#i just looked at the schedule and realized my boss left me with only one other person to run the store for three nights straight :']
summerhad · 1 month
had a headache all day today but i promise to try being here this week
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mariasont · 3 months
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a/n: this came to me yesterday and i sat my ass down and WROTE
that should be me fr
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pairings: aaron hotchner x bimbo!assistant!reader
summary: reader is gone for the morning and leaves hotch a couple sticky notes
warnings: just my babies being so infatuated with each other it literally hurts, hotch is a pining fool, i love him, i need him, i want to kidnap him to my basement
wc: 0.8k
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Hotch was having a rough day. He had never put much stock in the idea of luck, favoring the belief that a path was carved from the choices made. However, if he were to entertain the notion of luck, he would concede that today, he seemed to be rather out of it.
A lot had gone wrong. For starters, he had stained his favorite white dress shirt with coffee this morning. This undoubtedly set the precedent for the day, he was sure.
As soon as he arrived at his office, he was greeted not by the familiar click of the lock but by a stubborn door that refused to budge, his key sitting on the side table in his apartment. This then led to him reaching out to the custodian for a spare, only to be intercepted by Chief Strauss, who, in her usual fashion, had a litany of critiques ready for the BAU.
The day had been steadily unraveling, and the realization that you wouldn't be in until lunch because of a doctor's appointment was the tipping point. Normally, all these minor irritations could be overlooked, but in your absence, he could truly grasp just how much he relied on you.
You handled a lot on his plate, if not everything. You planned out his schedule, answered his phone calls, you double-checked his paperwork. You consistently shouldered more than he ever asked, despite his repeated warnings about overloading yourself--warnings that he, admittedly, never listened to.
Time seemed to crawl at a snail's pace. He found himself unwittingly watching the door, anticipating the bright burst of pink and the shimmer that accompanied you, but unfortunately that did not happen. Lunch couldn't come quick enough.
His vision began to waver, the words on the page melting into an indecipherable stew as he pressed a long finger into his temples. The lamp at the edge of the desk flickered capriciously. A mental note to replace it was quickly overshadowed by the more pressing need for an aspirin, prompting him to reach for the left drawer.
His eyes widened imperceptibly, fingers reaching into the space as he pulled the flimsy object from the drawer. It was a hot pink sticky note, its surface alive with glittery ink, smiley faces, and hearts. The corners of his mouth lifted, the tension in his back easing just a hair.
Aspirin isn't in this drawer silly! First one to your right! And don't take more than 2, okay? Between that and your scotch drinking habits your liver is screaming!!!!
He couldn't suppress the laughter that rumbled through him as he pressed the note to his desk. He turned to the drawer on his right, pulling it open to find, much to his satisfaction, the aspirin. Attached to it was yet another sticky note.
You found it!! So proud!! Hope your day is going amazingly! Don't miss me too much! :)
His heart thumped louder in his chest, a wave of heat blossoming across his neck as he carefully folded the sticky notes, tucking them into the pocket of his suit jacket.
When you finally came ambling into the office--your ponytail swaying, a pink ribbon securing it in place--he felt an instant lift in his mood. His jaw relaxed, fingers instinctively straightening his tie--a needless act but one that gave him a moment to admire you. You looked beautiful. You always did, but as he fingered the note in his pocket, he could feel his chest constrict just looking at you.
"Hi there, Mr. Boss Man," you sang out, voice as sweet as syrup as you glided towards him with an ease that defied that height of your heels. "The office didn't burn down without me, did it?"
"It came close."
"Flattery will get you everywhere," you giggled, the bracelets on your arms tinkling like wind chimes as you wrapped them around your notebook. "You look stressed. Are you stressed?"
"I'm fine, just a headache." He paused, his hand absentmindedly reaching again for the sticky note. "How was your doctor's appointment?"
"Squeaky clean bill of health." You beamed at him, shifting your weight to your toes. "Did you see my note?"
"I did. Thank you." A grin was vying for control of his features while his hand found its way to his neck, pressing lightly in a vain effort to steady his racing pulse.
"You're so very welcome," you chimed, sending him a smile that nearly made the air evaporate from his lungs. "Also, I fixed a couple issues in your calendar, and I ordered you a new lamp, I noticed yours was broken. I hope that's okay."
More than okay. You were perfect. If he were a man who believed in luck, he would be inclined to think you might be his good luck charm.
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taglist: @hotchhner @khxna @readergf @sarcasm-and-stiles @edencherries @aurorsworld @princess76179 @malindacath @freyy253 @broadwaytraaaaash
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writersdrug · 5 months
Training for Two
Chapter 3. New Trails
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Summary: You and Riley take the beaten path to defeat boredom. Simon realizes that the seed of his new obsession has been planted.
Warnings: mild cursing, obsessive behavior
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Simon had never told you how long he'd be gone - which was fine, your flat was only a twenty-minute drive from his home, should you need to do laundry or get more soap. You had some freelancing logo-design work you could focus on in your downtime, and Simon had been gracious enough to leave a note on the coffee table with the wifi password. Truth be told, you imagined this would feel like a holiday: no more shitty bosses. You were your own boss, here. You could make your own schedule, as long as you made time for Riley.
You soon discovered, after moving into Ghost's house, that it was very much not a vacation. The interior of his home was so barren that it made you feel like you had been sent to an asylum. On your first day there, you managed to get a bit of freelance work done; after that, you tried watching the telly, but you couldn't drown the heavy restlessness in the back of your mind.
You decided to phone a friend.
"What's Riley like?" Leslie said through the phone, which was tucked under your ear.
"Military dog." You replied. You were lying on the floor next to Riley, stroking her fur as her head rested on your stomach. "So proper, I've never seen anything like it. You know- when I made breakfast today, I dropped some food on the linoleum- she didn't bat an eye. Girl just watched."
"That's amazing... you know Donald would have run to it like it was the first meal he'd been fed in years."
You laughed, making Riley's head bounce on your abdomen. "Mum has got to stop feeding them real food..."
"What about the client?" Leslie said, changing the subject. "Simon, was it? What's he like?"
"Honestly?" You began, scratching between Riley's ears. "A decent guy, don't get me wrong - but bland. Gruff. His apartment is, too."
"Just like ya mum always said." She snickered. "Can I see?"
You sighed. "Nah, I never checked if it was ok to bring people over. Not sure if he'd appreciate me giving you a tour. But I'll ask next time if you can visit."
"That's fair..." You heard her shuffling around on the other end of the line. "Well listen babes, I should get back to work. Got five left on my lunch break."
You groaned at the prospect of having to be alone in Simon's barren home again. "Alright... still on for this Thursday?"
"You know it! Nina's coming too."
You grimaced. "Whoop-tee-doo..."
"Oh, c'mon, I'll make sure she's civil. Love ya."
"She'd better be. Love you!"
The call ended with a click, and you let the phone slide from your shoulder with a sigh. You stared at the ceiling, running through what you could possibly do. You'd already had a shower at your flat before coming here, you'd done plenty of work...
Riley tilted her head up to look at you, sensing your frustration. You looked back down at her.
"What d'you and Simon do all day?" You asked.
She sighed and looked away.
Maybe it was time for a walk.
"Alright, Riley!" You said, pocketing your phone and sitting up. She scrambled up at the sudden movement; her eyes followed your every move as you stood, her stare expectant and excited.
"Fancy a walk?" You asked.
She whined and yapped, shifting her weight from one foot to the other.
You chuckled. "C'mon, then - before you and I both start going insane."
On your way to the closet to fetch her leash, she had nearly knocked you down to beat you there. You huffed, leaning down to grab your shoes and tug them on. She sat (im)patiently and watched, her tail slapping against the wooden floor.
"Alright, alright..." You laughed, grabbing her leash and latching it onto her harness. She obediently trotted to the front door and sat, waiting for you. You opened the door and stepped outside, confused when the leash tugged in your hand. You looked back inside and saw that Riley hadn't moved from her seat on the floor. She looked at you, ears forward and eyes eager as she waited for... something.
You looked at her, puzzled. "What's wrong, girl?"
She whined, pointing one foot up and thumping her tail against the floor.
Oh, right. Military dog.
"Okay, Riley." You said clearly, and she happily trotted out the door. You chuckled, locking the deadbolt behind you and beginning the much needed walk. She stuck right by your side, never passing you nor falling behind.
For the kind of gruff, admittedly shady man that Simon was, you noticed that he lived in a pretty nice area. If you told your mum where he lived, she'd blow a cap out of jealousy - the houses were neatly lined down the street, each one with a driveway and a small garden bed underneath the living room windows. Simon's was noticeably bare - Christ, even his grass was thinner than the other neighbors', how does one manage that?
You eyed his empty garden bed as you passed it. You wondered if he would let you plant a few things... just to liven up the drabness. A couple of Hostas, maybe some African Violets... you knew he wouldn't want too much colour, but he definitely needed something to brighten his home. Currently, it stuck out like a sore thumb against the other houses. Not to mention, it would give you something to slice through the boredom of staying here.
Eventually, the sidewalk led to the edge of a small patch of woods. A bridge stretched over the creek, which then led to a longer, winding path through the trees. You came to a halt, reading the sign next to the trail.
"Po-wee-hee-co park..." You mumbled and Riley stared at you with her tongue hanging from the side of her mouth. "Poeheko Park? You ever been here?"
She looked between you and the trail, sniffing the air. She licked her lips and whined.
"Suppose not, Simon's only ever dragged you around the block a few times, huh?"
She eyed the trail warily, but you could see her eyes brimming with eagerness and interest. You chuckled, reigning in her leash and starting over the bridge. "Time for an adventure!"
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Simon sat stoically on the heli, eyes fixed on the wall across from him. His palms rested on his thighs, fingers splayed. He appeared calm and collected, focused on the mission that Priced had debriefed not too long ago.
Except, the mission couldn't have been further from his mind. He was thinking about you and Riley. We're you giving her enough attention? That was a dumb question; clearly you knew how much attention a dog needed. You'd done this before... but had you ever worked with a dog that had certain needs and medications? You never mentioned it during the interview, and he didn't remember to ask. What if you couldn't see the signs when Riley's pain was flaring up? What if you had forgotten that she needed pain medication?
He thought about texting you - but he quickly shut the thought down. He'd reserved texting for emergencies only, and he knew you were good at your job. There wasn't a moment of your life you hadn't spent around dogs, of course you would take perfect care of Riley.
"Honin' in, LT?" Soap's voice echoed through the coms as he took the seat opposite from Simon. He was relaxed, as if this was just another Friday for him - well, Simon supposed, it was.
"Always." Simon replied gruffly, focusing back on the mission at hand. He cleared his throat and flexed his fingers, trying to keep a cool composure.
"How's Riley doin'?" Soap asked. "Know I jus' seen 'er a few days ago, but- ye finally cave n' get someone to pet sit?"
Simon grunted. "'Course. Not gonna leave 'er alone that long, it'd be torture."
"Who'd ye get?"
"What's it to you?"
"Secret service? Ye snag one of the Royal Guards fer the job?"
"Jog on, Soap." Simon warned with a serious look, and Soap raised his hands in defense.
He couldn't tell Johnny about you. A fierce, possessive feeling in his chest told him not to. He knew Johnny had a thing for young, pretty things like you, and he refused to let you fall victim to his desires. In fact, he hated the thought of it.
But- who was he? Why was he being so protective over someone he barely knew? You were an adult, perfectly capable of making your own decisions. Why should Simon cockblock you and Johnny? So what if he wanted to shag you?
Mentally, he shook his head. No. Never. He'd lock you in his house if it meant keeping Jonny away from you. Even if Simon wasn't anything more than your client, he wasn't going to allow Johnny to get close to you. It would be too weird. You're his, after all.
He sighed and adjusted his position in his seat. You and Johnny didn't even know each other, for Christ's sake. He was overthinking all of this. You'd probably never even meet his team, why would you need to? You only ever have reason to spend time in his house, not on base. You just watch Riley, make breakfast in his kitchen, sleep on his couch, maybe his bed, if you're with the dog... using his bathroom, his shower...
He scowled at himself. Maybe hiring you was a huge mistake. You were too distracting.
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ew-selfish-art · 1 year
DpxDc AU: What’s an adoption paper or two between bros?
Danny is starting to realize that since Jazz left the house for university, his parents aren’t really good at well, being his parents. They’re obsessed with his alter ego to the point that they ignore his normal ego, and that uh, hurts his feelings. Like, a lot. Meal times have gotten weirder and more inconsistent, and he’s starting to wonder if they suspect what’s really going on with him.
They’ve started to say “You know you can tell us anything” these days when he sees them outside their lab (which isn’t frequent) but the normal amount of ghost hate speech hasn’t changed. If anything it’s gotten worse. Just like everything else.
Danny joined the whole-ass justice league to fill his spare time after high school and his parents are literally none the wiser. Like, he's a part time high-school senior at 17 and a full time international hero. His parents only comment on the fact that the menace Phantom is costing them a lot in airline tickets as they try and apprehend him all over the world. Hell, they caught Ellie for a second when he was in Morrocco and it got ugly fast. She's a junior member now but mostly spends her time with some doofus that has a magic traveling house.
And really, he's fine with his schedule of going to school, going ghost and making a difference, and then returning to a dramatically silent house. Really.
Then one day his new friend and co-team lead Red Robin makes a brief mention about his own childhood of neglect and Danny makes a joke, "What, no adoption papers for the homies?"
He laughs as he says it but something in his leader's eyes looks sharp, and Kon is sighing in the background something that sounds suspiciously like dear Rao you've done it now.
Next time Danny is on the Watchtower, he's brought into a meeting with Red Robin, Batman and various other JL team leaders.
"Adoption papers are very much for the homies. I've also included the option of emancipation, as you'll see in the green folder, but I am one hundred percent serious about adopting you."
"Red, you're like, 3 months younger than me." Danny deadpans.
"Adoption is for the homies and I'm emancipated. And If i'm reading Batman correctly, you're facing three outcomes right now."
"One: I adopt you and you become my legal dependent. Two: Batman adopts you and I become your legal brother. or Three: You emancipate yourself while allowing us to provide for you while your housing situation is sorted out."
"... Uh. Door one?" Danny is having too many feelings. Why does batman look disappointed? What is Jazz going to say? What on earth???
"Welcome to the Drake Family." Red shakes his hand up and down, the grin on his face feral and the plan towards being emancipated from the Fentons and adopted by his boss is a weird one.
But eventually, a few weeks later, he's had a pretty delicious dinner by his new adoptive grandfather-tler and is watching a movie with Tim and Kon on the couch and he's just so happy and comfortable and warm...
"Will this make Kon my dad if you two get married?" Danny laughs and it's the closest he gets to being disowned.
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haikyu-mp4 · 22 days
Meeting with the Kozumes
Fluffy workplace romance at Bouncing Ball Corp. with your husband Kenma for my workplace romance event <3
requested by @bobateagojo. word count; 674 – f!reader
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Kenma Kozume didn’t often come into the office, but you always made time to join him when he did. He would sigh as he sat down in his chair, pulling you towards him while you argued that you had work to do. This company doesn’t run itself.
Being the one who manages Bouncing Ball Corp. was quite the way to start a love story with the owner himself, perhaps you could sell the idea to a K-drama producer. He had noticed the company’s results improving ever since hiring someone new in charge and went to meet with you, quickly infatuated by your charm and kindness.
You led the company exactly how he wanted it, and meetings turned into dates turned into a relationship turned into a proposal. And now there were two Kozumes in charge of Bouncing Ball Corp.
“So, Kozume. How’s my schedule for today?” he asked, leaning on your shoulder while you clicked away at the computer from your seat in his lap.
“My love, I am not your secretary,” you teased in return, turning a bit to kiss his temple. “However, I heard you had a meeting with that new event company today, and thought I might take it off your hands.” You were just mumbling under your breath at this point, already knowing Kenma hated hosting meetings.
“Oh no, anything but!”
You sat with him as you prepared for the meeting, the conversation going from serious decision-making to what your new neighbours might be up to. When the offer you wanted to make was finally completed in a neat file with a clear presentation, you kissed him goodbye and left the office with a satisfied smile, moving to the meeting room where the client was already waiting for you.
There was no doubt you were the more socially adept between you and your husband, and you had no problem standing your ground in negotiations, but some clients would thoroughly challenge you.
By the time you were halfway through your presentation, the client scoffed as you got into the numbers. “I don’t understand why I was told I had a meeting with Kozume and then I’m met with his secretary, this is so unprofessional!” he said, after already being less than respectful previously.
Just as you were about to answer, there was a soft knock on the door before it opened, revealing your husband in his old Nekoma hoodie with the hood up over his hair, which still had the Dutch braids you made last night. A lollipop sat between his lips and he smiled around it when he saw you, coming over to your side. “You left this in my office.”
He put a sheet of paper down before politely bowing and sitting down across from him, but with his chair turned to you. “Thank you.” You cleared your throat, about to keep doing the presentation when the client interrupts you.
“Sir, I was hoping I could talk to you about this offer.” The other man was fully turned towards Kenma now.
He looked at the client with furrowed brows. “I believe that’s what my wife is trying to present you. It’s a great offer really, I looked at it this morning.”
“Please excuse me, I did not know you were married, but this is a huge deal and I’d like to speak to the boss.”
Kenma looked over at you, and he was happy to see you were patiently waiting to have the client’s attention again.
“I suggest you adjust your tone, sir. You are in fact speaking to the boss. She is more than capable.” Your husband got up again and politely excused himself from the room, making the client finally turn back to you with a nervous gulp.
“I am so sorry, Mrs. Kozume. Please let me have another look at your suggestion.”
Kenma gave you two thumbs up from outside the window and you smirked, blowing a kiss at him as the client sweated over the more than advantageous deal you have presented him.
Power couple.
a/n: am I the only one who thought Kenma was his last name? I had to research for this fic and realized Kozume is his last name haha!
for the requester: thank you so much for your great request and kind compliments<3 hope you have an awesome week as well!
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antiwhores · 2 years
I need another part to bakugous partner with a mask. Like what would happen if he found out it was her that he’s passed in the street so many times? Also ur writing is amazing!
Bakugou’s sidekick with a mask - Part 2.
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Yall going crazy on this shit so you already KNOW i got you with a part two. Also thank you very much 💪🏾 there was more requests but tumblr only allows 10 pics. This shit took so long help me bruh. I felt like I should get a little more heartfelt to complete this. Enjoy and shit.
Bakugou has never seen your face in the 3 years of you being his sidekick. No one has, not even the coworkers. As his crush on you manifests into something more, so does his need to see what’s behind that mask. Little does he know he’s seen you bare faced before. He goes running for answers and love.
