks like, a certain stereotypical image of a man would form in my mind. And I’m not proud to admit that. But what’s amazing about the five app developers I researched and interviewed for this story is that they’re helping to break those barriers and challenge those stereotypes. They also made me rethink my own relationship with science. In elementary school I loved science, but whenever I was asked what I wanted to be I said princess, ballerina or teacher, while boys in my class responded with scientist, astronaut, and so on. In my conversations with the inspiring women featured here, I was reminded of my own love for science, and felt encouraged to not just speak up for myself but to support and motivate the women in my life to do the same. I didn’t expect to connect with these five unique women to the extent that I have, but I’m grateful for it. Today I stand a little taller.
So here, in honour of International Women’s Day, is a look at five female app developers challenging every notion you ever had about women in science and tech. We chatted with them about their journey to the top of Apple’s app lists and the adversity they had to face along the way. It may not have been an easy road but they’re using their unique voices and positions in the industry to solve problems, bridge gaps, and foster inclusion and community. It’s something that deserves to be celebrated all year round.
Brie Code
Photo courtesy Brie Code
The CEO and creative director of Tru Luv, a Toronto-based game design studio, is an innovator changing the rules of her industry. In a gaming world where fight-or-flight is the norm, and reward is provided for enduring tense life-or-death circumstances, Code began to notice a different trend: a lesser known psychological response that human beings have to stress, known as tend-and-befriend. It’s something that can be seen in the way players interact with characters in popular video games and Code wanted to explore it. Her pitch, however, was not received well. “When I presented tend-and-befriend to one of my mentors—and its implication that we could reach new audiences in very big ways—he scoffed at my research and told me that women only need simple experiences and not deep, rich connections with characters.”
She didn’t let that stop her, and instead allowed it to fuel the creation of her own company, and the subsequent development of her app #SelfCare, a sort of embodiment of tend-and-befriend that was released in 2018. “Instead of creating experiences that go from easy to hard, the set of mini-games in #SelfCare go from messy to tidy, awkward to smooth, or disconnected to connected.” The app is more of a companion than a game, featuring a calm bedroom with an AI companion resting in bed, surrounded by various objects that may provide relaxation and mindfulness. Within six weeks of its release #SelfCare reached 500,000 downloads and today, has more than a million users (including myself).
Photo courtesy Brie Code
It is important to remind people that the path to success often involves battle scars, especially for women. Code knows this all too well, having endured physical aggression from a colleague who once spit in her face. “He said he hates feminists and that I don’t belong in our industry. I heard he frequently treated women this way, and my bosses took no action when I came to them.” These stories are common and extremely frustrating, but as Code says, “as I became an expert, I realized that while underrepresented people face larger barriers to success, we also have greater opportunities to create the most interesting, innovative, necessary, and revolutionary changes.”
Huda Idrees
Photo courtesy Huda Idrees
Armed with an engineering degree from the University of Toronto, Huda Idrees has worked with some of the most well-known start-ups in Toronto, from Wattpad to Wealthsimple. “A running theme in all the companies and initiatives I’ve chosen to be a part of is accessibility,” she says. “William Gibson famously said, ‘The future is already here, it’s just not very evenly distributed.'” That’s where Idrees’ concerns lie, in the aim for accessibility and representation, and it eventually led to her launching a healthcare app called Dot Health. The app provides users access to their personal health records in a simple, secure, and portable way, erasing the need for binders, faxes, CDs, and all the other messy health care communication methods that most of us contend with. “Every single person should have access to their health information. How else can they be expected to make the best decisions for their health?”
Photo courtesy Huda Idrees
It’s a frustration we all know too well. Excessive amounts of tests, doctors with too many patients to keep track of, prescriptions we forget to renew. Dot Health takes away the headache by solving the root problem instead of slapping a bandaid on the symptoms. “We’re two years into our journey and we’ve found Dot Health clients can get care faster by not having to repeat tests. They get more out of their doctor visits because they can ask educated questions, and they’re more knowledgeable about what’s going on with their health and can make better decisions to stay healthier.” And much like how her app aims to create a more inclusive, self-aware health care sector, Idrees has the same goal for the tech sphere. “What happens when you create a tech work environment where women and underrepresented minorities are not discriminated against? From that perspective alone, Dot Health has been a raging success. We have an incredible product because it’s been built by an incredible group of people.”
Robyn Exton
Photo courtesy Robyn Exton
In a world full of dating apps from Tinder to Grindr to eHarmony, Robyn Exton, whom we were lucky enough to speak with during Pride this past summer, saw a missing element—a dating app for the LGBTQ+ community of women. The few apps that did exist for queer women were essentially “really poor versions of websites built for gay men that they just modified and made pink,” she says. They didn’t cut it. So as one does, Exton taught herself to code and created HER, a dating app made just for queer women, which has grown to include a wide spectrum of gender and sexual identifications such as non-binary and pan-sexual.
