#i just honestly need someone to scream with when alecto comes out. and i need someone to figure out my reread order with
fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
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Self explanatory
#locked tomb#not to be dramatic but if i don’t find someone irl to talk about these books with before alecto comes out#i am going to fucking scream#my mom has read gideon and liked it but she didn’t really understand what was going on. which is fine#honestly i really appreciate that she tried and i love that camilla is her favourite character#maybe i should get back on tinder lol. the person who basically got me to read these books was this girl i went on 2 dates with#i was like ‘honestly i own the ebook copy and i opened it but then i got intimidated by the dramatis personae list and closed it’#and she was like ‘you’ll literally be fine’ and she was so right. i wish i could tell her#sidenote but i haaate when you meet someone who you should’ve become friends with but because it was on a dating app you feel the need to go#on dates and then when there’s no chemistry you just go your separate ways. there was no chemistry because we were supposed to be friends!!!#i wish i’d read it while we were still talking lol instead of like 2 months later#i just honestly need someone to scream with when alecto comes out. and i need someone to figure out my reread order with#so i’ve read gideon thrice; harrow twice & nona once. so it’s like. i could reread nona then harrow then nona again#and then when we get a release date for alecto i can read all three again the week before#that seems like the sanest way of doing it. but am i INTERESTED in the sane way 🧐#personal
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fictionalmenaremytype · 8 months
(Percy jackson ep 8 spoilers)
I'm just gonna start by saying if Disney doesn't renue this for a second season they are stupid and will have missed out on a harry Potter level phenomenon.
- Ares' cackle. I love him .
- Ares just threw him like hulk did loki
- annabeth having to hold Grover back is so important to me because he's wanting to help percy but Annabeth knows this fight is to the death and any interruption would just get Grover killed.
- Annabeth also knowing he needs to prove himself as the son of poseidon and discover who he is.
- "let's kick the son of poseidon into a puddle right near the sea" I now understand why Athena is battle strategy and Ares is just war.
- my only critique is that Percy never does any movements to show its his power (which ik this is accurate to the books) but it comes off a little like he's just calling on Poseidon to do stuff. I wished they had some sort of indicator that it was Percy like maybe a slight movement or having the water pull back from the puddle he fell in and into the sea.
- I did think the fight was a little quick tbh but it still worked.
- the way I screamed "close your eyes close your eyes close your eyes!" When he was about to show his true form.
- woooh Hades helm
- The cabin looks fuckung terrifying rn
- I haven't seen the end of credit scene yet but I'm predicting it's going to be Sally with Gabe's statue.
- Alecto just wanted to get tho boss his hat back!
- "please" "good luck on Olympus" I thought she was going to be nice but noooo she's still a bitch.
- Annabeth trying to stop Percy from going because they're friends now and she's worried for his safety. I love Leah she is AMAZING.
- "I'm done running from monsters" THAT LINE OMG THE WRITERS ROOM ATEEEE
- THE NECKLACE?? THE MUSIC?? "You're gonna need all the luck you can get." Is so sweet and so patronising she is perfect. Leah is Annabeth Chase she has cyclops powers and just embodies her!
- "how sure are we you couldn't explain everything in an email?" So relatable Grover so relatable.
- "I'm here to see Zeus." Lightning bolt on the table " I don't have an appointment"
- it is so so obvious when you know abt Luke that yes trying to recruit Percy to his side.
- can someone build this olympus on minecraft please I want to exploreee.
- zeus (rip Lance Reddick we miss you) just waiting on his throne is terrifying.
- The thrown room being in a thunder cloud has so much messaging behind it! It is pathetic fallacy at its finest.
- Zeus is scary. I don't like it. Literal goosebumps rn.
- "your family is a mess" you tell him Percy. Be his therapist
- "your forbidden son who should've never been born" "the same as your thalia" Poseidon learnt some sass I see.
- "make sure I never see this one again." Well I hate to break it to you sir but you will...a lot
- "obedience doesn't come naturally to you does it?" "No...sir." "the sea does not like to be retrained." CAUSE THE SEA DOESNT LIKE TO BE RESTRAINEDDDDD
- Percy not immediately knowing Greek is such a slept upon lart of the books because they have lessons in it.
