#i hope you’re having a fab friday!!!
inkykeiji · 4 months
you saying pom pom
me: uh she must really love pomenarians
also me after a minute: oh shit it's the name of a character
LMAOOOOOO yes hahaha it is this sweet special little creature in honkai star rail (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
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i love pom-pom i would KILL for pom-pom every time i see pom-pom with their little rain cloud or crying/sweating or pushing their lil nubs together i rush over, shouting at my computer screen oh my sweet precious pom-pom baby what is WRONG!!!
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inkyajax · 1 month
I love DA and I get terribly fixated in your ideas hahahah like i wanna know everything you want to disclouse about your clari/sunday au. Like what's clari's backround, what lectures does she take, about the schiol, any crumbs about clari and aunday. I want it alll
aw anon!!! i am so flattered!!! if you’re talking about the university academia AU i’m writing with sunday, he and reader attend a prestigious arts university. he is majoring in music, of course, and reader is probably majoring in film, like i did HAHAHA (*/ω\) but i haven’t fully decided on her major yet.
she’s there on a full scholarship, and comes from a rough home life etc—directly opposing sunday and his wealthy upbringing. there is initially a bit of a pride & prejudice vibe on reader’s part (she thinks sunday is just some stupid rich boy and dreads having to work on a project with him, esp since he’s known to be a pretentious control freak), but that isn’t the main or only conflict between them (that i shall keep a secret ehehehe >:D)
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cherry leather looker
or: you're a car, you're a woman, you're a drug!
gn!reader, explicit nsfw, vincent-typical after-school shenanigans. bank me like a millionaire, baby! it’s time for some last-minute summer fun, so you know what that means… my vincent is chinese, so don’t be surprised that he’s got a bit more physical description than i usually go in for. for the wonderful rae @sri-rachaa, mutual of my heart everything i do is for her - happy birthday gorgeous girlie!! all my love, and hope you’re having a fab day <3 inspired by sugar soaker by panic! at the disco, and i wonder if you can guess why…? vincent going off-road in just over 5300 words.
i’m aware that the byline implies fem!lovely, but that’s just because that’s how the song goes lol - lovely here is entirely gender neutral, and their body (including their, um, hardware) is basically not described at all.
this fic contains explicit nsfw content, and is very, very 18+. reader discretion is advised. minors dni. thank you. 
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Exams aren’t coming up for a while yet, but unfortunately that doesn’t mean you don’t have to study. DAMN loves to pile the work on, latent humanborns be damned, and it’s an absolute nightmare once deadlines start to roll around.
Sam’s been tutoring you every Friday for a few months now, keeping you hostage once a week for an hour or two after classes, and it’s awful. He’s not bad at it, he’s just kind of boring, you know? He’s so good at this stuff that he doesn’t really know how to teach it very well, so he ends up doing that infuriating thing where he just reads stuff out of the textbook, nods like of course you’ll have understood that, and moves onto the next thing. It’s infuriating!
You’ve got to be at his place in, like, twenty minutes - normally Vincent would come and pick you up, but he’s got some meeting in town with a client, so Sam’s coming to get you instead. It’s not fair! When Vincent comes to pick you up, he always lets you choose the music, and he brings one of the cars that’s fast enough to get you there in half the time, so he can make out with you in the back seat for ten minutes before you have to go. Sam? Uh, no thanks, for several reasons. Long story short, you’re really not looking forward to studying with him tonight-
…Wait, what?
The car park isn’t full, but it’s certainly not empty. It must be, what, about half twelve? Quarter to one? You’ve just come out of your Introductory Mental Disciplines lecture and your brain is kind of fried - Professor Albright’s a wonderful teacher, but he can be a little… intense, to put it lightly - so it’s not exactly a surprise that it takes you a minute to figure out where that voice is coming from.
“Lovely! Over here!”
Hazard lights flash behind you, and a good handful of other students turn with you to see - ah. Yeah, okay. You really should have known. Vincent Solaire, the picture of romance, big round sunglasses perched amid gracefully-dishevelled hair, waving madly from the driver’s seat of a very red, very shiny, very expensive convertible.
“Get in!”
Well, he certainly doesn’t have to tell you twice.
He’s already got his foot on the pedal as you slam the door shut, chucking your backpack over onto the back seat, and he pulls you in for a breathless kiss while clumsy hands fumble with your seatbelt. As soon as he hears it click, that’s it - before you really know what’s going on, you’re racing out of the car park and down the road out of town, music all the way up and pedal all the way down.
“How did - where-” You’re still a bit dizzy from the speed of it all - how the hell is he here? “What happened to your meeting?”
“Got Alexis to do it,” he says breezily, one hand reaching up to adjust the rearview mirror before slipping down to sit high on your thigh. “I just about stopped Fred catching her and Christian having some fun in the dining room after the clan meeting a few weeks ago, so she owes me one.”
Ah. That would explain why Vincent couldn’t keep a straight face when Sam’s mate had asked if he knew why the dining room table was away for repairs the other day. You don’t really want to know what he told them.
“Actually, that reminds me!” Regrettably, he takes his hand off you to put his sunglasses on properly - only Vincent would be caught wearing sunglasses at night unironically, just because they look cool, baby, look! He does an awkward sort of wriggle as he fishes his phone out of the pocket of his jeans, tossing it lightly into your lap. “Can you check if it’s on silent, please?”
“Yeah, hold on. It’s… no, it’s not.” It only takes a few seconds - you offer it back to him, but he shakes his head, so you just put it in the centre console. “Why?”
“Because…” Vincent’s grin gets impossibly bigger, laughing as you race down the A-road that leads into the woods surrounding Dahlia. “I’d know that old thing a mile away. Say hello, lovely!”
He flashes the hazards again, sticking two fingers in his mouth for a piercing wolf-whistle before flipping off the truck going the other w- hold on, that’s Sam’s truck, why’s he heading out now if you’re meant to be-
“Better luck next time, old man!” Vincent shouts over his shoulder, and there’s that vampire hearing - true to form, his phone lights up with an incoming call, the familiar piano loud as it vibrates. “Finders keepers!”
Twisting round in your seat, you laugh as Sam’s truck disappears when you turn the corner, leaning over to kiss Vincent’s temple partly in shock, but mostly in elation. “Breaking me out of prison, hmm?”
“For you, baobei?” He threads his fingers between yours, that lovesick look you know so wonderfully well, gently pulling your hand to press his lips to your wrist. “I’m stealing you all for myself.”
His other hand flicks the left indicator on, which is a bit of a surprise. Isn’t home in the other direction? “Are we not…?”
He scoffs theatrically, and it’s unfair that he can make it sound so cute. “Going home? No. What’d you wanna do that for?” Your phone starts buzzing, Sam clearly having given up on Vincent answering, but you both ignore it. “I thought we could, uh, go on a little adventure tonight. Just us.”
“Oh, is that what we’re calling it?” He flushes slightly at your tone, cheeks slowly turning pink, and your smile widens as he deliberately avoids your eyes in the mirror. “Last time we went ‘adventuring’, we ended up fucking up the suspension so much that even you said you were gonna have to pay someone to fix it. Sure you wanted to bring this car?”
“I - you-!” Flustered, he stabs clumsily at the centre console, pointedly turning the volume up even as his blush deepens and deepens with your wicked laughter. “ Just- just pick a song!”
The drive isn’t too long, all things considered - it’s only about an hour, maybe a bit more. It’s not like the roads are all that busy at 1am, you know? At first, you’re not really sure where he might be taking you, but about twenty minutes in he turns down onto the coast road, and it clicks.
“At this hour? It’ll be freezing!” He really thinks he’s slick, doesn’t he? And okay, yeah, he kind of is, but there’s no way you’re telling him that. Got to keep him on his toes, after all.
“Mmm, it will be, won’t it?” Up ahead, the lights turn red at the junction. Ever a man of opportunity, he wastes no time - the car’s barely stopped before he’s kissing you, one hand under your jaw and the other sliding down to rub teasingly over your hip. “Gonna keep - nnng - gonna keep me warm, lovely?”
“Haahh-” Soft, always so soft. Pulling slightly against your seatbelt, closer closer closer - ooh, is that strawberry chapstick? Between the fizz of his hands on your skin and the sweetness of his mouth against yours, it’s kind of hard to come up with a coherent response. “Yeah, mmm, yeah, just- hm?”
Unfortunately, he breaks what was shaping up to be a very nice kiss as a motorbike speeds past, straight over the junction. Oh. Right, yeah, the traffic lights. You’d sort of forgotten about that. Thank goodness there’s nobody else behind you. Vincent’s gaze meets yours, washed in green light, lips already slightly pinker than normal - you’re so tempted to ask if you can pull over. Come on, nobody’s looking. Just for five minutes?
(Well, maybe ten. Fifteen. Twenty? Maybe just a bit longer-)
The glovebox clicking open knocks you out of your pleasant reverie, watching Vincent rifle awkwardly through the mess of CD cases before extracting a half-empty bottle of chewing gum.
“Want some?” He rattles the jar towards you, popping two in his mouth before grimacing in surprise. “Wait, this-”
Pushing his sunglasses back up into his hair, he looks properly at the label this time, and you’re not saying his age is catching up to him, but… “Fuck, I forgot I ran out of strawberry.” Undeterred, he takes a third one before handing you the bottle, stepping on the pedal as you put it back in the glovebox. “I think it’s spearmint? Peppermint? Oh, I don’t know - the one Lexi had the other day.”
