#i just saw edits with cruel summer and long live i REFUSE TO HAVE THOSE SONGS MAKE ME THINK OF SATOSUGU
spiriteddreams · 1 year
my fyp is just satosugu x ts edits i just can’t win anymore
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freckled-words · 5 years
For The King - Part One
Anon requested:  Maid AU where maid reader saves king Phantom's life and he beats up the guards that are mistreating the servant staff. Well not beat them up, but you know what I mean
Here we have the beginning of the beast inspired by this request. I was on a bit of a dragon kick when I opened requests, so my brain took this and immediately thought of one  thing: KING PHANTOM WHO IS ALSO A DRAGON SHIFTER.
This is a platonic x Phantom AU - Gender neutral pronouns.
Edited by @the-wild-ego​
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In the Kingdom of Scrole, the King’s law was the only law. 
If he proclaimed the day a day of rest, then all shops would close and all homes would be locked.
If he proclaimed a new holiday to be celebrated just for himself, then vendors would be selling the King’s face and symbol on all manner of things by the afternoon.
If he proclaimed a new tax law in own to fatten his treasury, then the citizens would empty their already diminished pockets.
No one dared defy their king, lest they face his wrath. The wrath of a dragon-shifter was met always in death, or long suffering pain that made the trangresor pray for death.
King Phantom was known to all his citizens as a man to be feared, and to those outside the kingdom, he was the Scarlet Dragon. The beast that took possession of a kingdom just to sate his greed and his desire for worship.
Many tried to overthrow him, including small armies and knights wielding weapons of magical ability. All had failed. Leaving the kingdom under his rule for hundreds of years.
Moody, and unpredictable, the citizens of Scrole learned to live on a knife’s edge. Some years the kingdom was given a portion of his horde in order to rebuild the dwellings back to a more appealing design. If there was any money left after, he would reclaim it, by any means necessary. 
Any who wished to move away from Scrole had to plead to the king. Most he permitted, swearing them to send more people to take their place. Those he refused were cast under enchantment to ensure they died on the kingdom’s soil.
Your parents were two that had been denied the chance to move away from his tyranny. Worse yet, they were bound to his castle as servants. 
King Phantom had found entertainment in watching you run around the castle performing small chores to assist your parents when you were a child. When you got older and became a very proficient servant, he made your parents an offer.
Sign you over to him to be his personal servant, in exchange their enchantment would be removed, and they could come and go from the kingdom as they pleased. 
You saw this as a no brainer. You could handle yourself and certainly you could handle being with his majesty. To him, you were just an entertaining toy that also did his laundry.
Reluctantly, they agreed to the offer. 
You said your farewells to your parents, with a promise to write to them at least once a week to reassure them of your well being. 
In the following years to come you learned two things very quickly;
The first being, it wasn’t just his majesty you were appeasing. It was also the dragon. Although they were one being, the two were independent of each other.
For the most part, you were at the beck and call of King Phantom. Usually running meaningless errands to fetch him food and items. Sometimes he could be cruel and send you out to fetch a single apple from a market that was set up on the outskirts of the town. Sometimes he was absolutely lazy and had you stand at his side to feed him grapes while he listened to the daily grievances of the citizens.
On occasion, being once or twice a week, you were at the Dragon’s mercy. At these times, the Scarlet Dragon would stretch himself out among the fields behind the palace. As he lay there bathing in the sun, he would often order you to bring him sheep and cows for his feasting. You gave blessings to the Gods he did not dine on his people and that he did not insist on you watching him eat. The poor animals’ cries, along with the squelch and crunch of their bodies, was enough to leave you sleepless each night.
On one such, warm, summer day the Scarlet Dragon took you by surprise. He summoned you over and lay his head on his front legs. With you in his sights, he asked, “Do you not fear me, Little One?”
Neither His Majesty, or the Dragon had ever demanded you converse with them. Preferring to be spoken to only when confirming an order, or when acknowledging you were present to perform a task.
Unsettled, your anxious mind overcame your tongue, “J-just a little, your Majesty.”
