#i just don't have any particular characters in mind to go along with said note X'D
this is really random lil post, but~... since i've been thinking about this recently, thought i'd make a lil post about it--
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𝓡𝓟 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓷𝓮𝓻 𝓜𝓾𝓼𝓮 𝓦𝓲𝓼𝓱𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽~
Below the cut is a list of muses i'd love to write with at some point or another~, and while i know some of my mutuals do write certain muses that'll be mentioned-- I still had the desire to include them, just for the sake of making that interest a lil more apparent~ u w u
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𝓒𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷 𝓡𝓮𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓜𝓾𝓼𝓮𝓼
Shouhei Ikushima
Other side/Background characters (ie: Minato's old FWBs, his/Itsuki's mother Reiko, his/Itsuki's grandmother)
𝓒𝓻𝓸𝓼𝓼 𝓞𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓑𝓪𝓼𝓮𝓭 𝓜𝓾𝓼𝓮𝓼
The "Love Interests" cast from the Amnesia VNs (ie: Ikki, Shin, Toma, and Kent-- tho mainly the first two, is i'm being fully honest)
The "Love Interests" cast from Collar x Malice (added note that writing with Ichika might be fun as well, but i do admit that most of the boys are more on mind with this lol--)
Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho (tho tbh, i feel like Minato meeting Kuwabara or Hiei could be a riot too lol)
Added cast from The Case Study of Vanitas (namely the man himself, plus perhaps Jeanne and Domi as well--)
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triptychgardener · 1 year
what are your thoughts on the idea of transmasc roxy in general
I have to say I've grown much less fond of the concept as time progresses. I think transmasc Roxy as it appears in postcanon feels like one of many moves made in the epilogues to specifically jab at certain parts of fandom, but in such an odd way that feels kind of hostile. Roxy being headcanoned as a trans girl goes so far back that it was a common heacanon in 2012! It's mentioned in a premier Homestuck history and backreading podcast (Homestuck Made This World). The XY in Roxy's name is literally referred to as CHROMOSOMAL in her intro! She refers to herself as a girl more than any other character in the comic! Hussie's earlier notes say that same-letter chumhandles (GG, TT) are girls, where the hetero-lettered chumhandles are boys (EB, TG). And then along come Roxy and Dirk, who have TT and TG as their own chumhandles! They're even noted as having their personalities be so much more like their opposite-gendered ancestors! So it feels like a. VERY distinctly odd choice to make Roxy in particular, of all characters, transmasculine. I don't want to say it's intentional, but it's odd. It also speaks to two trends I dislike about fandom trans headcanons specifically when it comes to Homestuck, but also elsewhere. 1. The idea that all characters are cis by default, and none of them could have been trans before the game. Saying that when Vriska Serket and Kanaya Maryam exist is essentially factually incorrect. It's disappointing ESPECIALLY because some of the best Homestuck fanon (and canon!) thrives on the voids between what is said, the implications that get turned on their head. and 2. The denial of the fact that trans women can, in fact, have complicated relationships with femininity and womanhood! This is far too much for me to go into on a work night on my Homestuck blog, but especially with the Lalondes, who have Things about femininity (Roxy being the "cool girl" ultra-accomodating, never making a fuss out of her problems, and Rose's Whole Deal with her mother and her mind games) that ring Very True to me as a trans woman. Obviously, headcanon is not erasure, but at this point I can't say I care too much for transmasc Roxy. Also, essentially making Roxy into another Strider just sucks as a character arc. Dave should be more of a Lalonde not the other way around.
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omaano · 2 months
I absolutely love your Hades au, do you have any planned dialogue between characters? Because I would really love to see a trial of the gods between Leia and Anakin, the pettiness is palpable.
Thank you, I'm real happy that you like it! ❤️
I don't exactly go about this AU from a coherent story-writing point of view, I just want to see all these characters (and some places) drawn in the game's style. So usually the way I go about the dialogues is either to go and whine to some of my amazing writer friends until they take pity on me (as it has been the case with Rex, and much earlier with Boba), or spend a week or two sweating over a single one-liner ^^;
With trial of the gods, I think the dialogue is rather aimed at the player in a "You better pick me first next time, but you're lukcy I still like you" (which, of course can still be petty as hell) - so what I'd rather love to see is a Duo Boon with Leia and Anakin :D that's where the gods/boon-giver characters interact and react to each other, now that would be super passive agressive anywhere with these two! (although I don't think it's possible to get a duo or even a trial of the gods with Hermes, and that's where Leia is cast in this AU. She's a very important political/rebel figure, she's always in a rush, I think it fits.)
(I kind of wish my main criteria for picking the god characters hadn't been "make them mostly Jedi" (and Boba and Cobb) because that really cuts down on their possible interactions, if you want to imagine them like that.... but these were also the characters I wanted to draw so... Priorities had shifted along the lines, I suppose ^^;)
All that said I do have a one-liner in mind for Din's meeting with Obi-wan ("Now, I wonder where I have last seen someone roundkick a droid's head clean off like that."); and I've had a few alternative ideas for Maul's monologuing that very much shows the effect Mand'alor Darasuum has had on me. (Maul finally gets a teeny tiny apprentice in that one, as a small detail. It's awesome, I still need to finish reading it and leave a comment, but in the meantime I'll rec it here!)
Maul: "Hunger. Raw meat. Best devoured while it still wriggles - good, good. We've got quite a little carnivore on our hands it seems. Such potential is entirely wasted on pacifism and the Jedi way." Din: "So you are not a Jedi, then?"
And then it was real fun to imagine the indignant rage Maul would fly into for that accusation XD
There is also one line for Maul in my notes for when Din goes to see him with Ahsoka's token in his pocket:
Maul: "You have something else Force-touched on you. Not you, of course, you are as blank in the Force as a Mandalorian can ever hope to be, but something... brighter."
And there was also the one that was too tempting and thus had to be cast aside where Maul points out that he had been Mand'alor once, and the Darksaber still remembers him, to which Din's natural reaction (who has not yet been enlightened about that particular part of Mandalorian history by anyone hanging out around home base) is of course "Neat, do you want it back?"
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blackjackkent · 4 months
As I mentioned, Rakha is now getting levels in Lore Bard going forward because @zenjestrr has (rightly) suggested that her being able to get Spirit Guardians and run screaming directly into the enemy backline while everyone around her explodes is highly in-character.
My interpretation of this, character-wise, is that Rakha has continued her practice established here of fiddling around with Alfira's lute and is starting to discover interesting things about how it interacts with her instinctive understanding of magic.
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Almost immediately after they make camp near Last Light, Rakha retreats to the very edge of the lighted area. Sitting down at the edge of the water, she settles the lute across her lap and begins to pluck gently at the strings.
It's become a common sight in their various camps since Alfira's death. Wyll has watched and listened with interest - mostly from a distance, so as not to make her self-conscious, but today he wanders over, stopping a few steps away.
(It's a gesture of support, in his mind, but deep down perhaps he too feels the deep strain of this dark place... and perhaps he too finds comfort in being near her in a way neither of them have spoken of aloud.)
"Hey," he says with a slight smile. "That's starting to sound like a proper tune."
She doesn't look up; her eyes are fixed intently on the middle distance, staring through the river to something past it. "I wish you could see it," she mutters.
He tips his head sideways. "See what?"
"The Weave... it resonates." She plucks a particular series of notes out with an air of intense focus. "There... I can almost..."
He sits down next to her, very slowly so as not to break her focus. "I don't see anything," he admits quietly. "I can feel you're doing something, but not really what." His magic comes from Mizora; it's not in any way intrinsic to him the way it is for Rakha.
She repeats the series of notes carefully and then huffs out a breath full of frustration. "There is magic in it. The music. If I can touch it, use it..."
She sets her jaw; her eyes drift half-closed and she lets out a low growl and slams her hand along the strings, playing all the notes at once in a single sharp chord.
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Light flares around them, a burst that sets every blade of grass glowing. Wyll looks down at his hands and sees the light sparkling over his skin, glimmering like fire without heat.
Rakha, too, is shimmering with it, in her eyes and through her hair and along her arms. Her eyebrows have lifted and just for a moment he sees her face transformed with an attitude of transcendent joy. Then the moment passed, and she is serious again, calm, quiet, her gaze hooded over.
"There," she mutters. "That's it..."
"Wow," Wyll whispers. "How did you..."
"I don't know." She shrugs. "It just... felt right. It felt right..." She looks down at the instrument in her hands, brushes her fingertips carefully along the fretboard. "The magic here is so wrong, Wyll," she adds in a low voice.
"I know." Wyll hesitates, then very carefully reaches out and rests a hand on her arm. He can feel every muscle in it flexed as if ready to snap. "But look at you - making your own light, just as I said you would."
An almost imperceptible smile tugs at her lips. "Yes..."
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ctheathy · 1 year
Rio Ranger Fluff Alphabet 1/4
Rio Ranger x Reader
Alphabet Letter ABCDEFG [Fluff]
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Author’s note: Currently obsessed with the biggest bastard in the universe and have been mentally surviving because of Character AI, so I just had to scribble this down.
A little warning that this might be more harsh and unhealthy than your average fluff alphabet. But please remember that we’re talking about a character who quite literally lacks all positive emotions in his creation ... You are his heart. And he just needs to warm himself up to that.
Rio Ranger/Reader [Romantic]
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Because you’re technically both stuck in a killing game where danger lingers at every corner, a lot of the more ‘normal’ activities are most likely minimised. The role of being the third floormaster also puts a ton of responsibility on his hands, so most free time gets reduced to the smallest possible degree. This doesn’t stop you, however. You just keep dragging him along with you against his will. Rio would feel slightly weirded out but strangely amused by your behaviour towards him. Unlike the others, you never treated him as your enemy to begin with. He’d play along with you at first. Constantly watching if you have any hidden motives or goals behind your sickly sweet demeanor. Only to figure out the facts and realise that... You don't.
You’d pull him along to do quite literally anything remotely fun you have the chance of doing in this hell hole, pulling him away from the killing game itself after the said attractions to instead spend both of your time in your assigned room. I especially enjoy the thought of you both doing activities in order to make him feel more human rather than as a doll. This usually just results in you painting his nails, giving him some make-up of your own to enjoy, using some facial paint on his features or brushing his beautiful ginger locks as you both babble your days away. Other fun things would include you both creating more face cards such as the ones he always held with him, helping you make some of your own so you two can twin.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Due to him physically being a doll and having this inferiority complex towards humans, he’s most likely going to adore every single inch of you, his low status striking him once again, but he wouldn’t dare show you this. It sadly does add onto insecurity and even potential jealousy. And although the list of things he adores about you is endless, there’s something else in particular that specifically helped you steal his heart with no exceptions.
Your determination to be kind to him.
This is what he admires about you the most. We all know he can behave like an unbearable prick and he made it clear that he wasn’t up for friendships with humans. And yet... You never lost your hope in him. Despite his floormaster title, you still viewed an treated him as you did with any other participant. You still smiled at him. And your lack of resentment towards him might just be exactly what he needed in order to lessen his own towards the other players in the game.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Rio has little to no experience in proper communication, much less the instinctive responses the human body and mind can have towards themselves. As soon as you fall into these little habits, he would at first just stare blankly at you; not knowing what on earth to think. He’d move over towards you, being somewhat awkward with his movements yet being strangely... Caring at the same time. He won’t be too intimately touchy with you, but you’ll definitely get a hug here and there and he always seems to want to entangle his hand with yours.
