#i hope you watch the shows!! they are good!! or at least the contestants are good jtbc has done nothing but bring me pain
slvtforyeo · 2 months
ever since he started masturbating to your live streams and videos, mingi got a lot more horny than he thought. he really tried to control himself but he just can't resist you. he started to give you more and more gifts every time you went live and you were happy to receive those.
as time goes on, you started to wait for him to enter your live and accept his gifts, but tonight he was missing. you were a bit disappointed but you kept going on your live until it eventually ended. suddenly, there was a ding and you saw that someone messaged you. you open the chat box and was startled to see his user, the infamous @fixonmydick.
fixonmydick: hi umm
fixonmydick: im sorry if i didn't watch your live, i know you went live just now but i have some errands to run
fixonmydick: i know you don't know me personally but umm
fixonmydick: i saw your post that you'll have a one premium show for one only and umm im interested
ah, so he saw her post last night. maybe she should give him a chance.
you (lustfulpuss): no worries ! it's fine if you had to run some errands
lustfulpuss: besides, i ain't forcing anyone to watch me live
lustfulpuss: anywy, I'll think about your offer.
mingi smiles shyly when he sees your reply, mentally preparing himself once he wins and gets the chance to fuck you stupid. he's confident with his cock, but he's nervous about the feeling once her enters inside you.
[a few days later]
you announce the winner of who won the free fuck, and of course, mingi won. it was kinda biased, but you were curious to see him irl too. when mingi saw your post, he was smiling like an idiot, kicking his feet in excitement.
lustfulpuss: hi
lustfulpuss: you won the contest! the roulette picked you ><
hell, even your messages are cute. you had to make a lie, to cover the real intention you have: wanting to be fucked by him.
fixonmydick: thank you vv much for the opportunity !
fixonmydick: i hope i don't scare you or something lmao
lustfulpuss: why, r u gonna scare me with your cock?
fixonmydick: im very embarrassed and shy to say this but i think so, yeah
as time goes by, you two continued to chat to at least get to know each other. you both introduced yourselves with your real names and where you from. you two exchanged numbers because it's kinda a little awkward to chat at a camgirl website.
when he revealed his face by sending a picture, you were surprised on how good looking he was. you have never ever wanted someone to fuck this instant. he was also pretty tall. you know what they say, if a guy's tall, so is his dick.
part one: fixonmydick
word count: 474
a/n: SURPRISE BITCHES (wait for the part 3)
networks: @cromernet @newworldnet @atzhouse
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cottonundiestf · 7 months
Winner Take All
Diana and Violet shared a streaming channel, DiViGaming, that was struggling to gain traction. The streaming space was crowded if you didn't have a gimmick, and they hadn't settled on one yet.
At least, not until they got their hands on the Victor's Spoils Chokers!
Wearing matching choker necklaces, their contests now had higher stakes, with the winner getting to steal away a trait of her choice from the loser. Viewers flocked to watch each stream, waiting with pants in hand for the results.
Today's games had been... rough on Diana. Violet won the first game, a rhythm game, which was expected; she was always more on beat than Diana. But Di had way better reaction time to make up for it in the next games.
Except Violet cheated! "As winner, I'm going to... drain some of your motor functions."
"What?" The small gem at Diana's throat glowed and suddenly she felt the world slowing down as dizziness overtook her. When the sudden wave subsided, she looked at her hands, trying to move her fingers, only to realize they were difficult to move and didn't react right away. "Ch-cheater!"
Violet just grinned. "We never said it was against the rules! Oh well, next game!"
With Violet's reactions and dexterity souped up and Diana's at minimal functionality, the next series of games were a stomp. And Violet was showing no mercy, laughing and bullying her friend the entire time.
"I win again! Let's take... that lovely tan complexion of yours." Diana grumbled, feeling the ripple of goosebumps across her body as the natural tan granted by her mixed heritage drained away until she was pale white and her friend's Nordic background vanished behind a perfect warm complexion.
"Another win? Oh my, how about... that round ass of yours! I could use a boost." The girls had comparable bottoms, or at least they did, but Diana was forced to stand and show the camera as her ass lost enough mass that her pants started to slip off. Meanwhile, Vi was happy to taunt Di, shaking her new cake for the viewers.
"Won. Again. You know, I can tell you've been hitting the gym. I'm fine reaping the rewards." Diana groaned, feeling weak as her muscle mass withered away, leaving her frame narrow as a toothpick while Violet enjoyed her new healthy build.
And this kept happening. Diana dropped out of frame as her height was reduced by a foot while Violet shot up. Diana's long hair had to be pulled into a close, messy bun as Violet flipped her new luxurious locks.
And, of course, with the final game, Violet approached her petite partner and touched her chest. "They aren't even that big. Cute little B cups. But..."
Diana whimpered. "...Please?"
Violet shrugged. "Sorry Di. It's all you've got left." The gem glowed, deflating the perky tits on Diana until she was left with naught but puffy nipples on her flat chest.
Violet chuckled, grasping her chest. "Well, this has been a fun stream! I hope everyone enjoyed this thorough ass-kicking! Now if you switch to our... 'private stream,' you'll get to see Di appreciate our body in all its glory."
"Can I at least get my brain stuff back," she grumbled?
"...Yes. But only because I'm going to make sure to put that dexterity to good use. Now smile for the camera, Di!"
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Tags for @misseviehyde and @bimbosanddolls for getting me in an attribute theft mood!
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ayyy-pee · 2 months
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𝔼𝕡𝕚𝕤𝕠𝕕𝕖 𝟘.𝟝 - 𝕋𝕠𝕠 𝕄𝕦𝕔𝕙 𝕥𝕠 𝔻𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕜
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Discord 18+ - Twitter - Next Episode
Pairing: JJK Men x Female Reader
Episode Summary: After a drunken night of binge watching your (least?) favorite show, you find yourself making a grave mistake.
Story Warning: DRAMA, lying and scheming, REVERSE HAREM, profanity bc I can only be me, arguments, fights probably, heartbreak and tears, (more to come)
Artist Credit: momoya348, Umbra3terna, ilameys,maoyaoyao519, _0_0219 Divider Credit: Cafekitsune (Tumblr)
A/N: IT'S FINALLY HEREEEEEE! I hope you guys enjoy this ride (that you're in charge of in later chapters!!!) I'll put up Episode 1 tomorrow after proofreading!!! <3
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“God, this show is so stupid,” you mutter, shoving a handful of popcorn into your mouth while you get settled onto the couch.
“Please…It’s so bad, but I tune in to every season.”
You glance over when your friend reaches into your lap and dips her fingers into your bowl of popcorn and grabs a few kernels.
That was the perfect way to describe what was happening now. You’re currently huddled up on the couch, having spent the day binging the most recent season of The Bachelor until you’re all caught up. The new episode airs tonight and you’re eager to see who Joey ends up picking. Will it be Rachel? She’s gorgeous, funny, and her family seems to really get along with this season’s Bachelor. They have great chemistry. Or maybe it will be Daisy? Though you couldn’t see that working out. The girl is a total bore. Or it could be…what’s her name again? The one who looks a little bit like she could be his sister. Ah, whatever.
You’re not sure when you really began to even give a shit about this mess of a show. It’s corny. No one falls in love within a few weeks of knowing each other. And why does one man or woman need to date twenty people to find someone to marry? Are they that unlikeable in the real world? Not to mention, it’s totally unrealistic. Do these relationships even work out once the cameras cut off? Unlikely. You find the entire premise of the show downright stupid.
And yet, you can’t tear your eyes away as this season’s Bachelor takes each girl out on an extravagant date that…you can’t lie, you would love to be on.
Dancing in Malta? Sunbathing on a yacht off the coast of Spain? Getting to see Niagara Falls up close? Sign you up. You don’t think you would stand a chance being the object of everyone’s affection, but you could definitely milk being a contestant for free trips and good food.
“Why can’t he see that Rachel is the best pick here? Ugh, annoying. You know he’s going to give what’s-her-name the last rose.” Your friend downs her wine in one swig and you don’t bother to hold back the laugh bubbling in your chest. She’s all red faced. You’re not sure if it’s from how passionate she is about the show or from the two empty bottles of merlot she’s managed to down practically on her own, but the glowing hue it gives her highlights the thick scar across her face. A product of her line of work, and said line of work being the reason she’s guzzling wine in the first place.
“Maybe take it easy on the drinks, Utahime.”
She hiccups next to you, slouching in her seat. “I haven’t even had that much to drink!”
“You’ve had most of the wine just on your own!”
“Oh my god, you have one or nine glasses of wine and suddenly you’re wasted,” she mutters sarcastically. “I’m fine.”
You roll your eyes, because you know there’s no going back and forth with her stubborn ass when she starts drinking. 
The living room dims for about three seconds before it lights back up, the show now having gone on commercial break. The rose ceremony is next and despite shit-talking the show only ten minutes ago, you’re eager for the commercials to wrap up so you can see who goes home. It better not be Rachel. You use this brief intermission to go and get some water for yourself but mostly Utahime so she can sober up.
This has been your routine for the last few weeks. Every Monday night, Utahime comes over, peels you out of your bed and forces you on the couch to chug alcohol and watch this ridiculous show. While you find the entire premise of the show nonsensical, you’re grateful for the time it’s given you with Utahime.
You’re fairly new to the Kyoto area and Utahime was the first person you’d met on your first day at your new – how can you put this? – unique job. You see, you and Utahime both work in the field of Jujutsu sorcery. But there’s about where your similarities in the field stop.
Utahime is an active Sorcerer. She’s an instructor raising up the next generation of Sorcerers, building them up so that they can one day join the frontlines to protect the unaware non-Sorcerers of Japan. She’s strong– a grade 1 Sorcerer. Quite impressive. She could easily knock a curse’s head off if she wanted to.
But you? Well, while Utahime is at the top of the ranks of Jujutsu society, you are what some would refer to as a bottomfeeder – an unranked, unimportant, lowly Window. You’re someone who has just enough cursed energy to see a curse. But can you do anything about them? Not unless you want to end up in the nearest trauma center. So if you’re smart, you’ll do your job and whip your phone out to report it so that the real Sorcerers can handle it.
You’ve been in this field for several years now, but working outside of the major cities of Japan. Transferring to Kyoto was your idea of wanting something new and different. Utahime had quickly taken you under her wing. You were certain it was because she took pity on you. A weak, barely gifted Window. But as time went on, you came to realize that that was just Utahime. She was kind and funny, and had a good heart. Well, except when it came to –
“Hey!” Utahime calls from her spot on the couch. You can hear a slur in her words as she speaks and you know she’s opened yet another bottle of wine from who knows where. “Come here! Look at this!” You peer at the television from the doorway of your kitchen and see Utahime has it paused on a very ugly ad. It’s bright white with a background full of red rose petals across the screen. Your eyes roam over the words.
“Will you hurry up? Come look!” Utahime demands, messily pouring more wine into her glass. But it looks like a normal advertisement to you, so you’re not entirely sure what has Utahime’s interest so piqued.
She beckons you again, yelling “Come here!” So you quickly grab a couple bottles of water from your fridge and head back. Utahime is pointing insistently at the screen. “Look. Look really hard.”
You follow the path where her finger points, shuffling closer to the t.v. to get a clearer look. It takes a moment for you to see it, like really see it, but it’s definitely there. Underneath the last line, hidden from the eyes of those unable to see the horrors that you and those like Utahime can, is another message. You fall to your knees, eyes glued to the tiny additional message floating beneath, glowing with cursed energy that reads, “JUJUTSU SorcererS PREFERRED”. 
Confusion slowly takes over your features, the corners of your lips turning down with a frown, a brow arched and skepticism in your eyes. Were you missing something? Was this some sick joke? Were Jujutsu Sorcerers huge fans of The Bachelor or something? You spin around to face your friend who has a look of mischief twinkling in her eyes. You know it all too well, mouth falling open and a finger pointing when you scream “NO” at the exact moment Utahime yells “YOU SHOULD APPLY!”
“Absolutely not!” You must be looking at Utahime like she’s grown two more heads because she looks just as confused as you.
“Why not?! You’d be great on there!”
Maybe she hasn’t grown two more heads. Maybe her brain was swapped while you were in the kitchen because why the hell was she suggesting this?
“Well, for starters, I’m not really looking to date.”
Utahime rolls her eyes, as if that’s just not a good enough excuse. You should just ignore her, snatch the remote from her hand and hit play so you can get back to the show and see who this guy chooses to potentially get engaged to. But for some reason (could be the single drop of wine your friend allowed you to have while she downed the rest), you feel the need to keep listing off reasons to not sign up. “Secondly, I– why would I even want to go on this show?”
Utahime sips her wine, eyes low as she falls into her drunkenness, but you can still see the sparkle of mischief in those brown hues…and it scares you. So you keep talking, chatting away and listing excuse after excuse to your friend, eventually finding yourself back on the couch trying to drive your final point home.
“Besides, they want Sorcerers.” This seems to get Utahime’s attention again, makes her set her glass down as she looks at you.
“I’m sure it’s fine. You are a Sorcerer.”
“I’m a Window.”
“Semantics. You can see curses, can’t you?” Utahime argues.
“...yes.” You shift uncomfortably in your seat. “But I can’t do anything about them.”
It’s not something you should be ashamed of, but there’s just the tiniest bit of you that is ashamed. Because being able to see these monsters and not having the power to do anything about them…well, it feels like a curse in and of itself.
To this, she sighs. “Sorcerers, Windows. They’re just terms used by the higher-ups to keep their stupid, fucked up heirarchy intact.”
You know it’s the wine that’s loosened her tongue. In public, Utahime would not dare to speak so freely. The Jujutsu politics in Kyoto were a lot stricter than they were in Tokyo. Not that that said much anyway. The politics were shit regardless. But Utahime worked closely with those connected to the higher-ups, so outside of this little bubble in your apartment, she kept pretty hush hush about her true feelings.
You watch Utahime closely as she fiddles with her wine glass. She really is beautiful. You think she’d be incredible on a show like this. Which gives you the idea.
“What don’t you apply?”
Utahime leans back, a cackle so loud and abrupt leaving her tiny body.
“No way. I would never date any of these Sorcerers.”
“And you want me to?!” You ask incredulously. You don’t know whether to be offended or not.
Your friend fixes you with a deadpan stare. “You don’t know them the way I do. The only good one out of all of them is Nanami Kento…and Shoko.” She mutters the last name quietly, like it’s a secret that she thinks so highly of her. And maybe it is a secret…the way she feels about the doctor in Tokyo who you couldn’t help but notice has Utahime’s cheeks glowing red whenever she’s mentioned.
“Besides,” Utahime continues. “If I signed up for this and got paired with Gojo –” she shudders at the mere thought of being near the man. “I don’t think I’d be able to keep myself from projectile vomiting just at the prospect of having to kiss him.”
It’s your turn to laugh obnoxiously now, because – “Why the hell would the strongest Sorcerer in a thousand years sign up for this shit? You don’t think he has anything better to do? Like, you know…keep all of Japan safe?”
“Satoru Gojo does whatever Satoru Gojo wants.”
You can’t argue with that. Utahime would know best. She did grow up with him after all. She knew him well. You’ve never met the man, being just a Window, you doubt you ever will. Out of all the Sorcerers, you’ve only ever met Utahime and Principal Gakuganji. You’ve never even met any of the students. You all run in different circles, but that doesn't mean you don’t keep up with the going-ons of the Jujutsu world. Everyone knows Satoru Gojo.
“You should really sign up, though,” Utahime suggests once more. “You might meet a good person. If anything, you’ll get a good vacation out of it.” With that, she stands. It’s clear that the wine is hitting her again, because she wobbles clumsily to the bathroom, slamming the door behind her.
If it’s anything like every other week before this, you’ll be peeling Utahime out of your bathtub because she will have inevitably fallen asleep.
Your eyes fall back on the hidden message on the television, reading it over and over before you finally just hit play and let the finale finish.
Joey chooses whatever that girl’s name is. You’re only halfway paying attention because against your better judgment, you’re actually thinking about applying to this. But you think the show is stupid, right? Why would you waste your time? But what if Utahime is right? What if you do meet someone? It’s not that you’re against dating. You’re just not actively in the market for romance because you’ve found that dating non-Sorcerers is more stress than it’s worth.
The constant obligation you feel to regulate their emotions so you can avoid the creation of a cursed spirit that you’ll have to call in and do paperwork for? Exhausting. Not to mention, if you ever grew to truly love this person, you’d be overwhelmed with guilt if a curse manifested and harmed them in any way and you couldn’t do anything but watch in horror as you made a phone call.
You’d never really given any thought to it, but perhaps dating a Sorcerer is what you needed. You could end up meeting an amazing man!
But also, semantics or not, you were not technically a Sorcerer. You were simply a Window. Why the hell would an actual Sorcerer want to be with you? Better yet, what were the chances of this show even choosing you as their next Bachelorette?
- - - - - -
Apparently, the chances were extremely high, because one phone call, four video interviews, a nearly five hour drive from Kyoto to Tokyo, and days of promotional video and photo shoots later, you find yourself standing outside of the Bachelor Mansion, donning the most expensive gown that money could buy.
This is not what you expected. Not at all. There is so much going on. You want to run and hide from every single camera you see being propped up. You want to curl into yourself when the lights come on and the director calls, “Action!” And you see some man you’re just meeting for the first time approaching as he speaks directly to the camera.
“...and she’ll be making history tonight as The Bachelorette’s first Jujutsu Sorcerer,” you hear him tell the camera as he stops just a few feet short of you. Tall, blonde and handsome. He looks like an American football player. “I’m Jesse Palmer, ladies and gentleman. Now, let’s meet our Bachelorette!”
He turns to you, wearing a bright smile. The cameras follow, moving closer to catch a close-up of your face, so you smile as naturally as you can and try not to flinch when Jesse moves forward to embrace you in a swift hug.
Jesse calls your name as though you’ve been friends for a long time. “So nice to finally see you. You look great.”
The camera pans down your body and back up to your face. “Likewise, Jesse.”
“How’re you feeling?” he asks.
“I’m nervous! Definitely nervous, but feeling good! I’m so excited for this,” you lie. You’re dreading this process. But it’s too late to back out now. So you just hold your smile, conversing politely as Jesse makes small talk and gets to know you before the first contestant pulls up.
And you hope that if Utahime is watching, she sees the message behind your eyes screaming that you’re absolutely going to kill her.
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seospicybin · 9 months
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Bangchan x reader. (s)
Too Hot To Handle Masterlist
Synopsis: You and Chan become contestants in a reality dating show, Too Hot To Handle. (11,7k words)
Author's note: Season 3 is done! See you on the next season :)
YOU: $0? [Facepalms] So, where do we go from here?
The bright sunny day is not working to cheer everyone up after the shocking announcement that there's no money left in the prize fund.
You've been sitting outside with Chan, holding each other's hand and trying to process everything while looking at the beautiful view of the endless sea and the surface of water glimmering under the sun.
Chan has been quiet for too long and it's concerning. You decide to break the silence, shaking his hand and saying, "We spent too much money, babe."
He sighs and rubs the back of your hand with his thumb, "Too much."
You don't want to put salt on the wound but it's time to face the the truth that you both fucked up.
"We let them down. We let everyone down," you say with a heavy heart.
He looks at you and sees you in the eyes, "I'm sure there'll be a way to make it up to them."
He doesn't sound that confident with what he said but you're grateful that in a time like this, he tries his best to comfort you.
"And we'll show them that we have a genuine connection," he says with a soft smile.
You return the smile and put your other hand on your clasped hands, "We took a big step last night."
Physical connection is not that new to you but after last night, you can feel that something shifts between the two of you into something that is peculiarly new yet familiar at the same time.
"I feel closer. I feel more connected to you," you honestly tell him the changes you felt.
"That's true," he agrees with a smile that is more brighter and hopeful than before.
You take the chance to comfort him this time and sweetly smile at him, "We got each other," you remind him.
It's you and him versus everyone. For better or worse, through ups and downs, you face it together. You may be at the bottom now but you're sure you both will be back on top, together.
"Always," he says.
He brings your mouth close to his mouth and kisses it, "Since day one."
That makes you take a look back. You've been going through so much together and it makes you realize that with him, you feel like you can do anything.
Together you are invincible.
YOU: I feel terrible for what I did but at least, now I no longer doubt the feelings I have for Chris. It feels real now and it's scary... in the best way.
In the afternoon, Lana calls everyone to the cabana.
Chan hasn't recovered from the announcements from this morning yet so he's not keen to know what's coming his way, he has an inkling that it's not good for him and you.
Just like you read his mind, you place a soft kiss on his neck and wipe the lipstick mark you left on it with your thumb.
"We got each other," you whisper.
Chan is grateful for you, you've been so open and understanding, even though he's a hard-shell type of person, you make it hard for him not to let you in.
The chime comes and Jace gags in response. The melodic chime is certainly, anxiety-inducing.
"The prize fund is currently at $0," Lana announces as if everyone has forgotten about it.
"However, there will be more tests and opportunities to replenish the prize fund," she further informs.
It's like everyone is collectively letting out a big sigh of relief and getting a breath of fresh air at the mention that there's a way to return some money into the pot.
"I'll commence the first test," Lana continues.
Chan gets stressed once again and so is everyone. Test means he's not doing great, test means that it's not going to be easy, test means bad.
The worst thing that could happen is his name got called by Lana for that test.
Like he manifested it into reality, Lana does call his name along with yours. He sees you look at him and feels bad that he can't show a brave face to you.
"I gifted you watches as an incentive to connect on a physical level for the right reasons. Yet you have shown a complete disregard for my gift and your fellow guests."
He looks at you and you put on a thin smile for him, he puts his arm around you to pull you closer, he needs something to hold on to.
"Therefore, drastic action is required," Lana sternly says.
CHRIS: I've messed up. Big time. [Deeply exhales]
Deep down, you know you deserve what's coming for you but you don't want to go home, no, not yet.
"You both..." Lana drags her words to heighten the suspense.
You and Chan still have some growing to do as a couple and if Lana is kind enough to let you stay, you'd be very grateful. If not, then... it's not like you didn't see this coming.
You have to own up to your mistakes so whatever happens, you will try to accept it.
"... have 12 hours to prove you can connect on a deeper, more emotional level."
You feel a little lighter knowing that it's not an elimination but it's not time to be relieved yet, you're still waiting for the catch.
"If you fail to get a green light in those 12 hours, your time here will be terminated."
There it is. The catch. This is you and Chan's biggest test yet. There's no wasting time, you have 12 hours to prove or you go home.
"Your time starts now!" Lana announces.
YOU: This is going to be a challenge for us. We've never really talked about our emotions.
It's going to be harder for Chan.
He realizes he rarely talked about his feelings with you. His default setting is to show affection through actions so he is never good at verbalizing it.
"I don't want to go home," you tell him, cuddling on the sofa outside, "I want to spend more time with you."
He holds your hand and puts it close to his chest, "I don't want to go home either but I just—"
He inhales air and finishes his sentence, "It's not easy for me, talking about emotions."
"We can try," you say with your fingers lightly caressing his bare chest.
You tilt your head to face him, "You know what? I'll start," you volunteer.
He puts your hair away from being blown by the wind and holds it there for you, "Yeah?"
"Remember when we first met and I made you tell your name again?"
He nods as the recollection of it plays in the back of his head.
"I pretended not to hear it because I wanted those lips near me," you confess with a giggle.
He can't tell if you're trying to get a green light or just want to make him feel better, either way, he finds it adorable of you.
You check your watch and pout seeing that it's not turning green, "Well, it's worth a try," you say with a laugh.
As he breaks into laughter, he pulls you close and kisses you on the cheek.
"No need to hurry," you playfully say.
You rub his back and place a sweet kiss on his neck, "We still have like ten hours to get a green light."
