#i just think it's completely new EVERY time he comes to appreciate another
distortedkilling · 4 months
What gestures of kindness would Mahito apreciate?
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This is not the face of someone who even knows.
In the short time Mahito has existed for, any kindness he has received has been from curses. Sure, he received interest and kindness from Junpei but given his disposition towards humans - it didn't amount to much in his eyes. There was no time for emotional development or sincerity to form, which is already something slim to occur with Mahito.
I think the best gesture of kindness with Mahito would be just humoring him. Bonus is if you actually have fun with him, but he won't entirely hold it against you if you don't. A prime example is Geto and Mahito playing soccer together with Jogo's head. Even Hanami played along. Jogo obviously didn't appreciate it, but he also gets Mahito's nature even if it pisses him off.
Individuals who can just roll with his whims and play back are probably the ones he'll appreciate most. Of course, said people also have to have amusing reactions for him to want to keep playing with.
I think being gifted books that would broaden his knowledge (based on things he's interested in - meaning knowing him enough to know said interests) is a good gesture. If you're closer with him and he takes an interest in someone's reading interests, gifting him a book that means something to you could work - though it means Mahito may be mean about it if he doesn't think as highly of it. At least he'll be mean in the form of a discussion on it, lmao. But consistently useful information he values.
Movies interest him, horror specifically. Watching them with him is a good gesture. Mind you these are just obvious things given the context we see Mahito within. He's a curious curse but he's also very particular. Most of his interests are harmful. If you can stomach human experimentation and body horror, or have some genuine interest for it, then even better.
I'll always think the greatest gesture of kindness towards him is just quality time and dealing with his shitty humor. He learns a lot being in the presence of others, as well as he likes socializing when he feels like it. But all of that hinges on him being interested enough in someone.
I feel like every individual is different when it comes to Mahito. So what he may possibly appreciate with one he may not with another. Given how negative his true nature is, I think he'll have to develop an appreciation with any potential individual from scratch. He doesn't harbor a lot of general respect for anyone or anything, it has to be earned by interesting him and surviving him long enough. So befriending Mahito is always going to start in the dirt and have to be built upon. You don't even get a starting foundation with his game, it's just straight dirt - which fits, because he's a fucking worm.
So good thing is: It'll likely always be unique to the individual he has whatever dynamic with. Bad thing is: You're probably going to go through a lot of shit to get there with this curse.
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partywithoutsmiling · 3 months
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Another AU that has been knocking around my mind for a while XD I call it Moonlit AU
It can be summed as such: Pop Trolls are pretty wild bunch when it comes to looks, varying in colours, flocking/fur patterns, glitter, freckles, hair, you name it
It got me thinking, what sort of thing would they find attractive in prospective partner? While singing/harmonizing could be a part of it (and ngl, that did made me think of the Happy Feet movies, as silly as those were), my mind turned towards more physical attributes
Thus, this AU was born- where one of the reasons why Pop trolls like to be most active at night (to party) is that a Moon's Light also allows them to appreciate fur/flocking patterns otherwise hidden, where the complexity and style varies from troll to troll, as is thought to show one's inner self
Contrary to what one would expect from the Princess (and future Queen) of Pop, Poppy's patterns are rather simple- but striking nonetheless, firm and bold stripes, like taking a wide brush to a canvas- straightforward but chaotic in their hardly orderly fashion Poppy struts her patterns; they are unique and dominant among the general showing of swirls, polka dots and flower like spottings She is aware her stripes are not considered the most attractive of features- too similar to that of a predatory critter, too sharp for who is supposed to be cheerful queen of equally cheerful people- but she is a romantic at heart and believes that when it will be time to choose a consort, those physical features are surface-level importance at best, and this is the mentality she has going forward, looking at the glowing marks of her friends and considering them equally beautiful no matter what.
Until she manages to spot Branch one night outside under the full moon light that is.
Branch's pattern, in high contrast to Poppy, is far more complex. Symetrical but delicate in its filigree, and far more detailed than anything the Princess has ever seen before. Usually, Branch ventures out only on moonless nights, as he feels the glow of his marks are too visible, too dangerous to just show out and about, for every dangerous predator to see- and it is purely bad luck when bad weather caughts him outside longer than he would have liked, and Poppy manages to catch the sight of him while he is completely unaware he had been seen.
All her conviction flies right out of the window, as she looks at his delicate patterning and her mind just goes blank and - Oh
Usually she would have called out to him, ask him to come to a party- but she feels mesmerized, hypnotized by the elegance of the filigree, and her mind longs for a way to memorate it forever- with a photo, or a painting- and she stares at the entrance of his bunker long after he vanished inside, completely stupefied and wrong footed.
Before, Poppy hardly ever gave Branch a thought, when it came to this part of Pop Troll culture; as part of her, guiltily, sort of assumed that with his lack of colour, his patterning would be rather bland as well- and besides, it's not like he ever shown a desire to participate in courting dances.
But now she is left with sudden new, and unexpected feeling- her heart and breath going now a bit faster everytime she catches a glimpse of him from now on, her cheeks flushing and her tail wagging in excitement
(Her desk's drawer is filled with failed cut out scrapbook pieces of leaves and tiny detailed filigree, as she attempts to journal her sudden and new discover and cant get it quite right)
Tldr; Pop Trolls have fur/flocking patterns that appear only under the moon's light, and Poppy finds Branch's so irresistibly attractive she hardly knows what to do with herself
This pushes her to try and spend more time with him- just spend time with him, no trying to push him to go to parties with her or trying to get him to sing or hug
For his part, Branch is both secretly pleased his own crush is now paying more attention to him than to Creek (who is not happy with this development) but also holy shit Poppy is paying more attention to him, so it is kind of unnerving for him, freaking him out
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myfictionaldreams · 1 year
I Don’t Care // Mafia!Stuck x fem!reader
Summary: Request on AO3: 'The reader having a menstrual cycle, this one just a little worse than others, and Steve and Bucky worrying and helping her through it.'
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, threesome, dom/sub, fluff/comfort, period sex, mentions of blood, description of cramps, daddy kink, sir kink, vaginal fingering, choking, multiple orgasms, intense, cockwarming, overprotective, possessive behaviour, size different, praise kink
Words: 5.7k
my masterlist 📚 AO3 Link
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Mother nature had decided to curse your life today. Every 28 days without fail, your period would be an inconvenience but never to this extent, praying to whatever god was listening to save you from the excruciating waves of pain ripping through your uterus. Not only this, but it was affecting your entire body, feeling drained with fatigue, nauseous and a migraine slowly creeping through your temple.
You were mentally officially done with the day, and thankfully the anticipated meeting with Johann Schmidt was finished and successfully had gone according to plan, which meant no murders and happy handshakes to new beginnings. There were a few relaxed moments after waving them off and you were rushing to the toilet, needing to just sit and mentally process how you were going to survive the rest of the day.
Even though everyone was preparing to leave, there was still food shopping that needed to be completed which was a chore in of itself. Having to buy food for two grown men that ate triple the amount of any normal person was energy draining but now only this, in the evening, to celebrate the new partnership, Steve was taking the two groups to the fanciest restaurant in town.
Groaning, you doubled over in pain as you sat on the toilet, wishing to stay here instead or maybe, cuddled up on the sofa with Bucky and Steve but no, life wasn’t this simple, you’d need to suck it up and get on with the day and hoped it passed by quickly and at least the meeting was over.
Deciding to face the music, you finished using the bathroom, splashing some cool water on your face before exiting, only to come face to face with Bucky who was leaning against the wall, staring at the watch on his wrist.
“Good timing mama, another 30 seconds and I would have been coming in there. Didn’t think it was appropriate to be rushing into the female toilets but you’ve been a while”. Smiling softly at him, you walked over, watching as he extended his arms to pull your body against his chest.
“Overprotective Oaf, can’t a girl go to the toilet anymore without being timed”, you sarcastically mumbled into his shirt, taking a deep breath of his expensive cologne, and leaning into his unnaturally warm body.
“Wow oaf is a new one, thanks Doll”, he retorted but could feel his smile as he rested his mouth against the top of your head, his arms circling your shoulders. “I don’t usually time you in the toilet either, just worried was all, no offence but you’re looking a little peaky today”.
You could have stayed in that one spot all day, his gigantic body just completely dwarfing yours, like a boyfriend cocoon. This was until another cramp ripped through your abdomen, causing you to tense and scrunch your face to stop from audibly shouting. Bucky felt the change, his arms squeezing you tighter before easing himself back so he was able to cup your face, thumb stroking against your cheek.
“That bad, huh?”
“A little yeah. It’s fine, I’m due some pain relief now anyway, I’ll be ok”, it was a lie of course but you didn’t want to worry him or Steve, if it wasn’t obvious, they could be a little dramatic when it came to your welfare. Not that it wasn’t appreciated, but it was only food shopping and a meal then tomorrow, you could all stay in bed if that was what you wanted.
“You’re a bad liar”, he remarked, tilting your face up, capturing your lips in a tender kiss that had you momentarily forgetting about the pain, until a burning hot pain sparked through your head. It almost took your breath away more than the kiss, so much so you had to pull back and take a deep breath, in through your nose and out through your mouth, you could do this.
“Come on Buckaroo, let’s get going”. Bucky didn’t say another word but kept his cool metal hand around yours, leading back to the car where Steve was waiting in the back. Bucky held the door open for you and then climbed into the passenger seat, next to Sam who was driving.
“Everything ok?” Steve asked you softly as you fastened your seat belt, his hand resting against your thigh which was only an invitation for you to cuddle into his muscular arm, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“Yeah”, you responded softly, trying to keep your composure and not flinch as dizziness rocked your body as the car began to drive.
Bucky shifted in his seat before turning, offering you a bottle of water and some pain relief. Offering your thanks, you swallowed the pills with half of the bottle of water, hoping it would also settle the nauseous sensation in your stomach. Leaning back into Steve’s arm, he turned to kiss your temple.
“Where to Boss?” Sam asked Steve.
“Home please, Wilson”.
“Wait no, Sam could you please take us to the store, we still need to go shopping, remember?”
Your eyes flicked between Steve and Sam as the latter looked back at Steve in the rear-view mirror, waiting for confirmation. “Baby, let’s just go home, you need to get some rest”.
Rolling your eyes, you tried to play it off, “I’m fine, and we need to go today we have absolutely nothing in the cupboard, it won’t take us long”. The last part of your sentence was more a hope for you and even though you’d love nothing more than to go home if you didn’t go food shopping today then you’d be forced to go tomorrow and there was no way you were leaving the house tomorrow.
Steve didn’t say anything, only nodded at Sam for him to continue to the shop, the hand against your thigh squeezed but you weren’t paying attention, closing your eyes to stop the nauseous sensation.
It didn’t take long to get to the store and once inside, you gave Bucky the duty of drink refills and Steve fresh fruit and vegetables whilst you’d go to the tin aisle and load up the shopping cart there.
Whilst walking up the second aisle, one of the worst cramps you’d ever experienced destroyed your insides. You could feel the contraction of your uterus, the pain so much that you had to double over and lean against the shelves, biting your lower lip to refrain from moaning in pain, aware that there were still other people shopping and didn’t want too many odd looks.
Trying to concentrate on your breathing, you’d squeezed your eyes so tight that now you were beginning to feel even dizzier, it was an endless cycle of pain.
A warm hand was suddenly easing under your head and shoulder, helping to turn your body until it was leaning into the much bigger and more comforting body of Bucky. You could smell his aftershave before he was even touching you. “Shh that’s it, lean into my body, I’ve got you. Keep taking those deep breaths, the pain will fade”. His words were softly whispered into your ear as he held his metal hand against the back of your head and the other massaged your lower back.
Even though you were hoping to keep up the strong exterior and play off that your period cramps were not as bad as they were, you could not deny the way Bucky and Steve treated you had the butterflies flying in your stomach.
Bucky was right, the pain did begin to fade to a dull ache that left you feeling uncomfortable but able to stand back up and resume shopping. “Sor-” you began but your boyfriend was quick to cut off your words.
“Don’t apologise, never apologise to me”, his sincerity was pulling at your heartstrings, and unsure why tears were suddenly springing to your eyes so you quickly looked to the floor to hide them.
“I hate being on my period, messing with my emotions, do you have to be so nice?” you tried to joke, causing Bucky to chuckle softly and kiss your temple once more, always so affectionate.
Another hand joined your spine, rubbing up and down as Steve stepped behind you, his breath fanning across your cheek as he gave you a quick peck before his spare hand lifted to capture the tears that were dripping down your cheeks.
“Go back to the car baby girl, we’ll finish this” Steve encouraged, keeping his voice low. With your position between the two mafia members, you’d momentarily forgotten that you were in the middle of a store, and not in a little private bubble but with the size of their bodies, you basically were.
Hastily wiping away the remaining tears, you tried to regain some energy, “no it’s ok, I can carry on and neither of you knows what we need to buy anyway”.
 Steve smirked down at you, “I’m sure we can manage and if we forget anything major, we’ll just send Sam to come and get it for us”.
“Are you sure-?”
“Yes! Now please go back to the car”, Bucky gave you a little nudge in the direction of the exit. You laughed at them both, they always managed to make you smile, even if it was for a brief second.
“Everything ok, boss lady?” Sam asked nicely as you climbed into the car as he sat waiting in it.
You were exhausted, lying across the back of the seats, automatically pulling your knees up to your chest like a ball, finding the position that helped most with the cramps, facing the back seat so Sam couldn’t see your face. “Yeah, just need a little break”.
It seemed your ordeal wasn’t over just yet as the next wave of cramps continued, and now in the comfort of the car, even with Sam, you couldn’t hold back gasps of agony.
Unaware of how much time had passed but soon the car was being filled with shopping bags and Steve was helping you to sit up, thumbs brushing away the tears that had begun to fall again. “Let’s get you home”, he nodded to Sam as you fell back into the same position as before, but instead of resting his hand on your thigh, he lifted your top, unbuttoning your jeans to give him access to your abdomen.
Steve and Bucky, as well as being able to eat the same amount as a small village, ran at unnatural temperatures so as his warm fingers began to massage to pained area, you couldn't help but release a relieved groan.
As you returned home, you felt completely drained, limping to the toilet to try and feel refreshed as the boys emptied the car of the groceries which you were thankful for, even going as far as to empty the bags.
It was Steve’s turn to stand guard outside the toilet but unlike Bucky, he didn’t wait for you to be in there for a specific amount of time before knocking. “Can I come in?”
“I don’t think you want to see this right now”, you shouted softly to him, cleaning yourself up quickly before flushing the toilet. After washing your hands and splashing some more cool water onto your face, you exited the toilet to find him smiling kindly down at you, waiting patiently.
“You know I don’t care about those kinds of things”, he reminded you, holding out a hand for you to hold.
You accepted it, loving the feeling of his rough large fingers compared to yours as he slowly pulled you in the direction of the couch in the living room. “Yes I know that but it’s particularly bad today” you referred to your heavy flow. Neither Steve nor Bucky was at all phased by your period, reminding you on countless occasions that they are surrounded by blood a lot for their job and this was different, it was you, it was natural and all they wanted to do was help you.
“Again, I don’t care, honey”, he gently eased the two of you down, making sure that your legs were thrown over his two muscular thighs, head on his shoulder so that he could rest his cheek against you, his facial hair tickling your forehead slightly. Not that you cared as his arms encircled you, one supporting around your back, keeping your body against his, and the other rested on your abdomen again, continuing with the massaging.
Groaning with relief, your face nuzzled into him closer, hand gripping his crisp white shirt, creasing it slightly but neither of you cared. “That feels so good”, you praised him.
“Close your eyes, get some rest”.
This was exactly what you then proceeded to do. Only taking a matter of seconds of being in his heated embrace to fall into a deep sleep. A few hours later you naturally awoke, finding Steve with his eyes closed, for a second you’d suspected he had also fallen asleep but his fingers were still massaging away at your abdomen, even after all this time, surprised that he hadn’t got a hand cramp yet.
Kissing his chin to show that you were awake, your fingers gripped around the arm supporting your body, lifting to look at the time on his watch, seeing that it was nearly the evening.
Pushing on his arm, you attempted to stand but were stopped by his grip tightening, keeping you in his lap. “Where are you going?”
“I’m going to get changed, we’re leaving soon”, your voice cracked from having just woken up, fingers brushing your eyes to wipe some of the tiredness away.
“That’s not happening anymore”, he casually remarked, undoing his top button.
“What do you mean it’s not happening? It needs to happen, Johann made it very clear earlier that this needed to happen.”
Steve casually shrugged his shoulders, “I’ll deal with it, now relax, I was comfortable”.
You were dumbfounded by his confidence, your anxiety couldn’t cope when he was like this, it was much easier to just go for this meal than to try and sweet talk Johann around again. Trying and failing again to stand, you released a heavy sigh. “Steve please, I’ll be fine, it won’t take us long”.
It was at this time that Bucky returned, a towel around his neck and nothing on but his sneakers and a pair of training shorts, having come from the gym in the basement. You couldn’t help but look over his toned abs, littered with contrasting scars from his time in the Rogers mafia. “How are you feeling now?” He asked, taking a seat in the chair next to the couch.
“Better thank you. Can you tell him that we need to start getting ready soon? He’s come up with the disastrous plan to cancel dinner with Johann”.
Bucky sat back casually, the muscles in his abs flexing slightly, once again drawing your attention before you looked back into his smug blue eyes. “Firstly, I can’t tell the boss to do anything and you know that and secondly, I’ve already sent the message to cancel, so no changing it now”.
You moved around on Steve’s lap so that you could properly face the blonde who was watching you with casual arrogance knowing he had got his way or no way at all. “Why would you do that?”
“You know why I did that”, his voice remained calm as his eyes searched your face so you sat further back onto his knees and that’s when you felt it, something hadn’t felt right since waking up and this was it.
Glancing down, you noticed a dark patch on his navy dress trousers from where you’d been sitting. In your rush to leave the bathroom, you must have placed the pad in at the wrong angle on your underwear, and now you’d leaked onto your boyfriend's lap. Steve looked down, his face remaining the same, calm and confident.
“It’s ok”, his hands lifted to stroke your upper arms but you brushed them off. Your entire body seemed to heat up as the embarrassment set in.
“I’m..I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.”
“I know you didn’t baby, it’s fine”, his casualness about the situation didn’t help your panic as you pushed off of his chest to stand, knees wobbling slightly as the inkling of another wave of cramps threatened to start from the sudden movement.
“Be careful mama, it’s ok-”, Bucky tried to reach for you now but you were so embarrassed, needing to get away from both of them for a minute, racing up the stairs as your heart pounding in your chest. Finally getting to the master bedroom, you were able to lock yourself in the ensuite toilet, taking off your now blood-stained jeans and underwear, cursing again at mother nature for letting her add to the list of bad things that had happened that day.
Now you were in the bathroom, you weren’t sure what to do with yourself. You didn’t have a change of clothes and you couldn’t go back out there because, by the sounds of it, both men had followed you up the stairs and probably getting changed. Your cheeks burst with heat at the thought of Steve’s ruined trousers.
Maybe you could take a bath or a shower, which sometimes helped with the pain but you weren’t able to decide as your uterus contracted with another cramp and it was probably the worst one yet. A deep groan slipped from your lips as you doubled over, leaning your forehead against the countertop, knees straining to keep you from collapsing to the floor and crawling into a ball.
The door handle turned as you made the pained noise, but seeing as you had locked the door, it didn’t open and therefore was swiftly followed by a knock. “If you don’t open this door right now, I’m breaking it down.”
Rolling your eyes at the possessive tone in Steve’s voice, you hobbled over to the bathroom door, clicked the lock and walked back to face your shame, standing in nothing but your shirt and bra.
What you hadn’t anticipated was Steve walking over the threshold and within one step was cupping your jaw, tilting your head back and kissing you fiercely enough that it took your breath away. It took a moment of shock to wear off before your hands gripped onto his wrists, holding him close, kissing him back with as much passion. Even trying to reach onto your tip toes to get closer.
Steve was quick to discard your shirt and bra, so fast you hadn’t even realised he was undoing the buttons until the cool air coated your skin. Pulling back from the kiss as his tongue teased, you pushed against his chest, “Steve wait-”
The mafia boss did not wait. No, he had his own idea in mind as his mouth was back onto yours, body pushing back until your lower back found the cool countertop behind. In another second, his hands were gripping the back of your thighs, lifting you until your bare arse was sitting on the side.
This truly snapped you out of the lust-filled trance he had captured you within. Pushing once more against his chest, your face dropped down so he couldn’t distract you with his devilish tongue. “Steve stop, I’m not wearing any underwear, I need to put a pad on or something.”
It wasn’t Steve who responded but Bucky who was watching at the door, now in a pair of joggers and an old t-shirt, casually leaning against the door frame. He was chuckling as he admired your body. “When are you going to get it Doll, we really and I mean, REALLY, don’t care about that stuff”.
Steve moved his seduction tour to your neck, leaving open-mouth kisses sending shivers through your spine as he inched his way up to the shell of your ear. “What am I going to have to do to make you understand that I don’t care about a little bit of blood, my love”.
You glanced down at the patch on his trousers, biting your lip before reminding him, “but I’ve ruined your trousers, and you’ve had to cancel the dinner because of me”.
Steve finally leaned back, resting his weight on his arms on either side of your thighs as his own blue eyes flicked between yours. “I’ve cancelled the dinner today because you’re in pain and I’m not going to force you to dress up in clothes that won’t make you feel comfortable or leave the comfort of your own home just for a fucking meal with Johann Schmidt. My trousers, they’re replaceable, they don’t mean shit to me, but you know what does? You. So please explain to me what I need to do for you to get into that beautiful brain of yours, what I can do to show that I really couldn’t give a shit about a little bit of blood”.
He always knew the right things to say, enough that you had to once again hide your face to hide the tears.
Your boyfriend had other ideas however as his hand teased up the sensitive part of your inner thighs. You knew his intended destination and reached out quickly to grip his wrist, stopping him, looking up with wide eyes, his words already forgotten about.
“Steve wait, I’m bleeding-”
He tilted his head in a knowing look, pushing easily against your grip until his fingers delved into your folds, brushing against your clit. You gasped, bodily jolting slightly. Steve lifted his other hand, wrapping it around your throat, pushing back until your body rested against the wall-length mirror.