Ranger has seen the affects of true despair on past participants. And despite his lack of care and empathy towards others, he knows he doesn’t want you to feel the same way. He finds the sensitivity of human emotions difficult to deal with, but ... He cannot help but feel this need to help you. Despite being rather unhandy when it comes to physical contact and affection, it seems like he wants to stay close to you or at least remain in the same room whenever you’re feeling down or are going through an episode. He’d also leave behind snacks and other basic human needs to make sure you’ll still take good care of yourself. He does truly care about you in his own way ...and it will show as long as you keep note of the little details.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
He doesn’t really tend to think about the future nor care about it that deeply. To him, the only importance is here and now. Though every now and then his mind will go towards the what ifs. He’s seen romantically involved relationships between other players before you came along and though he never thought much of it back then; he sometimes cannot help but hope for the exact same things to happen between you two. The connections he’s gotten glimpses of before you two became a couple stuck with him and it now sometimes makes him wonder if the same are capable between you and him.
Somewhere deep down, he truly does desire a bond of trust with another that doesn’t require certain motives or gets deeply affected with the current circumstances you find yourselves in. He wants to be understood and accepted for who he is.
He wants to be... Human
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
He naturally feels inferior towards those who are human and you are no exception. This mainly results in him trying to boss you around and act like a much more dominant individual than he actually is. He’s always had this facade to keep on in order to live up to his father’s expectations as the third floormaster. He wants to believe that he’ll stick together like glue until the end, with or without being looked after. But he keeps on feeling this damned warmth in his chest whenever you provide the littlest bit of affection, resulting in him melting in your arms behind pure instinct.
Realistically speaking, the boy loves to be babied and has a soft spot for those who are the nurturing type. He’s really just a child in an adult’s body, especially after facing the neglect of his father. He likes to convince himself that he doesn’t need love and care at all. But if anything, he internally craves it more than anything. He finds himself getting shaken up with the tiniest bit of affection and doesn’t know how to handle the sensation of it. He truly is rather sensitive towards it all.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Ah yes. Very fluffy, guys.
It most likely depends on what the fight is about. You both constantly get into little squabbles and contests where you test one another, mainly caused by Ranger’s unending and merciless teasing. But there is absolutely no hard feelings behind a lovers quarrel. Heavier topics however ... are a different story. It most likely ranges between his insecurities getting the best of him and taking it out on you, or you calling out his father’s terrible influence. And if it’s mentioned, Ranger goes mad.
Even if somewhere deep down, he knows that you’re more than right. After a screaming fit is thrown, he’s likely going to avoid you for a while to try and sort his feelings out. Fortunately after this, he will 100% come crawling back like his life depends on it. And in all honesty, it does. You’re the only one out there who made him experience these foreign feelings... he wouldn’t dare lose that now. He seems like the type to never directly apologise because of his stubborn- and pettiness, but he would stop trying to prevent facing you at some point. He’d still dodge questions and reason, but he would try and show he’s sorry by giving you little gifts all around the block.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He wouldn’t share it to the open eye for sure, but he does realise that you’ve always done a lot for him. He sometimes even considers himself undeserving for every little effort you’ve put into your bond with him. He struggles a lot with sharing his true emotions and it has a lot of healing to do in order for this to get better. He shows his gratefulness through physical touch and contact, something he usually wouldn’t allow at all and where one could get highly punished for. Instead, he just shows his appreciation and gratitude for you through his own ways and as much as he possibly can.
He’s absolutely smitten ... Just through his own circumstances.
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Got about 1:30 of sleep, which at least is the increment you're supposed to get it in. I had a strange dream that did not feel quite as unsettling as it should have.
I was going to watch spy kids 2 in some kind of barn (?). This girl showed up due to a law which alerted actors to when you watch movies that contain them. She did not look like any recognizable character from the movie, but honestly it has been years since watching spy kids 2 and no actual details from the movie made it into the dream.
Then I was in a lecture hall. Two college classmates were there. I will call them L and A. L gave me a bunch of handwritten lecture notes and a calendar. A was upset he had copied them from her. He also gave me this baffling hand-drawn board game about navigating through the inside of a computer. He called the movers "marines" which I thought was heavy-handedly anti-inspired. It honestly looked kind of shitty but I was trying to be polite to him. A was kind of "he's pathetic for drawing this and you're pathetic for being nice to him about it because you need better standards." (A was not someone I ever got along with well.)
David Tennant was in one of the rows in front of us. He was making a lot of noise and because I couldn't concentrate I broke my colored pencil, which I was using for some reason. I yelled at him for ruining my streak of never breaking a colored pencil. He looked over at my large array of broken colored pencils. I then tried to smooth things over but kept saying the wrong things. Then I said I couldn't speak properly because I was too tired. (This should be maybe more worrying to me than it was at the time.)
The lecture hall turned into a harbor, which was also apparently a three-way-border between South Korea, Indonesia, and the US. (Please let me get away with bad geography when I am literally not awake.) The border agents were not there to turn people away or scrutinize their paperwork, but instead were friendly tour guides. In particular there was a small zoo/visitor center about Korean wildlife, which was almost certainly wrong. A kid at the visitor center was telling another kid that "caterpillars pass out when they jee," which I somehow knew meant "pee" (I don't know if this is extant language buried in my memories somewhere or a total fabrication.) The other kid said to stop being weird.
I accidentally killed an eel that was attached to a rope, because I thought it was part of the rope and pulled on it.
I must have been woken up by noise. A bunch of other images flashed really quickly while I was waking up, some related to some degree to what I had just seen. I think this was my brain quickly going through all the dream imagery it had queued up for future scenes?
I have elided details that I have already forgotten (there was some link to Otto Matic, which makes sense in Me Dream Lore terms but is faded and indistinct now such that "there was a link" is about as much detail as I recall). This is close to what my good dreams are like at "original resolution," and keep in mind this was from 1:30 of sleep and started writing shortly after waking up to preserve as much detail as possible. Every full night's sleep implies, like, five of this.
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master-missysversion · 9 months
Headcanons for things that i think were probably actually just bad writing choices
(Disclaimer: I'm not justifying any of these things, characters are allowed to do bad things and be flawed. This is just how I choose to see things)
Rose telling that kid to go after his abusive dad in the idiots lantern was actually because she was projecting her own issues about her dad onto him. She never got to have her dad in her life so she can't concieve that some people might actually be better off without their dad
Martha saying "good old rose" in Utopia isnt just because she's jealous while jack and the doctor are celebrating Rose literally being alive, it's because she just made another new friend only to once again find out that she's sort of an outsider. It's not about jealousy, its about being on the other side of the universe from everything you know and the only people you can rely on feel like they have their own little group that you're not a part of
Side note: these lyrics for Martha
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During the year that never was, the master would sometimes have really bad spells of the drums, during one of these spells Lucy tried to help but he was frustrated and lashed out, which is how she got the bruise. It was wrong and he definitely didn't apologise but it wasn't malicious and didn't happen again. (To be clear, I think the master does and is capable of many malicious things, this is just a line that I don't want crossed)
Amy is asexual but overcompensates and tries to act the way she thinks people want her too. I can't remember if it's said in the episode but there's a minisode where Amy seems convinced the doctor only brought her along bc he's interested in her, hence the infamous kiss. She's also self-sabotaging because while she loves rory, she feels guilty because she probably doesn't love him the same way he loves her
The definition of "system" that refers to types of societies never crossed the doctors mind during Kerblam! She was always referring to the computer systems (this one may actually be somewhat canon im not sure, im not 100% convinced kerblam was intended as an endorsement of capitalism)
The doctor left the master to the nazis bc she was pissed about Bills death and being abandoned. There's not really much more explanation to this, I just think the doctor is very capable of doing terrible things and this was one of them (see also: threatening to sic the cybermen and daleks on Ashildr, the family of blood situation, killing the racnoss children etc). Writing wise, they should never have crossed that particular line. Character wise i think if you piss the doctor off enough then they tend to lose all morals
Additionally I think the doctor also sees the master as indestructible. In a way its a compliment but it just often leads to the doctor leaving the master in dangerous situations and thinking it doesn't matter bc they'll always survive anyway. And of course the master will never tell the doctor that it's hurtful when they do this so the doctor thinks the master doesn't care about it (this isn't really a bad writing choice one, its just a thing I think. And i think it influences the previous point)
The doctor was so happy in the specials and didn't mention yaz at all because they're actually just a huuuuuge liar. The second donna leaves he breaks down. He loves donna but he misses his other friends, he misses Yaz. Sometimes he thinks about going to see her but he knows it wouldn't be fair to her
Tldr everyone sucks, theyre all a mess, and I love them
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bravewolfvesperia · 8 months
/ realized I forgot to put this in my bio and will add it later but
heads up that my Yuri is a combination of JP Yuri and dub Yuri, but primarily JP. there's a whole lot of nuance to Yuri that got left out of the dub (and seeing as he has waaay more content in JP due to the vast amount of crossovers/Tales crossovers/gachas he's in, it's a lot easier to keep Toriumi's take on him (and in depth understanding no less!) in mind). overall you get the same general person, but the dub left out a lot more his casual/playful side in vocal tone, preferring to go for the "edgy cool adult" concept despite, well, the JP version of him intentionally being quite opposite.
(on another note, context I use for Yuri involves nuances found in the drama CDs that are a condensed retelling of the game (before some original stuff) as well as his childhood novel which has voiced dialogue for his child and teen years. this post covers the game, but a lot of (especially internal) stuff for my muse may be heavily affected by his backstory too which is unfortunately completely absent in the actual game itself)
there's also a lot of back and forth between him and other characters that really lost their depth in the dub (ex. Yuri being much more gentle and soft with early game Karol when Karol was convinced nobody would believe him and that he was a failure, or his banter with Flynn being a lot more relaxed and significantly less annoyed with a better understanding of each other). I'll be retaining anything the dub yeeted out for whatever odd reason regarding his relationships.
(one particular grievance of mine is in the Flynn jailbreak scene, where Yuri is basically saying "you're just dying to abandon me" and Flynn starts off with "that's right" before basically saying the same thing - i.e. they both know it's not true and Flynn is going along with it because That's Them, to which Yuri responds with a solid and fully accepting "yeah" (no hesitation, no concern over it, as he prioritizes Flynn's life over his own).
another extremely strong grievance I have is the port scene - oops also with Flynn - where he's basically holding back tears asking for answers in desperation, which was extremely if not outright completely lost in the dub where he only sounds angry and not just utterly hurt. dub Yuri? I could believe he might kill Flynn if it came to that. JP Yuri? forget it, he would hold back at the last second and couldn't go through with it. that's genuinely the level of difference that was present between both audios.
that said, I love Troy Baker's performance itself - I just think he was unfortunately deeply incorrectly directed for several of his major scenes, and also unfortunately, some of those cases were involving some of his most important relationships)
if any of y'all play Vespy any time soon, I fully recommend giving it a shot with its original context at least once (if you're playing the DE version there's an option for JP audio)! even if you don't understand JP, at the very least the tone won't be lost on you! from what I've heard apparently there wasn't much communication between the directors on both sides, so a lot of Yuri got lost in the localization (and Karol's screaming is glorious in JP lbh).
tl;dr Yuri really is just a silly little guy and he's really not that cool or serious. he's a dork. he's a dummy. and he's easily embarrassed about it. get deep enough into his feelings for Flynn when they're not in a life or death situation and he'll completely cave in embarrassment.
