#i just feel awful and bad and i want evrything to be over.
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itsalwaysdark · 3 months ago
i need to get back on testosterone oh my god.
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saturnxlust · 10 months ago
Sighhhh this is a shit post cause i have nothing else to do🫶🫶
John Marston x Fem!Reader
Hes a interesting lover
He isnt that bad but hes not like amazing
I imagine he was a good dad for the most part to john but i dont think he’d want another kid
If you do he might just shove jack in your arms and let you take care of him for awhile
Jack is a sweetheart though🫶🫶
I dont think abigal could really complain about their marriage other then the fact he ran away for about a year and constantly left for days at a time without telling anyone
If you have a problem with that he might just shrug and offer to take you with him
But if you decline and ask him to stay home with you hes not too keen on it
Most of the time its usually missions dutch sends him on that take days but there have been a few occasions where they take a week
When everything went bad with the gang at the bank his first priority was you and jack
He wanted to get you out of this life and run away like he had before blackwater
He knew everyone would be counting on him and arthur to keep dutch sane though so he begrudgingly stayed
When arthur, dutch, javier, and micah go missing its chaos
He goes practically insane not knowing what to do
He also heavily mourns the loss of his “adopted” father hosea
He shuts down almost completely and relies on you for almost everything
Most of his days are spent in his cot wishing for them to come back, that is until you join him
He gets distracted by you almost enough to forget hes lost his 2 father figures and his older brother figure
Micah he doesnt really care about, never understand why the man was so sour all the time
Javier he misses, mostly wanting him to be at the camp to bring everyones spirts up by playing a song
Secretly sings one of javiers songs while working by himself
When they finally come back hes never been happier, but while he was slumped in bed he was imagining hosea would come back with them and that they had grabbed his body to keep him alive
When thats not the case he cries
Genuine tears fall from his eyes that night as he holds you and goes through the grieving process all over again
It took some words of encouragement from arthur to get him up and moving the next day
When dutch and micah flee leaving arthur and him and a few others to deal with their attackers
He doesnt let you out of his sight
Not wanting you to get hit in the crossfire
Once everything was over and you all were safe again he never left your side and his hands stayed on you at all costs
He feels like if he isnt holding you and constantly around you then something will happen
When evrything goes bad and arthur dies? Oh god
You thought he was bad before
Hes awful now
He starts crying as soon as he finds out and if your off doing something he immediately seeks your comfort
Walking up to you and holding you while he cries into your shoulder is the only thing he knows to do right now
When he eventually calms a little hes gone
Lost almost completely
Theres not much you can say without him breaking down again so you decide to be silent
Holding him and running your hands through his hair
He falls to his knees infront of you and his arms wrap around your wait as he cries into your stomach
His hat is long gone somewhere but it didnt matter to him
All that mattered is that his best friend and brother was dead and there was nothing he could do
He wished arthur had told him sooner
He wished he had read the signs after micah began calling him black lung
He wished he had gotten arthur medicine
Even if it wouldnt have helped much it wouldve done something
And then the anger sets in
He gets up abruptly and walks away
Beginning to throw and punch things, nothing at you
Not even close to you
He screams and curses micah and dutches names
Feeling betrayed by those he once called his family
Once the anger leaves he breaks down again
Sobbing and shaking as he reaches out for you, silently begging you to do something to fix this
You just walked over and held him in your arms, letting him fall asleep against you
The last thing you remember seeing is him snoring softly in your arms as you leaned against a tree
Falling asleep yourself after being so tired of being on the run
God knows what happened to the rest and may god keep them safe is the last thought that rings through your head before you fall asleep with john pressed against you
Oh my god i didnt realize how in depth i went with his grief😭😭
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thisdreamplace · 4 years ago
Hii. Two people in my family r v self-righteous. They make unreasonable requests, then when those 'requests' arnt met obvii, they get v... You'll see
Many times they do things that exclude the certain person they're 'targeting' and will pretend its the other person (the target) who's acting wrong. Theyll team up and exclude the target, and if you mention this, they get v defensive and together lash out against the speaker, listijg long random details of how the speaker did so and so. And most of it is, frankly, unfair and unreasonable 'reasons'
Ive been the target, and so have others in my family. But these two refuse to get how hurtful and self-righteous their actions are! I say self righteous becaus they literally are convinced they have the 'right' to 'act' this way, as it seems so justified in their eyes. I can't deal with this, esp as it's a sensitice tkpic and in the past id fall into their guilt traps and as a result had near zero esteem + became a pushover at school. I'd think if im not being of use to anyonez or if I say no, it's so wrong and I'm a bad guy who has to suffer for that. Thanks to these Law blogs on tumbler and other things ive learned... That thinking is so victim-y blegh. Good for me, lol
Things in my family, as u can guess, aren't that great, thanks to this weird clique-ish behavjor, and other reasons too. But this reason, it's not only me who's facing this behavior? It's others too? And frankly idec abt this behavior that much coz I'm used to it and i am trying to see it as a challenge to improve my self concept eg realising it shouldn't really matter to me if I'm excluded and they make plans w/o me. Why shd I let myself get hurt? I can use this to realise im the one who can create and besides, I've been working on an assumption in which I'm leaving this place (not much success thereyet, but im spinning this in a positive way, if evrything is neutral!)