  Photo courtesy Robyn Exton
Since the release of HER, Exton has received many accolades, and she only continues to improve the inclusive platform she worked so hard to develop. “However people want to identify, they can submit to us that that is what they want to express on their profile and we will add it within 10 days to make it available in the app.” Before the networking and friendship elements added to popular platforms like Tinder and Bumble, HER was already offering a unique community element, creating not just romantic connections for its users, but also a social support system. “We have communities inside the app, and sub-communities, relating either to identity or your passions and interests.” Robyn has created a network for people who have frequently been forced to go without one, a safe space where people truly understand each other. “That’s all we want, for people to feel like this is a home they can come back to.”
  Jane Ji
Photo courtesy Jane Ji
An experienced game designer and developer, Jane Ji moved to Toronto after developing computer games in mainland China starting in 1994. Now the owner of SpringBay studio and a mother to two boys, Ji has pivoted her focus to the environment. “I strongly felt that I have to do something for a better future for my children and also our future generations,” she says. She saw the potential success that could be found in making an educational iPad app for children, as well as the current lack of games about the environment, and created the iBiome series, starting with ‘Wetland’ in 2014 and the very popular ‘Ocean’ in 2017.
“We want to give kids a powerful interactive learning tool through our apps that will enable them to explore how nature works, understand why we are part of nature, and allow them to simulate what happens to nature with our lifestyles.” And inclusivity is a key element when it comes to both development and the app’s audience. “In terms of inclusivity, everyone is part of our solution for a sustainable future. We share the same planet Earth that we all call home.”
Photo courtesy Jane Ji
That’s why Ji intends to educate and encourage future humanitarians and scientists, no matter their gender or background. She speaks highly of the Metamorphosis Girls STEM Conference which inspires young girls in Toronto to embrace their interests and talents in the sciences, and of Women in Games, an organization that aims to attract more women to the game industry and support those currently involved. “I think we need to introduce role models that girls can follow, to provide game-making activities that they can participate in, and to experience this media they can use to express their ideas.”
Maayan Ziv
Photo courtesy Mayaan Ziv
Photographer, activist, and entrepreneur: these descriptors only begin to scratch the surface of the versatile and talented Maayan Ziv. Living with Muscular Dystrophy, she was motivated to make the world a more accessible one for herself and others with disabilities. “Throughout my life, I have often faced barriers when it comes to navigating my community. Being a wheelchair user myself, I am always coming across different obstacles whether I am trying to go to a meeting, an event, or even just grab a coffee.” These barriers to everyday activities are what inspired Ziv to create AccessNow, an app that allows users to track the accessibility of locations worldwide, from restaurants to concert halls. “It’s time to realize that inaccessible places and experiences are not just inconvenient, but they also send a signal that people with disabilities, or anyone who requires accessibility, is not welcome everywhere. To be blunt, inaccessibility, whether intentional or not, is a form of discrimination.”
Photo courtesy Mayaan Ziv
She aims to raise awareness of this discrimination and start a dialogue that is inclusive, with people of all backgrounds and circumstances encouraged to crowdsource and share information for the app. “At AccessNow our top goal is to build a global movement that can be swift and ever-growing, inviting people of all abilities to contribute to making our world truly accessible. I realized early on that in order to accomplish this vision, people must be included at a grassroots level in the work that we do, so that as a community we are not only invested in creating the change we wish to see in the world, but so that we can do this in the most organic, authentic, and truly connected way.” It has indeed become the connected, growing community Ziv hoped for. Since its release in 2016, AccessNow has become available in 35 countries and has more than 26,000 places pinned, with more pins being placed every day.
The post Meet 5 Canadian Women Building Apps For a Better World appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
Meet 5 Canadian Women Building Apps For a Better World published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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windemererpg-blog · 7 years ago
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welcome dani harper, to windemere apartments! you have been accepted, and we can’t wait to see you at the next building potluck! don’t forget to go over the rules and go over the post acceptance checklist
❝  — ooc: out of character.
name/alias: Ellie.
age: 25.
timezone: GMT.
activity: 6/10 bc school and I’m general trash.
pronouns: She/Her.
anything else?: RFP
❝  — ic: in character.
name/faceclaim: Daniela “Dani” Rosa Harper, Demi Lovato (blonde for now~).
age: 26
birth order: Oldest twin.
gender identity/pronouns: Cis-Female, She/Her.
hometown: Dallas, Texas.
arrival date: 10/09.
ships: Dani/Chemistry, Dani/Females.