“Did she get it for you?” You’re surprised. When Alexis and Vincent buy things for each other, they’re normally one of two things: specifically designed to make the other’s life noticeably worse, or costing at least several thousand dollars. Somehow, you doubt that this particular jar of chewing gum was either of those things, but Alexis Solaire is nothing if not full of surprises.
“Nah. Nicked it off her desk,” he declares, looking far too pleased with himself as he flicks the indicator down. “She likes that awful cinnamon-flavoured shit more anyway, so really I’m doing her a favour.”
(Yeah, okay. That sounds more like the pair of them. You won’t mention the industrial-sized roll of tin foil that you saw her and Christian dragging into Vincent’s room at Will’s house.)
Humming along to the CD player, he turns off down one of the side roads - you know the sort, one of those that’s not really a road at all, just a sort of gap in the hedgerow. It’s just dirt, and it’s kind of bumpy, but it gives Vincent an excuse to go and fuss over his precious paintwork, so he’s fine with it. Sam complains about it every time he comes down here, but that’s what you get when the suspension on your truck is practically prehistoric, isn’t it?
“Wanna go inside for a bit? Or straight out to the back?”
“Uh…” As nice as the house is - and make no mistake, it’s really nice - you’d rather get straight to it. It’s not everyday you get to spend some time at a place like this. “Straight through?”
The house belongs to William, but it’s not associated with the business as one of the actual, like, ‘Solaire Properties’. Really, it’s just for family or clan stuff - you’ve been down here several times before, mostly for birthdays or celebrations or whatever. Vincent’s never gone into too much detail, but from what you’ve heard about William’s life before the whole rich-vampire-king palaver, he’s always liked the sea. He loved it from afar, as Vincent puts it, but you gather that he never really had much of a chance to enjoy it.
That’s why he bought this place, apparently - a long-held dream fulfilled, and you’re not going to begrudge him that. It’s not very easy for vampires to really do beach holidays. Good on him for finding a convenient (if eye-wateringly expensive) way to do it.
(When she’d mentioned it to you the first time, Alexis had called it a nice little summer house. Your definitions of ‘nice’ and ‘little’ clearly aren’t quite the same. For starters, you probably wouldn’t include a multi-million dollar beachfront property in one of the most beautiful places on the California coast, but apparently that just shows how much you know. Turns out the dollar really is almighty, and William Solaire certainly has a lot of them.)
“Hope you brought your swimsuit, baby,” he says innocently, fiddling with his phone and unlocking the gates. His wry grin betrays him, though - he forgets every time that you can still see him in the rearview mirror. “Water’s nice, this time of year.”
“You little…” Oh, he’s going to be for it in a minute. “Who on earth do you know that brings a swimsuit to a Dreamwalking lecture?”
“My lovely, caught unaware? Surely not!” He gasps in faux surprise, now not even trying to hide the smirk spreading across his face. “I reckon you had this planned, you know.”
“Yeah?” This should be good. “And how did I do that, hmm?”
“Oh, it’s very simple,” he proclaims, free hand gracefully pulling his sunglasses off and tucking them in his shirt pocket as he turns down the drive. “You’ve lured me out here with your effortless charm and stunning good looks, with the promise of getting to take a swim all alone with my gorgeous lovely, only to turn on your heel and deprive me of the one thing I’ve been looking forward to all week.“ It’s unfair how cute that stupid pout of his is, sighing plaintively as he laments your supposed scheming. "You’re so mean to me, you know that?”
“Am I, now?” It’s always fun, playing along with him. “I’m sorry, my love,” you say mournfully, leaning across to press a kiss to his cheek and smiling as he tries not to blush. “However could I make it up to you?”
“Well, I do know one way we could make this work…” he says, valiantly ignoring the flush slowly spreading across his face at the absolutely shameless once-over he gives you. “I mean, you don’t have to be wearing anyth- hey!”
“Nice try, loverboy,” you announce, haughtily settling your newly-acquired sunglasses atop your head. “Like hell you’re getting me in there with nothing on - it’s fucking freezing!”
Vincent sighs, plaintive and airy, like it being 1am and pitch-black outside shouldn’t matter. Ooh, he’s lucky he’s so pretty. “Too bad, sha gua, too bad. Guess I’ll have to find some other way to get you w- okay! I’m st- I’m stopping!”
Bastard. One-handed, he bats away your hands from his hair as he pulls up by the sand, fingers flexing on the wheel when you manage to get just close enough to kiss the corner of his mouth.
“Rude.” He huffs, giving you that stupid, cute pout that really shouldn’t be as attractive as it is. “I thought that was pretty good, actually.”
You give him a look. “I’m not sure pick-up lines have ever been - hey - waitwaitwait!”
You’re never going to be used to that vampire strength, are you? The angle is ridiculous, but his hands lock around your waist before you can protest, and somehow he manages to manoeuvre you over the centre console and into his lap without too much fuss.
Vincent opens his mouth, smug as anything, but he only manages a sort of garbled half-noise before your hand quickly shuts him up.
“That does not count as a pick-up line!”
He stares, cross-eyed, down at your hand for a surprised second, before petulantly trying to lick your palm in retaliation. Luckily, you’re wise to his tricks by now - you pull your hand away just in time and fix him with the best glare you can muster, although it’s probably undercut by the fact that you’re trying really hard not to laugh.
Undeterred, he smirks up at you, brushing the hair out of his face with a satisfied flourish.
“Yeah, but you thought it was hot.”
Fuck. He’s right. You stutter into an excuse for a second, but it doesn’t come - instead, you just slide your hands up his chest, over his shoulders and up to his jaw, before just leaning down and kissing him. It always works.
True to form, he melts into your touch, letting you kiss the mint-flavoured smirk right off his face with a pleased sigh. Quick fingers twist into the fabric of your shirt, and you’re just running your tongue over his bottom lip when-
“Wait - just - just a sec-”
He pulls back unexpectedly, reaching over and fumbling around in the glovebox for a second, one hand holding your hip to keep you balanced in his lap, before extricating an old receipt. Neatly, he drops his gum into the paper, folding it in half to stick it to itself before depositing it into the cupholder to throw away later.
“Okay!” He grins up at you, blindingly beautiful, and you almost have to blink away the sunspots in your eyes. “Where were we, again?”
This time, you don’t bother trying to hide your laugh - instead, you just muffle it in his shoulder, letting him nip affectionately at your neck against the gentle sound of waves lapping at the sand. “Hate you.”
“Yeah,” he replies airily, and you don’t need to look to see his smile. “Hate you too.”
You pull back and he ducks his head slightly to kiss you again, tongue brushing lightly against your lip until you tilt your head slightly to - yeah, that’s a better angle. Vaguely, you’re aware of him guiding your legs around his waist, and you can feel him standing up and getting out of the car, but most of it is forgotten as the warm haze of his kisses swirls through your brain and makes your fingers go all tingly.
Although your eyes are closed, you can tell that he’s walking somewhere from the movement of his body against you, the sound of sand under his feet, but where’s he going? Into the house? Cracking one eye open, you can see the dark shape of the garage in front of you - so he’s heading towards the water, then. Wait, but why would he - oh, no fucking way-
“Mm - mmf!” Swallowing a giggle at his stunned face, you wriggle out of his arms with a sharp twist and a burst of vampiric speed, before turning and scrambling away across the sand. Shocked, he’s not quite quick enough to grab your arm as you dodge out of the way, and he laughs in surprise as you make him chase you further and further towards the sea.
“Oh, I don’t - I don’t think so-!”
“Catch me if you can!”
As fast as you’re going, it’s basically no distance at all until you’re splashing into the shallow water. Spray kicks up around your ankles, soaking into your shoes and socks, but it can’t weigh you down. You dance out of his way regardless, heart pounding giddily as adrenaline rushes through your body, dipping your hand down to flick water at him whenever he looks in danger of getting slightly too close.
“Still - fuck! - still too slow!” He almost manages to snatch the back of your shirt, and you stick your tongue out at his wounded expression as you back up into the slightly deeper water. “See, I told you I was faster…”
“You - get - get back here!”
He lunges for your waist, but he’s too slow - with a splash, he topples through the space where you used to be and goes face first into the freezing water. Luckily, it’s deep enough that he doesn’t just hit the ground, and you wade gingerly towards him as your body starts to register the cold.
“Lovely!” Spitting out a mouthful of seawater, you’re met with the distinctly-bedraggled shape of a very wet Vincent Solaire, blinking the salt out of his eyes. The shock of the cold water forces the breath out of him, but for some reason it can’t make him any less unfairly attractive. You don’t bother to hide your satisfied smirk at the sight of him raking his soaked hair out of his face with one hand, white t-shirt now slightly see-through and clinging to his chest.
“You - you!” he gasps, pointing accusingly at you with as stern a glare as he can muster. “Oh, when I get my hands on you, I-”
He’s cut off by your gleeful kiss, throwing yourself through the waist-deep water at him and knowing that he’ll catch you. Mmm, he’s such a sucker.
“Yeah?” you say between kisses. “You’ll what?”
