#i just ... need it tttt
loveackermannn · 1 year
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(read tags!!)
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yunwooz · 2 years
delete laterrrrr u can ignore
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shoveitevil · 3 days
the audio was right i wasn’t depressed i did just need a holiday
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mybelovedwoo · 10 months
Yeosang as boyfriend plsss
hey, thank you so much for your request <3 i hope you'll like it!!
kang yeosang as your boyfriend - headcanon
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headcanon, romance, fluff, smut
gn!reader x bf!atz
wc. ~0.7k
an: i'm just so soft for this man TTTT
you can request headcanons if you want to!! if you want to be tagged in any of my fics you can apply here <3
-literally the sweetest, most gentle boyfriend ever, takes your relationship really seriously but is also just such a goofball, your best friend
-would laugh with him 24/7, so many jokes and fun with him, makes you laugh so hard that your stomach would hurt
-we all know he can't ask for kisses or hugs, so you have to initiate them all the time, but it's his favorite thing
-he likes back hugs, but he's more on the receiving side, just loves it when you cling to him, he just wants to stay like that forever if he could
-he loves it when you compliment his muscles, he feels so proud and would always shows them off for you, it motivates him to work out even more
-would immediately notice when something changes on you, like your hair or you bought some new clothes, "wow, y/n, you look really great" 
-you are the type of couple that relies on each other all the time, when you go somewhere together there's not a second you leave the other alone 
-he would do the most random things, like propose to you (as a joke) with a gummy ring or "take you out on the fanciest a date" where you all dress up, but it's actually on your balcony with takeouts and wine
-he always says what's in his mind, so you never have to wonder what's in his head, communication is really key in your relationship, but sometimes you wish he wouldn't say everything out loud
-although it can be difficult to express his emotions through words, so instead he would show them through actions, his love language is definitely acts of service
-he gives you everything you desire, more than you need actually, treats you like a princess really, gives little gifts, tries to cook for you (but fails every time), gives you massage 
-literally no jealousy or possessiveness in your relationship (at least what you know about), he trusts you with all his heart and he expects the same from you
-he wants to spend every spare time with you, he can't be far away from you for too long
-he'll literally do anything just to get your affection (but ask for it TT), he likes to entertain you, that's why he often brings you with him to the gym, he doesn't want you to get bored of him
-calls you cute nicknames, like sweetie, cutie or bub, also your contact name is bub, it's the most used one of all of them
-kisses with him are just so soft, he caresses your hair or cheeks and you would melt into his touch
-would run to you, asking for rescue when his members are teasing him, you are his safe place and knows you would help him out
-once he accidentally used your shampoo instead of his, now it has become a habit of his and only uses your products
-dating yeosang would mean arguing with woosan 24/7 about whose yeosang really is
nsfw +18!!!
-he is a switch, depending on the mood and the day he has, but literally always the sweetest when it comes to such a vulnerable state
-he doesn't really care about the pleasure part, but the emotions that comes with it, he likes to be close to you and the excitement that comes within
-it is kinda part of your routine now, maybe not every day but really often ends the day naked,  in each other's arms
-that's why the morning often starts with an intimate shower together
-yess, he is the vanilla type of guy, with traditional positions, where you can just hug each other real close
-something that would be a no no is anything really wild and out of his comfort zone, he is more like the traditional type of guy as i said, and seeing you in pain or hurt is also a big turn off
-lots of kisses and little "i love you" during sex
-not very vocal other than that, just lots of breath and groan
-could be very shy about it, so probably wouldn't do it when his members are around, or at least would be very careful and very quiet
-cockwarming is a must for him once in a while, he likes to be connected with you and being warmed by the love of his life
-he collapses after, he would be very worn out, but still makes sure to hold you close to him, he falls asleep almost immediately 
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People are so obsessed with the idea of the "transmasculine TERF" that they'll just totally bash posts made by transmascs about transmasc abuse/SA/etc. statistics but they NEVER jump on those posts talking about how the "gayden theyfab pussy4pussy transmascs need to be called cuntboys for TMA rights and physically assaulted" with the same energy.