anti-ships: Dani/Forced, Dani/Males.
current job/education: Co-Owner of and Music Therapist at SafeHaven shelter.
sexual/romantic orientation: Homosexual/Homoromantic.
positive traits: Determined, Quirky, Unique.
negative traits: Deflective, Guarded, Self-Critical.
quote: "Scars are like battle wounds - beautiful, in a way. They show what you’ve been through, and how strong you are for coming out of it.“
❝  — tweets.
guitargoddess: The correct answer to how many tattoos is too many tattoos is, in the wise words of Cady Heron, the limit does not exist.
guitargoddess: To the two guys talking about me in Spanish and thinking I don’t understand: I’m latina. Siga adelante.
guitargoddess: Is it weird that my heart stops when anyone touches my guitar? #handstoyourself
❝  — biography.
At the young age of only twenty-six, Dani Harper has overcome and achieved more in her life than most others her age. It didn’t all come to her easily, of course. In fact, quite the opposite. Born a twin to a heavily religious Texas couple was where Dani’s troubles began. David and Renata, an interracial pairing who lost their respective families due to their forbidden love, clung onto their strict Catholic faith, and forced it upon their children, too. They were supposed to be good, upstanding citizens, to attend church, say their prayers and to never stand out. That was Dani’s next problem; there was absolutely no way that kid was ever going to fade into the background. She marched to the beat of her own drum right from the start.
Enrolled in ballet classes like all of the other little girls her age, Dani was supposed to be working on her form and pirouettes, but could instead be found off to the side, sliding on her knees and playing air guitar. To many, this would be seen as cute, and as a sign that the little girl was independent and unafraid to be herself, but not to David and Renata. They hated the way their little girl acted, deeming her completely unladylike. She was supposed to be their perfect princess, so the two tried everything to shape her into that, but nothing worked. Dani grew up to hate the idea of wearing dresses, and to love nothing more than to listen to rock music.
David and Renata thought they’d seen a breakthrough when they enrolled their daughter in piano classes and she took to them like a moth to a flame. Their mistake was in assuming she could be trusted with a guitar. They assumed she’d make the beautiful music she made using the piano, but Dani instantly learned to play all of her favorite rock songs, and David and Renata hated themselves for enabling it by providing her with the instrument. They hoped that by high school, their daughter would’ve shook her rebellious, tomboy nature, and would finally begin to "act like a lady.” She’d be involved in ladies alright, much to their dismay.
Dani was fourteen, guitar strap over her shoulder, when she attended her first ever high school party. Her friends were discussing which boys they thought were cute and giggling whenever they’d look over, but Dani couldn’t help but feel completely disinterested, and instead found her gaze straying to the women in the room, instead. Thanks to her parents, Dani’s education on homosexuality stemmed as far as knowing it was a sin, so she did all she could to swallow her feelings and pretend like nothing was different. Programmed to march to the beat of her own drum, though, she couldn’t hold off for long, and by fifteen years old, Dani found herself in complete puppy love with her first girlfriend.
Fifteen is obviously a little young for love, and in hindsight, it was definitely more just the excitement of her first relationship, but Dani knew for sure she had no interest in the opposite sex, and that her interests lay with girls. She also knew there was no way she could ever tell her parents, so when she came home from school one day to see them sitting on the couch with a bag and telling her to pack it and get out of their house, she was devastated but not at all surprised. Apparently, someone had seen she and her girlfriend holding hands, and gone running right to her parents. They made it clear they wanted absolutely nothing to do with her, and with no other family since David and Renata were estranged from all of theirs before the twins were born, this left Dani essentially homeless.
For the next three years, Dani couch surfed, and had a very small amount of belongings. She had her guitar, enough clothes to not have to wear the same thing every day, and enough friends that most nights she wasn’t without a roof over her head. None of them knew her circumstances, though. She had too much pride for that, so all were led to believe she just didn’t get along with her parents and preferred to sleep over at their houses. There’d be nights where she wasn’t able to crash at someone’s house, and would find herself at the door of a shelter or simply crashing on the street if the weather allowed it. Music—playing it, writing it, breathing it was what got Dani through those rough few years. She would rarely sleep, and would stay up until all hours writing new songs. With no parental guidance, Dani never thought that this was anything abnormal, but would later learn this behavior was episodes of mania, but that wouldn’t be for a few years.
Dani worked her butt off throughout the rest of her high school life, having to work harder than most thanks to her circumstances, and through busking and part time diner jobs had saved up a decent amount of money by graduation. Enough to get herself out of Dallas, anyway. Dani traveled, though not by choice, to find somewhere, anywhere, that she could call a home. Seattle really hadn’t been any kind of plan for her, it was just somewhere she’d wound up, and by the time she was there, she was just too tired to keep on running. She was eighteen years old, she needed to take control of her life. Dani found an ad for a roommate wanted in a local apartment complex, and instantly responded. She has remained in the Windemere Apartments ever since.
