#i just cannot see them killing sousa NOW
sonofcoulson · 1 year
1959 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. series 2
S.H.I.E.L.D. has been running pretty smoothly for some time now. But a pair of terrible twins are about to disrupt things for the team…Fenris! They are older (77) in 1959 (their age is related to where The Gifted is in this timeline) and some of their story will be told in flashback.
They have been setting up Hellfire Club chapters around the world, trying to manipulate world events in the club's favour. They create terrorist incidents and blame them on other factions, plant misinformation etc. They have also been finding or rescuing promising mutants then enticing/forcing them to join.
Nathaniel Essex is referred to as "our employer" but never by name. No one has been able to work out how the bombs were planted in these incidents, but Howard works out that Fenris are the bomb, managing to link these incidents together and build up a profile for the now elderly Von Struckers. 
In a slight rework from the original The Gifted timeline, the London incident should be 1915 and it's the Police in pursuit, Rio should be 1930 with SSR investigating and pursuing. They manage to evade capture until this series. 
They chase them across the world after the latest incident in Plac Zamkovy, which kills hundreds. They can't figure out what gives them this power (no one knows about mutants, except Otto Strucker). They finally catch up with them and Andrea is killed before they can detonate. Andreas flees to grieve and consider his next move.
They have embedded themselves in Hydra to disguise their true allegiance.
Peggy, Howard, the Howling Commandos, Brian and Jacqueline Falsworth are all present but Adam Brashear is now off world and Sousa 'died' in 1955 as per original AoS s7 continuity. James Braddock (actor tbc) is more prominent here after being a background character previously, also he had "mystically given" powers, but kept them secret from all but a select few, also a great scientist. Very useful for S.H.I.E.L.D. and S.T.R.I.K.E.
As a second arc in this series Howard and Anton Vanko finalise their prototype for the arc reactor. Howard wants to keep developing it in secret, with a view to sharing it when he is sure it can't be copied or duplicated without them both. He has learned his lesson from season 1 of Agent Carter where some of his technology was dangerously flawed or misappropriated. He doesn't want the arc reactor rushed. He doesn't want the technology to fall into the wrong hands. Vanko wants to patent it and start selling the idea straight away. 
Vanko: It's too important not to share it right now.
Stark: I see that it could help the world right now, but I am not prepared to compromise on safety or security. If we rush out a design that could be reverse engineered relatively easily it could start another world war.
V: You just don't want to share the technology with Russia, do you? You think Russia is Leviathan? You think I am with Leviathan? I have known you 13 years Howard…
S: Now Anton, it's not like that, I just need to put in some checks and bal-
V: You want to take all the credit! Where is the proof I was involved in the design if there is no patent?
S: Now wait a minute Anton-
V: You want all the profit too?
S (scoffs): This shouldn't be about money.
V: This is easy for you to say. You live in America like a billionaire,  I live here like a Russian immigrant.
S: I pay you well enough Anton…Let's just…let's just cool off…talk about this in the morning. We can work this out.
V (tersely): Good night, Mr Stark.
By the next morning, Vanko has gone and so have the blueprints. S.H.I.E.L.D. tracks him down and recover the blueprints and hand him over to the company lawyers who have him charged and deported. Howard is too angry to object to the industrial espionage charges or the deportation. He does, however, offer to pay Vanko his share of any profits their design makes. Vanko refuses, arrogantly thinking he can recreate the designs on his own in Russia. He cannot and ends up drunk and destitute setting up Iron Man 2.
Post credits:-
With the Fenris bomb duo out of the picture, we see Sebastian Shaw at the Las Vegas chapter of the Hellfire Club taking a phone call from his employer saying he "would be delighted to be the new black king". After he hangs up he says "now to find myself a queen".
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hecckyeah · 4 years
So after 7x11, Chloe’s slip-up about a kiss during Elizabeth’s live stream, and the leaked promo pic of them holding hands, I’m 99% certain that Daisy and Sousa will become canon in the finale, which I am so excited for!! The only question is how will it end for them?! It doesn’t make sense to set them up as a couple then have it end tragically after such a short amount of time but I’m worried one of them will die or get snapped out of existence/separated by time period. What are your thoughts?
Hey Anon!!
Just to clear the air here and vent for a sec, when I saw that promo pic (well, all of them I guess) my soul left my body for a solid half hour while I drove home. I’m not sure how I made it in one piece. I was wheezing the whole way. Screaming, even. I have a lot of emotions right now.
So let me center my thoughts a bit LOL
Okay, so. I’m sorry if this is ramble-y. I have SO many thoughts going through my brain . . .
First of all, THANK YOU, CHLOE. And of course THANK YOU PROMO GUY who will probably be fired but it’s okay because we love him so much <3
Chloe honestly has been a GEM this year, with her Dousy hints and fangirling and everything. There was that one giggle that she and Liz shared (I forgot where it is, someone help me out), before we even knew if Dousy would be remotely canon or not, and all we had was some insane chemistry and “I’m where I need to be” to get us all clamoring aboard the Dousy train. 
Then there was yesterday’s live stream, which YES. I LOVED Jeff’s horrified look and Liz’s fake laughter to cover it up!! They have been hiding stuff for so long, they don’t know what to hide anymore. WE’RE GETTING ANOTHER KISS YEEHAW i am thriving right now. I hope it’s right before she yeets herself into the Chronicom’s ship to go find her sister (yes I cried when she said that) and Deke. Just as a really dramatic “good luck” kiss, then they stare into each other’s eyes for a few seconds too long, and Mack gets grossed out. Ahhh I can see it all now.
AND NOW. That PROMO PIC (which wasn’t Chloe, but I’m sure she would have released it if she could!!!)
I have all the evidence I need to say that I am 99.999999% sure they’ll be just fine. 
When Mack was talking about “you know who you are, with anyone,” and Daisy just stares straight at her Danny Boy . . . man, that sent me into deep space for a hot second. She wants family. She craves it. I’ve talked about this before, but the Found Family trope in AOS is my favorite thing in the world. Daisy just absolutely loves her family with all her heart, and knowing they would have to go their separate ways . . . She’s clinging onto the one person she knows, beyond a shadow of a doubt, would always stick with her wherever she ends up (”Without fail”). And that is so beautiful and so complementary to Daisy and her entire arc. Because even if her family leaves her, if they all go their own way, if she only talks to them on the phone and over Christmas . . . she would still have Sousa. And that’s what families are supposed to do. They’re supposed to grow, expand, change into something bigger and more beautiful, and I love that. Daisy deserves happiness, and right now, dang. It sure looks like she could find that with Sousa. 
As far as time travel . . . I’m hanging onto the fact that this is a separate timeline. I honestly have NO clue how they’re planning to resolve all the shenanigans. Because Shield is wiped out now, and that right there is a disaster by itself, not to mention Jiaying and Gordon and Project Insight etc. etc. 
They need to fix the timeline, one way or another. I have my theories, which aren’t fleshed out enough to write down yet (maybe I’ll do a meta right before the episode and see what I get right, just for fun). 
I do have a sneaking concern (that has bugged me ever since last night, that I don’t like to think about) that they’ll go back to the temple from the s6 finale and do something there that resets the whole timeline, preventing themselves from going back to 1931 in the first place . . . in which case it’s a tossup in my mind, kinda 50/50 if Sousa disappears or not. I don’t think he will, from a happy-ending standpoint. But if they caused everything that happened in s7 to go back to how it was before, then there is a chance he would disappear . . . Because they weren’t there to pull him out of time in the first place. Which would seriously be the WORST. But with Deke’s multiverse theory (that’s how it seems they’re playing it-- Daisy did ask Mack if he thought the OG timeline was still “out there”), that couldn’t happen. Because what’s done is done, and if they prevented their past selves from going back to 1931 after the end of s6, a whole new timeline would be created, but they would still have the old one, and therefore still have Sousa.
Am I making any sense?? DM me and we can chat about it, because I like to see myself as having a decent grasp of time travel (I had to explain Endgame to my siblings like twenty times), but it’s hard to put into just one post LOL
So anyway.
Here’s the bottom line. I see NO universe in which Sousa dies/stops existing/otherwise, and Chloe is happy about her ending. She would have been so bummed if they didn’t end up together. She has been giddy, guys. She and Liz did an instagram live back in May, and they were full out giggling when they mentioned Daisy’s ending. 
I am 100% in, and if they end up dying or breaking up (never gonna happen), you can go ahead and grind me into the dust, because I believe in them, and I fully believe the writers would not waste THIS MUCH TIME on something they were just going to scrap. They didn’t spend a full FIFTEEN MINUTES in the PENULTIMATE EPISODE with Big Bro Mack giving Quake and her Square pep talks for nothing. 
I don’t think they’ll be separated by time either. Wherever Daisy goes, there is Sousa. That has been made abundantly clear. If she got stuck in the 70s which he hated so much, he would be right there with her. If she got thrown forward to the 2100s, heaven forbid, he would fight tooth and nail to follow her. They wouldn’t be separated by choice, I’m 99% sure of that.
All evidence points to them ending up together. If the writers want to prove me wrong, so be it. But at least then we have our scenes and the confirmation of ANOTHER kiss, AND all the fanfic we could ask for. 
I am not worried :) The promo pics did so much to ease my nerves too, and I am forever grateful to whoever the poor intern was that leaked them.
Anyway, thanks for the ask!! Sorry for talking your ear off . . . yet again. Hey, if you guys ever need really long, rant-y, theory-y, shippy, fangirly, confusing, weirdly comforting posts, you know where to find me! :) :)
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benoitblanc · 4 years
tagged by @martacabreras (ily amina!!!) to list my otps and notps! the notps are under the cut so read at your own risk ;)
tagging @earthbendcrs @anakinskyiwalker @sleepsongs @binickmiller @newgenesis @bihunnicutt @hopefulbeautifulfool and anyone else who wants to do it :)
peggy carter and daniel sousa from agent carter because it’s about the inherent eroticism of “i can’t let myself have feelings for you because everyone i love ends up dead and i cannot lose you too” and it’s about the inherent eroticism of “i know you feel that it’s just you against the world but it doesn’t have to be” and it’s about the inherent eroticism of “i haven’t really trusted anyone in years but despite myself i trust you” and it’s about the inherent eroticism of “to save you i would let the world burn” and it’s about the inherent eroticism of “i certainly don’t need anyone but that doesn’t mean i’m not better with you” and it’s about the inherent eroticism of “i don’t think I’ll ever be good enough for you so i’m going to let you live your life without me even if it kills me” and it’s about the inherent eroticism of “i can see that you’re happy without me and i’m happy that you’re happy even if my heart is breaking” and it’s about the inherent eroticism of mutual pining and friends to lovers and power couples and it’s about the inherent eroticism of “nothing to say? no quick comeback?” and it’s about the inherent eroticism of “good point"
william murdoch and julia ogden from murdoch mysteries because they’re stupid and i love them. they’ve been an otp of mine since middle school
amy pond and rory williams from doctor who because they literally invented romance. adventuring in space and time together? check. waiting for each other for years and decades and millennia? check. actually dying for each other? check, but it’s okay because it was in a paradox alternate timeline so they’re fine. childhood besties to lovers? check. they’re the best i love them
and several other faves right now include tony stark and pepper potts from the mcu, han solo and leia organa from star wars, and eve polastri and villanelle astankova from killing eve!
now the notps... listed below the cut!
rey and kylo ren from star wars because yeah
luther hargreeves and allison hargreeves from the umbrella academy because yes they aren’t biological siblings but y’all they were raised as siblings, and the fact that this comes from the same people that brought us such quality ships as klaus/dave, diego/lila, allison/ray, and vanya/sissy mind-boggles me
bruce banner and natasha romanoff from the mcu because aou was kind of a clusterfuck in general and in my opinion this was a bit unnecessary
but with the exception of really obviously NOPES (like st*rker), there isn’t a whole lot else i’m that against. there are definitely ships, though, where i’m either like “meh” (i feel as though the who fandom is going to crucify me for this but tenrose never really did it for me. ninerose, on the other hand, can have a few rights as a treat) or where i liked them at first and then the writing killed them for me later on (rest in peace, tfa!steggy, you were great and then the russos got you) 
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imjustthemechanic · 3 years
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The Price of a Soul
Part 1/? - Agent Russel Part 2/? - The Letter Part 3/? - Miss Lake Part 4/? - The Stewardess Part 5/? - An Assassination Part 6/? - Fallout Part 7/? - Face to Face Part 8/? - Deals, Details, and Other Devils Part 9/? - Baggage Part 10/? - Private Funding Part 11/? - Just Passing Through Part 12/? - Party of Four Part 13/? - Resolute Part 14/? - The Wreck Part 15/? - Body Snatchers Part 16/? - Out of the Frying Pan Part 17/? - A Miracle Part 18/? - A Matter of Circumstance Part 19/? - Nome Part 20/? - The Future Part 21/? - A Hero’s Welcome
Captain America’s return is big news, which meant that it will not be a surprise to Daniel.