Like, NO ONE is out here going "you sound like you're five days away from becoming a TEHM and putting dysphoric male in bio" at any of the people who've made it their entire personality to punch laterally at the "theyfabs" or the cesspit of /tttt/, but the second a trans guy goes "hey I still need abortion rights and also I am actually still affected by misogyny and transphobia, especially in law and at the doctors" suddenly they're all sitting around laughing at you and telling you you're about to "peak" and you detransitioning is inevitable. Weird ass double standard.
Literally. I think it's because of transmasculine erasure. People don't see TEHMs as "as bad" as TERFs and therefore they will act like TERF accusations are the end of the world while TEHM accusations are not a big deal.
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Same anon that said John would be on 4chan I dunno if you’re actually interested but the context I feel is kinda important to what I was trying to imply about John. okay I haven’t been on there for a while so my memory is kinda hazy but to my memory /tttt/ was originally the lgbt forum but as time went on and became more Nazi-ish a lot of people left, leaving only the most self-hating trans people mostly trans women, and the forum mainly consists of trans women discouraging each other transitioning “because they’ll never pass” and pointing out each others insecurities. If you’ve never heard the term “hon” it’s a shortening of “oh honey” that’s usually used by trans women to shit on other trans women basically saying like “oh she’s so delusional she thinks she’s passing,” and if I remember correctly it originated on /tttt/.
I just think John would be really self-hating in her teenage years and take it out on others the same way 60s John was really insecure about being queer and took it out on others. But she’d mellow out more once she got on E and especially after she got all the surgeries she wanted but it would haunt her to have at one point been part of that community.
I have no idea in this universe if Paul is also trans because the idea of t4t lesbian McLennon is compelling for obvious reasons but I could also see Paul being like, one of those “trans inclusionary misogynists” where he’s really accepting of John but also immediately starts acting like she’s too weak to do anything, and in their teenage years it would probably be morbidly euphoria-inducing for John. Sorry long anon message but I’ve been thinking about this topic a lot.
What a fascinating world you've conjured here thank you for sharing. In my heart I need them to both girls for toxic yuri reasons but I do see your vision
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waspcup · 5 months
sorry i will have a major hater moment right now actually. i really really don't like the way that voice training post (previously mentioned) talks about the "stereotypical transmasc voice" it felt really . demeaning/patronizing? and also no one who isn't terminally on fucking /tttt/ or whatever is gonna clock the person they used in that audio sample of a "stereotypical T voice" based on their voice LMFAO. i'm sure the post probably had some solid resources but that part soured me insanely hard. Andyes i need to get thicker skin i think part of this is i'm just in a bad spot in general right now but this is my blog and i am allowed to make irrational complaints sometimes
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too-much-sunshine · 6 months
Finished the most recent chapter, and as an aroacespec person myself, I was so comforted by the slow and natural progression you've given Scar and Grians relationship in this. I'm inclined to physical affection myself, and that's something frequently excluded in pairings that people write as aroace/qpr adjacent. A lot of times they're always considered strictly romantic, but the way you've written this feels so right in the sense of Queerplatonic, as you mentioned you intended originally in the notes. I just wanted to say thank you for that! Reading how they hold each other and comfort one another (wont go into detail, as to not spoil ch26 for anyone reading this) just clicks in a way that's Their Connection, and it doesn't feel like it's trying to or needs to be anything else. It's so content, and it makes me feel so warm to see that in a fic with two characters I resonate with a lot.
Not to mention the plot- omg, I've been fawning over it all week! My favorite moment I think is definitely the kitchen scene with Iskall and Scars little standoff- the visual was so sassy and queer from Scars end, it just made me cackle to no end I absolutely loved the attitude. But really, I try not to theorize too much when reading stories that way every turn feels like a huge shock, and this fic keeps my attention so well I didn't even have the chance to, I was far too busy enjoying every little flair of dialogue and fluid change of scenario. I literally gasped and yelled "OH /SHIT/" aloud multiple times, I'm not embarassed to say it. There are so many details you kept so quaint and innocent at the beginning, I never even questioned them until their importance later on!