After a pause, he shrugs half-heartedly and gives in to let you kiss him again. “Probably - mmm - yeah, uh, probably that…”
Moonlight sparkles on the water as he clutches you tighter, drinking in the familiar taste of you. Cold currents come and go, but neither of you really notice, far too swept up in each other for it to matter - besides, the warmth of his body against yours is more than enough to keep you happy.
After a little while, he moves to kiss slowly down your neck, leaning you back slightly in his arms to get a better angle. Your fingers tangle in his hair, dark and dripping, and he sighs happily against your skin when you pull slightly, just the way he likes.
“Tianshi…” he murmurs, fangs digging gently into your skin because he knows it makes you shiver. “You shouldn’t tease, you know.”
“Mm, you started it,” you reply. “Whose good idea was it to go swimming in the middle of the night, again?”
“Hm.” You can feel him pouting, muttering quietly into your shoulder. “Like ‘m giving up my lovely for some stupid tutoring.”
He makes a good point. This is much nicer than whatever boring textbook questions Sam was supposed to be making you do right now. In your magnificent generosity, you reward your saviour with a benevolent kiss to his temple, before your hand trails down over his neck, his shoulder, across his-
“Did you-?”
“Hm?” Tilting back just a little, he looks down at himself like he’s as surprised as you are that his shirt has disappeared. “Oh, yeah.”
Biting back a laugh, you smack his arm with a quiet slap. “Now who’s the tease?”
“What? Do you like wearing wet jeans?” he asks smugly, smirking as he hears your heart speed up - the dark water comes up to about his waist, so you dread to think what other bits of clothing he’s got rid of while you weren’t looking. “That’s what I thought.”
You roll your eyes good-naturedly, patting him on the shoulder in consolation. “Remind me to send him flowers when we get back.”
“Who said he taught me? You don’t know! I could’ve, um-”
His cry of indignance is swiftly cut off by your flat stare. You know exactly where he got this from. After a brief stand-off, he sighs in apparent defeat, bending down slightly to scoop you up so that he’s properly carrying you. “Yeah, it was Gavin.”
“Knew it!” you sing, cheerfully kicking your legs as he starts to walk back out of the water, up towards the sand. “You think I haven’t seen him trying it with Freelancer before?”
He pretends to sulk, wiping an imaginary tear from his eye. “And here I thought you were looking at me…” The sand crunches quietly underfoot as he carries you towards the car, and the slight breeze is pleasantly cool against your warm skin. “What do I have to do to get your attention, hm?”
Sneaking a downwards glance, you raise an eyebrow. Turns out he wasn’t lying about the jeans. “I could think of a few things.”
“Only a few?” He scoffs, before leaning down to press his fangs to that sweet spot just under your jaw. “Keep up, tianxin, and you’ll get more than that.”
A burst of magic fizzles over your body, warm and crackling shivers from head to toe. Before you can blink, you’re both completely dry, and one look at him tells you exactly what you need to know - ooh, he’s been practising that one. He preens under your gaze, tossing his head proudly to flick his now-dry hair back out of his eyes.
God. He’s so pretty.
The walk back to the car isn’t far, but he doesn’t put you down - instead, he opts to lean down and lay you gently back against the hood, kissing you down against the warm, smooth metal. Back arched slightly over his arm, it’s a little uncomfortable, so you have to shift around a little bit in order to-
Maybe he thinks it was on purpose, or maybe he knows and he just doesn’t care - whatever the case, he rocks his hips back down to meet you, and that’s when you notice that he’s got rid of your clothes, too.
“Haah - Vincent!”
He doesn’t even have the good grace to look appropriately chastised at your muffled shout, just grabbing your wrists before you can try to slap his side and pinning them above your head with a devilish smile. Any protest you may have had quickly disappears when he grinds against you, thin cotton all that separates you, melting into a soft moan that drips off your fangs and runs down your chin.
“What - nnng! - what’s the matter, lovely?” he says, breathless. “Having second thoughts about your study session?”
“Yeah, yeah…” Lost in the heat and the hardness of him, it’s getting more and more difficult to put words together. “Think you - mmm, think you should persuade me…”
You don’t have to tell him twice - the world blurs around you as he lifts you up, depositing you on the passenger seat as he slips down to kneel in the footwell, and you hastily grab his shoulder in surprise as he presses the little button on the seat, sliding it back to give himself a little more room.
“We have - fuck! We have a bed in - inside!” Your half-hearted protests go ignored in favour of strong hands impatiently tearing the rest of your clothes away, shredded fabric littering the floor beside him. God, that shouldn’t be as hot as it is.
He lifts one dark eyebrow, challenging, although he can’t quite keep his eyes on your face. “You want me to wait?”
“No, no, this is - no, this is fine-!”
Words melt away as he eagerly grabs your hips, pulling you forwards to the edge of the seat and burying his face in you with a long, drawn-out moan. Mmm, he really doesn’t waste any time - your fingers unconsciously find their way back into his hair again, twisting and tugging with every flick of his tongue, sloppy, sticky kisses that make your cheeks burn and your insides twist with need. Your nails digging into his scalp only seem to encourage him, wonderfully warm as he licks a slow, burning trail all the way down before speeding back up until you’re shuddering in his enthusiastic hold.
“I - oh, I - ahhh…”
Almost too fast for you to notice, a tiny burst of magic swirls around his fingers - oh, you definitely remember Gavin teaching him that one. Gently, he eases his middle finger into you, stretching you ever so sweetly, and you have to clamp your hand over your mouth to stifle what you’re sure would be an embarrassingly loud whine.
“Baby…” Vincent clearly disagrees, though, nudging your legs up over his shoulders and nipping at the soft inside of your thigh in disappointed reprimand. “Wanna hear!”
A graceful hand runs blindly up your body to tug your hand away from your mouth, depositing it firmly back in his hair where it belongs. You can’t complain - and even if you wanted to, the high-pitched keen that fills your mouth as a second finger slips inside you leaves no room for objection.
It doesn’t help that even like this, he’s still so fucking beautiful - crescent-moon eyes closed, groaning in pleasure at the taste of you, achingly hard but refusing to let go of you even for a second. Your head falls back against the headrest, back bowing as you roll your hips slightly, and the change in angle lets his fingertips press just right - fuck, just right against that spot inside you that makes your breath stick in your chest and your eyes go all blurry.
“Yeah?” The look he gives you is wicked, filthy grin all smeared and sticky. Fuck, he sounds absolutely wrecked, words lazy and languid as he kisses the words into you. “Right there, xingan?”
You nod frantically, nails scraping harsh lines into the tanned skin of his shoulders. He hisses with the pleasurable sting, and you watch them fade and heal over almost as fast as you can make them. “Mm-hmm, mmm, yeah-!”
It’s too much - deft fingers curling and stroking, the vibrations of his voice thrumming over you, all warm and wet and messy. Fuck, it feels like your whole body is burning, trembling in his grip, skinbuzzing like a livewire. The leather underneath you sticks and catches as you writhe under Vincent’s attention, and a flood of heat rushes through you at the reminder that you’re just out here in the open, entirely at his mercy.
“I - oh, fuck,” you gasp out, curved forwards over him as your body greedily tries to pull him impossibly closer. “It - ahh, it’s-”
“I know, baby - I know,” he chokes out, sounding almost as desperate as you feel. “Come on, come on, lovely - nng, please!” Mouth full, sentences all slurring together as he buries himself in you, it’s enough to make you wail with each breath, the delicious stretch of his fingers and the sharp tease of his fangs. “Please, want it, I wanna see-”
He strokes his thumb over your thigh, silent question obvious as he looks pleadingly up at you - you must nod, or tell him yes, yes of course, because the next thing you know is the white-hot ecstasy of the bite, needy and glittering, and all of a sudden you’re falling apart. Legs trembling, eyes slammed shut as you sob through your orgasm, all you know is the familiar kiss of Vincent’s mouth on you, strong hands trailing warm, comforting patterns over your skin, and the distant sound of your own cries.
For a long moment, you’re floating, a joyful balloon on a satisfied string. Vincent takes you in his hands with a soft smile, and slowly pulls you back down to earth.
When you finally blink back to yourself, you’re slumped loose and heavy over Vincent’s shoulder, flopped forwards against where he’s kneeling up in front of your seat. He hums quietly as he feels you stir, one hand smoothing comforting circles into your back, and you nestle your face into the side of his neck with a pleased sigh.
“Back with me, baobei?”
“Mm,” you say eloquently. “Yeah.”
“Good.” He kisses the side of your head before tenderly nudging you backwards a little bit, giving himself a bit more room to clamber out of the footwell. He almost manages it, too - the effect is ruined slightly when he trips over the lip of the floor, stumbling awkwardly into the open door and nearly smacking his face against the handle, and you giggle at the indignant glare he shoots at the side of the car.
“Ooh. Smooth.”
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up,” he grumbles, though there’s no heat behind it. “Only the best for you, xiaogongju.”
You take his offered hand with a flourish, letting him guide you up and out of the seat and onto shaky legs - after a few steps, he decides to take matters into his own hands and just lifts you up into his arms like a bride, your head back on his shoulder. From here, you gaze idly out at the dark line where the sky brushes the sea, just barely visible even to your enhanced eyes, and let yourself rest in the gentle sound of the waves.
