#i imagine its like the queer seinfeld posts on here. tbh. with everyone in the same room.
ventruevitae · 1 year
What made Mitchell interested/curious about Beckett first? How did her first meetings with Anatole go? What does she like best in a potentially long-term relationship? How does the polycule handle fights or disagreements (about actions or politics or whatever)?
In the kindest way possible, Beckett is a Whole Freak. He is just so unbelievably goddamn weird and so very much himself, there was an almost uncomfortable air of authenticity to him that Mitchell just kind of naturally gravitated towards. She's also just super fucking bizarre and doesn't bother to change herself up much if other people don't like it, but that doesn't mean she enjoys the judgment she gets for what are just harmless quirks of her personality. Again, none of that with Beckett.
He was also literally the only person in LA at the time who was speaking to her like she was an actual person and not just some Camarilla lackey. They communicate in a very similar tone of "kind of sounds like an asshole but they usually aren't intentionally, however the delivery of whatever they're saying is atrocious so it's a common mistake." If you listen to the two of them speaking with each other, on the surface it just sounds flat-out rude 80% of the time lmao.
She also hung onto the fact that he was actually fairly openly concerned for her well being right at the end of Bloodlines, which is again, something no one else was really concerned about at all. Of course, it still didn't stop her from edging dangerously close to death, but y'know, the sentiment was nice.
With Anatole, she was... honestly maybe more nervous that she wanted to admit? Which in hindsight was a bit ridiculous, but it takes her a whole to get comfortable with people. There was some slight fear of being replaced, or worse yet, she was just a stand-in for Anatole. This dissipated within ten minutes, if even that. They clicked almost immediately and spent most of the night going back & forth in conversations that were only half comprehensible to non-Malkavians. Aside from Anatole, her only other solid experience with her clan had really been Therese and Jeanette, and that relationship is neutral at best. They also very quickly discovered a mutual love of playfully torturing their shared Gangrel lmfao, not even just in bed just like. They generally get a kick out of teaming up against him for extended elaborate bits. Beckett suffers.
Mitchell's biggest thing is the ability to feel comfortable. Give her space she needs and take a genuine interest in listening to her, that sort of thing. She doesn't consider herself high-maintenance, she just needs to know she's still valued. She's been in relationships in the past where she was just 'tolerated' and can't stand the idea of going back to that, so while boundaries are fine & expected, she won't stick around if she's being made to feel like a burden. You might struggle a bit to be with her if you need to hear a lot of verbal reassurance, because she's more a physicality/'thinking of you' gifts partner. She likes coming back with small trinkets whenever she travels, which is pretty frequently. Oh, and that's another thing. She can't stay in one place too long. Yes, she's got a little home base apartment that she mostly uses to store things, but otherwise, if she's not travelling with Beckett, she's out & about in her van. She was absolutely doing #vanlife before it was a trend lmao and her set up is extremely comfortable + functional.
Honestly I don't think they fight... super often? Not in a group, anyway. Mild disagreements are usually just solved with some space and an adult discussion when everyone has cooled off. & as much as I hate to say it, I don't even know how strongly any of them feel about Kindred politics. Mitchell is pretty over it after everything that happened during Bloodlines (which is largely why she doesn't stick around with the Anarchs even if she agrees with the moment in principle), Beckett is more into his research, VV has her club, God knows what Anatole is usually up to, and Agathon is technically a missing person according to the New York Chantry lmao. No one is really getting into any heated debates here tbh, it's probably just an unspoken "why even go there?" rule.
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