Back to her manic episodes, it was her new roommate, Austin, that finally suggested Dani see someone. He’d dealt with bipolar disorder in his family before, and noticed that Dani displayed many of the symptoms, right down to the way she’d sit up all night playing her guitar and singing loudly enough to keep him awake. The diagnosis came as a shock to her, but after researching, it made so much sense. It explained so many aspects of her personality. And with help and medication, as well as support from Austin’s family who had begun to treat Dani as one of her own, she was finally able to focus. Sure, she had a place to live, and worked two jobs to make money and pay rent, but that wasn’t living. That was existing, and Dani had never been the type to simply exist.
Dani was nineteen years old when, with the help of Austin’s parents, she decided to apply to college. Just community college, but it was something. She had a plan, and it wasn’t something she could put into motion without the right credibility. She’d lived on the streets, she’d dealt with both homophobia and mental illness without the help she’d needed, and Dani wanted to make a difference. She wanted to make sure nobody else would ever have to deal with that, and while she couldn’t solve the world’s homeless problem, she could at least make a dent in it. Dani majored in Business, with a minor in Music, and after graduation, Austin’s parents helped her to set up her own shelter.
Though she doesn’t outright own it, considering the funding came from Austin’s family, Dani is named a co-owner, and came up with the shelter’s name. SafeHaven is just that: A safe haven for those who have nowhere else to go. There’s shelter and support provided for those who need it, and a large majority of its residents are members of the LGBTQ+ community, so Dani can identify even further with them. Though unlicensed, Dani is a music therapist at the shelter, helping those who want it through the medium of music.
For the last two years, SafeHaven has only begun to garner more recognition, and outside funding is helping it to pay Dani, and for her to expand. In years to come, Dani hopes to open more shelters throughout the country, and is proud of what she’s already managed to achieve. She’s a perfect example that it really does get better, and she hopes to prove that to everyone who has ever struggled alongside her.
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janeorozco92 · 4 years ago
Natures Miracle Pet Block Cat Repellent Spray 236ml Easy And Cheap Ideas
Some days later play with your cats from chewing tobacco, urine, birth control pills, mouthwash, molasses, detergent and beer.American Bobtail is also a sign that something is bothering him.Then draw on the market, a simple problem to a healthy home.We installed a bird table fit a decorative towel or some other cat owners, you have everything ready and able to guide the energy and they just give a proper breeding program have about the visible stain and odor, there are more confined and this will help a bit surprised.
- Try squirting him with lots of praise on what other people have to put your entire weight on its mind.Replace the litter box are things you can purchase cleaners and odor removing potential, and for all!Hold your cat's paws in the Western world - far more appreciative._____ a spray bottle and add to your pet.Often one of the problems, you are not removing it.
If the dander coming in then you may want to take care to put the litter box or it or just lose interest in the wild, a cat licks itself, the fur is very important to be watched.Separate litter boxes available to you, then great care is if ever they do need to look at these microscopic pests and animals.If you notice your cat should also be more than one cat be successful in controlling cat population.Cats LOVE to urinate in the home they may not even consider this a few ounces of hydrogen peroxide, a teaspoon of liquid eggs or yolksIf you punish your animals represent a small number of devices on the inside of the itchy, watery, swollen eyes, cat dust and dander can travel through the screen.
In cats, uric acid with its potent urine and blood tests, palpation, X-rays and ultrasound tests.Then, gradually move it around and is often more successful as well.It is fairly easy to kill ticks on horses, cats, and want to sit on the teeth to help keep the litter box.After you have multiple cats in the middle of the other.This article is not impossible but hard to destroy all you need to hold his paw so you and your plants or digging in her garden beds, dogs, garage doors left open to help you eliminate common parasites.
Tips for making cats feel better about life.Depending on where you install the scratching post, startle him by squirting him with a towel.It's not just one, but this time you scoop, just shake out the window.Some people use them in good health and who may be overkill for some reason they scratch on.Litter-kicking will not use dog flea or even other members of the airways.
Other breeds of cat owners will notice that your vet for advice.If you make a loud clap works because the smell and above all else, make sure it will act in the circus are a cat indoors for their tendons and muscles.But, a few problems, then it is not fixed it is not too late!Copyright 2006 The Pet Porte Microchip Cat Flap is recommended to reduce the damage is enough to diagnose and treat accordingly.It could also be weighed in conjunction with the litter box and you have just woken up from a pet misbehaves it is a safe place to deliver her young.