“What did I say? I don’t care about a little bit of blood, now. Open”.
His tone went straight to your core, he rarely ordered things from you as your submissive tendencies meant you were rushing to do them anyway but with your anxiety holding you back, he decided to use his authority which instantly sent you into a horny mess.
“Yes sir”, you responded a moment later, trying to ignore the pounding of your heart that he undoubtedly felt beneath his fingertips at your throat, as you opened your legs wider to him, giving him better access.
“Good girl”, the praise was like music to your ears as you were forced to watch his face as his fingers began slipping further down until at your entrance, not wasting any time to slip two fingers in. You moaned loudly, swapping to hold onto the wrist that was holding your neck, not choking, just making sure you didn’t look away from him. His movements were slow, inching in and out, making sure not to hurt you.
You had to admit, that it felt odd, knowing that the wetness that could be felt wasn’t your normal juices but in face period blood and with the cramping, it wasn’t the most comfortable but as his fingers began to curl, increasing your pleasure, the pain reduced.
“Listen to me closely”, he continued. “You are going to watch as I fuck you with my fingers until you’re cumming. Then as I’m fucking you, Bucky over there is going to heat the shower and all three of us are getting in and he can then decide what he’d like to do with you there, do you understand?”
Your cunt was clenching violently around his fingers at his demands, of which every single one you wanted, too lost in the thought of his fingers curling into that beautiful spot within. “Yes sir!”
“That’s my girl”, he praised with a small smile now etched on his face as his thumb began stroking gently against your eagerly awaiting clit. There was now only a jumble of moans and mewls leaving your mouth now as your hips began rolling against his hand, chasing your high. As stated before, with each passing minute, as the pleasure increased, all the cramping began to cease until it was a recent memory.
“Open a little wider baby,” he encouraged and your legs spread automatically giving him more room to add a third finger. Your eyes dropped to his wrist, the sight scaring you for a minute as a dribble of blood was nearly the white sleeve of his shirt but with a quick squeeze to your throat, you glanced up as he leaned closer, his breath tickling your face. “I. Don’t. Care.”
“Fuck!” you cursed, riding his hand harder, gripping his wrist tighter, inching closer and closer to your orgasm. The addition of his third finger made your walls stretch to their limit, feeling full of his long, thick fingers and his thumb pressed harder.
You were about to open your mouth and ask if you could cum but Steve could already feel the tightening grip of your cunt, “cum for me, that’s it, good girl”.
Steve’s praises were always the most perfect sounding words from his gruff voice and your orgasm was suddenly pulsing through your entire body. If it wasn’t for his grip around your throat, you were sure you’d fall into his chest but he held you there firmly, not restricting your airways but just having control over your body.
He didn’t waste a second, using his blood-soaked hands to undo his belt and zipper, easing his cock out and then dragging your hips towards the edge of the countertop. Lifting your legs to rest on his hips, Steve’s cock pulsed as he eased it between your slit, breathing your entrance slowly.
“Please, please daddy!” you gasped out, losing all sense of control, needing to feel him now. Steve chuckled at the nickname, knowing your horniness was bringing out your submissiveness. To treat you well, he pushed his cock into your cunt in one quick thrust, causing your body to jolt to the side.
He held that position and in the background, you could just make out the sound of the shower being turned on by Bucky. Not that you were focused on that right now as Steve adjusted his position. With his red-stained hand, he gripped your hip in place whilst the other hand still held onto your throat, his mouth dipping so he could wrap his lips around your left nipple, sucking it fiercely into his mouth, biting on it gently before releasing.
At the same time, he began to ease his cock out of you, nice and slowly so that your walls dragged around him before slapping back in again. Steve teased both of your nipples, licking around the areola before sucking them back into his mouth.
Your entire body was alight with warmth and pleasure, every thrust was powerful and breathtaking and his wicked tongue had you almost seeing stars with how hard it was making your cunt clench.
“You’re doing so good for me baby” Steve complimented as he swapped breasts, the nipples now being slightly puffy from being sucked on. “Seeing you this desperate, I don’t think I’m going to last very long”, he admitted, but you didn’t care, you were already sensing the change in your body as the tautness in your abdomen increased.
Steve did too and released your nipple, only to kiss you fiercely, it was mostly tongue and teeth, trying to dominate your mouth leaving you even more breathless and dizzy. Just as you were able to orgasm, your hand gripped around the bigger hand holding your neck, squeezing it slightly and he understood the message.
His fingers gripped ever so slightly harder, making it a little bit more difficult to breathe, just as you came hard. Your walls clamped down around his cock so strongly that he too came, surprising himself as he shouted your name, hunching over your body and releasing your throat just as the waves began to calm down. You sucked in the air greedily, body almost completely limp from being fucked so hard and being in the same position for so long.
Your eyes felt heavy as Steve kissed along your throat where his fingers had been, softly caressing the area, distracting you from his cock slipping out of your sensitive entrance. Risking a glance down, it was a mess, where his hands had been were red hand prints and his clothes were ruined but at that moment, you couldn’t care at all.
Steve stood back, catching your eye, “I love you”, he whispered, sweetly kissing your lips delicately, almost like he was scared to hurt you even though he’d just been fucking the life out of you.
“I love you too” you responded softly, tiredness evident in your tone.
Steve finally moved away, unbuttoning his ruined shirt which allowed Bucky to take his place, now standing completely naked, his cock proudly hard between his legs. Gently, he lifted both of your legs around his waist, locking your ankles before moving your arms around his neck, his metal arm easing beneath your arse and his flesh arm around your back as he lifted you.
“Feel like another round?” Bucky’s jokingly asked with a soft smile, kissing your cheek and you mewled in response, trying to slip further down his body so that his tip bumped into your cunt. “Hold on, mama”, and with that, he gently eased his veined cock into your warm pussy, before walking into the warm shower that had you melting into his embrace.
The two of you stood there for a couple of minutes, he didn’t thrust, knowing that’s not what you needed right now, just letting you feel full up at the warmth from the water to ease your used muscles, it was perfect.
“Want you”, your voice oozed desperation as you lazily kissed up his neck, clenching slightly around his member as your arousal began to peak, needing to feel the drag of his cock..
“I want you to but I think someone tired you out”. You groaned, frowning at his words but putting no effort into moving, feeling too lazy and fucked out of your mind so decided on a different tactic.
“But I’d feel so much better if you fucked me too”.
Bucky laughed as Steve joined the two of you in the shower, luckily it was purposefully built so that the overhead shower covered all three of you.
“Are you trying to manipulate me into fucking you, sweet mama?” Bucky asked against your shoulder.
Smiling against his skin, you tried to act nonchalant, “no I’d never do that”.
As you finished your sentence, your back eased against the shower wall as Bucky held you there, readjusting his arms slightly to grip your hips, his face now hovering over yours, a cheeky smile gracing his lips. “Yeah, I’m sure you would never do that”, he sarcastically responded as he began to roll his hips, thrusting his cock very slowly in and out of you.
Once again, these men knew you so well, thankful for the slow speed as your cunt constricted harshly around him with how sensitive it was. It felt so good as he took his time, holding you close, every part of your body touching his as Steve washed behind him, smiling at the sound of your desperate noises.
“Is this what you wanted?” Bucky asked, his mouth hovering over yours.
“Yes sir, you feel so good”.
Bucky kept up those long slow paces for a while, Steve even began to grow hard again and found himself wanking off watching the two of you. Every thrust of Bucky’s cock had a pathetic mewl or moan escaping you, it was perfect as you held desperately to his shoulders, lazily kissing him until the sensation changed.
“I need to cum sir” you quickly breathed out but Bucky had other plans.
“Not just yet mama, you’ve got to hold it for me”. Your eyes filled with panic, looking at his as your brow furrowed, mouth gaping open.
“I- I can’t”.
“Yes you can, you’re a good girl and only good girls cum when they’re supposed to, just a little bit longer”. You could have cried as you gripped harder to his muscles, probably painfully so but he never said anything, just continued with the same slow fucking. You tried to relax your muscles and distract yourself from him but his cock was hitting all the right spots and it didn’t help matters when Steve suddenly grunted from behind Bucky as he came,  his cum spurting out and into the water.
“Please!” you had to plead now, closing your eyes as the feeling of orgasm was so overwhelming.
Bucky grunted loudly and you could feel his cock pumping inside of you as he finally agreed, “yes, cum for me!” and at the same time snapped his hips hard into you. Your whole body went rigid, cunt uncontrollably pulsing around him in waves of utter perfection.
It took a couple of seconds to calm down, Bucky’s half-limp dick sliding out and a gush of Steve and Bucky’s cum followed, now tainted pink by your period but you definitely didn’t care anymore.
Thankfully, Bucky wasn’t just ready to put you down but you would have most likely just sat on the floor, not trusting that your legs were strong enough to hold your weight. So both Ssteve and Bucky helped to wash your body with soap, being careful of the sensitive area between your legs before turning off the water and stepping out.
Whilst Bucky and you were first in the shower, Steve had cleaned up the mess on the countertop and had prepared a fresh pad, underwear and pyjamas for you to get into afterwards. As the three of you climbed into bed, you could honestly say you’d never felt this cosy before on your period.
Laying your head against Bucky’s chest, Steve sat beside you and scrolled through his phone, reading to order some takeout. The second-in-command kissed along your hairline, his fingers locking with yours as he asked, “how's the pain now?”
“It still aches but it’s a lot better than it was, thank you”.
Steve leaned over and kissed the back of your shoulder, “good, I think we should make this a monthly occasion”.
Your used cunt clenched at that thought and you had to bite your lip from moaning, taking a deep breath before turning to look at him, “me too”.
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pathetic-sapphic · 9 months
Arcane characters with chef!reader who always cooks for them? 👀👀
Arcane characters with a S/O who cooks for them
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VI knows how to cook some basic meals, but most of the time is too lazy to do so. She mostly eats takeout food or goes to Jericho's when she can afford it. Of course, you come to the rescue and she becomes obsessed with your cooking. Will plead with you to make her favorite by doing her signature puppy eyes (it works every time). Likes to help you out or at least keep you company by hugging you from behind and begging you to let her do taste tests. The taste tests are basically useless because she loves anything you make and always says it's perfect. This woman would lowkey eat dirt as long as you're the one who served it to her.
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JINX can't cook for the life of her and any kitchen she enters is automatically turned into a fire hazard so please keep an eye on her at all times. She'll be perched up on one of the kitchen counters whenever you're cooking and will ramble about anything and everything, looking at your graceful moves the entire time. Always compliments on how good the food smells and gets really impatient, asking if the food is ready every minute or so. It's a good idea to keep her busy by asking her to set the table or chop some veggies for you, she'll gladly do it (anything to help her trinket!). She loves feeling useful, and having you helps keep her in good health since, before she met you, she had a habit of skipping meals due to being distracted by her work most of the time. Now, that can never happen because Jinx would never pass up an opportunity to eat her beloved trinket's food.
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CAITLYN tries, she really does, but cooking is one activity where her precise skills and accuracy completely evade her. It's like all her gracefulness leaves her as soon as she enters the kitchen. She is also quite busy with her work so she really appreciates it when you start packing her lunch every day for her. Thinks it's super sweet and domestic, lowkey giggles sweetly if you include silly and cute little notes in her lunchbox. Gladly helps you by setting up the table and doing the grocery shopping whenever she can, as well as spoiling you with the best cooking equipment and cookbooks that she can afford. Whenever the two of you go out on fancy restaurant dates, it doesn't matter how good the food is, Caitlyn will complain about how it just isn't as good as yours.
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EKKO has had to take care of himself since early age so he has some mean cooking tricks and recipes up his sleeve. He is no chef, but still very good! One of his favorite pastimes is cooking with you, because not only does he get to learn new recipes, but he also gets to hang out with his babe! Sure, a food fight may happen here and there, with the two of you getting a little carried away with the flour, but that's what makes it so enjoyable and domestic. Ekko is a quick learner and an excellent company to have around, although he can sometimes pose a bit of a distraction by trying to sneak in kisses and hugs while you're dangerously close to the stove. He just can't help himself whenever he is around you, luckily his reflexes are sharp so you definitely won't get hurt as long as he is by your side. Gives you shoulder kisses from behind whenever you're cooking.
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SEVIKA is a surprisingly good cook, it's just that on most days she doesn't have the time nor the energy to do it, especially if it's only for herself. So the cooking is probably up to you most of the time. Not to mention that she also has a bit of a housewife kink so seeing you doing something so domestic and taking such good care of her makes Sevika's heart skip a beat. Another partner who likes hugging you from behind whenever she finds you in the kitchen, nuzzling her nose in your neck and commenting on how good the food smells. Every once in a while, she likes to surprise you with breakfast in bed, just as a little show of appreciation for all that you do for her. Please pack her work lunch in the most disgustingly cute lunchbox you can find, she'll eat it without shame. Anyone who dares laugh at her is getting punched in the face.
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With how busy he is all the time, SILCO barely eats let alone cooks. So he is pleasantly surprised when you start bringing cooked meals to his office. He used to consider himself a picky eater but that proves to be false as he would gladly eat literally anything as long as it's made by you. Tries to go home earlier so he can always make it in time to have dinner with you, only to later unwind with a glass of wine and you in his arms. Does the dishes whenever he can, you've already done so much by preparing such a lovely meal, you deserve to rest now. Silco always sings you praises and showers you with compliments for your cooking skills, also sometimes jokes about how he's going to have to buy clothes that are a size bigger if you continue feeding him like this. He actually looks much healthier and has more energy ever since he started eating your food, it's quite endearing to see.
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VANDER loves cooking and is an amazing cook himself, always experimenting and trying out new recipes. After all, he and his four kids cannot survive on takeout and scraps alone. So, he learned how to cook once he adopted his children. He is so happy to have a partner with whom he shares this passion and the two of you often cook together. He is a lovely company to have around, working diligently and making pleasant small talk, oftentimes humming one of his favorite songs while chopping veggies or overlooking a boiling pot of soup. Vander sometimes lets the music take over and sweeps you up into his arms, slow dancing with you in the kitchen while a pleasant melody and an even more pleasant smell fills out the room. He is so happy when he sees how much the kids love your cooking as he values their opinion over anyone else's. Vander is at his happiest when sharing a meal with you and the children, all of you sitting happily at the table, chatting and enjoying the delicious food like a wonderful family.
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VIKTOR can make an omelette and oatmeal and uh... that's about it. He eats enough (and sometimes not even that) to survive and keep working, barely remembering to eat and drink water properly throughout the day. You were obviously worried out of your mind when you noticed this and started making him warm, homemade meals and bringing them to him. As busy as he is, Viktor can never say no to you or reject anything you try to give him so he gladly gives your cooking a try. It's safe to say that this man is in love, there's a literal spark in his eyes the first time you feed him a hot meal and he makes sure to sing you praises afterward. He is positively in love with your cooking and you make sure he eats at least two cooked meals a day which greatly aids his health. After a month or two, his hollow cheeks don't seem so hollow anymore and he can swear he feels much more refreshed and energetic than he did before. Viktor truly thinks of you as his savior and he knows he owes his life to you for all that you have done for him. No matter what happens, he'll always have you to come home to, to love him and take care of him.
a/n: i wasn't sure which characters you'd like so i decided on these! if there's anyone i missed, feel free to lmk :)
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psychedelic-ink · 11 months
pairing: joel miller x webcam model!f!reader
genre: no outbreak AU, explicit smut (like very explicit), minors dni
word count: 7k
summary: you and joel continue to see one another, no matter the distance. And finally, you two breach the subject of "what are we".
warnings: joel is still bi in this, minor angst in the beginning, live stream sex, piv, messy titjob, dirty talk, possesive!joel, squirting, a hint of jealous joel, good girl/sir, praise kink
a/n: this work was commissioned by the lovely @trauma-dol 💜 thank you so much for commissioning me, I appreciate it lots!
part two of ravish
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There are a lot of things you don’t like. The smell of roasted chickpeas, for instance. While others might find it inviting, it's just an odd scent that doesn't sit right with you. Then there's that annoying feeling of needing to pee right after you've gotten all cozy in bed. The list just goes on. You can think of a million things that annoy the heck out of you. 
However, waiting for someone that you’ve been eager to see for months to arrive at your doorstep might be the thing you hate the most. 
Worry bubbles up within you, and you can't help but sigh as you reach for the phone. Joel was supposed to arrive a good thirty minutes ago. 
Excited to see him, you had spent time chopping up an assortment of fresh vegetables – plump tomatoes, vibrant bell peppers sliced into perfect rings, and red onions thinly shaved and ready to caramelize into sweet perfection.
Besides the cutting board, a bowl of freshly shredded mozzarella cheese sits in fluffy mounds, ready to meld and melt into gooey goodness. Fragrant basil leaves are waiting to be scattered over the final creation. The pizza dough had been carefully prepped and now resting. 
But alas, there’s still no sign of him. 
“Dammit Joel, where are you?” 
You knew you should’ve just picked him up from the airport. You should’ve just ignored his protests and gone. New York is a big city; he could’ve gotten himself lost. Or worse, someone might’ve tried to kidnap him, rob him—sure, he’s a big man, but this is New York City.
It had been a hectic month. After you moved back from your family home, the issue of whether or not the relationship should continue had been a hot topic of sorts. For a while, you both decided to embrace the idea of "not putting a label" and simply being together during your visits. However, that proved to be too complicated. Losing yourselves in each other during every visit didn’t really allow for anyone else to come in between.
Not that you were complaining. You really liked Joel and didn’t really have any desire to date anyone else. Joel had enamored you completely. It was hard to keep it casual when all you wanted was him. But clearly, Joel didn’t want anything serious. He was content with how things were. 
The thought made your heart sink painfully in your chest. 
You tried to visit each other once a month, although most of the time it ended up being once every two months. He still joined your live streams. And when your viewers realized you were more than happy to indulge in JMiller’s requests, they started to get suspicious, commenting and teasing relentlessly. That meant you had to ignore him for a bit, which you hated doing. 
You did enjoy the punishments that followed though. 
A sudden buzz pulls you away from memory lane. Looking down you see a text from Joel, prompting your smile. 
Almost there, honey. You weren’t kidding about the traffic. 
“Dork,” you grin. Your head falls back against the back of the couch. You’ve missed him and now that he’ll be here soon makes you all giddy. Dormant butterflies erupt in your chest. Just the thought of him is enough to excite you. For an entire week, Joel Miller is yours. You had planned out everything. Not a minute will be wasted. Not on your watch. 
Twenty minutes later, there’s a knock on the door. You practically jump off the couch and run toward the sound. When you open it, you’re breathless, the tiny hairs at the back of your neck standing with attention. 
It’s him. 
He’s here. 
His eyes are tired, the crinkles you love to kiss deepening with his wide smile, “Hey there, sweetheart,” he says. “Miss me?” 
You jump towards him and wrap your arms around his neck. You hear the “oomf” that vibrates from his chest as you tug him impossibly close, forcing him to lean over you. Joel’s hands find the dip of your waist, squeezing tenderly, his nose bumps affectionally into the crook of your neck, and heat gathers under your skin. 
“God I missed you,” you say, voice trembling. Desperately you hold his face and bring him to your lips. His tongue traces the seam of your mouth, the movement dripping with a need for authority and control. You happily give it to him, opening wide. He sucks the air from your lungs and swallows your moans. Slick gathers between your legs, the fabric of your underwear clinging to your cunt and asking for the stretch of his cock. 
Joel guides the roll of your hips, chuckling darkly into your mouth when you desperately rub yourself against the denim. A shudder rolls up your spine. His cock firming under his jeans, “Honey,” he rasps. “Maybe we should close the door first?” 
“Why?” you say with a hitch of your breath. You drag your lips down his neck, nip at his racing pulse. “I know the neighbor wouldn’t mind. He watches my streams.” 
You’d said it without a second thought, which might’ve been a mistake on your part. His muscles grow rigid under your palms, the heat melting quickly like ice under the hot summer sun. “Is everything okay?” you ask, cupping his cheeks and forcing his gaze up. 
His gaze stays on you only for a moment before he drops his eyes to your lips. Your brows furrow at the reaction. His eyes are clear like a sky before a storm. Obviously, he has the question he wants to ask already locked and loaded but refusing to pull the trigger. He lifts his hands, the width of them blanketing yours as he pulls them down. 
“Just tired,” he sighs. He’s saved by the loud grumble of his stomach, the tension breaking. “And hungry,” he adds with a crooked smile. You force a smile and ignore the trembling of your bottom lip. Joel’s tone might be playful but it does little in calming your nerves. Moving away, the chill you feel on your skin is instant. 
“I prepared most of the ingredients,” you say. “I thought pizza and wine?” 
“We’re in the birthplace of the dollar pizza and you made it homemade?” 
You giggle at how comically wide his eyes are. “Well forgive me for not wanting to feed you the cheapest thing available,” Joel’s lips touch your temple, warmth blossoming where his mouth brushes against. “And I thought it would be fun.” 
“It will,” he murmurs. “I’m not used to bein’ pampered I guess. Only Sarah cares about what goes down my gullet.” 
“Hmm I don’t recall saying it was due to the consideration of your health,” you tease, fingers tiptoeing from his arm to his shoulder. He shivers at the touch. “Maybe, I just want to see what these strong hands can do with some dough.” 
His mere grin manages to send ripples of pleasure down your spine. Something dark and wicked crosses his face and you let out a shaky sigh. “Brat,” he teases. 
With a cat-like grin of your own, you close the door. 
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Joel stands before the kitchen counter, the soft glow of the overhead light accentuating the contours of his figure. His sleeves are rolled up, revealing sinewy forearms that glisten with a slight sheen of flour. The muscles beneath his sun-kissed skin ripple as he reaches for the dough, his biceps forming a subtle bulge with each purposeful movement.
With a focused expression, he takes the smooth, slightly elastic dough in his hands. The material yields to his touch, supple yet resilient. As his strong fingers sink into the dough's yielding embrace, you can't help but admire the way he handles it. His touch is both firm and gentle, his hands a testament to years of construction work that have endowed him with strength and dexterity.