That only reminds him to hold you tighter, he needs it more now than ever after knowing that he possibly wouldn't be able to do it again.
CHRIS: I find it hard to open up and talk about my feelings. Not sure I can do it.
With time keep slipping out of your hand, and your heart is getting worried.
You give Chan space and time to be on his own, organizing his thoughts and maybe it'll help him find the courage to talk about what he truly feels.
You remind yourself that it'll not be his fault if both of you end up getting eliminated. So you let go of the guilt and prepare yourself for the worst outcomes.
Before he leaves for his workshop, you pull him aside and warmly hug him.
"I really like you, Chris," you murmur.
You look up and softly smile at him, "I care about you."
You don't want to pressure him but you want to let him know that whatever happens, you will have no hard feelings nor hold a grudge against him.
"I know it's tough for you to open up but if you weren't ready, it's okay. If we got sent home, that doesn't mean things between us are over, you know that?" You say with a smile.
"I know," he lowly answers.
You stand on your tiptoes to plant a long kiss on his cheek, "Don't pressure yourself, okay, baby?"
He nods and hugs you back, locking you in his big arms because this might be the last time you embrace each other like this.
YOU: This is more difficult than I thought. At that moment, I think we might be going home.
"That dress looks good on you, darling!" Dani praises you as she watches you checking your appearance on the big mirror in the dressing room.
"Yeah?" You ask yourself why bother looking this good on your last night in the retreat.
"Yes," you suddenly shout.
"I want to look good when I get eliminated," you take a jab at yourself and laugh.
"Nah..." Lola groans, "Don't say that!"
Dani props her chin with her hand and looks at you, "You're going to get that green light tonight," she says.
The boys are back from the workshop not long ago but they're all coming back with paints on their bodies. Chan is still showering and it'll take more time to get dressed.
You're waiting for him by the fire pit, sipping your wine while half-heartedly listening to Pierre, Alicia, and Olivia talking.
As you're sipping on your second glass of wine, Chan comes and holds his hand out at you.
"I believe we have to talk," he says to you.
You put your glass down and take his hand, feeling more nervous now than before.
"I'm rooting for you guys!" Alicia mutters with an encouraging smile.
Chan takes you somewhere quiet and sits on the bench that overlooks the sea with the reflection of the moon drawn on the surface of the water.
There are still three hours left to the time limit but it's never too early to start and try to open up.
"You want me to start again?" You ask because he's been so quiet even after you both get the privacy to talk.
He cracks a laugh and puts an arm around you, "Yeah, sure."
You lick your lips and try to articulate your feelings as best as you can. You look him in the eyes and just pour your heart out to him.
"I like you. I like that I can be myself around you. You understand me, you put up with a lot of shit to be with me..." you pause to let out a laugh, "I'm happy that we became closer."
Chan can't stop smiling as he listens to you speaking your heart out. You can see the fondness in his eyes and you also hope that he gets the sincerity in your words.
"And I think... this is a good chance for us to talk about how we feel about each other," you conclude.
YOU: I can tell him more things that I like about him but sadly, time is not on our side.
It feels great hearing what you thought about him but at the same time, Chan feels burdened to be as open as you.
He's aware of how much you've shared with him while he gave you so little in return. He owes you a lot and it's time for him to settle that debt.
"You look gorgeous," he starts with a compliment.
You reach for the collar of the baby blue linen shirt he's wearing and compliment him back, "So do you."
You rest your hand flat on his chest and dreamily sigh, "You look good in colors other than black and white, you know that?"
He grins at that and nods, "I'll wear more colors."
"Okay, good," you say with gentle pats on his chest.
It's not time for small talk, time is running out. Chan grits his teeth and starts talking, trying to empty his heart through words.
"I'll be honest with you," he begins.
He sees you swallow air and nods, "Okay."
"I haven't completely opened myself up to you."
"Mm-mmh," you hum in response.
He takes your hand and holds it tightly in his hand, "The last relationship I had..." he refrains from sharing too many details on his past.
"From that relationship, I got myself a trust issue out of it, and as much as I like you, it's hard for me to trust you. I got haunted by my experience with trusting someone with my heart..." Chan takes a moment to collect himself and not lose it completely to his emotions.
"I didn't think that I'd get here and find someone like you in here," he says with a low laugh.
You lowly laugh along with him, "Yeah."
"I feel extremely lucky to find you and I realize now that it's not fair that I compare you with my former partner. She might have caused me a trust issue but that doesn't mean you'll do the same to me," he says.
A smile blooms on your face and he feels your hand in shaking in his hold.
"I genuinely am feeling stronger emotions for you which I haven't felt in a long time," he earnestly says with a sincere smile.
His heart feels so much lighter and emptier now, that only means he has more space for these new feelings he has for you.
Chan's heart is full of warm feelings and other than that, it fills with hopes.
CHRIS: It's been such a long time since I've opened up like this with anyone but it feels so natural with her.
"I like you so much," Chan says while squeezing your hand in his.
It feels good to know that your feelings are reciprocated. You've been tormented inside and you keep it bottled up inside you, now you can let it go.
"I'm so excited for us," he adds with a smile.
Then the chime comes and you glance at your watch to see that it turns green.
You both did it and you didn't mean to cry but your eyes are like bursting dams right now, tears are flowing down your face. He immediately pulls you into a hug.
"I wasn't ready to go home yet," you croak with tears caught in your throat.
"Me too," he says.
He holds you for a moment and whispers into your ear, "Are we going to kiss or what?"
You completely forgot that the rules do not apply and you're allowed to kiss him. You hurriedly wipe the tears on your face with the back of your hands.
Chan doesn't hesitate to kiss you when you believe you look ugly from crying. He leans in and kisses you softly, brushing his lips as if he were telling you how you feel with it.
Your heart is heavy and quivering as it carries so much love inside you. You like him so much and it feels so good, it's so good that it's scary.
When he pulls away from the kiss, Chan holds your face and looks at you, tenderly wiping your eyes with his knuckle.
He's softly laughing as he says, "I can see now that you're just a baby."
He caresses your wet cheeks with his thumb as he fondly looks into your eyes, "just a baby, my baby," he says.
You pout yet smile at his words. There's no use to deny it when he can see everything now.
"My baby girl," he delightfully sighs and presses a long peck on your lips.
Sure you feel relieved you get to stay in the retreat but the best thing about all this is getting to know each other better, emotionally.
"Good job," you tell him with a smile.
"Good job," he says back to you.
YOU: Watching Chris open up and comfortably share his feelings makes me feel like I can understand him now. Also, it makes me fancy him more and more [smiles]
Chan didn’t expect everyone to wait for them to come back from their talk.
The resentment they have is nothing compared to the friendship they have sewn in time with both you and him. They look at him in anticipation of whether he passed the test or not. They're tucked in their beds and watch him as he walks to his bed with you trailing behind him.
"So...?" Pierre asks.
Chan can't contain his excitement anymore, he grins and says, "We got the green light!"
Everyone cheers for him and you, clapping with pride. Jace hurls a cushion at Chan as he shouts, "Congrats, Aussie boy!"
Alicia comes to his bed to hug you, "I told you. I'm rooting for you!"
Dani hugs her pillow in front of her and asks, "So, did anyone say anything?" She asks in curiosity.
"She told me she likes me," Chan answers without the slightest of embarrassed saying it out loud.
"Did you say it back to her?" Pierre asks.
"Of course!" He shortly replies.
You lay on your stomach on the bed, facing everyone, "It was really hard to begin with but he opened up to me."
"Aww..." Lola coo in response then lightly applauds for you.
"At least we don't have to worry about them rulebreaking now," Luke comments.
"Because there's no money to spend to begin with," Pierre adds.
Everyone is laughing the shared pain away. But with the promise that Lana will return some money through tests and you both passed one tonight, everyone gets hopeful again.
CHRIS: I'm so glad we're making progress. I'm so proud of her and me. We both got so far [smiles]
It's like you both got a fresh start at a new life.
Even with zero dollars on the prize fund, you feel happy to get to spend more time with him in the retreat. Yesterday was a torture and that only reminds you to use the time wisely.
But it's not like you can't keep yourself away from him you're smitten, you have butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
After last night, you talk about things deeply and openly, you talk more about your future together that it gets you giddy
You're straddling him on the bed and hovering above him, putting a safe space between your faces. You admire his beautiful face, trailing your fingers on his facial features, eyes, nose, and plush lips that lure you to kiss.
"Now that I'll be coming with you to Australia, where will you take me first?" You ask out of curiosity.
Chan has been resting his hands on your thighs and not letting them go anywhere. He looks up at you and answers, "My home."
You're giggling because your dirty mind can only think of one thing, "So we can—"
"I'll introduce you to my family," he slices through your sentence and takes you aback.
This seems that serious to him and you usually choose to step back when things get this serious, however, you're feeling excited about it instead.
"Yeah. I want them to know about our relationship," he casually says.
"Ooo... relationship," you point out the thing he just said and wonder if it accidentally slipped out of his mouth or he meant it. You bet it's the latter from how he gets so flustered and laughs at it.
"Why? Do you have anything else in mind?" He asks with a sly smile.
You look away from his eyes as he catches on your dirty thought, "You know what I'm thinking."
He sits up on the bed so he can hold you and you wrap your arms around his neck, "Well, before we do all that, I'll lock you in my room and we'll have lots of sex," he murmurs, then places a hot kiss on your neck.
You lowly moan at how his soft lips feel on your skin, sending a tingle down your spine.
"Oh, you have no idea what's coming for you," he seductively whispers with his breath tickling your ear.
He then switches to the other side of your neck and places a longer kiss with his tongue lightly licking the skin, leaving a wet kiss mark on it.
The emotional connection only heightens the sexual tension between you and him yet it feels like you've reached a new level in your relationship.
YOU: It's HARD! I like him so much therefore it's getting harder to resist him.
"Whoa, whoa, what am I walking into," Pierre says as he busted you straddling him on the bed.
Without getting up from his bed, Chan calmly responds with a joke, "There's no harm in losing more money."
"Damn right," Pierre replies with a laugh.
With someone else in the room, the tension is slowly fading out and you get off his lap, sitting next to him instead.
Chan notices that Pierre is smiling at himself and he knows that there must be something.
"What's up?" He asks while putting his arm out so you can rest your head on it.
"Alicia and I are going on a date later," Pierre replies.
"Oh, wow, that's great, man!" Chan offers his hand for a fist bump.
"I'm excited for you, Pierre!" You add with a gleeful smile.
But instead of bumping his fist at him, Pierre collapses onto his bed. It's the first time Chan sees him being this nervous, "Why are you so nervous?"
You're giggling next to him, "You've been sharing a bed with Alicia for so long," you add.
Pierre groans and holds his head with both hands, "Ugh... I don't know."
"Just do you, enjoy it, man," Chan suggests.
Pierre sits on the bed again now, "Yeah, you're right."
He gives Chan his fist bump now then gets up from the bed, "I have to get ready for the date now. See ya!"
"Good luck!" You shout at him before he gets out of the door.
It must be nice to get on a date with you but Chan understands that he has to earn it here. He looks at you and he can see that you're wishing for the same thing.
"We'll get our time," he tells you.
"Yeah," you reply with a smile.
"Come here! Hug me, baby girl!" He pulls you into a tight hug and flips over so you're under him now.
"I want to kiss you," he says as he looks at you.
You put your hand on his lips and glance at it, "We can't. We have to be good."
It's like the roles are reversed now. It's him playing the bad guy now and you're playing the good girl now.
"You're right," he says, he chooses to bury his head in your neck instead.
CHRIS: Lana, we’ve been good so please get us on a date too!
Lana throws a party tonight.
You're tired of guessing what she's trying to celebrate and if she has something behind it. The worst has happened, you want to enjoy tonight.
"What are you wearing tonight?" Chan asks while you're drying your hair.
"Uhm... nothing," you mindlessly answer.
He puts his arm around your neck and playfully puts you in a chokehold, making you laugh in response. He then nuzzles his nose into your hair and asks again, "I want to match my clothes with you."
"Aww... that's so cute, Chris!" Lola comments from the other end of the vanity table while putting make-up on her eyes.
You turn your head around and jokingly say, "Then... wear nothing."
He wraps his hand around your neck and tilts your head to the side so he can bite on your shoulder, "Just tell me what color!"
You're laughing as you try to get his hand away from you but he keeps ticking your neck with his nose. In the end, you both settle with his favorite color, black.
You're fixing the straps of your dress while looking at the mirror in the bathroom and Chan is leaning against the sink, running his eyes up and down your body.
"You're so gorgeous," he compliments with a grin and those cute dimples.
He bites his fist when you check the back of your dress in the mirror by turning your body to the side.
"Gosh, I'm the luckiest," he sighs.
You get flustered and say, "Stop it!"
Pulling him close, you turn him around and make him look at both of your reflections in the mirror. Not going to lie, you like what you see.
You turn to look at him and then say, "Damn! We look good!"
He looks back at you and smiles, "We look good together."
Without warning, he puts his arms around you and carries you out of the bathroom.
The party had just started when Pierre and Alicia were coming back from their date. Everyone is being nosy with their questions yet you can't help to get nosy as well.
"Tell us everything!" Lola demands.
From the look of it, Pierre and Alicia look happy and it makes you just as happy for them, everyone seems to feel the same way as well.
"It was nice. We went on a boat and enjoyed the sunset," Pierre says.
Alicia nods along to his words, "Then there was a funny question at the end," she says, then leers at Pierre.
Pierre cracks a laugh before answering, "I asked her to be my girlfriend."
Dani, being the one invested in the story, impatiently asks, "What did you say, Alicia?"
Alicia leers at Pierre again and smiles, "I said yes."
It's like watching a sports game and the home team scores, sending everyone into a celebration. Glasses of drinks raised to the air for a toast.
"To Pierre and Alicia!" Jace leads the toast.
"To Pierre and Alicia!" The rest repeat after him and take a sip of their drinks.
YOU: Well, unlike us... [chuckles] Pierre and Alicia are the most committed couple in the retreat so I couldn't be happier for them.
Instead of being jealous, Chan is happy for Pierre and Alicia.
He's happy to see his closest friend in the retreat happy and it's not like Chan is not happy, he is happy with you. He looks around and they're just as happy even though the prize fund is still at zero.
He holds you close and kisses the top of your head, "I'm so happy."
"Me too," you murmur with your head resting on his chest.
The music abruptly stops and Chan kind of guesses what comes next. There she is, the ultimate cockblocker and party crasher Lana.
Everyone already knows where to go and they drag their feet to head to the cabana. You sit next to Chan, putting one hand around his waist and the other clasped with him, resting it on his leg.
The money is at zero now but that doesn't make everyone less nervous, if anything, there's an anticipation for what Lana is going to announce this time.
Chan's heart skips a beat the second the cone lights up, signifying her arrival. She skips on greeting everyone and calls for both of your names.
You look at each other to exchange a mix of panicked and confused looks.
"On your previous test, you were able to access your true feelings for each other, proving to me that your connection is more than skin deep," Lana says.
That's good news and the applause everyone is giving toward both of you confirmed it.
"However, actions speak louder than words."
Chan hates it when that word comes in the sentence: 'however' because that means, Lana has bad news to tell.
"Tonight, you will both be put to the ultimate test, a night in the private suite."
Remembering that you both failed on the same test and knowing you both have to go through it again. Chan feels the pressure already and he sees you wince in response to that.
"If you refrain from breaking any rules, you will win back $100,000 for the group."
Everyone is cheering at the amount of money you can win back from it but your last failure reminds them not to haste to celebrate.
Chan notices a few pessimistic faces among the group and he understands that. But he knows that it's time he pays everyone back for the damages he did to the prize money.
"We'll try to win back the money for you guys," Chan earnestly says with you nodding along in agreement to his words.
"Please, make your way to the suite!" Lana orders.
He offers his hand to help you get up from the sofa and keeps holding your hand.
Jace nods at Chan to encourage him, "Don't mess up, 'kay? You got it!"
"Wish us luck!" You say to everyone for the last time.
CHRIS: This is it. This is the big, ultimate test.
The second you both enter the private suite, you throw yourself at him.
Thank goodness that he is quick to catch you and steadily holds you against him to keep you from falling. You loop your both hands around his neck and warmly hug him.
You pull away to look at his face, "We can do it," you murmur with a soft kiss on his cheek.
He returns the kiss but his lips land on your jaw instead, "for that to happen, we shouldn't have a bath."
You pout at him and say, "But I still need to have a bath. I'm dirty."
"You are dirty," he says with a sly smile.
You narrow your eyes at him and put your forehead against his, "Are you dirty?"
It's like a deja vu watching you get undressed in front of him, doing it so confidently like he isn't there and looking at your enticing body with dark, lustful eyes.
"You can join me or..." you nonchalantly say as you step into the tub.
"You can just watch," you continue as you lower yourself into the water, flashing him a naughty smile as you lean back in the tub.
Chan has seen and experienced this scene before but he doesn't like how it ended. This is why it's called a test, see if he can take it and come up with a better result than before.
"Atta, boy!" You exclaim as he starts to take his clothes off.
You intently watch him taking every piece of clothing on his body until there's none left. Your eyebrow raises as your eyes flick down there.
"Hi, there," you playfully talk to his semi-hard member.
Everything about you evokes the rebellious side of him, he just wants to do whatever he wants and pleases. He reminds himself that he needs to control himself and the money that he can win back from doing it.
With one foot down in the tub, Chan can already feel the heat of the moment.
CHRIS: When it's just the two of us the sexual tension goes...[Sighs] It's high!
Jumping onto the bed, you crawl over to get something from the tray of sex toys on the bedside table.
You know which one you want to get and take it with you as Chan dives onto the bed next to you. You waste no time straddling him, "Put your hands above your head!"
He ignores your order and laughs at you instead. He chooses to disobey you so you take both his hands and put them above his head, you cuff them with handcuffs.
"I'm sorry," you tell him with no hint of regrets whatsoever in your apology.
You look at him and smile in satisfaction that he's laying helpless underneath you.
"You've been very, very bad, Chris," you say in a low, sultry voice and run your fingertips down his bare chest.
He takes a deep breath and looks back at you, "I've been bad, so?" He dares you with a smirk.
As expected, he will disobey you and dare you to do things to him. He's enjoying it and you're more than willing to play along.
You crawl over to the side and use the opportunity to bring your ass close to his face while you take another sex toy from the tray.
You sit down on his crotch, intentionally hard, and enjoy the low groan he lets out. You show him the long, leather whip in your hand.
You put the end of the whip under his chin and used it to tilt his head to look at you, "Do you admit to being a bad, bad boy?"
Instead of answering, he bites his lips and fiercely looks at you. Taking him off guard, you slap his chest with the whip.
"Answer me!" You order.
He slyly smiles and refuses to answer again. You start to slap his chest and abdomen with the whip, making heart-shaped marks on his pale skin.
You decide to get off him and lay on your side next to him, "I'm going to keep doing it until you answer me," you taunt him as you drag the end of the whip down his thigh.
You lean into the side of his face and lowly whisper into his ear, "Answer me, Chris."
He shakes his head and you immediately land a slap on his inner thigh twice that he gasps in response. Feeling mischievous, you slip the whip under his boxer and rub him there.
"Will you answer me now, mmh?" You ask.
He catches you off guard now, rolling on the bed and putting his body on top of you. He buries his head deep in your neck while kissing you there.
"Oh..." you breathlessly moan as he bites on your neck.
Chan is always afraid to put his whole weight on you but you don't want to have it another way, so you put your legs around him and let him collapse on top of you.
He looks at you but his eyes are centered on your lips, "Do you want to kiss me, mmh?"
He alternates it by placing kisses along your jaw and finishes it with a sweet kiss on your cheek, "Actually, there are a lot more things I want to do to you."
YOU: Our prize fund is zero so that means there's no money to lose... [bites lips]
Chan keeps his handcuffed hands in front of him as you unlock it for him. He puts it back on the bedside table and sees you still straddling him.
He pats the space next to him, "Come here so we can cuddle!"
You shake your head and put your hands on his chest, "No, I like it here. I like sitting on top of you," you say with your eyes enchanting him to gaze back at them.
He puts his hands on your thighs, fingers teasing the hem of the short sleeping dress you're wearing, "Is this your favorite position?"
"Uh-huh," you answer and put your hands to hold your hair in a makeshift ponytail.
"You want to be on top, huh?"
"Yeah, I'm good when I'm on the top," you tell him with your head slightly tilted to the side and your lips curl into a naughty smile.
"Is that true?" He asks, allowing his hands to move up to your waist and hold you there.
"I can show it to you," you dare him.
Seeing you straddling him like this only gives him the glimpses of what you'd like fucking him and he bet it'd be so good. Swear his cock twitched just now from remembering how good it is inside you.
Now you're sitting on his crotch and there's only a layer of clothing that separates him from what he wants, he believes you can feel how his cock is achingly hard for you.
"Maybe next time," he kindly refuses no matter how much his body wants to scream yes.
"Why not now?" You ask with a low giggle.
You make it so hard for him that he has to lift you off him and lay you down next to him. Without giving you time to escape, he puts his arms and legs around you, limiting the things you can do around him.
"Stop teasing me," he presses a wet, long kiss on your cheek.
You helplessly try to get out of his hold while giggling but failing.
"Baby," you softly call.
You hold his chin in your fingers and turn your head at him, "I want to sleep naked tonight."
CHRIS: The longer they let us alone together, the more I want to do things to her [raises eyebrow]
Even after the morning comes, it doesn't mean that the test has been done yet.
Somehow, you wake up naked and find yourself snuggling to Chan who's just as naked. You don't want to force your brain to work just yet.
It seems like he's awake already as he puts his hand on your back and runs his fingers down your back, light and fluttering, lulling you back to sleep.
Realizing that the test is not over yet, he gets away from you only so he can lay next to you and easily places kisses on your bare back.
You delightfully hum every time his full lips make contact with your skin, warm and soft, making you tingle inside.
"You're so beautiful," he hums.
He then starts another trail of kisses from the nape of your neck and down your spine. He stops before he gets tempted to go lower than your waist.
"So soft, so beautiful..." he sighs with so much frustration as if he saw something he couldn't perceive.
Chan decides to prop both hands on each side of you and kisses your neck as he's hovering above you, waking you up with sweet, gentle kisses.
"Wake up, baby," he softly calls you.
Wanting more than just kisses, you pull him close so you can feel him whole, his body on your body, skin-to-skin. It feels rather more intimate than sex.
He puts all of your hair away to the side so he can pepper your shoulder with kisses, "Morning," he says in between kisses.
You smile with eyes closed and croak, "Morning."
There's not much time left in the private suite and you both have to face everyone soon.
"How are we going to tell them?" You meekly ask him, feeling the anxiety already.
He gently caresses your cheek with his knuckle, "I'll do the talking," he simply answers.
You overlap his body with yours and put your arm across his chest, "Can't we just stay here?" You innocently ask with a low laugh.
"We can stay a little longer," he consoles you with a kiss on your forehead.
As much as you want to stay, it's time to face the truth once more.
YOU: Last night was... special. The best night I ever had in the retreat. [smiles]
While holding Chan's hand, you wake slow walk on the way back to the villa, and meet everyone in the bedroom.
Everyone is looking a bit antsy even though they're still in their beds. They stop talking once they notice you're back from the private suite but they seem to be scared to ask the important question.
Chan gestures to you to sit on the sofa instead of on the bed next to the table where Lana is sitting still so prettily.
Before Chan can open his mouth and speak, Lana gets ahead of him, chiming on the table next to you.
"Last night, you faced your ultimate test," Lana skips the morning greeting and goes straight into business.
"As a couple, if you could refrain from breaking any retreat rules, the prize fund will be increased from $0 to $100,000."