Dryhumping/masturbation (quickly mentioned), tiniest bit of angst, insecurities, make out sessions, fluff, love shit, good endings frfr, cute shit, read it pls it took so long.
Tags: @jazzylove @justagirlthatlikesanime @ktc1001 @kunkunieee @theacademix @dracosapples @ahahadumbo @ghostwasnothere4u @ruther-furd @gardenofedensbooks @dynamightsdaydream @sam-chwan @coldnachodreamer @izukusgirlfriend
Part one 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾
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Bakugou never thought that in his hero years he’d be obsessing about anything other than being number 1. But now he’s obsessing over the possibility of seeing his sidekicks face, and even fucking kissing it.
Bakugou’s curiousity started to paw at his mind, and worst of all, his work preformance. He would find himself spacing out, trying to imagine what you looked like.
Did you have small lips? Big? Was your nose plump or skinny? What kind of facial expressions did you make? What shape are your eyebrows? Do you have freckles or dimples? Maybe you blush chronically. Maybe you think you’re ugly so you cover yourself up. Maybe you think you’re deathly hot so you cover yourself up for protect
He started to look at you more often during patrols and fights. He should be looking for sudden attacks or danger, sure, but the most dangerous thing to him currently is the possibility of missing your face if it was flashed mistakenly.
He starts to notice the little things about you. Like how your costume fits you and how it highlights your personality. You tilt your head to the side slightly when you’re confused. Sometimes you reach up to scratch your nose but you sigh when you realize that you’re covered up. Sometimes you touch him with familiarity and care laced into your palms. An arm pat, shoulder pat, hair scruffle (when he’s sitting down), a forehead touch to check his temperature, a hand rub when he’s about to blow up, etc.
He feels bad for how those touches make him feel.
You come up to him one day to give him a report on the mission you guys are about to be assigned to. You throw yourself on his spare chair, sighing heavily and dramatically like you always do.
He glances at you before clicking his tongue and looking back down at his papers. “Don’t be rough on my damn chairs.” You roll your eyes, “Sorry Grandma.”
He dismisses your comment with a scoff and a half hearted glare. You get up and start to do your daily, pointless rounds of his room. You touch everything that you could reach from the windows to his desk. He’s asked you why you do this everytime before but you can’t answer questions that you don’t know.
“What do you have for me?”He turned around to face you. You notice the creasing of his eyebrows and the eyebags to match. You wondered if he was stressed over the rise of crime and work. You definitely were and you weren’t the boss of an agency.
“We’ve gotta go out on Thursday afternoon for a special mission. Very important mission too. They said they’d cut off your left toe and skin me if we failed.” You lied about that last part, it was just something to ease the mood. He only sighed, completely ignoring the last comment. Weird. “Damn, that was my shitty scheduled break.”
You began to feel even worse for him. His shoulders were stiff and his arms rubbed his temples roughly. You tried to think of ways to fix this. What would a loving and caring, none sarcastic, friend do? You didn’t know, you were an idiot, so you guessed
You did the first thing that came to mind that wasn’t slightly rude. You bent down and wrapped your hands around his neck, pulling him into a tight hug.
He was startled as hell, you were pretty sure he almost hit you when his reflexes kicked in. “H-Hah? What’re you doing?!” He was stiff around your arms and his hands hovered away from you like you were acidic.
“Im giving you a hug, you dumb ass bitch.” His breath hitched in his throat when you buried your face into his neck. He smelt good, sweet and earthy.
He’s ashamed to admit your innocent actions ended in him fisting himself whilst he moaned your name at 3 am. You were so warm and soft. You smelt so good too. He could feel you breath against him. The soft exhales tickled his neck so damn good. Its like he was intoxicated by the hug you gave him and he craved more. Way more than he could get by just being your boss.
He’s been starting to see that girl out lately. The one who almost died for some cheesecake.
She works as a server for a local cafe sometimes. He learns she has ties with the owners and just likes to help out.
When he first saw you again he forgot his entire order. Not cause you’re goregous (well maybe a little bit), but because he’d been interested in you after that day. He wanted to know if you made it out okay. He wanted to talk to you and degrade you for your stupid actions. He wanted to get to know you as a person. And most of all, he wanted to know where you got that good ass cheesecake.
“Can i get a Caramel Macchiato with no cream- THE FUCK?!“ When he looked up from his wallet you were casually taking his order. His lip curled, “WHAT?! YOU AGAIN?!”
You almost slipped up and responded back with a ‘HELL YEAH’ but you caught yourself. Bakugou was a smart cookie. If you spoke to him, he’d almost immediately know who you are. I mean, you’ve been speaking to him nonstop for years now. So instead you just gave him a thumbs up and a goofy smile.
After you took his order, he forced you to come sit with him during your lunchbreak. He proceeded to lecture you for about 45 minutes about safety and priorities. You just nodded aggressively, which he got mad at. He thought you were mocking him. You were, but it was still a rude assumption.
He left with his heart aflutter after you went back to work. He shouldn’t feel this attraction towards you. He was in love with another girl for Christ’s sake! Yet he couldn’t stop himself from coming every single day after that and making you sit with him so you two could communicate. Turns out, he knows sign language and so do you. So it works out in the end.
Your conversations are chaotic and random. Sometime they’re chill, sometimes they’re weird and utterly stupid.
‘So… like you don’t put toilet paper down when you pee in public restrooms?’
“No. You fucking dumbass. I don’t sit down when I pee. I have a dick.”
He starts to get suspicious of you and… you. Same race, same energy, same personality. Something was going on here and he was gonna piece it together.
So one day he talked to you about it.
“You know,” He began, eyeing you closely to look for a reaction. “You remind me of my sidekick, like a fucking lot.”
If you were lying, you were good at it cause the only thing he saw to indicate panic was an eyeshift. ‘Is she hot?’ You signed. He sighed, “I don’t fucking know. She never takes off her mask. No one knows what she looks like.” You took a sip of your tea slowly. ‘Thats crazy’
He didn’t think he could be any more attentive to you before this but life has a lot of suprises. He started to compare your habits to the coffee shop girl. He pieced things together until he was almost sure that it was you.
But then he wasn’t sure. Cause he saw the both of you in the same place.
He was at a distance but he could see well enough. His sidekick was there greeting and gifting something to his cafe girl.
He lost all hope that you two were the same person after that. He dropped the idea entirely.
Too bad he didn’t know that your friend wanted to try on your costume and you let her for fifty bucks and one of her infamous muffins. Shes built just like you so its an easy mix up lucky for you.
Bakugou continued his routine of chill time with cafe you and quality fun time with sidekick you.
Until one day, into the late 4 years of knowing each other, you both were at a party with some of the heros that Bakugou knew. He invited you cause he was planning on telling you how he felt. He couldn’t hold it in anymore. He didn’t need to see your face, he just wanted you to see him.
He forced you to come outside with him with the excuse that he needs you to give your stupid input on something. He took you to his car and started to drive away.
“What the hell? Bitch are you kidnapping me?” You giggled at his groan. “No idiot, I’m taking a break from everyone. And didn’t you say you needed someone to help you move in? Im gonna help.”
His eyes were focused on the road but he oh so wished to just look over and see your reaction for his own validation. You did recently move homes and ever since you’ve been complaining to Bakugou about all the work. Being the dumbass you are, you leaked your address to him casually like you couldn’t give less of a shit. And you didn’t.
“Theres not a lot of stuff left, you don’t have to-“ He clicked his tongue, gripping the steering wheel. You felt something was wrong. He was off. You knew your partner and he was never this… intense to you unless something was wrong.
“Well maybe I just want to!” His tone was harsh and impatient. Nothing new to anyone but it was out of place. Something was bothering him and you were sure of it.
His whole body tensed when you put your hand on his shoulder. “Katsuki,” The use of his first name faded out everything. It rolled off your tongue smoother than butter like you handcrafted it yourself. Usually you’d stick with a random nickname. Some of his highlighted ones are:
Cucaracha cachonda (he had no idea what that mean not does he know how to speak Spanish but it sounds offensive
Katsu/Kat/Kugo(His favorites, its only used sometimes though)
Brian (He literally cannot explain this one, you just started calling him that and its so funny to you)
Big boss/boss man/ B-man
Homie hopper/whore/slut (He has never “homie hopped”, nor is he a whore, you just call him this to piss him off)
Twin (you look nothing alike.)
And many other names that come and go. But when he was really geniunely upset at you, its always his firstname.
“Whats wrong?” Your voice was soft but not in the pitying tone he hated, but the ‘Im not gonna break this moment’ way. You were always good at treating him like he wanted.
He pulled up in your driveway while you waited for him to speak. He couldn’t piece the words together even though he had spent days constructing them. You turned the car light on to illuminate the dark. You waited. Like you always have done for him.
“I just…“ He gave up on words, he was always better with actions anyway.
He grabbed your top and pulled you towards him. His eyes sqeezed shut so hard he started to see particles behind them. And he kissed you. He kissed you like there wasn’t a mask keeping you apart. Like the thing under his lips were yours and not fabric. And shit, kissing a literal mask felt way more exciting than he thought.
He pulled back away from you as quick as he was there. His blush was furious and he refused to look at your unmoving, stunned state.
The truth was, you liked him too. How could you not? He was your bestfriend, your best costumer, your best boss, and your best partner. He was your number 1.
So your unmoving state wasn’t because you didn’t reciprocate his feelings, like Bakugou was beginning to think, but because you were suprised that he would like you back.
You vowed to never confess to him. It wasn’t hard to admit he was out of your league. He was out of everyones league. He was carved like a greek god and looked like every single beauty standard was based off of him. One of the most desired men on the earth. Rich and famous. The number 2 hero. A symbol of victory and strength.
And you were a faceless hero that wasn’t even in the top 20. You weren’t ugly or even average but you also weren’t fucking godsent like him. You weren’t rich. And you hid behind a mask to avoid people reading you. The only way you got courage to talk to Bakugou as the real you was because he had no idea who you were. It was like talking to him with another mask on. You were still anonymous in a way. The mask made you confident and unbreakable. You couldn’t bring yourself to even think that he would like you back.
Was he playing you? He didn’t even know what you look like. How does he like you back? It made no sense.
Bakugou slammed his hand on the steering wheel, you jumped out of your thoughts at the bang. “Say something damn it!” “What’re you trying to do?” Your voice was unsteady and insecure. He had never heard that before, it stopped time.
“Are you trying to play a sick joke? Cause it’s not fucking funny to play with my feelings.” He was confused but you continued. “What? Did you find out that I liked you and decided to fuck with me?”
You didn’t know why you were getting so defensive. Insecurity placed with distrust you figured. “What? No-“ You interrupted him, “Well if you think you can just get me to sleep with you just so you can see under the mask than you’re wrong. Goodnight.”
You were overreacting. You couldn’t stop yourself. You were out of the car and stomping to your apartment before you could even register it. He was calling after you, demanding you come back and listen to him.
Reject before you get rejected.
You stomped to the door and unlocked it. You quickly shuffled in and attempted to slam the door. A large, strong hand stopped it halfway. He pushed himself inside and locked the door.
“What the fuck?!” “Would you just listen to me!?” He was yelling now, you wanted to cry.
He grabbed your shoulders, “I’m not doing this to see you without your damn mask!” He sounded offended, rightfully so. “I fucking love you, alright?!”
Your heart was racing and your eyes expanded behind the mask. You couldn’t believe it. Your feelings being recognized and returned seemed too damn easy. “What-“ “I’ve liked you for almost 3 years now! I just took long as hell to accept it! I do like you and I’ll put it on my fucking life!”
You were frozen in your spot between him. “But it doesn’t make sense. You’ve never seen my face-“ “Yeah well it’s a good thing you have a personality.” He sassed. “I can’t believe you’d think that I would use you like that!” You went into defense mode, “It was the only reasonable answer to me! I don’t know if you know this Katsuki but you’re way out of my fucking league.”
He has never been so offended from a compliment. He opened his mouth to say something, an insult maybe, but he closed it. “Do you like me y/n.”
It was more of a statement than a question. Like it wasn’t your choice to answer, he was demanding you to. Its in these moments you’re glad for the mask. You probably look so disgustingly vulnerable right now, it makes you sick. Who knew being confessed to by your long time crush would make you question your self worth.
You put your head down and smelled him. He was rather close to you now that you thought about it. He had you against a wall with his hands holding your shoulders in place.
Now or never, you thought.
You nodded to him- well more like to his shoes from the direction you were looking. He tilted your chin up to look him in the eyes. Were his eyes always that intense and bright?
“Words.” He commanded. Fuck, this was getting to hard. “I love you too… for four years now.” Your mouth was dry from the words. You felt exposed.
He was suprised, four years. Fucking wow. His heart was racing, maybe even faster than yours. He wanted to kiss you again. And he meant you, not the mask. But he was afraid that’d come off as your original theory of him doing this just to try and see you without the mask.
He flushed his body tight against yours, hugging his arms around your waist and burying himself into your neck. “Mmm,” He groaned, “I wanna kiss you so bad right now. I’ve been wanting to touch you like this for forever.”
You shivered at his words, a long yet short debate ran into your head. The results could be detrimental but whatever. When were you ever completely cautious? “Close your eyes.” Its like he was intoxicated by your proximity, he couldn’t think straight. He hummed a “hmm?” He wasn’t listening, he put his full focus into remembering this feelings of warmth and completeness.
“Katsuki, close you eyes.” It wasn’t timid this time, a demand. He couldn’t bring himself to care enough to argue with you when he was moving to the other side of your neck to inhale there too so he did as told.
He heard you rusting with your mask, pulling it up but not all the way. “Keep your eyes closed.” He could practically see the blush through your words. You grabbed his face lightly, practically pulling him from your neck.
He was about to complain but the feeling of your moisturized lips silenced him. The kiss was soft at first but he couldn’t hold himself back so it progressively got more heated. His tongue slipped into your mouth, ignoring your sharp inhale. You gasped when he picked you up and wrapped your legs around him.
Theres spit dribbling down your chin and you’re blushing so hard you start to think that the mask can’t even cover it.
His hands are placed on both of your asscheeks. He holds you up effortlessly, like you’re nothing but a feather to him. You flinch when his hands grip at your ass unintentionally. You accidentally rut your hips into his at the intimate touch.
Its like a switch was flipped when you did that. He groaned against your lips, a drawn out fuck excaping his mouth.
He had completely forgotten that he had to keep his eye closed when he pulled back. You squealed before covering up the bottom half of your face up again with your hands.
He looked startled as well, mutting a curse word before he put you down. “Fuck, my bad.” He wasn’t sorry. You looked away from him, “s’fine.” Where was all your condescending confidence?! This was starting to make you mad.
“Can I see?” It was blurted out before he could stop it. So much for respecting her boundaries.
You thought for a long moment. FUCK! You needed to man up! You needed to just take this leap and if you tumble, blame a higher power with no correlation whatsoever!
“Fine, needy bitch.” You mumbled. You slowly took away your hand to let him see. Even though it was only your lips, your heart was racing.
He didnt say anything for a long time, it worried you. His head was filled with thoughts.
Her lips. Do I know those lips? So pretty. I get those lips everyday. I wanna see the rest. Will she show me rest? Fuck. Shes so hot. Why am I going crazy over lips? She makes me crazy.
“Can I see the rest?” He was too far now not to ask. Even if you said no it was worth a try.
You thought for a long moment. He noticed that you press your lips together when you think. Fuck it, you thought.
You ripped the mask off so quickly that you had to close your eyes to adjust to the new sight.
He was speechless. You were fucking gorgeous. He didn’t know that he had a type but apparently his type was you. Your e/c eyes were now his favorite color. Everything fit on your face perfectly and you were more than he ever expected. You were his, someone who he’d look at everyday and still feel overwhelmed by their looks.
He couldn’t bring himself to speak with the way he oogled at you. The words were lost in his mouth again. After 4 fucking years he’s finally seen you. And you lived up to every expectation. You started to get nervous with how long he stared. He finally spoke after a lick to his lips.
“You’re beautiful-“ Realization slapped the shit out of him, “WAIT WHAT THE FUCK?!” You flinched, “DAMN COULD YOU NOT BE MORE SUBTLE IF IM UGLY-” “YOURE THE CHEESECAKE GIRL!”
Your face goes blank, a look he loves and knows. “Oh yeah… suprise!” His eye twitches, “So I’ve known you this whole damn time?! And you didn’t fucking tell me?!” You giggled mischievously, “Yep, thanks for the chats customer.”
His fist clenches, “If you weren’t so damn beautiful I’d fucking murder you right now.” “Oh stop it Boss man, dont flatter me.” “No wonder I was so goddamn obsessed with you at the cafe, you were literally my girl.” “Nah, I’m wearing the pants in this relationship, youre my girl.” “Die.”
He loved the way your mouth moves. He loved the way your expressions matched. He loved the way that this was just his secret. He loved the way you revealed yourself to him. And most of all he loved you.
Your mask was suddenly unnecessary with him. You didnt need it anymore. And the facade you put up was dissolved. This was a new chapter in your life. One that would change you and him for the better.
And it made everything worth it.
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kaybreezy3000 · 6 months
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Five is your employer and he's not happy with you. As the night unfolds, you have a very unexpected encounter with him...
~Rated somewhere between G and Mature because, like many of my stories, you can easily skip the sexually explicit parts. (see notes)
This story takes place where we left off with season three, but 5 years later. The name is a nod to hints of what might be coming, though I doubt the Netflix writers are going with my little storyline I have created for you.
~This one is sort of gift to all fanfiction readers and writers. May you always keep passwords on our documents and devices, or maybe not... 😂👌
Warnings: Mildly sexual themes in the middle. This does turn sexually explicit in the second half, but you don't need to read that part to enjoy the story and there is a warning when that starts if you aren't into all that stuff.
(8,711 words)
'Hargreeves home for wayward boys'
It was the end of the day and the Hargreeves family had all disappeared. You knew they were somewhere privately hashing things out, but as just a lowly intern working on their project, staying for that to happen was not necessary. They would call you later to give their decision and then you’d submit the order.
Speaking of which, your phone rang with a call from your boss and it distracted you as you were collecting your things. Arms full and not realizing you had forgotten something, you used your backend to bump open the large doors of the Umbrella Academy. The doors clicked closed behind you and you walked out into the refreshingly cool evening air. 
Downstairs in the musty kitchen, Allison threw her head back, letting out a tired sigh before saying, “Guys, arguing is getting us nowhere. We need to end this debate. The order needs to be placed today or we won’t have the sign back when the masons are scheduled to be here to install it.”
Viktor set his empty mug on the counter next to a pair of Grace’s discarded rubber dishwashing gloves. “Why don’t we just vote on it?” he proposed, uneasily glancing at Five.