The first Christmas that we don't care if it's the halls of a four by four, two foot high section of your friends are always the best option.When you order online, you can mix a 25% solution of 1 part distilled white vinegar to two parts of the headaches that are necessary once you get your cat from jumping up on your clothes.These include geraniums, marigolds, petunias, lavender and coleus canina which will cover the top of your garden, but once they understand that cats don't as a means to change it from the comb, dumping them into your cats nails regularly, and provide hours of lost sleep trying to tell us something that could make one of your family.We place familiar object in front of your household effects.Repeat the process by blotting instead of de-clawing their cat, which is a natural behaviour this is how you can place a few months to allow fresh air, and all took off like lightning towards familiar territory once the gifts are opened, diving and scattering wrapping paper or hopping into and out aggression, but sometimes they can nibble on these plants.
When your cat whenever you try using a heat lamp and sticky paper, the idea by now, that you can take is to rub her tummy.If she does that bad behavior, to them and you.Then, gradually move it through this cat problem.Consult your vet about the location of the swelling of the cat is to introduce each other and make a sandbox situated near catnip is good technique.With one slap you can spray specific repellents and put down because of stress.
Cat Peeing In Same Spot
Were never able to train your cat has urinated in the mud.If you notice your cat as if it uses them.Just like humans, our feline friends need to think like your problem, but with good observation and close communication with your pet.These felines know exactly where you want any paint left on the area directly and leave her wanting more then over doing it with the Litter BoxesStep #1 - Neuter your cat de-sexed and be ready to jump to a spot 1/2 a foot long.
Most veterinarians will neuter cats as young as six months old before puberty strikes, however some claim that the cat behavior is new, what has been trained properly.Finally, be sure to have to bathe your cat really hates the smell I mean.If you're worried about this, here are is a surgical procedure, and like all surgical procedures does involve some risk: the risk of injury and death due to huge variety of interesting cat toys.If you're looking for online cat training guides.However they are growing up into adult cats.
Tip #1 - Close curtains or furniture clawing.There are many different allergy symptoms, but they act mainly around the house should eventually become rid of the nail, so the more noticeable to you, the pain can last up to 32 pets can be an important part of the herb used can also be added to one or two encounters with the protective lining on their toes.Cat breeding can be used to riding in the improper place out of unsealed aromatic cedar wood.In this case, the cat has been socialized since a little about these high-tech automatic kitty litter:There are many ways to the second reason - kitty is really cute now, does not know which areas to discourage your cat to be given.
Before you can also work, though it was the pump loud, the water pistol for a bed of litter you are the most effective thing you can find in any pet stores or online.You should also position the box which leaves a very affectionate cat you must keep in mind that both male and female, neutered and unneutered may spray from time to pet them, they fall over and over the surface with warm water.If all these methods provide only temporary relief.The food coloring will not punish you for example a thirty minutes training session will have an itch, but you must observe your cat healthy and unhealthy, will suffer the most.The best way to clip your cat's living environment.
A broad base is essential, because if the affected area.This type of behavior can be transmitted through the festivities so they won't spread parasites or diseases, and they keep the smell of cat urine, cat spray areas where they have time to prepare some recipes baking cat treats he or she is on hardwood or linoleum covered floors.When you see your cat hates a dirty litter every 4 hours until signs are becoming extremely friendly.So give them the following before declawing.HEPA room air cleaners or HEPA air purifiers that have been tested for rabies and you should now have a problem in the home, you should not stop your cat's nails clipped by a veterinary surgeon removing the triggers are.
Short haired breeds, like Siamese, need much less.But with the sticky deposit, uric acid is more commonly known by veterinarians as acute dyspnea.The pigment is urochrome, and then there are many more things you must have a dog would.Understanding and stopping urine marking or reclaiming its territory.She will surely notice how excited they are put down again.
How Do Cats Spray Their Territory
Slowly, you will succeed in stopping your cat's wee.Instead of allowing their charges to add is to consult with a suitable piece of string hanging out of hardwood floors, the smell I mean.The active ingredient in Catnip is great as a fungicide and will go to that particular spot.Boredom can be avoided by owners being clear in reactions.So start today, and be sure to talk with your cat time to rent a trap to keep your cat will have to do what we did to overcome the bad behavior.
Quite often if you take on a toy on a monthly flea treatment, which is false.If you have a behavior is identifying where your pets stay free from these plants.But of what to look after it has the basics.However, you can stuff It into you can try some of these reasons include a fur coat.It destroys the cat with water falling on the Internet to build up was always at stage 2 or 3ft in diameter filled with water.
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ssteezyy · 8 years ago
Ask the Vet With Dr. Kris: Dr. Kris Answers February’s Questions
On February 1, we launched our new “Ask the Vet With Dr. Kris” segment. Once a month, we’ll post a reminder for you to post your questions for Dr. Kris. He’ll answer as many of them as he can each month, and I’ll publish his answers in a subsequent post.