You grimace at that because anything could happen at this point.
Lola gasps at the mention of that word and hides behind the duvet. It's your turn to gasp as Lana calls your name.
"Even though you were successful in sexually arousing Chris, he was able to hold firm and respect the rules of my retreat."
Applause and cheers erupt from every corner of the room. You hate that Lana exposed you for what you did in the private suite but it won't stop you from celebrating as well.
"Which means that the prize fund now stands at $100,000," Lana updates.
More cheers and whistles are coming from everyone at the announcement that you both gained half of the total prize money back.
"I am so proud of you, babe!" Dani says to you.
You blow her a kiss as a token of gratitude and look at Chan, he's looking as proud as you are.
"This is what I call growth," Pierre comments with a smile.
"Yeah, that's true," Lola agrees.
Everyone gets quiet as Lana continues talking, "As a reward for showing restraint and putting the interest of the group above your own, you will be going on a date."
You turn to look at Chan and smile, feeling so proud of both of you. You look around the room and ask, "Can I hug him, now?"
They are all laughing before answering, "Yes."
You walk up to Chan and he welcomes you into his arms, holding you so tight while lifting you off your feet.
It feels good to do good and get rewarded for it, you lean close to murmur, "I'm so proud of you."
"I'm so proud of us," he says back with a kiss on your cheek.
YOU: The last few days have been so hard for us so I think we deserve this date and I'm just so excited [grins]
To be honest, Chan is nervous.
Yes, he's happy and excited for the date. What he's worrying so much about is the talk he'll be having with you and he wants to make sure that he gets his emotions across.
It's important that you know his feelings for you.
His face lights up as you walk toward him, he helps you board the boat to get to the other small island where the date will be.
"Gorgeous," he sweet compliments as he brushes your hair and tucks it behind your ear.
"Thank you, baby," you mutter and take his hand to hold it.
The two of you take a short walk to where the date has been prepared, a cute little picnic with a bottle of champagne chilled in a bucket of ice which Chan can easily pop open.
"Mmh... My man is so strong," you playfully praise him.
You take one of the champagne flutes so he can fill it for you, "What are toasting to?"
He thinks for a moment, "Mmh... for passing the ultimate test?"
You chuckle and nod in agreement, "For passing the ultimate test!"
You both clink your glasses together and take a sip of the bubbly wine.
CHRIS: We both know that we have a strong physical chemistry between us but I need to know if we have a strong connection as well. I want this to last.
The sun is slowly sinking into the horizon, painting the sky with stunning bursts of flaming gold colors.
Even Chan is here, in one of the most beautiful places he's ever been, he thinks that what makes it so special is because he's with you.
"Have you realized that it's been me and you since day one?" Chan asks.
You fix your hair and prop one hand next to you, "Yeah," you answer while nodding.
"We've been going through such... a long journey," he says, emphasizing how rough it has been for the two of you.
You nod again and softly laugh, "You know, with other people, I would push them away and keep moving forward. I never once in my life thought I would find 'that someone'."
This is why he's comfortable around you. He shares a piece and you share one piece of you too, it's never going one way with you. Everything is fair and he thinks this is what good communication is.
"As you know, the last relationship I had... it was ugly but in here, in this retreat, I learned how to confront my emotions and open up to someone," Chan shares his piece of him with you.
You're looking at him with eyes that match the soft smile on your face while tucking away the hair getting blown by the wind.
"Also, this retreat helps me put things into perspective," he continues, "I'm able to show sides of myself that I didn't know I had."
You take a sip of your drink and nod again, "Just like I said when people get into my space, I'd normally push them away."
You put your drink away before continuing, "But the fact that I met someone that I like... that makes me feel emotional and vulnerable."
Chan would be lying to say your words aren't making him feel the slightest bit emotional as well. He can feel the sincerity in your words, they are pure and heartfelt.
"I wonder if we're compatible moving forward in the outside world," you finish.
He takes your hand and holds it in the space between you and him. He then clears his throat before speaking.
"Now it's time where I can tell you and it would be wrong for me not to say this..."
His heart hurts as every bit of emotion is getting squeezed out of him into words but he wants to tell you everything, baring it out for you so you know his true feelings for you.
He looks into your eyes, it gives him the confidence to go on and say, "I genuinely do love you."
You close your eyes and break into laughter, it's not the reaction he hoped for but he waits for you to say something.
"I can't believe I came here and fell in love..." you say with a sheepish laugh.
You stare into his eyes and squeeze his hand as you say, "I love you too."
It feels like a ton of weight has been lifted off his chest. He thought he would be bound and confined the moment those words were out of his mouth, instead of that, Chan feels like he's been set free.
CHRIS: When I arrived here, I didn't mean to meet a girl and tell her I love her. I'm a changed man and it's because of her [smiles]
Seeing him happy makes you happy.
The happiness only doubled knowing that the feelings go both ways. Never in a million years have you ever thought you would be falling in love with a guy like him.
Chan is a gentleman, he's kind and sweet, he's very thoughtful and caring, and he has everything that you're not looking for in a man.
But he changed you and made you realize that you deserve a better man. Meeting him and being with him is a blessing like a star falls right onto your lap.
"I always told myself I'm better single and do my things, but with you, I feel safe, comfortable, and powerful at the same time," you let your thoughts out loud to him.
You swallow air to not let the tears get in the way of you speaking your heart out to him, "The best thing is, with you, I feel more reassured and that's something that rarely happens."
The way he's looking at you now is the most beautiful view you've ever seen and you want to imprint it in the back of your head. You also want to bottle this precious moment so you can treasure it for life.
Chan has been quiet for a moment then he lets out a sigh, "I feel like I've won the lottery," he says.
This has been a long journey but you're grateful that you come out of it together, stronger and on top of that, in love more than ever.
Both of your watches chime at the same time and you glance to confirm that it's green.
"Oh?!" You look at him with a surprised face.
Chan smiles and crawls over to you, "Thank you, Lana!" He shouts.
The kiss feels special and it's ultimately because this kiss marks the beginning of your relationship, the first one of many, and hopefully, the start of a long-lasting relationship.
YOU: I'm the... [squeals] I'm the happiest girl in the world [gleefully smiles]
Everyone else is already sleeping when the two of you decide to sneak out to have one final swimming lesson.
Again, it's not a lesson and you both promise to not spend any money. You're doing it as tonight is the last night of the retreat.
Nothing is going to change even when the show is over but it doesn't stop you from feeling sentimental about it.
"It's going to be weird not waking up next to you," you sadly say as Chan hugs you from the back.
He rests his head on your shoulder with his hands wrapped around your waist, "You'll be coming home with me, remember?"
You nod but what you actually meant is how the outside world would be different than here. We have the stupid rules here but everything is much simpler and happier here, you're afraid of losing it all once you step out of this retreat.
"I'm just glad we won back the money," you say, shifting it to a much brighter topic.
"Or else we wouldn't have money for our flights home," Chan jokes.
Your shared waves of laughter are making ripples on the surface of the pool water.
"Who is going to win the money though?" You ask in genuine curiosity.
Chan shrugs in response to your question, "Definitely not us," he says.
Considering that the two of you are the big spenders in the retreat, you wouldn't even dare to think that there's the possibility of winning the prize money too.
To be able to come home with a man you are deeply in love with is already a big win for you.
YOU: I don't care about the money. I got what I want, I got my man [smiles]
"Good morning, friends!" Lola cheerily greets everyone the second the lights turned on.
Staying up until late last night causing him to feel sleepy, he keeps sleeping with his head buried in the pillow. He can feel you slipping your hands around him to spoon him from behind.
"Morning, Channie baby," you softly call him by his Korean name.
He told you about it last night, the name only his family and his close friends are allowed to call him with that name.
You are, of course, more than allowed to call him that. It feels strange to hear it at first but he likes the sound of it, especially the affectionate tone you're using.
He takes your hand and kisses it, putting it close to his chest as he tries to get a few more minutes of sleep. The sound of the melodic chime is enough to make him refrain from going back to sleep.
"Good morning, everyone!" Lana greets, sounding exceptionally kind even though she speaks in the same robotic voice.
"Morning, Lana darling!" Claire replies with a cracked voice.
"Welcome to the last day of the retreat," she announces.
Everyone sadly groans which is quite shocking compared to the first day of the retreat, now everyone is not wanting to leave.
His head snaps at you and it reminds him to soak up every minute left in this retreat with you.
"I will be announcing who the finalists are shortly," Lana further announces.
Everyone's ears perk up at the announcement, finalists in 'plural', which means there is more than one candidate to win the prize money.
Everyone else is secretly guessing who's going to win it but with his bad record, Chan chooses to sit back and wishes everyone the best of luck.
"It's the last day!" Luke remarks, still in disbelief of it.
"Let's make it the best one!" Dani adds as she yawns into her hand.
"And let's spend the whole money today," Chan jokes even though he's slurring his words.
"Funny, Aussie boy!" Jace says as he tosses a cushion at him.
CHRIS: I fully trust that Lana will choose the right person to win the money and I'm okay that I'm not it, Lana, I have no hard feelings [laughs]
"It's the last day so I'm going to wear the tiniest bikini."
Chan hears what you're saying since he's in the dressing room to take something out of his closet.
"Oh my, Gosh!" He responds to what you're saying.
You're chuckling and look at him as he stands across the room, "I'm putting another test on you."
He walks over to your chair and puts his hand around your neck, that way he can angle your head as he pleases. He attacks one side of your face with small kisses.
"Stop being so cute," Claire says as she hollowed her cheeks to apply some colors to them.
"Yeah, stop it before you spend some money," Alicia playfully adds.
Chan lets you go because he needs to go to the bathroom to style his hair, he finds Jace in there, putting his long blond hair into a small bun.
"Who do you think is going to win?" He asks.
It's the third time someone asked him the same question and he'll remain diplomatic about his answer, "Whoever wins I'll be happy for them."
Jace respects his answer and does not further press him to give a name but Chan gets curious about his answer.
"Who do you think?" He turns the table to him.
Jace sits on the edge of the tub and watches as Chan combs his hair in front of the mirror on the sink.
"I think it's you, Aussie boy."
Chan snorts in response, he figures that Jace wants to entertain him with his answer.
"Hey, the one who made a lot of mistakes is the one that is most improved," he defends his answer, proving that he's actually serious about his answer.
"Yeah, nah, I don't think it's me, mate," he refuses his answer to entertain the idea that he has a chance to win it.
"That's just my opinion," Jace says with a nonchalant shrug.
CHRIS: If it were up to me, I think everybody would win here but it's not, it's up to Lana. [Shrugs]
It's the time in the cabana again.
You're sad that it's going to be over soon but God! You're so glad that soon you'll not be hearing that melodic chime again. It's like hearing a soundtrack to a horror movie.
"Hello, everyone!"
"Hey, Lana," you reply, suppressing your anxious groan coming out of your mouth.
"I have been collecting data since you arrived and have now conducted my final analysis," Lana informs.
You can't tell what everyone is feeling right now, it's a mix of anticipation, anxiety or relief, sadness or happiness, everything is there.
"As you are aware, there was a prize fund of $200,000 allocated to aid your development."
You wince at the mention of the word 'was' and it brings back your not-so-finest moments in your head.
"The prize fund stands at $100,000."
"Whoo!" Lola whoops, "That's a lot of money, baby!"
"And it was very hard to gain," Chan playfully comments, sending everyone into laughter.
"Like literally," he adds.
You cover his mouth with your hand to stop him from embarrassing himself more and let Lana continue.
"There are three places in the final."
Now everyone is assessing each other for their possibilities to win the money. You're definitely not going to make the cut with how much you spent in the retreat.
YOU: It's clearly not going to be us. We're the antagonists in this show [chuckles]
"Following my rules alone isn't enough to win. The finalists are those who have shown personal growth during their time at the retreat."
Oh, wait? Personal growth?
If we're talking about personal growth, everyone can see how much Chan has grown since the first day of the retreat. People would think that it's a biased opinion but you believe that Lana sees it, or you hope so.
"The first finalist is..."
You're secretly praying that Chan's name gets called, it's not much about winning, he deserves to be in the final with the journey he's been through in this retreat.
"Pierre and Alicia."
It's kind of expected and everyone is clapping for them because they deserve it. You watch as they're hugging each other and looking so cute it makes you cooing adorably.
"The second finalist is..."
You continue to pray in your heart for one name to be called by Lana, you even have your hands clasped together and close your eyes as you deeply wish for it.
"Jace and Lola."
Again, everyone is clapping because they're genuinely made for each other, they complement each other in a way like no other.
"The third and final finalist is..."
For the last time, you wish and pray as hard as you can in your heart. You never wished for something this badly so for the first time in your life, please let—
Your mouth hangs open in response while he pulls you into a hug. You're at a loss for words for a moment until he pulls away from the hug.
You get teary as you see him standing up to take his place on the final, feeling so proud of him and the man he has become.
"Pierre and Alicia, Jace and Lola, Chris, one of you will walk away with $100,000."
Chan offers his hand at you so you can hold it while he's standing up in front of you. You can't fight the tears that are already pooling in your eyes.
"And the decision will be made by the remaining guests."
"Oh, my God!" You quietly gasp while dabbing the tears in the corner of your eyes.
"Will the shortlisted guests please leave the cabana while the voting takes place," Lana orders.
Chan bends down to hug you since he has to leave. He presses a long kiss on your cheek and caresses your cheek, "I'll see you soon, yeah?"
You nod with a smile, "Okay."
YOU: Oh, I don't care if people think that I am being biased but I saw his growth, every day in this retreat. My vote is going to Chris.
The dressing room is crowded because everyone is getting ready for the last party in the retreat. Everyone is wearing white per the dress code announced by the staff.
Chan pulls you to the bedroom to have some alone time before he gets to be separated from you because the finalists have their special entrance to the party.
He sits down at the end of the shared bed and then pulls you down onto his lap.
"I can't believe that I'm one of the finalists, it's... mad!" He says in disbelief.
You put your hands around his neck and look at him, "You deserve it, baby."
He takes a deep breath as though he was swimming in deep water. He then runs his hand in your hair and affectionately brushes your hair.
"Whatever happens, I'm happy, I'm winning," he says.
You nod.
"I'm going home with a girlfriend," he shyly says with his dimpled smile.
That gets you flustered as well and it seems like it has just sunk in you that you're dating him now, "oh, shoot, I have a boyfriend now," you say with a shocked laugh.
He hugs you as you both laugh at the sudden realization, he buries his head in your neck to drink in the scent that gives him a sense of comfort.
He allows his hands to trace down your sides and adores every curve of it, "Mmh... You look stunning tonight," he praises.
"Spin for me," he demands.
You get off his lap and elegantly raise your hands above your waist before spinning around on your feet to show him the whole look.
"Do you like it?" You ask.
"Oh, love it!" He answers with a dramatic, overwhelmed eye roll.
You sit on his lap again and let him rest his head on your chest, on the soft mounds of your clothed breasts. There are only hours left until the retreat ends but his hands are already getting impatient as they're teasing the zipper of your dress.
"Can't wait to take this off of you tonight," he murmurs with his lips grazing your cleavage as he speaks.
You're lowly humming in response and cradle his head close to your chest, "Anything you want," you tell him.
Those words are sending his mind wandering off and away from his head. He's not thinking about the money at all, all he can think about are the things he wants to do to you.
"You can do anything you want later," you say again with your fingers softly scratching the back of his hair.
"Now that's a real prize," he says with an enthusiastic smile.
CHRIS: Winning or not, I'm leaving in love [smiles]
You sit next to Claire and Nick as the rest of the guests are waiting for the finalists to come and join the party.
"It's sad, isn't it?" Dani says with a sad smile from the other bench.
"It's coming to an end, yeah," Claire shares with a pout.
You've been meaning to not feel sentimental about it but now everyone is feeling the same way, you can't help but have your say about it.
"It's bittersweet, you guys," you say.
Everyone is nodding in agreement and Luke initiates a toast to start the last party in the retreat. The talk continues with everyone sharing their memories here, happy, sad, or funny ones, also everything in between.
Mac has to abruptly stop talking as the finalists are about to enter.
A round of applause welcomes all five of them. First is Pierre and Alicia, and following behind them are Jace and Lola. Last but not least is your number one man, Chan.
You scoot on the bench to make space for Chan to sit on and welcome him with a hug.
"Missed you," you murmur even though you have only been separated from each other for less than an hour.
He caressingly kisses your cheek and puts his arm around you, you reckon he needs the comfort from how nervous he looks right now.
"Got all my fingers crossed for you," you whisper to him.
"Uh-huh!" You answer without a beat and grin at him.
You hold his face by the jaw and place a kiss right on his dimple, hurriedly wiping the lipstick mark with your thumb after.
The melodic chime comes from the cone and it's going to be the last you hear of her, Lana.
"During your time at the retreat, I have observed you all commit to the process, acknowledge your failures, and show significant change."
You nod and smile, "Thank you, Lana!" You sincerely say from the bottom of your heart.
"The time has now come to announce the winner of the $100,000 prize."
You put your heads together and hold each other's hands on his lap, letting go of everything all at once, and no matter what happens, you are happy with each other.
"Pierre and Alicia, Jace and Lola, Chris, please stand!" Lana orders.
YOU: At the end of the day, I'm leaving as a changed person and I'm in a relationship with a man I love. And that's something I have never imagined in a million years. [Brightly smiles]
Chan isn't that optimistic he would win the money.
Yet he feels so nervous Chan has to take a deep breath before getting up from his seat without letting go of your hand.
"You got it, baby," you mutter to him with a squeeze on his hand.
He peers over his shoulder to look at you and flashes you a grateful smile.
"Your fellow retreat guests have voted," Lana continues with the announcement.
Chan looks at the other finalists, at Jace and Lola, and the other way, at Pierre and Alicia. He never thought he would be considered as one of the finalists, he's still in denial about it.
"The person in third place is..."
His heart is beating faster and faster he starts to wonder if he's going to have a cardiac arrest.
"Jace and Lola," Lana announces.
Chan's head snaps in the direction of Jace and Lola who are embracing and congratulating each other despite they do not win the money.
CHRIS: I'm on the top two... [deeply inhales] not expecting this at all. If I win, it wouldn't be my own because she played a big part in my growth in the retreat.
Lana doesn't give him time to relax as she continues to the next announcement.
"Pierre and Alicia, Chris, one of you has been chosen to check out of the retreat with the prize fund."
He squeezes your hand in his hand hard enough that his knuckles turn white. He needs it, he needs something to hold on to.
"The winner who will be leaving with $100,000 is..."
Who doesn't want that much money? But honestly, it's not going to be a loss if he didn't win it. It's been one hell of a journey and an emotional one, he made friendships and experiences of a lifetime here.
"Pierre and Alicia."
He did end up not winning the money but he doesn't feel like losing at all. He's reeling from it and only aware of himself when you hug him so tightly.
CHRIS: Couldn't be happier for Pierre and Alicia.
YOU: [Nods] Yep, they definitely deserved it.
"Congrats, you two!" Chan takes his turn to congratulate the winning couple.
"So happy for you, man!" He says as he gives Pierre a big hug.
The celebration continues with them popping open bottles of champagne and spraying everyone with it. You hide behind Chan as Pierre is aiming the bottle at both you and him.
"You're dripping!" You exclaim, seeing his face sticky and wet with white wine.
You help by wiping it with the back of your hand while he brushes his hair to the back.
Chan looks around and sees that everyone is having fun and happy, there's nothing he wishes more than his. It's a memory he'll treasure for life.
Everyone settles back to their seats as Lana has one announcement left.
"Your time at the retreat is over and therefore, the rules no longer apply."
Chan is turning to you but you're looking the other way, you walk over to the other side and he sees that you're coming over to someone.
Chan and Luke can only laugh as you share another kiss after the retreat ends with Dani.
Luke has to pull Dani away from you to not let the kiss continue while Chan pulls you from behind.
"Okay, that was hot," He says with an impressed smile.
He puts his arms around you and pulls you close, "But it's my turn now."
You giggle at him and waste no time to kiss him, opening your mouth to let him kiss you deeper, relishing the craving he has for the taste of your lips.
CHRIS: We never thought we'd get this far.
YOU: [Nods] Yeah.
CHRIS: [Looks at you] I'm proud of you.
YOU: [Shyly smiles] And I'm so proud of you!
The sounds of the fireworks going off startle you and you both turn around to see them lighting up the sky in bright, colorful sparks.
He's hugging you from behind as everyone else is also watching the wondrous view. His heart feels full yet he wants more of it, he knows that the only way he can get more of it is by sharing it.
Chan brings his mouth close to your ear and says, "I love you."
You turn around to look at him with a confused look on your face, "I'm sorry what?"
It's the explosive sounds of the fireworks and the music playing that make it hard for you to hear what he said the first time.
He raises his voice a little louder and says again, "I love you."
"What?" You raise your voice even louder than him against the constant explosion in the distance.
Chan laughs because it reminds him of the first day you met. He can tell you're not pretending to not hear it this time, he tries again by pressing his mouth close to your ear with his hands cupping around his mouth, "I love you!"
You coo at him in response and turn around to face him, "I love you too."
He captures your lips in one long, lingering kiss and lets out everything in him, freely and intensely. He's not afraid to let go now because he knows that's the only way to love you fully.
And no one can stop him, not now, not ever.
CHRIS: No more Lana. No more rules.
YOU: [Looks at Chris] And that means...?
CHRIS: Get in here!
YOU: [Kisses Chan] [Moans]
CHRIS: [Let go of the kiss] [Looks at the camera] Can I go now? Cause she needs to be f—
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alwaysonthemend · 6 months
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Author's Note: Requested by the lovely @mindastreamofcolours Please don't throw tomatoes at me I know this has taken FAR too long (I'm the worst I'm so sorry) But I hope the length is enough of an apology for the wait. If you see any typos... no you didn't
Also sorry if you got tagged twice. Tumblr was against me posting this apparently and I was ✨struggling✨ but I think I got it fixed now.
Warnings: Fem!reader, threesome (no slash) / unprotected sex / spitting / spanking / oral (m. and f. receiving) / hand jobs / masturbation / voyeurism / arguing / josh being josh / jake being a little shit / dom and sub jake / dom and sub reader / soft!dom josh / MINORS ABSOLUTELY DNI. 18+ ONLY PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD
Word Count: 7k+
⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽ ✺ ☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅
It started years ago – this little… arrangement that the three of you have. And at this point, none of you can even really remember how it had started. But, you suppose, the why and how don’t really matter anymore. 
All that matters is them. 
All that matters is that your life had changed from the very minute you were hired as their makeup artist. Your life changed to revolve around them and their needs. 
And you love every second of it. 
The rules (though none of you have ever really stated them outright) have always been simple. 
One: Don’t talk about it with anyone else. No one needs to know what goes on behind closed doors and no one needs to concern themselves with something they won’t understand. This works for you three and involving others would only complicate things. 
Two: No jealousy. At least, no more than a little showing out here and there. They work together (and they love each other more than anything else in the world) and this cannot ever get in the way. No questions, no pissing contests, no anger, no holding it against each other. There are nights where you leave with Josh and there are nights where you leave with Jake. There’s nothing else to it. 
And finally, three: Never at the same time. 
The arrangement is simple, really. You’re there to help them get their frustrations out now that they’re far too famous to be sleeping around with just any old roadie like the old days. They trust you. And you trust them. It’s easier this way for everyone. They get to blow off some steam and you get the most mind blowing sex of your life – all while getting to travel around the world doing what you love (for a handsome paycheck). 
Plus, there’s satisfaction in knowing that despite there being thousands of men and women out there who would give anything to have them the way you do… it’s you who they go to. It’s you who they trust. 
And anyways, you’re fairly certain that none of those screaming fans would be able to handle them like you can. 
