#i just think i tend to get into things more if i can do my own thing with em . probably why i make more aus than i actually read lmao
purplecoffee13 · 3 days
The Silent Type*
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Summary: “Harry, the quiet guy in the office, has silently admired you during your time working for the firm. Now that your work there is done, Harry finds that he can’t let you go just yet…”
Wc: 5k
Tropes: colleagues (ceorry/nerdrry)
Warnings: SMUT, overstimulation, daddy kink, switch sub/dom dynamics, oral, choking
A/N: SUP Y’ALL!!!! God I have just been waiting to be able to write again! I still have some exams coming up next week, but I spent all evening writing this one shot because I have been dying to get back into it😋 This is my first time writing a more subrry tinted fic, so I hope you enjoy it!
General Masterlist
if you want to support me more than liking or sharing, you can consider buying me a coffee!
Harry has never been one to talk much.
It is one of the reasons why he chose the career of software developing. Most of it, he could do on his own.
It wasn't so much that Harry hated people, he just preferred his own company. More people tend to complicate things, and Harry is a more logical guy.
That was until he met you.
About three months ago, the company for which Harry worked had started their expansion, and he was to lead the people transferred to that section of the firm. With the expansion also came new employees, and that’s where you came in.
You had been temporarily hired by the company to weed out applicants, and assist the current HR manager to help with the job interviews.
Harry still remembers that first day when you walked into the office, all nervous and fidgety. He had spotted you through the glass walls of his office, and couldn't physically tear his eyes off of you.
It wasn't until your third day helping in the office, that you actually met Harry. You had no idea what to think of him. Well, besides the obvious, of course. He was ridiculously handsome, and from the way he was staring at you, you figured that maybe he was thinking something like that about you too.
But he didn't talk.
Your first time meeting consisted of nothing but a gruff 'nice to meet you' from Harry's side, and no input in the rest of the conversation whatsoever. It was only a couple days later, when you asked the HR manager about it, that you found out that's just how he was, that he didn't really talk to anyone. From that moment on, there had been a surge of motivation to let him make you the one exception.
Harry was just fascinated by you, and he had no idea why. You were a ball of energy, talking so fast you'd think someone had clicked on your 'sped up' button, and you were chaotic, all over the place. The amount of times he watched you bump into people was impossible to keep count of.
Then, one day, you bumped into him. It should have angered him, the spilt coffee on his pants. But he had an extra suit, and you looked so worried, he didn't want to make you feel worse. You still felt bad, though, so you decided to make it up to him, and started getting him coffee every morning.
By the end of the first week, he looked you in the eyes when he thanked you. By the end of the fourth, he'd ask you how you are and recall things you'd told him. By the end of sixth, he told you things about his life, and by the end of the tenth week, you were having longer conversations with him.
It was difficult to keep up the small talk with him in the beginning. You soon found out that his lone wolf attitude may had something to do with his awkwardness. You thought, perhaps people weren't willing to work through that, and eventually he just stopped trying.
Such a prospect made you sad, and it only motivated you more to get to know him better. Of course, the longing glances, and standing unnecessarily close to each other with his knuckles barely touching your arm, those things helped too.
There was an undeniable tension between the two of you that you found incredibly difficult to decipher. The way he'd let you catch him looking at you gave it away quite clearly, but the lack of any real initiative confused you.
Had you read it all wrong? Did he even think there was something there too?
Unfortunately, there was no way to find out, as your assignment at the company was coming to an end. Today had been your last day, and tonight is a launch party to officially celebrate the expansion of the company.
You were a little sad to leave the company, especially since you really liked the people working there. It is why you are most excited for tonight.
Wearing a long yellow dress—it is your favorite color—you stride into the building. You are mesmerized by all the balloons and how pretty everyone looks. Wearing expensive suits or classy dresses. You immediately realize you might be a bit too happily dressed; everyone is wearing darker colors.
It does make it easy for everyone to spot you, though. By the time you've gotten your drink, five people have already walked up to you. About half an hour into the party, the CEO of the company takes the stage to give a small speech.
"I would like to thank everyone who has participated in making this expansion go as smoothly as it did. Your work does not go unnoticed." He says through the microphone. Everyone claps for a few seconds, and the man waits to go on until it is quiet again.
"Now, I have a special announcement to make. I have wanted to make this expansion happen since I began working for this company in 1988. Now that I finally have, I feel that my job at this firm is done. And so, I have decided to retire from my position as CEO."
Your eyes widen at the speech; you had no idea this was even a thing. By the sound of the gasps and murmurs traveling through the room, you deduce that the news is unexpected for the rest of the company as well.
"It is also with great pride that I present the new CEO of our company, chosen after careful consideration. If mr. Harry Styles could please join me on stage."
Your mouth falls open at the mention of Harry's name, and you are certain you will never be able to close it again when you see him walking onto the stage. He wears a black suit, perfectly tailored to his body, and the sight of him has you concerned that you may be drooling.
The bald man hands the microphone to Harry, who does not look very pleased to be on stage; it almost seems like he is regretting his decisions. Until his eyes meet yours, that is when you see him let out a breath.
"Thank you, Mr. Johnson." He says, breaking eye contact to look at his former boss.
Right, that was his name, Johnson.
"I look forward to leading this company into more successes, and I promise that I will put my heart and soul into it. I have worked at this firm ever since I graduated college and they offered me a job during my internship, and it is safe to say that I have not regretted that decision a day of my life. I have always been loyal to this company, and I will remain loyal to you. Thank you."
You are perplexed. Why did he never tell you about this? You are very happy for him, but you do find it weird. It also makes you doubt again. Did whatever you had been building up the last months not mean as much to Harry as it did to you?
Well, it doesn't really matter, you're gone after tonight anyway.
Once the shock of the news has calmed down a bit, the party resumes as normal. Most people visit Harry one by one to congratulate him on the position, but you steer clear from him. It is no use, after tonight you will probably never see him again anyway.
Time passes, and you think you're ready to go home. There was a file in the office you forgot to sign earlier today, so you head up to do that first. The office is entirely dark when you walk out of the elevator. It's kind of eerie, so you are quick to turn on the lights.
It takes you a few minutes to find the file, since the receptionist placed it on someone else's desk. You find it on your colleague's desk, and walk over to the receptionist desk to sign it. Laying it on the keyboard of her computer, you pray that she won't displace it again, and make your way back to the elevators.
A loud shriek escapes you when Harry suddenly walks around the corner. He covers his ears at the high pitched sound, shocked by how much he scared you. With your hand on your chest you try and steady your breathing.
"Jesus, you scared the crap out of me."
"Sorry, didn't mean to." He says, a bit of worry in his tone. You look up at him.
"What are you even doing up here?"
"I was looking for you." He shrugs.
"Why?" Your eyebrows furrow, that same old tension in your stomach settling like it does every time Harry looks at you for longer than two seconds.
"You've been avoiding me." He answers casually, and you feel your heart drop. You didn't think he'd catch onto it.
"Congratulations by the way, for being the CEO. That was definitely a surprise." There is a bitterness in your tone. It is Harry's turn to frown. He hears the condescension, but his mind can't seem to come to a conclusion. Why are you angry? It's so hard to tell.
This is why he doesn't do people.
"You're mad that I am CEO?" He guesses, and your mouth falls open, much like it did when Harry's new position got announced.
"What?! Of course not! I'm very happy for you." You sputter out. The last thing you'd want him to think is that you don't want him to be happy or satisfied or successful.
"But you're still avoiding me." He repeats slowly. "You know, I didn't tell you about it because no one was supposed to know. I had to sign for it and everything. It's nothing personal."
The painful grip that his potential distrust in you had on your heart releases at the sound of his words. You could have known that it was due to something like that, you work in HR after all. That fact alone makes you realize how invested you unknowingly had become in Harry.
"I...I figured." You give him a weak smile. Harry's eyes search for yours, holding onto your gaze once he has found it. You stay like that, staring at each other for a while until you break the silence.
"I'm heading home. I don't think I'll see you again, so good luck. I'm sure you'll do wonderfully."
With much difficulty, you manage to look away from Harry and walk past him. At least, you try to, because halfway through, Harry's hand grabs your arm. You stop in your tracks, looking back at the man who stopped you. The man who has been sending you mixed signals for the past few months.
"D– do you want to join me in my office?"
You refrain from the shiver that threatens to run down your entire body, and nod. Harry's hand slides down your arm to your hand, and he intertwines his fingers with yours before he leads you to the glass doors that belong to him. On your way there, he flicks off the lights, leaving the two of you in the dark.
The city lights light up the otherwise pitch dark office that belongs to Harry, for now. He will be moved to the CEO's office when he starts his new position.
You don't say anything as Harry closes the door, or as he walks to the closet and pulls out a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. You wait in anticipation of what he's going to do.
But then he sits down. He just sits down on his chair.
You stand there, staring at him, utterly confused about this man and his intentions with you, while he obliviously pours the whiskey into the glasses. In that moment, there is a switch inside of you, one that says: fuck it. This is your last day, you need a way to release this pent up tension, and you probably won't see him ever again after this. What have you got to lose? Nothing.
You walk over to the desk and sit down on it, extremely close to Harry. The split of your dress shows your bare, freshly shaved leg, and he seems to notice. His eyes pull to your legs like magnets, and he has to force himself to look you in the eyes as he hands you the glass of whiskey.
You try your best not to smirk at the effectiveness of your plan, focusing on your next move instead. Straight for the kill.
"So, why am I here, Harry?" You ask nonchalantly, taking a sip of your whiskey. It tastes quite strong, and it takes you a lot of effort not to have an expressive reaction to it.
"What?" He asks, eyes wide like a deer in headlights.
"Why'd you take me here?" You ask again, setting down your glass at the table before moving to stand in front of him. "To admire the view?"
Harry looks out the window, but his head shoots back to you when he notices you're sinking onto your knees in front of him. He thinks he may have forgotten to breathe as he observes the lustful look in your eyes. His eyes travel down to your tits, even more visible from this angle.
"Because I've admired it every day for the past three months." You continue. Harry swallows, frozen by the overload of his brain and the sensitivity of the growing constraint in these pants. "Why don't you take your pants off for me? Just enough to give me your cock. I like you in this suit."
Harry doesn't let another second fly by before he is unbuckling his pants, sliding it down just enough for you to have access to his cock and his balls. Your mouth waters at the size and girth of it, your cunt getting wetter with every passing moment.
You shimmy forward, leaning over his cock and grabbing it with your hand. Harry sighs at the minimal contact, making you feel even more powerful. Looking up at him through your lashes, you ask him one more question.
"You'll hold my hair, won't you?"
With that, you take Harry in your mouth as far as you can, before pulling away from him. A gasp leaves his mouth, and his eyes fall shut as you pump him with your hand while your mouth kisses and sucks on the head of his cock. You begin licking and kissing down his cock, while your hand softly feels up his balls.
Harry feels like he is in heaven already, and he forgets everything around him. It is only when you completely remove yourself from him that he opens his eyes again, and he sees. Catching on quickly, he leans forward and gathers your hair, twisting it around his palm.
Satisfied with Harry's obedience, your mouth attaches itself to his cock again. You take him slowly, teasingly, and move your head up and down. With every movement, you take him an inch deeper.
"Oh, f–fuck!" He groans out when you gag on him because you took yourself too far too fast. You steady your breathing, which is a bit more complicated as you can only breathe out your nose. You resume sucking him off for a bit longer, bobbing your head down a bit faster. The small sounds that leaves Harry's lips, along with his scrunched up face, gives you enough indication that he is approaching his climax.