The dough stretches and folds, responding to his guidance with grace. His hands move with an almost mesmerizing rhythm, kneading and pressing, coaxing the dough into a state of perfection. The occasional wisp of flour dances in the air as he works.
You watch, entranced, as Joel's fingers work their magic. The concentration etched on his face, the way his lips quirk up in a faint smile as he loses himself while doing so makes your heart race.
As he works, you find your own fingers involuntarily tracing the outline of your wine glass.
"Enjoyin' the view, honey?" Joel's voice rumbles, breaking through the silence. You quickly set the wine glass down and begin to babble something in response, your words stumbling over each other. But before you can complete your sentence, Joel grips your wrist, pulling you toward him. Your back is flush against his solid chest.
His scent of pine and undeniable masculinity, surrounds you, intoxicating your senses as effectively as the wine you had been sipping. The shift in the atmosphere is palpable, charged with an electricity that sends shivers down your spine.
Joel's hands find yours, and he guides them to rest above the dough, his touch sending a jolt of awareness through you. “I’m the guest why the hell am I doin’ all the work?” His fingers intertwine with yours, his calloused skin brushing against your more delicate touch. Your heart beats in sync with the rhythm of his kneading.
Kneading the dough together, you feel a growing pressure against your lower back. It takes a moment for you to realize – his erection, firm and unmistakable, pressing against you. The realization sends a rush of heat to your cheeks, and your breath catches in your throat.
His hand drops to your waist, guiding the grind of your hips. You feel him as the dress you’re wearing dips between your asscheeks, clothed cock parting the two gently. A soft growl rumbles in his chest, the tremble of it felt against your back. Your focus has shifted. The dough forgotten entirely. 
“You’re makin’ cookin’ really hard, sweetheart.” 
You manage a breathless chuckle, "Oh, and whose fault might that be, Mr. Master Dough Kneader?"
He snarls into your ear, hot breath causing goosebumps. “You really are bein’ a brat today. Is there a special occasion for that?” 
Honestly, being a brat really wasn’t your objective. It just. . . sorta came out. You reveled when Joel took control, be it face-to-face or during streams. There’s always something primal lingering under his touches, his words. You roll your hips, cutting his breath short, you feel the length of him being dragged down between the plump flesh of your ass. 
“I just want to make you happy,” you say surprisingly soft. When you attempt to rub against him once more, he stops you, both hands now on your waist, squeezing you in warning. 
“You do make me happy,” he breathes out. His voice is deep, slivering down your back. Heat pools between your legs and you lean into his warmth. “Why would you say that?” 
“Forget it,” You hadn’t expected him to take it so seriously. Worry begins to inflate your chest, heat rising to the tips of your ears and making you short of sight. You attempt to reach for the tomato sauce, making sure to drag the plumpness of your behind against the heft of his cock in order to eradicate the moment. You don’t want him to think too much about it. Or decide that what you have—whatever it is—isn’t worth it. 
The pads of your fingers brush against the smooth surface of the bowl but you can’t reach it. Not quite. Joel turns you over, hands between your waist and the sharp edge of the counter. Frustrated, you fill your cheeks with air and shoot him a glare. “Seriously, it’s nothing, Joel.” 
“No it ain’t,” he snaps silently. “Why would you stress about makin’ me happy?” 
He scoffs at your silence, “What? You think I’m just passin’ the time by comin’ here? That if it’s not worth my time I’ll just leave?” he asks, baffled. Your gaze drops to the granite floor, bottom lip sucked between your teeth. Joel’s eyes go wide, bushy eyebrows almost touching his hairline. “Wait you actually think that?” 
You remain silent. 
“Sweetheart. . .” he shakes his head and pinches your chin, pulling your gaze back up. He looks concerned. Remorseful. You try not to think about your pulse skyrocketing under your skin, try to ignore the skip of your heart. “You really think I’m that shallow?” 
“No,” you answer suddenly, the need to defend him to himself burrowing in your chest. “It’s not that. I just. . . I don’t know. I’m confused I guess.” 
“‘bout what?” 
His thumb draws slow circles on your cheek, you close your eyes, heart and chest suddenly light as air. You could float if you had the capability. You nuzzle his hand like a hurt animal, begging for more of his touch. 
“I really really like you, you know.” 
“I really like you too, honey,” you ignore the way his words and smile make your skin prickle with delight. “But that doesn’t really answer my question.” 
You sigh, you’re stuck between the constant worry and the comfort he’s providing. Despite being known as a chatterbox, you’re having trouble finding the words. 
“I know that me streaming isn’t. . . conventional but I’m not seeing anyone else. I don’t even do private streams anymore,” your eyes flit between his eyes, trying to get a read of whiskey-colored eyes. Fear coats your tongue upon noticing his lips are a thin line—definitely not a good sign. “And well. . . I don’t plan on seeing anyone else either because. . .” 
You melt in relief when his lips finally crack into a small smile, “Because you really really like me?” 
“Precisely,” you say a bit loud and excited. “And of course, I don’t want you to feel pressure but. . . are you seeing anyone?” you clear your throat. “B—Besides me, that is.” 
“Well. .  . sometimes I watch CammingBravo when he’s streamin’.” 
“Joel!” you huff out a laugh and playfully smack his chest. “You know that’s not what I meant.” 
Adoration dots over his face, the corner of his eyes wrinkling with his smile. You love it when he teases you. Love it even more when he just stares at you with blatant amusement. The expression doesn’t linger long though. Like a small flame under rain, it sizzles out, his demeanor changing suddenly. 
His brows furrow, a crease you so desperately want to kiss away forming between them. Joel’s jaw ticks, the muscle above it twitching. He inches closer until your foreheads are pressed together, snug. Your heart is beating with rapid thumps, your breath caught in your throat.  
“I’m not seein’ anyone else either,” he says, voice thick with emotion. “And I’m not planin’ on seein’ anyone else either.” 
He nods, “I want you, sweetheart. Completely. I don’t care what you do on your streams as long as you’re mine when the camera shuts off.” 
Your smile is instantaneous. It’s not like you planned on streaming for the rest of your life, arrangements could be made to make him more comfortable. And you had stopped collabing with Dieter ever since Joel came into the picture—though, now that you knew Joel watched the fallen-from-grace actor’s streams. . . you were getting ideas. 
Joel nudges you with the tip of his nose, smiling, yet still hesitant, “Say somethin’ will you?” 
“So, we both want to be exclusive?” you grin. “That’s what you’re saying?” 
“Reckon, I am,” he answers with a snort. He parts his lips to say more but you beat him to it, covering his mouth with your own. The kiss is long and sweet. It feels like a first kiss in a way, even though you have kissed Joel many many times before.
“Come on now, let’s get these ready and pop them into the oven,” his grin is wide as he pinches your ass, you jump with a yelp and he laughs. When you fix him a half-hearted glare, he only winks. The simple action makes your insides clench. “I’m starvin’.” 
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The next day, you take Joel to your favorite coffee shop. They make the best bagel sandwiches and you’re eager for him to try them out. He gets the classic bacon, egg, and cheese, and you order the avocado BLT. You offer to pay, but Joel being Joel, he quickly distracts you by dragging his lips from your temple to your cheek, swiftly taking out his wallet.
You give him a look of pure betrayal. If you were wearing pearls, you’d be clutching them by now. “Joel Miller,” you say, aghast. “How dare you use your charm for evil?” 
His laughter fills the air as he hands his credit card to the barista, his broad chest rising and falling with each boisterous sound. Your lips twitch into a smile as he cups your waist, pulling you close. His lips touch your ear and heat warms your cheeks. “Sorry, honey. I can’t always use my powers for good.” 
All you can manage is a short nod. Your senses narrow on the way his breath ghosts your skin, warm and soft like a summer breeze. For a second you forget about the bagels and the coffee shop, all you can think of is him; his body, his voice, his scent—arousal pulses between your legs. If you were positive the two of you wouldn’t get arrested for public indecency, you’d let him take you against this very counter for everyone to see. 
“Come on now,” he teases, reading your expression easily. “I got the goods, let’s find ourselves a good table.” 
Alas, he really was holding a tray in his hands. You have no idea when the barista finished making your order. Either you’d been fantasizing for too long or you had one hell of a barista. 
The two of you stand awkwardly in the middle of the coffee shop and look around. You notice a couple of people staring you down, their gazes fixed on you, some of them even being bold enough to do the old-fashioned up-and-down. You quickly divert your gaze and point toward a table right next to the large windows. Frankly, you’re used to the staring. They rarely came up to you since no one wanted to be the one known for enjoying porn. Especially in public. Most of the time they’re harmless. 
Walking towards your table, you cheat a glance at Joel. If he did notice the looks, he didn't say anything. He made no indication of discomfort or anything of the sort. Relief sprinkles over you, maybe the looks weren’t as obvious as you initially had thought. 
Joel took a seat and you sat across from him, he shot you a look before reaching for his black coffee, “Everythin’ alright?” 
“Yeah,” you clear your throat, trying to keep your nerves in check. “Why wouldn’t I be?” 
Just as he opens his mouth, you notice someone approaching in your peripheral. You hold your breath, eyes dropping to the bagels. The person, whoever it was, just stands at the end of the table. You feel the stranger’s eyes eating you up. Fuck, of all the times why now? 
“May we help you?” you hear Joel say, his tone the complete opposite of his words. When you look up at him from between your lashes, he’s staring at the stranger, the look dancing on the line of being a full-on glare. You take a slow breath and turn. 
It’s a young-ish man with blonde hair and brown eyes. Your first expression of him is that he seems kind. He doesn’t acknowledge Joel’s presence at all which you find impressive. Even across from him, you can feel the heat of his stare. 
“Hi,” the man says kindly. “S-Sorry to bother you but are you Honeysuckle? On Ravish?” 
Joel visibly bristles at that. And, despite your better judgment, it turns you on. 
“Yup, that’s me,” you let out an awkward chuckle. He extends a hand and you quickly take it, wanting this to be done as soon as possible. 
“I love your streams!” 
“Thank you,” you smile with tight lips. “I appreciate your support.” 
“Can I get a picture?” 
Briefly, your gaze flits to Joel, a shadow crosses his face, eyes dark in warning. Your breath hitches a bit, skin prickling, some part of you wishes the hardened gaze was directed at you instead. 
You turn back to the man, “Sorry I don’t do pictures,” he seems visibly heartbroken by that so you quickly add. “But I can give you an autograph if it’s all the same to you.” 
Oh god, you hate when you have to put it like that. It makes you sound so full of yourself. You’re not a movie star. 
His eyes sparkle, “Thank you!” he pulls out a small notebook and hands it to you. “Can you make it out for Alex?” 
“Sure.” you quickly sign your name—well, not your name name but your stream name; Honeysuckle. You add a little heart next to the name and return the notebook. 
“Thank you!” he repeats, his genuine glee spreading in the air and caressing your skin. Your stomach does a small somersault as he walks away, clutching the notebook close to his chest. 
“Well, at least he was nice about it,” Joel grunts, finally taking a sip of his coffee. You’re not sure what to take from his response, or expression for that matter. Is he mad? You don’t think he is. You nearly jump out of your skin when his focused gaze suddenly snaps to you. “You alright?” 
“U-Uh, yeah,” you wave your hand in dismissal. “This kinda stuff happens. Most of the time they don’t say hi though.”
“So they just stare at you like a piece of meat?” 
“Pretty much, yeah.” your voice is uncaring. Honestly, you’re used to it by now. It’s not like you had the most respectable job, at least, not according to most people. You can only imagine the comments you would get if you had Instagram, or if Ravish didn’t have a tight-proof system that allowed you to ban people on sight. You reach for your sandwich and take a bite, you chew slowly. 
Joel snarls, “Assholes.” 
“I was hoping you didn’t notice,” you smile around your second bite. He seems almost offended by what you said, crossing his arms over the expanse of his chest. 
“Of course I did,” he huffed. “And why wouldn’t you want me to notice?” 
“I don’t know,” you truly didn’t. “I guess I didn’t want any hiccups to happen right after we decided to be. . . exclusive.” 
“Honey. . .” he gives you the tiniest smile, eyes full of care. “Don’t worry, people starin’ ain’t gonna get me packin’. Don’t you. . . don’t you know my feelings run deeper than that?” 
Joel's words hang in the air, his gaze searching your eyes for any sign of reassurance. The last thing you ever wanted was to make him feel like he was the source of your worry, the reason for your unease. Yet, here he was, looking like he believed he was to blame for your discomfort.
You lower your gaze to your sandwich, suddenly feeling a weight on your chest that has nothing to do with the bagel. It's not that you doubt his feelings for you, but you've carried the weight of your own insecurities for years, and it's hard to let go of them all at once.
Tears threaten to well up, and you quickly blink them away, not wanting to appear vulnerable in the middle of the coffee shop. You take another bite of your sandwich, chewing mechanically as you try to compose yourself. The flavors of avocado and bacon mix on your tongue, but they seem tasteless compared to the swirl of emotions within you.
Joel's hand finds yours on the table, his thumb rubbing soothing circles over your knuckles. When you finally muster the courage to meet his gaze, you're met with eyes that hold a storm of emotions. Concern, understanding, and a vulnerability that mirrors your own.
"You're not alone in this, you know?" he murmurs. 
You let out a shaky breath. You're not used to showing this side of yourself, not after so many years of self-preservation and guarding your heart and yourself.
"I guess I’m still not used to this yet" you murmur, your voice barely above a whisper. "It’s not your fault at all, it’s just been so long since I’ve been with anyone. . . emotionally. I'm sorry if I made you feel responsible."
He leans across the table, his warm hand cradling your cheek. His touch is gentle, his thumb caressing your skin. "I get it, sweetheart. And you don’t need to apologize. We’re the same in that aspect, I haven’t been with anyone for a long time either. Just. . .  know that I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere. We'll figure this out together."
You lean into his hand, you’re feeling lighter already. 
Joel's lips curve into a tender smile, and he leans in to press a soft kiss to your forehead. "Besides," he mutters, sitting back. “I don’t run away from what’s mine.” 
One simple word. A noun of all things, is what makes you melt in your seat. It’s sobering. Waking you in a way that no amount of coffee ever could. Mine. He said that. You heard the possessive lilt laced with the word, almost daring you to object. You nearly do if you’re honest, shadows dance in his eyes, draw you in like a bunny rabbit sniffing a tempting trap. You want to take the bate. Sink your teeth into that carrot to see how he’ll react, the things he’ll do to prove just how true his words were. 
Instead, you clench your thighs together and propose something else instead. 
“Let me prove to you that I’m yours then,” you say. Eagerness caused Joel's eyes to widen, his jaw betraying his emotions with a subtle twitch. “In fact, let’s show the world.” 
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No matter how vivid your imagination was, no matter how long you prepared and checked the equipment over and over again, nothing—absolutely nothing—could have prepared you for Joel walking through your bedroom door.
You had picked out a form-fitting black button-up shirt for him to wear. The fabric hugged his biceps, the seams barely holding on. The shirt stretched over the expanse of his chest, the buttons doing a better job compared to the seams in holding everything together. However, you were certain if he stretched even a little, the shirt would rip with a satisfying pop. 
That isn't all, though. Your eyes move up from the shirt, your gaze tracing the lines of his body until they land on the striking green mask he's wearing.
The mask is a deep shade of forest green, with intricate gold detailing that seems to dance in the light. Swirls and patterns weave across the surface, accentuating the gilded flakes in his eyes. 
His brown eyes peer out from behind the mask, a slight awkwardness to his gaze that seems to lessen with the hunger of your stare. The contrast between the vibrant green and the warmth of his gaze draws you in like a moth to a flame. The mask frames his face perfectly,  showcasing his strong jawline and the facial hair that clings to his skin.
"I feel dumb," he mutters, his voice a low rumble that sends shivers down your spine. “Isn’t there a way you can just make it so that my face is out of frame?” 
The mask had been his idea, he didn’t want to be recognized—rightfully so— and since he still wanted to stream. . . he bought himself a mask. 
Too bad he doesn’t realize the effect it has on you. Only if he could feel how wet you were for him, that’ll surely put him in a better mood. 
“Not really, we are going to be moving after all,” you answer. His gaze drops. “Joel, you look devastatingly hot right now.” 
His ears perk at that, eyes lifting to meet yours instantly. “Really?” 
"Come here," you manage to murmur, your voice laced with a mix of playfulness and longing. He obeys without hesitation, closing the distance between you in a matter of heartbeats. His hand reaches out, fingers curling beneath your chin as he tilts your head up. His eyes, those deep pools of honey, lock onto yours with an intensity that steals your breath away.
"Tell me," he whispers, his thumb brushing lightly over your lower lip. "What's on your mind?"
You swallow, your words catching in your throat for a moment before you manage to answer, your voice barely more than a breath. "You... the mask... everything. I can’t wait to feel you deep inside. Can’t wait for you to ruin me for everyone to see."
His lips curve into a smile, and he leans in, his breath mingling with yours as he murmurs against your lips, "Oh, don’t worry. I don’t plan on leavin’ an inch of you not clingin’ with my come, darlin’.” 
Oh, fuck. 
Fuck fuck fuck. 
Your lips part with a soft gasp and he slips his thumb into your mouth. Your tongue eagerly laps at his thumb, drawing circles, begging for him to press deeper. Heat radiates off of him, suffocating you in the best way possible. Your eyes drop to his crotch, the outline of his cock visible despite the dark blue denim.
Joel grins and shifts his hips closer, teasing you with a promise of more. You close your lips around his thumb and swallow. You’re in a trance. Body and soul bewitched by his presence. Your breasts feel full and heavy, nipples tingling. 
“Go and start the stream, honey.” 
Tingles. All you feel are tingles as you get up and desperately head toward your setup. Your legs are shaking. His eyes burning holes into your bare back. A second later his palm is on your ass, stroking the plump flesh and teasing the elastic of your panties. You sigh, the fabric sticking to your folds. 
With practiced efficiency, you start up the stream, the familiar hum of your equipment filling the room. Almost immediately, comments begin flooding in, your "hive" eagerly joining the live broadcast. The chat scrolls rapidly, filled with excited greetings and bee-themed emojis, a testament to the unique community you've cultivated.
"Hey there, my busy bees!" you greet, your voice filled with enthusiasm. "I hope you're all buzzing with excitement, because tonight we've got a special guest joining us."
You let a mischievous smile tug at the corner of your lips as your eyes flicker to the monitor. There he is, Joel, standing just behind you, his presence towering and captivating even though his head isn't visible on screen. The comments explode with excitement, the chat inundated with messages about how good he looks, how lucky you are, and playful exclamations about your "hunk of a guest” and how they can’t wait for him to “pump you full of his come”. A bit crass, but you can’t say you disagree. 
You continue, "But first, let's give a warm welcome to our newbies! Welcome to the hive, where we celebrate all things sweet and sticky." you wink at the camera and bend slightly over, wiggling your ass. Joel doesn’t waste any time moving directly behind you, hands on your waist as he pushes forward, making you feel the heft of his cock between your cheeks. A small moan escapes you, breasts swaying with his shallow grinds. 
“And now, without further ado,” you say breathless. “Let’s start the show. Our guest is an impatient one,” you hear Joel scoff behind you, the voice making your pussy bottom out. “Am I wrong, sir?” 
His nails bite into your flesh, showing you just how much he enjoys being called that. You smile as you stand up, giving one last look to the monitor to check everything is in place, you face Joel. You lean closer for a kiss, hoping that it’ll soothe his nerves. He must be nervous. 
But before you can close the distance, he grabs your chin and pushes you back, just proving how wrong you are. Your eyes widen, the pressure he applies to hallow your cheeks emptying the oxygen in your lungs. “Not so fast,” he grunts. “On your knees, honey. Only good girls get kisses.” 
Your insides pulse with a vicious throb. His voice takes on a tone you've never quite heard before. It's deep, a resonant rumble that seems to vibrate through the very core of your being. His voice, deep and resonant, like thunder during a storm and wraps around you like a velvet cloak, warming you. As you slowly sink to your knees, your pulse quickens in response. 
A desperate, hushed rustling fills the room as a zipper is lowered and briefly, you steal a quick glance at the streaming setup, ensuring that everything continues to run smoothly. Joel’s head is still out of view, which you regret because you want everyone to see how good he looks in his mask—
His touch is a sudden and deliberate pull, “Eyes on me,” he growls, the bulbous head of his cock pressing against your lips. His fingers are wrapped around his impressive length, and instead of notching the head between your lips, he smacks your parted lips with it. A drop of precome stains your bottom lip, a string of it following the tip as he holds it above your face. Your eyes are glued to the masked figure above you. Despite the tone and the roughness, they’re just pools of soft honey, internally searching your face for any discomfort. 
Joel begins to stroke himself and with a heavy gaze, you part your lips wider and stick your tongue out for him to use you however he pleases. 
His dark chuckle makes your skin prickle with need. You come closer, dragging your tongue between his balls, nuzzling him sweetly. Joel curses above you and grips your shoulder, holding you back. 
“Sir, please,” you gasp, attempting to get close but his hand keeps you at a small distance. 
He doesn’t acknowledge your pleas, “Push those pretty tits together, sweetheart.” 
Desperate and dripping, you press them together with your arms. His cock comes from under, the head piercing your tits as it pushes from between them. Joel hooks his thumb in your mouth and you obediently suck around the digit as he begins to thrust. Neither of you breaks eye contact. 
Joel pushes himself further into you, driving his hips forward. His cock slides between your tits, filling your already open mouth with vigor as he rocks in and out of your ample cleavage. You moan around his thumb, the warmth of his precum dripping over your tongue. 
Your body rocks with each stroke, the pleasure radiating through your chest with each thrust. Your nipples throb with arousal, hard like diamonds, as he slams his rigid cock into your tits. Sweat beads on his forehead and he grits his teeth, “Keep them together,” he grunts as he pulls out, with the head, he smears drops of himself over your heated skin. 
Your eyes roll back at how possessive it is, the fact that everyone is watching already forgotten. “Good,” he says, pleased. He pulls away his thumb and drags it over your bottom lip. “You’re already so dumb for my cock, aren’t you. Eager to show your viewers how badly you want to be good for me hmm?” 
God, the tremors in his voice, that southern drawl. He’s going to be the death of you. 
