#i hopefully wont forget later to link this in my oc masterlist or similar post
axvwriter · 11 months
A Childish Spat
Princess Bobo, fifteen years old, sat upon her usual bench upon her quarterly visit to the kingdom above hers. Princess Penelope, nineteen years old, had just arrived to the castle’s restricted garden. Only a few minutes late, but those few minutes were enough to whittle away at Bobo’s calm facade. Any remaining attempt of holding a cordial face was dropped to pure annoyance as Penelope didn’t even greet her.
“Ugh,” Penelope groaned as she sat down on her favorite bench, “Why do you keep showing up here?”
“…” Bobo gaped, her brow furrowed at such a ridiculous question. “I would have thought you knew. Don’t tell me it’s taken years for you to realize you have no idea why we meet up.”
“Oh shut up.” Penelope rolled her eyes. “You do realize our meetings are pointless, right? My parents are the ones in charge. I hold no power. The only reason you meet with me is because my parents don’t see you as a true ruler. You’re just a child in their eyes.”
“…It… I do find it annoying to be called up here just to only see you. I’m quite aware that your parents don’t see me as an equal.” Bobo huffed. “Yet I still choose to come up here for a reason, Penelope.” Bobo leaned forward slightly, trying to spot revelation cross the blonde’s face. Penelope’s face stayed in its grouchy frown as the older girl fought to keep herself in perfect posture. Bobo let out a sigh.
“Princess Penelope, eventually you’ll become Queen. As ruler of the Mycelind Kingdom, I figure it’s important to forge a friendly bond with you. So while I rarely see your parents, the current rulers in which I’m supposed to have quarterly meetings with, I choose to stay and see you.” Bobo explained before reaching for a cup of tea.
“Oh please, you’re not one to be a kiss-up!” Penelope snapped, surprising the younger girl. Bobo withdrew her hand from the round garden table that separated them. Penelope stood up and slapped her hands onto the table, causing the refreshments sitting upon it to rattle.
“You only sit and tolerate me because my parents tell you too! It’s absolutely ridiculous! You get to pretend to be Queen of your kingdom while my parents won’t let me handle anything!” Penelope threw her hands up into the air before crossing her arms.
“…Pretend?” Bobo balled her hands as she refused to let herself stand up. “I am Princess and sole ruler of my kingdom! I may not agree with how your kingdom works in regards to such things, but just because you aren’t getting your way doesn’t give you the right to lash out at me.”
“Oh? What are you going to do about it, huh?” Penelope taunted and moved around the garden table to get closer. “Make another empty warning of war? Do you know how laughable that is? What is Mycelind going to do if it destroys its only ally and protector? Like you even could. Maybe next time there’s an invasion here, I’ll call you up and have them kidnap you. Or maybe I’ll just open the gate and let all those horrible mages right into your magic-defenseless kingdom.” Penelope taunted as she leaned towards the younger princess.
“You say that as if you have enough defenses with just one royal mage.” Bobo grumbled as she angled her head away from Penelope’s face. “I appreciate your… protection. Still, I could declare war. And as Princess, it’ll be your fault for failing to keep things civil.”
“Well, what if I declare war?!” Penelope reared back, an angry flush starting to color her delicately pale face.
“You don’t have that ability.” Bobo looked at her upon receiving some personal space. “You’d have to bring up the motion with your parents. Then I’m sure they’d want to hear from both of us.”
“I- you- Augh! I hate you! I’ll never like you! So stop wasting both of our time and stay in the ground where you belong!!” Penelope screamed. Bobo felt her restraint thin at that.
“Wasting both of our time?! Well I’ll admit it always feels like a waste of time coming up here! But it’s rather rich to hear you think it’s a waste of your time! All you do is complain about how you aren’t Queen yet and how you have nothing to do! If you actually cared, you’d find a way, find something to do!” Bobo yelled as she stood to her feet.
Penelope grabbed at a cup of tea and threw its contents at Bobo. The younger girl raised her arms in a defensive manner yet blinked at just feeling the warm liquid splash her. Penelope looked smug, like as if she had done something significant.