(A quick look back shows you - oh, that’s going to be a bitch to clean out of the leather. Whatever. It was worth it.)
“Love you,” you murmur through your hazy smile, fingers brushing back and forth over the dips and hollows of his collarbone. “Gonna get you back later.”
“Love you too, baby.” Waves lapping at the sand, salt and heat and happiness, the chill of the breeze. “I look forward to it already.”
He catches your lips in a short kiss, sweet and soft and painted in moonlight. Vincent carries you into the house, closing the door behind you, and all you can think is that this is much, much better than a study session.
this is an original work by @gingerbreadmonsters - please do not repost or misattribute
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jaeyunniesimp · 2 years
I'M A FOOL TO WANT YOU (s.jy) part one part two
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pairing: badboy!jake x fab!reader
tw: angst, mentions of alcohol, mentions of drugs, family issues, kissing (?), mentions of food (lmk if there’s more!)
wc: 2.5k
a/n: hi loves! i was at a total creative block, but then i was listening to frank sinatra’s song that inspired this title, and a lamp lit up in my brain nshdjsjd hope you enjoy it 🥺 luv y’all / this is not proofread so ignore any typos or grammar mistakes :p
synopsis: you weren’t exactly the most famous person in school, but you weren’t a total loser either. You’d say your presence was unremarkable, which somehow feels worse than being hated. He, on the other side, was the most adored person amongst other students. The popular, don’t-give-a-fuck type of bad boy anyone would fall for, and as much as you’d like to say you’re different, you couldn’t feel otherwise.
“i’m a fool to want you, to want a love that can’t be true, a love that’s there for others too”
You’d fallen for Jake Sim a long time ago, probably in middle school, when he was still a no one, a nerdy kid. That was until high school, where his looks matured and his attitude changed. Now, that both of you are in the same college, he never failed to grab other people’s attention, including yours.
Making new friends was certainly difficult, specially when everyone around you is so different from you. Sunoo was at this point your only true friend, the only person you could count on and rant about your problems without the fear of being judged, not just a fun-to-go-out-with friend.
Today wasn’t exactly the best of days. Your parents were fighting again, so you’d be better off staying at the dorms once more this weekend, your brother was drowning himself in drugs and partying a lot, just to numb the sadness he felt from witnessing your family crumbling apart, which made you worried. Although it pales in comparison, the day was also gloomy, which defeated all your hopes to be optimistic about what was yet to come.
Friday mornings used to be your favorite, now you can’t wait for them to end, knowing everyone probably has nice plans besides you. You’re already dressed in your grey sweatpants and your Metallica shirt (ride the lightning bc it’s the best and you got ✨ taste ✨), turning on the kettle to boil some water for your morning tea, when you feel your phone buzzing.
— Hello? — You answer lazily.
— Y/N! Please tell me you haven’t had breakfast yet! — Your best friend pleaded from the other line.
— I was just boiling some water, but I can turn it off. Why? — You replied, pressing the “off” button.
— I found this really cute café and they have bear shaped donuts, we have to go! It’s right beside campus. I’ll send you the address and we meet there, okay? — He asked, excitedly.
You agreed and hung up the phone, feeling kind of sad that you didn’t comply with his excitement.
Hugging yourself, you try to hide from the wind, mentally swearing at yourself for not bringing a coat. You see a little excited figure hopping with their arms up, signaling for you to come closer faster. You can’t deny, that even with all the gloominess you were feeling, seeing Sunoo made you just a little warmer.
Smile spread wide along your face, you hug your friend and quickly get in the store, protecting yourselves from the cold. You ordered a cup of milk tea and some cookies, while he got the infamous bear shaped donuts he was fawning over.
— Are you going home this weekend? — He asked, sipping his coffee.
— Nope. Tryna’ avoid conflict, don’t really wanna see my parents right now. Nor my brother. — You answered looking down to the cup you were holding.
— Hm, I see… You never talk about your brother, though, I don’t even know his name! — He argued.
— Yeah… We’re very different people, and he pretends he’s an only child to his friends, so I might as well just don’t give him that type of attention to mine. — You replied, annoyed.
— Why does he do that?! — His mouth was almost theatrically open, in utter shock.
— I don’t know — You shrugged — He puts on this facade, pretending to be someone he’s not, I guess that includes pretending our family isn’t completely fucked up.
After eating, you both gathered your things and went to your designated classes. Today was Friday, though, which meant Jake had the same classes you did in the morning. God, how do you pay attention to anything math related when Jake fucking Sim is sitting across from you?
You were entering the classroom when you felt a strong bump on your shoulder, almost knocking you down on the floor. You turn around and see no one other than Lee Heeseung, your brother. Not alone, though, he was with Jake. Since when did they become friends? You had no idea, but he was even crashing his classes.
He bumped into you on purpose and you knew it, which meant he was mad at you for whatever reason. You looked at him from across the room with burning eyes, which made him roll his and switch his gaze back to his friend.
You sat on the desk next to Jake’s, watching your brother’s eyes fall upon your figure as you did so, burning into your soul with anger. He wondered what were you trying to do, what moves would you pull, sacred you’d expose him. You couldn’t care less, though, you just knew that if you sat close to them he’d be worried and paranoid the entire time and that was enough revenge for you.
The day went by very slowly, turning every now and then to glance at Jake, pretending you were trying to look at Heeseung instead. He looked extra good today, with his black leather jacket draping over his shoulders, his blonde highlighted locks falling ever so gently on his forehead, your brother had to be really angry to not realize how your eyes were filled with adoration when you looked to your side.
But it kind of made you sad, though. That wasn’t any boy you were admiring, it was Jake. He never hooked up with a girl more than once, and he still managed to get many, and they were all WAY out of your league. They didn’t wear sweatpants to class, nor showed up everyday bare faced. They were just as admirably good looking as him. You really were longing for someone who couldn’t dare to even look at you, less be yours only.
The bell rang after what felt like an eternity, and to your luck, your best friend was already waiting for you outside. You went his direction and started chatting, but your eyes were wandering somewhere else. He was quick to pick up on it, though.
— No fucking way. — He said, mouth open.
— What? — Your gaze suddenly moved back to him.
— You? Fawning over Jake Sim? — He was just speechless.
— WHAT?! — You jumped off your spot, closer to him, almost palming his mouth for him to shut up. — I’m not!
— You we’re staring at him like he was a piece of food! Y/N, don’t get me wrong, he’s handsome as hell, but he’s a fuckboy and you know it. — He explained.
— I’m not simping for him, Sunoo, get over it.
— Okay, sorry — He held his arms up in sign of defeat. — But if you’re in for a one night stand, we could give you, like, a glow up montage so he would look at you…
— Oh thank you, I feel flattered. — You said ironically.
— That’s not what I meant and you know it! You’re gorgeous, but right now you’re kind of following the depressed core style, and it’s not doing anything for you.
He was right. You barely dressed up properly to go out anymore, and you can’t even remember the last time you wore makeup. It was tempting, but should you do this just because of a guy? It felt wrong.
— Sunoo, I’m not gonna do that just because of some guy. — You said, despite your inner urge to actually do it.
— Okay, sorry, just pitching ideas.
“i’m a fool to seek a kiss not mine alone, to share a kiss the devil has known”
The weekend finally came, and you were unexpectedly excited. Sunoo had a birthday party to attend, and he asked you to go with him. You would usually deny or feel uncomfortable going, but it had been so long since you’d had some fun or even dressed up nicely, you were excited to do so.
There was no point going back home anyway, your parents decided last minute they were going on a business trip, leaving the house empty. Partying it is!
Your makeup looked gorgeous, and your short black silky dress hugged your body perfectly. Sunoo was shocked at the sight of you, feeling happy for his best friend who was finally going to have some fun.
The party was packed, a lot of students from your school were there, getting wasted and making out with each other. You and your best friend had a couple of drinks and were just having a good time. You played board games, despite your brains not being at full capacity at the moment, which only made it funnier, did karaoke, and just gossiped all night long. You certainly hadn’t been this happy in a while.
You didn’t even pay attention to the people who were at the party, only sticking around Sunoo and his other friends. About 4am, you decided it was time to leave.
— But campus is so far away from here, we’d have to walk! — Sunoo argued.
— We can go to my parents house, it’s only a mile away and they’re not home anyway. Please, I need to sleep! — You suggested.
He gave in and you two were quickly on your way. It took you a little longer than usual to get there, with your dragging feet and drunk steps, but once you’d made it, it made you feel victorious. You opened the door quietly, out of muscle memory, forgetting that there was nobody home.
You both quickly got in, still taking feather light steps, Sunoo going straight to the bathroom to wash his face, while you went to the kitchen to grab some water. You grabbed a cup, and as soon as you turned on your heel to go around the counter, two bodies appeared out of nowhere, one of them holding a broom, and the other a lamp (?), ready to throw hands.
You screamed, surprised, dropping your glass on the floor, and they screamed at the same time, only to realize it was your brother, who was also at that party and had the same idea as you. But he wasn’t alone. Of course he had to bring Jake Sim to your parents house. Perfect.
A terrified Sunoo ran over your direction and turned on the lights, to meet the weirdest scene he could’ve pictured. Two of the school’s jocks in front of you, holding “weapons”, and glass shattered on the floor.