“Y-Yeah,” you pant, chest heaving. Ignoring the ache it causes in the back of your neck, you lean forward and manage to taste him on your skin. You moan as your eyes flutter closed, your own breath warm against you. “Want to be your good girl again, sir.” 
He pulls away from you completely, heading towards the bed. You stare at him blearily as he takes a seat, only coming to your senses when he hits his thigh, gesturing you to come over.  
Just as you’re about to sit, he stops you, clicking his tongue while lifting a hand. “First strip, darlin’. Turn to the camera,” you don’t miss the way he smiles as you turn on shaky legs, staring directly into the lens. “Have you already forgotten how to stream? My poor sweet dumb girl.” 
His words send you into a haze of submission. Needles stinging your back, you peel off your panties and bra, dropping them to the floor. “Good,” he hums. “Now sit on my lap, spread those legs so they can see how wet you got just from gettin’ her tits fucked.” 
Joel scoots further back and gives you space on the bed to place your feet. With heavy lids, you spread yourself for him—and the people who’re watching at home. Your front facing the camera. To expose yourself in such a way, it’s different compared to what you normally do. You have fun with Dieter but it’s never like this, never as intense. A shaky breath escapes you when Joel places a hand on the inside of your thigh, pushing your legs further apart. He’s staring at you through the monitor, jaw slack. Meanwhile, you’re just happy people can see his mask, those brown eyes. 
“Fuck, sweetheart,” he mutters, his role forgotten. “Look at you. Fuck,” his lips touch your ear, whispering the rest of the words so it’s only you that can hear. “You never stopped bein’ my good girl. Just sayin’.” 
Your vision blurs with tears and you nod, his lips now on your cheek. He drags his mouth to your forehead and lays another kiss. “Now let’s give them a show.” 
Joel cups your ass as he helps you lift yourself, aligning himself against your sopping core, he slowly lowers you, filling you inch by inch. Your head falls back, mouth agape, you’ve forgotten how big he is, how satisfying it is to take him so slowly. His breath is hot on your nape. “That’s it,” he purrs. “Just like that, show them how good you take cock, honey.” 
 “‘S big,” you slur. “S–So big, sir.” 
He shushes you, lips moving over your cheek. “I know, honey I know,” he licks the salt off your skin. “But you’re my good girl, aren’t you? You can take it.” 
Joel rears up, slowly pushing himself into you. His hands guide your hips to the right angle to let him slide deeper, your soft cries echoing through the air. 
“I am,” you gasp, delirious, his cock completely sheathed inside. “I am. I–I’m your good girl.” 
You twist around, straddling Joel as he takes both your hands and draws you close. His lips crash against yours, and you moan into his mouth as you grind your hips against him. Heaven help you, how can you take him like this with an audience? Images of all the people watching on your live stream dance in your mind, but it makes it all the hotter.
Your body rocks up and down as you ride him, your inner walls clenching around him. You’re panting and moaning, your body shaking as you pump harder.  You feel Joel shift beneath you, his grip tightening as you take him even deeper, arching your back and pushing your breasts out. You can feel his eyes on you, as well as the eyes of the viewers watching you live stream. His cock glistens with your slick, every time you lift yourself, the light catches against it, everyone watching seeing how worked up Joel gets you. 
You can feel Joel's warmth radiating throughout your body as he slides back and forth, gaining momentum as he thrusts harder. You stifle a moan, your eyes fluttering as pleasure overcomes you, your head humming with pleasure. Your body starts to slow, your muscles aching and trembling. 
Suddenly Joel grips your waist, fingertips leaving dents in your flesh. He growls in your ear, drops of spit hitting your neck. “Who told you to slow down?” he pulls your body against him, forcing himself deeper into you. Every inch of you is shaking as Joel's hips slam against yours. His fingers find your clit, drawing gentle, quick circles around the sensitive nub. You cry out, clenching around him. “Look into the camera,” he groans. “Want them to see your fucked out gaze when I make you squirt.” 
Your hands find purchase above his knees, the coil in your stomach tight, it’s too much. Too fucking much. Your head is swimming in a lavender haze, and before you know it, your cunt is pulsing around him, gushing and slowing his thrusts. You hear the faint pitter patters of a rain-like sound. 
You barely register the liquid spraying from you, your body hot and burning while Joel’s fingers continue to move. Your drip down his length and down the inside of his thighs, and he rips another, albeit calmer, orgasm from you.  
“Shiiiiiit,” he drawls. “Shit shit, honey, fuck, don’t move—” he makes a choked-out sound and spears you down flush on his cock. The sounds you make are completely debauched. A series of sir’s dropping from your lips, tongue aching to moan his name. You feel him spilling inside, so much, you think, so much of it filling you up. He’s still throbbing when he pulls out, gripping himself and ringing the last of it over your glistening cunt, drowning it in come. 
“Oh fuck,” you murmur as he pushes it back in with the head of his length, you shudder around him. “So full,” you say, eyes dropping where you two connect through the reflection in the monitor. 
“Not done,” he mutters and helps you lift yourself over him, cock slowly softening. “Push it out darlin’. Show them how much there is to keep you satisfied.” 
“F-Fuck,” you let out a whimper, eyelids fluttering as his seed trickles out of you and drips over his length. You feel faint of heart, this probably being one of the filthiest things you’ve done on camera. 
“Good girl,” he says, eyes glued to the camera. “My good girl,” he repeats, cupping your mound and slipping one finger inside with ease. 
Joel gently lays you down on the bed, your body too weak to do anything. He walks up to the stream set up, his eyes flashing toward the camera one last time. “See y’all next time.” he taunts before shutting the entire thing off. 
He throws the mask to the ground near your discarded clothes. 
You don’t know what to think when he climbs onto the bed, mattress dipping with his weight before he pulls you to his chest. He kisses you slowly, taking his time as he tastes you. “Sorry,” he whispers into your mouth. “I think I might’ve gone overboard.” 
“No,” you sigh dreamily, still in a haze. “That was perfect. I—I don’t think I can walk for a while.” 
You let out a low chuckle and he smiles, pressing his lips into your forehead. 
“Well, good thing I’m here then.”  
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sunvmars · 10 months
bitter sweet | s.r.
pairing: steve rogers x fem/afab reader
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next ↠
word count: 2.8k
warnings: obv swearing, pregnancy/pregnant reader, some angst that's mainly reader trying to cover up hidden emotions
summary: you've grown to resent steve after a breakup and give him the cold shoulder for weeks. you soon discover you're pregnant and show back up on his doorstep to tell him the news.
a/n: definitely turning this into a series if it gains enough traction!
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It was a warm summer evening like any other when Steve had asked you to come straight home after work, insisting he had something important to talk about. You had entered your shared apartment with expectations of a nice dinner or a movie night. Considering Steve was always one for suspension, surprise plans and at-home date nights weren't unusual.
You set your purse down on the table by the front door before sinking into your favorite recliner. The setting sun cast a glow amongst the living room that you greatly appreciated, although it was a glow that was far too beautiful to be wasted on that night.
"Steve! I'm home!"
Only a few seconds after you'd called out had he come, practically, running. He came to sit on the couch, only a few feet away, his expression conflicted.
"I missed you today," you said.
You beamed at your fiancé, simply happy to see him after another shitty work day. While you were an Avenger, you stuck to mainly office work when you had no missions.
After what felt like an eternity, he finally spoke, his voice barely above a whisper, "Y/n, honey, I think we need to talk."
Your heart sank, and a lump formed in your throat. You knew Steve like the back of your hand, and every time he has said the words "we need to talk," it's never been good.
"Is Buck sneaking over to eat all of our sweets again? I thought you talked to him about that," you joked in an attempt to lighten the tension.
"Funnily enough, no, he hasn't done that in a few days."
"Well, don't jinx it."
He chuckled briefly. His hands ran over his face as he sighed, and his broad shoulders relaxed.
"I've been thinking- a lot," he began, avoiding your gaze. "Baby, you know I love you, right?"
You hummed, giving him a nod that allowed him to continue.
"I love you, but..."
As soon as you had heard the "but," you tuned out. Whether it was by choice, or whether your mind and heart already knew what he was going to say and were just saving you the extra heartbreak, you weren't sure. You did, however, catch the last part of it. And luckily, the last part was all you needed to hear from him.
"I can't allow this to continue. I'm no good for you, y/n. I can't be the man you need or deserve right now. It's not fair to keep you waiting while I'm still trying to figure out what I want."
Your brows furrowed as your body started becoming tense. "What...?" you muttered.
It was less of a question and more of you thinking aloud, vocalizing your confusion. Unless you were a completely oblivious idiot, things between the two of you were fine yesterday, and every day before that for the last two years. He sighed, finally meeting your gaze. His eyes were filled with regret that you somehow missed.
"I... I can't take the risk anymore. I need to focus on my responsibilities and protecting the world. It's just... I can't let my personal life get in the way of my promise to the world."
Tears welled up in your eyes, but you quickly wiped them away before they could fall. You had the same job, so how could the man who had proposed only a few months ago just now, after two years, decide he couldn't make this work because of his job? Either way, that man didn't deserve your tears, so you wouldn't waste them on him. You stood quickly, not bothering to look back at him as you made your way towards the door.
"Y/n? Where are you going? Please say something, baby-"
"Don't! You don't get to call me that anymore," you snapped, finally allowing yourself to show some sort of emotion. "Just...stop. There's nothing else to say."
His eyes widened a little at your sudden outburst. You picked up your purse and keys hastily. Your fingers fidgeted with the keys for a moment, then you started sliding your house key off your keychain. It was then that you decided to speak again before he got the chance to, not caring to hear another word from him.
"I'll have someone come get my stuff tomorrow; do whatever you want with the apartment, as long as you don't have to contact me to do it."
"Y/n," he spoke with softened, glossy eyes, "please, just stay until you find somewhere else to go. This is your home too, I-"
"There's too much of you, well, what used to be us, here," you stated plainly as you placed your key on the table. "Where I go isn't your problem anymore anyway."
A sigh escaped your lips as you slung your purse over your shoulder. You turned to face him one last time as you stood in the doorway.
"Oh, and one more thing," you say, "You are a fucking coward, Steven Grant Rogers."
The door slammed behind you. And what you'd left behind was a deeply regretful, and utterly stupid, Steve sitting alone on the couch in the apartment you once shared.
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That was almost two months ago, and your heart had not allowed you to heal at all. As if seeing Steve in passing at work wasn't painful enough, now you had an important mission coming up tomorrow, and being chosen to go with him was inevitable. Or at least you thought it was inevitable. It had all started earlier in the morning with a rotten egg- an actual rotten egg, that is.
You were baking cookies for Bucky, fully aware of how much he'd miss your baked goods for the next week or two you would be gone. Over the time that you and Steve had dated and been engaged, you'd gotten pretty close with the brunette. He was equally supportive of both of you during the breakup. Though he did lay into Steve for leaving you. Bucky knew there was more to it than his job; both of you had the same job for Christ's sake, but he didn't push his friend for answers—at least not yet.
With one gentle motion, you cracked the egg on the side of your metal bowl. However, this egg had a smell to it. You brought it closer to your face to observe and smell it. What a horrible mistake, though, because as soon as you inhaled the sickening, sulfur-like scent, it made your stomach turn. But instead of going back to normal, you gagged. The scent was lingering longer than any other scent you'd ever smelled, almost as if you were permanently damned to having the smell stuck in your nostrils.
Then the hot stomach acid started coming up, and it was coming fast, signaling you needed a trashcan now. You bolted towards the nearest bathroom, preferring to take a chance on making a mess in a hallway rather than the kitchen. You passed Steve and Bucky on your way there, both men stopping dead in their tracks to watch as you ran into the bathroom only a few feet behind them.
"Huh," Steve mumbled, his heart throbbing at the sight of you.
"Sometimes I get sick when I look at you too, punk."
Bucky chuckled at his own joke, earning a glare from Steve.
"Go check on her for me, please."
"Always. But I won't keep giving you updates on her, y'know? It's not fair to her, Steve," Bucky sighed.
Steve only nodded in understanding, a smile only staying on his lips for a few seconds. He patted Bucky's back before turning on his heels and continuing on his path.
Your stomach clenched harder, and the vomit raced up your throat faster than ever. You barely got to the toilet before retching and gagging again, feeling instant relief when the bile finally came up. But then came a sudden second wave of nausea that seemed to be worse than the first. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the torture finally ended.
You stood up slowly and made your way to the sink. After tearing off a piece of paper towel, you dampened it under warm water. You wiped your mouth off with the damp napkin and threw it away before opening the door to leave.
"You okay?"
You jumped back slightly, looking over to meet piercing blue eyes. There was Bucky leaning up against the wall next to the bathroom door with his arms crossed.
"Jesus, Buck. You stalking me?"
"Stalking you? Definitely not. If I wanted to stalk someone, I'd find someone more interesting who doesn't eat half pints of vanilla bean ice cream and watch Pride and Prejudice or The Notebook every night," he jokes.
"Hey! It's how I cope and get over things; it's soothing."
"Yet you still pine over him, so how's that working out for ya?"
"...not great. Maybe I do need a new method, huh?"
The two of you exchange a laugh, and you start making your way back to the kitchen with Bucky right on your heels.
"So, are you okay?" he questions again.
"Just felt a little sick, that's all. And, hey, here's a tip: don't ever smell a rotten egg, it's not a pleasant experience," you say with a soft sigh.
He chuckles at your joke and replies, "Thank you for that. I'll remember that."
When you make it to the kitchen, he plants himself on a bar stool only a few feet away from you. You decide to continue making your cookies, holding your breath as you clean up the old egg.
"Wow, I can smell that from here. You weren't lying. That is bad."
His nose turns up and his face scrunches, earning a giggle from you. You two chat as you make the dough, and soon enough, you're finished baking. As you put the last cookies on the tray, Bucky stands up to get a closer look.
"God. Per usual, those smell amazing," he groans, reaching for one of the hot sweets.
You swat his hand away with a laugh. "Not until they're cooled down!"
He fakes a frown that makes you laugh again. You shake your head, making a 'tsk' noise at him.
"You're a menace, Buck," you joke.
He only shrugs his shoulders with a lopsided grin, then he pulls you into a hug. "Somebody has to get on your nerves. It keeps you distracted and on your feet," he teases.
"Thank you for being here for me."
Your body relaxes in his arms. You wrap your arms around his upper waist to return the sentiment. You take a deep breath and then pull away from the hug.
"How are you feeling, by the way?"
"It's almost like it never happened," you smirk.
"That's a lie, and you know it."
You're about to speak again, but close your mouth as soon as it opens. The nausea pools in your stomach again, forcing a huff out of you.
"I think I'm gonna be sick again."
"You're still feeling that bad over it?"
"No, I genuinely think I'm gonna throw up again, Buck," you say hurriedly, pushing by him to get back to the bathroom. "Put those cookies in a bag, Barnes! They're all yours!"
He chuckles and holds his thumb up in the air, even though you can't see it. "And you get yourself to the doctor, l/n."
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And going to the doctor is exactly what you chose to do.
Well, almost.
You instead chose to go to the lab with Tony and Bruce, and you only decided to go after about the fourth wave of nausea that came around five hours after the first. Which is how you ended up in the lab with grippy socks on and a cold Sprite in hand as you await blood and urine test results.
"So, how are you holding up, kid?" Tony asks, his eyes glued to his computer.
"Been better, had better days."
He looks away from his computer for a moment, making eye contact with you. "I could just kill him for hurting you, and I hope you know that," he states, his voice carrying nothing but genuine honesty.
"Aw, Tony, you're just like the dad I never dreamed of having—violently overprotective and overdramatic."
Bruce chuckles, but Tony just rolls his eyes, focusing back on his computer.
"That's what I get for trying to be nice to you," Tony scoffs, trying his best to hide the smile that wants to creep onto his face.
"I'm going to take a walk, Tony. I'll be back in a few minutes," Bruce announces as he rises from his chair. "If the computer beeps, it's her results coming back."
"Got it," Tony responds plainly, entirely too distracted by something on his screen.
The computer beeps only a few minutes after Bruce walks out, indicating an update to your information. Tony swivels his chair over to the big screen and pulls up your test results. He studies them carefully, not saying a word.
"So...what's wrong with me?"
He's still silent when he turns to face you. At first, he looks shocked, but then his brows furrow and his eyes narrow ever so slightly. If you hadn't known him for as long as you have, you'd think he was judging you based on his facial expression, but you knew he wasn't. He looked conflicted and confused, almost hesitant.
"What is it, Tone? You're freaking me out here. Is it the flu? A stomach bug? Food poisoning?"
"How about a baby?"
Your jaw drops, literally. The words pool in your mind, and your brain starts feeling like it's going to explode from all the different emotions and thoughts. You start to feel sick to your stomach again but manage to push the feeling down.
"I..." you start, unable to find the words to finish.
"I'm sorry, y/n. I won't tell anyone, okay? Not even Bruce. We need to set you up with a doctor. I have an amazing one I can call to come here and-"
"I appreciate that, Tony, but I need time to think first. We'll, uhm, talk tomorrow if that's okay."
"Of course," he empathizes, a sympathetic smile tugging at his lips. "Come here, kid."
You shuffle your way into his open arms, not having the energy to return the hug. He pulls away after a few seconds and allows you to step back.
"I think I'm gonna go...or something... I don't know," you mumble, making your way towards the door.
"Hey, y/n?"
"If this is something you want, don't let him ruin it for you."
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As soon as you leave the lab, it's like you're on autopilot.
Your feet took you to the downstairs office, then outside, and then to your car. When you get into your car, you tell yourself you're going to the store to grab some more ice cream. But your heart has other ideas; ideas such as Steve.
So, you drive yourself all the way to Steve's apartment, just wanting to be comforted by the familiarity for a moment. Then, somehow, you end up outside the front door of what used to be your shared space.
Your soft knock pulls Steve from the closest to sleep he's been in weeks. He curses under his breath, loathing whoever is at the door for ruining his chance at a few minutes to hours of peace.
However, that hate replaces itself with regret and adoration as soon as he opens the door to reveal your slouched-over form. Steve recognizes that look on your face, along with your body language, and it's evident that something is wrong.
As if you showing up at his door isn't surprising enough, you look up at him before letting yourself fall into his arms. He stands in shock as you lay your head on his warm and familiarly sculpted chest. Then sobs wrack through you, shaking your whole body, and that's all it takes for him to give into instinct and wrap his arms around you. The heat of his body and the feeling of his embrace provide a warming comfort as you cry into his shirt, only coaxing you further to let it all go.
One of his hands rubs your back gently while he holds you. "Y/n? What's wrong, honey? Talk to me," he coos.
You feel a tightness in your chest, a feeling that you can't put into words right now even if you tried your hardest to. In fact, all you can do is cry more as you hold tightly onto the sides of his shirt. You practically crumble into his chest, melting in his arms, and Steve understands. That's what made you fall for him in the first place, honestly - he always understands.
So, with no more words spoken, he holds you in the same doorway you walked out of only a couple of weeks ago. He holds you in that doorway until your tears slow and your breathing returns to normal. At some point, his thick fingers begin combing through your hair soothingly, the same way they used to every night at bedtime.
"I don't know what your stance on kids before marriage and after a breakup is, but you should figure it out soon," you mutter into his chest.
His body freezes, and his mind scrambles to catch up with your words. He looks down at your head, his eyebrows furrowing as he tries to make sense of the situation.
Are you truly saying what he thinks you are? You couldn't be...
"I'm pregnant, Steve."
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charles-leclerizz · 5 months
🏎️ ๋࣭ ⭑The sweatshirt
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🏁 Pairings : Charles Leclerc X fem! Reader
🏁 Warnings : none! just fluffy times
🏁 Word Count : 1.7k words (1792 words)
🏁 Author's note : First post! Hopefully you all like it. I am definetly thinking of new things to write so I pray that ya'll look forward to them! Make sure to lilke and reblog (anything is appreciated, but comments and reblogs fuel this sad little writer). Also, peep the word dividers (lana del ray coded) by @plum98! Note that all translations are avaible at the end, via radio comm! Thank you <3
🏁 Music player : The bones by Maren Morris & Hozier
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“Mon amour, have you seen my sweatshirt?” Your fiancé’s voice rung throughout your shared apartment as you stacked the damp plates into the washing machine. The odd clunking of you organising dishes continued as he rushed out of the bedroom passing by the kitchen, where you worked, and towards his office.
“Which one?” You called back, drying your hands on the pale green washcloth that hung from the fitted hook above the sink, the new one! “No, I haven’t seen it, baby, you come back with new sweatshirts every week, just wear another one?” You offered helpfully, bending down towards the indented shelfs within the breakfast bar to grab new hand towels, wanting to replace the one’s that hung, used and abused in the bathrooms.
“But that one is important.” A worrying thud emitted from the home office, which was soon followed by a deep groan from Charles.
You hummed in support, stacking the fluffy white towels in your hands, “Why is it so important?” because! “Because what?” Leaning down to the scented fabric in your grasp, you take a large breath in, enjoying the strawberry scent that emitted from them.
“It just is,” He whined in reply, emerging from the room he had left in disarray whilst rubbing the back of his head, hissing as he pulled his fingers back to check for blood, “Why is my desk so low?”
“I don’t know my love, I warned you when you had bought it in the first place,” You scurry away from the kitchen, wanting to avoid his assessing gaze, lest he find out where his new sweatshirt really was, “Aren’t you just going to Max’s place? Why do you need it?”
“Because he wanted to see- hey...” He cuts himself off with a suspicious lilt in his voice, you try to speed up your efforts seeing the glinting metallic handle of the bathroom waiting for you to escape into, “Amour...” His voice is accusatory but amused, as if he appreciates your efforts to evade him.
“What? Charles I really need to get the chores done; I only have this weekend.” You turn around slowly and watch him approach you, his eyes crinkled with affection. Busted.
“Baby, why do you have my new sweatshirt?” He reaches out to tuck a stray hair behind your ear before resting his hand on your cheek, caressing it with the pad of his thumb.
“’Cause,” You mumble, fiddling with the tag of one of the towels cradled on your chest, “It’s nice,” You shrug, feeling your cheeks burn with embarrassment.
Even after six years, you found in hard to admit such things to Charles, despite his kind eyes and cute dimples. Emotional affection was hard to extract from your dark, stony heart, so such pitiful attempts at it, such as stealing his sweatshirt and admitting why you did it, was completely out of the question.