So you remove your mouth from his cock.
He lets out a whine at the loss of contact. If your panties weren't wet before, they certainly are now. You smile at the state of him; desperate and needy for you. The fact that you've managed to make him fall apart like this makes you incredibly horny.
"I want to take all of you in my mouth, daddy." You tell him, looking up at him with your big eyes. "You'll have to help me."
You went out on a bit of a limb when you decided to call him daddy, but he doesn't seem to mind at all. In fact, Harry's eyes light up and his jaw slacks at the mention of the pet name.
"Shit– anything, sweetheart. Whatever you need." He croaks out.
"I need you to fuck my mouth." You respond sternly, not wasting any time and taking him between your lips again. You push yourself down his cock as far as you can, breathing deeply before moving your hand to Harry's hand, which is holding onto your hair, and pushing your head forward to indicate that he needs to push his cock down your throat.
Again, it doesn't take him long to listen, because Harry's hips thrust forward, his dick gliding into your throat. You moan at the force with which he pushed, and keep your mouth wide open as you let Harry navigate your head.
Once he fully understands that you are allowing him to let him use your mouth, the true fun begins. With the firm grip he has on your head, he pushes you up and down at an ungodly speed. Your jaw is already tiring from its locked position, but you power through it because the sounds that leave Harry's mouth make up for it.
"Fuck baby, such a good mouth. Never had anything like this... Jesus!" He pants out as he begins to thrust up into your mouth, and you feel like you might pass out. Suddenly, he pulls you away from his dick.
You frown, and realize as he is grabbing for a tissue that he is avoiding messing up your face. You don't stand for it, though, and wrap your lips around his cock again just in time for him to come inside your mouth. You take him deeper and feel the way his sperm shoots in the back of your throat.
"Fuck! Shit, shit..." The not so wide arrange of curse words are the only thing Harry is capable of saying as he dumps his load inside your mouth. The fact that you were so adamant about having his sperm in your mouth made his orgasm even more intense.
Your mouth lets go of his cock with an exaggerated plop, and you swallow every last bit of him, grinning at his fucked out face.
"That was... amazing." He sighs, his gaze flicking from your mouth to your eyes. You hum in agreement, and get up from the floor as he pulls up his pants. You are about to walk away, when Harry grabs your wrist.
"Where are you going?"
"Home." You answer with a smile, but Harry's grip on you only tightens. He shakes his head, his lips pouting.
"No, you need to stay. Let me make you feel good too." He protests. You squint your eyes at him.
"I don't need to do anything."
Harry's eyes widen. "You're right. But just let me make you feel good before you go, please? It's the least I can do."
Your mouth slowly forms into a grin, glad to have him where you want. Well, almost.
"Beg me."
Harry scoffs. "Are you serious? I don't really do begging."
You shrug, smiling at him. "That's fine. My vibrator can get me off too."
You take a few steps towards the door, while Harry contemplates his decisions. However, those were all clouded by the sole moment to please you the second you mentioned your vibrator. The image of you getting off like that is too much to bear. He needs to do it for you.
"Stop." He says. You turn around, and walk back to him as he gets out of his chair and gets on his knees. Grabbing your waist, he pulls you closer, his nose digging into your dress. His hands run up and down your legs, and it is making you weak in your knees.
"Please, let me eat you out baby. I'll do anything to make you feel good. I need to taste you so bad, please let me pleasure you."
You swallow, eyelids ready heavy, as you sigh out. "Alright."
Harry grins at your admittance of defeat, and stands up. He leads you to sit on his desk, your dress hiked up. He removes the stuff behind you, so that you can lean back entirely in case you want to, and waltzes over to his chair.
Spreading your legs, he rolls himself closer to you, and assesses your soaking wet panties. Chuckling, he leans to the side and grabs a pair of scissors, before he cuts the skimpy material from your body. You'd say something of it, but the sight of him admiring your pussy like this is too fascinating to interrupt. So, you keep quiet.
When Harry's thumb suddenly presses on your clit and begins to rub it, you can't help but gasp. His touch feels too good, and that blowjob got you really worked up.
"You have no idea how many times I've fantasized about this." Harry says, marveling at how reactive you are being.
"Me too."
His eyebrows rise up. "Yeah? Tell me more, baby."
You bite your lip, too obsessed with the pet name he's given you. It sounds so sexy coming from his mouth. He awaits your response with bright eyes, lazily rubbing your clit.
"Your arms... I'd think about them so much. And your hands, I'd imagine you choking me with them. They're so big..." You begin, and you know that you could go on for hours if you had to tell him about everything you've thought about doing with him, or doing to him.
Harry doesn't say anything, instead responds with two fingers entering your pussy. You moan at the feeling of his large fingers pumping in and out of you. It feels way fuller than your hand already. His two fingers is the equivalent of your three fingers.
"We can definitely make those fantasies come true..." Harry says softly. "But first, let's make you come, hmm?"
You nod, your head falling back and allowing yourself to fully indulge in the pleasure Harry's giving you right now. You let yourself lay on his desk, wrapping your legs around his shoulders.
"Fuck, that feels good– oh fuck!" You shriek out when Harry tongue begins attacking your tongue after he adds a third finger. He speeds up the movements of his hand to match those of his tongue, and holds onto that tempo until your mind can't conjure up any more words to speak to him.
With the control entirely out of your hands, you let Harry guide you to your orgasm, which washes over your body like a tidal wave. You unconsciously push Harry's head further into your pussy with your legs. With an arched back, you moan at the sensitivity of your clit.
Harry lets you take a minute to catch your breath before he pulls on your arms to have you sit up straight. He is smiling sweetly at you, and your heart warms at it.
"You okay?" He asks, kissing your hands. You nod, trying to ignore the flutters in your heart at the way he is being so gentle.
"Thank you for letting me make you feel good, baby." He says, getting up and leaning into your face. His nose brushes against your cheek as he plants his lips on yours. Your arms wrap around Harry's neck as you kiss him deeper, too caught up in how good he feels and how much you want him.
You're never this greedy. You've never felt like you needed a man's cock inside of you. Like it was the only feasible option. You feel it driving you crazy, and you're sure it is the only reason you say— no, ask:
"Please, fuck me."
The grin that forms on Harry's lips makes you feel like you should regret what you said. A grin like that usually belongs on your face in situations like these. But you need him so bad, you don't really care that you are the desperate one this time.
"Oh, you're begging now too, huh?" He says cockily. You glare at him, pissed that he's acknowledging your neediness and mocking you for it too.
"It's alright baby, I'll give it to you. 'M cock's already hard again from watching you come like that. So fucking sexy..." He says. He pulls his pants down and lifts you off the table, turning you around to the glass windows and pushing your hands against them. "Bend over a bit and speak your legs for me, baby."
You do as he says, biting your lip at Harry's hand that pushes away your dress and roams over your ass. He positions his cock at your entrance and pushes himself into you, sighing in pure relief. You shut your eyes tightly at the size of him filling you up.
"Fuck, you feel good baby." He says, slowly beginning to move in and out a bit. You let out a soft 'yes', causing Harry's jaw to clench. He spanks your ass, watching as it bounces from the impact, and his cock twitching at your yelp.
"Perfect fucking ass... perfect fucking girl, aren't you?" He groans, now lazily thrusting into you. He wants to give you time to adjust, but he learns your wishes when you begin to push yourself back into him.
"Ah, I see. Greedy girl wants to speed things up, hmm? Your wish is my command." He mocks, but does speed up his pace. His hands hold your waist as he begins to pound himself into you, your ass shaking at the impact. He spanks your ass again for good measure, obsessed with the way it moves.
You nearly lose yourself in how good it feels, but you know that he can get deeper than this.
"I want to ride you... want to feel you in my tummy." You spit out, hoping he understands what you're saying in your croaky voice.
Harry listens, pulling himself out of you immediately and taking a seat in the chair. You turn around and walk over to him, throwing your legs on both sides of his lap, before grabbing his cock and sinking yourself down on it.
It goes smoother this time, but Harry's really deep now, just like you wanted. The sensation is everything to you, and it isn’t hard to tell how good it feels for him too. Glad to have a bit of the control back, you start to bounce on his cock.
Harry’s eyes travel over your body, fascinated by the way you are moving above him. His hands travel to the straps of your dress and push them down until he can get your tits out of the top part of your dress. He begins to massage them as you keep impaling yourself on his dick over and over again.
"Fuck, daddy, you feel so good... so good for me. Listening to me. Knew this was the best way to fuck you... you love it." You slur happily. Harry nods profusely at your words, jaw clenched and moaning out in pleasure.
"Yes, needed it so bad baby. You're fucking daddy so good..."
You smile at how caught up Harry looks in his pleasure, like he doesn't know what to do with it. You, however, do know what to with it. You grab one of his hands and wrap it around your throat, before you do the same to him. With his hand on your neck and yours on his, you begin to fuck him as fast as you can.
"Ah, fffuck... shit! Holy shit!" He yells out, and automatically thrusts himself up into you, reaching an even further level of deepness you had never thought possible. That along with your hands on each other’s necks, is enough to know that your climaxes are near.
"Come inside me daddy." You pant out, and he does. It is as if your permission set him off. You smile in delight at the feel and knowledge of his cum being so deep inside of you.
You fuck Harry through his orgasm, and even after. He squirms in his seat. "Wait— too sensitive."
"I don't care, I haven't come yet. Don't you want to make me feel good? Have me coming around your thick cock?" You say sensually, and Harry nods. "Words."
"Yes– fuck! I want you to come, please come around my cock. Please, please..." He begins to beg, a tear rolling down his cheek.
Your toes curl at his whiny voice, and soon your juices are gushing all over his cock. Your pussy contracting around him seems to set Harry off even more, as you feel even more sperm spraying out of his dick and into your walls.
You ride out your high until you can't move anymore. You sit there, forehead pressed against Harry's as you both come down from what just happened.
After a minute or two, you decide to pull out. Slowly but surely, you manage to get Harry's dick out of you without hissing too much at the sensitivity of every single body part down there.
You lean against the desk, too wobbly to stand on your own, and you let Harry wipe you clean with the tissues on his desk. After cleaning himself up, he stands up and positions himself in front of you.
"Hey." He says. Your hand cups his jaw and your thumb wipes away the tear that is far down his face now.
"Hi." You tilt your head. The both of you burst out laughing, still surprised by what went down just now.
"That was really good." He says once the laughter has died down. You nod in agreement.
"Good enough for a repeat?"
Harry pretends to think it over, before he responds: "under one condition."
"And what would that be?" You quirk up an eyebrow, intrigued by his vagueness. He smiles at you so wide that you wonder if his mouth might be hurting.
"You let me take you out on a date first."
You roll your eyes, pretending not to be amused as he chuckles at your reaction. But the second you see the look on his face and the sincerity behind it, you realize that he is being quite serious about this request. You bite your lip, wanting to kiss him right then and there.
"I would love that."
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thebibliosphere · 2 days
Wait, is Jason in Gotham Knights body horror? Because it doesn't feel like his body even tho he's controlling it? (He died, he came back, it's not the same and never will be)
Or is it more analogous to puberty and feeling like you don't know anything about your body anymore?
Just having thoughts about that boy again
I think Jason in Gotham Knights is very much connected with his physical body. It's his biggest weapon, possibly more so than his guns, given his lasting connection to the Lazarus Pit and the power it gives him.
His backstory talks about building himself up to peak physical condition into the absolute unit he is now, and you can either see that as someone trying to reconnect with their physical self or someone vowing never to be small or weak again.