Takeoff the next morning was delayed a little longer, as Howard said he needed to go see a man about some dogs.  This turned out not to be a euphemism – he had purchased a team of sled dogs to send to Resolute and replace the ones the army had shot.  That was fine with Peggy, because it gave her a moment to figure out what she was going to do next.
When they got to Los Angeles, the SSR would doubtless be there to meet them. Daniel was probably frantic, both because he was about to meet Steve in flesh and because he doubtless wanted to know how that would relate to his future with Peggy.  Masters would probably have doctors lined up to give Steve another physical, since he would want to extract as much information as he could from the living man.  That would give Peggy a moment to take Daniel aside, tell him an abbreviated version of the story, and perhaps give him some reassurance that she wasn’t going to run off with Steve.
Not immediately, anyway.
The problem was deciding exactly what she was going to say.  As the plane roared through the sky, she was happy to let Steve, Howard, and Jason play cards with Kay, while she took some time to think.  She would need to let Daniel know what Kay had told them… that she was a Soviet defector from the future.  She would need to let him know that whether that was true or just an excuse, the woman did seem to know what she was talking about.  And she would have to explain the proposed next step.
Peggy had enough faith in Daniel to be sure that he would want to do the right thing, even if he were worried about what Steve’s return might mean.  He wasn’t the type to hold a grudge. Neither was Steve, thank heavens.  She could count on both of them.
That would only last so long, however.  Kay’s quest would be a distraction for a while, but eventually Peggy would have to make a decision about her own future.
“Okay, show me your cards,” said Steve in an accusing voice.
Peggy looked up to see Kay beam as she turned her hand around to display all four queens.  She hadn’t been paying much attention to the game, but Peggy was pretty sure the woman had an entire extra deck secreted about her person.
“You’ve been cheating this whole time!” Steve said, reaching for the pile of cigarettes they’d been using as chips.  Kay snatched them away.
“She has?” asked Jason.  He and Howard were both trying to play through their hangovers, and neither had noticed.
“Is this all part of your master plan to make us trust you?” Peggy asked.
Kay’s only reply was to take one boot off and pull four more queens out of it.  The men groaned and tossed their cards on the floor as she laughed at them.
“You shouldn’t smoke anyway,” said Kay, tucking the cigarettes into her coat. “It’s bad for you.”
Steve, who had been prescribed tobacco for his asthma as a teenager, looked at her suspiciously.  “Is it really?”
“Gives you cancer,” said Kay.  “That is bona fide knowledge from the future that you will all thank me for someday.”
Everybody got rid of their coats and boots as the plane came in for a landing in Los Angeles.  They’d been able to wash and change their clothing at the hotel in Nome, but Peggy was still looking very much forward to a long, hot bath.  She would talk to Daniel first, of course, but by tomorrow Steve’s return would be in all the papers and the press might want to talk to her. Now that she’d healed from Kay’s spray attack, she had no intention of facing them without makeup on.
Unfortunately, that choice was very much made for her.  As the army’s plane taxied towards its hangar, Peggy looked out the window to see there was a crowd gathered.  The hangar was decked out in red, white, and blue bunting, and expensive cars were pulled up.  When they came to a stop and the back of the plane opened to let them out, somebody was there to unroll an actual red carpet for the passengers to walk along.
Masters straightened his tie before heading down the ramp to address the crowd with a smile on his face.
“Governor Warren, Mayor Bowron, ladies and gentlemen of the press,” he began. “I’m sure you’ve heard the rumors, and I am here to tell you that those rumors are…”
Peggy could almost hear the collective breath being held as Masters held the pause for dramatic effect.
“… absolutely true!”  He beamed. “Captain America is alive and well!”
Steve knew that was his cue.  He sighed and heaved himself out of his seat.  “You’d think being dead would earn you some vacation time,” he muttered, but went to stand next to Masters and wave to the ground.  Flash bulbs popped and a brass band began playing America the Beautiful.  Howard, never one to miss out on the spotlight, hurried up to stand on Steve’s other side and join in as the Mayor of Los Angeles and the Governor of California, with their wives, came up to be introduced.  Right behind them was a figure in a tan suit, leaning on a crutch… Daniel.  Peggy closed her eyes and wondered what he must be thinking right now.
“I can make it look like an accident,” Kay offered.
“No, thank you,” sighed Peggy.  “If anybody’s going to kill Vernon Masters I prefer to do it myself.”
“I’m not joking,” Kay told her.
“I’m not entirely sure I am,” Peggy replied.
One of the soldiers came running up to hand Steve his shield – they’d ruined his uniform cutting it off him in preparation for the autopsy, but the shield they’d saved – and Steve held it up to wild applause.  The politicians led him to a red convertible that was waiting, also hung with patriotic fabric and with a flag flying from the back, and police vehicles gathered around for an escort.
“Are they going to have an actual parade?” Jason asked, watching this motorcade drive off. The brass band was climbing into a bus to follow.
“Looks that way,” said Peggy.
“Car accident?” Kay suggested.  “Heart attack?  I’ve got several things that can induce a heart attack.  Fall down the stairs?”
“I’ll think about it,” Peggy said.
The crowd began to disperse, the flash bulbs stopped, and the soldiers who’d accompanied them started to troop off the plane.  Peggy took this to mean that she and the other plebes could leave as well, and grabbed her things to head down to the tarmac with Kay and Jason. By this time, somebody had already come to take the red carpet away.
Among the few people who stayed behind was the contingent from the SSR. Daniel was waiting there nervously, and did not approach as Peggy walked down the ramp.  Something pulled in side her heart.  She knew that if Steve had come back as a corpse, Daniel would have been right there to hold her and help her to deal with it.  Steve coming back alive was something he was no more prepared for than she had been.
“Hello, Daniel,” she said.
“Hi, Peggy,” he replied.
Plainly he was not going to take the initiative, so it was Peggy who went up and put her arms around him.  “That was horrid,” she said.
“Yeah.”  He hugged her back… and was it her imagination, or was it a little tighter than usual, as if he were afraid of her vanishing?  “I guess you probably need to go and…”
“And what?  Join the parade?”  Peggy stepped back.  “Look at me, Daniel, I’m hardly fit to be seen in public.  All I want right now is a cup of tea and a good night’s sleep, but I need to tell you what happened up there.”
Daniel nodded.  “Masters intercepted Dr. Wilkes’ request for backup from Stark Industries,” he said. “And…”
“No, no,” Peggy told him.  “There’s ever so much more to it than that.”  She looked over her shoulder, and found somewhat to her surprise that Kay was still there.  It didn’t seem beyond her to vanish into the first crowd she found and never be seen again. “I don’t think you two were properly introduced…”
Kay came up and offered a hand.  “Chief Sousa,” she said.
“This is Katerina Lachkova, Katherine Lake,” Peggy said, having decided for now to keep Kay’s real name to herself.  She had no proof that Natalia Romanova was less of a pseudonym than any other this woman had used.  Katerina Lachkova would get the point across.  “She claims to be a Soviet defector, and has more information for us than just Steve’s location.”
Unsurprisingly, Daniel looked skeptical.
“I know,” said Kay.  “I wouldn’t trust me.  I cheat at cards.”
“She does, but I cannot deny that at least one thing she’s told us is entirely true,” Peggy sighed.
Daniel pressed his lips together for a moment.  “Okay.  You ladies go get cleaned up, and we’ll talk.”
He squeezed Peggy’s shoulders and then stepped back to let the women get in one of the cars.  Peggy felt as if something inside her were being torn to pieces.  He was trying to look like it wasn’t affecting him, but he desperately needed to be reassured.  What reassurance could she give him when she didn’t know, herself?
Peggy didn’t know if it were a good idea or not, but she pressed a quick kiss to Daniel’s cheek before getting in the car.  Kay got in and sat down next to her, feeling around on the seat beside her for a moment before sitting back and scowling.
“What are you looking for?” Peggy asked her.
“Nothing,” said Kay.  “Force of habit.”
Daniel went in a different car.  Peggy watched him get in, then looked away from the window as their own vehicle started to move.
“Sorry,” Kay said.
“Hardly your fault,” Peggy assured her.
“Actually, yes, it is,” said Kay.  “Like I told you, if I weren’t here, nobody would have found Steve until 2012. You’d have been married to Daniel until 1955, when he was shot by an undercover HYDRA operative.”
Peggy blinked, and then covered her mouth in horror at the mental image.  “So… if we aren’t married, will he not…”
“I have no idea.  I doubt it would have made a difference,” said Kay.  “Anyway, if I manage to get my to-do list done, that will never happen anyway.”  She sighed. “But I’m sorry for putting you in this situation.  I’m not very good at having emotions, but I’m good at reading them.  I figured you’d be happy to see… Captain Rogers, because I knew he always wished you two had gotten your happy ending.  I didn’t stop to think about you making your own happy ending after he was gone.  Now I’ve ruined it.”
Peggy didn’t know how to reply to that.  If she’d gone into this knowing everything Kay had just told her, would she have done anything differently?  No… no, she would not, because there were so many ways in which this was not about Peggy.  Steve deserved to live.  Sergeant Barnes deserved to be rescued.  Howard deserved to feel like he’d brought some good into the world.  Peggy’s personal problems were nothing next to that.
“I suppose I’ll just have to figure it out all over again,” said Peggy.
“I can’t even tell you what should happen, because I’m flying blind from here,” Kay admitted.  “Free will, isn’t it great?”
“Are you so very sure that changing the future is a good idea?” Peggy asked her. “Isn’t there always the possibility you might make things worse?”
“Too late to worry about it now,” said Kay.  “I can’t skip ahead and check and then come back and tweak it.  I’m just here… making it up as I go along.” She offered Peggy a weak smile. “Just like everybody else.”
“Well, you do have a few…”  Peggy tried to find a better metaphor, but was forced to fall back on the unfortunately obvious.  “A few more cards up your sleeve, let’s say, than a normal person.”
“Don’t worry,” Kay replied.  “I’m going to play every single one of them.”
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amazinggrace00 · 4 years
My tummy hurts :(
Fitz has to be on tonight
Like at the very littlest the end credit
Like we know this
If he does not show up I will literally put clown makeup on my face and post it
Im also cold
Im not doing well and it hasnt even started yet
They talk about Fitz in the previously on thats a good sign
616 I forgot the orginal number
The badass walk with Diasy and May and Sousa behind her makes me kind of laugh for some reason
Like it was cool
But also funny
Omfg Deke
Fuckin Garrett
Yes thanks for mentioning that Fitz made a device to stop him
Oh she said sister alone
It sounded like sister in law I was confused
If I see a hair out of place on simmons
fuck nate
You a bitch
Thats my baby
They hurt my other baby
I fucking cannot
Did I miss the title card
It might of been when my mom was talking to me
Bad boys of boy scouts omfg
Omg yes shes your sis go daisy
That felt a lot longer than 12 minutes and I like it
Someone said we are getting a fitzsimmons fanvid but isnt that just all of the show
This is when we need Davis
Rip davis
Mack has his shotgun axe hes joining the fight
Dont hurt my baby deke
He was pressing down on it and it hurt her?
Remember season 3 when only fitzsimmons and coulson were the only ones to go to space
Now its just another day in the office
What omg this is 7 11
Slurpees for everyone
I think its their last mission because they are going to different timelines
Mack and Daisy gossip
Yes he is please
Coulson go adopt her
I like dont like this bitch
Im shaking
Im so nervous to find out about fitzsimmons
Please be a baby
This is why I shouldnt theorize because I'm afraid I'm going to be disappointed
Grant Ward
Oh fuck
This will probably be my longest post
Wait what if Fitz pulled a Captain Marvel and saved Daisy, Mack , and Sousa
Mack is a big brother
They sound like girls at a sleepover I fucking cannot
Fitz omg
Fitz is so cute omg
Live and have a BABY
it has to be a baby they said bloodwork
Im confused how did Jiyang heal herself the first time
There has to be a baby thay has to be it
Take Diana out she cannot forget who Fitz is
Or is because she is very close to remembering his location that she forgot him
Im shaking
We better get some more info I cannot go a week like this
Knock her out May
Omg not this bitch again
Fitz and Daisy better watch out Robo Coulson is coming for your career
Jesus christ Sousa
Why did the news just cut off Nates line
Omg they are destroying shield
HE WAS IN THE FLASHBACK SO Im not a total clown
I dont want these hoes
Kill him bitch
Why was that the end credit
I see no Fitz in the promo Im sad
Why was that the end credit
It would of been okay if she killed him
I didnt want to see them kiss
I wanted to see my babies Fitzsimmons kiss with their baby
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My personal headcanon about Peggy becoming Director of SHIELD is because she was not only the best person for the job but because she was pregnant at the time, and that was how to take her out of the field and put her on desk duty 😂
Peggy would 100% know what’s up. Is she annoyed? Hell yeah. But is she smug about getting the co-director position? Yep. Does she know her husband and Phillips conspired behind her back to do this with Howard and even Jarvis’ input? Yep. Is Steve gonna pay the second she’s on maternity leave? Hell yeah.