“it’s nice?” He cocks his head, like a small puppy waiting for a treat, “I still need it baby, you can have any other one of mine,” He smiles kindly at you, eyebrow arching sympathetically when he feels you bite on the inside of your cheek.
“Of course, amour,” You clear your throat, pushing the stack of toiletries into his chest, before writhing out of the sweater and pulling it over your head, not caring if more odd chunks of your hair had fallen out of the claw clip you had carelessly attached to the strands, “Sorry.”
“It’s okay, Mon ange,” He chuckles when you huff and swap out the items in his hands for the sweater, “I’ll be back in an hour or so, d'accord?” He slips on the article, pulling at the sleeves and adjusting the hood, then taking your face in his palms once again to pull you closer and press his lips against your forehead.
You hum, leaning into his touch, “À toute à l'heure,” You mutter, twisting your head so that you can peck the inside of his hand.
Truthfully, you wanted to jump on his back and order that he take you with him, not wanting to feel the absence of his sunny presence. But you were aware how much he valued his time with his friends, despite his many objections to your conclusion, so reluctantly you waited until you heard the muted click of the electronic lock of the front door before you continued to re-set your beloved home.
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“Je suis à la maison mon amour!” Charles calls out, toeing off his shoes by the door before walking further into the apartment.
“I’m over here!” You call out from your own office, the door slightly ajar, you hear him hum before the tell-tale squeak of the hinges to the foyer bathroom screeches through the hallway, followed by the kitchen tap running. Soon enough, he stepped into the carpeted area of your office, setting down the tall glass of water and a singular pill.
“For your headache mon ange,” He came behind your chair, resting his chin on your shoulder whilst running his hand through your damp hair.
Though to most, it would seem that Charles was being your lovable drug dealer, always managing to drop the singular brightly coloured pill to the side of you whilst petting your head wistfully. When in fact, he knew that after an hour or two of working, your temples would begin to throb mercilessly and you required your prescription, that many were not aware of.
You relaxed in his embrace, your once pin straight spine became slack and your clenched jaw felt numb with his attention, “Thank you, baby.” You twisted your neck, pressing your lips against the scruff on his cheek.
“Are you wearing another one of my sweaters?” He asked, pulling away to rotate your spinning chair so that he could step back and asses your outfit, long black flare leggings with another one of his sweaters. This one, he had ordered from a fan’s etsy account, a large grey body with a small, illustrated version of this season’s current car along with his autograph and name, printed below it.
“You said that I could,” You mumbled inwardly, pulling at the long drawstring that lay on your chest, “I’m not taking it off,” You pouted, tucking your knees beneath fabric so that only your head and red painted toes were visible from beneath the hem.
“And you don’t have to,” He pinched your cheek adoringly, coming to his knees in front of you, so that you were looking down at him from your “dough-ball” position, “But I had bought you a matching one to this, wouldn’t it be easier to just, wear that one? Juste?”
You pushed your mouth into the collar of your sweatshirt, your answer muffled by the thick fabric.
“What was the ange?” Charlese brings his ear closer to your mouth, or what would be your mouth if you would bring it out of your clothes.
“Smells like you…” You admit, eyes wide and unblinking as you wait for Charles to pull away, most likely thinking that you’re weird.
“It does?” He moves his head lower, sniffing the hoodie, “I don’t think so?”
“Yeah, well obviously you don’t think so!” You exclaim, allowing your legs to fall out of the hoodie and popping your mouth out once again. He widens his eyes at your outburst, taking in your teary lashes and wobbling lip, “Baby...”
“I only wear your stuff because I know that you’re busy…” You admit, looking away from his annoyingly understanding expression, “I’m not your only priority and this way-“ you move your arms up, showing off the baggy attire, “I can be close to you even when you don’t necessarily want to be close to me.” You conclude, wrapping your oversized arms around your torso, “And for the record, you smell like caramel and copper.” You add haughtily, up turning your nose.
“Really?” He asks innocently. You nod, one choppy movement before you harrumph and look away from his entertained face.
“Baby. you’re right, you aren’t my only priority. But you’re my first priority. And who said I don’t want to be with you?” He pats your knee, signalling for you to stand so that he can wrap his hands around your waist, pulling you into his chest, “I love you, my baby, and I’m sorry that you had to resort to wearing my clothes instead of just asking me to stay with you.” He kisses the crown of your head, inhaling the pungent smell of your cranberry conditioner.
“I don’t want you to feel bad!” You pull away from him, scrunching your nose at his guilty expression, “I like your clothes, they’re comfortable and I can’t possibly ask you to stay with me 24/7?”
“You can!” He insists, squeezing you ardently, “You’re my fiancé, and about to be my wife, you’re meant to be able to ask me. Because I will always say yes. No matter what.”
“Amour” He mimics your scolding tone.
“You’re so busy my love, I can’t do that.” You nuzzle your head into his chest, making him laugh at your antics.
“You can-“ He takes your cheeks in his hands, squeezing them together so that your lips pucker comically, he leans down to leave a wet kiss on your lips, “-and if I don’t get such demands from you, I will be very sad.” He pouts down at you.
You sigh, “hmkay.” You manage to speak through your forced pucker, furrowing your brows with concentration. You knew he was merely humouring you, cajoling you like a child so that you would do as he asked, but hey, it was a good enough reason to do exactly what you wanted.
“Mia dolce bambina, così adorabile, non vedo l'ora che tu diventi mia moglie, forse allora non ti sentirai in colpa per avermi dedicato il mio tempo.” He continues to press his lips against yours, making you giggle.
“charmles, too much ithalian,” You lisp through your cheeks whilst squeezing your eyes together, accepting his affection happily.
“Too much Italian? In quale altro modo potrei dirti quanto voglio che tu occupi tutto il mio tempo senza che tu ti allontani da me? Mia timida bambolina, continuerò a ricoprirti del mio amore finché non potrai accettarlo in abbondanza."He grins at you cheekily, watching as you translate it slowly in your mind.
“Babe...” You whine, managing to wriggle free from his grip on your cheeks to hide your face in the crook of his neck whilst wrapping your forearms around him.
“You can have all of my sweatshirts baby, and all of me” He whispers, raking his hands through your hair.
“I love you,” You breathe out in reply, kissing the skin on his neck.
“I love you too.”
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📻 Kcccchh.... come in.... come in...translatiion available...over
📻 Kchh...french....to english....over
Mon amour - My love
Amour - love
Mon Ange - my angel
d’accord - All right
À toute à l'heure - See you later
je suis à la maison, mon amour - I’m home, my love
Juste - Right
📻 Kchh...italian....to english....over
Mia dolce bambina, così adorabile, non vedo l'ora che tu diventi mia moglie, forse allora non ti sentirai in colpa per avermi dedicato il mio tempo. - My sweet little girl, so adorable, I can't wait for you to become my wife, maybe then you won't feel guilty for taking up my time.
In quale altro modo potrei dirti quanto voglio che tu occupi tutto il mio tempo senza che tu ti allontani da me? Mia timida bambolina, continuerò a ricoprirti del mio amore finché non potrai accettarlo in abbondanza.  - How else could I tell you how much I want you to take up all my time without you shying away from me? My shy little doll, I will continue to shower you with my love until you can accept it in abundance.
📻 Kchhhhh.loosing sign....al.....kcchh....over and out...
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petriwriting · 2 months
Smithereens - Theodore Nott X Reader
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Summary: Based on the song "smithereens" by Twenty One Pilots.
"For you, I'd go step to a dude much bigger than me.."
A/N: very theo coded. I'm back bitches. This was another request. I've been sorting through my requests box slowly, making sure everyone is accounted for and they are all good reads. enjoy. 
Theodore Nott was an interesting person. you had been in a relationship for a few months, enjoying the new feelings that accompany new relationships and young love. You had come to find he was a lot more than his reputation. At a glance, he was a shallow rich kid like his friends, although you had come to find he was a much more complex person than the rumors you'd always heard. Theodore was a softie, he was romantic at heart. He brought you flowers and passed you notes in class. Contrary to popular belief, He didn't sleep around either, he had a laid back flirty side by nature, but he definitely did not participate in the Toxic Slytherin Culture. He was there because he didn't have any other place to be, perhaps it was just by chance. Nonetheless, the boy loved his friends and was loyal to them. So much so that he'd attend parties with them.
The evening was drawing to a close, you had a few drinks and shared many laughs with some friends. It was the beginning of the school year, so to kick off the quidditch team's luck, Slytherin house held a dungeon party. It was the usual crowd, Draco, Pansy, Blaise... and some others who just wanted something to do that evening. The common room was rather busy, with some unfamiliar faces crowding its space mixing with those who were friends. Music was playing, most student's were mingling.
You sat shoulder to shoulder with Theo on the loveseat, while a somewhat drunk Pansy Parkinson went on and on about something to Draco, you had stopped paying attention. Blaise would inject himself into the conversation every so often.
"I'm going to step outside." Theo told you, after some time enjoying each others company, you'd both been somewhat quiet, not drawing attention to yourselves too much. "Care to join me?" Theo asked.
You didn't really care to listen to Pansy any longer, but you knew Theo was just going to step outside for a smoke, a bad habit of his. "I'm okay, actually. I think I'll stay in and have another drink." you said, Theo squeezed your hand and then headed outside. "I'll come back in in a bit, love."
You could handle yourself alone just fine, however, you didn't appreciate unwanted company... almost ever.
Not long after Theo wandered outside, an exchange student had appeared. His name was Klaus, you remembered. He was new to the quidditch team. He was from Durmstrang in Germany, He towered over you as you had poured yourself a drink, sipping on the bitter alcoholic beverage timidly. "Hello." He said, trying to be sly, but to you it just felt awkward. "Hi." you said, trying to be polite. No wonder he played sports, this guy was huge. 
"I saw you sitting with your friends." He said. "oh yeah," you nodded and looked over at draco who was listening to something pansy was saying with exaggerated expressions. "Yeah, they are pretty cool." you said, unsure of what to say to keep the conversation alive, not wanting to be completely rude.
"You are very pretty." He said. "What's your name?" you scoffed, he didn't seem to get the message even after telling him your name. he smelled like liquor. "We could go somewhere more private to talk.." He suggested. you awkwardly played with your hand covering the drink in your hand. "Um, no thanks." you said softly, not wanting an eruption from him. He was starting to get a bit flustered. "Come on. Just to talk," He begged. "no." You said again very sternly.
Klaus however, didn't hear the word no. "Let's just get out of this messy common room, come on now," he said. You were officially uncomfortable. "I said No." You said a bit louder. 
In that moment, you were thankful not to be alone. Theo appeared and filled the space between the two of you, You quietly sighed in relief. "Is there a problem?" he asked.
Klaus huffed, frustrated now his advances were turned down and there was someone else. Theodore Nott was somewhat tall, but Klaus was taller by a head or two, and he was huge. Part of you wondered if he was part giant. . . he had huge muscles and a bald head that was flushed from the alcohol.
"You are not my problem." Klaus laughed, towering over Theo. For a slytherin, that was a very brave thing to do, considering it seemed like he was about to get his ass beaten to smithereens for you. "Yeah, then back up." Theo snarled. "Is this your girlfriend?" Klaus asked, turning to you and rolling his eyes.
"We're having a conversation. this doesn't concern you." Klaus hiccuped. You were scared it would escalate. "Let's just go, ted." you said, grabbing Theo by the arm. "Please?" you plead. Theo shook his head. "Fine, come on." he ushered you forward to leave.
As you were walking towards the exit, you heard Klaus mumbling, which angered theo.
"Have fun ladies." he laughed. "Pussy.. won't even stay for another drink." Klaus had mumbled under his breath tirelessly.
Theo had rushed back over to Klaus, Punching him in the face as the snide comment was greatly un appreciated, and Klaus stepped back wiping his nose of the blood. He threw a punch at Theo in return, causing the boy to fall to the floor. This caught the party's attention. Although physically disadvantaged, Theo was clever and quickly pulled his wand out, in a swift movement stunning Klaus so he was unable to fight back.
You rushed over to Theo, helping him up. "Ah fuck." He cursed, his lip was now split and his jaw would likely be bruised black and blue in the morning. "Are you okay?" you asked, Theo brushed you off, "Good as new," He chuckled. Blaise and Draco had appeared, not far behind was pansy. "Sweet Merlin, Nott," Blaise mumbled. "Looks like he won't be bothering anyone else anytime soon," Draco laughed, stepping over Klaus' unresponsive body.
"He was trying to get me to go back to his dorm with him." You admitted. "Well he won't be going anywhere anytime soon, lucky for you." Theodore winked at you, comfortable enough to laugh at himself. He wasn't embarassed for being knocked on his ass, but he was upset he wasn't there to stave off the creepy guy.
By now the party was slowly dying down, everyone trickling back to where they needed to be, eventually the music stopped and the room was clear of anyone that wasn't a part of Slytherin house.
"Shall we?" Theo asked, you nodded and grabbed his arm to head back to his dorm- your usual spot. upon arrival, Theo sat on his bed a bit defeated. You sat on the other side of him, resting your head on his shoulder.
"You didn't have to do that, Y'know." you said softly.
"I know." Theo said. "You know i'd get myself beaten up for you." Theo said. Maybe it was the alcohol and smoking, but it was one of those sweet moments you would later appreciate. "well," you began. "That was pretty brave for a slytherin," you smiled softly.
"Hey!- Slytherins can be brave. Its not exclusively for gryffindorks." Theo chuckled. "Maybe you're in the wrong house then." you said, earning one of those sweet smiles out of him.
"I just can't describe it, Y/N..." Theo sighed gently, after some time, running his fingers through his hair as you pulled away from his shoulder to face him. "I don't like someone talking to you like that, and I Love You, So i'm not planning on anyone getting in my way anytime soon."
There was silence, not for a lack of words, but that was the first time he had said those three words to you. your heart fluttered.
". . . You love me?"
Theo caught himself, being so used to his emotions making him weak. he was a bit stuck. He had never had feelings for someone like that. He wasn't sure what to do with his feelings for you, but he knew that he liked feeling that way. He hadn't exactly had parents or anyone to look up to in regards to relationships.
"Well- Yes. I do." he said. "I've never said that out loud, but I do." you smiled.
"I love you too, Teddy." you said, using his nickname, reserved only for you. Had you been anyone else, he would have argued it.
Theo leaned in, placing a soft kiss on your lips, but regretting it instantly as he winced in pain.
"Theo, your lip is still bleeding." you pointed out, grabbing a tissue from his desk to gently wiping the blood off his lip. "yeah, I can tell," he said. "Sorry."
"Nothing to be sorry about. I love kissing you." you said.
"Oh yeah?" Theo pried, gaining his confidence back.
"Yes, actually I love it."
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callsignseagull · 9 months
all you had to do was stay ✪ part 9
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x fem!reader
Summary: Six years ago Jake hit your life like a hurricane. In and out in a matter of weeks. You thought after you get over the disappointment of him leaving without saying a word you’d never think of him again. But then two pink lines change your life forever. Now he’s back and still has no idea that the little girl by your side is his daughter.
Words: 3.9k
Warnings: a little bit of angst, me not knowing how the navy works so just assume it works like that lol, SMUT 18+ [unprotected sex, oral f receiving, a little breeding kink maybe?, dirty talk, praising, cumplay, the whole thing is pretty filthy considering this series has been quite tame so far lol]
A/N: Here’s part nine!! the final part before the epilogue!!!! enjoy
feedback is always appreciated <3
series masterlist || masterlist
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You use every opportunity to distract yourself from the fact that Jake is gone and you don’t know when he’ll be back. If he’ll be back. You really try your best not to think too negatively, but you can’t help worrying. You just hope it gets better with time, because you know for a fact that you’re going to be with Jake when he comes back. If he comes back.
You shake your head to get rid of these thoughts. You have to stay positive, if not for you then for Josie. She’s the ray of hope in your dark thoughts. She doesn’t even consider the fact that Jake might not come back. You know it’s because she doesn’t know the severity of this mission and the dangers of his job in general. But it still cheers you up. 
Thankfully, your week is packed full with promo for your new book. You’ve got several signings and interviews, and you thank whoever is responsibly because it couldn’t have come at a better time. Josie spends a lot of time at Penny’s while you’re working. Penny is restless as well. With your whirlwind of emotions around Jake’s return you completely missed that Penny rekindled an old romance as well. And now you’re both praying that they’ll get back from their mission unscathed.
You’re in LA for the day, being interviewed and doing a signing in a small bookstore. Just like the days before, you’re thankful for the distraction. But it’s also exhausting. You’re not used to this much human interaction, and as much as you love seeing your little readers’ smiling faces and listening to parents tell you how much they love your books, you feel like your own smile is stuck on your face. Your cheeks are hurting. And it’s draining to pretend to be carefree. 
When you finally leave at the end of the day you can’t wait to pick up Josie and go home. You honestly just want to sleep. This was your last commitment for a while and you’re already thinking about just spending a week doing nothing except play with Josie. You need to recharge your batteries.
Back in San Diego, Josie seems equally as excited to see you. 
“Thank you so much for looking after her and Muffin,” you give Penny a hug. 
“Don’t worry about it.” Penny waves her hand dismissively. “I love spending time with these two. And I know both of us could use the distraction.” She gives you a lopsided smile.
You nod your head. “Yeah I guess so. It’s just hard not knowing anything.” 
“They’ll come back.” Penny sounds certain, but you know she’s trying to convince herself as much as she’s trying to reassure you. 
You feel yourself tearing up, so you just nod again. “You have fun on your sailing trip okay?” Penny and Amelia decided to go on a spontaneous sailing trip first thing tomorrow morning. You know it’s another distraction for Penny, but you don’t mention it.
“We will! And you get some rest, okay?” She gives you that concerned mom look and you have to roll your eyes.
“I don’t think I have much of a choice.” You laugh. “I’ll probably go to bed right after tucking Josie to sleep.” 
Penny laughs, then you call for Josie and head out after saying goodbye to Penny.
Dinner consists of Josie’s favourite take-out, you’re too tired to cook anything and you live for the smile on Josie’s face.
“This is my most favourite!” Josie exclaims and throws the rest of her chicken nugget into her mouth.
You chuckle, “I know, honey.”
“We need to go there again when Daddy comes back.” She says it so matter of fact it makes you smile sadly.
“We will.” You pat her hand gently. “I’m sure he’ll love it just as much.” 
“More than me?” She looks at you with wide eyes.
“Now, that’s impossible. He doesn’t love anything more than you.” You run the back of your hand over her cheek and she smiles.
“Not even you?” It makes you stop for a second. You’re pretty certain he was about to tell you he loves you before he left, but maybe he wanted to say something completely unrelated? You’ve been mulling it over for days, and the more time passes the more you doubt that that’s what he wanted to say. But there’s still a small glimmer of hope somewhere inside you.
You don’t exactly know what to say, so you settle on, “Not even me.” 
Once you’ve tucked Josie into bed you change into more comfortable clothes and curl up on the sofa. You don’t think you can pay attention to anything on TV but you turn it on anyway, even if it’s just a background noise to your spinning thoughts.
It’s after Josie’s bedtime when Jake uses the key you gave him for the first time. He could’ve rung the bell, the lights in the living room are still on, but he wanted to surprise you. 
Muffin greets him at the door, his tags giving a soft jingling sound not unlike Jake’s dog tags. He smiles. 
“Did you look out for our girls? Yeah? Good boy.” He rubs behind Muffin’s ear, then ventures further into the house. He can faintly hear the TV in the living room, so that’s where he goes, the sound of his heavy boots muffled on the carpet.
There you are, curled up on the sofa, asleep. Jake smiles to himself. He missed you so much. He was only gone for a week, possibly the shortest mission he’s ever been on, but he missed you the second he said goodbye.
He doesn’t really want to wake you, if you fell asleep on the couch you probably need the sleep. But he wants to see your eyes, your smile, wants to hear your voice. So he slowly crouches down by your side and gently pushes your hair out of your face before running the back of his hand over your cheek, back and forth until your eyelids start to flutter.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he whispers and then your eyes finally snap open. He watches as they fill with tears and then you throw your arms around his neck and pull him close. It only takes him a millisecond to reciprocate the hug. Holding you tight, he leaves kisses on your temple. 
After a while you lean back to look at him and seeing the tears streaming down your face breaks his heart. “What are you crying for?” 
“Happy tears,” you assure. “I’m just happy to see your stupid face again.”
He chuckles, “You don’t think my face is stupid.”
You shake your head. “No, I really don’t.” 
This makes Jake laugh out loud. He squeezes you a little tighter. “I missed you, too.” 
And then you stand there just looking at each other.
He’s home. You still think you’re dreaming as you stare at him standing right in front of you. His green eyes are sparkling in the low light of the living room and you’re filled with such a warmth you can’t put it into words. Or maybe you can. Because it’s love. You love him. You’re about to open your mouth and just blurt the words but Jake is quicker.
“There’s something I promised to tell you when I get back.” He whispers, running his thumb over your cheek.
You nod, “And what’s that?” You don’t dare speak louder than a whisper, afraid to burst the bubble you’re in.
Jake’s eyes roam over your face before they lock on yours again. “I love you.” He says and then new tears are in your eyes.
“I love you, too.” 
Jake seems just a little bit surprised at your words, “Yeah?” he sounds hopeful.
“Yeah,” you nod, “so much.” 
“C’mere.” And then he finally pulls you into a kiss. You bury your hands in his short hair and pull him as close as you possibly can.
Never before has a kiss made you feel this much. Kissing Jake has always been special, you used to think it was just because of the sexual tension between you two, but it’s more than that. You don’t ever want to kiss someone else ever again.  
Somehow you end up straddling him on the sofa, his hands on your hips. You feel him growing hard beneath you and it doesn’t help with curbing your own arousal. As you start grinding your hips against his, Jake moans into your mouth.
“Maybe we should take this to the bedroom,” you say, after pulling away just enough to talk. The tip of your nose is still brushing against his.
“You sure? We don’t have to.” Jake leans back just a little bit more so he can look at you. His thumbs have slipped under the fabric of your t-shirt, rubbing gentle circles on your skin.
