#i just saw the text and went hmm this looks like my phrase machine translated texts before i fix them
kukekakuningaskris · 10 months
so i (as others on twt) noticed that joker out has updated their 'about us' section on their website, and it reads weird!
the vocabulary, sentence structure, and random partial translation of song titles seems like machine translation (not that is anything wrong w using it, i do it too), not to mention the album titles being translated in a way that hasn't been seen before. as i was looking at it my translation studies focused brain was trying to figure out what would result in a text like this and i actually have a theory?
the article seems to have been (machine) translated into english but i don't think it was in slovenian originally? since it just says 'of the region' without specifying what region exactly, which would only make sense if the intended audience of it was in 'the region' themselves and not outside of it, but then it specifies they're a slovenian band, which would hint at the fact that this piece was originally meant for an audience not in slovenia. given that they tell the reader the country but not the region (though it's obvious) it seems to hint at the fact that this text was aimed at the ex-yugoslav region but not slovenia.
which would also explain the weird song and album translations! if the album names were translated into another language and then put through google translate, the english names would most likely be messed up and weird and not what you get when translating directly from slovenian. it would also (maybe) explain why three of the song titles (each one word titles) have been translated while others remain unchanged, since my theory is that those words were the same in slovenian and the language it was written in, so they got translated but the words/titles that were different from the language it was written in were left in their original form.
this is even more of a stretch but given how when listing cities where they had double concerts the first one mentioned is zagreb, and later varaždin is brought out separately as important, it makes me think that this was aimed at a croatian audience at first and then later translated into english for their 'about us' section.
this is just pure speculation with no real proof (and it literally does not matter one bit) but i didn't know what to do with this information so now y'all have to see it too.
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