- Poseidons smile about Sally.
- "Ares is a moron." The only thing Poseidon and Athena agree on.
- Aww they finally had father son time. Its so emotional and beautiful and its made me emotional.
- the line of applause and I'm just looking for Travis and Connor.
- The hugging is a thing.
- "an accusation against clarisse." "Without proof" annabeth has a feeling!
- honestly adding Clarisse as a traitor and using that to get Percy and Luke alone makes more sense to me given that they know someone at camp stole the bolt.
- I think now is the time to say how Charlie is amazing for Luke he's so sinister when he wants to be l.
- luke making him go through the Prophecy before he reveals and percy slowly realising why Omg chills.
- the red lighting on Luke highlighting his scar.
- luke looking like he's about to cry
- "I didn't think you'd give them to Grover." "I'm here to recruit" AH
- Is that a silhouette in the background???
- " I met your dad" THE ANGER OMG
- the fight with Ares being short is made up for by this fight. Under the fireworks? In the woods? It's stunning!!!!
- " Annabeth?" " I heard everything" I KNEW SHE HAD HER SUSPICIONS
- " He can be very very persuasive" "I'm very very stubborn"
- "Percy? That's your name?"
- I was half expecting Dionysus to do an Oprah and say " you get out and you get out"
- Annabeth saying goodbye to Thalia is so sweet
- " and then sone place called Disney World?" She's never seen a movie she's going to be so confused. "Which kind of sounds like water land but with less trying to kill you" Yeah.
- the way he smiles at her is so cute.
- "wait did I read that wrong. What am I walking into. Is there something you're supposed to do there?" "Just be a kid"
- aww Grovers searcher licence is a flower
- "but no ones ever thought to check the seas!" Nice set up Disney I see you.
- "we meet back here next year." Well you will eventually.
- THE GROUP HUG (if we get up to season 5 I expect editors to make edits of them hugging at 16 to them hugging at 12)
- The cabin and Sally <3
- "what happened?" "It's a long story."
- "no kidding kiddo it's time to wake up." So cute.
- "grandpa." "Don't call him that."
- "Don't forget to tell your mom how much you love her today." "Kronos Lord of the titans said that?" The lying and secrets has begun
- Sally divorcing gabe is much much better than her just turning him to stone because it gives the message that she now recognises her son can look after himself and now she doesn't have to protect him anymore.
- I really like how it's his own hate for percy and everything percy has that gets him killed rather than straight up homicide. It really sets the idea that people like that will find their own downfall (which is ironic bc this trope is commonly used in ancient Greek tragedies)
season one of percy jackson is stunning. It's a masterpiece even with the changes and whilst there was definitely some timing issues and the cut to black became annoying, it was very, very good. If it is renewed for another season, it has a lot of potential, and I will be very excited to see how they adapt The Sea of Monsters for screen.
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thanzag · 5 years
a fight
follow up piece to part one and part two fic masterlist here
zagreus encounters some trouble on his way to mount olympus.
CW for canon typical violence
There is so much to see of the earth on his long walk, even though he does not truly have time to stop and appreciate it. The snow is a constant crunch under his feet, and he’s started to count the days of his travel, if for no reason other than his own curiosity.
He doesn’t have to eat or drink, but he misses the taste of the pomegranates from home. No — from the House. That’s not his home any longer, and he hates that he is reflexively thinking it. When he comes across a river, though, he does stop to taste the water, look at his reflection. His own face doesn’t do anything to combat his mounting loneliness, but it feels good to know that he’s — still the same.
On the fourth day since he left Iole in the forest and began his long walk, something happens. From the East comes a terrible beating of wings, and cackling laughter, and —
The Furies are much different in the light of day. Distantly, of course, he knew that they could fly, but not like this, circling around his head, out of reach. He falls into a defensive stance, drawing once more on Achilles’ training, and eyes them warily. Their presence here can not mean anything good for him.
“Lord Hades says hello, Redblood!” Alecto calls, baring all of her teeth at him. She’s more than pale in the light of day, and her red dress looks the color of blood. It is eerily different to see them like this. Tisiphone is silent and sallow on his other side, staring at him with her yellow eyes. It feels like she is looking right through him.