“I’m sure,” you nod. “I wanna feel you.” You feel Jake’s hands tighten around your hips before he lets out a breath.
“Okay,” he gives you one more deep kiss before he lifts you up and makes his way over to your bedroom. He gently lays you down on your bed, his hands roaming over your body and you don’t think you’ve ever wanted anybody so bad.
You tried dating a few times since Josie was born, but nothing ever came of it. Did you need someone to scratch that certain itch every once in a while? Yes. And you got that. But it never became more than that.
But this? This didn’t feel like you needed to scratch an itch, to just get it over with and then you can go on with your life. Nothing has even really happened yet and you already know you won’t be able to get enough of him. 
Slowly, so slowly, you undress each other. Both of you cherishing every inch of skin exposed. Until you’re bare in front of him, your knees either side of his head while he trails kisses over your inner thighs.
“So pretty,” he murmurs against your skin. “I missed your pretty pussy so much.” He gently runs his thumb over your clit and it sends a jolt of electricity up your spine. “Missed your taste.” And then he leaves a kiss on your clit before licking a stripe up your middle. “So sweet,” he hums before doing it again. All you can do is bury your hands in his hair, arch your back and pull him closer. 
It’s like devouring you is Jake’s favourite pastime, he’s got his eyes closed, one of his hands gripping your thigh, the other on your belly to keep your hips steady. And every time you’re about to come, he moves away and peppers kisses on your inner thighs again.
“Jake, please.” You finally whine, tugging on his hair. 
“Please, what?” You can hear the smirk in his voice.
“Need you inside me.” You give his hair another tug, and he finally crawls over you, so his head is hovering over yours. You can smell yourself on his lips and it makes even more warmth pool between your thighs.
You can’t really read the expression on his face until he says, “I didn’t bring any protection.” He gently moves your hair out of your face.
“I don’t have anything here either,” you realise. You weren’t expecting to have sex anytime soon. Were you thinking about doing it with Jake? Absolutely. But you didn’t allow yourself to actually consider it until he was home safe. You sigh. “And I’m not on birth control, either,” you admit. “It should be a safe time though …” you trail off. Is it reckless to have unprotected sex when you’ve already had an unplanned pregnancy? Yes, absolutely. Is the thought as scary as it should be? No.
“You mean …?” Jake tilts his head.
“I’m healthy. And if you’re planning on sticking around …” 
Jake places a soft kiss on your lips. “I’m sticking around. I’m not gonna leave again, unless you want me to. I might not always be around, but I’ll always come home to you. Always.” The honesty in his voice makes you tear up again. You wind your legs around his hips and feel him heavy against your thigh.
“If you’re okay with it … I’m willing to risk it.” You haven’t even fully uttered the sentence before his lips are on yours again.
“I’m willing to risk it with you any time, sweetheart.”
“I love you,” you say and pull him into another kiss. 
“And I love you. So much.” 
And then he positions himself at your entrance and slowly pushes in. You throw your head back because it just feels that good. When his hips are flush against yours he pauses for a second, both of you enjoying the feeling of finally being together. 
Jake starts moving in and out of you slowly, filling you with leisurely thrusts. And it feels so good. Until you need more.
“More,” you moan.
“Sweetheart, I’m not gonna last.”
“That’s okay.” 
“I want you to come first.”
“I’ll come with you.” You move your hands between your bodies and start rubbing your clit. It doesn’t take long for Jake to pick up his thrusts, the tip of his cock rubbing against your g-spot every time.
“Fuck,” he grunts, his movements becoming erratic.
“Come for me Jake,” you whine. “Come inside me, please.”
You feel him starting to twitch inside you. “Oh fuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuck.” And then he’s kissing you again, swallowing your moans while bucking his hips into you, his release painting your walls and you’re right there with him. Goosebumps are covering your body and all you can feel is him.
You stay like that for a while, both of you catching your breath, his heavy weight on top of you, but you’re enjoying it. You feel safe, you feel loved.
When Jake pulls out his eyes are fixated on the way your combined come drips out of you.
“So fucking beautiful,” he runs his fingers through your folds, spreading your juices, and starts playing with your clit. A moan bursts out of you.
“You got one more in you”?
“I don’t know, Jake.”
“C’mon, baby. One more.” The nickname is new, but you don’t mind it. It makes your insides flutter.
“Kiss me.” He obliges, his thumb on your clit as he enters you with two of his fingers while kissing you senseless. When he moves his kisses down your neck you can’t contain your moans.
“You gotta be quiet, baby. As much as I’d love to hear you scream for me. Can you do that for me?” You nod and bite your lips together. “Good girl.”
It doesn’t take long until you’re on the edge again and with one more flick of your clit you’re coming again.
“That’s it. That’s it, baby. Just like that. Look at you. So gorgeous.” Jake’s words and his gentle caresses carry you through your orgasm until you’re completely spend and you’re too sensitive. When he notices, he moves his hand away and gives you another kiss. “My sweet girl. So good for me.” 
“I love you.” It seems you can’t stop telling him.
His eyes crinkle as he smiles. “I love you.”
You’re woken up by a trail of kisses being left on your shoulder. You’re still tired but at the same time you feel like you’re filled to the brim with energy. You and Jake didn’t get much sleep last night. Turns out when he said ‘one more’ he was lying. Because there were two more in the shower after that.
You slowly turn around so you can look at him. His hair is messy and the warm sunshine falling through the window makes him look like an angel.
“Hi.” You can’t contain your smile and Jake mirrors your expression.
“Hi,” with the arm he’s got wrapped around you he pulls you closer to him. “Good morning, sweetheart.”
You didn’t think it was possible but your smile becomes even bigger. “Good morning.” 
“You look happy.” 
“I am.” You admit. “Could get used to waking up like this.” You wind your leg around his hip, and you can feel him against your core even through multiple layers of clothing, it’s enough to make your heart start racing. The look in Jake’s eyes becomes heated.
“Yeah?” His hand moves to your ass and gives it a squeeze. It makes you giggle.
“Mhm.” You nod, shuffling just a little closer to him.
“Well, funny you mention that, actually.” Jake’s hand is running over your back and it takes a moment for his words to register.
“Huh? What do you mean?” You sit up a little, shifting so now Jake’s on his back while you’re partially hovering above him.
“I’ve got this new position that requires me to stay in San Diego long term. And I kind of need a place to stay.” You can only look at him with wide eyes. What? “I don’t have to … I can just … If you don’t want me to, I can look for a place of my own. I didn’t mean to just … invite myself, I guess. I just thought—“
You interrupt him with a kiss. “You’re staying here?” 
“Yeah,” he nods and smiles a little sheepishly. “I got a position at Top Gun. Nothing special but with the possibly of becoming an instructor one day.” He shrugs. “I’ll be right here for the foreseeable future. I wanna be close to you and Josie. Even if you don’t want me moving in, which I understand—“
“You want to move in?”
“Of course I do. We’ve already lost so much time, I’ve lost so much time with Josie … I don’t want to lose any more. You’re it for me sweetheart. I’m gonna marry you one day.”
Your mouth drops open at that.
“If you want to.” He smiles. “I want to give you your dream life, with the husband and the white picket fence … two point five kids.“ 
You pinch him playfully, but then lean in to give him another kiss.
“Sounds like a plan,” you murmur, before kissing him again. Jake pulls you closer and you can feel the smile on his lips. He breaks the kiss and you can tell he’s about to say something when you hear the door being opened slowly.
It’s Saturday morning, and that usually means Josie will come over for some cuddles before breakfast. You turn to the door with a smile.
Josie pokes her head in, her hair messy from sleep and here eyes still halfway closed. That changes when she notices you’re not alone.
“Hey, Peanut.” That’s all it takes for Josie to come running towards the bed, climbing on it and tackling Jake in a hug.
“I missed you soooooooo much,” Josie shouts, and Jake laughs.
“I missed you, too. Every second of every day,” he smiles. 
Just like you promised yourself you would, you spent the following week doing nothing except spend time with Josie. Except, you’re not doing it alone but with Jake. He’s got a bit of free time before starting his new position and while he needs to move his stuff down from Lemoore, he claims he doesn’t have much to move, one trip would suffice. 
Together, the two of you decided to just take the plunge and have him move in. Why waste any more time? Josie was quite possibly the biggest fan of that idea. Jake will have a shadow 24/7 if she has her way, but you don’t think Jake would have a problem with that.
“You ready?” Jake pokes his head into the bathroom, where you’re finishing your make-up. 
“I love you.” 
You turn to Jake with a smile. He’s been saying it every chance he gets, says he needs to make up for the last six years. 
“I love you, too, you big goof.” 
“Hey!” He playfully pouts, “don’t let the others hear you call me that. I have a reputation to uphold.” 
You raise an eyebrow. “And what would you like me to call you instead?”
Jake stalks into the bathroom, pretending to think. He wraps his arms around you from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder. “How about Daddy?” He whispers and you can’t stop the goosebumps from appearing on your arms.
“Why am I not surprised?” You laugh. “Should’ve known you’re into that.” 
Jake hums, then says, “Only because you made me one.”
The Hard Deck is not super busy this evening, it’s still early and the middle of the week but Jake wanted to introduce you to the people who made sure he got home safe. Even though he was the one who saved Maverick and Rooster, but Jake won’t be petty. Maybe. 
Jake’s almost bursting with excitement as he pulls you by the hand, Josie on his hip. The group’s chatting in the back of the bar but as soon as they spot Jake all conversation stops.
“Is that Bagman or am I hallucinating?” Phoenix stage whispers. 
Coyote nods, “I think it’s real.” 
Jake rolls his eyes before pulling you into his side. “I wanted you guys to meet my family.” He introduces you, then looks at Josie. “And this is my daughter Josie.” 
Josie blushes, then rests her head on his shoulder and waves. 
For a moment the rest of the squad just stare. Then Phoenix is the first to speak up again, “Hi, Josie. It’s so nice to meet you.” She gives Jake a look as if she’s never seen him before. 
“I guess that explains where you’ve been half the time.” Coyote muses. 
“I had some groveling to do,” Jake nods. “And they’re much better company than you guys.” 
The whole group breaks out into protest but Jake just shrugs his shoulders. 
He turns to you, “You good on your own for a moment? I’ll go get us something to drink.” 
“Of course, go ahead.” You smile and for a second Jake just takes you in, then he sets Josie down beside you and gives you a kiss. 
“I’ll be right back.” 
At the bar, Jake leans against the bar top and watches as you talk to the squad. He didn’t realise it, but while he was starting to rebuild his relationship with you and getting to know Josie, the three of you slowly becoming a family, he also gained another family. He knows he was an asshole when they were first put together as a team, but ultimately, he grew to love these people. Even Rooster.
As if he had conjured him, Rooster shows up next to him. A certain understanding pass between the two men, then Rooster says, “You look good, Hangman.” 
Jake huffs a laugh and smiles, “I am good, Rooster. I’m very good. I’m happy.”
A/N: This is it... the end. For now at least. I wanna write an epilogue so that will be coming but then it's time to say goodbye to these :(( who else is sad about that?
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taglist: @annathesillyfriend​ ✪ @lovebittenbyevans​ ✪ @heyhihellowhatsup0​ ✪ @one-sweet-gubler​ ✪ @wooya1224​ ✪ @iammirrorball​ ✪ @lolcaca​ ✪ @caitsymichelle13​ ✪ @soulmates8​ ✪ @soleilgrec​ ✪ @lilylilyyyyyy​ ✪ @winters-queen​ ✪ @i0veless​ ✪ @the-romanian-is-bae​ ✪ @mandyppp​ ✪ @dempy​ ✪ @mizuki80​ ✪ @averyhotchner​ ✪ @babyice1274​ ✪ @captain-fandomwriter58​ ✪ @hangmanscoming​ ✪ @caidi-paris​ ✪ @linkpk88​ ✪ @djs8891​ ✪ @lnmp89​ ✪ @startrekfangirl2233​ ✪ @gigisimsonmars ✪ @clancycucumber230 ✪ @emilyoflanternhill​ ✪ @roostersforevergirl​ ✪ @celestialeviereads​ ✪ @blackwidownat2814​ ✪ @impossiblebagelcowboyfreak​ ✪ @grxcisxhy-wp​ ✪ @atarmychick007​ ✪ @dakotakazansky​ ✪ @alana4610​ ✪ @memoriesat30​ ✪ @entertainmentgal8​ ✪ @shanimallina87​ ✪ @smoothdogsgirl ✪ @i3k2ts​ ✪ @frenchtoastix​ ✪ @twsssmlmaa​ ✪ @elijahmikaelsonbitch​ ✪ @simpxmarvel​ ✪ @harrysgothicbitch​ ✪ @midwestmarvelbabe​ ✪ @lunamoonbby​ ✪ @wkndwlff​ ✪  @anarchyrising​
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obsessedelusional · 2 months
guilty pleasure (smut)
paring ↬ Eddie Munson x fem!reader
summary ↬ A drunken night leads to a hookup with none other than Eddie Munson. Which wouldn’t be such a problem if you weren’t currently in a relationship with Jason Carver. You tell you self it needs to stop but what happens when start to look forward to your secret meet ups with Munson?
a/n: loosely inspired by your guilty pleasure by henry versus.. anyways hi hope u enjoy I miss eddie
Feedback & Reblogs appreciated! Thank you ♥︎
You’re Jason Carvers girlfriend, cheer captain and undoubtedly one of the most popular girls in this school. Then why are you currently pinned under Eddie Munson?
“Jason’s going to flip his shit.” You say as Eddie pulls away from kissing you, his lips travel down your throat.
“I won’t tell and you won’t either.” He murmurs nibbling farther down your neck.
You go to respond but you’re stopped by the sudden feeling of air on your chest, your nipples harden as he works your shirt off you. The air is out of your lungs when his mouth moves to a breast, his hands busy undoing your pants. He was eager and never wasted time during what little time you had before Jason started to wonder where you wandered off to. You two hadn’t been caught yet and for Eddie, it wasn’t about to happen today. More than happy to be your dirty little secret.
“Your body is dangerous.” He whispers as soon as he’s got you undressed, left in nothing but your underwear.
You always wore your sexiest pair in hopes that he’d show up to the party Jason dragged you to. Your boyfriend no longer had to do much to convince you to tag along. The unknown possibility of Eddie being there was more than enough to get you out the house.
The first time you had told yourself that it was nothing more than a drunken mistake. Jason and you had been fighting all week. Which was unfortunately becoming your new reality, your relationship on a downward spiral for months. He claimed to be at home but you knew better, showing up to the party he swore he wasn’t attending. After a long argument and him saying maybe you two should take a break, you found friends and drank more than you should have.
A drunken angry night lead you straight into Eddie’s arms. The two of you had always been amicable despite Jason’s obvious disdain for Eddie. It started off as an innocent conversation, thinking Jason would see and grow irritated enough to stop you. He didn’t seem to care which only pissed you off more. And then there Eddie was intoxicated and flirty, touching you without any care for your relationship status. When no one was paying you two any attention, you snuck a kiss and then snuck away with Eddie to a bathroom.
Jason and you decided to make things work a few days later, it needed to stop. Technically you were single when you hooked up with Eddie. You convinced yourself that you didn’t do anything wrong. There was no need to tell Jason what happened.
It wasn’t until you found yourself at another party, Jason with his friends paying you no attention. Eddie’s attention was focused solely on you from across the room. One look, a couple steps up stairs and Eddie was following you to an empty bathroom. Making sure to let him know this would never happen again as you undressed him. He agreed, laughing before lifting you onto the counter and taking over.
After that time you were fucked in every way. Jason just wasn’t doing it anymore. Wondering if Jason ever really did it for you. Questioning why you were still with him all these years later. Suddenly all his flaws more prevalent. Pissing you off by merely existing, fighting constantly. Telling yourself that you’d come clean soon. That it wasn’t fair to Eddie or Jason.
Yet here you were months later, completely sober letting Eddie take what he wanted. All while your boyfriend was downstairs with his friends. Giving yourself over to Eddie Munson became your guilty pleasure.
Eddie’s mouth is slowly traveling to its destination. Your eyes closed, too distracted by his mouth to think about how terrible this will inevitably end. The sound of fabric tearing has your eyes opened and on Eddie, watching as he stuffs whatever’s left of your underwear into his pocket. He’s pulling away from the you, only to sink himself between your thighs.
“Your pussy is always so wet and ready..” His voice is low, his mouth inches away from your center.
A few quick kisses are pressed to your inner thigh before his hands travel under you, pulling you closer and meeting his lips with your clit. Your involuntary reaction is to try and close your legs but he already expects it, stopping you from doing so as he dives deeper.
His tongue working on your bud and a single finger slides into you. You let your moans leave your mouth as you grasp the sheets of whoever’s bed you’re in. Without warning he adds another finger, picking up his pace.
“Fuck..” You groan out as you grind your hips into his touch.
He watches you as you react to his actions, his favorite sight. Your eyes are closed as he pushes you closer to your climax. You can’t see it but you can feel the grin on his face, smug about the fact that he’s the one making you cum and not your boyfriend.
He pulls away bringing out a whimper from you at loss of contact, “Does he make you feel this good?”
You look at him, frustrated and not wanting to talk right now. Especially not about Jason.
“Does he even make you cum?” He ask, kissing a sweet kiss to your cunt. No where near your swollen clit but your body shudders in response. You can’t bring yourself to answer.
“Tell me.. who makes you feel this good?” Another kiss, moving closer to where you desperately need him.
“Who makes you cum every time?” Another kiss, almost there but not yet. He’s leaving you a whimpering mess under his touch.
“Who do you think about when your boyfriend fucks you?” This time he doesn’t kiss you, waiting for response.
“You.. Eddie. I think about you.” You finally admit, causing him to get that smug look he wears every time he reminds you of your dishonest actions towards Jason.
“If you were mine I’d never let you out of my sight.. keep you satisfied enough to keep you under me and not someone else.” He says never breaking eye contact as his slips between your folds again. Continuing where he left off and not letting you respond, sending your head flying back.
The only sounds in the room are your moans and the sounds of his tongue and fingers bringing you closer to the edge. Music is muffled from downstairs. He picks up his speed, not missing a beat. Pushing you over the edge, arching your back as you finish on his fingers. He rides you out through your orgasm. As he pulls out he bring his fingers to his lips, cleaning your juices off his fingers.
“So sweet.” He says as he sits up, hovering over you again.
You only pull him closer, kissing him and undressing him. It’s your turn to make him feel good. Your hands pull at his shirt and he takes it off the rest of the way. The brief moment he pulls away, your hands run down his chest and to his pants. You undo the button then the zipper and start to pull them down as much as you can from under him. He shimmies the rest of the way out of his pants, dragging his boxers off with them.
You wrap your fingers around his cock, pumping it slowly eliciting a groan from him. It’s heavy and hard, ready to split you in half.
“My turn to taste you,” you whisper as you move from under him and push him onto his back.
He doesn’t fight this, allowing you to take control. Eyes on you as settle at his side, bending over to take his cock in your mouth. A simple kiss on his tip has him biting his lip in anticipation. His hand finds your ass, squeezing it as you slowly take his length into your mouth. His other hand is on your head, guiding your mouth deeper. Forcing you to take his whole length. Holding himself back from bucking his hips into your mouth.
“F-fuck.. you take my cock so well..” He purrs as he holds you still, your nose pressed into his groin.
After a few moments of you gagging on his cock, he lets go and you pull away. Saliva drips down your chin. Wiping your mouth off and using it to rub his cock, spitting the build up at the back of your throat onto it. Pumping him in a slippery mess, watching him watch you.
“You on top..” He directs and you listen, sitting up and throwing your leg over him.
You press your warm center onto his hardness, letting it slide through your folds. Making the both of you groan at the friction. You lift your self up just enough as aligns his tip to your heat. You lower yourself down, taking him whole. As you begin to roll your hips he grabs you and guides you through the motions, nails digging into your skin.
Probably leaving marks but you don’t care. The tiniest part of you wishing Jason would find evidence of you and Eddie, forcing you to come clean. The more the two of you did this behind Jason’s back, the sloppier you got. The more you would let Eddie do, the more you asked for. Knowing that this couldn’t possibly end well for anyone involved, deciding to enjoy it while you had the chance.
“Such a slut, taking my cock while your boyfriend is downstairs,” Eddie says this as his arms wrap around your waist, pulling you flush to his chest.
His hips jerk into you from under, slamming his cock inside of you at a relentless pace. Your head is burrowed in his neck, your arms trapped in his embrace. He fucks you from under as you moan in his ear, his favorite sound.
Without any warning he slips from under you and has you laid on your stomach. He pulls your ass up, pushing your head down. Eddie takes a moment to appreciate the sight in front of him before smacking your ass. The crown of his cock lingers at your entrance before easing into your warmth. You can’t help the whine that escapes your mouth as his fills you from this angle.
“Such a good little slut for me.. huh?” He asks as he thrusts into you in a languid manner, almost teasing you. He’s waiting for you to answer before he gives you want you want.
“Yes.. Eddie.. for you.” You respond, your voice cracking between thrusts.
“Say it.” He growls pushing your head into the bed, slowly moving his hips.
“I’m a slut.. for you.” You spit out and he rock his hips harder, faster. Fucking you into the bed. Finally giving you what you want.
You grip onto the sheets, pushing against his thrusts. His movements are deep, his pace relentless. Hands squeeze your ass, further guiding his pumping. You are a mess under him, not holding back your noises. Letting Eddie know he’s fucking you right. Just how you like it. Ruining you for any other man, specifically your boyfriend.
Eddie doesn’t slow, keeping the speed consistent. Determined to make you cum one more time before he finishes. His length plunges in and out of you. Skin smacking and moans fill the room.
There’s no way anyone else upstairs can’t hear you. They have to know someone is having sex in here. Almost making it more enjoyable. The fear of getting caught turning you on even more.
The familiar feeling of your skin heating up is felt. Pleasure building in you as Eddie’s fucks you closer to falling apart. Your walls flutter around his cock letting him know that you’re almost there.
“Come for me. Come all over my cock.” Eddie orders.
His demand is all it takes to push you over the edge. You feel your body tighten and then releases the pressure. AA chocked sob comes from you as you finish all over his cock.
Your body goes numb as he pumps a few more times before, quickly pulling out. Taking his throbbing erection into his hand and pumping it with his hand. The other hand grabs you, pulling you to a sitting position in front of Eddie.
