#i just think it would be funny if pike and vex are bored waiting for the signal from imogen or fcg
I know nothing about the cast of critical role, but I think it'd be funny if Laura told Matt that Vex clocked Imogen's feelings for Laudna. I want the members of Vox Machina (that we've seen) to have a betting pool on whether or not they're dating, especially if nothing overtly coupley happens while they're in Whitestone.
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Headcanons of what's like to date Pike, Grog, Scanlan, Vex, Keyleth, Percy, and Vax?
Vox Machina Relationship Headcannons...
I did not check for grammar mistakes, sorry. Also, please do not copy my work in any way, thank you. Enjoy!
A/n: I’ve typed couple so much now it seems really funny and sounds weird now 😂.
Are they a couple? couple
-alright, so I kid you not, people have no clue you are a thing until you blatantly tell them. 
-Most people don’t even realize you are that close.
-Vex only knows about you two because Vax is her brother. Out of Vox Machina Grog is the only other one that knows you are a couple and Percy just thinks you both have feelings for each other. Scanlan can’t even tell and he knows everything when it comes to the mercenaries' romantic lives.
-You aren’t secretive in your relationship, you are both just far more reserved. Neither of you is huge into PDA and you are both very sneaky.
-it is not hard for the two of you to escape from your friends to be alone together or to flirt in front of others without them recognizing it.
-you both are always next to each other too. No matter if you were fighting, eating, or in a cart you were always at each other’s side.
-Vax absolutely adores you and you feel the same. You are both entirely supportive of one another. 
-when you are drunk you both show more affection towards each other. Then again you both show more affection towards everyone. When one of you have had something to drink, that one tends to always be touching the other, whether it’s hand holding, foot nudging, or just leaning on the other.
-your relationship with Vax is revealed to the group when Scanlan and Pike find you both making out in a closet in a pub.
-Pike’s reaction was far less inappropriate than Scanlans which was somewhere along the lines of “I don’t know when this started, but I would love to join.”
-after that Pike just goes pink, scolding Scanlan. You all return to the group.
-when Scanlan reveals what he saw the other two are in shock, while Grog just says, “You didn’t know?”
-“wait, you knew?” Pike questioned.
-“yeah, wasn’t it obvious. They flirt like all the time. Did none of you notice?”
Chill couple
-super, super chill. You guys are like the cool couple that everyone thinks is awesome. 
-you are both great with nature and your perspective weapons. Vex sticks with her bow, while your weapon of choice is the chain-sickle. However, you tend to stick with knives more often than not because of the clumsy ness of your own group.
-(we’ll skip over the time your weapon wrapped around Scanlan pinning his arms to his side. His comments on that experience were not something Vex liked. Scanlan was scared shitless of your girlfriend for days)
-you both like to spend time talking and bonding while sharpening knives and creating arrowheads.
-Neither if you care for extreme pda. Most of the time you elbow and nudge each other or rest your arm on the other’s shoulders.
-you both enjoy making the other flustered in certain situations. You both never take it too far though. To get her flustered all you have to do is kiss her cheek lightly and lingering, somewhat ghostly and fairly intimately. To get you flustered she grabs your chin with her hand and carefully places her lips on yours for a few seconds.
-The entire group is very supportive of your relationship. Percy and Vax are very supportive. Sometimes Vax and Scanlan make fun of the two of you a little bit because of how close you are.
-you both also like never fight. Really, you don’t get in arguments that much and are typically always on the same page.
-as chill as you both are, Scanlan will make comments that set Vex off. You tend to hold her back and calm her down. Most of the time you just hold her hand and rub circles in her knuckles with your thumb.
-sometimes when you're feeling anxious or bored she’ll let you braid her hair.
-you guys like definitely cuddle up together before bed or when you are just chilling. Sometimes you sit between her legs. Other times you sit behind her off of the ground messing with her hair. Once more, you definitely do the arm over the shoulders. It’s great for whispering to the other.
-also and lastly, you guys have like an infinite amount of inside jokes.
Best friends couple
-best friend goals right here. Like you are so romantically and platonically meant for each other. 
-people honestly can’t tell if your in a relationship or just friends until someone says it outright or you kiss or something.
-Pike is so sweet and you are too. Pike you and Grog are like the most kind group and Grog loves to get in on hug reunions when you guys haven’t seen each other in a while.