“I say we go with ‘The Hargreeves Home for Wayward Boys,” Diego loudly declared while raising his arm high, to which the rest of the Hargreeves abruptly raised their hands, making it a unanimous vote, if not for Five, sitting forward with his head in his hands and his elbows on the kitchen table as he venomously glared at all of them.
Five locked eyes with Luther. “Really?” he snapped.
His brother nervously smiled. “Ah… Sorry. I changed my mind, buddy.”
“Don’t call me buddy.” Five angrily shook his head. “You changed your mind, huh? Sorry to inform you but clearly this one doesn’t work any better!”
Not getting Five’s belittling joke, Luther looked to Ben who silently rolled his eyes for about the hundredth time in the last hour.
“And you,” Five roared, pointing his finger at him. “You had shown signs of intelligence but now I have my doubts. Maybe if you keep rolling your eyes like that you might find evidence of a brain up there. This name doesn’t even make any sense! We aren’t just admitting boys!”
“Sure it does,” Lila disagreed. “You’re the only one who doesn’t think so but that’s because it’s very hard for children to think clearly when they haven’t had their nap. Should we call Grace to fetch your blankie and to make your bottle so you can go to bed early?”
Five balled his hand into fists under the table. “You should use glue instead of Chapstick. I hear it does wonders for making you more tolerable to be around,” he childishly shot back to which Lila merely laughed at him. “So, this is it…nobody else thinks that name sounds awful?” he hissed at anyone still looking at him.
Getting up with a loud squeal of his wooden chair leg on the cracked linoleum flooring, Klaus patted Five on the upper back, but his brother jerked away from the gesture. “Oh, come on, Five,” he said followed by an airy laugh. “It’s perfect. Even that cute intern upstairs thought so. After we gave her the low down dirty-dirty on our real family history, she’s the one that came up with it.”
Five scowled even more.
“Ahhh,” Diego obliviously sighed. “Things are finally coming together with this project and I’m feeling a Hargreeves style celebration coming on.” He draped his arm around the back of Lila’s chair looking at her, but she was too busy smirking at Five’s increasingly animated display of sour expressions.
“Let’s all go out!” Klaus excitedly added. “I know a great place for karaoke.” Five got up, slinging his suit coat over his shoulder as he started to walk away but Klaus snatched his arm. “Hold it! You’re coming with us.”
Five swifty swatted his hand away, distastefully brushing his brother’s invisible fingerprints from the crisp sleeve of his white dress shirt. “I’d rather shove a pinecone up my ass and let it sit in there until it dissolved than have to be in the presence of all of you for even five more minutes,” he smoothly retorted while flipping up his cuff to check the time.
Klaus’s bright eyes grew wide with glee. “If you are looking for things to shove up your ass, I can think of way more painfully pleasant options. Come on, let me tell you all about it while we decide where we are going to eat.”
Skirting around the table, Five dodged Klaus before he could put an arm around him to drag him in with the rest of the group who were now talking about dinner plans and the epic songs they were going to belt out later.
After breaking away and muttering under his breath that they were all a bunch of idiots, Five slowly wandered up the stairs. With his fists firmly jammed in his pockets and his shoulders inclined forward, his gaze remained empty though his thoughts were anything but.
After making numerous other suggestions, they had all disregarded his concerns, just like they always did. Whether it was trying to help them avoid apocalyptic ends or simply being somewhere at a specific time to save their own asses, he never could win in this family. 
Five cringed as he thought about the name they wanted to use and what it was really referring to.
He was the embodiment of the wayward boy in his family’s less than glorious story. Worst yet, the nod to Homer’s Odyssey, being that it was a narrative Reginald had forced them to remember by heart, was just one of the millions of reasons why, in his head, this was a horrible choice.
That man was an evil incarnate, and Five may have for a time wanted his love and acceptance or even in the very least, his recognition, but he never got them. They’d been used and dumped in a new world without their powers, but at least they had been left with their identities and their childhood home, but those days of bowing to that vile alien parading around as a man were long gone. Five did not want to be associated in any way with Reginald Hargreeves and that title for their new foundation did just that.
“How could they not see that?” he asked himself, trying to work through all this but coming up with nothing other than they were morons. “The last name Hargreeves was already on half the buildings in the city!” he shouted to no one, his voice getting eaten up in the long corridor as his dress shoes stomped along the black and white tiled floor.
As Five watched his siblings raise their hands in favor of the symbolic title, he felt even more set apart from them than he ever had. That feeling wasn’t anything new, and there were many reasons for it, but today, he’d had enough of them not listening to him and he wasn’t about to let this one go until he’d tried one more avenue of attack.
Tromping through the foyer, thinking he’d see you or the lead designer, Five glanced inside the formal dining room but neither of you were there. Looking over the stacks of blueprints on the table, Five spotted your laptop. It was lying among the other items strewn in the large mess but your coat and bag that had been hanging on the back of the chair were gone. Thinking you must have forgotten it and that you had gone for the day, he picked up the streamlined electronic device and carried it with him out of the room.
He’d been dying to lay into you for convincing his family that this asinine idea was the way to go. Sadly, since you weren’t there, that would have to wait and that left him in no better mood, but as he carried your laptop down the hall, he was quickly developing a new plan.
Thinking of you, Five could just see you looking at him like you always did-cautiously but kindly. 
You were always professional and extra nice to him in your interactions, despite him being dismissively rude at times. You’d laugh off his detached behavior and truthfully, he didn’t mind the sound of it, or your sweet smiles, or how your legs looked under your many short skirts and smart little slingback heels. He’d never let himself do more than appreciate the view when you weren’t looking, and he’d thought you were about as harmless as a chipmunk marinated in fertilizer that was walking sideways.
He was wrong on that, and worse yet, he simply didn’t get you and Five did not like when he didn’t understand things.
His lips pulled to the side as he noted your almost unnatural ability to remain persistently positive when working with a bunch of ridiculous assholes. Looking past some of your more appealing qualities, he quickly concluded that you were about as stupid and fake as fake could get.
You had stepped on the wrong man’s toes and this meant war.
With steam practically billowing out his ears over how mad he was at you, Five became absorbed in the thought of pissing some of his own mocking sunshine into your Clever Crisp cereal and he knew just the way to do it and get rid of you.
“Perfect fucking idea my ass,” he said through clenched teeth as his diabolical grin spread.
Five opened Reginald’s old office door and flopped down at the large mahogany desk. Flipping the laptop open, he flexed his fingers, his eyes roaming over the keys as the screen came to life.
They could call the design team and tell them the decision was made, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t do something about it and make it look like you were the one that fucked things up, which as an added bonus that would probably get you fired.
If the very expensive stone signage they were ordering came and didn’t say what his family had wanted it to say, at that point, you’d be in deep shit, and he’d simply look the other way feigning innocence. He’d argue that at that point it was an issue of money and managing their extremely tight budget, so, to be sensible, they should just go with it as is-which would be his title of choice.
To Five, this was a win-win. Nosy intern fired, and no more demeaning name that was a reference to him hanging above the academy’s front door.
It was a simple matter of typing in his idea in the order form, and sitting in front of him was the means to do it. Call or no call, he’d send this in first. The work would get started and it would be too late.
Five was no hacker but over the last few years of being holed up at the Umbrella Academy due to having to live the life of a shut-in teenager again, he’d learned a thing or two about modern tech. With a few clicks, he was into your files.
“Where is it?” he hummed as his eyes ran over the images of little manila folders. There were tons of them and the way you had them labeled was not helping.
Clicking on one that appeared to have image files attached to it had seemed logical since he was looking for a mockup of the graphic design they’d be using going forward for all their letterhead and signage.
“Shit,” Five scoffed as he saw tiny blips of hundreds of your personal photos. These had nothing to do with what he needed and that also meant this computer was not just something you used for work. He was just about to close the file since it was obviously personal in nature but then an image of you when you were slightly younger caught his eye.
Your cheeks were a little bit rounder and your hair a little longer. When he clicked on the next shot and it was one where you were on some kind of vacation and you were wearing a swimsuit, he leaned forward.
He stared at the picture, suddenly intrigued. Opening more pictures, Five realized that same bright smile of yours never faltered in any one of the shots.
It had never crossed his mind that he’d see anything personal while he was digging through your computer, but here it all was and all he had to do was open the files because you foolishly didn’t password protect them.
Driven by curiosity and with nothing else to do for the night, Five dug deeper into your world. He found files with old college assignments which he skimmed over with only moderate interest. Then, clicking on a folder that seemed harmlessly titled, he found himself completely distracted, all at once, totally forgetting what he’d been searching for.
Five scooched even closer to the screen.
The first file he opened was relatively small and he read through it quickly. It was written like some sort of story, or more like part of one. It was about a man that found himself in a version of his body that was much younger looking than he should be. Miraculously he had been through hell and back, and mentally he was much older than he looked, but outwardly he didn’t look any older than his physical age of eighteen. The details of how this all came to be weren’t in this part of her story, but Five immediately recognized the familiarity of the storyline, and he instantly started plowing through the other files in that folder in a sudden need to know what else you’d written.
The files were like snippets of a larger story, not yet fully written or interconnected the way a novel would be, but all of them involved the same two characters, and the scenes were incredibly familiar but also not. Changes to how they actually occurred in real life were subtle enough to make what he was reading fiction, but the similarities were what agitated him and had his defenses on high alert. Even more than that, the male character in your writings was a perfect description of him in all but his name, and the female, though barely described, very much resembled you.
The story laid out that the male character was the infamously lost son of a very wealthy man whose influence held the entire world by the throat. After appearing out of the blue on the doorstep of his family home after years of being missing, this boy chose to keep to himself but that didn’t mean people weren’t aware he was back.
He intentionally carried himself apart from all others, always dressed impeccably, with his dark hair neatly smoothed to one side. He was cold and calculating and always moved with intent, brooding in his mannerisms, but the female in the story also described him as so breathtakingly handsome when he thought no one was looking and he dared to crack a smile.
“She thinks I’m handsome…?” Five breathed as he read on.
The female narrator went on to say, ‘It turned out, that he could storm around the near empty academy all day if he wanted, or even call the president and claim that he was now a 59-year-old man, but sadly that didn’t mean a thing if you had no proof and you looked like a murderously feral kid parading around in your fancy big boy clothes.’
Five’s stomach dropped through the floor. There was no way this wasn’t about him, and you weren't even trying to hide it!
Talking to a character that was said to be one of this tragic figure’s brother’s, the female in the story was told that the boy had no other choice but to abide by laws of normal men unless he wanted to risk the state forcing him into the foster system or worse. All this left him with little choice and a very bad taste in his mouth and he’d been lashing out for years with vengeance about it, ironically acting just like the temperamental teenager he appeared to be..
By the time the woman in the story had come to work for him, years had passed and this character was technically not a kid anymore. Again, because he was too proud to move in with any of his siblings, he’d served his time living behind the walls of the academy his family owned, but those difficult days were no more. It was time to move on, but the female character could see that for all her employer’s outward confidence, the man inside the boy wasn’t sure how to do that.
He still hadn’t found his place in the world. He lived in limbo, completely alone, other than the presence of a robot housekeeper that he called Grace and his siblings still called mom.
He went out but did not act as someone would who was his outward age, yet it wasn’t really his fault because he couldn’t partake in what those his real age did. He dressed like a man on a mission though he had no reason to anymore. Three-piece suits on a teenager and his smug expressions and even more caustically biting words weren’t gaining him any friends on his daily outings or within the tight circle of those he trusted and called family.
The female narrator said, outwardly, he was one thing, but inside, he felt like a joke.
His sharp green eyes spoke of his true age and the trauma of the life he’d lived, but he kept himself in check most of the time, never letting his guard down or letting anyone in for fear that they would see how much he suffered and still does.
Despite his cruelties to even her, the female protagonist said she saw right through him and under all of it was some very special. She said he was worthy of so much more than he was letting himself have.
“What the fuck? What the hell does she mean by special and worthy of more? My life is just fine!” Five fumed.
Five wasn’t just furious about this, he was confused. It didn’t seem like you were trying to actually write a book since none of this it was in any form of order, but he was stumped as to why else you’d be writing such things other than to exploit him somehow and make money by trying to sell some bullshit tell-all story about his fucked-up life.
He shook with fury, his knuckles white as he clenched the wooden armrests on Reginald’s old high back chair.
You had called him out but did so safely from his pretend female’s perspective. 
You said this male’s lack of interest in others was just a way to hide how vulnerable and lonely he truly felt! 
You said that all his arrogance and cocky remarks were nothing more than a sign that he was desperate for love that he’d never been given, and now didn’t know how to reach for.
You said you felt bad for him!
“I don’t need her fucking sympathy!” Five seethed as he angrily clicked on another much longer file in your writing folder.
Right off, he could tell this one was much different than the others he’d read about your daily exchanges in this fictional yet not fictional narrative you’d been writing about him.
It was set in the same work setting, set in the large manor that the deceptively young male lived. The characters were in a richly decorated office, with dark paneled walls and low light filtering in from the setting sun bleeding through the stained-glass windowpanes.  You didn’t need to say this was once this man’s notoriously cruel father’s office for Five to know you were trying to describe the room he was sitting in right now.
The male was sitting in the regal looking chair behind the desk, smug as ever as he stared at the girl. His cool, calculating eyes devoured the entire length of her legs while he slowly but deliberately pushed them apart at the knees, spreading them wide as she submissively sat on the desk in front of him.
Five’s breath hitched as that line and the images described in it played over and over in his head like a naughty ping pong ball.
That saucy passage was Five’s first indication that this story was not like the others and that what he was about to read was not going to be at all like what he’d read so far. 
This had turned into some kind of fictional love affair.
Itching heat started to crawl up Five’s neck once he reached the third paragraph and the first lines of dialogue were laid out with perfect effect.
With this male shamelessly observing that under her skirt, the girl was not wearing any panties, she grinned and playfully purred, “You can have me any way you want…”
From there, the two characters proceeded to take things to a place between them that Five had never considered until it was literally being spelled out for him.
As Five read on, parts of him were waking up that had nothing to do with his anger concerning you. The document he was reading was essentially like taking a very seductive trip inside your mind and maybe even more surprising, seeing something that was inside his. It was a firsthand description of how you really saw him, what you wanted from him, and maybe even more scandalously what you wanted to do to him.
Five was not familiar with this kind of writing and the only way he could describe it was explicit, with the descriptions of what was going on being detailed enough that he read the words with a slightly gapped mouth and a rapidly quickening pulse.
The previous files he’d read had focused on emotional and psychological themes, making the barefaced sexual purpose of this one all that much more of a shock. He had no idea you were attracted to him and found his appearance and flippantly dickish behavior so appealing.
If he’d thought you made no sense before, but now he was beyond baffled by you.
As the scene he read moved past him pleasuring you, on to your character kneeling down on the floor between his legs as he confidently opened his pants and he told you to get to work, Five took in a long, deep breath. He reactively moved his hand over the heat between his legs, his palm pressing down the hard length beginning to make itself known under the tightening stretch of fabric covering him.
In spite of his flawlessly pale skin, Five was typically not the type to blush, but by the time he was done reading your story, he felt like his face was on fire and his body was going to spontaneously combust. Unable to stop himself, Five began to more intently rub the aroused flesh hidden under the wool of his pants.
He started reading the story again, and he was so taken by it all that he didn’t hear you walking down the hall.
“Oh, there it is,” you said as you walked in and saw the back of your laptop sitting in front of the last person you had figured you see with it. To make it more bizarre, you didn’t remember leaving it in there and Five was looking at it with the most intense expression you’d ever seen grace his sharply expressive features.
With worry hitting you with the unforgiving force of a tanker truck, you rushed around the large piece of furniture separating you to see what had captured his attention so fully that he only just now looked up at you, finally registering that you were there.
With his hands flying up from his lap, Five tried to clear the screen.
Seeing the title to your very, very naughty story about him on the autosave line, you shrieked out a plethora of swear words, some which you just made up on the fly. Five was sure to have never heard some of your more imaginative curses prior to that moment, but you were pretty sure their meaning was not lost on him based on how he was backing away from you.
You slammed the laptop closed.  Then you covered your face with your hands and started pacing as you incoherently mumbled.
Through the cracks between your fingers, you could see that Five was clearly stunned by what had just transpired. He looked like his brain had stopped working, which was impressive since he was a proven genius.
Great. You broke the poor man and all it took was literarily getting your fuck on with him!
Then, instead of flipping out, to your surprise, Five said your name. It came out so soft and unsure and nothing like the way he normally spoke to you. It was the first time he’d ever acknowledged that he knew your name. You had thought that to him, you were just another nameless person they’d hired.
Hearing it, you dropped your hands, revealing a face so red that it only made your body’s less than desirable response accelerate even more, and then you got redder.
Not sure what to say, your next words burst from your mouth. “You must think I am a perverted weirdo! I swear I am not… It’s just…a silly hobby. I- I write things to get them out of my head and I always delete them. I wasn’t going to-"
You didn’t know how to explain yourself, so you squeezed your eyes shut rather than take another second of him sitting there, still as a statue, still staring at you in what you could only guess was horror.
If you weren’t sure that Five was gearing up to bite your head off and report you to the police, you’d almost think his own red-faced expression of distress was cute, but that was only if you didn’t know better. Under his boyish charm, there was a very dangerous man that was about to spring to life. That person had no interest or reason to show someone who’d invaded his privacy any mercy.
Trying to save your ass, you sputtered, “I never write stuff like that, it’s just… Shit. This is basically my worst nightmare. I am so sorry.”  You let out a broken sounding moan. You turned around, burying your face in your hands again. “Don’t worry, I am going. I will submit my resignation right away and I will delete that right now.”
Starting to cry, you moved to do just that but Five scared the hell out of you when he snatched your hand away and didn’t let go.
His eyes narrowed and your heart nearly leapt out of your chest. You tried yanking your hand back, but he held fast. “Stop!” he ordered, and you did, sort of. Your entire body trembled as you uselessly pulled, trying to get away. Reeling you back in to face him, Five calmly said, “You better not quit.”
Had you heard him right?
God, he was close. You could feel the heat from his body and the warmth of his breath hitting your lips.
“Please stop crying,” he whispered.
You shook your head.
Undeterred by your inability to speak or to stop your sniffles, Five moved his hand to your waist and his penetrating eyes bore into yours making it impossible to look away. “That little story there…” 
He stopped speaking. Suddenly looking flustered he ran his hand back through his hair, rumpling it in the most adorable way. 
“You haven’t asked me what I thought about your writing?” he taunted, his voice so low and threatening sounding that you weren’t sure why your feet weren’t moving so you could high-tail it out of there.