She knows they’re talking about her. Even if its just Steve and Phillips in the office or even Steve and Howard. There are too many people together in one room that all know her not to talk about her. Not that Peggy is being vain here, but she sees the look in Steve’s eyes when she walks in. Steve is of many things, including her amazing husband, father of her child, Captain America, but he is not a spy. He cannot lie for anything.
Phillips on the other hand? She’s seen him lie through his front teeth. So it’s best she got her intel at the source. Steve.
This first came about when Peggy had announced she was pregnant. She and Steven had known for months beforehand but kept it to themselves to enjoy the quiet life before the bombarding questions started. They’d first told Ana and Jarvis, asking them to be the godparents. Howard pouted but eventually said he supposedly understood. Then came Shield. Peggy can swear she’s never seen Phillips beam like that other than when they’d finally married.
That’s a whole another story.
The worrying started on day one with Steve. Steve cannot lie to save his life but he can try to cool his emotions so he’s not overly worried and babying her. The hysterics started three months after, right when they’d found out the sexes.
Dear God, they were having twins.
Before that Steve had been whispering to Phillips, new Director of both districts of Shield in New Jersey and DC. She’d rarely seen him as of late, their schedules polar opposites but Steve seemed to always be with him. He claimed it was some Shield business he was handling but Peggy saw right through that.
The foot was laid down when she’d gotten hurt in the field. It wasn’t even a dangerous mission. Get in, get some information on the recently stolen drives, get out. Easy peasy. She could’ve done this in her sleep. Except her pregnancy made her slow. Sick. She wounded up with a black eye, busted lip, and a two-inch gash on her ribs.
She’s seen turn absolutely feral before in times of danger when a child’s life was in danger. She’s seen him barrel through rows of Nazi’s to get their men out from the other side. Defend a German child from the ends of guns because he was just a boy, just trying to survive, who knew no different. Shoot a man point-blank in the face for breaking into their home and trying to kill him. But this? This Steve Rogers was different. He’d seen her hurt before and barely held it together and even as a married couple he knew to keep his affection downplayed in public but this was not that time. This Steve Rogers was an absolute mad man when it came to defending his wife and unborn children.
She’d never seen him look that way before and quite frankly, she’d never like to see that look on his face again. It didn’t terrify her. She would never be afraid of Steve, but she was wary. He was always sensitive and on edge after those moments. Trying to make himself smaller, as if he was a foot and a half less, and a whole hundred something pounds smaller. She felt for him, she truly did.
Perhaps that was the drawing line, as she was getting the wound stitched up by a medic, Steve’s eyes never leaving hers and refusing medical care despite how he wounded up with a knife in his side too. Two weeks after that incident, when the wound was healed and stitches taken out, Phillips barged into her office without knocking, as he was prone to do. With him was Steve who’d gone out to get lunch.
“I’ll call you back,” Peggy murmured into the phone and sat it back in its cradle, turning in her chair to face Phillips. She’s grown in the past weeks, stomach three times its size to accommodate for the twins. Everyone was on edge, wanting to know how the serum would affect their growth , and right now, Peggy could tell you just from their kicking alone they were grounded until they were twenty-two.
“Was that Doctor…?” Phillips clicked his tongue on the roof of his mouth, trying to find the right answer. Out of the hundreds of doctors between them, names did get mixed up. “The one wanting to know about the progress on the antidote.”
“Doctor Helen? No, no. That was Michael. He’d called to say he’ll be coming over.” Not that it was any of his business what her brother and she did but the answer seemed to satisfy Phillips. Daresay, he almost looked relax. “What’s the matter? Did we find a hit on that 084?”
Peggy started to raise out of her seat, but Steve shook his head and settled her back down. He set her vinegar salad and ginger tea in front of her. Phillips rolled his eyes and took his seat in front of the desk. “No, sit down and eat before you pass out again. If I have to deal with a frantic Rogers again…” The threat went on finished, Steve shooting Phillips a faux hurt look.
“I’m not that franatic,” he grumbled around his sandwich. “Says the man that fainted at the 084 last year.”
“Not all of us have secret government serum running through their veins and I did not faint. The frequency of Stark’s damn machine about knocked everyone out with that damn vibrating.” Phillips sounded bitter, rolling his eyes when Steve smirked around his bite of food.
Peggy for one rolled her eyes at the both of them. “Boys. Is there a point to this visit? I’m very busy and need to leave at four today to meet Thompson at the airport.” There it was. Steve’s slight shift of the container in his lap. Phillips was looking right at her.
“No, we need to discuss something. I’ve talked it over with your husband beforehand, only to see if you’d even consider the offer before I made it.” Meaning, he’s been talking to Steve behind her back and didn’t want to catch her on a bad day. “Being Director of Shield over both New Jersey and DC has taken a drain on what I can physically do and cannot do. I can’t be everywhere at once and there are too many damn phone calls and emails to reply to. I want you to Co-Direct with me. You’ll take the branch in New Jersey. I’m sure Rogers would kill me if I tried to uproot him from Brooklyn.”
“Sure, blame it on me. I told you, I don’t mind moving and neither does Peggy. We’ve talked about it beforehand.”
They both looked at Peggy who’d been silent this entire time, the plastic fork twirling between her fingertips. When she was nervous, her fingers started to rub over the edge of her belly. A flinch happening thanks to a strong kick to her hand. Damn child. Make that grounded until they were twenty-three.
They were silent for a long beat, Steve could see the gears turning over in his wife’s head. Considering the pros, the cons, the situations. Phillips had broken the silence and started to list the benefits and what her job would acquire. No longer in the field, behind the desk, working with the other agents. Doing the job she did now but with a pay upgrade, benefits, and full control. Not that Phillips ever bothered to stop her beforehand.
“Be honest,” Peggy mused, finally sitting back with a smirk on her lips. “Was this offered to me because you two and I guess Howard too want me out of the field?”
Steve can never lie. She reads right through him and his ears turning a shade of red told her all she needed to know.
“I accept, on the condition that you two…all of you stop talking behind my back about me. I’m pregnant, not stupid,” she countered, with a hard look at Steve.
What can she say? She knew he did it out of love for her, worry for their safety, their future. She couldn’t blame him.
Phillips just looked too damned please as he shook her hand and they promised to go over key details after she’s rested. Peggy was already dialing Sousa’s number, having him go to Thompson to the airport to pick up Pinky.
“So,” Peggy mused around her forkful of food. “Have you thought of any names?”
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Agents of Shield Series Finale thoughts (finally)
Or alt title Skye finally sits down to write this after two days of being overtired, overwhelmed and as a result, anxious! Feeling a WHOLE lot better today after a few anxiety naps and watching Phineas and Ferb on Disney + (that show is just pure serotonin I swear) 
God what can I say that hasn’t already been said. I’m so beyond happy. I have no idea what my expectations were but by god were they exceeded. I cannot say enough how happy I am. They saved the world with empathy. How utterly beautiful. The endings everyone got were all just so utterly utterly deserved. I’m still in shock really. 
If you haven’t already guessed it, I did not make it to my alarm at half past 6 on Thursday morning. I woke up at quarter past 5 after barely three hours of sleep and just could not help myself. I finished, cried for two hours and collapsed for another hour and a half. And she wonders why she’s felt like utter shit the past two days...
DEKE DEKE MY WONDERFUL MY MOST DEAREST DISASTER SON!!!!!!!!! I love him so much. I know he’s happy in alt. 1983 but losing him was honestly such sweet sorrow. I had a feeling that he would sacrifice himself but I could not have guessed that it would happen in honestly such a good way. He still gets to live, gets to be the director of Shield (god help them) and I’m equally happy and devastated for him. I love Deke so much, he is very dear to me, and the money I would pay for a miniseries of him just absolutely killing it as Shield director in the 80′s with his side business of being a popstar, like the amount doesn’t exist. Also his impersonation of Fitz was so incredibly hilarious, Jeff Ward actually does a not bad Scottish accent and the IMMEDIATE adoption of the pregnant lady pose just ABSOLUTELY SENT ME!!!!!!!!!!
Mack. I’m so happy he lived. His team up with Sousa will forever give me life. Them taping goddamn chronicoms to the missiles to blast a hole in the ship, like whoever came up with that idea, you are now my favourite human on this earth. It is so supremely dumb but I love it so much. As much as there was BIG concern going into this that he was going to die, ta Henry, I never once felt worried for him. Like he never even came close???????? Also a raise to whoever put him in that big long jacket at the end like oh my god are you serious, AMAZING
Yoyo. I had NOT A SINGULAR CLUE, NOT EVEN AN INCLINE of what was going to happen to Yoyo. Her little team up at the end with Piper and Davis (DAVIS ROBO!DAVIS YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSS BICKERING WITH PIPER WE LOVE TO SEE IT) was beyond incredible. Yoyo had such a great arc this season, and I’m just so happy to see it concluded so well, plus that shot of her zooming out of the car at the end was beyond A+ it was beautiful.
May. May, wonderful May. Her appearing OUT OF GODDAMN NOWHERE TO JUST ABSOLUTELY END SIBYL IS JUST FOREVER GOING TO GIVE ME LIFE. THE CAVALRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so intrigued with where they were going with her arc this season, like I enjoyed empath May but I was so curious to see where it was going and oh what a pay off it was. I literally shouted AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH at my screen when she put her hands into that machine and Coulson explained it, BECAUSE IT ALL JUST MADE SENSE. Also it was 100000000000000000000% her idea to name it Coulson Academy, and no one disagreed with her. I loved her little call back to S1 with her just being the pilot. In general I thought all of the call backs were very well handled and placed, nothing felt too fan servicey it was all very natural and organic bc these writers really just know what they’re about and are just so incredibly good at their jobs. ANYWAY MAY. I’m happy that she’s getting a little bit of rest from the field, she absolutely deserves it. 
Coulson. I’m not gonna lie, I wasn’t sure about Robo!Coulson when he was introduced at the end of last season, but my god am I so happy for him now. He is truly the heart of this show, the whole thing began because a stubborn group of fans refused to accept that he had died. And really isn’t that a theme that has carried us through this entire show haha? I was so terrifed for about 30 seconds that Sibyl was going to turn him against the rest of the team, so the RELIEF of May popping out of the ceiling to JUST END HER ENTIRE CAREER WAS INCREDIBLE.  The reappearance of Lola ABSOLUTELY SENT ME. I also love that after years of Coulson refusing to let Mack work on Lola, Mack just went “Fuck it” and built one from, I assume, scratch. He is going to be the best Grandpa to little Alya Fitzsimmons and you can tear that headcanon from my cold dead hands. Again, what a deserving ending. I could not be happier for him, that last shot was just perfect. 
Daisy. Oh boy, we’re getting into my heafty emotions now. I would just like to say that her entire arc throughout this entire show is one of the most incredible, most amazing and well crafted and well thought out characters arcs in television history. Watching her go from this lost little hacker with a bit of a smart mouth, to this strong and powerful LITERAL SUPERHERO has actually been a privilege and I cannot stress enough how much I have loved watching her grow and evolve over the past seven years. That being said, I am low key FURIOUS that they made me think that she was dead for even just a SECOND. I WAS SOBBING NO AT MY PHONE FOR THAT ENTIRE LITTLE INTERLUDE LIKE NO FUCKING WAY ARE YOU GOING TO KILL HER OFF AND LEAVE HER BODY IN SPACE I WILL NOT LET YOU, LET ME GO SHARPEN MY PITCHFORK I AM COMING FOR YOU. I will now invite you to imagine the look of absolute and utter joy and relief on my face when I saw she was alive. Skye/Daisy holds such a special place in my heart. Her whole thing with Sousa this season was SO UTTERLY OUT OF THE BLUE BUT SO INCREDIBLY DELIGHTFUL AND DESERVED!?!?!?!??!?!!?!? Like out of everything I think that little plot detail is what surprised me the most, and I surprised myself by really loving it as much as I did. I would have been happy if she had ended the series single but I’m so happy that she has this wonderful partner who loves her so much and has her back and just looks after her like it’s just like the most wonderful added bonus which she deserves. Sousa is also like a whole ass snack and as I have been saying in my tags for the past few weeks, DAISY GET IT!!!! I love that she ended the series with her own little family, her sister and Sousa. I just. I cannot even think about that without welling up. Daisy has a family, and she chose it and she loves them all so much. I know it was last weeks ep too but I will never get over her calling Simmons her sister. Never ever ever for as long as I live. I’m so happy for her. So beyond happy.
