#i just think he takes awhile to even consider it….needs to trust you sooooooo much
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Ok, but would megumi ever ask you to play as...mom figure... don't shoot me for this

putting these two together….not sure if it’s same anon….or two different ones but!!! not shooting you for this!!
so. i won’t say that he Wouldn’t have a mommy kink or want that with you……but i don’t think it’s super in his realm of kinks……i also don’t think he’d ever outright ask….i think you’d have to slowly SLOWLY and CAREFULLY and with so much love…guide him to it. probably in a d/s sort of dynamic. it would take A LOT imo to get him to trust you or get there. or in any of those more role play-y types of dynamics that involve Titles such as that.
i think i could be convinced he’s into it by an articulate case study on his character + kink + relationship/dynamic exploration you know….like i could be convinced!! but i don’t think it’s like his go-to.
i think it may take a lot of work…..but i think it’s possible…..all depends on dynamic, trust, etc!
#sorry anon i don’t take anything normally so i must analyze and assess#not as much of a fun answer#i just think he takes awhile to even consider it….needs to trust you sooooooo much#cielo chats!#cw: mommy kink#also you’re not going too far!!#i don’t have a ton of things i like……wouldn’t discuss you know….
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BHP The Beast Within || Greg-a-Roo
TW werewolf violence, blood, umm...did I mention the werewolf?
In which Roo completely forgets to take his daily dose of wolfsbane potion on the night of the Yule Ball, yielding disastrous consequences when the full moon comes around.
Wow this month had been crazy! Roo could hardly believe how great it had been! He had met some students from America, commentated the magical melee, gotten a date with literally the hottest girl in school and rescued an illusive endangered bird on the school grounds!
All of that great stuff had happened in spite of the furry little problem scheduled to rear it’s ugly head that very night. But before that, Roo had plans to go with his best friend see the new demiguise rumored to have arrived in the school paddock just that day.
Coming down the stairs to gryffindor Tower, Roo spotted Greg waiting for him in the entrance hall. Grinning, he ran over to his friend and called out, “Hey Greg! You ready to go see something amazing?”
Despite his initial concerns for this entire… Magical Melee event - Greg was actually quite pleased about how his time had been going. Sure… it wasn't always rainbows and butterflies but for the most part? Greg enjoyed having his American friends here to visit. The extra heads and passion at his clubs making for more excitement - more quidditch teams to face off against and more memories to hold close to his heart.
Especially those he'd been sharing with his fellow Hogwarts classmates and professors as well. The Golden Snidget for example, he was sure to rest member for a lifetime and… well, his time with Charlie at the Yule Ball? Don't even get him started.
The greatest thing however? Is that it wasn't even over. Here he was still planning future fun and adventure, meeting Roo within the hall as he fidgeted lightly with his robes. "You'd think we'd have run out of amazing things to see after these past few days huh?" He teased with a shake of his head, starting off across the hall with his friend - the excitement already clear in his demeanor. "Do you think we'll actually get to see it? Like… that it won't go invisible on us?..."
“Nah! They only go really invisible when spooked, right? And you have like the most calming presence with the creatures of anyone I know!” Roo assured his friend with a smile, nearly bouncing from eagerness even though physically he felt like he needed about a thousand hours of sleep. All part of that lovely little gift he received every month,
He had no intention of sleeping however. Not yet. He’d been doing this for years and thanks to the potion, knew exactly the hour and minute the change would come. It was like clockwork and he intended to get the most out of life before hiding himself away.
As it was, twilight had hit the grounds as the sun slowly set behind the mountains, the full moon already making an appearance as it peeked over the horizon.
“Ok! We’ve got t-minus four hours and ten minutes to check out one of the coolest magical creatures ever before my mom and I have an appointment with the room of requirement. You ready?”
The young man could have laughed at that - but it was incredibly sweet to know that Roo thought that. In fact that might've been one of the best compliments he'd ever received. A calming presence was a big deal in that field of work, after all. Professor Tibbs? He was like that too. Now - Greg was terrified of ever pissing off the man but.. His general presence? Very peaceful.
As they strolled across the grounds, Eeyore's gaze tilted up towards the sky - the moon just peeking in at them as the younger man nodded his head. He trusted Roo - if the older student said he had four hours and ten minutes exactly? Greg believed it. It was both a responsibility and a whole process that Greg wasn't sure he would have ever been strong enough to endure but Roo? He always treated it like nothing. Never let it get him down or get in the way of him doing what he wanted.