Your reply came out as anxious sounding as you felt. “I don’t need to ask. I can tell by the way you are looking at me that you think I am nuts, and you hate me.”
Five drew in a deep breath, his eyes floating to the ceiling for a moment before he held your eye again and countered, “Well, if you think that, then you are right about the other things you wrote about me. I am a complete asshole and treat people like shit, but that is not my intent right now, despite my past and what my face says. You were very accurate and astute when it comes to nailing down who I really am, but perhaps when it comes to how I really feel about all this, and you, you shouldn’t be looking at my face.”
Before you could ask him what he meant by that, Five slid his arm around your waist, pulling your hips flush with his, and that forceful maneuver made it very clear what he thought about what you wrote.
Wiping your eyes as your heart raced, you muttered a very unintelligent sounding, “Oh.”
Five’s excruciatingly soft looking lips pulled up on one side, the look of it matching what you only now recognized in the sparking emerald of his shining eyes. There was a menacing level of mischief in him that was all the more strengthened by his burning arousal.
Confidently taking you by the wrist, Five led you back to the desk. Pressing you back against the unforgiving wood surface, directly between him and his chair as he said, “I am sorry I have been so…” His smile widened and you felt like you could melt from the sheer sight of his dimple deepening. “I have been so blind. You are right about everything you said about me.”
Swallowing down the lump in your throat, you tried not to lose it over the way he was looking at you or the feel of his long fingers trailing up your thighs, not stopping until they were hidden just under the hem of your skirt where he let them settle.
Not sure what was happening, you shakily asked, “How much did you read?”
“All of it. Twice,” he blew across your lips as his teasingly hovered so close it was making you dizzy. “You shouldn’t be embarrassed. Your writing is very good,” Five added as he flipped your hair aside and his mouth brushed with featherlight gentleness against your neck, making spiraling fireworks of tingles run up and down your spine.
You shut your eyes, feeling like you were having an outer body experience as Five placed tender but persistently more certain kisses along your throat and the shell of your ear. “You’re not mad?” you quietly asked, lost in his extremely loving touches.
Five’s fingers came up, moving a strand of hair from your forehead before those same fingertips tickled across your cheek then gripped your chin, forcing your face up next to his.
Your droopy eyes reactively flipped open.
“No. I am not mad,” he quietly responded, the comforting green of his eyes all but overtaken with the darkness of his growing lust. “I was mad at first and not just because you like to write stories about me. At first, I was hell bent on ending you for interfering in matters that don’t concern you. Pushing my family to choose such an inadequate name for our foundation was your crime and I was going to make you pay, but I see all that a little differently now. Funny how hearing a little truth done in the right way can make a very old, yet forever young fool see the light,” he finished with a chuckle that sounded so unbelievably charming coming from such a normally serious person.
“You don’t like the name, and you wanted to end me? That’s why you stole my laptop?”
Five laughed again. “Thanks to you, the name might be growing on me.” Ignoring your other questions he somewhat less assuredly said, “Is it true what you said about me… That part you wrote about how in the face of how much I lost, the fact that I never stopped fighting to change things for the better was the most admirable and important quality a person could have?”
“Yes. Of course I meant it.  You’re an example of what it means to be strong and not give up and that’s what these kids need, and that is why I suggested that name after hearing your brother Klaus ramble on for hours about your life and how wonderful you are. You are someone they can look up to and that name seemed like it spoke of the trials yet also many triumphs of your amazing life.” Seeing Five’s face light up and feeling brave, you cautiously added, “From what I hear, we are all lucky you never gave up and aren’t lost anymore. If not for you, there wouldn’t be a world left. We owe our life to you.”
Five looked down at the minimal space between you, his dark lashes fanning his beautifully flushed cheeks.
“That’s not necessarily true, and in many ways, I am still lost,” he admitted. “You were right, I push people away. I lack basic social skills and I have been way too much of an arrogant prick to own that, and for it, I am alone.” His smoldering eyes flipped back up. “But I don’t want that. I want someone that sees me the way you do and isn’t scared of who I really am.”
The slightest tic as his jaw tensed was the only sign that Five wasn’t as sure of himself as he appeared.  
“Are you scared of me?” he provocatively lured, almost as if he were baiting you.
You croaked back a very embarrassing sounding, “No.”
Looking like he loved that, Five excitedly asked, “Good, then will you let me show you how sorry I am for being a dick, and how much I appreciate you making me see all this in a new way? You are right. Nothing sticks it to my old man like making this place in name and purpose into something about giving people less fortunate a second chance. That is not what he’s about and using his name and things he knows are a jab at him is a perfect fuck you.”
That smile of Five’s that could explode a girl’s lady bits came out to play again and with it his hand ran down your back, gripping you by hard on the ass.
“Since you seemed to like the idea of it, and you haven’t kicked me in the balls yet, will you give me a chance to make your fiction come to life?”  he courteously questioned, though none of this conversation had anything to do with any form of normal social decorum.
As his words hit home, Five quirked a dark brow at you, and again, ever so subtly, he let you get a feel of his desire as he trapped your body between his and the desk.
“What I lack in experience, I tend to make up with determination and my ability to quickly learn even the most complex concepts and tasks,” he added hopefully.
Squirming a little, your eyes flit over the contours of Five’s face as you tried to imagine the older man that he really was, but like usual, you could only nail that part of him down in the unnaturally assured way he held himself. Like it had from the first time you laid eyes on him, the paradox that was Five Hargreeves only made you want him more.
“I could let you do that…” you flirtatiously dangled, “as long as you aren’t planning on ending me still. Being all scary like you are is hot and all, but the threats against my life and livelihood are sort of a lady boner kill.”
Letting out another laugh that you could hardly believe you were hearing coming from him, Five nodded. “You aren’t going anywhere, sweetheart. Not until I give us both a happy ending and I don’t mean that kind of ending,” he growled just before his lips crashed against yours and his hand moved behind your neck, locking you to him.
⚠️This concludes the PG 13 ending option. Go on if you want the explicit ending option.
Five’s kiss took your breath away. His tongue pushed inside your mouth as he searched for more.
His kiss was perfectly unpracticed, warm and innocent.
The feel of him letting himself go in this way had you securing your legs around his backside, encouraging him to take even more, which he did, urging your bottom up onto the desk where he held you on the edge.
The protrusion of Five’s erect cock jabbed into your abdomen as he thrust himself against you as if he was already fucking you. “Fuck, I fucking want you,” he wetly gasped as he let your mouth go, only to assault your neck and then your collarbone with nips and needy kisses that were sure to leave their mark.
With his sucking and well timed bites, he was hitting all your most sensitive spots, and you knew without asking that he’d learned just what to do to drive you wild from what he’d just read. As your head dropped back and your eyes closed, you couldn’t believe that a story that was never meant for his eyes had accidentally stoked this passion in him and had now come to this.
Feeling his hand moving higher under your skirt, you let out a huffy little moan, followed by a whining sound. With a smile, Five looked up, looking first at your puffy lips and then your glossy eyes as if something had just occurred to him.
As you were trying to figure out why he’d stopped, he leaned into your ear, softly speaking something in another language. “Sei così bella. Voglio conoscere ogni parte di te ed essere tutto ciò che pensi che io sia..”  (You are so beautiful. I want to know every part of you and be all the things you think I am.)
As Five moved along, kissing your jaw, you didn’t even get to ask what he’d said before his fingers were dropping down over your underwear.
“Well, well, well…” he tutted. “You aren’t supposed to be wearing these.” With that, Five remedied that deviation from your story, flipping your legs together and then tugging your panties down so he could stuff them in his back pocket.
His lips brushed yours and you trembled from that as well as the sensation of his fingers coming at you back and forth. They were gliding between your folds as he gauged your reactions to his explorations with a look of devoted persistence that proved he wasn’t kidding when he said he was all about learning the best way to please you. 
Soon Five had you making sounds that were somewhere between pathetic whimpers and pleas for more. Then with no warning, he pushed two fingers inside you, and half mad, your mind spiraled into chaos ad he crooked the digits upwards. He worked them in and out with an intensity that was bordering on too much and your body spasmed around him, your legs at his backside clenching him tighter before going limp as you cried out his name.
Five smiled with satisfaction, pulling back just a little to watch your chest heaving and your body writhe.
“That’s it, honey, only next time I want the entire city to know I am fucking you,” he smugly informed before diving back in to kiss you again, all the while his long fingers never stopped dragging out every last tremor of your release.
Even in your state of bliss you could tell that Five was trying and failing to one-handedly undo his belt. Softly pushing him back, you weren’t sure he was going to relent but when he did, he looked humorously desperate.
“Wait you breathed. You can have me as many times as you want and in any way you want, but first there’s something I’ve been dying to do to you.”
That perked Five’s attention.
You pulled your lip between your teeth for only a moment before you pounced on him, your humiliation from earlier now nothing more than an afterthought as you pushed Five back and down into his chair. His vest buttons were your first target, and you relished the feeling of Five straining as you took control and your hands worked, unpackaging him.
Next, the shiny little buttons on his dress shirt popped open, one-by-one.
Once done, you ran your hands across Five’s exposed upper body, loving how firm and smooth his skin was. The contours of his leanly defined abs made him look like some kind of sex God. The very fine trail of dark hair leading from his belly button down, along with the ‘V’ shaped arrow of his muscle leading into his pants, were a sight to behold on their own but they were also drawing your attention to another intriguing a part of him that you could already tell was plenty more than average sized.
Not one to be outdone, while you were checking him out, Five suddenly reached up and ripped your blouse open, making it your second clothing casualty if you counted your underpants that he’d stolen.
His voice was barely more than a whisper but this time you were pretty sure you knew what the single word he spoke meant.
“Perfetta.” (Perfect.)
As your mouth moved to his, he shot forward to meet you, but Five was still mostly letting you have your way with him as you finished undoing his pants and pulled them open so you could fish him out of the thin cotton restraining him.
“My turn,” you warned before coming back to Five’s awaiting mouth, your kiss muffling his groan as your hand pumped his hard length, testing him and finding him deliciously responsive and dripping with pre-cum.
You saw a tinge of madness in his gaze as your thumb circled, teasing the slit of skin and the ridge surrounding the underside of his tip. Your adoring kisses moved down his neck, cherishing every curve and dip of his flesh as he swallowed down what you could only assume was how much he wanted to move this along.
One more kiss, your tongue tracing along his teeth before you sucked at his bottom lip and another spark of need had him pushing down on the armrests so he could better rock his shaft up into your hand even more than he already was.
Five’s thoughts came out in a rush of disjointed words. “Plea- Please. Oh, fuck yes,” he grunted and gasped. 
His chocolatey brown hair fell in his eyes, but it didn’t matter because they were closed so beautifully in his state of total surrender. 
“I have waited so long to have this,” he groaned as you jerked him harder and faster.
“And you’ve waited long enough,” you whispered against his lips before slipping lower, kissing his jaw and quivering stomach muscles along the way as you moved down between his legs.
As your mouth found him, you could only hope that Five felt truly young and free as he looked. You meant it in your story when you said that he deserved this and so much more.
You took him in, letting him push down your throat until it was too much, but even then you fought to hold your mouth around him, encasing his throbbing cock with hollowed cheeks and the flat of your tongue.
You knew you’d given him some form of peace when he anxiously reached back, tugging at his own hair. A warmth started filling your mouth, not stopping as you swallowed the flood of his seed down. His eyes sprung wide, and his mouth dropped open, a guttural sound flying from his lips as his head fell back helplessly against the upholstered chair.  
You knew right then; you’d never forget that beautiful look on his face or the beautiful sounds he’d made. But more than that, you’d never forget the way Five made you feel when he looked at you.
You weren’t one-hundred percent sure that he had never been with a woman like this, but it had been strongly hinted by his brother that may have been the case. Just the fact that he trusted you to be his first brought a whole new depth to this moment. It was so empowering, it felt like pure energy was running through your veins.
Of all people, Five had chosen you.
Through his soft panting, Five looked all sorts of delirious, slouching in his father’s grand chair, with his clothes askew and his dick in your hand as you gave him a few final licks and proceeded to stretch your jaw and shyly smile up at him. Not about to let the fun end, you crawled up in his lap, letting your legs fall through the armrests at his sides so you were straddling him.
Five’s eyes fluttered open and closed as his hands gripped your hips and he gave you a little bounce on his knees. He smiled so happily and sleepily it made your heart skip a beat. Then he said, “Ready for round two, gorgeous?”
“Are you,” you teased, letting your fingers weave together around the backside of his neck as you leaned back so you could admire him in all his post organism, messy haired glory.
“Not yet, but I will be soon,” Five replied and he clearly meant it too. He was still partially hard, and by the way he had just started rubbing your tits and looked totally enthralled with how they were hardening for him, you were pretty sure that with a little more educational exploration of your body it wouldn’t take him long to be ready to go again.
“Five,” you breathed as he plucked and teased your nipples.
“Hmmm,” he sweetly hummed as his mouth found one, sucking on it with increasing pressure until you squeaked, so he resorted again to softly groping and nipping instead.
“What did you say to me before?” you questioned while still recovering from that.
“I asked you to go on a date with me after we finish this little reenactment of yours,” he replied, his words slow and thick. “I need an older woman like you to show me the way of the world and keep me in line and nothing would make me happier than to take you to dinner tonight and tomorrow night and...”
Oh my God.
Gone was the jerk you’d been walking on pins and needles around, and here was a man pouring out his heart to you though you hardly knew each other. To add to your dismay, you could tell he at least partially was lying. There’s no way Five had said all of that while glammering you with his ability to speak in seductive sounding languages. His arrogant little smirk as he lied only added to his power over you, yet you found that all you wanted was to kiss it right off his pretty lying face.
“Well, is it a plan? Will you go on a date with me?” he pushed, while also pushing his hardening shaft into the hand that you had been using to leisurely stroke him.
You laughed at the absurdity of the situation you’d gotten yourself into. The age differences you were dealing with were complicated to say the least, not to mention that you’d already messed up how normal people went about starting this kind of thing.
Doing your best pouty face, you pretended to be offended. “I am not older than you. Not really”
“No, you are not,” he agreed then frowned too and just like that, you wanted to do anything in your power to make him smile again.
Leaning in, you gave Five the softest, most chaste kiss you could.
“I take that as a yes to both aforementioned questions,” he mumbled, not even breaking your kiss as his arms fastened around you and he started lifting you both out of the chair.
Not stopping, in a matter of seconds, Five had you repositioned on top of the desk with his body lined up between your legs.
With his dick in hand, Five didn’t look at all embarrassed as he jerked himself off as he patiently waited for your answer.
This man had said he wasn’t going to end you but right then you knew he was ruin you for anyone else.
“Yes to both,” you frantically gulped, to which Five instantly started swiping his cockhead across your slicked wet entrance.
 “Ohhh, fuu-ah-auck!” he moaned as he sank forward and your body stretched and clenched around him with each slow dip inside you that he took.
Biting down your own much higher pitched curse, your fingernails went up under his shirt, stripping it and his vest off.
As Five’s entire length disappeared all the way inside you your body folded around him.
You saw stars and Five also looked perfectly shattered by what he must have been feeling and seeing.
Clinging to him, your fingers dug into his back and he carefully began to roll his hips, fucking you deeply at first, only switching to full and more abrupt thrusts the more your body accepted him.    
It was as things were starting to really get moving that Luther walked in.
 “Hey, Five?” he started to question before he saw you and what Five was doing to you and then let out a very startled sounding, “Oh SHIT!”
You were already trying to cover breasts but Five didn’t seem concerned about it at all. With hardly a look up over your shoulder, with his cock still slamming into your cunt as he bucked his strong hips, hitting you just right, he roughly grunted out, “I. Smell. Something. Burning. Arrr-you trying to think again, Luther?”
Five’s larger than life brother was floundering, the heels of his shoes clumsily moving backwards before he ran into the wall.
“I urrr-umm… I felt bad. I mean, we felt bad,” he frantically rambled. “I was coming back to see if you were feeling any better about the naming thing. We can go with your idea if you really want and…and we were hoping you changed your mind about coming out to the karaoke bar with us and…shit. This is awkward!”
Still using your legs for leverage as he fucked you as hard as he could, looking up with a goofy smile you’d never seen him make as he casually blew his hair out of his face, Five spoke as if nothing was amiss at all. “I love the ‘Hargreeves Home for Wayward Boys’ name. It’s perfect, just like my smart lady right here said it was, but really Luther… No shit this is awkward for you! Get the fuck out. Can’t you see that I’m a little busy?”
As your body started to tense and then fall into quaking vibrations of uncoiling heat all compounded by flaming embarrassment, just then, Ben rounded the corner, letting out a cynical sounding laugh as his hand flew over his mouth then came down slapping his leg instead. 
“Come on, big guy. Looks like this isn’t the time for a family chat,” he said, guiding his frozen brother out of the room.
Alone again, you were somewhere between orgasmic bliss and an odd sort of mortification filled with the feeling that nothing really mattered but the man whose head had fallen against your chest as he started to spill inside you while muttering praises that made your heart feel like it might burst.
This was nuts. All of this was. But somehow, it made sense. It was perfect and you couldn’t have written it happening any better.
Somehow, with Five and his crazy family, you knew things would always be unexpected and extraordinary, but you were ready for it. The once broken but not beaten wayward boy was proving he was far from giving up and he didn’t need special powers to make your wildest dreams come true. He just needed to be the person he'd always been.
Thanks for reading, lovies. ❤️
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pr3ttyb0ym2g · 8 months
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MANAGER ꒰VEES 𝘅 gn! 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳꒱ PART 1: Velvette's Favoritism
𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 ;; Platonic. In which you're the Vees/VVV's very valued manager, a collection. 𝘼/𝙉 ;; I just love their dynamic smm oml. I can't stop myself. Will write SO MUCH more and add onto this collection!!