This story has been absolutely, insanely, phenomenally fun to read, and I can't wait to see where you take things next. I've been planning my own fic for ages, and reading something like this has really inspired me to pick up my pages and keep going. I hope you have a wonderful day, and that you have a lot of fun working on the rest of the story! I know I'm dying to read the next chapter whenever you feel it's right to show, and others will be too :).
Much love!
- minecraft-cake
Ive said it before, and I'll say it again: I started writing WOftL because I wanted to read something like it, but it hadnt been written. Not only in the superhero space (even tho I am a bit a whore for superhero fics UuU) but also just aspec wise. Im arospec/ace, and I just felt it wasnt being represented in a way the resonated with me!! So I wrote it myself <3
Im so glad that it resonates with others as well! I really hope that deciding to change the relationship romantic doesnt takes away from that! I feel like, personally, it doesnt change their background and their connection for each other. I certainly dont plan to have them act much differently then they do now lmaooo
Ommffggg you are so nicceee TTTTTT If Im forced to say one thing I'm proud of for this fic, i'd say the foreshadowing turned out much better then I expected lmaooo This is my first looongg fic, so I really happy with that turned out!! I have so much I can say about specific scenes and how they came to be in my brain!!! But for specifically Iskall and Scar, I loved how their little plot came out! Those two have History UuU
Thank you so much for reading and the kind wordsss!! This seriously made my whole week and its only monday!! Im so happy to have inspired you, and if your willing to share I would love to read your fic when you write it! I hoep you have a phenonial day, week, month, year and life bestie <3<3<3<3
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geekthefreakout · 6 months
Thinking about the 300th episode and...
We know the Winchesters got that one dinner as a family. I've written before about how John and Mary might have (for the first time) shared stories of the boys as kids. But like... SO MUCH happened after John's death that would blow his fucking mind. So, on a more lighthearted note, some brief interactions that I imagine at the dinner:
Dean: Oh! Dad, guess what?
John: What?
Dean (with Sam and Mary mouthing along): I killed Hitler!
John: ...what?
Dean: :D
Sam: Anyway, turns out the girl I took to prom was a demon...
John: Aw shit, Sammy, I'm sorry...
Sam: Some of my teachers were too.
John: This is why I needed to move you boys around so often. How did you find this out?
Sam: Lucifer showed me while he was possessing me.
John: ... THEE Lucifer???
Sam: Yeah. He spent a long time trying to jump my bones.
Dean: And then when that failed, he jumped Vince Vincente's bones.
John: That hair-rocker??
Dean: And then the president.
John: Am I being pranked right now? Is that what this is?
Mary: Dead serious-- but the devil is dead now. His son is such a sweetheart, though!
John: w h a tttt???
Sam: Hey Dean, remember the suicidal teddy bear?
Dean: Weirdest shit we ever hunted.
John (to Mary): THIS is the prank, right?
Mary: I.... I don't know...
Sam: I think being stuck inside an episode of Scooby Doo was at least as weird as that.
Dean: But way more awesome.
Mary: Now, that DID happen.