I tend to think of it as both. It's a reclamation of his physical form but also a transformation into something bigger and stronger that ensures he's the scariest, meanest-looking mother fucker in the room. Basically someone you can't underestimate as a threat.
(Try not to think too hard about the fact that he now largely resembles Bruce in stature, that he is now the group's heavy hitter, the most menacing and the most likely to strike fear into the heart of his opponents, and that Jason molded himself into the person he needed to be rescued by as a child. Don't do it. Do not. I am normal about this.)
But he obviously struggles with feeling present mentally sometimes.
You'll see him zoning out occasionally, touching the J-shaped scar on his face before violently shaking himself back into the present.
He has panic attacks while playing a dance video game with a coffin in it—a coffin his character becomes trapped in because he's not moving fast enough. (hello, trauma)
He's angry all the time and so relieved when Barbra expresses her own rage at something because, yes, finally, someone else is letting their emotions out instead of bottling it up (Dick).
His emails are littered with orders for self-help books, emails from his therapist moving his sessions around, and concerned messages from his friends (Roy comes to mind) saying if he needs to get out of Gotham, they'll make it happen.
Alfred holding him while he sobs over losing Bruce still breaks me every time. I have to pause the game and walk around my house until I feel normal again.
And then there's the cut scene where Dick asks, "Hey, remember that time we all [insert funny thing here]," and Jason admits, somewhat angrily, that no, he doesn't because Lazarus took entire swaths of memories from him and he hates how he can't connect with people the way he used to and he hates the way they all look at him (the way Dick is looking at him now) when he admits he doesn't remember something they clearly loved about the old him: the version of him who didn't have volatile mood swings or made people flinch when he did something as mundane as handle a kitchen knife -- the undead monster he came back as*.
The fact that Dick then contrives to recreate this memory so Jason can be included in a newer version of it -- while also giving him what is arguably a weapon -- fucks me up every time. Dick just yeets a kitchen knife at him, trusting that Jason will catch it, and then just steamrolls over Jason's rightful 'what the fuck' expression with "Hey, we're making food. Get dicing."
And Jason knows what they're all doing. He's aware of it, and he gets the teeniest, tiniest smile before smothering it out. Except he can't quite. He's still smiling as he chops the vegetables. And yes, they're all hopeless at cooking compared to him, and he knows he's going to end up taking over, but that's okay. Because this is for him. He gets to control it.
And that's how Jason gets to make a new memory, one where he is handed a weapon and gets to turn it into a genuine expression of nurturing and care.
Because he does care about them. He wouldn't conspire with Dick to bake Barbara's favorite childhood cookies if he didn't. He wouldn't try so hard to be gentle with Tim triggering the shit out of him while he's struggling with his grief. He just doesn't always know how to express it because he doesn't always know what he's feeling.
Is his anger valid? Or is this Lazarus Pit Rage? Is he being overly sensitive because of his trauma, or is everyone else underreacting because of their trauma? (Should he sign them all up for therapy, quite probably, yes.)
So, you could perhaps argue that Jason experiences body horror in the sense that he doesn't remember all the pieces of who he used to be. (Speaking as someone with severe memory loss from medical trauma, it's certainly a type of horror.) But I don't think it's because he's detached from it physically or doesn't feel in control of his body. I think it's his mind that worries him.
His body he can control. It's his mind that still sparks green sometimes.
*Re the scene with Tim when Tim calls the Talons monsters. "What about me? Do you think I'm a monster?"
No, they don't.
But Jason does. And it scares him shitless.
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Age gap!Bruce is so in love with his wife, I’m sure that he believes she can’t do nothing wrog. Like, he’s the type to brag about how amazing she’s to everybody.
I love your writing and this scenario in particular has me very interested bc I think is so original. Usually, I don’t like age gap bc writers tend to make reader a little childlike or with no personality, but age gap!reader is so unique that I love her so much.
I like to imagine one of Bruce’s exes, like Selina (I’m sorry, but I always remember how she left him at the altar. I love her but my heart breaks for Bruce) comes back to Gotham and everything is kinda awkward bc yes, they have this weird off and on relationship (they haven’t seen each other for more than a year), not string attached but serious at the same time. And suddenly, he’s married to a fucking pop-star and actress??
Even a one night stand seeing Bruce “the playboy” marrying reader.
I can see this with anyone who used to be in love or having feelings either for Bruce or reader. “That should be me” by Justin Bieber will be in their spotify wrapped
I think it was the hard launch of the YEAR. Everyone will be so shocked by it that it becomes an iconic and part of Gotham’s pop culture. They did an interview and suddenly, the next thing they knew?? They got married at a private ceremony where only close family and friends knew.
"This is a stunt even for you, Bruce," Lois scolded tapping her foot. "Honestly-"
Bruce held his hands up, "The only reason it's public now is because we got caught in public. She was perfectly happy to be a private thing."
"Bruce," she scoffed giving him a look, "I know she's an adult but still. You're old enough to be her dad-"
"Not unless I was 16 when she was born," Bruce snorted, "she's the same age Dick is. Damian is 9-"
Lois rolled her eyes and took a seat, "So what did your kids say?"
"Over all, they were fine with it. If not happy about it. But Jason had to make a scene about me dating his childhood crush and betraying him all over again for dramatic effect. And Damian had to lecture me about the security risk."
"Naturally," Lois said smiling. "Jon said Damian had a lot to say about it. That's how we heard about it."
This time it was Bruce's turn to roll his eyes. "Be nice to her-"
"Are you kidding?" Lois asked, slightly incredulous.
"Why would I not be? She's Iconic, honestly."
"And better at managing her image than I am," Bruce chuckled.
"Sad, really," Lois observed dryly. "But also impressive."
"No one knows who she dates, where she donates, no one knows her net worth for sure... honestly if she didn't volunteer the information I'm not even sure I'd know her favorite color."
"I'm not surprised," Lois mused, "After watching her get ripped apart a few years ago."
"I don't-"
"You wouldn't," Loid allowed, "You didn't have editors that wanted you to write think pieces about it. And you didn't work in an office that had a betting pool to her inevitable suicide or addiction spiral."
Bruce winced. He didn't remember it. Not directly, but you'd talked about it. It was part of why he agreed to letting you keep things private. You liked keeping things quiet. A separation between your public face and your private one. It fucked you up. And no one protected you. You'd had to handle it alone- Sure, you had your team but that wasn't the same as having PEOPLE to fall back on.
"I'll be nice," Lois assured him, "Just don't be a creep or I'll sic Clark on you later."
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jeonghunny · 2 days
— “can you stay here? please?”, kwon soonyoung.
hurt, comfort | 1k
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in hindsight, soonyoung probably shouldn’t have ranted to you about the disagreement he had with his group mates. or at least, he should’ve known better than to expect you to take his side. you’ve never been a yes-man, you always told him when he’s at fault and he’d usually be receptive to it except for when he’s feeling extra sensitive and on edge — just like today. the last thing he wanted was to hear your lectures, telling him he’s in the wrong. he just wanted to be comforted and for you to tell him that everything would be okay.
he was sulking from the moment he walked through the front door, dragging his tired body across the living room to plop himself onto the couch. you can clearly tell he was in a bad mood.
“bad day at work?” you hand him a glass of water then sit down next to him.
he gulps down the water then he’s immediately venting about the argument he had with a few of his group mates. it started with a disagreement over something petty like their positions in a choreography that quickly escalated into a heated argument which resulted in soonyoung blurting out “maybe we should just disband instead, since we clearly can’t work together.”
seungcheol ended up telling everyone practice has been cut short and that everyone should go home to get some rest before the situation gets even worse and they can talk things out again when everyone is feeling better. after everyone had left, seungcheol told soonyoung that he was wrong for saying what he said and that he should apologise once he calmed down and cleared his head. but soonyoung has always been stubborn in arguments so he just left without saying anything else.
you sigh and rest a hand on soonyoung’s thigh. “you are in the wrong for saying that though,” you tell him gently, “i can’t even imagine how hurt the guys felt when they heard that.”
soonyoung brushes your hand away harshly then stands up and he’s practically shouting when he tells you, “why can’t you just take my side for once? try to see things from my perspective.”
you shake your head with a frown and he can hear from your tone that you’re getting frustrated, “i can’t take your side when you’re clearly at fault in this situation. what you said was hurtful. whatever the fight was about, it shouldn’t have gone this far.”
soonyoung rolls his eyes at you.
“do you want me to lie to you and say that you were right and all the other guys were just being assholes?”
he lets out a mumble of “i don’t need to hear this from someone who doesn’t know how stressful my job is” under his breath and he catches the hint of hurt that flashes across your face but he turns around to storm into the room and you hear the door slam loudly behind him.
he’s not a bad person, you’re fully aware of that. but soonyoung tends to get overly emotional when it comes to things like this and he just needs to be left alone for a while to settle down before he starts thinking straight again. it doesn’t change the fact that the things he say and do during this time can be purposefully hurtful though and you can’t bear to be in the same space as him whenever he’s in one of those moods.
picking up your phone and keys, you think it’s better for you to leave the house for a few hours than to stay here and possibly get into another argument with him and you’re about to open the door when you hear the sound of the bedroom door creaking open behind you. you turn around to see soonyoung standing there, wrapped in a blanket, face red and sniffling.
“where are you going?” he asks between hiccups.
“i’m just going out to the store and maybe the park or something.”
“can you stay here?” he takes a few hesitant steps towards you, “please? i don’t think i can handle being alone right now.”
“i don’t know if that’s the best idea, soonyoung. i don’t want us to get into another argument.”
he closes the distance between you a little more and you had to hold back your laugh from seeing him waddle towards you like a penguin because of the huge blanket around him.
“i’m sorry for how i acted earlier. i had some time to think and i’m feeling better now. i can see that i was definitely in the wrong.”
you stay quiet, not really knowing what else to say to that and soonyoung pokes one hand out from the blanket to hold yours and he lets out a small sigh of relief when you don’t pull away.
“i’m really sorry for what i said to you. i know you were just trying to talk some sense into me.” he continues.
“i know how important those guys are to you, i don’t want you to lose them over a fight and something stupid you said in the heat of the moment.”
he pulls you closer to him, “i know. i don’t want to lose them too. i’ll apologise to them later tonight, i’m sure most of them are still upset with me right now.”
you nod and he attempts to pull you into a hug while trying his best to keep the heavy blanket from sliding off him.
“i don’t want to lose you either because of the dumb things i say whenever i get emotional. i know you understand how hard my job is, i don’t even know why i said that when you’ve been nothing but supportive of me.”
he hears you sniffling and leans back to wipe a tear from your face.
“just promise me you’ll work on being less rash whenever you get into disagreements, whether it’s with them or with me.”
he tugs you closer to wrap the blanket around you then engulfs you in a tight embrace, “i promise.”