“Only a little? Do you not fear that I will one day wonder how you would taste, in place of my meal of sheep? Do you not fear that I will one day forget you are there and squash you like a bug beneath my talons? Speak truth, Little One.” The Scarlet Dragon lifted a single talon and a shimmering wave of red power fell upon you.
You felt no different, and voiced as such, “Bloody Hells what did you just do? I didn’t feel anything.” You slapped a hand over your traitorous mouth and then realized with a quiet, “Oh.”
The Scarlet Dragon’s eyes lit with mirth. He had not anticipated his well behaved servant to have an entirely different means of speaking. He’d been right to give you a poke for amusement.
Ducking your head, you saw no way to get around things. He wanted you to be honest with him, and so you shared your thoughts, “In truth, Your Majesty, yes, I do have those worries. I can always make a run for it to dodge your talons, but should you decide to eat me? “ You shrugged, “I’d really not stand a chance of getting away. If it ever comes to that, Your Majesty, I only ask that you swallow without chewing first.”
The Scarlet Dragon’s wings twitched, his belly shook, and then he was throwing back his head in roaring laughter. Birds were scattered to the air, alarmed sheep bleated in distant fields, and all that could hear it ducked down, thinking this to be a noise of anger. For none had ever heard the Scarlet Dragon laugh.
As his laughter subsided, he lowered his head to put his right eye level with you, “Very well, Little One. Should there ever come a day that I become curious to your taste, I will grant you that mercy.”
You smiled and bowed, giving thanks for that.
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jfprongs-blog · 8 years
Characters Name: James Fleamont Potter Faceclaim: Jordan Fisher Age & DOB: 19 years old & 27th March 1960 ( aries ) Gender & Pronouns: cismale & he/him Former House: Gryffindor Wand: 11", mahogany, unicorn hair, pliable Boggart: the people he loves dead by his own hand
( edit 01. ) || ( moodboard 01. ) || ( moodboard 02. ) || ( moodboard 03. )
( note ; i purposely avoided writing about lily, the marauders and other possible connections, as i would much prefer it to be talked about it beforehand?? hope that’s okay !! )
Fleamont && Euphemia Potter had spent the majority of their adult lives trying to have children, without much luck. Euphemia miscarried so many times that they eventually began losing hope to have children. This took a toll on them because they always wanted a big family, lots of children running around, and it was like something was ripped away from them when Euphemia hit 50 and still was unable to get pregnant.
At the age of 52, Euphemia finally manages to fall pregnant, much to the shock of the ageing couple, among with several Healers. Late pregnancies aren’t unheard of in the wizarding world, where their mortality rate is much longer than Muggles, but it’s still fairly uncommon.
The Potters are just happy that they ultimately managed to conceive a child. Sure, it’d be nice to have more, but.
James Fleamont Potter is born on the 27th March, 1960, and Fleamont, along with his wife, realise from the very beginning that they have more than they bargained for.See, James is charming and proud, but very, very much a handful for his parents who are growing older by the years.
And he grows up loved, he grows up not knowing that families aren’t all like this. His parents would give him the world if they had to, would sacrifice their considerably large wealth in a heartbeat, and James thinks, this is how it should be. Of course, his parents enforce their customs on him; they teach him chivalry and selfishness andgenerosity, all the things that matter. So they’re not that strict on him, worn out by the years without the energy to restrict him. But they do their BEST, and honestly, it’senough.
As a young boy, James is arrogant, not realising that the world, for once, is not abouthim. Because it always has been ; in a vast house containing only three people, in a group of childhood friends who have always been in awe of the name Potter and how compelling his charm was, in his parents’ social group where he was the youngest kid always.
James Potter goes INTO Hogwarts like this: loud and obnoxious, brilliant and a natural with magic, big head with a big heart, boastful of his insistence for Gryffindor, spurred on for years about a grudge on Severus Snape that never really went away. But he’s charismatic, makes friends and enemies in every breath he takes, is wonderfully, wonderfully young.
Remember when Fleamont and Euphemia wanted a whole herd of children ? They got them, albeit eleven years after the birth of their son. James comes home from his first year at Hogwarts, the names ‘Sirius’, ‘Remus’ and ‘Peter’ falling out of mouth in every sentence. And then, suddenly, the three of them are always there, whether in their home or with James in some way. The Potters’ house seem to be the base of the newly deemed Marauders.