“Are… you… serious?” Bobo practically hissed as she seethed. “I thought you were going to actually hit me! Actually do something of consequence! Do you think a possible stain means anything?! Do you have any idea what I go through?! What actual meaningful action is?! No wonder you sit around and complain about not ruling, you absolute bimbo!” Bobo snatched the cup out of Penelope’s hand. Yet before she could even raise it, the fragile thing shattered in her fist. Penelope simply scowled, unaware of what Bobo almost did.
“So barbaric. You get angry and the first thought in your mind is to get violent?” Penelope turned to start walking away. Bobo took a step after her, but stopped as she recognized the sickly sticky feeling coming from her hand.
“Princess Penelope, Princess Bobo, I heard yelling. Do you two need more tea?” Bobo vaguely registered the young man’s voice as she slowly opened her fist. Her gaze drawn down as she watched the fine porcelain shard fell from her hand. She hadn’t even really realized that any part of the tea cup had been trapped in her hold.
“Actually, Princess Bobo and me have just wrapped up our meeting. If you’ll excuse me, I have somewhere to be.” Penelope’s voice faintly reached Bobo’s ears. The older girl not looking back once as she left the restricted garden. Bobo stared at her own ripped glove, watching the white fabric grow more and more red.
She had slipped up. She had made a mistake. What if her parent made a similar mistake and only realized too late? Could she head back home with her skin torn open? The path… the path… is it safe? Is it clear? When was the last time it was checked for that strain of mycelium?
“Princess Bobo.” The young man’s voice rang clearly before the feeling of his hand on her shoulder forced her out of her spiraling, panicking thoughts. Bobo gasped as she stepped back, clenching her hand closed and cradling it to her chest.
“Mage Maus.” Bobo frowned and took another step back. The twenty-one year old gave a worried frown. He reached for her wrist.
“You’re injured? Let me see.” Maus softly asked yet Bobo practically jumped away from his reach.
“No. Don’t touch me.” Bobo growled, regaining her senses. She turned around and headed to the garden’s gate. “I accidentally broke a cup snd stained a glove is all.” The path is always checked regularly. At least once a week to make sure it’s clean snd structurally sound. It’s silly to fret. It wouldn’t take long to get home, her wound treated, and her glove replaced. This small mistake wont be a risk to her own life.
Maus watched her leave before turning his attention towards the porcelain bits amongst the grass.
Princess Bobo stood inside one of her sister kingdom’s castle, facing the King and Queen. Instead of being seated in a nice garden with refreshments, Bobo stood. No seat offered nor available to her as the sun blared through the tall, spacious windows, practically blinding her. The only seats available were two thrones, currently occupied by the previously mentioned royalty. No sign of their only heir, making Bobo wonder if the Princess even knew of this meeting.
Only three days had passed since her and Penelope’s meeting. Bobo probably shouldn’t have been surprised to have received summons to see the King and Queen.
“Princess Bobo,” The King spoke, “We’ve heard that you were injured after having a screaming match with Princess Penelope.” Bobo lowered her head, hoping it looked more apologetic than sheepish as her cheeks warmed.
“I’m sorry. I lost my temper at Penelope.” Bobo could bring up how the girl had started it. She could mention how awful Penelope had been, but she shouldn’t have let anything Penelope said or done affect her so.
“Did Princess Penelope strike you?” The Queen asked. Penelope had never really hid her hatred towards her. It was foolish to let herself nearly strike the girl. It would only prove Penelope right if she had done so. Which might as well had happen since the only reason it didn’t was because the cup broke before she could.
“No. Princess Penelope… she shared that she holds some frustrations about not being able to help. Help you two with ruling your kingdom. I… I misunderstood her and got frustrated… in my frustration I mishandled my cup of tea.” Bobo answered, lifting her gaze to stare into the Queen’s crystal-blue eyes.
“We’ve heard you stormed away.” The King replied. “Losing your temper and dismissing yourself… You still have a long ways to go.”
“…I… know…” Bobo forced the words to come out clearly.
“I want you to go to the garden and make up with Princess Penelope.” The Queen stated. If being ordered like a misbehaving child wasn’t bad enough, Bobo saw Mage Maus step out from behind a pillar.
