#i hope you like this! this is my first whump peice!
whumpkinz · 2 years
Birthday Surprise
CW: food and sleep deprivation, manipulative whumper, muzzles, caging, electrocution, dehumanizing, a little pet whump, inhuman/Super Whumper, Super Villain whumper? Who knows, manhandling, noncon touching but not sexually, crying
Whumper's decided to throw a Birthday party with all their loved friends and family and much to whumpees horror they are the entertainment.
Word count: 1,517
Whumpee hadn't slept in 3 days leading up to the party. Whumper asked them if they had wanted food or sleep since Whumpee had been bad and deemed undeserving of both. Whumpee knew they couldn't function without sleep for long. Ever since they were a child they would always doze off in class, head dipping forward and jerked up to stay awake if they didn't get a full night's sleep. Of course Whumpee really learned this during high school and college. Pulling a few all nighters to write last minute papers and completing assignments only to suffer the following-or rather the same day. Yawning, drowsiness, brain fog, and micro sleeping persisted through the next day always without fail. Whumpee really needed to sleep which is why they always choose it when it came down to the two.
Whumpee could handle the irritability, the stomach pains, the way everything seemed to take more energy, and Whumper seemed happier when they snarked back, cataloging and using it towards planning their next punishment. Wumper also had decided Whumpee wouldn't get what they wanted. The first time Whumpee had been asked they choose sleep of course. This prompted Whumper to personally make Whumpee dinner that night making it virtually impossible to refuse without punishment but being forced to take no sleep as a result.
The second night Whumpee had been asked, Whumper had straight out decided to do the exact opposite and continue Whumpee's sleepless nights. Of course they hadn't deserved to sleep yet they could barely function the entier day after almost 40 hours of no sleep.
The third time however, Whumpee had begged Whumper to sleep, they sucked up any pride they had, got down on their knees and had pleaded to let them sleep. Whumper had found this rather unsatisfying though. It was a good enough reason for them to decide "No sleep again. If you want something you need to earn it and begging is not what I want. Good behavior gets you rewards and begging is not good behavior."
Which had led to the current predicament, Whumpee who hasn't slept in 3 days, or 72 full hours being stuck in a big comfy cage filled with nice soft sheets, a comfortable pillow and even a stuffed animal.
Whumpee had thought maybe they'd caught a break. They got all dressed down in their undergarments, let them put on a muzzle and lazily gotten in the cage without any resistance or hesitation. If they'd been good the days before they would sometimes luck out and be shown "on display only". It's not like Whumpee could put up a good fight even if they wanted too. Whumper had other plans for this party especially though.
Whumpee had been asleep for a meesly twenty minutes; comepletly by accident at this point when Whumper had come for them. They had been wheeled out to the middle of the room inside the cage, catching flashes of curious eyes and sadistic smiles. This is when Whumpee realizes Whumpers not done with them yet.
Whumper walks over to Whumpee's face, leans down near it and smiles at them. They reach in through the cage to a terrified Whumpee who's shaking pressed up against the other side of the bars.
"Aw baby don't worry. The party's just getting started." They coo. Whumpee can't help the tears that's already falling down their cheeks. Normally they would have at least argued, they knew they wouldn't be able to out match Whumper but they would take embarrassing them in front of their friends if they got a chance even at the cost of punishment. They had to get their small victories somewhere but this was not that. This was something else.
Whumper climbed up ontop of the cage gathering up the attention of those nearby. A few had laughed in amusmemt at the dramatic gesture but were filled with mischievous delight awaiting Whumpers speech. Whumper cleared their throat and began.
"Ladies, Gentleman and beyond! Welcome to my 32nd birthday extravaganza!" Cheers erupted from the crowd which made Whumper's face get red and they pretended to be shy. "Aw guys you really don't have to do all that. I won't tell you to stop though!" Whumper jokes.
Whumpee couldn't focus on what Whumper was saying though. They could barely process what was even happening right now. The cheers sounded like everyone loved Whumper. The way the crowd cheers for them reminds them of their own parties back home. The shouts of excitment from all their friends when they blew out the candles, the pretty colors from the birthday present wrappings, dancing to music. They couldn't even remember the last time they danced. They couldn't dance anymore because of-their body seized at the name. The momentary bliss ruined by the thought of Whumper.
Whumper really was loved, the same way they used to be.
Fresh tears roll down Whumpee's eyes onto the soft pillow beneath their head. They're greatful for the comfort right now even when they know the pain will come soon. The feeling of the soft faux fur touching their skin remind them of laying in bed at their parents house. If they close their eyes they could almost imagine they were really there. Sure they were cold and their mouth felt odly weird but they were so comfy and didn't they deserve to sleep after working so hard on their paper?
They probably had more work to do tomorrow. They had class in the morning they were sure, and they could get some breakfast at the cafeteria. They only had a 15 minute break but they knew they could be able to get in and out of there with a minute to spare if they took the left wing where it was less crowded.
Sometimes they'd eat outside and watch the birds in the trees. The way they could fly was amazing.
They could fly over the sea hosting ocean liners full of passengers. They kids would point at them and go "Look at that pretty bird mama!" The smell and tatse of salt hot in their senses. It would be peaceful. It would be beautiful.
Whumper kicked the cage with inhumane strength and was delighted when it went flying 20 feet in front of them. Once Whumper had noticed Whumpee had fallen asleep they mentally timed the entier time to exuse their punishment. It might not have been accurate but that wasn't really a concern to them. They were celebrating their birthday and no matter how tired Whumpee was, they were going to stay awake for Whumper.
And awake they were at last.
Whumper watched in delight at how the cage had flipped after being kicked, how Whumpee had been knocked around already bruising and muffling moans in pain. Some of the comfort items were on the floor but Whumper easily stepped over them as they made their way to the frightened Whumpee.