It’s James’ idea that they become Animagi to help Remus Lupin, werewolf be damned. Because here is a thing about James Potter: he cares. This boy cares TOO much. Even at the age of twelve, there’s never been a stopper on his ability to care, couldn’t comprehend a world where he would not run headfirst into danger to protect who he loves. To protect his family. Because that’s what they are, isn’t it ? Family.
Even with the constant presence of the four of them, it is Sirius Black who’s just always there. There aren’t even words to describe, how the two balance each other out, and they just work. This is the sole reason James finally sees the world how it is, that it can be cruel and unforgiving, even from something he always consideredsacred like family. Because the Blacks are not the Potters; they do not treat their eldest son in a way they should. Every time Sirius turns up at his door with an anger brewing in his eyes, Euphemia Potter already has a guest room prepared, specially donned ‘Sirius’ room’.
This bedroom in his house has always been Sirius’, but the summer before sixth year, it becomes official. This is the pinpoint moment when James finally loses his sense of black-and-white in the world. This is the pinpoint moment when he finally realises he needs to grow up. This is the pinpoint moment when the world was spinning on its axis and he wanted to change it.
Things happen in his life that he’ll most likely never live down, though most are often self-inflicted, he supposes. Being a Head Boy, however, very nearly makes the top. There’s disbelief spread among his friend group, if only just for a moment, because,really. All he ever does is take care of people, it makes sense if they think about it.
James Potter comes OUT of Hogwarts like this: still loud, still painfully obnoxious as times, still very much young. He’s still brilliant, still a natural with magic, still got a heart that bleeds for everyone he loves. Yet, this young man knows how much has been at stake, in a world where known fellow students have been linked to the Dark Arts. So, he still makes impulsive decisions, still gets himself to trouble that could’ve easily been avoided, but he’s trying.
It is no secret that he has a distinct passion of hatred towards the Dark Arts. James is tolerant of many things, willing to love a werewolf best friend without a single thought about it, but Dark Magic ignites a terrible anger in him. Because James is many things, been a childhood bully for most of his academic life, witnessed destructiveness in his best friend with his very own eyes, but he truthfully cannotfathom cruelty in a form like this.
An auror is not always what he wanted to be. It’s not like he actively hates the idea, but when someone asked him where he saw himself in ten years, an auror is not what he would say. He supposes he would’ve said something like a Quidditch player, maybe. Nonetheless, the beginning of seventh year is when he decides. It’s a stroke of luck, really, that the NEWTs he picks the year before allow him to follow this career path. This is what he’s born to do, isn’t it ? The HERO of it all, even if he doesn’t know it.
It’s a Potter tradition to pass down their names onto firstborn heirs, and it just so happens that James ended up with Fleamont as a father. Fleamont himselfunderstands the issue of such a name, becoming rather apt in duelling those who made fun of him throughout his school years. James avoids this by not mentioning his middle name next to never, but you can bet your lucky stars Euphemia let it slip to Sirius and wouldn’t be able to live it down ever.
Quidditch is a very important part of James’ life. There’s something reassuring about the natural feeling of being in the air on his broomstick. With exceptional talent, he managed to snatch a Chaser spot on his house team in second year, and determinedly held onto the position as the years progress. By the time fifth year rolled around, he was given the Quidditch Captain badge, and took that very seriously, hell-bent on leading the team to victory for the next three years. He is an avid supporter ofPuddlemere United.
It’s no secret that Fleamont Potter was the inventor of Sleekeazy’s Hair Potion. This was invented long before James was actually born. It’s so terribly ironic that James has a habit of messing up his hair, ruffling it until it looks permanently messy. Euphemia finds this amusing, and her son makes an effort to ruffle it more frequently when he’s around his father. In fact, he refused to get a haircut from first to fifth year, until he finally was persuaded to cut it.
James is 100% a very serious collector of chocolate frog cards. This is not information he often tries to flaunt, especially as the likelihood of it being used against him is highly likely. It just really doesn’t do for his reputation that James Potter, auror and ¼ of the Marauders, is a giant fucking NERD.