“Please let me escort you, Princess Bobo.” Maus moved smoothly towards her, offering his arm. Bobo glared at his arm before turning around to lead herself out. The royal mage quietly followed behind, making her more tense as she struggled to make out his footsteps.
Upon arriving in the shaded garden, Bobo saw Penelope toying with the refreshments at the table. Before she could guess if Penelope had possibly brought them over herself or was simply fiddling with them, Maus called out.
“Princess Penelope, I’ve brought Princess Bobo to see you.” He stepped past Bobo, nearly brushing against her if she hadn’t leaned out of reach. Penelope looked over, her baby-blue eyes sparkling upon seeing the young royal mage.
“Mage Maus!” Penelope chirped as she bounced her way over to him. Bobo kept from rolling her eyes. It seemed the Princess would rather ignore her in order to flirt with someone who never treated her negatively. The mage smiled as he held out his arms to grasp her forearms gently. Returning the attention while keeping her at a debatably polite distance.
Bobo quietly moved herself over to her regular bench. She was fine with ignoring Penelope and pass the time distracting herself with tea. This would be enough punishment and repentance for what happened. Though it would be a lot better if Penelope was able to dismiss her so she could return to her paperwork. Bobo sighed, leaning back with a full cup. Preferably she’d nap in order to prepare for the lack of sleep she’d inevitably get tonight as she kept from falling behind in her work.
“While you are as beautiful as the morning sun, I’d say that Princess Bobo is as the evening light.” Mage Maus’s voice caught her attention as he sat down beside Penelope. Much closer than what was considered a polite distance. She would not nap while Mage Maus was around in the royal’s garden.
“Oh must you bring her into this?” Penelope whined and rested her head against his shoulder. Bobo glared as the man dared run his fingers through Penelope’s long, silken hair.
“The King and Queen want you two to get along.” Maus reminded.
“We get along best when we’re nowhere near each other.” Penelope huffed, keeping herself from scowling. Instead pouting as to keep up her soft, perfect, princess image. Maus chuckled softly. He reached over and picked up a biscuit with his gloved hand. Bobo internally cringed, keeping herself from commenting on the hygiene of that. Above ground, they could be laxer about such things
“Ahh” Penelope practically sang out as she held open her mouth. Basically demanding that the mage feed his treat to her. Maus chuckled again as he followed her silent command. Bobo looked away, not wanting to risk seeing any of his dirty glove make contact with her mouth.
“Now Princess Penelope, you two will be working together in the future when you’re both Queens. Would it really be that bad to become friends before then?” Maus’s words caused Bobo to sling her glare at him again. The small smirk he sent her way only frustrated her.
He perfectly understood that their two kingdoms cultures were different enough that Princess and Queen didn’t mean the same for each other! She scowled, realizing this must be his way to tauntingly call her a child, to call her not a real ruler.
“…You make a fair point.” Penelope softly sighed as she withdrew from him. Bobo glanced at her, annoyed that Penelope would rather pretend to listen to him. The two Princesses stared at each other. Bobo scowled some more as a mischievous smile spread across Penelope’s face.
“Bobo, you become Queen when you’re married, right?” Penelope asked with a grin as she leaned forward.
“Yes, but need I remind yo-“ Bobo tried to reply just for Penelope to cut her off.
“You know, my parents may not even take you seriously once you reach adulthood. After all, they still treat me like a child.” Penelope pouted and fluttered her eyelashes at the mage still seated beside her. He responded by rubbing his hand over her back.
“Well you’re not an adult, you’re still a teen.” Bobo stated with slight confusion.
“I’m nineteen!”
“Yeah, nineteen. Not even twenty.” Bobo frowned.
“Twenty? Oh don’t tell me that in your backwards kingdom that you don’t hit adulthood upon turning eighteen.” Penelope whined as she threw her head back over the bench she’s seated upon.
“Wha… what? Why would you be an adult at eighteen? Teen is part of the number!” Bobo exasperatedly responded. She glanced at Maus, noticing his slightly wide eyes. Apparently he wasn’t aware of this difference either. Bobo sighed and slumped in her seat.