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☆ You applied on a whim, applying for Velvette's social media team, and unexpectedly landed the job. A job you were probably the least qualified for compared to the other applications ☆ And you weren't the only member of Velvette's team of course, there were several others, but as weeks went by, many were fired for either pissing off Velvette or just not living up to her expectations ☆ You kept your job as you never talked back or shit-talked her, doing your workload and pleasing the young overlord ☆ Velvette continued to fire employees overtime, narrowing her attention onto you, one of her now-experienced employees ☆ She came to you more and yet you never scrambled under all the pressure; you remained calm and did your job ☆ Even jobs you never signed up for, like getting her coffee and such. (Those were her assistant's tasks) ☆ Or bat-shit crazy tasks, again, never complaining and just holding back your disgusted expressions ☆ You never noticed, but many other employees began to dislike your presence ☆ Velvette favored you too much now ☆ She began calling you by name and addressing you properly, compared to everyone else, this was a new level ☆ Her other employees were just "somebody", but you were "[name]" ★ "Bloody hell! Somebody get [name] right now!" ☆ Being Velvette's favorite did come with perks and pet names, she called you "darling" more often than anyone else, and treated you with more care than others ★ "Oh lovely, you did just what I asked. Now go rest, kisses darling." ☆ All the attention increased ten fold after her assistant was fired for sleeping with one of Velvette's best selling models, somehow getting an STD and giving Velvette a PR nightmare ☆ You were immediately promoted as her assistant ☆ But becoming her assistant just made your work load much heavier, now you're covering everything she needed you to ☆ Assisting several departments, handling scheduling and shoots of everyone (from the models to Velvette's), guiding the current media staff, and so much more ☆ You followed her like a shadow, you noted everything she said while simultaneously doing every other task that had to be done ☆ Because you did a huge bundle of work and held a great matter of importance, Velvette gave you her phone number as well as access to higher floors of the Vee tower, something extremely personal ☆ But one day you overheard an exchange between Velvette and Valentino, one you realized you shouldn't be listening to, after only trying to speak with your boss about a drop in views
★ "Don't look at [name], Valentino! Don't even think about it." ✦ "What? I didn't do anything yet." ★ "I know what you're thinking, [name] will not become one of your porn stars." ✦ "Shame, they have the body and face for it." ★ "Do not fuck with me. They're one of the only employees I give any shits about." ✦ "Okay, okay amorcito, I understand." ☆ Velvette openly expressed her favoritism with the other Vee, given that they were close ☆ And Valentino was quick to surrender his plan on recruiting you, seeing as Velvette genuinely liked you (more than her favorite models that he ripped up the week prior) ☆ You weren't really sure how to react to that and you never did, pretending you never heard a peep ☆ So you left before you heard any more, not wanting to hear what other unexpected topics would be brought up ☆ Velvette has since never been seen without you ☆ She spoke to you about whatever was on her mind, no longer just asking for something to be done ☆ She would order you to sit with her on some couch and just talk ☆ You felt as though you got indirectly promoted to Velvette's personal therapist ★ "Ugh, and I can't believe that bitch has the nerve to insult my outfit when she's wearing fucking plaid!" ☆ Velvette also wore plaid. ☆ But her defense was: she wasn't dressing like an "old hag", so she could actually pull it off ☆ You sat and listened for endless hours, never taking your eyes off her
☆ Velvette highly appreciated this since Vox and Valentino both had their own jobs they were busy with ★ "But at least you listen to me, don't you [name]?" ☆ You only nodded in agreement, reassuring her
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elizabethwritesmen · 1 year
I once was poison ivy
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Part 2 but now I’m your daisy
Older!Fireman!Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Synopsis - You've spent your entire life taking men who intend to manipulate you and manipulating them instead. It's the only way you know how to survive. Then, one day, you meet Steve Harrington and you realize love and lust are so much more than survival.
A/N - This will be a two-parter. Maybe three if it runs too long.
Warnings: Fluff, sexual themes, smut to come in the second part, talks of using men for their money, vivid description of a car accident, drunk driving.
I've been breaking hearts a long time and Fooling with them older guys Just playthings for me to use
The napkin on my lap was in pieces.
I'd been tearing it apart, whether out of anxious habit or sheer boredom I wasn't sure.
The man sitting across from me just would not stop talking. He started the second I met up with him in the parking lot and hadn't closed his mouth since. I nodded along and provided just enough commentary to seem present, but my brain was miles away.
He cleared his throat, staring at me pointedly until I met his eyes, a saccharine smile gracing my face.
"Are you alright, doll? I know all this shop talk can be a lot for a pretty girl like you to keep up with," he stated with all the confidence in the world, and I fought a scoff at his condescension.
"Oh, I'm fine!" I grinned wildly, almost childlike, "To be honest, I'm just in awe of you. Absolutely fascinated. I keep asking myself what I did to deserve a date with you!"
The lies cut through my teeth like butter, slick and smooth. I knew they worked when he puffed out his chest and a red tint covered his full cheeks, "Well darling, if you keep talking to me like that, you'll get more than one date with me!"
"There's nothing I'd love more!"
I know I should've cursed him for all he was worth, but that's not how my lifestyle worked. I didn't care how much of a pig a man was, as long as his money was louder than his mouth. And this man's money definitely was.
You see, he was older, a business man. He worked at some high end finance job, and he was most definitely the boss. I met him through my own job. I was a waitress and he frequented my corner booth on his lunch breaks. He knew my schedule and came to eat every single day I worked at 12:00 sharp with a new story about his job, his divorce, or his 1970 Chevelle. On the days I didn't work, he stayed away, claiming I was the only girl there worth looking at. And, every time, he left me a crisp 100 as a tip.
The last time he'd come in, he'd ended his lunch by asking me on a date. He told me he wanted to pick a dress out for me and treat me to the nicest dinner I'd ever had. Poor thing had no idea he wasn't the first millionaire to offer that. I agreed happily, pushing down any reservations and forcing myself to look forward to it.
So there we were, at one of those restaurants where you have to dress formally and use certain etiquette. I hated those places, I knew I didn't belong there, but it was what I had to do and I always did it with a smile on my face.
He continued talking and I began fiddling with the Versace dress adorning me, tugging on the hem. I only heard snippets of what he was saying. After hearing a million men tell the same stories, I thought there was no reason to pay any real attention.
Our waitress startled me out of the trance I'd fallen into, dropping the check off at our table.
"Here," he smiled, placing $200 neatly in the little black book, "That's enough for you to add a cheesecake to-go for my beautiful companion, and to buy something pretty for yourself!"
The girl's eyes widened and she grinned, staring at the generous amount she'd been given. It took her mere moments to bring by a bag with the cheesecake in a box at the bottom, and I was finally done.
"I'll walk you to your car," Mr. Boring offered in a way that I couldn't possibly refuse.
Well, almost done.
Once we reached my Passat, he pressed me lightly against the driver's door and planted a sloppy kiss on my lips. I cringed my way through it until it was finally over, and he opened my door for me.
"Maybe we can go out again next week?" he proposed, "I'll call you and we can set it up."
"Of course!" I nodded, eagerly climbing into the seat.
"Oh, and before I forget," he sighed, pulling his wallet from his pocket and fishing out two more crisp hundred dollar bills, "This should cover gas and the rest is a thank-you for making an old man feel young again. Seeing you in that dress made my evening."
I smiled at him as he walked away, my expression dropping the second he was out of sight. And then, I was finally headed home.
Something happened for the first time In the darkest little paradise Shaking, pacing, I just need you
It was about a 30 minute drive to my house, and I had the music cranked up the entire way. I was passing through the last intersection before my highway exit when I saw something out of the corner of my eye.
It was an SUV, much bigger than my car, headed straight for me. It was going so fast but in that moment time slowed down. It was too late for me to stop or get out of the way, I knew I was screwed. I yanked the wheel to the right, hoping they wouldn't hit me directly. I thought that if they caught the back end of my car it would hurt less.
They slammed into the back driver's side door, just barely missing me, sending me careening across the highway and into the ditch. I screamed as my head slammed into my window, blood running down my temple and onto my neck.
Finally, everything stopped. My car was, beyond all rationality, still playing music. I turned it all the way down, looking around.
The SUV was upside down on the highway, engulfed in flames. I saw a man laying about 20 feet away from it on the asphalt. I prayed he was okay, and that nobody else was in his vehicle.
Then, I examined myself. Glass had shattered everywhere, and there was a pile of it in my lap. My poor Versace was tattered and bloody, and I frowned momentarily in a small fit of grief. The back of my car was completely done for, and I was shocked my airbags didn't go off. Of course, there was no impact to the front of my car.
It only took minutes for sirens to overtake the scene. There were two ambulances, a firetruck, and several police cars.
I slipped my seatbelt off, groaning at the pain. It felt like I'd been hit by a truck. I guess I had, in a manner of speaking. My body was suffering from the turmoil.
Shockingly, my door opened when I pulled the handle and I climbed out, falling to the ground with a cry and a sharp wince.
"Hey, hey, hey!" the voice was deep, and I glanced up to see the fireman it belonged to running in my direction, "Don't move, just stay still. Please, stay still. God, you could've died trying to climb out of that car. Too tough for your own good!" He kneeled beside me, his arms holding me up, his eyes scanning me for all signs of injury. "Here you go, calm down. It's okay now, I've got you."
His voice was soothing me, and so was his thumb as he rubbed calming circles on my hip.
"Please," I cried, my voice almost too small to be audible. I squirmed, trying and failing to break free, "I need... I need..."
I wasn't sure what I was pleading for. I just wanted relief. My bones felt like they were combusting.
"I'm gonna get you some help, sweetheart, I promise. You're safe with me." He called the paramedics over to have a look at me. They ran straight for us and he lifted me up placing me comfortably on the stretcher.
As he began to walk away, I called out meekly, "Please stay with me!" and reached blindly for his hand. He gave it to me and nodded, squeezing my palm lightly as he helped them wheel me to the ambulance. They got me inside of it and starting poking and prodding, asking me questions.
"I don't want to go to the hospital," I whined, "I'm fine, I don't need a hospital."
"We gotta get you to the hospital, sweetheart. I'm sorry, I know it's scary, but you're tough though, huh?," his voice was still so soothing, and I nodded, holding tighter to his hand that was still intertwined with mine.
"Will you come with me?" I stared up at him, my eyes wide and pitiful in a beg.
"I can't, I have to get back and help clean all this up," he told me, his voice regretful.
"Please," I was whimpering at that point, desperate. I hated begging but he was the only thing keeping me from an anxiety attack. The only thing grounding me. The only thing keeping me from asking questions like, what if I'm seriously hurt? What's going to happen with my car? Is my cheesecake okay? How am I going to replace this dress?
Okay, some of the questions were silly but cut me some slack. I'd just been hit by a truck.
He chewed his lip in thought for a moment before sighing, "Let me talk to my boss and see what I can do."
He was gone for about five minutes, but when he came back, he was only in a white T shirt and his turnout pants. He set his jacket and hat on the bench seat next to me and climbed in beside me, grasping my hand again.
"Thank you," I whispered, and the sweet smile he gave me warmed my tummy.
Hours passed in a flurry of medical stuff I didn't understand and tests being run. When everything calmed down, I was sitting on a bed in an ER, a thick medical grade bandaid on my temple where I hit the window and some pain killers in my system. Fortunately, I wasn't hurt badly at all, just extremely sore and shaken up. I had a concussion, but that was the brunt of it.
"Okay, Miss L/N. I've got a prescription here for painkillers, it should help soothe your soreness and your headache. Other than that, you're free to go," the doctor walked in the room and told me jovially. He was nice, he made me feel comfortable. I was thankful to have him instead of someone colder. But what really made me feel comfortable was the firefighter, whose name I'd discovered was Steve. He stayed right beside me the entire time, even when I was first admitted. He even called my mom for me when I was first admitted, and that's the only time he let go of my hand.
"I think that's all, thank you," I sincerely responded.
"Great. Then I'll leave you be. If anything else happens, come back. Concussions are no joke. But I'm sure Steve knows that, so you're in good hands. He'll take care of you," he gave us a pointed look, glancing from mine and Steve's interlaced fingers to our faces.
"Bye, Joe," Steve dramatized, rolling his eyes.
"Bye Steve. Bye Y/N," the doctor responded between laughs, taking his exit.
As soon as he was out of earshot, Steve turned to me, his hard features softening the second his eyes met mine.
"Have you heard anything else from my mom?" I asked, trying to keep the hope in my voice at bay.
"She checked on you once, about an hour ago. I told her I was taking care of you."
His eyes were boring into me, searching. I'm sure it seemed odd to him, a mother not immediately rushing to her child's side when she hears there's been an accident. Wasn't very strange to me, though. My mom had never spared much time for me.
He cleared his throat, speaking more quietly, "She said she wants me to get you home safe, so that's what I'm gonna do. One of the nurses is gonna give us a ride to the station and I'm gonna drive you from there."
"Well it's settled, then. Let's go," I beamed, grabbing his hand and hopping off the bed. I didn't make it very far, though, nearly collapsing the second my feet hit solid ground.
Steve was quick, catching me and holding me steady. I lifted my eyes and they met his, inches away. I could feel his breath, warm against my skin.
"Be careful there, Super Girl. You're too weak to take on the world just yet," he sighed, and I had to fight the urge to lean in.
He was handsome. I'd noticed it the second he ran over to me, my knight in dirty turnout gear. I'd noticed it again in the ambulance when he told me he could go to the hospital with me. And I noticed it as his arms squeezed me tighter.
"I can walk," I mumbled.
"I'm sure you can, but you aren't. Come on, I've got you," he stated, as if there was no room for argument or disagreement. One of the arms around me slipped down to the crook of my knees and he lifted, pulling me securely into his hold. I gasped, grasping tightly to his shirt, my nails leaving imprints in the soft fabric.
"Steve, I'm heavy!" I screeched, and he chuckled.
"Even if you were heavy, I can handle it," he said, like it was obvious. My stare stayed skeptical and he sighed, "Sweetheart, you're not heavy. You're nothing compared to the gear I wear and haul, and the people I have to carry out of buildings."
I stayed stubborn for a moment longer before giving him a slight nod, "If your back starts to break, put me down!"
"I don't have any plans to put you down, sweetheart," he winked, and with that, he was carrying me to the ambulance bay where an Altima was waiting for us. One of the nurses was leaning against it. She was pretty, like a young Angelina Jolie. Her scrubs hugged every curve and jealousy pinged in my gut at how perfect she was. It turned to discomfort, though, when I saw the way she was looking at us.
There was a scowl plastered onto her face, full of judgment. Her eyes were stuck on Steve's arms around me, and if looks could kill, she'd have me dead in a second.
"Can you open the door for me, Bridget?" he asked, frustration laced in his voice from the way she was staring at us instead of helping.
"Of course, Stevie," she cooed, doing as she asked. He helped me in the back seat, going as far as to buckle the belt around me. My breath hitched as he did so, the proximity turning my cheeks bright red.
Bridget's face dropped as he slid in beside me and shut the door behind himself. She opened it right back, "What are you doing, Steve? Your spot is up front!"
"I'd rather sit back here with Y/N and make sure she's okay. Come on, we should get going. I'm sure she's ready to shower and rest."
She huffed, her anger embarrassingly evident, but she gave a slight nod and slammed the door, climbing into the driver's side and speeding off. My head was pounding, so I leaned on Steve's shoulder the whole time. Every now and then he'd shield me from the sun with his hands or run his fingers through my hair, keeping me as comfortable as he could.
Once we got to the fire station, he helped me out and we waved goodbye to Bridget. She gave me one more dirty look before leaving, and I hoped I would never see her again.
"There you are, Steve!" a voice joined into the mix, and I turned around to see a man about Steve's height with long curly hair approaching. He had a bag in his hand.
"Hey, Eddie," Steve greeted, "Thank you for covering my shift all night."
"All night and all morning. I'm assuming you won't be back after you take her home."
Steve looked bashful. It was cute, his cheeks turning red and his eyes averting downward.
"I promise I'll make it up to you, man. I just couldn't leave her, she needed me," he rushed out an explanation and I couldn't stifle my giggle.
"Yeah, sure she did. Come on, dude, I'm not mad. I needed the hours anyway and I'm not like you, I don't have a ton of beautiful women begging me to escort them to the hospital. My Friday night was all free."
"I don't have a ton of them either," Steve cried out defensively, "Just the one."
"Well then get her home before she decides she doesn't neeeeeeed you anymore," the other man, Eddie, winked then and turned to me, "Oh, by the way, I'm Eddie. Steve's best friend, confidant, life saver, shift coverer. I'm the reason he could be with you all night."
His tone was joking, so I played along, "Oh, well thank you so very much. I would've just died without him. As a matter of fact if he leaves my sight I'm sure I'll faint."
"Marry her," Eddie deadpanned, turning to Steve with the most ridiculously serious look on his face. The only response he got was an eyeroll. "Okay, whatever, get out of here. Here's the rest of your stuff, and what we managed to get out of Y/N's car. You can make the shift change up to me later." He handed Steve the bag and glanced my way, "And Y/N, I'm sure I'll be seeing you again. Until then, I'm glad you're okay."
Steve pulled his keys out of the bag, clicking them. A truck beeped across the parking lot and he wrapped his arm around me, helping me over to it.
The last we heard of Eddie was a scream over the parking lot, "Oh and Steve, put some clothes on that poor girl!"
He glanced down at my ripped up dress and blushed.
"Here," he handed me his turnout jacket, "Put this on."
I did as he asked and slipped back into his arms, allowing him to lift me into the passenger seat. I liked the way the material felt on me, warm and loose. It smelled of smoke but it also smelled of cinnamon and something muskier, all Steve.
As he pulled away, I decided to make small talk. It was a ten minute drive back to my house and I didn't want it to be awkward. Not that a single moment we'd already spent together had been. Steve had a way of making me feel like I was finally safe at home.
"Bridget and Eddie seemed nice," I commented. Obviously, I didn't mean the first part but I had a sinking feeling that Steve and Bridget were something of an item and I didn't want to upset him.
"Eddie is a great guy. We've known each other forever, and he's always had my back." He paused for a moment, "And Bridget was awful to you today. You don't have to pretend she wasn't."
"I just thought you and her were probably friends, or maybe even a thing, and I didn't want to say anything mean about her just in case," I smiled softly, apologetically.
"We're not. But she wants to be. She's a uniform chaser. She doesn't know the first thing about me other than my job."
"Do you get that a lot? Girls that are only interested in you because of what you do?"
"More often than you'd think. But it's okay. I guess it's better than not being wanted at all."
"You think if you were something else, something more boring, girls wouldn't want you?" My brows were furrowed in confusion. How could a man so wonderful have such a gaping insecurity?
"I didn't feel that way at first, but I guess I've become cynical over time."
"Well, I'm cynical with the best of them and I'm telling you that you're wrong," I started, "Don't get me wrong. The turnout gear is ruggedly sexy. Straight out of a calendar, really. But I wouldn't have wanted you to come to the hospital with me if you were any other fireman. I wanted you there because of how you made me feel. Safe, and taken care of."
Silence filled the air. I don't think he knew how to respond.
"What about you?" he finally asked, "That was a nice dress before it was ruined. You must've been on quite a date."
"I wouldn't call it that," I stared at my lap, color rising in my cheeks.
"Didn't go well?"
"It's not that, it's just... I wasn't really interested in him."