Growing up with magic, on top of being able to pick things up quickly and a natural flare for such things, James excelled it most subjects at Hogwarts; also earning high enough marks in 5 separate NEWTs. However, the subject that clicks him with him most the best is Transfiguration, particularly born gifted with the capability. That puts him in McGonagall’s good books, no matter what pranks he had pulled on her in the seven years, because he was good at Quidditch AND Transfiguration.
On every planet, in every world and universe, James is the mum!friend. ALWAYS.Period. He cares so much that he wants the best for the people he loves; which includes nagging for healthy eating, making sure his friends wake up on time, cleaning up afterwards, ensuring they go to the hospital wing when needed. From afar, you wouldn’t really see it, but he is.
In the pick-a-side notion of optimism vs. pessimism, James is an optimist. He knows he is privileged, knows that being born a Pureblood ( however much a blood traitor he is counted now ) is a blessing in this society, and he hopes. He fights, of course, that’s something he really knows, but he hopes for a better future and a CHANGE. The supposed death of Voldemort does not alter that.
+ 1. ( It’s a bonus fact, mostly because I have no self-control. ) After making the house team in second year, James realised that he legit could not see. Everything was blurry. It started off tolerable, until it kept getting worse as he did nothing to help it. By the time it was the summer before fourth year, his mother forced him to get a pair of glasses — which is for the BEST, as now he can only make out shapes without them. In all these years, he constantly bought square-rimmed kinds ; though, in fifth year, he thought he’d be different and bought huge circular frames, before giving it up after a week.
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therevaliir-blog · 8 years
Announcements: 03-26-2017
Site Changes:
- The Wand (found in Ye Old Sword) has had its description updated.
- Lots up updates to items and their pricings, visit here for the full list and refunds!
- Brittlez has been working tirelessly on a new welcome page that new users will be able to go to as soon as they sign up. This will be separate from the  Starter Kit. She’ll be adding a button to go to the starter kit page from this page as soon as she gets done with this. (She’s  coded most of this herself besides Telly turning it into an html/css page for her) So be gentle! The New Welcome Page This is for new users so they aren't completely lost when they start the site :)
- We discontinued these items:
Goddess Locket- 250 silver. If the owner doesn't own Cure + Heal we will gift them it.
Changling Brooch- 200 + Incognito
Magician's Hat- 300 + Summon Item
Revealing Monocle- 500 + Reveal
Ring of Purity- 150 + Dispel
Heart-Shaped Amulet- 300 + Lucina's Lantern from the Abed Summer Event
Final Breath- 400, was combined with Resurrection there wasn't really a need to have both.
Poison Field- 80, you can literally just cast poison a bunch of times.
Lightning Field- 80, same principal as above.
Dice- 15 
Text Editor:
- The Administration of Revaliir is very, very sorry about the problems with our text editor. Currently, Darros (Telly) is annoyed at all text editors available on the net and he is building his own from the ground up for Rev to use. SO - until that's done we're gonna have to endure the problems this one is giving us. Thank you so much for enduring this terrible problem and we assure you that… THAT IS NOT SCREAMS OF BLOODY MURDER!!!! that you hear in the backend of Rev. (ok it is we're murdering the text editor). But we're trying to get this fixed as soon as possible. Code just takes a long time to write and make sure it works with our current set up. <3
-   Anyone who has problems with their posts get ahold of me. Everyone pasting from ANYWHERE even here highlight your post hit the remove format button. Then bit the bbcode button to see your paragraphs disappear. THEN reinsert all of your paragraphs and put in your bbcode. I understand this is a pain but this is a temporary solution until we roll back the old text editor. I've been pulling my hair out trying to figure out why some browsers are having it worse than others.
Firefox + Google Docs = Blank space
Firefox + Word Doc/Libre = Aligning left for some weird reason
Chrome + both = removal of all paragraphs (this is the least worrisome out of all of it)
I don't know about edge though because I refuse to touch it :V
-  Darros edited the code on the text editor.  It should strip the formatting on paste now.