— What the fuck is wrong with you?! — You screamed, pushing your brother’s chest.
— Me?! You should’ve said you were coming home! — He argued.
— Oh, so now you care about me or what I do? Do you still tell other people you’re an only child? That’s why you needed the heads up? — You mocked.
He let out an annoyed scoff, rolling his eyes.
— That’s your brother? — Sunoo finally spoke up from across the room.
— You have a sister? — Jake asked, with a smug grin on his face.
His eyes landed on your thighs immediately, causing you to adjust your dress, trying to cover yourself up a little more. You were angry. Fuming. You couldn’t care less about Jake Sim right now.
— Oh great, you’re ready to clean this up! — You went up to Jake and stated sarcastically, pointing at the glass on the floor and the broom he was holding.
You left the kitchen without saying a word, despite your brother’s protests, and quickly grabbed Sunoo’s arm and led him to your bedroom.
— So you never bothered to tell me your brother was Heeseung? Lee Heeseung? THE Lee Heeseung? — He asked, plopping down on your bed.
— Okay, I get it! Whatever, he’s popular, but he’s an idiot. — You answered, removing your heels. — You can sleep here, I’ll take the couch.
— No it’s okay, you should sleep on your own bed. — He got up reluctantly.
— No, really, I hate it here, you can have it. — You argued.
— If you say so… — He mumbled, before drifting off almost instantly.
You let out a small chuckle at your friends action, then poorly removed your make up, put on an old oversized t-shirt, and made your way downstairs, desperate to get some shut eye. You were almost throwing yourself down on the couch, only to squeal lightly when you realized someone else was already lying on it.
— Fuck! You scared the shit out of me! — You whisper-yelled. — Great, I’ll sleep on the bathtub.
— What? You don’t like to cuddle? — The guy answered you, drowsy.
That’s when you realized it wasn’t your brother, it was his really handsome friend lying there.
— Oh shit, sorry, I thought you were Heeseung. — You suddenly became shy, and quickly turned on your heel to go wherever, as long as it wasn’t the living room.
But before you could make a move, a hand grabbed your wrist, making you go back and accidentally sit down on the couch.
— You can sleep here, I don’t bite. Don’t tell me you’re actually sleeping in the bathtub because you’re nervous around me? — He asked, his eyes still closed.
— I-I’m not! I don’t even know you — You answered, trying to let go of his grip.
— I see you looking at me in class, I know you know me. Just lay down and sleep, for god’s sake. — He argued.
You sighed in defeat, after a few seconds of silence, not knowing what to say. His arms draped around your waist, hugging you, as you laid with your back against him. You could feel his warm breath hitting the back of your neck and it made your heart race.
— Relax — He chuckled, resting his face further down your neck, which only made you feel more nervous.
You decided that you should fake it until you made it. You started telling yourself that it was alright, relaxing into his embrace, letting your hands fall on top of his. Your heart was still beating out of your chest, but you were acting like you were used to him.
That was until he started softly kissing your neck, trailing down near your shoulder, holding you tighter. A part of you wanted to let him continue, but another part of you felt so used. You knew you’d be only another girl he slept with, and you couldn’t allow yourself to go through that.
— What are you doing? — You asked firmly.
— Hm… Kissing you — He said in between kisses.
— Really, I just wanna sleep. — You said, taking your hand off his.
— Alright. — He answered, a cold tone in his voice.
He took his arms off you and laid on his back, facing the ceiling. You felt cold and somewhat empty, you wanted more of him, but you know you shouldn’t. You fell asleep right after, hoping that when you woke up, things wouldn’t fall apart like you felt they would.
taglist: @loves0ft
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Happy Fab Friday!
I hope writings been good for you.
Good news is that I finally finished writing for my story and just posted the first part today! This blog really helps motivate ya to want to have some type of progress to share so thanks for that. This work is for some of my Black Clover fans but here’s a sneak peak.
It’s been three weeks.
 Three weeks of glimpsing the mild flinches, hunched shoulders, dark eye bags, feeling their unsettled ki and Yami was tired of it.
He’d bluntly, but nonetheless politely asked them outright, but if they wanted to make excuses, then there wasn’t much to do with asking again. There’d be no point to threatening them.
She was the last one he asked because he hadn’t noticed much of a change for her. Yes, she had seemed closer to those three particularly in the last few weeks, but he’d first assumed they’d bonded more from completing the mission in the Witches’ Forest together. Apparently, it ran deeper than that.
Submitted by @animeloveraniwrite​
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And I’m SO happy to hear you’re motivated to work on your writing!! That’s the best feeling in the world! :)
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lindsaywesker · 2 years
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. Welcome to the weekend!
Wow! Here we are again: Friday! Where did that week go? No, seriously, where did that week go?
I walked up to Tesco’s the other day in my navy blue West Ham-branded shorts and my snazzy, Brooks Ghost trainers, and some woman shouted out of her car window, “Where are your trousers?” I smiled and shouted back at her, “I don’t need any trousers!” She shook her head, “It’s freezing!” In fact, the other day, some woman on Twitter commented about white men walking around in shorts. I tweeted back, “It was probably me!”
Yesterday … well … what can I say? Yesterday, I felt alive! I just felt very healthy. Full of joie de vivre!! I know it’s bloody freezing but I felt virile! There … I said it! It made me think about that Barry White song, ‘It may be winter outside but in my heart it’s spring!” When I’m at home, I wear shorts and sliders all day every day. When I go outside, I just swap the sliders for trainers. I think to myself, if football players can run around in freezing rain and snow, so can I!
Thursday was a productive day as well. I got lots of work done! Just after 2.00, I paused for a lunch break, put my leg up and watched a little TV. Oh my God, what have I stumbled across? I’ve seen people mention it online but yesterday I sampled ‘The White Lotus’. Written by Mike White – who wrote ‘School Of Rock – this is quite the darkest comedy I’ve seen in ages! Not funny ha-ha but definitely comedy of the most acidic kind! I’m hooked and can’t wait to get back to it. I know somebody dies and, right about now, everybody looks about ready to kill someone!
There’s this clip I keep seeing of a Prince concert, in which he brings Chaka Khan on stage and they do a reggae version of Rufus’s ‘Sweet Thing’. Rufus never recorded a reggae version of this song. This is the recording that was NEVER made that SHOULD be made! You can probably find it on You Tube? Dynamite!
You’ll be pleased to know all the snow is getting washed away on Sunday and Monday even reaches the balmy temperature of 12 degrees! Thank God for that; that cold snap was getting a bit depressing!
Almost time to put together my annual list of people that have died in 2022. A grim task but a timely reminder that we must cherish those that we love and maximise the time spent on this earth.
Looking forward to next week. I’m out for dinner Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Trying to see as many beautiful people as I can before the year is out, and I already have some fab events organised for January!
Hope you can join me tomorrow at 1.00 p.m. for ‘The A-Z Of Mi-Soul Music’. The Letter K (Part Three). It will warm the cockles of your cockles, trust me!
Have a fabulous and funky Friday! I love you all. You’re probably thinking, “You don’t even know me!” but, if people can hate for no reason, why can’t I love?
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amateurd18 · 2 years
Hii Ami!! Secret Santa here!! Happy Friday!! May your weekend be a long and restful one!! ✨
It was your friends birthday? Well, happy late birthday to them!! 🥳✨ you can never go wrong with Mexican food!!
Ooooo, you’re studying in Madrid? That’s so cool!! What are you studying, if you don’t mind me asking? I had a close friend study abroad in Spain for a semester and absolutely loved it there!! I totally feel you about wanting to move to London!! It sounds like a pretty nice place to live based on the things I hear about it. I remember when I was studying abroad, my friends and I planned our spring break trip to the UK for five days, but due to COVID, we got pulled from our program before we were even able to step foot on the plane there. So I still have that desire to visit the UK for that reason alone lol.
Same here!! I love sweet things, to an extent!! I don’t eat as much surgery things as I did when I was younger!! But when I do, cheesecake is the key to my heart!! Lol.
Thank you!! As of right now, all the owls are packed away from when I decorated my apartment for Christmas. After we introduce ourselves properly, I can definitely send you some photos of my prized ones!! They range from very tiny figures to relatively large ones!! I’m pretty proud of it!!
Lego does count as a collection item lol!! They’re so cool!! I really like the aspect of having to build them (that’s pretty obviously lol, but it truly is therapeutic in a sense!!). Hopefully one day, you can start that collection!! Is there one particular Lego set you would love to have?
Speed Round Answers: Movie/TV Shows? I wasn’t sure if you were asking if I preferred movies or tv shows lol?! I’d probably say tv shows because you can learn more about the characters and their stories through the lens of a series rather than their one dimensional aspects cut short for a movie!! Some of the most recent tv shows I’ve watched are Heartstopper, Young Royals, Wednesday (Netflix cancelled this show after the first season, and I will never forgive them for it!! It’s called The Society and I definitely recommend it if you haven’t watched it already!!) I’ve been rewatching a kids show named Chowder on Hulu for the nostalgia factor lol. Movies/books? Hmmmm… I like books, but I can appreciate a good movie!! I’d say the best book I read this year has been One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston. I highly recommend it!! Who doesn’t love sci-fi lesbian strangers to lovers!!!? Fav. season? The transitional period between summer and fall!! To me, that’s just the perfect weather!! Not too hot or humid, yet not too cold!! Beaches/Mountains? I’d probably live by the beach because I went to college up in the mountains and when it gets cold, it gets cold!!! I’ll risk living around the sand than anything else. City/countryside? I’ve always lived relatively close to the city, but I think it would be nice to get away from it all. Have my own home in a nice large area. But not too big that someone could be living in my home and I wouldn’t know it lol.