John: Don't you boys ever just kill werewolves anymore? ;-;
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i guess i read too much of your merman!suguru au asks that my brain got fried TTTT BUT IN A POSITIVE WAY!!!! 😭😭 it’s just that i have really vivid dreams and ankssjskndksnsks yesterday i got influenced because i dreamt of getting in a silly and goofy fight/challenge with gojo to court merman!suguru but! so i thought why not??? like, THIS SILLY STORY DOES?? MAKES SENSE??
maybe a silly au where reader and gojo, who come from different sides of the same coin (ig same job but different sides?? maybe they’re in different offices of the same job?? i really don’t know, i hope it actually makes sense) and then one day they meet this beautiful merman on the shore. this beautiful creature just sitting on a rock and doing his merman things (what does mermaids/mermen actually do?? maybe reading a slate that is their version of books, or resting to sunbathing a bit? prob also comb his hair? help my mind is swirling in the wrong direction AAAAA……) completely unbothered by their heart shaped stares because completely understandable. so it begins with a goofy courtship. i’m thinking about probably gojo being the first one to make a move? just driven by love and also a bit of spite towards reader. a stupid way to say “look! i’m making my move while you’re still overthinking it! take that!” and reader is just right behind the rock spying them because ‘this guy……….’ but the move gojo makes goes completely rejected? because who in their right mind would gift a merman octopus legs??? useless to say that gojo is absolutely shocked while reader is trying not to laugh. then goes reader, offering the beautiful mermen pearls directly fished from ostriches but they too get rejected!! which is a shock!! because they thought they were doing the right thing but at least. the reasoning could be something silly like ‘are you implying that the pearls i wear are shit?’ 🤨
……….i’m thinking about few silly tries and shenanigans that happen and amongst the many of them geto eventually warms up because . they’re dorks, both of them— but they’re actually very pretty and funny to keep around?? maybe i do not want them to go away?? and it starts subtly. first it comes in the form of hate against time, when geto starts to think that he hates just how brief the time together seems to be. how at every sunset, where the sun is lowering on a side and the moon is shining brightly on the other, he feels kind of annoyed at the thought to have to go back to the lonely underwater cave he calls his home. he really doesn’t want to wait the slow passage of another night that he doesn’t even get to see with his eyes because underwater everything is dark at all times so exactly what does it change? what’s the difference if not his inability to lie down and rest a bit?
then it comes in the form of actually finding their silly ways at courtship kind of….. cute? the three of them don’t even belong to the same reality, but gojo and reader actually put efforts in their gestures and words and that —he will never admit it in front of the two of them, but it actually warms his heart…….. and so one day, when gojo and reader less expect it, geto goes to the surface with a bouquet of corals? and different pieces of marine flora in it (or it could be even something kind of ugly like a bouquet of fishes that leaves both gojo and reader speechless because wtf is that…….) and boom. they find out that geto has accepted their courtship waaaaay before without them even realizing (geto purposefully said nothing to them) so they’ve spent the first weeks?? or a month?? of their relationship courting a merman that had already accepted their advances after all and they live all happily together. just a fluff ensemble sugu!centric because lately my mind refuses to work with other tropes… i just need to give that man the love he deserves 🙁🙁🙁
i don’t even know what to say tbh……. THIS IS SOOOO GOOD ANON I LOVE IT SM URE A LITTLE GENIUS….. sugucentric polycules are my favorite ever too he deserves ALL the love <333 AND MER!SUGUUU OUR BELOVED……… ok but fr tho i don’t think there’s anything i could add this is already perfect??? GOJO AND READER COMPETING FOR THE PRETTY MERMAN’S HEART……. both of them getting rejected 😭😭 I COULD SEE THIS SOOO VIVIDLY satoru gets slapped w sugu’s tail and he scowls at reader all offended bc he takes his pearls VERY seriously…. silly little fish man.
AND WAHHH THE SLOWBURN OF IT ALL….. sugu realizing he appreciates their company 🥺🥺🥺
first it comes in the form of hate against time, when geto starts to think that he hates just how brief the time together seems to be. how at every sunset, where the sun is lowering on a side and the moon is shining brightly on the other, he feels kind of annoyed at the thought to have to go back to the lonely underwater cave he calls his home. he really doesn’t want to wait the slow passage of another night that he doesn’t even get to see with his eyes because underwater everything is dark at all times so exactly what does it change?