Though it had taken time, you had learned over the years what makes each of them tick – the thing that drives each of them absolutely crazy. 
They’re both so similar and yet so different at the same time. Sun and moon, yin and yang… whatever you might call it – they balance each other in a way that few can understand. 
Their differences are subtle, and yet they make all the difference in the world. 
Josh loves to watch you. He wants to see how your face contorts in pleasure and how your tits bounce when he fucks you. He wants you on your back with your knees up to your chest so he can watch his cock slide in and out of you. He wants to watch you unravel around his cock as he whispers sweet things into your ear. Good girl, clever girl, beautiful girl. All you have to do is lay there and take it – let him pleasure you with his skilled tongue and big cock. Call him baby and Joshy in your sweetest voice and he falls apart inside your cunt, whining and moaning so prettily for you. Josh will give you orgasm after orgasm after orgasm until your body just can’t take it anymore and when you’re finally spent – laying there in a daze,  he’ll grin and kiss you softly. 
And then there’s Jake. Ever the dark to Josh’s light… he wants you to beg for it. He wants you cock drunk and desperate as he brings you to the edge over and over and over again until you’re left as nothing but a whiny mess beneath him. He demands respect. You call him sir or you will receive punishment. You do not cum unless he tells you to. You are obedient to him and him alone (though he always remains a slave to your pleasure despite himself). He likes you on your hands and knees where he can grip your hips and reach around to squeeze your throat as he pounds into you mercilessly. And his mouth. The vulgar things that spew from those plump lips of his leave you blushing like a schoolgirl. You’re his whore, his slut, his pretty little hole that he gets to use for the night. And when he finally, finally lets you cum…it’s the closest to Heaven on Earth that you’ll ever get. 
But yet, as different as they are from each other… they’re the same in all the ways that matter. Your pleasure is at the top of their priorities. As much as you are there to help them relieve themselves on the road… they never take you for granted. At the end of the day, you call the shots and you have both of them wrapped around your finger completely. They’ll follow you into the depths of Hell if you ask them – which you’re sure is where all three of you are headed anyway. It’s an addictive little dance that you all play and you’re sure that it can only lead you all down the path of destruction. And yet… none of you can find it in yourselves to care. 
⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽ ✺ ☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅
You already know that they’re pissed. You can practically smell it in the air as you wait patiently in the green room, waiting. 
They had already been having one of those days – where everything seems to go wrong and they’re both intent on blaming the other for it. You’d been watching them do their dance all day. Listening to their bickering and passive aggressive little remarks at each other as the hours wore on and on. As close as they are… as inseparable as they are, there are days when they can’t seem to stand each other. 
And unfortunately, the tension between the two of them had manifested itself on stage tonight. Of course, you’re 100% certain that none of the members of the audience had even noticed, but you had. And they sure had. 
Josh had been late to the curtain drop. Perpetually late to everything else, he’d always had the decency to at least be on time for his own concerts until tonight. Jake’s shoulders had tensed practically up to his ears at the confused sounds of the crowd as they realized that they were one man short and though you couldn’t see him, you’re sure that the glare that Josh had probably received had been pointed and harsh. 
And then of course Jake’s equipment had malfunctioned briefly, causing him to angrily gesture at his tech to get the problem fixed. It hadn’t taken longer than two minutes and few even noticed the mishap, but the shit eating grin that Josh had given Jake only added to his building rage. 
And finally, the nail in the metaphorical coffin for the night… Jake had decided that it would be a wonderful idea to cut Josh off in the middle of one of his little bits, effectively silencing his joke with a piercing whine from his guitar. 
You’d known immediately that it was over. They'd pushed each other far enough and you would be the one to suffer the (delicious) consequences. It’s just a matter of who gets to you first. 
If Jake reaches you first, you know that you’re in for a night of complete sexual agony and he’ll push you to your limit until he deems you’ve begged him enough for it before finally giving you an orgasm that you’re sure to remember for months to come. And you’ll surely be waking up tomorrow with a bright red ass and a hitch in your step. 
And if Josh gets to you, well… it’s harder to tell with him. Perhaps he’ll decide on a vibrator for the night – getting to watch you fall apart serving as the perfect distraction from his troubles. Or perhaps his tongue will instead be his weapon of choice, using it to make you cum until you physically can’t anymore. 
Either option sounds wonderful and you can’t quite tell which one you want more. The wait will be well worth it no matter which boy is the one to reach you first. 
The sound of the door opening stirs you from your thoughts. You turn to see Josh (the lucky winner for the night) eyeing you like you’re the most incredible thing he’s ever seen. At this point, you’re pretty sure that you are. 
That’s all he says. It’s all he has to say. Even from here you can see his eyes are blown wide and his chest heaves as his eyes drink in your form. Standing there, cloaked in velvet, he’s the picture of sin. The gemstones on his suit glitter as he stands there and you meet his hungry gaze with an innocent smile. 
“Hi, Joshy. Something wrong?” The lilt in your voice is sickly sweet, building up the tension that will inevitably make him snap. 
He only hums – the sound rumbling deep in his chest. 
“I think you know what's wrong, baby.” He whispers, dropping his hand down to palm his hard cock through the velvet. 
Well shit you think to yourself, an excited thrum coursing through your veins as slick pools between your thighs. If he's starting something here… he's desperate enough to not be able to wait for the short ride back to the hotel. All the signs are pointing to tonight being one that you won't forget. 
“Bad day?” You question, leaning back on the sofa where you're sitting and giving him your very best doe eyes. 
He nods, a sigh escaping from between his teeth as his hand grazes his crotch– his throbbing length obvious to you through the tight material. 
“Anything I can do to make you feel better?” This game is making you even wetter… the promise of what you know is to come. Without another word, you slide your body downwards until your knees hit the floor. You glance at him, patting the sofa with your palm. “Bet I can make you forget all about today, baby.”
“Fuck.”  He practically moans, biting his lip as he stalks across the room to look down at you. “You gonna be my sweet girl? Help me relax?” 
You nod, your mouth watering at the sight of his cock straining the fabric of his jumpsuit.
He grins devilishly, unzipping his suit and pulling the fabric down so that it rests around his thick thighs. With grace, he eases himself down to sit on the sofa, leaning back and spreading his legs. 
He never wears underwear in these tight suits and you’re grateful as you sit and stare at his cock. Flushed red and rock hard, it curves upwards to rest against his belly. 
Making a show of it, you hold your palm open and allow a string of saliva to drip from your mouth into your waiting hand. Josh groans at the sight and you waste no time as you wrap your palm around his length, slowly pumping him as you keep your eyes fixed on his. 
A flush has overtaken his cheeks and a light sheen of sweat beads at his hairline. He's got his plump bottom lip caught between his teeth as he fights to keep his eyes from rolling back. He wants to watch you stroke his cock. 
You drop your focus to his throbbing erection, flicking your wrist as you continue to tease him. You press your thumb into the spot just beneath his head and a whine escapes him. You keep the pace slow – too slow for his liking. Working him up until he can't stand it anymore. 
“Don't tease, baby.” He whispers, his tone soft but demanding. 
His hand covers yours, halting your movement as he gazes down at you. You know what he wants. You open your mouth and stick out your tongue, flattening the muscle as you look up at him through your lashes. 
“Fuck, there she is. My wonderful girl.” He mutters, placing the head of his cock on your tongue. He doesn't push in yet, instead taking a moment to admire the sight before him: you, on your knees, tongue obediently extended and your eyes glittering in the dim light. 
Slowly, teasingly, he slides his length into your mouth and you close your lips around him. Relaxing your jaw, you allow the blunt head of his length to hit the back of your throat. You gag slightly around it, exhaling strongly through your nose. Placing both of your palms on his thighs, you dig your fingers into the meat of them as you start to bob your head up and down. You keep your tongue pressed into the underside of him, drawing a loud moan from between his pretty lips. 
You pull out all the tricks you know, making sure to gag every now and then because you know it drives him wild. Tears stream down your cheeks and saliva drips from the corners of your mouth and Josh is quickly coming apart beneath you. 
Just as his cock begins to twitch, signaling his impending orgasm, you’re both broken from your moment at the sound of someone clearing their throat. You pull off him, wide eyes turning to be met with none other than his twin – a dark, dangerous look on his face. 
“What a fucking sight.” He says with a grin, stepping further into the room. 
Josh eyes him warily, his cock softening at Jake’s interruption. 
“What do you want, Jake?” You ask him, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. 
“You’re kinda interrupting something, here.” Josh says snidely, sitting up straighter and pulling his jumpsuit back up to cover his cock. 
“I didn’t say you had to stop.” Jake shrugs, taking a seat in the chair opposite the sofa. “Just patiently waiting for my turn, is all.” 
You quirk a brow at him. He’s never done this before – neither of them have. You can sense the tension and anger radiating off Josh – and Jake seems entirely too comfortable as he sits there watching, a smug little smirk on his face. 
“Wait somewhere else, then.” Josh demands, sitting up straighter and glaring at his brother. 
Jake only meets him with a grin, sitting back in his seat and spreading his legs to get more comfortable. 
“I’m good here. Won’t take long anyway.” 
Despite yourself, you huff a laugh at his joke and then it's your turn for Josh to glare at you.
“Fuck off, Jake.” Josh tells him, jerking his head for the door. “Be fucking thoughtful for once in your life.” 
Jake sits forwards suddenly, placing his elbows on his knees and narrowing his eyes. 
“That’s rich coming from you, brother. Easy for you to say when you always get your fucking way.” 
“That’s not true and you know it.” Josh snaps, eyes fiery. 
Jake scoffs. 
“Fucking diva.” 
“Boys.” You cut in, wiping your palms on your thighs. “Enough. I’m not doing anything with either of you if you’re going to act like children. You,” you glance at Josh, “now you know that you can be controlling and nitpicky sometimes.” Josh’s eyes narrow at you and he opens his mouth to protest but you start in on Jake instead. 
“And you” You glare at Jake, washing the smirk off his face. “You know that you like to stir shit up and make people mad on purpose because you think it's funny. You both have been acting unreasonable all day and you will not be using me as a piece in your little games with each other.” 
Josh looks suitably chastised and Jake too has the decency to look a little guilty. You rise from your place on the floor, knees protesting slightly. Both of their brown eyes track your movements, their facial expressions exactly alike. Fucking twins you think to yourself. 
“Can you please make him leave?” Josh begs, pleading with you with his eyes and a tiny pout on his lips. 
“No. I’m the one who’s leaving. I’m not fucking either of you until this” you gesture between the two of them, “gets resolved. You both know what room I’m in. Get your shit together and figure it out.” 
With that, you stalk confidently across the room, throwing open the door and making your way to the exit of the venue. Just as you round the corner, faintly you can hear Josh’s voice – angry and high pitched, “You couldn’t even let me have one fucking moment with her, could you? You asshole!” 
Rolling your eyes, you call an Uber and wait for it to take you back to your hotel. 
⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽ ✺ ☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅
You take a nice, hot shower as soon as you get back. You take your time, allowing yourself to relax and forget about your idiotic twins. Once you get out and dry off, you check your phone to see a text from Jake. 
I’m sorry.  
You just giggle at the message. You know he’s never being malicious. But he does enjoy stirring shit up sometimes without really thinking about the consequences. You figure you’ll leave him on ‘read’ for now so he can sit there tonight and stew for a little bit.
Just as you turn it off, the screen lights up again with a text from Josh. 
im sorry baby
You figure you can answer him. He hadn’t been the one to try and involve you in their pissing match anyways. You send him a quick ‘It’s okay.’ before turning your phone off for good. Once changed into a pair of comfortable cotton panties and a tank top, you slip under the covers in the hopes of getting some good sleep. 
A loud knock wakes you. 
Sitting up, you rub your eyes and try to get your bearings. You’d been sound asleep. 
Another knock against the door. 
“Fuck, coming!” You call, climbing out of bed and making your way to the door, fully expecting one of the twins to be waiting on the other side. 
The door swings open and you stop dead in your tracks. Both twins stand across the threshold, matching twinkles in their eyes. 
“Hey, angel.” Jake says kindly, as if both of them showing up at your door in the middle of the night is perfectly normal. 
“Um. Hi?”
“May we come in?” Josh asks you, grinning slightly as he takes in your state of (un) dress. 
“I guess?” You step aside, allowing them both to step into the room (annoyingly in sync as they walk). You close the door and lock it behind you. “Is everything okay?” 
“Wonderful, actually.” Jake says, plopping himself down in the desk chair and swiveling back around to look at you. 
“You and Josh figure things out, then?”
“Yup.” Josh says, popping the ‘p.’ 
They’re both silent for a minute, making you squirm slightly under their dual gazes. They know something… or want something. You can feel it in the air. They’re up to something. Whether good or bad… you have no fucking clue. 
“Is there a reason that you’re both here?” You ask, sitting on the edge of the bed as Josh comes to stand in the middle of the room. 
“Yes. Though whether or not both of us stay is up to you.” Josh starts, glancing back at his twin for a moment before continuing. “See, we realized that we were both being a little overly dramatic today.” 
“Which Josh started.” Jake butts in. 
“Shut up, Jake.” Josh says, narrowing his eyes again and you’re worried that they’re going to start all over again. But Josh lets it slide. “And neither of us really want to give you up for the night seeing as how we’ve both had such a shit day.” He pauses and looks pointedly at Jake. “Regardless of who started it.” 
“And see… we thought that maybe – just this once, neither of us should have to wait. Figured that maybe we could share you for tonight.” Jake cuts in. 
“Share me?” You ask slowly, brain working a mile a minute as it tries to make sense of his words. Surely he doesn’t mean… right?
“Only if you’re comfortable, of course.” Josh says easily, hands moving about slightly as he speaks. “Or you can tell us to fuck off and we’ll leave you alone for the night.”
You swallow thickly, heart thrumming. 
“Share me…” You echo, brows pinched together. “As in, you both… with me. At the same time.” You speak slowly, still trying to wrap your head around the idea.
“In essence, yes. If you’d like to.” Jake says. 
You’re silent for a long moment – each of them waiting patiently for you to speak again. You’d be a big fat liar if you said that you hadn’t thought about it before. Having both of them… the ultimate sin that your mind loves to throw at you whenever you’re alone. Nights in between touring when you lay alone in bed, your own hand between your thighs to relieve the ache that the twins leave in their absence. Your thoughts – unable to choose, swirling between both of them. Their faces, the same but not, plaguing your mind’s eye and making your aching pussy soaked. Josh’s sugary words and Jake’s dirty compliments echoing through your ears all mixed up. The thought of having both of them at once – as wrong as it may be… just the thought alone usualy has you coming apart in seconds. 
And now here they are, offering you your deepest desire on a silver fucking platter. 
“Okay.”  You breathe out, voice shaky but sure. 
“You’re sure?” Josh asks, stepping towards you and brushing his fingertips down your cheek. “It’s your choice.”
“You won’t hurt our feelings by saying no.” Jake adds, smiling ever so softly at you. 
“And I’m saying yes.” You tell him with all the confidence that you can. Because you do want this. More than anything. You want to be fucking ruined. 
And yet… you’re not sure where to start. This is new territory – one that feels as though it’s too good to be true. Perhaps it is. 
“I believe I interrupted something earlier.” Jake says, once again leaning backwards in his chair. “Perhaps we can start by letting you finish what you started.”
Jake must have sensed your hesitance, deciding instead to tell you where to start. You’re infinitely grateful for him and his ability to sense when you need guidance.This is familiar for you – letting him take control. It’s natural the way his velvet voice tells you what to do. It makes this easy. 
You nod, gaze sweeping to where Josh stands, his face eager as he watches you slide off the bed to come and stand before him. 
“On your knees for me, sweet girl.” Josh whispers, easing his sweatpants off his hips and then hooking his fingers in the elastic of his boxers and pulls them down as well. He’s already hard and leaking, probably aching to be touched after being interrupted earlier. Slowly, you ease down onto your knees. 
“Suck his cock, angel. Make him feel good.” Jake’s voice is smooth as whiskey, just barely above a whisper. 
You do as he says, opening wide and letting Josh slide his cock back into your waiting mouth. 
“Shit.” He hisses, tossing his head back as his tip hits your throat. His hand comes up to tangle in your hair as he begins to thrust into you softly, giving your throat a moment to adjust to the intrusion before picking up his pace. 
You can feel the wetness between your thighs as you sit there letting him use your mouth – the cotton of your panties surely completely drenched through. Something about the noises Josh is making coupled with the feeling of Jake’s dark gaze on you has you feeling like you could come completely untouched before the night is over. 
The sound of a zipper being undone has you pull off Josh and snap your gaze over to Jake – Josh whimpers at the loss of contact but you’re more concerned with the sight of Jake easing his own hard cock from his pants and wrapping his fist around himself. He strokes his hard length lazily, eyes never leaving you. 
“Did I tell you to stop?” He asks, a sharp edge to his voice. “Keep sucking him, angel. You look so pretty like that.”
Josh’s finger hooks beneath your chin, forcing your focus back onto him and you gasp at the sight. His eyes, normally a soft brown, are blown almost black with lust. His cheeks are flushed and his breathing is heavy as he gazes down at you. 
“Focus on me.” He says softly, his thumb coming down to caress your bottom lip. He tugs at it, dragging it downwards slightly before gripping your jaw a little harder. 
You take the hint and open your mouth again. 
“Good girl.” 
This time, you do give him your full attention as his thrusts into your mouth grow more confident. You gag around him and you hear Jake let out a quiet little groan at the sound. Spurred on, you relax your jaw even more, taking Josh even deeper. 
“Oh fuck.” Josh whines, head tossed back in pleasure. “Good fucking girl.” 
His cock twitches on your tongue and he pulls out, a string of saliva connecting his flushed tip to your mouth. 
You pout slightly, having wanted to taste his release but he only smiles at you. 
“Not yet, baby. I wanna savor this.” He caresses your jaw lovingly. “On the bed.” 
You hastily comply, scrambling to sit in the middle of the large bed and looking at your twins – waiting for them to tell you what to do. 
“Look at that.” Jake says with no small amount of pride in his voice as he stands up and begins to strip from his clothes before striding over to the side of the bed. You take a long moment to admire him. 
You eye the way his biceps and forearms flex as he moves, your mouth waters as you admire his plush thighs, and your own thighs clench at the way the strength of his body is balanced by his curves that are so rare to find in a man. He’s nothing short of breathtaking.
“Always so eager to please. Just waiting to be told what to do.”  He hums, hand still lazily stroking his leaking cock. “Strip.”
“That’s a good girl.” Josh mutters, watching you with hungry eyes as you pull your tank top over your head and slide your soaked panties down your legs, kicking them to the floor. 
Josh, the only one still clothed, begins to strip himself – but your focus is ripped from him as Jake comes to stand at the edge of the bed. He grips your calf in his strong, calloused hand, using it to yank your body around and onto your back. There’s no finesse to his movements as he manhandles you into the position he wants, the hunger in his eyes infinitely clear. 
Once on your back, Josh climbs into the bed between your thighs. He settles his weight between them, using his palms to spread your legs wider and exposing your glistening folds. His back muscles flex as his lithe form settles, his amber eyes glittering up at you. 
“She’s dripping.” Josh murmurs, tongue darting out to lick his plush bottom lip. “Stunning.” 
You whine, inching your hips towards him slightly, your core aching to be touched. 
“Desperate little thing.” Jake’s velvet voice rings out through the room, his hand coming down to tangle in your hair. He stands at the edge of the bed, his hard cock merely inches away from where your head hangs off the edge.
Another pulse of need rocks through you as your brain catches on to the possibilities that this position grants you. With Josh nestled between your thighs and Jake’s aching member so close to your mouth, you have no doubts about where this is going. 
As if in answer to your sinful thoughts, Josh swipes a finger through your folds, just barely brushing against your swollen clit and making you jolt. 
“Josh, please.” You whine, spreading your legs wider for him – begging him silently to give you more. 
“She just loves to be eaten out, don’t you?” Jake murmurs, looking down at you squirm on the bed. “Go ahead, Josh. Give her what she wants.” 
Josh relents, delving into your core and circling your bundle of nerves with his tongue. The feeling is sudden – aggressive even, and the stimulation makes you cry out loudly. He hooks his arms around both of your thighs as he begins his assault, using his talented tongue to completely unravel you. 
Jake, never one to let the spotlight last on Josh for too long, taps the head of his cock on your lips. Without hesitation, you open your mouth and let him slide his member between your lips. With your neck hanging downwards, he reaches all the way to your throat with ease. You moan and swallow around him, making his composure crack slightly as a groan escapes him.
“Fuck. Perfect little mouth.” He praises, beginning to thrust delicately into you. “Tap on my thigh and I’ll stop.” He says through clenched teeth and all you can do is moan around his cock in response. 
Josh’s slender fingers suddenly join in the mix as he plunges them into you – curling them in a way that makes your legs feel like jelly as he keeps lapping at your clit with your tongue. He moans as he does so, his hips rutting into the mattress below him as he pleasures you. 
If your mouth wasn’t otherwise occupied, you’re sure that you’d be screaming from the pleasure. Between Josh’s menstrations and the sound of Jake’s breathy moans as he fucks into your mouth, your orgasm is already rapidly approaching. 
Your arms thrash about widely, finally coming down to fist into the sheets as the crest of pleasure builds within you. Josh is unrelenting, using all the things that he knows makes you fall apart. Jake is faring no better than you, his face twisting and contorting in pleasure. 
“Come on, Y/n. Be a good slut and cum, baby.” He encourages, voice shaky with his own pleasure. “Enjoy it. You’re not gonna get another one for a long while.” 
With that, the band snaps and your orgasm rips through you – drenching Josh’s face as he works you through it. Jake pulls from your mouth, allowing you a chance to get a full gulp of air as you writhe beneath them. 
Josh sits up, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and grinning from ear to ear. 
“Tastes like candy.” He says, licking his lips as he gazes at your spread out form. 
All you can do is lay there stunned for a moment as you recover, chest heaving. 
“She’s a sight for sore eyes.” Jake murmurs, caressing your jawline with his pointer finger. “Bet that pretty pussy is just aching to get fucked, isn’t she?” 
You nod, body already aching for another orgasm. 
“Does my beautiful girl want my cock?” Josh asks, gripping your ankles and pulling so that your head now rests fully on the bed. 
Just as you open your mouth to reply, Jake cuts in with a dangerous lilt to his voice. 
“Don’t assume, brother. Maybe she’d prefer someone else’s.” 
“Doubtful.” Josh snarks, glaring daggers at his twin. 
“Fuck, stop.” You breathe out, sitting up to glare at both of them. You try to keep your face stern, but the thought of both of them arguing over who gets to fuck you has more slick pooling between your thighs. “No arguing.” 
“Your choice then, baby.” Josh grins, a smug smile on his face as if he already knows your answer. 
But in truth, even you don’t know. In fact, you have half a mind to let them continue arguing if only to further fuel the fire between your legs. But you figure that encouraging them would only end in all out warfare. Instead, you just grin at them, a wonderful idea coming to life in your mind. 
“Jake.” You start, turning to meet his dark eyes. “Get on the bed.” 
He grins and complies, eyes glittering thinking that he’s going to get his way. He always does when it comes to the bedroom, but tonight you want to challenge him – remind him and Josh who’s really in charge here. 
Jake crawls over to you, a dominant air about him as he moves to smother your body with his own. But instead of allowing it, you press your palm into his chest and push – shoving his back roughly into the headboard. 
Air escapes his lips in a shocked huff as he stares at you – completely taken off guard. Josh, seeing his expression, laughs quietly.  
“Angel, what-” 
You shush him. 
“Quiet.” You glance between him and Josh. “You both said that I’m in control, didn’t you?” You ask, though it’s not really a question. You all know the answer. 