Here are more speed round questions, my dear!! Do you have a favorite piece(s) of comfort clothing? (Sweater? T-shirt? Shoes?) What are three things you know you can’t live without? Do you play/enjoy any games (whether that be video games, board games, card games, etc). 🎄✨
Helloo! How is your weekend going? Mine's been fab yay!
I'm doing a dual master - an MBA with a master in business analytics. Why I chose insanity is still unclear, but oh well. It's been hectic but good so no complaints.
I'm so sad that you missed London coz of covid, but here's hoping you can make it there soon. ✨
As far as the Lego goes, i have a long-ass list of very random ones i want. So in no particular order- the entire city collection, the Harry Potter castle, the life-size r2d2 from star wars and the formula 1 Ferrari cars. Is it obvious yet that i love really random stuff? 😂
I love your speed round answers, and I'm putting one last stop on my Christmas read list. Fav clothing: nothing specific, just track pants and a tee / shorts if it's summer. Jeans if i need to be presentable. Three things i can't live without: ooh that's hard. My phone, an internet connection and my earphones. I love board games! Monopoly is a household favourite, as is Uno when we're traveling. Do you have a favourite board game?
More questions: I'm assuming you speak Spanish, but any other languages you speak or want to learn? Do you have celeb crushes? Comfort movie that you'd watch at any point? Do you have a favourite Christmas food?
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toplines · 2 years
hey este, i hope you’re having a fab day 💘 i’m your lgbtqcreators gift exchange pairing. i’m sorry i haven’t messaged you yet, but i have a fun idea that i’m working on that i hope you like. i’ll most likely be posting on friday or saturday! i hope you enjoy the rest of your week, and you like your gift once i post it! keep being amazing and super talented at making gifs 🥰
hi there! no worries affbshxjsk
ooooo i’m so excited!!! i cant wait to see what you’ll pump out, im sure it’ll look amazing!!
and here’s to a great week (and rest of the year) to you too! and thank you for that compliment im crying 🥺
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winchest09 · 3 years
Join The Bunker Party
Guess what’s back? Back again? 
April’s Bunker Party is here!
The Men of Letters Headquarters will be the location of a Bunker Party once again this April and I am SO excited to see your darling faces, hear your wonderful voices and just have a fun filled evening. We are also celebrating a WHOLE YEAR since we first started doing these! Time flies! 
SO! Come and join me, and a few of my already confirmed wonderful friends and authors on here, for the event of the month! Going LIVE this SATURDAY (April 17th, 2021) on Jitsi!
Yes…SATURDAY. I know we normally do these on a Friday but due to circumstances changing in personal lives, it is now being held on SATURDAY.
You can join the Bunker Party in all manner of ways. Video, audio or just using the chat function! If you wish to remain anonymous, that option is available too. You pick your name when you enter. I will provide the link details on the night.
We’re cool with whatever you’re comfortable with!
We can talk fanfiction, writing, talk about the SPN cast, cons, favorite episodes, play games, have a ton of laughs and a hell of a frickin’ good time! Maybe you can even persuade some of the regular livestream guests to sing and dance, they’ve done it before! If you have any suggestions, please let us know!
How to join?
If you’re using your phone - you will need to download the free app to join us.
If you’re using your laptop or PC, just use the link provided on the night!
It’s that simple!
Timezone Information:
Los Angeles: Saturday 17th @ 12PM New York: Saturday 17th @ 3PM London: Saturday 17th @ 8PM Paris: Saturday 17th @ 9PM Melbourne: Sunday 18th @ 5AM (we know - timezones suck and so do daylight savings!)
Guidelines for the evening and tags are below the cut (so I’m not clogging anyone’s dash)
This chat is HATE FREE.
Drink alcohol responsibly. It’s fine to have a drink if you wish to but please don’t get intoxicated while on the streams. We want the live streams to be a place of fun and laughter, but also a place where people can ask us serious questions and receive honest and heartfelt answers.
Please don’t ask personal and direct questions to livestream participants. I.E sexuality, personal experiences, lifestyle choices, religion, ETC. This puts people on the spot and not everyone may be as open as you are (if you are). We want everyone to feel comfortable whilst participating in these streams.
Let people speak. Do not talk over one another when a question is being answered. If you have something to add; an opinion, an idea or a suggestion, please let the person finish speaking first. On Jitsi there is a chat function and a raise hand function, please use these to save talking over each other. We want to hear everyone and avoid anyone suffering from sensory overload; this can take away the enjoyment of the streams. If these rules are broken, we reserve the right to kick you from the stream for the remaining participants safety.
Be mindful and respectful of others.
Any questions? Please do not hesitate to get in touch with me! I’m super excited and I hope to see you there!
Tagging those who participated last time & forevers. (If you could signal boost, that would be fab! Thank you!)
Who may be interested in joining:
@libraries-and-coffee /  @savior-adriana  / @jules-1999
Joined last time:
@waywardbeanie / @whatareyousearchingfordean / @jensengirl83 / @superfanficnatural / @soaringeag1e / @janicho88 / @downanddirtydean / @carryonmywaywardcaptain / @sams-sass / @flamencodiva / @deangirl93 / @anathewierdo / @emoryhemsworth / @anaelsbrunette / @impalawrites / @defenderrosetyler / @wonder-cole @that-one-gay-girl / @katelynw93 / @chocolateheart / @anotherspnfanfic / @440mxs-wife / @abuavnee / @lovealways-j /  @zooaliaa / @carolinabeauty6298 / @akshi8278 / @thinkinghardhardlythinking / @torn-and-frayed / @our-jensen-ackles-love / @watermelonlipstick / @catching-up-with-kayla / @deanwinchesterswitch / @msmarvelouswinchester / @calaofnoldor / 
@katehuntington / @waywardbeanie / @chocolateheart / @deanwanddamons / @whatareyousearchingfordean / @deandreamernp / @smol-and-grumpy / @talesmaniac89 / @jensengirl83 / @wonder-cole / @atc74 / @flamencodiva / @superfanficnatural / @janicho88 / @suckmyapplejacks / @emoryhemsworth / @malfoysqueen14 / @anaelsbrunette / @teresa-67 / @miss-nerd95 / @tatted-trina6 / @msmarvelouswinchester / @that-one-gay-girl/ @akshi8278 / @lyarr24 / @phantom-soilder / @daughterofthenight117 / @donnaintx / @hobby27 / @jesseswartzwelder / @mrswhozeewhatsis / @iwantthedean / @i-make-questionable-choices / @briagallen / @snffbeebee / @dean-winchesters-gardian-angel / @amandamdiehl / @couldabeenamermaid / @thefaithfulwriter / @stoneyggirl / @afangirlsbubble / @spnbaby-67 / @lynne1993 / @tranquility-or-chaos / @markofdean79 / @miraclesoflove / @cpag7 / @s-ravenall / @broiderie / @death-unbecomes-you / @igotmadskills / @deangirl93 / @sams-sass
Get those fics/blogs ready for recs, get your own ideas ready to share - I can’t wait to hear them!
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iwantutobehapppier · 4 years
Face The Facts
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader, Bucky Barnes X Reader (Platonic)
Summary: You could not foresee this thing happening to you.
Word Count: 2,024
Warnings: Angst, a lot of Angst so munch angst, alluded to sex, Depression def, language maybe?
A/N: This is emotionally charged 100%. I am sad (still FAB!) and listened to Paint It Black too much today. So here is my ANGST. I do miss you guys, and I miss writing smut for you, hoping to do so for you again soon.
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Fingers drummed along the steel table reflecting the sun outside the coffee shop Sam had dragged you and Bucky to on this stupid bright and sunny afternoon. You could hear Sam talking but the words were muffled.
Your eyes focused on the line of the funeral procession making its way down the busy New York street. The black cars remind you of Tony, the burning in your stomach starting up. Before you can stop you think of him.
He’s gone, not like Tony but he might as well be. He’s dead to you. Died to be with someone other than you. It is a crushing weight to not be worthy. To not be wanted.
You hear the base in Bucky’s voice at your name. You blink a few times and turn to face them. Your boys. There used to be three, you grimace and Bucky mirrors. 
“Yeah?” The best you can get out. Sam’s warm hand covers yours stilling the drumming fingers. 
“You haven’t drunk any of your coffee,” Sam’s words come through but you feel yourself fade. The attention was never there anymore not since he- “I even had the cute barista make it special for you.” 
Your brows furrow. “Special? Did they roofie me?” Bucky chuckles into his cup. 
“No!” Sam’s indignant tone pulls the smallest tilt of lips. “AH, she smiles!” And it leaves. 
Bucky frowns at Sam swatting his hand away from yours to take its previous residence over yours. They fought like this often since Steve left, over your attention. If you should smile if you should wallow. This coffee outing is an agreed attempt between both to get you in some sunlight. 