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bi-bard · 2 years
Reunion - Winchester Brothers Imagine (Supernatural/Criminal Minds Crossover)
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Title: Reunion
Pairing: Winchester Brothers X Sibling!Reader
Requested: nope
Word Count: 2,202 words
Warning(s): mentions of kidnapping and violence, mentions of John's shitty parenting
Summary: (S.1, E.1 for SPN, just before S.1, E.1 for Criminal Minds) Hotch and (Y/n) are assigned to a case in Jericho, California where men are disappearing without a trace. The first real lead they get causes their pathways to cross with some familiar faces from (Y/n)'s past.
Author's Note: God, I love writing for this character so much.
Find more of this character here!
Hey! I did a rewrite of the ending of Supernatural. It took a really long time to complete, so it would mean a lot to me if you check it out. Here’s a link! (it’s on my personal account)
I would've said that it was a normal case, but that would say that any case the B.A.U worked was "normal" and "straight-forward" when they could never really be classified as such.
Hotch and I were sent out to consult on a case in California.
There was a string of abductions occurring. It was always men, always in the same five-mile stretch of road. When you looked into the pattern further, the incidents went back twenty years.
Hotch was thinking it had to be a team with a mentor and a student. That was the only way for the abductions to continue on the way they have.
I agreed. That was the only human way for that timeline to work.
I was raised by John Winchester though. My antenna for the supernatural was up at all times, no matter how much I willed for it to just go away.
I had a multitude of ideas concerning this pattern. Not that I would ever voice them. I would just pray we found the human answer instead.
I knew my hopes were a waste when we showed up on the scene of the latest crime scene.
We were approaching with one of the forensics guys when I spotted them.
My brothers.
I wanted to smack both of them over the head.
Sam wasn't even meant to be hunting. He had found a life of his own at college. He was doing well in school, he had friends, he had a girlfriend. He was so happy. How did he get roped into this?
The two of them were having some kind of quiet discussion when Sam spotted me over Dean's shoulder. He hit Dean lightly so Dean would look at us.
I saw the panic cross his face. Not only at the sight of the F.B.I jackets, but at the sight of me in particular.
"Agents," he said with an incredibly awkward nod of his head.
The two of them walked off.
"Bizarre," I heard Hotch mutter.
"You're telling me," I replied before shaking the image of them out of my head and trying to focus on the case in front of me.
The scene itself didn't get us very far, but the call concerning fake federal marshals did.
We arrived at the police station to see the sheriff sitting with a box of stuff on his desk.
"What's going on," I asked.
"We found out that those two guys from the crime scene were using fake badges to impersonate federal marshals," he explained. "One of 'em used a fake ID with the same last night as another suspicious person that had been snooping the last abduction. The first guy got away and we managed to snag one of the two at the motel. Don't know where his partner went."
"And the box," Hotch glanced at it.
"The older guy was paying for a week or so," the sheriff stood up. "We got in and found news articles and photos of the missing people. Along with some senseless rambling in this weird journal."
I grabbed my dad's journal quickly, instantly recognizing the cover. I flicked through a few pages. It did seem like nonsense to those who didn't recognize it.
"Which one did you catch?"
"The smartass with short hair."
"We can't get him to give us any real answers. Keeps giving us the name Ted Nugent."
"We can try to get information about his partner from him," Hotch offered.
"Be my guest," the sheriff motioned toward the door.
"Let me try," I asked Hotch. "Please."
"Why," he replied.
"I've watched countless interrogations now," I explained. "This man isn't going to respond to a stern face and yelling. He'll just taunt you and try to get through your shell. He has a problem with outside signs of authority, clearly. Let me try to get to him."
Now, I wasn't completely lying. I just wasn't working off a hunch. Dean was my brother; I knew he had problems if anyone other than our dad tried to tell him what to do. It was a side effect of being raised as a damn soldier.
"You can try," Hotch said.
"Thank you," I grinned.
"You can step out at any time," he reminded me. I hadn't led an interrogation yet. I had just helped Hotch with most of them.
I nodded.
The sheriff handed me a box of things they found in the motel room so I could take it with me. Something was clearly wrong. My dad was never this careless. None of this would be left on purpose.
What had that idiot gotten himself into?
I took a deep breath before walking into the interrogation room.
"Hello... Mr. Hector Aframian," I greeted, dropping the box on the table and acting like I didn't know Dean in the slightest. "Or Ted. Whatever you said. I'm Agent Campbell with the Behavioral Analysis Unit with the F.B.I."
"Oh, I must be pretty popular if they're sending in F.B.I," Dean smirked at me.
I knew right then that he wasn't going to help me get him out of this. Fine then, he turned his back on me when I left, I'd turn my back on him now.
I sent a condescending grin, "Yeah, multiple missing people on one stretch of road tends to bring in the big guns."
"I had nothing to do with that," he replied.
"Then why show up on the scene and pretend to be federal marshals," I asked. "Because that and the reported mockery of officers on the scene does not look good."
"Why would I jump into your spotlight when there are no leads on me?"
"You would be amazed at how often criminals will insert themselves into investigations," I shrugged. "It's usually a desire to be noticed and seen. Not our fault your plan was stupidly bold."
"Stupid," I corrected. He rolled his eyes. "That's not even mentioning the missing faces taped to your wall and the collection of news articles going back twenty years."
"I would've been six twenty years ago," Dean shrugged. "It would've been kind of difficult to snag someone off the road in kindergarten."
"Your dad would've only been in his thirties," I shrugged before dropping my dad's journal on the table, open to a collection of photos. "It's Dean, right? He mentions you. And put his real name in the cover. John and Dean Winchester. I've got your names and then ramblings that seem sadistic."
"My dad's not sadistic," he replied.
"I said 'seem sadistic,'" I corrected. "You can see that this doesn't look good, right?"
He clenched his jaw.
"So, your other partner," I pointed at Sam in one of the photos. It was a baby picture. Dean and I sitting with John, who was holding Sammy up for the camera. Silly, fun, a few weeks before the fire, maybe. "That's him, yeah?"
Dean had shut down on me.
"Is that Sam," I asked, acting like I had read it in the journal. "This photo really does show a lot, huh? Why drag your baby brother into it?"
"Shut up," he grumbled at me.
It was an honest question on my part.
Sam was the only one to put an effort into keeping contact with me after I left. I knew about law school and Jess. I knew that he was on track to living a life he was proud of.
"It's your baby brother," I pushed. "And you've made him a suspect in a kidnap and murder case."
"I told you to shut up," he snapped.
"What about this one," I pointed to myself in the picture. "What happened here? Why aren't there records of four of you?"
"That's my sibling," he explained. "They left when they were 18. Haven't heard from 'em."
"Why'd they leave?"
"They thought my dad treated us like crap," he continued. Thought. I had to fight the urge to roll my eyes. "My dad did his best."
"Best would not be training your kids to be soldiers," I replied. "I've read parts of this journal; I've seen how you act. You were raised to fight."
"There are bad people in this world."
"Doesn't mean you have to walk around with your gun drawn."
Dean clenched his jaw again.
"Now, I have one more question," I flipped to the back of the journal, pointing at some scribbling of Dean's name and two numbers. "What's this?"
"An old high school locker combination."
"Really," I chuckled. "Those have three numbers, but good try."
He sighed.
"I thought coordinates," I shrugged. "Is this a meeting spot... or a dump spot?"
"Even if they were coordinates, we don't have anything to dump," he replied.
I let out a sigh, "So it's a meeting spot?"
"It's not coordinates."
I clicked my tongue, "I don't think I believe you."
"You're kidding."
"Campbell," I looked up when Hotch peaked through the door. He nodded at me to step out.
"I'll be right back."
I stepped outside and closed the door behind me.
"Garcia ran a check on him," Hotch explained. "Beyond his mom dying in a house fire, he's got no clear trigger or stressor."
"What about the dad," I tried to not act a little relieved that they didn't find a motive.
"Nothing going back far enough," he replied.
"So, the notes on his wall," I asked, "they're just some independent investigation?"
"The most we have on this man and his brother is pretending to be law enforcement."
I nodded. As I did, the officers started standing up and leaving the building.
"Shots fired," one of them told us on the way out. "Whiteford road."
"Are we going," I asked. "May not be a part of our investigation."
"Can we afford that risk?"
I sighed before shaking my head and following Hotch out. I stopped at the door. I knew Dean was going to do something stupid. I looked at the interrogation room to see him already standing by the window.
We locked eyes.
I looked down and clenched my jaw before running out again.
I was angry, but he was my brother. I couldn't turn him in like that. I just couldn't. It was the ultimate intersection between my work and my family. And I chose my family.
I didn't hear from either of my brothers until I was back in my hotel room for the night.
It was about midnight when my phone rang. It was an unknown number.
"Hello," I said. Sam used to call from his burner phone all the time. It was normal.
"(Y/n)," just as I suspected. "It's Sam."
"Hi, Sam," I replied. I sat on the edge of my bed and sighed. "What the hell are you doing hunting again?"
"Dean showed up at my place," he explained. "Said Dad was missing and that he needed my help."
"Missing? Dad disappears for a few days all the time. Especially when he fixates on a hunt. What made this so special?"
"Dean said he can feel that something's off."
I ran a hand over my face, "Are you staying with him?"
"No," he insisted. "I have an interview for law school on Monday. I can't stay with him."
"My boss used to be a prosecutor, y'know," I mentioned. "Want me to ask for some advice?"
I smiled when I heard Sam chuckle, "No, I think I'll be okay."
"Good luck, Sammy."
"Thanks," he muttered. "You too."
I grinned, "Love you."
"Love you too."
Sam hung up a few seconds later.
Something in my stomach didn't feel right. It was just this little pinch that something was going to happen. That something wasn't right. It made me feel just a little bit sick.
I didn't get to dwell on the thought before there was a knock on the door.
I opened the door to find Hotch standing on the other side.
"I need to ask you something," he said. I nodded. "Campbell. It's your mom's maiden name, right?"
"Yeah," I replied.
"The other kid in that photo," he muttered. "That was you."
I should've known he would've picked up on it. He was trained to find any pattern he could. That and he was the only member of the team to have ever seen my full name. I didn't want any connection to the hunting world, but I didn't think to go through the process of legally changing it. Hotch had respected that.
"Yeah," I answered. "That didn't change how I handled it-"
"I know. I don't think your brother's involved either."
"Neither is my dad," I added. "He was a bit of an ass, but he doesn't do stuff like this. He tries to help people."
"I believe you," he replied. There was a long pause. "I won't ask for details. It's none of my business. I just needed to know."
"You did well today," Hotch grinned at me.
I grinned, "Thank you."
After I closed the door on him, that dreadful feeling came back. Something wasn't right. I sat on the edge of my bed again as I tried to shake off those thoughts.
What was the universe planning that I just knew was going to be so awful?
Masterlist (Includes links to Taylor Swift, Maisie Peters, and Lizzy McAlpine Writing Challenges)
What I Write For
Some Original Characters
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If you still wanna do pokemon character requests what about dating gym leader nessa headcanons, if you could?
Oooh I've been waiting to write for Nessa 😭 though it's been a hot minute since I played through swsh so my apologies if anythings ooc!
