#i jus love drawin lil guys
slaughtergutz · 1 year
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some Digimon concepts for sudden Sk8 Digimon AU. Mostly just Reki, Langa, Miya, & Shadow's because I haven't thought of anything for Joe and Cherry yet.
Reki's is based off his logo and lizards that have the neck flare and run all silly like.
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I mean, they're all mostly based off their logos. Langa has the lil yeti guy and Miya's is, cat. And the baby form is a slime, naturally. Shadow's is based off the lil tulip creature on his shirt from ep 6. She's also kind of got his cape and spikes motif goin. She is doing her best to do the horns but it's hard when you only have 3 claws.
i actually kinda love tulimon she's cute as hell. not sure if i'll incorporate his board zombie but that could be a sick evo ig
For the other two I suppose I could Digimonify Carla, and uhh, I'm not sure what to do for Joe? His board has a fish on it so maybe something in that direction. He strikes me as a surfer dude anyway. hmmmmmmm
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chowtrolls · 3 years
hey bruuno why do you trust Boe of all people with Shiloh?
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“Lotta reasons.”
“He sees Shi as a wriggler. So he treats her as such. They go get ice cream ‘n she draws in his office when he’s workin’, he hangs up her lil’ drawins’. He holds ‘er hand when they’re out walkin’. Shi’s a kid and he lets ‘er be a kid. He loves her.”
“Jus ‘cos he didn’t do that shit wit me doesn’t mean he isn’t capable of it now. He tried t’ threaten ‘er once, ‘n we both knew it was empty. Still ripped that fuckin’ arm off. Even if I didn’t, I coulda told his damn ex ‘n Sinopa would’ve beat his ass for me.”
“Regardless, point still stands. He ain’t a shitty guy to her. It’s dangerous fer me t’ take ‘er on tours ‘n with band stuff. She needs someone t’ be a lusus when I ain’t around to.”
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