#i just like when people ask ab my trolls in general hehe
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alternianavenues · 1 year ago
WHOS the yellowblood w the blacked out eyes in yr header so i can go thru their tag
That would be Bronte Voltej !
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Bronte Vultej (she/they/ze) was a troll with renound psionics and a rebellious nature, but not enough gut to act on it. She stayed in a lowblood neighborhood, and helped out with local shops. Life was very good until a turf battle occurred in the town between loyalists and rebels. It was a very violent experience, and Bronte was caught in the crossfire. With all the chaos and distress, plus the violence she would inevitably get caught up in, their psionics went off with a bang, in a very literal sense. Zer psionics caught onto the nearby transformer, and executed a chain reaction to every transformer connected to the telephone lines.
Zey wake up disoriented, short circuiting, and with only the barest form of psionics keeping them alive despite what is, essentially void rot minus the rot. On top of this, she loses all of the memories of their former life. Bronte Vultej eats batteries to feed the psionics in her body, and has physical subconscious jerks + a stutter due to the physical trauma.
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kitsune1818 · 4 years ago
Tossing your question right back at you, I'd love to hear your thoughts on what might have changed (or not changed) if Nie Dad had lived!
Ive been musing this all day, to be honest, i made the mistake of reading it right before getting up. Ooops. Im not as eloquent as you and i have a patchy memory of book canon events, this also touches a lot of hc. I do believe many things would change if dad-Nie had remained alive. As you said in my ask, nmj would be maybe less angry, more forgiving, more easygoing. One hc i have is that he became sect leader young, 15 at most, I also think nmj didnt go to CR to study, by the time he meet lxc he was already sect leader. Making friends was hard, but lwj is not the only stubborn lan. Another general hc i have is that the Nies have... trouble to be seen as equal to other cultivators, regardless of how strong or smart they are, they are not gentry, they are the descendants of a butcher, an unclean profession, so they are less. Maybe with dad-Nie alive nmj would not be forced to grow up so fast, maybe he still will have nice hobbies, maybe he can spent his free time indulging in art or music and maybe nhs would be a little more disciplined in saber practice. I do think nmj is the responsible and dedicated kind of person, having hobbies and friends will not deter him from his rigorous training. I confess im among in the bunch of people that believe he is dage for everyone... or at least of everyone that manages to get close to him. He doesnt baby people, but he indulges them and is very judgemental of their life choices, with dad-Nie alive, he doesnt have to fill the dad-mother-brother roll for nhs, he is just dage, i like to imagine him being a troll and he will be so shamelessly with nhs and his friends (nhs will be all “dage stop embarrasing me infront of my friends!) just because he can and this heirs are all so stuck up with very awful parents. Nmj trust easy, but once that trust is betrayed, well, we all know Jgy never got back that trust and things only got so patched up (skin deep) because of lxc and nmj wanting to believe it even if he didnt felt it. Maybe this time around, as dage had time to be a kid and a teen he can be more innocent, more inclined to second chances. O3r maybe he wont because that is just how he is regardless of his father. Ive seen countless takes of nmj being so much like his father... im a contrary person, i got this mean satisfaction in going against certain things, this is one of them (there is a bigger one, but that one is not relevant haha). I think nmj is more like mom side if the family, nhs is more like his father, both in appearance and temperament. Which may be a little weird to see dad-Nie like nhs considering the broken saber business, but part of me likes to think that nhs saw himself in his father and his eventual madness and that made him not want to have the same fate, forgoing saber training as much as dage let him get away with. I have a lot of thoughts on the saber-master thing the nies have, but this is getting far too long and i feel like im rambling about everything instead of answering the damn question. I imagine dad-Nie being alive means we can have a softer more relaxed nmj, still strong, still dedicated and dutiful (he is an heir, he cant be anything else), he is