#i just springboarded off ur ask lol
wardeningo · 2 years
wait be mindful oh what, i feel like I missed somethign
Okay sorry I was writing this and then it all got deleted so i lost my train (heh) of thought but- (putting it under read more cause its a bit lengthy)
I reblogged a few things about it that might help you understand more! But just be mindful of how we treat these two characters who are widely considered to be autistic and clearly have many mannerisms autistic people have. Because we may be falling into patterns that are stereotypical in a negative manner, even if you yourself are autistic (like I am!) you still should be careful yknow?
Not saying we have to create a culture of making sure they never fit any stereotypes Ever- i dont want people to start shutting down everything out of fear they're "problematic" cause this isn't what thats about!
But just be careful of how you portray them in aus, especially emmet, who has a history of being both infantilized and demonized.
If emmets the only one in an au who's inhuman and not his twin brother, ask yourself why its just emmet? Or vice versa
Again i dont want it to seem like all monster stuff is bad thats not the case- I myself am a slut for monster stuff
And Im back-pedaling a lot cause I really don't want to step on any toes and im scrambled but basically just be careful of how you write them
(Also if anyone decides to make a changeling au out of spite thats kind of lame cause changelings themselves are boring and itd be clear you just are doing it out of spite. A fae au in a fantasy setting would be much more fun! And its more broad and less based on ableism. Changelings in dnd or mlp au miiiight be a bit better but there's better options for them to be, besides burgh would be the mlp changeling cause. Bug :] )
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