#i just had to set this in the queenpin verse because i neeeeed the angst
sevenbulletsavior · 8 months
New York had never been a blip on the radar of S.H.I.E.L.D. until the Invasion and after...after the city had been left to clean up the mess on its own. The people had persevered, they always did, and life had went back to what would be considered normal...except there was Fisk in the shadows, pulling strings, manipulating, crushing and killing to get what he wanted and S.H.I.E.L.D. turned a blind eye to it all, focused on other threats that they deemed more important to deal with. (And maybe they were more important but it didn't change the fact that Fisk was a dangerous man.)
S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't care because it didn't affect them so the fight back arose from within the city itself. Karen had watched the changing landscape, the birth of Daredevil and the Punisher, of the Iron Fist and Luke Cage and even Jessica Jones...but the city was never truly changed. Fisk was still there in the shadows, omnipresent and puppeteering.
When she'd plunged the knife into him and ended his life, much like the heroes who protected the city, who were birthed from a darkness that they were thrust into, Karen was reborn as well.
She never expected S.H.I.E.L.D. to interfere, let alone question a change in the status quo, but as she stared across at Natalya, gun leveled center-mass at her chest, Karen wondered what changed their mind. (Or was the spy doing this of her own accord?) The wine glass in hand was placed on the marble countertop, red lipstick staining the rim, and the woman let out a soft exhale of what could be construed as disappointment as she moved towards the other.
Should she had been afraid a bullet would be put into her? Probably. Was she? Not at all. Standing before Nat, a hand reached out to brush a stray strand of hair from her face and then Karen leaned in to press a soft kiss to the other woman's lips, gun pressing into her chest. As they broke apart, she stayed close, eyeing her lover's features closely before she spoke in a hushed whisper. "We could do so much good for this city, Talya. So much good."
@chernayavidua gets a kiss 💋.
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