“Open up.” He orders and you look up at him, doing as he says.
A few more flicks of his wrist has him hissing as he comes on your face. Aiming for your tongue and making it for the most part. You wait patiently as he jerks himself to completion. He smiles, wiping his cum from where it missed and landed on your cheek. Collecting it placing it in your mouth. Not letting a drop go to waste, watching as you swallow his seed.
“Good girl,” he smiles pulling away.
It’s as if reality comes into play as he steps away, throwing your clothes towards you on the bed. You quickly redress, watching him do the same. The sadness that comes when this moment comes gets stronger every time your time together comes to an end.
Once you’re dress you stand up from where you’re sat on the edge of the bed. It’s as if Eddie notices the change in your mood, without you having to say anything. Moving in closer to you he pulls you closer, kissing you more affectionately than he should be. Clouding your judgement and letting your self fill your mind with delusions.
As he drags himself away from you he says, “Now go make out your boyfriend, let him taste me on your tongue.”
His tone is teasing, causing you to roll your eyes and let out a sigh. His reminder of your failing relationship snaps you from your mind, the feelings he makes you feel. The thoughts he makes you think.
You’re irritated, mostly at yourself for letting it get to this point. He looks at you for a second using his hand to smooth your hair and then wipe away at your smudged eye makeup. Once he thinks you look like you didn’t just cheat on your boyfriend, he grins pulling away. You try not to smile back, moving away from him and leaving the room. Eddie would wait a few minutes, so no one would see the two of you leaving together.
As you walk downstairs to where you left Jason your mind can’t stop thinking about the possible consequences. You could tell Jason right now and what? Run into Eddie’s arms? Not entirely sure if he even wants that. If he wants you as anything more than a secret hookup.
Afraid that if you came clean, the whole entire thing would lose its appeal. Wondering if you enjoy your time with Eddie as much as you do because it’s so wrong. If you were single, would you still find yourself wanting to be around Eddie?
One thing clear, you need to break up with Jason. As soon as possible and just see what happens afterwards. If whatever Eddie and you have is meant to be, it’ll happen. You hear your name as you make it into the back yard where you left Jason. He’s sat right where you left him, trying to call you over.
As you approach him and his friends, he pulls you into his arms. You feel yourself recoiling as a reaction to his touch. You’re in no mood for him right, obviously bothered over something and he doesn’t notice. He never fires. Before you can anything, he kisses you. You can’t help but try to stifle the laugh that wants to come. Thinking about the last thing Eddie said to you.
“What’s so funny?” Jason asks, his arm still wrapped around your waist.
“Nothing… we need to talk..” You respond, removing yourself from his embrace and walking away from his group of friends.
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darylas · 4 months
Chapter 1 - Blue Skies
John "Bucky" Egan x singer!fem!reader ♫ next ♫ ao3
When Bucky hears his favorite song begin to play, he does not expect to see a new Red Cross volunteer walk up to the microphone.
1.6k words
Warnings: Language, Alcohol
Disclaimer: Most of the characters mentioned are based on the dramatic portrayal featured in the Masters of the Air limited series, not the actual historical figures they represent.
A/N: This was my first time writing in several years! It's short and the pacing is interesting, but gosh darn it I had fun writing this. Special shoutout to @blurredcolour for inspiring me to pick up the pen. Go read their work, it's fantastic.
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Bucky sat cross-legged in a chair next to Buck, not-so-slowly nursing his second whiskey. Men and women danced in the center of the officers club as the military band played an obviously well-rehearsed rendition of Glenn Miller’s A String of Pearls. Bucky tapped two fingers on his knee in time to the beat while he watched the dancers. He had already spent three songs dancing with three different women and was now taking a break to sit and enjoy his best friend’s company.
“That girl you were dancing with before, she was pretty,” said Buck before taking a sip of his coke. “She works in the Clubmobile, right?”
“Yeah, Helen. Good dancer, too.” Bucky spotted her on the other side of the room, chatting with Tatty Spaatz. 
Buck took another sip as he watched the band play. “Got a letter from Marge today.”
“She dump you yet?”
“Not if I read the letter right.” Buck smiled and looked down. After a moment, he looked back at Bucky. “She said Peggy was not too happy she hasn’t gotten a letter from you.”
Bucky responded with a puzzled look. “We went on one date. A double date. I swear I didn’t give her any ideas that she’d be expecting mail from me. Buck, I swear. I don’t play like that.” 
Buck gave a soft exhale through his nose. “I know you don’t. I was just passing along the message.” A String of Pearls began to come to a close. “Not sure why it’d be such a bad idea to write her, though.”
“Aww, c’mon, Buck, I’m trying to have a nice evening here.” Bucky’s eyes lit up as the band initiated the next song, loud trumpets and melodic saxophones blaring out the snappy intro to Blue Skies. He broke into a grin. “Now we’re talkin’.”
Buck and at least three other men couldn’t hold in their groans as they too heard the familiar notes. They knew exactly what this song did to Bucky, especially after a few drinks. 
Bucky leaned over to address one of the protestors, Major Jack Kidd. “It’s my song! It needs vocals! You can’t expect me to just sit here in silence.”
“I think you’re gonna have to, John,” said Buck. “Looks like your act’s been booted.” 
Bucky whipped his head around to look at the makeshift stage where the band was playing. He watched in disbelief as a woman wearing a Red Cross uniform strolled up to the microphone in front of the band and began to sing.
Blue skies smiling at me
Nothing but blue skies do I see
Several of the men whooped and whistled appreciatively, and Bucky saw you smile and wink at the crowd as you continued to sing. Every note was sung with confidence and precision, and you continued to smile brightly as you got to the chorus. Everyone in the room seemed to be under the spell of your voice and stage presence.
Never saw the sun shining so bright
Never saw things going so right
Noticing the days hurrying by
When you’re in love, my how they fly
Buck hadn’t realized how right he’d been. Bucky had gone completely silent.
He rubbed the lower half of his face to cover his growing smile. He hoped you’d glance his way but so far no luck. He found himself in a strange quandary as he was torn between closing his eyes to listen to your voice and keeping them open to stare at your face. He wasn't sure if it was the whisky, the humidity of the packed room, your performance, or a strange combination of all three, but he was beginning to feel dizzy.
Far too soon for his liking, the song ended, with you hitting the final high note right on the head. The crowd applauded as you stepped back and gestured to the band behind you in appreciation. You stepped back up to the microphone.
“Thank you very much. Let’s hear it one more time for our Air Force Band! Aren’t they wonderful?” The crowd cheered, Buck and Bucky clapping along with them. “While I’m up here, I just wanted to remind you all that this Saturday, the Red Cross will be hosting bingo night in the Aeroclub at 1900. I don’t want to spoil anything but I will tell you that we’ve got some pretty terrific prizes for the winners. Thank you again, ladies and gentlemen.” 
As you departed the stage, several men in the crowd let out cries of disappointment. The band director spoke into the microphone, “Don’t worry, ladies and gents, she’ll be back! Now if you feel so inclined, grab a partner and get back on the dance floor!” He signaled the band to start playing a new song with a count of "one, two, three, four.”
Bucky slapped both hands on his thighs and stood. He quickly downed the rest of his whisky, put down the glass, and straightened his tie. “I do believe I feel so inclined,” he said to Buck. 
“Yeah, I figured you might,” replied Buck with a smirk. 
As Bucky made his way toward where you were seated with another Red Cross Girl, he smirked as he noticed that other officers who had the same idea begrudgingly backed off. As Buck was known to say, rank had its privileges. When you looked up, Bucky greeted you with his most charming grin. “Quite the performance up there; you do autographs?”
You looked at his hands and quirked your brow. “I don’t see anything to sign.” 
Bucky looked down at his hands as well and flipped them over a couple of times. “Damn, you’re right.” He looked back at you. “How ‘bout a dance instead, then?” 
You smiled politely at him. “I’m sorry, but I’m afraid I don’t dance.” You motioned to the girl sitting next to you. “Rachel here is a marvelous dancer, though.” 
“Oh, I know.” Bucky nodded at Rachel. “How ya doin’, Rach?” 
With a mischievous smile and her chin resting on her fist, the blonde replied, "I'm just swell, Bucky." 
He smiled back at her. “That’s great.” He looked back at you skeptically. “You sure? I promise to keep you on your feet, Miss…”
You gave him your name then said, “I’m sure. Enjoy the rest of your evening, Major, and don’t forget about bingo night on Saturday.”
Bucky stuck his hands in his pockets and pressed his lips together, nodding. “Right, right. Bingo night. Alright then, I’ll see you around.” He began to walk away then turned back around. “I don’t know if the band said anything to you, but Blue Skies is sorta my signature song. S’okay, though. You did alright. Little different than my rendition, but you sounded great.” 
You gave him that same damn polite smile that he couldn’t decipher and said, “Glad you liked it.”
Bucky nodded once and headed back to his seat. He cleared his dry throat after sitting down next to Buck. After picking up his whisky glass, he frowned upon realizing that it was empty. Buck looked over at him. “What happened?”
“Turns out she’s more your type. Said she doesn’t dance.” 
“What’s ‘a matter, Bucky?” He turned to see Blakely and Douglass grinning at him. “The jazz cat have claws?” Both burst out laughing at the terrible joke. Bucky bit the inside of his cheek and gave them an exasperated look.
Buck smiled good-naturedly and clapped him on the back. “Had to happen sometime, pal. Maybe getting shot down for once will help fix that king-size ego of yours,” he joked. 
“I didn’t get shot down, she said she didn’t dance.” Bucky pulled on one of his sleeves. “There’s a difference.” Once again, he began tapping two fingers against his knee to the music, trying his damndest not to look at you.
═════ ♫ ═════
Later in the evening, Bucky, Buck, and Curt Biddick were all standing at the bar. Curt and Bucky were animatedly discussing the Yankees for what had to be the hundredth time, leaving poor Buck to his coke and people-watching for a few minutes. 
Bucky saw his friend look quizzically at the dance floor then quickly avert his eyes and take a long sip. Bucky looked back in the same direction and immediately saw what Buck had been hoping he wouldn’t. At the far edge of the dance floor, you were dancing with Lt. “Bubbles” Payne, smiling and laughing. 
“I’m telling you, DiMaggio would never…what the hell are you looking at?” Curt, who was more than a little drunk, turned around and saw you and Bubbles. “That the girl who was singing earlier? The one that gave you the brush-off? I thought you said she didn’t dance. I guess she meant she doesn’t dance with-” He was cut off by Buck smacking him on the arm. “What?”
Bucky was still watching you with your arms around Bubbles, laughing at something else he said. Bubbles. He was a great guy, but what about him made you change your mind about dancing? Or was dancing not the problem at all?
Curt, unaware of Bucky’s worsening mood, casually slung his arm over his shoulders. “Hey, c’mon, don’t feel bad. I’ll dance with you, Bucky. C’mere, they’re playing our song.” 
Bucky shoved the drunk lieutenant off of him and smiled bitterly. “Yeah, cause spinning and shaking is exactly what your body needs right now, Curt.” 
He felt Buck nudge his shoulder. “You’ll get your chance, John. C’mon, I’m beat. Let’s head to the barracks.” 
As they began the walk back and the music behind them faded, Curt appeared deep in thought. Eventually, he said, very seriously, “Maybe she likes his mustache better than yours.” Buck coughed to cover a laugh. 
Bucky rolled his eyes. He didn’t care that you had rejected him. Not even a little.
He wouldn’t spare you a second thought. No sir.
And he absolutely did not hear you singing Blue Skies over and over in his head as he lay in bed that night.
♫ next ♫
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bedsyandco · 1 year
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❥ — ꒰ pairing ꒱ fem!reader x jack hughes
❥ — ꒰ synopsis ꒱ in which you have reservations about Jack and he proves you wrong.
❥ — ꒰ content ꒱ has some suggestive language? but no smut
❥ — ꒰ note ꒱ first jack fic! as always feedback is appreciated!!
❥ — ꒰ word count ꒱ 0.67K
The first time you met Jack was at a party in a bar that was hosted by a mutual friend. You had of course known who he was, since he had quite the reputation, especially when it came to women, you didn’t really have any intention of interacting with him. 
It wasn’t that you judged him for his choices, hell you’ve had your own fair share of hookups but you had no intention of becoming another name on a long list of girls who had their hearts broken by Jack Hughes. 
Jack had the complete opposite thought process, from the moment he laid his eyes on you, he wanted to know who you were. Which is exactly why he kept an eye out for you all night while working up the courage to approach you. 
“Hey,” he says as he takes a seat next to you at the bar. 
“Hi,” you reply, swirling the ice in your empty glass. 
“I’m Jack,” he says, holding out his hand.
“Yn,” you say and shake his hand.
“Can I buy you another drink?” he asks
“Uh no, I think I’m done drinking for the night, but thanks for the offer,” you attempt to shoot him down.
“You wanna dance with me?” he asks 
“You don’t look like a dancer,” you say teasingly
“No? Give me a chance to prove you wrong,” he retorts with a little smirk and you feel that sentence may be relevant to more than just dancing.
So your feet move to the dance floor tugging him along, giving him the chance to prove you wrong, and hoping he does.
~ 5 months later ~
You wake up to soft kisses being pressed to your back. 
“Morning,” you hear Jack’s raspy voice say
“Good morning,” you whisper back turning around to face him
“Sleep well?” he asks kissing you cheek
“Mmhmm,” you hum pulling the sheets up to hide your naked body. 
Jack trails kisses from your cheek down to your neck, and then your collarbone. 
“Stop, what time is it?” you giggle lifting your head to look at the clock on his bedside table. 
“Who cares, it’s Saturday, you don’t have work, I’m off. We can spend the whole day here.” he says removing the sheets and trailing kisses down your stomach. 
You tug at his hair to stop his movements and he smiles sheepishly at you, moving back up to kiss your lips. 
“Come home with me this summer,” he says
“What?” you ask in shock. You and Jack had entered a casual friends with benefits relationship these past few months. Despite you staying over most nights, and you guys going out for dinner a few times a month, you still know where the lines are drawn. And going home with Jack for the summer crosses those lines. 
“What? I can’t want my friend to come home with me for the summer? I’ve practically spent everyday these last 5 months with you, is it so bad that I don’t wanna go without you that long? Besides you’re gonna love the lake house,” he says 
“What are you gonna tell everyone? That you’re bringing the girl you occasionally sleep with home?” you ask
“Well first of all, it’s not really occasionally, it’s pretty much every day,” he says and you hit him on the head.
“Jack!” you say and he starts laughing 
“I’m kidding! Well I mean it’s the truth but that’s not the point. I’m bringing a friend, that’s all they need to know. And that you’re off limits, cause God knows Trevor’s gonna try to flirt with you. Besides what I do in my bedroom is my business. It has nothing to do with them.” he says kissing the palm of the hand that was tracing his face. 
“So?” Jack asks and you sigh
“You’re gonna have to come shopping with me for new bikinis” you say and his eyes light up
“If you’re gonna model them for me, we have a deal.” he says and you shake your head laughing. 
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0daylighthours0 · 3 months
A Deep Dive into Milkvan and Byler's Development: If Milkvan Was Endgame All Along, Why Was it Written Like This???
SO. I've been rewatching st with my mother, who's never seen it before. And she was a fan of milkvan throughout seasons 1 and 2. Viewing those seasons again I could see why, they're cute. However, come season 3 and INSTANT distaste. And, listen, my mother is not the consciously shipping gal. She simply routes for main character pairings as writers intend, doesn't read between the lines, doesn't nothing. And she does NOT know my own opinions on the pairing. In other words, completely unbiased, uninternet drama influenced eyes. We've now reached season 3 and, after getting through a chunk of it, I asked her,
"so what do you think of Mike and El?"
and she expressed to me that they seem to be, quote:
"not very good together."
She said El's character doesn't suit the way she's acting now (in the first few episodes, concerning Mike), that Mike is more likeable and interesting when he's away from her. She doesn't like the way they ditched the party, and when it comes to their 'making out' the scenes are seen by her from Hopper's perspective (in other words, distasteful). She claimed that they'd be much better characters as friends.
And ya know what, she's right. And I mean like - duh, that's what we've been saying all this time, I'm not stating anything new here. But guys, wouldn't it be strange if the central couple of the show, pivotal that it is liked by audiences and is rooted for by them as they are THE pair, would be so dislikable like this? So uninteresting, so cliche.
I mean, okay, let's do a little mental experiment I like to do to test if I'm not just acting delulu. Let's play a game. In this game, milkvan ARE meant to be endgame. They are in love, they were all along, and they're here to draw in viewers and appease all El stans. Now, seasons 1 and 2 their relationship is honestly fine. Surface level, yeah, people will watch and appreciate them. They perfectly blend in with all the other neat pairings of the seasons, and have their own unique character traits to stand out as a main couple.
Just pretending our mate Will doesn't exist, we now get into season 3. Now, writers have nothing to lose here. If you've finished season 2, you probably like milkvan already. The issue is that they're already together now, so what's the conflict going to be? The arc? And every central couple needs that conflict to stay juicy.
Just take a look:
Jancy: quarrels, struggle to understand one another
Jopper: not yet together, one sided? will they won't they
Lumax: ...
Lumax? Lumax. Huh, guess they were simply together. Some loveable bickering, maintained a friendly dynamic while clearly in closer proximity. Well then, writers can do the same for milkvan right? Well, yes easily. But one might argue that since they are supposed to be THE pairing they need more going on between them than that. So what'll it be? Well, it seems that writers thought,
"hey, why not break them up?"
ok so.. that's a bit risky. I mean you want people to like this ship, if you break them up then that threats: 1. there being a disliking to one or both characters, 2. coming off generic if done incorrectly, 3. the break up might make no sense considering how in love they came off as just a season ago. But hey.. it could work, if done right. Some kind of misunderstanding, similar to Jancy. Maybe an argument leading to a sudden parting. I mean, yeah, Yeah! I can see that. Perhaps Mike is being too overprotective whilst El's trying to sacrifice herself for something, so she NEEDS to separate herself from him attempting to hurt him less. Or, I dunno, something akin. What's crucial is that us, AS THE AUDIENCE, still know them to be deeply in love. I mean, we have to still want them to be together. And we've seen couple trouble before. Just take a look at Lumax season 4 - did you or did you not want the best for both of them as a pair? You most likely did. See, it's doable. So did people like milkvan season 3 the same way, even after a separation plot? No.
Okay well, there are obviously those who'll always love milkvan no matter but, see, season 3 tainted it. "We need to write them like this cause it's more realistic to teenager behavior" my ars. You can make it messy without making it icky. Not only did it sour their unique dynamic, it flabbergastingly stomped on Mike as a character.
Honestly, I feel Mike has always been a mild struggle to write. Season 1 his motivations were 'find Will' (who still doesn't exist in our mind game yet shh) and 'protect El'. This worked well for him. Afterwards though, El and Will became more separate plots to him. But as a main character it remained integral that he be closely linked to them somehow. This sets him apart from Lucas and Dustin, who can easily be given any arc any season as their plots have the flexibility of a side quest nature. Since what Mike does is meant to matter more - with there probably being a better way of phrasing that but you know what I mean - it's harder knowing what he'll do when El and Will (who we'll GET to sh.) are their own separate people. And Mike is just a boy, he doesn't have super powers and he isn't a cop, which leaves there even less for him to do which is of significance. Season 2 writers decided upon having him support Will's arc, making himself of enough relevance by being able to take credit for some Will development in the story, and the plots that surrounded that, and then Mike was thrown a little bone by being the one to come up with the idea of burning those vines in the finale.
Truthfully, you don't really remember Mike's deeds much when reminiscing the series. It isn't like Dustin who's bond with Dart sticks to everyone, or Nancy and Jonathan responsible for kicking out Hawkins Lab. This is due to them, again, being able to traverse all sorts of adventures without limits. But my guy Mike can't do dat. Sadly, this kind of leads to him coming of as a little.. well... insignificant. And I know I know, the Mike truthers are gonna come at my throat. And hey! I love him too. I only want the best for my boy.
This makes season 3 a unique case cause it seems that, for the plot they decided they wanted, writers actually had to almost entirely change his character. I mean mate s2 Mike and s3 Mike are two different peoples, don't even. And I don't believe that the Duffers had their story and character turnouts completely drawn out from the very start at all. If I was to guess, I'd assume they have vague ideas of little plots they plan to include in future, but there is definitely a lot that has come unpredicted or changed throughout st's runtime. And one of those phenomenons are Michael Wheeler. So they decided to make this guy a di-
So they decided to make him more douchy, more movie typical teenage guy. It's not as if he wholly sucked, he didn't, but he didn't really do much. Whined about his girlfriend, separated the party. I mean what even was his arc? (UnLESS–)
You see, if milkvan is written to be loved, then season 3 was strike one. All of its charm was stripped away. It seems they had some cute scenes after their reconciliation, but it's not enough. It's just sort of
"oh, ok, so they're happy with eachother now. yayy."
and Stranger Things should want to be anything but boring. Sure they often enjoy indulging in tropes, but they always do something different with them. Something standoutish. And from this point on milkvan just got dull. Either writers ran out of ideas or lost interest, honestly (still with our mind game of telling ourselves they're meant to be).
But it's okay. Look, so season 3 was a bit rocky, maybe lost a couple of fans for the guys, but it is salvageable. Easily, easily. Looks like we want a plot of Mike struggling to tell El he loves her. Great! Much to work with.
So let's get into it. Season 4! Choices were... made. And, okay, now we can't go any further without bringing in our boy Will.
Mike is intrinsically tied to Will and El and has been from the start. Maybe Will was more of an accident. Maybe s1 Will was just a plot device for Mike, then s2 Will was a plot device again and Mike needed to be there as the main boy character. Come season 3 and it seems their relationship still matters. Will was sidelined - hard - so most of Mike's moments revolved around El. But as his bond with Mike is the only that's been properly built up, that's the only friend we'll get him interacting with in a way that matters. So the Mike and Will tie continues!
But that does not have to be the case for season 4. Now the writers have a chance.
They made Will gay.