Dating Nessa headcanons
If it's one thing for sure, Nessa absolutely loves to show you off - whether it'd be walking around the streets of Hulbary hand in hand or arms looped together or dressing up nice and fancy with you for her modeling related business trips around the region and gatherings/functions Chairman Rose holds with all the rest of the region gyms leaders.
She wants no doubt in anyone's mind that you are her s/o and she is yours. With that said it should be noted she can tend very jealous (even if she really doesn't want to be) at she is absolutely not afraid to shoot the most terrifying glares at any signs of 'unwanted attention' - however, she has 100% of her trust placed in you (or else she wouldn't be with you in the first place) so she knows there's nothing to worry about when it comes to you but she knows how stubbon and how people can absolute jerkish people can be at times who seem to not be able to take a hint so she's ready to come in to potentially be at the rescue to sweep you off your feet at the moments notice if need be :)
Since she's a model, 100% if you're comfortable with it there has been those couple typing photo shoots and they got absolutely hard online where deadass there have been fan edits made of you two lol
Absolutely loves to share her love with Pokemon with you - especially if you're a fellow trainer (special bonus if you're a water type trainer 😉) I mean granted, this is probably the case with all the gym Leaders but Nessa has an especially soft spot for Pokemon where usually most if her time is spent training/playing around with the Pokemon at her gym and would absolutely adore it if you shared the same interest.
So I'd imagine this is the most case with Pokemon gyms in general where gyms when not in "leauge/challenger mode" have a special service where the gym Leader and the rest of the gym endorsed trainers (the usual trainers you fight before reaching the gym Leader in normal pokemon games) will train and take care of newly hatched "baby" Pokemon of the gym's specific typing but in particular the Hulbary Water Gym is VERY big in this to where it's a very popular activity to go sit in the stands and watch the gym's trainers work with the Pokemon and even adoption events are held for baby Pokemon once their weened enoughed, afterall the Galar's professor is far enough away from Hulbary and not everyone can go out into the dangers of the wild area and stuff to go physically catch their own Pokemon and some people don't have any interest or experience with battling and just want a companion instead and these adoption events are very popular in that sort of market. Nessa of course is head of these events and is the most active out of anybody with them but if she sees you participating in any kind of way - helping train the Pokemon, showing them off to families and giving advice to what kind of Pokemon is good for specific types of things and living conditions - just seeing you involve in something special to her really really swoons her heart.
Speaking of Pokemon, please give all your love and praise to her Dreadnaw. Of course love all of the Pokemon on her team but her Dreadnaw is her ace and is very very special to her so seeing you two get along really really pleases her, especially seeing you too curled (or at least as much a turtle can curl) on the couch together in the living room when she comes home watching television together with you talking to him about whatever as he shakes his head along like the good listener he is never fails to bring a smile to her face.
Nessa absolutely lives to cuddle, she's the number one little spoon and just adores feeling your arms and weight wrapped around her to make her quickly feel so comforted to lumber asleep - well that is if you can manage to little spoon her because like Nessa Drednaw also likes to cuddle and before you can even get to the bed to lay down with your girlfriend at times he'll beat you there and place himself where he is the center piece of your cuddle pile, but he's cute so it's easy to give it a pass and his shell feels quite nice a smooth actually, more than you would expect given his sharp edges but given this is sleepy time and not battle time they're not much of a threat as he snores away between the middle of you two.
Nessa is a Water type trainer for a reason, she absolutely loves the water. Swimming is her number one stress reliever and when you're a gym Leader for an entire region and constantly have pressures like the chairman on your ass to make sure your shows and matches reach a certain entertainment quota with stuff like Dynamaxing and stuff - it can be quite the handful so she definitely deserves it. Something late after closing hours for the gym she'll stay behind and take a few long laps around the pool to clear her head. Nessa tends to be harsh on herself at times, even if she'll say otherwise and absolutely try to completely deny it, stuck in her own head thinking about all the mistakes she's made in past matches no matter how long ago they took place and heavily reflected on them and how she could have done better and how obvious to her in present tense her mistake was and what she could've done better. In these instances she'll sit at the poolside and let herself flood in these thoughts over and over she criticizes herself in her head and wonders how the hell she's still even gym Leader... but then, like clockwork every time, you find her.
Somehow your touch can ease the most harshest of thoughts as you wrap your arms around her and pull her into an embrace - never caring about how wet she is from her previous laps around the gym pool. You don't say anything until she does, giving her time to open up if she wants and never pushing her if she doesn't, and when she does your words sink so deep as you tell her how proud and amazed you are at her accomplishments and 100% willing to go down an entire list of them if she's not believing with brings an embarrassing warmth to her face every time. Hell, if your partner pokemon is out if their ball they come over and share the love by nudging/pressing into her to show their support as well which gets a few good giggles out of her. Once she's feeling a tad better and if you're up to it it would really mean a lot to her if you got in the pool and swam with her - her swimming eariler while it is a comfort for her especially in these instances but during heavily stuck moments it's just her falling deeper and deeper into those thoughts, now swimming and fooling around with you makes her a lot more fresh and out of her head while she just has fun playing around with you, Drednaw, and your partner Pokemon if they're water type if not they just hang out and watch at the poolside.
After these swim sessions and you finally return home late it's easy to both flop down onto bed and let exhaustion settle through your bones, yes there might be the settling discomfort of wet clothes and threat of potential sickness but neither of you really care as you lay there and stare back at each other. All of that can be something to be dealt with in the morning as you two hold onto each other, Drednaw slowy climbing onto the bed to squeeze his way I between you however. And it doesn't take long before you tumble off into sleep, however not after Nessa presses a light feathery kiss to your lips that mold into a slumbering smile and whispery call of your name.
"I'm so glad I have you here with me."
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simmonsized · 2 years
Okay, I was going to write something about how I was happy about how you approached the subject matter with Bro and Dave in TRaG
My mind suddenly remembered what their sprites freaking look like.
I think about Bro Strider a lot (along with the complexity of the other characters) and then *boom*, I remember what he looks like in the comic.
Damn you fanart!!!!
TBH i was just showing my friend some of the homestuck pages to be like "look do u see do u see" and of course they're just like. their dumb big heads and lil bodies but somehow that just makes it all the better bc i know sO many people who are like "I couldn't get into homestuck because nothing happens" and i'm like yes but nothing happens in a SATISFYING way anyway their sprites are dumb but i still love them
ALSO: you were "going to write something" but you have already said enough to set me on my path here we are grab my hand welcome to nam etc etc etc
This really only encompasses Dave the God's relationship with Bro but like. It'd be too long to talk about Dave the Used to Be Sprite so! Forgive me.
WARNING: this post is 2000 words, I cannot and will not cut it shorter. If it's killing your dash, I'm begging you, mute me, or block the post.
Here we go!
Okay, so the thing is, when it comes to Bro, I have a really complicated history with him. Because obviously for YEARS he was the fandom darling, and we all kinda brushed off the fuckin' training and shit because that's just like, anime hullabaloo, the concept that he was preparing Dave for the game, but then also, when you take a step back and look at it, it's not like Dave KNEW there was a game at all??? and like. okay so just straight up right now i'm saying this FUCK hussie but these particular notes in book 2 of homestuck
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kinda really changed things about the way we look at Bro as a person, as well as Dave's conversation with Dirk, though that comes along later. No comment on that line about Bro apparently """training""" Dave to take on the final boss. Because. Well. Lmfao. (Notes above are from Beatdown Rounds 1 and 2 in book 2 of Homestuck)
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Enter: Dirk and Dave's conversation, basically the beginning of my insane deep dive into all things Strider, and dealing openly with abuse, past abuse, and recovery from that abuse.
obviously I cannot post the whole convo, it's easier for people to just read it BUT some highlights for context:
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The start of it for me of course was "and he's dead now so that's that"
which is like. Kind of how it actually is when you have a parent (or insane older brother who is actually your parent) who dies but you're unable to EVER discuss your relationship with them or even confront them on all the horrible shit that went down, if you ever get to that point at all.
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And because Bro was like, basically a giant fucking deadzone of just. Nothingness in terms of Dave's brain, when it came to any kind of positive emotion, it just??? Man that's one of the most interesting things about their relationship to me. Dave says "i think he hated me" but it really feels like, from their conversation, the fact that Bro did not express any kind of emotion at ALL led to what Dave felt must be fucking LOATHING. Man. I feel terrible for typing "and i find that fascinating" but i do so. lol
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Insert "violent robot" comment here lol
also i know people have Opinions about Bro and his smuppets but tbh I don't want to fucking hear them when Dave was running around with a tiny smuppet butt walkytalky on his fucking wrist and also, when Dirk, mr "They're a funny little critter of your own design" Strider is sitting right fucking there so. Anyway that's all u need to know about that.
okay i lied i'm posting like the whole conversation i realize that u know but it's just
man it's right there lol
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i LOVE that Dave associates Bro with the concept of heroism and being a savior of some kind, because in truth, it is likely that beneath all the bullshit, and even in line with the fear, there is a good chance Dave did admire Bro, to a point, until he had time to sit back and realize, "hey, what the FUCK was up with my childhood??? and wait, this isn't actually funny at ALL."
What's (not) funny to me is that, I don't much think of Bro as the kind of person who saw himself as a hero at all, and I say as much in RNG, but for him, and yes, this is a fucked up thing to say, I see it as: he saw raising Dave as A Job He Needed To Do, and everything in between Didn't Matter. We'll get more into this and the Dirkesian aspects of Dave's upbringing, even without Lil Cal, if anyone ever asks me about my genuine honest to god Bro Strider Personality Discourse but like. Basically dude's hells of about efficiency, and this is evidenced in the way that Dirk tends to push his friends, sometimes past the point of their personal comfort levels, in order to achieve a goal. I hardly feel like I'm reaching here.
And you know it does matter to me, that even though he is saying this to Dirk, he still says, "I didn't like you very much" because it's SUCH a thing with complicated relationships, it's SO much ingrained in our upbringings to love our parents, even if they completely fuck us up, irreparably. Am I saying that you HAVE to love your abusive parent??? dude FUCK no like, everyone's situation is different and there are always going to scenarios where broaching the subject is impossible, or something you don't want to do but
Well. It's my fucking fic and my take so! I have decided we're doing it, we're making it happen etc
Enter: Lil Cal and the potential for?????? Whatever was going on there
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Obviously in RNG we take Lil Cal and Caliborn's tendency towards disgust for any kind of positive emotion, platonic or otherwise, and like, ok not to shit on caliborn i know that guy is just a little kid but lil cal is like, basically intended to be representative of Bad Things in the homestuck world so it's like. That's where we're at u know. Gestures above where it says "theoretically the most evil doll to exist in any universe ever" And u know yes this doll also had AR inside it, as well as Equius so???????? Fucking dude who KNOWS what's goin on with lil cal. Nothing good?????? Anyway
So then now that we have all this context, we take Dirk Strider, and we isolate him even further than previously thought possible, we give him the "theoretically most evil doll to exist in any universe ever," we wind him up, we watch him go.
That creates a baseline for my own personal little Bro guy which is "Dirk Strider with a Singular Purpose" and whose purpose was only to "Raise Your Player to Survive The Game" with a side of, man part of Dirk's still gotta be in there because holy fuck does this guy LOVE PUPPETS. which is fine u know. puppets i mean. muppet references. wow.
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Bro Thoughts, Bro in Relation to Dirk, etc. U know how it be.