Ik why this happens to me - it's evry time I accept my olf assumptions on them acting this way, this creates more of the old story-- but why does it happen to others too? Or how can I make them realise wth they're doing? Theyre only damaging themselves anyway :(
Sorry for being all over the place
And also, I said im working on my self concept, so I found out some major beliefs I had, and while meditating i discovered this random old memory from when I was a child ig which I think is where I started to buy into me being guilty and ashamed of who I am. Ik this stuff is what they call shadow work but still do u know where I can go from here? How do I work with this awful memory? To like put it away forever, coz I thought being aware of it would be enough, but it isnt. Some say forgive urself, and the others in the memory, but idk it doesn't seem to work for me. I don't feel relief. Do u have experience with this? Or do u have a resource u could share with me that deals with this safely?
Ok bye bye luvv u
Firstly I want to say I'm sorry this is something you are experiencing. But thanks to the law, you have the power to change it for good.
That being said, I think this is why it's really important to go all in when you come to the law of assumption. It's a lot deeper than just manifesting things. You can't be one foot in, one foot out when it comes to the law. You have to acknowledge all the concepts and learn how to apply them. You're experiencing a lot more grief over this topic, because of how you're not applying "everyone is you pushed out." Taking full responsibility for every aspect of the law, and therefore every aspect of your life, will lead you to the solutions you're seeking.
"but why does it happen to others too? Or how can I make them realise wth they're doing?"
It's not happening to anyone else. It's only happening to you and you're experiencing it happening to "others" because of how you're keeping this reality alive. You don't have to make them realize anything, not by force anyway. All you have to do is go within. There is no one to change but self. Period. There's a really good article that could help you get on the right track with this:
No One To Change But Self
When it comes to that memory, from my experience the best I could ever do is let it be and know how it means nothing anymore. Even if it still hurts. The thing is, self concept work has more to do with building self confidence. And this confidence lies in remembering who you really are: God of your reality. The more you focus on that instead, the pain surrounding the memory will begin to dissolve on it's own. Because you know how anything not aligned with love just simply isn't the truth anymore. I think this following article could be helpful in giving you an idea on how to navigate difficult inner moments.
Self Acceptance
I hope this is helpful! 💖
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mikey80021 · 8 years ago
Life is happening so fast now and as the each day goes by I get more scared and scared realIizing everything I fought for so hard to keep and now I have to walk away from it all. It breaks my heart I was never truly able to tell you how I feel in person. And it sucks i have to be all alone again half way around the world. Evryone says don't go in with a gf or married or even settle down at a early age but fuck that's all I ever wanted with you and I wish I did more back then. I never wanna leave your side again and it hurts and hurts so much. The pain is unbearable not from what you did but because what I never could do.. I'll always be afraid ur so perfect and idc how big u get cuz dude ur beautiful in my eyes and what I see in you is true love. I see a girl who needs a real guy to be real with her and I know I can do that :/... I always dream of us being a thing once again. I wake up everyday around 3 and I think of you and I start to get a anxiety attack. I lied to u before I still get them til this day😔. I just wanted you to think I was okay but the truth comes out eventually. I'm not. I cry a lot more now cuz I feel like I'm still giving u pain when I want the opposite for you. I still blame myself for ruining ur life and I always will. That kills me dude. I know u forgave me but it sucks even now u cry to me and it just sucks. I wish I can tell u how terrible that makes me feel that ur hurting. I was numb angie cuz when I'm with you I forget about evrything, and I see you for who you are. Ur with me right in front of me that's why I'm numbed by ur emotions. When your away evrything hits me so hard. Like after the mall I was crushed I put my sunglasses on and cried and cried so bad dude. I wanted to pull over and cry so fucking bad.. when I tried kissing u and u pushed me away fuck dude that hurt and that killed me a lil inside. My first time trying and it was awful. I'll always be sorry for entering your life and doing this to you:(.
I'm srry for the pain I make u go through
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