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chronicpaingirlie · 13 hours
it always is, but especially today for me, fatigue is so incredibly frustrating.
it just feels like shit to lay in bed all day every day man. i fucking hate not being able to sit up without becoming nauseous, being too weak to walk around my own house, not being able to stay awake for 12 hours straight and never waking up feeling rested.
i feel like most people tend to interpret fatigue as “tiredness,” when in reality it’s not being sleepy. it’s full body exhaustion. it’s feeling like your body weighs three times as much as you’re used to. it’s not being able to move your limbs or keep your eyes open. it’s your brain being foggy and slow. it’s an inability to concentrate or even think. it’s feeling like that whether you’ve had 8 hours of rest, or 12 hours, or 4.
idk. it always feels like im doing something wrong when i don’t do things because of my fatigue, even if i know it’s not smart or safe or even possible to do those things in that condition. it feels lazy & gross, like i should be able to push through it or as though im overreacting.
and just knowing that so many people without chronic fatigue just… don’t get that? and don’t feel that way almost ever, let alone on a daily basis? it doesn’t seem real to me. watching people go about their day with energy to do things just feels like shit yknow. i cant do this, i can’t do that. im always watching from the sidelines. i can rarely help out with necessary tasks, let alone find both physical and mental energy to do things like hobbies or “relaxing” activities. and it’s more frustrating than i can express.
if you have chronic fatigue, please try to be gentle with yourself. and if you dont, please accommodate your loved ones who do. this shit is so hard already. it doesn’t need to be made any harder.
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moonselune · 22 hours
How do you think the BG3 companions would be as parents or aunties/uncles? I personally headcanon that Shadowheart would be a very doting mother but would be the fun aunt.
OOoooOOOOoOO yes I'm doing this for all of them, no character can escape me now
As an aunt:
She is definitely the auntie that comes round and the children just band together trying to take her to the ground
"Get Auntie Karlach"
And how auntie Karlach puts up a fight, she is swinging children around throwing them onto soft furnishings, tickling them.
Eventually she will relent and let the children pin her to the floor, pretending to 'die'
Though she has done this too convincingly and it too you half an hour to calm your child down, assuring them that auntie karlach was not in fact dead, and this was their aunt and not a zombie.
If there's just one child, you know that when they hear auntie karlach is coming round they are using al of their free time strategising on how to get her
Karlach will sometime take them as their hostage and refuse to let them go when they are hugging and just carries them around till you agree to her terms
Which is either a later bedtime for you (because at this point you have joined forces) or extra cake.
As a mother:
Mama K !!!!
So caring and doting, nothing is too much for her
She would move mountains for her kid and support them regardless
They want to be a bookworm? She wants to hear all your favourite stories
They are more sporty, she will beat them at every game and only occasionally let them win
Is honestly a big kid herself so I can so imagine, you having to call them in for dinner and they are both pouting saying that want to play outside for longer
definitely the less strict parent, they could probably get away with anything
as long as it doesn't mean they get hurt
as soon as they get hurt, mama k is not letting them out of their sight for a WEEK
As an aunt:
Not my kid, not my responsibility attitude
you want a dagger? Sure here's how to hold it properly
you cut yourself on it, that's too damn bad learn to hold it better
definitely buys them a ridiculous amount of expensive gifts but she doesn't really realise it
think of the vibe of "What can one banana cost? ten dollars?"
as soon as they get messy or are dirty they are not coming within 10 feet of her
Snot bubble? That child is getting yeeted across the room
Very much this
As a mother:
I have so many thoughts about this
I think because of her exile she would look at the drow matron system much differently
Instead of raising children to be pawns and agents of her plan there would be a deeper level of relationship meaning a deeper level of loyalty.
Loyalty is a big thing for Minthara and what is more loyal than the unconditional love of a child
so she is going to nurture and tend to that relationship, make that bond between her and her child incredibly strong, they want the child to adore her and respect her, so she will adore and respect them back (that's what she tells herself, in reality she loves her children dearly)
She will dote on them, ensure they only have the best, this is her child after all
Very possessive of the child, and very overprotective
Would definitely guilt the child
but that's probably the worst part of her parenting overall I feel like she would be a very fair and good parent in general (especially compared to normal drow mothers)
As an aunt:
aunt? more like coach.
she is training them to be the best warrior or whatever they want to be ever
will she drag your child out of bed at the crack of dawn so they can practice
will then tell them Gith stories when the child starts to fall asleep on them afterwards
carries them with care and tenderness
is so bad for contradicting you
parent said no? Well auntie Lae'zel says yes so lets do it
not allowed this thing? here's ten of them
As a mother:
I actually think she would be rather laid back
she wouldn't fret over them and trust that they knew what they were doing
though as soon as they don't know what they are doing she is there right away to hover over them and help
slightly protective but only because she doesn't trust others
teaches them self defence at the youngest age possible
tells them the best bedtime stories in extremely graphic detail to the point where you have to step in
but the child doesn't mind
in fact how did they manage to get to sleep so easily
her kid is better than the rest, can do no wrong, bad grades? More like bad teacher.
As an aunt:
Wine aunt - it's basically canon at this point, so all of these will be with a glass of wine in her hand lmao
Would be so down to have tea parties with them
prefers the sit down games rather than the running around screaming ones - those are for auntie karlach
Shows you all of her animals and teaches you their names and how to care for them
would definitely give them a pet even if you had already said no
and by the time you realise what's happened your child is too attached to it
definitely would let them mess around, and be like if you hurt yourself its your fault
but as soon as they hurt themselves, she's there healing them bribing them not to tell you what happened
As a mother:
helicopter mom to begin with and then eventually when her child proves to be more robust than expected she relaxes a bit
just says yes to any animal they find and want to bring home
so now there's foxy, ratty, mousey and badgery (Shadowheart tried to suggest names but they were having none of it)
Is always there for you no matter what, you can tell her anything and you feel like you can tell her anything
has a tendency to be a little strict but only for your own good
As an aunt:
she is the aunt of all aunts
gives the best hugs, tells you the best stories
teases you all the time
just constant poking fun
and the day you give it back
she is just so proud
also has that attitude of 'not my kid not my responsibility' but that is such a lie
will love you like her own
As a mother:
we already see what Jaheira is like a mother
very welcoming but has a habit to push them away when there's danger involved or perhaps can be preoccupied with 'the greater good'
I also think that Jaheira is the type of mother to keep everything, every baby tooth, every drawing, everything
She keeps them in a little chest and when she is down she looks at them and she always feels so much better.
As an uncle:
hey kids wanna see a cool trick
blows up the living room
brings them books on just everything
reads to them a lot and teaches them things that they probably shouldn't know at their age
the kid needs an alibi?
Gale is there for it
We've seen his dialogue in the grove, we all know that he supports childhood deliquency and he will so support them in it
As a father:
Thinks their child is the most precious thing in the world
the light of his life (aside from you)
will teach them magic before they can even speak
puts on the most beautiful illusions for the child to sleep to
lives just to see them smile
very overprotective and guilty of infantilising your child
he can't help it, you are just so adorable
PTA Mom, he runs that motherfucker
No stacey, your lemon buns are not acceptable, and no its not because my child detests them, get a grip
he just absolutely adores his child
As an uncle:
Astarion would steal your child to help with his schemes and nobody can convince me otherwise
You think I? With this adorable baby on my hip, would steal your fine jewels? Honestly the audacity
Uses your child as an alibi
How could I do it? I was tending to my dear child
Ser that's not your-
Much like Minthara, loves the child until they start making a mess
Would so make them little outfits and the child's teddies little outfits
As a father:
I believe that Astarion would see the child as his absolute fresh start
he is going to be the best version of himself for the child
he is going to try his absolute best for them
going to give them the world
will definitely teach them to lock pick at a young age
and again uses them as an alibi
You think I, with my adorable impressionable child right here, would steal? Truly your standard of parenting may be low but mine is not.
When the baby is on the way he is just stress sewing, your house is filled with baby clothes, blankets, quilts, hats anything Astarion could imagine that the child might need
your child in not wearing the same outfit twice, not because of fashion, no because there are simply so many outfits
As an uncle:
Would be the best story teller, and does all the voices and personas
Loves to play and mess around with them
Would teach them how to sword fight like he did with the children in the grove
Would spoil them rotten as well and know he was doing it though if confronted he would play so dumb
What do you mean I only got them this wooden rocking horse, I could have got them two - but I didn't !
As a father:
very similar to Wyll as an uncle
but imagine him passing down all of the stories and life lessons that his father passed down to him
but the thing that gets me in the feels
is him teaching the child how to dance
from them dancing on his toes to them being able to pull of a move flawlessly
Wyll would genuinely get emotional when you no longer need his guidance or help
And by emotional I mean sobbing
definitely overprotective when it comes to your potential dance partners and all that
no one will ever be good enough for his child
As an uncle:
would just steal the child
it is his now
so sorry for your loss but this is definitely not ur baby
yes they look identical but this one belongs to the forest
oh gods he would so kidnap the child if you lived in the city
but to him it's not kidnapping
it's rescuing
the city doesn't deserve such a treasure
teaches them how to carve wood and instills an important respect for nature into them
if your child got in an argument with you they would so pull the
"Well fine! I'm just going to live in the forest with Uncle Halsin!"
As a father:
They are so precious to him
When he looks into their eyes the world is just right
Their first word is bear, obviously
Teaches them druidic magic and how to wildshape
as soon as your child figures it out it is chaos
you have a bear and baby bear running riot
very hesitant to let you go out into the city
to go far from him actually
he has just lost so much
he cannot afford to lose you too
apart from that, he is the best
As an uncle:
the BEST
shows them so many cool tricks
definitely gives them spell books that they probably definitely should not have
would so side with them if they argued with their parent, regardless of if the child is in the right or not
he knows how his siblings can be
shows off to the kid all the time
when they were a baby they would tell Rolan he's found his perfect audience - one that can only watch in wonder
but as you grow you always demand that Uncle Rolan shows your his magic
and it warms his heart every single time
As a father:
He would be so nervous bless him
always thinking he is doing something wrong
but he is an amazing father
encourages and supports their ambitions
reads to them
I just have a picture of Rolan with a baby sling, tending to Ramazith's tower, just thinking aloud to them and when they babble back he exclaims how glad he is that they agree with them
very overprotective
he just doesn't want them to get hurt, like ever.
the child could scrape their knee and say they are fine and Rolan would be having a meltdown
Cannot handle you growing up
You will always be his baby
As an uncle:
I can't imagine him being a very doting uncle
Raphael most likely has loads of nieces and nephews and he does not care for a single one of them
unless one of them is showing particular talent, something that he needs and then he is all over them
would definitely get them in a contract
"You can trust me, your dear Uncle, now just sign there.."
As a father:
M y h e i r
So devoted and dedicated to them
But also possessive and controlling I can imagine
He dictates their schedule, their schooling, where they go, what they wear, who they socialise with
they will be spectacular, his little hellfire
though lets say they disobeyed him, they snuck out for a few hours or so
they are not leaving the house of hope for a few months or so
that's how it works
they will obey him, and they will love him, he is their father, their creator
and if anyone hurts his child?
he will drag the offender to deepest pits of hell and make his child watch as a show of his love for them.
I'm so sorry that this was stuck in the drafts for so long but here it is ! These are mainly a collection of my own rambling thoughts but hope others enjoy it too ! - Seluney xox
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teojira · 3 days
[Peel this orange for me?]
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Summary: the trend on TikTok where you asked your partner if they'd peel an orange for you!
Warnings: Implied romance between reader and the apes.
A/N: I have a specific folder on my tiktok where I keep videos that remind me of my favs, looking back at this specific orange one, it reminds me of Noa so his is based on that!
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Caesar does it without even thinking, immediately going in to grab the fruit from your hand and peeling it's skin.
You're both sat at the communal fire, apes all around as everyone settles in for the nights dinner.
In your little circle, it's you and Caesar at the moment, Cornelius running off a little bit ago to go find Nova to play with.
You're leaning against your partner, face resting on his shoulder as you watch him fast and efficiently tear open the orange.
Blinking once, Caesar gently nudges your hand, grunting at you to take your food back, the peel already being thrown into the fire, making the smell float in the air.