"What was wrong with him?"
"You ask a lot of questions," I breathed out a laugh, wanting a subject change. I felt shame, like if Steve found out the kind of men I date and why, he would drop me off and forget about me. I didn't want that. I craved more of him. More of his time, and his headspace. I hadn't known him long, but it's hard not to swoon over a man who spends hours of his time taking care of you.
"I'll stop. For now."
Shortly after he said that, we pulled into my driveway. He helped me out of his truck and into my house, commenting on how cute he thought everything was.
"Where's your bathroom? I'm gonna get the shower running for you," he turned to me and said.
"Oh," I blushed, "You don't have to do that. Really. I can manage to get around."
"I want to. I told you I would take care of you, and I'm not doing it halfway. Now should I go looking until I find it or are you gonna tell me where it is?"
"My room is down the hall, the bathroom is in there," I smiled shyly.
He didn't waste a second, pulling me back into him and let me lean on him the entire way there. I leaned against the sink as he looked around, taking the room in.
"A bath would probably be better than a shower. You're still weak, I don't want you to slip and hurt yourself."
I didn't respond, I just watched him as he turned the faucet on and felt the water, adjusting until the temperature was perfect.
"Thank you," I finally said as he finished up and stopped the drain.
"Of course. You gonna be able to get from the tub to the bed?" he asked me.
I giggled, nodding, "I think I'll manage."
"Okay... if you have any trouble or need anything, you're welcome to call me."
"How am I gonna do that without your number?"
His face went red, a silly smile crossing his lips, "Of course. You're right. Here."
He slipped his phone out, pulling up the screen to create a new contact and handed it to me. I quickly typed in my name and info and handed it back. He called me once, hanging up as soon as it rang, and nodded once affirmatively.
"There. Now you have mine, too."
"I'll call you, Steve."
"Yes, if you need anything at all."
He seemed reluctant to leave, and I was reluctant to let him, but he finally mumbled a goodbye and let himself out. I grinned into my hand, the butterflies still not settled.
I was not the kind of girl to feel things like I was feeling. I had a process, a way of getting through life, and it didn't involve getting hung up on the first handsome fireman I meet. I willed myself to come back to reality, but it was difficult. His face was stamped into my mind.
My phone pinged and I glanced down, his number filling my screen.
"I left my jacket. Can I stop by later and get it? And bring you dinner? I'd like to check on you anyway."
Any hope of coming back to reality flew out the window. I typed quickly and pressed send before I could talk myself out of it.
"It's a date."
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rory-cakes · 2 months
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Bar Lupin isn’t a well-known bar. It’s underground, in a shady neighborhood, and its only form of advertisement is the sign outside. However, for those who do know of the place, it’s common understanding that if you want something done, moved, or gone, you go to Bar Lupin and talk to the woman with a kind smile. 
The Boss had ordered Chuuya to arrange a meeting with the woman. Chuuya had never been to this bar for business before. Only coming here on occasion after a hard day. 
As he walked in, a blanket of warmth washed over him. The warm lighting and faint smell of wood soothed the soul, especially one as tormented as Chuuya. He looked behind the bar, and there she was. 
She was taller than him, slightly above average for a woman. Her posture was as peaceful and composed as her face. She wore traditional bartender attire: a white button-up blouse, black slacks, a black tie, and a black vest, but when she turned around, he saw the back of it was red. 
Her features suited her well, almost entirely perfect.
All in all, She was beautiful. 
When Chuuya showed up at the bar, previously, an older man was working. Chuuya had heard that the man was her father, but Chuuya didn’t see any family resemblance. Eh, It wasn’t any of his business. 
Chuuya finally snapped out of his little trance when he heard a greeting from the woman he had just been “analyzing.” (His words, not mine) 
“Hello, Sir, what can I get for you?”
Damn it. Her voice was fucking beautiful too. 
Chuuya realized he had yet to move or respond, so he walked over and sat on a stool across from her. He pulled out a paper from his pocket and slid it towards her. 
“Sorry, I was wondering if you know how to make this? You see, my boss tasked me with finding someone who makes his favorite.”
(The boss needs you for a job; when are you available?)
“Ah, yes, but we don’t have the liquor needed for this in stock right now; it’ll be ready in two weeks.”
(Of course, I’ll be ready in two weeks.)
“I’ll let him know. Thank you. Also, it would be preferred if you could deliver it to the address on that paper.) 
(Meet him at headquarters) 
“Sure. Is there anything else I can do for you?”
Ah. Fuck it. Why not?
“You could make some time for dinner if you want?”
Chuuya’s ears were beat red. 
“Oh, um, I’m flattered, but I’m actually married,” she replied softly, holding up her left hand. 
Chuuya’s face was now beat red. 
“My apologies.”
Getting up to leave and hide from his embarrassment, Chuuya said a hasty goodbye. However, before he could leave, the beautiful married woman grabbed his arm.
“It’s alright.” she giggled. 
She’s laughing. That's good. 
She doesn’t think he’s a creep for flirting with a married woman. 
“So, Mr. Hat, tell me, why is a top executive doing grunt work?”
Mr. Hat? 
“How’d you know?”
“Hear about you from an old friend who was in the mafia.”
“Was? As in, he left or-”
“He died.”
“Oh, I’m sorry for your loss.”
“It’s alright. It’s been a while since he passed.”
Chuuya didn’t reply.
“Anyway, he said you liked wine. Want a glass?”
“I would, but I’m on the job. So I’ll pass.”
“How responsible.”
“Well, I better get going.”
“Alright, Mr. Hat. Take care of yourself!”
Maybe he’ll come by later for that drink. 
“Will do.”
And that was the start of an unlikely friendship. 
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A/n: Hi, my lovelies!! So sorry about forgetting about this. As I am still writing and have a full-time job, I will hopefully be posting bi-weekly! It just depends on when I get to write. So this story won't have a set schedule. Thank you so much for supporting me!! Also if you wanna be added to the taglist pls fill out the form linked in the masterlist!
taglist: @surrealitea
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wooahaes · 10 months
where the heart is
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pairing: non-idol!mark x gn!reader
genre: fluff. established relationship au.
word count: 0.7k~
warnings: yearning. silly sweet bf mark. reader is written to be a foreigner, but its left vague where they're from.
daisy's notes: maybe one day ill know enough to write abt the other members but he is just so <3 to me ok
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The familiarity of your family’s house should have been all you needed to chase away your homesickness. So… Why were you still feeling like this?
A few days ago, your parents had picked you up from the airport, and you’d slept in your room for the first time in almost a year. This time you’d come alone, since Mark had been unable to take off work (you’d fight his boss one day for denying the request he put in months ago—him ‘needing’ Mark to work was bullshit when they had plenty of time to plan around his absence). Hopefully next time, you’d have Mark asleep next to you while you planned for something else to show him about your home. Yet the entire time you’d been home, you couldn’t shake this feeling from your chest. You were home with your family, and yet some part of you felt this awful yearning to go home again. At first, you had chalked it up to you knowing that you’d leave again…
But it clicked after a while. You had yearned to see your family and the house you grew up in, that had been true, but now you were yearning for your home. So you decided to pick up your phone and try to remedy that, even by a little.
Mark had picked up, half-asleep when he answered. You weren’t sure if he was just napping or actually sleeping with his current work schedule, but you’d apologize for that later. All you needed was to see that sleepy face squinting at the phone, his hair messy as hell as he slowly recognized your face.
“Hi, baby,” his sleep-riddled voice had croaked out. “Everything good?”
That feeling dissipated a little. “It’s better now,” you said, sitting down on your bed. “Sorry I woke you up.”
“Nah, nah,” he mumbled, “I’m good. I’m awake. I’m—” He stifled a yawn for a moment. “I’m awake, I swear. Everything good at home?”
“Yeah, yeah… Everything’s fine.” 
Mark sat up, suddenly looking a bit more awake than before. “You can tell me,” he said. “I’m awake now, I swear—”
With a sigh, you flopped back onto your bed. “Just… I dunno. I’m here, and I thought that would get rid of the homesickness, and it mostly does, but…”
How were you supposed to say it without getting embarrassed…? “I… miss my home still.”
“But you’re—” Mark stopped short, the realization dawned on him. “Aw… Babe…”
“Don’t say it.”
“I’m your home?” He was smiling hard, and you buried your face in your free hand. “No, no, it’s cute! Don’t get embarrassed! It’s cute, I swear!”
“It’s just weird to hear it out loud.” 
He chuckled warmly. “Well,” he shifted, running a hand through his hair. “You’re my home, too.”
You whined, “Mark…”
“I mean it! It always feels like home when you’re around.” His eyes were twinkling when he looked at you, and you started to wish he was there with you all over again. “It’s like… I dunno. I go out with my bros and stuff, but it’s not the same, y’know? You’re not here to remind me to stop ordering so much takeout and stuff.”
It earned a snort from you. “Because you’re not the best cook, Mark.”
“Right! But, like, I can manage… probably. I’m gonna get better. Once you get back, you can teach me all those cool recipes again and I’ll keep practicing.” 
You let out a blissful sigh at the idea. Sure, not all of your cooking lessons landed well, but you still loved spending the time with Mark. “We can try again, yeah,” you smiled, not quite so focused on him anymore. That hollow feeling in your chest had disappeared. “Mark?”
“I miss you.”
He smiled again, eyes twinkling. “Oh, yeah?”
“Don’t be a dork about it,” you giggled. “I just wanted to say it.”
“Well, I miss you, too.” He ran another hand through his hair, only making it messier. “Bring me back something cool, alright? Other than you.” 
It earned a snort-y laugh from you. “Mark. Baby. I’m not cool.”
“No, no, you’re like… the coolest person I know, easily.”
You rolled your eyes. “And you’re my favorite dork, you dork.” 
“Your dork.” 
It made you smile again. “Yeah,” you sighed blissfully. “My dork.” 
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taglist: @twancingyunhao
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tulipsforyourlips · 4 months
✧˖°. i found you ✧˖°. (8)
|| the sandman x dead boy detectives ||
SUMMARY: You run the dead boys detective agency along with your two best friends. And somehow two ghosts and a living girl make it work. Until you dream one night, of dream himself.
PAIRING: dream of the endless x fem!reader
WC: 3K
WARNINGS: angst, violence, blood, mentions of sex (only mentioned)
PART 8 ✧˖°.
Dream's coat pooled around the bottom of the stairs that led to his throne, while his head ached with past memories.
"Promise me"
"Hope I,-"
"Promise Dream."
"I promise."
And ached more as new joined them.
"You promised, Dream."
He had given up fighting the turmoil raging inside him long ago and let the madness consume him.
"You promised, Dream."
"I am not Hope!"
"You promised, "
"You promised , Dream."
"Boss!" Matthew's entry pulled him to the painful present.
"You summoned me?"
"I want you to keep a check on Hazel in the waking world," his voice was polished with stone as he spoke, "do not let her out of your sight unless I command you so."
"On it." After hesitating a moment, the raven asked, "she still hasn't visited the Dreaming?"
"If I may ask, what happened between you and her, boss?"
Dream lifted his head and the way his eyes glared, had Matthew realize he had gravely overstepped. Without squandering a second, he flew away.
You leaned your head on the wooden jamb of the window whose ledge you were currently perched upon. You dangled a foot below as you sucked in a breath, feeling the wind on your face against an effort to dismiss exhaustion away. Wounds from your week prior 'adventure' still marked your body. Set on your mission to avoid Dream, and stubborn as you were, you had completely forsaken sleep. Eyebags had begun painting the underside of your eyes a rueful purple that complimented the scar forming on your cheekbone. A pair of wings fluttered alongside you as your friend and raven dropped in your lap.
"You are looking cheerful," he cawed.
"Thanks Matthew. Did Dream send you?"
"What? No! What, a friend can't check up on another?"
"Sorry, I just am really not in the mood to endure him."
"You won't tell me what happened, will you?"
You sighed. "It's complicated."
"Never heard that before," he retorted. "He misses you, you know?"
Like hell he does. "I don't care."
"He needs you Hazel, I need you, the Dreaming needs you."
"Yeah okay."
"Listen! I don't know what the fuck happened to make you both so hurt but you cannot turn your back away from humanity and let it simply perish because of a feud between two emo people," Matthew gushed. "Please,"
A bitter smile gripped your lips. "I wish I could help Matthew, I really do."
But the raven never completed his sentence and disappeared into the wind.
"Did Edwin mix something in my morning coffee or were you just talking to a crow?" Charles squinted his eyes.
You were about to correct him when you realised you probably shouldn't. "The former." You swung your legs inwards and jumped onto the floor. "It's 3 in the morning, why are you up?"
"I am a ghost. Why are you up?"
"Back to my healthier sleeping schedule. Heading to bed."
Charles looked like he wanted to ask something but then apparently decided against it. There was still a simmering tension between you both, following the events from that day. Reduced colossally, but visible in the air of the room.
"Goodnight," was all he said.
You tossed and turned in your bed, pretending to be asleep as you had been for the past couple of days so as to not arouse more suspicion. The boys had relatively left you alone and you were grateful for their patience. You knew you had to tell them, you couldn't hold it off forever. Just needed some more time, you convinced yourself. Fatigue powered by sleep deprivation numbed your senses as you slowly began to lose yourself to it. No, you shook your head and tried to keep your eyes wide open. Even after your stamina dwindled down to nothing, you kept fighting sleep.
The library of the realm of christ dreams encompassed your puny figure. Oh god, you must have fallen asleep. There was no use in trying to go back, you knew the limit of your abilities. Before you could panic over the possibility of encountering Dream, muffled voices reached your ears. You approached the gates offering passage to the throne room through the library. The voices became more distinct. At the sound of Dream's, your heart skipped a tiny beat. You had missed him, despite your relentless reluctance to admit so. The second voice belonged unmistakably to a female, but you knew Lucienne well enough to recognize it if it were hers. You chased the gap between the doors and listened intently.
"I can't do it sister, I won't."
Sister? Were you eavesdropping on a conversation between two Endless?
"Dream, you have to tell her."
"She's not ready, we can wait."
"You mean you can. The world cannot."
"We will manage without her having to know."
"You cannot be serious Dream," the other endless groaned. "Either you tell her or I will."
Zero chance the 'her' was you, right? right?
"Please, I can't." The crack in Dream's voice made something uncomfortable crawl in your stomach. "I can't go-" you couldn't make out the rest. Stupid gigantic doors.
Silence haunted the room on the other side. You pressed your ear against the gateway to better understand the heated discussion when it suddenly propelled outwards. You hastily hid behind a towering bookshelf. A woman appeared in the library. From your place, you couldn't make out the details of her appearance. The doors swung shut behind her. You watched as she huffed a breath. It must be a task having Dream as your sibling. Your mind was racing, trying to solve the puzzle of which Endless was she. You stepped your foot backwards, and big mistake, a pile of stacked ledgers came undone on the ground with a rapturous noise. Brills. You peeked your head out from your poor hiding place, and with a jolt, your eyes met Death's. It seemed the puzzle was solved and your heart accompanied your mind in the sprint.
"Hi," you squeaked.
You emerged from behind the shelf, fully revealing yourself. It felt weird, being this close to the Endless, one that you had been running away from for years.
"I'm-I am Hazel."
She studied you for a moment before making any indication that she had heard you. Noticing the colour on your face whiten, she said, "Relax, I am not here to take you."
"Yeah-no no I know. It's just that-" What? Were you scared? Were you starstruck? Seriously Hazel, woman up for once in your life. "It's an honour just being in your presence. You are Death," you enunciated her name. "How does a mortal like me deserve to have that chance?"
Death smiled and in that moment you knew why she was chosen to assist souls in their departure. Who would fear Death when it smiled upon you with such kindness? "The honour is mine, Hazel."
And with that confusing statement, she walked away, leaving a befuddled you alone in the library.
"Wait!" You called. "My friends, um two ghosts- Charles and Edwin, why do you spare them?" It was a shot in the dark but you had come to find yourself in it perpetually. 
Death turned in your direction. "Question for another time, darling."
The carpet cushioned your head as you flipped through the pages of some ancient text Edwin had handed you over to decode while he and Charles talked with their client. You thought you heard a fluttering of wings and you looked outside but you were received by an empty sky. You'd told Matthew to quit following you everywhere all the time but you still had your suspicions that he hadn't listened to you. You stretched your legs up in the air and they struck against something, followed by a crashing sound as a jar tumbled onto the floor, its lid strewn away. And to your horror, the jar was very painfully familiar. It was the same vessel Charles had trapped that one demon into. Why the fuck wouldn't they dispose it of instead of keeping it as a trophy in the living room? A hideous creature emanated from it and was panting right overhead you. It reeked and a revolting uneasiness shook you to your core. You swiftly scanned Edwin's desk for scriptures that had banished it earlier and located some papers scribbled with illegible incantations. You swiftly got up on your feet and were about to grab the papers when claws tightened around your ankles, puncturing skin and dragging you back. You tried to hold on to the edge of the desk, but its brute strength was no match for yours. Your back collided against the coffee table and a groan escaped you as glass shattered beneath. The demon pushed you against the floor, and hardened its clasp around your neck, strangling the breath out of you. Your hands flailed around and you grasped a piece of broken glass. And plunged it into its chest. Blood dripped from its mouth onto your face and you grimaced in repulsion. You threw its body off you and got up. Just as you were about to clean your face, a gurgle sounded and you whirled around to see the demon back on its feet. The audacity of this bitch. It advanced towards you at a frightening speed and you closed your eyes, thinking Death would not have anticipated such an early reunion. But when the contact never happened, you fluttered your eyes open to see Dream standing in its place, a worried expression lacing his face. There was no trace of the demon anywhere, well, except the mess of broken furniture it had left behind.
"The blood's not mine," you said timidly.
He was mere inches apart from you and closed even that distance as he wiped the blood off your face with his sleeve.
"Thankyou, for saving my life, again."
"You need not thank me for it."
He stepped away once you were rid of the blood and you missed the warmth of his closeness.
"Hazel, I am sorry-"
"It wasn't your fault."
"No, it was." He took your fingers in his. "But I tried Hazel. I couldn't locate you. I opened portals everywhere while I searched for you. I am sorry it took me so long to reach you, and I am so sorry I put you in such a situation in the first place." There was a pleading in his eyes, for you to believe him.
And you did. It wasn't everyday the Dream Lord apologized to a human, or to anyone in general. "Dream, I, I am sorry I got mad."
"You had-have every right to be."
"No," you smiled softly. "I am not anymore."
Just then, the mirror glass distorted as two ghosts tumbled into the area. You dropped your hands in a flick of a second.
"Woah, which tsunami hit this place?"