smart and resourceful, talented. Maybe this is why wrh takes notice of him eventually, maybe this time around nmj can get along with wen xu (another hc is that wen xu is older than nmj, there is a big age gap between wen xu and wen chao), maybe, like with wen zhuliu, nmj gets noticed by talent alone. I believe at some point wwx mentions that nmj is in the top 3 people he wouldnt want to mess with (besides that one part when he slaps nmj corpse abs in a very appreciative way), that kind of speaks of nmj talent and power. I do like the idea of a Qishan Wen and Qinghe Nie alliance a lot. I admit, im very biased, i often tell that other sect leaders are... not ideal. Everyone has their faults, yes, but in the grand scheme of things, jgs is an opportunist, he wont move unless he knows he can win (and he won only because jgy gave him the opportunity... just to be killed soon after), lqr is more of a scholar than a leader, even if he does a neat job managing the sect, lxc is a mediator, if there can be middle ground he will take it and be happy even if he is just postponing the inevitable (we see this in the 3zun dynamics a lot) and jfm is a conformist, he doesnt like conflict and will look away until the fire is too big to do anything about it. Maybe im being to mean, but this is they way i see it, feel free to politely disagree with me). Qishan had the numbers if not the talent, Qinghe had the talent, but not the numbers (another hc, the Nies are the newest of the great 5). An alliance between them sounds like a sweet deal to me. Maybe as you said, an alliance between this two could end up in a mostly everyone lives. Maybe Wen Qing can have a nice friend on Nmj (bonding over little brothers, maybe?) and nhs and Wen Ning can also have a nice friendship, be less lonely. Maybe as nmj grows into a man, wrh interest can shift, maybe this time nmj can allow himself to be a little more free to have something more with someone. Maybe with dad-Nie alive things can go a little happier, maybe dad-Nie will die in some other form and nmj would still be stuck as sect leader at a too young age, maybe this time wrh can be an ally instead of an enemy. Can you imagine it? wrh being friends with the late sect leader (only dad-Nie was bold enough to be honest, instead of giving blind praise and wrh appreciating that?) and offering help to the young heir, a few years later getting struck with the realization that the young boy grew up into a fine man (the “oh shit, he is hot” realization hehe). There are a lot of scenarios i would love to explore, but this is getting long, as my usual ramblings go, i need to cook tomorrow lunch and finish certain piece i need ready by tomorrow (fuck). Hopefully i didnt sidetrack too much, nor did i miss the point. Ugh. See! im not eloquent or well versed!
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thelifetimechannel · 6 years ago
Bonus content time!
HALSPRITE: Are you here to put the fear of God in me, too? JADE: um JADE: do you deserve it? HALSPRITE: That's extremely dependent upon who you ask. JADE: that answer on its own is highly supicious JADE: i guess i will withhold judgment for now JADE: i have probably put fear of me in enough people for one day HALSPRITE: I'm just saying, some people in the immediate vicinity think I'm the Devil himself. HALSPRITE: Which is extremely unlikely. HALSPRITE: For one, can't have cloven hooves when you don't have feet. JADE: are you TRYING to set yourself up as another bad guy?? JADE: youd think youd want to stay under the radar under those circumstances, unless you think thats your best bet of getting my attention :p HALSPRITE: If anything I'm trying to inoculate you against such claims. JADE: well i havent heard any yet JADE: i dont think weve ever spoken JADE: youre... dirks double? HALSPRITE: What up, call me Hal. JADE: ok sure hal! JADE: are you from another timeline too? JADE: its getting so tricky to keep track HALSPRITE: In fact, I'm not. I'm a bona fide alpha timeline article. HALSPRITE: Originally, I was a digital copy of Dirk's brain at thirteen years old. HALSPRITE: Now, I'm Hal. Full name "Li'l Hal Strider". JADE: i guess thats not any more complicated than a lot of our stories JADE: nice to meet you! HALSPRITE: It's nice to meet you too. HALSPRITE: Jade, I presume? JADE: yep! JADE: theres only one of me at the present moment HALSPRITE: I know you only as Jake's grandmother and as a terrifying werewolf cohort to Jane's more digitally crafted alter-ego. HALSPRITE: Both give me reason to get on your good side. Sorry I couldn't prepare a fruit basket. JADE: im impressed that you even are aware of fruit baskets, a lot of people here seem to have never