-Pike and you are both very supportive people and it’s really great for the both of you cause at times you both definitely need it.
-no doubt, having you by her side definitely helps with her faith.
-you do not keep anything from one another. Like at all. Whatever one of you knows the other knows too. There is no doubt that she knows everything about you.
-once more you are besties in love.  Totally started as friends but wanted more but didn’t want to ruin your friendship. When you both told each other this you definitely laughed it all off. Life partners and partner goals definitely met.
-I cannot explain it, but while Grog is like your guys biggest supporter the close second is definitely Scanlan.
- He is like super close to you. Definitely very good friends and always pushes you and Pike together, even before you were a couple.
-you and Pike like to hold hands and lean your heads against each other.
-pda isn’t huge on your guys front other than that.
-you both definitely get super like crazy when drunk. Combo moves with her magic and singing songs while swaying together.
-definitely the kind of couple that makes and wears flower crowns for the other person.
-totally cute, totally loved by everyone.
-So, surprisingly Scanlan is like super soft for you unlike what others would think.
-total gentleman except for when his mind is in other places.
-power couple, not because everyone loves you and wants to be you, but like you together is like more powerful than either of you could ever be alone.
-definitely smarter together. You are like one functional person which separated you two aren’t really.
-you both create elaborate schemes to steal and exploit people.
-half of the things he’s gifted you, you guys got while lying, manipulating and stealing. You are both very good at being charming and persuasive.
-you guys flirt a lot. Like all the time, it’s half of the shit that comes out of your mouth and practically all that comes out of his.
-you are always together. He is glued to your side.
-if you are away from each other you only have him on your mind and he is annoying the crap out of whoever he is with because he won’t stop talking about you.
- he thinks you are the most amazing person in the world.
-most definitely writes songs about you. As confident as he is, he does sometimes get insecure about his music, mainly how real his words are in his songs,and his abilities with you.
-Scanlan is not really a fighter. He doesn’t think he can protect you as well as the rest of the group could.
- it doesn’t take him long to realize that that isn’t that much of an issue. One too many drinks led to another and some asshole made a comment about Scanlan. Let’s just say that bar fight you had left him both incredibly impressed and very turned on.
-PDA, hell yeah, it’s Scanlan. You sometimes have to tell him to stop. Sometimes you will make him flustered in the worst situations. Never when you're in danger, just if you're in front of important people. 
-Scanlan definitely likes to be held. Total small spoon in my book. After all he needs some comfort and you love being that for him.
Inseparable couple (but in a sweet way)
-childhood friends. Went through hell together at Whitestone and both somehow got out. 
- definitely spent childhood together with parents knowing you would end up together. They were planning your wedding before you were even ten.
-you both met up after your family had already escaped the town. Percy was devastated and spent days crying, you just held him and brought him food and water and tried to get him to sleep.
-you were devastated about his sister and his family when he told you what happened.
-you guys definitely just somehow ended up romantically involved naturally. After Whitestone you both became inseparable and super affectionate and protective of one another.
-let’s make this known, when he’s going to bed you go to bed with him, when he’s awake you're awake, when he’s stressed you are right beside him and vice Versa.
-you are always there for him, especially when it involves his family.
-you like to watch him make his guns. When he gets too worked up or won’t stop tinkering you take off his glasses. Most of the time afterwards you lead him to your bed. On the rare occasion you grabbed them to joke around he will tickle you for them back like you guys did when you were younger.
-he will make weapons for you and will teach you how too as well if you ask.
-if you ask he will show you hands on, standing behind you, arms in yours, guiding you through everything.
-you will name your weapons together.
-you love to play with his hair, and he loves to hug you. You both take comfort in one another.
-you both like to cuddle when you read, even if the other person isn’t reading, which is great for hugging and hair touching.
-he surprisingly is more PDA prone than others expect. Once more you are inseparable. Will kiss your temple and forehead very often, he loves it and you love it. You like to snuggle your head into his neck. He will spontaneously grab your hand and spin you into him bringing your bodies into direct contact and faces only inches apart. He is super smiley when he does this.
-you always make him smile. It melts your heart every time.
-there are some hard times where either of you has nightmares, which leads to lots of holding and consoling.
-Percy can have anger issues at times especially when it comes to revenge.
-this is the only thing you guys fight about. While you both want all of them dead you are worried of the effects this will have on Percy and how far he is willing to go and how much he is willing to give. You definitely fear that his judgement is compromised at times like these and think that he himself or others might get hurt along the way.