Two New Gods Announced!:
We debated for a good hour or more and only two choices remained when we were done. Before we go on to announce the chosen for these spots we decided to go into a bit about choosing them. First: We didn’t choose them out of favoritism. Each has the skills we look for. One of them we shot down multiple times and told them to keep applying and how they could improve. Second: We wanted you to make sure that you knew that *I* wasn’t biased in this. You’ll understand when I get to the results. I was most critical of both of our choices and tore them apart worse than the other two Triune members. If anything these choices had it worse than the other applicants making the scales tip in the other applicants' favors. Now we get on to the god selection: Our new gods are: Porthyrius, the Keeper of the Keys and Secrets of Knowledge and the Arcane, The One with the Silvered Tongue.   Xunatar,  the Chaosweaver and the Lord of Lies. Gypsy(Porthyrius), does an enormous amount of things for Revaliir behind the scenes. She not only draws for us but she has come up with many ideas for the site that we’ve implemented. Every project we’ve ever started she’s joined. Her activity level is second to none (Well maybe myself). She is friendly and helpful to all who come to her. We were worried about announcing Gypsy as well but we believe that her activity and devotion to the site speaks for itself. Brandon(Xunatar), is a moderator on our site. He has been with Revaliir since the June before we opened our doors. He was/is some of the driving force for things we do. He helps all and will rp with anyone. He is the ideal Moderator but we weren’t looking for a moderator when we chose him for this spot. His lore weaving is some of the best I’ve seen(That we have seen). He also have a high activity count, which we count. He can also rp with anyone easily. This is not the first time he’s applied but he has worked on the things we told him too. We’re glad to have him not only as our moderator but as what we hope to be a long standing deity. When selecting him I sat in a different room and he didn’t know a thing about what I was doing. He didn’t know and still doesn’t know that we picked him. This will be the first he’s heard of it despite us living together. Brandon’s selection is the hardest because we worried people would think I was being biased. However, I am only one person out of three and easily out voted. The others saw what I did. An evolving roleplayer who has earned his right to become a deity ontop of his job as moderator. He has an even harder job as I’ll be over him making sure that he gets his stuff done. By no means does he have this easy, if anything he has it harder. I don’t like our deities slacking no matter who they are. Revaliir is our baby and we wouldn’t put any ol person as a deity just because we like them as a person. Overall I owed this explanation to no one. As I hoped that you all would trust in my judgment and trust me to be fair. I’m doing this because I want to be transparent with everyone. Cello and Whitney agreed with that line of thought and we thought this was best. That being said anyone who gets caught ranting to members in the discord or on skype (anywhere it gets reported from) will be issued a warning. We’ve had problems in the past with people thinking we promote favoritism. We don’t. I certainly do not. As I said before those I choose are what I believe to be the ideal person for roleplaying and being an active leader in our community. That’s all I want for this site. However, their applications have to make sense and I won’t sit with rose-colored glasses. I’ve ripped apart their applications down to the single most elusive detail. All in all these two have earned their spots and I’ll be happy to talk to whoever didn’t get the spots and help them with their applications if they want for the future (keep in mind the applications might change for the next round whenever we have them). Brandon’s moderator position will be moved to Xunatar following this announcement. This rounds out the conclave to 6. Unless we see a higher number of people on the site or someone falls this will be the last god selection for a while. Also this interestingly enough rounds out the conclave: 2 good, 2 neutral, and 2 evil.
