#i hope this isnt too ooc for leo
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rafyki · 8 months ago
[Valgrace fanfic]
First Valgrace fanfic!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Inspired by @neo-kid-funk's beautiful art and by our constant talking about angsty Leo finding comfort in Jason's arms :')
So, here it is!! Hope you like it~
You can also read it on AO3!
If you asked anyone, they would probably say that Leo is loud and talkative, sometimes too silly and unserious, and most of the times a little annoying too.
Anyone else might get offended by something like this, but truth be told, Leo is fine with it - more than fine, actually, he likes it. He has worked hard to craft such an image for himself, after all, to make so that the people around him would see him like the funny friend who always makes jokes even in the most dire situations, the one friend who you could always count on to make you laugh.
It feels safe, being perceived like this. An easy way to hide.
Leo has learned during the year, that if you are annoying enough almost no one would bother to check if your smile is an honest one or not; almost no one would care enough to dig and find out what is hidden under it.
It hurt at first. 
Leo has smiled and laughed and made jokes while screaming inside fake, fake, fake, how can you not see it's all fake! ; holding his tears until he was alone, letting it all out only in the safety of an empty room.
It has gotten easier, with time, so much that sometimes he isn’t sure himself how much of his smile is true or fake, how much of his personality is honest and how much is just his carefully crafted mask.
Maybe he is too good at building things, and that is why no one has been able to see the cracks all over his bubbly and annoying armor.
It’s easier, thinking like this rather than thinking that perhaps, simply no one cares enough to take a closer look.
And so he smiles, he cracks jokes, and he laughs. 
And no one notices when his smile turns forced, or when the light in his eyes dims and his stare gets lost far away for a long moment.
Leo is good at pretending, and so no one notices.
He wonders now if, perhaps, he has been so busy building his armor and thinking that no one would ever bother to see past it that he himself failed to look around and check if, after all, at some point, someone arrived that has been watching more closely than he believed.
It feels weird, raising his eyes after a moment of weakness and meeting Jason's concerned ones. 
“Leo, are you okay?”
The first time it happens, it takes Leo a long moment to really register Jason's words. They sound foreign, like they shouldn't be directed at him.
“Huh, yeah, man, sure I'm okay!”
Smile, fake, pretend. He could feel something cracking underneath. And, judging by the look in Jason's eyes, perhaps he heard that too.
Jason notices. Jason looks more closely. Jason cares enough to do so. 
It is subtle, at first. Subtle to anyone else's eyes, at least, but it still feels huge to Leo.
It is a simple ‘are you alright?’ when Leo gets too lost in his own head, a concerned look thrown his way when no one else seems to notice that there is something wrong with him, a shoulder bumping into his in support.
It is little, but it is there.
It is there when Leo doesn’t know he needs it, in those moments he is so used to hiding alone somewhere and just dealing with whatever it is that was pulling him down - Jason is there and, honestly, Leo doesn’t know what to do with that realization.
Sometimes Leo needs to hide, sometimes he can’t bring himself to crack a joke and force a smile and keep the facade up, and the only thing he can do is hide.
“Are you okay?”, Jason asks, because of course he does, he always does.
Leo nods, wears his signature smile and waves a hand to dismiss the question. 
“Sure am”, he says. “I just need to go to the engine room and check some things - Festus doesn't sound too good right now”.
That's his best excuse when they're on the Argo II; no one can say anything to that, because no one understands, and it's his work to check that everything is perfect with the ship. So they don't bother him, they let him go. Easily, always so easily dismissed.
“Do you want some company?”
Leo feels a little unstable on his feet. This isn't how it's supposed to go - Jason should wave him goodbye and let him go, and then Leo could hide in his safe space and just let the mask fall for a little while.
He really doesn't have the strength to keep it up right now, it's starting to feel a little too heavy.
“Huh, you'll get bored, man”, he replies. “I'm not really all that entertaining while I work”.
Jason shrugs.
“I'm just going to keep you company, you can do your work as you always do”.