Greg could respect that.
"Of course!" He finally spoke back, a smile planted on his features as they walked down and passed all too familiar areas. "I'm always ready to see new creatures. I'm almost a little mad actually that we weren't told sooner about this." He teased with a shake of his head. "I hated sitting through classes and dinner knowing we were going to go see it tonight. I wanted to leave already!"
Roo loved Hogwarts and counted himself lucky that he was even allowed to attend considering his condition. The school provided the magical education he required as well as a job for his mother when few other employers would even consider hiring her. Not only that, but Roo had made some amazing friends—present company especially included—and had helped him realize his care and passion for magical creatures.
The sweeping grounds spread before them as they made their way to the paddock where the creatures of Hogwarts were kept and cared for, the lake shimmering in the final rays of the sun.
They walked in companionable silence for a few moments. Things had been busy with prefect duties and new students and his job as competition commentator, so Roo hadn't really gotten to talk to Greg much over the past week. They had some stuff to catch up on.
“Sooooo….tell me...” Roo started, his mouth quirking into a playful smirk as they walked. “You and Charlie Little???”
The blush spread across Gregory’s features almost immediately, his eyes narrowing towards his friend with a small shake of his head. “Really - that’s what you’re going to ask about when you asked Ashley to the ball.” He shot back with a laugh; knowing he’d certainly had a good time overhearing all that during the task. However despite his words, Gregory did allow a short sigh, glancing towards Professor Tibbs’ place as they passed it.
“I uh… He’s nice, okay?” He started finally, gaze slipping back to Roo for a moment before he shrugged his shoulders again. Though it wasn’t like he had to explain himself to Roo - the older man wasn’t there to judge him. He was likely sincerely just curious and trying to kindly take the mickey out of him but… he still felt himself bristle slightly before he remembered there was nothing to get defensive over.
Roo wasn’t some rude Slytherin, Toulouse or any of the other bullies that dotted the school.
“Like….really nice. I didn’t even think he was gonna agree to going with me so.. I was just happy he said yes and.. Then we-” A pause to blush deeper. “Well.. uhm.. We had a good time. How was the ball for you? Was Ashley actually a good date?”
Yeah, Roo was being nosy, and he was totally going to take the Mickey out of Greg. But in a friendly sort of way, not at all like the bullies around school.
“I know he's nice,” Roo chuckled, holding up his hands in a gesture of peace. “Wasn't he in the COMC club back in our third year? Nice kid with an affinity for reptiles? Honest, I'm glad you guys had a great time. It was a very good time, if my sources are to be trusted.” The sly grin was back as he elbowed his friend playfully, stepping through the opening in the low stone wall halfway down the path to the magical creature paddock.
It was a mark of how good their friendship was that they could talk openly with one another. Greg knew Roo’s greatest secret, so what was a bit of teasing about love lives between friends?
It was Roo’s turn to blush. “Ashley’s—complicated,” he hedged, shrugging a bit. “She acts all tough and like she hates everything but every once in awhile she lets a small crack in her mask show and there's something else underneath, ya know?” He laughed, rubbing his neck as he added, “But yes, she was a great date. She called me an idiot the whole time but her actions told a completely different story.”
Gregory made a small affirmative hum at the question - though he made no move to correct his companion on the fact that he was younger than him and it was his second year that Charlie had been there. Gregory rarely hung out with the people in his year, anyways, after all and with most of his friends belonging to Fifth year? He might as well have been one. Often people talking with him about OWLs and classes he wasn’t even taking too. At least he’d be more prepared for them when they came.
“He’s great with herpetology. And herbology.” He agreed, knowing if there was something Charlie did well? It was caring for his little lizards and his toad. There was so much love and attention put into it and Greg was always impressed by it. “But..I guess your sources are right. Whatever extendable ears you’re using around me.” He teased back with a laugh, choosing to climb over a fallen log rather than walk around it (more fun that way).