In front of him hovers Meg, her whip tightly gripped in her hands and a grim look on her face. “For crimes against Lord Hades, we are here to take you back to the Underworld. By any means necessary.”
“C’mon, ladies, you know that’s not going to happen. I won’t give in that easily. How many times have I fought you off before? This isn’t going to go the way you want it to, be reasonable!” It’s second-nature to run his mouth, of course, but in a weird and distant way he is so grateful to see them. To have someone to talk to.
“Murderer,” Tisiphone growls, and Meg shakes her head at him. He wonders briefly if this is one of those situations where she’s doing this just because it is her job, or if she really thinks he belongs back in the Underworld. Back in the House. It’s not like — well. It’s not like he could blame her, really.
“I’m going to look forward to sending you back,” Alecto says, snapping her whip, and when she glances at her sisters, he uses the distraction to dash away. Just in time, too, because she dives for where he was the moment after.
He finds himself behind her, and with Artemis’ power washing over him, he runs back toward her with his blade at the ready. She yells and spins, cracking her whip in his direction, but he dodges out of the way. Overhead, Meg and Tisiphone still linger, but he doesn’t have the time to worry about them right now.
He’s doing his best to stay behind her, because she can’t defend herself well that way — he’s fought her enough times to know that. Aphrodite’s power imbued into his bloodstones make for a hot-pink spray against her back, weakening Alecto for a few moments, and he hesitates to take a breath. Four days shouldn’t be enough time to be out of practice, but he’s feeling winded already.
She’s screaming something that he can’t understand, enraged, and she launches herself back into the air. The first circle of lightning that she calls down on him catches him by surprise — how had he forgotten that was in her repertoire? — and he stumbles.
Stumbles headfirst into a cloud of sickly grey-green fog. He can’t see, he can’t see, he panics and dashes out of it, directly into another bolt of lightning.
Damn it. He curses aloud and focuses, running out of the way of another bolt of lightning. And then one, and another, and then she’s ceasing her overhead spinning to dive at him again.
He catches her in the face with his blade, stunning her briefly. It brings out her feral grin in full force again, like it doesn’t even bother her. “Not so fast now, are you?” she taunts, striking at him with her whip. It just barely misses, and he sends Hermes thanks for it.
“Two can play at your game, Alecto,” he returns, even though it’s hard to talk and fight at the same time. “How does your hair look standing on end?” He drives his blade into the ground at her feet and it calls upon Zeus’ boon to strike lightning in its place, jolting her out of position. She swears at him, and he dashes in toward her. Behind him, a circle of flame appears, and he glances up to look at Meg.
Of course she would have to help them fight him. Right? It’s not like she’s going to do something to endanger her job. Still, he’d rather they weren’t on different sides of this fight. She would be a formidable ally, if he could have her.
…an ally. There’s an idea.
“Than?!” he calls, even as he strikes her again, hoping that whatever connection the other man has with Mort will bring him to Zagreus’ side.
Every time he’d appeared in the underworld, it was instantaneous.
Nothing happens. Nothing at all.
Alecto laughs, something harsh and grating on his nerves and ears, and he growls. Fine. He’ll do this alone. He doesn’t need any more help; the Gods have more than taken care of him.
She turns and whips at him again, and he dodges half a second too late. It catches on his arm and leaves a ruby-red welt, and he hisses.
Well, if Than won’t help him, maybe —
“Athena, lend me your aid!”
He shines, he can feel it, and Athena’s blessing sends Alecto’s whip striking back at her. It cracks on contact, and he strikes at her again. Tisiphone — it must be Tisiphone, anyway — casts them both in another cloud of fog, and he ignores it. Can’t see much of anything, but it’s not like Alecto can really get away from him like this.
He dashes behind her again, something he achieves only because she can’t see him either — or at least he assumes so — and calls another bolt of lightning, unloads another spray of bloodstones into her back.
He strikes, and strikes, and even as Athena’s protection fades away he’s hitting her, again and again and —
He catches her in the ribs with Stygius, somehow, and the pained and gasping look on her face just makes him feel more grim. “Damn you, Redblood,” she curses him, dropping her whip and sinking further onto his sword.