OKAY SO: starting with "It doesn't change my past or how I feel about him.... and I'm sure that's the only feeling I'll ever have about him."
For me, this is an easy thing to say when this person is dead. It's exTREMELY EASY to say when you will never see this person again, or have a confrontation with them, or even have to like, address it in regards to an interaction that hides your true feelings but you know, deep down, that they hurt you.
Basically, homestuck ended, I'm happy Dirk and Dave met in the middle with something like Understanding and Solidarity, but I just. Was so angry about Davesprite. And also wanted to get all up in the relationship between the Daves and Bro SO, SO SOSOSOSOSOOO BAD.
So then I did!
And basically, along with being a guy with no purpose, who, for all intents and purposes, would literally rather be dead, it's super interesting because like. Bro is Dirk, and I know people vary on mind control versus influence, but I like to lean into the concept of some kind of Influence, or PUSH but also that Bro was very much in control of his actions, and knew, to a point, that he was doing what he was doing. I just genuinely don't think he believed it was wrong, or if he did KNOW it was wrong, he was not going to stop, because at the end of the day, he was seeing results. Is that cruel??? yes. Is it cruel to both of them???????? hell yes. But efficiency and work and results are the baseline for a successful session, and that's uh.
I think of Bro as a man of just like. Pantshittingly terrifying Control, a dude who not only cares about results from Dave, but from himself, and whether that's Cal or Dirk talking, who really knows!
think all the time about the time Hussie said that Bro has never slashed Dave with his sword. I know the fandom doesn't mention it much lol but it's always on my mind. No, punching and kicking your teenage bro-son is not better. But it's fascinating, that that's where he chose to draw the line.
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Perhaps because as they said, sword strikes tend to end in people's deaths. Hmm.
Anyway since the Thesis of RNG is based around Reconciliation, but not necessarily forgiveness, at least not as an outright stated thing, we see a lot of just. Talking in circles, circling the drain, over and over. Naval gazing, I love it. Can you tell???
The thing with past abuse, about loving a parent who hurts you, is that you can still love them, after they hurt you, and You do not Have to Forgive them, but you can still love this person, and you can see hope to and seek change. You can still want a relationship with this person.
It's important to me that Bro seeks forgiveness. It is not Dave's (either of them) job to forgive him. There is a reason that (spoilers sorry) Bro says sorry in chapter like, fucking 14, but the fic keeps going anyway. "Sorry" is the beginning. "Sorry" is the start on a path towards better things.
Along with all this is Bro learning to be a person who no longer has a job to do. He's learning to be Dirk Strider again, something he hasn't really reckoned with since he was maybe, what, 13 years old?? His entire life has been dedicated to serving The Timeline, while not necessarily even being connected to his own aspect, at least not in a healthy way, and like. Once again this is not a Post About Bro Strider but bro in context of Bro and Dave so u know, but I do, again, see the guardians as the worst reflections of the kids themselves, and that goes fucking quadruple for Bro! He is the fucked up heart guy who severs connections and is tied up with strings, it is him.
On top of recovering personhood, though, he is also reconciling with (two of the same) a kid he not only abused, but potentially never loved, at least not in a way that makes sense to Dave, or sometimes to the reader. There is resentment, and there is frustration, and there is something to it, losing your own life at the expense of raising a kid. Yes, it's a comic about a video game, but I'm writing a fanfiction, and there is definitely something like overlap, in ineptitude and parenting from a young age. I still believe they had good memories, examples we see in the text where Dave talks about how he and bro had rap battles that were just throwing shit at each other's heads with their sylladices (dangerous) and like, building forts and shit. There is still softness, in the places in between.
But there was cruelty, too, and that's obviously the forefront of the whole situation, and it's so important for Dave to be brave enough to call his Bro out, to demand change, and it's important that Bro WANTS to connect with him, even if he doesn't know how. Even if he's so fucking shitty and sucks SO much.
Obviously a lot of what we learn is from Dave's perspective, and a lot of that comes at the marvel of, wow my Bro is back, and the concept of like, the Ultimate Reward being what the players wanted, and in RNG canon (fake) basically the kids just wanted to fucking. go home lol. John at least definitely deserves to have his dad back!
But Dave's (both daves) not just a little kid anymore, he's had 3 years of development and change and growth, and he has a way of looking at the world that differs vastly from how he grew up. Bro, someone he never knew but felt he knew, and then lost and didn't know all over again, is suddenly a Big Unknown, and that's??? fucking scary! Trying to reconcile with a person you love and fear is one thing, but doing that when you're learning you barely know them as a person at all, particularly because they were like, Just Your Guardian and you'd only known them from the shitty little kid perspective?? makes it tough. It's easy to say "i wish you were dead" it's hard to admit "I don't wish you were dead, I just wish you were better" and! That's kind of where we start lol
RNG has a lot of "three steps forward, two steps back" and as much as that frustrates people (and trust me, I see the comments, I know lol), that's just the way life is sometimes. They're on a set path, and Bro has to fucking learn not only his lesson, but that he can't just change because Dave(s) wants him to change. He has to change because HE wants to change, too.
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the-marvelclub · 3 years
Don’t forget me
steve rogers x reader
Summary: Steve and reader are happily married, so what happens when a mission goes wrong and Steve is pronounced dead? And what if he comes back but she’s already in a relationship?
Warnings: Fluff, a lot of angst, main character death (?) but with a happy ending.
Author’s note: Happy because i finished this in just a few hours, hope you enjoy it! Feedback is always appreciated.
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Little caresses of soft fingers running up and down your bare back made you shiver, waking you up, your eyes flutter open.
You groaned and buried your face in the pillow. Steve's chuckle echoed throughout the room before you felt wet kisses being spread all over your lower back, slowly making their way up to your shoulders. Fingers moving your hair to one side exposing your right ear. 
"Good morning, Dollface" he whispered in your ear in his husky voice, which honestly always sounds like that when he just woke up, and he bit your ear lobe making butterflies erupt in your stomach and making you a little giddy.  
You had spent the night in Steve's room, the light soft reddish color coming through the windows and painting the white walls of Steve's room making you aware that it was probably just dawn, the atmosphere was calm and familiar and his bed was certainly a thousand times more comfortable than yours could ever be. 
"Good god, Steve. I bet you it's not even 6:00am" you mumbled sleepily, he might be a super soldier but you needed your 9 hours of sleep. Steve let out a chuckle in your ear again, bringing shivers all over your body. 
"You really look cute when you're half asleep like that" he replied still talking into your ear, running his soft hand all over your back only to then grab your waist, letting his arm rest there. "I want to marry you." 
You smiled before turning your body to be face to face with Steve knowing he wouldn't let you sleep anymore, you pulled the white silk sheet in your best effort to cover your body looking up at him. He was leaning on his left elbow, his right arm still wrapped around your waist, his torso was naked, the sheets on his hips.
"But I already said ‘I do’, baby" you smiled showing him the ring on your left hand and remembering your wedding day. You had been best friends for what seemed like forever before a mission which required you to pretend to be married led to you both confessing your feelings, then you had realized it had all been a plan by the others to finally get you to admit what they had already known for quite some time, that the mission never really required you to go as a couple, but you couldn't be mad at them, quite the opposite, you felt a deep gratitude towards them, because you would never have been able to do it on your own. A year later, Steve had taken you to the roof of the Compound where you could see the distant lights of the skyscrapers of New York, where he had prepared you a dinner with your favorite meals and a bottle of wine and had gotten down on one knee, opening the little red velvet box with the most beautiful ring you had ever seen, he really was a 40s man, full of romance and chivalry.  Six months later you were married.
"Right, but I'm talking about a vow renewal, I just can't believe you're mine, you're like a dream" he let out, the pink painting his cheeks matching yours.  His dirty blonde hair was a mess and his eyes sparkled with pure adoration.  
"You really are full of compliments today, huh?" you smiled bringing your hand to his hair and giving it a little squeeze. You loved this Steve, he had always been romantic and protective of you, but this Steve, the one you only knew in the early morning hours was driving you crazy, the sentimental Steve, full of compliments and caresses and without shirt on. The Steve who could look into your soul with just one look and that lazy smile. The one only you knew. 
"Stop complaining, you know you love it" he said smiling mischievously, like a little boy.  
"I can't complain" you shrugged, sliding your fingers down his hard chest, imagining how good it would look with a couple of tattoos on it. You bit your lip thinking about it before returning your gaze to him, who already had his eyes on you, his eyes glowing, fingers at your waist squeezing. Before you could register what was happening, he had lunged towards you pressing his lips hard against yours, you sighed as you felt his lips sucking on yours and grabbed his cheeks pulling him closer to you, his hands taking your waist and lifting you up to get you on top of him, he bit your bottom lip asking for entrance but you put both hands on his chest putting distance between the two of you, ending the kiss and shaking your head. You still hadn't brushed your teeth. 
He grunted with discontent and pouted, completely adorable, but kept his arms around your waist. You stroked his hair and he closed his eyes, sighing. 
"I really love you" he let out, looking into your eyes, with an expression you couldn't read, he suddenly looked worried and even a little scared. "I would do anything to protect you, you know that right?". 
You frowned. 
"What is this all about?" you asked leaning your face on his chest looking into his eyes. “What’s on your mind?”
He shook his head before giving you a small smile, wanting you to forget the subject. 
"It's the mission, isn't it?" you sighed.
He looked at you for a long moment and you knew the answer. 
Steve along with Fury had been tracking a dangerous organization for months that for some reason were targeting Steve. They both believed it wasn't that big of a threat. They had only sent Steve a couple of death threats, but being Captain America and part of the Avengers, there were always enemies. But when one afternoon, a threat had come to you, Steve got to work and he and Fury had been tracking the origin of these for months and now they finally had a lead.  
"It's probably nothing," he said, "don't worry about it, Fury will go with me on this one. Maybe the lead will be useless." You knew he didn't want to worry you but you couldn't help it, you wanted to go with him this afternoon but you as well as everyone else had other missions to attend to. 
You nodded and kissed his chin reassuringly. 
He placed a kiss on your forehead and released you by turning you to your side of the bed, before getting out of bed, putting on his sweatpants and putting on his white shirt. 
It was your turn to pout, missing his warm body. 
"Come on, Dollface." He said placing his palms on the mattress and leaning over to you "I'll make you those chocolate chip pancakes and when I get back from the mission we're going to watch that Jason Bourne movie you love so much."
You let out an excited squeal and hugged him by the neck pulling him back into bed.  
"You sure know how to spoil a girl."
Steve never returned from that mission.
That afternoon you were in the kitchen preparing popcorn for movie night with Steve and the next minute, Fury had come out of the elevator doors, concern filling his face and honestly it was the most you had ever seen him show any emotion, he had quietly approached Tony, ignoring the greetings of the team that was hanging out in the living room, he had taken him to the briefing room and they had been inside for quite a while. You had been watching the elevator doors waiting for Steve to come out of them before deciding to ask Fury, but before you could even take a step, Tony had left the room and the moment you looked at his face, your stomach sank, a horrible feeling surrounding you. You had never seen Tony like that before, the look in his eyes was something you would never be able to describe, he was pale, his eyes seemed sunken and he kept looking nowhere in particular. A few moments later that seemed like hours, he had uttered the words that broke you inside.
Steve hadn't made it.