It had been a month but to you, it felt like yesterday, it felt like everything fell apart just when you thought it was coming together. Maybe a little cracked but still together.
What could Steve be doing that was so much better than this? Was she really worth it? You knew the answer to that though, his actions gave a resounding yes. The sound of girly giggles pulled you from your thoughts. 
A group of chipper women on the crosswalk between the stalled procession. Their laughs carry over the sounds of exhaust, conversations at other tables, and your daunting thoughts. How you wanted to steal their joy, not for yourself, oh no. Just no joy. You knew how illogical it sounded, you knew if you said anything about it to Bucky or Sam they’d pull you into a group.
You didn’t want therapy, you wanted this pain, this was familiar. After all, most of life you spent unwanted, discarded, an afterthought, or at the very most a stand-in. Your hands ball up into fists. Bucky’s hand still over yours he catches the subject of your sight. 
“They got nothin’ on you, doll.” You catch that, looking his way the intensity of his eyes overwhelming, you look at your coffee pulling the lid off.
The Latte has a star with circles around it in foam, the circles turning squiggly lines as time has gone by since it was made. You choke on your breath, a heaviness growing in your chest. You’d never escape him.
Standing up you leave the two to enjoy their coffee without all your emotional outbursts. Shoving hands in your pockets you take a deep breath in holding the tears back. In the distance, you can hear Bucky and Sam arguing over the “special” coffee.
There’s nothing left but time now, never-ending time. Time he didn’t belong to, time you never thought you’d get. 
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You pushed the Pym particles into the watch, ignoring all your surroundings. Narrowed focus as you stomped your way through the trees beyond the compound construction site. The protective helmet quickly slides over your head. You place one foot on the pad before you can lift your other foot up and you're being jerked back by your elbow.
Crashing backward into a solid wall of flesh you turn around knowing exactly who it is. Your eyes pinch staring up at the former Winter Soldier. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” Your growl between clenched teeth.
Buck grabs both your elbows, his eyes tracing along your face searching for answers. “The better question is what are you doing?”
“He can’t just leave like that.” You try to pull from his hold but it’s futile, you know this but you won’t stop. You can’t stop until you get to him. Until you see what life he made that was so much better without you. 
“Yes, he can,” Bucky’s firm tone and shake did nothing to calm your pain. The pain that had been sitting in the pit of your stomach for a while now. Festering and growing. Leaving everything else grey. 
“He can’t leave me like this.” He frowns at the desperation in your voice. If anyone understood your pain it would be him but even he knew he had to let go of Steve. Steve deserved his time to rest, his time to put down the mantle of Captain America. 
“But he did.” You freeze facing the ground, the pressure of tears collecting. That’s right he did, he left you here, to pick up the pieces of lives he wrecked. He left you to fix this all without him by your side for support. He left you. He. Left. You.
But you wouldn’t let that be the final word. Placing our hands on Bucky’s chest his gaze softens at your touch, hoping you were coming back to him. Only to feel you push him with air manipulation sending him sailing into a tree. 
He clamors to his feet as fast as possible, running towards you as you step onto the pad. “No!”
Bucky yelled your name out as your body dematerialized on the pad. The rush of the time tunnels dizzying in your emotional state. You fall to one knee when you land in 1951. You weren’t sure what time Steve stepped in but you knew from history where Peggy Carter lived in the United States as she ran SHIELD. 
You’d toured the house once when you were a naive SHIELD cadet. So sure that doing the right thing meant everything would get you what you wanted as well. Naive that the paths would never diverge.
Standing up you tap the watch, the nanotech causing your normal attire to materialize. With purposeful strides, you walk up the door and before you can knock Steve is opening the door with a stern look on his face that flatters at the sight of you.
Your name falls from his lips in a whisper, those lips that have worshipped every inch of your body. You can feel the adrenaline course through, without a second thought you punch him in the face.
“Son of a-” Steve stops while holding his nose, the pain radiating across his face then centralizing in his nasal passage. He was fairly certain the cartilage was snapped.
“You don’t get to leave without a real goodbye.” You holler, tears rolling from your eyes. “You don’t get to just leave me!” You shove him through the threshold. He stumbles at the act. Feet tripping over each other. You shove once more and his foot gets caught on the rug behind him coupled with his already compromised balance it takes him to the ground. 
You smile in sick satisfaction seeing him fall so easily. Taking steps over his body you stand above his chest. Looking him straight into his eyes you try your hardest to remain mad, hurt, and rejected. 
Yet, he looks at you with those beautiful blues, the specks of green so vibrant with the shock written all over his face. The words were written all over his face, blood pooling on his upper lip from your punch. That pathetic apologetic look you’d seen so many times. Like a stupid hurt puppy.
“Bet you thought you could just leave and we’d gladly pick up the pieces you left?” You place a foot on the center of his chest as he moves to get back up, pushing him down. You know you don’t have the physical strength he does but he still lays back down. That only infuriated you once more.
“Steven Grant Rogers, the man out of time.” Steve’s eyes narrow at you. “Still lost in time.” You taunt. You bend a knee, looming over him.
“I hope you’re happy.” Steve goes to speak but you slap the time watch, a sense of satisfaction fills you watching his lips turn down, that hurt expression the last thing you want from him. He should hurt too. His lips move to say something but you’re rushing through the time tunnels once more before he can get a word out.
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Bucky paced back and forth in front of the pad, wringing his hands together. Steve could leave, he could and did accept Steve leaving. Made easier only by seeing Steve older, wiser, and at peace with his life. He couldn’t recall a time growing up Steve was ever at peace, so to see him like that a soothing balm for the pain of losing his pal. But you, you wouldn’t even look at Steve, you left. 
In the back of Bucky’s mind, he knew you’d take off too. He wasn’t entirely convinced he could handle that. The next thing he knows is an alert of someone on the Compound and a travel watch missing from FRIDAY. 
The last time he drove so recklessly was as the Winter Soldier, but his gut told him it was you. You were going to do something stupid. He just knew it since the last time he saw you. That faraway look, your inability to focus even on Sam’s idiotic jokes. He knew you’d do something stupid. 
Before Bucky could pull out his phone to call Sam the pad making noises. His eyebrows rose to watch you regenerate just where you had left.
You’re both silent as your helmet falls away. Do you tell him what you did? Do you tell him he looked good? He looked rested. That you punched him? Maybe not the last part.
“Where did you go?” Bucky knew the answer but he had to hear it. He was thankful you came back though, you didn’t leave him and the relief that swept through him for that was all-encompassing. 
“You know.” Looking up at the sky, embarrassment settled in looking at your previous actions but you were justified. He left, he had to know how he hurt you  He left people here to just be in pain to hurt. But were you the only one hurting?
“Why aren’t you hurting?” Your voice barely above a whisper. Taking a step down the platform stairs. You falter on the next step, Bucky’s there in an instant. Holding you to his chest pulling you down the last step. 
His chin sits on top of your head, he has to hold you. He needs to know you’re here, that you came back. That you stayed. 
“I am hurting, doll.” He turns his face into your hair, taking a deep breath in. You embrace him in return, his barrel of a chest making it impossible for you to wrap your arms completely around him. “I hurt every day.” 
“Then act like it!” you go to pull from him but he won’t let go. The metal and flesh keep you locked in. 
“What’s the point?” His voice muffled in your hair. “Life will go on regardless. We can only control how we react to it.” 
“I don’t want to keep hurting.” your voice breaks, the looming pressure in your chest blooming. It feels like you’ll burst this time. The tears falling from your eyes faster than before, certainly soaking Bucky’s shirt. Your body shakes in his hold. 
“I know, I know.”  He turns his head, his cheek pushing against the top of your head, gently rocking you back and forth. He wishes he could take it away, your hurt, and put it on top of his own. But this was yours, and he was going to see you through it. Because you stayed.
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bunnygirlwriter876 · 3 years
2 weeks I have been writing and I’m so glad I’m getting a positive response! It makes me want to write more and more 😁 thank you so much to the people who have liked or reblogged my work.
Hopeless place chapter 2 will be posted tomorrow and the secret chapter 5 will be posted either Friday or Saturday. I honestly could feel my heart beating out of my chest writing hopeless place 🙈
I hope you’re all having a fab week and those that are struggling? Take a deep breathe, drink water, read some stories - this feeling will pass 😘😘😘
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Hoi, and a happy Fab Friday!
I almost forgot, again... I swear I have calendar notifs and everything. and yet...
Anyway, I finished the first half of The Late Fall last week, and I'm now working on the second half! I've also finished a bunch of outlining things. For this rewrite of TLF, I'm adding some POVs so everyone's arcs are a bit more spread out and the story feels more balanced. That gave me the opportunity to throw in some banter and more casual interaction as well (plus a teeny tiny bit of foreshadowing):
TW for a pill mention, but it's just aspirin and Brenda really did have a headache.