She’s already fading, falling into dust that he can only assume is going to be swept back into the Underworld. He doesn’t expect that Hermes is going to be leading her back, at least.
When she’s gone, he straightens, holding his sword at the ready. Tisiphone and Meg are both looking at him, and Meg has her eyebrows nearly in her hairline. She looks surprised that he fought Alecto off, and he’s nearly offended at the implication of that.
“So, which one of you is next? I told you I wouldn’t go down without a fight,” he remarks, more boldly than he  feels. Alecto got some good hits in on him, and who knows how fast he’ll heal, out here on the surface. He definitely won’t recover any before it’s time to go toe to toe with another Fury. There’s no way.
Meg looks at Tisiphone, and they must be silently communicating. He uses the short reprieve to catch his breath. Or to try, anyway.
It’s really not much of a break, and he’s just distracted enough by the pain in his leg and his arm that Tisiphone catches him straight-on with her whip. She’s lunging for him before he can react, and when she makes contact with him it hurts.
Still, he has to fight back. He is not going back there.
She lashes at him and misses, catching a tree instead, and when she goes following her whip he is following her. The miss leaves her open for a flurry of attacks that he ends with a strong thrust, and she growls at him when she does turn around.
She’s a near-silent menace, and he dashes out of the way of her whip when she finally retaliates. Another running dash takes him into range to spray her with Aphrodite’s blessed bloodstones, and she hunches in on herself. Oh, he recognizes that — the spray of shots in a circle around her are thankfully slow enough for him to avoid them.
The ground underneath his feet is heating up, to a point that even he can feel, and he runs out of the way as Meg summons another circle of flame where he was once standing.
“No can do, Meg,” he calls to her, half-hiding behind a tree as Tisiphone exhausts her shots. He is honestly grateful that she can’t do to the outside world what she was able to do to the arena they fought in. He couldn’t deal with that level of containment, not like this.
She is growling murder, murderer at him when she comes for him next, and though she catches him with the whip he is able to get out of it before she follows through. He strikes her in the arm, though it’s not her dominant one, and she howls. 
Just the sound of her screaming sends a terrible shiver down his spine, but he presses on. If he gets much more hurt, he’s taking a trip back to the Underworld, and that is not happening.
He’s learning the rhythm of her attacks again — dodges her whip so that it catches on the landscape, dashes in behind her when she has to follow through. It feels like fighting dirty, but three versus one was never fair anyway.
Meg calls another fiery ring on his heels as he follows her sister, striking and striking again, and as soon as he gathers up another bloodstone, he fires it straight at the other Fury.
Tisiphone was more injured than he thought, clearly, because the pink spray catches in her skin and turns her to dust everywhere that it touches. She, too, is gone on the wind.
He’s panting, exhausted, when he turns to look up at Meg. Her face is hard, her mouth a hard line, and her whip is folded up in her hands. He’s bleeding, but he doesn’t look away from her when he wipes his dirty palms on his pants.
“What are you doing out here, Zagreus?” she asks finally, but there’s none of the anger in it than he expected.
“I’m not giving up until I find my mother,” he answers, sways a little on his feet when the breeze comes through. He shivers.
She lands on the ground, feet touching down with a soft sound, and takes a half-step toward him. “Did you really defeat your father?”
“I—” He’s surprised that anyone would be brave enough to suggest that, much less believe it. “Yeah. I did. How did you—”
She huffs, tosses her head. “I put the pieces together. And it’s not like Cerberus would have refused you passage, so he must have had a last line of defense. He’s been gone from the house more and more, lately.”
“…yeah,” he agrees. Sighs. The adrenaline is slowly wearing off, and he feels — bad.
Meg takes another step toward him, hand outstretched, and he flinches away on instinct. She could kill him, right here.
There’s no way she didn’t see him recoil, but she doesn’t berate him. Not how he expected, anyway.
“I’m not going to fight you, Zagreus. Come on.” She rolls her eyes. He lets her come closer, then, and when she touches his cheek with her cold palm he leans into it. It’s only been five days on the surface, without familiar contact, but he revels in it. Even though he’s bloodied and sore.