It's hard, being on the Argo. For the obvious reasons (quest to save the world, constant monsters attacks), and also for the ‘only related to Leo' issues; it's hard not to feel alone, it's hard not to feel like you could easily be replaced, like no one would even notice you're gone if you threw yourself overboard. It feels unfair, thinking of his friends like that, but the knowledge doesn't make it easier to keep the thoughts away.
It's never been easy to feel like he really belongs. He's not sure anymore he knows what it means, and he's not sure if he'll ever find out.
Jason is looking at him, and Leo wonders how many of the cracks in his armor he can see.
Leo doesn't want company.
Leo desperately needs company.
He's so used to being alone in moments like this he's not sure what he wants anymore.
But Jason is there.
And Leo nods.
Jason isn't the first one to ask, of course. But he is the first one who doesn't seem to believe Leo when he nods and replies that yeah, of course he's okay why wouldn't he be; he's the first one who seem to realize that the smile carefully plastered on Leo's lips is as fake as the belief that the Greek gods have never existed. He's the first one to take a second, closer look, and he's the first one who keeps asking.
And Leo, well, Leo is getting used to it. And maybe he likes it a little too much.
He shouldn't, knows he shouldn't, knows Jason is just that kind with everyone, that he cares for everyone, that the way he cares for Leo is no different from how he cares for any of his other friends.
He knows.
It doesn't really make it any easier.
Jason asks and, usually, Leo lies.
The lies always feel familiar on Leo's tongue, so much that he's not sure he would be able to be honest even if he wanted to.
It's so much easier to laugh it away and pretend it's nothing, rather than trying to explain to someone everything that's wrong with you. What even is wrong with him? It's been so long he doesn't even know anymore. He wouldn't know where to start in telling anyone (in telling Jason, because there's really no one else. He can be that honest with himself, at least).
So, Jason asks, and Leo smiles, and lies.
And Jason doesn't believe him.
Leo starts to lean on it. To lean on the soft words of concern, on the feeling of a solid shoulder pressed against his, on the comfort of a pair of blue eyes looking concerned at him.
He’s not sure when, but at some point lying to Jason starts to feel wrong.
It takes Leo a while to recognize the feeling - he hasn’t been feeling like this for a long while, he’s pretty sure the last person who has ever made him feel this way is his mother; it feels so weird now, but Leo finds himself wanting to be honest.
“Ehi”, Jason says. “Are you okay?”
It’s become such a familiar question now, as long as it’s coming from Jason’s lips, accompanied with Jason’s thoughtful eyes scrutinizing him. 
“Yeah, sure”. It’s a reflex, replying like this. Leo regrets the words as soon as he’s done speaking them.
They’re sitting near the canoe lake, and the Camp it’s weirdly quiet.
The war is over, they’re both alive, and Leo should feel better. He does, in some ways - it’s easier to tell himself he’s enough, it’s easier to show a smile that is a little less fake than usual.
Still, sometimes, he doesn’t, and he’s not sure why.
There are those moments when he simply deflates. Once, he would have said he needs to be alone in such moments; now, he’s not so sure.
“You don’t really look okay, Leo”.
Leo looks at him, and Jason looks back at him. It’s doing something to Leo’s heart - Leo is a little afraid it’s going to set itself on fire any time now.
It’s the first time Jason calls him out on his blatant lie.
“I…”, he starts. He’s not sure how to be honest anymore, how to take off the mask completely. “I… will be?”
It’s true, he always does feel better in the end. It still sounds like a question more than anything else.
Jason touches his shoulder to Leo’s, and this time he doesn’t move back after a few moments; he stays there, shoulder pressed against Leo’s, a solid and real comfort. Leo leans into the contact, he can’t really help it. It feels nice, like he could allow himself to fall, because Jason would be there to hold him and help him back up.
“You know, you don't have to smile if you don't feel like it”.
It hits Leo like a truck. It’s such a simple thing to say, so obvious. Right now, it feels bigger and heavier than anything. 
“Smiling is easier though”, he finds himself saying.
“Is it?”
Leo thinks that right now the only thing that’s keeping him safe is the press of Jason’s body against him.