"Thank you." You kiss his shoulder, eagerly tearing a piece of the fruit and throwing it in your mouth.
He doesn't hesitate when you offer him a slice of his own, opening up his jaw so you can hand feed him.
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Noa's on his way out of the nest when you softly ask him to peel the fruit for you, but immediately turns back in when he hears you call for him.
"I can't get it." You mumble, shrugging a shoulder, biting back a smile.
Noa knows what you're doing. He knows you're just asking him to stay a little longer because you'll miss him until he has a break in his duties.
He really really should be going. The eagles need to be tended to, but you're his mate. Surely they'll be fine if he's a few minutes late.
"Echo..." He shakes his head with a deep sigh, amusement flooding in his eyes as he takes the orange you've offered him.
"Spoiled." Noa drawls, fingers making quick work of the peel, in no time revealing the juicy fruit underneath.
"No, I'm not." You stick your tongue out at him, leaning against his leg, soaking in as much of his warmth as you can until you know he officially needs to get going.
"Rotten. Spoiled rotten." He sniffs, crouching down to your level to dangle the fresh fruit in front of your eyes.
Noa's waiting for something, and he's not leaving until he gets it.
He brings his other hand up to use his pointer finger to tap at his cheek, and you can't help but giggle.
A kiss for his troubles, typical.
You lean in and give him a peck, audibly making a 'mwah!' sound effect for good measure.
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He has half a mind to take it and chuck it into the forest.
"Human...dumb?" Koba sneers, already moving past you, until you have the audacity to roll your eyes at him, at HIM. He has better things to do than to peel an orange for you, knowing damn well you're more than capable, the bonobo's seen you gut a fish with ease.
You're not a child. Do it yourself.
"Fine, I'll go ask Caesar." You're moving to stand up, the orange tightly held in one fist as you get ready to go look for the Ape king.
Next thing you know, the orange is snatched from your grasp, Koba turning around and using his fingers to break the orange open with heavy breathing.
"Koba-" You attempt to get his attention, but he whirls back around, grabbing your much smaller hand and forcing the mangled orange into your palm, the juices spilling everywhere.
Leave it to Koba to get jealous.
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spread4marvel · 3 days
I couldn’t decide between Bucky or Loki on this one but I ended up going with Loki so hope yall like it. (i’m also in a huge writing block so if u wanna send me a request feel free🤗)
You and Loki have been together for a few decades now in Asgard, which is still fairly new, but the two of you are far more comfortable with each other. Therefore, Loki had always been one to tease and edge you in public, and tonight, you were determined to make things different.
TW: Heavy smut, slight spelling errors, Breeding kink, dirty talk, and edging in a public area
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”You’re not wearing green.”
Loki stated as you walked out of the closet to reveal your outfit to him. You stifled a smirk as his eyes got slightly low and dark, he could see right through your mischief. He was the god of if, after all.
“You don’t like it?”
“That’s not what I said.”
You bat your eyelashes at him, trying to act innocent, as if you didn’t plan this out. He furrows his brow before a wolfish grin plays on his face, he hums. With a snap of his fingers your dress begins to fade into a beautiful emerald shade of green. You sarcastically huff as his smirk grows wider, coming closer to entangle his arm with yours.
“You can’t just turn all of my gowns green.” You state, he can’t help but chuckle lowly as a response. “Ahh, i’m aware, My dear. Unfortunately for you, I can’t seem to help myself.” He replies playfully, smiling down at you. Your height difference is obscene, even in heels. A silence falls over the two of you for a moment, then you decide to break it. “I believe we should start walking now.” You said, cocky and teasing at the fact that he had been staring at you for the last few minutes of silence. He didn’t respond for a moment, finally, you realized what he was staring at.
“You are breathtaking, am I not allowed to bathe in My Wife’s beauty?” He asks, more rhetorically as he fiddles with your golden necklace. The initial ‘L’ on it shining brightly in the light. “You’ll be rewarded for this darling.” He says, dropping the necklace as it retreats back to your collar. His voice lower and brooding. You can feel your pussy practically soar with excitement as you tried to ignore the new found wake in between your thighs. “I-I believe your father will be displeased if we wait a second later.” You remind, trying to distract yourself from your newfound arousal. He smirks, reading your body so well as he notices your change in demeanor, but he doesn’t dare say another word as the two of you begin to walk, arms entangled together.
So far, your plan had been going extremely well. You hadn’t been avoiding Loki all night, naturally you could never stray too far from your husband, but you had been coming up to him to subtly brush your body against his and then whisper filth in his ear before retreating to go mingle with other guests of the palace. He was, naturally, amused and sexually frustrated by your successful attempts of teasing.
Unfortunately for you, it was time to be seated for the speech that Thor had prepared. Since you were apart of the royal family, you and Loki sat alone at one table together. Naturally, Odin and Frigga followed suit, also sitting at their own table alone. Which meant, Loki could finally get his payback, now you felt a hand slowly creeping up your thigh. You look over at him before turning your attention back to the speech.
“L-Loki… what if someone sees you?” You whisper lowly to him, a dark chuckle graces your ear as a response, his fingers are hooked onto your inner thigh, so close to where you need him. “I think that would do wonders for my imagine, don’t you? Loving husband attentively tending to his needy wife, sounds quite heroic of me.” He replies, as cocky as ever. You roll your eyes at him, a slight scoff fleeing from your lips lowly. He can’t help but smirk.
“Besides, My dear, what if someone saw what you’ve done to me.” He continues, his voice is low and velvet smooth. A deep timber rumbling through his tone as he mumbles in your ear. You look at him, innocent confusion playing on your features. Still, it’s a great enough effect to remind you of the pool forming eagerly between your thighs.
“I have no clue what you mean.” You try innocently, he sees right through you and you know it.
“Liar. If you wish to be a tease, let me show you what all your teasing has wrought.”
His words seems to fall gracefully from his lips. You turn your head slightly before redirecting yourself back to the speech no one seemed to be listening to. Loki gently grabbed your hand, guiding it in between his thighs until you reached his rock-hard erection through his pants. You gasp slightly, quiet enough for no one to hear besides your husband. “Gods Loki…” You grip the girth of his cock deliciously, causing his breathing to spike for a moment. Fighting the groan that threatens to fall from his lips. He straightens his back, composing himself once more as he doesn’t seem to push your hand away.
“You feel that? That is the consequences of your actions, my dear. I hope you know how to finish what you’ve started.” He reminds you, your smirk grows wider. You remove your hand from his aching cock, which reminds you of the hand of his that is currently pressing against your soaked panties. “I wouldn’t be too smug darling, it seems your greedy cunt is no better.” He whispers darkly, you blush at the mentions of your dampness, your smirk quickly turning to a playful scowl as Thor finally seemed to finish.
It was now time for one of Asgards many traditions, the ballroom dance. You partnered yourself with Loki as he swayed you to the rhythms of the music. He twirled you gracefully before pulling you back into his arms. You took your opportunity and slightly rubbed your ass against his crotch subtly. Loki groaned in your ear before spinning you around and dipping you. “Naughty girl.” He growled to you, you couldn’t help but giggle before he pulled you back up and the two of you swayed more.
“Oh, you liked that hmm?”
You tease him in his ear as he brings you close before twirling you away once more. He’s glaring at you with his dark bedroom eyes as he brings you close once more. “You’re playing a deadly game, little girl. It would be a shame if I bent you over right now and made you moan for me in front of everyone.” He muses back, you can’t help but feel a new wave of arousal crash over you due to his manipulation, he can tell by the way you struggle to retort a reply. The ache between your thighs is only growing more unbearable as the two of you danced.
“Oh I think that would do wonders for my image.” You remark breathlessly, teasingly quoting his exact words. You can tell he’s about to make you regret your fierceness and just as he’s about to have his way with you, the song ends. You smile as he pulls you close one final time. “You don’t know what you’re doing.” He whispers darkly, before you both pull away and resume the party. Starting to rethink your decisions but you can’t help but be thrilled by what’s to come.
The night had finally unwinded so the two of you gave your remarks to family and then begin the walk to your shared chambers. Lokis hand is rest possessively on your lower back as the two of you walk. Suddenly, you hear Thors booming voice calling after Loki, you huff knowingly. “Wait Loki!” He tries, Loki rolls his eyes and groans. “Wait in the room for me darling, spread with nothing on.” He commands, you nod as he sends you off, leaving himself behind to negotiate with Thor.
You hum as you pull your clothes off, just as he had requested. You know Loki was gonna be even more pent-up, but so were you. You thought about touching yourself, making yourself cum instead of waiting. Your aching cunt was practically begging you too, but you wanted to be good for him. Loki doesn’t take fairly long to return to you, in fact, he’s back in mere minutes. As soon as he shuts the door he’s onto you. With just three long strides across the vast palace chambers he has made it over to your body in a haste.
He lays you down on your back as he throws one of your legs onto his shoulder putting your bare arousal on display for him. “Oh darling I can practically smell your wet cunt, did you touch yourself while I was away?” He asked as his breath ghosts on your eager cunt. He already knows the answer, but he’s prone to making you say what he wants to hear. “N-No Loki I didn’t…” You answer truthfully, to which Loki replies “Good girl.” Loki hums lowly as he licks one long stripe through your ripe pussy. Groaning as he eagerly began to eat out your cunt with practiced precision.
You moaned as you felt his lips latch onto your arousal, whimpering slightly as you threw your head back into the pillow in pleasure. You simply adored the feeling of Loki’s silver-tongue on you, and he was smugly aware of that. “Mm you make such pretty noises for me darling, I intend to make you scream until that pretty voice is hoarse.” He explained as he lifted his head from between your thighs to tease you, you whine slightly at the missed connection, he smirked at that little noise as he found himself returning back to your pussy eagerly.
One orgasm leads to the next and you find your mind hazy and dumbfucked by Loki who had yet to stop eating your cunt. “Do you even know how much you’ve came for me?” He asked rhetorically as he lifted his head from yet another orgasm, his hair was ruffled and your cum was smeared around his lips as he gave you those low eyes. It was the most remarkable sight you could’ve thought of and the sight alone made you whimper longingly. He didn’t need a response, he let silence flow for a moment as he planted hickeys and kisses to your inner thighs silently. Either way, he was quite sure you couldn’t even fathom a response. But he knew you loved to hear his voice brewing your arousal and so he continued with his torture.
“I figured you didn’t, Love. I made sure of it. You know dearest, an Asgardian prince is too not pleasure their lover with their tongue? I always found the rule silly, like many others, don’t you dear?” He asked with a smug grin, clearly enjoying his affect on you, he doesn’t plan to stop yet. He intends to continue to pull orgasms until he feels as if ‘you’re ready’ for him. You whine in agreement, panting heavily. “y-yes my prince, I-I do…” You manage to get out, the ache between your legs seemingly missing Loki’s tongue.
“I would hope so, wife.”
He purrs knowingly as he returns his tongue back to your clit, beginning his beautiful torture again. Attentively, you buck your hips on his face eagerly. He groans in pleasure, loving the feeling of your evident desperate state. He buries his tongue in your pussy as he licks a clean stripe up your clit deliciously causing you another orgasm. He smirks at the quickness of this one, he knows you’re ready now. Eagerly, he licks up your remaining cum before pulling himself from your pussy to undress.
He takes his time with this one, peeling his clothes piece by piece in a teasing fashion. You know if he wanted to, he could make it all disappear with a flick of his hand, but instead he intends to tease you. “Don’t be a tease Loki, it’s not a good color on you.” You remind, he quirks an eyebrow at you with a smirk as he finishes with his final article of clothing before climbing on top of your writhing body.