Though, to be fair, a lot of his good times with Meg ended with him bloodied and sore, too. He snorts at the thought, not meaning to, and looks back at her face to see that she’s just watching him.
“What are you going to do, then?” he asks her, even as her thumb strokes his cheekbone. “It’s not like you can help me.”
“Maybe not how you think.” She purses her lips and looks away, then back at him. “You need to go to Athens and seek the Areopagus. Pray to your goddess Athena and hope that she grants you her time.” There’s a disgusted look on her face, but it’s not directed at him.
“What will — what will that do? I’m supposed to be going to Olympus.” He doesn’t mention the nymph he’s helping, doesn’t think it will help. Doesn’t want to push Meg too far.
“Your lord father will not give up on taking you back to the House. He sends us after you under the reasoning of filial betrayal, and unless you are acquitted of that judgment, we will not stop. Can not stop.”
“Don’t ‘Meg’ me. Go East, to Athens. Pray to your goddess. Don’t make me come after you again.”
Her hand comes down from his cheek to rest against the side of his neck. He can’t stop looking at her. Her red eyes shine in the light.
She’s the first to look away, to step away. He feels rooted to the spot. “The next time I see you had better be at trial. Don’t make me regret this.”
“I won’t let you down,” he assures her, watching as she readies herself for flight. Where is she going to go?
“I know you won’t.”
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carrowe · 6 years
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AMYCUS CARROW is A DEATH EATER in the war, even though HIS official job is as A CURSE BREAKER & HIT MAN the TWENTY SIX year old PUREBLOOD is known to be PATIENT and RESERVED but also VIOLENT and TWO FACED. some might label them as THE DEVIL IN DISGUISE. fc: ryan gosling 
feel it still - portugal the man // devil like me - rainbow kitten surprise // dead man’s arms - bishop briggs // fever pitch - rainbow kitten surprise // devil eyes - hippie sabotage // dark side - bishop briggs.
pinterest board (x)
Amycus Abigor Carrow came crashing into the world screaming for his sister. Born the eldest to the Carrow dynasty, he was expected to eventually mount the role as the heir to the family legacy, but Amycus quickly proved himself to be Quite the Disappointment. 
As a young child, Amycus was soft spoken, easily intimidated and quiet ( main inspiration for baby Amycus: Radu from And I Darken tbh ). Mostly clung to the family’s staff, always crying, always craving closeness. For a while, he was just as angelic as he looked. 
Never saw much of his parents while growing up. His father was a successful businessman who only had kids because he was supposed to ( to carry on the blood line ), and wanted nothing to do with him. Instead, Amycus was left in the care of his grandfather.
His grandfather was FUCKED. An absolutely terrible man. A Death Eater before his time. An actual demon. Can’t say enough bad things about him, ya feel.
Either way, his grandfather was absolutely disgusted by Amycus, who could never fit into the mold that had been created for him. Thought his grandson was a poor excuse for a Carrow and thought he could change that through pain and violence. So, lessons were drilled in using corporal punishment, and the emotional and physical abuse he suffered eventually turned him into something colder and darker. What had once been soft, turned harsh, rough around the edges. A shell of a boy was left behind, not a trace of that sweetness left behind once they were done with him ( but were they ever? ).
Amycus basically became filled with resentment against everyone in his family, with the exception of Alecto. She has always been there, from the day they were born. She was the one to dry his tears, the one to hold his hand, the one to tell him where to hide. The one constant, his safe haven. They come as a matching set, and Amycus would kill ( and definitively has, too lbr ) for her.
Gained a definite rebellious streak pretty early on, which only became more aggressive as he got older. Once he reached his teenage years, he’d do ANYTHING and everything to fuck with his father & grandfather. Kinda stopped caring about the punishment, so used to pain that he stopped fearing it. Almost stopped feeling it.
Definitively grew up in his sister’s shadow, and was always the lesser Carrow.
When he turned fifteen, he moved out and never looked back. Decided to make his own future, and just never spoke to his family (Alecto is always the exception we all know this) again. Because fuck y’all, basically.
SO. His family’s plans had been for him to finish his education at Hogwarts, and then follow in his father’s foot steps and take over the company and the family name. Amycus had different plans though, obviously. 
