#i just think it’s neat!! a bird loving family. runner-ups include butler’s gun being a comfort object and spiro’s cricket-box laugh
fowlblue · 2 months
What’s your favourite little canonical detail about a character, and then whats a head canon you have for them?
I’ll give you two (since one is nebulously canon, I suppose)-
- Artemis’s lockscreen being a barn own in the Gilpin TAI graphic novel
And a headcanon I have for him is that Artemis is actually a somewhat capable dancer in terms of a solo dance, at least enough not to embarrass himself. It’s dancing with a partner that he truly struggles with- there’s just far too many variables to manage on top of coordination.
- And Angeline and Tim feeding pigeons from the attic window. It’s just cute idk!! They’re so sweet!!
And a headcanon I have for the two of them is that they actually eloped, since neither family approved of their marriage- eventually Angeline’s family came around to the idea and have grown used to Tim. Tim’s parents didn’t, but it wasn’t long after their marriage that Tim took over the family business anyways.
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