“Once you hit twenty is when you’re considered legally an adult in Mycelind.” Bobo monotonely stated. Penelope nearly blew a raspberry, catching herself as she recalled the mage’s presence.
“Well that just means two more years of my parents getting to justifily see you as a little child.” Penelope stated as she side-eyed Bobo.
“What is it that you’re trying to say?” Bobo huffed.
“As long as you remain single and with the title of Princess… there’s no need to take you all that seriously. Thus you need to get married as soon as possible to get the treatment my parents should be giving you.” Penelope slyly grinned. Bobo furrowed her brow. Getting married as soon as possible was ready part of her plans. As the only one with the blood right left to rule, it would be important to get some heirs as soon as she turned twenty. Though perhaps she should just trust that the backup measures in place would work.
Yet if she had kids, they’d be able to help shoulder the responsibility. Along with any and all worthy spouses she got. That’s…. Isn’t that a selfish way to think of it? But what if the backup measure never gets properly carried out? The Grand Mycorl was always too much of a softie… he could very well prevent a new ruler from being chosen if something happened to her. So having spouses and kids as soon as possible would be in the best interests of Mycelind, right? Yet why did it feel… selfish? Why did it have to feel off?
“Alright..?” Bobo prompted Penelope to continue.
“So how about you start attending some of my kingdom’s balls? Not only is this a generous offer from me, but it’ll help you start courting in preparation of choosing a king.” Penelope giggled.
“. . . You know I hate waltzing.” Bobo nearly whined. Penelope was making this all up as an excuse to torture her instead of actually trying to befriend her!
Mage Maus briefly stood up to move over onto Bobo’s bench. He scooted close to Bobo, but kept some distance at her glaring.
“I think Princess Penelope’s idea is great. You’ve attended before pretending to be her cousin. You’d be able to practice the ways of courting without the worry of possibly embarrassing yourself.” Maus smiled. Bobo raised a foot, pushing it against his thigh to force him further away.
“You’re purposely forgetting that things tend to be a bit different in my kingdom. There isn’t really nobles so learning to flirt or court however your nobles do won’t be of help to me.” Bobo scowled at the royal mage.
“Oh, I suppose so. Still, it wouldn’t hurt to gather the courage to flirt with others. If you really wouldn’t like to attend any balls, you could practice your ways on me.” Maus gave that slight teasing smirk again. Bobo jumped up to her feet, fed up with his presence.
“I much rather kiss Penelope than even pretend to flirt with you. I’m not going to go to any stupid balls.” Bobo walked away towards the gate. Enough time had passed that she could get away with peacefully dismissing herself. Penelope gave a disgusted face upon hearing Bobo’s words, which caused Maus to laugh. Penelope sulked at his laughter, telling him it wasn’t funny and that he should feel deeply insulted.
“Princess…” Bobo turned towards the door, frowning at seeing her caretaker, Beau’s, worried face. He walked over to where she sat at a desk, working away on a pile of paperwork. She paused what she was doing and turned to properly face him.
“I was summoned to the sister kingdom to receive a message for you.” Beau pulled an envelope out of one of his pockets. “I read it and I’m sure there’s been some sort of misunderstanding.”
“What does it say?” Bobo frowned, wondering if whatever it was, she could end up tossing away. She didn’t want to have to go back up to the surface anytime soon.
“It seems that the Queen believes you accepted the Princess’s invitation to attend her birthday ball. The message seems to mostly inform you that you are to show up four hours before the ball so servants there may get you ready… in a dress the Princess has commissioned for you. It doesn’t say when the ball is.” Beau answered.
“…Penelope shared that she wanted me to attend some balls, but she didn’t mention anything about her birthday. I can’t really respond and say that I won’t go… they wouldn’t accept that even if I were to say Penelope didn’t actually invite me. I’d assume the ball would be the day of her birthday… Could you please go ask for confirmation of the date and details? Also please give them my measurements. I wouldn’t put it past Penelope to guess or simply use the measurements they got when I was thirteen.”
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