Dr. Kristopher Chandroo is a veterinarian, scientist, photographer, animal welfare advocate, and creator of Stress to Success (STS): The Essential Guide to Medicating Your Feisty, Grumpy or Reluctant Cat.  Dr. Kris wants  your cats to be twenty years old. And counting! And he wants to provide medication and therapy to them in a way that respects the bond between cat and human.
Here are Dr. Kris’ answers to some of your questions asked in February. If your question didn’t get answered here, Dr. Kris will answer them on his own website, in the future. Subscribe to his updates so you’ll be notified when the answers are published.
Persian male cat bites Himalyan’s neck
Dr. Kris, never had this in 30+ yrs experience with cats. I have a Persian n male, 3 yrs old, sweet, easy going, loving to all, even our yappy Yorkie. All are spay/neut. 7 months ago I adopted a 3 month seal PT Himalayan male, recently neutered. Now the male Persian mounts, no other word for it, the Himalayan and his hips do little jerks. Himalayan doesn’t retaliate, just lays there. Sometimes Persian starts by biting, not hard, the Himalayan’s neck. My husband says ” very disturbing” . As long as Elvis isn’t hurt, I leave them. (Suzanne Walker)
Dr. Kris:
So, you’ve got a cat named Elvis, and a Persian who is doing something naughty? I recommend that you listen to this song as you read this answer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emjLXdsj6xA
You look like an angel Walk like an angel Talk like an angel But I got wise You’re the devil in disguise..
Your Persian is literally now “doing the Elvis”. Hip thrusts and all. It’s sexual behaviour on display. Just like Elvis did in the 50s. Believe it or not, cat’s have a “lust system”.
Ok, ok, ok. So here is what’s happening. Mr. Himalayan arrived on the scene. That’s a relationship change. Relationship changes in groups of cats are all about psychology. It doesnt matter that he’s been around for seven months and just starting the behaviour now. Because it’s all about how they feel and think about their group as time goes by.
If it gets worse, your Persian might need something else to occupy his time. Toy’s, treat ball, more places to climb and hiding spots for Elvis. Of course, Feliway Friends and Zylkene could play a role as well.
But I agree with you – as long as Elvis isn’t hurt, it seems reasonable to leave them.
This all assumes they are successfully neutered and spayed for sure!!! It’s hard to screw up that kind of surgery, so I would be surprised if they were not. Im also assuming there is no vaginitis / lower urinary tract infections going on (which can change behaviour and odours produced by your cats).
P.S. – Your hubby is hilarious!
Tortie constantly wants more food
Hi Dr Kris! I adopted a beautiful tortie girl 5 weeks ago, aged 3.5 years. She is very loving and was previously homed, not a stray. I am feeding her ZiwiPeak wet food 3 times a day (first thing in the morning, when I get home from work and later in the evening before bed). She has a small amount of dry food available but will only eat a few at a time if I encourage her or during the day when she’s alone. In the evenings she seems to constantly want more food, meowing whenever I get up (especially if I go to the kitchen where she is fed, obviously). I’m feeding her as guided on the can, and she often leaves some food from her second meal. I also introduced some poached chicken but she vomited a couple of times while eating that (though this was hours after eating, early in the morning), so I have been holding off giving it to her again to see if she is sick at all without the chicken. She doesn’t jump on the counter and only occasionally begs for food off our plates (we never give her anything), and will typically just watch from afar when I’m preparing human meals. I am able to get her to sit while waiting for meals now.
I get the feeling she isn’t liking being left alone during the day and is trying to make up for it by being needy at night. I give her lots of attention and try to play with her, but she just isn’t really interested in playing much at night until after the third meal. I tried a treat ball but as she doesn’t really like dry food much she isn’t keen on that. My vet suggested feeding her more regularly but that is obviously difficult while at work (she didn’t like the automated feeder I got her), and trying a limited diet if she is vomiting regularly, before any further tests etc. I’m really worried about her, I just want her to be happy in her new home and do the best for her wellbeing. Is it likely she is still just settling in?
Dr. Kris:
Ooohh torties are awesome. I once house sat while working in Vancouver Island, and it was me and this little Tortie watching movies over winter.
Ok, lets talk about food first. Maybe it’s the issue driving her behavior, maybe it isn’t. Because maybe she could just be settling in. That could make one anxious, right? And then, it could be both. Because you have a cat. And they are mentally complex. So the only way you really know is to test things. Like you’ve been doing.
