#i imagine that 'normal' B-52 Cocktail SR Food Souls are kinda like lil imps
stardomyx · 5 years
I. Have thought for a while about how B-52 may not have originally been a UR Unit.
I’ve seen theories floating around about how Food Souls can change their ranking under circumstances, (and good God above I wish I could remember the URL’s of the people who talked about this because I would totally give them a mention if I did - if anybody knows anybody pls let me know!!) and I think that this may well have been what happened to B.
Even in game, B is one of the easiest UR’s to fully ascend and to nab out of the summoning pool, so that originally gave me the inkling behind this particular headcanon. Maybe he was supposed to be a SR unit but because of the almost entirely mechanical body we see in canon, his Soul Power has been boosted quite a bit. That and I imagine UR’s to be one of a kind, so the fact that he’s very much a mixture of organic and mechanical would absolutely make him unique.
So imagine for a second, a swarm of very small and very slight and very much organic B-52 Cocktail SR units running around the place, and canon B has never seen another B-52 Cocktail Food Soul before, nor did he have any idea of what he was originally supposed to look like! So of course he’d be more than a little upset, and probably fear that they would see him as some kind of defective Soul or worse dismiss him as a killing machine like his MA and Spaghetti did. BUT THANKFULLY! All these little SR Souls end up doing is crowding around him, completely in awe, asking him; “how d’you manage with wings that size?” “whoah, you can summon purple flames? How come I can only bring out normal ones?” “hold up, did you say you can breathe fire too!?”
AND HE IS LOVING THE ATTENTION, and of course is relieved that the differences between him and them really wasn’t something any of them were worried about. 
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