Jake nods and Josh whispers a quiet ‘yes.’
With a grin, you turn your eyes to face Josh, his lips parted and eyes watching your every move – just waiting for you to tell him what you want. 
Without a word, you nudge Jake’s legs further apart before settling yourself on your knees between them. His chest moves up and down rapidly as he looks up at you. Though he’s letting you call the shots, you’re sure that you’ll pay for it some other time. But for now, you’re going to enjoy it.
“You know, Jake…” You murmur, sweeping your palms up his thighs and feeling the muscle twitch beneath your fingertips, “You love calling the shots. Maybe even more than Josh does.” You drop your hand to play with his cock – lightly pinching his tip between your fingertips and making his hips buck upwards off the bed. “I feel like maybe it might be time for a taste of your own medicine, yeah?” 
A delicate, almost silent whimper escapes him. It’s so quiet that you might have thought you imagined it… but the way his cock twitches and his chest heaves gives him away. 
“Josh?” Josh, sitting silently and watching you, perks up as you finally turn your attention back to him. “Come here, baby. Right behind me.”
Josh complies, crawling over behind where you sit between Jake’s thighs. Without a word, you slowly ease your chest downwards, spreading your own thighs and allowing your ass to stick up invitingly in the air for Josh. You wiggle your ass and a shaky exhale punches out of him, his hands coming to rest on your hips. 
As he does so, you sweep your gaze up to meet Jake’s eyes – his pupils blown wide with want. Opening your mouth, you teasingly lick up his shaft, swirling the tip of your tongue around his head, before pulling your mouth away again. 
“You don’t get to come until I say. Understand?” 
He nods and you wrap your arms around his thighs and dig your fingers into the soft flesh. 
“I understand, angel.” 
Tossing your head back over your shoulder to look at Josh, you ease your hips back towards him again. 
“Let me fuck you, pretty girl.” He begs, his hard cock pressing into your ass cheek as he waits for your permission. 
“Go ahead, Joshy.” You tell him, keeping your voice nice and sweet just like he likes. “Make me feel good.” 
You descend your mouth back onto Jake’s aching cock as Josh enters you with one long thrust. You moan, causing Jake to groan at the vibration. 
“Fuck, just like that.” Jake moans, his hand coming up to grip your hair but you swat it away. You want to enjoy the control for a while longer. 
Josh’s hips slam into yours rhythmically, his pace slow and precise. With each glide of his cock against your walls, his head nails that special place inside of you. It takes all of your focus to keep bobbing your head up and down Jake’s length, making sure to keep your tongue pressing up into him – making him writhe and moan as he fights to keep himself from rutting his hips up into your mouth. 
“Baby,” Josh moans, his voice sounding wrecked as his hips increase their speed. “Fuck, I can feel you fluttering around me.” 
The wet sound coming from between your thighs coupled with the sound of Josh’s skin hitting yours and the sound of your mouth moving up and down Jake’s cock makes a delightfully symphony of pure lust and sin. You know already that this night will forever be cemented in your mind for years to come. You will never be able to think of it without growing wet. Josh’s cock is stretching you so wonderfully and Jake’s pretty noises are making your clit throb. 
Saliva dribbles out of the sides of your mouth, drenching Jake’s cock and just by the sound of him alone you can tell that he’s close. Josh’s pace is beginning to grow frenzied, his breaths coming out in tiny little moans as his own orgasm approaches. Hearing both of them, Jake’s hot, aching cock twitching on your tongue, Josh’s cock hitting all the right places… it’s like every one of your senses has been overtaken with them. Their sounds, the feel of them. Fuck it’s the best feeling in the whole fucking world. And as much as you don’t want this to end, you just can’t fight your orgasm anymore. 
You cry out around Jake’s cock, throat constricting around him as your release rips through you. Josh is a moaning mess as his own orgasm overtakes him, his cock painting your walls as he buries himself inside of you. His hips keep going, overstimulating himself with your clenching pussy as he fucks you through your orgasm. 
Finally he pulls out, murmuring praises for you as he tries to calm down. 
Through the haze of pleasure clouding your mind, you register Jake’s cock twitching on your tongue. He needs to cum, his whines echoing over the roaring in your ears as he holds himself back, waiting for your permission. 
You pull off him, robbing him of his finish and a feral growl escapes him at the loss. You’ve enjoyed not giving him what he wants and the power has gone to your head it seems. But you’ve pushed it too far. 
Faster than what you thought possible, Jake sits up and fists your hair in his grasp. He yanks backwards, exposing your throat for him and you can’t help but moan. 
“Brat.” He whispers, leaning in close to you. His eyes look over your shoulder to Josh, who’s eyeing the both of you warily. “Move.” Jake demands, but Josh doesn’t do it. “Move.” He demands again, eyes blazing. 
A fresh wave of slick escapes you, dripping down your thighs and drenching the bed below at the anger in Jake’s voice. Making him wait, telling him what to do… it had been wonderful while it lasted but this is the Jake that you want. 
“Josh.” You whine, unable to face him fully because of Jake’s hold on your hair. “Do as he says.” 
Gingerly, Josh moves up in the bed. As soon as he’s out of the way, Jake grips your waist and flips you, pushing your back into the mattress as he hovers over you. His cock, neglected and no doubt aching, grazes your stomach and your thighs clench together in the hopes of soothing the ache there. 
“I agree to share you for the night, I let you call all the shots. Fuck I even let Josh be the one to fuck you…” He says darkly, his fingers gripping your sides and digging into your skin harshly. “And this is what I get in return, huh?” He laughs, sitting up just a bit to grip his cock in his hand and pump himself a few times, his precum making it easy for him. “No more nice. You’re gonna lie here,” he says, sliding his tip through your wet folds. “And you’re gonna fucking take it.” 
Josh, breaking his silence at last, leans back onto the headboard and spreads his legs. 
“Be good for him, baby girl. Just lie there and look pretty doing it.” 
The shock of his words has you momentarily breathless but then Jake spears you with his cock, effectively silencing your thoughts of anything other than the feeling of him stretching you. You cry out, hands fisting in the sheets at your sides as Jake starts a merciless pace. His hips are like lightning, pounding into you at a pace that you’ve never experienced before. 
From the corner of your vision you can see Josh, his hand dropping between his thighs, his dick rock hard yet again despite having only just cum moments before. He moans your name at the first glide of his hand over his cock, his knees falling open wider and his jaw hanging slack with pleasure. 
"You look so fucking pretty like that, baby." Josh's words come out shaky thanks to the pleasure coursing through him. "Fucking hell."
Jake, his face contorted in almost a snarl, snaps his hips into yours like a man possessed. It’s so fast and so soon after your last orgasm that your pussy feels like it's on fire – icy hot sparks mixing with the pleasure as your body trembles beneath him. You open your mouth to speak – to demand more or for him to stop you have no idea, but all that comes out is a high pitched, whiny moan. 
“I don’t fucking care.” Jake grits out, licking his thumb and dropping it to circle your clit. Your body jolts, the pain of overstimulation finally melting away to fiery pleasure.
Josh’s moans grow louder, the sound of his fist over his cock matching the pace of Jake’s hips – brutally fast and unforgiving. Your name falls from between his lips, interrupted only by groans and whimpers as he brings himself to the edge yet again. 
"Cum for us, baby. Make a mess." Josh encourages, his hand never slowing.
"Give it to me. Come on, angel." Jake's demand is firm but his voice wavers and cracks as he holds himself back.
The band that has been building and building in your lower belly finally snaps and your whole body goes taut, your muscles contracting and shaking uncontrollably as your release washes over you. Jake’s pace finally falters, his hips stuttering and a loud, feral groan falling from between his plump lips as he finally finishes. Josh’s voice rings out as he paints his hand and belly, his own release hitting him at the sight of you. 
As the fog of lust and wanton, filthy desire finally begins to dissipate, the three of you are left lying there trying to get your breathing back under control. As harshly as Jake had been fucking into you just moments before, he’s delicate and soft as he slowly pulls out of you. His hands caress your sides, his rough fingertips ghosting over your skin and making goosebumps rise in their wake. Josh sits up and leans forward to brush your sweaty hair from your forehead. 
You smile lazily up at them, body still buzzing with pleasure but tiredness leaching into your muscles. 
“Better now?” You murmur, a lazy smile on your lips. 
“Infinitely.” Josh answers you, eyes glittering.
“Thank you, angel.” Jake says, pressing a feather light kiss to your belly. “So good for us.” 
“The best, even.” Josh adds, tone equally soft as Jake’s kiss. “And all ours.”
“All yours.” Is all your tired brain can come up with to answer. And it's the truth. You’re theirs. Completely. 
⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽ ✺ ☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅
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respectthepetty · 6 months
Pit Babe Colors Ep. 8
I'm challenging myself with this show and seeing how good my color skills really are, so I'm doing my normal thing of watching it double-speed on mute, but now, the captions are off also. It's just colors and vibes here. Also, I know way more than I intended because of comments and reblogs on previous posts, so I'm in the know now.
Kim looking at Kenta's face right before the elevator closed is the only thing keeping me from losing it. If Kentana doesn't save Kimberly, what is the point of this?! What is the point of Kentana?!
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Are y'all a couple now? Y'all are starting to color and outfit coordinate, and it feels very gay.
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I don't know what to do with these two.
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I'm pretty sure I'm just not seeing pink on Pete, which means he has connections to the red, and Way refuses to stay blue, so I'm sure he is still planning some corrupt red nonsense.
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JUST BE BLUE! Just be in love with each other. Accept his love, Waymond!
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I never thought I'd write this, but be like Jeffrey, Waymond. Turn blue. Commit to the blue. Fall in love!
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Look at him! No matter what connection he has to the red, he is beating the allegations. Peter is a GOOD MAN! If Waymond doesn't fall in love with him, somebody else will. Guaranteed.
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Not going to read too much into that red stripe at the top of the room, but this is a red's room. Is this Kimberly's?! Why is there so much blood?!
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When you take people's superpowers, yet have no idea how to use the superpowers. Apparently, Babe without superpowers is still better than everyone else. At least Charles is no longer a lying blue.
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I think Big Red knows something is different with Babe, and even though Jeffrey still has that damn red bag . . . IS THAT WAYMOND?! No, Waymond, no! Do NOT work with Big Red. You have Peter RIGHT THERE! Quit your bullshit, Waymond!
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WTF, Kentana?! If I have to pick between you two, I pick Peter. No contest. Kimberly, Peter, and Alan above everyone else. Kentana, you better stop it! You are still on my shit list!
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Hold up! Do you two know each other? Like biblically? What is this tension? What are these looks? Why does this feel very personal? I ain't mad at it, but Kentana still needs to save Kimberly!
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Jeffrey, why would you go there in that red and blue flannel shirt?! That won't save you, buddy!
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Kentana, the ONLY thing that will redeem you is saving Kimberly. I didn't like Jeffrey, but now he is matching with Alan, so they are in love, and you can't break Alan's heart! You are just fucking up left and right today, and I hope you get punched in the throat before this episode is over.
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KIMBERLY IS DYING! And y'all are about to have sex in the blue after tending wounds which is pointless because you have superpowers that will heal you!!!!!! Y'all continue to amaze me by the lack of priorities. Save Kim Possible!
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Why is this shot in the mirror? Why is there a barrier between you two? This is odd. More lies?
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Who takes a shot like that?! A KILLER! Barbara, get it together! This isn't an episode of Dead Friend Forever, and you are no longer a red.
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Everything about this scene is ridiculous. Charles in blue. SONIC in blue. North and Waymond in black. AND EVERYONE IS DRINKING RED SODA! This not looking good for the blues. Whatever they are talking about, the reds already won.
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Barbara continues to be touchy-feely with Waymond. Why can't he just let Waymond brood in peace? Barbara knows Waymond loves him, yet gives Waymond no space. Go tend to your boyfriend's fake injuries, Barbara! Waymond is working with Big Red and not falling in love with Peter, yet you have me feeling bad for him, Barbara. I should hate Waymond! BUT I CAN'T BECAUSE YOU WON'T LEAVE HIM BE!
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These two have to be sleeping together. Cooking Crush had the Chicken Bite product placement too and Prem and Ten definitely want each other in that show, so North and Sonic have to want each other too, yes? Yes. Now why are they watching Whiny Winifred while flirting IN THE BLUE?! They finally are both wearing blue at the same time. Thank, Baby Jesus.
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I was worried seeing Waymond in the red doorway, but he has Charles and Barbara. But they aren't saving Kimberly. Why does nobody care about Kimberly?!
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The kid is blue. Is he the insider informant? He is a child!
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Why are there so many red kids in the world? Big Red, why do you need an army?! Overthrow your shitty kidnappers with your superpowers, kids! REVOLT! Sí se puede
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North and Sonic are going to save Kimberly! They are finally in the blue and saving my favorite red! I never doubted them!
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Southwest Airlines and Vegas' Hedgehog did NOT save Kimberly! Kentana watched as Kimberly got taken, then had the audacity to have chemistry with Peter. Jeffrey walked right into the reds like that was gonna save him instead of saving Kimberly! Whiny Winifred kicked Kimberly. Waymond is working with Big Red and not saving Kimberly. Charles and Barbara CANNOT prioritize and are talking to a blue kid and giggling at each other instead of rescuing Kimberly.
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These men need to get their shit together! The ONLY things that needed to happened this episode were 1) SAVE KIMBERLY and 2) ACCEPT PETER'S LOVE! Neither happened. Honestly, Kentana and Waymond could die and leave Kimberly and Peter to be the power couple of Alan's company. They both wear too much black, and unlike Barbara, they aren't the title character, so either commit to the blue Waymond or Kentana, or else I'm gonna start thinking y'all are disposable.
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heliads · 2 years
Can I request for Z3 Wyatt.
Wyatt and y/n are secretly dating for a while and when the aliens comes alan takes a liking to her and flirts with her and Wyatt gets jealous. So basically one day alan wanted to ask y/n out then Wyatt gets so jealous/overprotective and basically says while he’s in full wear wolf form ( his eyes glow and his fangs show) “ get ur hands off my girlfriend” in front of everyone. Angst with fluffy ending :))
I hope u understood that
i understand everything
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Wyatt Lykensen isn’t a big fan of the aliens. 
He isn’t the only one to feel this way, certainly. Not after they touched down in an explosion that rocked Seabrook half to pieces. Not after they’re taking advantage of their otherworldly abilities to beat out the rest of Seabrook High in just about every contest possible— athletic achievements, good grades, you name it. 
Plus, their attitudes are just terrible. They pretend they’re just exploring a new way of life and just happen to be grinding everyone’s faces into the dirt by accident, but Wyatt swears he knows better. 
He might be a little biased, though. The extraterrestrial newcomers committed one cardinal sin that’s damned them in Wyatt’s eyes until eternity. It’s something so bad that he’ll never forgive them again, even if they save his life a thousand times. It’s not just trying to tamper with the moonstone, as if that wasn’t bad enough. 
No, what the aliens have done is something far worse, so terrible Wyatt’s fists clench at his sides when he so much as thinks about it. What is this terrible act, one might ask? What have the aliens done to ruin them forever? Easy. They’re trying to steal his girl. 
Technically, they don’t know Wyatt’s girl is Wyatt’s girl, although that doesn’t earn them back any points. Wyatt has been secretly dating Y/N L/N for about three months now, and he’s never been happier. Their relationship started off a secret back when the werewolves were the unwanted intruders, and the easy rhythm of keeping everything hidden ended up being too familiar a pattern to break. 
So no one else knows Wyatt is dating Y/N and they automatically assume she’s available. That would be an acceptable mistake to make, except for the fact that it isn’t. Y/N is Wyatt’s girlfriend, and no one else’s. Certainly not some alien weirdo whose biggest claim to fame is the fact that he descended from the sky like a glorified stage performer. 
It’s the fault of one alien in particular. Their leader of sorts, A-Lan, has been all over Y/N ever since his ship touched down. It’s not like Wyatt feels threatened by him or anything, he just doesn’t like it, that’s all. What does A-Lan possibly have over him other than oddly bright blue hair, a superiority complex, and insanely good grades and skills and— oh no, he might be threatened after all. 
Wyatt tries to push the whole thing from his mind. This isn’t a big deal, Y/N loves him and not the alien so the whole situation can just die down. He’ll probably forget he ever saw A-Lan as a possibility of pain in a week or two. 
So Wyatt thinks, at least, and then he looks across a crowded hallway and sees Y/N talking to A-Lan by her locker. She’s laughing at something he just said, and Wyatt thinks he’s going to lose his mind. 
“Careful,” says a wry voice from behind him, “I don’t think that combination lock has done anything to you to deserve being crushed.”
Wyatt startled and looks from Zed Necrodopolis, who has just appeared from the crowds to stand by his side, to the combination lock still in his hand. It had once been able to fit in his locker, but judging by the way it’s been almost flattened in Wyatt’s death grip, it won’t be useful as anything more than a paperweight from now on. 
Wyatt pries his fingers from around the twisted metal with no small amount of effort. Zed watches with amusement. 
“I take it you aren’t as open to the aliens, then?” The other boy prods. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Wyatt denies. 
Zed arches a brow. “I’m sure you don’t. You just happen to have it out for your lock for a reason utterly unrelated to the fact that Y/N’s smiling at A-Lan?”
“Again?” Wyatt breaks out, temporarily forgetting that he’s not supposed to be aware of any of that. He tries to school his expression back into a more suitable neutral, but the damage is down. 
Zed nods sagely. “Thought so. I get it, though. I know how it feels.”
Wyatt glowers as he puts his binders into his only slightly demolished locker. “Do you really?”
“Actually,” Zed says, “I do. Remember when you and your pack were the new guys in town? It used to drive me crazy watching you talk to Addison all the time. I was sure you were going to steal her from me.”
Wyatt scoffs. “Of course I wasn’t. Addison wouldn’t leave you if she found a fairytale prince ready to offer her a castle.”
“I’m glad you think so,” Zed remarks pleasantly, “but this is exactly the same thing with you and Y/N. She loves you, not A-Lan.”
It occurs to Wyatt that he shouldn’t be hearing this advice. “Y/N doesn’t love me. We’re, uh, just friends.”
Zed snorts. “You actually think I’m going to believe that? I mean, I only figured it out a month ago, but it’s pretty obvious if you think about it. You and Y/N are clearly in love. That’s why you’re so angry that A-Lan is flirting with her.”
Wyatt groans. “Yeah, that’s it alright. I just don’t know what to do about it.”
Zed plunks a reassuring hand on Wyatt’s shoulder. “You don’t have to do anything about it unless something happens. Y/N can handle herself, trust me. That’s why she’s been glancing over at you every five seconds instead of paying attention to A-Lan blabbering away at her.”
“Really?” Wyatt asks hopefully. 
Zed nods and jerks his head towards Y/N’s locker to prove his point. Wyatt follows his line of sight and meets Y/N’s eyes. She flashes him a bright smile, and just like that, he can’t find it within him to worry about blue haired aliens for a single second. 
That relief is only temporary, however. A few days later, Wyatt is still stressed. Y/N may love him as much as Wyatt loves her, but A-Lan’s efforts to win her over are so relentless that they could convince anyone that it’s time for a change. A-Lan holds doors open for Y/N, he carries her books in the hall, he even brings her flowers, something that sends Wyatt into a fury that Willa has to be called in to calm him down. 
No, he’s losing it. Losing her, maybe, and that thought is enough to make Wyatt even less sure of himself. So, when he’s walking Y/N home from school one supposedly sunny afternoon and he sees A-Lan approaching them with a stupid little grin on his face, Wyatt knows, he Knows, that this is going to be bad. 
Still, he tries to be civil. For Y/N’s sake at least, Wyatt can stop rising to every single bait. He can still remember what it was like to be the supernatural outcast, how the zombies hated the werewolves for being different even though they had fought so hard for equality. Now it’s the werewolves’ turn to repeat the cycle, and maybe at some point these otherworldly newcomers will be able to go through the exact same thing. 
A-Lan comes to an excited stop beside them. “Y/N, it’s so good to see you can. It has been far too long since the last time we spoke.”
Y/N chuckles. “I saw you last period. It’s barely been ten minutes.”
“Exactly,” A-Lan says, teeth shining uncannily brightly. His fluorescent smile dims somewhat when he turns to Wyatt, as if just now realizing that Y/N isn’t alone. “Wyatt Lykensen.”
“A-Lan,” Wyatt says, mirroring the other boy’s stilted tone.
A-Lan clears his throat. “I was hoping to speak to Y/N.”
Wyatt nods, and after a few moments, A-Lan coughs again, this time louder. “Alone,” he clarifies.
Oh. Wyatt glances over at Y/N, and he’s just about to prove that he’s the bigger person and leave when he notices that Y/N is looking at him beseechingly. A second later, it hits him. Y/N wants this as little as Wyatt does, and that gives him enough strength to take on a thousand aliens if need be.
Wyatt squares his shoulders and remains exactly where he is. “Actually, I’m good here, thanks.”
Y/N nods quickly. “Whatever you want to say, you can say it in front of Wyatt. Trust me.”
A-Lan’s gaze sours momentarily before he forces himself to adopt a dazzling grin once more. “Alright, then. Y/N, over my time here at Seabrook I’ve grown to appreciate the good things in life, and you’re one of them. I hear that it’s common around people to ask someone in, and I’d like to do that now.”
Wyatt has to bite back a laugh even as he feels himself flicker with irritation. “You’re asking her out, you mean?”
A-Lan blinks. “That’s what I said.”
“Sure it is,” Y/N says placatingly, “but–”
The second someone other than Wyatt speaks, A-Lan’s eerily positive aura returns in full force. “So you accept? Wonderful. We can go to an ice cream shop tomorrow. Maybe even tonight. Is that too soon? I don’t think it is.”
Y/N holds up a hand. “Wait a minute, I never actually said yes.”
“You don’t have to,” A-Lan says delightedly, “I know how you feel. It’s the same as me, you’re excited about this.”
Wyatt can feel a slow burn of anger coursing through him, turning his bones into solid iron, his blood to liquid flame. “Slow down, buddy. Y/N doesn’t want to go out with you.”
A-Lan loses control over his smile once again. “I don’t know why you’re so involved in this. I’m asking Y/N out, you’re not. Right, Y/N?”
The other boy puts his arm around Y/N’s shoulders, and that is exactly when Wyatt loses it. He can feel the transformation even without looking at himself. Judging by the gasp of surprise A-Lan lets out, Wyatt’s eyes have begun to glow, and Wyatt can feel the added length of his fangs when he speaks.
His tone cool and deadly, Wyatt fixes A-Lan with a stare so severe that the alien takes a step back, even without realizing it. “Get your hands off of my girlfriend,” Wyatt asserts, “Right now.”
A-Lan’s eyes widen. “Your– Y/N’s your–” He has to take a moment to collect himself, and then the plastic smile is back again. “I didn’t realize. You two are dating?”
“Yes,” Y/N says crisply, “which is why I’m going to have to turn down your offer of getting ice cream later. I’m sure you understand.”
“I do,” A-Lan murmurs at last, “I most certainly do. Excuse the interruption.”
He all but speed walks away, leaving Wyatt and Y/N there in stunned silence. It occurs to Wyatt that they are not alone; indeed, they’re just outside the bounds of the school, and everyone walking by has seen what happened. They’re the recipients of more than a few shocked stares, and Wyatt can practically hear it as people race to their phones to tell their friends what just happened.
“Well,” Wyatt says as casually as he can, “I don’t think our relationship is a secret anymore.”
Y/N smiles at last. “I’m not sure that’s such a bad thing. Unless you wanted it to stay that way?”
“No,” Wyatt declares fervently, “Not at all. I love you, Y/N, and that means I don’t care what people have to say. I’m happy with you. I never needed anyone’s opinion but yours.”