“Oh, truly love you wound me. Plus, we’re both aware of the dishonesty that leave your lips. But please my dear, Dic mihi satis mendacium.” (Tell me more pretty lies) He purrs deliciously in your ear, you groan as his Latin graces its way to your ears. He could be saying anything in the world to you, but when he speaks it with that accent in that tone you simply can’t resist the feeling of being wet. You direct your hand to his hard cock, giving him two strokes as you bore into his eyes before removing you hand.
“P-please Loki… n-need you too fill me…” You plead, the ache between your thighs growing harder to resist as you fall back to begging him. He smirks as he lines himself up with your entrance. Beginning to push his thick cock into your wet pussy. The two of you seem to groan together in sync as he allows you to adjust yourself. Finally, he pulls his cock fully out before slamming it back into your cunt. He continues his ruthless pace as he pounds into you deliciously. You moan loudly in pleasure, shamelessly. He continues his pace as you feel his cock slightly stutter before pushing all the way back into you as you feel his cock graze your G-spot.
Instantly, you cum all over his cock. He smirks as he doesn’t seem to stop pounding into you. “That was awfully quick, Wife.” He teases you, you couldn’t care enough as you moan again, you can feel his cock hardening in your cunt. You’re sure he’s bound to cum soon, but he wants to make you cum another time before he spills his seed. “Think I could pull another one from you? Come on love let me feel you.” He encourages, you whimper slightly, with a few more thrusts you find yourself close again, you moan as you try to communicate. “F-fuck im so close!! D-don’t stop Loki.” You convey as you find yourself cumming once more.
His cock is practically soaked with your juices as he finally begins to drawl close. He grunts and groans breathlessly. “I’m so close amare (Love) I’m gonna cum all i-inside you… would you like that? mmmphh… g-gonna let me plant my heir in you? You would look even more beautiful with my seed growing inside of you.” He rumbles, his timber voice affecting you heavily as he talks about breeding you. You moan at the thought. “Y-yes please!” You practically shout, your voice hoarse just as he had promised as he finally releases. Spilling his hot semen inside of you with a groan.
The two of you pant together and lie intertwined for a couple of moments. Embracing each other warmly. He pulls out lovingly, planting kisses to your collarbone as he does. He grabs you a warm rag as he cleans you both up and plants kisses to your skin. A snap of his fingers and the sheets are clean and warm for the two of you.
“Goodnight, My love.” He whispers to you one last time as he presses his final kiss to your forehead before joining you in the bed together, interlinked.
Sorry if I missed with this one😓, It’s my first time writing smut so I hoped you enjoyed and maybe drop me a request!!
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ghouljams · 2 days
The 141 would be a really interesting set of sith lords tbh.
To start with, we have the devil himself. Price isn’t the usual variety of intergalactic warlord in that he does not lead through outright fear, instead preferring more subtle manipulations and the fostering of suicidal devotion in his Subordinate Apprentices (his ‘subs,’ if you will.) if taken to their natural conclusions, these traits put him at the head of an empire that truly has no idea he’s even in charge, instead thinking him a mere executioner of some puppet emperor’s will as opposed to the one who really pulls the strings. Price is the kind of guy you find inside a sith holocron in like 5000 years, corrupting a whole new generation of impressionable force-users.
Soap would be a very classical sith in terms of methodology and how he’d go about developing his skills, letting his darker emotions run wild and suffusing himself in hatred. He doesn’t like to toy with his prey - he doesn’t have the patience for that anymore. It’s now now now, and he has long since stopped caring how he gets there, whether its a blade through the throat or a simple wave of the hand to turn a man’s brain into jam while it’s still in his head. He probably wouldn’t get along very well with Ghost with Price actively pitting them against each other for his approval. Soap needs validation of his prowess.
Gaz is likely the most philosophically pragmatic of the four, and sees the entire thing purely in terms of acquiring the necessary tools to control his own destiny. I think he’d be the most willing to use alchemy and various artifacts, but in a scientific way. He wants the power such things can give him, but doesn’t really want to engage with the ‘kicking puppies’ aspect of the Dark Side. Yet it’s through this attempt to avoid immorality that Gaz is kept on the leash - his reluctance towards outright evil is contorted into inaction in the face of it. Price is, naturally, slowly desensitizing this man to the shadows, that he might not notice the one falling over him.
As for Ghost i’m really just picturing Sion from KOTOR 2: a guy so filled with rage and sheer willpower that his body refuses to let him die, keeping him in excruciating agony. Just a patchwork of scars and bone fragments held together by spite, a walking corpse who sees every battle as a way to inflict some of his own pain upon others as slowly and agonizingly as possible. If his mask slips, it’s very likely that he’ll literally fall apart. That’s how Price keeps him in line - he’s the only person strong enough to catch him, to physically keep him together; the only person he can let down the mask around. Yet even still, there is an implicit threat that Price can decide to let him fall at any time he wishes - Ghost is never truly safe.
You do not want to drag me back into my Star Wars obsession because I could outline exactly how these men would fit into the Jedi-Sith continuum.
Actually I'm going to.
Hard disagree that they're all Sith Lords, mainly because I subscribe to a very anti "light/dark" idea of the force, and have strange religious views about the way it all works.
Price strikes me as a sort of last surviving Paladin. He would have trained under Teepo and I can see him as a force user that prefers blasters to the traditional lightsaber. He has very strange ideas (according to the Jedi that hire him) about the nature of the force, and doesn't believe there's a light or dark side to it. There are good and bad people, but those same good people can use evil to achieve "good" goals, similarly evil people might use "good" channels to destroy their enemies. Price wouldn't see it as "stooping" to draw power from the dark side, he gets his hands dirty for the greater good. The ends justify his means. Price's position as a Paladin(former) leaves him in a good position to form a para-military unit, and since he has ties to the Jedi they tend to look the other way when he hits someone with force lightning.
Gaz strikes me as a Jedi that should have been made Master long ago. He's the best knight in three star systems, he's pragmatic, he's talented, he's quick on his feet, he's wickedly smart, but he's kind, and he has an anger that's been building inside of him that the high council can't risk infecting a padawan. He sees the title of Jedi as a limiter. Gloves on a man that could do more good if the gloves came off. Price sees Gaz as a solid ally, he takes Gaz under his wing and teaches him combat fighting, inches him to the edge of what Gaz considered the "dark" side and lets him decide if he truly knows the cost of taking the gloves off. I see Gaz as someone who finds themselves more in line with the Potentium, viewing the force(and the galaxy) as inherently good, but corrupted by evil force users. I can see Gaz twisting "dark side" techniques to suit his fighting style without dipping his toes into the sith.
I see Ghost as a hunter. He's not quite Jedi, not quite Sith. He feels self taught, and I can see him as having stolen every scrap of knowledge he has. Ghost is a truly grey force user. He holds allegiance only to those that have proven themselves useful or trustworthy to him. I see him with a red saber, only because he ripped it from the hands of a Sith he'd decided on killing. Ghost would prefer a saber, more personal, and would be a very promising Battlemind user. He'd call it something else but that man is a Juyo fighter no QUESTION. He channels his force powers into every attack, all offense, which often leaves him open to other force users, but the man is so singularly focused on destroying his enemies that even that can be a gamble. Price brings Ghost in because he has a reputation, and he knows it'll piss the high council off. I don't think Ghost is a very talented force user, but he's an insanely competent fighter and that matters more to Price.
For all of Ghost's rage, he's fairly even tempered. Any Jedi would say he's a ticking time bomb, but Price sees him as the controlled man that he is. If anyone is going to resist the dark side it's Ghost, that man has an iron grip on his will and emotions, and he's not loosening up any time soon.
(can you tell I have beef with the Jedi. They will let anything go as long as it serves their agenda of maintaining police power over the galaxy)
Soap I see as a renegade. Formally trained by the Jedi, likely brought up in the same youngling class as Gaz, and given a very traditional padawan training. Until he bumped into Ghost who was on a mercenary trip to take out his Master. Ghost, who took one look at this determined padawan that held his saber at Ghost's throat and thought "Now this is a guy I could use." So Soap tags along with Ghost and learns all about Guerilla warfare. Extremely talented force user, excellent at covering Ghost's weak spots. Which is great because I don't see Soap as too talented a saber fighter. UNTIL He meets Ghost and starts learning how to fight with a blaster. Then he's a force to be reckoned with. Soap finds slug throwers and it's fucking OVER for anyone fighting him. He's exceptionally talented at using the force to increase the propulsion and overall deadliness of his bullets. He'll break through any defenses laid out with precision and ease. He still clings to some Jedi ideas, but he has a temper, and that's easy for Price to exploit.
Anyway those are my thoughts.
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genericpuff · 1 day
ok as someone disabled with severe motor skill issues i really hate the argument that "anyone can learn art" and that it's completely accessible to everyone. it's not. there are lots of disabled folks who are getting left out of this discussion with the ableist argument that anyone can do art and if you can't you're just not trying hard enough (which is an argument a lot of abled people tend to use against disabled folks in general). i'm against ai art and will never use it but we have got to stop acting like art is an accessible hobby to everyone because there is unfortunately a lot of people who would love to become artists but will never be able to because of our disabilities.
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nah you right! I try to be mindful of that sort of thing but it does admittedly fly under my radar at times because I'm not someone living with a physical disability (and thus it's not as front-of-mind as someone who is) so thanks for catching me on that, many apologies. My argument was regarding the people I've seen who have exclusively used "well I've tried to learn how to draw and it's hard / took too much time / etc." as their driving argument (of which there are just. so many) when like. these are realities for many artists who have been doing this for years, too, including those who are disabled. yeah, making art takes time and practice and a lot of hard work! welcome to the party LOL
but I also understand how keeping that argument so simplified can be exclusionary to those who do genuinely face barriers when pursuing art due to living with disabilities. I've met and observed the work of many disabled artists - webcomic artists, game designers, musicians, etc. - who are out there making their stuff and it comes with all its own unique struggles that shouldn't be forgotten about or overlooked in the discussion regarding AI art, struggles that bar many people from even getting into making art from the starting gun.
I do genuinely believe that art can come from anywhere, that anyone is capable of expressing themselves through whatever medium that compels them... but you're right that many artistic mediums in and of themselves are not wholly accessible to everyone. And I hope to god that more tools are developed to help those who are both working artists as well as aspiring ones.
But AI, in its current state, just isn't one of them. And I'm seeing this sentiment being yelled from the rooftops by many disabled artists who firmly believe that the ends do not justify the means - that they don't want the medium to become more accessible if it comes at the cost of other artists (many who are disabled themselves!) whose work and livelihoods are being replaced with cheap carbon copies. AI art doesn't allow anyone to actually participate in the joy of creating straight from the heart, it just takes from others' joy and spits it back out with an impression of what it thinks the joy of creation is supposed to look like through lifeless pixels. That's not even getting into just how much damage it's already actively causing to our environment, and how quickly AI has started to replace other surrounding industries as well.
Separately from that, you're right, paying for art is a luxury for many, but that's all the more reason why we shouldn't be supporting the current climate surrounding AI IMO which is the crux of what my argument was in that previous Simpsons meme post. Many people do face severe limitations in trying to create their art; the people I'm referring to who are heavily pro-AI are often not those same people and only face the limitations of their own entitlement, which is destroying the livelihoods of many human artists. Is it worth participating in AI art to save money if that same participation perpetuates a growing system that's costing people their livelihoods?