FitzSimmons. Here we, here we, here we fucking go. What to even say apart from big, long and loud sobbing noises, cause that’s all I have really been able to do in regards to them for the last two days. Happy isn’t a strong enough word. There is no word big enough, nor all encompassing enough to say how utterly UTTERLY happy I am that they got their most beautiful happy ending. Fitz guiding her through her memories, the second Jemma said Alya I started screaming, I just I knew that was her name, and him just being so gentle with her whilst she was remembering, like oh my heart. I excuse them everything, the lack of Fitz (WHICH WAS NO ONE’S FAULT I WILL NOT HAVE ANYTHING ABOUT THAT HERE) this season was honestly just paid back tenfold in the scenes that we got of him. His frustration IMMEDIATELY at everyone not understanding their plan was so amazingly hilarious. Simmons half remembering everything was both heartbreaking and hilarious, the scene of her asking for a supersuit like Daisy’s was incredible and both Deke and Daisy responding to her like she was a child they needed to trick into doing something for them, like yes if you come with us you’ll get a supersuit and a bit chocolate, incredible. The acting in both episodes from both IDC and Elizabeth was just truly something else. The fact that neither of them have been nominated EVER for their work on this show is nothing less than criminal. Her face when she remembered Alya. Dear god my heart. I have watched that scene of them reuniting with her at least 3000000000000000000000 times since Thursday morning. I won’t ever forget it. What a beautiful scene. What an incredible scene. “You were guarding our everything.” SHE’S THEIR EVERYTHING. THEIR UTTER EVERYTHING! I’M ACTUALLY LIKE SOBBING WRITING THIS I WILL NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER FOR AS LONG AS I LIVE GET OVER THE FACT THAT THEY LET FITZSIMMONS LIVE IN PEACE FOR FOUR WHOLE ASS YEARS, LET THEM HAVE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL, MOST PRECIOUS LITTLE BABY GIRL AND THEN LET THEM LIVE IN PEACE AGAIN I JUST!!! I HAVE WANTED THIS FOR THEM FOR SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO VERY LONG!!! (also @ marvel I’m not in a place where I want any kind of continuation or spin off at the moment but I would watch a FitzSimmons miniseries of them just being happy and domestic and working in space for 4 years. Just SOMETHING to consider) I cannot thank the writers enough for finally finally letting them have their happy ending. They have been through so much, and it was all worth it because it led them to their happily ever after and to their little girl and I just, that is everything. ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!! I have talked a lot in this post about people deserving their endings but honestly none more than FitzSimmons. Fitz playing with Alya in their little garden whilst Simmons watches with the biggest smile on her face. How perfect. I could not have dreamt a better ending for them I’m so so so so so SO beyond happy for them. And god that little girl is just the most precious. Her gleefully exclaiming “Mama!” at Simmons is the EXACT moment that I started sobbing and did not stop for the rest of the episode. Also I know they didn’t explicitly say it but they are 100000000000000% at their cottage in Perthshire, again you can pry that headcanon out of MY COLD DEAD HANDS!!! I’m just so so so so so so so so SO beyond happy that FitzSimmons got the ending that they deserved so much. They can be at peace now. I have loved them since LITERALLY day one, and I cannot imagine what would happen if I got to tell little 15 year old me how they ended up. I’m sending her good vibes to the past, I know she got them, because I never ever ever gave up on that hope for them. FitzSimmons, to me, represent so much goodness and hope and just everything I aspire to have in a relationship (without the constant separation and the death and all that fun shit), but just the utter love they have for each other. (thanks for the impossible standard to which I hold all men now JedMo). I have been on just a rollercoaster with these two characters, their relationship and each of them as individuals have taught me so much and brought me so much comfort, especially during some of the hardest times I have ever experienced. I’ll tell some of those stories one day. Not yet. I’m not ready. I’m still honestly just reeling. I have wanted A Happy FitzSimmons ending for SO LONG and I just cannot believe that we got it. Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU. 
Writing this felt very cathartic. It’s almost been good to just get ALL OF THE EMOTIONS OUT. I think I’m actually going to take a nap now. I forget how tiring it is to be so emotional. What can I say to end this except reiterate again just how happy I am with that finale. I’m so thrilled that they gave us such a beautiful ending, it really was just a love letter to the series as a whole and to it’s message. I think it was quote from Jeff Bell that I saw and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since, because of how true it is, and really that’s why I hold this show so dear and why I have done for the past 7 years, and that is that this show is ultimately about hope. What a beautiful thing. 
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treaddelicately · 4 years
top 5 aos fics?
Can’t Take the Heat by memorizingthedigitsofpi // Fitzsimmons, 70k, rated E
A Sci-Ops era Fitzsimmons fic that was the first thing I ever read for the AoS fandom, waaaaaay back last year when I started watching and didn’t know anything about canon. It’s fun and sexy and feels so in-character even now that I’ve seen the entire show. 
going steady by romantasha // Dousy, 2,566 words, rated E
Dousy post-finale smut that quite literally sent me into an all-caps texting rant. It’s SO. FUCKING. GOOD. The banter is top-notch and totally in-character, I love me a Sousa who’s just a little bit kinky, and it just felt so joyous after the dramatics of the finale.
The Scion and the Scientist by @thestarfishdancer // Biospecialist, 75+k, rated M
The fic that made me fall head over heels in love with Jemma/Ward. It’s a fantastic fake marriage AU that just makes so much damn sense! If you can’t tell, characterization is a huge deal to me and our lovely author just completely nails it. There’s cameos from all of our faves and they’re so fun and lovely, and the budding real relationship between Jemma and Grant is so sweet and real. Cannot wait to read the ending for this one!
maybe by sophila // SkyeWard, 4,460 words, rated E
A season 2 AU where Ward disappeared after escaping SHIELD custody and retired to John Garrett’s abandoned cabin to live a quiet life. Daisy uses it as a refuge after a mission gone bad and sees an opportunity to get some revenge on Ward for everything he’s done. It’s angsty and sexy and absolutely kills me every time I reread it.
and all the flowers will bloom by @bobbimorseisbisexual and Nazezdha321 // Gen fic (Daisy-centric), 3,724 words, rated T
A sweet fic about five birthdays across Daisy’s life, starting with Cal’s perspective on the day she’s born and ending with her “death day”. It’s sweet and angsty and gives me all the found family feels. Like, so many of them. Just go read it.
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prttysavage · 4 years
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Name\Alias:  daisy johnson / quake. Age:  28 Gender:   cis-female Preferred Pronouns:  she/her Team\Group:  agents of shield Faceclaim:   chloe bennet Penned by:  penny
Any special abilities\skills?:  master hacker,  expert thief & marksman,  master martial artist,  vibrational manipulation:  concussive blasts,  vibrational absorption,  force field generation,  &  disintegration. Human? Something else?:  inhuman. Four positive traits (+):   humorous,  quick-thinking,  compassionate,  loyal. Four negative traits (-):   temperamental,  impulsive,  impatient,  confrontational.
Brief Background:  
you’re born to a woman in china,  one  who  would’ve  cared  for  you  to  all  of  the  possible  motherly  care  if  nazis  didn’t  cut  her  up.  now,  when  you  meet  her,  she  uses  you,  tries  to  kill  you  to  get  more  power,  and  would  have  almost  succeeded  if  your  crazed  father  hadn’t  stepped  in  and  killed  her  for  you.   now  your  mother  is  dead  and  your  father  has  no  memories  of  you.  one  time  when  visiting  the  past  and  messing  up  your  timelines,  you  visit  your  mom  she’s  fucked  up;  she  still  dies,  but  at  least  you  have  a  sister.
before you learn of your fucked up  past,   you’re  in  an  orphanage  in  new  york  city.  they  call  it  st.  agnes,  and  you’re  so  very  pleased  when  you  start  going  to  foster  homes  when  you  reach  double  digits.  some  of  them,  you  could  see  yourself  being  a  part  of  their  family!  but  alas,  it  never  lasts,  and  you’re  never  at  them  for  more  than  six  months.   you  never  were  meant  to  belong,  were  you?
you find your family at shield.  they’re   not  your  blood,  but  they’re  something  more.  the  team :   phil coulson, melinda may, jemma simmons, alphonso mackenzie, leopold fitz, and elena rodruiguez  believed  in  you  more  than  your  own  blood.  your  sister  would  eventually  too,  but  she  needs  a  bit  more  work  than  you.  who  would  have  ever  thought?
you get your powers from your mother.  for  a  long  time,  you  can’t  use  them  without  harming  yourself  or  others  .   you  go  through  different  hairstyles  as  you  learn  more  about  yourself   (  your name is daisy,  not skye  )  and  your  powers   (  you have the power to split the earth in half with your quakes ).    your superhero name is quake.  you  work  with  shield  for  eight  years  and  learn  more  about  yourself  and  others  than  you  ever  expected.  you  think  that  coulson  used  to  be  shield,  but  these  days  you  think  that  maybe  it’s  your  whole  team  that’s  the  prime  example  of  what  shield  is  about.  it’s  time  to  build  it  up  from  the  ground,  and  listen  to  the  new  director.
full wiki for all 8 seasons can be found  here  i’m sorry i cannot type all that sksksks.
How is your character taking the unilateral decision to leave earth?
it’s just a regular tuesday for daisy ngl skskskks
Is your character dealing well with the prospect of life on a new planet? Are they scared? Concerned? Excited?
yep! once again ,,, she is so very used to spending time in space and going to different planets. she and jemma searched the whole universe for her closest friend.  she’s used to the politics of different planets.
Is your character cooperating with the other groups, or fighting against these tentative new alliances?
cooperating,  but is fairly used to it considering she’s a diplomat for earth/shield. so it’s just like work again lol!
For those who are part of PROJECT NEW HOME; Is your character optimistic that their relocation will work out as intended?
yuh yuh. she’s tired, earth is fucked up, she thinks that they can recreate something better. if they can do it with shield, they can do it here!
If your character volunteered to be part of the first two groups to Orbulite, or the rescue group sent after them, why?
she’s in group 2 baebee. she likes working with people a lot! and since she has the experience, she figures that she can be a useful asset. 
in aos, they went to space/played around with different timelines. i’m playing daisy from the end of aos, where she was going around to different planets. 
i consider everything canon except daisy & sousa being canon! don’t get me wrong, i love them, i just don’t like tying my character to ships in an rp just bc it’s canon.
her hair is an outgrown blonde <3 
she is 500% hopeful that things can work out with the right people in charge xx
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sholiofic · 5 years
Prompt for Agent Carter OT3 if you are still taking them "I can't forgive you if you won't talk to me"
"This is completely ridiculous."
"You're telling me?" Daniel said, and it occurred to him that if Jack, of all people, was being the voice of reason around here, things had gone badly off the rails.
"I was also referring to you."
Any goodwill he'd been harboring toward Jack collapsed. "Oh, come on, are you seriously taking Peggy's side in this?"
Jack stared at him. "No; it's just that I cannot believe that after ten years of me fighting with Peggy, and you fighting with me, I am actually having to mediate between the two of you. This is just wrong."
"I'm not seeing a whole lot of actual mediating going on here," Daniel muttered, not quite wanting to admit that Jack might kinda have a point.
"Oh, it's mediating you want? Fine." Jack threw the back door open. "Peggy!" he bellowed at the top of his lungs.
Peggy, who was only about fifteen feet away, looked up from aggressively pruning the rosebushes. "Nothing that is happening here is any of your business, Jack."
"Get in here and talk to Sousa before his moping gives me hives."
"There are a lot of rocks out here, Jack. Kindly don't make me throw one at you."
"Wouldn't be the first time," Jack muttered, and then announced, "Daniel, the door's open; go out there and talk to her."
"She's carrying pruning shears; are you serious?"
"You wanted mediation; I'm mediating!"
"You're being an ass!"
Peggy ducked her head and aggressively clipped another rose tip.
"See? She's smiling, that's a good sign, get out there now, shoo."
"You're going to get me killed -- ow -- Jack, let go --"
He was unceremoniously shoved onto the back porch. The door slammed behind him. There was the sound of the lock snicking shut.
"That's it, he's trying to get me killed. Jack!" Daniel shouted. "Let me in!"
"You really should have paid more attention to my lock picking lessons," Peggy murmured, and she looked up at him, the hair falling into one eye.
She was so goddamn beautiful when she was pissed at him. Which was really kind of a problem, come to think of it.
"You could come over here and show me," Daniel said cautiously. "I, uh ... I think Jack kind of deserves it, don't you?"
Peggy stood there for a long moment looking at him, then flipped the hair out of her face. "You know," she said, "you're right." And she took a small canvas-wrapped bundle out of the pocket of her dungarees, because of course she carried lock picks while trimming the rosebushes, and came over to the back door and crouched down. "It's a simple matter of feeling for the pins. Here, give me your hands."
He used the support of the crutch to go down carefully on his good knee. Peggy closed her hands over his, showing him how to feel out the internal workings of the lock. Her cheek was mere inches from his, both of them leaning forward and working on the lock, as he murmured, "I'm sorry. I was an ass."
More silence, as she worked at the lock; then she said quietly, "So was I."
The lock's pins aligned with a click, and the door sprang a few inches open. Peggy gave Daniel a bright, triumphant grin.
"Well," she said, struggling to her feet and holding a hand down for him, "shall we go give Jack our opinion on his mediation methods?"
"Love to," Daniel said, and accepted her hand up.
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nettlestonenell · 5 years
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You can come out from hiding under your desks, now.
Three Reasons You Can Stop Fretting About Peggy Carter in Endgame
It is Nell, Gentle Readers, here to settle your uncertainties and qualm your queasies in the wake of Avengers: Endgame, in particular its finale.