“That’s good though! I mean - not that she called you an idiot or anything but… That you had a good time too.” He might not have expected it given Ashley being his date but… One could hope that perhaps they would have had a good night together. Even if it...was perhaps the weirdest pairing he could imagine. Even then - still happy for his friend. “Sooooooo.” He started teasingly, glancing over his shoulder and nearly tripping over a root the second he wasn’t paying attention. “You uh - Jesus - You think you’re gonna have a second date?” He recovered, playing it off with a cheeky grin.
“Weeeelllll….” Roo hedged, though his face went hot and he couldn't help the ridiculous grin. Technically, they'd been seeing each other in secret thanks to her strict family, but he had promised to keep it a secret, which felt really weird with his best friend, by the way. “We’ve hung out a few times since then.” True. “But I don't know that I'd call it a date, ya know?”
He kicked a stray stone down the hill ahead of the, and grinned back at his friend, his eyes dancing with laughter, “But my own weird love life aside, I'm crazy glad for you, mate. Having a great dance partner and a little action? Sounds like a recipe for a great night.” He clapped Greg genially on the back, laughing as he added, “So, have you two hung out much since then?”
Roo paused a split second, feeling a little odd. Like a burst of energy had drained away from his body. Like he needed to lie down. He blinked and shrugged. Thinking it was probably nothing and continued walking,
Greg certainly wasn’t into the idea of discussing his crazy weird love life either, but he had to suppose it was only fair to give back when he was asking the same things of Roo. Though unfortunately there wasn’t much to tell on that front. “Nah… We haven’t. I suppose time will tell though” He spoke with a gentle shrug - continuing quickly as he pressed on.
"Well maybe you should ask her out on another date though." He suggested, letting his head wander as they walked through the forest - keeping an eye on for any magical creatures on their way because well.. Gregory was always looking.
"Make it official or something, y'know?"
Roo shrugged noncommittally, though he smiled. “I dunno, maybe. Is it weird that I really like her? Like, like-like her?” He shook his head, eyes raised to the sky as he thought about everything that had happened throughout the month. And how much he appreciated his friend’s companionship and support.
The final dregs of afternoon warmth were fading, making way for the cool of night when his gaze snapped up and he grinned at his best friend.
“I think we both deserve happiness and would like to propose a pact,” he hopped up on a tree stump as if it were a stage, continuing, “That we both agree to shoot for the moon! That we'll both take the next step, whatever that may be, me with Ashley and you with Charlie. And we'll each be there cheering the other on, no matter what,” he grinned widely, holding his hand out to shake on it, “Whattya say?”
That was probably a pact that Greg was willing to agree to. Especially if it meant that his friend could shoot for his own happiness too. Though he was… uncertain about his future with Charlie - he had a lot of hope for Roo and Ashley. It was always the under-dog pairings that made it through right? And… well he liked to think that Ashley did have a heart underneath it all. Enough to see Roo as the great person that he truly was.
In fact, Gregory was certain that Roo would be an amazing boyfriend for anyone. They’d be lucky to have him.
The older boy’s hand was taken easily, a smile spreading across his lips as he shook on it firmly. “Agreed. And… I mean no matter what happens, no one can say we didn’t try, right?” Because in the end? That was all that really mattered - and even if things didn’t work out? At least they’d have each other there to support one another.
Roo grinned widely, clutching his friend’s hand and shaking. He was certain there were ways to be more dramatic about making a pact permanent and lasting, but he supposed just their word and a handshake would be enough. They were already best friends, right? If his friend couldn't trust him or the reverse, what was even the point?
The sun vanished behind the horizon, and something lurched inside Roo. He gasped, his heart nearly stopping in his chest.
No. No. No. No. No. It wasn't time. He still had 3 hours and 23 minutes to go before—
Roo cringed away from his friend, grasping his head, struggling against the magic he could feel writhing inside, ready to take over his senses until dawn. A familiar burning tore through his body, sparking deep inside him and working its way out.
“Greg—” he gasped, his voice spiked with terror as he fell to the ground, “Run. Get away.”
It was easy to laugh as he pulled his hand back from his friends, nodding his promise to his friend and knowing that he didn’t have to worry about Roo backing out on his end of the deal. Maybe he’d talk to Charlie tomorrow - ask him to hang out or something. That would be nice…
“Roo?” Concern broke over his features as his friend stopped dead, Greg’s gaze looking over his shoulder before he turned towards him fully - a hand immediately reaching out as he fell to the grass below them. A cold sweat dotted his brow as he shook his head, even if Roo wasn’t watching him. “Roo - Roo what’s..what’s wrong?” He asked, his hand drawing back from his friend’s shoulder when he remembered what day it was. Slowly - his gaze slipped up to the sky; the full moon bearing down on them brightly, almost mocking them from its position as his eyes drew back to his friend.