Is it? Leo tries to remember when was the last time smiling and pretending while he felt like this had actually made him feel better. He comes up empty handed.
He leans more into Jason, wishes for a second that Jason would put his arm around his shoulders to keep him together. He wishes it so hard it takes him a moment too long to realize it’s real when Jason actually does.
But no, it really is true, the weight is real and firm, and Leo still feels like he’s going to crumble any moment, but he also feels like he doesn’t have to worry about picking up the pieces, because Jason will do it for him.
Jason pulls him closer.
His heart is definitely going to set itself on fire now, but Leo goes willingly, and finds it a little easier to breathe.
He closes his eyes, and doesn’t force himself to smile.
The next time, Leo doesn’t wait for Jason to ask.
He feels himself grow distant, getting lost in the maze of his thoughts and memories, he feels a little too outside of the chatting around him; and he feels his lips grow heavy under the weight of his smile, the mask getting harder to keep in place.
It’s a little like instinct, going to find Jason. It’s a little like fate that he finds him immediately in his cabin.
And it’s a little too easy to let himself fall on the bed against him.
Leo feels a little better just with that. 
“Ehi”, Jason murmurs, quietly.
He doesn’t ask, this time. Instead, he wraps his arms around Leo, pulls him closer and closer until Leo is basically curled in his lap, head against his chest.
Jason is sturdy under him. Safe, Leo thinks as he melts in the embrace.
He closes his eyes, and can’t feel anything but Jason around him, his hand caressing his head, his scent filling his senses.
He hasn’t been this bare around someone in years; he never realized how heavy his armor became until now, when he’s finally thrown it on the ground. Jason has taken it off of him piece by piece without Leo even realizing.
He doesn’t feel like smiling right now, but feels calm, quiet. 
The sound of Jason’s heart is the only one he can hear, and Leo almost thinks he can follow a morse code hidden in it, behind every beat.
His own flaming heart is doing the same as he runs and runs - but that code, Leo knows all too well.
His fingers start tapping it on Jason’s chest.
I love you. I love you. I love you.
Maybe, one day, he’ll be able to tell him out loud. Maybe he can give Jason some more honesty.
Maybe Jason can understand it already.
For now, he holds tighter onto him and lets himself be held.
Leo soon finds out that Jason's arms are incredibly warm and welcoming, and that it's way too easy to fall into them.
It becomes a habit, and something that Leo doesn’t want to go without. He tries to, reprimands himself every time because it’s not right and it’s not good, and it’s only going to hurt him again and again and again. And where will he even find hiding and comfort once Jason himself is the reason for his spiraling?
But Jason is always there, and Leo can’t help himself.
And so, he doesn’t even wait for him to ask anymore, he simply allows himself to let the truth show, to stop smiling and fall silent, and he leans into him. Jason is always ready to catch him.
Leo wonders if Jason has the slightest idea of what it means to him - of what he means to Leo. Leo would love to have the courage to tell him - or, better, tell him in a language that Jason understands. 
Instead, he falls into him, snuggle into his chest, and loses himself in the feeling of strong arms circling him as his heart runs around in a fire in his ribcage and his fingers tap the same hidden message on Jason’s skin.
It’s so engraved into him, at this point, that his heartbeat probably follows the same pattern, the blood in his veins pumping to that same rhythm.
Maybe that’s why it takes him a long while to realize that that same pattern is being tapped on his own arm. Jason’s fingers follow the familiar movement of Leo’s, speaking the same words that his heart screams every second of every day.
Leo feels it against his skin, and he wants to cry.
I love you. I love you. I love you.
Jason doesn’t know, Jason doesn’t understand, or he wouldn’t be doing that.
Leo lets himself feel it one more time before reaching out and catching Jason’s hand to stop him.
“What’s wrong?”, Jason asks.
For a long moment, Leo can’t find his voice.
“Stop”, he manages to say in the end. 
Such an easy question for such a complicated answer.
Leo wants to be honest. He desperately wants to put a fake smile on and leave. But he wants to be honest. He tries to find a joke to say, somewhere in his brain - something that would make the tension dissolve. 