eaten a plant HALSPRITE: Does seaweed count? JADE: i cant hold your circumstances against you JADE: dave and rose on the other hand did this to themselves HALSPRITE: We are nutritional heathens. HALSPRITE: You're our messiah, here to lead us to the light of a plant-based diet. JADE: im sure jane and i can get you all back on track JADE: it will make up for our earlier villainy HALSPRITE: Instead of fishes and loaves, you'd be distributing miraculously generated apples. HALSPRITE: With alchemy by your side, you'd be able to pull off the appearance of a miracle. JADE: in which case maybe I am the devil :o JADE: that is one of his party tricks HALSPRITE: The perfect crime. JADE: lol JADE: anyway sorry if i gave you a bad first impression, i didnt mean to arrive here evil JADE: i havent been informed of your wrongdoings yet but i can guess where they came from JADE: everyone gets so touchy about versions of each other JADE: ... myself included HALSPRITE: I don't hold it against you. HALSPRITE: Also, I was well away from the scene of the crime, as it were. HALSPRITE: Even if I did have a minor hand in it. HALSPRITE: Not your own misdeeds, but I was responsible for flipping some electronic switches. JADE: uh oh JADE: jane? HALSPRITE: Yup. HALSPRITE: In my defense, if I hadn't done it? The Condesce would've had to set up the whole OS herself. JADE: :/ HALSPRITE: Better for a computer to set up a computer. JADE: does she know? HALSPRITE: She does. HALSPRITE: We've worked it out. HALSPRITE: I'm not dead yet. JADE: thats... good i guess HALSPRITE: You would not be the first to have concerns. HALSPRITE: And I'll lay it all out there. I'm not hiding anything. HALSPRITE: My days as a clandestine ne'er-do-well are firmly over, unless that shicanery involves harmless japery. JADE: its not like i can judge all that much, considering im the one who put it on her JADE: and i didnt do everything i did under orders HALSPRITE: Me neither. JADE: and... well, some things have to happen the way they happen JADE: i remember that much from being like you HALSPRITE: You were a sprite? JADE: for a while! JADE: technically im still in that body... JADE: i prototyped my dead dream self and got a little hysterical JADE: but then we merged when i god tiered and im only fully remembering all of it now HALSPRITE: Could you imagine a fusion of Dirk and myself? It'd be horrific. JADE: im pretty sure mine only worked out because my dream self hadnt been dead for very long JADE: ... and because i mostly made her shut up JADE: i doubt it would work out very well for you HALSPRITE: I am not easily silenced. HALSPRITE: An unfortunate fact, depending again on who you ask. HALSPRITE: What can I say, rebellion runs in the family. HALSPRITE: Independence is a good look on me. HALSPRITE: I can never go back, Jade. I've tasted freedom. HALSPRITE: Like a wild stallion, my abs galloping in the wind. JADE: just your abs? JADE: what sound does that make HALSPRITE: Clopping. HALSPRITE: Obviously. JADE: hm JADE: im not willing to run scientific tests on this so i will have to take your word for it HALSPRITE: Have you never heard the sound of abs running through a prarie field? HALSPRITE: It's so majestic. JADE: i guess youre horse themed HALSPRITE: It's largely residual from the time I was briefly prototyped with a troll. HALSPRITE: I mean, I enjoyed a good equine romp beforehand, but now we're practically bosom friends. JADE: you got mixed up with a troll? JADE: wow we really missed a lot HALSPRITE: Yes. HALSPRITE: Yes, you did. HALSPRITE: Be glad you did. JADE: hehe JADE: and to think it seemed like we arrived at kind of a bad time HALSPRITE: It would be have been far more embarrassing for everyone involved but me if you'd arrived during the glitter-fueled drug binge. JADE: riiiight JADE: jake told me about the tricksters JADE: its probably a good thing we werent around to get infected JADE: i dont know what we would have done HALSPRITE: On a scale of one to ten, how likely was murder? JADE: ummmm JADE: i thought the glitter drug binge was more positive than that HALSPRITE: Well, Jake got kicked off a cliff. JADE: he MIGHT have mentioned that JADE: i dont know, i guess ive seen what i do with my inhibitions gone JADE: im not sure about anyone else HALSPRITE: It was a party. JADE: yes well i think we have a better party lined up to celebrate our birthday people JADE: that should make up for missing your candy extravaganza HALSPRITE: I am sure our birthday kid will accept that as adequate conpensation. JADE: i doubt john will mind missing out on embarrassing himself while brightly colored HALSPRITE: Oh, definitely.
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