Jorge snatched a bottle of water out of their supply crate and handed it to her. “For that pill you took.” “You’re spying on me now?” “It’s called concern. Typically it’s a… valued character trait.” Brenda unscrewed the cap and fished the pill out of her pocket. “Privacy. Used to be a right, or something like that.” “You’re a minor. I’d have some rights there.” “Seriously? You know law now?” Jorge shrugged. “I saw you close the door to the supply closet, all right? And there’s not a lot you’d want there other than clothes and the kit, so—” “So you saw me, and then you—” “I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s going on.” “Headache.” Brenda swallowed it and handed him his bottle back. “You heard it back there. Nothing to worry about.” “When did it start?” Brenda shrugged. “What does it matter? I’m fine. People get headaches. I can think of a few things that might’ve caused this one that got nothing to do with the Flare. I don’t need you spying on me.” She flashed him the pill wrapper. “They’re not dangerous stuff.” “Well you’re barely talking, so do you blame me?” “I don’t feel like talking,” she snapped back. “I’m tired.” Jorge extended his arm before she could step away. “Look, I’m sorry, all right? Can’t let an old man worry?” Brenda scoffed, but smiled. “So now you’re old?” Jorge’s face stayed serious. “Brenda….” “If I’d tell you about every twitch in my body we’d be talking non-stop. No offense, but we’ve got stuff to do. What’s the plan if no one talks?” “You’re having tremors?” “No.” She rolled her eyes. “I’m fine. I probably just breathed in some smoke, or didn’t drink enough.” Jorge frowned. “If you—” “I already had that preach. Look, I know we can’t take her word for it. I’m not stupid. If anything’s up, you’ll be first the first to know.” He hummed. “I’ll hold you to that.” “I know.”
I hope to finish this part before my winter break is over (it started today!)
I also have a really wonderful new year's resolution, and that's to not forget Fab Friday three times in a row again XD
Happy Holidays!
Hey, no worries! I've lost count of how many times I post, "It's Fab Friday tomorrow!" and then...immediately forget 🤣
On the bright side, WOW you've gotten so much done!! That's fantastic!! I'm impressed you're going back and bulking things up, deepening and expanding and broadening and giving more breathing room. That takes dedication! Especially after being at it as long as you have!
And your writing is so dang SMOOTH great job!! :)
Hope you have a spectacularly productive winter break!! (With a few naps and some R&R in there too!)
Have a cozy, restful happy holidays! :)
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katehuntington · 4 years
Join the Bunker Party!
We are BACK!
I know, I know. We skipped the August edition. Life kinda got in the way with work and routine returning back to normal, so I (Kate) needed to take a break. You don’t have to stay sad any longer, though, because the Men of Letters Headquarters will be the location of a Bunker Party once again. And this one will be bigger and better than the previous ones!
Come and join me and @winchest09 for the event of the month! Going LIVE this Friday (September 11th, 2020) on Jitsi!
You can join the Bunker Party in all manner of ways. Video, audio or just using the chat function! If you wish to remain anonymous, that option is available too. You pick your name when you enter. We will provide the link details on the night.
We’re cool with whatever you’re comfortable with!
This is gonna be a big one. We can talk fanfiction, writing, talk about the SPN cast, cons, favorite episodes, play games, have a ton of laughs and a hell of a frickin’ good time! Maybe you can even persuade some of the regular livestream guests to sing and dance, have our very own kareoke night! If you have any suggestions, please let us know!
How to join?
If you’re using your phone - you will need to download the free app to join us.
If you’re using your laptop or PC, just use the link provided on the night!
It’s that simple!
Timezone Information:
Los Angeles: Friday 11h @ 12PM New York: Friday 11h @ 3PM London: Friday 11h @ 8PM Paris: Friday 11th @ 9PM Melbourne: Saturday 12th @ 5AM
This chat is HATE FREE.
Drink alcohol responsibly. It’s fine to have a drink if you wish to but please don’t get intoxicated while on the streams. We want the live streams to be a place of fun and laughter, but also a place where people can ask us serious questions and receive honest and heartfelt answers.
Please don’t ask personal and direct questions to livestream participants. I.E sexuality, personal experiences, lifestyle choices, religion, ETC. This puts people on the spot and not everyone may be as open as you are (if you are). We want everyone to feel comfortable whilst participating in these streams.
Let people speak. Do not talk over one another when a question is being answered. If you have something to add; an opinion, an idea or a suggestion, please let the person finish speaking first. On Jitsi there is a chat function and a raise hand function, please use these to save talking over each other. We want to hear everyone and avoid anyone suffering from sensory overload; this can take away the enjoyment of the streams. If these rules are broken, we reserve the right to kick you from the stream for the remaining participants safety.
Be mindful and respectful of others.
Any questions? Please do not hesitate to get in touch with me or Tabby! We’re super excited and we hope to see you there!
Tags below the cut (tagging those who participated last time & forevers. If you could signal boost, that would be fab!)
Those who us joined last time:
@flamencodiva @talesmaniac89 @whatareyousearchingfordean @superfanficnatural @deanwanddamons @emoryhemsworth @waywardbeanie @janicho88 @soaringeag1e @smol-and-grumpy @jensengirl83 @alleiradayne @mariekoukie6661 @leissa1287 @teresa-67 @anathewierdo
Tagging those who may be interested:
@atc74 @malfoysqueen14 @ellewritesfix05 @cherry3point14 @idreamofplaid @roonyxx​ @amanda-teaches​ @heloisedaphnebrightmore​ @tatted-trina6 @jay-and-dean
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imyoursavinggrace · 3 years
Happy Fanfic Writer Friday!!! If two or more of your fics had a crossover, which ones would it be and what would it look like?
Happy FFWF and happy October!! Hope you’re having a fab day 🎃
What a good question! This really makes me think I should do fics outside of irondad so the crossovers would be cooler but to pick two I’d say probably if the Tony’s in You’ve got Mail and You look like yourself but you’re somebody else met. Tony from YGM would tear YLLYBYS Tony a new asshole and it would be amazing 😂 fists would get thrown and the classic likes of ‘how dare you treat our kid like that’ would deffo be in the mix 😂
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amateurd18 · 2 years
Hii Ami!! Secret Santa here!! Hope your Thursday is going well!! It’s okay, I understand!! Life gets in the way a lot of the time!! At least we’re one day away from Friday!! My week has gone pretty well so far!! I head off to PR in a week for Christmas so the week is dragging a little until then!!
I wanna say yes?! I know their tv show kicked off in ~2010-ish. All I really know is that 1d did open for them I believe at NYC in 2012!! Don’t fact-check me on that lol. And I remember it being a meme where half the crowd left after the boys performed cause they were only there for 1d lol. Either way, I love and appreciate both groups!!
Oooooo, that sounds like an exciting time of the year!! I love hearing about different traditions and celebrations from different cultures!! Shows that we’re not all very different after all in terms of how we choose to celebrate the seasons!!
Favorite place I have visited? The only time I’ve ever left North America was to study abroad in Italy, so I would probably say the time I spent in Florence and learning to adapt the their cultural/way of living!! It was very much a culture shock and it was stressful at times, but I’d did thoroughly enjoy myself and would love to go back!! That kinda goes hand in hand with being a tourist as well!! I can’t really pick one place in particular, but I remember visiting many museums and being able to see pieces of artwork that you either talk about in class or the really famous ones that you have to google just to even know what it looks like and seeing it up close!! It’s a surreal experience I have to say lol.
Vanilla is always a safe bet!! Hopefully next year someone will tour in your area so you may enjoy a good concert!! Everyone deserves to experience at least one concert a year!! It’s such a therapeutic experience!! Manifesting that for you, hun!! ✨
I understand you wholeheartedly about just turning on the tv and letting play what’s already there!! Sometimes it’s hard to sit down and have to pick what you’re gonna watch, especially when you don’t know what you’re in the mood for!! Mindlessly watching whatever is on in the moment is how you find what you like to watch!!
Speed Round Questions!! If you can live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Do you have a favorite flower? What’s your favorite type of dessert? If not, what’s your favorite type of savory snack!? Do you have a collection of any kind? For a while, I collected owl figurines cause they’re my favorite animal, and so they would be on display in my living room every now and again!! 🎄✨
Helloo! My Thursday was fab, it was a friend's birthday and we all went out to eat some amazing Mexican food. And margaritas. Because you can't do Mexican food without margaritas.
Italy is on my - long long long list- of places i want to visit, it sounds super amazing.
Speed round questions: I've only ever lived in two cities - Mumbai where I grew up and Madrid where I'm currently studying - so I'm not sure which other ones. It'd definitely have to be a big city, i don't think I'd survive the small town life. The tiny kid in me that grew up reading too many books from the UK does want to live in London, though i need to figure how to make that happen. ✨ manifesting✨
I love flowers, though i can't keep a plant alive for shit so it's just special occasions where i go and get some. Anything that's bright is a win.
My sweet tooth is massive, so sweets of all kinds are 💜. Comfort sweets would be brownies and muffins, but you could put any sweet dish in front of me and i would try it at the very least.
I love that you have an owl collection! That's such an interesting one. (do you mind sharing a pic? I won't post. Or if you wanna dm after we've introduced ourselves properly. No pressure). I don't have a collection, but another of my - now that I'm thinking about it ridiculously expensive- kid dreams is to own and be able to display lots of Lego. Does that count as wanting a collection? I dunno. Anyway.
Speed round questions for you: movies/tv shows? Movies/books? Spring/summer/autumn/winter? Beaches /mountains? City/countryside?
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