It’s become way too difficult to lie to Jason though, especially when he’s holding Leo like this.
“You don’t know what it means”, he ends up saying. 
A moment of silence follows. Maybe Jason has gotten tired of trying to talk to him, after all.
“Of course I do”.
Leo stops, then turns to look at Jason.
“No, you don’t”.
Jason smiles, and Leo’s heart stops beating. There’s no way he isn’t going to set himself on fire any moment now.
“Yes, I do”.
“Then why are you doing it?”, Leo asks. He tries to move away, to put some distance between them, tries to take his armor and his mask back; but Jason keeps holding him, and keeps them out of his reach. 
“Same reason why you’ve been doing it all this time”, he says. Then adds, “Or I hope so”.
“Oh, I doubt it’s the same”, Leo scoffs. 
He hates the way Jason is looking at him right now, hates the way he himself is feeling right now. Still, he can’t help but lean into the touch when Jason cups his face - gently, he’s always so gentle with Leo.
His fingers start tapping again, slowly, like they’re engraving the pattern right onto Leo’s soul.
“Leo”, Jason says. “I’m going to be brave for the both of us if you’ll let me”.
Leo wants to say something, anything, but his voice is gone again.
Ha can feel nothing but Jason all around him, can’t hear nothing but the hidden words being written on his skin.
I love you. I love you. I love you.
The pattern merges with the spoken words as Jason says them.
I love you. I love you. I love you.
Leo still can’t find his voice but his fingers know what to do, and so they reply, carving his feelings on Jason’s chest.
It’s a little like a dream, except that Leo’s dreams are never this nice.
He hides his face in the crook of Jason’s neck, hoping that he won’t set fire to the both of them. Jason lets out a soft happy laugh and holds him closer, leaves a kiss on the top of Leo’s head.
Leo is bare and honest like he’s never been before.
He smiles, and thinks that that feels like belonging.
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seaweedbraens · 5 months ago
Honestly ricks new book has just inspired me to reread wcwsthwas again.
I'm convinced Rick doesn't remember who his characters are anymore.
ill be the first to admit my characters can also be ooc! i think ive also fallen into the 'annabeth as a mom friend' trap (though piper is usually annabeth's mom in my fic) and i do think i have a lot of work to do keeping my characterizations consistent.
but heres the crux of my problem, right: this isnt my job. im a girl in my twenties who works full time and writes for fun. my ao3 is my hobby, and the characters i write are not canon. thats why it KILLS ME that rick writes with such a loose pen. in this new book, ive seen at least 5 inconsistencies, and thats IGNORING the timeline one (because why are people acting like leo is alive???). he has changed....just core things about characters. like grover the vegetarian eating a bacon sandwich and clovis now being morpehus' son. lack of attention to the little details, imo, just shows a lack of care. and as @glove23 pointed out, it shows that he really doeant respect his readers. he's acting like we're idiots, like we arent going to notice the changes. and, at the risk of aounding like a scooby doo villain, HES GETTING AWAY WITH IT TOO!! twitter laps up everything he does. it infuriates me to a whole other level.
this man is retconning shit left and right, tweaking stories previous to suit whatever new one he's writiig at the moment, and it just comes off as disrespectful and sloppy. fic writers are doing better than him at just about everything at this point. im not even talking about ME. there are heaps of really incredible pjo authors who seem to understand and respect the source material far more than rick seems to these days. and thats a goddamn shame.
ive read snippets of the book - some parts are okay and some are passable but most feel...weird. i dont know if its just me, but even the percabeth felt off. i hate how percy calls himself dumb in, like, every second sentence. when did that become a thing? and WHY? i wouldnt be surprised if this was ghostwritten. tbh, i hope it is. like you said, it feels like rick doesnt know how to write his characters anymore :/ sucks but i feel like i need to add a disclaimer to every fic now: this author has read only the original pjo and hoo books and all characters are written based on the ones of those series.
sidenote: to the poor souls running the riordanverse wiki, GOOD LUCK
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