anon r u perhaps a writer…. would u write this fic for me if i beg enough…. I’M SOOOO WEAK FOR THIS CONCEPT mer!sugu getting melancholic at the passage of time :((( tying it to his underwater existence is soooo clever too !!! it feels like he associates gojo and reader w the sun …. warmth …… and i think that shifts so easily into love. bc they’re silly little losers but they’re his silly little losers!! and wahhh him finding their attempts at courtship cute 😭😭 i can imagine him watching them bicker w his jaw on the heel of his palm, smiling softly….. <33
AND THEN!!! THE BOUQUET!!!!! ANONNNN THAT’S THE SWEETEST THING EVER… T—T HE WOULDDD HE SO WOULD i love the idea of the fish bouquet but i do think he’d give them really beautiful bouquets… and then maybe some fresh fish on the side LMAO but !!! wawawa…… 🥺🥺 that’s so CUTE the fact that he accepted their courtship but didn’t say anything….. that’s so funny. gojo and reader are losing their MINDS trying to figure out how to charm him while he’s just watching them all lovingly like ”my partners look especially cute today….” HE’S SO SILLY PLS……
okay but i do imagine that merfolk have really specific courting processes AND that they’re possessive by nature so i’m just imagining that in this au… 😵‍💫😵‍💫 like. mer!sugu glaring at any other humans by the shore who might try to flirt with his partners…… giving them both his scales to wear as some kind of jewelry to signal to the other merfolk that these humans are his…. i usually don’t like the idea of sugu being overly possessive but i think it works well w the merman au :33 he’s just a silly little fishy he’s allowed to be a little territorial… as a treat….. he loves his silly little lovers so much and they love him too!!! they only have eyes for him <33
AAAAA ANON MY SWEETIE as u can hopefully tell this ask made me insane i love it so much… IT’S SUCHH A TASTY CONCEPT i feel like i should be paying u for dropping this into my inbox….. i feel honoured…….. if u ever have any other mer!sugu thoughts u know where to find me <33
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molsno · 1 year
In case you're interested in Transandro Truther transmisogyny receipts (+ cryptozionism bc we tma jewish love that in our community /s)
"Zionist it's just a word for jewish ppl tumblr doesn't like" and then his literally most "colder" take on the subject you can see on his about page it's "Guys of course the oppression and hate/human crimes agaisnt Israel and it's citizens are bad and such BUT zio- I mean orthodox jews deverve a home land too 🥺" also it is not a coincidence that most people calling his ass out are jewish TMAs (mmnh wonder why 🤔)
Also lmao at "4channer Transfemmes" babes we know y'all see us as nothing more than trannies and manish pedo freak there's no need to sugarcoat it 🥴 For shit's sake y'all literally compare us and straight up call us TERFs, you know, people who Literally want us Exterminated??
I mean I'm not really interested in "receipts" because ultimately I'm just a girlblogger but I took a look anyway and yep, I still don't like this asshole. I have him added to my filtered words so that I never have to see his shitty posts but I have heard people say he's a zionist. since you brought it up, I decided to check the post you mentioned in his about page and I-
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just. wow. I'll admit I'm not super educated on the israel-palestine situation but this is like. fuck. I'm curious how he thinks that settler colonialism can be done WITHOUT forcibly removing indigenous peoples from their land, because that seems to be what he's advocating for.
also, is that anon seriously calling lena a 4channer? I KNOW 4channer transfems and she doesn't even come close. I mean for fuck's sake, her username is a play on autogynephilia. 4channer transfems are predominantly hsts doomers doing everything in their power to appeal to male chasers. not that tme people know what any of that means, they just think any trans woman that isn't a doormat must be a racist nazi 4channer with a raceplay kink because their conception of trans women comes from transmisogynistic caricatures, chrischan documentaries, sissy porn, and twitter accounts that show screenshots from tttt. leave it to spazelazarwolf's followers to be the worst kinds of transmisogynists lmao
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yours-artk1v · 1 year
I swear I still like hermitcraft....