His family were... so angry with him. But they definitively pretend ( because can’t have Amycus ruining their good reputation, am I right ) that they were the ones to encourage Amycus to find his own path in life and become a curse breaker.
Though, Amycus was never denounced as a Carrow ( because they didn’t wanna air their dirty laundry to the world, ya know ). Most pureblood families have noticed though that Amycus isn’t exactly... close with his family. I mean, at pureblood parties, he literally pretends that he can’t see them. 
old gramophones, blood stained mirrors, broken glasses, bleeding fists, standing in silence for hours, chipped teeth, unwavering loyalty, unhealed scars, getting home at the crack of dawn, red wine, eyes too blue to be trusted, long showers, god complexes, the color of dusk, messy hair, blood soaked suits, always cheating death, a rebel just for kicks, dried crimson on dull blades, half smiles, just beating and beating until the world stops, no conscience, half empty wine bottles, impersonal offices, a face that doesn’t quite match his demeanor.
Was a hat stall between Hufflepuff and Slytherin. 
patience/loyalty/dedication vs self preservation/resourcefulness/dedication mostly.
At Hogwarts, Amycus felt in power for the first time. Ended up becoming the aggressor, finding solace in pain and violence. Found that he was good at inflicting pain, and liked being good at SOMETHING. Had never really felt that before. :/
Eventually got a taste for blood, and started getting into fights with other students, each run in more violent than the next.
STILL, did not end up in detention, because for a while, the teachers couldn’t believe that someone like Amycus ( who was mostly known for being very quiet and looking sweet ) would hurt another student. It would take for him to eventually get caught in the act, until that perception shattered.
Was that kid who used bugs and insects to practice unforgivable curses on. Eventually progressed to torturing students as well.
Excelled in charms, and can do wonders with a wand when he puts his mind to it. Most other grades were pretty shit though. 
Once he graduated from Hogwarts, he was meant to take his place in the Carrow dynasty ( grandfather somehow STILL believing that he would come to his senses ), but fuck that. So he basically left the country as fast as possible, and became a cursebreaker.
Which just made sense, because he has always been good at inflicting curses, and breaking them isn’t that different. He is very good at what he does.
First few years were spent working in ancient tombs abroad, mostly. That kind of work fit him really well, because he could wear whatever he wanted, didn’t have to talk to people too much, could do his own thing. Was also always someone around to beat up.
After a while, he started missing his sister, and returned home, where he found work at the ministry of magic. Today, he works for the removal of curses, jinxes and hexes office, which is a subdivision for the improper use of magic office. 
Really likes his job? BUT. Also has a #second job.
On the side, he’s sort of a gun ( wand ) for hire, and will kill anyone who needs to be killed, for a price. Gives zero shit about the money though ( but the client needs to be rich, ya feel ).
Most of his clients are members of the sacred 28, who somehow always seem to want SOMEONE dead.
Honestly, I haven’t 100% figured out how he conducts this business because obviously he wants to remain anonymous. He probably has some sort of dramatic way of getting people to give him names that need to die idk. #to be determined
Joined the Death Eaters mostly because of his sister? But their agenda also really fits him, because violence? Bigotry? Death? Sign him tf up.
He isn’t the most invested in the whole pureblood supremacy thing ( but would he ever admit that? that’s a no ), but overall likes Voldemort and what he stands for.
Though he’s also lowkey intimidated by / afraid of Voldemort and is quite pleased with the fact that he doesn’t have to report directly to him.
For the Death Eaters, Amycus mostly works as an information gatherer, which is basically just a euphemism for him being one of their main torturers, who will torture people until they tell him whatever it is the Death Eaters want to know. He usually works together with his sister and they are disturbingly good at what they do.
Cares very little for most people and is so so so selfish.
Lacks most of the finesse of his sister, tbh.
100% neutral evil. Kind of has a moral compass, it just points in the wrong direction at all times? Mostly just does whatever is best for him and Alecto though, and has zero interest in any righteous bullshit.
Does he think that he’s doing the right thing? Nope. He’s well aware that he’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing. A bad dude.  Does he care? Also no.