Wyatt decides there and then that he’s never seen a prettier sight than when Y/N turns to beam at him. “I think that’s the sweetest thing you’ve said to me yet,” she comments.
“I’ll just have to say it more often,” Wyatt decides.
He has the creativity for endless compliments, now and forever. A-Lan is out of the way, and now Wyatt doesn’t have to fear any untoward attempts from other students trying to steal his girl. He will be happy with Y/N until forever. As it turns out, that’s just enough time for him.
disney tag list: @rogueanschel, @lovesanimals0000, @thatfangirl42, @amortensie
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604to647 · 4 months
Safest with You (Ch. 13 - The Birthday)
6.1K / Modern AU Retired Mob Enforcer!Din Djarin x fem!reader
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Summary: You and Din attend Boba Fett’s birthday gala.
Warnings: Brief description of violence (I won't tag it to avoid spoilers, but the action happens within the chapter and isn't an past incident being described), brief description of blood/wound (nothing explicit or too descriptive), fluff, established relationship, pet names as usual (pretty bird, baby, sweetheart, etc.), reader is described as shorter than Din and he lifts her off her feet once.
A/N: I made the title picture and did my best to crop and filter the dress so that it remains as inclusive as possible. As a new writer, being inclusive with the written word isn't something I have very much practice with, but much like writing smut, in order to get better, I will have to practice. I'm trying to be more mindful (ex. avoiding blushing) and it is my intention to go back and edit previous chapters to be more inclusive; at the very least, I'll be tagging more descriptions if needed. Thanks for being patient with me as I learn and improve and as always for reading!
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Series Masterlist                                                                                   
"How are you single?"
It’s not a serious question; you and Din have already shared your respective dating histories, including lessons of love lost, lessons learned, hopes renewed.  You pose the question, completely unserious, an enthusiastic response to his suggestion that the two of you turn on the Korean dating show that you had been watching at the nail salon.  You and Lala had gone to get your nails done after brunch, and Din stopped by to pick you up, bringing both you and Lala, and your manicurist, coffees.  He patiently sat next to you as Mary polished your tips, and you and Lala chatted while watching the foreign language reality show the salon had selected.  From the corner of your eye, you noticed that Din had become engrossed in the show as well, but never said anything.  Apparently, since leaving the salon mid-episode, you’ve both been equally eager to find out who the contestants chose for their “Paradise” dates.
“Just your luck, I guess,” he quips, planting a quick kiss on your nose as you unlock your front door. 
Al looks up from the couch as you come in, and deducing that you’re coming his way, decides he doesn’t need to dignify getting up for pets.  Flopping down on the couch and vigorously rubbing your dog’s head, you turn on the TV and scroll to the part of the episode you were watching when your nail appointment ended.
Din throws his arm around you so he can give Al some scritches as well, and says, nonchalantly, “And I suppose there hasn’t been anyone that I thought would pass Boba’s inspection.”
“Boba’s inspection?” you exclaim, aghast.
“Well, no, not like an inspection, more like he likes to meet the people dating… well, really anyone in the family, to see if it’s a good… fit,” his voice trailing off at the end when he sees the horrified look on your face.
“I have to get a mob boss’ permission to date my boyfriend??!?!” 
“I wouldn’t call it ‘permission’.”
You look pointedly at Din, “So like, his… approval?”
Din tries a different tactic, “I don’t know why you’re worried, pretty bird.  How could he not love you?  You’ll pass with flying colours.”
“Pass??! Is there a date set for this test?”
“… no?”
Sitting up straight, you tilt your head in annoyance, “Din Djarin.”
“Well, I was going to ask if you wanted to be my date to Boba’s birthday party gala in two weeks.  It’s a big event, hundreds of people are invited, very formal, very fancy.  I thought it might be a nice time for the two of you to meet.”
You don’t say anything, mind already swimming with anxiety.
“There will be dancing.  Lots of dancing,” Din pokes at you, “and it’s a white party, so maybe you might like it if I took you shopping for a new dress?”
You make a silly face at Din, because you know he already expects your response, “No, no, I can pay for my own dress, Din.  It’s formal… like black tie?”
Din can see your brain already switching to planning mode, “Yes, I think that’s what it’s called?  I have to wear a white tuxedo jacket and a black bow tie.”
“Have to?”
“Yes, Fennec had a meeting with all the Mandos about dress code yesterday,” grimaces Din, “Just because you’re working the event doesn’t mean you will look like staff.”
You giggle.  Din’s told you about Fennec Shand before; Boba had saved her from the brink of death after some coward shot her point blank in the stomach after a mugging.  Boba had also tracked down the punk and made him pay tenfold while she was still in the hospital recovering from surgery; a surgery that Boba paid for.  Once fully recovered, Fennec declared her intention to fulfill what she considered a blood debt, and became Boba’s right-hand woman as he rose to power.  Fiercely loyal with a strategic mind that rivaled most army generals, she was the decisive and fearsome consigliere that Boba needed.  She was also secretly, his wife.  Din told you in confidence that Boba and Fennec had quietly fallen in love and married years ago, though few knew about it.   Din only knew because his father had been the witness at the courthouse nuptials.  Outwardly, they maintained the stoic, no nonsense appearance of boss and advisor for their own privacy and also for their protection, removing the temptation for anyone to use their relationship against them. 
You have to admit, you’re sort of curious to see this dynamic for yourself.  And the prospect of seeing Din in a tux holds its own special appeal. “Ok, let me see if any of the girls want to go dress shopping with me on Wednesday,” you pick up your phone and start typing as Din presses a loving kiss to your head.
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You step out of the cab in front of the Coruscant Plaza Hotel, careful to gather the skirts of your dress so you don’t step on them as you make your way to the carpeted entrance of the hotel.  As your heels touch the covered staircase, you drop the fabric and let the soft satin pool at your feet and flow outward as you walk towards the host at the podium.  You give a little wave to Paz who’s standing sentry at the door before handing your invitation over to the man checking your name off the guest list; he uses a blacklight to reveal the invisible bar code on the back and scans it to finish your check in before welcoming you to the party.  You immediately bound up the rest of the stairs to hug Paz.
“Looking good, Lil’ Lady,” says Paz, as he envelopes you in a big bear hug.
“Same, same to you,” you grin. 
Due to the importance and scale of tonight’s event, Din’s help with security was required and you weren’t able to arrive together; in fact, you haven’t seen him all day, so by now, you’re vibrating with excitement to see him all dressed up, and for him to see you in your dress.  Paz nudges you gently and whispers, “Turn right at the front desk and he’ll be in the big ballroom at the end of the hall.” 
You give him a quick peck on the cheek as thanks, and tell him you’ll see him later as you head in.  The lobby of the hotel is filled with people, all dressed beautifully and very on theme: the women in elegant and expensive looking white outfits and adorned with bright, sparkling accessories, the men all very dashing in white formalwear.  You yourself have on a minimalist white satin gown, with a wide off the shoulder cuffed neckline; the pleating around the middle flatters your waistline before flaring out elegantly into a full skirt.  The skirt is free flowing and light, concealing your favourite part: a mid-thigh slit that runs up the middle front; only on display when you’re moving swiftly, say, when dancing.  It’s actually a wedding dress, but you won’t tell Din that.  After describing to the girls what you were imagining for a dress, Rory had told you to just come down to her work as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, which in retrospect, it probably was.  No one aside from her closest friends and co-workers would be able to guess that the gruff and intimidating Rory was actually an incredibly successful bridal consultant, one of the most sought after in the city, in fact.  Just from listening to you detail what you wanted once, she was able to pull the exact dress you’re wearing tonight from the rack, get you in for a fitting the next day, with the alterations done within the week.  When you told Rory she was your hero, she had brushed it off like it was nothing, which to her it probably was; but to you, this dress is everything.
Din spots you before you spot him, such is the advantage of having the high ground.  The ballroom is grand, easily accommodating a thousand people; half the room has been set-up with round dining tables with opulent centre pieces and fine dinnerware, ready for the guests to feast.  The remaining half is left open for stand-up cocktails and schmoozing and for dancing later; at this end of the room there is live band playing light jazz at the base of a double staircase that leads up to the second floor.  These symmetrical staircases connect at an elegantly railed landing that serves as the entry point for the second-floor mezzanine balcony that encircles and overlooks all of the ballroom below.  It’s on this landing that Din currently stands, chatting with Boba, Fennec, Poe and his wife Lisa; Woves and Brian stand guard a little further behind, and although out of sight, Bo and Santos are also on the mezzanine, ensuring that no one tries to come in via the locked second floor entrance.  From this vantage point, Boba can see everyone who comes in, who they’re with, and who they’re talking to, which is of course, the point. 
When Din sees you, he feels the breath knocked out of his lungs by how stylish and stunning you look; to him, you're easily the most beautiful the woman in the room.  He watches you stride effortlessly across the ballroom floor like you’re used to attending grand events every day, your dress floating around you in an almost dreamlike fashion, turning heads as you go by.  The dress fits you perfectly.  Your alluring curves accentuated by the garment’s simple design, enticing him even though you’re not showing much skin; save for the flash of leg that peeks out through a high slit that he’s only now noticing as you move through the crowd scanning for him.  He can’t take his eyes off of you.
“Go to her and bring her up here with us,” says Boba, a knowing smile at seeing Din so awestruck.  Din is gratified by Boba’s request, bringing a non-family member up to the private gathering normally a security risk he himself would advise against; Boba’s invitation is an extension of his trust and love for Din, and how eager he is to meet the woman Din is clearly besotted with.  Just as Din heads down to collect you, you’re turning your pretty face up and smiling at the group.  Poe has been waving enthusiastically, both of his arms gesturing wildly over his head, and you had caught the movement out of the corner of your eye, leading you to look to the top of the staircase.  But it’s Din that holds your attention once you spot him. 
He's wearing a white tuxedo jacket that’s fitted to his frame perfectly, sharply hugging his broad shoulders and hard chest.  As dashing as this jacket and his pressed black dress pants make him look, it’s really his tousled curly hair falling across his forehead and slightly askew black bow tie that have you forgetting how to breathe for a moment.  He’s a fucking dreamboat.  When you make eye contact, a devastating smile spreads across his face, framed handsomely by his salt and pepper scruff.  You don’t care how it looks to the dignified guests that are milling around the ballroom, you gather your skirts to pick the fabric off the ground and make hurry towards the staircase, so eager to be with him.  Din sees you break out into a semi-jog and quickens his steps down the stairs to meet you, not wanting to wait a second longer than necessary to feel you in his arms. 
You meet just two steps away from the bottom of the stairs, your arms flying up around Din’s neck, his hands meeting your waist; you’re lifted slightly as he gives you a little twirl before setting you down gently and pressing his lips to yours, “You look beautiful, pretty bird.”  You beam at him and place both your hands on the sides of his face, running your thumbs through his facial hair that you love so much, “You’re a total knockout, Din.”  He blushes a little at your compliment.  Holding one of your hands above your head, he gives you a little spin, accompanied by a low whistle before offering up his arm for you to hold, “You’ve been invited up.  Are you ready to meet Boba?”
A look of sheer panic flashes over your face before you take a deep breathe, compose yourself and take Din’s arm; he places his hand over yours and walks you up the stairs.  You whisper, “What happens if he doesn’t like me?  Do we have to break-up?”
“Yes,” Din whispers back, grinning.
You punch him in the shoulder with your free hand, and he laughs loudly but drops his voice to reassure you, “You don’t have anything to worry about, he’ll love you.  I love you.  Poe loves you.  Look, he’s talking you up right now.”
You look up in horror, “I’m doomed.”  Din leans over to kiss you and the two of you share a chuckle in this final private moment before reaching the landing.
Din makes the introductions and you shake hands with everyone except Poe who gives you a big hug; you try not to let his hug linger and give his wife what you hope is a friendly smile. 
Boba is… impressive. 
Size wise, he’s shorter than Din, roughly the same height as Poe, but he’s… solid.  Built like a rugby player; you can tell he’s a wall of muscle under his tuxedo and he has the presence of a man who dominates and commands.  More than that, he exudes a quiet but authoritative charisma and carries himself like a man that’s listened to.  What strikes you the most though is the resting expression of his face.  He seems weathered.  Experienced.  And his eyes are wise but not unkind.  When his face finally changes, it’s to an expression of curiosity, which shouldn’t seem intimidating, but somehow is.  Like he’s studying you, trying to find the answer to a question you didn't know was asked, and you somehow know that whatever answer he arrives at will be acknowledged as truth.  The thing about Boba that makes you the most nervous though, is not any of this, and not even that he’s a mob boss (something you don’t think you really understand anyways), but it’s that he is a father-like figure to Din.  This is a man who helped raised Din.  He trusts Din and Din trusts him.  He’s a big part of who Din is today.  And yet, these very same thoughts are also the ones that calm you, and immediately endear him to you. 
With a rush of warmth towards the man, you wish Boba a very happy birthday, and shyly produce a small gift box from your purse, no bigger than a ring box.  Din is surprised, as is Boba; gifts aren’t expected from guests, but when they are given (and many do give), they’re usually opulent and extravagant, often monetary in nature.  Din didn’t know you had prepared anything.  Amused, Boba lifts the lid of the box and pulls out a small jade figurine. 
“Din told me that you rescue pit bulls, so I had this carved from some jade that I’ve held on to for something special.  Some say jade protects and heals, promotes balance and harmony, so I thought it might be nice for your birthday,” you finish, uncharacteristically timid.  Din is looking at you with astonishment and something close to veneration.
Boba holds up the little dog figurine to the light and admires it; Fennec leans over to look at it too and says, almost with wonder, “Looks like Mochi.”
“It really does.”
You nod, “Din showed me a picture of your dogs.  Mochi is the littlest one?  The white one?  I asked them to use him as reference.”
“Mochi is the smallest, but he’s been with me the longest,” says Boba fondly, “Took him out of a fighting pit myself.  Scrappy little guy.  Total love bug.”
Boba looks at the carving wistfully for a moment longer before placing it gently back in the small box and placing it in his pocket; his eyes are bit shiny when he holds out his arms to you, “Thank you, my dear.  I love it.”  You look over Boba’s shoulder as you embrace him and see Din smiling brightly at you.  Boba invites you stay on the landing with the group, and you find yourself becoming more and more charmed by the man.  He asks you about Al, Din clearly having shared some information about you, and you bond further over your mutual love of dogs.  He takes great joy in pointing out interesting guests filtering into the ballroom below; you’re dizzy from the caliber of the guests: there’s the mayor and several city council members, the chief of police, bankers, partners from big law and financial firms (Do you see your boss’ boss’ boss?!), several members of the city’s professional baseball and hockey teams, and you think you even catch a glimpse of a few pop stars.  Poe has stories about every notable guest and regales your group non-stop so you’re all laughing, even Lisa. 
When it grows close to the dinner hour, Boba sees Paz standing at the foot of the stairs and announces that it’s time for him to go down and hobnob with a few guests before food service starts; as he, Poe, and Din move to descend to the main floor, Din places his hands gently on your face and leans in to tenderly kiss you, letting you know he has to go with Boba, and asks if you’re okay to stay here with Lisa.  You nod, just now remembering that Din is working tonight. 
You and Lisa chat amiably as the men weave through the crowd, Boba glad handling guests and making everyone feel welcome.  When you feel like she’s warming up to you a bit, you tell Lisa how nervous you were to meet Boba, and her expression softens, “You’re doing totally fine, hun.  Honestly, when he saw Din running down to you, it was a done deal.  Boba loves Din like a son.  Poe loves him like a brother.  We haven’t seen Din this happy in a long time.”  You smile gratefully at her, feeling yourself getting emotional.  This cinches it for Lisa and she decides to take you under her wing, pointing out some of the other guests the men hadn’t mentioned earlier and giving you the tea on the whose who of the family, how they’re related, if they’re related, past and present petty feuds, and tidbits of any scandal.  You’re having so much fun, the two of you gossiping and giggling like old schoolmates, you don’t even notice that Din has returned until his strong arms wrap around your waist and his scruff is tickling you behind your ear as he presses a gentle kiss to your temple.
“Come on, pretty bird, it’s time to eat.”
You turn to head down the stairs, but Din chuckles and takes your hand, leading you towards the mezzanine, “You eat up here with us, baby.”
Hidden second floor doors are opened to reveal several large but intimately set rooms, all interconnected, each hosting beautifully set dining tables and fully staffed bars.  People that you assume are close friends of Boba or somehow part of the Fett family (you try very hard to correctly recall the details of everything Lisa shared with you) file in and greet each other like old friends before selecting their seats.  Boba holds court at a large table at the centre of the room you’re in, laughing joyously and raising his glass over and over as Fennec sits poker-faced by his side.  You sit at a table with Din, Poe, Lisa, Paz and a few guys that Poe seems to know well.  Always appreciative of a familiar face, you wave when you see the other Mandos standing guard, or filtering in and out the rooms and between tables, and you hope they get a chance to eat too.  The food is incredible, Boba truly spared no expense; delicious plates of appetizers, salad, pasta, grilled meats, seafood keep appearing, a never-ending parade of delicacies.  When you see poor Jimmy practically drooling at the T-bone that Poe leaves untouched on his plate, you take to buttering some bread and slipping the rolls to the Mandos that walk by.  Dinner is lovely, the company and conversation is lively; you really couldn’t feel more comfortable, especially with Din non-stop doting on you. 
When the main dinner service is finished and the dessert carts start making their rounds, you hear the music downstairs kick up in volume and finally, the hungry Mandos take turns sitting down at your table shoveling food into their mouths from plates piled high.  The atmosphere is relaxed, the mood of everyone in these private rooms is festive and merry, though lowkey compared to the wild sounds of partying you can hear floating up from below.  Full and proud of yourself for having not spilled on your white dress, you’re tapping your spoon on the top of your crème brulé when you feel, rather than see Din stiffen next to you; the hand that had found the slit of your dress, pressing down on your thigh where it had been casually resting.
“Pretty bird, get down,” he whispers.  To your eye, there’s nothing amiss with the scene, you see a few people standing around the room chatting, drinks in hand.  Several people are at the bar, others lounging back in their chairs or milling in between rooms.  Everyone is smiling and looking like they’re having a great time… wait, not everyone…
You slide off your chair down to your knees the second that Din requests, never questioning him, and he immediately yells, “GET DOWN!” Din and Paz stand in unison and move as one unit, years of partnership and trust kicking in as they wordlessly communicate where the danger is and what needs to be done.  Every Mando in the room moves a split second later, following their fearless leaders in flawlessly executing maneuvers to identify, subdue, protect without any verbal commands to do so.  Paz heads straight for Boba, with Jimmy, Woves and Bo following; the shooter gets one shot off just as Paz tackles him to the ground, puts up a futile effort to wrestle for the gun before the submitting to the Mandos that pin him to the ground.  The second shooter doesn’t even get that far, not even raising his arm to shoot before Din takes him out from behind; Din’s elbows and fists make quick work of the intruder, bringing him crashing to his knees before Din’s strength forces him to release the gun with a yelp.  Din swiftly kicks the gun away before restraining the gunman on the floor, knee on his back, arms held and secured.  The whole thing is over in a manner of seconds, no one screams and the party downstairs doesn’t even register the gunshot, music still playing loud and uninterrupted.
Din looks over at you, panting as he pulls the offender to his feet; you give Din a little nod and what you hope are soft eyes to let him know you’re okay.  You see the relief in his eyes before he starts to haul the struggling man out of the room, following Paz and the other Mandos.  You’ve never seen him in action before and frankly… it was extraordinary.  Sure, you’ve seen Din spar in the ring at the gym, but that was nothing compared to the display of speed, determination and force that you just saw.  The way he knew exactly what to do and wasted no movement, every strike and application of strength purposeful and effective, and even the way he sensed that something was wrong before anyone else did, you can see why Din had been Boba’s top enforcer for so many years.  You find yourself filled with awe and pride.
After helping Lisa to her feet and leaving her with an amped up Poe, you hurry over to Boba’s side when you see a red stain blossoming on his upper left shirt sleeve, “Are you okay?”
“Don’t worry, dear.  It’s just a scratch,” he smiles when he sees your dubious look.
Fennec reappears with a first aid kit in her hand, but doesn’t sit or open the kit.
“You can go with the Mandos, I know you want to,” says Boba softly.
Fennec hesitates, eyes shifting between Boba’s arm and the doorway through which the Mandos had dragged the would-be assassins, torn.
You hold out your hands for the kit and volunteer supportively, “I can help.”
Boba gives Fennec a small nod, and she cautiously hands you the first aid kit before leaving to join the Mandos.
Opening the kit to see what you’re working with, you say to Boba with a little bit of embarrassment, “I think we’ll have to get that arm out of your shirt.”
To your surprise, Boba nods and then proceeds to rip the sleeve clean off of his shirt with his other hand, leaving his bleeding arm bare.
“Well, I guess that’s one way to do it,” you chuckle.  Finding an unused dinner napkin still folded in its pretty crown shape, you wet it with water from the pitcher on the table.  “I’m just going to clean away all the blood first, sorry if it stings,” you say as you hold up the cloth to Boba’s arm.
“No worries, darling girl. I’ve had worse.”
“Oh, I bet.  Are people always trying to kill you?” you ask in what you hope is a teasing voice.
“Probably.  But the Mandos don’t let usually them get this close,” ponders Boba, “Din and Paz have trained them very well.”  You smile at this, and when Boba sees the proud look you have on your face, he smiles back too, “Whoever did this took advantage of the party, the crowd, everyone having a good time.”  You nod as you lean back to survey the wound now that all the excess blood has been cleaned off.  It’s not too bad, a graze, really.  A deep graze, but it doesn’t look like it needs stitches.  It needs a good cleaning, some pressure and then you think a thick covering of gauze should stop it from bleeding through to Boba’s white dinner jacket.  You let Boba know the game plan as you open an antiseptic wipe, “This is going to sting for sure.”
“I’ll be fine, thank you.  You’re quite adept at this.  Does Din have you stitch him up?”
Lightly laughing, you shake your head, “No, he doesn’t really like me to see him hurt.  I think he thinks I have a tender heart.”
Nodding with an air of understanding, Boba says gently, “I think you do.  That’s what makes you a good match for the boy.  He doesn’t look it, but Din has a tender heart, too.”
You look up at him and beam at that, “He really does.  I feel like he’s always taking care of other people.  He takes such good care of me.  I’m still getting used to it, to be honest.”  You finish with the wipe and open a large-size sterile gauze pad to place over the wound, “Put some pressure on that please.”
While you wait for the bleeding to stop, you look around the room.  It’s fairly empty now; most of the Mandos left earlier of course, leaving only a few still standing guard (Brian, Woves, Iggy), but the remainder of the guests seemed to have filtered out as well, putting some distance between themselves and the incident, rejoining the party that you can hear is still in full swing.
“Do you really think I’m a good match for Din?”  You’re not sure why you’re asking a man you barely know for his opinion on your relationship, except that you know this man means a great deal to the man that you love.
Boba looks thoughtful at your question, “Din’s a natural leader, he’s strategic, good at understanding the nature of people and seeing the big picture.  In our line of business, this can be an asset but also spell trouble, or at least lead to people handling power very poorly.  But not Din, he never sought power.  Too selfless.  He’s always put family first, and understood that being the head of the pack just means taking care of the pack.  Not a lot of men would have given up their position in an organization like ours to take care of their father, but for Din it was a no brainer – he’s always taking care of others." 
"His father and I used to always worry if it was possible for Din to meet someone who was just as selfless as him, who would take care of him equally and ease some of the burden he takes upon himself being responsible for so many others – or if he would ultimately settle for quite happily taking care of his partner like he does so many others.”