Maybe some day we'll get AI tools that are less predatory and destructive and help those who want to create art do so. Maybe we'll finally get some stricter regulations around what companies are allowed to get away with in their respective industries. I'd like to think also that the rise of AI art will, by extension, make human-made art all the more valuable. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't wish for tools that made making webcomics just a teeeeny bit more efficient without being completely unethical LOL But until any of those scenarios prove to be true, we're dealing with a monster of our own design that will never stop eating even after we've all been consumed. The toothpaste is out of the tube.
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schizosupport · 3 days
Hello! I have a weird relationship to psychosis and I'm not sure if you might have any insight. I think I've had psychotic experiences my whole life, but the experiences I've had don't seem to fit into any named framework I can find (schizospec, etc.). I call it spicy anxiety, because on top of my existing anxiety I also am very prone to fairly brief (hours to days) bizarre delusions with insight. As a kid that would mean reading a fantasy book and being convinced that I had whatever magic powers I read about. As an adult it's more like... What if the car behind me in traffic is a robot-dragon trying to eat me?!?! And I can tell this is Not A Thing, logically, but I also can't stop panicking about it. I tend to be pretty paranoid in general, even when I'm not actively psychotic. Sometimes it's sorta fun, just like Imagination+, now with maybe more suspension of disbelief than is good for me! I have no negative symptoms, only some cognitive symptoms and those are better explained by my AuDHD than anything, I think. I don't think I'm schizospec; my delusions are too brief even for something like Brief Psychotic Disorder, and I think too bizarre for something like Delusional Disorder. I don't care that much about diagnosis, nor am I seeking a diagnosis, but I do want... I guess reassurance that other people experience this in similar ways? And language to describe what I experience? I also know that I have a family history of this type of mental illness (completely untreated) that seems to get worse with age, and if my symptoms ever become debilitating enough that I do need help...I deeply deeply distrust the carceral nature of the psychiatric institution, and I want to have knowledge of my own going in. To be clear: I am not asking you to diagnose me. I am asking if you (or your followers) have ever heard of experiences like this. Thanks for your time, either way!
Hi there! Yes, boy, I sure have!
So the "spicy anxiety" is something that I relate to a lot. I call it "psychosis flavored anxiety", personally. For me it's obviously not my only symptom, but it's something that is a fundamental part of me and also my own way of being schizo spec.
I used to think of this as just anxiety. I remember my gf's face when I first got into specific about the types of things I'm anxious about. They got kinda quiet and was like "honey are you sure that's anxiety" 😂 .... And it IS a type of anxiety, right, because it's a what-if scenario that scares you, rather than something you're convinced of, like a delusion. But it's definitely psychosis-flavored.
More clinical terms could be paranoid ideation, magical thinking and quasipsychosis, depending on your mileage.
I'm also someone who, aside from direct symptoms of schizophrenia, also just has an overactive imagination. Imagination+ is one way to describe it! My brain will come up with all kinds of bizarre and paranoid thoughts all the time. And depending on how well I'm doing I can dismiss it, I can be anxious about, or I can have a breakdown and feel temporarily convinced of it. There's often a grey area where I do act to protect myself from perceived threat, but I also acknowledge that it's an unlikely threat. But "just in case"..
Tendency towards psychosis or adjacent experiences does run in families, so having family members with psychosis means you are more likely to be having this type of experience - and it doesn't have to mean, that you're going to go on to develop fullblown psychosis.
I hope this was helpful!
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meowmeowriley · 4 hours
bun!ghost queries:
so I was wondering if ghost's bun ears are notched n scarred or if they're Perfectly velveteen and then that made me wonder if scars/damage transfers between forms and that led me to--
if ghost has had top surgery and if so would he still have the massive dewlap im pretty sure I saw previously mentioned at some point? I love ghost's tips regardless ofc but im curious
Yesssssss this is great! I honestly hadn't thought about the implications of his scars transferring, but there's no reason why they shouldn't... and now my mind is working...
So while Ghost is a heavily scarred man, his rabbit form looks relatively unscathed. It's deceiving, however.
He's got scars, but his fur is so thick you'd only see them if you went looking. His ears are the one place you can see them. White scars mar the pink skin and disrupt the thin covering of gray fur on the outer ear. There's notches and nicks, but they're not the most heinous things in the world. His ears are still lovely and velvety soft.
There's one thing he hates about his ears, however. A faded bluish-gray tattoo on the inside of his right ear. An identification number. A sick joke on the part of Roba. He's covered in tattoos, you'd think he'd be fine just getting it covered up. But... the thought alone of someone holding his ear in their hands makes him squirrely. (Or rabbity) He can't do it. It's faded enough, wasn't done properly to begin with, nobody really picks up on it. But he knows its there.
Thank you, for more angst ideas for this bunny boy 😈
After finding out that Ghost is a rabbit, Soap will notice how lean the man is, and how unhealthy his rabbit form looks. Barely any dewlap, little to no body fat. He makes it his mission to fix the other man's diet and fatten him up to a much healthier weight. There will be visible differences in all his forms, because of Soap's efforts. 😁
As far as top surgery, this version of Ghost didn't have top surgery. He was pretty flat chested before, he's really lean, he never felt like he needed it. Not like he needed his bottom surgery. So he worked out a ton, and no one is the wiser. Though once Soap forces a proper diet on him, he does find his tits a bit more prominent than he's used to. (Plus it's worth noting, that while I and Soap will refer to his dewlap as his tits, it's really just a fatty pouch on his neck, and has nothing to do with his teats, which he does have and are totally untouched.)
His bottom surgery doesn't change anything about his rabbit form, other than a patch on his inner thigh that took forever to grow fur again. He still looks like a completely normal female rabbit. With his unhealthy lifestyle leading to a lack of dewlap, it's not quite that obvious. In fact, it lends itself to him being male. Female rabbits tend to be larger and thicker, and the dewlap is a dead giveaway, while males tend to be stockier and more muscular. Do I smell body dismorphia in his future? Possibly...
This was a wonderful ask, and had added to the overall length of the fic lol, whoopsie!
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im-ovulating · 3 days
Ok so since you volunteered...EEEEE🤭🤭
I've had this thought on my mind for a while...how do you think a relationship with Alec,Paul, and Embry (separately please) would be/how would they react if they were in a relationship with reader who is slightly more traditional. She likes to cook and clean for them, and she likes to make their plate and hand it to them (paul and embry only for obvious reasons, lol).
Reader is more traditional in this way that she enjoys it but still modern and a feminist because she doesn't do it because "she's a woman and that's her job" or "it's her place" bullshit sje does it because it's a sinple way she shows affection and that she loves them. If you can add in them defending reader and getting all protective when someone says something like "you're lucky man... to have a woman who knows her place, " and they're just like "stfu she doesn't do this because of your misogynistic ideas she does it because that's how she shows love and loyalty"
(A/n: Before anyone asks- yes, yes I do think that Alec's is funny. I laughed writing it so that's all that matters lmao)
(I feel like I got a little too cookie cutter with Paul and Embry, but what can you do when you're already on your 3rd rewrite?)
Word Count: 908
Summary- Request above^^
Warnings: Misogyny (not from the boys), Decapitation in Alec's lol
Age Rating: None
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Alec, Paul, Embry (separate) x Fem! Reader: Tradition
"Say it again." Alec's fangs are bared inches from the lower guard's face as he pins him to the wall.
He had been making his way through the halls towards your shared quarters when he heard one of the new guards commenting about you. Normally he would have left it - it's a new guard, he's going to be killed in a few weeks' time anyway after all (Caius simply doesn't have the patience to deal with newborns), but this time was different.
It was different because it wasn't the usual comments about you being human; it wasn't the comments on what it must be like to be mated to one of the elite guards. No.
It was a comment about your more... traditional habits. The way you let him take control on most things, the way you tend to pick up around the castle despite there being lower vampires in the coven that tend to that.
What had made the normally calmer of the twins snap were the words, "At least the human knows her place is serving men."
"SAY IT!" He snarls, voice echoing off the stone walls of the castle.
"I-" The newborn starts to stammer. Before he can even start his second word, Alec's grip on his neck tightens, forcing a web of cracks to shoot up the guard's neck and splinter his face.
It only when his fingers dig in enough to finally snap the guard's head clean off that he steps back, eyes nearly black and wild and his chest heaving with unnecessary breaths. As a final disrespect, he boots the decapitated head down the hall, relishing in the sickening crack when it hits the far wall.
You round the corner just in time to see Alec standing over the headless body, his eyes slowly fading from pitch black to their usual crimson.
"Are... are you alright?" you ask hesitantly, approaching him carefully.
Alec nods, pulling you close. "I couldn't let him speak about you that way," he murmurs into your hair.
"What way?"
He just shakes his head, breathing in your scent to calm himself.
At the first pack bonfire you've been invited to, you're busy helping Emily serve food to everyone when you overhear an older member of the tribe talking to Paul. "You're a lucky man," he says, nodding in your direction. "Having a woman who knows her place. It's rare these days..."
Paul's reaction is immediate. His body tenses, eyes flashing with anger. "Watch it," he growls, his voice low and dangerous. "Y/n doesn't do shit to fit a dumbass outdated role."
The man backs away, surprised by Paul's intensity. You feel a warmth spread through your cheeks, touched by Paul's defense of you.
Later that night, as you're cleaning up together, Paul wraps his arms around you from behind. "I'm sorry about earlier," he murmurs into your hair.
You turn in his embrace, meeting his eyes. "Don't be. I loved how you stood up for me."
"I just hate when people assume things about you," Paul says, his brow furrowed. "You're the most kickass woman I know. You take care of me because you want to, not because you have to."
You reach up, smoothing the wrinkles between his scrunched eyebrows. "And because you don't do it yourself," you jab, lightly.
A small snort leaves him and he leans down to kiss you gently. "I love you, baby."
"Love you too."
The calm and peace of Emily's house is quickly broken by the whooping and excited shouting of the pack as they come clamoring in. When they catch the scent of all the food you and Emily have been making, they rush into the kitchen, crowding around the table.
You smile, watching as the boys' eyes light up at the sight of the feast. As always, you take pleasure in preparing a plate for him, carefully piling his plate full. When you hand Embry the plate, his fingers brush yours, and he gives you that warm, appreciative smile that never fails to make your heart skip.
"You don't have to do that," he murmurs, but his appreciative smile tells you he loves it.
"I know," you reply, handing him the plate. "But I want to."
"Thanks, babe," he says softly, just for you to hear.
As you both sit down, one of the newer, younger pack members makes a comment. "Man, Embry, you're lucky to have a girl who knows her place."
The temperature in the room seems to drop. Embry's eyes flash dangerously, and he's on his feet in an instant. "What did you just say?" he growls.
You place a calming hand on his arm. "Embry, it's okay."
"No, it's not. Listen to me and listen good," he addresses the newcomer, his voice low and intense. "She doesn't do this because of some outdated, misogynistic idea of a woman's 'place'. She does it because that's how she chooses to show love and care. It has nothing to do with obligation and everything to do with her heart. So keep your ignorant comments to yourself."
The teen manages to stammer out an apology and as the tension slowly dissipates, Embry sits back down, his hand finding yours under the table. You squeeze it gently, a silent thank you for his defense. In that moment, surrounded by the warmth of the pack and Embry's unwavering support, you're reminded once again why you fell in love with him.