You don't remember much after that, all you remember is popcorn strewn all over the kitchen floor, a deafening scream that you never realized you had let out, and the pain in your knees as you fell to the floor. You remember screams coming from the others, asking Tony and Fury for explanations and a lot of commotion. But what you could never forget even if you wanted to was the pain of your heart being squeezed inside you and the horrible feeling that now everything would be different.
That had been 1 year and 6 months ago. Since the news everything had been a blur. It was as if you were seeing everything from outside your body. The first few days, you didn't leave the living room couch, your gaze focused on the metal doors of that gray elevator, you didn't eat, you didn't sleep, waiting for Steve to show up with his suit dirty from the mission and the shield in his hand, telling you that it had taken a little longer than usual but that everything had gone well, that he had nothing but a few scratches on his body and that he would take a shower before cuddling up with you in bed.
The day you understood that Steve would never walk out those doors, you couldn't help but be angry at him for leaving you alone that morning after breakfast and not asking for help from the team, but more than anything you were angry at yourself for not doing anything about it. You thought it was a routine mission, just to confirm that the clue was legit. You never gave the subject much thought. You couldn't believe you had been so naive and you knew it was your fault.
The next few months after that you and the team as well as Fury had been immersed in the case, trying to track down the organization and the man responsible for Steve's death. Thousands of leads were emerging every day but they all led to a dead end. The team wasn't much better, everyone blamed each other for Steve's death but you knew it all affected Tony the most. Natasha and Wanda were there for you but Bucky was the one who were constantly with you during the first few months, supporting you and looking out for you. But you could see he was hurting too, Bucky had gone back to his old self, he was withdrawing from everyone, except you. Barely making conversation with the others and most of the time going out without telling you where he was going. You wanted to ask him about it but you knew he needed time. Hell, you needed it too. A year and a half later it seemed like everything was back to normal, even though you knew that inside you were all different people. Losing family wasn’t easy.
Thank God you had Matthew, an agent who worked at the coumpound, he had been in charge of the funeral and since then, he always made sure you were okay, at first it was small talk in the hallways, telling you how sorry he was and asking you how you were feeling, then it was little gifts, he always brought you coffee and gave you a smile when he saw you filling out reports in the briefing room, before you knew it he had become a great friend. His blue eyes and the way he treated you reminded you of Steve, and you knew you were drawn to that sense of familiarity and comfort. Then at that party, he had kissed you and although his kisses were nothing compared to Steve's, you accepted a date with him when he asked you the next day.
"Are you okay? You look distracted" Wanda's thick accent brought you out of your thoughts, you turned to look at her and her eyes were looking at you with concern.
You cleared your throat. "Yeah, I'm fine." You replied avoiding her questioning eyes, taking your necklace between your hand squeezing it. The wedding ring now taking its place on this one and not on your finger. Everyone was in the kitchen; you were sitting at the table peeling an orange and Wanda was next to you. Natasha was next to Bruce making himself a sandwich while Tony was complaining about the coffee grounds they had toss out in the sink, you let out a small chuckle, you knew it had been Sam who was sitting there reading a magazine completely ignoring Tony. Clint was spending the weekend with his family and Bucky was nowhere to be seen.
"I know this may be a difficult day for you" Wanda murmured moving closer to you, making sure no one else could hear. "We completed the mission. We arrested the bastard who..." she sighed "I know that maybe you thought this would bring you relief. But everything gets better with time, believe me I know." She had promised never to read your mind and you knew she had not. You smiled at her, you loved the fact that she knew you so well that she didn't have to use her powers to know what you were thinking.
2 days ago, the mission had been completed, they had found the person responsible for Steve's death and had dismantled the organization, surprised to find that they had some infiltrators right there working in the Compound, people you looked at every day, people who had seen you suffer and they were responsible all this time. You pushed those thoughts out of your mind quickly as you felt rage growing inside you again. You sighed deeply and remembered that Fury was taking care of it. Everything would be okay now.
"So how are things going with Matt?" Natasha asked approaching the table as she munched on her sandwich. Before you could answer, Fury appeared through the kitchen door. You frowned. It was unusual to have a visit from him at this hours of the night.
"Briefing room. Now," was all he said before turning and walking out of the kitchen. The whole team was surprised but followed him without a word. Entering the briefing room, you leaned against the wall in one of the corners waiting for Fury to speak.
"Two years ago we became aware of an existing threat that was harming one of our team. We mistakenly thought it was something minor, it wasn't until a year and a half ago that we discovered it was all part of something bigger and more dangerous. Something highly sensitive that if not handled correctly could harm us and the nation by exposing secrets of our operations."
"We already know that..." Tony began speaking, with one hand on his head, looking exhausted.
"Maria and I came up with a plan that we would put into action once we got the first lead" he interrupted, ignoring Tony's comment. "If we made them believe that they had achieved their goal, we would have an ace up our sleeve when it came to dismantling their organization, which we have done successfully, thanks to the help of this person..." he sighed and looked at the floor "I ask you to please try to understand."
I frowned, just as confused as the whole team.
"What are you talking about, sir?" You let out and he turned to look at you, sighing once more before shaking his head pointing towards the door.
"Hello, Dollface."
Everything happened in slow motion, the room filled with a deafening silence, you turned towards the door directing your gaze to the source of the voice. And if it wasn't for those blue eyes that wouldn't take their eyes off you, You knew you'd pass out right there.
He was standing in the doorframe. And he looked different; his hair was longer, his beard covered half of his face and he looked 10 years older, he had dark circles around his eyes as if he hadn't slept since that morning when he had woken up next to you kissing your body. He was wearing a dark blue suit, and Bucky was standing next to him.
Realization fell over you and you felt your stomach sunk. Tears stung your eyes and you couldn't breathe. You walked slowly towards him, not trusting your own legs and planted yourself in front of him, he was like the ghost of the old Steve, only this one was rough around the edges, his eyes looked at you with adoration but also regret. Before he could say a word, you slapped him.
The sound of hand against cheek echoed across the room. Steve didn't seem surprised. Suddenly the whole room was filled with commotion, everyone started talking at the same time, but you couldn't take it anymore, you felt that at any moment you would fall to the floor. So you just walked out of there, but not without giving Bucky a death glare. The bastard knew it all along.
You ran to your room, ignoring the calls of Steve running after you and the commotion of the place. You locked the door to your room and locked yourself in the bathroom, where you couldn't hear Steve knocking on your door over and over again. You looked at yourself in the mirror, you were a mess, the tears wouldn't stop falling even though you didn't feel them and your face was pale, with trembling hands you ripped off the necklace with the ring and threw it on the floor before sitting down on the floor and started crying.
It had been a week since Steve had returned, a week that you had been avoiding him, against your better judgment you had gone to Matt's apartment where he had offered you a place to stay, the coumpound being the last place you wanted to be. You felt your body move and perform the simplest of tasks like washing the dishes, folding your clothes or even watching a movie but your mind just wasn't there, you were like a zombie, and it was already starting to affect your relationship with Matt, you knew it wasn't fair to him but you couldn't care in the slightest, not for now. You hated to admit it but you missed Steve, you missed his voice, his laugh, the way he looked at you, his kisses, his touches. And knowing he was so close to you was driving you crazy. But he had betrayed you. He knew it, he knew it all that time and he didn't tell you, he didn't dare to tell you that morning when it was just you and him. He had let you suffer for a year and a half. To hell with the plan, he had broken your heart. The next morning after he came, you had sneaked into Natasha's room and left the necklace with the wedding ring for her to give back to Steve, she tried to talk some sense into you but you had already made up your mind, after that you had left with Matt.
"I like this part, it's when she realizes the alien is with her on the ship" you heard Matt's voice speak, you two were watching a stupid sci-fi movie, your gaze on the screen but you weren't paying attention to it, your mind wandering elsewhere.
"And then she befriends the alien."
"And then they move in together and play badminton on Sundays."
"That's it" he said letting out a sigh before grabbing the remote and turning off the TV, snapping you out of your thoughts. "You're not even listening”.
Guilt wash all over you.
"Sorry, I was just a little distracted that's all." you said quickly.
He turned to look at you and gave you a smile but it didn't reach his blue eyes, which now that you took a good look at him were nothing like Steve's at all. "This isn't going to work, is it?" he finally asked but you knew he already knew the answer.
You sighed and shook your head slowly. He was a sweet boy and deserved better.
"I'm sorry" you said "I don't want you to think I'm just using you to get over Steve, I really like you, it's just... things are really complicated in my life right now" you finally admitted.
"I know" he said wiping away a tear you didn't know had escaped. "I knew from the moment I heard he was back. I can't even imagine what you're going through right now" he murmured.
You gave him a weak smile "I know I haven't been fair to you the last few days and I'm sorry, I know you deserve someone better, a woman who is completely crazy about you, and who will be because you are kind, thoughtful and deserve better than someone who is broken."
"You're not broken," He assure you. "I just think you really miss him and need him, and I'll let you in on a secret...he does too."
"Thank you, Matt." you said before getting up from the couch and grabbing the few things you had brought with you before heading for the door.
"I know this job demands a lot from us but there is nothing you two can't overcome, you are Steve and Y/n after all" he spoke behind you "just give him a chance to explain himself, you both deserve it."
You turned and gave him a small smile before walking out the door.
Steve was sitting at the bar, drinking his whiskey even though he knew he couldn't get drunk no matter how much he wanted to. He was twirling your wedding ring between his fingers. Ever since Natasha had given it to him he hadn't been able to take his eyes off it. Everything had gotten out of control. He took one more sip, savoring the burning sensation in his throat when he did, a hand patted his shoulder and he watched as Bucky sat down beside him.
"You're missing the party," he said sipping from his beer.
"Did you know that she's been staying at Matt's apartment these few days?" he blurted out completely ignoring his friend's earlier comment.
Bucky sighed, not quite knowing what to say.
"I remember Matt, I used to train him when he was first recruited, a good guy" he muttered "He can give her the life she deserves".
"Come on dude" bucky snorted "they've been dating for a month, it's not like they're getting married".
"It's not like she can't" Steve said "I'm sure she'll be sending me the divorce papers any minute now".
Bucky gasped.
"Impossible, she's crazy about you." He said continually shaking his head.
"I messed it up with her, Buck" he said finishing his drink before getting up and heading to his room, he was in no mood to party.
He had messed up, that morning he just thought it would be a simple mission and that he would be back that afternoon but then the lead had turned out to be more important than they had thought. Fury had told him the plan but there was no time to think about the pros and cons, they were up against the clock. So decisions were made and as much as it pained him he knew that was the only way to keep her safe, because they would come for her, of that he had no doubt. And he would do anything to protect her. Anything.
You could hear the faint sound of music coming from downstairs, the party was in progress as you walked down the empty hallways leading to the bedrooms, relieved that everyone was at the party and didn't see you coming. Matt’s words surrounding your thoughts, maybe what you needed was to hear it from Steve before you could move on with your life. You didn't realize that you had unconsciously made your way to Steve's room until you opened the door and looked inside, the room that for a year had been empty was now occupied by his things. With trembling hands you closed the door behind you and looked at his things, a shirt was on the bed and you couldn't help but pick it up and smell it. God, you had missed him so much.
Tears began to flood your eyes again but you were sick of crying so you left the shirt where it was and sat on the big bed, memories about that morning before he left filling your mind.
"I would do anything to protect you, you know that right?". 