Im just brainrotting on Good Omens. Like common how could you not?!!
Also I really need to have someone to talk to TTTT
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mybelovedwoo · 11 months
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a hero can save me now
seonghwa x f!reader
fluff, angst, forbidden love/ wc: 1.4k
warnings: drinking alcohol, oc being tipsy, a very annoying guy, seonghwa being a savage
note: seonghwa is literally what we all need. it is impossible to not fall for him TTTT please tell me all you thoughts about this drabble. thank you for reading it!!
seonghwa masterlist - main masterlist
Being drunk with "friends" you're not really friends with wasn't the best idea you've ever had. But what could you do when you're classmates from university invited you to have a couple of drinks with them as you all finished your exams, it was supposed to be a celebration or whatever, but it turned around real quick when a group of guys joined you all. Not gonna lie, they made you feel a bit uncomfortable with their nagging. They wanted you to drink more, when you were already tipsy enough to feel unsafe with them. You've already had enough for today.
You tried to grab your phone from your pocket, but it was quite stuck there. It took you a couple of tries to actually succeed with this easy task. You scrolled through your contact list, looking for who would be the most worthy to call at this late hour, because you're sure it's not a good idea to go home like this all by yourself. Your hands stopped at Yunho's name, you probably should not call him, because the moment he tells your sister about it, your screwed. But your finger already pushed the call button, he is kinda like your big brother and probably your safest option right now, you trust him.
When the phone rings, all you can think about is that you have to end it before he actually picks it up, he's probably already fast asleep and you should not bother him. But before you can do that, a voice speaks from the other end "Hello?" But it's not Yunho's, although it's a very familiar deep voice. "Y/n is it you?" asks the unknown person on the other end of the line.
"Who is asking? And where is Yunho?" you are very confused and the alcohol in your body is not helping either to understand the situation. "Look, I don't know who you are, but please give him the phone, it would be very important."
"I can't, he's in the shower, that's why I picked it up." Great, then you can't ask him either to come get you. "And I'm Seonghwa by the way. Is everything okay tho?" Oh shit, not him, please. You literally can feel your whole face heating up, it feels like it's a hundred degrees inside suddenly.
"No- I mean yes- But not really. I should hang up the phone, it's pretty late already." You're stuttering, this god damn alcohol is not helping you hide your nervousness. After your last encounter, you've been thinking about him a lot. He was just so nice to you when he didn't have to.
"Y/n, did you drink?" Now you're speechless, suddenly you don't know what to say. Should you tell him the truth or just lie to him and let this thing go in peace? But before you could say anything, one of the unknown guys interrupted you. He crawled into your privacy, putting his arms around your shoulders when he sat down next to you. You gave him a look of disgust. "Who are you talking to? Your boyfriend maybe?" Now he's not just being disrespectful, but also embarrassing you. You try to shove his arms from you when you hear Seonghwa talk again.
"Tell him it's your boyfriend! I'm on my way, just tell me where you are!" And before you could process what he said, your mouth acted before your mind and told him your location, then he just hung up without another word. Now this didn't turn out the way you've planned. Instead of your big brother, your crush is coming to get you, and he's gonna see you like a mess.
You decided to wait outside instead. To be honest, you couldn't endure the presence of those annoying guys anymore, also you felt very hot, you felt like your whole body was boiling from the inside, so it seemed better to wait in the fresh air. You sat down on the windowsill, where people usually go out to smoke and have a conversation with their friends. Luckily no one was there right now.
You didn't have to wait long before you saw your savior in your sight, hurrying to the pub. You buried your head in your hands to sober up a bit, since everything was spinning around you. You still couldn't believe how you ended up in this situation.
Seonghwa's eyes already found you sitting there by yourself. He never saw you in such a vulnerable state, and to be honest it stressed him out a little. He didn't understand this feeling, but the moment he heard that you were not safe on the phone, he ran out the door, he wasn't even thinking about it, god he even forgot to tell Yunho about the situation.