You can’t help it, a few tears prick the corner of your eyes.  Yes, Boba is describing your Din to a T; your Din, always being the giver, the caretaker, the protector, and not expecting or requiring the same treatment back.  A tear escapes and rolls down your face and you look down to brush it away quickly under the guise of looking through the first aid kit for the gauze wrap.
When you look back at Boba to remove his hand from his wound, he’s smiling at you and your poor attempt to conceal your emotions, “Yes, I think you’re the former.  Yes, I think you’re a good match for him.”
Welp, that does it.  Your tears spill over, fast and overflowing so that you cannot wipe them away quickly enough while pressing a new pad to the wound and wrapping it to Boba’s arm with the gauze roll.  So you don’t.  You just smile softly while focusing your attention on dressing Boba’s wound, letting the tears slow and fall more gently down your cheeks. “Thank you,” you say in a quiet voice.
“No, thank you,” returns the older man, just as quietly and you know he means for more than bandaging him up.
You’re just securing the ends of the gauze when Din bursts back into the room; he must have been expecting a different scene than what he comes upon, because he instantly relaxes when he takes in the quiet room, only to become alarmed at the sight of your tear-stained cheeks.
“What’s the matter, pretty bird?”  Din looks so concerned as he kneels down beside you, you can’t help as a few more tears fall at the sight of him being so caring and protective, exemplifying what you and Boba had just been discussing.  You try to give him a reassuring smile, “Everything is fine.  Well maybe not Boba’s arm, but it should be soon.”  Din looks up to find the mob boss giving him a similar smile, “What do you have for me?”
Din stands up and leans in to whisper into Boba’s ear.  You don’t hear what he says, but you catch Boba muttering, “Crymorah?” while furrowing his brow in confusion.  Din steps back when he’s done, “Fennec’s still in there.  They’re ready for you.”
Boba gets up and you do as well, instinctively you grab his tuxedo jacket from the back of his chair and hold it up for him; he slips it on easily, though you can tell it’s not without some pain.
He pulls his lapels taught and puffs his chests out, looking at you, “How do I look, my dear?”
He’s trying to make you laugh, and it’s working, “Absolutely ferocious.  Blood-thirsty.  Not at all shot.”  Your eyes shining with mischief.
“Perfect.”  Boba gives your arm a little squeeze, then nods to Din, “You two go back and enjoy the remainder of the party.  Keep an eye on the perimeter, and let anyone know who’s asking that I’ll be out to rejoin the party in 20 minutes.  And above all… have fun.”  After Boba exits with Woves and Brian, Din sweeps you up into his arms and rests his head against your forehead, “Are you really okay, baby?  Why are you crying?”
You tell the truth, “Boba and I were just talking about what a good guy you are.”
“A mob boss telling my girlfriend that his former head enforcer is a good guy?  I don’t know if that’s a reliable source,” jokes Din.
“I dunno,” you say, unable to bite back a grin, “he seems like one of those trustworthy mob bosses.”
“You like him,” Din marvels.
“I do.  He’s kind.  Like you,” you smile adoringly up at Din as the two of you start to head back to the party.
Before you descend the stairs, Din turns you towards him, placing his hands affectionately on either side of your face and leans in so you can hear him over the music, “Pretty bird, how are you feeling about what happened?  I know you must have been scared.”
You close your eyes and tilt your head up for a kiss, which Din happily obliges.  When you open your eyes, you’re nothing but honest, “I think I should have been.  But I wasn’t really.  You told me to get down, you took care of me and even though I didn’t know what was happening, I knew I was safe because you were there.  Din.  You were incredible.  How did you move so fast?  And you took care of that guy like it was nothing.  He never even stood a chance.”
Din blushes at your praise, and rubs his hand on the back of his neck, bashful, “Was lucky.  Don’t move as fast as I used to.”
You won’t let him have any of that, “Luck had nothing to do with it.  You were in total control of the situation the moment you sensed something was up.  You were… magnificent, Din.” You exhale and look at him with admiration your eyes.  Din feels overcome, your praise means everything – even though you had an idea of what he did as a Mando, he had secretly feared that you would recoil from the type of violence he saw regularly if you were to ever encounter it yourself, or worse, recoil from him if you saw him inflict it.  But here you are, telling him he makes you feel safe and not letting him brush over his capabilities and skill.  He pulls you in for a deep kiss, not ever wanting to part his lips from yours, imploring you to open your mouth to his so he can show his appreciation for you, and how you understand and love all of him, through the way his tongue worships you.
Breaking apart, you look down to see Poe and Lisa grinning up at you from the bottom of the stairs, Poe cheering and Lisa waving her hands at the two of you to come down and join the party.  Laughing, you and Din readily join in the fun and dance to the fast tempo number and the next and next, the incident upstairs pushed to the back of your mind.
Later, after Boba has come down to rejoin the party, and Fennec and the Mandos having reappeared to mill around the perimeter of the ballroom, you sway in Din’s arms to a slow song, tired; Din whispers in your ear, “See, told you Boba would love you.  Everyone loves you.”
“Not everyone,” you murmur.
“Oh really?  Name one person who doesn’t like you.”
“Ummm… that guy in the grey suit who spilled coffee all over himself at the coffeeshop the day we met.”
“Hmmm yeah, ok, that guy.  You know, if I ever see that guy again…”
You rest your chin on his chest and look up at Din, eyes twinkling.
“…I’m going to buy him a coffee and give him the biggest thank you.  If it wasn’t for him, we might not have ever met.”
Snuggling back into his chest, you nod, “If you can catch him.  He’d probably run, road runner style if he ever saw you again.”
“Was I very scary that day?”
“A beast.  Terrifying.  A Mythosaur come to life,” you chide, but soften at Din’s imploring face, “but not to me.  I knew immediately I was safer with you there, even though I didn’t know you yet.  I never told you that?”
“Never.  I’m glad you felt that way.  I’m always going to keep you safe, pretty bird. I love you so much.”
“I know, Din.  Love you, too.”  You close your eyes and nestle back into his chest, enjoying the music and the strong flex of the arms holding you.
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dum1s-writings · 1 year
Well, hello! It's nice to see an active total drama writer in here! I love this show so much and the fandom is like dead 💀
So, I had this idea...
It could be headcanons or a fic/one-shot, whatever you feel like the most!
But, what about the reaction to the TDWT crew to Chris bringing his niece with him?? Like, the reader is just a sweet 19 y/o teenager who looks for their safety and actually cares about them??? (Total contrary to his uncle lmao).
It doesn't have to be with one character specifically, most like how they would react overall to the reader wanting to protect them from Chris (AND PLEASE MAKE THE READER PROTECT CODY FROM SIERRA I BEG U)
Anyways, have a nice day!!! <3
~~~The Nice McLean~~~
I fucking love Total Drama!! I firmly believe Leshawna should've won the first season. I'll try to add my least favorite characters from World Tour to avoid being biased.
Warnings: Chris McLean, Sierra's stalker behavior, attempted manipulation from Alejandro, Duncan being kind of an ass, does Cody being a crybaby count? I'm making it count.
Pronouns: They/Them
"Alright contestants I have another surprise for you." Chris looked at the tired teens. From behind Chef came another teen. They smiled and waved to the other teens.
"Another contestant?" A few questioned simultaneously.
"Oh hell no. Their mother would kill me." Chris slung his arm around them and tugged them close. "This here is -Y/N- McLean, my nibling."
"Heya," their smile got bigger "I hope we can get along."
Everyone was too shocked to speak for a moment. Sierra was trying so hard not to flip her shit. Chris McLean's nibling was actually in front of her.
"So you're related to Chris?" Harold finally asked.
"Yeah. My mom is his sister." -Y/N- answered truthfully.
"Think of -Y/N- as a co-host. Another Chris of sorts." The older man smirked. "They'll keep an eye on you famous wannabes while I can't."
First of all we'll get the obvious out of the way, the cast fucking love you, after getting to know you. Obviously at first learning you're related to the devil host, Chris McLean, they immediately thought this season would be twice as torturous. But give them a couple of days or weeks and most of them would willingly jump from the plane for you. The others may take some time.
I'll start with the ones that take no time in becoming your fans:
Cody: for him the moment he saw you give a genuine smile was when he trusted you. Having dealt with Chris's shit for so long made him aware of a real and fake smile. Also when you demand Sierra leave him alone? Oh yeah he likes you even more now. Expect a lot of clinging, as much as he can, crying for one reason or another mostly Sierra and excessive praise for the small things.
Lindsay: my sweetheart, so pretty so.....not traditionally smart. She saw you looking super nice in your outfit and that was it. Anyone with fashion choices as good as yours are definitely trustworthy. Please become shopping buddies after the show is over.
Owen: this big lug. He really tries to see the good in everyone. More often than not he's wrong. But he's genuinely happy he's right about you.
Sierra: she knew about you before anyone else. Obviously she's going to trust you from the get go. You're related to THE Chris McLean. That trust may or may not waver...TBD. Either way watch yourself around her. Keep a close eye on your belongings.
The neutral ones who need a bit more time are:
Noah: he just doesn't trust easily. Take no offense to it. I think only Owen was lucky enough, being an actual giant ball of sunshine and stupidity. Perhaps if you sneak him some Noah-Safe food he'll trust you faster.
Gwen: poor girl has been scorned by the world so often. It's left her with a few trust issues. Maybe stick up for her and watch some good horror movies together. Reassurance is the key, she was painted as a bad guy from the beginning. Let her know she's more than that and it's okay to admit she did wrong. Help her move past that.
Leshawna: this bad bitch (lovingly) knows her worth. She wants to make sure others know it as well. Don't talk down to her and hype up her plans and ideas and she'll consider you worth her time and respect. Also keep Alejandro away from her. Please. My queen deserves better.
DJ: he's a softie and a Mama's boy. He does want to trust you. But after his failed restaurant with his Mama it might take some time. People in power never helped him or his Mama. In fact he wonders if they were sabotaged. Help him find ways to "reverse his curse" and he'll definitely trust you, also maybe offer his Mama a job as a chef, especially if it's a higher position in a private kitchen.
The ones who just straight up dislike you and take a long time to like you are:
Alejandro: his family caused him so much trauma. He doesn't trust ANYONE. He may act like it, nodding to your advice and being nice. But alas tis all a front. He's really just waiting for the perfect moment to betray you. When that time comes and goes and you're still nice to him? Yeah....you may have started chipping away at his walls.
Heather: the queen bee. The head of every group project. Highschool taught her to look out for herself. So did the first two seasons of Total Drama. She'll bitch at you and talk shit about you "behind" your back. Just brush it off and continue being nice and you'll win her over, eventually.
Courtney: the Type A Psychotic Crazies and debate team caused Courtney to believe only Courtney can help Courtney. She'll refuse to trust you and judges those who do. In fact it's not until she's kicked off will she finally trust you. Maybe meet up after the show and talk to her, she'll apologize to you and own up to her wrongdoings.
Duncan: the runaway delinquent. The hardass he is doesn't trust you, purely because of your last name. Chris ruined his life, more than he himself could have. Being stalked no matter where he went for 2 years put him on edge. Abolish Chris's stupid "must always sing" rule and his opinion on you might change.
Hopefully this works. I didn't know what to do for most of it. I was winging it big time.
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panelshowsource · 7 days
now that s17 is over, how did you like it? it feels like most people either thought it was mild or weak, which makes me sad, so i stopped going to the discussion threads about it :""( i also don't see much anticipation for s18...
aww anon well, first, if you had a good time then that's what matters! so i hope series 17 brought you a little joy each week, that's what panel shows are for in my humble opinion 😚
because i know i'm about to word vomit some word salad, i'll throw out some s17 reactions + s18 thoughts below the cut! that way anyone who is sick of my nonsense doesn't have to scroll past it lmaooo
series 17 was a decent one! i don't think it's in the hall of fame, but it's definitely nowhere near the couple of "unwatchables" as they're (pretty unfairly) called. i've talked before about one of the downfalls of a season is when a group doesn't harness their dynamic and take control of the show — when they're in the studio and just sit quietly, waiting for greg to give them permission to speak, things flow well for the editors but the experience lacks. this is why s1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, even 12 are so silly and chaotic: the contestants were constantly fighting, interrupting or pausing judging, trying to convince or gaslight or challenge greg, just...speaking! talking! interacting! if that doesn't happen, taskmaster can just feel like show and tell, which is not when it's at its best
ultimately, this is why too many polite and well-behaved people in a single series is a pleasant watch but doesn't hit very hard. this series was exceptionally nice, we have to admit. joanne followed by steve may have been the "hang on a second ☝️" contestants of the series, but not by a lot, meanwhile nick and sophie were the loveliest, pretty quiet people and john was dead silent most of the time. actually, that was something that ended up surprising me — john was so focused on the tasks, so focused on winning, most of the time he didn't pause to give significant, funny commentary while filming, didn't give us *nearly* the banter with alex i anticipated, and was particularly quiet in the studio. i knew he'd be in it to win it, don't get me wrong, but he approached taskmaster more as a richard herring than an ed gamble, if you know what i mean. it was very funny to me when he was on the tm podcast and was more or less like "i know i didn't prioritise being entertaining" lmao that earnestness can be sweet, because i do like to watch the show imagining how i would do each task, but his ~no nonsense~ approach was turned up to 11 for a lot more of the series than i anticipated. i almost wish john had leaned a little more into his self-aware neuroticism and competitiveness just because that's generally a good character on taskmaster — and this series was definitely missing that
(you know, talking about this really reinforces my belief that kerry godliman is perhaps the most perfect taskmaster contestant...ever. competitive, no nonsense and full of nonsense, top bantz, stands up for herself and tears down others but fights without being genuinely angry or butthurt, doesn't know enough to try and figure out a workaround for every single task, loves and bullies alex in equal measure... just love the woman. love her. fuck it, same for jess knappett. i miss my girls😭 this is ALSO why i think rosie is a great fit for tm)
anywayz i haven't read mucho mucho discourse about series 17, but it wouldn't surprise me if that's the vague "criticism" people: just more lowkey vibes than other series. but some people prefer that, so..!!!
i think, too, too many people look back at series 1–...7? at least and want to see the same greg–alex dynamic, approach to the prize tasks, approach to scoring, lil tricks, what have you — and that is not gonna happen again. ever. for example, greg and alex have talked too many times about how hard they try to score things "fairly" because that's become such a big point of conversation for the viewers at home and, atp, even the contestants. personally, i don't prefer that. fuck fair! this is not a real competition it's an entertainment show!! when greg was throwing out points willy nilly, bonus points for eating hair, giving 5 points to a prize just bc it's his personal sense of humour and ranking another contestant's prize low every week just bc that's a funny recurring joke/dynamic, whatever. i do not care. give phil wang 1 point every time. points schmoints. but that cannot happen anymore because the viewers starting taking the points so darn seriously. (not to mention the opportunity to do coc is now pretty coveted for its $$$ and exposure, too, i'd imagine.) the same goes for greg leaning into his dictator role, the master/slave relationship between him and alex, alex being super stoic and quiet — not only does tm think those characters and dynamics are played out, but in some ways the audience has evolved beyond all that
my point is that people get caught up in the Old Gen Taskmaster that hooked them and can't accept the ways in which the show has evolved — even if it's in their opinion for worse. do i think it would kill taskmaster to go back to slightly less convoluted tasks and commit to the 1–5 point system instead of constant ties (or "this was a 3-point effort")? no. i would like to see that lmao but i don't view the series through the lens of a series 1 fan anymore, either. a reality check would help a lot of complainers
i did read one thing i thought was interesting — that with the huge number of series we're at with tm uk, and now the accessibility of other countries' spin-offs, there is a bigger and bigger pool of God Tier Taskmaster to compare each new series to. it used to be "hmm does this new series stack up against series 4, one of the all-time greats?" but now we're stacking new series up against the top ~6 of tm uk, tm nz s2, a couple of the tm belgiums, tm aus s1, and so on. competition is stiff!! not many series can be The Very Best Of All Time, so with each new tm uk that isn't, people start to feel like the show has gone downhill when it probably is stagnant at worst. does that make sense?
i don't wanna sound like every criticism of tm can be explained away or comes from a bad place. as i've mentioned above, i have my qualms. this series, one of my major qualms and seriously unpopular opinions was that i didn't like that steve wasn't actually bringing in prizes half the time. like, he was doing bits and they were funny bits, but greg was scoring him mad high for the effort he put into his bits instead of the actual prizes he brought in for entry. i stand by that opinion, but the thing is i didn't let that ruin my experience of the show. but, maybe, it just comes down to the fact i want to like it...so i do ^^
maybe i talked way too much about criticism and negativity hahah some things i really enjoyed from this series:
nick is probably the second person following john kearns who i actively disliked before taskmaster specifically because i had only ever seen their comedy characters doing dictionary corner or a bit of standup — and i really didn't like them. (still never seen ted lasso!) lo and behold, they go on taskmaster and are S Tier Sweethearts and i see them both in totally new lights! in fact john's last standup show is being released shortly and i cannot wait to watch it — which me of the past would never believe i'm saying lmao so i'm so grateful the show opened my eyes to what a funny, sweet person nick is!! and may i say his and john's styles in the studio are massively underrated. they are both incredibly snazzy dressers!
steve and nick were a sweet little team weren't they! i think it would have been funnier to have john x sophie (the best and the worst, in their own ways) vs. the more harmonious steve x nick x sophie, but regardless it was very cute stuff
the location was great! i fucking love a big open field, i fucking love a river
greg has had some really strong intro "speeches" the last few series and i loved his this time around. they're just equal parts stupid and weird + his authoritative, classic greg delivery always makes me laugh heh
some of the strongest live tasks in a while!! catching the little monsters, passing the loo through the tube, bouncing the ball on the bar — all felt like quintessential uncomplicated classic taskmaster parlour games and they were good fun
TONS out outtakes content!
and gosh it's wonderful to have a new little hour of pleasantness to have each week :)
regarding s18... it's an interesting lineup! in a good way!! i think rosie's character is more or less a perfect fit for the taskmaster format. obviously she is one of the biggest female comedians in the uk right now, but i didn't bet on her doing tm because i didn't think the show could commit to accommodating her disability for 10 episodes. and, frankly, they may not — and i guarantee she is completely okay with that. she was born from the rhod gilbert school of showing up to fuck around, and i sleep soundly knowing she will do just that. i really like jack dee and i'm happy for alex to have made it work with him. it typically wouldn't be my choice to have two senior comedian white men on one series, and (unpopularly?) i'm not really a zaltzman person, but i have no doubt he'll be quite charming. emma sidi is part of the alex horne bubble of friends i have mentioned a few times before, but i actually don't know much about her. babatunde feels like a sensible fresh pick since he's been doing more variety/panel shows; i don't watch him on googlebox (which i love) because i don't like mo gilligan (very unsorry about this opinion heh), but what i've seen of him i've enjoyed! i don't think the group's dynamic is obvious just from their list of names, but the fact they're all comedians is VERY promising and makes me supersupersuper happy — all comedian lineups are historically the strongest. so yay!! but can you imagine who will be on a team?? god imagine a jack x rosie team lmfaoooooooooooo i live for the thought
hope that made sense and if it didn't whoops! don't mind me heheh
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idlerin · 2 years
sakusa kiyoomi x f!reader arranged marriage au
rings that don’t fit series
+ word count: 0.8k
masterlist — previous | next
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SAKUSA KIYOOMI was a man of few words, or maybe he just didn’t want to talk to you at all. You observed him from the other side of the table, his eyes were focused on his phone, there must’ve been something very interesting on it if he wasn’t looking at you, men hardly ever looked anywhere else when you were in front of them. It was insulting, to say the least. Especially since it’s been almost an hour of the two of you eating in silence. Your parents just had to force you to come here only so you could get your ego bruised?
It wasn’t the first time you’ve met him. You still remember his nonchalant glance at you at a fancy party thrown by one of your parents’ business partners you attended when you were 18. The way his eyes raked over you and immediately deemed you to be irrelevant. He didn’t have to say it for you to know it, his eyes didn’t bother hiding his disinterest. His father introduces him to you, and Sakusa doesn’t even bother to greet you himself. You gave him a pleasing smile, still, because you weren’t rude like he was. Earlier that evening you’d hope to have a camaraderie-like relationship after finally officially meeting him (you do see him around campus, albeit, rarely, it was mostly when your friends drag you to watch volleyball matches), the guy whose name was embedded to you your whole life, the guy you were to be married to. Not like either of you had a choice.
You sympathized with him a little then, that’s why you wanted to form a friendship in the first place.
Now, at 19, you were forced to bond with him. this little restaurant ‘date’ being the beginning of many ‘romantic heart fluttering’ dates as your younger sister likes to put it. The first time you’ve seen him ever since that first official meeting as he conveniently never got to attend any formal gatherings that happened for the past year because of being oh so very busy, and being on the opposite sides of campus.
“I know you hate me, I hate you too, but would it kill you to try being civil?” you break the silence. He looks up at you, placing his phone on the table screen faced down. You weren’t backing down from this silly little staring contest and therefore didn’t remove your gaze on him.
“[l/n] [y/n], my bride to be,” his words were laced with disdain. “I’m glad you know where we stand.” or in other words I’m glad you know I hate your guts.
You put on a fake smile, “I’m as happy as you are that we had to meet today. But you do know we have to tolerate each other despite disliking each other’s presence. The least you could do is try to make small talk instead of being rude and being on your phone the whole time.” You were talking too much, showing too much of your emotions, but he was just so aggravating, and he hasn’t even said much!
He raised his arm, his expensive looking watch appearing in your view from under his sleeves. “We only have to be here for a few more minutes, I’ll humor you.”
You felt a tick in your jaw, he was making it sound like you were vying for his attention.
He fixed his collar before looking at you intently, a pretense, you note, although he was really good at pretending as if you were the only thing that mattered as of this moment, if someone were to glance at him from afar, they’d think he was a besotted fool, “Did you enjoy your dinner, darling?” He managed to make his voice sound sweet and belittling at the same time.
You scoffed, “It sounds disgusting coming from you.”
“I thought you wanted to make small talk?” he mocks with his ever-so perfect posture and impassive expression. “Then do you prefer going straight to the point?” he says, taking something out of his pocket and placing it on the middle of the table.
You stare at the small velvet box, you know what’s inside, of course. It was the one thing this dinner was supposed to lead up to. You reach for the dainty velvet box and open it to see the silver band decorated with a diamond not so big it’s an eyesore. At least he didn’t have bad taste in rings, if he’s the one who picked it out in the first place. Which isn’t likely.
You took it out of the box, glancing at him who was only watching you. You tried to put it on your ring finger, it was too loose. Too bad, it was quite pretty.
“Marry me, [l/n] [y/n].”
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notes — maybe i can make this a series? hm
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idanceuntilidie · 7 months
Requests are allowed right? If so I like to request at least 1 wholesome I guess… please
Yandere game show host x winning contestant reader
(Naming the host jack)
I have tried and failed to write this for few days, THE STRUGGLE
I have never watched a game show, bear with me, I made the yandere male by accident do forgive me I will watch brother bear as a reward for writing this, I hope you will like it Yandere male game show host x gn winning contestant reader
There are no warnings needed this is pretty chill.
Requests are open
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You can’t believe you are doing this.
Game shows were not really your thing actually, but your life was missing something. A little bit of excitement and maybe love. It sounds embarrassing, and maybe it is but you don’t really care.
The theme was a slasher movie, but that didn’t tell you much really.