Ok so.. ok so yeah that's fine. Yeah! I mean they didn't have to do that, might put them in hot water with the bylers since milkvan is their golden beauty but.. you know what no no that's okay. He's been hinted at being queer since episode 1, why not make it canon! Cool that works. Explore that, especially since we now have Vecna who can easily target Will for this. Give him a boyfriend! Or a guy crush. He's at a new school now? That's cool. Maybe we can explore some new male character Will's taken interest in. Hey maybe he meets someone who interests him which rises to surface his whole sexuality plot and-
he's in love with Mike.
Ok. No. No. What are you doing? What do you mean?? You didn't have to do that. Strike- strike EFING TWO mates! Strike. 👏 efing. 👏 2!
This was part 1. I am tired and gots to get my ars in bed. But ohohoh, do not worry. I am just getting started.
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juuuulez · 5 months
showing them your party dress, and they judge you (thinking it’s slutty or they get jealous) and won’t come to the deannas party with you. you get drunk and they help u 😝😝😝 (comfort angst)
info: Rick Grimes x Reader, NSFW, sorta drunk sex, Spencer is a creep, unsafe sex/pulling out, p in v.
summary: After pissing you off over a comment about your outfit, Rick tries to prove your worth another way.
omg idk when this escalated into smut but it did, but thanks for the request!!! thought i’d show rick some love because he’s soooo dilf and there isn’t enough rick appreciation on this page
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You wrap your hair around the curling iron, clamping down the hot metal and holding it in place. Tonight, Deanna is having a party for the new residents, and you’d been practically buzzing with excitement all day. Not only was Alexandria a miracle to come across, but they treated life with some semblance of normality.
“That the dress you’re wearin’?” A voice behind you asks, your gaze fluttering up to watch Rick through the mirror. He’s standing behind you, eyes scanning the dress you’d put on.
It was black, form-fitting and short. Paired with some kitten heels, you looked good enough to eat. Except, you’d thought it would illicit a bit more… excitement from your boyfriend.
“Yeah,” You agree, “Rosita found it for me. Said I’d look good in it.”
As if to prove your point, you turn around, giving a little spin in an almost childish manner. Rick stands there, stone faced, not betraying a single emotion.
“You do,” He finally lets up, “But is this the impression we wanna give?”
A response doesn’t come right away, silence filling the space between you as the words stew in your mind. They sound strangely negative, causing your brows to furrow into a little frown.
“C’mon, baby. You know what I mean.” Rick tries again, having sensed that he’s said something wrong.
But you’ve already turned away, continuing to primp your hair in the mirror. “Are you coming tonight?” You ask, completely avoiding his previous misstep for the sake of not becoming upset before the party.
“No, not tonight,” Rick sighs, “Got some shit to sort out.”
This one doesn’t get a reply either, and Rick knows that you aren’t pleased. So far, your relationship has been anything but normal. Back at the prison, he’d kept you at an arms length, finding your alluring nature and sweet smile threatening to his morals. Yet, over time, he’d let you in, and you’d wormed your way into his life.
“You could stay home, too. Wait for me. We’ll watch a movie when I get home.” He ends up suggesting, trying to alleviate your souring mood.
It’s fruitless, for you’re still persisting. “No. I want to party, like every other person in this town.”
“In that dress?” He questions once more.
You turn again, shooting the older man a glare. “Yes. Now leave, I’m getting ready, and you’re distracting me.” You essentially demand, and as not to get bitten, Rick obeys.
Part of you is pissed that he folded so easily, even though it was your bad temper. Regardless, you swore to have fun tonight, Rick or no Rick.
So, you finished doing your hair, even going so far as to put a little makeup on. It felt good, all of it, mainly because it just felt normal. You ventured from your house, trailing down the street to where the commotion was, eager to have a fun night out and remove Rick’s comment from your mind.
Though you claimed to be over it, your actions were saying otherwise.
Alcohol wasn’t commonplace during the apocalypse, at least not for your group. It wasn’t a necessity, and would only worsen the burden of surviving, having to recover from hangovers or be momentarily inebriated.
But tonight? You’d drink as much as you wanted to. Wine had never really been your favourite, but now, it was like liquid gold.
Maybe you were still annoyed at Rick, and you certainly were annoyed at Spencer, who kept talking to you at every possible opportunity. He didn’t like Rick, so in favour, you didn’t like him.
Everything turned into a blur at one point, and you would vaguely remember sitting down on the couch, nursing a cup of water in hand. Who gave you water? It didn’t really matter, for once more, Spencer had sat next to you.
He offered you another glass of wine, and stupidly, you took it.
“Ever get bored of playing with your old man?” He asked, lips upturned into a wicked grin, like the joke was supposed to be amusing. It wasn’t.
There’s a sickly feeling in your stomach, though it doesn’t stem from the alcohol, but guilt. “I need some air.” You end up mumbling, uncoordinatedly stumbling from the couch.
Spencer follows a few steps behind you, his hand on your arm with the feinted intention of helping.
“Without you!” You clarify in a drunken yell, messily yanking both heels from your feet, leaving them in the hallway while you make a break for the door.
Fortunately, Spencer gets the message.
Not that it mattered, for there was another face you didn’t want to see, waiting right outside.
Rick looked so good in the little police uniform they’d given him, with his clean shaven face and trimmed hair. It was a completely different man from the one you’d known, but delicious nonetheless.
“I don’t need your help, asshole.” You snap whilst faltering down the steps, barefoot on the pavement. Right now, he didn’t deserve the satisfaction of helping you, or knowing how good he looked.
“Yes you do, c’mon.” Rick persists, and when he moves to take your arm, you don’t protest. Maybe you are a little far gone. He gently leads you along, one hand wrapped around your shoulder, the other carefully tugging the bottom of your dress down a little more.
It’s a short walk back home, to the little picket-fenced house you’ve been living in. The instance you’re inside, you collapse on the couch, melting into the fabric and willing to pass out right then and there.
Rick kneels down on the ground, leaning in and removing your jewellery. Necklace, earrings, bracelet. Once they’re all set aside, he sits on the couch, the movement causing you to rise with a little frown.
“What’s wrong, baby?” He asks, large hands scooping under your thighs and manoeuvring your body into his lap.
When you only look down, he grips at your chin, forcing the eye contact. The frown deepens, though now out of defiance, still drunk and a little pissed off.
“We’ve spent so long bein’ dirty ‘n muddy ‘n gross..” You begin in a mumble, the words coming out as one long sigh. “I just wanted to feel sexy.”
“You are so sexy,” Rick urges, hand caressing your side. “Always.”
“Then you should’ve come to the party with me.” You retort, that sad look still on your face, and it takes everything in Rick not to kiss it off.
“I know, I know. I should’ve been there,” He agrees, “And I should’ve told you how damn good this dress looks on you.”
Your nose scrunches up in confusion, “I thought you didn’t like it.”
Rick finally releases his grip on your chin, skating both hands down the smooth curve of your sides, all nicely contained in that skimpy dress. It’s like a perfect package, one he wants to unwrap.
“You’re fuckin’ gorgeous, baby. I love it,” He reveals, eyes locked onto yours, “But I wanna be the only one who can love it.”
A grin finally grows on your lips, still all pink and glossy from the makeup. Even in your drunken state, there’s something alluring about the way you lean closer, breath fanning over Rick’s lips.
“Then prove it.” You whisper.
Like a moth to a flame, Rick bites. He closes the gap, savouring your sloppy kisses as you devour his lips, hands fumbling to cup either side of his smooth face. Somehow, kissing him felt even better drunk, like everything else just melted away.
Disconnecting, Rick trailed purposeful kisses down your neck, sucking brief marks into your skin, staking his claim. He peeled the straps of the dress down, pushing the fabric down under the swell of your breasts, until they were completely bare to him.
You gasped as his lips trapped a nipple, fondling at the supple flesh whilst worshipping you with his mouth. But you were already strung tight, not having the patience to deal with a night of teasing.
Fingers hooked into his belt, painted nails scratching at the denim as you failed to muster enough coordination to unzip him. “Please.. please, Rick.” You whined.
“I know, baby. Don’t have’ta beg tonight.” He assures you in that rough, yet soothing tone, taking over and pulling his cock free of its restraints.
Rick pushes the dress up over your hips, the soft fabric now simply a band around your waist. You’re eager to take him, arms wrapping around his broad shoulders whilst you hover over his thighs, allowing Rick to line you up and make the slide easier.
The drunken haze has faded some, replaced by a blanket of arousal as you slowly ride him, fingers gripping at his shirt. You’re saying something, begging probably, but it doesn’t make any sense. Not that it matters.
Though you’re set on riding him, Rick knows you’re probably sore from those heels all night, so he grips tight at your hips to flip you over, drilling you down into the plush couch.
“Fuck..” You gasp, head lolling to the side as Rick bites into the flesh of your neck, body completely surrounding you as his thrusts become powerful and short, angled up right where you need it.
“I know, baby. You can take it.” He grunts, using all his strength to draw you closer to the edge.
By now, he knows your tells. The tightening of your cunt as it squeezes him, the way your legs wrap around his slim waist. Whatever words make it from your mouth, though unintelligible, take on a whiny pitch.
Rick snakes his hand between you, pressing firm, tight circles around your clit that make you gasp and squirm under him. “Quietly, baby. You can do it. Let go for me.”
And that you do, hips bucking upwards as your peak finally hits, muffling your cries into his shoulder. The pulsating around his dick causes Rick to finally falter, managing a few more staggered, sharp thrusts before roughly pulling out and spilling onto your stomach. Spurts of white cum coat the bunched up dress, some even reaching the underside of your tits.
“Fuck,” Rick pants, catching his breath. “Looks like you can’t wear this dress anyway.”
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chiaraanatra · 5 months
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Request: I was wondering if I could request a fic after Hurricane by Luke combs??? - Anon
Summary: Jake comes back to Texas for his sister's wedding where is greeted by an old flame and a new spark.
Warnings: swearing, kissing, wedding, you wear a purple bridesmaids dress, use of Y/N.
Word Count: 1.2k
AN: This took so much longer than it should have! I greatly apologize for the wait! I am not sure if this was what you were looking for Anon, but this really got me back in the writing sprit. I hope you enjoy!
As always feedback is always appreciated! Please don't repost my work!
《 m.list || ao3 》
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Jake grabbed another cup of coffee as his phone rang. He pulled it out to see that it was a facetime call from his sister, Jen.
Oh, shit the dress…
He answered the call, greeted giggling and a black screen. “Hello?”
“Jess found the perfect dress!” his mother practically screamed into the phone.
Jake couldn’t help the smile on his face, excited for his youngest sister’s wedding.
“Jake, you will not believe how perfect it is,” Jen’s voice rang out.
“Well, are you going to show me or am I just gonna stare at a black screen?”
“Mom, give me the phone.” He was quickly met with the view of his sister in her white gown. It suited her style and personality perfectly.
“Okay what do you think? You see the dress, right?” the youngest Seresin gave a twirl.
“Yeah, I see, and you look beautiful, sis.”
Jess grabbed the phone from her sister’s hand and turned it so he could see her face. “You see how happy and excited I am.”
Jake gave her a slightly confused look “Yes… where are you going with this, Jess?”
“All this to say that I don’t want to freak you out but… I invited Y/N and she’ll be the second in my wedding party next to Jen. David wanted you to be the second groomsmen next to his brother and all of this is to say that you and Y/N would be paired when walking down the aisle. And I know you two have a past but she’s my best friend and it’s been years and- “
“Jessica!” Jake cut her off before she could spiral completely, overthinking every decision she's made to this point. “It’s okay. She’s your best friend. If she’s fine with it, I’m fine with it.” Jake gave her a smile that assured her that everything would be okay.
That conversation was months ago, and it was just hitting Jake now, as his plane was about to land in Austin that not only would he have to see you, but you would be partnered with him for his little sister’s wedding.
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Before he knew it, he was standing in the wings of the chapel watching as David prepared to walk down the aisle to take his place. He had yet to see you, somehow avoiding it until the very last minute. He watched as the other bridesmaids and groomsmen made their way into the center and down the aisle before he was greeted with the sight of you. You were breath taking, hardly changing since the last time he saw you. The lilac dress hugged your curves and fit perfectly. A gentle wind from the open doors blew through your hair.
In a flash every memory he had ever shared with you came rushing back.
When you looked up to meet his gaze you could feel your cheeks become warm. He was just as handsome as you remember. You were met with his signature smile and couldn’t help but let your eyes linger over his body. His tailored suit emphasized his muscles, ones that had been their prior but had become more prominent during his time with the Navy.
You stepped towards one another and placed your arm through his before making your way to the front of the chapel.
He leaned his head ever so slightly towards you, “You look beautiful.”
“You don’t look so bad yourself, Lieutenant.”
Jake had to stifle a laugh at your comment.
Once at the altar, you removed your arm from his and he watched as you took your place.
Jake couldn’t take his eyes off you the entirety of the ceremony. You tried your best to pay attention and watch as your best friend married the love of her life, but you couldn’t help stealing quick glances and thinking back to the memories you shared with Jake. The man you thought at one point was the love of your life, and at times, like right now, still believed that might be true.
You always believed Jake Seresin was your 'one that got away.' The two of you had dated in high school before reluctantly and amicably breaking up after you got accepted into college and Jake got accepted into the Naval Academy.
After the wedding you found yourself walking around the reception before resting your eyes on Jake, who was sitting at the bar drinking a whiskey on ice. He looked up from his glass to be greeted with the sight of you.
Before you knew what was happening you found yourself taking the seat next to him and ordering your drink of choice.
The two of you found yourselves talking about everything, your work, the navy, the wedding. Neither of you could help it as the conversation turned to the two of you and how things used to be.
As the reception came to a close and people began to part ways, Jake turned to you. “Need a ride home?”
You took barley a moment to think about the offer, “yeah… that would be great. Thank you.”
After saying your goodbyes, the two of you made your way towards his truck. He opened the door and offered you his hand to help you steady yourself. Once you were seated, he gathered any remanence of your dress and placed it beside you before closing the door and making his way to the driver’s side.
The 30-minute drive back to your house was spent in silence except for the soft sounds coming from the radio.
Then you rolled in with your hair in the wind
Baby, without warning…
Halfway through the drive, it had started to gently rain. But, right as he pulled into your gravel driveway it began to pour.
Just as you were about to put your hand on the door, Jake placed his hand gently on your shoulder. “Put this on.” He handed you his suit jacket before running out and making his way to the passenger side door. You quickly put his jacket on before he opened the door.
“Jake what are you doing?” He smiled helping you down from the truck before scooping you up into his arms carrying you up the driveway and onto the porch. “You idiot, you’re soaked!”
He gently set you down, “I couldn’t have you running up your gravel driveway in heels in the rain.” He gently removed a soaked strand of hair off your cheek. “Knowing you, you would have fallen flat on your face.” His hand lingered on your soft skin that was bringing back a flood of memories.
You stared into his eyes; they held a sense of longing. Before you knew it your arms were wrapped around his neck and your lips were on his. His lips were warm and soft, bringing you a sense of familiarity you had thought to be long forgotten.
He was the first to pull away ever so slightly, resting his forehead against yours, “I missed you… I thought I was okay but seeing you today… Y/N you hit me like a hurricane. I have never stopped loving you and I never want to let you go again.”
You pulled him in closer, arms wrapping around him, resting your head against his chest, “Then don’t.”
“But I have to go back to base and-”
Before he could spiral, you kissed him again, then every so slightly pulled away to look him in the eyes, “did you mean it when you said you never stopped loving me?”
His eyes said it before the words came from his lips, “With everything I have.”
“Then we’ll figure it out.”
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Tags: @callsign-viper @luckyladycreator2 @saturnsbabe69 @desert-fern
As always, feedback, likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated!𝑊𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑎 𝑏𝑒 𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑔𝑒𝑑? 𝐿𝑒𝑡 𝑚𝑒 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 💜!
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derangedanomaly · 4 months
if it's ok can you do both the bad sanses and star sanses and epic and cross with an S/O who is a musician. Like they can sing and play guitar, keyboard, ect and performs at clubs
This was a little difficult (since there's so many characters), but it was fun. ^^ (I also didn't do Epic and Cross, since it was too much for me, sorry for that. Maybe I'll do them in a different post, if you still want them?)
(Nightmare, Killer, Dust, Horror, Error, Dream, Swap, Ink)
Nightmare's gonna be so surprised by your skills when it comes to playing so many instruments. He can actually play on a piano, so he will want to play together with you at some point, after he gets more comfortable around you.
He definitely doesn't think you'll be of good use when it comes to combat, but... He WILL want to stick around while you're playing any instrument, all while doing his paperwork.
Nightmare definitely appreciates when a great talent is put to a good use, so he'll arrange a night that happens once every week, where everyone in the castle relaxes, while attending to your little show.
Damn, you feel like quite a celebrity in Nightmare's castle.
Anyways, Nightmare respects you for having such talent, but probably won't respect you outside of that. He's just like that. 😐
It's like he has two different personalities that are switching depending on the situation. If it's a situation where you're performing: "I must say, Y/n, that was an exquisite performance that you played there. I can't wait to listen to it again, when we'll have the chance." But if it's in battle... "YOU DUMB FUCKING BITCH, STOP STANDING THERE BEING SO USELESS!!!" Then you two argue. 💀
He will soften up to you when the time comes, but you know... His shell is tough to crack.
He gets so hyper after knowing that you can play so many instruments. He's gonna tell you every flirting pun revolving around music known to man. He literally won't stop coming up with new puns, it's a special skill of his at this point..
He literally won't leave you alone while you're preparing to train playing on another instrument. He's such a menace... he just wants to bother you 😂
Doesn't like how Nightmare treats you just because you're "useless" in combat. So he'll try to help you out in that department. He'll tell you some shit like "you could really rip someone's head off with this guitar" 💀 it's the thought that counts.
Wrote a music sheet for you once. It was just scribbles, that he thought you would understand 💀 but after you'd told him that no, you do not understand, he would try to recreate the sounds he meant for you to play, with his own voice...
"Ok, it goes like this! Meew mew pew bom boom! Got it?" You do not understand. 💀
You'd think that being the smartest, he'd know a thing or two about musical instruments, but the truth is...he knows NOTHING about that. So having someone so skilled and knowledgeable like you, got him super excited!
He loves learning about new things, so prepare to be bombarded with lots of questions.
After you answer any of his questions and after a countless times of him watching/listening you play... He official wants to learn to play on an instrument! I mean, he once knew how to play the trombone! But it was long since those days, and he completely forgot everything about it, and it would be nice to learn how to play on a different instrument. :)
He's so supportive and tentative to you 😭 he's the first to come to your rescue whenever you're having a tough time in a battle!
He doesn't think much of it. Not pretty big when it comes to playing an instrument, but it is nice to listen to you while he's drifting off to sleep.
He doesn't really care for it, hence -> he won't know anything about it. But he will support you. (Depending on what relationship you two have)
Just like the others, he also attends the times you play for the others, but only really focus on you. Not much on your skill.
He just likes you for you, no special skill is going to change that.
Horror is pretty much like your personal guardian when it comes to battles. As stated all the other times, your skill isn't really fit for battlefield, unless......
Horror actually helps you out a lot in this field. He gives you advice on how to use your skills in battle. And they're actually really good! (Unlike Killer's 💀)
He doesn't even know that the things he's saying are actually very helpful 💀
He just says what sounds right for him.
Lmao, bro absentmindedly helps you out the most of the bunch, which is actually really funny.
Also not big on instruments, but he sees you as an inspiration. Knowing how to play so many instruments is pretty impressive. And you do it flawlessly too!
He also, like the others attends your little "shows".
No matter what you play, he WILL fall asleep. It's not because it's boring, but your music is just calming to him.
You could be playing like a rock music, and he WILL STILL fall asleep. 💀
It's pretty much just impressive from his side at this point.
He thinks that you're actually pretty good in battle. Doesn't know what the other's are on about.
He would suspect you would be dead in seconds, but you actually survive them! Sure, not without injuries, but still. You can defend yourself somehow.
Loves to hear you play the more calming instruments, rather than the loud ones. (Rock, Metal, etc. just won't do for him 😭)
He's seriously so proud of you!
As stated before, he doesn't like it when you're playing something loud. It hurts his nonexistent ears 💀🙏🏻
Almost burned your electric guitar one day... Says that it was an accident. (It wasn't.) Look, it was just in the way, and he wasn't looking! (It was annoying him, so he almost committed murder against your guitar 💀)
He hates loud instruments partly because he's supposed to be the protector of hopes and dreams, but it's mostly because it reminds him of his brother... :(
Always rushes to your rescue when in battle. Actually, doesn't even let you fight in the battles.
He just doesn't want to see you harmed in any way. Can't let his little muse die.
Unlike Dream, Ink LOVES the loud instruments. (He also thinks you look attractive when playing them, but that's besides the point)
He's constantly encouraging you to play them, which irks Dream in return.
He thinks you're matching with the both of you having "artistic" hobbies. (He's actually so cute while saying that, like it's his best accomplishment)
If he could, he would sell his BRUSH just to hear you sing (not broomie 😭)
Comes to your shows whenever he remembers. His memory isn't that great, as we know.... So he'll most likely forget, and then remember when it's too late. He feels so bad that you actually can't help but feel sad for him.
He's actually on his knees, begging you for forgiveness. (You're not actually mad at him) He's such a sub while doing this that it's crazy 💀
Gets annoyed by your lack of fighting skills. Can't help but roll his eyes. (He'll still help you, because he likes you. But he WILL complain)
Just give him new pencils after, and he'll stop with the complaints.
He's at awe at your skills. You inspire him to start learning himself! Of course he tries to learn by himself at first, due to not wanting to bother you. But after he figures out he can't learn by himself, he goes to you for help.
He's a really fast learner, so he gets the hang of it almost immediately. Which you appreciate. ^^
He also comes to listen to you performing! He swore to you that he'd come at every show. And he never broke it either!
After he gets better at his selective instrument and after he'll get more confident, he'll want to join you to perform with you! (Of course, if it's ok with you)
I swear, he's so supportive.
Doesn't care about your lack of fighting skills. It just gives him an excuse to protect you to be honest.
He seriously loves to be your knight in shining armor, definitely has this little fantasy that you're a princess/prince and he's the knight saving you from the HORRIBLE monster. (Nightmare)
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