"The demon escaped." At their alarmed state, you added, "but not to worry, the threat is contained."
"And who the hell is this wannabe goth?" Charles piped.
You coughed. "Hey guys can I talk to you for a sec?" You tried to holler them away from Dream's intimidating presence.
"Is he? Is this him?" Edwin quizzed.
You slightly nodded your head in the affirmative. "Now, if you both could-"
"You aren't that old," Edwin assessed him from top to bottom.
"He does have an aura about him. Personally, I dig this look." Charles motioned to his choice of wardrobe.
He was talking to a damned endless. "Guys!"
Dream whispered to you, "Should I-"
"No! Do not dissipate into thin air. You will just spook them and leave all the explaining to me," you hissed back.
"Introduce him, won't you?" Edwin raised his brow.
"Oh goodness, boys this is Dream," in retrospect Morpheus would have been a way better introduction but being the dumbass that you were-
"Who the fuck names their kid Dream?" Charles questioned.
What sins had you ever committed to deserve this? You balled up your hand into a fist, itching to punch him right in the face.
"He can hear you!" You whined to Charles.
Unbeknownst to you, Dream had never been this thoroughly amused in his life.
"Oh." Charles mouth hung open. "He can see us?"
"Yes. He's been through some pretty traumatic experiences. Don't ask."
"Sorry mate, hi, nice to meet ya," he told the Endless. "It's just that you had really taken us off guard. Because with her reluctance to ever let us meet you," As you can see why, "I thought she had just made you up. She doesn't shut up about you by the way," Charles winked.
Why would he say that? Your eyes widened and red poured into your cheeks.
"Not that I blame her, you are a decent looking fellow and-"
"Charles! Charles! Another time, we were just heading out anyways." You pulled on Dream's coat.
"Yes, we were."
"But I made coffee." Edwin appeared with three mugs in his hand.
"How-when did you even-forget it," you gave up.
"I do not drink coffee."
"Everybody drinks coffee," Charles stated as a matter of fact. “Take it from a ghost.” 
"I do not require mortal sup-" You elbowed him in the ribs. "What I mean is, I would love some coffee."
"Thankyou," you mouthed to him.
"So, what do you do?" Edwin began his interrogation.
"He works in finance, yeah, he's a finance guy."
You took a sip from your mug.
"I have to ask mate, how does a handsome rich guy like you date someone-”
You choked on your coffee and Edwin patted your back as you wheezed.
"-like her. Are you alright?"
"Yeah, yeah I am fine." You shushed him away.
Charles bloody Rowland, count your hours.
A smile tugged at Dream's lips.
"It's a lengthy story," he replied.
"We have the night."
"No, we do not. Don't you two have cases to solve?" You tried to steer the conversation to anything but this as embarrassment reddened your face.
"Unfortunately we do," Edwin admitted.
"Alright then, bye bye."
"Rude," Charles muttered.
But you couldn't care less. The boys went to the study, leaving you alone with him. You stood up, wanting to get out of here, but as you did, a searing pain shot up your leg.
"I can't make the trip down the stairs with my injured leg," you told him.
He looked at it with concern. "We could go to the Dreaming,"
"Are you-how would it look if both of us just vanished into nothingness?"
"Fair enough."
Having no other option, you led the King of Dreams into your bedroom. As you were closing the door, Edwin popped up his face in the space between.
"Don't do it in here."
"Woah okay, calm your horses."
"Don't listen to him, Haz," Charles whispered from behind him.
"I am not having sex with him!" You shouted in a whisper.
"Just use protection," Edwin advised.
"All the best!" Charles gave an excited thumbs up.
"What the fuck is wrong with you two?" You whispered.
"Okay bye!" You shut the door in their faces.
You turned around and exhaled a breath. "Sorry about them,"
"It wasn't a problem." Amusement glinted in his eyes.
You found it difficult to wrap your head around the fact that an Endless stood in your bedroom, which was littered with books and clothes. You rounded up a handful of them and shoved them haphazardly in your closet.
"Sorry about the mess. I usually-no never have people over."
"Like a date?" He perked up his brow playfully.
His question took you aback slightly. "I am sorry, it was- I needed a cover for why I was always absent."
"And so you told them we were dating,"
"I didn't mean to-"
"Relax mortal, I am simply messing with you."
You rolled your eyes. "Funny,"
A dry chuckle left his lips at that and irregardless how short lived, your ears had never heard a sound more beautiful. It was a drug, because you wanted to hear it again and again till the end of eternity.
You gazed into his eyes, which mirrored the stars outside. The same way they did when he had first turned up in your room, a stranger, that you were bound to fall for. Because your heart so carefully locked, had began thrashing against the bones that kept it safe, aching to feel the caress of the man in front of you. You wanted to hand it over to him and say, 'keep it forever, it belongs to you now. It will only beat in the warmth of your touch. Treat it gently, for it was my most precious possession.' Perhaps if you cared less, you could have spoken those words to him.
"Yes mortal?"
I love you.
Dream went stone rigid before you, his features hardened and his teasing smile gone.
You wanted to scream it to him but you just shook your head and said, "nothing."
Dream was set in statue, the only proof of his living the slight twitch in his jaw as he spoke, "you love me?"
"What?" Your heart was about to explode in your chest. Could he read your mind?
"You just said,"
What? Had you said it aloud? Oh no. Fuck fuck fuck fuck-
"Hazel, do you love me?" He lightly gripped your elbow. A sheen of glimmer coated his eyes.
You didn't respond, hoping the yearning in your eyes would be answer enough. Dream took a step back and with the next tick of the second hand on the clock above him, he was gone.
Back in the Dreaming, Dream's fingers trembled as he held his sister's sigil.
"Death, I stand in my gallery and hold your sigil. I need you."
She appeared in a moment's notice.
"What's the matter, little brother?"
He turned around to face her. His voice was hoarse with unshed tears. "She fell in love with me." A solo tear glided down his cheek. "Again."
A/N: lol i'll let you guys figure out what that means. this was funnnn I had been foreshadowing it for the past seven chapters and i finally got to write it! ps: not proofread.
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heejayy · 6 months
Young and Beautiful
Nanami x black reader
Warning: none
Word count: 1.2k
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You let out an exhausted sigh as you slipped your hair out of its tight bun; you'd finally finished sifting through and responding to all of your emails, as well as reviewing some documents your boss had sent you. Your eyes are dry and strained, and your fingers are cramping after hours of typing. You checked the time and it was 10:53 p.m., which wasn't too bad given that you'd previously left work much later. Ready to depart, you stood up, stretched, and began gathering your belongings before heading home. You collected your binders, slid your home computer into its case, and grabbed your heels, which you had kicked off hours before.
As you closed your office and approached the elevator, your watch chimed with a message.
Bossy pants:
Mrs. Y/l/n, please meet me at 6:30 to look over the paperwork I handed over to you. There was an error.
"Fuck me!" you muttered, feeling rage rise in your chest. This man never gives you a break; he always relies on you, and he never bothers anyone else, which is driving you mad.
"Ugh he's always bothering me he acts like he doesn't have two other assistants to go over his project with but no it has to be m-"
"Y/l/n is that you?" You froze. Every muscle in your body stiffened up; you didn't expect him to be here so late; he usually leaves around 7 p.m., so what on God's green earth is he doing here at 11 p.m?
"M-mr. Kento?" Your chest tightened as you feared he had heard your angry rant.
"Come here," your body responded to his instruction before you could even think about it. You found yourself at the doorway of his office, playing with your acrylic nails, too frightened to look him in the eye, so you looked elsewhere.
His tie was unfastened, and his hair was tossed all over the place, in direct contrast to how it had been precisely slicked back and combed that morning.
“Mr. Kento "I didn't realize you were here this late... why is that?" You asked cautiously, hoping he hadn't heard your dramatic outburst earlier.
"Had to finish some paper work, I'm assuming you did as well?" You nodded, giving him a forced smile. An uneasy silence settled over his office.
"Tell me y/n do you think I work you too much?" He clearly heard your small outburst.
"I- listen I didn't mean-"
"I made you the senior executive assistant for a reason. You're a hard worker, honest, and trustworthy. You and Suguru are the only two people I trust to oversee this floor and manage my schedule; I wouldn't assign you anything you couldn't handle."
“Mr. Kento I understand you mean well, but this is just too much at times, and I'm not saying I don't want this position; I do, and I thank you for it, but I'd like some extra help if it not too much trouble." He took a sharp breath in and pushed his chair from behind his desk, then opened a drawer and pulled out a wine bottle and two glass cups.
"Join me?" You were taken aback by your boss's casual approach toward you; he was always known to keep matters strictly business-related.
"Um sir-"
"When's the last time you had a chance to wind down or hang out with your friends?" You blinked quickly, unsure of how to answer this question.
"My friend sort of abandoned me a long time ago due to me flaking on them for work." He gave you a kind of frown. "I know exactly how that feels."
Your boss strolled over to his couch and patted the empty space next to him, "Join me?"
You tilted your head in confusion, but decided that one drink wouldn't hurt.
2:45 AM
You ended up having more than one glass, and now your cheeks are heated, and you're leaning slightly into your boss, giggling at a story he just told you.
"You don't even seem like the type to get wasted I can't believe you did that!" He chuckled, savoring the last of his wine.
"Yeah well I was young and foolish and I also had bad influences for friends."
As you rested your head on his shoulder, a comfortable silence descended over the room; perhaps it was the wine, but your mood was subdued. Your mind wandered away, thinking about how you'd become drawn into the toxic work culture and how it was draining your youth.
"Nanami i'm tired."
"Tired of what love?"
"I'm tired of feeling as if I have to work until I drop, as if even if I achieve every goal, something is missing, as if I haven't done enough because there's always someone who will outdo me." Sometimes I just want to quit and move to a remote island to be happy."
"Keep this a secret yeah, but sometimes I feel the same way." Your head snapped up.
"Really? No way!” You spoke sarcastically, he chuckled “do I seem that miserable at work?”
“No you just- you don’t seem like this is something you enjoy doing.”
“Don’t get me wrong I do appreciate having this job but if I had a chance to run I’d take it.”
“Run where?” You asked curiously. He glanced down at you with a small smile “let’s make a deal, when I make a break for it I’ll take you” you giggle feeling flustered.
“Ooo where we going?” You asked with a hint of flirting.
Present Time
"Baby you ready?" You snapped out of your daze when your husband called for you. You placed the photo frame to the nightstand; it showed you and your husband celebrating your first anniversary on the beach in Malaysia. You were both young, happy, and much in love. To think you ended up marrying your boss, the same guy you used to gripe about on a daily basis. Now, you can't picture living without him.
"I'm almost done my love."
You're now in your 50s and still go to the same beach on your anniversary, but sometimes you wonder if you should've taken advantage of your youth and explored more instead of being locked up in an office all day.
"What's on that pretty mind of yours?" He inquired, and she wrapped his arms around your figure, rocking you back and forth.
"Nothing much, just reminiscing back to when we were younger. I feel like I wasted my youth chasing something I didn't want only to impress others, and now that I'm older, I feel like I missed out on the opportunity to be young and happy.
I wish I could rewind time to tell myself to enjoy life before it’s too late.”
"What are you saying before it's too late? We're only in our early fifties. We still have so much more to explore, and now that we're retired, we have all the time in the world, so put all this 'I'm old' rubbish out of your head and let's get ready to leave," you smiled at his attempt to cheer you up.
"Doesn't matter what age we are I will always love you."
"Yes beautiful?"
"I love you more." You cupped his face and kissed him gently, but that wasn't enough for him. Nanami gripped you by the waist and pulled you closer to him, deepening the kiss. One thing this man knew how to well was make you weak in the knees.
"That's impossible love."
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©heejayy 2024 — any reposts or translations of my works are strictly prohibited unless granted permission.
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anyaeras · 1 year
A twisted love story || W.Maximoff (Part One)
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Pairing || Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Summary || Wanda falls in love with Starks intern, who due to their past is very bright and soon becomes an avenger, growing closer with Wanda during their time together. Wanda would like to keep them close
Warnings || long ,, fluff ,, angst ,, child testing ,, memory loss ,, nightmares ,, slightly possessive Wanda ,, leading to dark!wanda
Master list
Part 2 (coming soon)
New York was the city that made dreams come true, it was the city that never slept and it was the Big Apple, it was even home to many of the worlds greatest heroes the avengers.
Y/n was young and the very bright person they worked extremely hard to get closer to their dreams, moving to New York City wasn't easy for the young adult they left a lot of their family behind and lost a lot of support, yet after awhile, and many long, tedious hours they were able to get into a stark internship while it was a little confusing, there wasn't much information on what they were really looking for, and it honestly it seemed a little out of the ordinary. It wasn't a hard job if you think about it, now you didn't get paid but you got the experience, three days a week you attended the avengers tower from 2pm to 5pm.
They had been going to the office on this schedule for a while now, and Wanda Maximoff had it marked down in her calendar, it seemed whenever y/n was in the building, so was she.
Y/n was in the office running around with stacks of boxes, trying to get to where they needed to be as Wanda watched from a distance, leaning up against the desk, not too far from y/n's traveling path. Wanda perked up when she noticed The internal starting to stumble boxes, slowly slipping away, as they try to compose their balance, the witch was quick to hop in using her powers to hold the boxes in an upright position, red wisps floated in front of the young adults face, which allowed them to regain their balance, y/n began coming down from the shock of nearly falling, before observing how the boxes were afloat.
"Falling for me hmm?" Wanda joked as she slowly set the box's down into y/n's arms correctly, as you laughed softly at the scarlet witch's statement while feeling embarrassed for yourself, what caught you off? Guard was the scarlet witch, who is feared by so many yet in this moments, she seemed so kind. y/n saw her sweet and pleasantly warming, now Wanda, on the other hand, saw this is an opportunity.
"Hey, if you ever need some help around here, I know dealing with everyone around here can be a pain, feel free to ask for me or my assistant" Wanda stated with a soft yet very fake innocent smile her words were coated in a dimmed Sokovian accent, after the quick interaction, Wanda had left allowing y/n to continue their work, slipping into the elevator to go back to the avengers only section of the tower, yet along the way, Wanda bumped into a fiery redhead.
"Is stark's intern your new little play thing?" The Russian asked in a humorous way, almost laughing at the Sokovian, yet the scarlet witch only gave a small huff in an "as if" sort away as a reply.
"I don't want them Natasha" I want to lied even with a knowledge, Natasha, being a well trained widow, who could definitely see through the lie, but either way, the subject was dropped for the moment, well until it wasn't...
Meanwhile y/n was running around moving boxes and sorting out stuff inside some of the labs, at one point they found themselves working with some scrap parts that were laying around just for fun, yet those few minutes of free time seem to get away from them. They were pulled away from the project by the sound of the big boss man, stark.
"a little late for you to be hanging around" Tony said in the question like manner, looking down at his naked wrist, as if he had a watch on to prove his Point.
"Oh sorry I totally lost track of time, I didn't even realize I was off the clock" y/n quickly responded justifying their actions. The older man didn't seem to care too much. He came over, peering at what you had put together in your time in the honestly extremely outdated lab.
"so it seems like you've been working. That's good I don't pay bright minds for nothin" stark laughed at his own comment, y/n had thought about mentioning that they are an unpaid intern that HE had hired, but y/n just brushed it off y/n went on plugging in the small robotic looking box they had made in your now not so free time, Tony watched curiously from behind y/n, as they begin to connect the small box to a computer nearby opening up a few different software's until they found the correct one, moving over to stand off to the side, allowing the avenger behind them take a look at the device, y/n started to explain the device was a traveling AI. It could fit the needs of the carrier at any moment.Might they need a nurse or a genius war strategist, at this point if this box got a physical body, it could become its own superhero, and be a great weapon. The explanation managed to render Tony speechless.
"You had no plans or prior research building this?" He asked almost speaking to himself as he questioned getting only a negative response from the intern in front of him
"And you've never made this before?" He asked again getting the same response.
"Come with me" the broad statement from Iron Man caused y/n not to move, thinking about what he just said over in their mind, taking it an entirely different way.
"Not to my damn bed. I got a wife and pepper honestly isn't one for a threesome, well, at least I don't think?" He question himself before shaking it off.
"Anyway follow me newbie" this time y/n got up following Tony throughout the avengers tower and pushing through a set of glass doors into a very nice office.
"Furry. This is the one we're gonna keep it." Was all that Tony said to the one, and only Nick fury who gave a raised eyebrow as a reply back to the avenger. Y/n made eye contact with the man across the desk momentarily before breaking the contact looking back at Stark in pure confusion.
"Why?" the question was about you yeah, it wasn't directly for you to reply to.
"Their a genius, much brighter than banner, skilled in medical as well and war strategy I think they would be a great asset" Tony said in a matter-of-factly manner leaving y/n with a
Proud feeling in their chest.
Nick finally turned his full attention to y/n aiming a question.
"Where are you from, and do you know what you got yourself into?" Y/n didn't fully understand exactly what was asked yet they spit out a nervous reply.
"I'm from the Midwest, now living alone in the city, I wanna go back to school, oh and about the last thing I feel like I'm going to find out." Y/n replied keeping their past to themself on purpose while also trying to sound confident in their reply. They gained a small smirk from furry which the stamens "show them around the tower" was also received; and like that y/n was being pulled away into an elevator going to the locked section of the tower, the doors of the elevator opened in the center of a elegant kitchen and if you looked over to the right a rather large and gorgeous living room.
The two women who were still having a conversation at the kitchen island, both looked up moving to see who came threw the elevator doors.
"I picked the newbie, if one of you can show them around that'll be great I'm busy" Tony said quickly before wondering off into the large area, leaving you with the two women, which the dark red headed widow had chosen to also excuse herself, leaving y/n once more with Wanda Maximoff.
"Looks like you're stuck with me" the witch laughed while y/n face lost color, they didn't want wanda to think they didn't wanna be shown around by her, they thought Wanda was 'pretty cool'
Wanda prompt you to follow her through the large hallways of the tower, while all the doors looked the same y/n was sure they would find themself getting lost around here.
Wanda opened one of the many doors on the right side, moving off to the side allowing you to move inside the large suite.
"My room is right next door if you need anything and I mean anything feel free to come find me Дорогой, oh and I'm sure Tony will have your important belongings here shortly" wanda told them, before leaving y/n to settle in for a few moments.
While looking around y/n must've gotten distracted, like always losing track of time as next thing they know, their door was reviving a harsh knock, which followed by multiple agents bringing in some box's holding items clearly from y/n's now old crummy apartment, no words were exchanged as the group of agents left the box's and went on with their day.