Oh no.
Oh no, no, no. This shouldn’t be happening - this couldn’t be happening. Roo wouldn’t - he wouldn’t let himself turn in the woods. In front of him! He takes potions to prevent this! Did...did he forget?? “Roo - Please calm down. Just breathe okay.” He tried, taking a few careful steps back as he raised a shaky hand in a placating gesture - opposite moving to grip his wand within his robes. “It’s--- It’s gonna be okay! You’re fine, okay? Please just…” what? Not change?? Oh my god what was he going to do?
The change was coming, Roo could feel it. His mind, slipping out of his control. He wanted to cry, listening to Greg reassure him that he was going to be fine. But he wasn't, something had happened. He must have missed a dose of his potion in the excitement of everything that had happened.
But that's wasn't important right now. Greg was still there, a true friend, trying to comfort Roo, not caring he was in legitimate danger, one the change happened, Roo would cease to exist until dawn, a wild bloodthirsty beast left in his place.
“Greg! Get out of here! You have to save yourself!” he screamed, now thrashing as his body melted away into something else. And everything hurt. So much. He wanted it to be over, for the terror and the pain to be behind him.
Fur spring up on his neck, his back, his arms, everywhere. His bones morphing into a completely new shape, the shape of the wolf. Claws sprung from where his fingers had been and sharp fangs slid out in place of his teeth.
The more wolf like his body, the further his mind retreated into the farthest reaches of his consciousness until all that was left was the terror and rage and hunger of the wolf crouching in the grass, whimpering softly as it sniffed the air, trying to get its bearings.
This wasn't happening. This wasn't happening. This couldn't have been happening. He knew about werewolves. He'd seen werewolves but - to watch Roo transform in front of him? To see his body tear itself apart and put itself back together?
It was terrifying.
He was terrified. And yet? As quick as it came it almost seemed over. Roo laid trembling and whimpering along the grass. He'd warned him. Told him to get away and yet Greg's feet remained planted to the ground - either from fear or concern he wasn't sure. The world felt so suddenly quiet and he was almost afraid to breathe.
"... R-Roo?" Finally came his voice, meeker than he'd expected as he pushed back upon the balls of his feet - ready to turn and run should this go badly.
The wolf bristled at the sound of the human voice, ignoring the ongoing struggle in the back of its mind. Only one thing mattered. The need to bite. To scratch. To howl and run and hunt.
It’s head snapped up, wide yellow eyes honing in on the boy that spoke, tense as it took on the stance of one preparing to flee.
The proper stance for prey.
Leaping to its feet, a snarl ripped from the wolf’s throat followed by a long howl, it’s nose pointed to the sky.
Finishing in a crouch the wolf turned its predatory gaze back in the boy foolish enough to still be standing there, it’s muscles tended, preparing to pounce when —
No! Don’t! Please!
A tiny weak voice cried out in the wolf’s mind struggling for control. The wolf shook its head, choosing to ignore it. That voice held no power over the wolf.
The growl built in the wolf’s chest as it slowly stalked towards its prey, muscles tensing, preparing to go for the attack.
It paused as the voice returned, begging and pleading for it to stop. It was a distracting nuisance and the wolf was annoyed, snarling and snapping at the air over its shoulder as if the owner of the voice was right there.
The wolf shook its head. No. It would not yield.
Forward it moved, slowly crouching, staring at its trembling prey, until—it pounced! Leaping through the air towards the boy!
The boy easily flinched at the howl, stumbling back a few steps with a gasp. Fear had him frozen to the core then - locking eyes once more and it didn't take a genius to know the signs. Crouched on its haunches, a tension rippling through its muscles…
Roo was poised to attack.
And yet he couldn't move. Feet remained planted firmly upon the ground, iron grip on his wand and curses repeating like a mantra in his head. Roo got closer - snarling and snapping: at him, at itself.