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iraprince · 4 hours
Haven't played in ages as I tend to with mmorpgs, but am highly supportive of GW2's no-subscriptions rule. Truly a breath of fresh air in today's gaming industry. I'd also like to note (though you moght have already) that a massive chunk of the game (essentially the whole 'base') is free without any of the Expansions, so you can play first with those and see if you want to spend money.
I miss my Sylvari deadeye quite a bit.. never completed Heart of Thorns but really should
yep, i agree w all this!! and while gacha-style stuff DOES exist in-game, they've been pretty responsive to negative player feedback and have in the past tweaked how certain lootboxes work in response to criticism -- off the top of my head i'm thinking of like, the black lion statuette system that lets you save up to get otherwise lootbox-exclusive items (which is pretty old now but didn't exist when i first started playing); and the way that mount skin boxes do offer a (more expensive) option that lets you just choose exactly which skin you want rather than rolling for it. stuff like that! it's not perfect but it's just nice to see imo, esp in comparison to the rest of the landscape as you said.
i've historically been a little cranky about the living world pricing model, bc i think it comes off as kind of a "hidden cost" that ends up piling up to be pretty unfriendly to new players -- but they've moved away from that format now and now all newer (post-icebrood saga) story content/important plot episodes are included with expacs, and in the grand scheme of things it's still all way less than you'd be paying for a monthly sub over time, so i've honestly softened on that a bit!
i hope u enjoy if u do end up swinging back around to it!! my main's also a sylvari deadeye :D
EDIT: OH also forgot to mention that gw2 does let u convert in-game money into the premium/cash-shop currency, which to my understanding is pretty unusual (i don't play any other mmos so idk). there are absolutely ppl who manage to buy whatever cosmetics etc they want by just playing the game a lot, grinding up sufficient gold, and trading that for gems rather than ever having to spend actual money -- that method isn't viable for me but if u end up finding that gold grinding works for u, technically u COULD get the living world seasons just by doing that...
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threepandas · 22 hours
Bad End: Hidden Heir (2)
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A pounding headache and cave air, that's what I woke up too. The air was being choked, though, by familiar scents. All trying desperately to make the cold, wet, and softly echoing quiet, hospitable. It was nauseating in my current state. Weak and... drugged? Had I been drugged? I certainly hadn't been drunk.
So why did my head hurt so much?
Why did every motion, make my stomach want to rebel?
My limbs felt so WEAK. Heavy and useless. Barely budging when I try to lift them. To rub my head? Adjust the blanket? Sit up? I can't tell. Thinking... thinking is so hard past... the pounding in my head. The fog. I struggle to concentrate. God, that SMELL.
Like a perfume store combined with... with... ugh. Everything!
I could pick out individual scents I knew I liked, on their own, added to the nauseating chaos. My favorite potpourri was there. But so was the one I like for winter? Fall? That one I liked as a kid until I found Mrs. Tianna's blend...
And perfumes! Colognes! The clean products and scents I preferred the maids used. God it... it blended together like a trash heap. As though someone drove a carriage through a perfume shop at speed. Cloying and musk and spice and fruity and-!
I sucked air through my teeth, trying not to smell it, hoping to god I wouldn't TASTE it.
Finally I managed to pry my eyes open. Either hunger or thirst giving my the strength to push past the nauseating pain. I NEEDED to move. Find out what was happening. Survive.
My gaze... met the most elaborate embroidery I had ever seen. Tapestries had less art. Almost to the point of gaudiness. Possibly past it. It was...
It was everything I had ever said I liked.
Too anyone.
Puppies and flowers, history and art, books scenes and more. It kept GOING! Hideous and magnificent. Chaos. Unhinged. Flowing down from above me, along the rest of the curtains, for the canopy bed upon which I rest. So I would be surrounded by it all. Even the blanket... it was a sea of my favorite flowers, made eternal through string.
This wasn't something people just DID. Could just FIND. I could feel my panic under the muting pain and exhaustion. This was the work of YEARS. Obsessive, continuous, YEARS. Some of these threads cost more then certain house hold make in WEEKS! And for what? A secret canopy bed?!
I struggled, body barely able to obey me but trying desperately to assist. The blankets were heavy. The curtain around the bed equally so, thanks to all the embroidery. I.. I manage to roll. Squirm. Wriggle my way, undignified, to the edge. Flop over it and out from under the blanket. Too freedom.
The air is cold.
The scents WORSE out here. Now, I can see why.
It is a museum to all that I am. Every like carefully gathered in one place, every preference. Stacked and shoved together, with no regard for if they fit. Hoarded like a collection.
I can not even tell... if I am sitting, flopped down, on my favorite winter bedside carpet or just an exact copy. My entire life is shoved together and suddenly... suddenly I do not like any of these things at all. They feel dirty. Dangerous. Like they have betrayed me. I want to cry.
But I am nauseous. Hurting. Tired and thirsty. So very hungry dispite it all. I just... I just need to know what's going ON! This isn't... this isn't how the Game goes! Not for Protag-chan. Not for me! I know I changed my "character's" behavior... but...
I... I don't understand...
Try not to cry. It's... it's really hard.
I was right. I'm pretty sure this is the Caves of Spring in the northwest of the Duchy. The offical Heir has an estate near them. The stone looks like the cliffs I'd seen in passing.
Crawling is hard. My legs keep getting tangled in my fucking nightgown. My... my f.. favorite.. nightgown! I'm not gonna cry. Damn it. I'm NOT GONNA CRY. How dare he? How DARE he ruin even that? What did he DO to me!? When I was... was...
No, don't think about it!
A decanter. Needlessly pretty. I probably loved it as a girl, fresh into this world. Everything was so FANCY and I wasn't used to having money yet. Hadn't developed any real class or taste. It looks so fucking gaudy to me now. But God, it has water. Please... PLEASE let that be water!
I drag myself up on badly shaking limbs. Nothing wants to hold. Wrists buckling, knees giving, legs shaking like a new born lamb. My arms are so weak. But thirst... oh thirst is a powerful motivator.
I force myself to move.
The water is not enough. It is everything. Cold and perfect, I force myself to go slow. To not spill a single drop, as I collapse against the dresser it was placed upon. Letting my eyes explore my cage in the way my poor abused body can not.
There are thick bars buried deep into the bedrock, separating the "room" I'm in from the hall that leads away from it. And it IS a "room". Made in cruel mockery to resemble the luxury of the dukes estate. Perhaps even more aggressively decadent in certain aspects, though that isn't a good thing. It makes it border on a storage room, for how crowded with luxury it has become.
It is the reflection of an unwell mind.
And staring up at the portraits of myself I KNOW I never sat for? The countless sketches pinned up beyond the bars? I am in trouble. I... I should have run. Not sent Creep away. I should have been the one to run. Before it was too late.
I think... I think it might be too late.
I want to escape. But where can I run? I am caged. I feel close and far away. My head hurts. My body hurts. Everything stinks and I am cold. Why? Why did you do this? The foot steps are calm and commanding. Even. They do not break stride.
I do not bother to watch my hunter approach me. The monster I can not escape.
I close my eyes to spare myself the pounding in my head. Drink more water.
He makes a softly dismayed sound, as though he was not the one to drug me, to leave me here. The door to my cage opens. Closes. Ah... such a heavy lock. Should I be flattered?
Crisp steps, the rustle of fabric.
"My lady, the floor is so dirty! You shouldn't be out of bed yet. I was just about to make you tea."
Tea? TEA! Ha ha! After DRUGGING my tea? He actually expects me to accept a cup from him again?! He truely IS insane, isn't he?
I am scooped up without my consent, unable to so much a truely struggle. Placed gently on a plush chair, a tea table moved in front of me. A familiar cup. My favorite blend. Pretty little snacks laid out deftly on lovely little plates. I grit my teeth. Slowly tip my head up to glare.
He pauses when our eye meet... then shudders, some terrible look of pleasure dancing across his face.
"That's right... look at me~" he whispers, leaning entirely too close. "I'm all that you have now. So you'll HAVE too now! No more others. No more distractions. No more sending me away! People trying to get between us. Trying to take you away. I'm all that you need, My Lady. All you'll EVER need."
"Just look at ME, your loyal dog. And I'll take such good care of you. I promise~♡"
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haute-honey · 2 days
astrology opinions.
Reminder that these are just subjective opinions just like any other astrology observational post. If it don't apply, bye.
Someone having your sun sign as their moon is really not all that. The moon person tends to be playing pretend in front of the sun person. Very deceptive.
I saw someone describe Taurus placements as "sweet" and "innocent" lmfaooooooo Taurus is a sign that you don't want to fuck with or have them perceive you as being an enemy because they can be nuttier than squirrel shit. They aren't Joe from You. They are Brandy from A Thin Line Between Love and Hate. I feel like I've said this in another observation post but just want to reiterate because don't get it fucked up with these people they will end you. If fuck around and find out was an astrological sign. They are not afraid of being vindictive and conniving over what is "theirs".
Speaking of which, Water sign dominant femmes get waaaay too overrepresented for being the crazy jealous "my man my man my man" type of lovers when earth sign dominant femmes are just like them. Yes they may be slower to open up but once they do? Good luck trying to shake them. An earth sign woman/femme will go to the ends of the earth for their lover and if someone comes along and tries to threaten what they feel they've "built", they turn into eminem in love the way you lie part 2.
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Virgo placements, its okay to be a nerd. Just don't be a loser. There is a difference. (This take is more directed towards the men/masculines w/ virgo placements.)
I have yet to see or witness a Scorpio sun be as mYstEriOus as yall claim they are.... they're usually the loudest hoe in the room.
If you want to know if a guy is interested in dating outside his race? Look for Gemini or Sagittarius placements in his big 6.
Saw a post that said people with venus in 2h/scorpio are usually the "other woman" or involved with people who are involved with others but get "chosen" in the end....
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y'all really get on here and say ANYTHING. As a person with these placements, the most important things to me within a relationship are loyalty, attraction and stability. Can't get that out of a partner who is already in a committed relationship...
Having pretty privilege ≠ being a pick me (this ones for my girlies with prominent libra placements)
Every femme only wants to talk about how "seductive" and "sexy" it is to have prominent Lilith placements. We don't discuss enough how awful it is for your social life esp in relation to other women. In my experience as someone with Lilith in 1H, women either have weird jealous/envious energy towards me or they want me romantically/sexually. It sucks ngl.
Going back to women/femmes with prominent Libra placements/influence in their chart, I'm seeing a lot of bullshit about how they are within romantic relationships and in the dating world. This belief of them being "the other woman" is bullshit. They are not out to get your loser boyfriend. (This is from experience, I've had guys breakup with their gfs just to try to talk to me, ew.)
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I think its a good thing air dominant people are so detached. The jealousy/envy/obsession they attract needs to be studied. Work on protecting yourselves from evil eye.
Stop infantilizing cap moons please. Their biggest enemy are themselves for their unwillingness to be emotional or express emotion. You cannot establish healthy relationships with others and be emotion-phobic at the same time. Esp if you're a grown ass adult, you need to work on your emotional maturity and stop using your upbringing as an excuse to continue emotionally abusive and neglectful cycles.
Speaking of caps, Saturn ruled people (aquarius and capricorn dominant people) need to understand and accept that they are here to do incredible things. The more you try to assimilate to what everyone else is doing, the more you try to blend in the more Saturn is gonna beat your ass. Go big or go home bitch.
I noticed people who have issues with their emotional wellbeing (either too sensitive or emotionally inept) have their moon in a sign that is generally incompatible with their sun sign. (For ex. Aries sun with a Capricorn moon). Gotta work extra hard to learn and understand who you are emotionally.
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Anyways that's all... for now.
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