You felt a pair of hands stroke your hair, so you took all of your strength and raised your head, only to find Seonghwa tower over you. Suddenly you felt so small next to him, he felt like a shield from everything that possibly can harm you. "Hey there." Now that reality hit him, he didn't know what to say or do, he acted before thinking, and now he don't even know what he's doing here. "Can you stand up?" He asked you.
When you didn't answer him, he held out his hands to help you, but you didn't take it. You braced yourself on both sides of you and struggled to stand up, but eventually, you were standing in front of the taller man. But he still kept his hand there, in case you still needed his help.
"Seonghwa why are you here?" It just came out of your mouth, you couldn't think of anything else since he hung up on you. You had so many questions that were confusing you. Maybe it's just the alcohol, but suddenly you feel very brave, that you can ask him all your unanswered questions.
This caught him off guard, he didn't know what to say either. "I just want to help you. You don't want me here?" He could only think of the worst, what if he is the one that ruined your night and made you uncomfortable?
"That's not what I'm saying, I'm just asking you why are you here? I mean why did you come here to help me?" You accidentally lost your balance when you wanted to go a little further from him because being this close to him made you a little nervous, but luckily he reacted quickly and caught your hands, so you could stabilize yourself once again.
It didn't turn out the way you planned, instead of getting further away from him, you're now literally in his arms. You quickly pulled your hand away so he wouldn't notice how sweaty it was.
"Because ever since we last met, I think of you sometimes." You can't believe what you're hearing, you must be hallucinating. "I realized how cool you are. I like you, I really do and I would like to hang out with you more." You're just dreaming now, right? This isn't reality. Why would a guy like him want to hang out with you? This doesn't sit right. 
"Ohh there you are. And I can see the boyfriend has arrived too." Not this man again. Why does he keep following you, not even speaking about embarrassing you in front of Seonghwa? You roll your eyes at him. "He is not-"
"Yes, that's right, I'm here now."The tall man next to you cut in your words, surprising everyone, even himself, but on the outside, he stays confident. He takes a step forward to stand between you and the man. "So why were you looking for my girlfriend?" He asks him.
You can feel your face heating up, you must look like a tomato right now, luckily Seonghwa cannot see you at the moment. You know he's just lying, so the man would finally leave you alone, but it still feels strange hearing this from him.
The man was speechless, he clearly wasn't expecting this to happen. "I- The- Yes, the others were searching for her, so I thought I'd come find her." The man was stuttering, making up an excuse.
"Now you know that she is with me and we're already leaving, so you can go back, buddy." The man can't do anything, just turns around and goes back to where he came from. Seonghwa turns back to you, just to check on you, he's really worried that his actions made you uncomfortable. But little did he know it did not, in fact you thought it was kinda hot.
"So can I walk you home?" He asked you nervously, making sure he doesn't do anything you're not okay with. You nodded to let him know, you're completely okay with it. 
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That one anon read the post about 4channers and blacked out before comprehending it because it never says “ALL transfems are like this” it literally talks in depth about a specific issue with a group of primarily WHITE (and mostly binary) trans women who never dropped that edgy 4channer humor. If you don’t think they exist I invite you to go to /tttt/, where they literally invented “theyfab/theymab” and “pooner”.
These people also make the community unsafe for all of the non-white trans people (yes, including OTHER TRANSFEMS) who DO have to put up with their shit so like, maybe if you’re glossing over that fact you need to re-read the post and make sure you’re not being defensive for any personal reasons.
If we can call out white transmascs for masking bigotry with “edgy” humor than we can and should do the same for white transfems as well as white nonbinary people. It’s rly a “all white trans people, and white people in general, need to watch out for this because it harms others” issue. Y’all gotta stop derailing posts about racism and white supremacy on this site like they’re actually about a whole other topic
Exactly! Just because it's mostly trans women contributing to a specific issue being talked about doesn't mean it's due to them being trans women. It's due to them being WHITE! Except most of the attacking me are white and don't want to do 5 seconds of self reflection before whining in my DMs about how badly I'm hurting the trans women by talking about transandrophobia in the gay community.
