#i just dont need ANOTHER disorder jajdkdkfk
t4t-apexeclipse · 1 month
patton wondering if he has moral ocd based on an online post or something and immediately being like “omg am i a bad person for thinking this BEFORE doing my research?? im not claiming to have it or anything but what if i end up being wrong and i inadvertently give a bad name to those who self diagnose???? i should do research to see whether im right or wrong but do i even wanna know?????? but if i DONT do research and continue to wonder if i do have it, then id be just as bad as people who FAKE disorders. how do people know if someone is faking a disorder though? oh no i don’t wanna fakeclaim anyone because what if they ARE dealing with the disorder they say they have and im being a monster by thinking there are people who fake????????”
this goes on for a while
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