#i just get tired of hearing the word redemption applied to every morally grey or morally corrupt character that ever
mystery-salad · 2 years
Heeheehoohoo time for a random not so popular opinion✨️
Mai Trin did not need and was not looking for redemption. She made it clear through dialog, especially with Marjory, that she couldn't make up for the people she killed and the lives she ruined. She didn't particularly care enough to even properly remember names.
She joined our team not because she left the Aetherblades, but because Ankka lead a mutiny and took them from her. There was no crew aside from Ivan for her to return to. She held onto Scarlet, a woman who inspired her and spurred her on, but who was equally unapologetic about her past.
She worked with us because it would also help her make things up to Joon, which she still clearly wasn't sure if it was even possible.
She helped us because in the face of a world ending, what else do you do. She liked her fresh start in Cantha, she loved working with new tech as did Scarlet. The two found a peaceful balance, and the world ending because of Ankka was gonna ruin that.
She didn't die because she was martyring herself or looking to be forgiven and wipe the slate clean and be seen as a hero. She died because she wanted the world to keep moving like most people do, and Scarlet in her head was the only one who could turn off that power grid. Ankka just unfortunately happened to catch up to her and corner her in that moment too. It sucks, but that's just how it goes.
Ellen Kiel can suck my ass.
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