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manonamora-if · 2 years
I love that the itch.io IF game community has grown immensely and has created mobile templates to make development easier. HOWEVER, as a mobile UX designer, I hate the mobile design of almost every single game I've played because the user experience is terrible. Interactive elements are generally too small and difficult to target with a touch screen, features are arranged non-intuitively, icons are not explained in a user friendly way, font sizes are too small, etc etc. So many of the choices I see are artistic ones and have been made for aesthetic purposes. I hate to be the one to rain on a parade, especially because I love the games I've played, but sometimes the experience makes it so difficult to enjoy the story being told. Since I'm not a beta tester, it feels like it's not my place to bring this up to devs since I feel that it is unsolicited criticism. Tl;Dr: IF games are amazing. Please find someone who designs UX for mobile apps/games to make the experience even better. Thanks for letting me confess in your ask box, gl with your writing!
Thank you for confessing Anon,
Since you are someone who designs mobile UX, it's def normal to be more sensitive when it comes to play mobile version of IF. I am sure editors who read IF must cringe a lot reading our unedited stuff, or UI designers for desktop must cry about how our page looks.
Accessibility is tricky. It requires knowledge about what could need accessibility (colours, font, placement of things, etc...) and about how to implement it (code). Having the knowledge of one still need the knowledge of the second for it to work. I think the strive for more accessibility is quite recent in the IF (Tumblr) space, especially with Twine games. With more code/information being shared, though templates and tutorials, it's been a bit easier to think of this and have more people implement it. Still, it involves a lot of learning (on top of learning the IF program), which for a lot of hobbyist creators is not always available, or funds if you want to go the hire a designer route, which same. I think believe, while it could be better, we are slowly getting there.
I guess there is still a collaboration route, but that requires time/communication/willingness to share projects...
And honestly, there isn't as much useful information out there to create good UI, especially mobile version, that would work with IF programs. And, as much as I like to splash around in the puddle (it makes sense in French), I really wish there were more tutorials for mobile creation. Every system/format has their own tweaks, which makes some things incompatible or needing more specific knowledge.
For example: Twine/SugarCube has a built-in UI, which includes a decent-ish mobile UX, but if you want to change things, you need to learn to work around the built-in CSS; a lot of which is not compatible with Twine/Harlowe. So if you find code for Harlowe, it probably won't work for SugarCube.
Even with the templates, you need to know how it works to be able to edit it.
Though... It does seem you would be open to help us creators get better and help readers have nicer experience overall. I guess here are some ways you could do that to avoid ruffling feathers (or rain on the parade) :P
Participating in beta
Reaching out to creators and see if they want pointers (i.e. not just a list of what is wrong, but maybe solutions?)
Creating UX templates that is mobile compatible*
Creating tutorials focusing on UX and what to keep in mind for mobile viewing (like a do/don't do)*
*would probably need to make sure those are compatible with IF programs. but damn those would so useful
Also not every IF have to be mobile compatible. TTTT def can't.
Thank you for the luck :)
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jiminsproof · 10 months
Can we talk about the Ateez album that’s dropping in a few days? I’m so damn excited!! And we’re getting unit songs!!! AAAHHHHHHAHAHAHHAAA
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I'm absolutely insane about Crazy Form already (MAMA PERFORMANCE ATE). But I'm so, so curious about unit songs, especially Matz!!! They're just so... unpredictable?? Like, it's really hard for me to even IMAGINE the type of song it will be, my guess is something sentimental and cute (as the title is literally MATZ) but they're also powerful performers?? And Hwa did rap parts in Bouncy??? So what is it going to be???? I NEED TIME TO GO BY FASTER UNTIL TOMORROW
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What are you most curious and excited about?? TELLL ME TEEELLL ME TTTT-TELL ME
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