Might just be the most private person you’ll ever meet? He seldom reveals anything about himself, and when he does, it’s usually not true.
Will also lie about the dumbest and smallest of details.
SO self disciplined. Always in complete control, and it’s very hard to get a genuine reaction / rise out of him. Also so so so patient, and is happy to wait for whatever his current end game is.
Drinks and smokes heavily, but doesn’t personally think that he has a problem.
Mostly just a dumb asshole.
Thrives off violence and is a total brute tbh.
Never fucking does what anyone tells him to do. 
Someone: pls do this Amycus: *does the exact opposite*
Bisexual !
Pretty good at hiding his death eater ties since he’s… paranoid as FUCK. And also keeps to himself. Always wears a mask. But some people probably suspect… stuff anyways, if they’ve like. Spent longer than two hours with him. Listen if Amycus wasn’t such a fucking asshole he probably could get away with it (/scooby doo villain voice). But then again, others will probably think he’s just cold af.
Looks a lot nicer than he is, which works to his advantage most of the time? Like he just looks like a nerdy, good dude. Is a total demon, but looks like an angel. 
Wears glasses (x), but somehow manages to fucking break them ALL THE TIME. The only thing keeping them together is magic.
Wears mostly wizard suits for work ( bc he has to :/ ), but will wear those long black robes in his free time. Think a vampire cape, flying in the wind. Ultimate drama. He really is THAT guy.
Will also wear stupid wizard band t-shirts a lot when working.
Keeps his hair short.
Like 70% of his wealth is probably spent on buying new clothes, because he keeps fucking ruining them by getting blood on them? Or just having them ripped to shreds in a fight, that works too.
Looks like he’s wearing the same exact shoes every day but actually has like... 200 different pairs. They all look the same.
Eyes appear either blue or grey, depending on the lighting.
Has some tattoos, and a half sleeve on his right arm, going from his shoulder to his elbow.
caleb haas ( quantico )- the snark. the assholery. the background. the black sheep.
clay haas ( quantico ) - just the right amount of polished. the style. the general aesthetic. the hair.
angelus ( btvs ) - the disregard for human life. the darkness. the occasional brooding. the quips. 
holden ford ( mindhunter ) - the scheming. the hidden ambition. the slyness. the resolution.
lucifer morningstar ( lucifer ) - the smile, the general vibe, the quips, the mannerisms, the darkness.
eric northman ( southern vampire mysteries ) - the confidence. the general dumbness. the stubbornness.
demon dean winchester ( supernatural ) - the occasional charm. the being an actual demon-ness. the blood lust. the bad jokes. the weakness for a pretty face.
wolverine ( x men ) - the violence. the moodiness. the hatred. the occasional gruff demeanor.
takeshi kovac ( altered carbon ) - the violence. the fucked up moral compass. the buried anger. the instinct to fight.
elian ( to kill a kingdom ) - the rebel prince. the angry heir. the sarcasm. the dialogue.
radu ( and i darken ) - amycus as a child. the softness. the sweet face. the loyalty to his sister.
hannibal lecter ( silence of the lambs ) - the calm. the politeness. seems so civilized, so nice. isn’t though.
DISSONANT SERENITY - someone smiling gently in the middle of death and carnage, seeming almost enlightened as they slit throats left and right.
THE BERSERKER - throws himself into battle with such reckless abandon, that it seems like he wants to die. never, ever retreats.
FACE OF AN ANGEL, MIND OF A DEMON - looks nice, is a demon.
DEVIL IN PLAIN SIGHT - obviously up to no good, but few people seem to take notice.
EVEN EVIL HAS LOVED ONES - loves his sister.
BLACK SHEEP - the family screw up, someone who rejects their role in the family.
DARK AND TROUBLED PAST™ - something terrible happened in the past. tragic backstory. yada yada.
EVEN EVIL HAS STANDARDS - or at least his own moral compass.
MAN OF WEALTH AND TASTE - turns out evil has quite a lot of money and excellent fashion taste. most of the time.
PRAGMATIC VILLAINY - only does evil things when it serves him or his purposes tbh.
OPPORTUNISTIC BASTARD - doesn’t really have a plan, totally winging it.
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