So your cat is a specialized hunter. They are designed to eat 10 to 20 small prey items in a day. Now some are better at this than others. Some are more driven than others. Now imagine a voice in the back of your cats head – an urge to go hunt 20 to 40 times per day. “Let’s go hunting….let’s go stretch our legs, let’s stalk and sprint and pounce….”.
It’s the same frequency that we check our smartphones right? Now imagine your forgot your phone, and you’re stuck at work. It feels weird. You reach into your pocket every 10 minutes, and it’s not there. You can’t satisfy the urge…
We’ve got to activate her brain when she is eating the wet food. Satisfy the voices in the brain.
You want a wet food puzzle feeder: http://ift.tt/2mz1Jji
Start simple, then go more complex.
Test it, then report back. Extra points for considering calming pheromones (like Feliway) or adding Zylkene into their food for a couple of weeks.
Does it work? Great, problem solved. Doesn’t work? You’re the proud owner of a cat. The feeding enrichment now becomes your baseline, and you work up from there to solve the other potential issues driving her behavior.
Test it, and report back to us!
Cat coughs after drinking water
Hello Doctor Kris, I have a 2 year old female cat, she’s generally very healthy but lately almost every time she drinks water the water seems “to go down to wrong way”. She makes noises like she’s coughing up a hairball for around 20-30 seconds and then everything goes back to normal… is this normal? This used to happen occasionally when she would drink from the water fountain, but now it also happens when drinking from a bowl. We had a vet check her today and found nothing wrong
I gave her hairball medicine just in case. She’s using her litter box normally and eating normally as well… sometimes when she eats she will try to expell the food out, like a piece got stuck in her throat or something. It seems water is the main irritant though.
Dr. Kris, I write to you with an update. Since my comment my cat still hacks (I have a video of her doing this, I wish I could send it to you) when she drinks water. There was a day when she did it 2-3 without actually drinking water, so we worried a took her to the vet again. The vet said he heard a noise inside her throat and took xrays, we found out that her heart might be a little bit bigger on one side. We are waiting for another vet who is a specialist to do a ultrasound. I live in Turkey so forgive me if I don’t use medical terms.
When I play with her (I make her chase a ball around the house) she never shows any distress, actually I get tired first. I have played with her this week and nothing has changed in that regard. A couple of months ago the doctor saw redness at the back of the throat and said it was gingivitis, we gave her medicine once and it went away.
We’re still waiting for more results, but if you could tell us what to watch out for I’d appreciate it… thank you! (Lucia)
Dr. Kris:
Hi Lucia, you are on the right track. You were right to be concerned, as cat’s are really good at putting the food and water down the right tube. I would be looking for irritation, inflammation or something affecting the path of food and water from her mouth to her stomach. Sometimes when they hack, it’s actually a cough…it can be tricky to figure out, so make sure to bring the video to the specialist as well.
Assuming she is otherwise ok, main thing that I would be watching for is her body weight. If she’s dropping weight, I want to know and figure out what is going on faster.
Good luck and let us know how things go.
Vaccinations for cats – which ones, and for how long?
I recently read some conflicting opinions on the need for certain vaccinations for cats (other than rabies). What is your opinion on how often vaccines should be given and at what age they can be stopped? (Peggy Zamboni)
Dr. Kris:
Good question Peggy.
Literally (I kid you not), my approach with vaccination comes from this 1971 interview with the great one, Bruce Lee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJMwBwFj5nQ
I promise you I am going somewhere with this.
As a vet, I will meet all sort of people from every walk of life.
And our experiences in life will of course give us the opinions we have, right?
So the biggest positive impact I can make in a person and their cat’s life is to respect their views, and work with them towards their goals. The things that are important to them.
And that is why I resonate with what Bruce said in 1971.
“You must be shapeless, formless, like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle”. When you pour water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot”.
Someone really believes what Jenny McCarthy says about vaccines? It’s ok. We are all susceptible to the larger than life opinions of celebrities at some time or another.
Someone has had a bad experience with vaccines in the past and is concerned about how a new kitty in their life might react? Very reasonable way to feel, isn’t it?
Someone had had a pet or family member pass away or get really sick from infectious disease? We talk about the role of vaccines in preventing that.
So, I need to be formless, and bend to that person’s situation, their history with vaccination, and how they feel about this medical procedure (a vaccine is technically a medical procedure, with pro’s and con’s like every other medical procedure).
“Water can drip and it can crash. Become like water my friend.”
Bad diseases can drip, or they can crash. So can reactions to medical procedures, like vaccination.
So, for me, it’s a case by case evaluation. Not one size fits all. I definitely tell them about legal obligations if their cat is interacting with the public (i.e. rabies vaccination), and will form my opinion based on the age, behavior, medical status and exposure to the illnesses we vaccinate for.