Tumblr (and I) are well-aware at this point (and even, it seems, some covering the fandom-at-large) that Steve’s dance with Peggy in the penultimate moments of Endgame has more than one Peggy and Steggy fan on the edge of their seat—and not always in a good way.
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This emotion needs it’s own verb.
Here are the three reasons you’ve got absolutely no excuse to be worried.
But What Happened to Peggy’s Character Development in Agent Carter? Didn’t Steve Just Steal All That from Her? And Her Family? (And US?!?) Did Steve Rogers Just Sort of Murder Peggy’s Children and Grandchildren? In the Name of Love? Did I Just Watch That?
Take a breath, Peggy fan. Thank you for your support of TV-Peggy, but according to Avengers: Endgame’s in-film explanation [and multiple post-opening Russo interviews, if you accept those into canon], nothing done in the past/time heist portion in the film negates what we’ve already seen and know to have happened IN THE MAIN MCU TIMELINE (which I’ll now call ‘ours’). So Peggy DID all the things we saw her do, including become a wife and mom and grandmom and co-create and run SHIELD…and die. That can’t be unwritten or taken away from her. From “Our” Timeline Peggy.
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Please put down the gun, Agent. We’ll handle it from here.
Something to notice is that the two guys who wrote Endgame, Markus and McFeely? Well, they’re actually the two guys who are credited as “Created by” for Marvel’s Agent Carter. They served as Executive Producers on the show. They wrote The First Avenger. The Peggy Carter we know (“Our” Peggy) is courtesy them directly building on the comics, for Cap’s first film, AND for the TV show. [We also cannot forget Kevin Feige, who produced The First Avenger and the TV show, AND the 2013 One-shot. Peggy is part of his hard work, too.] These are the guys who cared about and remembered James D’Arcy’s top-shelf performance as TV Jarvis, who said, of all the people they could have picked to include in the biggest movie ever to be released on this planet: yes, we want to put him in our film, most people won’t get it at all, some will get the Jarvis comics reference, and a few—we happy few—will know exactly what is going on and our hearts will grow three sizes in three seconds. This is a choice we make, because we love that show and that story, and those characters.
We as fans love Peggy Carter, yes. But these guys? These guys LOVE Peggy Carter. They’ve placed her centrally into the MCU, they’ve thought about and developed and worked on her and her journey for a decade (even before 2011 when TFA was released) . Is it logical they’d then turn around and just…set fire to the thing? Over-writing and backspacing their story and that character’s development?
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And so do McFeely and Markus and Feige, Peg. So do they.
Speaking of that 2013 One-Shot, Have You Seen It?
It was attached to the DVD release of Iron Man 3, and it became a backdoor pilot to the TV series. So? Well, if you’ve watched it, Gentle Readers, you will know that it…cannot be canon if we are meant to accept ONLY Marvel’s Agent Carter TV Series and “Our” Peggy. It’s contradictory, Peggy is not entirely as we’ve come to know her. It’s a different Peggy.
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Two interchangeable white men in suits and positions of power? Who ever heard of such trickery!
See, with the time travel rules and notions set up in Endgame, the multiple tellings of Peggy Carter’s story actually…work in greater harmony than ever before. Think about it:
The Peggy Carter in TFA doesn’t have the shaky standing among co-workers and on-going struggle to accept her own worth over how others treat her that is given to/developed for her in Marvel’s Agent Carter TV Show. That new (but necessary to dramatic progress) character beat was created and introduced in the TV show.
The Agent Carter One-Shot Peggy is NEITHER the Peggy nor the SSR agents that we meet and watch in the TV Show.
And the Peggy dancing with Steve in Endgame is NOT “our” Peggy. She’s Peggy at a different point than when we knew her—or, Peggy at the LAST point we knew her, about to change and grow beyond our understanding of her with Steve re-arrival.
She is Peggy (just like the One-Shot is Peggy), same skill-set—but different life experiences.
You Can Choose to Believe What You Like About that Dance.
It’s not going to be elaborated on any more than it has been on film. And here, ultimately, is your saving grace. Here, is the possibility of harmonizing Our Peggy with Branch Reality Peggy. Please thank Kevin Feige and McFeely and Markus for this. For leaving that shot unexplained, inexplicit, but open to eternal speculation.
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It is never good to die without finishing a poem. Just ask Coleridge.
And here is what Nell is going to believe about that dance, and why.
Number One: The song choice, yes, it’s a WWII tune, but it could be playing at any time. Nostalgia is strong in all generations, but of course Peggy and Steve might dance to a song from that time—they could dance to that record in 1947 or 1957 or 1967. It’s about memories. So, the song being used as they dance is no real year-locative indicator. It’s timeless.
Number Two: The house. And here’s what I know. The house shown is a California bungalow, built predominately in warm US climates from 1910-1939. It’s a very particular style of house—not one you’d find in New York City (or Brooklyn). We are shown that house, and a small yard—and no other houses or buildings in-shot. So, clearly not in the city. [see Number Three]
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Picture for architectural reference only.
The house has a yellow exterior. Is there, um, anybody from the TV Series we associate with the color yellow? Who ALSO had a California bungalow-style house—in California? Whose interior was painted yellow? Could it be this person’s house? And maybe they’re…gone?
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You gotta love a man w/ a consistent aesthetic.
Number Three: Keen-eyed viewers of both seasons of the TV Show will recall both a shift in fictional and actual location from Season One being in NYC to Season Two moving to California. With this came a significant shift in cinematography. Suddenly, Agent Carter was sun-infused, the camera leaving things so sun-dappled it sometimes bordered on being out-of-focus.
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Above, Season One Agent Carter. An homage to noir.
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Above, Season Two Agent Carter. Let the sun shine in.
That’s exactly how the dancing scene was shot.
Conclusion: This scene is set in California, therefore, after Peggy moved there from NYC, as she stated she was about to do in the series finale.
Number Four: Steve Rogers knows the details of “our” Peggy’s life. He would know when she married, to whom, all about her children. He would know her timeline. We can’t know what became of her husband (whom we generally assume to be Daniel Sousa), only that he is absent from photos at her aged bedside. It would be no huge stretch to wonder if he hadn’t been killed working for the SSR. If this were true, Cap would know that as well. Being a widow would not negate Peggy’s children, nor prevent Cap from coming on-board and helping raise them. Or the two of them having children of their own.
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No doubt, this photo was on the other side of Peggy’s bed when she was in care.
It’s no great stretch at all to go forward understanding that Cap’s arrival could show up the day after Agent Carter’s series finale episode set around 1947—or even fifteen years later.
Bottom Line? Cap knows more about “our” Peggy’s life than we do, and whenever he chose to stop in and stay [and maybe he co-ordinated it with returning one of the stones, such as in 1970—the dancing clip is rendered timelessly, and will take closer scrutiny to try and date it through Peggy’s dress, hair, and possible wrinkles-given] he would do so in a way so that he (and the writers) would rob Peggy and her family of nothing.*
Because that’s who Steve Rogers (and the screenwriters that created the film version of him and Peggy) is.
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Peggy’s known. Peggy’s always known.
*Right after he managed to rescue Branch-Bucky.** **After stealing more Pym Particles as he replaced the Tesseract in 1970.
Sleep tight, Gentle Readers, Cap hasn’t disappointed you—or Peggy. He (and Feige, and McFeely and Markus) have just made it so you can
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peggysousfan · 5 years
Captain America: The First Super Soldiers
So this is only Chapter 1, but it is SUPER long. I am watching the movie and written the scenes as they go along. I did add a lot of new ones to fit and establish relationship developments. This was requested by peggysousoversteggy and it is a series version of the One shot where Steve Rogers and Daniel Sousa both receive the Super Soldier Serum. Enjoy!!:)
Year 2012:
Two men in large suits, used for warmth, open the frozen door. The discovery of a large object in ice has just been discovered, and the government needed to see what was inside. As the scientist climb down the rope, they explore the interior. Then one stops, gets down on his knee, and brushes away some of the ice on a shining abject.
"Lieutenant! What is it?" Asks the first man
"My God. Base, get me a line to the Colonel. "Says the second, standing over the first with a flashlight.
"Its 3:00 am sir,"
"I don't care what time it is. This one's waited long enough."
Year 1943:
There in the night sky; the dark clouds loomed over the small village. Hydra has invaded this peaceful place, all on the orders of their leader. Johann Schmitt and his follower were on a quest, a quest to win the war. Down the doors to the temple go, ruble strewn everywhere, killing one of the keepers. The second keeper stands his ground and refuses to give up what his opponent seeks, but alas, he looks to its hiding place and gives it away. Schmidt walks to the wall and moves his hand along the snake and tree engraved in the stone. As the secret chamber door opens, the Tesseract glows in all its power.
"You have not seen this, have you?" Schmidt asks.
"It is not for the eyes of ordinary men" The old keeper exclaims
"Exactly" He takes tesseract and walks away. "Give the order of fire."
"Fool! You cannot control the power you hold. You will burn!"
"I already have," and with that, Schmidt takes out his gun and bang!  hes shot down. . 'Now' he thinks, 'I can win this war!'
America, 1943:
In a room filled with chairs, men stand and sit, waiting for their names to be called; all of them waiting to be enlisted into the army. As another name is caller, he walks to the register, his chest bare, ready for enlistment. The doctor gives a small glance, and isn't impressed with what he sees.
"Rogers..."The 'man' before him looks like that of a scrawny boy, nothing but flesh and bone; and no taller than most of the woman there. "What'd your father die of?"
"Mustard gas, "He replies immediately, as if rehearsing and expecting this question. "He was in the 107th infantry. I was hoping I could be assigned-
"Mother?"The doctor has no interest in what he wants.
"She was a nurse, in a TB ward. Got hit. Couldn't shake it."
"Sorry, son." The doctor looks through is long list of physical health problems.
"C'mon just give me a chance."
"You'd be ineligible on your asthma alone."
"Is there anything you can do?" Rogers ask, not wanting to give up.
"I'm doing it," He takes the stamp and Steve Rogers is denied again, with a 4F. "I'm saving your life." And with that Rogers gets dressed, and leaves.
Europe, 1943:
There stood a woman, tall and brunette, holding a firearm, aiming at her target.
"Hold." Instructed the sergeant. "Aim" She sets her sights right in between the eyes of the dummy dressed in uniform; the band of Hitler on his arm is unmistakable." Fire!" She releases the trigger and it hits dead center where she aimed. She smirks to herself as her instructor walks by. "Good work, Carter. Perfect shot."
"Thank you, sir." She addresses.
"In 30 minutes I want to see you in my office. Is that clear."
"Sir, yes sir." Confused, she takes another aim at her target, this time in the heart, and fires again. Before she knew it, the thirty minutes had passed and she made her way to the sergeant's office. She knocks on the door and he says enter.
"Sir? You wanted to see me." As she says this and walks inside, she sees another man in the room; a colonial.
"Have a seat, Carter." She does as shes told and glances between them.
"My name is Colonial Chester Philips of the U.S Army. And I'm here to make you a job offer." Her eyes get wide as he continues to speak. "According to your sergeant, you're the best damn shot in this building. You've accelerated at every combat form and have surpassed even the most difficult courses in training. You have a high intellectual level of code breaking and integration methods. And we can use that." She furrows her brow at this. "How would you like to come to the United States and work as an Agent of the Strategic Scientific Reserve?" Her jaw drops, momentarily, before she composes herself.
"It would be my honor, Colonial." She stands and they shake hands.
America 1943:
Soldiers roamed around the field, Officers and drill sergeants were barking around orders, and rovers and trucks engines could be heard driving and stopping as supplies were loaded and unloaded. The air was filled with dust and the men were covered in filth and sweat. Among these men was someone special in particular, someone the government had plans for. As he loaded a back of rations from the truck his name was called.
"Lieutenant Sousa!" At the sound of his name he turns around, with a sack heaved on his back. Theres someone here to see you."
"Who?" he asks as he places the bag in the cart.
"I don't know, some Colonial or something. Said he needed to have a word with you." Sousa nods his head, and follows his comrade to the tent. As they walk inside, the man in question stands facing a map. The messenger leaves the tent, and the two men are left alone.
"Sir? I was told you wanted to have a word?"
"Yes I do, Lieutenant." He turns around to face the soldier, his hands held behind his back."How do you like you position here at camp?" he starts to pace slowly. Sousa furrows his brows.
"Uh, Sir?"
"Your position. Your work here at camp. How do you like it?" He asks again.
"Well enough. I'm just doing my part to win this war, sir." The Colonial hums in response, then stops pacing and faces him.
"Son, I have an opportunity for you that may be better than this here camp. You interested?"
"Yes, sir."
"Good." He steps forward and outstretches his hand. Daniel takes it and they shake. Then hes given a form from the table and signs his name; at the top he notices the title, Project Rebirth. As they finish up, the Colonial starts to leave.
"Wait, Colonial. What exactly am I doing? And who are you?" He gives a dry chuckle and answers.