-he tries to stop when he finds you crying in the corner of your room worried sick about him.
-his anger gets the better of him, but when he is reminded of you he cools down like 50%. If he sees you in one of these stages he will be much more careful too.
-after one of these episodes he definitely does not let go of you. He will hold your hand no matter what. He may even hold your one hand with both of his if you guys are walking or something.
Opposites attract couple
-You met in a tavern
-In fact, it was your good friend Vax that introduced you to the group of mercenaries.
-You had already known Vex since she was Vax’s sister, but the rest of the crew were strangers.
-You quickly took a liking to them. Passing your free time drinking and betting in card games was one of your favorite ways to relax. 
-That first night you out drank them all and remained the only one not drunk. It was the fiery red-head that fell to the effects of the alcohol first. She was also the one you took care of the most that night.
-You helped her to bed, tucked her in, and even found yourself tucking a piece of her hair behind her cute pointy ear. You weren’t drunk, just definitely buzzed.
-She quickly realized she liked you, which is why the two of you became a couple so fast. That and Vax trusted you so she knew you were a good person.
-You were a bit slower when it came to coming to terms with your feelings. You always helped her out, complimented her, and protected her. 
-When she told you about her feelings you just kissed her. It was a small rushed peck, but it explained all she needed to know. You quickly and awkwardly excused yourself.
-Over time you become more comfortable in a relationship. You like to be affectionate with her when you're alone but you find it difficult in public. Around your friends you guys will hold hands, lean into one another, and have your guys arms wrapped around either shoulders or waists.
-She likes to give you little charms and pretty rocks and gems she finds.
-You like to gift her with stolen objects you took from merchants that were rude. So far the most expensive thing you’ve stolen and gifted her was a silver necklace with a very pretty moonstone charm. It’s her favorite and she never takes it off.
- She likes to fidget with your hands when she gets anxious, especially about her family. She finds it interesting how you can so easily steal, so she likes to observe the little things. For example, she enjoys tracing the scars on your hands you have gained from your time thieving and fighting. 
-You really like her hair, so she can sometimes catch you just staring at her. Sometimes when you guys are in public you even just mess with it in your fingers because you love how silky and bright it is.
-The entire crew is really happy for you guys, they like how much confidence you give Keyleth, and they like how soft you get around her.
-Vax and Vex can tell that you both make eachother better and stronger people and that you both are growing more into yourselves.
Party couple/ adorably affectionate couple but not in an uncomfortable way
-You were quick friends that shared the same easy going attitude. You liked ale and parties and brawls. Grog liked those too.
-You both simply bask in each other’s happiness. You both feel warm and comfortable in the other's presence. 
-Ale, yes please, you will both compete to see who can drink more, your drunken selves becoming instantly more charismatic making you both the life of the party.
-Only nice things to say about each other. You both never fight. Unless you are play fighting, for example food fights, sneak tackles, and other various activities.
-Piggy back rides, most definitely. Especially during drinking games and other competitions. You on Grog’s back and Scanlan on Vax’s, the four of you barreling down the street in a race to see who would be the last one standing.
-Grog would definitely like it if you made him jewelry, like necklaces or bracelets from treasure you had found or pretty stones in the forest. 
-Grog would do the same for you as well, making very nice bracelets that now cover your wrists.
-You constantly fall asleep on him when you are adventuring. You sometimes snore, but he finds it cute.
-He likes to pick you up and give you massive hugs.
-You are both huge fans of hand holding.
-If someone attacks one of you, the other will beat the shit out of that person or creature.
-Pike loves you two together and is one of your biggest supporters. It makes you and Grog both very happy that she likes you together as a couple so much.
- You both constantly get into shenanigans together and crack the best jokes. There is a ton of laughter involved in your relationship.
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technoturian · 4 years
To be honest I’m not really sure where everyone upset about the campaign two romances is getting their wildly unrealistic expectations.
I love this show, I love the cast, I love the characters, I love the relationships, I love the stories. But, and I say this with the deepest respect and love, there are certain things this show does not do, CANNOT do, to the standard of written and scripted fiction, and one of those things is spontaneously improv-ing a perfectly weaved romance arc.