Y/n began to take things out, placing them around the room as everything felt so fast, they were meant to just try and get a start, not become a part of this team of heroes, that's no all, they live with some of the coolest people know, like the girl who's room was only one door over...
Items now sat on selves, the bed was changed to their old bedding, it made the suite feel much more home like. Finally getting through all the box's of clothes, y/n was able to change into more comfortable clothing having no plans to leave the room, honestly they weren't to sure where to go if they did leave.
Y/n was sat on the very large bed, with their laptop pulled up trying to figure out the wifi password.
"It's 'Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist' the password" a witch said from the doorframe. Causing y/n to jump from sudden sound of her voice.
"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you" wanda apologized welcoming herself into their room, not like y/n really minded.
"Here let me see" wanda typed in the long narcissistic password password into y/n's laptop, causing it to go back into their Netflix showing the continue watching page which the witch didn't miss picking up on all the roma-coms they had been watching.
"You like sitcoms?" Wanda asked relating it back to herself
"Yeah they make life seem so much better" y/n explained as Wanda knew completely what they meant.
"You know, sitcoms are my favorite, I grew up with them" the witch recalled fondly of the past, before the bad came into her life.
"Actually I came here to invite you to team movie night, we have a movie and team bounding night every week, and as you are now apart of this teen we want you to join us?" Y/n agreed to come to the movie night. Standing up wearing only comfy clothes, which hugged their body so nicely causing Wanda to struggle as she was trying not to stare.
Wanda who was in a tang and grey sweat pants lead y/n back to the large living space they had saw earlier, yet this time multiple other avengers where sat on the multiple sofas in the area, Wanda sat down on a loveseat which was off to the side, yet still had a good view of the large television, using her arms to motion for y/n to come sit with her on the seat, as by this point wanda would be who they were most comfortable with, as they have shared moments and multiple conversations.
"My pick!" Peter had said, yet he'd been wanting to see a new horror movie, giving no one any heads up, just pulling up the movie and clicking play, to which y/n would soon find out, they were going to regret coming to 'team bounding'
Y/n tried to play it off like they were so strong, trying to no show they were completely terrified of the movie, while Wanda wasn't even trying to listen but y/n's thoughts were loud, as well as their body language, at any jump-scare y/n would flinch, the Scarlet witch didn't pay much mind leaning over to the other side of the shared loveseat pulling y/n into her side, providing some comfort, as well as embarrassing the young newbie, the black widow shot y/n a small smirk, soon moving to give Wanda an 'i told you so' kind of look.
The witch ignored the widow, focusing on calming y/n down, yet nothing seemed to work, she took a mental note that horror movies may not be aloud for a while at team movie night before quietly taking y/n's arm, gaining their attention before motioning for them to come with her, leaving the team to their movie, as they payed no mind to the two of them leaving.
"We could've stayed, the movie wasn't that bad" y/n said trying to act nonchalantly about it, knowing Wanda pulled them away due to their reaction to the film.
"No. Come let's go to my room" wanda left no room for argument, she was already protective over the new member, feeling a pull towards them. Well not like this attraction was new, not to Wanda at least, but it was just beginning for y/n.
Wanda opened up her rooms door, and it looked nothing like yours, much more settled in, the red accents inside the room reflected her personality much more than your bland room reflected yours, she went straight to the bed, motioning for you to join her on the other side, sitting crisscross on the bed, reaching for the remote before putting on one of her favorite sitcoms, which you both found much more enjoyable than the horror movie out in the living room.
"Sorry about movie night, I didn't mean to ruin the team bounding" y/n stated once more still feeling bad for pulling Wanda away from her team.
"Y/n it's okay, I'd much rather watch sitcoms and I enjoy watching them with you" She replied reaching to pull y/n into her side, wrapping her arms around the new team member enjoying the shenanigans of the show.
"Thank you" y/n mumbled out, slowly getting more comfortable with the women, which the acknowledgment made Wanda smile softly to herself, as she could feel y/n began to drift off.
The witch didn't move allowing y/n to rest after a very long day, it was like their life changed, and even thought the witch didn't know much about y/n she felt so attached to them.
Eventually wanda fell asleep to the show still playing and y/n still lying on her side, an arm was wrapped around them for the time being.
Wanda woke up around two in the morning, due to movement in the bed, after a moment of regaining full consciousness, she realized it was y/n who was thrashing around in the bed, clearly in distress.
"Y/n, y/n honey wake up" wanda tried softly shaking y/n trying to pull them out of their dream without causing them to panic to much, yet nothing seemed to be working, Wanda was trying not to panic herself, ended up using her powers seeing inside she was prepared to see the horror movie from that night, yet was met with much worse, Wanda was able to pull y/n from their nightmare, y/n jumped up with a jolt, clearly still in a panic.
"Y/n, y/n it's Wanda? You're at the tower. You're safe" the witch kept repeating, trying to ignore what she saw until you were calm.
"I-I'm sorry..."
"No, don't be y/n we all have bad dreams...would you like to talk about it?" Wanda kept her words in a hush tone, not wanting to be too loud at the late hour of the night, well more so early hour of the morning.
"I didn't mean to wake you up, I just get nightmares sometimes, and I know it's silly" y/n explain yet the other women just shook her head.
"I get nightmares, and so do many of the other avengers, it's not silly, it's just how your brain works when it's meant to be turned off" she explained to y/n trying to still comprehend what the dream was about.
"Y/n, i do have to ask though, do you remember what the dream was about? Because I couldn't wake you, not without my powers at least" the explanation would force y/n to recall what they saw only a few moments ago, flashbacks of their life, the truth about them, why they were so smart, why they seemed to be doing alright for themself even with such drastic changes in life.
"It was about my parents, well the people I lived with...see I was adopted at a young age as far as I'm aware, I don't know much about my past, I can't remember any of it, but i became the child of two scientists, I was their ginny pig, the test subject, I never went to a public school, the women homeschooled me, while the man watched how my brain was changing every hour of the day. It wasn't all bad, on my birthday they would always make me a cake and we would spend time like a family, but the next day it was back to the test, and all the labs, it was becoming to much, I was beginning to react poorly to their test, and one day I snapped I never learned how to fight but I did, I fought like hell to get away from that cabin up in the north, and it took a lot of time for me to get here...now here I am" y/n ranted out to Wanda, who was sat a little flabbergasted, while also she was livid, not at y/n but at the people who made their life so hard for so long...how could you do that to a kid.
"I'm sorry, please I can go that was a lot" y/n panicked now when the witch didn't give a reply, yet wanda was quick to hush them, pulling them into her arms letting them relax, and for once feel safe.
"Y/n as long as you're here, you'll be safe, This team, and me alone wouldn't let any one hurt you..ever." Wanda whispered into y/n's ear, her fingers ran through their hair, softly soothing them, prompting them back to sleep, still in the women's strong hold.
Waking up the next morning y/n was still passed out, sleeping soundly on the left side of the bed, Wanda got up to go get some coffee, making her way to the kitchen, she was met with the one and only russian red head. The black widow, with her signature smirk
"I'm pretty sure this is when I say...what is that saying? I told you so." Natasha poked fun at the witch, who clearly wanted more than just a friendship with the newbie, more than even romantics Wanda wanted y/n as hers, and hers only, she would protect y/n, and no harm would ever reach the newbie again....
"Wanda?" Y/n mumbled coming out of the witches bedroom, in the early hours of the morning
"Out in the kitchen" wanda called back, soon being met with a sleepy y/n, their hair messy, as they came over clinging to the witch, who by this point she couldn't even deny y/n to the other team members, they two of them became a thing rather quickly, the two of them had so much potential, getting out of this town, Wanda could make y/n a great spouse, they could have kids, the ideas bagan to flow in Wanda's mind, hoping she could fill y/n's head with the same thoughts.
that's not the end of this twisted love story thought? Is it?
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missmyloko · 2 months
Hi Justine,
I had an encounter with a Japanese person who hates the geisha world because of Kiyoha’s tweets, and I feel I could have responded better.
Is it ok to ask your opinion/advice? If not, please feel free to ignore my ask and I’ll understand.
I was at a reading group and I’m reading Arai Mameji’s autobiography. When I shared what I was reading, the Japanese person in our group said she hates the geisha world because they sell young girls to powerful men. I said that isn’t true, not anymore at least, and then she brought up Kiyoha’s tweets.
I got really thrown off and wasn’t sure what to say. I said I did get really upset when that news came out, and that it’s hard when you’re in an industry where the clients include politicians and rich, powerful men.
But I also said I’ve been to maiko events where the owner of the restaurant was there at all times, the guests were a mix of men and women, and the maiko were perfectly safe.
I also said that at least thanks to Kiyoha’s tweets, girls who decide to become maiko will do so with open eyes.
The facilitator of the group asked me what do I like about maiko, and I was so thrown that I couldn’t articulate it properly. I said I admire how hard they work to perfect their craft, and i love the beautiful kimono they wear. But when I expounded on how hard they work, I realized I was describing an environment that makes it easy to cover up abuse—no cellphones, only seeing their families at New Year, so I felt awkward again.
So I left that reading group with an icky feeling, and I also felt misunderstood. Though the facilitator was still nice and said he hoped to see me next time.
So, if I have a similar encounter, how can I respond without feeling like I’m defending abuse? 😰
Their environment is traditional, which can make it seem like it's an "easy" place to hide abuse, but that same environment is one that looks out for its own above all, which makes it much safer than one would think. Being in the karyukai really is like being in a secret club, whether you're a geimaiko or a customer you're vetted thoroughly before you enter, and if you go against the grain you're shown the door. It's also a world run by women who truly treat their charges like their own daughters (in 99% of cases anyway), so you know that they don't take abuse or the accusation of abuse laying down. The biggest thing to remember is that, unlike in the past, girls are free to choose the life of a geimaiko and can also leave at anytime without the fear of repercussions, so no one is going into the profession as a slave or has to endure any abuse of any kind. The girls who do this kind of hard work (and it is hard, which is why it's so admirable) are dedicated to the arts and improving themselves, which makes them such bosses. The girls who enter just to wear pretty kimono are quickly weeded out as they can't keep up with the training, but those who triumph have names that are known the world over. As to why you probably admire geimaiko, that's a fairly easy thing to articulate once you sit down and realize what they do. These women buck social norms as they say "no" to traditional gender roles and become the ones who wield power over men. They study the arts that they want, keep schedules that are pretty steady (and can then make their own schedules when they become jimae), and eventually buy whatever they want (and even when they live at the okiya they pretty much want for not). Not only that, but they are power brokers and diplomats for some of the most powerful people on the planet. It takes a special kind of strength to be a geimaiko, and those who succeed in living that life are bad asses. I mean, where else can you be a single mother earning a six figure salary, wear the best clothing, and meet people from across the globe on a nightly basis? In a society where traditional gender norms shape so much of what people can and can't do, geimaiko basically say "screw that" to everything. What happened to Kiyoha was horrible and can't be ignored, which is why the karyukai is starting to take action against that kind of behavior happening again. The good eggs look out for their own, like the events that you've gone to, and this is true in the vast majority of cases. I mean, no system is perfect and there will always be bad apples, but you can't look at Kiyoha's experience and say that the entire profession is like that or that it's tainted beyond repair because of what one girl went through. Anything worth fighting for requires effort, and it's up to people like us to put in the effort to help dispel the myths surrounding geimaiko so that this wonderful profession can continue to thrive in the future, hopefully with the necessary changes being made to ensure that it becomes a safer environment for all involved ^^
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justabratsworld · 6 months
Dear Darling
Ugh, another night of dealing with absolute morons. 
The sun started to rise to stir the ones who were deep in their slumber. The early morning air bites at (y/n)'s skin as she made her way home from her shift at the bar. It seemed like she has been working nonstop lately. No matter how many times she requested more time off or less hours her boss just kept adding hours to her schedule. Not that she should be complaining, she did get a nice raise to her paycheck and well, the tips she gets throughout the night sure doesn't hurt her pockets. Besides, she'd rather be there than at home where her safe place started become hell. With the money she was saving (y/n) should be able to move to a different city. If she was smart enough and saved a little bit more money she could even move into a more secured building where you needed a residential identification or a guest pass to go past the lobby. She was starting to become paranoid with everything and everyone. No matter what it was, whether it was just a cup that was moved slightly or a misplaced spice she used the night prior her brain automatically jumped to "intruder". Once there was even a jacket that was left on her couch that she KNEW didn’t belong to her or anyone she knew. Only, once she finally convinced her friend to come over to see that (y/n) wasn’t going crazy due to stress, the jacket was gone. As if it was never there in the first place. Soon after that incident when (y/n) was out running errands or coming home from work if someone kept looking at her or what going in the same direction too long for her liking she automatically thought they had to be her stalker. All because of those stupid letters. Before they started appearing on her nightstand every morning her life was well...not perfect per se but definitely much better than what it is now.
Entering her humble apartment (y/n) made her way to the bathroom to wash last night off of her, the amount of patrons who felt the need to touch her made her feel dirty. Maybe it was the feeling of hot water cascading down her skin that made her sit in the shower for far longer than what was necessary, or maybe it was her subconsciously trying to avoid the bedroom. The room that was once her safe haven. The one place that once was able  to make her thoughts calm down, now it was the source of her uneasy head. No matter what she couldn’t figure out who was tormenting her like this  No one was taking her concerns seriously, not without having proof. (Y/n) did try to set up cameras. Specifically one at her front door, balcony door, and in her bedroom, but when she went to look at the footage of the times she wasn’t at home or sleeping everything was deleted and she wasn’t able to recover any of it. The memory of the camera that was installed in her bedroom sitting on her kitchen table with a note that read “nice try dear:) you have to be more clever than that to catch a glimpse of me ;)”. 
If only dear (y/n) was this observent before. If she was this aware of her surroundings and alert when she was out and about she wouldn't be dealing with this. If she was as vigilant before she would have noticed the man who was constantly staring her at the club she worked at. Surely she would’ve realized that the original owner seemed to vanish and the new one had more of an interest of her. So much so he kept scheduling her to work longer and more hours. What a shame she didn’t even realize that the one person who was making her life miserable was so so close. Dear sweet (y/n), she was never truly safe. 
'How silly of me to think he would skip a day'
Grabbing the envelope off of my nightstand, taking note of the smell radiating off of it. The thought of the sender spritzing his cologne on it makes my stomach uneasy. Do I really want to open this? I already know that if I do read it all its going to do is add on to my the already growing paranoia. After staring at the red seal I decided to go against my better judgment I slowly open the bane of my existence.      
                 My dearest love, 
Oh how I yearn to feel the sensation of your skin, to hear your siren voice call out to me, to hold you close to me as I whisper sweet nothing into your ear, to have you shake with pure pleasure. Fret not my darling, for soon I will come and rescue you from the nightmare you live in. However, I ask of you to not judge me for my appearance for my heart is much purer than what shows. You will have to worry or want for nothing once you're in my arms. I will love you until my dying breath. My dear sweet sweet (y/n), be ready. For once I have you in my grasp I fear I will not be able to let you go. Knowing your silly little head my go into panic just know that I have eyes and ears everywhere. I am patient and know that I wouldn't harm you in any way, but I can't say that your friends or family will be safe if you were to do anything stupid. I know my baby is smart. I know you won't do something you'll come to regret. 
        See you soon dear. 
Shit. I knew I shouldn't have read that stupid letter-well if I didn't I wouldn't have known that he apparently plans on taking kidnapping me. Shit. I have to call the cops. I have to tell someone but who would even believe me. The police didn't even care when I reported someone breaking in and leaving these letters. If anything they're probably in cahoots with my fucking stalker. I mean, how else would he have known I reported him. Just thinking of the underling threat he left brings a sense of dread. Maybe if I leave town he can't get me? How am I suppose to do that undetected though. He obviously knows my work schedule so me not showing up tonight will surely tip him off that I left. Shit. What did I do to deserve this? Who's attention did I attract? 
Glancing at the alarm clock I take a deep breath and head towards my medicine cabinet. I need to take something to let me sleep so I can go into work tonight. The letter never states when he's coming but there's no point fighting or hiding. Maybe if I just act like I never read that letter I can pretend that my life is normal. Besides, I may have more time to figure out what I'm going to do before the inevitable happens. Popping a few melatonin gummies I made my way to my bed. Weird, those tasted different than what they normally do. A lot less chewier too...maybe I'm overthinking it. I do need some sleep. After last night and that weird ass letter I deserve some shut eye before going through this all over again tomorrow morning.
Well damn, my head feels fuzzy. What time is it? It's dark...did my alarm not go off? I know I have it set? Why do my blankets feel different....this bed feels different too...oh well there goes my vision-
"Baby girl, it's time to wake up. You've been asleep for too long. Travis! How much chloral hydrate did you put in those gummies of hers? She knocked the fuck out." Feeling a hand rubbing my cheek a rush of adrenaline goes through me as I try to sit up. What the actual- 
"Breathe baby, breathe. You're okay. It's okay, here focus on me. Yeah? Atta girl. Keep your eyes on me. That's my girl, now now I know you're probably wondering what going on, but I did tell you I was going to pick you up and take you home. Now I'm not going to get into details and show you around your new home quite yet since you're probably still a little groggy but don't worry. Once you're awake and ready I'll tell you everything you need to know and introduce you to your new family. God, I waited too long to hold you." Why can't I move? I keep trying to say something and yet I can't. Fuck I'm so tired, why does it feel like my body isn't connected to my brain? 
"It's rude to ignore your husband-sorry soon to he husband-when he's talking to you baby. I know you're wondering what's going on and but you're obviously still tired. So lets go back to sleep, yeah? Don't be difficult babe, I'd rather not have to drug you again, I don't like seeing you like that" 
No no no no no I don't...want to...go...back....to...sleep.
Dear darling,
When you awake you might be confused and afraid. Don’t worry, I’ll be back shortly. I have some things to take care of. There's water and some medicine on the kitchen island for you. Be a good girl.
Love you lots, 
Adonis M. Corleone
Oh baby girl, just having you asleep beside me is pure bliss. I’m sorry I had to drug you, it was the only way to get you home safe without having to worry about you seeing where you were going. You are the light I need in my life. With all the blood on my hands, all the crimes I have committed, everything has been for you. After watching and waiting for years I finally have you in my arms. If you try to leave I’ll kill anyone in the way. My (y/n), you will be the perfect wife. The perfect mother. The perfect piece to our family. After all, behind every successful man is a beautiful woman taking care of him. Once I get your family out of the way, we will be truly happy. I’m so proud of you for not running away from me. You proved to me that not only are you strong but smart as well. You knew better than to disobey me and for that I won’t necessarily kill your family. I’ll just make sure they know not to look for you.
BREAKING NEWS: Missing 23 year old women. Series of letters found. 
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