"Names Colonial Chester Philips, and you now work for me at the Strategic Scientific Reserve." Daniel looks away. "Be up by dawn and meet me back at this tent. Then we'll leave."
"Jersey." And with that, hes gone.
New York 1943:
The cinema was filled with viewers for the cartoon. Before the film played, however, there was a tribute to the fallen soldiers and a commercial to encourage men to join in and help win the war.
"Who cares! Just play the movie already!" a man from the audience yelled.
"Hey, you wanna show some respect," Whispered Steve.
"Let's Go! Get on with it!"He yells again. "Just start the cartoon!"
"Hey, Do you wanna shut up?" Steve leans over and says.
"What did you just say to me?"
"Jim, not here, please." Says the girl beside him.
"Alright, lets take this outside" and they do. Steve gets punched around and continues to fall down. No matter how many times he gets back up, hes punched again. He grabs a lid from a bin and tries to protect himself. Jim snatches it and continues to punch. "You just don't know when to give up do ya?"
"I can do this all day," He says out of breath. Before Jim gets in another swing and hits him again. Before he can land another hit, a soldier appears and kicks him. Hey pick on someone your own size. The man swings at the soldier, but is punched instead and then kicked, so he runs off. "Sometimes I think you liked getting punched." The two friends leave the alley and go on a double date.
"Hey Bucky!" A girl calls out.
"What'd you tell her about me?"
"Only the good stuff, Barnes replies. The four of them go to a show and watch Howard Stark present his invention, the flying car. Steve reaches over the girls shoulder and offers her some peanuts, but she looks at him in disgust. After the show, Steve walks away from his friend and the tow girls and tries to enlist again. Bucky notices Steve has slipped away and confronts him.
"C'mon you're kind of missing the whole point of the double date think. We're taking the girls dancing."
"Nah, I'll catch up." Bucky looks at him in dismay and shakes his head.
"You really gonna do this again? Lie on another form as Steve from Ohio?They'll catch you, or worse actually take you. This isn't a back alley Steve this is a war." As the two men argue, an onlooker watches them.
"I know its a war, I gotta help. I got no right sitting on the side lines while other men are throwing down their lives. This isn't about me."
"Right. Cause you got nothin' to prove."He shakes his head, hugs his friend, and joins the girls for a dance. As the argument ends, the man watching steps away. When Rogers is in his tent waiting on his for, the man reappears and approves him form.
"So, you want to go over seas. Kill some Nazis." He stretches out his hand and the two shake. "I am Dr. Abraham Erskine and I represent the Strategic Scientific Reserve." "Steve Rogers".The two talk and Dr. Erskine tests Roger, Test him on his Morales and honor. He doesn't want to kill anyone, he just doesn't like bullies. Rogers is given his passing form and a chance to join the war.
Mountains 1943:
Hidden deep with in a frozen, rocky tundra. Johann Schmidt and Dr. Zola are in a laboratory testing the power of the tesseract.
"Are you ready Dr.Zola? Are you certain that those conductors of yours can withstand the energy surge long enough for transference?"
"My machine requires the most delicate collaboration. Forgive me if I seem overcautious." He tweaks a  few more things. "With this artifact, I am certain of nothing., and I fear it may not work at all." Schmidt takes out the tesserect and places it in the machine, as the power rises and energy surges, the transfer fills the room with electric, and the is complete. "The exchange is stable! Amazing. This could power all of my designs... This could will change the War.
"Dr. Zola. This will change the World!"
Jersey 1943 Boot camp:
The camp is similar to that of the one Daniel Sousa had previously left. But instead on focusing on supplies and trenches, he was focusing on training. Soldiers running in line in one beat, as one person, trucks with more supplies, and tents and supply storage's, and the recruits all standing in line waiting for instructions. They all start to loose their cool when they see a woman, dressed in uniform with perfectly coiled hair and deep red lips.
"Recruits attention!" She starts to walk in front of them. "Gentleman I'm Agent Carter. I supervise all operations for this division" Daniel is stunned by her beauty, but Rogers doesn't pay her any mind; he just sees another officer at camp.
"Must be the accent Queen Victoria." Peggy stops in her tracks and faces the man. "I thought I was signing up for the U.S. Army." Daniel whips his head around to see the man who just insulted her and thinks 'what an ass'. Rogers just glances at him; and Peggy, she gives him a deadly glare.
"Whats your name, soldier?"
"Gilmore Hodge, Your majesty." Daniel continues to glare, but watches his footing. He doesn't want to get into trouble for stepping out of line.
"Step forward, Hodge." He does as hes told, with a little side glance at the others. "Put your right foot forward." She instructs calmly.
"Mmm, We gonna wrassle?"She hands him a clip board. "Cause I got a few moves I know you'll like," He winks. She lands a solid right hook to his face, and down he falls to the ground. The others laugh.
"Looks like the only moves you got are on your ass." Daniel couldn't help himself. The others laugh harder. Peggy looks over at him, and their eyes meet. Shes taken back for a moment, and she smiles at him.
"Agent Carter!" It takes her a moment to turns around; shes still not use to her name starting with Agent.
"Colonel Philips." She solutes him.
"I can see that you are breaking in the candidates. Thats good!" He praises her and glares at Hodge. "Get your ass up out of that dirt and stand in that line at attention till somebody comes up and tells you what to do." Hodge hurriedly stands up and sniffles, his nose is broken. As the Colonel gives his speech the all continue to listen. He explains that they are tasked to create the best army in history, and that every army starts with one man. That man will be selected to start the new breed of super soldiers. They will go though rigorous testing and training, and at the end, they will choose that man. After the speech they are dismissed and shown to their tent. Agent Carter was on her way to grab a few things while the men unpacked, and she ran into Daniel Sousa.
"Oof" They exclaimed. "Sorry." The say at the same time. They look up and at each other, and once more their eyes meet.  They both start to blush.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to-"
"Its fine, it was my fault, really, I wasn't watching where I was going." She explained. He nods his head and the silence is awkward.
"Oh, uh.. That was amazing what you did earlier." She looks at him confused and he laughs nervously. "Uh, with Hodge. Wh-when you hit him. I-It was uh, funny." I closes his mouth and glances away, fearing he was embarrassing himself. At first shes quiet, and then laughs.
"I don't take too kindly to men who thinks its amusing to taught or harass woman."
"I agree. He was being a real ass, and he had no right to do that." she squints her eyes at him as if looking for ulterior motives.
"If you knew it was so wrong why didn't you speak up and  try and defend me..?" She questions.
"I figured you were a strong enough woman to handle your own without someone else interfering." he says, hoping it was the right response. she smiles once more and so does he.
"Well, you're not wrong. So thank you." He nods again, they stare at each other as if in a trance.
"'Scues me" someone walks passed them. They shuffle away from the door, and brush against one another.
"Right, well I should be going." she says as she comes back to reality.
"Oh, uh yeah, sure. I'll see you in training, Agent Carter."
"You too soldier." She smiles and walks away.
Weeks go by and the candidates continue to train. The run courses, climb ropes,and rope webs, and crawl through mud while handling riffles. Rogers walls off the rope and gets caught in the web. Sousa helps him when he can, once by getting Steve's feet uncaught from the rope. Rogers pushes him off.
"I got it, I don't need your help." Daniel raises his hands in the air and backs off; and Peggy witnesses the entire thing. 'Well that was uncalled for,' she thinks, 'he was only trying to help...' Another incident was when Hodge had kicked the stump from the ground while they were all crawling under barb wire and carrying rifles. The sergeant yelled at Rogers to get the gun out of the mud, so Sousa hurried and crawled to pick up the stump; freeing Rogers. "I said I don't need your help." and he continued to crawl away. Daniel breaths a sigh and thinks 'Ya try to be a nice guy, geez'. The third incident was when they were doing the 2 mile run. Each soldier was given a chance to try and get to a flag hanging from a slippery pole. Daniel was in the crowd with them as they all tried to climb. He notices a pin and bolt at the bottom and looks back at Rogers, then smiles to himself. As the others try and climb and hurry to take turns, Daniel undoes the bolt at the bottom and falls in line after being called.
"Rogers! I said fall in!" He walks up to the pole, pulls out the pin, and gets the flag once the pole falls. Daniel thinks no one noticed, but he was wrong. As Rogers makes his way to the jeep, Peggy smiles. He thinks its at him, but in fact it was meant for the man behind him; the man that should have been in the truck with her.
It isn't until weeks later when she confronts him. The candidate that is meant to be the first super soldier is being chosen soon. Everyone is eating their rations outside, and she walks over to Daniel as he sits on the bed of a jeep.
"Hello." She says. He looks up, a cheek full of food, and he gulps nervously.
"Uh, Hey-hi. uh... Hi" She laughs softly.
"Is this seat taken?" She gestures to the spot next to him.
"Uh.. no. Here." He moves his bag and she sits down. At first it is awkward silence and then she chuckles.
"I'm going to say something, and I hope you don't take it the wrong way." He nods his head for her to continue. "I've been watching you-" He starts to laugh. "What?"
"-Nothing nothin'" She tilts her head and lifts a brow. He smiles again. "Its just...isn't that your job? To watch us and 'supervise all operations in this division'?" She laughs at his statement.
"Yes. That is true. However I have been... shall we say, keeping a close eye on you, specifically."
"You have?" She nods."Why? Did I do something wrong?" She hesitates for a few moments, as if thinking of what to say.
"Not wrong..just..." She looks away, thinks, and looks back at him. "You do know how to take a hint, yes? And that this is a competition?"
"Take a hint? What do you mean? And yeah, I know its a competition. We're here to be selected for the first super soldier trial."
"If you know all of this then why do you help your competitors?" Shes not angry, nor is she accusing; shes simply confused.
"I don't..." I squints his eyes at her.
"Yes you do. I've seen it, several times." He shakes his head as if he disagrees. She sighs and explains. "First it was the webbed rope, and you helped a fellow competitor de-tangle himself." He starts to blush."Then in the mud, during the crawling exercises. You crawled all the way back to help Rogers and he got angry with you. Both times." He takes a deep breath and looks away from her. "And then theres the one time he doesn't even know about." "Whens that?"
"The flag." She states. He slumps his shoulders and holds onto the bed or the truck. She places a hand on his back. "I'm not here to reprimand you for your actions. I just want to know why."
"Its just...." He sighs. "Its just a force of habit." Peggy listens tentatively. "I have nieces and nephews and siblings that I care about, and for. I'm so use to looking out for others, its just a habit to help." At this she says nothing, instead she smiles and shakes her head. "What?"
"I hope you're chosen for the trial." And with that, she leaves.
Days go by and its the week of final training, the candidates are being ranked on their tests, intellect, and guts. As the soldiers are on their hands and feet listening to Agent Carters instructions, the Colonel and Dr. Erskine watch. The Doctor wants to choose Steve Rogers for the first trial, but Philips doesn't agree.
"Faster ladies, c'mon. My grandmother has more life in her, God rest her soul. Move it! "They continue to do push ups and jumping jacks. "C'mon girls." Peggy teases. As they continue to train, Colonel Philip throws a grenade and shouts. Everyone runs away, everyone except Steve Rogers and Daniel Sousa. Rogers runs to jump on the grenade, while Sousa runs to the truck, grabs a lid from a bin, and tries to cover it. But Rogers already threw himself on it. Peggy, in shock runs to kick it, then she sees Rogers and Sousa; knowing who made the better strategic choice, she smiles at Daniel. Soon enough they realize it was a dummy grenade and the day goes on as normal.
As Dr. Erskine talks to Rogers about being the one selected for the program, Peggy goes in search of Daniel.
"Sousa!" she calls out. He turns around and smiles.
"Agent Carter, hi. Is something wrong?"
"Well, not as you think." He sees the frown on her face and automatically knows.
"Rogers got the spot. Didn't he." He glances down at the ground and puts on a smile for her.
"I'm afraid so."
"I knew what I signed up for. I knew there was a chance I wasn't gonna get it. Its okay."
"That doesn't make it right.. It should be you going up there, not him." For a moment the night is filled with silence."
"Its not like anything can be done now. Only one person can be chosen. I'm okay with it Agent Carter, it doesn't bother me."She looks at him up and down and chuckles.
"You're being modest,"she says crossing her arms.
"Maybe..., but Agent Carter, theres nothing that can be done. If it works, then I got another shot at it." At this she thinks for a moment.
"My names, its Peggy." Hes confused for a second until she explains. "I hear Agent Carter more than I hear my own name. You can call me Peggy." He smiles at the ground.
"Okay...Peggy." She smiles in return, as bright as the sun.
"And as for nothing being able to be done... I have my ways of making things happen." He furrows his brow. "I'll talk to Philips and put in a good word for you. Perhaps there could be two tests done instead of one. They can use Rogers, but hes no normal sized man AND has a lot of health issues. The serum may not work on him because of it."
"But if they test it on two completely different people..."
"Then they could get different results." She finishes the sentence. They laugh.
"Thats a great idea!"