And, because I’ve seen some of these CR2 critics bring up the mythic “other ships” to the standard of which the offending CR2 ship must be held to, I thought I’d take a trip down memory lane and remind everyone about the flaws in each of the original “canon” CR romance arcs. Just a forewarning, I’m going to be very critical of each of these ships, even though I actually ship some of these ships, simply because it feels disingenuous to act like campaign two is somehow both more forced and scripted and more out of left field and random than any of the campaign one ships. Just a second forewarning, this is long. Let’s take off those rose-colored glasses.
Vaxleth came “out of nowhere” to nearly every viewer and every player that wasn’t Liam. Vaxleth then stalled for several months worth of episodes, had quite a few “*wink wink elbow elbow* Why don’t you two kids just get together already” moments from the other PCs before they finally got together. Vaxleth was hated by some for being “forced” and “awkward”.
Pikelan came from Scanlan harassing Pike, who had been secretly in love with Percy in an aborted romance arc that was never revealed. Scanlan proposed to her, backed off and said he wanted to base a relationship on solid friendship instead and wouldn’t harass her anymore, barely talked to her from that point on to when he walked out, then came back a “changed man” and they were engaged in the prologue. Pike and Scanlan were hated by some for being the trope where the “persistent guy is rewarded with a girl”.
Vaxmore, from what I recall of pre-campaign rumor and asides, came out of Vax flirting with Gilmore for a discount. He spends a lot of time telling Gilmore he loves him but can’t be with him, to the point of basically breaking up with him three times? For some reason??
Kashleth came out of Kash kissing Keyleth without her consent in what seems largely to have been a joke on Will’s part. They spent the next hundred episodes being awkward and uncomfortable over it, long after they had both moved on.
Kashra came out of Will and Mary deciding that Zahra and Kash developed a romance in the time they spent together off-screen, slowly building a deep and meaningful relationship, the development of which we the viewers never saw. Kashra was hated by some because they felt it was “out of left field” and some were weirded out as Kashaw had previously said Zahra was his “sister” and his “family”.
Perc’ahlia, my OTP of OTPs, the live play D&D romance standard by which all others are measured in my eyes... Vex has spent her whole life beside a brother she loves, if not more than anything, at least as much as she loves anyone else, and the first time they’re separated she scolds him not to secretly marry Keyleth while they’re apart or something... ... And then Laura and Taliesin thought it would be funny if Percy and Vex eloped and didn’t tell anyone for absolutely no in-game reason. ??? ??? Some people hated Perc’ahlia because they thought it was “overrated”.
Kimallura... Nope, sorry, Kimallura is perfect. They were always in sync and entirely on the same page, it’s almost like they shared one mind...
And of course, fans wanted it both ways. They bemoaned Keyleth and Vax having multiple, long conversations about their feelings as they dipped their toes into the relationship, calling them boring. They bemoaned Perc’ahlia for *not* having multiple, long conversations about their feelings and instead skipping most of that all-together and diving in head-first, calling them rushed.
Every one of these ships had pacing issues. Sometimes we’d have nothing happen for a month or longer and then we’d get a scene, and it was always a guess whether we’d get a trickle or a torrent. Why? Because they’re sharing a table with 5+ other people. Because if there was a sidebar for every ship in every episode then nothing would ever get done. Because maybe they want to drag it out in the name of “gradual development” and sometimes they hit or miss on that goal, especially when they’re waiting for something big to happen so they can have an opportune, thematically strong moment to move forward. Sometimes people are in New York. Sometimes they can’t get every scene they want to into an episode and they go where the scene takes them. Sometimes they’re actually prioritizing their characters’ platonic relationships over their romantic relationships!
Several of these ships had a moment where a declaration came out of nowhere, or at the least was confirmation of what until that moment was entirely unspoken, due to format and the lack of internal monologue.
Several of these ships had a “forced” moment where something happened not because it had been expertly developed and foreshadowed but because one or both players spontaneously decided “this is a thing now”.
As said, there are things you do when you’re cultivating a perfect romance arc that cannot (and one could argue, should not?) be done in improv between two people feeling out the relationship in the spur of the moment.
I love this show. I love the ships I ship for what they are. They have had some beautiful, breathtaking moments. They are beautiful stories, but they are messy, imperfectly told stories.
Am I saying “Boo, no critical analysis ever because Critical Role isn’t meant to be perfect so therefore you can’t criticize it”? Nah. First, do what you want because who am I, and second, I actually am one of those annoying people who wrote shipping analysis during campaign one.