"Alright everyone! Let's get this fixed up and we can all start! As you can see my poor little Whumpee has been misbehaving recently as of late." Whumper says as if Whumpee has been behaving in the first place. "I haven't given them permission to sleep and yet there they were. I guess everyone here will just have to show them what happens when-" Whumpers demeanor changes instantly. "-they don't behave."
Suddenly multiple party guests rush over to the cage. With a raise of Whumpers hand the party goers lift the cage up; Whumper uses this opportunity to yank the blankets, pillows and other comfort items out before it's turned upside right. Whumpee hits the bottom with a thud and they let out a loud groan in the now empty cage. Hadn't it seemed bigger earlier? Why were they feeling so suffocated right now?
They are taken to the center of a raised platform stage in the back of the ballroom. The guests gatherer around the cage hungrily with Whumper in the front. Suddenly Whumper raised a long metal rod sadisticly. Whumpee heard a click and the rod came to life with electricity. Whumpee started screaming incoherently against their gag and muzzle scrambling away as far away against the cage as they could. This was absoltuly insane right now right?
"Oh right. Take off the gag now, I wanna hear them scream."
Hands filled the cage and held Whumpee down as they tried to thrash out of their grasps. Hands held their head down, reached in and unbuckeled the muzzle. Whumpee's chest heaved as they sobbed barely able to stay awake despite everything happening around them. Dizziness overtook them as their eyes dropped heavy again.
Their eyes snapped open as burning hot pain coursed through their veins unleashing a devastatingly pathetic scream from Whumpee. They clawed themselves away from the source of the sensation but were pushed forward by gloved hands. They felt rough against their head and upper back that kept pressing them towards Whumper. Suddenly more rods were zapping Whumpee, and soon no matter how much they wiggled or moved they were constantly being zapped and electrocuted over and over again
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amaranthinedream · 2 years
Hi! Hope you're doing well!! Do you have any BNHA fic recs you don't mind sharing? You seem like you'd know and have read some really good fics, esp bkdk fics :)
Hi!!! I am doing well thank you, still job hunting but that's because I'm procrastinating so badly on it. You've actually caught me at a good time because I've been reading a few recently after hopping round other fandoms for months. apart from the last, these are all complete!
lose it all (with eyes wide open) by ghostwriterofthemachine
KtDk - oneshot - 5k
okay is is MAJOR whump, read the warnings before you read the fic and take them seriously. that said, I love loved this fic to bits and peices and it triggered a search for similar material that I just couldn't find. basically:
"Katsuki is blinded. Izuku is muted. Both of them are kidnapped. Things get worse."
ktdk are kidnapped and are forced to depend on each other, slowly losing their senses of selves and triggering major co-dependency. it has a happy ending and god the way it's written is just so good. I cannot reccommend it enough, it really takes you into their viewpoints and how vital it is that they know exactly where the other is as they grow dependant, and how they start blending together to the point that if one is taken away, the other feels like their world crumples and aspj;oerjjepgijiegwe READ IT
Immovable by asdfjkl129
KtDK - 3 ch. - 75k
Bakugou and Midoriya get trapped under a building together. As Midoriya struggles to keep them both alive, refusing to give even an inch, Bakugou realizes some crucial things and refuses to leave without Midoriya by his side.
I am obsessed with their characterisations in this fic. especially katsuki's, which is so hard to get right and I'm jealous how accurate the author makes him. ktdk in this fic love each other so so so so so much and they are so ride or die. it's exactly what it says in the summary, what it doesn't mention is how the first chapter will make you clench your jaw with tenseness and then melt into a pile of mush for the second two.
"Average Person Gets Kidnapped 3 Times A Year" Factoid Actually Just Statistical Error by ohshiddlesticks
Kt & Dk - 2 ch. - 5k
"Midoriya Izuku just sort of assumed that everyone else got kidnapped at least once a year, and his once-or-twice-a-month ordeals were just a little bit more than normal." –– Bakugou gets kidnapped, and Izuku is surprised that nobody else knows what to do. It's a normal childhood occurrence, right?
this isn't technically ktdk but it's adjacent-ish. it's back in the LoV kidnapping arc where izuku, used to a lifetime of kidnapping events, goes and singlehandedly gets kacchan back. i don't know how to describe it any better than that, I just love fics where izuku kind of comes out of left-field with skills that people don't realise he's had because his life-experience as a quirkless person means he's been exposed to different things. plus, he's badass and i always love reading aizawa's reaction to his problem child going off and causing him problems
The Distance Between Suns by totallyrottentomatoes
KtDk - 17/19 ch. - 220k - INCOMPLETE
okay the summary for this one is too long for a tumblr post that's already long so I'm making my own
Katsuki and Izuku grew up with each other in a forest deeper, bigger, and more mysterious than any usual gathering of trees. they are seperated when soldiers come to burn down their world; Izuku is taken to a city of sand as prisoner, ending up as the prince's advisor, while Katsuki is taken to a camp to train as a soldier for those in the city. They struggle to find each other and go back home once more
if you love intense world-building, political/smart!Izuku, bamf!Katsuki, and ktdk willing to burn the world for each other (and if you're coming here from OEL then you probably do) then this is the fic for you. i haven't had the extra brain power/time to immerse myself and finish this just yet, but i'm halfway through and i want to take this fic by the shoulders and snuggle it, maybe chew on it's fingers a little bit. I need to become one with the fic. it's amazing
those are a couple of the ones I've been reading recently, but if you want my all time faves then just go to my bookmarks where i always save the fics that i want to reread over and over again. Or, if you haven't already, then shameless self-plug and go and read (or re-read) any of my fics that take your fancy!
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