Move. Run. Wake up, wake up, wake up. Please just —
Instinct worked before he did, throwing himself to the side as the werewolf finally lunged forward. Gregory fell easily to the forest floor, his legs scrambling underneath him almost immediately as he pushed himself up. By the time he was even close to standing he was already running, a mad sprint towards the edge of the forest. Towards help.
He just needed to get that far.
The boy dodged, tumbling to one side just in time to avoid the snapping jaws of the wolf. The wolf skidded to a halt, howling it’s rage at the night sky before changing course and giving chase to its prey.
Bounding over the grassy hills, the forest called out to the wolf. It was the siren call of freedom and it was tempting. But the forest could wait, the predator must first satisfy the primal hunger burning inside—and the need to bite. To scratch. To destroy.
The prey was just ahead, still fleeing. Still putting up a fight. But the wolf was closing in. Just a few more bounds and—it leapt! Flying through the air it landed gracefully, it's front paws knocking the boy facefirst to the ground.
With a final snarl of victory, wolf sunk its teeth into the boy's flesh, the scent and taste of blood satisfying the beast within until another howl pierced the darkness, calling the wolf to it. The wolf howled in reply and bounded into the forest, leaving its prey curled up alone and bleeding at the edge of the forest.
Shoes pressed quickly over the uneven terrain of the forest, his balance slipping once more but he didn't fall. Instead his hand brushed over the dirt, pushing up as he fought to correct his balance - leaving his wand to snap right out of his hand at the contact and leaving him completely defenseless.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck.
Tears has long since sprung from his eyes, trailing down his face as he glanced over his shoulder and caught the beast (it sure wasn't his best friend anymore) speeding up behind him. Closer and closer. The snarls almost directly behind him now. The edge of the woods was close though! All he needed to do was reach it and — and well maybe he'd find help.
"Professor Tibbs!" He screamed, hoping, praying, the man was outside. That he'd hear him. That anyone would hear him. "Professor Tibbs please! Help me! He—" The call for help faltered as he felt the weight connect with his back, pain flaring through him as he fell roughly to the ground.
It was only in that moment that Gregory remembered himself. Remembered that werewolves wouldn't harm an animagus. He would have been fine if he'd have transformed and ran away - the wolf would have lost interest. All he had to do was concentrate and maybe he could still get away!
Too little too late.
All too soon, his gasp fell away to a scream of agony, hot white pain flaring in his shoulder as he felt the wolf's jaws clamp down and tear relentlessly into flesh. It was like a nightmare he wasn't waking up from - a scary movie he was merely acting it; except it was _real,_ and he could feel everything. Broken sobs slipped from his lips, a hand shakily pressing to his mangled mess of skin, the blood slicking his fingers as he heard the crunch of leaves and twigs around him. The wolf was leaving but Gregory couldn't have been less aware, panic flooding his mind as his heart pounded in his ears, the pain leaving him all but motionless.
Blackness dotted his vision and Gregory tried to call out - to move or do anything but his body failed him. Perhaps his mind too - almost imagining the silhouettes of people in the distance but heavy-lidded eyes simply wouldn't focus. Wouldn't dare tell him his fantasies from the harsh reality.
—and as the blackness took over, he couldn't help but think that might've been for the best.
A mighty gasp brought the boy back to the world of light. He jolted upright, sobs wracking his body as the dream replayed in his mind in great detail.
Another Swynlake dream. Great. He’d lived through enough of those over the past 16 years that he wasn’t surprised anymore. He usually didn’t put much stock in them.
But this one felt—different. Somehow. Like it could mean something.
The memory of the wolf taking over his body—the beast attacking his dream best friend who happened to be a good friend of his in real life—that disturbed him most. He couldn’t believe he was capable of such violence, even in a dream.
Especially a dream that had been so nice until the final moments. Memories of friendship, camaraderie, incredible magical creatures and an impossible first kiss were bright spots trying to outshine the darkness that was the beast he’d become.
Still trembling, Roo took a few calming breaths and, scrubbing his hands on his face, climbed from the couch where he’d apparently been when the magic took over the town, and went to find his mom. He might be nearly grown but sometime a kid just needed his mom. Besides if what he remembered of her status in the dream was correct, she might need him in that moment as much as he needed her.
#the beast within#bhp#greg-a-roo#gregory eeyore#tw werewolf violence#tw blood#tw possible ambiguous death#tw violence
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