"I'm not the only one who thought of it, soldier," she teases. He reaches out his hand and she looks confused.
"You can call me Daniel. Like you, no one really says my name anymore, and I kind of miss that."
"Alright, ...Daniel." They smile and shake hands, and enjoy the rest of the night talking.
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benoitblanc · 4 years
rules: answer the questions about your favorite ship (all time or current) then tag 10 people to do it too!
tagged by @chloexmorningstar (ily Sho!!!) and listen... obviously newtina is my #1 ship ever. i am doing peggysous, even though it’s a lowly #4, because reasons. and apologies to everyone for how goddamn long this got. i have a lot of feelings about these two.
SHIP AND FANDOM: peggysous/agent carter
what were their first impressions of each other?
sadly we don’t get the peggysous meet-cute- in fact, i’m just realizing now that most of my favorite ships meet offscreen, which is kind of weird. we do know that they’re each other’s only friend in the workplace, and even more than that they’re on first-name basis, so i like to think that when they met, they both kind of went wow, this one sucks a lot less than every other person that works here!, and then the rest was history.
a moment you think that both/one of them will remember forever about each other:
i mean obviously the rebar incident, but also when peggy had to choose between the literal universe and daniel and chose daniel. everything worked out and the universe was fine, but the fact that peggy “dispassionate, chief, your words” carter even took that chance speaks volumes about how much she loves him, and i think it’s something they’ll both remember for a long time.
a moment you think that both/one of them wishes hadn’t happened:
when i saw this i instantly went, “well obviously peggy’s interrogation was not a high point for them,” and then remembered that peggy asked daniel for a rain check when he asked her out and he took that to mean “i don’t want to see you again ever” and literally moved across the country, so i’d say there were a couple of rough patches lol. conversely, i think that peggy in retrospect is extremely glad she got impaled by that rebar because otherwise they would have just stayed in pining hell forever.
what is their moment for you?
if i'm not allowed to choose “literally all of season 2,” i’m going to say when peggy kidnaps rufus hunt and daniel gets angry not because she committed a felony, but because she committed a felony without him. daniel is a lot more by-the-book than almost every other character on the show, so the fact that that’s the thing he’s mad about really shows how much he’s come to trust and care for peggy. as they both say, they’re a team now.
marriage? if yes, who proposes?
yep! they get married. avengers endgame never happened. aos will never happen. i’m not sure if i like the idea of peggy or daniel actually proposing better, but daniel definitely buys the ring and agonizes over how to make the perfect proposal, and then of course they actually get engaged on a whim during some messy, high-stakes action sequence.
children? if yes, if one had to stay home with them, who would do it?
we know that peggy and whoever she canonically marries do have two kids, so assuming it’s daniel (which it is), there are definitely kids! neither of them stay home- they’re good parents but obviously very busy at work, especially peggy- but they spend as much time with them as they can, and the jarvises are more than happy to look after the kids when they can’t.
housing? where do they live together?
i have absolutely no idea where the original base of shield was, and i don’t think the ac one-shot is actually canon, so let’s say for argument’s sake, and for the sake of “most of the characters i headcanon as being involved with shield’s creation were located in california in the late 40s anyway,” and for the sake of “as of 1995 there was still a prominent shield base located in l.a.,” that it was near los angeles. in which case i guess peggy could just move in wherever daniel’s living. it looked like a nice enough place. 
pets? do they get a pet together?
i don’t see them as pet people, honestly. i think bernard has put them off that idea.
who would kill/remove the spider and who would leave it under a cup and leave the room?
peggy is definitely terrified of spiders just because i think the “peggy carter, the same woman who fought in the war and took down dottie underwood and punched me in the nose, is afraid of spiders?” “shut up, jack!” conversation would be hilarious. this leaves daniel as the de facto getter-ridder of spiders.
who sings all day long and who gets so used to it they don’t even hear it anymore?
this is not something i'd ever pictured either of them doing; however, i’m absolutely loving the idea of serious, professional daniel singing under his breath while working on case files. peggy thinks this is the cutest thing in the world but figured out very early on that if she comments on it, he stops, so now she just lets it happen without a word.
who can cook a gourmet meal for two and who can maybe use the toaster?
peggy obviously can’t cook to save her life. i think the entire fandom has accepted this as fact. daniel i can see as a decent cook, but i think if for whatever reason they actually need to provide food for anyone other than themselves, peggy calls jarvis in a panic and makes him do it.
who wakes up before the sun rises and who would sleep in until 2pm if they didn’t have an alarm?
neither of them really strike me as early risers (or late risers- they seem to have a reasonable sleep schedule when they aren’t up to spy shenanigans), but peggy definitely gets up before daniel.
who is more affectionate/touchy?
in public i think they’re both usually very professional or at least not blatantly affectionate, but in private or with friends they cannot keep their hands off each other. peggy is usually the worse offender but it’s oftentimes a toss-up. they drive jack crazy. 
who wears the other’s hoodies/shirts?
look i don’t think this is something they’d do, but i’m definitely giggling at the thought of peggy walking around in a fucking hawaiian shirt that’s about two sizes too big for her.
who said “I love you” first?
i like to think that a very exhausted peggy, after daniel did something like bring her coffee when she was working on case files at one in the morning, groaned “daniel sousa, i bloody love you” without really thinking about it and then promptly became so re-engrossed with the files that she nearly missed daniel’s quiet “...love you too, peg.” 
tagging @erumpets @florenepugh @wespers @mollyweasly @nataliarvmanova @romanocff @saralahnce @captleia  @billhaders @wintersoeldiers and anyone else who wants to do it :) 
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deniscollins · 5 years
California’s Latest Wildfire Problem: Insuring the Tree Trimmers
California law makes the utilities liable for fires caused by their equipment, increasing the urgency of trimming trees and maintaining the power grid. But contractors face liability, too, if fires are traced to what they did or failed to do, which makes it harder to get the insurance needed for the work. If you were a business person on a state committee looking at this insurance problem, what would you recommend be done? Why? What are the ethics underlying your decision?
D.J. Gomes and his logging crew were working in California’s wine country last fall, helping clear vegetation away from power lines and reduce the ever-growing wildfire risk. While they were gone, fire came for their hometown.
The disaster that followed, the Camp Fire, killed 86 people and virtually leveled Paradise, where Mr. Gomes’s house was one of the few spared. His loneliness has started to ease as stores reopen and displaced neighbors move into new modular homes. But getting back to work has been more complicated.
Mr. Gomes owns Crossfire Tree & Vegetation, one of many companies that have been contractors for utilities like Pacific Gas & Electric in fire-prevention work. State law makes the utilities liable for fires caused by their equipment, increasing the urgency of trimming trees and maintaining the power grid. But contractors face liability, too, if fires are traced to what they did or failed to do. And that is making it harder to get the insurance needed for the work.
“Every year I go to renew, it’s a huge fight,” Mr. Gomes said. Despite his company’s safety record, “they keep increasing the amount of insurance they want you to have.”
Before he first went to work for PG&E after the 2015 Butte Fire, which scorched more than 70,000 acres in the Sierra foothills, Mr. Gomes said it cost around $1,500 to buy $1 million in annual liability coverage. He spent $15,000 last year to secure $5 million in liability coverage then required by PG&E.
In addition to surging premiums, insurance brokers said that some contractors were seeing policies canceled or were unable to secure new coverage. Tree work has always been hard to insure because of hazards like falls from 100-foot trees and the heavy use of chain saws. Now, after several seasons of major wildfires, the risk calculus has changed.
“They’re starting to apply wildfire exclusions,” said Milton Smith, a senior vice president at the national insurance brokerage McGriff, Seibels & Williams. And without wildfire coverage, Mr. Smith said, a fire traced to a contractor’s job site can be “a business-ending event.”
At the heart of the insurance anxiety is a provision of the state constitution known as inverse condemnation. That rule holds utilities responsible for fires even if they are not negligent — a doctrine that PG&E has lobbied to change as it contends with tens of billions of dollars in potential claims for fires attributed to its equipment, including the Camp Fire.
To work for PG&E, contractors must agree to absorb the liability for any lawsuits over death, injuries or property damage — during or after the fact — in areas where they work.
The result can be multimillion-dollar payouts. In 2007, after two fires ignited by San Diego Gas & Electric equipment, the utility sued two of its contractors over work they had been responsible for — tree trimming and power-pole maintenance — at fire sites. The contractors agreed to a $370 million settlement.
How much contractors might pay for more recent fires is unclear. Since PG&E filed for bankruptcy protection in January, victims’ lawyers have requested extensive information about the company’s contractors and argued at a May hearing that tree trimmers, inspectors and other vendors could be liable for up to $1 billion.
“If a tree falls on a line, there’s a reasonable claim against the tree trimmer for screwing up, right?” said Michael Wara, director of the Climate and Energy Policy Program at the Woods Institute for the Environment at Stanford University. “They’re at least partly responsible.”
Now the question is how much of the burden contractors can be asked to bear, especially as PG&E tells regulators that it cannot secure enough crews to confront a yearslong backlog of maintenance around power lines.
“When the utilities talk about the limited labor supply, part of what they’re really talking about is the fact that these companies will not do business with them,” Mr. Wara said. “Because doing that exposes the tree-trimming companies to enormous potential liability that they cannot insure.”
The world’s largest tree company, Asplundh of Pennsylvania, allowed its longtime contract with PG&E to expire late last year. A subsidiary of Asplundh, Trees Inc., was named in a wrongful-death lawsuit brought by two women whose father was killed in the Butte Fire, sparked when a PG&E power line was hit by a dead tree that the suit said the contractor had failed to address. The case is in limbo, since no verdict was reached before PG&E declared bankruptcy, freezing lawsuits. Asplundh did not respond to requests for comment.
Paul Doherty, a PG&E spokesman, acknowledged the concerns of contractors about the availability and cost of insurance. But he said that the cost of contract labor had risen for reasons “primarily related to supply and demand” and that it was hard to judge how much of the increase was attributable to insurance.
As officials try to head off another devastating wildfire season, there are signs that much remains to be done.
An August report by a court-appointed monitor found “systemic” issues with PG&E’s fire mitigation work, including a nearly 50 percent shortfall in identifying fire hazards, as well as indications that power lines had come in contact with vegetation that contractors said they had cleared. The report, part of the utility’s criminal probation from a 2010 gas pipeline explosion, also found “record-keeping defects” in PG&E’s system for contractors that may make it unclear who is doing work.
The confusion is evident to Steve Sando, who lives in forested hills above Napa Valley where a 2017 fire destroyed a barn and trees on his property. More than a dozen crews have made inspections of his land, resulting in a hodgepodge of “rainbow trees” that were spray-painted four colors to denote hazards but were never taken down, he said.
“At first, I thought, ‘These people don’t have it quite together,’ but it was an emergency, so you cut them some slack,” said Mr. Sando, who owns Rancho Gordo, the heirloom beans purveyor. “It really just kept going, the PG&E drama.”
PG&E’s chief executive, Bill Johnson, said the company was doing all it could. It has about 4,500 workers engaged daily in tree maintenance, he said in an interview, and by the end of the year will have felled or trimmed 1.8 million trees. It is also changing inspection procedures and improving contractor training, he added.
“This is a huge effort,” he said, “and we’re learning as we go.”
The success of that effort may help shape how insurers and investors respond to climate-related risks.
“We are marching steadily toward a future in which the private market may conclude that these are uninsurable risks,” said Dave Jones, a former state insurance commissioner. “In some ways, that’s already happened for the utilities.”
In July, California lawmakers approved a plan to create a state-backed insurance pool to expedite payments to victims after future wildfires. Homeowners in fire-prone areas who report their own insurance cancellations and skyrocketing costs are increasingly directed to secondary insurance markets or state plans, similar to flood insurance, as a last resort.
For utility contractors, there is no backstop like a state insurance program. Many are turning to costly alternatives, sometimes sold by offshore companies in places like Bermuda and lacking some of the regulation and financial guarantees of conventional policies.
The income from utility work is still enough to draw bidders. For Paul Sousa, owner of California Tree Solutions of San Jose, it meant increasing his insurance to $12 million in liability coverage from the $2 million he carried as a residential tree trimmer. But after weathering the initial costs, he said he was confident that his nine-man crew doing PG&E fire mitigation in Lake County would make the gamble pay off.
“If I hadn’t been established already, I think I would have gone out of business,” Mr. Sousa said. It also takes longer to be paid by the utility, he said, but there is an advantage to having a client with hundreds of thousands of miles to clear. “It’s better job security,” Mr. Sousa said. “They need us as much as we need them.”
Other established contractors have had second thoughts, including Mr. Gomes. He has stopped doing work for the utility in recent months to focus on cleanup jobs for fellow Paradise residents as they rebuild.
“There’s so much work that I don’t see the point of leaving,” he said.