You even met the host, Jack, and you two talked for hours. Jack being Jck didn’t give you a lot of spoilers because “It would ruin the surprise”. Man, all you wanted was to mentally get ready for what’s about to come really. When you voiced out your worries, Jack hugged you and told you that everything will be fine and he will make sure nothing happens to you. It made you feel better, you smiled and hugged him back. Man you miss him. You look in the mirror, they took the theme seriously, you look like you just crawled out of the 80s. You liked the golf sweater especially, no one will notice if you happen to ‘borrow’ it. The turquoise, green and purple mixed really nicely and the material wasn’t itchy. To go with that you had bell pants.  When you made sure everything was in place you headed to the door that would lead you to where the game would be taking place. It was still quite empty, it wasn’t surprising since there were still a few minutes of free time left, so like a good person you were. You decided to check the place out.
It was a singular room, black and small. It surprised you honestly. How would you all be able to even do anything here? Then you noticed the door, damn you curiosity, you are sure as hell going in. The door led you through a long corridor and when you finally got to the end of it, no surprise, you saw another door. It somehow felt like this whole corridor was sentient and made you want to consider your choices but curiosity once again won and you opened the door and ended up outside. It was nighttime, and the only source of light was the full moon. Talk about the atmosphere, you continued onward, at this point you are starting to think that you might have wandered off the set. Checking the watch to make sure you still had time to go back you looked around, you couldn’t see the building, nor the door. You were surrounded by the forest and night. It was eerie and almost calming. For a moment you felt like the world stood still, well that was before a rustle came from behind you. Oh hell nah, you aren’t checking it out, you think before walking in the direction from which the sound came from. That’s called being a hypocrite. When you finally go close enough you are pretty sure you saw a person looming in the shadows of the trees. Man is that a knife? Oh holy shit it’s a machete. That had you worried for a second. Wait, a machete? Your smirk fell as the person raised it in the air. Ah man is that the part you die in? You turn around and start running in the direction you were going previously. The person behind you ran after you. At least he is not fucking around. You try your best to lose him and after a while you did. You also almost ran into a lamp, but that’s besides the point. You even found a small cabin and when you got into it you saw 5 other people sitting in a circle looking at you like you were crazy. You were sweaty, trying to catch your breath, pointing in the direction of the woods. “We know, congrats on getting away” someone said, you looked in the direction of the voice to see a young man, with that black outfit he just blended into the darkness. One of the people in the circle actually made an effort and got up to hug you, you didn’t have energy to hug her back. “Yeah, congrats on winning the first round or well two, haha.” she smiled apologetically. “I’m guessing you didn’t expect the chase, give me a sec I will grab a sleeping bag for you. You thanked her, you sat on the ground since your legs refused to stand any longer, someone even joined you and a familiar scent of perfume hit your noise. “Jack..?” “Sup, be quieter please” “You shouldn’t be here” You whisper yelled at him. He only chuckled at that.
“I found a cool spot you wanna see?” he asked, but then dragged you away anyway. You didn’t even have a chance to respond to him.
Soon you found yourself outside, Jack dragging you away from the cabin until you found a clearing. “Here you can lay on the grass” He let go of your hand and laid on the patch of short grass and patted the spot next to him. You did the same. “What the fuck dude”  you groaned.
“I know right? He is terrifying” “You shouldn’t even be here you are the motherfucking hooost, what have you gotten me into??” “A game show- Ow” You kicked him.
“Why the fuck are you in here and why did you drag me HERE” “Because this is the dead spot, plus I wanted to talk to you”
“Sure you did”  You stare at the sky, eyes slowly focusing on the dark. You are finally, once again, met with the beauty that comes during night. You are even able to see stars.
“Sorry for the scare y/n, but hey you will be seeing more of me” he hummed
“How so?”
“Well, you told me how scared you were so I will come by now and then to make sure you are okay and well, oh and congrats on winning the rounds by the way, I knew you could do it”
“Thanks, I almost pissed myself”
He cackled and you joined in,
“Dead spot?”
“Yeah, the hunter won’t come here and there is no cameras, you can chill here if everything gets overwhelming”
“Thanks Jack, after this is over I am beating you up”
“I hope so”
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gamebird · 4 days
The Soonercon Convention Report
I went to Soonercon this last weekend and I wanted to share what it was like in an attempt to encourage others to attend similar local events, for those who don't know what they're missing.
It’s a science fiction/fantasy convention held in Norman, Oklahoma every year. It has what I take as the standard scifi/fantasy convention events including: Dealer’s room where people sell stuff, gaming room where scheduled and pickup games are held at all hours of the convention, art show where you can buy fandom-related paintings, prints, or sculpture (or commission an artist if you have something special in mind), a costume contest, panels by authors, artists, media guests, and other folks, and various socializing events (a dance, a burlesque show, a drag show, a Star Wars parade, a philosophy discussion den, a cartoon watching event, crafting events, etc.)
The only thing Soonercon didn’t/doesn’t have that I’ve seen at other conventions is a con suite where snacks are available either at all hours or specified hours, and a designated media room playing classic shows 24/7. Plenty of other conventions also have party rooms or even a party floor of the hotel. Some will have live action role play events. Some will have a few big-name guests. Soonercon’s guests were smaller names like voice actors or the guy who played the hero of NeverEnding Story. If they had hardcore partying, it was kept well clear of the convention areas. I heard nothing of it.
There's a lot for everybody! I go to attend the panels. My son goes for the gaming room. My nephew goes for the cosplay. My spouse/partner goes to be supportive and present (also he meets up with a friend of his from that city who volunteers at the con or at least likes fandom). My daughter likes the merchandise, the gaming, and cosplay.
It’s a very relaxed vacation for us. We get a hotel room at the convention and all go our separate ways from that safe home base.
I thought I’d go over the various things I went to and some of my thoughts about them, to give a window on what a person might do:
Friday we arrived. I went through the dealer’s room in detail by myself, which was nice to do instead of speeding up or slowing down at someone else’s pace, or having them there calling my attention to whatever they wanted me to see. I bought some delicious pomegranate gummy fruit. I made preliminary arrangements with a leatherworker for some items.
I went through the art show, which I have never been to at the beginning of the show. The previous two years I showed up at the end and rushed through. I took my time again.
I also wandered the halls at liberty, with no agenda. I didn’t think much of the panels available that day, so I did other things. I did attend an author’s reading of horror fic. One of the stories was titled ‘Grindr’ by a gay man, featuring a gay character. As soon as he went over that, two of the six in his audience left. It was a good story. The other author read a bit of theirs (also good). And then we discussed. One of the things discussed was how this was Oklahoma and the very mention of gay sent two people out of the room. It was good and thoughtful conversation.
Later that evening, I attended a comedy panel that was ‘Am I The Asshole?’ with various heroes or villains of popular fan movies discussing if they were the asshole for their role in the plot of their respective media product. It was funny and a light end to the first day.
Saturday, we got up in time for ‘Cartoons with Cereal’ panel where we ate a couple weird over-sugared cereals while watching an 80s cartoon that featured transforming vehicles and masked/helmeted action figure type characters. After that, we went to a better breakfast, complimentary at the hotel plaza.
My first regular panel of the day was ‘Essential Sci-Fi Television’ where I was hoping to see if there were important shows I haven’t seen. Maybe? Maybe not? They talked a lot about the different flavors of Star Trek and the different ways people get into fandom. I didn't add anything new to my list, but I did get more emphasis that I really ought to watch The Expanse.
At 11, I went to a panel titled ‘How do I put THAT on my resume?’ about how to translate fan interests and skills into marketable descriptive terms that can get you hired. I attended not so much for myself, as I hope to never work again after my current job, but for my son and daughter and my attempts to give them advice on how to present themselves in the business world. I’d encouraged my son to go to this panel, but he went to the gaming room. It wasn’t a great panel – I think he made the right choice. But you don’t know these things until you attend them.
I had lunch and then attended a panel titled ‘I ship it!’ thinking it would talk about the range of shipping in fandom circles. And maybe it did, but mostly it was the panelists talking about rare pairs in anime fandoms – both fandom and characters unfamiliar to me. They were excited to talk about it. I managed to steer them into sharing their thoughts about why antagonists are often more interesting to pair with a hero than the designated side kick or another hero, and then a little about what fueled ship wars/fandom drama. It was good to hear, as always, that totally different fandoms have the same problems.
After that was ‘Libraries, Intellectual Freedom, and Book Challenges’ about what books were banned, why, how, and what efforts were going on or the attendees could undertake to oppose book bans. Afterward, I approached one of the panelists for her advice on finding a good Ursula LeGuin book since I hadn’t liked Always Coming Home, but did like Left Hand of Darkness. Turns out she was a core convention organizer. I sent her an email so she could send me a rec later and separately, I filled out a form to volunteer at the next con.
At 3 I went to early dinner with my spouse/partner and his local friend, who was the one who told me the panelist I’d talked to was high up in the convention hierarchy. At 4, I roamed the dealer's room again, finalized things with the leatherworker, and bought a bunch more delicious candy.
At 5 I had a panel titled ‘LGBT+YOU, Discuss the Plus’. Given the conversation the day before with the gay horror author, I was particularly interested. Also, the panel was focusing mainly on the queer identities other than LGBT – asexuals, aromantics, pansexuals, polyamorous, etc. I found it something of a relief to see them stumble and fail to define an aromantic relationship in a way that differentiated it from non-aromantic ones. The panelists varied from early-30s to mid-60s, some partnered, some not. It was lovely to hear people’s experiences with living queer in Oklahoma.
At 6 I attended ‘Fandom Life vs Long-Term Illnesses’ but found it not super helpful. It was mostly about arthritis and diabetes, neither of which are issues I have. But I listened and learned a bit. I enjoy these authentic little windows into other people’s lives.
I attended the costume contest for the rest of the night, which was a big event with a stage show and a music act. My fave costume won! Even cooler, someone I knew was announced as winner of the Fashion Show which was an informal or less formal contest they’d had earlier in the day. I was thrilled for them.
That night at 1:11 am, someone set off the fire alarm, but it was quickly squelched. Still, everyone woke up. Later sleuthing turned up that it was a person attempting to smoke inside their hotel room.
Sunday! We had a nice breakfast again. My first panel of the day was ‘Hollow Humanism?’ talking about utopia, dystopia, and the philosophy of humanism – what were the things that prevented us from making a better world? I had hoped for stuff I could incorporate into my headcanons for Preservation or the Corporation Rim. Not so much.
Then I went to ‘Fandom – The Next Generation’ which was not about Star Trek but instead about the intergenerational fandom experiences of the panelists. I found this not very helpful. Those weren’t my families. It wasn’t about how to interest my kids in fandom (not that I needed that – they’re into it) or how I could better relate to their interests (something I was very interested in). I asked a few questions trying to guide it toward what I wanted, but the panelists really wanted to tell the audience about their lives. So. I listened.
At noon my group packed and checked out of our rooms.
But we hung around as there was a panel at 1 pm I wanted to attend, ‘Neurodivergent Characters in Fantasy and Anime’. Alas, they did not discuss Murderbot. In fact, they didn’t discuss specific characters or genres at all. Instead, they discussed neurodivergent representation in general, mindfulness, coping strategies, dealing with negative social pressures to conform, masking, exhaustion, career intersectionality, disabled rep, and a lot of things I was equally interested to hear about. So that was neat!
At 2, there was a panel about ‘Oklahoma in Fandom Media’ that I attended half of. It was fun to hear the various filming projects and other media mentions Oklahoma featured in. I left halfway through to help our group depart.
And so we drove home. It was a delightful, low-stress vacation. Lots of viewpoints. Lots of experiences. It was lovely seeing people face-to-face and getting such different impressions. It’s a very different experience than Tumblr or discord or streaming. I would very much recommend it to all of you! Get out and meet people in person in your area. Talk to them. Listen to their stories. Find out what they have to share. Share a bit of yourself in turn.
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justporo · 10 months
A Night of Song and Laughter (Part 5)
In which Tav goes a long way to assure everyone around there's no one but Astarion for her and the vampire has a staring contest with a dude-bro (and responds to it with a solid "Don't touch me!").
That's it, that's the chapter summary - I'm starting to get confused with the parts because there are (lemme count) EIGHT already written and at least a few more to go... You can read more already on my AO3 page!
There's no specific song for this chapter, but I'll happily share my ever-growing playlist that helps me write: Astarion: The Pale Elf
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Astarion/Fem!Tav (You)
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(Legitimate reaction of Astarion meeting Tav's former fling...)
(Wonderful gif from here!)
Astarion kept grinning at you and obviously enjoying your uneasiness – oh, you were definitely going to murder him, when this night was over.
Daegin kept babbeling towards Eodin, you quickly looked through your fingers to see that the damned man was actually approaching. With a sudden jolt you stepped close to Astarion, put both your hands on either side of his face. The vampire only had a split second of looking askingly at you before you started absolutely smothering him with his kisses.
He didn’t lose a moment to kiss you back, he never did. In fact, he loved every single bit of intimacy the two of you shared, especially since he’d been free of Cazador’s callings and had started to learn to share intimacy outside sex and the bedroom with you. Accepting love and affection for what they could be at face level was something he tried hard to become good at. So truly every touch, every look, every soft smile was deeply precious to Astarion.
Just after a second or two he got your intention and put his arms around you to pull you closer. You let your hands wander to his chest, enjoying the way your body fitted with his and almost got lost in the moment.
You two obviously were a show to watch – it surely didn’t help that Astarion had a strong inclination for hedonism despite his past. Or even more so since he was now free to indulge in it on his own accord. You’d come to enjoy this way more than you were ready to admit. So, you happily sighed into his open mouth, when he dragged a finger from your cheek, down your neck and then softly placed his long, elegant fingers on your throat in an affectionate but still possessive manner. Your pulse quickened – even after being with him for a while, you hadn’t wrapped your head around how he could be so easily seductive, elegant and sexy without it being even remotely gross or cringy.
The longer the moment kept drawing out the more you could feel the heat inside you once more. The vampire had already stirred the fire without fully setting it ablaze once before tonight. You really hoped he wouldn’t let it just die down.
While the wood and the high elf were at it, the rest of the evening party watched on. Daegin blushed and buried his whole face in his jug of beer, obviously very uncomfortable. Lira’s eyes widened, her mouth opened to a giant ‘O’ before she slapped both her hands over it. And Miyena’s mouth opened slightly, her tongue darting out to wet her lips.
And then the one called Eodin stepped up to the table. He was human, tall and broad shouldered with short auburn hair. Not un-handsome, but quite forgettable. He too seemed uneasy at the very public display of affection, so he cleared his throat and softly knocked on the table to make himself known.
You kept the kiss with Astarion going, letting your hands wandering dangerously low his front, only just stopping at the very top of his leather pants. Then you broke the kiss and turned around, cheeks all flushed and out of breath.
“Oh, Eodin! I didn’t even see you there. Sorry, I was caught up in the moment”, you said, fanning yourself with your hand and batting your eyelashes at Astarion who had now also turned to look at the new arrival. Astarion looked down at you, biting his tongue hard to not burst out laughing – you cheeky little pup. You really had learned from the master himself, Gods, was he proud of you. He quickly let his wander his hand to your behind to give you proud and thankful little pat-pat, but just so no one else would notice.
Eodin slow blinked at you, keeping his face neutral. But you’d known him long enough to recognize the line of his mouth seemed tense and he was majorly displeased by what he had just witnessed. He didn’t miss a beat though: “So good to see you, I didn’t know you were back in the city.” He let the sentence end ambivalently – not really a question, but not really a statement either. “Ah you know, I really had my hands full” – another small pat from Astarion on your back “and I had certain affairs to sort out” – pat-pat – “but I swear I had come around to say hello and catch you up one of these days.”
The man crossed his arms over his chest, his discontent now showing more clearly. The rest of the party was dead silent, they could feel the tension in the air. Eodin just kept silent and stared you down, which already started to make your blood boil. Who in the hells was he to treat you like this?
“And who might this noble gentleman be, you were so caught up in?”, he said and turned to the vampire, cold venom in his voice. “The name’s Astarion – though I am not as noble a gentleman you might’ve mistaken me for, I fear”, the elf replied, his voice icy and his stance beside you turning threatening. “No wonder, the likes of these rich, pretty know-it-all-have-it-alls never survives long in this part of city. Would take a real bastard to walk around all cocky confident and not run into trouble and get themselves killed”, Eodin spat back. “Oh, I am no stranger to trouble, but it’s usually the other party that has to fear ending up dead in a dark alleyway”, Astarion replied snidely, narrowing his red eyes at the human, not even remotely trying to hide the open threat in his words.
Your heart dropped as you watched the two men stare at each other. The moment ran on for much longer than you felt comfortable with, but the vampire didn’t seem inclined to falter under the human’s death stares anytime soon.
A few more heartbeats passed. Astarion was impossibly still beside you, completely embodying the fatal predator he could be. Then Eodin gave up, threw his head back with a laugh that didn’t sound anything close to genuine. The rest of your friends joined in, seemingly relieved that the tension was resolved.
Eodin reached over the table to slap Astarion on the back in a dude-friendly kind of manner. The elf didn’t move an inch under the tall man’s strong pats, he scrunched up his nose in disgust for a split second and you could’ve sworn you heard a hiss but it passed faster than anyone besides you could have noticed.
You looked worryingly up at Astarion who elegantly had brushed off Eodin’s hand and stepped just out of the man’s reach. But his face was now a mask that wanted to show that he had simply been kidding, kidding. You still felt the tension in his body though, the set in his shoulders and the slight passive-aggressive smirk on his lips.
As the rest around the table broke into conversation again you grabbed on of Astarion’s hands again and dragged to have him lean over to you. He turned one of his pointy ears to you so you could whisper to him: “Are you alright? Do you want us to leave?” Your whisper was so low, no one besides him could hear it. He lifted his head again, looked warmly at you with a wink. Then he leaned to whisper his quiet answer into your ear, sending a shiver down your spine: “I’ll be fine, my love, but no promises about this arsehole.” Then he placed a soft kiss on the nape just below your ear.
Then Astarion turned to face the rest of the group. “How about another round?”, he proclaimed cheerfully and was met with joyous approval.
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kidvoodoo · 2 months
Okay I am caught up on the situation and am much calmer now. I do not forgive the three people who sent me anonymous death threats. I have an idea who at least one is and have blocked them since it is the only thing I can really do.
As for my thoughts:
I have mentioned before that I do not watch Eurovision this year and have only seen acts from last year, not the program in its entirety. I was unaware of what was occurring and was attacked in my inbox because I have posted Käärijä fan art. The art in question was several days before the event even happened.
That being said, I will not remove my artwork from my blog. It is my Art Gallery and the collection of my many pieces throughout the year. I will not be bullied to take it down.
I will continue to make fan art.
I do not approve of what Kä has done in regards to the Eurovision 2024 contest. I understand why he did attend and also why he made an Instagram post saying he was done with Eurovision. I don’t think he should have attended but it’s too late to take that back, unfortunately.
I think it was good he said “no war” at the end of his performance for the final (semifinal?). I think a lot of people wanted him say more, in the few moments he was able to say something, that is what came out. If he had tried to say more they would have cut the feed away from him, and they clearly are mad that he even did that because they won’t post the performance. They have done the same thing with another performer who had a symbol of Palestine Support with him. It is clear that the people who run the show are not good people for silencing people showing their support for a nation under attack. It is hypocritical they have acted supportive of Ukraine in the midst of the war but not with Palestine during the genocide. Was it enough of a statement? I don’t think so. Was it all he was able to manage that exact moment? I think so.
In regards to the video of Kä and the Israeli performer, it was bad that he did that. I don’t think it was entirely a mistake, nor do I think it was intentional. I think again in the moment he simply wasn’t thinking correctly. I don’t forgive him for that, and the statement he made on Instagram was not very good. If it was true he asked for the video to be removed and it wasn’t, that is bad too. It never should have happened and it’s a sad situation.
All of that brings me to my conclusion. I am sad and disappointed. I am also very aware of how bad of a situation it is now thanks to some kind people filling me in and providing sources. Thank you my friends 💜
I will take a break I think, let things evolve how they will. My brother and I have donated a sum $400 US dollars to UNICEF USA for aid for children. In a country where my very tax dollars are used to fund a genocide, it feels like a sad drop in a bucket, but it is all I can manage being on fixed income and disabled. I will attempt to do another donation at some point when I have the money.
I feel like this situation is bad in every direction. I personally still want to listen to Käärijä’s music and draw pictures. I want to read people’s fanfics and see their posts too. I am brought happiness by the kind people and by Käärijä as well, so I will continue to enjoy.
I hope that Käärijä does address the situation at some point in a more supportive and thoughtful way. I wonder how much he will have to do to gain back people’s trust. Sometimes it’s best to just let go, even if it’s hard.
If you are reading this and do not approve of my personal opinion, please do not send me death threats or harassments. I understand if you want to unfollow and block me, and I have no quarrel with you.
If you are reading this and are one of the people who has sent me kind messages and do not approve of my decision, i understand and apologize. Please do not send me hate messages or harassments.
If you are one of the people who has sent me kind messages and still wants to be friends, I am happy to hear that 💜 maybe we can all try and start a donation campaign together for more aid for Palestine. I know money is a difficult thing these days for a lot of people so please don’t feel guilty for not having g any to give.
I am sorry this is a very long post and if I am taking up too much space in the Käärijä tag, I simply wanted to address my feelings about the entire situation.
Thank you friends for reading, I hope your mind and hearts can heal and you can find joy in whatever you love again 💜💜💜
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youreacroftlara · 9 months
I’m fairly new to the Warrior Nun family, but this announcement has really boiled my piss.
Last year I heard about season 2’s release and the Avatrice kiss and I was pretty intrigued to watch. But before I could, it was cancelled. After years of suffering through Supergirl and being queerbated left right and centre with Kara and Lena, I figured I didn’t wanna go through the pain of watching a story only for the ending to be cut short and never continued. So I never watched WN…up until I heard that it was saved.
Because I knew there was a possibility that this story would be continued, I decided to watch WN. And of course, I fell in deep - binge watching the series within two days. Safe to say, Avatrice and the other characters have all taken a special place in my heart. I, like many other members of the fandom, was looking forward to seeing what was in store.
So when the triology announcement came out, with no participation from Simon, Amy, Alba or KTY, I wasn’t phased. Before I’d sort of hoped maybe the likes of BBC or another UK studio such as Film 4 had taken the reigns (and not hollywood/amazon or other streaming platforms). The writer/actor strike seemed to be the cause, so I wasn’t worried. Plus, the thought of THREE movies featuring our girls? I was stoked.
Then we got the email a few days ago. At first, I was excited- the writers strike had just ended, so maybe Simon and co. were going to speak? I was at least hoping there’d be more detail on the plot etc. and then Simon posted that tweet. And it all snowballed with the other writers and my heart just sank.
Tried to stay positive, but it’s pretty hard to do when the show’s writers are all saying they know nothing about it. So I went to bed last night (I’m in the UK) praying we’d wake up to good news.
How fucking wrong was I.
This contest is just a huge slap in the face of not only us fans, but artists, writers and actors on the original show. The T&Cs basically state that whoever wins will get their art abused and exploited for the next FIVE YEARS in return for what? A sketch? Pfffft please. Have you learnt nothing from the writers/actors strike at all?!
The worrying thing is what this contest signifies…the producers of this movie clearly don’t have the rights to the Netflix show that we all love. Hence no Simon, hence no announcement on the actors and hence the shitty attempt to get fans to do the hard work for them and design a new Halo.
It really is a joke. If the new producers are reading this, please do better. Engage with the fandom….and for the love of god, get SIMON BARRY on your team.
I don’t know what else to say other than this is exhausting for us fans - and this is coming from someone who didn’t get a chance to get involved in the fight to save WN at the beginning of the year!
Let’s just hope I’m proved wrong and that the movies will be what we hoped.
(P.S. also, please fire Perfectly Productive Media from all your future web copy/media relations - as a copywriter I can say that the countdown pages they’ve produced are 💩)
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