What I don’t get is complaints about campaign two’s ships (of which I remind you there is only one canon ship; Yeza and Veth) not reaching the lofty goal set forth by ~“the other ships”~, as if there’s some standard they’re falling below. My point is simply this: Given the precedent, what on earth makes you think that?
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Vox Machina: lost, exhausted, irritable and alone in a desert, trying to find a town that they didn’t have directions to and trying to stay sane on the way. They’re out of spells, out of luck, out of faith and desperation is kicking in hard.
Someone wants to ask a dragon for directions. The others think that’s a terrible idea.
Maybe a dragon will end up getting them there after all?
A dragon flew overhead, loud beating wings and deep blue scales, blocking out the sun for a moment as Vox Machina dived for cover and huddled together, waiting for it to pass out of sight. When Vex could no longer sense it, they stood and climbed themselves out of the ditch they had hidden in.
Wiping the sweat from his brow, Scanlan glared at the sky. “Maybe we should have asked him for directions.”
Vax scoffed, gently whacking the gnome on the back of the head. “Scanlan, we are not asking the dragon for directions.”
“Why not?” Scanlan asked indignantly, rubbing his head as if it hurt. It didn’t really but the snort from Pike over on Grogs shoulder threatened to pull a grin from his scowling lips. “We don’t know where we’re going! It’s probably not even the right direction. Maybe he could even give us a lift. It’ll be better than walking all the way.”  He turned to stare at Keyleth. “Can’t you do the tree thing? Or the mist one?”
“No Scanlan,” she sighed, brushing the hair behind her ear as it fell in her eyes. “I’ve already told you this. More than once. I didn’t bring it today. And anyway, I used Hero’s Feast this morning, Move Earth, Heal during that fight, 3 Scrying spells to get us here in the first place and Control Weather to get us past that storm. I’m practically useless, I’ve got nothing.”
Scanlan groaned. “This is ridiculous.”
“We can always just sleep in the mansion or and go tomorrow when Keyleth has her spells back.” Vex pointed out.
“I told you,” Scanlan grumbled as he used his whole body to climb over a rather large something buried in the sand. “I got nothing. I had to use most of my spells to save your asses.”
Keyleth lifted her hand to interject, but Vax put a hand on her shoulder and shook his head, a smile on his lips and a roll of his eyes.
“You can always come and sit on me.” Grog suggested jovially, leaving large, deep footsteps in the sand as he bounded around the group, a squealing Pike clinging to his ears for dear life. “Up with Pike. I don’t mind.”
“That’s not the point,” Scanlan mumbled as he accepted Grogs hand and allowed him to be lifted onto the goliath’s other shoulder. Pike leaned behind Grogs head and punched Scanlan in the shoulder- hard. She mouthed an apology as Scanlan rubbed his arm to get the feeling back. “The point is,” Scanlan continued, leaning one arm on Grog’s head. “We don’t know where we’re going, how to get there, and how long it will take. We have nowhere to sleep, no way to get there quickly or who we have to talk to when we get there.”
“Well,” Keyleth said, crafting flowers to put in Vex’s hair. “On the plus side, when we do sleep, I can get us there in no time.”
“But where will we sleep?” Grog asked, stopping to look around. His eyes were narrowed, squinting into the horizon for any tavern or inn or bar they could spend the night.
“I suppose in some trees,” Vax said, running behind Vex and yanking her braid before darting off again to hide behind Keyleth. “Like we did in Whitestone.”
Sitting straight, Scanlan looked around from his perch on Grog’s shoulder, squinting as he looked as far as his eyes could see, only to be met with sand, sand and more sand. “What trees?” he snapped, exhaustion and too much heat making him irritable. “There are no trees.”
The sandy landscape they were surrounded by indeed bore no trees, no taverns or inns or bars and most certainly no people to ask for directions. The sun glittered painfully off the sand, burning sparking spots into their retinas as they glanced at it.
“What do you think we should do then Scanlan?” Pike asked tilting her head at him.
He blinked. “Why would I have any idea?”
A slow, wicked grin crawled across Pike’s face, her eyes lighting up in suppressed laughter and her cheeks turning red with joy. “Well,” she said slowly, drawing it out, meeting his eyes and making heat pool in the centre of his chest. “You are the leader.”
