#i hope this helped??? ajsh im sorry if this isnt enough info
okkottsus · 3 years
heyyy! just your bnha secret santa stopping by again 😊 i love all the scenes you picked out for the girls! i wish they had a little more time in the spotlight (i only watch the anime, so i'm not sure if it's different in the manga 😅) i saw that one of your fave ships is izuocha! do you have any fave moments with them or maybe any other ships you're a fan of? i hope you're having a great weekend ✨
helloo again good to see u♥
i wish the girls had more time to shine too, they have so much potential 😭😭😭
honestly i love every single one of the izuocha moments! this ship needs more love, a lot of ppl think its boring, but i just love how wholesome their relationship is, how they always have each other's back and im just a sucker for friends to lovers...add the pining into it and the fact that they both inspire each other and im sold !!!!! 🥺🥺 i have other ships i also really love like kamijirou, kiribaku and todomomo! there are many other platonic relationships that i adore too and can see why ppl might ship them, but i find those 4(izuocha,kamijirou,kiribaku, todomomo) more appealing to me in a romantic sense!  
what about u? do u have any fav ships?👀 cant wait to find out! hope the rest of ur day/night is amazing♥♥
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