#i hope you dont mind the oc sillies as well..... i just think their dynamic here has a lot of comedic potential
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wewerebornsextuplets · 7 months ago
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more kiru-related foolishness based on @awittlebabbyboy and @brofightiscancelled's postgrad plan au. this may be a bit ooc but i think ichi would start acting more like his housewife friends when faced with someone a little younger than him
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dykeserket · 3 years ago
I love reading your rambles about your ocs and their classpects I’m all over that kinda stuff but I was wondering if you knew any of their designs bc I feel like that whole dynamic would be really fun to draw!
!!!!!! omg anon this is so nice im so happy someone enjoys my ocs!!! man i did have designs for them which was detailed in that sideblog which is sadly, gone, dead, lost to the wild
umm i should also probably develop them further and give an actual story but. from my memory.
Mari [witch of breath] was white, on the shorter side, with really frizzy shoulder length blonde hair (because of the constant blizzards on her planet and the wind) eyes were a light brown. she usually stayed in her god-tier but winter-fied <- shes a rouge oc i dont have a good group with her yet
Gamma Session: [this is what im calling the other group of kids]
since most of their previous information is lost / forgotten theyre kind of a blank slate rn which means super open to change. i think all these characters would be 17-19 i havent really decided. also was not planning on writing this much but damn i guess i miss these kids
Maha [Sylph of Rage] [she/her] i changed her name since having two marys would be confusing in the long run even if its funny and shes Muslim! i have to be honest i dont know much about Islam as a religion or more specifically where she would be born / culture / how that shapes her a person so im definatly gonna have to do more research into this. and as well im gonna be careful with my words since i dont know exactly the right terminology.
well maha is a very calm person who deeply cares for her friends. shes good with words and will often be the voice of reason as her friends panic. she falls behind jack as his second in command. i think she would struggle with balancing her friends emotions, as a sylph of rage she uses their anger as fuel, keeping them inspired and motivated. but pushing that anger and negative emotions can have bad consequences. also shes hard-of-hearing and uses hearing aids!
as for her apperance! her skin is a light brown, shes tall [5'10 - 11' ish] and thin. she would switch her veil in different stages of the game or based on her mood, her main / first appearence she would have a shayla on [my friend wears this!! i hope i got the name right] and i should probably give it a color but honestly im really bad with designing clothes. also she has very pretty dark brown eyes <- that is an extremely important detail. um overall i would describe her style as elegant?
Jack [Mage of Mind] [she/he] jack is probably the one thats been around longest and i have used him for many other stories, sometimes the others are there sometimes they arent. i was actually planning on scrapping the homestuck part and making these four be like a ghost hunting group but then i scrapped that as well lol
jack is stoic and extremely perceptive. she plans everything before-hand and thinks shes very good with understanding people and how they work. for the most part shes right but people are unpredictable. when her friends dont act according to the plans already made or what she *assumed* they would do, that causes extreme frustration. shes deadpan but often gets wrapped up in silly events! cant draw for shit and is extremely bad with design / visual art
hes white with short choppy brown hair. 5'6.5 but rounds it up to 5'7 [projection...] cause it sounds better. wears boots to be taller since theyre cool. he wears tanktops with jeans usually but will wear skirts when in the mood. has scars in various places mostly just from picking at skin, tries to avoid this by painting nails and picking at that instead. has multiple peircings [eyebrow, five on right ear and 2 on left, nose] teeth are absolutely jacked up so he wears braces but gets embaressed by this fact <- maha thinks its cute
Donn [Bard of Doom] [he/they] my boy..i am so sorry i was kind of a bitch to you when i was younger but you shine the best under pressure and also he gets probably the best and most fufilling character arc out the four
very much a mad scientist type but not very successful since everything he touches seems to break. all his machines seem to explode with no warning, animals avoid him like the plague and plants always die no matter what they do. doesnt let this stop them tho! hes doesnt care much for the damage he causes and has no regard to any rules that have been set up. hes careless but not violent, he doesnt destroy out of enjoyment it just happens naturally. theres a turning point though when he has to face consequences of his actions [most likely a result of maha fueling his destructive tendacies / negative thoughts, what happens and how it comes about is still a wip] and he shifts into a very paranoid and nervous person <- this will have to be expanded on as its a change of character as result of plot not an inherent trait they have
hes black, slightly chubby, and about 5'8-ish. hes taller than jack at least who insists its just their hair which is shaved on the side and curly on top <- i would say 4c but over the course of the game he lets it grow out. always wears a white lab coat and goggles mostly for the vibe, his clothes are constantly getting dirty bc of poison / explosions / etc but he just has an abundance of lab coats that he switches out into. other than that he wears basketball short, tee and flip-flops. is missing two fingers on their left hand from an accident as a kid.
Anda [Thief of Blood] [they/them] oh baby. so i mean this in the nicest way possible. they are the vriska of this session. a very controversial character especially within the friend group. i would also like to say that they, while a bitch, are not a horrible person.
so a thief of blood is someone who steals blood, obviously. this means they steal bonds, they steal friendships, wiggling their way into groups and trying to take people they like, isolating them from the others. a big conflict happened between them and jack bc of this, they tried to 'steal' maha. this happened way before the game began when they were younger, they never talked much after that. the main focus in the game is them trying to pull the same shit but being shut down completely. they do have a redemption arc
theyre chinese, about 5'4 and really fucking strong. physically they are the strongest out the group, broad shouldered with strong arms. long black hair they keep up in a ponytail, sometimes a bun. they enjoy dressing up! the outfits made during the game would most likely be elaborate dresses with complicated patterns. they always have their knuckles wrapped with bandages
as for relationships:
maha and jack: bestfriends and at the start of the game they just got together
donn and anda: they like to bully him and try to rile him up, he is the closest friend they have in the group though
anda and jack: they do NOT get along. this leads to phsyical confrontation between eachother during the game, they do have a heart-to-heart later on
maha and anda: its. complicated. she doesnt hate them but they arent close anymore
maha and donn: pre-incident they were super close! theyd come to her for comfort after his accidents. post-incident its very awkward and they dont talk for a while
donn and jack: they have a sort of sibling relationship. constant jokes and deadpan humour mesh well together
ok! i sure did ramble about these characters. i guess now im obligated to start thinking about their story / session. there would also be trolls involved as well but i have no idea who they are or how their sessions interact
um most of the personalities were sort of molded around their classpect since that was the whole point of making them lol i still have to think of exact powers / weapons they would use but yea thats the gist.
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