Just a Reminder:
Rev is getting a whole bunch of new people! We understand everyone is excited but we would like to remind people that they need to read the rules. Revaliir is a high fantasy medieval site with its own lore. We don't go by the real world here nor do we necessarily go by the written lore of others. 1. Only Gods can be Immortal: Lemme explain. There is no rule on age here in Revaliir. We're not talking about THAT kind of immortal. We're talking about being able to take hellfire from another God and living. We're talking about taking so much damage that your body is barely being held together. THAT kind of immortal. That is why Immortal is only reserved for the gods. No mortal(aka not gods) should be able to take that kind of damage and live without an outside source.(say a God healing you) Not dying from illness? Have cure on you. It's a cheap spell. Don't die from poisons (not godly poisons looking at you Dal) but regular poisons? Get cure again. Heck you can't even be killed unless you give permission so your character is practically immortal anyways as long as you don't powerplay. 2. You have to rp with the items in your inventory. We have shops and silver for a reason. This puts everyone on equal footing. Everyone starts off the same. Even the original staff members of the site started out with nothing but their starter packs. That being said your stories don't have to be the same. 3.We are not restricting you. I've been to plenty of rp sites where you can't play whatever you want. We're literally restricting you on one thing, Immortality. The items thing? That isn't a big deal. If you rp a lot and advertise (you get the x3 silver boost for that) you'll have the items you need in no time at all. 4. No one is allowed to have demi-god characters. Don't even Gods can spawn Demi-gods. This makes all characters not gods equal. 5. Even the Triune is equal to the Gods. We get no extra power but the ability to call mandatory conclaves. 6. We restricted our Gods outside of temples to make it more fair for everyone.  Hense the 3 god rules. Past those 3 rules we can't do anything to you without your permission. We can't even kill your characters even in our temples. (because that is fair) You guys have free reign to do whatever you want on Rev as long as it's within the rules. You can have your own kingdom. You can have your own guild. You can do whatever your heart desires within the rules. We don't even have that many restrictions on things like that. We aren't being cruel or unfair by setting rules and guidelines. If you have a problem with it talk to an administrator or try and understand why we have it the way we do. Revaliir is one of the most free-form rp sites out there with its own lore. We truly can't help you if you think Rev isn't for you and we also hope you don't expect us to change Revaliir for you. Do not under ANY circumstances insult Rev staff or userbase because you don't get your way. We're all mature adults/blossoming young adults. If you have problems with stuff get ahold of staff. If you think you need something for character building so you can start get ahold of me. I have 10,000 silver I will gladly help you. There is no excuse for not following the rules, being rude to staff members who are doing their jobs, or screaming we're unfair. You being that way makes it unfair to everyone who are following the guidelines and rules. We will do whatever it takes so that our regular everyday users have peace of mind. This is by no means calling ANYONE out. It has happened one too many times and I will start being the one who handles it if this keeps up. You don't want that and I don't either. I quite like being the bubbly lead administration besides the other two who are regularly in charge of being the mean ones(sorry gals I love you). However, I won't watch our staff or userbase be treated like that. I assure you that I am 10x as worse as the others when warranted so please don't make me be that way because I don't want to be. I want to see Rev grow and become better and also not have a toxic community. Now please everyone get along and be understanding to each other! (Also read up the rules. I posted the Welcome page up that would be a good place to start) Also please remember that most of us do this after a long day's work or in between children needing their parents. This is our fun time too. Sorry for being mean, Brittlez One of the Lead Site Administrators One of the Lead Site Administrators
Staff Breakdown:
In order to better serve the user base of the site, here is the actual breakdown of personnel to seek out when a problem arrives. Please make sure that you seek out the appropriate staff members; if not then the problem will be forwarded to the correct parties. Moderators (Green Usernames): For post related problems, issues with harassment from another non staff member, general questions about the site. Administrators (Blue Usernames): For moving actual threads to their proper locations, activating accounts, moving items, issues with the shop, resetting passwords, distributing silver, having issues with warnings and strikes, having issues with moderators. Triune(Golden Usernames): Custom item creation (Angela Rose), issues with another Triune member, issues with an Administrator, event related problems, issues with Deity members, general questions about Deities and lore. *Angela Rose and Dalenesca may be contacted if no Admin is currently online at the time of needed assistance and either of them are.*
News, Updates, and Revivals:
We've added some new stuff to the site to help people out… and we've updated some old stuff/revived it to check to see if there is any interest. 1. Synth Recommendations + Other Info : This has a list of pricing for trades. Info on a bunch of other stuff like custom items, event items, etc, etc. For more info go read it real quick :) 2. Wish Upon a Star : A weekly Synth Ingredient Lottery that will roll every Saturday has been started. Zanetimm92 is my faithful helper. Read up on the rules about it to get started. 3. The Wishing Well : Rules have been updated to include synth ingredients and synth items. 4. Roleplay Roulette : Has been restarted and I am gauging interest on whether or not to keep it stickied. It was previously left alone due to not only activity but Revaliir getting busy. This is a fun way to get a new/old roleplay partner. Read up on the rules!
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