You shook your head at the memory, pushing those thoughts out of your head and placed your head in your hands.
You heard the door to the room being open and you cursed under your breath. You knew you had to face him but you didn't think it would be so soon, he was supposed to be at the party, his party.
You quickly raised your head and watched him walk in, he was wearing a completely black suit, his long hair was perfectly combed back and he still had that beard, he looked like a dream, butterflies erupting in your stomach and you had to take all your willpower not to jump him. There was a lot to talk about.
He had his eyes on the floor but when he looked at you an expression of surprise covered his face. This was the last place he thought you would be. He called your name in surprise and you quickly got out of bed.
"Sneaking out of the party?" you let out a nervous laugh at his intense stare, he hadn't moved a muscle "Come on, Steve. You know that’s not nice."
Several seconds passed and he didn't speak, maybe this was a bad idea, coming to his room was a bad idea. You turned to grab your bag off the bed and get out of there when his voice spoke behind you.
"Can I hold you?" he blurted out, startling you. You turned to look at him, he had his hands shoved in his pockets and looked shy, as if he was sure you would tell him no.
Your heart skipped a beat and you nodded your head slowly. There was a lot to talk about but you missed him more than anything in the world and you needed him. Without you having to repeat it to him, he took long strides to where you were and took you in his arms, pressing you against him, burying his head in your neck and inhaling your scent, making you shiver. You slipped your arms around his neck and shoulders and held on to him, he smelled just like you remember, of his favorite cologne and mint, and now a little whiskey too. You felt tears fill your eyes and you squeeze them shut to keep them from coming out. It felt almost unreal, while he was gone you had dreamed a thousand times of holding him in your arms, you didn't think you would ever be able to feel him again, to hear his jokes, his laughter and the way your name came from his lips. It was all too much.
Just as quickly as he had walked towards you and hugged you, he broke away from you and walked to lean against the wooden door he had entered through, too far away from you for your liking, his gaze fixed on the floor and his hands in his pockets. "I need to say this, and I can't do it if you're too close to me," he let out in a hurried voice and continued, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all the hurt I caused you during the time I was away, that morning I didn't know things would end up so badly, but it was worse than we thought and everyone was in danger...you were in danger. And I couldn't let them harm you because of me. There wasn't enough time to think of a better plan than the one Fury had come up with. I promised myself I would tell you I was safe but we realized there were infiltrators here in the building, I knew they would be watching your every move, I would put you in danger if I told you. So I told Bucky to look out for you. I know that it doesn't justify what I put you through but I needed you to know." He sigh closing my eyes. "I understand if you hate me, I know I ruined us and Matt is a great guy, I always knew you deserved someone who didn't have such a complicated life or put you at constant risk but please, I just want you to know... not only am I deeply in love with you, you are my best friend."
You couldn't breathe and you were aware that you were crying again, so without thinking twice, you advanced with a determined step towards him and when he looked up, you took his face with your hands wiping his tears away and planted a kiss, pushing your body to his, you took him by surprise but it only took a second for him to grab you by the hair and get you closer to his mouth. You had missed him so much, and yet it was as if you still knew his lips by heart and he knew yours, both matching perfectly. You let out a small groan as he lowered his hands to your waist and grabbed one of your thighs indicating you to jump, turning you around pushing you to the door, the new angle allowing you to kiss him better since he was much taller than you. After a few seconds you broke away to take a breath of air. You leaned your head back against the door running your fingers through his beard, taking your time to memorize him, he was the same yet so different but you definitely liked it.
"Stop looking at me like that, you're making me weak" he mumble hiding his face in your neck, his beard scratching your bare skin making you shiver and let out a giggle.
"I really like this beard, please don't ever shave it off". You sighed as he gave you little kisses on your neck, tickling you.
He planted one last kiss on your neck before you brought your legs to the floor again.
"I think you have something that belongs to me" you whispered as you reached into the small pocket of the black shirt; the small wedding ring. You had felt it when you were kissing him. You took it and placed it back on your finger. Steve looked at you confused but at the same time a full smile appeared on his face. You pressed your forehead to his and placed your hands on his chest.
"Don't leave me like that again, you scared me." You whispered to him.
"I promise I won't, Dollface" he whispered back. You knew there was still a lot to talk about but what you were completely sure of was that Steve Rogers never breaks a promise.
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uravichii · 3 years
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bnha characters as swifties ~
— you convert them into swifties and there's no going back
characters: bakugo katsuki, todoroki shouto, yaoyorozu momo, jirou kyouka
warnings: swearing (bakugo's part)
notes: i don't know what came over me when i decided to write this,, happy 1 year of folklore ig ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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- bakugo katsuki -
katsuki would only know the name 'taylor swift'
he knows she's some famous celebrity, but he has no idea what she's known for : /
when you first introduce him to her discography, you started with her debut album and 'fearless.'
he didn't like it :') he said it was way too cheesy
katsuki also criticized how inaccurate love story was because romeo and juliet didn't end that way : |
he also despised the "shitty country music" pls never play 'our song' when he's nearby, he'll absolutely destroy whatever it is you're playing it from.
you then introduced him to the most successful album, 1989, hoping he'd at least give it a chance
no, he thought it was "hella annoying" 🙄
but you persevere— you introduced more tracks, explained the lyrics to him, and you forced him to watch the reputation stadium tour on netflix.
he won't admit it openly, but he LOVES reputation.
he loves the new sound, the darker theme, and how edgy and angry it is.
his favorite songs are 'i did something bad' and 'don't blame me'
but he also secretly falls asleep to 'new year's day' 🥺
folklore enraged him in a good way,,
this man will make a stan twitter account and demand a punk rock era from tswift because katsuki knows the queen is ✨versatile✨ and she can definitely thrive with a new sound like that 😌
- todoroki shouto -
"taylor swift??? what year and class is she in?"
"shouto— "
you need to present this boy a whole powerpoint presentation,, he badly needs it.
at first, he wouldn't mind the lyrics, he pays more attention to how it sounds.
he likes the mellow ones like 'begin again' 'untouchable' and most tracks from both sister albums, 'folklore' and 'evermore'
for some reason, he loved taylor's country music. those were actually the first songs he added to his playlist.
"it's a bop." he says this with a straight face and a monotonous voice 😐
then, you urged him to read and take in the lyrics, and shouto LOVED her as an artist a lot more.
he definitely cried to 'never grow up' :(((( he can't listen to it again though because he's afraid the song will lose its meaning if it was played too much.
he also appreciates 'seven' a lot. 'tolerate it' and 'soon you'll get better' reminded him of his mother :((
also, he always plays 'mad woman' when endeavor's nearby 💀
he turns up the volume when taylor sings, "does she smile... or does she mouth "fuck you forever. ~ "
he'd definitely buy a lot of merch from taylor, and he was very dismayed when the cardigans sold out before he got to buy one :(
he is very excited for red (taylor's version) and even marked november 19th on his calendar >:)
- yaoyorozu momo -
momo listened to taylor swift a lot when she was younger. she loved singing along to the album, 'fearless'
but she eventually phased out from her songs, not for any particular reason though.
she knows the famous singles like 'shake it off' and 'blank space' and she's mostly neutral about it.
so you force her back into the fandom by having her listen to her whole discography >:)
momo LOVES 'folklore' and 'evermore' this woman will break down the lyrics, analyze it, and upload long-ass essays about them.
"the lyrics are just absolutely exquisite! it's amazing how she manages to use a different sound each album and pull it of :)) you have my deepest gratitude, y/n for having me listen to such a beautiful masterpiece!"
she'll never stop gushing over the jamez-betty-augustine drama. she'll definitely be empathetic towards each one, but she does love augustine the most 😔
she understands james too though and loves 'this is me trying' :') she's not sure if she likes the song 'betty' tho 😧
you'd get under a blanket with momo and cry to 'champagne problems' and 'tolerate it' for fun.
"such a heartbreaking story..." she sniffles into a napkin.
momo was also inspired to write poems because of the two sister albums.
i don't think she'd be interested in taylor's dating life, but she does think it's amazing how you're able to witness the artist's growth by just listening to the songs she writes over the years :))
- jirou kyouka -
"of course i know taylor swift..." she looks to the side sheepishly. "i don't really like her."
kyouka unfortunately thinks taylor swift is overrated </3
you can't really blame her though because apparently, she only knew her singles 😃 specifically, 'we are never going back together,' 'blank space, 'shake it off,' and 'ME!'
she says they're catchy but she doesn't really understand the hype.
so you make her understand >:)
you start with lover which later became her favorite album along with reputation and red.
she looves 'cruel summer' and she's angry that it wasn't a single in the album, she also loves the song, 'lover' she won't admit it but she thinks it's incredibly sweet and it makes her want to have a lovelife like taylor's.
she also loves 'the man' and she also sings the bridge of 'death by a thousand cuts' EVERYDAY.
kyouka will also make her own covers of taylor's older songs,, she'll make a cover of 'sparks fly' that sounds edgier. it sounds amazing 😌
she'll lie on her bed, and probably cry to 'superstar' thinking how sweet it would be if someone wrote a song about her like that :((
folklore and evermore aren't her favorites, but she adores the writing so much that it influenced hers.
kyouka will write a song for you out of gratitude for making her listen to the queen, miss swift 😌
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wingsyliveblogs · 2 years
what are your theories as of now?
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(I'm answering these asks together since they're both pretty short and simple!)
1. Hmm... this one's a bit tricky, actually. I don't tend to do a lot of theorising when I'm watching a show, mostly because I have a tendency to get overly attached to my personal theories if I have them and can end up being disappointed if it turns out I'm wrong. I generally try to focus on analysing narrative and characters based on the information I already have instead.
For the Owl House in particular, I'd say I have one significant theory so far, which is the one I mentioned in this post. I'm not sure if it still holds water after Episode 8 (it's looking as if Lilith could just have said what she did to get hand hair lady off her back for the time being) but it is the one bit of speculation on my part that I'd really call a theory, and I still think it'd be neat if it turned out I was right about it.
Besides that, I have plenty of thoughts on the show, but I've mostly expressed them in the form of character analyses, so I'm not sure if those would really count as theories? And on another note, a lot of the expectations I have for the show are directly informed by spoilers/things I knew about the show ahead of time, which are listed in this post. This makes it difficult to tell if something I'm considering is a legitimate theory, or if it's just something that I already know is going to happen.
I'll probably have to think about this question a bit more - there may be more theories that I've come up with that just aren't coming to mind right now. But I hope this answer suffices for the time being!
2. I've actually laid out some of my thoughts on this subject in previous posts! I think a pretty good summary for my answer is: It's Complicated.
I feel as if I want to see more development from both of them before I can really give a solid answer to this question, but so far, what I have is:
Willow and Amity were once friends. At some point in the past, they were on good terms. I feel as if this is important.
Amity has undeniably hurt Willow. And she hasn't given any indication that she intends to be nicer to her. That's gotta stop.
At the very least, Amity owes Willow a big apology, and given that I'm not entirely sure Amity realises how much she's hurt Willow, I think she may need a bit of a smack in the face reality check.
Willow is frustrated by Amity, but she doesn't hate her. She wants Amity to acknowledge her abilities. Despite everything, she hasn't cut Amity off completely. I'm not sure if this says more about Willow as a character, or about how friendly they used to be with each other, but this means that there's a chance their relationship could improve with time.
I don't think we actually know how Amity really feels about Willow at this point.