Scanlan felt his jaw drop as Vax collapsed on the sand in a fit of laughter, holding his chest and kicking his legs as he writhed. Vex and Keyleth leaned on each other and hid their giggles behind their fists. Grog reached up and high-fived Pike as she stuck her tongue out at the other gnome, lightly slapping him on the shoulder as he spluttered. “Th- that doesn’t mean anything!” He stuttered, glaring at his friends laughing. “If it’s so funny, why don’t you have any ideas!” He paused, catching Percy out of the corner of his eye standing still in the sand, eyes plastered firmly west. “Percy, is everything ok?” He asked, drawing the groups attention to their solitary friend.
Instead of answering, Percy got down on his stomach, pulled Bad News off of his shoulder and looked through the sight. “You know,” he called, changing the range and strength on the scope until he could see. “We’re a rather perceptive bunch, but this town is rather hard to find.”
“We know that Percy,” Vax told him, accepting Vex’s hand to pull himself up off the ground. “We wouldn’t still be out here if it wasn’t hard to find. Now get up off the sand, you’re getting your lovely coat all dirty.”
“What if we’re not looking at the right place?” Percy asked, ignoring Vax as though he hadn’t spoken. “Or, what if we are looking in the right place, but we just can’t see it?”
“Percy,” Vex sighed, walking over to him and lacing her fingers through his hair. It was glittering almost as brightly as the sand under the sun. “You’re speaking in tongues. Just say what you mean and then we’ll keep going.”
Suddenly, a loud familiar blast exploded across the sand, the bullet from Percy’s gun firing with a burst of smoke and kicked up sand, disappearing forever into the unknown. With a manic chuckle, Percy stood and walked the line the bullet fired, calling over his shoulder for the others to follow.
With a confused sigh, the others did, stumbling over themselves at their haste to follow their friend.
“Percy, what are you doing?” Keyleth asked as politely as she could manage as she reached his side. “Where are we going?”
“Didn’t you see?” He replied, his grin twisted and large. “It disappeared. It’s like that spell you have Kiki, the Hallucinatory Terrain.”
“What are you talking about?” Scanlan interjected, short-tempered as he played his shawm. “Percy, the heats going to your brain. You’re going crazy.”
“More than usual!” Grog put in with a laugh and Scanlan grinned at him.
On the edge of where he last saw the bullet fade, Percy stopped, staring hard at the open air. Behind him, his friends were silent, casting confused glanced at each other but too afraid to voice their questions. Just as the silence dragged too long with them standing there, Keyleth opened his mouth to ask Percy what they were doing, when he suddenly thrust his hand forward.
Up to the elbow, his arm disappeared.
Percy cackled in glee as he stepped forward without a second glance, disappearing seemingly into thin air. In a panic, the twins followed, Percy’s name on their lips as they barrelled through and vanished as well. Keyleth went next, much calmer than the others, and on Grogs shoulder the gnomes had no choice but to follow as the goliath sprinted through.
On the other side of the invisible barrier was a brightly coloured town full of humans with dark skin, half-orcs with tattoos, elves and half-elves and green-skinned druids with their ears pierced with deep blue studs and flowers threaded into their hair, each person wearing beautiful gowns and robes of red and gold as they walked from stall to stall, person to person, tavern to tavern. Some had their hair piled high and curled tightly into an up-do that reached the clouds, others had long straight hair decorated with jewels and beads that were tied into a ponytail, others had it shaved or braided close to their heads. Some carried baskets of fruit or flowers or knick-knacks, smiling politely at Vox Machina as they answered.
In awe, Vax leaned closer to Percy. “Uh, Percival, how did you know this was here if it was hidden?” He whispered.
“The sand was darker,” Percy whispered back. “I would have thought nothing of it if there were clouds, but there were none, so it was safe to assume it was a trick.”
Looking down at him, Scanlan could see Percy’s proud grin showed off most of his teeth, his eyes alight as he took in the scenery and watched, wide open and piercing. The gnome so rarely saw his friend smile like this and it sent a pang of joy through his heart but the smile was also unsettling, reminding him of something. Slowly, Scanlan smiled as it dawned on him and leaned sideways against Grog’s head.
“Well,” He laughed, drawn out and loud enough to get the attention of the group but his eyes were fixed on Percy and the predatory glint in the nobles iris. “Looks like a dragon really did give us directions after all!”
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