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amazinggrace00 · 4 years
We've come to the end
Except I'm splitting the episodes up because thats too much
So this is 2nd to last
Anyways I might cry
Theres fitzy
My bf
Dont fucking who fitzs me
My satellite is acting up
Its making me nervous
Now thats some cool cgi
Let it be fitz please
Thats so fucking cool
They said spend all the money
it has to be
Fitz and piper
Where did they go
Im not happy Deke and Simmons got kidnap
But Im happy theyre not alone
This bitch again
My satellite needs to stop
No they arent Nate
Nate you are their bitch not vice versa
Nate stop lying
Nate you cant fucking lie
Paxon jr is so good
I turned the fan off and the satellite is still acting up
You know who
Deke hes not Voldemort
Omg Deke did the fitz pregnancy pose I cannot
Yeah you have a baby
Jesus Sousa
DAISY looks so badass
Whatever you name is kill Nate hes annoying
Jeez Mack
No she didnt
Yoyo she babe
Wait Marvels having a movie in theaters august 28th
I feel numb
Like I haven't accepted the end yet
Im sure in the last 10 minutes I will die
Yoyo strong girl
Omg May my baby
John Garrett didnt die from that but Fitz did in season 5 wtf
Who the fuck is this gang
Mack why you so cool
Hell yeah they turned him
Hes kind of growing on me
We love Deke and Nana
Omg Jemma
Jemmas acting like a child and I love it
Peachys fine but the emojis not
Sousa you so smart
Yes you are married baby
Kora turn to the good side
I think Jemma is going to accidentally spill the baby
Oh now is time to talk about how those leaked promo pics killed me
Holy fuck
Whose Koras daddy
The fucking call back
Kora omg
Did they kill her
Omg wtf
Oh no they didnt
Duct tape
Like the 084 has to be fitz right
Wait its the bar
The killed Garett
I was starting to like him
I sad
Damn you aos
And its not Fitz vv sad
People are making theories about Jemmas wedding ring and that makes so much sense
I want a Fudgesicle for the last aos but my tummy is feeling a lil bloated
Who is it
Lets open them
Is it to being Fitz back?
Omg reunion time
Omg May hug
Jemmas assembling it
Omg what is going on
Quake it
Is there an end credit or is just the next episode
See you in a minute
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geekruminations · 7 years
The Hood Chapter Nine
Title: The Hood Author: @geekruminations and @truth-renowned Fandoms: Agent Carter and Robin Hood Rating: Teen and Up Chapters: 9/? Relationship: Peggy Carter/Daniel Sousa Summary: Peggy Carter returns to her ancestral home after the Crusades, only to discover her family lands have been seized and England is being ruled by a ruthless princess. Peggy enlists the help of a band of peasants and her childhood friend to fight the princess and a corrupt sheriff’s wife. Notes: Thanks to @lillianmmalter for her amazing beta services!
Peggy heard a noise as she neared her childhood hideout. She hid behind a tree and watched as a man slowly approached, looking around furtively. It only took a moment for Peggy to recognize the man for who he was. She stepped out behind the tree. "Daniel?" She said softly. Daniel turned around and Peggy gasped. It looked as if he had taken a beating and a harsh one at that. "What happened?" Daniel tried to shrug but ended up wincing instead. "After my meeting with Princess Whitney, I had an encounter with Sir Chadwick and his men," Daniel said, as he slowly shuffled towards Peggy. Peggy reached out to touch him but recoiled at hearing the Princess’s name. "So you met with Princess Whitney then?" "Yes," Daniel replied. "But nothing happened, I promise." Peggy looked at him skeptically. "I swear," Daniel said fervently.  "I am telling the truth. I was there to find out what is going on. Peggy, you are in grave danger." "Really, I..." "There is to be a faire tomorrow. I'm sure you know. The archery contest is a trap. They intend to arrest you on the spot. You cannot go."
“A trap?” Peggy asked, pausing for a moment before squaring her shoulders. “I am going anyway. And don’t worry, I have a plan. The villagers are going to be with me as well and that money could help them….” "You are a fool, Margaret Carter," Daniel replied. "You will not get the money. They will arrest you and kill you. I cannot let that happen." "And what are you going to do, Daniel? Fight me?" "If I must," Daniel said, resolutely. Peggy huffed. "You are in no condition for anything," she said. "Except dallying with your Princess, no doubt." "Nothing happened!" Daniel insisted. Peggy watched as he hobbled towards her. She wanted to reach out and help him but she clenched her fists instead.
"And why should it matter to you?” Daniel continued. Peggy found herself getting flustered.
"You are my friend, Daniel, that is why and I..." "Enough," Daniel said. "Tell the truth. It is because you care." Peggy's face flushed with anger and embarrassment. "You have no right to tell me how I feel,” she stated, trying to regain control over her emotions. And yet her heart was pounding and her palms sweaty. He did have no right to tell her how she was supposed to feel but if she admitted it to herself, deep down, he was right.
She did care.
And that was dangerous indeed. "Perhaps I do not," Daniel stated, pulling Peggy out of her thoughts. "But I can tell you this. Do not go to the archery contest, Peggy." "Give me a good reason why not," she said defiantly. "Because if you were hurt or killed, my heart would cease to beat," Daniel replied.
She felt her heart thump as if it were going to fall out of her chest and tears pricked her eyes. The gravity of what he said sunk in and for a moment she could not say anything at all, she was so overwhelmed. "Daniel..." she said feebly. "Do you now understand, Peggy? I had not meant to expose myself so bluntly but you have to know." Daniel took another step towards her and soon they were inches away from each other.  Peggy was breathing heavily and she noticed that Daniel was too.  Whether it was from the argument or something else, she did not know.
But she knew one thing. She had to ask what was most pressing on her mind.
“Why?” She said softly.
Daniel looked confused and Peggy took a steadying breath and began to explain. "Why did you then dally with the Princess?" she asked. "If you had these feelings, Daniel, then why..." Her voice trailed off as she could not say what had bothered her so deeply. "You went off to the Crusades!" Daniel said, his voice rising. "You could have been dead. I had no choice if I wanted to save my family. And when you returned, you did not seem to care. But I know you, Peggy. I know your heart. Our last encounter proved that."
Peggy felt anger bubble up inside her. "You know nothing of my heart," she spat out.
She was expecting Daniel to argue back. That was  what they did after all, but instead he did something unexpected. He reached up and brushed a loose curl away from her face. His fingertips brushed her skin and she felt an odd flip flopping in her stomach.
He was looking at her now with...the only word she could think of was adoration.
“Let me prove that I know your heart,” Daniel said.
She stared at him confusedly.
“How?” she asked. “There is no way to prove th-”
She was cut off by Daniel’s lips pressed against hers.
He was kissing her!
He was kissing her and she was kissing him back and she felt a wash of pleasure go through her. He tugged her close and she let him, relishing for a moment or two the way his hand rested on his waist, the way his lips slanted over hers, the mere closeness of the two of them together.
Then reason broke through and Peggy pushed him away, turning to face their childhood fort.
A wave of emotion went through her and she felt as if she had to steady herself. She could not do this, would not do this. She had a job to do and she couldn’t get distracted. And yet she could not stop her heart from racing.
“You should not take liberties,” she said shakily, her back to him so that he could not see her unraveled.
"And you should not be so reckless," Daniel replied. "Going to this faire tomorrow is a bad idea-"
Peggy whipped around, feeling anger surge through her.
"And so thou kissed me to make me not go?" she asked, her voice rising. "No," Daniel replied.  "I kissed you because I wanted to. I kissed you because I lo-" "NO," Peggy shouted. If she could, she would have clapped her hands over her ears to drown out his words.  "I do not have time for this frivolity. I have work to do." "And that is all that matters?" Daniel asked. Peggy nodded. "Yes. I thank you for your concern, Daniel but I can handle this on my own." "Of course you can," Daniel said. The bitterness in his voice took her aback for a moment.
"You are Peggy Carter. You can handle anything. But I wonder, Peggy..." "What?" She asked sharply as she squeezed her hands into fists, her fingernails digging into the flesh as if that mere action would help calm her. "I wonder if someday you will realize you do not have to be alone."
She had no answer to that. So instead she went over to the fort and grabbed her extra arrows and walked into the forest. She did not care the direction she was going, she just had to leave. It was better this way. Hot tears slipped down her cheeks and she stumbled along, moving faster and faster until she was running, far away from Daniel. When she was sure he was not following, she slumped against a nearby tree to catch her breath.
She tried to push away the myriad of thoughts in her head, but she could not stop them. And so she leaned against the tree and thought of Daniel, of their anger towards each other, of how he was trying to protect her and most of all, how she felt when he had held her close.
She had a job to do and yet she knew, deep down, that she was using it as a means not to face her feelings head on.
The look on Daniel’s face was one she would not forget and she doubted that even friendship would exist between them now. And it was that thought that made her feel defeated.
  Oh god, what have I done?
Jack stood nervously in the anteroom next to the  throne room. He was waiting for the Princess to see him.  This was the moment he had been looking forward to. No doubt the Princess would give him the title once he told her the identity of the Hood.  You would do that to Peggy?   The stray thought popped into his head and he shook his head as if to get rid of it. He had to look out for himself. He was the one who did not have the title that was so rightly his. With the title, his life would be secure. He would gain access to the land that belonged to him as it did his father before him. He would not be a ragged peasant any more. And yet... They were not all bad. Dum Dum was nice and Angie was a curious creature and Peggy.... He refused to let his thoughts be taken over by Peggy. After all, she did this to herself. She brought upon this curse by her silly deeds. He had never known anyone like her. So brave, so fearless, so... Jack shook his head again but the thoughts kept coming. Because if he were to be honest with himself, he would admit that the elusive Peggy Carter had caught his eye. She would look at him with disdain now. He felt a pang in his heart as he realized the villagers, those people that he would perhaps consider his friends, would be in worse shape if Peggy was not around. And as for Peggy herself, they could not do much to her. She was a woman after all. She would escape with her life and he would be better off. The Princess would not harm her, would she? It was possible but...no. Even the Princess was not that cruel. Peggy would be locked up no doubt but her life would be spared.
  Or they would burn her at the stake like a witch…
Jack pushed that thought away. They would not do that. Not to Peggy. She would be safe.
 Or so you think…
Jack shook his head as if to rid himself from the thoughts. He knew, deep down, that he was convincing himself that Peggy was going to be alright when most likely she wouldn’t be.
But he had to think of himself. His father always said that being charitable or kind was good but not to the detriment of your own self interest. You had to take care of yourself first.
But Peggy will be hurt or killed and it will be your fau….   His musings were interrupted by the door opening. A steward gestured and Jack walked forward into the throne room where Princess Whitney sat on the throne, looking regal.  She gestured for Jack to step forward. "You have information?" Jack nodded. He ignored the lump in his throat. "Yes, but it is very valuable. I must ask...I must ask for the return of my title." "Oh you and that title. How interesting. You crave it so much and others do not care for it." Jack did not know what she meant by that. Princess Whitney nodded in assent, a sly smile on her face. "Tell me," she demanded. "The Hood is going to be at the faire on the morrow and will participate in the archery contest," Jack said hastily.
"I knew that already," Princess Whitney replied, sounding bored. "The villagers know it is a trap. They are going to try to cause a diversion and.." "My peasants dare rebel against me?" Princess Whitney nearly shouted. "Tis the Hood you see...the villagers are all riled up..." "Tell me you have brought me more news than this," Princess Whitney said. "These mere trifles are nothing to me." "I..." Jack paused for a moment, wondering if he should continue. Peggy's face, her smile, briefly flashed in his mind but he pushed it away. He had to do what was best for him. "I know who the Hood is." Princess Whitney leaned forward in her chair, an evil smile gracing her lips. "Pray tell." "Tis... Peggy Carter." Princess Whitney let out a bark of laughter. "Peggy Carter? You mean she is the one? Dressing up like scum and stealing my gold!" Princess Whitney's voice got louder and louder until she was shouting. All Jack could do was nod. "Hmm..." Princess Whitney said, as she grew immediately calm. "I wonder..." "You wonder what, milady?" Jack asked. "I wonder what her head is going to look like on the pike," Princess Whitney replied, the evil smile returning. "What?" Jack said, shocked. "I've never killed a woman before," Princess Whitney stated. "But in this case, I think I will do it myself." The blood drained out of Jack's face. He did not think that the Princess would do that. He handed over Peggy and for what?
The title. Silence filled the throne room until Jack finally spoke up. "Princess? About my title?" The princess laughed then, a throated cackle that made Jack's blood run cold. It was in that moment he knew. He was never going to get his title back. "I am not in the habit of giving titles to peasants," the Princess said. "And you are clearly one of them now. But thank you so much for this information. You have been of great value to me." Princess Whitney stood up and sauntered towards him. "A token of my affection," she purred. Jack looked down at her palm. A mere Florian rested there. "Well? Do you not accept this generous offer from your Princess?" Jack nodded numbly and took the coin. "Be gone," Princess Whitney said, flitting her hand. Jack turned and dragged his feet out of the room. It was not until he left the castle and was on the outskirts of the forest, that he finally bent over and threw up the contents of his stomach. All the while, one thought ran through his head, over and over again, never ceasing.  Oh god, what have I done?
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