Regardless of that, it's Amity's responsibility to make things right with Willow. I have faith that Amity is fundamentally a good person, so I trust that she will eventually do something to fulfill that responsibility. I just don't know how long it will be before she does.
In a similar way to the first question, I don't know if this quite covers all my thoughts on their relationship. Overall, I like both of them as characters and I'd love for them to get along, but I recognise that change takes time, especially for people who've been stuck in the same pattern of behaviour for a long time, as I kind of feel Amity has. I really just want to see them talk things out, but I don't know what it will take to get them to that point. Hopefully, I'll find out in time!
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mfpeace · 3 years
@justbeingedgy @weird-colombian-gurl You asked me to elaborate on the "Ches already has a kid" theory in the notes of that one mf analysis post (which I really liked, go check it out!!), so that's why I'm making this one, cuz notes are a bit too restricting for what I want to talk about!
Though next time think twice before asking me to talk about something I'm interested in, because you never know when you're gonna wake up lovecraftian horrors!! :DDD you'll see what i mean when you press read more :))
So, I'll say it right now - this post is largely inspired by the second story highlight of this Instagram user (sorry, I don't know their name, only that their Instagram handle is dee_girl_metalfamilyfan), it's in Russian though, so keep that in mind
Alright, so I'll break this theory into two parts: the first one will be all about Ches, and the second will be about his potential child (spoiler: you might've seen her!)
Without any further ado, let's get to the Ches part:
1. The creators said that they're gonna explore Ches' character in the second season. Obviously, it doesn't mean anything on it's own, but just wait.
Dima: Let's talk about the second season a little. Of course, the seconds season will show development of the old characters, as well as new ones. That's in short. As you see, Ches looks a bit different here.
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Alina: Yeah, we'll show a bit more about Ches at the ages of 18 to 20. His past. We'll reveal a bit more about his complex character, as much as it's possible.
(The source of the translation) Also I think they also said at one point that adult Ches will get some character development too? But that's probably a given, considering that we wouldn't see his youth if it wouldn't have affected him in the present, flashbacks without any relevance to the overall story don't sound so good
2. Not sure about this one (we don't know how much in character it was) but I can't not mention it.
Alina: Actually there was this one fanfic that I really liked. I don’t remember what it was called, but it was about Ches having a daughter, which is a cool topic. It was relatively in character and truly interesting. It’s great when people focus not just on sexual relationships of the characters, but also try to look at their development. That was a really interesting one. That’s it.
(UnityCon '19)
3. This one's a pretty big one, in my opinion. So, this is what they said on ArtWave '19:
Dima: Ches also has flaws.
Alina: [to Dima] Don’t spoil stuff.
Dima: His flaw is that he's very... irresponsible, let’s say.
So, maybe, just maybe, Ches does have a child but he, you know... left them? As the Instagram highlight from the beginning say: "he might be irresponsible enough to leave his child, and he's probably irresponsible enough not to use any contraception" (rephrased, not the exact quote)
4. Alright, so, the only mention of this one I can think of right now is the aforementioned Instagram highlight. The Metalfamilyfan says:
I contacted Korg/Корж, (admin of @ metal_yama [and I believe one of the organizers of the Metal Family Meetup in Moscow]) and she asked Alina on one of the meetups: "if Ches were to be a father, what kind of father would he be?"
And she said: "The kind of that would say "kid, look at that birdie over there!" an then he would run away"
Someone's words are not the perfect source, but they did tag Metal Yama and from what I know they didn't disagree with what the author of the page said. if anyone has anything to say about this (disprove or definitely prove what I said) feel free to do so in a reblog, notes, DMs, send me an anonymous ask, or in any other way you feel comfortable with
5. Ches has literally been through the same thing, and we know how important the theme of the cycle of abuse is in Metal Family (or, in this case, the cycle of neglect? Abandonment? Idk)
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You managed to hide your PREGNANCY from me! AND you've been hiding the child from me for a whole year!
YES, because you would've insisted on aborting him!
6. Here we can see Ches with a blonde girl. Nothing too special, probably just a one time hook up. He doesn't seem to be interested in her, and she seems to be annoyed with him.
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But wait...
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What is this?
Like, it doesn't even matter if there's actually a punk/rock/whatever band named MOM or not, I just think it's pretty weird to put it in this particular drawing of Ches and this random woman who is implied to have slept with him. It's not integral to Ches' character as, for example, Korol i Shut is. It's just... there. For some reason.
Alright, now, finally let's get to the second part of the theory: who is, exactly, his child?
The short answer is, according to this theory, her:
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First, let me list every single instance of her appearing in canon (and by canon I mean everything made by the creators. Even with this definition of canon it's not much, I promise): The screenshot you can see above on the left (it's a screenshot from the second season and it appeared here), an instagram story posted by Alina (above, right), and two drawing with a lot of characters where you can spot the girl which I'm gonna call her PinkHair or PH for short, I'll mention them later I feel like I should mention this, comparing the sources of the images and the dates when they were posted, it's safe to assume that the screenshot in the classroom has the latest and final version of her design. The red hair most likely doesn't mean anything
1. Alright. So. we've seen Dee and PinkHair in a classroom together, so they're most likely related in some way, or at least they know each other. Their exact relationship doesn't matter here, because all that matters here is that they're related story-wise
Let's look at the first image. This is the banner of the main Metal Family channel. Ches is near Heavy (they get along quite well and I'm sure Heavy aspires to be like Ches in many ways), Dee (we can see his classmates/friends near him, they're all about his age), and we can see people related to Glam on the left side of the image (including Ches!), and Vicky's - on the right side (notice how the hell sign is also there)
Now, I'm not absolutely sure about this one, but it's still kind of weird - look at the image on the right (it's from ArtWave 2021 btw) - wouldn't it make more sense to put PinkHair near Dee? Also, Curiously enough, not only is she not close to Dee on this image, but she's also standing next to Ches.
Though this whole thing could be explained by art theory (too many small things in one corner of your drawing isn't great composition wise lol sorry PH) but I still can't quite skip this point
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2. Remember the "MOM" lady? Fun fact, she has the exact same pearl earring that PinkHair has on the screenshot.
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3. I'll put all similarities with her supposed parents in this point: Mother: * She's also pretty uh.. glam? for the lack of a better word? Or feminine in a traditional sense, yeah I think that's a better way to put it. Like colors they prefer to wear for example, and jewelry. Characters like that aren't common in Metal Family * She's gotta be a blonde. I can't imagine her being anything but blonde. If she manages to maintain that hair color as a brunette I'm just straight up assuming her character arc is gonna be killing God because these kind of people are capable of anything. I fear them with every fiber of my being. * I can't say for sure because of the shading, but it seems like they both have gray eyes, and she also has darker skin compared to most MF characters. Though, it's likely that Mom just applied a lot of fake tan Ches: * We know that Ches for sure has darker skin * AND grey eyes * There's also some possible personality similarities but I'm not sure if you can compare a child to a parent they've never really known in this way
That's about it, I suppose, I hope there isn't that many grammar mistakes and logically unfinished parts and whatnot in this post I forgot to edit lol x) I'm not sure how to end this post other than to remind you guys that almost all the points in this posts are inspired by the "тупая теория" highlight on the dee_girl_metalfamilyfan's Instagram page, so go check them out and subscribe, they post Dee x The Quest Girl fanart and and always credit the artists. Without them this post would be much, much shorter.
Thanks for reading this post, please feel free to let me know your thoughts on this post <3
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zachsgamejournal · 2 years
PLAYING: Call of the Sea
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I'm loving this wave of story-driven, first-person, point-n-click games! I'm not BLOWN AWAY by this one in particular, but I'm enjoying it!!
I bought this game with Christmas Money. And I can't remember if it was last year or the year before...either way, it's been sitting in my queue for a while. I knew when I skimmed a few gameplay videos that this is exactly what I've been looking for. Now sure why I've been holding back...
Right at the beginning, I got Titanic: Adventure out of Time vibes (you should play that game, BTW). I also got Bioshock Infinite vibes. It leans more to the latter than the former. The set decoration is great and the graphics are "high end" cartoony--but I noticed a few flaws, like waves of water appearing on dry land cause the designer or artist didn't sculpt the gameobject correctly. Ah-well. We're all human.
The Titanic vibes end quickly. Three levels and a prologue in and I've not directly spoken with any other charters...let alone seen one. So this is much more like Kona and Deliver Us the Moon--which is sad. While the game is story driven, the lack of human interaction is disappointing. I would at least like an AI companion on the level of Uncharted or Bioshock Infinite--or at the least, King Kong.
Wait...never mind--this game is giving me KING KONG VIBES!
Instead of character interaction, there's a near constant voice over from the main character. This is much improved from Kona's random narrator. I can hear the characters feelings through the voice acting, and it's more personal cause it's not narration, but self-reflection. I'm good with it.
But at the beginning it was a bit much. They knew they had about 5 minutes to get the player caught up, and they chose to use cheesy plot dumps via self-reflection. A woman with an unidentified illness has gone to find her husband who has not returned from an uncharted island looking for the cure. Almost immediately we find the husband's camp, and through the things that are left behind--including notes and letters written to the main character, we learn more about him and their backstory. This is an appropriate time to plot dump. You don't have to spill the beans right at the beginning. Just give us little hints that you pay off later.
The levels are surprisingly big. I had expected the game to be open world. It is not. But each level is of fairly decent size when there's not much to do but walk, look, and solve the occasional puzzle. The size does play into the "exploration" side of things--but, as I said, there's not a ton to do yet.
The first area had some things to look at, but there were only about two puzzles. They were fairly straight forward, and didn't seem "big enough" to define the end of a level. But there's some interesting cultural explorations about Polynesian tribes. I assume they're right. Better than how King Kong handled tribal representation at least.
The second level, the Camp, had a little more going for it. I was stumped for a little bit on a puzzle and wished the game had given me a few more hints along the lines of Uncharted. But I got it figured out. I think the struggle was that I was 95% correct in my solution and the only response I got was, "I don't know how this works or what it's for." Thanks game. thanks.
Story wise, it's ok. It's got all the ingredients of a good mystery. But like Kona and Deliver Us the Moon, everything is past-tense. It's all already happened. While it makes for a fun mystery (which I why I love Resident Evil games), there's nothing happening NOW except that I'm solving puzzles (which Resident Evil always has a now-plot). And maybe if there was more to the puzzles that would have helped...
As mentioned, there's few puzzles to solve compared to the level size. I'm nearly halfway through the game already, and I've only solved about 4 puzzles. Resident Evil could get away with this because they had supply scavenging and combat to balance the gameplay. I prefer this game's no-combat rule, but that does mean it needs more puzzles. That's also something I was expecting to see more. I think Kona gets away with fewer "puzzles" because it's an open world. There are few moments that are strictly puzzle--it's about exploring and figuring things out. There's also a survival element. So Call of the Sea just feels a little more barren.
I also learned that I probably wasn't setting my PC to improve performance speed before. I started to notice slowdown on my laptop and got disappointed. This thing is supposed to be as powerful as a Playstation 4 Pro--and that's pretty good. But I think I needed to tell it to go into performance mode, cause it suddenly got better and the fan went into overtime.
Despite some of my dissatisfactions, I am enjoying it. It's similar to the game I made for my wife, here (except I have character interactions). And it's kind of a chill game, so I could see myself playing through it like an afternoon hike, or something...
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