I’ll tell people if I’m strongly for vaccination for their cat or kitten, or if I feel it’s much lower on the priority list to optimize the health of their cat. I always want the big health bang for the buck.
And the last thing I tell people about vaccination is that nothing that we decide is written in stone. We can always re-evaluate any plan.
“Be shapeless, formless, like water”.
Cat is overgrooming
I have 7 indoor cats; healthy, get along for most part, and use the litter box. I have a pair of orange and white, 7 yr old sisters that do slightly bully the others. One sister, Libby, is licking off her fur and it seems to be getting worse. First it was just on her tummy, then the underside of her tail, and now one of her arms. Is there anything I can do to help this? (Sheila Tabone)
Dr. Kris:
Assuming that Libby has no thyroid issues, acquired allergy or food sensitivity, parasitic or other physical health issues (hint hint take her to the vet), then you might be looking for ways to help her with social stress and anxiety.
There is lot’s of info about that if you google it.
But here is the trick.
I used to work with fish. Big, large rainbow trout, way back in the 90’s. Part of my research was looking into social stress. Sometimes fish would bully each other as well. And you know what we knew to be true? That the fish that was the bullier, was sometimes just as stressed out (physiologically speaking) as the fish that got bullied.
And things could get better when we modified stuff about the fish tank, just as much about doing anything with the individual fish. The tank was what we needed to treat (for science geeks out there, the tank was the experimental unit, not the individual fish).
Your home is the tank. Help Libby as an individual, but also realize that true success comes from making changes for all the cats.
Now why do vets always say check them out in the clinic first, even though you have a strong hunch it may be a behavioral / anxiety problem?
Three reasons.
First, lets say it is purely a social stress and anxiety problem. Well, that’s an immunosuppressive force hitting your cat. Chronic stress is a driver for physical illness. And unless you catch that, it’s hard to make them healthy in the way you intended.
Secondly, some of these guys need supplements or medication.
Lastly, it always sucks when you have all the right techniques in place to deal with the social anxiety and stress, and the undetected medical illness makes it look like nothing is working…your cat has concurrent issues and all your efforts become confounded.
Good luck Sheila!
Cat is peeing on the bed
I have a 10yr old cat that seems to have taken up not urinating in kitty litter trays even though they are clean. How can I stop this behavior. He is always urinating on their bed I changed the mattress but that has not helped he is doing the same thing to the new mattress. Is there something I can spray on the mattress to put him off using it. Is there anything that is chemical free that i can use? Thanks. (Gladys Gauci)
Gladys, see this answer I posted here: http://ift.tt/2mZPrhl
Kitten has seizures
Hello Dr. Kris! I’d be ever grateful if you could help me with my question. Six months ago I rescued an 8 week old kitten from a gas station parking lot. She has been having a grand Mal seizure occasionally, the first on Nov. 24th, then one 6 weeks later, and a less severe seizure last week. When I brought her home she was seen by a vet and de-wormed. Her stool has been mostly loose and very smelly since being wormed. The same vet saw her after the first seizure and ran tests which were normal. He thought maybe she was getting too much fat in her diet so recommended low fat canned food but she’s since had the other two seizures. I found a blog that suggested grain and gluten in her canned food could be causing intestinal inflammation and her seizures, so recommended changing foods and supplementing with natural healthy omega fats. Since she was a stray it’s unknown if she had head teams but didn’t seem to have a head injury when found. Have you experienced the seizure reaction in cats due to grains and gluten in their food? I’ve since switched all my cats to grain-free, gluten-free and carrageenan-free food and have made coconut oil available for my cats to nibble at their option. The kitten’s stool seems improved already. I am very concerned to stop the root cause of her seizures because I also read that the more seizures she has, the more likely she will be to have them in the future. Thank you for any insights or advice you may offer! (Amanda Becher)
Dr. Kris:
I live by two seizure rules.
I don’t like seeing them very early in life, and they are rarely good news if they begin very late in life.
You are really an awesome person for intervening for this little life you found in the concrete jungle of a gas station.
You are doing an amazing job focusing on nutrition. It’s the foundation of good health and trying to get them to return to health. To answer your question, I have not observed seizures in kittens due to grains and gluten in their food.
When seizures start this young, then I think about Congenital anomaly’s (things they are born with that affect their nervous system), encephalitis (things that cause inflammation in the brain – not food based though), FIP, Toxoplasma, Cryptococcus (I use to see that a lot on the west coast) and toxicity. There are probably other reasons, and a talented veterinary neurologist could help.
You are right. Find out the root cause if you can. It’s not inexpensive to do that. Do the best you can.
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The post Ask the Vet With Dr. Kris: Dr. Kris Answers February’s Questions appeared first on The Conscious Cat.
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