#i just cant wrap my head around fitjust giving up his slow burn
linimoonlight · 9 months
Soo... do we believe Fit?
Gotta be honest I didnt expect qFit to still plan to talk to qPac about his feelings and definitely not his mission. I just didnt think he would be able to handle his emotions this well. Saying that I'm so incredibly proud of all the character developement qFit has made! A few months ago there is no shot he wouldnt have isolated himself and this is amazing to see.
But even with me believing qFit that he wants to talk to qPac I'm still not convinced it will happen. There are so many things that could still get in the way. First of all I'm not sure that qFit wont panic and lose his confidence once he sees qPac. And then there is Madagio. Just imagine qFit talking to qPac and hes so close to telling him and just got all his courage together and suddenly cats appear all around them as a sign to keep his mouth shut...
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